#my fever is clearing up so im thinking more about writing again haa
neonun-au · 2 years
Hello! This is the anon who sent a long review about your writings 😄 I have just come back to say that I was finally able to read from you again (was busy for sometime after sending that ask hahah), and I read chef and endless white. I am a sucker for established relationships in every form of art I can consume 一 movies, poetries, songs, novels, photographs, etc. 一 so to read each was heartwarming and heartbreaking, respectively.
How you wrote something as relatively normal and simple as cooking for a beloved's birthday without it turning mundane and tedious is a feat on its own. I am not sure if I was only imposed upon by a comment I read about it, but I did like the subtle gestures in Doyoung's character that makes him a boyfriend to Y/N; like when he leaned in to the kiss she gave him anyway despite being told to leave the kitchen out of worry. It's simple yet endearing, the sweet implication that this is the kind of boyfriend he is to her; but what else is a good, established relationship about if not the simplest and subtlest things that make the relationship what it is, right? I like it a lot ♡
As for endless white, for certain, it was bittersweet. How Dejun was relieved with seeing his partner safe and alive, and how content he was with being able to let his partner know he loves her one last time; yet with that looming thought of how Y/N would be once she awakens and learns of the news of her partner... bittersweet. It's ruminative, too. Nobody alive and well knows what or how the afterlife looks like nor do they have concrete evidence of it if they have an idea or had a glimpse, someway somehow. It's always interesting to learn of other people's theories of life and the one after it; it makes for good introspection.
I am yet to read more from you, but these two definitely nailed simplicity and depth effortlessly, which, I believe, is not so easy to attain if one is not invested enough in what they write; and which I crave for in most media I intake. It did not need to be groundbreaking, just well told. I like your works! I will surely hope to read more and be able to give you some insights and praises so well deserved! ♡
ah ! im glad you're also a fan of established relationships haha i think they're so nice to read sometimes. and i know people think the only place you can go with them is fluff or just domestic stuff, but there is just as much room to play around with them as any other trope :')) this is just me saying i would like to see more varied established relationship aus, basically lol
yes ! comfort and the crux of these established relationships are so often kept in the subtleties and the mundane. actions that have become almost second nature just by way of spending so much time with the person :'))) im really happy that it came across like that for you !! i dont write slice of life nearly as much as some other genres, but there is something so comforting about the simplicity of it ! im glad you liked it <3
!! im happy endless white made some sense as, yes, a very ruminative, introspective fic haha it was a strange and immediate idea that took hold of me. i dont know if its an afterlife i necessarily believe in personally, maybe in some small aspect, but it was an interesting thought and idea ! and well worth exploring for some bittersweet fiction hehe
AH i so understand you in that ;-; so much is lost sometimes in the focus on grandeur and exploitation in media and fanfiction, that the quality and the subtlety sort of gets...lost. i would rather read the same three stories re-told but all told with heart and with love and with great care and effort towards execution than have all the grand, wild concepts in the world :'))
thank you thank you !! these asks really make my day ;A;
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