#my fellow azris girlies
yourlazykitkat · 8 months
Mmmm,,,, azris exes to lovers,,, mmmm second chance romance,,,, bitter, raging exes who want to scratch bite and hurt,,, buried inside jokes and repressed tenderness…mmmm Azriel and Eris drama during the engagement,,,Azriel and Eris on opposing sides of the first war where they avoid each other because contact means they must kill the other,,,
Eris trapped under the mountain for fifty years, slowly forgetting but desperately trying to remember the dimples and hard-won smile, the warmth of a body next to him- their hearts beating just as fast as his, kisses in the shadow, wings casting shade from the burning sun for him- Eris wonders if he’ll ever have that again. Azriel abandoned in Velaris because he’s worthless and useless- stewing in guilt because he misses more than just his brother, he longs for the muse of his hatred- this raw emotion that has completed him for so long- he turns that hatred to the barrier in place to protect him and bangs on the wall screaming “why are you keeping him away from me”.
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