#my feelings while drawing this went from sad to ��DAMN I am cooking”
safe-from-sharp-teeth · 2 months
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usagifuyusummer · 29 days
Family Dinner Night!
Congrats Peri(winkle) for finally getting the Godparenting license!!! 🥳🥳🥳 - from your loving parents and godbrother 💖💖💖
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More concept art and as usual my insane ramblings below.
I NEED TO GET THE CREATIVE URGES OUT OF MY HEAD!!! It has been bothering with my motivation to finish my gazillions of homeworks lmao. I have so many ideas I need to let out!!! It's suffocating. I hope this will satisfy my creative urges for a while... Or not I will yap about my FOP AU on a separate post (when I'm able).
I can't stop being sad thinking about this family lol. Timmy 😭😭😭
I am not kidding when I say that my head is just filled with so many things that I want to contribute in the FOP fanworks lol. There's a lot I want to do, but so little time...
For now, I've decided to practice my take on the FOP artstyle. I wanted to do something simple as drawing and coloring practice. That's why the coloring this time is flat with no shadings. I think the show doesn't focus on shaded colors too much (except on scenes where there's a heavy implication of day/night, for shock value, etc.).
Just wanted to draw something cute because I haven't been feeling so swell lately. Nothing too poetic or detailed this time.
Other than that, two of the outfits this time is actually inspired by @suki-na-kumo for Peri and an image I found floating around in Twitter/X (sorry I don't remember who shared it) for Timmy's design. Suki-na-kumo's FOP family redesigns are so cool and adorable! I like that they always include flowy attributes in Peri's outfits lol. It makes him look like a pampered brat (which he kinda is seeing how his family coddles him), an otherworldly prince and also a Twink TM (that is unavoidable lol). I kinda want to draw their other FOP redesigns, but I'll just go with Peri's first.
I am not sure where that 18 year old Timmy design is from, but it kinda can be his design for those who theorise him on becoming a lawyer as an adult. There's a lot of instances where Timmy is wearing a suit in the show, but this design is one of my favs due to the hairstyle change. My adult Timmy designs in the future will be influenced from this piece of official art. I wonder if there are more Timmy designs in the wild wild west out there that I haven't seen... It is certainly an interesting find (Teen AJ is also there, and his design also looks cool to me).
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Cosmo and Wanda's oufits are something that I cooked up. I don't think the coloring looks good... I just did this on a whim, and for about 13 hours. Damn, I am procrastinating on my work lmao.
Still, the context this time is, that they've had a family dinner to celebrate on Peri's achievement on finally obtaining his godparenting license!!! Good for him!!!
This is an AU if Timmy somehow was able to find a loophole in the "losing your memories of your fairy godparents after you become an adult" rule. Because of that, he continued his life as normal (as Timmy's chaotic life can be), but this time he is able to keep in contact with his fairy family even if they're not contractually obligated to stick together. Timmy does live with the Fairywinkle Cosma's around his college to early work years, but he eventually was able to move out and live on his own at where he works as a lawyer after a while in his adulthood. (His birth parents eventually went on a lifetime vacation without him or just went away for too long that Timmy just lives on his own a lot after he is 18 and above...)
Despite living on his own nowadays (In a New Wish context), Timmy does keep in contact with his fairy family and visits them when he's not busy with his job. Cosmo and Wanda still took a long vacation in this AU, first due to, yeah, Timmy is no easy feat as a godchild lol, and second, they actually want to take their time to raise BOTH of their children (even if Timmy is no longer a child/godchild) and guide them until they're stable adults. Timmy during college years actually only stays with the Fairywinkle Cosma's on holidays, so when Timmy's busy with college, that is when Cosmo and Wanda take their time relaxing lmao.
Sometimes when they really want to have some time alone or when Peri wants to see his bro, they will send Peri to Timmy's college for a day or more. Timmy babysits Peri so much during his college years lol. They both had fun though! With a lot of Peri newfound nuclear fairy power shenanigans at Timmy's college lmao. Studying law and taking the bar exam has never been more chaotic with babysitting a nuclear powered fairy child.
There's a lot more on this AU that I've been thinking, but I'll stop here for now. I need to gather my AU ideas in one post sometime later.
Also, Peri and Timmy are both adults here, Peri's around his 20's here and Timmy is on his early 30's I think. Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri are in their human disguises here, because they want to learn more about human culture (A New Wish context) while also having the desire to be more in Timmy's life.
I headcannon Timmy to be kinda short in his adulthood. This is also a nod to that episode when his fairy family used imperfect human disguises, even Poof/Peri was taller than Timmy in his human baby disguise lol. And also hey, wearing braces during his teen years paid off! (his big teeth are visible only when he opens his mouth lol)
As usual, here's some concept art and a png lineart pic if you want to use it to color it better than I did lmao. (that was a long yapping session... thanks for reading)
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
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After a freezing, wet trek along the Clontarf seafront I turn into Michelle’s estate. All the houses have warm, yellow light spilling out the windows onto the grey, rain beaten pavement, inviting, yet it only reminds me of how grim this damn country is in the winter. It's been eight years since we moved here now and yet I still don't understand how people are supposed to cope with the winter. I suppose they don’t. I suppose we just accept that we will be a little bit sad for a while. 
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They always leave the door off the latch for me on Tuesdays, they know I’m coming, and I let myself into the warmth of their home. It always smells good here, tonight like seafood and lemongrass, and whatever is cooking sizzles enticingly on the pan. I won’t ask for food, I never dare to, but if they offer I have yet to refuse them.
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Rahim Tengu peers into the hallway as I shut the door. He is cooking in a suit. He’s always wearing one, even when doing things like mowing the lawn in the heat of summer. 
“Jude,” he says, “Wet outside, eh?”
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“Yeah,” I take my shoes off and leave them by the door, “Whatever you’re making smells good, like always.”
“Nasi Lemak,” He says, “I’ll leave a plate for you when you're finished”
“Oh, thank you.”
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He hesitates, “So how are your studies?”
“Yeah, good. Trying to get back into the swing of it since the new year. Fifth year is tough, you know?”
“Yes,” Another pause. Rahim is the most awkward of all the dads, he never knows what to say to me, but I let him think on it for another moment, brows knitted, spoon halfway to the pan, before I decide to put him out of his misery. 
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“Jen upstairs?”
“Yes, yes, in her room.”
“Cool, see you in a while then.”
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She’s sprawled out of the duvet with her earphones in, laying still like a corpse with her hands clasped on her stomach and white socks stacked on the pillows.
“Oh, you’re here,” she drawls. She doesn't even have to open her eyes to know it.
“You sound thrilled.”
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“Ugh,” She flips to her stomach, pulls at her iPod cable and tosses the whole thing towards the head of the bed, “Come on, then, make me feel like a dumb bitch.”
“I bet you say that to all the boys,” I dig my maths notes out of my school bag and join her on the bed, “You been practising your trig?”
“That the one with the protractors?” 
“I’ll take that as a no.”
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She lays still for a long moment, just staring into the middle distance before gathering the energy to learn. She falls onto her back and pulls the book I have opened toward her. “‘In the diagram, [AB] and [DC] are two parallel roads, where [AB] = 800m and [DC] = 500m. By measurement, it is determined that [<ABC] = 75° and that [BC] = 600m. Find [AC] to the nearest metre,’” She looks at me, eyes filled with hopeless despair, “How am I meant to know?”
“Well, do you remember what we went over before Christmas? The cosine rule?”
“Before Christmas? You might as well be talking a decade ago. I don’t remember anything that happened before last week. My brain is mush.”
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I pull out my ruler, “Well, look, let’s start by drawing it out so we can visualise it, like this, then, we know that A² = B² + C² - 2BCcosA…”
“Do we know that? Are we sure?” 
“Jenny, yes. C’mon, we’ve done this.”
“I don’t think you understand how much I hate maths.”
“It’s not that bad, look, based on the cosine rule and the information we know already, we can write out the formula, right? x=(600)² + (800)² - 2(600)(800)cos 75°, so all you have to do is work that out.”
“Oh, is that all.”
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“Yeah, so c’mere, hand me your calculator, it’s-” A shriek from the next room almost rattles my skeleton free from my flesh. 
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“Why are you always like this?” It's Michelle. “I’m old enough! Just let me go!”
I glance awkwardly at Jen who is ignoring it, diligently punching the formula into her calculator and kicking her feet in the air. 
“When you demonstrate responsibility,” her mother screams back, “I will give you freedom, but until then…”
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“Don’t look so shocked,” Jen says when she catches sight of my stricken expression, “You and Collette are like this.” 
“Not really. We don’t scream at each other.”
“This is just the volume they speak at here. It’s not as dramatic as it sounds. They're kind of just... having a conversation.” 
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“Okay but you’re being such a bitch about it.” Michelle bites out, and I wince. 
“I don’t talk to my mom like that.”
Jen shrugs, “It’s not that serious, really, they don’t mean it. They'll be all lovey-dovey-happy-families again tomorrow. You get used to it.” she scribbles something onto her copy book and pushes it toward me “X equals 751533?”
I frown, “I don’t know, let me check.”
“Well you’re a nightmare of a daughter sometimes, do you hear me? I don’t want to be like this, I don’t want to be up here shouting at you, but you drive me to distraction with all of this carry on!”
“Um,” my fingers hesitate on the buttons of the calculator, “So… it was… (600)² which is…”
Something clatters to the floor and they start shouting even louder. The corners of Jen’s mouth curl up, “Let’s take a break, yeah? We can drown it out with some music.”
“Good idea.”
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She scrambles to fetch her iPod again and hands me one earbud. We lie back on the pillows while she puts on some whiny emo track about a guy who is either dying or wishing he was dead. 
“Are you traumatised by Michelle and her mam because it reminds you of your parents?” She leans over me and sweeps my hair from my forehead. I laugh, “You trying to therapize me?” 
“You said they fought when you were small.”
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“Yeah but I only heard it a handful of times, I wouldn’t say I am traumatised.” 
“Still, I think there’s something lodged in your psyche about it, it’s why you hate conflict.”
“Nobody likes conflict.”
“Yeah but most people don’t avoid it like you,” She pokes my arm because I've looked away, “Hey, would you say that you’d rather run away from your problems than face them?”
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“Did you steal that question from your counsellor?”
She pretends to be shocked, “Um, no! Excuse me.”
“You’re excused. Hey, would you like it if my voice sounded like this guy’s?” I tilt the iPod screen to her and point to the album cover guy who has blood pouring down his face. 
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“First of all, that’s not the guy singing, that’s a cartoon. Secondly, I don’t know what you even mean.”
I lean into her ear and put on the whiniest voice I can in imitation of him “Hhhhwhat’s the worst that I can say… hhhthings are better if I stay…”
She snorts and shoves me off her, “Go away, you freak.”
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Jen’s bedroom door opens and I jump. Michelle stands there frowning. I hadn’t even realised in the midst of my caterwauling and our hysterical giggles that the shouting had stopped.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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angelmavmurdock · 3 years
Our Little Secret: Part Six - A.R.
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Word count: 5976 Summary: After Lenora’s funeral, Arvin learns some news about her. Y/n and Arvin have sex for the first time and ends up being way past her curfew...
I attended Lenora's funeral as her best friend.
No one knew about Arvin and I and we were keeping it for a different reason now. Not in case Lenora found out but to keep everyone else sane in this crazy time.
I had taken a week off school, helping the Russell's around the house with cooking, cleaning and some company. Emma was absolutely distraught, only coming out of bed when she needed the bathroom or needed to eat - even then it wasn't promised.
Ma was so busy with helping Daddy while I was busy helping the Russell's, we hardly got to see each other. But we both knew after the funeral things would calm down.
Arvin was handling his sister's death strangely. He wasn't sad. He didn't cry. He would go out on car rides, asking to be alone a lot of the time. I didn't know what he was doing and to be honest, I didn't want to know.
At night, once Earskell had went to bed and well after Emma had went to bed, we'd stay up, sitting outside on the patio in the old rocking chairs with some tea and listen to the radio quietly humming in the background. We wouldn't really speak much. We'd just be in each other's presence. We'd kiss. Then I'd go home.
But today was her funeral. I had a standard funeral outfit on: a black dress with tights and patent shoes with a black ribbon in my hair. I had been crying all day so my tears stained my cheeks and my eyes were red and puffy.
Emma was much the same as me while Arvin was trying to be strong for us, only a few tears leaving his eyes during the ceremony. He held me close to him, his hand just above the curve of my waist to not draw attention to us. We stood by together as Emma cried over her casket.
"Oh Lord, there's just some things we can't understand..."
She cried, kneeling to the floor and caressing the wood with her soft hands.
"But you take her into your arms..." She had to stop speaking because of her sobs.
I watched, tears falling from my face and I looked up at Arvin, rubbing my hand over his back softly. He stared numbly at the casket, only the ever-so-often squeeze of my waist indicating he was okay.
"Now I ain't somebody for sayin' prayers or..." Earskell talked, coughing and then clenching his jaw.
Arvin looked over to his Uncle and then removed his arm from around me, leaving me feeling cold without him. He slightly bent over and helped Emma to her feet, holding her by her arm and then wrapping his other arm back around me, this time on my waist.
"Let's go home." I said in almost a whisper.
Emma and everyone else nodded. I pulled away from Arvin and when he looked at me I looked back as if to say it was okay. He nodded slightly and helped his Grandma to the truck. I followed loosely behind the three of them, giving them some space to be with each other in the fresh air.
As I walked behind them through the grave yard I thought about everything.
What did she have to tell me? What happened with the preacher? Why was she so ashamed? Why did she want to end her own life?...
There were too many questions and none of them I could answer. I was supposed to be her best friend and I felt like I had let her down. I had let her down.
"I think it'll be real good if you went out for a night, Emma." I sighed, sitting next to her on her bed.
It had been a few days since the funeral and she was still lying in bed, only getting up for the bare minimum. Even for food she wasn't getting up for, which I was cooking each night.
"I don't have the energy, y/n." She croaked.
"I think you need a bath. And a nice new dress. And your hair did and your friends around you. There's a church day out at the beach on Saturday. I think you should go." I said with a smile.
She laughed lightly, "Honey, I hardly have five dollars to put together, how am I supposed to buy a new dress and get my hair done?"
A grin grew on my face, "Luckily I am here to help with that."
Saturday rolled around and I showed up early morning with two new dresses for Emma. She had gotten her hair done the day before and she was feeling a lot better. She showered and I met her in her room when she came out. I lay the two dresses on the bed and she looked in confusion.
"Pick your favourite and I'll see you in the living room." I smiled simply then left her room, closing the door behind me.
I waited in the living room with Arvin who was reading the newspaper, a cigarette bouncing between his lips and an ash tray.
"Ma asked for me to be home at 9 tonight." I said with a sigh.
Arvin looked up from the paper, "Really? That early?"
"Yeah. She does not like you." I groaned.
"Damn...I'm guessin' there's not much I can do about that, huh?"
"Not really...don't you have work today?" I asked.
"Only a small shift. Just gettin' back into it after the accident and then obviously..." He gulped.
"I know...well that'll be good." I smiled.
"I'm ready!" Emma called from her bedroom.
"Come on out!" I beamed, getting up from the couch.
She clicked down the hallway in her red kitten heels. I gasped with delight. She chose the poppy patterned dress that flowed lightly below her knees. It fit her perfectly. A silver cross hung over her clavicle and her hair was pinned up nicely.
"Emma Russell, you look absolutely divine!" I grinned.
She blushed, "Really? I do love this dress, I can't thank you enough y/n."
"It's no problem at all. I'm just glad you're feelin' better and havin' fun. You deserve it."
She took a deep breath and smiled, "Thanks, darlin'."
Arvin got up to drive her to the church and he complimented her with an embrace.
"I'll be back around 11pm. It's late but the girls are all hitchin' rides with the men after their poker."
"Well I'll be gone by 9 so I'll see you tomorrow? I hope you have fun, Emma." I hummed, hugging her tightly.
"Thank you so much. Have fun!" She waved as Arvin opened the door for her.
We both watched as she and Earskell talked, going to the truck. Arvin closed the door slightly, leaning forward to me.
I giggled and cupped his face, bringing his lips to mine. It was soft but meaningful. His hands lightly touched my waist before we both pulled away.
"Have a good day at work and drive safe, alright?" I said.
"Thanks, y/n. I'll see you later. Bye." He flashed me a smile before leaving the house.
And I was left for nearly a whole day by myself.
Arvin's POV
The working truck pulled up to the car park outside. I jumped off the end along with everyone else and we said our goodbyes. As I headed to the truck I saw an officer standing by, looking at me.
"Need to have a word with you, Arvin." He announced.
"About what?" I asked, standing a few yards from him.
"It's uh...it's about Lenora." He spoke awkwardly.
I took a deep breath and looked away for a second, "What about her?"
"I came by here instead of home so nothin's put on your grandmother-"
"Put on her? What do you mean?" I asked.
The officer removed his uniform hat which is never a good sign. He seemed awkward. He seemed nervous.
"Y'know old Dudley in the coroners? He's a drunk but...he ain't no liar."
I looked at him with a stern look, masking the fact that my stomach was flipping inside.
"Did you know Lenora was carryin' a baby?" He asked.
I tilted my head slightly, my eyes on his. This seemed real. But it couldn't be.
I continued staring at him, hoping he'd crack.
"That's bullshit. That son of a bitch is lyin'." I clenched my jaw.
"Dudley ain't a liar. He came to me privately so as your family knew...I felt he was right." The officer nodded.
I averted eye contact, feeling myself tear up. No, no, no, no, no.
"I might've put my foot in somethin' but that wasn't my intention."
He fiddled with his dark green fedora, uncomfortable with the conversation and uncomfortable with the fact he had to tell me.
"You know that preacher ain't said no words for her? Not for people that kill themselves." I shook my head and clenched my jaw.
That son of a bitch.
I drove home in anger and confusion. When I pulled up, I saw y/n outside on one of the rocking chairs, a mug in her hand and a blanket wrapped around her.
My mood lifted almost automatically. She looked gorgeous in the dim sunlight. I remembered the house was empty and I was happy in that y/n and I could spend time together alone but then again, Lenora wasn't there.
I walked tiredly up the steps and she sat her mug down with a pout of her plump lips.
"Hey, you okay?" She asked me, standing up.
I didn't say anything.
"Arvin?" She prompted.
I looked up at her.
"How was work?" She asked, trying to pry something from me.
"It was fine." I shrugged, walking back to lean against the post.
She bit her lip, "Is somethin' botherin' you?"
She knew me too well.
"A uh...a police officer stopped me before goin' home." I said, retrieving a cigarette from my pocket and lighting it.
"What? Why?" She asked, arms folding as she leaned against the opposite post.
I chuckled. It wasn't to be annoying. It was in anger and confusion and disbelief.
"He told me that Lenora - my innocent, God-loving, 17-year-old sister - was pregnant before she died." I stated.
She blinked at me like a deer in headlights. She didn't speak for a few seconds, her brain working to log the information properly.
"She uh...she was p-pregnant? No." She shook her head.
"Well she was." I took a puff.
"What the hell? How did I not know?" She pressed a hand to her chest.
"Don't get mad at me I'm just repeatin' what he said!"
"I'm not mad! I'm just...she was pregnant?"
I licked my lips and nodded.
She chewed her lip in thought, wrinkles forming between her eyebrows.
"I don't believe it. That's bullshit."
"That's what I said. But, apparently some guy down at the coroner's said that she was. And apparently, he don't lie." I said.
She shook her head, "Who...who was the father? Cause he'll be out there right now runnin' free!" She exclaimed.
"I don't know. I have an idea but I don't know." I licked my back teeth.
I couldn't tell her about the preacher. She clearly didn't know and I wasn't about to tell her. Because if I told her I would have to explain how I knew and stalking some guy doesn't seem like the best thing to say.
"Well that is just...wow." She rubbed her face.
"I know."
We both went silent, our heads filled with thought and worry and confusion. How could neither of us had known?
"Are you gonna tell your Grandma?" She asked.
"No. No, I'm not." I dropped the cigarette butt and stood on it.
"I think it would set her back." She agreed.
"Exactly. She don't need that right now, she's at a good place."
y/n nodded, agreeing with me. I sighed and took my hat off, running a hand through my hair. y/n walked towards me with her arms outstretched. I smiled and welcomed her. Her arms wrapped around me tightly, her chest pressed against mine. I leaned my head on top of hers and stroked her back softly.
"We didn't get to tell Lenora." She whispered.
I gulped, "I know..."
"Well if heaven is real then she'll be lookin' down at us thinkin': I told you so."
We both chuckled at the thought. But it was slightly uncomfortable to think of her that way. Dead. In heaven. I didn't like it.
"Hey," She chirped from underneath me.
I moved my head and looked at her. She reached her hands up and wrapped them around my neck.
"You were such a good big brother." She stated.
An immediate lump in my throat formed at her words. Not if you knew the things I had done or what I was planning to do...
"And you're an amazin' person, Arv. You really are." She smiled.
I just smiled weakly at her.
"And I know you feel like you have to be strong all the time but with me...with me you don't have to." She whispered, trailing her hands down then up my chest.
Reader's POV
He stared down at me with a sudden look of lust and hunger. Before I knew it, I was being pushed back against the post, gasping as the wood hit my back. Arvin kissed me ferociously, his tongue pushing into my mouth without missing a beat. I moaned in surprised but sunk into him, getting the fast-paced rhythm he was implementing.
He moved his kisses to my neck and he began to kiss and suck on my sweet spot.
"Arvin," I moaned breathlessly, tugging his hair slightly.
His hands slid down my dress and grabbed my ass through the fabric as his mouth worked on my skin.
"Feels so good." I hummed.
His lips came back up to mine and our tongues worked with each other's, pushing and swirling in some sort of dance. It was passionate and hot and I felt like I needed more of him.
Suddenly his hands roamed further to my thighs and swiftly lifted me up. I gasped as my legs locked around his torso effortlessly. He smirked up at my surprise and kissed me again. He blindly opened the door and it slammed shut behind us. He walked through while kissing me intensely.
And then I knew I was in his room. I had only been in once or twice for laundry but I knew it was his. He pushed me against the door, ultimately closing it. I moaned again and he moved his lips to my neck again.
"Want you, Arvin." I hummed.
He looked up at me with a glint of lust and hope in his eyes.
"You sure?" He asked.
"I need you." I whispered.
That was enough for him.
He brought me off the wall and to his bed, lying me carefully on his sheets, getting on top of me.
He kept kissing me, his hands beginning to lift my dress up. I sat up and allowed him to slide it off my body. Thankfully I was wearing nicer underwear this time. He threw my dress to the side and looked down at my body in awe.
He stood up from the bed, eyes burning through my skin as he started to undo his buttons on his shirt.
I felt a colour rise to my cheeks. He was seeing me in my underwear. No guy had ever seen me in my underwear before.
"You are fuckin' unreal, darlin'." He complimented, his eyes shining with adoration.
I bit my lip, "You're makin' me nervous standin' like that."
He removed his shirt and then pulled off his dirty white t-shirt from underneath. I had seen his chest before but his bruises were nearly healed and he looked even better than before. Probably since he'd been working all day. He undid his belt and then slid down his trousers, stepping out of them.
My jaw dropped. Arvin. In. His. Underwear.
"Whatcha starin' at?" He smirked.
I gulped then looked back up at him, "Nothin' much."
He shook his head and leaped on top of me. I squealed before he kissed me.
"You're a minx, that's what you are." He chuckled against my lips.
"Well then teach me how to be good." I whispered.
He pulled away, looking down at me with his dilated brown eyes, almost completely black with passion.
"Fuck, I want to."
He began to slide his hand down my body, making rest stops at my waist and my hip before teasing the waistband of my pants. I gasped and looked up at him in lust.
"Have you ever been touched before?" He asked lowly.
He slid his hand carefully into my panties. I arched my back and moaned lightly at his touch.
"N-no." I answered honestly.
His eyebrows furrowed for a split-second.
"You've never been touched before? When you look this pretty?" He quirked an eyebrow.
His fingers slowly circled on my clit, warming me up. I grasped his arm and bit my lip at the new feeling.
"Have you ever touched yourself before?"
My throat went dry.
"No." I answered again.
He smiled, "That's okay...but you've gotta tell me if you don't like what I'm doin', alright?" He asked.
I nodded with a hum.
He pulled my panties off and I felt completely exposed. Only my brasserie covered the last part of my modesty. But I felt safe with Arvin. I trusted him.
His hand returned back to my core where he continued rubbing circles on my clit. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the new-found pleasure.
"Already so wet, darlin'."
I whimpered at his filthy words and felt his finger slide down my core. He slowly pushed a finger into my entrance. I gasped and gripped his arm that rested beside my head, propping himself up.
He started moving it in and out, beginning to pick up a pace.
"How does that feel?" He asked.
"So- good." I hummed, eyes closed in pleasure.
He began to speed his finger up, curling it up to find my spot. I moaned, bucking my hips into his palm as if to say more.
He got the message and slipped a second finger in with ease. I moaned loudly as his fingers worked inside of me. His thumb grazed constantly over my clit and whatever he was doing was making my stomach flutter.
I could hear the sounds of my arousal and it added to the pleasure.
"So good for me, y/n. So good." He praised.
"Arvin!" I whined.
"What, angel?" He asked softly.
"I need you. Please." I practically humped his hand in desperation.
He smirked, "You sure you're ready?" He asked cautiously.
I nodded, "Please."
He removed his hand from me, leaving me a whimpering, pathetic mess. He slid his underwear off and my jaw dropped once again. His member was a lot bigger than I had anticipated. But to be honest, I had never seen one so I had nothing to compare it to. But my god.
He pumped himself in his hand as he got back onto the bed, kneeling between my legs. I sat up and removed my bra myself. I then took my hair out of the band and the ribbon, sitting them aside. I lay back down, attempting to make my hair look as nice as it could splayed out on the bedsheet.
"You're so fuckin' gorgeous. Can't wait to feel you." He groaned, getting on top of me.
I bit my lip and held his arm with one hand and gripped his hair with the other.
"You ready?" He asked.
I took a deep breath and nodded. He leaned down and encased my lips in a passionate but loving kiss, our lips moving slowly over each other's and our tongues swirling around perfectly. I got so distracted by the kiss that Arvin could easily slip half-way into me. I gasped at the feeling of him.
"Is that okay?" He checked, brushing some of my hair out of my face.
I nodded and hummed. He gave me a moment to adjust to his size. It was slightly uncomfortable but that soon went away when he pulled back then thrusted slowly into me again.
"Arvin," I moaned.
He lifted my thigh up to his side and pushed further into me. I tugged his hair and bit my lip.
"So fuckin' tight, fuck. Feel so good, darlin'." He panted.
"Please go faster." I whimpered.
He dipped his head into the crook of my neck and held my thigh firmly as he began thrusting into me. His pace sped up quickly and soon enough he was moving effortlessly into me.
"Feels so good!" I moaned, arching my back into his chest.
His lips came to my breasts, taking one nipple into his mouth. I gasped at the new feeling as his tongue lapped over my skin. His thrusts sped up and he completely bottomed me out, his skin slapping against mine with every push.
"Oh god!" I tugged on his hair.
He groaned, "So gorgeous, so hot - fuck."
I rolled my eyes back at his words.
In a Christian based Southern state, having premarital sex was looked down upon. But it didn't feel wrong. It felt so good.
"So tight around me," He commented lowly.
"Can we flip?" I asked breathlessly.
He smoothly flipped us, so he was on his back. I bit my lip and hovered over him, taking his member in my hand.
"Fuck." We both cursed in unison.
I pumped him in my hand a few times to see what it was like and how he reacted. He gripped my thigh tighter and bit his lip. I smirked, feeling a pang of power course through me.
I swiped his member on my folds, surprised at how wet I actually was. I slowly sank down on him and we both let out long groans as I bottomed him out.
"W-woah." I panted.
He sat up, shifting inside of me. I moaned a little at the movement. His arms wrapped around me and I held his shoulders. I kissed him deeply, running my hands up into his hair and his tongue explored my mouth like it never had before.
I started to move on him, up and down was my instinct. Apparently I was right.
"Fuck, darlin'." He cursed against my lips.
"Oh god." I moaned, gripping his broad shoulders for support.
He gathered my cascading hair and put it behind my back as I moved on top of him. For some reason it made emotions flow in my brain.
They way he cared for me and was gentle with me obviously set off an emotion I had never really felt before. Not romantically, anyway.
I looked into his dark eyes and stopped bouncing on him. He looked into my eyes and held my waist.  He started to move my hips in a grinding motion. My mouth dropped open slightly at the feeling.
His eyes stayed on mine as I rolled my hips on his, his hands guiding me. It was intimate and passionate and I loved him. I held him as close to me as possible, our chests matching and my hands massaging his scalp.
"Arvin," I moaned.
I could feel a build up of tension in my stomach.
One of his hands slowly came down between us and started to rub my clit again. I threw my head back in pleasure, the feeling intensifying.
"You close, darlin'?" He asked lowly.
"Close? To- to what?" I asked, fastening my movements.
"Fuck- to your high, baby."
His fingers kept working on my clit and his other hand still guided my hip.
"My high? Oh fuck! That feels so good!" I moaned loudly and highly.
His fingers worked faster.
"If you feel like you need to let go...then do it, baby." He groaned.
I didn't really know what he meant but the feeling in my core and stomach tightened.
"Oh god! Yes! Yes!" I moved my hips faster on him.
"God you feel so good, baby. So good around me." He praised.
I dug my nails into his back, my head going to his forehead.
"Arvin, I love you." I admitted breathlessly.
"You-you love me?" He repeated as if he was surprised.
"Yes! Yes, I love you." I bit my lip.
"y/n...pretty girl," He brushed some of my hair behind my ear.
"I love you, too." He grinned.
I stopped my movements for a second to smile and kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him as close to me as possible.
He started to thrust up into me, the sound of skin slapping and my surprised moans filling the room.
"Oh! Yes! God, yes!" I squealed.
He worked a lot faster than I did. His member brushed a spot inside of me I didn't even know existed. I could feel myself clenching around him and he groaned at the feeling.
"Let go for me, baby. Come on." He grunted.
"I love you! Arvin, I- yes!"
I felt the knot in my stomach snap and the feeling in my core burn. I moaned and cursed and gripped Arvin's hair in ecstasy. He continued thrusting up into me, my wetness dripping down onto him and his thighs.
"Feels so good baby, good job." He praised.
He kept me in my high like I had entered nirvana. My mind went cloudy, my vision hazy, my hearing muffled. All I could sense was Arvin. And that's all I needed.
"Fuck, baby-"
He quickly flipped me back onto my back and pulled out of me. I was still somehow in my high but I opened my eyes to see what he was doing. He pumped his member a few times before grunting and finished on my upper thigh and lower stomach.
I watched in awe. His muscles tensed and untensed, his head was thrown back and the sounds leaving his mouth were heaven.
After he calmed down he crashed next to me and we both caught our breaths.
"Sorry about that, I should have asked you." He sighed.
"It's okay. I liked it." I giggled.
He shook his head and looked at me, "You are perfect, y/n."
I shook my head back, brushing my hand over his loose curls, "No, you are."
He smiled at my touch, "How was it?"
I laughed lightly, "Good. I didn't even know it was possible to feel like that."
He smirked, "I'm a master, what can I say?"
I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest. He laughed and then shuffled closer to me, lips decorating my shoulder.
"Did you mean what you said?" He asked quietly.
I nodded, "Every word."
His lips connected to mine in a soft, long kiss.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you, too."
He dropped the needle onto the record and waited for the music to play.
(Play now)
'Cry To Me' by Solomon Burke began to play through the speaker.
Arvin had poured us a glass of very fancy scotch each. He said it was only for special occasions. I had only put my panties and one of his button down shirts on. The warm, humid weather was enough to keep me warm. Arvin wore a white vest shirt and some long pyjama bottoms.
"I love this song." I hummed, sipping the warm alcohol from the crystal glass.
"Dance with me." Arvin stated rather than questioned.
I smiled and sat my glass down. He gave me his hand and twirled me under his arm before bringing me into his chest.
We held hands on one side while his other hand held my waist and my other held his shoulder. We swayed back and forth to the music, enjoying the post-sex bliss.
"Come on, and cry to me." I sang an octave higher.
Arvin smiled, "I love you."
I giggled, "I love you, too."
We stayed like that, dancing and singing to the parts we knew, hands all over each other, stealing a few kisses whenever we could. He'd spin me out and I'd attempt to spin him but he could never get the hang of it.
We were happy. And we were in love.
"I've never seen you like this before, you know? I like happy on you." I smiled up at him.
A one sided smile curved on his face, "No one's been able to bring it out of me before."
I bit the inside of my lip at his words. Part of me was happy and proud that I could make him feel like that but the other part felt horrible that he's felt that way for so long.
"Well get ready to be happy a whole bunch, 'cause I ain't goin' nowhere."
He laughed, twirling me under his arm and back into his chest.
"That's exactly what I want." He smirked, leaning down to kiss me.
Our lips pressed together.
But only briefly.
A truck pulled up outside. And both of us turned to look out the window.
"Wait WHAT?!" I shouted, noticing that it was Emma and Earskell in the car.
I looked at the clock on the wall.
"SHIT!" I exclaimed.
It was nearly midnight. I was supposed to be home at nine.
I scrambled to Arvin's bedroom and hurriedly put on my dress and shoes. Arvin put the shirt I was wearing on and changed into his work trousers again. He grabbed his jacket and his keys, shoving his feet into his shoes as we ran to the front door.
"Oh! You two are still here?" Emma jumped at the sight of us rushing past her outside.
"Back soon!" Arvin shouted.
I jumped into the passenger seat and Arvin got in the drivers. He pulled out frantically and drove off.
"Oh my god. I'm dead. I'm dead." I panicked.
"Just calm down, you'll be fine." Arvin tried to soothe me, speeding through the village.
"You'll be dead, too! Oh god what are they gonna do, Arvin?" I gripped my hair.
"We're nearly there, it'll be fine." He grasped my thigh lightly.
I took deep breaths, looking out at the silent town as we zoomed past everything. The dread in my stomach grew as we drove up the road and then entered the grounds, past the gate.
"Go before they get you, alright?" I ordered, jumping out the car.
"Y/N Y/M/N YL/N! Where the HELL have you been?!" Ma shouted from the door, storming outside.
"Ma, I can explain! Let's just go inside!" I exclaimed.
"Boy, get out that car right now!" She shouted at Arvin.
"Ma! Stop! It's not his fault!" I shouted, beginning to get defensive.
Arvin got out of the car and held his hands in his trouser pockets, walking towards Ma and I. I saw Daddy standing by the door, watching everything and my heart ached.
"You are supposed to be takin' care of her! How dare you keep her away this long with no contact! How dare you!" She shouted at Arvin, pointing a finger at hi accusingly.
"Ma! He didn't do anything!" I shouted.
"I am not STUPID y/n! I know that you two have been gettin' together almost every night. I see the car bein' parked behind the gate, I see the way you two look at each other. And I do not have a problem with that! But if the so called MAN known for his sexual acts keeps my 18 year old daughter out until MIDNIGHT, I am not gonna be happy!"
"We lost track of time, ma'am." Arvin stated calmly.
"Oh did ya' now? Doin' what?"
"Ma!" I shouted.
"No! I wanna know what was so important that stopped you from comin' home on time!"
Arvin and I stuttered, not knowing what or how to say anything.
Ma scoffed and clenched her jaw. We could practically see steam coming from her ears.
"You. Inside. Now." She demanded, pointing at me.
I furrowed my brows, "No! I'm not goin' inside with you!"
"y/n, inside right now!"
"No! I'm not leavin' Arvin!" I held his arm in mine.
Her chest heaved with rage, "Arvin, stay the hell away from my daughter."
Ma went to grab my arm but I dodged it.
"No!" I screamed.
"No! I wanna be with Arvin!"
"He is no good for you!" She shouted as if he wasn't there.
"You do not get to tell me what I can and can't do! I'm an adult and if I am in love with someone-"
"IN LOVE?" Ma shouted.
"Yes! In love! We love each other and you can't stop that!" I held his arm so tightly I was surprised I hadn't cut his circulation off yet.
"You are not to be with each other anymore. You are a bad influence on my daughter and I never want to see you near her again. Do you understand?" She spoke sternly to Arvin.
I looked up at him. He gulped, his eyes becoming teary, "I understand." He uttered.
"Arvin!" I scoffed.
"I'll leave you alone." He murmured, beginning to walk away.
"Arvin! What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted, my arm still attached to him as he - we - walked away.
He opened the car door and clenched his jaw, not looking at me.
"Go with your parents. I've done enough."
"Arvin, don't say that! You- you just said you loved me!" I felt tears begin to fall from my eyes.
His chin quivered, "Just go, y/n. Please."
"What? No. No! I'm not going!"
He ripped his arm away from me and went to get in the car.
I slammed the door so he couldn't get in.
"No! You don't get to do that, Arvin! You don't get to say you love me then fuck off when somethin' comes between us!" I shouted, realising these were more sobs than anything.
"Just go inside, y/n." He said to the ground.
I furrowed my brows and shook my head in disbelief.
"y/n-" I interrupted my mother.
"No! Arvin, please! Why are you doing this?"
"We can't be together." Arvin sniffed.
"Yes we can! We can!" I went to cup his face but he moved away.
I didn't know if it was sadness or utter rage but I broke down in tears.
"You said you loved me!" I screamed, pushing him against the car.
He took it. He didn't look at me, though. But he took my babyish tantrum.
"You said you loved me!" I cried, hitting his chest.
"y/n, go inside. Please." He begged quietly.
I saw tears fall from his face.
I stopped and stood back, watching with blurred eyes as he got into the car and drove off quickly.
I choked on a sob and kneeled to the ground in a cry, letting all the emotions I had pent up go. Absolutely everything.
Ma came up to me to comfort me but I pushed her off and stood back up.
"No! You don't get to comfort me after ruining love for me." I cried, pushing past her and running to the house.
I ran up the steps and I paused briefly when I saw Daddy watching with tired and heartbroken eyes. He silently moved to the side to let me storm away. I sobbed uncontrollable sobs as I ran up the stairs and slammed my door shut, sliding down to the floor.
I thought he loved me.
{Tags: @notanordinaryprincess96 @imagine-yourself-happy​ }
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c-optimistic · 4 years
Kara is not mysterious.
She’s not, though she makes a valiant attempt at it. She’s secretive and brilliant and more than talented at putting on an act, but she’s not mysterious. While there are dozens of things that don’t make sense about her, she has a refreshing habit of wearing her heart on her sleeve, consequences be damned, and even if Lena doesn’t understand what Kara does, she certainly can follow why.
Which is why the eyebrow thing is so…confusing.
(Perhaps the more accurate word is frustrating, frustrating that Lena can’t figure it out unlike some of Kara’s other idiosyncrasies.  
Understanding Kara’s preference for fatty and sugary foods was simple enough. Her Kryptonian physiology meant that fats and sugars took longer to break down, leaving her feeling full longer. Her partiality for movies with happy endings also made perfect sense—after all, who would wantto have more tragedy in their life? Even her habit of listening for Alex’s heartbeat every night before bed made sense; it had been how she’d fallen asleep when she first landed. But the eyebrowthing…)
Lena studies Kara as she settles into bed, watching her take her time to remove her glasses and run her fingers through her hair. The lamp on Lena’s side of the bed (it still leaves her a little breathless whenever she thinks things like that—whenever she notices the second toothbrush in the bathroom or nearly trips over one of Kara’s boots still laying where she kicked them off carelessly the night before) is still on, illuminating the thick file Lena’s been going through steadily for the past hour or so, waiting until Kara got back from dealing with the rogue alien causing a ruckus downtown.
“What?” Kara asks when Lena continues to stare rather than put out the lamp or put her work away. “Is there still gunk in my hair? I washed it out as best I could but—”
“—why do you do that?”
Kara blinks.
“…uh, wash my hair?” she asks, frowning as she settles back onto the pillows, looking over at Lena with playfully narrowed eyes.
“No. Why do you do that?” she asks again, this time raising her hand to press her fingertips right above her left eyebrow, attempting to demonstrate Kara’s inexplicable behavior. “You touch your scar before bed every night.”
“Do I?”
“You don’t realize you’re doing it?” Lena asks incredulously, her eyebrows rising. She puts the thick file away, shifting so that she’s more settled against the pillows and is facing Kara. “Though maybe it makes sense. I suppose someone like you wouldn’t be all that used to scars.”  
“I don’t touch it because I’m not used to scars, Lena,” Kara laughs, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Lena’s temple. She’s being annoyingly calm about it, either not realizing or not caring that this one unexplainable habit has been driving Lena nuts since she first started spending the night. “It’s just…comforting.”
“Comforting?” Lena repeats blankly, not quite sure what Kara could possibly mean. She doesn’t like drawing comparisons between herself and Kara—that’s just begging for a downward spiral, who could possibly want to be compared to Supergirl?—but in this one instance, she can’t help herself. Lena has a great deal of scars (and she allows herself a moment to be poetic as she thinks of all the metaphorical scars Lex and her parents have left on her) and she hates them all. There’s the thin white scar on her left index finger, where she accidentally cut herself while cooking, a careless moment brought on by the first news reports about Lex’s plots against Superman. There’s a darker, misshaped scar on her right knee, where she’d landed on hard concrete after a particularly brutal lesson on ‘how to be a Luthor.’ (Lillian had been horrified by the incident—by her own ability to do such a thing to a child or the very sight of bright red blood rolling down that child’s leg—and had apologized for it later, lavishing Lena with attention and care, very vigilant from that moment on to physically treat her gently, even as the emotional abuse continued.) And of course there’s the scar below her ribcage, which she doesn’t remember the exact details of, just knowing it involved tequila and bad choices. This scar she’s come to love; Kara has not once allowed the opportunity to kiss that scar go by.
Lena doesn’t like any of her scars. They only serve as a harsh reminder of who she was, and she rather likes the person she is now. But Kara’s looking at her softly and her eyes are so blue and Lena has to admit that if someone asked her right in that moment, she’d say her girlfriend was absolutely mysterious.
“Why?” she asks, even though every part of her is screaming that she can figure it out later—just like all the other things—even though a part of her believes she’s showing exactly how invested she is, just how important Kara is to her, and vulnerability is one scar Lena’s still not quite sure how to feel about. (When she’s feeling more poetic, she can admit that it’s not a scar at all, not yet. It’s a deep and still bleeding wound, and she thinks with Kara’s help it might heal into a neat thin line rather than the jagged edges for which she has a propensity.)
“On Krypton…” Kara begins slowly, reaching out to take Lena’s hand, threading their fingers together and gently running her thumb over Lena’s skin. It’s a mindless gesture, but one that has turned into a moment to latch onto—yet another simple thing that can take Lena’s breath away. “I had no powers on Krypton. I was…normal.” Kara pauses long enough to take a deep breath she doesn’t need, shuffling over enough that her entire body is pressed up against Lena’s, hand never ceasing its ministrations. “I could get hurt, bleed, become so exhausted that I wanted nothing more than my bed, any day, any time. I didn’t need kryptonite or a rogue alien to make me feel like everyone else.”
“You got the scar on Krypton,” Lena guesses, unable to help the track of her eyes. Realizing there’s not point to pretending, she reaches up with her free hand and gently runs the pad of her thumb over the scar, watching as Kara’s eyes flutter shut.
“I was young when I got it,” she all but whispers. “I’m not sure exactly how. I remember it involved my father and uncle and one of their experiments.” She laughs a little, lost in another world—a long since lost world. “My father petitioned the Science Guild to allow me to join as soon as possible, but they wanted to wait until I was a little older. So my father and uncle had me work with them in secret—my mother was furious when she found out.” She laughs again, opening her eyes and meeting Lena’s gaze steadily. “I remember her lecturing me as she cleaned me up—didn’t even allow Kelex near me. At the time, I didn’t think it was very fair. It’s funny,” she adds softly, not sounding amused at all, “I’d give anything to hear her yell at me again.”
“Kara…” Lena tries, but she doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know what she cansay. How does one comfort their girlfriend over the loss of their entire planet, their family, their friends—the only life they’d ever known? She can lay here and recite as many platitudes as she’d like, nothing would take that sadness out of Kara’s eyes.
(Lena knows, she’s had her fair share of scars, understands how much pain they could still cause even though for all intents and purposes the skin had healed over, the tissue repaired itself.)
“I used to hold my mother’s necklace as I prayed to Rao every night,” Kara says suddenly, breaking through Lena’s thoughts, looking inexplicably calm and at peace. “It seemed important to do, especially when I really began coming into my powers and didn’t need sleep.”  She tightens her grip on Lena’s hand just briefly, letting out a soft sigh as she does so. “In some ways, it makes me glad I gave the necklace to Mon-El.”
“Kara, I’m sorry, but that doesn’t make sense. It was the last thing you had of your mother’s.”
“And I got it when she was putting me into a pod and saying goodbye. Carrying it around…carrying it around felt heavy. It was a constant reminder of losing my planet, of years in that pod, of nights spent crying with the Danvers…of nearly dying myself.” For the first time she looks away, apparently invested in the patterns of the curtains. “But the scar is from a moment when my uncle’s experiment went wrong and my mother cleaned me up and my father kept apologizing and snuck me a treat later.” Kara sniffs, and Lena doesn’t mention or acknowledge the tears that have rolled down her cheeks. “The scar reminds me of who I am. I like it.”
(Lena was right about one thing: Kara is not mysterious. But her notions about scars? Lena might need to rethink her stance.)
“I like it, too,” Lena says, pressing her lips to the scar above Kara’s left eyebrow in a lengthy kiss. It must be the right response—or something close to it anyway—because Kara practically sags, resting her forehead against Lena’s.
And they fall asleep just like that, heads close and hands intertwined, but not before Lena makes the mental note to never allow the opportunity to kiss Kara’s scar to go by.  
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I love reading all your works and they put a smile on my face everytime I see them. Is there any chance you could do a whole Lupin family truth or drink (with or without Sirius is cool too) thanks
Hello anon! Thank you for your kind words--they mean more than you know <3 Jules isn’t included here because he’s 10 and the questions are not suited for 10-year-olds, but this was so much fun to write all the same! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for alcohol and mentions of sex
“We’re back!” Marlene announced with a smile as she set up an unlabeled bottle on the table, along with three shot glasses. “And today, we’re doing something a little different with truth or drink. Loops, do you want to do the intros?”
Remus waved at the camera. “Hey, Lions, I’m Remus Lupin and these are my parents, Hope and Lyall.” He frowned and looked over at Marlene. “You toned down the questions, right? These are PG?”
“Nope!” she said cheerfully as she took her place behind the camera. “Take it away, Hope, it’s good to have you back!”
“It’s good to be back!” she said, smiling. “I had so much fun last time. Alright, Loops, describe your first kiss.”
He shook his head with a laugh. “It’s so weird hearing you call me that. Uh, I was seventeen and I kissed Ellie Sanders from down the street during her birthday party for a game of truth or dare.”
“Seventeen? I was expecting earlier, to be honest,” Lyall said as he took a card. “Hope, darling, have you ever been arrested?”
She reached for her shot glass and Remus’ jaw fell open. “What?”
“Well, I guess I have to answer it now,” she sighed. “Sweetheart, I grew up in the seventies and eighties, and your father and I met during a protest. This should not surprise you.”
“We can drink at any time, right?” Remus asked Marlene before taking a shot and drawing a card. “I could answer this one. Was I an accident?”
“Yes,” the three of them said at the same time.
“I was 21, he was 23, we had been married for three months and were not planning on having kids for at least six years,” Hope explained. She reached over and took Remus’ hand. “But you were the best accident. Okay, my turn. Have you ever had sex in my house?”
“I knew that kind of question was coming up,” Remus muttered. “No, I have not, and I don’t plan on ever doing it. My childhood bedroom is literally the least sexy place I can think of.”
“I don’t know, those plaid sheets and wall-to-wall bookshelves are really something, “ Lyall teased as he took a card. Remus rolled his eyes. “In a similar vein: when did you lose your virginity, and did you use protection?”
“Again, I was seventeen, and I did use protection because I knew I was gay at that point and didn’t want to risk anything.” Remus ran a hand down his face. “Ugh, this was not how I thought my day was going to go.”
“Was it the same night as your first kiss?” Hope gasped when he nodded. “Look at you go!”
“Oh my god, mom.” Remus picked a new card. “Ha! This should be interesting. Who’s your favorite child? Both of you have to answer.”
Hope drummed her fingers on her knees and Lyall bit his lip. “I love you for different reasons,” he finally said. “Jules is more cuddly and outgoing than you, but you actually have an off-switch and you’re a very kind person. Yeah, it’s an even split.”
“I can’t choose,” Hope said, tapping the edge of her card on the table. “You’re my boys and I love you. That’s all that matters. Have you ever been in love?”
“Yes, I have.” A soft smile tilted the edge of Remus’ lips up and he glanced behind the camera.
“Who are you looking at?” Marlene asked. “The viewers can’t see back here.”
“Oh! Sorry. My fiancé is on a bench by the wall with the car keys.” All three of them waved to Sirius. “Alright, dad, you’re up.”
“Which parent do you like more?” He mock-frowned at Remus. “I hope you know our future relationship directly depends on your answer to this single question from a drinking game on a Wednesday afternoon.”
“Just for that, I’m choosing mom,” Remus said, laughing when Lyall cuffed him lightly on the shoulder. “In all honesty, I don’t have a favorite. Like you said earlier, I love you both for different reasons.”
“What reasons?” Hope asked.
“Dad, you taught me to cook and got me into hockey, but mom encouraged me to stick with PT and always goes the extra mile.” He rolled his shot glass between his fingers for a moment. “I just know that I’m really lucky to have you both in my life, because you’ve been nothing but supportive.”
Hope dabbed at her eye with the sleeve of her sweater and Lyall took a deep breath. “Whew. Okay. Please ask something super awkward,” he said.
“I’ll do my best,” Remus laughed. His smile turned into a grimace when he read the card and he rested his forehead on the table.
Hope nudged him with her elbow. “What, are you going to chicken out this late in the game? We don’t raise wusses in the Lupin family.”
“You have to ask it,” Marlene called.
Remus sat up and shook his shoulders out. “Dad, have you—I am begging you to drink—have you ever performed oral sex on mom?”
“Performed?” Lyall snorted. “What is this, the circus?”
Remus handed him the bottle. “Please drink.”
Lyall poured himself a shot and drank it; just as Remus was starting to look mildly relieved again, he grinned. “Yes, I have.”
“Damn it.” Remus covered his face with his hands. “I should have known you would answer anyway. Jesus. I need to sear that from my brain.”
Hope took her next card and slid the bottle to Remus. “What’s your favorite sexual position? I really don’t need to know this, sweetheart.”
“No, you certainly do not!” Remus said brightly, drinking his shot. “In fact, I’m glad you don’t want to.”
Lyall cleared his throat and took a card. “What’s something I do that embarrasses you?”
“This game is rigged to give all the loaded questions to you,” Remus laughed. “You need to figure out what you want for gifts. You always say you want nothing, and then the day after Christmas you’re pining after something you never told people you wanted.”
“I do not,” Lyall scoffed. Remus and Hope shared a look and his eyes widened. “Hey!”
“Okay, my turn.” Remus’ eyebrows rose when he read the card. “When I moved out, were you relieved or sad?”
“Oh, shit,” Hope murmured with a sniffle. “I’m already crying. Both. There was a little bit of both.”
“Yeah. The first move only happened for a little while when you went to college, but you moved back after the accident and that was…tough.”
“It was easy letting you go the first time,” Lyall said, softer than he had been yet. “You were ready then. The second time, we were so worried and also so proud of you for everything you had worked for.”
Remus scrunched his nose up and let out a shaky breath, leaning their temples together. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Hope whispered. Lyall ruffled his hair. She coughed lightly and took a new card. “Please be something uncomfortably sexual. Ah, bummer. If someone offered you $10,000 dollars to never talk to me again, would you do it?”
Remus snorted. “No.”
“What about $100,000?”
“A million?”
“Is this an auction?”
“If someone gave you ten million dollars to never speak to me again, would you take it?”
“Holy shit, mom!” he laughed. “Do you want me to stop talking to you? Is this a hint?”
“We did good,” she said, giving her husband a high-five.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Would you guys stop talking to me for ten million dollars?”
“No, never,” Lyall assured him before turning and winking at the camera. Remus groaned. “Our minds have traded bodies—“
“They have? That explains a lot.”
“Shush. If our minds traded bodies, what is the first thing you would do in my body?”
“No offense, but I would run as far away from mom as humanly possible. We are not having any Oedipus moments in this household. The second thing I would do is reach things on the high shelves of my house, because even though I’m five foot eleven, my six foot three fiancé insists on putting things just slightly out of reach.” Remus craned his neck to see behind the camera. “Yes, I’m talking about you. Stop laughing!”
“You don’t think the aforementioned fiancé would be curious as to why your dad was suddenly on the front doorstep?”
“I would hope you would explain what was going on when you woke up in my body.” When Lyall didn’t answer, Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. “Dad. If we switch bodies, I need you to promise me you won’t sleep with my fiancé.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“You’re not even into men!”
“How do you know?” He burst out laughing at Remus’ shocked expression. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The first thing I would do is go skating, because I bet your knees don’t hurt after ten minutes. Then I would go to the dentist, because I know you’re bad about scheduling your appointments.”
“He’s right!” A distant voice called.
Remus gave Marlene a disbelieving look as he drew a card. “Is this turning into Remus Lupin Callout Hour? Alright, if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?”
“Scheduling skills,” Lyall answered immediately.
“Answering phone calls,” Hope added.
Remus seemed surprised by her answer. “You told Sirius you didn’t like it when he got into fights on the ice. I was expecting the same here.”
She shrugged. “It’s kind of neat, seeing my kid get in a rumble out there. I’m very proud of you. Less proud when you start bleeding, but that’s only because you have a very nice nose and straight teeth.”
“You heard it here first, folks,” Remus said to the camera. “My mother worries more about my nose and my teeth that the fact that I’m getting beaten up.”
“I think that’s the last question,” Marlene said with a laugh. “How are you all feeling?”
“I feel fantastic,” Lyall answered.
“I know far too much about my parents’ sex life.”
“It was one question,” Hope scoffed. “I feel wonderful, for your information. These are always such fun.”
“Should we ask Jules to come next time?” Marlene asked.
“Seeing as he’s ten and knows way too many embarrassing stories about me, absolutely not,” Remus said.
“We could give him apple juice, he’d have a good time,” Hope shrugged. “I would not oppose it.”
“You’re famous now, Loops.” Lyall grinned. “The tabloids would love having your baby brother as a gold mine of information.”
“Can I sign us off?” he asked Marlene. “Please tell me I can sign us off. I need to leave, like, five minutes ago.”
“You’re depriving me of content, Re!”
“Hey, hockey fans, thanks for tuning in to Lion Pride’s Truth or Drink! I’m Remus Lupin, these are my parents, and we hope you have a great day.”
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
I’m having your baby - part IV
Sirius Black x reader
series masterlist,  part one, part two, part three
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, food and pregnancy
Words: 2.7k
Hours pass, but Sirius doesn’t come home. Lily is gone by now and you are sitting in the living room, reading your book. Peter is watching something on TV and James is running in the park. You are deep in your book when Remus sits down next to you and pulls it away.
‘Hey!’ you cry, but Remus places his finger over his mouth and gestures at Peter. He has fallen asleep with his mouth open. ‘What is it?’ you ask, on a more serious note.
‘Do you know where Sirius is?’ You sigh and avert your eyes.
‘No, isn’t he just in his room?’
‘Yes, he is in his room, that is why I am asking you,’ Remus snorts.
‘Oh, right.’
‘It doesn’t matter now. Have you spoken to him yet?’ Your face speaks for itself. ‘That is fine, but you do have to do it soon. I mean in a few days your period will be over, but you will feel just as miserable.’
‘Wow, thanks for the stimulant words!’ you say and push Remus away with your hand. Remus pushes you back and you fall off the sofa. You grab Remus’ arm in the panic and he falls on top of you. You start to laugh and Remus joins you.
Then you hear a shuffle across the room. From the corner of your eye you can see a flash of black hair and two seconds later the door slams shut. ‘Found him,’ you mutter as you try to get up as quick as possible. You run to the door and taking your coat you yell at Remus that you will get food on your way back.
Outside the wind blows in your face. You have to blink against the cold and you try to find Sirius. But there is no one left in the street. All you can see are the trees and a car every once in a while. You start to walk. You don’t know where to, but you just want to be away from your apartment. Away from all the problems. You take deep breath and walk to the park. James must have returned by now, you figure.
The brown leafs crunch under your shoes. There are very few people in the park. You see an old man walking his dog, a woman riding a bike, two adult men in long, black coats and a runner. You sit down on a bench and close your eyes for a second.
‘(Y/N)?’ You open your eyes and see James standing in front of you. He is panting. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Oh, I was running after Sirius but he disappeared and I didn’t want to go back home yet,’ you say like it is the most normal thing in the world. James sits down next to you. He looks funny with his sweaty head and his hair like he just walked through a storm.
‘(Y/N), are you really alright? I mean, for the past days you have been looking sad and you say you are just on your period, but I think you are really sick.’ You may smile at James, but your inside is breaking. A tear rolls down your cheek and you shake your head. James pulls you in a hug and gently strokes your back. ‘It’s fine. Everything will be alright. I am sure Sirius will get over whatever is going on in his head and you will-’
‘I’m pregnant.’
James immediately stops talking and freezes. He lets you go and stares at you with disbelieve on his face. He opens his mouth to say something but the words stay in his throat. ‘Please, don’t tell anyone, alright? I haven’t told…’ You keep silent. You don’t know if you want to tell James it is Sirius’ baby. But you don’t have to.
‘It is Sirius’, isn’t it?’ James guesses and you nod. ‘Yeah, I have seen you looking at him. And now the sickness makes a lot more sense.’ You giggle sadly. James gets up and offers you his hand. You gladly take it and let you being pulled up from the bench. ‘You’ll be fine,’ he says and puts his arm around you.
The wind has increased and little raindrops are falling down. Leafs are being blown off its twigs and fall on the ground. You and James are the only ones in the park now. It looks dark now it is abandoned and empty.
‘I have to get dinner,’ you say to James. You suddenly remembered you promised Remus you would take care of dinner. James says he will come with you. ‘Are you crazy? You will get sick if you stay out any longer in your shorts! And you stink!’ That is enough for James to leave you alone. He goes left to the apartment and you walk on, heading towards the shops. On your way there you see if Sirius is somewhere here, but you see no one.
- -- -
The door slams behind you. A head pops up from the kitchen. A body follows. Remus takes the bag with food from you so you can take off your coat.
‘Is he back?’ you ask, referring to Sirius. Remus shakes his head. ‘Fuck,’ you mumble.
While Remus sets the table with Peter and James is still in the shower, you try to call Sirius. He doesn’t answer. You place the bag, that Remus had left in the kitchen, on the table.
‘We think he turned off his phone,’ Peter says when you sit down. ‘We tried to call him too, but it went straight to voicemail.’ James enters the room with a smile, but his expression changes when he sees the worried faces at the table.
‘He still doesn’t answer?’ You shake your head. James takes place at the table and drops his head. ‘Maybe his phone is just dead,’ he mumbles. You feel terrible when you look at James. He looks defeated. You had hoped that maybe James knew where his best friend is. But no one heard from Sirius.
‘What are we having?’ Peter asks. You avert your eyes from James and look at the bag.
‘Thai food.’
- -- -
After dinner, James disappears into his room. Peter is taking out the trash and you are left with Remus in the kitchen, doing the dishes.
‘I told James,’ you say. Remus looks up from the mug he is holding. A reassuring smile appears on his face.
‘What did he say?’
‘Well, he knew immediately it was Sirius’ and he said that I’ll be fine.’ Remus turns back to his mug.
‘Sounds like approval to me,’ he mutters.
‘I feel sorry for him. Sirius being gone is killing him. He doesn’t deserve this,’ you say and stack the plates. A loud bang comes from the other room. ‘I’ll check on him,’ you say and rapidly walk to James’ room.
You knock on the door. ‘James? Can I come in?’ you ask. You get no answer and start to worry. You open the door and encounter James lying on his bed. His whole body is shocking from crying. On the floor you see a book and you figure that that is what you had heard. You walk over to James and sit down next to him. He looks up when he feels your hand on his back and you can see that his face is wet from the tears. James drags his body up and collapses against your chest.
‘Oh, Jamie,’ you say and stroke his back. His weight gets too much for you and you fall down on the bed. James’ head is just above your stomach and he puts his hand on it. You feel the warmth on your stomach and you smile softly.
‘I can’t believe there is growing a little person inside of you,’ James whispers with a watery voice. You sigh and close your eyes.
‘Me neither,’ you admit. James pokes your stomach.
‘A little person surrounded by Thai food.’ You laugh and James’ head bounces up and down. ‘Hello, little fella. How are you? Enjoying that Thai food? In eight months you will come out of your mommy and then she will rarely see you again, because she has to share you with Peter, Remus, your daddy and me. But she won’t mind, because she knows that we will take care of you.’ James stays silent for a minute and the tears are already running down your face; you should really find a way to stop crying. ‘You are going to be the prettiest and smartest baby ever. I know that, because you will have your daddy’s looks and your mommy’s cleverness and looks. Yeah, you heard it right; your mommy is pretty damn perfect. But she has a terrible taste in films though.’ You laugh and wipe the tears from your face.
James rolls over to his stomach and puts his head on his hands. He glances at you and smiles. With his finger he is drawing circles on your belly. ‘But that doesn’t matter, your daddy will show you the good films. If he ever returns.’ James’ face turns dark for a second. ‘Your uncle Peter will teach you how to cook and uncle Remus will learn you all about his books. And I will make you the best football player! But all the other things you will learn from your mommy and your daddy. Maybe for love-advice you shouldn’t go to them, they are terrible at that!’
‘Hey!’ you exclaim and you hit James. He laughs and turns back to you stomach.
‘I know that right now you are really tiny, but I will talk to you every day until you are out in this world! That way you can recognize my voice! I will talk to you about everything, you are yet too young to understand what I am talking about anyway. And sometimes I will sing! I will sing you a lullaby! I am not that grea-’
The door of James’ room opens and Peter is standing in the doorway. He is looking confused with open mouth at you, James and James’ hand on your stomach. Remus is standing behind him, looking guilty. He mouths he is sorry and you smile at him. You push yourself up and pat with your hand on an empty space of the bed.
‘Peter, I have to tell you something and I think it is better when you sit down,’ you say and Peter follows your instructions hesitantly. ‘Since everyone in this room now knows, I think you should too. But please don’t share it with anyone!’ Peter nods and you take a deep breath. ‘Okay here it goes: I am pregnant. With Sirius’ baby.’ Peter stares at the wall. You look at Remus and he gives you a reassuring smile. Slowly Peter moves again. He turns to you and is lost for words.
‘I am… Are you… That… Congratulations!’ he says. You smile and hug Peter. James puts his arms around you too and forces Remus to join too. After minutes Remus lets go again and the others follow. ‘So are you and Sirius, you know, together…?’ You shake your head.
‘No… Sirius doesn’t even know yet…’ you say and an awkward silence follows. You stare at your knees and think about everything. You feel so loved by your friends, just thinking about how they will help you with everything makes you melt inside.
The phone rings. James falls off the bed and Peter jumps up. Remus swiftly walks to the phone and answers it. You cannot hear him; he is too far away. Your hand slides into James’ and you stroke the back of his hand with your thumb. You try to smile at Peter, who is pacing around in the room, but you can’t. You feel nauseous, like the Thai food is about to come up any minute now. All you hear is James’ unsteady breathing and Peter’s feet on the wooden floor.
After five minutes Remus’ footsteps approach. The grip on your hand tightens. Peter has stopped walking and is now staring at the door. But when Remus is standing in the doorway, he shakes his head. James’ hand holds your hand even tighter, but then he lets it go. He falls back on his bed. Remus leaves the room and you gesture Peter to follow. You bend over to James and stroke his hair.
‘Is there anything I can do for you?’ you whisper. James just shakes his head. ‘Well, if you want anything you know you can always come to me, Rem or Pete. I’ll leave you now.’ You get up and close the door behind you. In the living room Remus and Peter send you a questioning face. You shrug and drop down on the couch.
- -- -                                                                                                                        The rain on your window keeps you awake. No matter how you twist and turn, you can’t fall asleep. You have tried everything; you have used the meditating techniques Remus has taught you, tried to count sheep, sat in front of your window for an hour, just looking at the moon above you and the few cars underneath you. But every time you drift away, you hear a sound and you are awake again. You know James is awake too. He is walking around in the living room; you hear his footsteps. You have thought about going to him, but you think he just wants to be alone.
A door shuts. You sit up straight in bed and try to make no noise at all. Your breathing almost stops and you can hear everything in the apartment. The footsteps that come closer and closer to the living room. The ticking of James’ fingers on the dining table. The uneven breath of the person approaching the living room.
‘Where have you been?’ James asks after a minute of silence. A throat clears before the answer comes.
‘Just out.’
‘Out? You have been gone for the whole day! You didn’t let us know where you were. You didn’t react to our phone calls! We were worried sick about you!’
‘I just needed some time alone,’ Sirius says and you notice he is drunk. His voice is not the usual smooth voice, but a raspy, deep voice. Sirius always talks different when he is drunk. His behaviour changes too. He gets more larrikin, flirts with everyone around him and is loud. But when he is really drunk, he is silent. He doesn’t talk at all and he looks sad. You have only seen him like that once. It was the day he got a letter from his parents saying that he wasn’t considered family anymore and that he was cut off. No matter what you and your friends tried Sirius kept drinking and drinking. At first he was the jovial, usual, drunk Sirius, but later he just sat in the corner of the room, staring at his hands.
‘Why didn’t you tell us? You know we would have left you alone!’ James says angrily. You figure Sirius has shrugged because James snorts. ‘I’m done with you. I was so worried about you and you show up and all your excuse is you wanted some time alone? You should go to bed.’
‘I need to talk to (Y/N),’ Sirius grumbles and your heart beats in your throat. Your hands are clasped around your sheets and your whole body is tensed up.
‘You stay away from her. You hear me? You don’t make another step in her direction, alright?’ James says louder now. You drop your head to your chest and smile sadly. You can always count on James.
For a while you hear nothing and then footsteps, but they are in opposite direction of your bedroom. You lie back down and breathe out. You look at the time; it is four in the morning.
One more part to go!! Thank you so much for 100 followers! I really love all your sweet messages! I wish I could hug each one of you XXX
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Cabin at Daytime
>>>Read on AO3<<<
You thought that you could escape EM cottagecore in a modern AU? Fools!
Eren was poked into consciousness by gentle yet unyielding fingers. Sitting up, he saw Mikasa watching him, eyes shining with tears.
“Another nightmare?”
She nodded.
“I know the continuation of the story, wanna hear it?”
Looking over her, Eren saw some major differences from the last time. Mikasa had tears in her eyes, but she wasn’t crying, her face had a sort of acceptance written into it. Her dream must have been bittersweet because she had a strong feeling of melancholy about her. Sad, but not terribly wrecked by it. Something happened, but it was bound to happen, and it was the best outcome of the events she was stuck at.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Eren gave her a warm smile, hoping to make her feel better.
“Of course. Told you that I’m on the edge of my seat.”
“Okay..”, she drawled, “But I have a condition.”
From the way her teeth shone in the darkness, Eren had a faint idea what Mikasa might want at three in the morning.
“Is it pancakes?”, he tried.
It was pancakes.
Fifteen minutes later, he was standing in the kitchen and preparing her sweet treat while Mikasa sat at the counter, bare legs swinging freely. Her hands were wrapped around a fresh cup of coffee that she was sipping in order to wake up.
“So?”, he asked, sprinkling the chocolate chips in, “Going to tell me while I cook?”
“Sure.”, Mikasa took a deep breath and looked Eren straight in the eyes, her voice serious, “I killed you.”
Not that surprising, considering that he was the big bad evil guy in her dreams.
“Again? Didn’t you dream about that already?”
“I did, but It was different this time.”
“And didn’t Armin off me too?”
Mikasa shook her head, the moonlight reflecting against her midnight bangs.
“You got up from that.”
“Guess I could have seen it coming, I’m nothing if not stubborn.”
She giggled at that, small simpers escaping through the tears that were present on her face.
“I cut off your head.“
“With a sword.”, she reached over, dragging a single black fingernail over Eren’s throat, “Riiiight here.”
“And then we kissed.”
Mikasa fell silent, pondering what she just said.
“Well,”, Eren began, “Did I see you before you killed me?”
“All good then.”
She looked up, a question on her face.
“What do you mean?”
“If I got to die while looking at you, then there is nothing more I could wish for.”
A sniffle.
“There was no other way.”
“Of course. I told you – that mess must have been my fault, I do not blame you in the slightest. Although there is one thing I’d like to say.”
“I think that I prefer kissing you while my head is attached to my body.”
Finally, she laughed out loud, scooting over on the kitchen counter to be closer. Taking a gentle hold of his head, Mikasa angled it properly, bowing down and pressing her lips against his. So warm and gentle, as only Eren could be, it made her eyes flutter close from the pure sweetness of it. His were closed too, she noticed, but he was very much alive against her mouth. Mikasa tasted like the coffee she drank and combined with the natural sweetness of her lips, it was downright delicious. Nip here and there, Mikasa was sighing into the kiss before she realized it.
“As much as I adore kissing you, I should finish the food.”, Eren murmured against her addicting lips, “Might burn it.”
Mikasa loved Eren’s chocolate chip pancakes and burning them was heresy. Releasing him, she sat back, leaning on her arms and watching him work.
“You know, maybe it’s not so bad that you cut my head off.”
“Eren, what in seven hells are you on about?”
“Well, even as a head I could be of service to you,”, like a damn snake, he wiggled his tongue at her, “You do adore my oral skill, don’t you?”
She did, but Mikasa also strongly preferred having all of Eren to enjoy, not just a damn head. That joke went overboard for her because she remembered the kiss from her dream which was so tragic and so far from what Eren was suggesting. Filled with a wave of slight nausea, Mikasa let her disgust show on her face.
“Fine, I’m not talking to you anymore. Even better, I’m breaking off our engagement and I’ll be moving out in the morning. Good day, sir.”
With that, she turned away from him, closing her eyes and overall just being done with Eren Yeager. Seeing it, he realized that he might have overstepped his boundaries, and the last thing he wanted was to have his angel mad at him. Turning the heat down for a moment, he leaned closer, gently nudging the collar of her too-large sleeping shirt down her shoulder with his nose. Once her porcelain skin was bare to him, Eren kissed it gently, moving his lips over the pale expanse. At the same time his hands got adventurous, one starting from Mikasa’s knee and moving upwards, kneading those wonderful thighs of hers. The other circled her unresponsive form, a finger tracing the curve of her spine. She didn’t pull away but didn’t react to him either, marking his efforts as inefficient for now.
“I’m sorry, it was inappropriate.”
Nope, nothing. Very well then.
Eren moved up, focusing his kisses on her neck now, gently biting into the skin. His hand also slid up to Mikasa’s inner thigh, caressing. Finally that coaxed something out of her, a tiny moan that escaped her lips.
“I’m very sorry, Miki.”, he repeated between the kisses, “Please forgive me.”
Even while apologizing, he couldn’t help himself when his nose was pressed right against her skin. Her scent invaded his mind, gliding around the familiar place, reminding him of everything good that was in his life.
“God, you smell so good.”, he murmured.
She snickered, and the combination of joy and pleasure produced by Eren was enough for Mikasa to forgive. She turned towards him, grey eyes sliding over his face.
“Eren, I love you, but please don’t say things like that again. That kiss was so far from anything even remotely sexual that…”
“I know, and I won’t. I’m sorry, again.”
“Good.”, leaning close, she pecked him on the lips, “Now get back to cooking, I’m supposed to get my pancakes.”
With a grin, Eren let go of her and returned to the task at hand. Turning the heat up, he watched the pancake simmer into existence, all under Mikasa’s hungry gaze. She loved chocolate, and Eren made sure to put an extra portion of the brown chips into the next pancake he began creating.
“There was something else.”, she said, “Like a dream within a dream.”
That piqued his interest.
“Do go on.”
“The other Mikasa…”
“Dreamkasa?”, Eren offered, making her frown.
“Yes ma’am.”
Dreamkasa. Almost as bad as that incredible nickname she had, Gothkasa. Pfff…
“She had a vision or something, of her living together with the other Eren, in a cabin.”
“Sounds peaceful.”
“It was. But at the same time…”, Mikasa rubbed a hand over her temple, trying to remember, “It was sad because they gave up something very important to have that life together. Still, he was so sweet to her, it was a wonderful experience.”, a memory coming back made her smile, “He caught fish for her.”
“Damn, I better step up my game then. But isn’t dream Eren a bad guy?”
“I don’t rightly know, the details escape me. I do remember how she felt about him though.”, Mikasa’s fingernails scratched the kitchen counter when she shifted her position, “She loved him, loved him so much. It reminded me of how much I love you.”
“Well, I can’t speak for the Dream Ere-,”, a grin, “Dreamren, but I love you to death. Not sure about catching, but if you want, I’ll buy you the biggest fish I can find.”
She smiled at that, softly.
“I’ll keep that in mind. I think that Eren loved her too, in his own way. It was the world that didn’t allow them to be together.”
“That’s a tragedy if I ever heard one.”, Eren flipped the pancake, “If the world was keeping me away from you, I’d be pretty darn pissed.”
“I don’t think that I would let anything keep us apart.”, Mikasa interjected, unconsciously flexing her impressive musculature.
“And to think that we almost broke up in the past over such stupid stuff.”
“Did we really?”
“Uhm…”, Eren looked up from his work, “You don’t remember?”
“I do, but I’m not sure that it was a breakup. We both felt terrible during it, didn’t we?”
“It was the worst time of my life.”, Eren immediately confessed.
“Same here. My point is, I doubt that we could ever stay apart, we craved each other so much.”
“Makes sense. Somewhat.”
“Yet all these problems and issues we have seem so trivial compared to what she went through. War, apocalypse, fighting for her life every damn day.”, Mikasa shivered, “She was a real hero.”
“Well, I for one am glad that no man-eating giants are chasing us around.”, he put the pancake on the growing pile, making another one right after, “I strongly prefer having you for myself and kissing you while not being dead.”
Stealing the fruit of his labor, Mikasa popped it into her mouth. Chewing, she had to agree with Eren on this one. Living like this was much better than the daily nightmares she had to go through in her past life-or-dreams. Here, Eren wasn’t threatening to destroy the whole world and she wasn’t forced to kill him to save it. Here, she could kiss him as much as she wanted to, their first kiss was very far from being the last. Here, they could get lost in each other’s bodies and consummate their love physically, without a worry in the world. Here, she could fall asleep in his arms every night and wake up to his yawning every morning. Here…. Here was everything she could ever ask for.
With the pancakes gone they settled on the couch, Mikasa lying down with Eren on top of her, tangled together. His head was in her hands and she ran her hands through his hair, once again getting too long. She should cut it. The thought of a haircut brought back yet another slight headache and a new memory popped up, again of the cabin. Mikasa looked at it, inspected the picture in her mind. There was something about that place, the simple wooden building was drawing her in. Maybe she should see it for herself, experience that dream within a dream. Giving in to her temptation, Mikasa spoke up.
“Yes love?”
“Could we also go to a cabin for a few days?”
“Well aren’t you easily influenced.”, despite the tone of his words, Eren was smiling when he said them, “But I don’t mind, I should take a break from work. We’ll look for something in the morning, it will be nice to leave the city behind for a spell.”
Yet while running away from everything was cool in the concept, they both had several obligations to fulfill. Realizing that, Mikasa’s nose scrunched in irritation.
“Kiyomi won’t be pleased.”
“Neither will Erwin or Levi.”, Eren shrugged, “They’ll survive without us.”
This careless Eren was charming, and Mikasa found herself liking it.
“Okay. Let’s have a romantic getaway then.”
“Following the footsteps of a war hero and man who committed genocide.”
“They were quite the pair.”, Mikasa agreed, “But that only made their love that much special.”
“Let’s see, maybe we will get a whiff of it at the cabin.”
Plans made, dreams explained, pancakes eaten, they were tangled together in that comfortable silence achieved once a pair knows each other inside and out. The sun was slowly rising behind the windows, the night retreating. It was the incredible comfort and warmth Mikasa had in this love, it echoed through her entire being. Realizing it made her smile like an idiot because she and Eren were so lucky that they had each other forever. Although, if those dreams were truly her past life and she had to go through that much shit to get here, this love they had was well deserved.
Hundred times over.
In the end, it was surprisingly easy to arrange their little getaway. Erwin was happy to give Eren time off, Kiyomi would do anything for her star girl, and while Levi complained, he was secretly glad that Mikasa is taking a break. Sure, training was important with the Colosseum closer every day, but mental health was important too, and his sister more than deserved to have time for herself. And that fiancé of hers, Levi supposed. A tiny obstacle arose when Eren tried to pick the location because Mikasa was hard to satisfy.
“Not that one.”, she shook her head, “too modern.”
“Not this one either, I want to be close to the ocean.”
“Nah, not this, It has to be somewhere in the mountains.”
In the end, Eren gave up and let her search by herself while he packed. It didn’t take him long, as they needed just a few necessary things, the rest could always be bought. As he was zipping the bag closed, a sound of joy came from the table.
“Eren! I got it!”
He walked over to her, frowning at the cabin she picked. It looked archaic, old, and wooden, located away from any civilization.
“Looks savage.”
“This is the one. I’m sure of it.”, Mikasa was decided, and Eren wouldn’t argue.
This whole operation was her idea, after all. Mikasa’s cabin had an interesting rental system - once Eren paid the required amount the key would be waiting for them under a doormat. Guess it made sense, considering that there was literally no one around the cabin, and animals could hardly pick up the key and unlock the door. Unless they tried hard, that is. With the money transferred, all that was left was to get dressed and pick up the bags Eren packed, putting it all in the car. It was go time.
She was watching him from the passenger seat, he realized, her grey eyes studying from the dark shadows her makeup created. With a ruffle of her short, red pleated skirt, Mikasa put one foot up, the bottom of her white sneaker sinking a bit into the seat. The sunlight streaming in through the windows shimmered at her jewelry, the earrings and piercings, the studs in her choker, all the necklaces and most prominently on the silver cross that was snug between her breasts. Couldn’t forget her rings too, Eren reminded himself, watching as she smoothed a few bangs back behind her ear. Right, he should be focusing on the road, not on the way Mikasa dressed. Sure, the long black top was nice and all, hell, her whole outfit was amazing, but that was Mikasa for him. Beautifully pulling off the style that made Kiyomi’s teeth grit, because goth was dead but her top model didn’t care in the least.
Wondering if she will say what’s on her mind, Eren focused on the road, only sometimes stealing sidelong glances at her. He watched as Mikasa put one hand up to support her head, the sleeve of her shirt riding down and revealing the netted fingerless glove underneath. It was easy to know why she dressed up like this, even when they were going to a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Goth was her comfort clothing, she knew it inside out and put it on to prevent herself from being nervous. The makeup and jewelry were a routine that calmed her, her armor, it put her mind at ease. Eren knew why the cabin getaway put Mikasa in such a state, it must have been the dream. They worried her, even as they were approaching the romantic alone time, most likely because going there was triggered by them. To get her mind away from it, or offer encouragement, Eren spoke up.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
She stared at him for a moment, one black fingernail tapping at the corner of the dark red painted lips.
“I feel strange.”
“Strange good or strange bad? If it’s bad I’m turning the car around.”
“Neither, just strange.”
Talk about lack of information.
“Do you want to go back?”
Mikasa considered it for a moment but shook her head after, the inverted crosses in her ears swinging.
The word had a finality to it, and Eren didn’t question it. Mikasa was an adult, she could decide on where she wanted to spend her time. Focusing back on the driving and away from the alluring goth visage on the passenger’s seat, Eren gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter and the car ate away at the distance.
The cabin was everything Mikasa wanted it to. It was wooden, old and looked as if it would fold by a stronger gust of wind. It was perfect. She almost ran to the door, the grass sliding beneath her sneakers, found the key under the doormat and unlocked. Yes, she thought to herself with eyes wandering, this was so close to her dream it was unreal. Almost as if the cabin was torn from her thoughts and put into reality. Eren came up behind her with the bags in his hands, breathing slightly faster than usual. He insisted on carrying everything like the gentleman he was, knowing that Mikasa could carry both him and the bags and not even get winded.
“You like it?”, he asked, putting the burden down and looking over the interior himself.
“It’s amazing, exactly as I wanted it to be.”
Sure, it was rundown, dirty, and probably very far from the health standards Eren would want, but Mikasa was happy. And that’s what mattered.
With a smile, Mikasa went out, soaking in the sunrays. Noticing a bench under the window, she crossed the distance to it, running a hand over the aged wood. But just as her skin made contact with the coarse surface, something happened. Splitting headache brought Mikasa down to her knees, eyes watering from the pain. She could see it now, clear as day, a scene unfolding in front of her. Eren was sitting at the bench, strange markings on his face, almost like scars. She, or the other version of her, was standing in front of him, her hair longer than what Mikasa’s current style was. She leaned forward, gently taking Eren’s head in her hands. He looked at her, and the tiredness in his face, that hurt to see. The scene was so painful that it tugged at Mikasa’s heart, the ache only intensifying when the other girl spoke, so softly. She spoke to that tired man and his face lit up as if her words could take away the pain and suffering he was experiencing. As if her voice was that of an angel, sent to finally free him from his torment.
“See you later, Eren.”, the other Mikasa said before planting a kiss on his lips.
Her vision blurring, she clutched her head against nausea, the scene evaporating into nothingness.
“Hey, Miki? Miki are you okay?”, a shuffle of boots on the ground and suddenly there was a presence next to her.
That was Eren, her Eren, the one with a manbun and no scars on his face. She leaned onto his body for support, closing her eyes and breathing evenly, the headache slowly fading.
“Is something wrong? Are you sick?”, the doctor in him was out now, hands gently gliding over her face to check. She opened her eyes, letting him see her pupils.
“I’m fine.”, she said, “Just a headache.”
He wasn’t satisfied with that.
“And I saw a vision.”, she added, making his eyes widen.
“Vision? Like your dreams?”
“Yes... But I’m not asleep, am I?”
Gently as he could, Eren walked her over to the bench, the same on the other Eren was sitting at. There, she told him everything she saw, down to every tiny detail.
“I guess being here is too similar to what the dream was about.”, she concluded, “It must have triggered my “memories” somehow.”
“Do you want to leave?”
“No.”, the answer was immediate, “I might get more visions, but I feel so peaceful here, it’s beautiful.”
Eren chewed his bottom lip, obviously worried about her wellbeing, but Mikasa was determined. Leaning closer, she kissed him, trying to put his fears to rest.
“I promise that I’ll tell you when I feel unwell. Okay?”
Maybe moved by the kiss, or just because he was very bad at saying “No” to her in general, Eren agreed.
“Let’s stay here a while.”, he said, most likely to make sure that Mikasa was all right, but she didn’t complain.
Leaning on his shoulder, Mikasa felt his arm wrap around her as he pulled her close, and they sat together on the bench, staring over the never-ending ocean. She was right, it was beautiful.
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artbykays · 4 years
A Needed Vacation
Nanami x Reader
Okay I caught up on JJK and I am hella sad. Manga spoilers!! I lowkey wanna make this a small story but we will see how this goes. 
Warnings: Character Death, Sadness, Angst, hella angst
* You have been with Nanami for a while and it is before, and after the Shibuya incident. Your cursed technique is the ability to see other curse users last 2 minutes of their memories. But you sometimes can feel what their emotions were before those last two minutes where. You aren’t a sorcerer, but did work with them. It is how you met Nanami Kento. 
October 31, 2018  8:00 A.M.
The day started quietly like always. Sun shining lightly in your small room, lighting your boyfriend’s features perfectly. His light blonde hair looked like it was glowing a small halo. The light also traced his shoulders and arms. You never got used to seeing how peaceful he looked. You knew he hated work. Always working overtime. His constant groaning when you asked how his day went, and the relieved sighs once he walked through your door loosening his tie. 
Moving some hair strands from Nanami’s face, you smiled softly. After a few more silent minutes, you got up to start your day. You figured that he planned on sleeping in a bit longer. Quietly, you sat up yawning and headed to your shared bathroom to freshen up before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. The smell and small sounds of eggs cooking woke the man up. He groaned a bit after realizing your side of the bed was empty. He knew you took note it was his day off, but you still got up early. Nanami just wanted to stay in bed with you just a while longer.
The taller male got up and headed your way, still slightly groggy. He carefully wrapped his arms around your waist, hiding his head in your neck giving it light kisses. You loved the feeling of mornings. If anyone asked, you were a night owl. But waking up with Nanami, made you look forward to mornings.
“Mhm...Morning.” You tilted your neck slightly and leaned back into his hold.
“Morning dove, I thought we were sleeping in this morning.” He nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck and sighed deeply.
“I got a bit hungry and figured we could eat, then go back to cuddling. I have some papers to fill out for work but-”
A deep groan vibrated slightly in your neck causing you to shiver, “Please don’t say that word. It’s a day off and you knew that.”
You chuckled and kissed the side of his head. He still smelled like his shampoo, but also like your home. Home. Home is with Nanami Kento, nothing more, nothing less. If you could take his work load and throw it out a window, you’d do it in a heart beat. These were your favorite mornings. 
“My bad love. Here grab a plate.” You turned the stove off and patted his arm that was snaked around you. “Let’s eat then go back to bed. I’ll do papers later.”
He reached into the cabinets grabbing two plates then kissed your cheek. You smiled and plated the food carefully before grabbing two mugs and filling them with coffee. Mornings were still quiet even when eating. You guys discussed news, plans if you needed to leave the house and of course, him checking in on you. With your technique, it came with a draw back. Usually some come with a physical set back, but yours was more mental. After looking into a past memory, it can be stuck in your head for days, or sometimes you get weird dreams prior to using it. Not exactly future telling, but there can be symbolism behind them or small clues. Once it was so bad, you hadn’t slept in a week before passing out on subway on your way to work. Sometimes it helps you to talk about them, other times you just pleaded Nanami to get your mind off it. 
One more reason you looked forward to mornings, the nightmares or memories stopped.
“You feeling okay today?” He spoke up after stirring some sugar in his coffee.
“Mhm. I had a nice dream last night. The previous memories are gone.” You smiled and took a bite of your food. “You came home like always, tired and grumpy. Something about Gojo, and suggested we go on vacation out of the country.” You chuckled.
“That doesn’t sound half bad dove.”
You guys smiled and continued to eat in peace. It wasn’t uncomfortable, the very opposite. You got to watch the love of your life at ease as he read the morning paper and drink his coffee. A sight you loved watching on rare occasions. 
After a nice meal and washing the dishes together, you guys headed back to bed. Laying down in the thin sheets and held one another. His head on your chest, and yours on top of his head, you traced small circles in his back and hummed softly. 
“We should go to that bakery for lunch. The one that we tried last week. Then we can stop by that book shop you wanted to.” You said while running your hand through Nanami’s hair. 
“That sounds like a plan.” He hummed while rubbing your lower back. 
7:05 P.M.
You both recieved the news. A veil had been casted over the Shibuya train station and it kept people in. All Jujutsu Sorcerers were needed, and you would come in once the veils dropped to aid in finding out any information you could get from beings or humans who had passed in the situation. 
“Can’t I just come with you? You are assisting in grading some of the kids right? Besides I can help along the way and you did say I was getting better at using cursed tools.” You fixed his tie as you pouted. “This was supposed to be a day off.”
“I know Y/N. As much as I would love having you there, Ijichi said you had to wait. We will get it done quickly so I can call you. Just get some rest. You need to be charged up.” Nanami pulled you in close.
“It sucks being the useful one in this life.” You chuckled as you dramatically threw your head back.
“See you later dove.” Nanami kissed you softly as his large hands found yours.
Smiling in the kiss, you gripped his hands. “Kick ass and please stay in one piece got it? You took a nasty hit last time.” 
“Mhm. I’ll call you.” The tall man slowly let go of your hands and headed out the door. 
The warmth of his hands slowly faded as you let out a yawn. You knew you should rest up knowing you will have to use a lot of your technique later. Making your way to your bed, you laid down and held one of Nanami’s pillows close before your eyelids started to shut. 
November 1st, 2018 2:27 A.M.
You jolted awake from your slumber panting. 
This smell. This feeling.
Rubbing your eyes, you grabbed your phone to look for the signal or text from Nanami.
No New Messages.
You called Nanami’s phone but it went straight to voicemail. Called Ijichi, same response. Gojo, similar. You didn’t really like the feeling bubbling up in your stomach. You knew he was okay. You trusted the sorcerers. But the energy shifted, surrounding your small apartment you shared with your lover. Fear. Death. Sorrow. They all smelled of rotting flesh and left a sour taste in your mouth. 
Quickly you decided to change into your uniform and head to Shibuya. It shouldn’t have taken this long. What is going on? Why can’t anyone answer their damn phone? You were snapped out of your thoughts when you hear people talking about how Shibuya is now like a ghost town. You knew this wasn’t right. 
Why did no one call you for back up? Why didn’t Nanami call you? Is he okay? Are there major casualties? All these thoughts ran laps in your head while driving but halted once you reached the outskirts of Shibuya. They weren’t kidding when they said it was a mess. Roads blocked your paths when you got closer to the train station meaning you had to travel quickly by foot. That smell of death from earlier hit your senses, but in a bigger wave. 
On your way there you discovered one of Gojo’s students passed out. The black haired boy was barely breathing but seemed like he was going to make it. You wanted to nudge him, but remembered the last person you touched, was Nanami. You could use your technique to figure out his location. Looking around, you found no one near by and closed your eyes. Concentrating on the feeling of holding Nanami’s hand that was bigger than yours. His calloused hands were rough, yet so full of warmth. Home and mornings. 
3:58 A.M.
The feeling washed over when you saw through Nanami’s eyes. But for some reason you only saw out of his right eye. You were in pain on your left, his left side. He was walking around the empty halls. You could feel his tiredness kicking in. He kept muttering. 
“We will go... maybe Malaysia. Yeah. We will build a beach house. Read all those books with Y/N...Y/N...I just want to be there with them... Yeah, that sounds nice.”
3:59 A.M.
Tears were falling on your face. “Where are you Kento?”
His thoughts halted when someone had touched his hand. The one with the stitches and two colored eyes he had mentioned. The one that made him work over time once. Nanami mumbled a bit more until he saw Itadori, the one student he wanted to protect his childhood. A soft smile formed on his face. He was relived. But you knew too well how this was going to end. 
“Mmm, Y/N and Itadori-”
No no no, you cried out.
“You’ve got it from here.”
4:00 A.M.
All you felt was as if everything exploded from you. Tears were falling fast, but the sound you let from the pit of your stomach to your throat came out faster. A scream that was heard all around. You didn’t care if anyone or anything heard you. Falling to your knees, you recalled that dream you had the night before. Why didn’t it warn you like other dreams did? Why is it that clips from others’ lives could be told in your head, but not your own or Nanami’s? It was a truly a curse.
You forced your self up and headed towards the subway station. Everything was so perfect until he left your hold. This morning was supposed to be perfect again, but it was far from it. No more warmth light leaking through your room to illuminate Kento. No more hearing his heart beat calming you down from nightmares. No more making fun of that ridiculous tie he was found of, before he left to work. Your home, was no more. Those last moments with him kept playing in your head.  
Fixing his tie. Laughing about it. Holding him close and giving him that soft and passionate kiss. Holding his hands and asking if he wanted you to come with him. It would have made things easier if you went right? Him just telling you to wait for your cue and then you guys would plan that long needed vacation together. 
Once you found the subway station, you pulled out the small blade that Nanami had taught you how to use. Only one thing was on your mind finding that being with stitches. You knew you didn’t stand a chance against him, but why Nanami? It was selfish, but why take away your love? Maybe finding Itadori was a better idea. You had to head towards where Nanami was left to see if you could find someone who maybe saw him run by. 
But little items caught your eyes before you got even close to the level that Nanami was on. That tie and glasses. You knew them so well. Carefully picking them up, you noticed the tie had some tears and burns in them. As for the small glasses, they had cracks in them. Tears spilled once again and you held them close. 
“You always left these together at home. Never on the floor...Why are they on the floor Kento...” 
Over your crying, you didn’t notice the being that had crept it’s way up from lower levels. The only thing you noticed was the sharp pain that traveled up your spine. Even then, you clutched the small items close as you felt something familiar. That tiredness that Nanami felt when you watched through his eyes. A small smile formed across your face as you closed your eyes.
That warm feeling came back once you opened your eyes. Light seeping through your eyelids that were once heavy. In front of you was a familiar tall blonde who turned to face you, holding out his hand. 
“I think we need a vacation.” He smiled.
Taking that large rough hand, made you feel safe and warm again. “I think so too.” 
All that was heard was ocean waves hitting the shore. All you could feel was this man pulling you in close to walk along that shoreline, and kissing your head. “Where to?”
“I was thinking...Malaysia.” You smiled and leaned into his touch. 
“Oh yeah?...That sounds nice.” He smiled as you guys continued walking. 
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daonepiece · 3 years
Hey you precious little cute artist chwan! Its me from heaven! You know the cause of this. That Sanji art... how could you make it so freaking amazing? Do you know how people will die seeing it? Have you ever wondered how creative you are? Do you even know how blessed we are to have you in this community? I blushed like an idiot looking at him.
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Talking about the Sanji art, why was it so perfect? I need you to explain for making him exceptionally Gorgeous. The concept... how did you get the concept of All Green and now you are making it my obsession. How did you come up with it? Damn that was so creative. I became crazy over that Idea. Im in love... in love... with you and also Sanji. Thanks for making that art. From next time don't forget to keep your signature. I don't want people to steal your art.
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Eeeeeeee you keep spoiling me afhjkas hehehe what am I gonna do I’m about to explode >///w///<
So, you wanna talk about thought process? I’d LOVE to! Please prepare to hear me gushing about it. It gonna be veeeryyyy looonggg   ( ◕▿◕ )
Since Sanji was the first one to be designed, I was nervous at everything *wobbling novice sea witch at your service 👍* The first step is to choose what kind of fish. I like marine life but I didn’t like them that much to know more than a few common name. Initially I thought of dolphin, since they are very smart, and also a lil perv... And they blow clouds of water when they surface to breath, like someone’s smoking! So I started doing research to select a fitting species.
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But while I was reading through various dolphin descriptions, two words caught my attention: FAST SWIMMER. I was like, wait who’s the fastest in the ocean??? So my research had come to a swift turning point, I abandoned the dolphin list to go through articles of “fastest fish in the world” instead. That’s where I found out about the Black Marlin. Things clicked in place even faster than Sanji’s Diable Jambe 😆
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The second step is to choose what he would wear, I just knew it had to be a white poet shirt, because Sanji. 👀 Took a few more look at the royal family attire and I was like, “yup! poet shirt and waist band, flowy flowy in the sea, seal the deal!” (you can see that in the initial sketch) This soon went through more changes, but at later stage.
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The third step is to choose the vibe, setting, pose he’d be in. 3 words stuck with me whenever I think of Sanji: sadness (you could say he’s feeling blue, you know?, blue! 🤓), curiosity, and dream. So here we had pre-timeskip Sanji, maybe even a bit younger, the viewpoint going up, Sanji looking up too, like how one kept wondering about the strange world above but couldn’t go there, stuck in the depth of the ocean. Adding a book because he’s definitely a nerd! It’s supposed to be a cookbook or the encyclopedia of devil fruits. The fourth step is lining. Troubles ensued! Lots of! The pose was haaarddd and I just couldn’t get the shirt hem to look right, it didn’t flow like I wanted, the tail design seemed bland, also his hair bang wanted to make me an enemy... I struggled, and the clock was ticking fast! So of course I did what an impatient one like me always do: Change the hard part. I got rid of the flowy hem, decided to tuck it neatly in a leather-like band, eased up the pose, switched to post-timeskip design, enlarged the fins for dramatic effect, in the first place there were a line of diamond shape running along his tail (the part that helps a fish sense water pressure and stuffs, if I remember correctly), I turned that into Sanji’s swirls as well. The chosen book in the end was “Noland the Liar” because I wanted to slip in a mer!Noland and see if anyone would notice hehe.. Strings at collar and waist was added last as an attempt to balance the amount of black and white on character. Background was simply a bunch of water flows and bubbles, I tried to portray a fast current, hushing our boy to swim away, back to safe home. The final silhouette and line of action wasn’t as nice as the sketch’s, but I’m not picky. *laziness will overwrite everything*
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Finally, we crawled to the step I dreaded the most: coloring and shading... The tone was dark blue, giving of an even more ominous feeling I suppose? The next was this agonizing process of making the first thing to caught your eyes is his face, or better, his eyes, but definitely not his butt. TT_TT The black area was so strong, at one point I considered giving the (now blue) sea a plain black filling to neutralize the effect.
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While taking care of the treacherous background, I pondered what Sanji’s All Blue would be, now that mermaid’s diet doesn’t include fish... 😂 Like, as a vegan cook, Sanji would want to get his hand on all kind of vegetable available in both world, sea and land? Then we must have the myth of a place, home to every plant possible? What’s the name?? All Green??? Yeah, All Green sounds legit. When the piece was finally done, I uploaded it so fast I forgot the extra step of slapping on watermark! XD
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Annnnd that’s that! That’s the whole process I went through drawing mer!Sanji. Thank you for hearing me out > 3 < 💖
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burningupp-replies · 4 years
The Market
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Anxiety attack, I guess.
Summary: Y/N and Zuko aren’t on the best of terms - Zuko joined the gaang fairly abruptly, and Y/N isn’t sure whether she can trust him yet. When she decides to go to the market to get some medicine for Toph and Sokka, however, she is stuck with him as a tourguide.
A/N: My first ever request!! I’m sorry it took so long - I’ve had finals for about a week straight >.< I hope you enjoy it!! :)
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Ever since Zuko had joined the gaang, it had been tense. No one had trusted him at first, not even Aang, really. However, as he went on adventure after adventure with everyone else, for no reason other than to help, tension started to clear around the camp. You, though, were still suspicious, and not quite as welcoming as the others.
Zuko had tried to be nice to you, he had tried bonding with you, but every time he seemed to get closer, you would pull away. It almost felt like he pissed you off further and further for every passing day, and he really didn’t know what to do. What could he do? It didn’t help that he had a crush on you the size of the damn fire nation, either. He kept fumbling around you, dropping things, knocking stuff over, stuttering… He felt stupid.
You, on the other hand, despised the fire prince. How could he just show up, steal Appa a few times, and expect to be liked? It made you seethe in anger, because he had been hunting you all for a few months. Actually, you had joined the gaang when they were travelling into Ba Sing Se, so you hadn’t been there for that long, but you still felt a sense of protectiveness over them all, since you were the oldest (Zuko excluded).
All of your friends knew exactly how you felt about Zuko and wanted to do something about it. They kept trying to change your mind, talking you through their travels together and making sure to comment whenever he did something nice for someone, but you were stubborn – perhaps more than you should be.
Right now, Sokka and Toph were sick. You were all on Ember Island, so at least you all weren’t sleeping in tents with nothing to protect against the weather, but they were miserable nonetheless. It made you sad, seeing your good friends feel so poorly, and you decided you had to do something.
“That’s it, I’m going into town to get medicine for them,” you told Katara, who was currently busying herself taking care of the two patients.
“Y/N, you know it would be really nice if we had that, but we really shouldn’t go outside right now. What if someone sees us? This is a really good hiding spot, you know,” she rambled on, and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, okay, but I have never once been on one of those wanted posters. No one knows I’m with you, so if I go, no one would recognize me,” you argue.
The watertribe girl ponders for a moment, before Toph groans in discomfort, and she sighs.
“Fine. But you have to take Zuko, so you don’t get lost.”
You tense, being torn between getting your friends the medicine they required and avoiding spending alone-time with a broody ex-prince. You groan out loud to yourself as you decide your friends are more important than your comfort, and hang your head, making Katara laugh.
“You’re ridiculous, did you know that?”
You stick your tongue out at her, just as you hear someone enter the room. You turn around to see Zuko with Aang in tow, and you internally sigh. Damn it. Katara grins at the two boys, asking how You stick your tongue out at her, just as you hear someone enter the room. Turning to the door, you see Zuko with Aang in tow. Katara immediately smiles, asking how training is going and offering to cook up some food. Aang listens intently, never taking his eyes off of Katara – that boy is whipped, I tell you – and Zuko keeps flicking his gaze between the floor and you.
“Hey, Zuko?” you ask, and his head snaps to you with a shocked look on his face.
He doesn’t think you have addressed him first once since he met you, and honestly, he’s kind of scared of what you want to tell him. Did you finally convince the others that he should leave? Do you just want to express how much you hate him? When he sees your struggle to speak, however, his shock turns into curiosity.
“I- As you know, Toph and Sokka are sick,” you begin stiffly.
“I am aware,” he answers.
“Well, I thought I would go into town to get some medicine for them, but Katara didn’t think it was a good idea if I went alone, so she thinks you should accompany me. Of course, if you have something else to do, I’m sure I can just-“
“I’m free,” he answers, interrupting your rambling.
You are blushing furiously at this point. Why in the world did he make you feel so uncomfortable? Of course, you didn’t trust him, but you weren’t usually uncomfortable to speak to the boy. You shook your head slightly, trying to clear your thoughts.
“Okay. Thank you,” you said, turning to grab a basket to carry the medicine. “Let’s go.”
Zuko walked beside you in silence the whole way. Usually, he would make a move to try to help you, but this time he simply walks beside you in silence, sneaking glances at you once in a while. You’re relieved he isn’t trying to hold a conversation, because honestly, you have no idea what to say to him. The others have been encouraging you to go easy on Zuko, and to get to know him, but you really didn’t know how to do that. You were an awkward person, the others were technically your only friends, and things were easy with them because you had helped them get to Ba Sing Se that one time, so you already had a solid foundation to stand on. Zuko, though? How does one even start building a new foundation with someone?
It seemed both of you were lost in thought, because soon enough, you found yourself in the middle of the market, having no idea how you got there. Zuko immediately snapped up, looking around, before grabbing onto your arm to lead you through the mass of people.
It was packed at the market – it seemed a lot of people were at the island for their vacations and had decided today was a particularly good day to get groceries. It was both a blessing and a curse; no one would realize who you or Zuko were, but it was difficult to move where you wanted to go. Another con? It felt like the steady stream of people were going to whisk you both away.
Suddenly, a hand reached out to grab your arm, and you turned around to find the owner to be Zuko. His grip was tight, but he was careful not to hurt you. He wasn’t even looking at you, his focus solely on getting you where you needed to go. Normally, you would have minded his hold – you tended to dislike physical contact, in most situations – but this specific time, you would allow the boy to touch you. It’s not like he was touching you from his own free will, he was doing it out of necessity, after all.
He dragged you around the market and through lots of people for what felt like hours. You were starting to feel panicky, like you couldn’t breathe, and you quickly grabbed Zuko’s arm with your other hand to get his attention.
“What?” he asked, not in an unpleasant tone, but definitely a little bit stressed. Once he saw you face, however, his feature softened and he nodded at you “I’m gonna get us out of the crowd, hold on Y/N.”
Zuko let go of your arm momentarily, but only to grab your hand instead. He wanted to make you feel more comfortable, more safe, but he didn’t really know how to do that. He tried to not let his own slight panic at your state of discomfort bother him, but it was difficult; he had never experienced this himself, and therefore didn’t know how to help, which was the only thing he wanted to do.
Your own head was chaos. It felt like too many thoughts were going through your mind at the same time that there was complete radio silence. There was a high-pitched ringing in your ears, and your chest felt like you were being sat on by a gemsbok bull. Your vision was becoming blurry, and your hands and feet were tingling – probably from lack of oxygen. You didn’t blame Zuko for not knowing what to do, you were a whole mess.
Soon enough, the tall lanky boy found a somewhat quiet corner of the market, where there were very few people, if any. He tried to let go of your hand, anticipating your wrath for grabbing it in the first place, but instead he felt you grip on tighter, so he let you hold it.
“Uhm…” the boy had no idea what to do. He thought back to his childhood, what his mother would have said, and figured sitting down might help. “Hey, why don’t you try sitting down, okay? Just against the wall. I promise I won’t leave you if you don’t want me to.”
His voice broke through the fog in your head, and you nodded at him, looking at him with wide eyes as you hyper ventilated. Never in your life had you been amongst so many people at once, being from the countryside just outside Ba Sing Se. Seeing the sheer amount of people moving around that market had snapped something in you, and your brain couldn’t really keep up with what was going on.
As you slid down the wall, you continued to hyper ventilate, and Zuko couldn’t help but worry. He felt like if he didn’t do something soon, very soon, you would pass out in the middle of the market, and that would attract a very unwanted scene. So he did the only thing he could think of, and held your hand between both of his, starting to trace patterns all over your palm and the back of your hand. You didn’t say anything (even though he was expecting to be yelled at), so he just kept going. Your breathing seemed to be slowing down, so he just kept going, drawing different patterns and breathing slowly for you to hear.
You were slowly coming out of your panicked state, and started to realize what was going on. You had the sudden urge to rip your hand away from his, but decided against it, settling for staring at him confusedly.
“What… What are you doing?” you asked him, eyes wide.
Zuko blushed, letting go of your hand, and clearing his throat. He had had a crush on you since the first time he saw you, and finally getting to hold your hand was a very nice feeling; even if it was for all the wrong reasons.
“I-I was just trying to help,” he tried to explain lamely. “You seemed to be having some trouble breathing, and-“
“Thank you,” you said curtly, taking a deep breath before standing up.
Your head felt light and dizzy, something almost like buzzing filling your senses, and you stumbled a little. Zuko, on his way to get up, caught you before you could fall. He looked at you with eyes full of concern, but you shook him off, taking another deep breath and shaking your head a little to clear it.
“So, where are we?”
He blinked down at you, and then glanced around his surroundings, before grimacing.
“Don’t tell me…” you said, eyes shut tightly.
“Please don’t tell me we’re lost.”
Zuko hung his head, scratching the back of his neck. You groaned, turning your face toward the sky, almost begging the spirits to guide you. Your friend were sick, Zuko had to train Aang, and oh yeah- you were stuck with Zuko. Life just seemed to love you today, huh?
“Fine. Which way did we come from?” you asked, and when the boy shrugged, you wanted to laugh. Not because it was funny, lord knew it wasn’t funny in the slightest, but because it was just your luck. “Great. Let’s walk this way.”
You picked a random direction, and started walking. The place you were aiming for had a lot of people, so you figured chances were that you were correct, but there was a lot of people in any direction you looked, so who knew. Zuko followed your brisk pace with ease, his long legs making it easy for him to keep up. Luckily for you, you soon found a store with herbs, and so you purchased what was needed, and decided to try to leave.
On the way out, Zuko grabbed your elbow tightly, making you turn to him in anger. You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again when you saw his expression.
“Someone is following us,” he hissed, and you cursed swiftly under your breath.
“Well, fantastic,” you murmured back sarcastically. “What’s the plan, genius?”
“Well, we have two options, both of which you’re not gonna like.”
You really, really wanted to scream.
“Lay it on me, hotman.”
“Well, either we cause a scene and run away,” he started, but at your grimace he continued, “or we… pretend to be a couple.”
“What?!” you hissed back, glaring at him.
“Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable, now choose before I’m arrested, Y/N.”
You thought about it. And then you thought some more. And then you wanted to think more, but it seemed you ran out of time as Zuko dragged you over to the nearest wall, pushed you against it, and You thought about it. Then you thought about it some more. You wanted to think about it more, but you apparently took too long to decide. In a flash, Zuko had grabbed you, pulled you to the nearest wall, pressed you against it and kissed you. Hard. The weirdest part of it all was how much you enjoyed it – you had always thought that your first kiss would gross you out, especially if it was with Zuko (not that you had thought about it), but here you were. You kissed him back, winding your arms around his neck, taking the kiss deeper.
His lips were so soft, so smooth and so inviting. It set off a swarm of butterflies in your tummy, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. Before today, you had been unsure about Zuko. You hadn’t hated him, but you had been on edge around him. Trust issues were a part of who you were, so really, it wasn’t his fault. But after today, when he took care so you wouldn’t get lost, and when he did all he could to help you during your panic attack, he had won you over. Of course, being a good kisser helped his case, but still.
Zuko? Oh he couldn’t believe this was happening. Your mouth moving so perfectly with his, his body pressed against yours, and you actually enjoying the kiss. His knees felt weak, and he never wanted the moment to end. He had one hand around your waist, the other cupped beneath your jaw, thumb softly stroking your cheek. His whole body was singing with delight, with relief, from getting what it had wanted for so damn long.
The two of you stayed there like that for a long time. There was no telling where the person who had spotted Zuko was, or if he had found you, but you didn’t care. The kiss was overdue, and very, very nice. You didn’t pull apart until your lungs were screaming for air, and even then, you stayed against the wall for a while, your arms around his neck and his hands placed on your body. He pressed his forehead against yours and smiled, and you returned it, albeit shyly.
“I think he’s gone,” you told him after a while, and Zuko took a deep breath before letting you go. “We should get moving before he comes back.”
Zuko’s heart sank a little bit in his chest. For a second, he had imagined that you enjoyed the kiss, but of course, as indifferent as you always were, that wasn’t the case. You were just good at pretending. Before his heart could fully break, though, you grabbed his hand with yours and intertwined your fingers. Then you smiled up at him, pressing a peck to his cheek, before dragging him off into the throng of people.
Maybe you weren’t so indifferent, after all.
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justjessame · 3 years
Starting Over Chapter One
Sitting on a park bench, earbuds firmly lodged in my ears with music turned just this side of uncomfortably loud, my book opened to the same page it’s been on for the past week - the week that I’ve been back from - well I’d rather not think about where I was before. Where at least half the population of this giant ball of gas and bullshit disappeared to for years with no warning and then POOF here we were, back again, unchanged while every fucking thing we left behind was changed. Five years gone, five years lost to us, while the people we left behind had continued to move and grow.
Maybe that’s why I couldn’t focus on my music, or my book, or the scenic park laid bare before me. Why flashes of darkness and light would hit me without warning and crippling fear would strike me with no urging. My parents had died of natural causes while I was snapped into the void. No one was waiting to greet me or was excited when I returned. Friends and family scattered, the earth kept turning, but everything was upside down and inside out, or so it seemed to me.
I was the same as I’d been when the snap happened. Twenty-five years old, still searching for something, but no closer to the answers than I’d been before - and with less guidance now that two of my compass leads were gone. I had a house, thank God for the retroactive inheritance bills that were activated for people like me, whose family died and their property was put into question. I had some cushion, but I knew it wouldn’t last. I had to find something, some means to keep my head afloat and hopefully not make my mind numb to the point that I’d wish for another snap.
I shouldn’t be wasting time in parks with earbuds and books, I should have my feet on the ground looking for a job. What was I even qualified to do? I went to college and got a degree in liberal arts. Yeah, that’s marketable. I loved to read, notwithstanding my current attention span. I earned extra cash during college editing my fellow classmates’ papers, but I didn’t actually have a background in editing. I was considering how best to pad my resume that I hadn’t used for a full five years when he ran past.
A touch faster than the other joggers, a slightly different gait, his left side seemed heavier? I was studying him without actually thinking about it, his dark hair and the chiseled jawline would have been enough to draw anyone’s attention, but there was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on that marked him as different -
My head tilted as I watched him run, his hands were encased in gloves. Maybe that’s what drew my attention, it wasn’t cold after all. He didn’t look like he was running because he was a health nut, not like the other joggers dotting the jogging track, more like he was running for the routine of it. And I had no idea how I came to that conclusion.
I shook myself, watching a stranger run was creepy, verging on stalkerish. It didn’t matter that he was attractive or that he seemed to radiate some type of magnetic attraction that drew my gaze, that was probably just boloney that my mind was cooking up to make it alright for me to stare at him. Banging around in the nothingness for five years was NO excuse for this type of behavior, I told myself while my eyes were still following his course. Round and round he went, hardly breaking a sweat, and not breathing heavily either.
He glanced up and his eyes met mine and I could feel the blood drain from my face. Not because he scared me, but because I was caught being a creeper. And his eyes were like steel, gray and I shouldn’t have been able to tell that from the distance between us. But I could.
Evenings were always loose ends for me. Five years, dead parents, and I know people are going to say “but you have to have SOME friends around.” Of course I do, and most of them are now in their thirties and they don’t know how to handle that I’m not. Or how to handle that I was GONE for five years, while their lives went on, and I have what would have been godchildren and honorary nieces and nephews, but I wasn’t here. And if you don’t think that shit is awkward, well, you clearly haven’t experienced it.
They got to be at my parents’ funerals. They lived through my parents’ grief at the loss of ME. They said their goodbyes to ME. And now here I am. Yeah, it’s much easier to let go. Even if letting go means that I have to start over.
The choices are, make my own dinner - which I am more than capable of doing, or go out on the off chance I could meet and make new friends. Usually I pick option one. Safer, quieter, easier. But after the day I’d had in the park, I thought perhaps I’d give option two a go.
Going for a walk, thinking that I’d choose along the way, I started out with my phone, earbuds, and book. Habits. Old habits die hard.
I know what most people are thinking. A woman alone, nighttime, after everything that had happened and continues to happen, wasn’t I just asking for trouble? Not really. I’m not one of those people that automatically assumes that bad things happen to people because of size, shape, gender, and on and on. I don’t think I got snapped into the void or whatever because I happened to be a petite woman. I don’t think I’ll end up snatched off the street because of it either.
Also, my parents spent a fair bit of extra cash to make sure I was taught self defense, so I felt at least confident in my chances against regular freaks. It was the extra-enhanced freaks I might have issues with.
I bypassed sushi places and burger spots. Ignoring the sub sandwich shops that almost seemed to glow in the dim light of the early night, I was thinking that Italian was what I was craving, and if it hadn’t closed, my favorite spot wasn’t far. So focused on my purpose, now that I had one, I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings and crashed into a steel wall.
“Ow,” I bounced back, rubbing my right shoulder and thinking that maybe I’d been too quick in my bitching about the padding in bras. Looking up I realized it wasn’t a steel wall OR door, but shockingly the jogger from earlier. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
I couldn’t decide if he was surprised by or uncertain about me. His lips were working to form something, and finally managed a sort of smile. “Nothing to be sorry about.” His eyes were in a squint and I wondered how weird he’d think I was if I rubbed my right breast, because DAMN if it didn’t hurt like fuck. “I should get out of your way.”
I blinked again, words, use your words. “Right, I was on my way to dinner.” You’re not fucking stupid. Just socially inept. “I’m sorry I ran into you?” Did I run into him? I mean, I’ve heard about muscles of steel, but REALLY?
“Oh,” he stepped back and cleared the path. “I hope you aren’t late.”
“Late?” He was more attractive up close and I swear it made it a thousand times harder to make words form. His eyes were almost silver and if I’d thought his jaw was chiseled as he jogged, well, holy hell up close? He could cut bread with it. He was waiting and I ran the conversation through my brain again. “For dinner, right. Dinner for one, so I’m only late if I don’t arrive at all.” Shit, now I sound lonely and sad. My eyes snapped shut. “And now I’ll go and disappear into my spiral of shame.”
“Shame?” He sounded so confused that I had to open my eyes, and sure enough his brow was fully furrowed and he looked as confused as a puppy. “Why would you -”
“You’d never understand,” I huffed out a chuckle and shook my head. “I’m sorry for talking your head off, I should go.”
“Wait,” his gloved hand touched my arm, the briefest touch to get my attention. “I’m Bucky -” he took a deep breath like he was really unsure of himself, which was bizarre. “Bucky Barnes.”
Something twitched in my stomach, something I hadn’t felt since long before the snap. And that name, wasn’t it a touch familiar? Butterflies and nerves fought for dominance, and as I bit my lip, I took my own deep breath thinking maybe this was it. The first step since coming back. “It’s nice to meet you, Bucky, I’m Brooke Ashley.”
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Partners- Reader x Hybrid!Maknae line
A/N: Don't know if ill write more and make a Lil series or keep this as a drabble
WC: 4k
Warnings:Fluff, possible smut if i continue. 
Rated: PG 13 i guess
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After another long day at your shitty desk job as a secretary, you were on your way out when you get stopped by the department head.
“Hey Y/N, I'm glad I caught you!”
You inwardly groaned. All you wanted to do was to go home to your beautiful hybrid who you knew would no doubt whine about you coming home late. 1000 bucks says Mark was here to tell you that you would be delaying that peace a little longer.
“Mark please I am tired and I already worked two hours over today”
“Sorry Y/N. I have to stay too. We are expecting some big shot from the main branch and you and I get to personally oversee all things pertaining to him when he gets here. He’s gearing up to take over HQ as the new CEO”
“Oh my- No way.”
“Yup. Jackson Wang”
“Damn. well, he is super hot so I'm doing it for him, not you. When do we need what?” 
“He doesn't get in till next week so we will have time to prepare. Just letting yo know you can pass on the DRASS project to Amaya.”
“What no way that project is mine, it's literally all I've worked on for months-”
“And I know you were super excited to fly back to Kenya to help those people and see it through. I promise you will get full credit but We need this, trust me Jackson says he wants to pick his personal team from within the company. If we do well enough this will be the push we need and could select us as candidates.- You have a hybrid right? well, I have a family of five, and having extra money in the bank whether it's just a bonus for this or a whole new position will help us both and you know it.”
“okay” You relented with a sigh taking the folder from his hands.
“You should rest up this weekend so that we can meet up a little early next week to go over what needs to get done and how we can prepare for everything.”
“so i can go home now?”
Mark chuckles and nods. “ Run along, give your boy a hug from me” Mark kisses your forehead as has been the norm and walks away with a small wave towards his own car.
Leaving the office you groan after seeing the traffic. It was going to be a slow crawl in the car for like an hour before you make it back home.
“Y/N!” You didn't even unlock the door before you were bombarded with the full weight of the handsome hybrid you share a home with.
“Where were you? I was waiting for you for so long. I got us dinner but its all cold now” His voice a little muffled as he spoke into your hair.
“oh what did you eat?”
Taehyungs tummy growled.
 “I didn't. I wanted us to eat together because i got Lasagne, your favourite.” His tail which was wrapped around you as he had hugged you fell to the floor in sadness.
“I’m so sorry Tae.” You looked up to find his ears flattened on his head as his arms drop from your shorter frame. 
Taehyung’s eyes meet yours as he feels how your guilt seems to seep through and he gives you his beautiful signature boxy smile before picking you up and carrying you into your apartment.
“It’s okay Y/N we can reheat it.”
You kiss him on the check and go into your room to change into something comfortable before joining Tae back in the kitchen and sitting on one of the stools.
“Wine M’lady.” Taehyung poured two glasses and reached for your hand leading you to the couch.
“c’mon it will take a while to heat nicely in the oven.”
You nodded and followed him hi sat first then pat his lap. You looked at him questioningly.
“First my favourite meal and then expensive wine? It's not my birthday Tae.By the way this wine is like 1922 grade $400 bucks stuff how in the world did you get some?”
Taehyung chuckled.“I just wanna sit and cuddle with you and have a nice evening together plus you smell like a squirrel.”
You caved and snuggled beside Taehyung instead of on his lap but he just pulled you closer to him nuzzling your hair and drawing little patterns on your arms.
You inwardly facepalmed, of course, Tae’s sensitive nose picks up on all the people from work and apparently most pungently your intern who had sent his Squirrel hybrid to give in some documents to you halfway through a meeting - “I can go take a shower-”
“No don't go please i just missed you a lot today is all.”
“ You sure? Nothing else? Nothing bothering you?”
“Nothing at all.”
It was not nothing.
Taehyung had spent the better part of the morning crying his eyes out after overhearing your conversation to Seokjin. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, in fact, he was going to come and give you a hug good morning but what he heard made him stop dead in his tracks. 
“He’s a beautiful Calico cat Y/N, i think that it could be a good match for you. You did say you had always wanted a cat right? well this is your chance and he will dote on you hand and foot- you work too much honestly when do you take time to read and breathe?”
Tae robotically walked away tail tucked in between his legs and retreated to the bathroom He didn't bother with the rest of the conversation he was just numb. He turned on the shower but made no other moves towards actually showering. All he could think of was that maybe you were trying to replace him, that he wasn't enough for you or maybe that he was just too much and you didn't love him anymore. He heard you knock on the door announcing your departure for work but he couldn't bring himself to respond. After crying for what felt like hours Tae looked at his phone. You had sent a message.
Had to leave early,U might not have heard me in the shower.Take care. Y/N”
Taehyung felt morose. No “I love you” or cute emoji. He sighed and went to your room. Laying on your bed he snuggled up to one of your pillows and managed to fall asleep. It ended up only being a nap as Taehyung woke around an hour later. Eyes still puffy and with a sniffle, he sat up determined and decided to do something special for you.
“Hey Hyung”
“What do you wan- Is Y/N Okay? Did you start a fire again?”
Taehyung deadpanned. “Hyung that was one time!”
“Okay, what's wrong little brother?”
Taehyung whined. he felt the beginnings of tears stirring up again.
“come over. Hoseok has a day off today. Or do you just wanna talk to me?”
“I’ll be right there”
Yoongi sighed rubbing his fingers over his temples. Hoseok was currently now consoling his little brother who after regaling his story managed to upset himself and break down into full-blown tears again.
“I knew something was up I *Hic* didn't think she, we would ever be apart” 
Yoongi sat on Taehyungs opposite side and pulled him into a hug after wiping some of his tears.
“It’s just a big misunderstanding okay she is just working really hard she’s not trying to abandon you.”
“Hyung you don't know that. Easy for you to say because you have Hoseok- Hyung.”
“And it's only because of her that I got adopted by him remember? She wanted us both but she didn't have the means to look after both of us so she called all her friends willing to take a hybrid on and then she said that she was sorry she couldn't do more but at least we would be able to see each other. She’s the reason we can still talk, see each other despite being separated, and hang out.”
Hoseok nods, “She got an extra bed in your room too for Yoongi to come to stay over whenever he wanted and she gave him the spare key remember? I don't even have a spare and I've known her longer-”
“she likes us better” Taehyung and Yoongi snapped to Hoseok at the same time.
Hoseok laughed. “well glad to know where I stand. I wouldn't hold it against you if you moved now, she earns enough to support you now...so if-”
Yoongi smiled “You would be hopeless without me and you know it.”
Hoseok scratched behind Yoongi’s ears and with a smile, he began “Well if you want my advice on this-”
“We don’t,” The hybrid brothers said again in unison.
Hoseok rolled his eyes and mumbled about getting something to eat and calling Seokjin to figure out what was going on.
Yoongi’s heart was aching for Taehyung. He wanted nothing more than to see his beautiful smile again.
“Y/N likes Lillies why don't you buy her some and like welcome her with those and some chocolates or something when she gets home?”
Taehyung sighed. “I thought about that but it feels too simple and like something anyone could come up with.” His eyes glazed over to the Tv where a couple was horseriding on a ranch. Immediately Taehyung lit up.
” That's it!”
“Tae we can't buy a horse ranch, even with all three of us chipping in”
“Not the ranch Hyung. Y/N likes this special wine that you can only get at a few places. If I get her a bottle and cook her a fancy dinner she can remember why she only needs me.”
Hoseok came back to the living room.
“oh, I have a bottle from the last time we went to the ranch as a group the chateau right? I was gonna wait for her birthday and surprise her but you can have it Tae,”
Taehyung glomped Hoseok in gratitude.
“cant breathe Tae”
Yoongi stood up scrolling on his phone. “what did Soekjin say?”
Taehyungs smile dropped and his face morphed into nervous worry. Yoongi placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder expecting bad news from the way he reacted.
“He is out of town for the weekend. Some big trip so I could only leave a voicemail. It’s probably nothing. Anyway, you should go on and get dinner ready for Y/N before she gets home right?”
Taehyung brightened a little and skilled nodding. Before he left Yoongi said he should probably order food so he doesn't poison you or set the place on fire. He left feeling optimistic and hopeful that he could mend things with you. He wanted to help take better care of you he promised himself.
You woke up to the smell of burnt pancakes and Hot chocolate. Following the scent, you found Tae in the kitchen attentively staring at the pancake until a small ding went off on his phone. Shutting off the timer he placed a layer of batter where the last pancake just lay and set the timer again. You watched him fondly before he plated this one and poured honey over it. Putting the plate on a tray with the precut fruits and hot chocolate his ears went up as he sniffed the air. Turning around he saw you in the doorframe.
“Y/N...i-i made breakfast” He hastily grabbed your hand and led you back to you room tucking you in, before rushing out and bringing the tray with him.
Your heart swelled at this blessing of a man in front of you and he watched with rapt attention as you cut off a piece of the pancake before placing it in your mouth.
“How is it?” His ears sagged over his head expecting rejection.
“I can make you an omelet instead if you-”
“Taehyung it's the best pancake I’ve ever eaten.”
He buried his face in your pillow at your praise, tail wagging happily. You offered him a strawberry and a piece of the pancake and he hummed happily.
After sharing breakfast together you spent the day spring cleaning together before spending the rest of the day on a movie marathon. On Sunday You were both invited to game night at Hoseoks and You and Tae were a dynamite team as usual with Yoongi coming in to troll Hoseok much to his displeasure.
“I look forward to working with you further Mr wang.” you held out your hand. Jackson laughed and gave you a hug instead. 
“No way just call me Jackson. I’ve been friends with Mark forever so any friend of his is a friend of mine, also you come at a right recommendation, which is surprising cos he can be a bit of a downer.”
“I’m right here you know!” 
“I’m so grateful for you for doing this at such last minute. i know it was a lot to organise in the given time frame Y/N.” 
“Not at all, Mr wa- Jackson.”
You all stayed in his office with some comfortable banter before going home.
Taehyung called over to you and began to advance happily towards you before he stopped and sniffed you strangely. You wanted to ask him what the problem was but your phone chimed. it was Soekjin- he was calling you. You declined the call because you remembered you needed to tell Tae what was going on so that you could get his opinion on things.
“It might be urgent, if he keeps calling you like that. Go see what your human friend wants.”
“Do you not like Jin? Since when? Tae what’s-”
“You’ve been talking a lot to whoever lately and you smell like a new scent and a hybrid and I feel tired so I’ll probably just go hang out at Hyung’s.”
“No wait Taehyung I’m not trying to have secrets or hide anything from you but there is something important I need to tell you.”
Taehyung huffed and went to go sit down as you took his hands in yours. He looked like how you found him 2 years ago a wounded puppy with eyes full of love and brimming with sadness.
“Things are a bit crazy at the shelter and Jin needs help in housing some of the Hybrids temporarily. Some can go to other shelters but some need a more... loving environment, calmer without the more violent hybrids sharing with the weaker type ones. I offered to take two of them in while he figures everything out. I know its a lot and if you don't want to, we will just stay just us but if Jin is overcrowded he’s at risk of getting shut down and then they could all end up on the streets I-”
“It's okay.”
You blinked. “Huh?”
“It's just temporary, right? I can understand that we shouldn't let anyone be on the streets if we can help.”
“really? you’re fine with this?”
“It’s...I will be able to deal with it. But I want strawberry cake and I’m not sharing”
“Of course Tae. Guess I should call Jin and tell him the great news!” You chirped and went to grab your phone. You didn't notice the sheer rejection that he tried to hold in.
Jungkook and Jimin stood behind Jin. The latter holding Jin’s shirt as he explained some of the pills he had brought along for their nutrition and bringing along some bags with groceries. You reached to take it and Jungkook took them all in your stead silently trying to minimize eye contact with you.
“Thank you Jungkookie.”
Embarrased, Jungkook stuttered out. “I-Its the least I can do after you are being so kind.” You practically melted and pet the Muscle bunny softly at the base of his ears and he stomped his foot a little and grinned showing his toothy smile.
Jimin, not to be outdone, said he could help you pack everything away and let go of Jin who was trying to remain them of something that they were tuning out in their silent contest to impress you. You tried to place a jar on a shelf too high and fell back into JK who caught you and placed it up for you instead. Jimin began whining that he could have done it for you but he was busy with the things in the fridge.
Taehyungs loud sneeze broke up the rowdy lot of you.
Jungkook gripped your waist in fear and stayed behind you as you faced Taehyung. Jimin in shock had hit his head on the shelf of the fridge and tried to catch some of the items that threatened to spill out.
Tehyung seeing Jungkook’s hand on your waist had yanked you out of his grasp and began scenting you and sending a snarl their way.
You sighed. This was how Taehyungs been acting ever since you started the project with Jackson. Pretty much anything could set him off but you felt bad because you should have been more understanding of how this may look in his eyes.
“ Jin, Rabbit, feline”
“Tae, Longtime! Sorry if we woke you. this is Jungkook he's a black Holland Lop and Jimin is a calico cat.”
“I’m Y/N’s Siberian husky.” Tae said to the other two before looking back to Jin.
“ I was awake- Hyung i was finishing the laundry for the new...guests.”
You spun around in his arms to face him. Petting his ears as he cooed into your touch “Aww Tae I told you I’d manage it”
Jin’s ringtone killed the silence and he dashed out telling you to call if any problems arose.
Thereafter you got the boys settled into Taehyung’s room. With a sigh you went and faceplanted into your sheets only to have Taehyung come and crawl beside you. After half an hour when you tried to get up Taehyung just grumbled and  held you tighter.”
“Tae i have to go to”
“work I know” He said with a sigh reluctantly letting you go. 
“Today’s a chilled day we will be done early. Besides, you guys can use this time to bond and make friends.” At his whine, you kissed the top of his head. “ please? For me, try?” 
Six weeks later all of you have somewhat of a comfortable rythym in the household. On a day off you decided it would be fun to go to the beach. Jimin offered to pack a picnic for everyone and Jungkook and Taehyung were moody on the drive over because they didn't think of it first. You had also told him since he was so helpful he could sit in the passenger seat and Jimin spent the whole ride grinning like the cat who got the cream.
Once there you were happy to let the boys wander off to their heart's content after setting up your belongings under a beach umbrella.
Jungkook had other plans. He worked very hard on his physique and although shy he still remembers the first time he came back shirtless from a run and found you on the couch. You tried to hide it but He knows you checked him out and you were definitely attracted to him the way your eyes hungrily racked over his body. Since that day he would be on the lookout for any golden opportunities to be close to you. Honestly, Taehyung had it made. You were kind, smart, hardworking, and breathtakingly beautiful. So often he dreamt of you as his and he knew the others thought the same. Officially though he was still a foster, Jimin had reminded him that morning and their place here wasn't secured so Jimin said he was gonna up the Ante. At first, Jungkook ignored him and went to shower but when he emerged to the sound of you praising Jimin for coming up with such a cute and thoughtful idea, He knew he needed a plan of his own. 
Taehyung excused himself for the bathroom and Jimin was looking around for the cooler box. He decided to go and check in the car leaving Jungkook alone with you. This was his moment. He stripped himself of his shirt and innocently asked if you would come to the water with him. He rationalized his need for an escort being that he was not used to such big crowds of people and thus managed to convince you out of your sundress to reveal your bikini and guide him by the hand towards the water.
Jungkook was Jungshook at the two-piece and how you looked in it enjoying the view until some guy came out trying to talk to you. That snapped him out of his daze and he flung you over his shoulder and bolted into the water trying to shield your body for his admiration alone. You were having a ball of a time and Jungkook got to stay near you and hold you claiming to save you from sharks if you found any.
Jimin had stomped away to the car and after retrieving the cooler box which he was pretty sure Jungkook was supposed to carry happily bounded to the store to get ice for the drinks on the way back. He also spotted a local artist doing caricatures and thought to remember to bring you over later for a couple picture together. He knew you weren't a couple but Jimin was smitten for you. He was slightly confused as to why Tae didn't have a romantic relationship with you, or at least you weren't his mate so he still had a shot. The only thing in his way now was the little maknae and his cute bunny-like stupid smile and ‘helpful groping’. Jungkook certainly wasn't shy in trying to subtle scent you when you were distracted anymore, not like how it was when they first arrived. No, they had gone from not trying to interfere with your and Tae’s relationship to wanting their own with you, a romantic one. The mystery now was why arent you and Taehyung together? Was it because he was a hybrid or was he just not the right guy? did you reject Taehyung before? Did you get rejected by Taehyung and now he regrets it and wants you back? Jimin didn’t care he wanted you and that was final. Even if you never returned his feelings even just being by your side could be enough for him, enough that he could get over sharing your affection with Taehyung after all he was the first even if he hates to admit it.
Taehyung almost dropped the Icecream cones in his hands.
 Its been so long since you two had come to the beach, in fact, the last time was when Yoongi had hinted at you two being an adorable couple. Taehyung had gotten you ice cream to share and you had some dribble down from your mouth to your chin. Taehyung did it before his brain was able to process the action, he licked a stripe from your chin to your lips lingering for a second before placing a chaste kiss there. You were embarrassed, to say the least, and Tae hid his own embarrassment by getting up to toss a ball back to a bunch of kids playing volleyball. When he came back he noticed you with some of Yoongi’s cocktail and the two of you managed to finish the jug just between the two of you. Later at home Yoongi and Hoseok took to the twin beds in Tae’s room and you pulled him into your room. Tae had discovered you were really handsy and although he wanted you so badly you were both too drunk to do more than sleep after a sloppy makeout session. The next morning you had woken up first and Left some water and ibuprofen with an apple by his side. His morning wood making him panic in short horror prompting a quick cold shower. While he discarded his clothes he saw your underwear that you had slept in still coated in fragments of your arousal, on top of the laundry hamper and grabbed it as he stepped in the shower. It was the first time he had taken your underwear.
Yoongi had told him then to let you bring it up- the idea of you guys figuring out what you want moving forward as it was clear to him and Hoseok that you two were lusting after one another but was it anything more? Taehyung was in the midst of figuring out his feelings for you and what everything meant and how things were going to be different but you came in the apartment with breakfast goodies in tow. You managed to still look effortlessly beautiful in the morning and Tae was so happy that you got him his favourite things for breakfast from your waffle house.
“Tae, I’m so sorry about yesterday i was super drunk”
“I was drunk too Y/N its fi-”
“No it’s I'm sorry can we just forget this all happened i don't want to loose you Tae I love you. Can we move on please?”
Taehyungs heart shattered across the floor but he nodded and to put insult to injury you kissed his cheek before scolding Hobi for drinking The hot chocolate you meant for Taehyung and yourself.
“I’m sorry lil bro. If you wanna stay with us we can share my room, i have a double bed and Hobi can-”
“Its okay Yoongi- Hyung. I can keep it together for now, ill give it some time and if that doesn't work I’ll confess and we work from there. For now, her loving me is enough, even if its just friends. This love and adoration from her is enough.”
It’s Not Fucking Enough. Not anymore. That was then when he had you all to himself, No new boss keeping you at work always hugging you, No Bunny, no Cat. No it was war now, and Tae has just about reached his limit.
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Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader (Modern Domestic AU) (NSFWish warning)
300 followers hc!!!
Oh My, 300 followers!!! Yaaaaaay!!!! Thank you! Thank you so much, I'm really grateful that I got so many loves and supports from you all! I like the enthusiasms in my askbox, and I really appreciated it from my deepest heart!! I always read your replies and gaaaahhh it always made me happy!! 💮🌸🌺
Warning: Sexual abuse on train, and Trauma
You worked at laboratorium and Sanemi is a math teacher.
Sanemi will wake up first in the morning.
He glanced at your side, you still sleep peacefully. He stroke your hair one or two times and scratched his tummy while yawning. He went to the bathroom.
After some push-ups and sit-ups, he will back with full consciousness and energy
Ready to torture you.
"Wake up." He slapped your arm.
"Wake up." One poke on cheek
"Wake up, dummy." Two poke on cheek.
You groaned and covered yourself with blanket. "Shut up."
"Get rekt you little shit" He pulled out your blanket and started to tickling you
You were a little bit agitated but eventually laugh and beg for your mercy
Both of you fell down from the bed, but he put his palm under your head on time, so you didn't hit the floor
"Sanemi, that's dangerous!"
"Haha, nope." He bites your nose and stood up. "Morning, ugly."
After getting ready on your work suit, you cooked breakfast for both of you and Genya. Nothing really special, just some bread with sunny side on top
But for Sanemi, peeking you with your apron from his newspaper is a blessing in the morning.
"Morning, Nee-san, Aniki."
"Morning, Genya." He helped you pouring coffees. "You have exam today right?"
"Yeah." He grabbed the bread and put them on his mouth, about to dashed out. You hold his shoulder
"Ah, no running while eating. Sit down." Genya hesitated a bit but eventually sit down with Sanemi too. "Hm~ good boy." You patted his head
He blushed and chewed his bread fast before Sanemi noticed.
After Genya went to school, Sanemi and you finally finished the breakfast.
"Why don't you drop him off at school? Both of you work and study in the same place." You said as you locked out the door.
"Nah, he doesn't want to."
"Really? It must be fun if three of us went together."
You hopped into his car.
Sanemi won't let you go to work by train
Because one time, there was incident
You insisted to take the train. He was a little bit hesitating but eventually went with you too
It was really cramped, both of you didn't have choice but to stand. Sanemi nagged while grabbing your hand but his handgrip was slipped off, he seems didn't realize it yet. Now, you were behind him and faced his back with some distance aparting you.
That's okay, you thought. I'll reach him when we arrive to the next station.
Suddenly, a strange hand poked your back, stroking and touching you. That someone dragged his fingers down to your hip. You flinched
'Molester?!" You were panicked but didn't say or do anything. 'But... I'm wearing long skirt and it's not even tight today... So why..."
You tried to distance yourself with that somebody behind you by stepping forward a little, but it's too cramped.
No one seems noticed. You just want to cry
"Sa.." You tried to call Sanemi with your squeaky voice. "Ne..Mi... Help..."
Of course, he didn't hear that.
The molester continued his act and started groping your ass. Something risen and wet even poked your hip.
You felt disgusted but still froze on your stand, too scared to scream. 'Please, please no. Sanemi, please help me.' You squeezed your bag and looked down.
Meanwhile, the train almost arrived at next station. Sanemi felt like something missing from his hand and looked back
He finally saw you.
Your body trembled, your face was red and tears started to accumulated on your eyes.
Your eyes finally met his. You moved your lips
"Sane... Mi.... Help..."
Something burning inside his body. He bursted in to your place, didn't care if people groaned angrily when he accidentally stepped their shoes
He punched that guy right in the face. He even didn't give that guy rest or pulled his pants for awhile. He didn't care and beat him mercilessly
"Sanemi, Stop!! He will die!" You pulled his shirt but he seems didn't want to listen to you
"Hey! What are you doing there!!" The train officer suddenly came from afar.
The automatic door train opened.
"Hehe, next time." This fucking molester didn't regret his action.
Sanemi kicked his face once again and pulled your hand, getting out from there. Both of you ran from the station.
You stopped on a park.
"Sanemi... I'm sorry... I didn't-"
"Show me your back." You turned around.
There is a white stain on your skirt
"Fuck..." He wiped your lower hip with wet handkerchief. He took off his jacket, knelt down and wrapped it around your hip
"What? Did something hurt? Did he-"
You suddenly let out fat tears streaming down your face. You never felt disgusted for your entire life. Sanemi must be so upset.
"I'm scared, I'm sorry I didn't do nothing, I'm sorry if I-"
"It's okay, I'm here. You don't have to say sorry." He hugged you, gently caressed your back and kissed your cheek. "I promise there will be no 'next time'." He gritted his teeth. Until today, he always thought that he failed to protect you.
That's why, he will drive you up to place you wanted to go. No matter how busy he is, he'll try to drop and pick you up. Or at least, took taxi.
When you arrived, you will arrange his necktie before went off because he's so damn suck at it.
"Ok, handsome. You're good to go."
"Hey." He holds your arm. "Don't overdo your work. Call me at lunch."
"Will do!" You patted his head.
"Oi, I did my hair for hours."
"Haha, okay, sorry." You waved your hands. "Bye-bye!"
He secretly likes his 'now-kinda-messy' hair, and lets it be until he arrived at school
When he stressed out and angry at his workplace, he will sit at his table, and listen to your recorded voice (He secretly recorded it lol)
"Ok, guess what I draw on your back. Hehe. Nope, that's not it. I write 'I like you'."
"Nemi!" (Fyi, the only peope who could called him like this are you and Genya)
"Sa! Ne! Mi!"
"Sanemi. Hehehe, nothing! Just calling you"
This fucker of you will smile so bright, the teacher room blinded by the lights.
You called him on lunch, and praised the food he made for both of you.
"But why do you put the carrot again."
"In this house, we didn't acknowledge a picky eater."
The students were shocked to death when they found that killer teacher has wife.
"What?! That Shinazugawa-sensei? Really?! wtf this world gonna end soon."
"...but the real question is, did he called her dumb and started to throwing chalk when she can't answer his math question or what."
Okay, did he?
Yes, he did. Except the chalk part, it replaced with "Pinched her cheek"
He taught you how to do two math questions while you're about to cry and sniffled, that your tears started to wet your paper.
"All I ask is you're helping me to solve my work... *sobs*"
Both of you basically 'Genya Protecting Squad'
Random People: *complaining about his scary face and hair*
When it's cold, he likes to make you sit on his lap and.... Err... Put his hand inside your shirt and groping your boobs
"...what are you doing."
"My hands are cold."
"There's heater."
"No, the sensation is different."
Revision, both of you are pervert
You get into his shirt and stick your cheek onto his bare chest while tapping his abs
Him: I am what?
When you're sick because of overworking, he's the one who took care of you. He will 'guard' you 24/7 and will always ready in any case if you need him. Plus the scolding level will increase.
"Say aaah." He pushed a spoonful of soup he made to your lips. You shook your head and pushed back his hand. You sniffled, and coughed. You could feel your sore throat
"I'm sorry, but I can't-"
"Eat." He ordered you. You sniffled once again and make sad puppy face.
Not effective
"Look." He came closer to your face and sticked his forehead onto yours. "I won't leave until you eat this."
Your phone was ringing, it was from your boss. You are about to take the the call, but Sanemi turned off your smartphone.
"Rest." You pouted. "What's with that attitude." He frowned. Like it or not, you finally received his food
"Good girl." He caressed your cooling-pad on your forehead. Your half opened eyes-lid seems so weak, you just put your chin on his hand and mewled like a cat
CUTE SO CUTE, Sanemi holds his chest and hurriedly took a photo.
On day off, you usually went together to movies, parks, mall, book store, aquariums, etc. But mostly, you will invite Genya to go with you two
He didn't mind if you walked beside or in front/behind him on ordinary walking or shopping. He simply hold your hand when you walked beside him
When you walked in front of him, he could fully look at your figure, while you busy to look at behind for some time, in case he stopped
And it's cute because you look like a chick looking for its mother
Or, when you walked behind him, you grabbed his shirt or jacket fabric, afraid if you lose him
And it's.. still so fucking cute
This is funny, but you and Sanemi often showing disgusted face and judging when both of you saw an over limit lovey dovey couple
Random people you met on the way (especially waitress or shopkeepers) sometimes saying words like, "Is your boyfriend a model?"
You shook your head. "Ah, no. He's math teacher."
"And let me correct you." He suddenly popped out. "She's my ex."
You sighed. "Stop telling people I'm your ex." You smiled towards that person. "I'm his wife."
Or if Sanemi was lazy, both of you will stay in the house, being lazy all day. Sometimes you made Ohagi or he invited you to play UNO cards
"If you lose, you had to say goodbye to your favourite hoodie." You smirked while shuffling the cards,
"Fair enough." He calmly took the cards while chewing Ohagi. "If you lose, you had to wear that wireless vibra-"
He tend to kiss you on the lips deeply in a long time. No desire. Just simply a gesture of loving you.
Or kiss you quickly while throwing cheesy lines while doing Kabedon
He will make sudden move when you were casually walked in the house and BAM! His hand slapped on the wall, right beside your ear. He lets his two or three front-button opened
"Hello, single." He looked at your eyes and gave you a quick kiss on your lips, sticking his forehead onto yours
"What is it now?" You sighed.
"I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it."
"You are basically math teacher, Sanemi. And you know what?"
"Are you my math homework? You seem hard and ready to be done on my desk."
And that's when he loses it and you already know what happens next
He first discovered things called menstruation when he accidentally spotted tampons on the table
"What is this?"
"AAAAAHHHH WAIT WAIT" You snatch that thing from his hand.
"??? What is that?"
"You- you don't know? It's for girls! On- on period!"
"What is period?"
"....are you even science."
You explained him about 'red day' and he nodded.
"Did it hurt your stomach? Because it's bleeding."
"Yeah, sometimes."
"You need warm tea?"
"Um, prob-"
"Is there anything that could reduce the pain?"
"I tend to-"
"Wait, lemme Google this."
After that, he treated you like a princess everytime you had period.
You usually went for coffees in the evening with him after works. Both of you like to sit together while telling each other stories even opinions
And you will never make up your mind for the coffees. So he usually took the role.
"Uh, I- I'll take-"
"I'll take Quad, Venti, 2 pumps, breve, extra-hot, no-whip, Toasted White Mocha. And she will take Solo, 1-pump, whole milk, light ice, Caramel Brulée Latte."
You just stand there like a dumb person
After coffees, both of you will shop together for dinner. He usually the one who decided the food.
"Kare, but I'm tired."
"I'll be the one who cook then."
"Hm, maybe... Shirt and apron only will be good on-"
Three of you will eat together on the dinner table. Genya loves your food, so he usually gave his bowl to you and asked for seconds.
Sometimes bathe together. You will scrub his back. He likes it when both of you dipped in bathtub and with you laid your back on his chest.
"I don't like your panda eyes." You looked up and poked his cheek.
"Don't mind that."
"I DO mind."
So after bathe, you will put Aloe Vera sheet-mask on his under eyes. He didn't really like it at first, but after you put off his mask, his face became relaxing and he liked it.
Both of you tend to go to your shared bedroom first than Genya, because he still wanted to watch TV.
"Sanemi, you haven't sleep yet?"
When you about to pulled your blanket, you saw him with his anti-radiation eyeglasses, still facing his laptop.
"No. Go first." Your eyes are settled at his cup
"Stop the caffeine, I'll make you tea."
You get up and go to the kitchen. You found Genya asleep on the couch.
You turned off the TV and woke Genya from his sleep, telling him to move to his room.
You came back to your room with two cups of Darjeeling tea and some cookies, putting the tray beside him
You opened a novel book and put your head on his shoulder
You didn't say anything but humming a slow song beside him.
And sometimes, if he knew the song, he will hum together with you.
You stayed with him until he finished, no matter how much hours he spended on his works.
"It's strange."
Both of you now under the blanket, intertwined your fingers and facing each other
"What is it?"
"I never dream of living with wife before, I always thought I'll just live with Genya, and being single for the rest of my life."
You chuckled. "Me too, never thought someone really picked me up because I'm a potato."
"Dummy." He kissed your forehead and nuzzled his nose on your neck.
"Sweet dreams."
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misssquishy · 4 years
How To Make A Sandwich 101 part 1 (Obey Me! fanfic) Beelzebub x gn reader 18+
 contain: oral sex, nipple play, my will to live
I wasn't about to post this because I just started the game. but here we go
this is the first story I wrote in 4 years, so sorry for the grammar mistakes and don't know how to English.
You stared at the ceiling feeling your stomach growling "Why am I still hungry?" you thought to yourself. You've been trying to deal with the hunger but you're too hungry to sleep "Dang it" you got out of bed, feeling the cold air of your room hit your leg that's was not covered by your shorts. You left your room and started heading for the kitchen hoping to find something to put in your mouth. When you got to the kitchen the door was slightly open and the light was on, you opened the door to find none other than Beelzebub eating out of the refrigerator "Oh it's you" He said as he eats a bag of frozen tater tots "Maybe you should cook those first?" You said while walking towards him "Yeah…" He said with a smiled before he shoves another handful of tater tots in his mouth. "What are you doing up this late?"  "I wanted a snack" You replied, you opened the fridge to find it pretty much empty besides a few ingredients “god dammit Beelzebub" you thought "Well, I guess I'm making a sandwich" You said while  taking out meat and cheese, just the mention of a sandwich got Beelzebub excited "Sandwich?…. Can you please make me one?" He asked you with a slight please in his voice "Okay. would you like everything on it?" Beelzebub nodded his head in response, you started taking the rest of the ingredients for the sandwich but you can't find the mayonnaise. Moving things to the side you still can't find it, you start handing things to Beelzebub to put on the table "I guess we're having a dry sandwich" you look up at Beelzebub who is just pouring chocolate syrup in his mouth. 
You put away the stuff you're not using and started making sandwiches. you got to the bread then the cheese when Beelzebub offered you the bottle of chocolate syrup. You started to pour some of the chocolate syrup in your mouth but the top came off and got all over you "shit!" You said as the chocolate soaked your clothes went down your shirt and covered your legs, when Beelzebub lick cheek, you pulled away from him in response "BEEL!" "What?" He asked with a confused look on his face "you can't lick people without their permission!"  "But.... you're covered in chocolate" he said with a sad expression. you tried to hide your blushing face as your mind going back to it "But still, it rude" "So... you're saying if I get your permission, then I can lick you?" He said with a gentle smile. You turn your head  and try to hide your beet red face, not trying to show that him that you were embarrassed. Beel saw his opportunity and licked you a second time, he grabbed you by the shoulders and lick to your neck. licking your neck and up to your chin. You couldn't help but to let out small gasps as his tongue licked up and down your skin, you whispered his name softly as he sucked on your collar bone. He pulled away from you breathing heavily, he licked his lips "So sweet" he placed a hand on your leg that was covered in chocolate "You have chocolate here too, can I lick it off?" he didn't wait for your reply before he picks you up and put you on the table, he crouch down in front of you and placed your legs on his shoulders, you tried not to moan as he is licked your thigh "Beel-?" Was all you can say before he sunk his teeth in to your thigh, you screamed as his teeth penetrate your flesh and drawing blood.
You covered your mouth hoping no one heard you, he looked up at you with those purple eyes "Sorry, you just taste so good" he said as he kissed where he had bitten. Beelzebub stood up in front of you "raise your arms" He demanded. You did so in your lustful haze, not knowing he was trying to take off your shirt. The cold kitchen air cause a shiver to go down your spine as he remove your shirt. Beelzebub placed a hand on your chocolate covered chest he whispered in your ear "lean back for me" you did what you were told, leaning back on your elbows not trying to touch the cold wood of the table. he looked up and just smiled at you. he kissed your cheek before bending down and licking your chest, fighting the urge to moan you balled your hands into fists. Beelzebub graze his tongue over one of your nipples, you let out a loud "AHH GOD" as you bite your lip. Beelzebub stopped and looked at you "are you okay?" "Sen- Sensitive, they're sensitive" You mumbled out. Beelzebub looked at your red face and got a wicked idea, he started to rub your nipple with his thumb, you moaned loudly feeling his thumb made circles around your nipple. he did the same with the other one, pinching and flicking them with his strong hands. He licked the rest of the chocolate off your chest, just a few licks with his tongue and you were clean, sticky but clean.
Beelzebub wasn't having that, he wanted to lick more chocolate off of you. He grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup and pour more over your chest "Beel?!" You look at him in shock, he had a huge grin on his face, looking at your body like your a meal "BEELZEBUB!" You said with a strong tone in your voice getting his attention this time. He looked at you, seeing the worry in your eyes he calmed down, that gentle smile forming on his face once more. Putting the bottle of chocolate down, he placed a hand on your chest and used his other hand to pull you into a kiss. The orange headed demon then whispered "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He kissed your forehead then he moved where you face to face with him "Let me make it up to you" he kissed your lips again before he moved down to your chest, he looked you dead in the eyes as he licked one of your chocolate covered nipples.You moan as his tongue licked your nipple up and down, he moved to  the other one and did the same. He started to sucking on them "FUCK!" you moan as he licked and sucked on your nipples, you can feel his tongue, his breath, his wet hot saliva on your body and you were fuckin melting from it. You moaned his name over and over, it was all you can say at this point, your mine was tangled. Beelzebub kissed you again, his tongue colliding with yours as he slid his hand up your shorts. He pulled away from you panting "W- why did you stop?" you said breathing heavily.
Beelzebub took a step back and took off his shirt "I want you" he said with that damn smile you love. You got off the table and walked towards him, you admired the abs with your fingertips and looked up at the demon and slowly got on your knees "What are you doing?" "Y-you made me feel good…. and I want you to feel good too" you mumbled as you unbutton his pants and pull them down to his ankles. You eyed the outline of his erection through his boxers "Hey, i.." you just shush him, you pulled down his boxers as well, his cock was big, really big, even bigger than Lucifer's. You immediately sucked on the head of his cock and slowly put his members in your mouth "Ye- Yes!" he hissed. You shove his cock deep in your mouth, gagging as it hit the back of your throat "FUCK-! AHHH YEAH!" he moaned as his fingers ran through your hair. You looked up at him as he deep throat you, you could taste his salty pre-cum on your tongue as you choked on him. You pulled Beelzebub out of your mouth and massaged his cock with your hand "does it feel good?" He nodded in response. He grabbed you by the back of your head and pulled you up into a rough kiss. He tug on your shorts and said "take them off and get back on the table" You obliged, pulling down your shorts and kicking them to the side "no underwear?" he said with a raised eyebrow, you shook your head no as you sat on the cold wood of the table.
Beelzebub came closer to you, stepping out of his pants in the process and got between your legs "You don't have to do this, you kn-!" You cut off him with a kiss, deepen the kiss with your tongue as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You bit his lip as you pulled away, you lied on your back and put your legs in the air "please.. just fuck me, Beelzebub" you begged as you spread your entrance, presenting yourself like a prize. Beelzebub just smiled, he removed your hands from your hips and put them on your sides. He grabbed your hip and slid you to the middle of the table for him climbed on the table with you.The table creek under the weight but you didn't care, you needed him. Beel grabbed your legs and slid you under him, he put his fingers up to your lips "suck them" you did so, licking and sucking them and sliding them between your tongue as he kissed your neck. Beelzebub pulled his fingers out of your mouth, his orange fingernails coded in your saliva. He put his wet fingers at your hole, you moaned as he slowly inter his middle finger into you "Am I hurting?" He asked as he inserted another finger into you. You tried to say no but as soon as you opened your mouth Beelzebub with his fingers hit your sweet spot.
"BEEL- AHH! BEELZEBUB!" you moaned as his fingers pumped into you "Do you like it?" He said as he inserted a third finger into you "Right ther- !" you were about to finish your sentence when suddenly you were empty, Beelzebub pulled his fingers out of you "I wanted to eat you since the day i laid my eyes on you" you watched as he spit into his hand and then rubbed it on his cock, you felt the head of his shaft against your hole, you were excited, you wanted him so damn bad.He tease your hole with the head of his cock "Just put it in all alre!" You are cut off by the feeling of Beelzebub's cock entering your body, you took him in inch by inch as you stretched around him, you gasp for air as he stuffed into you "UH FUCK!" he moaned as he kissed your shoulder and made small kisses on your neck, he went all the way in and coming to a halt. You let out a breathy grunt as he rested inside of you. He kissed your lips, his tongue exploring the inner walls of your mouth, you were becoming impatient. You moved your hips trying to get some friction, he knew what you wanted but he wanted you to beg for it "Beel…." You whimpered as you wiggled your hips under him "please…" "Please what?" He said as he kissed your cheek
Beelzebub pulled out just a tad bit, he watched in amazement as your hips buckled, he whispered in your ear "Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you" You felt like his prey, Beelzebub was the big lion and you were the tiny little mouse about to be devoured, and you were enjoying every fucking second of it "move, damn It FUCKING MOVE!" Those were the magic words, you let out a moan as you felt him finally starting to move. He sighed as slowly thrust into you, he nibbled on your ear as his cock slowly fucked you, this wasn't enough "more" you whispered as his cock stretched you open "More" you said, letting your voice out louder this time.He stopped moving, you let out a sad "noooo"  as you felt his cock staying still. He whispered  "I told you, tell me what you want" You wrapped your legs around his waist "fuck me harder, I want you to fuck me ha- !" he cut off your sentence by covering your mouth with his hand. He pulled all the way out of you and he thrust back into you, full force. You screamed into his hand that was covering your mouth and threw your head back, the combination of pain and pleasure send a shock through your whole body "see? that was all you had to say" He did it again, pulling out of you fast and thrusting back into you just as hard. your eyes beginning to water as the feeling of his cock torn into you drove you wild.
He bucked his hips with strong and powerful thrusts as you whind in pleasure "You're screaming like crazy in my hand. You're loving it, aren't you?" With his free hand Beelzebub dug his fingernails into your thigh and dragged them up your leg, he let out hot breathy "you're so tight" he started biting you. biting your shoulder, your neck, your chest, any place he could reach with his mouth was covered in bite marks. Beelzebub removed his hand from your mouth and replaced it with his tongue. Kissing was sloppy and wet as saliva falling down your chins.Your legs started to shake, you were at your limit. He let go of your mouth, only a strand of spit connecting your lips "you look tasty" he said as he licked your neck. That wasn't the first time you've heard those words, but those word and some more biting was enough to sent you over the edge. Putting your hands over your mouth, to tried and hide your voice. Beelzebub grabbed you by your waist, pulled out of you and slammed back into you, you were done. You bite down on your left hand trying not to scream as you ride out your orgasm, you can feel your heart pounding your chest as your legs shake.
You pulled your hand out of your mouth, eyes watering, tears falling down your face. Beelzebub noticed your tears and started to panic "Are you okay!? Did I hurt you!? You caress his face with your right hand, you try to speak but you were so out of breath that the only thing that came out was grumble moans, you gave him a weak smile. He kissed your lips. It wasn't like the other ones, it was soft, sweet, and gentle. "Your hand!" You looked at your left hand, blood was dripping down your arm from where you bit it, he put your hand up to his lips and kissed your palm, you let out a slight chuckle as he did so. He kissed your cheek and then whispered in your ear "you know you're not done, right?" You looked at him confused "ride me" he said as he pulled out of you, you scoop back on the table.Beelzebub lied on his back then you climbed on top of him, you rubbed your hands along his abs. You stop dead in your tracks as a voice echoes with the kitchen "WHAT THE HELL Y'ALL DOIN?!" you looked up to find Mammon and Satan staring back at you, you quickly got off of Beelzebub and headed behind the table "WE COOK FOOD IN HERE!" Satan yelled "and we're  making sandwiches"  Beelzebub reply. You wanted to crawl into a hole and die, you try to find your clothes but it was on the other side of the table where Satan was standing. You looked up at Beelzebub with a face of "just give me out of here" Beelzebub got up and put on his pants, meanwhile Mammon was still yelling at Beelzebub and calling him a "BASTARD" and a “PIECE OF SHT!” Beelzebub tosses his shirt to you, you quickly put it on and run to your room "AND WHERE THE HELL YA GOIN!" Mammon yelled at you as you made a beeline for your room.
Why the fuck did I make this
73 notes · View notes
quarter past (two am) 
word count ~4891 | angst pre-hb | chargestep | mostly under the cut!
read on a03
The streets in Los Diablos are rarely deserted at two am, the headlights dazzling as they pass by, bubblegum pink and electric green neon lights in store windows scattering hues across puddles on the concrete. Gasoline and spilled oil refract in electric rainbows, fine leather dress shoes scuffling and stuttering, disturbing the kaleidoscope.
“Y-You are....my bestest friend...! You are my bestest, best friend!”
Pollux rolls his eyes behind the mask, adjusting Ortega’s arm draped over his shoulders, keeping a hold on his wrist. He keeps blabbering on his ear, trying to rock them side to side across the sidewalk, kicking up water with god knows what in it. Pollux struggles to keep them from falling into a heap, cursing under his breath. Ortega would find it down right hilarious if they took a tumble into one of the heaps of trash, or perhaps smacked right into a telephone pole, the drunk bastard. He’d be finding their current struggles hilarious too if he didn’t have his pea sized drunk brain occupied singing to the heavens of his adoration.
“Hey....hey there, Lux?” He cajoles with a poke at his cheek and Pollux jerks away, giving him a grimace even though the mask. “Y-You know you’re my best friend, right?”
“Yes, you’ve been singing about it for the past hour, ass.” Pollux shoots back, sighing out of his nose. 
They’re still a couple blocks away and all he wants to do is dump Ortega on his couch, make sure he won’t throw up all over himself and drag his own ass back to his bed. He blinks quickly to dispel the creeping heaviness across his eyelids, adjusting Ortega once more as he goes into another verse of the same made up jabbering nonsense.
Pollux glances up at Ortega  as he keeps going, his brown eyes staring above and all around, glassy and vacant from the eight or so beers he’s had. Maybe a few other drinks bought for him in between; he’s not paid to watch how much Ortega imbibes. 
But there’s honesty in his eyes, in how despite the awkward looks and snickering laughs from the few people still out as they clumsily pass by, he means every word of his stupid ballad. Drunk Ortega isn’t suave, isn’t the actor, wearing his heart on his sleeve instead of a mask on his face, looking picture perfect, taking it all in stride. It’s honestly slipping out of his mouth unbidden, the facade peeled back, the lies stripped away. The pretense and the formalities all gone and he’s just some drunk guy draped over a friend taking him home.
Pollux likes the pretense, when they don’t say the things they want to say--when he won’t drape himself all over him. Makes it easier to pretend he doesn’t feel like he does--makes it easier to lie to himself.
“I-It’s...it’s true, ya know? You are my, uh, my best friend.” Ortega waves his hand around theatrically, tripping over his own misplaced feet with a giggle. A giggle. God so help him. “An-And I don’t think you hear it enough. From anyone. You’re special, Lux.”
Oh he’s heard plenty of how he’s special--her words purred in his ear, fingernails digging into his shoulders, urging him on--more and more and more. Pollux swallows hard, smothering that voice in the back of his head. 
“Oh I hear plenty from you about how special I am, lover boy.” Pollux huffs because as much as he is an honest drunk, he’s also stupid as shit and mushy as fuck. He doesn’t have the space in his head to think about how differently it sounds when Ortega says he’s special, how his ears are burning and the strange roll of his stomach.
“It’s-It’s because it’s true, Pebbles.” Ortega objects, rather loudly and pointedly. “You really are my best friend an-and I care about you. A lot.”
“You’ll be caring a lot more about the toilet than me in a bit.”
Ortega blows a large raspberry and waves his hand, Pollux dragging him away from yet another hapless pole he’s aiming to smack into.
Going to Hoots on Friday nights is both equal parts exciting and the worst thing he gets talked into doing; the music leaves him with a pounding headache and the flurry of so many minds leaves him damp with cold sweat and shaky hands. Still its Ortega’s favorite place to go on a Friday night, plus Anathema had volunteered to come along and Pollux was feeling indulgent. Fat lot that did when he drew the short straw.
Should’ve told Anathema to do, damn them when they winked and smirked, ducking out the door in a flash, leaving Pollux to wrangle Ortega. 
Pollux sighs and he swallows down the lump, Ortega still mumbling away at his song as his building comes into view. Thank god--it’ll be easy to dump him at home and leave behind the weird feeling that refuses to go away. Going out with Ortega is always dangerous.  It’s far too easy for Pollux to convince himself to give up some of his boundaries and self imposed restrictions—the things that keep him from saying things he shouldn’t. Doing things he shouldn’t. Like walking Ortega home.
He gives an inch and Ortega takes it for a mile, drawing him out bit by bit like thread unraveling from a spool and he uses it to tie them in closer. Convinces him to stay for a little while longer, one more longing look.
One more chaste kiss...or maybe not so chaste kiss.
Ortega nearly falls and Pollux curses, half dragging him up the stairs to his building and he wrangles him through the door to his building. He’s half slumped over him now along with most of his weight on Pollux’s shoulders and he might as well be dragging his feet.
“Can you please stand on your own fucking legs?” Pollux huffs, knees groaning and he’s only twenty two--his body shouldn’t groan like that.
“Gravity is too much, Pebbles.” He mumbles against his shirt near his neck and that is most certainly not helping the situation, his face flushing the under mask.
“I’ll dump your drunk ass on the floor.”
“Please Lux don’t do that.”
Thankfully there’s an elevator or he might have sooner just dumped Ortega in the lobby and left rather than drag his ass up the stairs. The doorman knows Pollux well enough by now that he just waves them on and shakes his head, grinning to himself. Oh the indignity of the Marshal of the Rangers being dragged drunk through his apartment lobby, but the doorman has tight lips. Plus there’s undoubtable amusement in watching Ortega getting wrangled into an elevator when his feet aren’t working correctly.
The door closes before Ortega can spill his guts about how much he likes him to the doorman, or spills his guts all over the tile floor. That would be a mess and Pollux wouldn’t be the one to clean it up. He’s had enough of cleaning up vomit, acid dripping down his chin from his nose, the corners of his mouth..
“Please tell me you have your keys.” Pollux nudges him off and leans Ortega against the elevator wall, patting around his pockets. He finds his wallet—thankfully tucked in his back pocket still—but no keys.
“I got em Lux don’t worry.” Ortega oh so helpfully pats his butt and Pollux rolls his eyes.
“That’s your wallet, you ass.”
Ortega snorts. “You touched my ass.”
Pollux groans loudly, face flushing under his mask and Ortega laughs in self satisfaction. A sharp pinch of his side and he yelps, grumbling under his breath as he rubs the tender spot. His coat pockets next and Pollux finds the jingling ring of keys--thank god.
“At least you have some sense of hindsight...” Pollux grumbles to himself and the elevator dings. He helps him out of the elevator and they drift side to side down the hallway, Ortega mumbling something or another in his ear the whole time, oh so helpfully close like earlier. Pollux tries not to care--his cheeks are most certainly not warm--fumbling with the lock until it clicks open and he pushes Ortega inside. He kicks the door shut and miraculously Ortega is standing on his own two legs and even more miraculous is that he’s looking at him.
“Can’t believe it took this long t’get you to come to my house after Hoots...” Ortega mumbles with a lopsided grin, subtly lost when he’s still got that drunk look to him--the smell of beer and stale french fries still on him. Pollux’s face flushes and his ears burn, quickly squashing down *those* sprinting thoughts. 
“Save the drunk flirting for someone else, lover boy.” He helpfully turns him around to push him towards the living room, putting the keys down. Ortega somehow manages to not bump into too many walls along the hallway, hands outstretched to guide him. Pollux sighs and quickly squashes the little soap bubble thoughts of his goofy sashay down the hall--he was not staring. Not at all, no wandering eyes.
Ortega is reasonably safe in the living room. Not like he can go many places--he could fall down and break his head open on the coffee table his head helpfully tells him--and Pollux heaves a deep, long sigh.
There are pain killers and other meds he’ll need in the cabinet above the bathroom sink; Pollux picks out the ones he’ll need for tomorrow among the menagerie of orange bottles, sifting through what it means to keep a modded body running--thousands of dollars tucked away in that cabinet. They’re the ones he’s watched him take when he won’t stop complaining about the pain in his back and elbows. Others he’s listened to Ortega lament at how bad they taste.
Pollux pulls the throw blanket from off the bed where he’s held frozen peas to the side of Ortega’s head, listening to him talk about how the fight went--the good parts and the bad parts. He’s stitched bleeding wounds there and gathered up stained blankets to clean later, wrapped gauze over washed abrasions, keeping chiding words tucked behind his teeth. 
A cup for water in kitchen and he’s sat on the counter top and watched Ortega cook him all the foods he’s never tasted before. Pies that tia Elena makes, a beautiful cake that his cousin’s aunt makes which reminds him of this tiny hole in the wall place in downtown Los Diablos. He could rant for ages of all Pollux has missed like a fool, how he hasn’t lived until he’s tried this, or tried that. It’s sad just how close is accidentally gets to the truth.
Laughter calls from the living room and Pollux peeks his head out of the kitchen, finding Ortega sprawled out on the couch, one shoe on and the other off, holding a decorative pillow under his chin. Who knows what he’s laughing about now, something stupid inevitably.
“You need to take off both shoes, Ortega.” 
Pollux reminds him, picking around for the biggest bowl and settling on a rather large sauce pan instead. By the time he comes back he’s figured that out along with getting his jacket off, leaving it in a heap on the ground. Pollux knows he’s watching him, setting both the painkillers and the water on the coffee table for when he gets the sense to need them.
“Hey, hey Pollux?” He pauses putting the pan down. “Why do you always got your mask on?” Ortega asks, brows furrowed like a puzzle he’s trying to solve. Pollux mirrors the expression behind his mask, lips slipping into a familiar frown.
“My face is a secret.” Pollux retorts and Ortega grumbles.
“Friends don’t keep secrets...!”
“Oh yeah? I’m sure you’ve got plenty of secrets you don’t tell me.” Pollux gives him a pointed look and Ortega waves his hand dismissively.
“Nothing like my entire face, Pollux.
“You’ve seen the lower half of my face.”
He’s kissed him too, cupped his face and the back of his head and held him like he was all that mattered in that moment. But Pollux isn’t telling him that at all. He certainly does not want to think about that right now and he scoops up Ortega’s jacket, balling it up in his arms.
“That doesn’t count!” Ortega laments and oh this is just a piss poor attempt to cajole him into showing his face that’s for certain.
“Well tough luck lover boy.” Pollux heaves a sigh and sits down on the floor near Ortega’s head, face resting against couch cushion, jacket still balled up in his hands. He has half the mind to take it with him, as payback for making him drag his ass through the street at 2am. He’d be looking for it up and down his apartment tomorrow and the thought of the frantic text he’d get makes him bite his lip to suppress a smile.
Plus it is a nice jacket--a pretty leather bomber style, well loved and well taken care of.
“You’re so mean to me.” Ortega grumbles, playing with his lip between his teeth, and Pollux ugly snorts, dramatically rolling his eyes.
“Oh, I’m just the worst best friend huh?”
“Yes, the absolute worst best friend. You’re so awful and mean to me in the worst ways imaginable, Pollux.” He can’t help but snort and that sets Ortega off with a loud groan.
“I *cannot* believe that you are finding this funny, getting all this amusement out of you being so mean to...”
Pollux zones out watching Ortega rant, the clumsy way he’s speaking and the way he moves his hands like he needs them to speak, snapping for the words he’s struggling with. It’s...interesting watch the facade crumble, how he’s so perfect with words and oozing charm for crowd and cameras, but just the two of them in his apartment and he’s stumbling, stuttering. 
He’s not the Marshal when he’s sprawled across the couch, one foot dangling off the edge, slurring and tripping over his words, little unabashed laughs slipping out. It’s more real seeing him like this, less questions to ask, more straightforward. There’s no guessing here, no games of chess to play where he needs to be five steps ahead, no guessing his thoughts by the tilt of his brow or the quirk of his lips.
It’s just the calm even breaths between them, enough space to breath the same air and yet it’s still like an ocean dividing them.
Pollux swallows against the lump in his throat and he pushes the thoughts out to sea, staying on the shore where he keeps watching Ortega talk, the turn of his lips and the slope of his neck, down to the hint of collarbone. Places where Pollux has put his lips and felt Ortega’s breath hitch--his pulse race. Put his hands and felt him breathe in his chest, the rise and fall of rushing breathing, the scratch of five’o clock shadow on his cheek, under his nose, the gasp of air in the space between wet lips.
If he was the betting kind of person, he’d put money on Ortega not remembering anything tomorrow and it would so easy...could pull the mask off and let him see for a bit. His hands sweat at the thought, giving an inch and losing a mile to a silly drunk man’s smile and how comforting it is--how is so completely and utterly easy to lose himself.
H’s betting on him not remembering and Pollux is running low on chips. Either and neither way he’s screwed and he takes a long breath. Steadying his hands and he reaches under his mask, pulling it up and over his head.
He blinks, adjusting to the soft hazy light of a nearby lamp, the flush of alcohol and cologne in his nose. Cool air on his sweaty face and he resists the urge to sneeze. Ortega keeps talking, eyes even fluttering over to him once, twice, three times and...there he gets it, brown eyes growing big. 
He blinks once, twice, three times and a wide smile breaks across his face, eyes focused on him. With difficulty, Pollux shoves down the urge to yank the mask back on, cover himself back up and hide; he worries the jacket between his thumb and index finger instead, chewing the inside of his cheek.
Pollux chokes out past the lump, face flushing. Ortega keeps staring, keeps his eyes focused on him and it’s because he’s drunk, Pollux tells himself, and he’s never seen his face before, and he’s staring at him like he’s something far too precious--a twinkle in his eyes, the curl of crows feet. Pollux’s skin itches and he resists the urge to scratch and pick, tear and yank yank yank--
“You have red hair...” Ortega mumbles and instinct makes him take a deep breath to quiet his nerves. Neither here nor there and Ortega’s hand twitches like he wants to reach out, but he can’t quite get there
“Nice observation there captain obvious.” Ortega snorts at his reply and Pollux runs his fingers across the fuzzy curls starting to grow back in.
“Do you know how many freckles you have?” He still has that half stupid grin on his face, eyes darting about his face, taking it all in like he’s piecing together the person he’s always wondered about under the mask. Fitting him into the image he’s made of him, constructed in his head. 
Pollux is too used to that and he fights the roll of his stomach.
“A million.” Pollux grumbles and Ortega whistles dramatically. “You’ve seen them on my hands before, don’t act so surprised.” Tacking that on and he rolls his eyes too.
Ortega found his hands fascinating back then too, his fingers long and slender compared to his palms, compared the whole of him. Piano fingers Ortega had called them as they measured palm to sweaty palm one lonely day in the break room. Ortega’s fingers daring to slip a fraction, to slip his fingers into his, to hold his hand palm to palm, five fingers interlocking. It was enough to set a fire in his gut then, like pressing his hand to a stove and he’d yanked his hand back and shoved his gloves back on too. Too much of a touch--far too real and new with skin pressed to skin.
“You’re very handsome, Pollux.”
He blinks, tossed from his thoughts by the sudden admission, scrambling, eyes shooting up to look at Ortega. 
That wasn’t what he was expecting--not the words like that, for Ortega to blurt that out and there’s that damn honesty again. 
Ortega is staring at him, eyes more focused than he should for how drunk he supposedly is...or was, for that matter. Damn it. There’s the truth wrapped around his tongue, coating his words and fuck Pollux doesn’t like how it makes him feel, not one single bit.
He blushes deep red and his ears burn, tucking his chin against his chest like that will do any good. If pulling the strings on his hoodie tight to hide his face would do any good he would.
“Shut the fuck up, Ortega.” He manages and fuck his voice shakes more than it should—more than he wants it to.
“I’m not lying.” Ortega’s got that stubborn look in his eyes and there’s a frown of his own on Pollux’s face, lip twitching in an almost sneer.
“I...” Pollux snaps his mouth shut and bites his lip hard. “I don’t care if you’re lying or not, just shut up.”
That’s a lie of his own and he pinches hard between his thumb and index finger, worrying his lip.
“Just because you say that doesn’t mean I’m lying. I am being honest, Pebbles.” He presses further and Pollux looks up at him and he shouldn’t have because Ortega is leaning in far too close.
“That doesn’t mean I don’t get to call you a bastard.” Pollux replies, breathing harder than he should, less butterflies and more like a beehive in his stomach, waiting to be shaken.
“You would call me a bastard no matter what.”
“That’s because it’s the truth, Ortega.” Pollux doesn’t lean away even though the rational part of his brain is screaming otherwise. Ortega’s breath still smells like booze, but he smells more like cologne this close, the subtle musk that tickles his nose, stale french fries a thing of the past.
“Do you want the truth?” Ortega asks and that is the question.
It’s always been the question, the one he can’t find answers to no matter where he goes looking—what is the truth? What does he need to know the truth about? What happens when the truth is laid before him--or if it’s set in front of too many people, naked and exposed. Far too many questions for the skinny space between them right now, breathing in sync.
“Could I stop you from saying it?” Pollux asks in return, eyes sliding down the slope of Ortega’s neck, fingers itching. He can’t remember if he wore a necktie or not, but the top buttons are undone regardless. Pale pink cotton sharp against deep brown skin and Pollux swallows against the lump in his throat.
“No...” Ortega grins, a soft flush on his cheeks that isn’t from the alcohol. “But I would very much like to kiss you.”
Pollux bites his lip and he’s still, holding himself just so he won’t bolt from the floor, knuckles tense in the jacket. He steals a glance at Ortega’s face and fuck that isn’t any better than staring at other parts of him, his stomach twisting itself in knots of indecision.
“You smell like beer.” Pollux skirts the question, Ortega’s lips just inches from his--breathing in time, breathing in the same air and if it were anywhere but here, anywhere but this moment. If he was anyone--anything--but what he is.
“Is that better than blood?” He asks and Pollux quietly snorts. Bastard.
“I’m used to blood.” 
Pollux unknits his hand from the jacket, reaching and pulling back and he knows he’s touching what he shouldn’t be--feeling what he isn’t mean to feel--but he’s doing it regardless. Reaching again, his fingertips ghost up the side of Ortega’s neck. He smooths his fingers up bronzed skin to the curve of his jaw, jagged thumbnail slipping along the rough line of stubble there, thumb finding his chin. He swears there’s a sharp intake of breath, but Ortega is still, staring, eyes searching his. 
He knows it’s almost three am and he doesn’t know how he’ll drag himself back to his bed with how tired he is now, tired enough to think that kissing Ortega is a good idea, tired enough to loose his inhibitions. He’s seen his whole face and he hasn’t run, trembling fingers still holding his face in a gesture far more intimate than palms pressing together, fingers almost linked.
Pollux supposes he’ll wake up the next morning and if his phone isn’t dead he’ll have a slew of text messages waiting for him; supposes Ortega will remember and ask a dozen questions, or he won’t and still ask a dozen questions like he’s used to. Either way Pollux supposes he’ll lie to him, tell him that nothing happened, that he just dumped him on his couch and got him settled in. He supposes they’ll both know better than that, but neither will say anything. Supposes Ortega won’t even remember his face in the morning, or remembering kissing him.
His thumb is still stroking his chin, eyes staring at his lips.
“But I can make an exception. Just this once.” 
Pollux lies to himself, to both of them. Another one to add to the dozens, a pile like he’s digging his own grave. 
He crosses the gap between them and he pauses just enough to know how bad of idea this is--how screwed he’s going to be. Ortega doesn’t give him time to back out, cradling the back of his neck and he yanks him close, lips pressing against lips.
He tastes of stale beer--better than fresh blood, the taste of metal and electricity on his tongue. Here he feels the shape of his chapped lips against his, the curve of his jaw, hand curling sharp into the nape of Ortega’s neck, fingers slowly bunching in his hair. Ortega’s hand cupping his cheek and jaw, hand warm against his already flushed skin. Nose bumping nose to try and fit lips together and it’s soft, tender, worming into the dark places he’s hidden away, pulling lengths of thread to bind them together. Pollux pulls away, forehead to forehead, biting wet lips.
Oh he’s certainly going to be cursing himself later, Ortega pulling him back in for kisses upon kisses that keep bleeding into each other, one after another, tongue and teeth and he wonders how much Ortega is trying to memorize the shape of him, the flush of his lips against his, fitting puzzle pieces together. Ironic considering he wasn’t meant to be remembered and here Ortega is, slowly, achingly, trying his best to do just that and fuck it *hurts*.
It isn’t fair, kissing Ortega when he’s drunk on his couch, Pollux’s fingers knitted tight in his hair, hand finding it’s way under his collared shirt to press against his chest, needs these needy kisses. Hands holding his own face, the back of his own neck, hands daring--wanting to explore more. Fuck he wants to hold him tight, let him keeping touching him, drink in every single kiss and then maybe he won’t feel so empty. 
Maybe he’ll feel like an actual person, like he’s more than what’s on his skin, what’s buried deep down--the terrible, gut wrenching truth. 
 And that is one of the scariest thoughts he’s ever had.
He pulls away from the kiss, peels his hands from Ortega and Ortega’s hands away from him, hiccuping with each time he tries to breathe, trying to hold the panic steady in his gut. 
“Stop.” His hand is firm on Ortega’s chest, keeping him at bay as he tries to lean back in, to try and kiss him again. “You’re far too drunk, Ricardo.” Pollux whispers, sense crawling back up his spine, a cold weight filling his gut.
“Just drunk on you.” He’s trying for smug and the way he’s looking at him through his eyelashes would almost be charming, but it’s just not fair, not fair at all.
(It’s always the almost, isn’t it?)
“Stop, please...” Pollux presses his hand firm against his chest, enough to push him back a bit and Ortega’s brow scrunches together, confusion slipping into worry and further into scarier emotions.
“Pollux? Are you okay” 
“You’re drunk and I’m going home.” 
Pollux says again, trying to be firm, to hold his ground, despite knowing what he wants to be feeling, his chest tight. He needs to go, needs to leave before those feelings get the better of him, before he decides to do dangerous things--things that come attached with regrets. Things he can’t even fathom, ones that leave his skin like pins and needles.
(Needles under the skin, needles in veins, wrists chafing)
“Pollux, please, I’m sorry...what did I do?” Ortega tries again and Pollux gets to his feet to stay out of reach of scrambling hands, jacket knitted in his hands once more, knuckles squeezed of their blood.
(blood on white tiles, muffled screeching and sobbing)
“You didn’t do anything, I’m sorry.” Pollux chokes out, pursing his lips into a thin white line, looking everywhere but at Ortega.
“No, I-I did something...I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you--” He tries to get up, but Pollux puts a hand on his shoulder and pushes him back down, quickly pulling his hand back out of reach.
“No, I’m...I’m going back home. You’re drunk and didn’t do anything wrong.”
That’s right, it’s always him making the bad choices, going against the boundaries he’s set for himself and they’re there for a good reason--to keep him safe. Keep his secrets safe, locked away behind his teeth and his lips still taste like Ortega.
“Pebbles, come on...pl-please...”
“No, I am going home, Ricardo. I’m sorry.”
He takes his mask out and slips it back over his face, adjusting the fabric and he can hide again, pretend like he’s calm and not that his stomach is still twisting itself into knots upon knots, that he doesn’t want to bolt down the stairs and out the door.
“Don’t throw up all over yourself, please. Take your meds. Call Steel in the morning so you don’t cause a panic when you don’t show up at eight am.” 
Pollux speaks quick, sliding the pan closer towards Ortega with his foot and he skirts around the couch, jacket still locked in his hands. He hears Ortega scrambling to extract himself from the couch, still whining for Pollux.
Pollux reaches the door and disregards his pleas, opening the door to the cold hallway bathed in green florescence from the flickering lights overhead. 
“Bye Ortega.”
He slams the door closed behind him, the sound ringing in his ears over and over again, a rhythm as he takes the stairs in sets of threes and he’s out into the night, disappearing into the dark.
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