#my favourite thing w these two seems to be the whole 'if we get together the chain of command will be compromised'
narcissosbythepool · 1 year
[A little gazprice omegaverse (omega!price, alpha!gaz, mention of omega!soap) draft, i'll prob make it into a thing later but here's what i have for now]
Omega Price hasn't had his heat in years – not something he's been keen to do. Maybe it's also some remnant of a bygone era where omegas were shunned in the military, perhaps Price is just extremely private person, maybe he doesn't just like heats much.
But suddenly, a mission goes on longer than expected and he runs out of suppressant pills
And the heat hits hard.
So Price and Gaz are on the mission together, they're behing enemy lines and they get stuck. Price looks at his pill stock and is like :) well shit. 141 knows Price is an omega but it's kind of a need-to-know thing, so he's the only one who keeps stock of his suppressants AND he doesn't go to regular health checks (he can go around them as CO).
Going years without a heat is Very Bad for an omega's health, and the next heat will be The Mother of Heats so it's not recommended. So the med stock starts to dwindle and Price doesn't tell Gaz, starts just taking half a pill per day.
Gaz picks up on it, the sweet scent of an omega in preheat, and he's surprised, didn't realize that Price could just... lower his guard like this around Gaz, not use his blockers or suppressants.
Until Price's nervous behaviour starts cluing him in that this is a bad situation.
They finally reach a safehouse but Price is about to have his heat any day now and Laswell can't promise them an exfil any time soon, though she promises to try her best. Price's pheromones will start attracting attention if the heat hits full force and they're both nervous as shit about it.
Add to this a dormant but ever-present pining situation... Gaz and Pricr have been into each other for a while but there are so many barriers: their rank and the power imbalance, Price's protectiveness of his omega identity, the age gap (that Gaz doesn't mind one bit tho, he likes older men), and also just prioritizing their friendship above all else – not to mention how damn compromised they'd be if they bonded. Could Price send his lover on the battlefield to risk his life? Would he be able to stay objective? Neither of them is entirely sure.
But Price starts displaying some signs of a distressed omega, frustrated at himself and the situation and Gaz's scent driving him insane.
It takes a few days of being stuck in close quarters, until Gaz finally breaks their waiting game.
"Sir... I don't want to be disrespectful."
"Try me, Sergeant." Be real fucking careful now, Price's tone says.
"Would it... would it help if I scented you? I hear... or Soap says at least, that it helps ease the symptoms." Gaz swallows. "My scent could cover yours. If something goes wrong."
Neither of them miss the rising scent of arousal in the room. They don't even know which one of them it's coming from. Maybe both.
The idea isn't bad – it would make sense to cover Price's scent with an alpha's, and it might ease Price's anxiety, perhaps prolonging the beginning of the heat.
Price would like to drag Gaz to the bed he's claimed for himself, wants Gaz's weight on him, wants him close, but this isn't the time to make bad decisions, and so they kind of stand there, awkwardly facing each other until Price opens his arms and Gaz's one hand finds his hip, the other his neck. Gaz pushes his nose against Price's scent gland, inhales the strong scent and revels in it, until Price grunts impatiently and Gaz starts scenting him for real.
And then they just. Stand there. Practically embracing each other. Enjoying each other's scents and the indulgence after months of pining.
Months? Maybe even years.
In the following days Gaz starts scenting him every few hours and Price's heat, while still steadily approaching, isn't going as haywire as in the beginning.
One night Price is restless, tossing and turning and so clearly frustrated that it's keeping Gaz awake.
Until finally it stops. Gaz turns to look. Price is looking at him.
"Kyle," he starts, and Gaz's stomach twists a little. "Would you... no, I can't ask that of you."
"Try me, Captain."
Price stalls for a moment and then finally sits up, looking somehow lost and years younger.
"I feel so damn empty. I need... a touch. To be taken care of." He grimaces. "I hate heats. Too dependent on others."
"If you don't mind. Could you come here?"
Price lifts his blanket a little, makes space next to him on the narrow bed.
Gaz is frozen for a second and then gets up, crosses the room, and sits down.
"How do you want me, Cap?"
Price's eyes get a teasing glint in them.
"Now that's a bit forward, eh?"
"Sir..." Gaz mumbles, embarrassed.
Price lies down and turns his back to Gaz. If it weren't dark in the room, Gaz wonders if he would see a blush, the tips of his ears red.
"C'mon Garrick. You can figure it out."
He sure can.
Gaz settles down and turns to his side, lifting his arm over Price's side and pulling him close, burying his face in Price's neck and inhaling his scent, exuding his own calming scent, and feels how Price relaxes in his hold.
[That's all I have for now! Maybe i'll write some more later]
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jakesprettygirlx · 8 months
Pairing- Johnnie guilbert X fem!reader
- hiii thank you so much for requesting, this is such an amazing request and Soo cuteeee <3
Johnnie and I had spontaneously decided late at night to go to the carnival that was in town, and that's exactly what we did.
We went on so many rides, laughing as each of us got shit scared plenty of times on different rides.
Throughout the whole time when Johnnie was distracted I couldn't help but smile at him with nothing but love, his mostly immature jokes at random things always made me laugh no matter what they were, his sweet and caring attitude always seems to make me even more in love with him, and of course his style it suited him so perfectly that I couldn't picture him dressing any other way.
We had decided to go and get pretzels and a slushie before going on the Ferris wheel so that we could end the night on the Ferris wheel since we had been here for a few hours now.
It was finally our turn in line as Johnnie and I walked up to the sweet older lady that was running the shop.
"hello, can we please get two pretzels and 2 raspberry slushies" Johnnie asked the lady nicely as he looked over at me making sure that he had gotten the order correct to which I laughed at but nodded.
The older lady looked between us and smiled before saying.
"sure thing, and you two are such a cute couple I have to say"
Johnnie and I looked at each other quickly trying to scramble over words and tell her that we were in fact not a couple but she was already gone to get our order.
While we waited to the side for our food a little girl came rushing over asking for a picture with Johnnie and I as we were both some of her favourite youtubers.
Of course we agreed and bent down to her level quickly taking a picture and she smile d brightly thanking us to which we said no problem.
But before she walked away she said one thing that just made Johnnie and I look at eachother with no words we could possible say.
"you two are the most adorable couple on YouTube" she walked away after saying that as Johnnie and I were left in an awkward silence.
Did we really look like a couple to everyone here, I could see how awkward Johnnie looked which made the smile on my face drop thinking he didn't like the idea of us being together.
We collected our food and slushies and decided to sit in a nice patch of grass that no one was really sitting at that had a nice view.
As we say down another orderly couple smiled at us muttering to each other about how adorable we looked together.
"wow three people in under 20 minutes" Johnnie chuckled a look I didn't recognise plastered on his face.
"yeah I guess we must look like a couple to them" I tried laughing to play it off.
But Johnnie turned to look at me, at first he didn't say anything and just looked like he was taking in every single feature that he could possiblly notice.
"well id be one lucky guy if what they were saying was true" he said boldly not taking his eyes off of me waiting for my reaction.
"w-what" I stuttered my heartbeat going up rapidly hoping I didn't misheard him, he stood up grabbing my hand and pulling me up so that I was standing in front of him looking straight into his eyes as he took a deep breath.
"look Yn, I can't keep it a secret anymore, I like you, like really like you maybe even love you That's how strong my feelings are for you and I can't possibly go another day without telling you how much you affect me, your style, your laugh, the little things that get you excited, how well you get along with Jake and scuff, and I hope even if you don't like me back that this won't change anything in our friendship as I can't loose you, your the only person that can make me feel so hap-"
I cut him off smiling brightly as I pulled his face into mine connecting our lips as he didn't waste anytime in kissing back snaking his arms around my waist and mine going around his neck.
The kiss was sweet and passionate, a moment Johnnie and I had been waiting for, forever.
As we pulled away my forehead rested against his as I muttered the words he was waiting to hear.
"I love you too"
Johnnie smiled pulling me into another kiss the Ferris wheel ride we were supposed to go on temporarily forgotten as we got lost in each other's embrace.
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csuitebitches · 11 months
I really enjoy your blog and was wondering if you have advice on one of my biggest mental blocks. I'm 23 but struggle to feel like an adult and being independent deeply scares me even through I want to be "chasing my dreams". I've lived with my close knit family my whole life and still spend a lot of time with my parents. I'm almost going to move away(in the next year) and so I've began the process of getting a car/saving money, etc. But then I find myself subtly sabotaging these efforts because the idea of being alone/moving away also terrifies me. I really want to experience moving to a city and working and traveling and doing things I want and at this point I'm finding it draining being my parents "stay-at-home-daughter". But I also get anxiously sick when I try a push myself for more independence. I've put so much on hold going through school and then living in my home town w. parents and it's kind of scary to imagine dating (never prioritized men + parents didn't let me date in highschool= never had a bf or anything) or living alone even though I'd love to have the experience. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Basically I still feel like a 15 year old when it comes to my personal life and that feels a bit shameful.
I want to tell you that we all feel what you feel. You’ll only ever feel like an adult when you’ve exposed yourself to the outside world, regardless of whether you can handle it or not.
independence scares you because it’s unfamiliar territory. Often when we look at people who are independent and on their own two feet, they seem to have a sense of self identity, purpose and responsibilities to handle.
I’m always in favour of people moving out of their parents homes for a couple of years at least (the culture where I come from also emphasises on the whole family living together and there’s no move out at the age of 18 concept) because I see the pros and cons of both situations of living in/ out of your parents home.
No book, YouTube video, friends’ experiences will teach you about being an adult. You have to step out and experience it yourself.
Start doing exposure therapy. Basically, slowly, bit by bit, immerse yourself into the traditional adult experiences.
I’ll give you examples. Understand fully how your insurance works. Keep all your medical records in both a physical and a digital file.
Understand how your car functions as a product - which means guarantees, warranties, insurance, emergency numbers, mechanics nearby, etc.
Start tracking all your spending expenses, even if you’re using your parents money at the moment. The earlier you start this habit, the better. Create a monthly budget for yourself and stick to it.
Start doing your own laundry in the house and learn that not all clothes go in the washing machine, some go for dry cleaning etc.
Make it a goal to learn to cook at least 5 dishes properly before you leave. If your parents are good cooks, ask them to teach you or go to every introvert’s favourite site, YouTube.
Pretend that your room is a mini apartment and try to keep it clean at all times.
Start socialising more. Not just with known friends. Sign up for a random hobby class like a book club or a running club where you can meet more people. Yes it’ll be difficult, yes you’ll have moments of awkwardness but don’t give up after just one meeting - go and meet new people to get used to the idea of interacting with strangers.
You can’t rush into feeling like an adult. It takes time. Exposure therapy is the best way to get into it. The more responsibility you can healthily shoulder, even if you fail at times, you’ll still start feeling more confident.
We weren’t born with the knowledge of car tire changing mechanics, insurance, cooking or tidying up. We had to learn them as we grew up. It’s perfectly alright to not know how to do something. The beauty of living in today’s world is that the answer to nearly every question is one google search away.
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. Also there are too many shows on and something is always finishing or starting so a month is a lot.
BL - Currently Watching
1000 Years Old [2/12] - It's silly, and entertaining and makes me laugh. The friend group is delightful and I'm having a good time watching them. Was excited for a minute when Yo suggested a haircut for Pun because I cannot handle that wig. 🤞
Anti Reset [5/10] - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. The show doesn't seem to settle on what is actually trying to say about the AI of it all, and when it says something I'm not crazy about it. Why is it so frustrating? Because they are so fucking endearing when they're together on screen. I wanna love this show so much.
Cherry Magic Th [11/12]– I love them so much. I'm fascinated by the choices that the show is making. As a big fan of the manga and the jbl I came into this with reservations and this show is just blowing my mind. This was the best episode 11 of all time and Tay/New are delivering. My heart is so full with this.
Cherry Magic Anime [7/12]– Another helicopter ride! Yay. The date song was hilarious. We're now getting to the point where they are dating and Adachi is feeling guilty for lying so I'm curious how the show will adapt the next phase of the relationship.
Dead Friend Forever [10/12]– Glad to see we are all on board with Tan's murderous impulses. It's been so much fun having more people join in on the fun. As for me, I NEED White to stay alive. That's really all I want. Getting curious about how Perth factors in to all of this.
My Strawberry Film[2/8] - I feel it coming. I see sadness in my future. But I'm bracing because I'm loving the look of this show. And pining boys are my favourite type of boys. I'm ready.
Ossan's Love Returns [8/9] - The videos messages destroyed me but then that ending made me annoyed. I don't know what to expect in terms of Kurosawa but I hope he's not actually dying and there's a really good reason for all this. Medical mal practice might be the thing. Although as @twig-tea pointed out to me, since it was said in show it might not actually happen. I want happy for the ending anyway.
Perfect Propose [5/6] . Why must I only have them for 6 episodes??? I need more. Kai is everything to me, and that back hug followed by that smile melted by cold heart. Hiro's boss needs something heavy to fall on him from a great height. And please Hiro,sweetie, I need you to eat better and sleep.
Although I Love You, and You? [7/10]- Sakae is letting me down. And by that I mean, the show is letting me down. Sakae needs to put his foot down with Mizuki and go back to being a fool in love with Soga.
To Be Continued [1/8] - It's not amazing. but I'm a sucker for second chance romance and there are two couples so there's a 50% chance I will like this. We'll see. Also, they need to start hiring younger actors for the high school flashbacks. This goes for A Secretly Love too. Having 27 year olds and up playing ten years younger just won't do. It's terrible.
Unknown [2/12] - I'm intrigued. Not completely sold yet but I'm liking it so far. Also nothing would keep me away from watching Sam Lin again.
Also watched the first episode of A Secretly Love and caught up with City of Stars but it's on the 'I need to shut of my brain' schedule so I'm not necessarily watching to weekly.
BL - Finished
Cooking Crush - I will miss all of them. I loved it so much. The whole cut/uncut version thing was annoying and the editing was weird at times but overall this was wonderful. Communication done right. Relationships and character growth was stellar and both couples won my heart. Aungpao really surprised me, considering he was surrounded my pros on all sides. Dynamite was a joy to watch. And OffGun delivering with all the kissing. Everyone should watch this.
The Sign - I mean, what they did to this show is absolutely insane. Not airing the finale like the rest of the show. Having to pay extra for happy ending is ridiculous (although I kinda predicted this and @lurkingshan is my witness. I said as a joke and it turns out reality is a joke.) Then waiting 2 whole weeks for whatever that was. Just the most unsatisfying experience. Go read this from Shan because I agree with everything said there. Also @bengiyo final thoughts here really echo how I felt about this show overall.
Happy Ending - 20 minutes split in 3. Why? No idea. Was it a happy ending? I think so. Was it cute? Sure. Was it great to watch Seong Hyuk again? You betcha. But I didn't love it. I need Choco Milk Shake S2, like, TODAY.
Playboyy - It ended.
Rose Watches OJBL - I feel bad about this. I didn't watch any of the ones I planned to. This might seem like whatever but I've been trying to catch up with awards season films, because since uni, me and a couple of friends always do it and finish it by watching the oscars together and so ojbl was were I dropped the ball. Gonna restart soon though.
Not BL - Watched this month
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Night Has Come Death's Game Shop for Killers
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. All my gifs are under #rosygifs.
Have a good week💜
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I feel like jungkook mentioning jimin in his lives isn’t as talked about, and I mean in the sense of it being like a rosebowl or hickey moment. Because to me it is it’s all the way up there and even higher honestly. The fandom very willingly chooses to ignore it, as if jungkook hasn’t been consistently mentioning jimin but the sideline it like they always do anyway.
Jungkook mentioning jimin in his lives is extremely loud honestly. When he comes on live (the fact that it’s a live- which means real time raw reactions is what also elevates this to such high level too, it’s a very big factor for why I love it so much) and he mentions jimin he’s ultimately telling us that jimin is a constant in his life, a person who’s always there and present and someone he constantly sees. Because that’s what it means when you continually talk about a topic and you always find ways to mention it or talk about it. In this case the topic is jimin and he’s telling us that jimin holds an active presence in his life and that he easily relates things in his daily life to him. And he wants us to see the way he reacts to jimin, he wants us to see that he gets all giddy because of him he wants us to know he loves him and he unconditionally supports him (when he told us that something very big was dropping at 12am and it turned out to be the teaser to Jimins first solo debut song and also gave a spoiler of the butterfly) (or when he played the melody to letter in one of his lives) (when he mentions he’s also watched pixid and jimin reacting to the songs of his live) (or when he says the reason he came live was to watch suchwita with jimin- possibly the only suchwita episode he’s watched and he mentions not to comment because he’ll be paying attention to jimin and jimin only (or when he says he can’t focus on things he doesn’t like but can spend an hour talking about jimin and binging his content like he isn’t someone he sees irl and they didn’t see each other two days before). And when the food was too hot for jimin he pointed it out and seemed a bit concerned like jimin isn’t a 27yr old man but his baby. (Because of his lives we have footage of jungkook singing/supporting every single one of Jimins songs) But my favourite thing of all these lives was jungkooks inital reaction to seeing jimin when he was on the Lee Mujin Service show, it was the way his whole face and demeanour changed upon just see jimin for a second and when jimin finally walked out his smile was so big and his little endearment when he said “what🥰☺️😊😚” while literally melting. Or when he was mimicking jimin and he smiled so shyly afterwards. I can confidently say I’ve never reacted to anyone in this way even when I had a fat crush on a guy for 4 years.
Omg also the way they become shy because of each other is so so so so soft. When jimin said he found jungkook cute and jungkook was scratching his neck shyly and presented the cutest little shy smile while blushing. Or when after calling jungkook in his live jimin was flustered and didn’t know what to do w himself as he tried to talk about him and also lifted his shoulder and presented the shyest smile while looking down and also blushing. Or when jimin was talking and jungkook turned to him with his whole body and just smiled at him so softly. These were the moments that made me feel jimin n jungkook r together the most ofc others played a small part but these were big ones(and gcf Tokyo ofc very big one)
I’ll present links for all because they’re so cute.
Adding the last one as a bonus
Thankyou for listening i hope reading this is as much of a pleasure as writing it because I had lots of fun.
Your links, Anon:
Link one, two, three, four... *bonus*... five, six.
I enjoyed reading this and yeah, I agree.
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deathofpeaceofmiiind · 9 months
high infidelity | seven
My baby's fly like a jet stream, high above the whole scene, loves me like I'm brand new *Ellie’s POV* I woke up in a panic, forgetting where I was. I felt clammy and delirious. My hair was knotted and my face felt greasy since I forgot to take off my make up last night. My eyes wondered over to the tattooed arm that was beside me and relief washed over me, it was Noah. “Good morning.” He says putting his phone down and kissing my forehead. Suddenly my hangover hit me and my head felt like it split in two. “Morning.” I mumbled. “I feel awful.” “Tequila?” He asks as he scrunches his face up. I just nod, even the word tequila made me want to gag. “Well I hate to make you feel worse but I got us flights back to up to Vancouver, we leave in three hours.” “Oh god.” I moaned and I buried my head back into my pillow. He laughs and walks over to the bathroom. I hear the shower running and he comes back over to me with Advil and a bottle of water.
“I’ll order us some breakfast.” He smirks, I could tell he was trying not to laugh more at the state I was in. “Go shower, it’ll wake you up.” I wanted to protest, but a shower felt like a great idea. I grabbed my stuff and headed into the bathroom. After my shower I threw on my hoodie from last night with leggings and put my hair up in a claw clip with minimal make up to make myself at least look human. I came out of the bathroom and our breakfast was already waiting for us. We had coffees with pancakes and bacon, my favourite which also seemed to be Noah’s. After we were done eating we ordered an Uber and made our way to the airport. *Noah’s POV* I had to admit Ellie was handling her hangover better than I could’ve. I held her hand the entire ride to the airport and kept stealing glances at her. I couldn’t help myself. I’m still trying to figure out how I landed myself in such a lucky situation. Nick texted me to say they were just leaving Seattle and it felt weird I wasn’t there with them. He was right, this was definitely a different routine but if it meant having Ellie with me I was more than happy to switch it up. Once we got to the airport we checked in, made our way through security and found the first Starbucks we could find. “I’ll have a grande nitro brew and …” “A venti iced matcha with oat milk.” Ellie chimed in.   “God, you’re so basic.” I laughed as I gave the cashier my credit card. I looked over at Ellie and she told me to go fuck myself, which made me laugh more. We couldn’t stop making each other laugh and we were acting like this wasn’t our first time flying together. Ellie was just so incredible and she was easily one of the funniest people I’ve met without even trying. I felt like my heart was going to explode.
 “This is a very strange first date.” she chuckled as we got on the plane. “I know.” I replied as I reached over and helped her with her belt, not breaking my stare from her. “except you can’t go anywhere.” “Noah Sebastian, is that a threat?” She smirks. “Could be.” I replied with a deep tone.  She put her hand on my lap and I could feel myself getting hard, which wasn’t ideal. I always used to rush into things and with Ellie I wanted to slow down and establish something cause this was so delicate. I was ready whenever she was. “I was thinking about starting Demon Slayer again, do you wanna watch it?” I said, distracting myself from feeling like a horny teenager. Ellie just nodded and I pulled my iPad and AirPods out of my bag. I passed her an AirPod and she rested her head on my shoulder and I pressed play, mind you I was too focused on her thumb rubbing circles on my thigh. “You’re not gonna know the plot looking down there.” She chuckles as she looks up at me. My face got hot and drew my eyes back to my iPad. She was driving me absolutely crazy. The flight was only an hour so we got to Vancouver before we knew it. We were waiting at baggage claim for my suitcase, which I realized was a stupid idea for only being gone for two days. Ellie was making a joke about me being high maintenance but her phone interrupted her. She stopped dead in her tracks and her face went white. Tyler was calling her and I instantly saw red. “Hello…why do you think I’m divorcing you…I’ve known for a month…no I’m done Tyler…where was this effort when I raised our son on my own while you were out with her…call my lawyer to figure out a date…I’m not sorry…I’m done…yes I’m in town still…no I’m staying at a hotel right now…whatever.” She hung up the phone and was a lot more calm than I would’ve been. I pulled her into my chest and felt her take a huge breath. At least I knew she was safe with me and nothing would hurt her.
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b00tyliciousbabe · 2 years
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Jack Harlow x Black Male Reader.
Summary: I RECOGNISE THAT JACK HARLOW ISN’T GAY. it’s just a fun thing that I wanted to experiment with and to share my slutty fantasy lmaooo enjoy. no disrespect to my bae Jackman Thomas Harlow either, ily maybe a lil too much…this is my first post btw, so lmk what you wonderful ppl think 💕✨
Details: sprinkles of NSFW and fluff - we need a healthy balance. (hints of feminisation cause I’m in this weird stage of my gender identity - don’t watch that) ngl this is a simp post 4 him saying he’s ugly, one, do you even have eyes, and two, y’all can eat my ass, preferably after I’ve been barebacked by Jack. I’m nasty, get used to it 😭
I definitely think a white man is gonna deflower me lol - with Chris Evans and Henry Cavill as main celebrity contenders. But it’s the way Jack is so caring with black women, and just appreciative of black culture in general, that doesn’t seem performative. It’s a genuine love and admiration for my identity as a black person which makes me that much more attracted to him. His energy is just everything; His infectious smile, a voice that could legit make me melt, and beautiful blue eyes that I want glued to my body 24/7, I love everything about him.
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Let’s start with the fluffy stuff. I feel like he’d have me saved in his phone as some sweet nickname for me and I would save him as “jackman xx” instead of Jack just to be different 🤭 but I would be the only one who’s actually allowed to use his government name hahaaaa.
I can picture us with two black kids; One girl (she’s gonna be a couple years older), one boy, and that’s our perfect nuclear family lol. He’s definitely the one to spoil our kids so I can already imagine me being the bad cop parent in our family. BUT HE’S SO GOOD WITH KIDS like look at that picture. This doesn’t mean he’s a pushover, he would definitely get more pissed than you if the kids weren’t listening. So he’d be more sweet than stern but would discipline when needed. like imagine him saying “yo, stop disrespecting your daddy.” I WOULD DIEEEE. But I think the most amazing part of him being the father to my kids is the fact that he would’ve chosen to love me in the most organic way possible. We would have 2 whole physical representations of our love for one another and I think that’s so precious.
I feel like Jack is super romantic. I’m talking personally delivering a huge bouquet of my favourite white tulips and pink roses just because.
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I know he could never, but if somehow, in another reality, we were together, I know he would make me feel sooooo good 😩 I would think of Jack as a very compassionate lover. Don’t get me wrong, the man could make earthquakes with how hard and intense his strokes are but, with me being a virgin, I feel like he would definitely take his time with me. That being said, I do get the vibe that he’s experienced, but solely with girls, so it’d be a learning curve for him as well.
I don’t think y’all realise, but I would be on my knees 24/7 for this man. I know he doesn’t like the deepthroat with girls cause their throat is a lil too tight but I’d try my best to show him how pleasurable it can be. Jack is hung imma tell u. I feel like Jack’s dick isn’t too big, definitely bigger than average maybe 6.5/7 inches, but he would know what to do with itttt. I just know that his cock could make me weak in the knees. I always fantasise about sucking him off and staring into his blue eyes as he smiles at me, with my mouth full of his dick. A real paradox between slutty and innocent fr. I feel like he’d let me do my thing with his dick, I don’t see him being the type to face fuck me (unless I wanted him to), but instead he’d probably have his hands all up in my hair, or underneath my chin, guiding me to take his dick further down my throat. Ngl I would want his wood glistening with precum and saliva after I’m done with him. He strikes me as the type of person to enjoy sloppy toppy as well. I wouldn’t even feel embarrassed to slobber and dribble over him cause we would be comfortable enough. “Damn baby, that mouth tho.” I can hear him saying as I take him fully. I would prefer him to slouch down like on a couch or smth, with his tracksuit bottoms bunching at his ankles and his tech fleece hoodie unzipped showing his bare chest as his cock just bounces up and down begging for me to suck it. “Come on babe, he really needs you rn.” whilst he swirls his dick in his hands 😩🫠🤭
Onto how he fucks me; I feel like he’d love to see me on top. Not that I’m a power bottom or anything, my top is more than just a pole for me to use, but I feel like watching one of his hands gripping my left cheek, with the other behind his head, would be so hot. Watching him smile at how drunk I am for him would turn me on so much. Plus in his position I can grab his pecs, go down to kiss him, whilst he jackhammers and ploughs into me while I’m on top. UGHHH A DREAM. So many of y’all think he’s ugly but I would love to be in missionary with him. Have my hands all up in his curls, feel his breath on my face, see his cum face (I just know it’s the sexiest thing ever) i would nut right there. I feel like he’d be so sensual with his thrusts, it wouldn’t be hard, just really loving. Don’t get me wrong though, i think Jack would clap my cheeks so hard I wouldn’t be able to walk for a couple days, but he wouldn’t want to hurt me. Prone Bone would be a dream as well. I know Jack would be the one to whisper dirty ass things in my ear. “Fuck, that’s some good pussy baby.” “So tight for daddy aren’t you”
Onto his cum. MWAHAHAHAAA, I would live for it. I wouldn’t be satisfied unless I got at least two loads of his from our sessions. I feel like he would cum a lot but not all at once, it wouldn’t be explosive but fast enough. I get the vibe that he’d love seeing his cum all over my face. “you look so good with my nut all over your face” as he feeds me it from his fingers. I would definitely keep sucking after he busts tho, because I’ve seen how weak it makes them. Jack would definitely be the dom in the relationship but there’s something about hearing him whine and wither, begging me to stop sucking/slow down just makes me so wet. I feel, like most ppl, he would want to cum whilst inside. The only time he’d pull out is if I’d ask him to, to which i feel like he’d bust his nut all over my ass, paying particular attention to coating my hole.
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Aftercareeee w this man is just top tier. You thought he was only good at clapping my cheeks and stuffing me full, lmao he’s the whole package- literally. Often times, there’s not much to clean up and I think he’d like me falling asleep with his cum inside my ass. “You did so well baby boy, you’re always too good to me.” I feel like he’d be exhausted by the time we’ve both bottomed out, and fight to stay awake to make sure I’m asleep before him. He’d be really needy “Babe, I don’t deserve you, you’re so beautiful” “don’t ever leave me.” The cockiness in me wants to say that our sex made him drunk. I feel like he’d be such a big spoon.
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chappellrroan · 7 months
fave Gracie Abrams songs and albums and lyrics?
her minor ep is my favourite personally because that's how i got to know her and became a fan, as for songs two people, i know it won't work, will you cry?, right now, block me out, 21, friend, i miss you i'm sorry, unlearn, brush fire, mean it, stay, mess it up, for real this time, camden are my all time fav from her released songs.
as for lyrics there are two aspects that depends on determining if i love them, for example in i know it won't work, i love how she sings "it won't work like that, huh?" but lyrically i like "i am your ghost now your house is haunted" so you can guess. anyways i will give my fav lyrics from my fav songs now <3
two people - "i loved you so hard for a time i've tried to ration it all my life, we could go yellow to black overnight i take you for granted because you're mine" (it's long but yes yes this) ALSO "cause you know everything that could kill me"
already mentioned for i know it won't work
will you cry? - "now you walk through me with my heart heavy breaking my reverie i could die early with your arms around me would it not kill to say goodbye?" AND "it's kinda funny how it goes from all to nothing you have to laugh before you start to cry"
right now - "and i ended a friendship on the day that i left and though i really meant it, it still makes me upset" (OUCH TOO REAL)
block me out - "i think i am burning alive but nobody sees the fire cause when i open my mouth i seem to be stuck in silence" AND "plus after all this time i should be a pretty crier"
21 - "i see the look in your eye and i'm biting my tongue, you'd be the love of my life when i was young" and "i get a little bit alone and sometimes i miss you again, i'll be the love of your life inside your head"
friend - "and i hate the way you love and i hate that i still care funny how you feel like we could ever talk again, how could you ever think i'd be your friend?" (applies to SO many people atp this is my lifesong)
i miss you i'm sorry - "thought you'd hate me instead you called in, said i miss you, i caught it" and the whole bridge honestly because NOTHING HAPPENED IN THE WAY I WANTED EVERY CORNER OF THIS IS HAUNTED AND I KNOW YOU SAID WE'RE NOT TALKING BUT I MISS YOU, I'M SORRY, I DON'T WANNA GO THINK I WILL MAKE IT WORSE EVERYWHERE I GO LEADS ME BACK TO US (i am very passionate about this song sorry)
unlearn - "i keep bringing all my problems to a pillow fight" and "cause if i'm gonna learn how to love you i need to unlearn how to love too need to unlearn when it feels right OH MY GOD I AM TRYING"
brush fire - "then we become a brush fire, burning all the pain HOW CAN WE SURVIVE A DESERT WITHOUT RAIN?" and "boy you know what to say before i turn away you words hit me like a hard rain in L.A"
mean it - "holding onto thin lines until we just walk between them, getting so loud i can't pretend that i dont hear them, maybe that thing you said under your breath you mean it, i know you mean it"
mess it up - "heard that you're happier hope you're sleeping well knowing i'm not, i am doing too much" and "and everytime i get too close i just go mess it up" AND "i keep thinking maybe if you let me back in we can make it better breaking every habit pull myself together you can watch it happen make it happen" (the mv has very special space in my heart btw)
for real this time - "a thousand times i got up to say goodbye i could be wrong but i think i'm for real this time"
camden - "self diagnosing till i'm borderline i will do whatever helps to sleep at night" and "somebody take over drive somebody notice how i'm trying" and "all of me, a wound to close but i leave the whole thing open i just wanted you to know i was never good at coping" (one of the best bridges ever)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
i just finished the chapter AND OH MY GOD. it was so cute and sweet but absolutely heartbreaking at the same time. toge and panda broke me☹️☹️☹️ i love hana sm and i love the way you portray her bc she seems like such a sweet person and i really love how y/n tries to befriend her and not make her feel unwelcome
yuta just continues to raise my standards, that man is the greenest flag to exist and the way he loves y/n so much makes me bang my head against a wall. they’re everything to me and they’re literally the definition of what love is
maki is my baby, her and y/ns relationship is so pure and you can see how much they care for each other. i feel like their love for one another doesnt have an explanation, its more than just platonic love, they’re literally soulmates
TULLIA UGHHHHHHH everytime shes mentioned my heart drops to the ground and i miss her so so so so much. it shatters my heart the way she never got to confess to toge herself, they deserved so much better ☹️☹️
and gojo omg. y/n and gojos relationship may be my favourite in the entire series. i love how much they care for each other and the way they’re literally siblings. the photo album ABSOLUTELY killed me, it was so thoughtful and so sweet and fr the best gift you can ever give someone. it makes me really sad that its probably the last thing she’ll ever get from gojo (if the story goes there (PLS DONT IM GONNA SOB AND SCREAM))
all in all, i absolutely loved this chapter but it felt like the calm (if you can call it that really) before the storm and im so not ready for the next chapter. it kills me that pi is ending so soon, i’ll miss it so much and i’ll miss all the characters and inside jokes of the book, but im still really excited to know what happens and see everything get revealed (im gonna be screaming crying shaking and dying on the floor)
toge and panda the forgotten favs 😫 i’m like 99% sure that’s the last time we’re going to see those two and they’ve been there since the BEGINNING so it was so bittersweet writing that chapter 😔 but HANAAA i love her sm she deserved sm better from the fandom and from gege as a whole i will always defend her. the whole trend of female characters obsessed with the male main characters that dgaf abt them is so annoying and disappointing to me tbh especially because hana had so much potential to be such an interesting character given her powers and dynamic with angel. so i tried to expand on her just a little bit!! maybe in another fic i’ll focus on her more because she really is so cool.
YUTA IS SO SWEET he is THE boyfriend of all time like the biggest gentleman ever i love him sm 😢 he’s just so kind and loving and ugh i can’t
maki and y/n really do escape definition tbh. like i couldn’t tell you WHAT they are but whatever it is it’s a very very pure form of love and they are so dear and important to me. their relationship (along w y/n and yuta’s ofc) definitely exemplifies the core of pi and idt the story would be the same without it at ALL
the tullia mentions are so sad for me too because i’ve actually never killed her off before so it’s weird to write something without her there in some way shape or form. her and toge deserved sm more than they got fr.
GOJO AND Y/N. that’s it that’s the sentence…as much as the romance in pi is central to it i think the bond between gojo and y/n is just as important. they kill me every time because they didn’t get as much time as they deserved together (#l/nclanslander) but they still love each other more than anything. the photo album had me sobbing especially describing all of the pictures from the first half of the story 😭 it felt so end credit scene if that makes sense?? and just reminded me that this entire ridiculous journey is almost over ☹️ no spoilers for what will happen to everyone hehehe you will have to wait and see
THIS CHAPTER TRULY IS IT. the calm before the storm the last time we see everyone…it truly will be the end of an era once pi is over (which is so so soon) i’m going to feel so empty for a bit and it’s going to be so odd to not be able to write more adventures of the pi crew (but at least that means asftd and h/h can get back to being updated regularly again!!)
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none-prob · 1 year
I write about a character per day
Day 12: Edalyn Clawthorne
Owl lady. Anarchist. Mother of two.
There's just so many things I want to say about her.
I think Eda's life before Luz was summed up quite well with her own quote: "It's my power, kid. And before you showed up, I spent my whole life wasting it." That goes to show how impactful Luz is on Eda's life, and that's not the only character Luz had a positive spin on (I'm considering writing about Luz after W&D).
Before Luz came, Eda's life, which we can speculate, was selling human garbage to the Isles' citizens, pickpocketing, do anything in order to buy potions to not let the curse affect her, while also running away from the Emperor. Even with King and Hooty, and previously Raine and Lilith, her life was probably not as adventurous as when Luz came. Maybe, maybe not, and I wished we could have seen more of Eda's life before Luz, but we won't. It's fine, because everything she did with Luz and everyone in the house was awesome. Even the swap thing, yeah that's my controversial take, I think Once Upon A Swap is a good episode. It's a good episode in a show full of great episodes. But anyway, the point is, Eda had really used her power for good, even pushed her hardest to save Luz, and she's proud of it. That moment for me was like losing a family member, one who only been around for a few months. And it all started with a little crown. And speaking of that...
Her relationship with King was also blooming. Before Luz it wasn't that exciting, as they probably just did their things together. But with Luz and later on Lilith, King was more open about her story, only to find out it was fabricated by Eda. But what was his response after Eda said so? Asked her to adopt him. It's one of the few times Eda ugly cry throughout the show, and it's fine. It's beautiful. Eda was now a mother of two, of a human and a Titan. It got so much better, for the very few scenes in For the Future they bonded together over a mutual feeling. King hugged Eda's leg in the most emotional way possible.
Mother of two, but ran away from her own mother? Alright now that's an interesting shift. But like I said when I talked about Gwen, which is another niche character I also enjoy a lot, I'm so glad they communicated and made up the past. I can understand avoiding parents, the lack of communication resulted in avoidance, while your parents just want to do the things they think it's best for you.
How about her sister? Lilith probably has the second greatest redemption arc in the show in my opinion, after Hunter. It only took a few attempts, an all out battle, putting her sister at the risk of life, and a pain sharing spell for a Lilith redemption. Once again, a little lack of communication between them, had lead to a rift that took decades to fix. It's really sad, but I'm glad they're together to right all wrong, and learn magic together.
I think it's amazing that Eda managed to make peace with the Owl beast, something that had been a pain for her that she can't get rid of for 20 years. This is a really important lesson. Sometimes, you need to make peace with things that hurt you, especially those you can't get rid of. One lesson that Steven Universe had taught that no one seems to be able to grab. Eda got so much better, basically regained her power in one of the most stylish way possible.
The curse was an indirect reason that caused her to break up with Raine. Raeda is one hell of a beautiful relationship. I've talked about Raine's side before. Eda was the one who saved Raine's crew from the Emperor, who sacrificed to get a sigil for Raine's plan, and visited puppet Raine. Eda was impressed by Raine from the first look, from the first drink, and the rest is history.
I think this next part is my favourite of Edalyn Clawthorne. It's her desire to rub in on Emperor's face, but more importantly, to protect all wild witches left. An incredible anarchist. And in the most creative ways possible, including body swapping her own sister (see this is why I will defend Once Upon A Swap). With or without power, she is a legendary rebel. Someone who had built her name as the most powerful witch on the Isles, for managing to escape the police state from the Emperor without fail. No power, no problem. She will still be sneaky, be smart, and having absolutely none of it with the Emperor. She's not a rebel who just want to cause chaos, she's an anarchist who will stand up for the right when she needed to.
I love Edalyn Clawthorne. She's simply the coolest witch on the isles, without a competition.
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sepyana · 1 year
Finished the first 8 episodes of Stardurst Crusaders, I like journaling my thoughts as I watch so here they are:
The switch from BT to SC is really jarring. It feels like I'm watching an alternate universe a lot of the time. I think if I could rewrite one thing for the first two parts I'd get rid of hamon in favor of stands, stands are better as a magic system for me personally.
I'm really mixed on Joseph. I don't get why they changed the fun loving part of his personality, It would have contrasted well with the rest of the crew. I like his stand, he has used strings and ropes a lot of times before, it's versatile, suits him well. Also connects with Holly's stand.
I thought him being unbelievably racist was pretty funny. Seems in character tbh.
And uhh there were some situations where hamon could have easily fixed it, but we almost never see Joseph use it.
Jotaro is not... the most interesting character but he doesn't hamper my enjoyment of the show or anything. His solution to a problem is usually pretty simple, I actually kind of like that. (Because one issue i have with the first two parts is how contrived the fight scenes can get. What's more annoying is that the show thinks it's being clever. The fight scenes in CS are better written imo.)
Jotaro's personality meshes well with the rest of the cast.
I love Jotaro's (And Star Platinum's!) design. Something about it really clicks with me. It's the main reason why I like him. Jotaro's hat that blends into his hair, brightly colored shirt under his school uniform -which he has modified with chains and two colorful belts- all work great together. I also like what they did with his eye shape.
I don't know why I like Star Platinum so much though. His wild hair and the crown that puts his eyes in shadow is really cool.
Advol MY MAN. I think his design is my favourite outside of Jotaro's. He is definitely the knowledgable one of the group. The way he delivers expesitions never feels jarring to me. He hasn't done much outside of the early episodes, I'm hoping he gets to do some more stuff later. Also his stand is amazing. Ultra HD Blaziken.
Polnareff is ok. I like him. I like his fight with the doll stand thing. His stand is pretty cool, I like fencing. He is the funniest out of everyone in the cast so far. Most of the jokes with him landed for me. He is a bit arrogant but he also respects his opponents.
Kakyoin is probably my fave out of the main 5. I think my favourite scene so far is when Jotaro removes the flesh spider thingy from his brain. It's moreso a Jotaro scene, i mean, he puts his life on danger just to save a person who tried to kill him hours earlier. You can tell how bad Kakyoin feels about the whole situation, you can see him tearing up.
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I also like the scene where the group tells Polnareff to offer Anne (the little girl) to stay with them without wounding her ego too much, since they know she doesn't have a penny on her. Polnareff of course calls her stinking poor and a freeloader. Everyone in the group is like "goddamit" while Kakyoin laughs in the background lol.
He definitely has something to hide, I can't really shake that feeling. Probably a tragic backstory but with the way ep 8 ended it might be something else.
Hermit Purple calling him a traitor probably has to do with the new stand user Dio sent (presumably). I still trust him. I don't think he was Dio's servant all this time.
Speaking of Anne, I like her actually. I was surprised too. I thought she was gonna be irrelevant like Poco (the kid from part 1). Her interactions with the main cast is really fun, it reveals a lot about them. She isn't annoying, I like having her around because she isn't on every scene. She shows up when she needs to.
I think it would be for the best if she stayed on Singapore, she probably will.
Some other things I wanna mention:
It think it would be cool if some of the stands had a lil bit of personality. Not like a separate conciousness or anything. Just some moments. It would give stands a fun lil dynamic with their users.
Some of the stand encounters are not really necessary tbh. They drag a bit too much.
These are just my first impressions :D. There is still a lot of episodes to go... 40 to be exact.
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icypenguin · 1 year
☆゚.*・。゚ When is the right time? Pt. 3 (final)
hehe sorry guys it took me longer than i thought.. but anyway enjoy for the heizou simps!!! ittorou and yantao are going to be here too. for those who doesn’t ship them, you could change them with someone else! also this might be a bit suggestive i guess! hehehehehehe
Pt 1 Pt 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
and you both keep on chatting until heizou’s favourite music started playing. he hums the music while listening to your talking. you notice this and decided to be bold and asked him “heizou do you want to dance together?”. you looked a bit shy but heizou paid no mind to it, “i didn’t think someone like you will ask me to! but ofcourseee whatever you wish for~” heizou replied in a teasing tone. you both danced even though you were a bit shy since it’s your first time dancing with your crush.. but when if not now?
you decided to show your favourite moves and heizou was clearly mesmerised by it. “woah y/n look at you moving!~ such fantastic moves~” heizou continued teasing. you were clearly embarrassed by it as you got too comfortable earlier.. “w-well.. just doing my think hehe” you chuckled nervously. heizou noticed you being quite embarassed “oh dear, there no need to be nervous~”. it was obvious that his tone was more flirty than usual, you could really see what the alcohol did to him. you both danced and danced until it was getting pretty late and most of the people went home already.
kuki bought some friends and said “let’s play 7 minutes in heaven! i bought some friends”. heizou cheered with the rest of the people while you just follow heizou and asked kuki in a low tone “are you out of your mind!?”. “if i am then who cares? cmon y/n let’s do this!” the others cheered with kuki. you were a bit relieved as you know all of them.. well atleast you know their names… you supose if you landed on heizou, it would be the right time to confess your feelings. you were busy with your mind when heizou grabbed your hand and lead you to the living room. you were a bit shocked by this as you were blushing a bit…
you and your friends all sit in circle in the living room, with heizou infront of you and kuki and yoimiya besides you. “alright lets do thisss!” itto said cheerfully. everyone laughed and itto started spinning the bottle. the bottle span and span until it got slower and slower until it landed on gorou. everyone cheered for them as gorou’s cheek began to form a pink colour and his tails wagging in joy. itto and gorou headed to the small room that had snacks inside and they stayed there for 7 minutes. after that gorou and itto got out of it with a red and nervous face. you knew what happened as the others teased them. up next was yanfei, she span the bottle and it landed on hutao. everyone was calm as they knew hutao and yanfei are dating. 7 minutes passed and they got out of the room. it seems that there was nothing too crazy happened.
everyone took turns until it was your turn. you’ve been hoping for noone to get heizou or you’ll definitely be jealous. and heizou, secretly, was hoping the same thing. you span the bottle and it twirled and twirled. lo and behold, it landed on the one and only shikanoin heizou. heizou and you were blushing noticing what’s about to happen. both of you were secretly happy, ofcourse kuki knew about it and smirked. you both were getting long enough to get inside the room so everyone pushed you both.
in the room you didn’t really know what to do… until heizou spoke up “well~ i’ve been waiting for this moment in my whole life~ shall we?~” heizou held your chin so that your face is facing him. while his other hand was placed besides your face, basically pinning you.. you only nod as a respond and the gap between you two were getting closer. you both got closer and closer until your lips touched. you melt in the kiss and close your eyes, ignoring the reality. you could feel the softness of his lips on yours and slowly and steady your lips began moving upon eachother. you snaked your arms on heizou’s neck as he removed his hand that was on your chin to your cheek. the kiss lasted long but as you both ran out of breath, you broke the kiss as you both ran out of breath. heizou opened his eyes as you did the same.
you and heizou went out the door hand in hand, smiling. everyone cheered knowing what happened and congratulate you both. heizou wanted to spend more time with you so he guide you to some place quieter. he guided you to the rooftop. as you both reached there you could feel the chilly and fresh wind. it was silence but the silence was comforting. you both stargazed and exchanged some words. “so.. are we official now?” you asked curiously. “ofcourse~ im so glad you share the same feelings as i do, darling~” heizou kissed your cheek and you lay your head on his shoulder…
this was the best night in your life.
! bonus !
the next day you heard your phone beeping. you were trying to move when you noticed heizou hugging you. you tried you tried your best to reach your phone on the bed table. you succeed and saw messages from kuki.
KUKIIIII: goodmorning lover girl
KUKIIIII: so.. how was your night again??
you giggled as you saw the messages
y/n: oh kuki ill tell you all about it at school! you just wont believe it!
you send the message and closed your phone. you looked at heizou sleeping peacefully. you were fighting the urge to poke his cheek. you can’t control youself and poke his cheek for a few times. he stirred up from his sleep and opened his eyes. when he did so, his first view was you. you started smiling widely “goodmorning darling..”. he seemed like he wasn’t fully awaken yet as he snuggled more into you. “morning ‘zou” you replied as you played withhis maroon hair. you both knew your friends will tease you and heizou for this. but now, it’s time to forget about everything and enjoy the morning with your lovely boyfriend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thankyou all for reading this series! i hope the ending satisfies you. sorry if i take too long hehe and sorry if it’s too long! and if you have advices i would gladly accept them!
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villanevehaus · 1 year
here i come
1- first things first: getting to read v’s pov at this specific moment its everything we could ever want, just like you posted after last month’s ch in your dash abt how everything changes only for vil now that she knows the role she played/plays in eve’s life is much showed in this ch bc i felt it was complete. its like there was some missing piece lost out there and with vil’s mind being displayed the whole puzzle was beginning to take shape. obvsl bc you’re the writer this makes sense, but now your post almost seems as a premonition to ch 16 bc it fulfills it’s promise. 
2- how much she can restrain herself on showing no sights that something shifted whilst all of this drops on her lap, not to mention the other add-ins given by clueless eve and eve’s presence herself.
3- the final confirmation through her pov that shes the mordale/the one who shot eve
4- realising Eve's the one who stabbed her!!!
5- damn if Vil’s not playing w fire by stretching purposefully in Eve’s sight
6- with Vil’s pov now you can see how much they’re the same. vil questions herself just the same way eve does.
7- its awkwardly comforting knowing now how vil’s mind operates and how many questions and doubts i had were cleared or/and confirmed just by giving the girl the mic.
8- im still confused abt vil’s blood tainted with eve’s to be such a top secret for eve. im just as curious as vil. gonna keep ma thoughts to myself 
9- Folie à deux. you did NOT haus
10- i find it really interesting how you set oksana in the story as someone completely different from villanelle, but it’s awaken when certain scenarios comes to light. it gives so much complexity and depth to the character.
11- i wanted to know if vil went back to her bed after eve’s nightmare of if she stayed a while w her. dunno if you can answer that tho
12- well i dont blame at all julia for being enamored by vil enough to ask her on a dinner date, just like i dont blame eve for being insufferably jealous 
13- its so delicious to read the possessiveness innuendos. “Because I want her here.” “Because you want me.” “My consultant.””Yours” “Mine”
14- pleeeeeeeeeease vil begging for praise from eve on her first documented kill. god i love this.
15- vil seemed really thoughtful and touched by the russian food and the chef, it was truly genuine of her, i didnt feel like she faked it. sharing the candies w eve regardless of her on-face jealousy and cunty behavior looked so personal, it was like she was sharing whatever kind of life oksana had as a child in the shape of a candy.
16- its quite visible when strucks in eve that she was being rude enough to have vil teach her how to “sorry” sign.
17- is the grind an orphan’s season 2 the dialogue you added last minute? please i cant with these two actually discussing cannibalism
18- vil’s wondering abt making all of eve’s meals and leftovers!!! couldve been so gentle if it wasnt for the
19- yay! vil’s been cleared up! no threats on sight!
ps: you dont have to answer all of them and im not expecting you to!! i just throwned'em down.
#anonwho #phew #tme
i will answer the ones i can !!
3. yes, confirmed she knows she shot eve and eve stabbed her; she is viper! neither of them have any idea about mortale tho
7 & 8. trust the process, my friend- if you're confused, you're meant to be
9. folie à deux- séparée avant, mais ensemble maintenant <3 genuinely one of my favourite little lines from tme
10. tysm !!! i am glad it seems to be coming across well
11. i can answer it! they fell asleep together, the phone rang with their wakeup call, and neither of them mentioned anything about it as they got up. author's note, it was some of the best sleep that either of them have had in years
15 & 16. i go crazy about in this post !!! throws up and dies !!!
17. yes :)
18. excuse you its very gentle, she just wants to keep her fed
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blueaetherr · 2 years
angst w john where he and the reader get into a big fight but it ends kinda cute..🫶🫶
love, my (infrunami)
pairing: john stones x gn!reader [they/them]
warning(s): none
summary: the one where john realises that his lover has been right in front of him this whole time
now playing: infrunami by john stones
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He said one wrong thing, and the argument began. He said some things, they said some things, unpleasant and unfiltered words becoming common in the conversation. There was a lot to be said and neither refused to hold back. Then John said it and suddenly, he could only hear himself. It was crazy how fast your choice of words could ruin the relationship.
"I don't think we should be together anymore."
There was a bit of confusion in the room. From Y/N, from John. They waited on him, patiently looking on at John to explain his words but his silence remained as loud as their own.
"Okay then," Y/N bit down on their lip, nodding. "I just don't understand. Where did all of this come from?" They didn't understand where this energy came from, the switch was so sudden. But that was okay. If he no longer liked them like that then they couldn't change how he felt about them. He seemed so certain yet unsure but they wouldn't argue it. They refused to. There was no point in fighting for a one-sided relationship. At least some reasoning and understanding were needed, something to ease the blue heart.
"I... I—I don't know." John couldn't find his words. He had them indeed, in his thoughts and feelings. But he didn't want to say anything out loud. He saw it all and more. The tears threatening to fall, the shaken expression, the nervous ticks. So much pain and sadness and confusion fell on Y/N's shoulders all at once. A heart was breaking because of him—he was essentially a heartbreaker, and he didn't want to add to it. "I'm sorry."
Y/N sniffled as they wiped their nose, exhaling a low breath. "It's okay." Even in heartbreak they were calm and collected in how they felt, something they did to reassure John that they were okay.
And the two went their separate ways, with dignity and respect. Though it didn't feel like it to John. It was hard to not think about them. Remaining friends, he saw Y/N everywhere. They were always there. At his matches, helping him with recovery, crossing paths through mutual friends. After everything that happened, John and Y/N remained friends. It was all love from them to him. They were his friend way before they were his lover.
There was a lot to love about Y/N and John failed to see a lot of that before the relationship even existed. Only did he witness a whole lot of that when the two fell apart.
They were the embodiment of his favourite poems, anything that held words, feelings and thoughts. They personified everything he wanted to feel, the good and the bad of it all, felt alone or together with another. Today, yesterday and tomorrow were his favourite days with them. They got along with everyone around them. John thought Y/N was nothing less than magnificent and amazing and whole. And this was only half of it all. 
When it was John and Y/N, all was complete. He was complete. But when it was simply John, he felt left without, apart. Withdrawn from, lacking in more than less—anything that could be John and Y/N. 
Sitting under the dim lights in his back garden late at night, John turned to Y/N, saying, "I've been thinking—"
"You've been thinking..." Y/N let out a scoff, shaking their head. They let their voice dip as their sight wandered out to the sky. "Sounds just like you." John was always the pensive one in the relationship. Always in his thoughts, in his feelings. Sometimes drifting through the unreal and it became hard to get him back into reality when he was really into it.
"Have you thought about us since we broke up?" He saw the mood visibly fall from Y/N's face but he expected it. With the way the two ended and all the time that has passed, why would Y/N want to talk about it all now?
"And why would I do that?" Y/N cocked their head to the side, eyeing John. "I remember you being so sure that there was nothing left to this relationship." Time had passed since the two broke up and Y/N remained hurt from it all. That didn't mean, though, that they would cling onto John as if everything would fall back into place. How could you wait for someone to come back when they were so sure of never returning? Not because they couldn't, but they simply didn't want to. John made it so clear that he didn't want to return to the relationship.
"I think I was wrong. I know I was wrong, Y/N," John said.
They turned their focus back on John, folding their arms. "Where did this switch come from, John? What changed? Was it me? 'Cause that wasn't my intent." No longer were they heartbroken, but the relationship was still something that they always came back to. What did they do wrong? Why did it really end? John never gave them peace of mind with the way the two ended.
"No, no, no. You didn't, actually." He tried to reach for their hand but they pulled away. He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. Fair enough, I guess. He removed his hands from his face. "I thought I fell out of us and ending the relationship felt like the right thing to do. And it was but I made you think it was all your fault when really it was all on me, and for that I'm sorry."
"I know I've gotten so much wrong so I'm just trying to make rights here if you would like that." John took in a small breath and let his focus fall solely on Y/N. "I want to start over, Y/N. Make some amends between us, get myself right with you. You might not want to... and that's okay, I'll understand. I get it. But if you ever want to, I'm here."
There was some relief in getting everything off his chest. It might all just backfire yet John was content with getting everything straight, offering some understanding that Y/N should have gotten time ago. He wanted to get another chance with Y/N if they allowed it, of course. If they refused to give him another chance, that would be okay. And if they did then that would also be okay; either choice would be understandable from every single angle of things. 
He knew that maybe he was asking, even begging, a lot from Y/N. To hear him out for his wrongs in the relationship, to forgive him, to start again with a new relationship. But John simply couldn't resist the idea of getting Y/N back. The idea of not even trying pushed him to do the exact opposite. He missed everything about them. That was all he wanted, all of Y/N. In the relationship and the friendship. 
Their smiles, their laughs, their company, their humour, the list was endless with Y/N. And the crazy thing was Y/N was always there; the break-up killed the relationship yet never did they go astray from John. Never was there a mystery in Y/N. They had always been in front of him. The thing was John had been too blind to see all of them for what they were, and that's how the relationship fell off.
But John was ready to build it all up again, if he was given the chance.
His hand was open and ready to take but Y/N took their time, brows pulling together. They were hesitant about this. They were potentially fooling themself, going back to the same person who let their heart turn blue, going back to the person who couldn't organise their thoughts. A change in actions wasn't a guarantee and they knew that well.
But it also wasn't impossible. Y/N never fell out of love with John. In fact, John never fell out of love with Y/N. It was simply a situation of misplaced and unspoken feelings and thoughts. In truth, John and Y/N were inevitable. The two were bound to one another in the name of love that ran very, very deep.
Y/N let their hand slip into his own, fingers interlocking. It was then that they let themself fall into his embrace. John was simply too much comfort for them to pull away. "You know how to say sorry a lot, you know."
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
Okay so my request. 🥺
Poly relationship between Ushijima x reader x Bokuto. Reader feels super neglected due to both of them having super busy volleyball schedules. Of course she knew this when she started dating them. But she still gets lonely and needy. Both himbos don’t realize it due to them being well himbos. It’s not until they notice her clingy to a player from one of the teams who gives her attention. They confront her and she breaks down and spills her heart out to them. They give her the long awaited attention she needs. Can it possibly be smut please? 🥺🥺🥺
I hope this is everything you’re looking for love. Thank you for requesting and sorry it took a couple days. Please, enjoy. ❦
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〈You know Bokuto and Ushijima are busy men, but the longer you’re away from them, the larger the ache becomes
〷 This piece contains haikyuu time skip spoilers 〷
❈ genre: Angst/Comfort, NSFW 18+ (Minors DNI)
❈ warnings: anxiety/insecurities, Poly Relations (Reader x Bokuto Koutarou x Ushijima Wakatoshi), size kink, dom/sub dynamics, make-up sex.
It wasn’t like they were ignoring you on purpose. Bokuto and Ushijima would never do such a thing. Usually, they were so good at giving you all the attention you needed, checking up on you and asking about your day even after long practices or games.
But things had gotten really busy for your two boyfriends as volleyball season was back in full swing. Playing for the Japanese national team left little time for leisure, leaving you to an empty house that usually was always filled with Bokuto’s laughter or the sound of Ushijima’s rock music. Your days were filled with checking empty group chats, rushing home to make dinner only to find you were the only one eating it, and barely managing to stay awake when the front door finally opened.
It was starting to be too much for you. And you needed them oh so badly. Some night you tried wearing Bokuto’s shirt with your fingers buried deep between your thighs only to find they weren’t long enough to reach your good spots. Or you’d call out Ushijima’s name louder and louder hoping it would bring you closer to a high but it always fell flat.
You started to give up from frustration, actually felt yourself avoiding mirrors or even their touch. You didn’t deserve it, didn’t want to see. Maybe they were doing this on purpose, maybe this was their way of telling you that you weren’t enough for them anymore. Maybe there was someone else, prettier and younger and more bubbly.
There was that one pretty girl who was always conveniently at their practices...
The thoughts began to weigh on you. Made you feel like in your little house of three you didn’t really belong. But you weren’t sure how to bring it up to the boys, not when they were working so hard, and certainly not when they were exhausted every time they came home. So you just kept it all in your chest, letting it build and grow and spread.
All you wanted to do on your day off was stay in bed, allow the covers to swallow you whole so you didn’t have to think about anything. But Bokuto insisted you get up, that grin on his face that usually had you grinning right back.
“Cmon Birdy! Come watch us today! The rest of the boys will be happy to see you too!”
Normally you would have been thrilled at the opportunity, spending the whole day watching your men do what they loved so much. But with everything you’ve been feeling it was hard. Still, you tried your best to match that grin of his, rolling out of bed and getting ready so you could go to their joint practice.
You sat where you usually did, on the first bleacher, front and centre. You were usually so engaged, cheering them on when they hit a particularly good spike or bringing them water when they needed, but today you found yourself distracted. Eyes wandering to the ceiling or fiddling with the hem of the skirt you wore.
You hadn’t even noticed the stranger that sat beside you, just how close he’d gotten. You were taken more back when he spoke so close to your ear, making you jump a little in your seat.
His laughter was so warm. Smooth and thick like honey. You didn’t recognize him, but boy was he handsome. Dark features, light eyes, a smile with a perfect set of teeth. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you pretty.”
Pretty— did he really think you were pretty? Not wanting to seem more like a dunce you forced words from your lips, a little nervous giggle following suit. “I-I was totally zoned out, you didn’t scare me too bad, promise.”
He was staring, and normally this would have made you uncomfortable. Normally you would have told a handsome stranger right away that you were happily taken. But the longer he stared the tighter you pressed your thighs together, the deeper your flush became. You basked in it, the attention you were so craving from your two boyfriends...
“You must be new, I’d recognize a beautiful face like yours.” Another clench of your thighs. You were biting your lip and then his hand was on your thigh. This is where you’d usually slap someone, or call your much larger partners to handle it. But you couldn’t take your eyes off his. And right now you didn’t want to, not when his thumb felt so smooth on your skin.
“What’s your name? And phone number, if your willing of course.”
He was wearing a jersey, one didn’t recognize. Maybe from an opposing team? You just giggled again, tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. Words were on the tip of your tongue when a heavy hand fell on your shoulder. The male's hand all but flew off your thigh, his eyes a bit narrowed as the all too familiar voice sounded behind you.
“Baby, come with me.” Ushijima’s voice didn’t waver, in fact, it was deeper than usual, laced with an emotion you couldn’t quite point out. Looking towards the court you saw Bokuto too, thick brows furrowed and arms crossed. Your lips twisted in a thin line as you stayed still a moment, only for Ushijima to easily haul you to your feet.
“I said. Come.” There was a demand, one that had the frustration bubbling on your features. You tore yourself away from his grip but still stormed out of the bleachers. Bokuto was quick to follow, easily picking up with your pace and walking to your side.
“Baby... what was that...”
“Right in front of us too? Just disrespectful.” Ushijima spoke, now on your other side.
You could feel them, the hot and angry tears that began to swim in your gaze as you stormed towards an empty room. The two continued to talk, trying to understand. You never flirted so openly with others, especially didn’t let them touch you. They wanted answers, needed to know why.
But as soon as the door closed behind you, you snapped.
“It was nice getting attention for once you know!”
That shut them up quickly. Bokuto looked downright shocked, lips held open in a silent gasp while Ushijima still held that blank expression of his. He was going to be the first one to speak but you cut him off, finally letting the tears slip-free.
“I know you two are busy! I know that I signed up for it. But it’s been too much— I’ve been so so lonely... and no one ever seems to notice! Neither of you! I just— I miss my boys, I miss you two so much and it’s not fair... it’s not fair to feel this lonely when I have you both...”
Your voice faded with a small crack, the tears now pooling from your eyes. You tried your best to wipe them away, body beginning to tremble as all the feelings hit you at once. You felt bad yelling at them, seeing their looks of shock. But it was now or never, you had to get it out.
Arms were around you, and you had to blink out a couple tears to realize it was Ushijima who had pulled you in so close. One of his large palms cupped the back of your head, pressed you into his chest with a small little hum.
“Love... sorry you’ve been feeling this way—“
“Why didn’t you just tell us Birdy! We love you so much you know!” Bokuto was quick to follow suit, joining in on the hug which only seemed to make you more emotional. Finally being encased in their warmth, feeling their arms over yours. It was everything you had been wanting.
“I-I didn’t want to seem ungrateful.. and then I just got in my head... I thought maybe you two d-didn’t want—“
“Shush...” Ushijima murmured, not even allowing you to finish that sentence. He pulled away just enough so you could look both of them in the eyes. Bokuto was giving you a small little smile, hoping it would make those tears of yours go away, while Ushijima just sighed, smoothed his palm over your cheek to wipe away tears with his thumb.
“Baby, we love you so much, please don’t ever doubt that okay?” He made sure you nodded before continuing. “We’re sorry, sorry for making you feel unwanted.”
“So so sorry Birdy! I just love ya— well of course we both do but, I just love ya so so much!” Bokuto said with enthusiasm, his smile growing when you let out a little giggle. You wiped away the remainder of your tears, chest a bit shaky as you looked between your two boys. You could see, how genuinely sorry they were. You knew deep down that they would never stop loving you, but hearing it, seeing it on their faces, made the weight that had been sitting in your chest lift.
“I love you both... love you, Bo, love you Ushi...”
“Tonight will be all about you pretty bird, all night just for you,” Bokuto said, pulling you back into a hug that you happily got swallowed into. Ushi nodded in agreement, his palm smoothing over the back of your head as you swayed in Bokuto’s embrace.
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
The evening really had been all about you. From the way Bokuto carried you bridal style into your shared apartment, to the way Ushijima had slowly stripped you in front of the full-length mirror, murmuring in your ear all his favourite parts of your lovely body. Now you were situated in Ushijima’s lap, naked body covered in a light layer of sweat as your chest rose and fell at a quick pace.
“P-Please Sir, want more, need more.” Your voice was nothing more than a whine that was easily shushed by Ushijima. His thick thighs tensed a bit around your own, pulling your legs further apart in the process. “Be patient baby girl, want you to feel every inch of Daddy’s cock.”
Bokuto was struggling to go slow as well, the urge to just thrust wildly into your perfect cunt filling his chest. The look Ushijima shot him told him to keep up this slow pace, for you. So he went in just another inch, making the two of you groan in unison.
“That’s it...” Ushijima’s voice was huskier than usual, large hand palming at your chest as he nodded His eyes were glued to your splitting pussy. “Another inch Bo, just one.”
And it went on just like that until Bokuto’s hips kissed the backs of your thighs, his head rolled back in a pleased moan as you squirmed in Ushijima’s grip. “Beautiful...” Ushi mumbled, his palm slithering down your body to rest on the bulge left in your stomach by Bokuto’s cock. You whimpered at the touch, cheeks feeling hot as his hand slid down to your pussy, traced the way your lips stretched around Bokuto’s throbbing length.
“You’re so stretched around Daddy’s cock baby, you see that? See how Bo can just split you open?” He took hold of your jaw with his free hand, making sure you were looked down at your full pussy. “S-see it Sir, and it feels so good.”
“Fuck yeah it does, this pretty pussy was made for me.” Bokuto rumbles out, his muscles tensing as he suddenly jutted his hips, his tip slapping against your cervix and making you yelp. Ushijima tsked at that, brows furrowing a bit as he snatched one of Bokuto’s hands, made him press it into the place where you and him met. “You need to be patient to Bo, just appreciate how little our baby is, how her perfect cunny stretches just for us. Isn’t it wonderful?”
Bokuto was basically drooling, his fingers pressing along the bulge on your tummy, the one he made. He licked his lips, before a grin curled on his handsome face. “It’s so so wonderful, the best fucking cunt ever. Going to fill you up over and over again tonight pretty girl, make sure you're stuffed absolutely full of Toshi and I so you never doubt again just how much we love you.”
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simpforhoon · 3 years
jakehoon + jayseung threesome
pairing : enha x female reader ( I’m still trying to figure out how to write for gender neutral reader, so if someone could help me w that it would be appreciated!!)
Word Count: 1k
Genre: Smut (daddy kink, sir kink, slight pet play, marking, oral (f and m receiving), humiliation, praise, use of pet names, and some fluff!)
Warnings: well,,, this is smut so,,,, please just read at your own risk.
okay so like I had a lot of reqs for a jakehoon threesome, and like one for jayhoon but then I got this idea and I decided to do like a what kind of threesome would it be sorta thing? + a little drabble for each one😌😌 + aftercare for each!!
okay so like,,,,, I see them as like a hard dom-soft dom duo
hoon loves pampering you and bring soft too but sometimes he just likes to ✨let loose✨
whereas while jake would degrade you and call you names and be rough w you, his inner sweet boy makes him a soft dom,,, maybe even a bottom if you like topping
these two together would be such a whirlwind omg,,,,, theres jake just praising you on one hand and telling you you’re doing so well for them, and theres hoon just calling you their pretty cockslut, so desperate for them
I feel like hoon would give the orders while jake just follows along and does his thing
onto the drabble cause I dont know how much more I can say about these two-
your mind was hazy with pleasure as you sank down on jake’s cock, mouth around sunghoon as you sucked him off as jake thrusted into you at a slow but rough pace. you whined around sunghoon’s cock as jake snapped his hips into yours and sunghoon pushed your mouth further down onto his cock, groaning at the feeling of your warm mouth around him. “you look so pretty like this angel, sucking me off while jake fucks your cute little cunt, such a good cockslut”. you could feel the knot in your lower stomach get bigger, ready to burst, and jake must have felt it too, from the way you clenched around him as his pace got faster. it was at that moment that sunghoon came down your throat, making you swallow his load as he pulled out of your mouth and watched with a smirk as jake moaned, his hips never faltering. “w-wanna cum” you managed to get out through gritted teeth. “cum for us pup” jake groaned as you came all over his length, pulling out to come on your back, as you fell forward into the pillows. sunghoon came back with a towel, cleaning up your back before planting a kiss on both yours and jake’s lips, “my two little puppies did so well hm? how about I reward you both tomorrow?”
aftercare :-
both of them would be so sweet honestly, but I feel like they would do anything in the moment, all three of you being super tired
they would definitely clean you up and give you a massage wherever you’re feeling sore and make sure you drink water and eat a little something before falling asleep.
and in the morning they would wake you up with a nice hot bath and scented bath bombs and breakfast in bed,,, they would go all the way to make sure you’re not hurting and they would like cuddle you the whole morning and be so soft and gentle with you🥺🥺🥺
so like,,,,, both doms, I cant see them as anything else sorry😫😫😫
I see them being into oral and getting blow jobs and stuff, but not as much as jakehoon
both of them would be so teasing in bed
always edging you for hours before giving you what you actually want
I definitely see jay being into being called “sir” and heeseung into being called “daddy”
jay seems to be very possessive, and seeing him that way kind of makes heeseung kind of possessive as well
so be prepared to have marks and hickeys all over your body the next morning
while everyone portrays jay to be this hardass, sadistic dom, I just feel like hes a big softie on the inside🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 he would for sure 100% call you “princess” and while he would be rough it would just be so skbdnabsjabdjsjsb🥺😫😳
heeseung, I feel has more of a hard dom tendency than jay
remember hes basically the mom of 6 kids
he will punish you if you act up
but if you’re good for them, he will give you anything you want.
onto the drabble-
you were stuck between heeseung’s legs as jay ate you out like he’d never eaten before. heeseung played with your erect nipples lazily, pulling and tugging at them gently as his other hand helped jay’s in holding your legs apart. one of your hands held onto jay’s slightly larger one as the other gripped the sheets beneath you. you whined and squirmed in their hold as jay sucked on your nub causing waves of pleasure to shoot through your body, your back arching off heeseung’s bare chest at the sensation. “ah ah ah” he smirked. “stop squirming so much little one, or we won’t let you cum tonight”. your movements ceased as he muttered those words. desperate for your release, you whimpered and whined. “s-sir please let me cum”, jay smirked and looked up, bringing his face away from your sensitive core, your juices running down his chin as he licked his lips and said “you’ll cum only when daddy says you can cum princess” before resuming his ministrations on your poor cunt. “daddy p-please let me cum” you whimpered and moaned as you gripped the sheets. heeseung looked like he was pondering it for a second before pulling at your nipples again. “cum for us kitten”. that was all you need to hear as you let go and came, as jay licked up all your sweet juices hungrily. your chest heaved as you lay back against heeseung as he whispered into your ear. “tired so soon baby? daddy and sir arent done with you just yet”.
aftercare :-
these two would absolutely pamper you the moment yall were finished🥺🥺
they would run a bath for you then and there no matter how tired yall were
scented candles, bath bombs, they’d even wash your hair for you
they would massage you with your favourite lotion and whisper praises over and over
“you were so good for us princess, such a good girl”
they would wrap you up in one of their hoodies and a blanket and wrap themselves around you as well-
back rubs to help you fall asleep🥺🥺🥺
soft kisses and happy moments :((((
and that’s all!!!! I really hope you enjoyed it. and I had so much fun writing this OMG.
I included aftercare as well, as most people dont realise that aftercare is really important for both parties involved.
thank you for reading and dont forget to stay hydrated and eat well!
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