#my favorites are the bunker and a machine for pigs okay but rebirth has such a special fucking place in my heart
puertoark · 3 days
my take on @misssicknesss 's lovely template + some reasoning behind it on the tags bc i feel like. explaining myself (original below the cut)
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#ok so. i wanna start saying that picking a favorite antagonist was the toughest shit ever#bc all the antagonists of the franchise are freaking amazing. alexander? no comment he is a perfect example of a perfect villain.#he sacrificed so much again and again and again for a chance to be where he belongs again and honestly the agony he feels#he just wanted to be with his true love#its so understandable#tihana is sort of the same#her themes and her own story interwinded with tasi's story felt so perfect#she didnt care about being the empress nor about eternal life#she just wanted to love and feel loved truly by a baby of her own#someone she could raise and care and look out for#but the engineer hits me different#i love everything about a machine for pigs truly but he is a really perfect antagonist#he is literally a mirror of mandus's actions and desires#his own riot against humanity turned against him#its not even clear if the engineer is really a conscious that can speak or if hes only in mandus's mind and honestly it doesnt matter at al#he guides mandus through his internal battle against his own consciousness#beliefs and actions#and he is so well acted i love it big time#so yeah in my heart its ALL of them but since i had to choose one.....#same goes for favorite game#my favorites are the bunker and a machine for pigs okay but rebirth has such a special fucking place in my heart#and so does the og and justine#all of these games are so unique and perfect on their own way#they all have their own thing going on be it on story thematics or gameplay wise but#they all also have something in common#first is that you can throw stuff around and second#these all are very human existential dreadful stories#where the real horror comes from being who you are and dealing with it#anyway i cant explain more bc theres no more tags so thank if you read this umm#amnesia game
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Very depressed and anxious and feeling useless right now so I'm gonna try to cheer myself up by rambling about my favorite thing
OKAY SO I have this headcanon that I LOVE that Daniel indirectly causes every other Amnesia game, I love the thought of Daniel's stupidity causing all that horror for everybody
So for Justine, Daniel sent a letter to Mssr. Florbelle as one of the people he was begging for help with the Orb. And in the maze at the end of Justine one of the things written on the wall says, "What will that perfect sphere bring?" Obviously Justine and her dad have a soapstone which is why they got so obsessed with the human psyche to the point they were willing to do the kinds of things they did, but what if little child Justine was intrigued by what Daniel said about the Orb in his letter and started studying into it and is trying to find one for herself? She may even use her Cabinet of Perburtabation to see what kind of affect it has on people...
Machine for Pigs is obvious 'cause whether Daniel or Alexander is Oswald's great-uncle (personally I'm partial to it being Daniel since Daniel has a sister and Alexander has no siblings, also it's easy to see where Oswald's madness came from if he's related to Daniel) either way Oswald ends up with all of the papers that Daniel collected from the castle which is what put him on the scent of Orbs and vitae and then yeah
Rebirth is also kinda obvious in the way that Tasi is walking through Daniel's exact footsteps through Algeria (which was a spiritual experience for me when I played the game the first time) but that still wouldn't really cause the events. Nothing Daniel did caused Tihana to yoink that plane outta the sky. BUT there is a note in the game where the locals around Al-Mamaru fort say that many many years ago some archeological team came through looking for something better left undisturbed, and reawakened and released all the monsters that were trapped there SO bada-bing bada-boom if Daniel and Herbert hadn't gone to the Tomb, Tasi probably wouldn't have had to deal with any Harvesters SO IT COUNTS in my head at least lol
Supposedly The Bunker is going to take place in a German bunker (this is what I read in an early hands-on review) so we may be able to tie it to Daniel yet again I'm excited to find out
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