#my favorite thing is Jr just being like oh time to hang out with Mama Peach yay 😄 and everyones like omg he's been kidnapped again 😨
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keylovesstuff · 9 months ago
Ok so @tiny-prom and @casual-derg 's Player One Luigi AUs has had in a chokehold for a minute and I had to write a little thing for Villainess Peach....cause I love her 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾 and this little Idea has been on brain for a minute.
The final Hammer bro clutched its right arm and its trembling legs ultimately gave out collapsing on the ground. Struggling to maintain consciousness, it summoned what little strength was left to glance from the red boot to her blue.
"You ..won't get away... with this...Luigi…He'll stop you like always," it stammered out every word.
Princess Peach snorted with glee reverting her wand back to its battle axed state. She gave it a smirk and then her back before making her way to the throne room.
"Tell him I look forward to it." She said confidently.
Opening the doors to the chamber, as expected, she was met with an empty, bigger throne and a much smaller one beside it. Bowser made storming the place way too easy sometimes between leaving these goons he called as a defense and following his daily routine to a T. She might as well make herself comfortable for a bit, seeing as he wouldn't be back from his morning stroll for another hour. This Kingdom's so-called heroes must be out as well, seeing as no one came to the aid of the soldiers earlier. It was a special day, however, so it made some sense why they weren't around, she thought as she readjusted herself on the bigger throne. No more than ten minutes later did she hear the sound of footsteps approach the chamber, and in front of the opened door appeared her pride and joy.
"Dad, were you guys training the army again? I think you all went a little overboard." The prince commented in the direction of several laid out soldiers before letting out a surprise gasp."Mama Peach, " he yelled in excitement, running towards and jumping into her open arms as she stood up.
"Surprise," she said, pulling the koopaling into a tighter embrace. "Didn't I promise I'd come see you on your birthday?" She reminded him, smiling when she felt him nod in her neck.
"Thank you. Oh, Mama, " he pulled away to look at her."Were you the one who did that to everyone in the hallway? You should go easier on them next time, " Junior advised, looking back at the area once more.
"If I hold back, they'll never get stronger now, will they?" She asked, placing him down on the floor, giving him another smile as he sort of agreed. "I tell your dad that all the time, but I guess he's become rather complacent with those guys always around. Yes." Peach stated it as a fact more than a question.
"Luigi and Mario" The prince felt the need to clarify their names as he would always do. "They're the best fighters in the whole wide world," he praised, and she had to stop herself from outwardly grimacing.
"Yeah? Do you think they're even better than Mama?" She asked and giggled when he immediately went silent as he seemed to be thinking about it hard.
"Hmm, I can't decide who would win in a fight between you guys. Maybe a tie?" He concluded, not reaching a clear answer nor wanting to give it any more thought.
"A tie, huh? I'm glad you think so, son. " The Princess struggled a bit to maintain the calm and sweet demeanor in the presence of her child as she said that. It took her a few seconds to push the images of her losses to them into the back of her mind. "Well, you know mommy's can do anything, right? Even beat the best fighters in the world, " she told him, kneeling down to his eye level, and he nodded again.
The outcome would be different this time. Peach just knew that what she had planned would put an end to those guys once and for all. With them out of her way, Bowser would have no choice but to give into her demands. Finally, she would be able to raise her child how she wanted so that he could serve his purpose for the people. Letting her thoughts get ahead of her, she could feel a laugh undignified for a lady creeping up. Glancing at the clock, it appeared she only had about twenty minutes left till his Majesty would return if word hadn't reached him already about what went on not too long ago. If she didn't want her plans thwarted before having a chance to execute it, then it was probably best to get a move on.
"Junior, how about we -" she started and gasped, looking in every direction as if he had just vanished in thin air from where he was seconds ago. Switching from panic mode real quick, she once again reverted the battle axe to her wand mode just in case she ran into some minions daring to challenge her should they regain consciousness along her way.
Just as expected, Junior was in his mess of a room. Toys, crumpled up pieces of paper, bandana's, and art materials were scattered all over the floor while he was in the closet desperately searching for something. All she heard from him were "no's' ' , "not that", "how did this get in here" and saw the items being tossed out one after the other, She was starting to get antsy at Bowser returning and with those guys as well.
"Honey you shouldn't walk away when mama's deep in thought it's a little rude" she lectured "Oh but we simply must get going, I have a bunch of festivities planned for you back at the mushroom kingdom" Peach told him walking up to him at the closet.
"Found it!" He yelled in triumph, showing her a piece of paper with a drawing on it. Ignoring what she had just said, he pulled her arm so she'd lean down to look closer at the picture as he pointed to each figure. "That's Dad watching everyone from his seat, and that's Papa Luigi with huge muscles showing off his cool hammer. Right here, Kammy's fussing at Mario about something, I think he called her a funny name or something. Finally, me and you are over here holding hands and smiling. Do you like it?" He finished.
Peach focused on the image of the two of them for a little minute. She couldn't put a finger on it, but something was a little off about it. Then she caught it.
"Oh, what's that little thing on your head here?" She pointed to the picture of himself.
"That's your crown, can't you tell? You're not wearing it in the picture cause it's on me, " He told her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It reminds me of you since I don't see you all the time. At least on paper, I get to wear it just like you, Mama. Do you like it?" He repeated his question.
It took everything she had to hold back the tears of joy pricking at the corners of her eye. A son should never see his mother break down crying even if it is the happy sort. Winning the fight against her emotions, she took a deep breath before answering him.
"I love it. I'm happy to know you want to be just like mama sometimes. " She finished and started standing up before Juniors voice caught her attention midstand.
"You can have it. So whenever you miss me, you can look at the picture. " he handed it to her.
Peach held onto the paper with great care not to crease any of the already existing creases. Even with the addition of the four extra figures, Junior's art was perfect. So perfect, the thought of desecrating the portrait by cutting out the extra people as soon as she was alone with it exited her mind as soon as it entered. Yes, they could stay in pictured form she figured it'd be a good source to turn to should he find it difficult to produce some tears. Again, this plan is full proof, so he'd need many things to help him for the future.
"You're the sweetest." she placed her hand on top of his red hair and rubbed it softly. "But Mama's supposed to give you presents on your birthday." With a giggle, she stood up and reached for his hand. The boy took it, and she led him out of the room.
They walked a little ways outside the castle to the pipe she entered from. All while she promised him the best birthday cake and gifts he could dream of. The best part, though she reminded him, was that he was spending this special day with his mama.
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dearbabyeckard · 8 years ago
Happy FIRST Birthday!!
My Dear Baby Emmy,
Happy FIRST Birthday, my sweet girl!  You are ONE today!  I can hardly believe it!  
This has been the very best year of my life, and your Daddy would say the same.  You've helped us grow in ways we never imagined possible.  In a way, we both grew together over the past year.  You learned many things, and I learned many things.  You ebbed and I flowed, and in many ways, you taught me more than I taught you.  
And here you are, one year old already -- a lively, beautiful baby girl and you're bigger than life, darling.  You're curious, super smart, persistent you know what you want, fearless (your Daddy calls you "wild child"), strong and so happy.  
I still remember the first day you were born.  Family members were in and out of our hospital room all day, it felt like such a whirlwind.  That evening, the nurse took you to the nursery so you and I could both get some sleep.  When she returned with you a few hours later I was so excited to see you.  It was the middle of the night and quiet in our hospital room.  Only you and I were awake.  You opened your eyes and gazed at me.  I had never seen anyone or anything more beautiful.   And in that second, I learned what unconditional love meant.  To this day, each morning I stare at you in the baby monitor as you sleep, so peacefully.  The best part of my day is when you wake up.  I come into your room and get you out of your crib, look in your eyes and I'm reminded of that love and this amazing adventure we get to go on together.  
I asked your family members to put together some thoughts for you on your birthday, and here's what everyone had to say:
What do you remember about the day Emmy was born? • Daddy: I remember a lot about the day Emilie was born. Mommy and I woke up early and got the hospital first thing in the morning. I think it was about 5:30 in the morning. I remember being so excited and nervous about what was going to happen. I thought I had prepared myself for what was going to happen, but when it all started I could believe how fast it all went. They wheeled Mommy down to the operating room to perform the c-section. There were massive bright lights and a large team of about 10 people there to deliver Emmy. Once the Doctors started Emmy showed up in what seemed like only moments. Mommy was comfortable and happy and we both cried with joy when we first met Emilie. Emmy cried too and we very excited we had a happy and healthy baby girl. The grandparents waited outside and couldn’t wait to meet their new granddaughter. I also remember when we brought Emmy home. She hated her carseat and was the first true meltdown she had. It was the “oh shit, can we handle this?” moment. • Uncle Brad: It was election season. • Papa & Gigi: Today is your First Birthday!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS LITTLE ONE!!   One year ago, we were at the hospital around 8 a.m., with your other grandparents, cell phones in hand, waiting to hear from your daddy announcing your birth.  We kept waiting and wondering what was happening, because to us, it was taking so long.  Soon we got the word that indeed you were born, healthy and perfect.  We all hugged, cried with joy  and breathed a sigh of relief, thanking God for this precious little miracle he had blessed us all with.  Then we started to get some pictures, and heard your name, for the first time...."Emilie Harper Eckard"!!  After some special time with your mama and daddy we were allowed to come see you .  We all hugged and cried again and took turns holding and cuddling you with sheer amazement and delight. That day all our lives changed ,( for the better) for you had been born into our family and forever nothing would be the same! We love you with all our hearts, Papa and Gigi • Maria: When I met you, Angela, for the first time, I felt a happiness and elation that was beyond measure. It was as if a huge puzzle piece had slid into place and I was finally complete. But the day I met Emmy, and held her in my arms for the very first time, the emotions I felt are simply unnamable. Here was this stunningly beautiful creature that was here because of me. And for reasons I can't begin to explain or understand, I was blessed beyond measure to have the privilege of holding her, the honor of being in her life and getting to watch her grow up! Words just can't do justice to the depth of emotions I felt that day, but it's a day that I will remember for the rest of my life!! Describe a fun or favorite memory you have of Emmy's first year • Daddy: So many memories. I’ll never forget the first steps you took on July 10th, 2017. We were playing in your new playroom and you were hanging on the baby swing. You turned around and walked straight to me! I’ll also remember the first time you rolled over and Mommy and I got too excited and you started balling. • Uncle Brad: Cheeks, very large cheeks. • Mommy:  Daddy and I are always so excited when do you do something for the first time.  The first time you said Dada, the first time you said Mama, the first time you crawled, your first bite of ice cream, but one of my favorite "firsts" was the time you rolled over.   We knew it was coming for a few days so Daddy had his Go Pro camera out and ready while you two were practicing.  Before we knew it, you had slowly rolled over!  Daddy and I let out a squeal of excitement so loud that it scared you, you rolled back and started crying!  Another favorite memory I'll always cherish was our first family trip to Florida!  I was so excited to take you to the beach, and it was every bit as fun as I imagined.  We walked on the beach and you felt the sand between your toes.  You watched as the waves came crashing in on the shore.  We swam in the pool and had the best time just the three of us. What do you think Emmy will be when she grows up? • Daddy: Emmy is going to be very smart, hardworking and travel the world. I think she’ll be a successful business person. Maybe in marketing – selling as seen on TV products just like her dad wants to! Or maybe she’ll be in the fashion industry introducing the latest trends to the world. • Uncle Brad: a pilot • Gigi & Papa: Emmy, I don't know what you will be when you grow up, but whatever you CHOOSE to be, YOU CAN BE .  Never let anyone or anything stifle your dreams. You may fail or have set backs but try try again. Our short comings make us stronger, fighters for our beliefs, and firm in our commitments.  I know your mom and dad will instill the virtues of honesty, trust, belief in oneself, belief in God, love of family, and so many more moral and life lessons.  Listen to your heart and treat others fairly.  With your mom and dad guiding you, and with God always by your side, you will succeed.  So DREAM BIG little one… I hope I will be around to hug, kiss and congratulate you on your accomplishments!!  I know you will make us proud! • Mommy:  When we're out and about, you love people watching.  You give even strangers the biggest, gummy smiles and giggles.  Your favorite thing is to engage with other people and make them smile :)  When you grow up, I think you'll be into theatre or acting, or maybe a doctor or nurse. • Maria: A leader. In what field I can't say yet, but Emmy already has such charisma!! She has such an exuberant way about her that people will just naturally follow her. I can't wait to watch where she goes in life!!!   Describe what the world is like when Emmy turns 21 • Daddy: It’s hard to think that 2038 will be here soon. People will have landed on Mars. Cars drive themselves and no one remembers when phones had actual buttons. Kids get cell phones (or whatever the next type of device is) in kindergarten and learn how to code instead of foreign languages. Paper money is rarely used and a fingerprint can be used to pay almost everywhere. • Uncle Brad: The Cubs had their title revoked due to a pine tar jar found in the mayor's car.  The Blues are still not getting past the 2nd round.  No one's shirt is untucked, ever… Trump Jr. is President and about 10% of the human race is living on Mars where Canada now resides. • Gigi & Papa: Dear Emmy, When you turn "21", I am certain the world will be very different than when I grew up and even more so than even today.  Technology is taking over.  Lots of things I grew up using are now obsolete.  Some things are for the best, but I cannot say that for everything.  Everything will be ordered on line.  Cars will drive and park themselves.  Fingerprints will  be the chosen form of identification.  Maybe you will live on the moon or at least travel there!  That sounds pretty cool.   As you get older, it's hard to accept change.  Us senior citizens dwell in the past and sometimes shun progress.  Life is what YOU make it! Kudos to you young folk who see the world differently and challenging .  How ever the world is,  Make it the best it can be for you and your loved ones and be happy!  Love you "21 year old" • Mommy: There are driverless cars, we are traveling and vacationing in space, cancer will be cured, computers will surpass human intelligence, cable tv will be gone and replaced by on-demand tv, virtual reality gaming will allow for multiple people across the world to play games in real life, health treatments are genetically tailored, healthcare will  be a team effort between you and your Dr, with education playing a big role, technology will keep your Dr updated on your health in between office visits.   First Birthday wishes for Emmy • Daddy: I wish that Emmy has another great year of learning, fun and happiness. I can’t wait to hear the words you learn next and playing with you gets more fun every day. I love you! • Uncle Brad: Happy Birthday Emmy!  Can't wait to watch you grow up and fly our space craft to Mars! • Auntie Jocelyn:  Emmy, I cannot believe you are turning one! You have been such a blessing to all of us.  Seeing your Mom become your Mommy has truly been one of the most beautiful things to witness.  I wish I lived closer to you, but I know things will change soon and we will be able to see you more! I hope this next year brings you all the love and happiness in the world.  You are the most beautiful little baby and I could not be more blessed to be your auntie!  Happy Birthday baby girl!  I love you! • Mommy:  Dear Emmy, On your first Birthday and each of your coming Birthdays, I wish you all the wonderful things that life has to offer: love, laughter, cake (and ice cream), adventures,  great friendships, passion, hopes and dreams that are realized. I love you so much! • Maria: Emmy, may you always know how much you are loved by so many! Happy birthday, sweetest girl ever!!!
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