#my favorite thing about this is that the screenshot is actually from the pokedex
spindaonateaspoon · 1 year
im intrigued... whats ur wisdom on spinda elitism
I'm SO glad you asked!
First, let me begin with correcting a common misconception about Spinda. Spinda is a panda, not a rabbit. Its ears are deceiving, I know, but we MUST remember that it is a bear, and therefore its carefree and goofy nature is a choice of mercy, but a choice nonetheless. It could bite through your leg given the whim. Yes this is 100% true, regardless of whether it learns Bite. I've seen it with my own eyes. And I encouraged it.
Second, as I have been gifted with the truest and most correct spinda knowledge, I will also say that it is 100% canon that spinda is a silly little guy, but not stupid, or incompetent or horny by nature. By choice, certainly, but you must understand that this is for the bit. And the bit rules.
(Don't look at its stats when fact checking this. Don't look at them. Avert your eyes. Just trust me, they definitely don't scream "Will let you down in battle". You're imagining that.)
The third thing to know about spindas, as gifted to me in a dream, is that they are all sexless and genderless-- again, unless it's for the bit, in which case they can be whatever gender or sex they want. As a matter of fact, they can change many of their physical aspects at will. Don't believe me? Look at this!
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You may think that spindas average out at teddy bear size, but that is only because they choose that size for your viewing, because they know it is the cutest size they can be. In reality, they are naturally much bigger.
Similarly, a spinda's weight varies based on its mood. An average, content spinda weighs in at 11 pounds. But the less content they are, the heavier they get. This is both an offensive and defensive tactic, as a scared spinda will be too heavy to be carried off by a skarmory and an angry spinda will reduce you to rubble with a single Dizzy Punch. So watch out!
I hope you've been enlightened by my spinda elitism ❤️
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ladala99 · 3 years
Pokemon Presents - Reactions
Well, my predictions were completely wrong, aside from small details like Contests were in the presentation and they showed characters present in Legends: Arceus.
But for my reactions:
Mobile Games I really don't care about these. I might pick Masters back up but I got super burnt out about gacha games a while ago and it still doesn't sound fun to pick anything like that back up. But maybe. I mean, N's my favorite character and he looks stunning in that outfit.
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl In order of me remembering: - Following Pokemon - Different outfits for the players - Expanded Underground (although Secret Bases seem less "let's make a pretty room" and more "let's place some objects that unlock stuff") - The Underground seems to be where Platinum Expansion Pokemon are, by the narrator's commentary while Houndoom was onscreen. So general encounters may be identical to Diamond and Pearl - Munchlax in places other than Honey Trees - Contests seem a bit nerfed. The Dance round looks more visually interesting, but the actual gameplay looks simplified. No mention of Dressup round. Appeal round we didn't see enough to tell if it's the same complexity or not. No mention of Poffins - Ball Seals are replaced with Stickers. You still get to customize them for special effects, which is neat. - I like how they call Cynthia "mysterious" as if everyone doesn't already know who she is.
Overall, I'm still unsure what to think of these. My main reservations (always-on Exp Share and whether Pokemon from Unova and later are usable at all) are still unanswered. It also doesn't help that some of my favorite features (Contests and Secret Bases) seem to be simplified. Following Pokemon and Customization are neat, but those don't make this a must-buy.
Legends: Arceus In order of me remembering: - Regional Formes/Evolutions! - Riding Pokemon - are they yours or is it like Alola? They seem to all be Regional Formes from what we've been shown - Doesn't seem to be truly open-world. You have missions in specific places. Maybe you can explore further but there's no nearby healing place until later? - "Galaxy Team" huh? And that guy woman looks a lot like Cyrus. So are we the badguys or did Cyrus just steal the name/iconography of these guys, believing that since he's the descendant of the leader he has the right to do so? Because there's no way they're not related - The weird bloomy lighting I disliked in the first trailer looks more intended now. I still don't like it that much but at least it doesn't look unfinished anymore - Wild Pokemon act differently, require different strategies to catch, and attack you. This is basically what I hoped for! - They're experimenting with how battles work with the strong/agile style thing
Overall, I am more convinced than before that I want this. My only real reservation is that I don't like the lighting/shading, and that's a minor thing. They're really experimenting with the formula, and in this case I welcome it.
HOME Compatibility At the end they mentioned Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends: Arceus would be compatible with HOME with no further explanation. I'm still wondering how compatible, although confirmation that Legends: Arceus will be compatible is very welcome.
Competitive Stays in Sword/Shield
I take it that means Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are not going to be fully compatible with Sword and Shield. Which was almost a given, but it does mean I'll need to get Sword at some point for futureproofing reasons (trade evolutions).
After seeing the Websites:
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: - Dressup round is gone. Contest stats are a thing, though, so Poffins may be in it still. - The Underground section has a screenshot with a Sentret and a Numel. So Pokemon outside of Sinnoh dex confirmed, but only ones that were compatible with the originals so far. - Manaphy's the early adoption bonus for BDSP - Statues are the only decoration mentioned for Secret Bases. While I used to only decorate with Pokemon plush, I like being more creative now so that's a bit of a letdown - Underground (and the Union Room) is online! - Game Corner is replaced by the clothes shop - Like all recent games, you have a few skin/hair/eye color choices for the protagonists. Unknown if you can further tweak them later or if you only have the choices shown. (Given LGPE doesn't let you, I'm guessing no)
Legends: Arceus: - Trading exists in Legends: Arceus. It's a Nintendo Switch Online feature. Does that mean trade evolutions are still trade evolutions? :( - Opposite gender player character is a rival or something - Time of day and weather change Pokemon spawns/behavior - Not truly open-world - you gain access to new areas when your rank increases - Seems completing the Pokedex is the main task, and it involves not only catching but also raising and observing each Pokemon - Pokemon joins Animal Crossing in 'games you wouldn't expect to have a crafting system but now they do' - Early adoption bonus is clothes. So you can change your outfit, even though they haven't shown anything else about that
None of these things changed my opinions from above, but are good clarifications.
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askmerriauthor · 5 years
Pokemon SwSh Thoughts - Post Game
So I’ve finished Pokemon Sword’s primary content.  All that’s left is to finish up the PokeDex and drive myself insane trying to whip up all the variations of Alcremie.  That, and delaying buying an online subscription for as long as possible before I bother with trading to get the other game’s exclusives.  Here’s some thoughts on the game after the fact:
Pokemon SwSh really needed to come out in late 2020, period.  I’ve enjoyed the game so far, but I’ve played it for about a week without putting in too much time/effort grinding and I’ve already done pretty much everything there is to do.  I had my Starter leveled up to 100 before I even left the Wild Area for the very first time.  The pacing and content depth of this game are pretty much non-existent, whereas the majority of the effort has clearly been put toward refining the competitive combat development.  That’s great for those players who really like the battle system, but not so much for those of us who like story and broader gameplay elements.
Pro - Streamlined Gameplay One thing I’ve wanted in Pokemon for ages has been the ability to skip tutorials.  I understand the necessity of having them, as every game that comes out is going to be some player’s first and their presence is for that player.  But at least having the option to skip them for us old hats would be nice.  SwSh does that!  I was delighted to discover that the game allows you to bypass tutorials with a simple yes/no prompt when a new element is introduced.  How to catch Pokemon, type match-ups, how to heal at Pokemon Centers, and so forth - all the stuff previous games led us through by the nose has been made optional this time around.
I’ve seen some people saying that this game holds the player’s hand too much as it leads us from one gameplay element to the next and doesn’t let us progress at our own leisure.  To some degree this is true, but it’s far less egregious than in previous games, such as SuMo.  There’s yet to be a good balance between giving the player free reign and giving them enough guidance to ensure we never feel lost, but this has been an inoffensive example as far as I’m concerned.  The game does end up feeling rather railroaded, but I don’t necessarily consider that a fault of hand-holding. I’ll get to this matter later on.
Pro - The Style Galar is a very pretty region and the game makes good use of the Switch’s higher capacity to produce excellent backdrops for the player to explore.  Many of the Pokemon have charming animations (Falinks is my favorite on this respect).  The towns are all really well-designed in terms of visuals, especially compared to the bare-bones looks of older generations.  I feel like there could have been more, but what we got is still great.
Pro - Implications in Lore Those of you who know me know how much I love lore and world building.  Pokemon, as a franchise, is ripe with opportunity to examine its lore to the most tiny and obscure detail, so any new addition to the franchise is welcome on that front.  Galar has some pretty fascinating nuggets to contribute.
I love that the League in Galar, as well as competitive Pokemon Training in general, is treated like a career sport.  In specific, I love that this view and practice is exclusive to Galar - I wouldn’t like it at all if the entire franchise shifted to this angle, but it works great for a one-off region.  I like that Kabu specifically relocated himself from Hoenn to join the sports league as it doesn’t exist in his home region.  The Champion being a sort of major celebrity/superhero, the way Gym Leaders can recruit proteges or even inheritors of their rank from among contenders, the sort of clique all the Gym Leaders have with one another - it’s a really neat dynamic.  I also like the notion that actually completing the Gym Challenge isn’t something common and most Trainers who try rarely make it even halfway through.  That’s an interesting contrast to other regions where collecting Gym Badges seems almost as a given and the League itself is considered the real challenge, or where the whole endeavor is designed to be finished as a matter of course, like in Alola.
There’s also some really neat additions to the overall lore brought in from the Pokemon Masters mobile game.  While its place in canon is questionable, it does specifically mention Galar in a few places.  The idea that Pokemon who do not appear in the current Dex are banned from Galar by customs (perhaps identified as potentially dangerous/invasive species) is an interesting one.  So is the claim that Iris - the Champion of Unova in BW2 - is a cousin of Leon and Hop.  I love it when there are connections amid titles like that as it really helps build a more unified setting.
-Edit-: Darn, apparently those screenshots were fakes.  Strike that positive from the list, I suppose.
Mixed Pro/Con - The Availability of Pokemon and the Wild Area I’m not talking about Dexit - I have my own thoughts on that explained elsewhere and frankly don’t think it’s going to end up as bad as everyone is fretting over in the long run.  No, in this particular case I’m focused on the availability of Pokemon that are in the game itself.
To put it simply... it’s too easy.  I know that filling out the PokeDex isn’t supposed to be a huge challenge, but I’ve gotten the majority of it done - evolved forms, item-reliant forms, gender/size/color variations included - with pretty much no effort whatsoever.  I like the idea of the Wild Area in principle but what it ends up being in practice is lacking.  It’s too easy to just hoover up Pokemon at a breakneck pace, which leads to other zones and the Wild Area itself becoming pretty much immediately obsolete.  I have no need to return to them once I’ve gotten everything I need and there’s not enough general content to urge me to visit again.
The Wild Area itself is a big open sandbox that you can roam around in, which is nice compared to more linear zones in past games.  Galar has its railroad routes, but they’re brief (aside from the obligatory overlong water route, which even then is still quite a lot smaller than other regions’ have been).  However, it’s just that - a big open sandbox.  You can wander through it very easily and even traipse into the “high level” zones without fear because you can see all the Pokemon coming and give them a wide berth to avoid them.  There aren’t any obstacles or challenges within the Wild Area itself, and the game makes it supremely easy to find Pokemon even under specific weather/time conditions, which I feel is a missed opportunity.  I would have rather the Wild Area been MUCH bigger and more involved, full of places to explore and puzzles to solve.  Similarly, I would rather that Pokemon were more difficult to come by as well - that a greater deal of effort would have been put toward tracking and discovering certain harder-to-find Pokemon, with more in-game detective work to find your prize.
Mixed Pro/Con - The Characters The ensemble cast of new Gym Leaders are great - I enjoy the majority of them and frankly want more interactions, more encounters, just more in general.  That’s sort of the problem though - I want more.  The game itself criminally under-utilizes these characters, especially compared to how much more involved and explored Gym Leaders have been in recent games.  There is precious little content using the Gym Leaders here in Galar as it stands and I constantly found myself wanting them to hang out longer and have the chance to learn more about them.  Their League Cards are a neat little addition full of interesting tidbits about their histories, natures, and relationships with each other, but I would MUCH rather have gotten to see all that play out in the game itself rather than read it as a flavor blurb.
On the con side of this, however, is the fact that all of the characters are extremely one-dimensional.  We’ve been seeing a steady increase in the depth and development of supporting characters in the games since BW onward, with SuMo arguably having the most to date.  The overall characterization in SwSh is incredibly lacking by comparison as we don’t get nearly enough time to be with the cast, nor is the cast given the chance to present more than one note per.  Nobody has any sort of emotional growth or development.  The closest thing to a character arc in the game is Hop’s acceptance of the idea that he’s not going to be the Champion, but it doesn’t have anywhere near as much punch as it could and is over in the blink of an eye compared to how he spends THE ENTIRE GAME repeating the same “I’m gonna be the Champion/Hokage/Pirate King!” spiel every time he’s on screen.
Con - Dynamaxing and Max Raid Battles I’m not really on board with the whole “Mega-Evolution is best! No more gimmicks!” train because that’s just silly to me.  Every game has its gimmick and the way Pokemon gradually picks up tricks and traits from its past versions to consolidate into newer titles is one of its strengths.  That said, Dynamaxing is worthless and a pointless addition to the game, both in presentation and practice.
The visual of a Pokemon going kaiju is a neat concept and one I was initially intrigued by, but in practice it falls flat because it’s as thin as cardboard.  It’s just Mega-Evolution and Z-Moves smooshed together with an additional 3 round time limit tacked on.  All it functionally does is buff your Pokemon’s HP pool and add additional weather/status effects to certain attacks, but in some cases the Dynamax versions of attacks are actually weaker/less useful than their base form.  In Gym Battles all the way through the final League fight with Leon, I didn’t bother with Dynamaxing because my Pokemon were strong enough to not need it.  I could one-shot Dynamaxed Pokemon with ease using a non-Dynamaxed Pokemon and that really shows a flaw in the design if ever there was one.  Dynamaxing doesn’t add or improve anything vital to gameplay - it’s just fluff.
Max Raid Battles as found in the Wild Area are even worse.  For those of you who don’t know, these are instanced battles against a Dynamaxed/Gigantamaxed wild Pokemon where you team up with three other players/NPCs.  If you win, you get a bunch of useful items and have the chance to catch the wild Pokemon as well, which is the only way you can get certain Gigantamax-capable Pokemon reliably.
The issue with these Max Raid Battles is that they’re an absolute slog.  In the early stages of the game they’re all super easy to the point that I could solo them and thus gathered mountains of EXP-boosting candies, which let me overlevel my Pokemon beyond reason.�� Since the whole “your Pokemon is too high level and won’t listen to you” thing apparently doesn’t apply to Starters and special Event Pokemon, I was able to max-level and run rampant across all opposition with my Starter and my special “thanks for buying early” Meowth.  HOWEVER.  The difficulty scale of the Max Raid Battles increases with your game progress, so by the time I finished the game and went back into the Wild Area, the Max Raid Battles’ difficulty had ramped up.  That’s an okay compromise on its face, but the manner in which the difficulty has increased is poor game design.  The battles aren’t any harder, they just take longer - the wild Pokemon has more HP,  tosses up a few rounds of shields to soak damage at the start and again halfway through the fight, and purges stat boosts from the player and party throughout the battle.  It just makes the fights a pain in the ass to get through rather than making them more challenging or fun, and it’s gotten to the point that I don’t even bother with them anymore.  They’re just not worth the trouble, not even for the sake of trying to farm EXP candies because, at this point in the game, all Pokemon in the Wild Area scale up to level 60+ and thus are perfectly serviceable as EXP farming fodder themselves.
On a lore side of things, Dynamaxing is really confusing.  There’s the whole visual aspect of the Pokemon growing to giant sizes and sometimes changing their appearances, and there’s these massive arenas built to facilitate the whole thing.  But the game itself goes out of its way to impress the fact that the Pokemon aren’t actually getting bigger.  They just appear to grow in size and haven’t actually physically changed themselves so Dynamaxing is more like a giant hard light holographic projection than anything else?  It’s just a really weird design choice to have made and I don’t understand why it was included.
Con - The Writing So, writing is very important to me.  It’s literally been my job for the past decade with various game studios.  I don’t consider myself any sort of literary snob as I feel there’s a place for schlock right alongside masterpieces - they all serve a specific purpose and fulfill a particular hunger the reader would like satisfied.
That said, SwSh’s writing is abysmal.
Right on the face, there’s not enough of it.  The game is criminally short and light on content, which directly impacts its pacing.  Remember earlier when I mentioned that things felt railroaded?  That’s because there’s not enough story to rest on - it all flies by as fast as can be, forcing the player along a very narrow and brief chain of events that don’t feel consequential at all.  Further, the player has no agency in events whatsoever.  It’s not the player’s story - it’s Hop’s story.  We’re the supporting role to his journey, shallow as that arc may be.  Hop is the one who initiates the events of the game without our input as a character and then we spend the entire game following him around, or being pushed into the next event by other characters who are facilitating Hop.  At no point is the player ever given the chance to express their own characterization, motivation, or even opinions.  Nearly every two-choice dialogue option that appears boils down to “Yes” or “Slightly More/Less Enthusiastic Yes”, which is a huge downgrade from the genuine negative responses and NPC reactions that were present in SuMo.
In terms of overall plot, SwSh has pretty much the same level of depth and complexity as the original Red/Blue titles, and that is as scathing a criticism in this modern age as I can possibly imagine.  The whole story is “run in a circle, collect badges, fight vaguely present villainous threat, fight league.”  We are actively forced from one gym fight to the next with no time to breathe, no story-focused events in between, and not even any chance to appreciate the gym, its leader, or even the towns they take place in.  It’s one and done - once you’ve got the badge there’s no reason to hang around and the story shuffles us along quickly as can be.  I mean that literally in some cases - there are hints of a greater plot at hand with Sonia investigating the history of Galar’s legends and the potential machinations of mega-corporate mogul Chairman Rose.  But each time those are broached in game play, the game pushes the player off-screen and says “Well, that’s not something you need to worry about.  Go get another badge!”  I mean, LITERALLY!  There’s a point where The Plot begins to kick in where Pokemon begin to spontaneously Dynamax and cause havoc, which is the narrative queue for the player to become involved and for the story to reveal a new facet.  But when that happens, Leon LITERALLY says “leave this to the adults, you just focus on your Gym Challenge” and runs off-screen to handle it himself.  It would be a good narrative subversion if it led up to things eventually getting out of hand and the player getting roped into things, or the player having the ability to defy such warnings and interject themselves into danger.  But that doesn’t happen - the game just forces us to focus on the Gym Challenge alone and keeps all the actual plot of the game off-screen away from us.  This is very poor narrative design and game design alike, and it all comes to nothing because we’re forced to clean up everything in the end anyway by battling the villain and legendaries as per usual.
Though I should also point out that there’s no villain in this game.
But what about Team Yell and Chairman Rose, I hear you ask?  They’re not villains, both literally and figuratively respectively.  Team Yell never really does anything other than act as brief gate locking elements throughout the game until you finish the Gym you’re at, then they bounce off to the next part of the route they’re set to block.  They don’t do anything bad and, as it’s later revealed, they’re actually just a bunch of Spikemuth Gym staffers who are posing as hooligans to support Marnie.  They’re literally not villains and, once you beat the Spikemuth Gym, they actually become supporting characters who cheer for the player character and help out against the actual supposed villain of the game.
The actual “villain” of the game is Chairman Rose and his assistant Oleana.  However, they’re only villains because the script says they are.  They don’t actually do anything bad throughout the entire game nor is there any indication that they have some sort of grand master plan.  The most we get is some unusual happenings like small quakes and explosions in the distance, but the game never allows us any chance to investigate - we’re just shoved off toward the next Gym each time.  So when Chairman Rose is finally revealed to be the Big Bad, it comes completely out of left field and seems to happen for no reason whatsoever.  Further, IT IS FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER.  Chairman Rose’s plan and goal is never explained in depth - all we get is the vague indication that he believes that Galar isn’t sustainable and there will be an inevitable energy crisis in about 1,000 years, and somehow his EVIL SCHEME will fix it.  But, like, even Leon flat-out says “I understand your concern but you’re being hasty, this doesn’t need to be rushed, chill out for five seconds and let’s figure this out reasonably”.  Instead Rose interrupts the Champion match and announces his EVIL SCHEME on global broadcast for literally no good reason.  There was no dire immediacy that required him to do it right then and there, or in that manner, but the plot needed to move us along so that’s how it goes.
It really doesn’t help that, prior to all this, there’s absolutely no indication at all that Rose nor Oleana are bad guys.  They’re just business folk who appear to have nothing but good intentions and support for Leon, with the other adults of the cast all happily trusting them.  There is nothing to make them seem suspicious in practice and they offer no reason to doubt them at all, so them suddenly being the bad guys is just confusing.  Further, how the player is first introduced to the concept of them being antagonists is easily the most ridiculous logic jump and overreaction I’ve seen since the old Adam West Batman television show.  So get this: after a battle, Leon says he’ll meet Player and Hop for dinner to celebrate.  Player and Hop wait for Leon, but he never shows up.  Another NPC explains that Leon was called in for a last-minute meeting by Chairman Rose (who is his boss and has made such requests of Leon’s time throughout the game, as I feel is important to point out) and apologizes for having to miss the dinner plans.  Simple enough sort of situation, right?  The sort of thing that any reasonable person would shrug and say “Well, that sucks but okay, let’s go eat on our own then” to, right?  So what happens here instead?
I mean, escalation much?  We all have smartphones - just send Leon a text, for goodness’ sake.  I’m playing through these events constantly going “why the hell are we doing this and why is everyone acting like it’s some sort of dire emergency?”.  And do you know what happens when we finally kick down the doors to Chairman Rose’s office?  We find Chairman Rose and Leon quietly having a peaceful chat, after which Leon apologizes for having to cancel the dinner plans and we all walk out together like nothing happened.  It was just this huge, needless overreaction that has no consequence and that neither Rose nor Leon even bat an eye at.  We, as the players, learn absolutely nothing of importance and are back on the Gym Challenge immediately with no functional changes to the narrative.
Like... what was the point of that?!  How was that the best option to try and put Chairman Rose and his underlings into the role of antagonists for us to oppose?
So what is Chairman Rose’s EVIL SCHEME anyway?  Basically he wants to provide Galar with renewable clean energy which... uh... is bad?  Somehow?  Apparently he plans to use a Legendary Pokemon called Eternatus - apparently the source of Dynamaxing - which is literally never mentioned at any point in the game except precisely when it’s time to fight/capture it, nor does fighting/capturing it have any impact on the story or setting.  You would think that the player being in control of a massive Eldritch horror that has UNLIMITED POWER at its disposal would be something of a sticking point somewhere in the story, but no.  Eternatus and Rose’s plan are never mentioned until precisely the time you need to deal with them, and once that’s done they’re both never mentioned again.  Done and done all in one.  No gradual seeding of information, no hints and clues throughout the game, no development of lore - just wham, bam, thank you ma’am and off we go.
Y’know, call me silly but in a game that has undertones referencing climate change, extinction of animal species, and criticisms against capitalism run amok, is it really a good idea to depict the guy advocating for clean energy to be bad?  That feels like a missed mark to me.
The post-game plot, should one bother to call it that, is just inane.  It basically boils down to a pair of one-shot baddies who show up and say “Ha ha! We’re rich and that means we’re better than everyone! Watch as we cause trouble for vague reasons, get hoist by our own petard, and then fuck off forever! Byeeeee~!”  The post-game is completely pointless and doesn’t add anything of value at all.  Which, again, compare to older games like ORAS’ post-game expansion content and it’s nothing but a damn shame.
SwSh’s writing is shallow and limited at best, with one-dimensional characters, no genuine conflict or resolution, terrible pacing, and repetitive elements that boomerang around over and over and over again to the point of annoyance.  Compared to what we’ve seen Pokemon achieve in earlier titles like BW, ORAS, and SuMo, it makes it all the more obvious that SwSh was not given ANYWHERE near the time and love it needed in development and is a massive downgrade in that respect.
Con - Lots of Style, No Substance To wrap all this up - I enjoyed playing SwSh as much as I did any other early Pokemon game.  I think that, as a first installment on a new system, it’s fine.  That’s all - it’s just fine.  It’s serviceable as a means of establishing the franchise onto the Switch and completing its move off purely-mobile mediums like the Gameboy and 3DS.  It’s pretty to look at and has a superficial level of engagement, but its prettiness and level of content very quickly reveal themselves to be only skin deep.  Once you get past the initial gloss there’s really nothing to this game compared to the content, involvement, and writing quality displayed in past titles on lesser-powered systems.  The towns are all pretty but there’s nothing to do in any of them aside from a Gym battle - there’s no additional fun to be had in each location, making them little more than set pieces.  The characters have initial appeal and potential for more, but the game never explores them at all.  There’s room for a bigger narrative and interesting story with the elements presented, but no opportunity to actually see them fleshed out.  The Wild Area seems big and involved at first, but as soon as you’ve gone around its loop once or twice you suddenly realize how small and compartmentalized it really is, and it lacks any reason to revisit in the end game.  The major game play function - Dynamaxing/Gigantamaxing - is little more than a novelty that is basically irrelevant to gameplay itself and, in an absolutely baffling decision by the folk behind the official competitive scene, is actually somehow banned from being used in competitions?  Like, not even “we’ve disabled the Dynamax button in online” but rather “if the competitive Pokemon you’ve spent so much time perfectly constructing has a Gigantamax form, it will not even be allowed access at all, so you better have an identical non-Gigantamax version on hand if you want to play”.  So, what exactly is the point of even having Gigantamax Pokemon then?
Everything about SwSh seems half-baked.  The ideas are there but they aren’t finished.  It should have been given much more development time and, having been in the position of the creative/dev team under demands from the shareholders, I completely sympathize with Game Freak’s devs in all this.  SwSh is ultimately a weak product but one with a lot of good ideas that weren’t given the chance to really shine.  As such, I’ve got rather high hopes for the next installment to improve on the unfortunately thin foundation SwSh has set.  Game Freak’s team has given us some amazing Pokemon games in the past and, assuming they’re given sufficient time and resources to make a title to their satisfaction, I have every confidence they’ll do so again.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 1]
White was so much fun, the sequel was obviously inevitable. Only I don’t own White 2, so Black 2 shall be our contestant. All encounters and starters will be random, static pokemon are what they are originally. Any pokemon not randomized is ineligible for use.
Nuzlocke rules, again copied from Bulbapedia:
    Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
   The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else.
My added rules of choice:
Each pokemon must be nicknamed.
If the first pokemon in an area is a species I’ve already caught, the first one that isn’t will become the catch option.
The catch rules start applying once I have the option of catching things.
No looking anything up on guides.
Team wipe means continuing on using whatever I have in the PC.
Let’s have some fun.
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Second verse, same as the first.
I haven’t adjusted the text speed yet and it is driving me insane.
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I remember having so much love for this gen, but the designs of these poor children still provoke odd looks. Not that I mind walking around with a palm tree on my head, I just question why anyone thought that I would want that.
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Wait, do I get to pick his name?
I do!
Wow, I forgot that this was the hardest part about Nuzlockes. I can’t just go with Hugh if this is a true random. Hm. Okay then, in honor of friendship, this guy’s name can be Russell.
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The first thing our mom does in this game is give me cause to ship her with Professor Juniper. Our mom knows her first name. It’s Aurea. Why would she know that if they were not secretly involved in some way???
Is this the first game that has an outside character get first crack at moving the screen around after we’ve chosen our name? I kind of like it.
I like it more now that it’s ending and I can switch the text speed to Fast.
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Heeeeey it’s us. Palm tree hair and all.
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I never find out what the contrary answers lead to, because I can never make myself pick them. It makes my completionist nature very sad. As does the reminder that I do not have the ability to run yet. Someone please give this poor boy some shoes.
Bianca is here to meet us!
She is not our bestie in this version, but she is in our hearts.
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This is our bestie this version.
He’s got a little sister.
Just so we know all that black and red in his color scheme is for show.
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Look at him walking in time with us like the total bro he is.
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Dude is this his room? I want one.
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Bianca! Friend!
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That awkward moment when you have the same name as one of her best friends who will never be seen this entire game.
Okay okay okay it’s time.
Time to receive our starter.
Our choices are:
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Ah that’s rough. Hm.
My preference is always going to be to have something’s first state, that I can level up and evolve myself, but I recently finished my White run, and in it I had Larvitar’s line as well as Aggron’s, so really, there can be only one choice.
Snorlax, I choose you!
And my first act as your new friend is to give you a brand new name that I need to come up with!
Snore, sleep, yawn... sleep words... Dreamor?
Heck that’s a dorky name. He needs it.
Dreamor got, Russell steps in and asks for an in on our journey. He has his own super special mission that I’m not supposed to remember but I do, and talks Bianca into giving him a pokedex as well. Because Bianca’s a sweetheart.
But before we can go any further, it’s time to d-d-d-d-duel!
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Everything about Russell’s design screams childhood-friend-gone-villain and I love how little that has anything to do with his arc.
Oshawaott vs. Dreamor! Lesgo!
Snorlax knows Tackle and Defense Curl, which is actually appropriate for a starter. I am going to be dull and Tackle spam.
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Dreamor appears to be... enthusiastic. in his participation.
G-good job, boy.
Bianca even walks us to the Pokemon Center, because she’s just that wonderful. She also gives us some Poke Balls (again, see wonderful), which means that we’re officially in business to get this run on the road.
...I really hope Dreamor doesn’t faint everything in one hit. This could be a lonely start for the two of us if he’s as strong as he looks.
Our mother greets us outside the Center and gives us Running Shoes.
Thank you mother. I knew you loved us.
Aw, and Russell’s baby sister gives us a Town Map. Thanks, kiddo. I will deliver your brother’s copy with great haste and competence.
(They keep calling Dreamor Tepig.)
Before we go any further, let’s find out what sort of critter Dreamor is.
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Rash and capable of taking hits. Well, if you’re going to be rash, you might as well be prepared to handle what it gets you into. The nature gets a sad face out of me for mechanics, but I always love having Thick Fat available, and look at that smile.
Oh my gosh the gate attendant knows our name and gave us a Potion for our journey. I feel so cared for.
Bianca teaches us how to catch stuff, and we, being an experienced trainer, completely ignore the lesson and wait for control to be returned to us.
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The first tall grass awaits our first step. Dreamor! Let us go forth and meet our next friend!
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..Oh heck though.
She’s level 2.
I don’t know if she can eat a Tackle from Dreamor.
Also I might end up not using her because I used her line in the last run but hey I didn’t use Politoed (and I also don’t know how to get a Politoed given the settings).
I’ll throw a ball first, then see if she lives through a Tackle.
...Ah, the return of Hypnosis.
...Is all she knows Hypnosis? No, there’s also Water Sport.
Hey, she lives through a Tackle!
Ball thrown, Poliwhirl get!
From now on, your new name shall be... Stella. And we need to run back to a Center pronto. Your new teammate whacked you one good.
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Stella is Quirky and alert to sounds. Sounds good to me, but I have zero clue how to evolve you to a Politoed. I think normally you need a King’s Rock and trading, but I selected the box that cleared up trading requirements for evolutions, giving me no clue whatsoever what to do with you, darling.
All the same, welcome. Your line is one of my favorites.
...Also you are not a Zubat.
Zubat was an option for this route.
Stella, your worth just went up.
Even if I end up not using her due to memories of Wagston overriding sense, I don’t think I can keep her at level 2, so we’re going to do some switch training for a tiny bit.
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...Sir, what are you doing here I have been playing for five seconds.
He offers training, but since he gives me my controls right back after him and his neat soundtrack walk around inspecting me, I’m going to go ahead with my original plans.
Stella downed a level 2 Zubat all by herself. She’s growing up so fast.
Oh, wow, the next Pokemon Center is just. right there, isn’t it.
“Flocessy Town Prophecy Flocks Here”
You have never known a love as true as Pokemon translators and wordplay. Apparently this is where Alder’s house is. Apparently Champions are now allowed houses, and not only if your name is Cynthia. I call hax.
Alder wants Russell to have his Town Map before training, and Russell is on Route 20, which means....
our next friend
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Are the leaves grass, or just pretty?
After tromping over them for several seconds, it looks to be that they are merely pretty. Very pretty, though.
Aha, grass located. What awaits us?
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Hello there!
It’s a grand ol’ gen one time, it seems. Dreamor can’t hit you, so Stella, up you go. Please do not kill her.
Gastly get!
You shall be... Caspet.
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Caspet has a Mild nature to go with her sturdy body. With her we shall find if I actually screwed up the evolution options. I’m still really new to Randomizer, and probably should have looked up what the choices did on Google before starting this run, but the rule after the run has begun is no guides, so here we are.
We enter Flocessy Ranch, which is a new location. Another friend already. Our fortune is pure.
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...How do I keep finding every generation one creature that needs trading to evolve. Is this going to be this run’s theme?
Oh, it Teleported.
I forgot they liked to do that.
...Welp. There’s that route dead.
Is there anything in this route that can give me exp?
Even if there is, it’s so Kadabra heavy that I’d just as soon not bother. Having things constantly run away from you is really tiring. We’ll give Russell his map and leave.
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Wait what.
We just fought five minutes ago. Russell. Russell. Just because your theme music is rad as heck and demanding action doesn’t mean you have to be running a mile a minute. That’s the scarf gen’s deal.
Dreamor eats Oshawott and all is well.
Then we get a random sidequest to locate a Herdier for the owners of the ranch. To which Russell experiences Emotions at, because Reasons.
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Everyone needs a screenshot of Mareep running in a circle.
Hey, something not Kadabra. Hi Cottonee. Bye Cottonee. And that item ball in the corner is a Poke Ball. Oh, and here’s a Basculin. Look at all these things not running away from us.
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...I... need an adult?
Dreamor has taken on the role of adult. I’m not sure Mienshao even knows Fighting moves at that level, but fully evolved things this early on are scary regardless.
We find the Herdier being unhappy with a Team Plasma Grunt.
He throws the Frustration TM at us. Hee.
Herdier has such a cute bwoof.
The day is saved, and now Alder’s down for palling around with us.
By palling around, I mean Alder introduces us to two small children he expects us to beat into the ground. As you do.
All passes without incident. Yay.
We walk outside and Mr. Medal gives us a Medal Box, which I don’t clearly remember, but suspect is intending to prey on me and my achievement hunting ways.
Alder is also kind enough to alert us that a Gym Leader has arrived at our home town. I wonder who it might be, but before that, Alder has a random cave place behind his home. New route?
It’s counted as part of Flocessy, it looks like. I haven’t caught anything within the town limits, but there doesn’t appear to be grass. Water, but I can’t do anything about that yet. Sigh. Oh well.
First badge is Normal, I believe.
...Let’s train Dreamor a tad more before we go after that. I believe in you, buddy, but I am also very rightfully paranoid.
Azumarill live in Caspet’s home grass.
When does Caspet learn something that isn’t Lick or a status move. My poor little ghost.
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Yeah it’s level 3 but it’s still a scary thing to see.
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Hey, first legendary of the run!
And Caspet has Mean Look... We could see if she has what it takes to Lick Kadabra down to size. Like tootsie pops. You could be an owl, Caspet.
This place was crowded with Kadabra, and now there’s Ambipom just hanging out. Okay then. Cue Geodude for some reason. Oh. And Linoone.
-tears for Bandit-
Hey wait hold up. Psychic is super effective against Ghost in this version? That’s... good to know. It also doesn’t sound right, but I don’t think the game cares about that. That’s annoying.
No Caspet, you can’t learn Curse. I’m going to come close enough to killing you as it is. Don’t enable the process.
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Let’s go for it, shall we?
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Cheren! Friend!
I actually really like the arrangement of his Gym. It isn’t the aesthetic wonderland that other Gyms of this gen are, but that’s kind of what makes it awesome? Cheren runs a school that doubles as a Gym. You battle in chalk-marked arenas out back.
I guess I misspoke; the aesthetic is still rich with this one. School day feels of being young are so very alive here, and I really like it.
Other things deserving of being liked are Cheren being an educator. Our buddy’s found his way, and we get to be his first challenger!
That’s another thing to love, honestly. We spent a whole game with this guy around, and now we’re his debut Gym Leader match. It’s so touching.
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Cheren, stop blushing, you’ll be fine.
I mean. Dreamor’s going to mop the floor with you.
But that’s your job now. Losing to trainers of a certain level.
I believe in you, man.
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I just believe in Dreamor more.
Awesomeness achieved, and that will do it for this part!
(Except for squeeing because Bianca showed up and gave us the Return TM, as well as the C-Gear I’ll never use, and Cheren and Bianca get to be in the same shot, and it’s the magic of friendship all over again. You did good for yourselves, guys. I’m sorry you don’t remember me as your bestie anymore.)
Until next time for the next badge.
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drewxmay · 8 years
Contestshipping Masterpost - Part 10 - Deceit and Assist
Deceit and Assist (eh... not as bad as the other episode names)
00:07 I'm okay with Brock flirting, but I don't want the episode starting out with it.
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00:13 just LISTEN nd LOOK at Halrey. can you seriereuosly blame me for thinking he is a girl??? I'm willing to beleive that Halrey's voice acter is a girl becuase I can't really imagine a boy having THAT HIGH PICHED of a voice.
00:30 No. He's not mysterios. He is a jerk.
:video spends a full minute of my time with the theme song:
Also what soes Deceit even mean??? :looks up: de·ceit dəˈsēt/ noun noun: deceit; plural noun: deceits
   the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
So the title is litterally telling us that Harley is lieing?
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01:51 Drew hears one of May's friends talking to sombody about contests and immediatly looks over becuase he assumes that May is there.
02:11 You know what that girl's Espeon is my favorite.
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02:26 Snowrunt has a nose? Also what pokemon is giving off that hair. There was a Mankey there but there is now way that the hair only made it to snowrunt, and the wind is going a different direction than where Mankey was so wtf is going on here?
02:33 No.
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02:40  No.
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02:42 No.
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I'm all for fat people but this guy is protraid as stupid and based off of the little we've seen of him I'm not liking him very much...
03:19 I disscused this in the last episode, shouldn't the ribbons also be on the records? then if somthing like that happened it wouldn't matter as much!
03:26 the show teaches us that whenever somebody says "three strange people" or "this group of bad guys" they are talking about Jessie James and Meowth, but I know for a fact that Jessie is the only one who wants to enter the fand festivle but doesn't have all of the ribbons.
03:40 FUCK NO. (no screenshot becuase I hate it Anthony is as far as I am going)
03:56 James that is my face right now. y. I don't even care what he just said is bullcrap. It's not all of the sudden right?
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4:26 and James now has a compter out of nowhere even though there was no desk to be seen and he has no bag to carry it in, meaning that he got it from somwhere in this room, but what even is this room and why is that a team rocket computer!
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04:48 tell me that Harley is not mistakeable for a girl.
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4:58 c'mon we all knew she was going to pick Skitty from the title. What do you think that cumbuskin was going to learn Assist?
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05:25 Drew :looks out for May: 05:37 :takes screenshot of Drew looking out for May:
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5:39 yes. yes they would Harley.
05:49 nope. Harley if you knew that Drew was watching you. Also imma take a screenshot.
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5:58 and then Drew finally says somthing! It made me happy to see him mad at Harley in his own Drew way. Wait you wanna say somthing Bulbapedia?
While May is following Harley's false advice, Drew constantly watches Harley, and catches him talking to himself about teaching May a lesson. Hm. 06:05 do you think I care about this plot? The person is stupid. I get it. Also WHY are they still on the beach? The people who stole it are definatly far away by now, meaning NOT at the beach!
06:10 So if this is serios enough to get the cop then why don't they just scan your ribbon each time you get one???
06:13 Jenny :Tells Anthony that he can compete: Anthony: I can't compete Oh look you still not the ribbons. well Imma skip this.
6:52 You mean the main STORY not the main compatition
7:00 and one of those 64 was the person with an Espeon
7:30 You know... I've never liked Joy being a judge. Doesn't she have to take care of pokemon, or do all of the pokemon wait and die?
8:22 like you care
8:26 For this moment I love you Harley
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8:34 I've seen that ninetails in the background... so they DO care about the backgroound characters!
9:38 and you sound so happy about it
9:49 This is a doll that is litterally possased by only hatered, and it isn't a dark (evil) type, but a skunk pokemon is.
9:57 and it's not a dark type!
10:27 geez judges! stop changing the score so frigin much!
10:55 well it should be flygon  but it's a dragon type (the only dragon pokemon that isn't in a dragon egg group, instead flygon is in the flying egg group meaning that once Drew get's one it can breed with beautifly) so that means that Tropius who doesn't even seem to have that effective of wings is. you know what cumbusken is flying. and then the Anthony thing continues. LETS GET TO THE ACTUAL PLOT.
12:55 FINALY.
13:11 and somehow this plan works!
13:36 See even Halrey knows that it should'nt have worked.
14:23 and we all know where skitty learnt that from! Though, seeing that the betals that Roserade makes are heart shaped and Skitty's aren't means (i know that it itsn't true) that Drew is making them hearts on purpose. BECUASE HE LOVES MAY.
14:32 MAX WHY DID YOU HAVE T- T.T I can see why everybody hates you Max.
15:09 May is finally realizing everything that Halrey said is bullcrap
15:14 Harley wtf
15:45 drew must make Harley maaaad
16:14 Don't be sorry
16:27 I love Drew so much
16:27 Harley calling Drew May's boyfriend. not lyin' but he's right! Bulbapedia?
Drew confronts Harley and is obviously extremely angry about his taking advantage of May. He also smiles with satisfaction when May pulls her appeal together despite Harley's deceit. Later on, when May apologizes for not going through with Skitty's Assist the whole way, Drew tells her about Harley's plan. Unbelieving, May goes face to face with a foiled Harley, who remarks, albeit rather angrily, in turn that, "It almost worked too, and you never would have known if your annoying boyfriend over here had kept his trap shut." Neither May nor Drew bothers to correct his statement, although Drew glares at Harley at the words "annoying boyfriend." After Harley leaves the scene wow that was long.
16:39 Todays episode bruaght to you by: Halrey trying to make May cry.
17:16 Drew you're plan to be nice to May while telling her to be nice didn't work. The only way to teach her is the hard way, and if that's what you gotta do then... ya. Bulbapedia anything to say on Drew? Drew yells at May for listening to other people's advice and tells her to trust in her Pokémon instead. May looks hurt and during Drew's second round appeal, May is seen thinking deeply about what Drew had said. I wouldn't call it "yelling" but May was already hurt your entree on this make it feel like you're saying it's Drew's fualt!
17:47 thaaaaat's a target! Imma change Masqurain's pokedex entree to "Masqurain, the taget pokemon".
17:57 Vivian I don't think those are antini
19:16 May's gonna be there. I know it.
19:25 yup.
19:47 that person look's like ashes mom but with orange hair.
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also o fuk May vs Halrey. May will win.
20:36 and the rest of the episode. Also is Cacturn and Benett the only pokemon Harley has?
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