#my favorite teachers aren't coming back either
crimsonblackrose · 2 years
I know I want a new job and I’ve been looking. But there’s also something disheartening and melancholy about coworkers leaving and coworkers you thought truly mindbogglingly loved the job and would never leave have been headhunted and will also be leaving. Like it’s just terribly lonely.
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astaroth1357 · 7 months
Sick Days:
*MC is in the Croytus Hall kitchen, trying their damnedest to keep from coughing their lungs out while carefully monitoring a pot of simmering soup. They hear the footfalls of their housemate, Solomon, as he comes up behind them*
Solomon: Oh MC~! I have everything ready. Thankfully, the Devildom still has TV these days, even if the shows are out of d-... da-....
*a hankerchief flies out of his pocket and quickly covers his nose*
Solomon: ACHOO!!
*the hankerchief does its thing before flying off behind him to go put itself in the laundry, swapping places with a fresh one that finds its way back to his pocket once again*
MC: *keeps their back to him* Bless you.
*Solomon comes up and slings his arms over their shoulders, leaning against them like he's a sagging backpack. His head rests alongside theirs*
Solomon: Is it still cooking?
*he reaches out to lift the lid on the pot but MC, already knowing better, swiftly smacks his mit back down*
MC: Don't touch.
Solomon: Oh! Right, I'm sorry. Forgot the rules for a second. I'm sure it smells good... not that either of us would know.
*he contently sways their bodies from side-to-side while MC clears their throat, grumbling dryily*
MC: Y-ou know, you could cure us at any time, right...?
Solomon: So could you, yet here we are! You're just playing hookie from the brothers right now, aren't you?
*the MC tries to groan, but ends up regretting it as it stresses their already aching throat. They cover their mouth with their elbow to catch their raspy coughs before responding*
MC: U-ugh! Okay, fine... You're right. How about you stop breaking my balls and pick what we're watching...?
Solomon: I already have. Beel told me about this wonderful cooking show the other day! I think we can start with that, then maybe move onto a few movies Leviathan recommended...
Solomon: I have the TV set and heated blankets on the couch. Plenty of water, a few boxes of tissues (mostly for me), your favorite sweater, a plush Asmo bought me-
MC: ...
Solomon: -and anything else we need, I'll have my wand in reach! I figured for dinner, we can order out. It's lovely that you're making us soup, but let's not push-
MC: Sol?
Solomon: -Hm?
*MC wiggles him back until they can turn themselves around and wrap their arms around his chest. They rest their head up against the soft fabric of one of his old sleep shirts snugly*
MC: .... Thank you.
*Solomon looks taken aback by their sudden tenderness, but doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around them further and lightly cage them to his chest*
Solomon: Of course, MC... You take care of so many people. You deserve a break.
*a comfortable silence spreads between them for a minute or so, before MC starts to feel Solomon's cheek rubbing against the top of their head like a smothering cat*
Solomon: Oh, my adorable apprentice, you're just so cute when you're sick~
MC: *snaps their eyes back open and glares at his words, but doesn't let go yet*
MC: Sooool....
Solomon: If I didn't know better, I would almost want to keep you like this...
MC: *snorts* Good luck. The brothers would kill you for it. *they drop their arms from his chest, but he doesn't let go*
MC: Sol?
Solomon: I'm sure they would try, but you wouldn't let something bad happen to your beloved teacher, would you MC?
MC: *rolls their eyes* You wouldn't need my help, anyway. Let go.
Solomon: *squeezes a little tighter* Uh-uh! That wasn't my question.
MC: Sol, I need to stir the soup.
Solomon: And I need to hear an answer.
MC: Solomon, I'm serious.
Solomon: Oh? What's this? I think I'm gonna... ahh...!
MC: Wait, what are you-?
Solomon: Ahhh...!
MC: Solomon, let go!
Solomon: AHHHH....!!
MC: OKAY OKAY, I WOULDN'T LET THEM HURT YOU! Don't you DARE sneeze in my hair!!
Solomon: AHHHH- Just kidding~
*he finally lets them go and they lightly slap his shoulder before turning back around in a huff*
MC: Get out of my kitchen!
Solomon: Then I'll meet you on the couch again?
MC: Only after the soup is done.
Solomon: Then we can cuddle?
MC: Not if you misbehave!
Solomon: What if I steal the blankets~?
MC: *rubs their pounding temples at their teacher's childish antics*
MC: Solomon, I'm serious. Get. Out.
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justfonnsblog · 11 months
Things that you two do from the moment you started dating.
Headcannons, Izuku ft. Y/n
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There's no doubt that at first Izuku was pretty shy, but you could still feel how happy he was to now be in a relationship with you. How? By the little gestures he'd do for you.
Like buying you your favorite drink or little snack, it might not look like alot, but when he shyly walked over and gave it to you with that soft smile, it was worth way more to you.
Now that you guys have been going out for a moment, Izu got comfortable around you...Like now he's way more clingy and you think it's a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.
Not that you aren't either.
If it's not you holding onto his arm or his hand.
It's him always needing to either hold hands with you, touch your back gently or hug you everytime he sees you. It gets worse as you guys get older and his confidence grew (but anyways).
You sometimes will spoil him, just like he does with you, buying a snack or drink that you know he likes. Most likely something with All Might on it. If not some of his merchandises.
Like he has a book about heroes, he has one dedicated only to you, what you like, dislike and everything. And at first he didn't know—but now you've showed him—, you made a notebook just like his but about HIM. From his normal side to his hero. You only showed him because one day he was feeling down and bringing himself down and you wanting him to realize how great and sweet he is, showed him—with embarrassed flush— but a proud expression.
People seeing that might think you two are creepos, but you are just deep in love and so obsessed—in a cute, sweet way—that you want to remember everything about the other.
For you two, the best date is either going to study together, especially about heroes, do some spare training or simply cuddle in one of your dorms while watching a movie....Even though we both know you both are mainly focused on each other.
After a few months of dating, February arrived, you nervously holding onto the matching rings you got for both of you. You didn't know if he'd be comfortable with it. You waited till the end of Valentine's Day to talk about it to him, showing the two jade colored rings with a shaky hold.
You just don't know how important that is to him, he was extasic. Like. He always wears it, mostly forgetring to take it off every night. Always falling asleep as he looks at it with a smile, a small kiss on it as he thinks of you and have the best dreams. Especially after a long hard day.
If he's training or working, he puts it on a necklace so he always has it with him, holding you close to his heart in a way. And so do you, since the day you saw him do so. What can I say, the people you love always inspire you.
When people think that only men should give flowers to their love, you are the one who sometimes go to his dorm when he's not there and puts some flowers in his flower vase. And when he comes back, he sees it and it never fails to make him feel all bubbly and send you a small “Thank you sweetie. I love them ❤”, And the next day you find a bouquet of flower laying on your bed with a small message with his handwriting "DATE♡´・ᴗ・`♡" on it with a date and time.
It's all about the little things they say. People also say that a couple would be "awestruck" only for like a month or two, but you guys even after that are still acting like a new couple. Writing some little love notes and little doodles, and sneaking throwing it at each other during class—unless it's All Might's of course— smiling like idiots as you glance at each others before focusing back on the teacher speaking or whatever you guys where doing.
You nicknamed him in your phone “My little Broccoli🥦❤” while he has you nicknamed as “My little Sunflower❤🌻”. And that ain't gonna change, maybe to “Hubby Broccoli” and “Wifey Sunflower” as you two grow older.
Sharing is lovez right? You always share your food with him and Izuku will happily give you some of his. Even though most of the time he ends up finishing your food since he has more appetite than you. But he's a strong hero and he needs all those calories to fight and have lots of energy, so you will always gladly help him with that.
It had become a routine for Izuku to try and find a shirt to wear only to end up seeing you wearing it later that day. He doesn't mind it, on the opposite he loves seeing you in his clothes...Makes him feel like people will know that you are his. Only his.
When Deku merchandise started being sold, you were always quick to be one od the first ones to have them. And so now your rooms are full of his things, just like Midoriya with his All Might collection. Don't forget that he has your merchandises too. Not gonna lie, he might like that as much as All Might's—if not more—ahem.
When it would get cold, you two always have one long arse scarf so you both can share it and be closer to each other. And Izuku always make sure your hands are never cold by either having your hand in his pocket, holding it with his own, or by giving you his gloves if you didn't yours with you.
You might not want to admit it, but you both are a bit of clums when it comes to each other...Especially when you try to impress(at the beginning of your relationship it was the WORST). Sometimes you both get nervous and simply become a little mess and embarrass yourself instead. Either it is by saying bye and walking into a wall or door frame since you or him weren't looking at where you were going, sending a love text to his/your mother, tripping on your own feet or even messing up his or your name from being too excited or hyped about something you/he wanted to tell him/you.
He would try to go talk to Aizawa at one point so he could change place and sit by you, even if he knew the class was placed in a alphabetical order.
You are not one to spend aimlessly, until... it comes to your boyfriend. If you are out with some friends or on your own and see something you think would fit Izuku or that he'd like, without hesitation you go in and buy it.
While he will always go out of his way to buy a snack or a little something you like and give it to you directly or place it on your bed, wrapped up with a small note. Especially if you had a bad day or you are on your period. ♡
Playing with each other's hair is just so calming and comforting for both of you. You might gently play with his hair as he study or he might be found playing with yours when you're talking with your friends.
There's no stopping you two cuties.
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crrepiest · 7 months
Yandere! Teacher x Student
♡GN reader♡
Pt 2.5 lol
Tw: age gap, pervy behavior, obsessive behavior.
This is a time skip from the main story line, this isn't part 3, just a one off story for valentines day. I hope you lovelies enjoy <3
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The chime of the convenience store door rings from behind me. The cool air from inside rushes towards my face, sending a chill down my spine. My eyes adjust to the fluorescent lights as they hum quietly in the background. A young man, barely in his 20s, stands behind the cash register. He doesn't seem to be particularly enjoying his job at the moment. I give him a pity smile as I make my way to the candy aisle. I couldn't blame the kid. Being stuck at your dead-end job at midnight and the most interesting thing being a grown man looking at candy, isn't the first place I would like to be either
  I internally scold myself for waiting so long to compile this Valentine’s gift for you. I wanted to give you more. A huge display of my love and affection is what you truly deserve. Albeit out of the realm of things I’d imagine myself ever doing, you bring out the romantic side in me. I initially wanted to get a gift weeks ago, but as February 14th crept closer and closer, nothing I came up with I deemed worthy enough for you, which led me here, trying to throw together a last-minute gift that was nowhere near my standards. I do hope you will understand, my love. 
I scan the shelves of sweet treats and set my eyes on (favorite candy). I swiftly pick up the packaged goody and make my way to the drink section. The cold air of the refrigerator nipped at my already cold hands as I grabbed some (favorite drink). I walk down the aisle, trying to search for a flower display. A small stand catches my eye. Thankfully, though, they had the ones I was looking for. I grab a small bundle of (favorite flowers) and make my way to the front counter. 
I send the young man a smile as he scans my items. “For the spouse, huh?” he says as he breaks the silence I was trying to maintain. My cheeks burned as I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face. “I Uh…yeah.” he seemed to have noticed this but returned to scanning my items. “Your total sir is $15.48” I swiped my card and exchanged pleasantries with him. I grabbed the bag and spun on my heels, making my way out the door.
I shut the car door and place the shopping bag onto the passenger seat. I stick the keys into the ignition and the engine comes to life. Letting my head fall back onto the headrest, my breathing hitches when the thought of you comes to mind. A smile pulls to my lips as I put the car into drive and pull out of the small parking lot. My eyes rest on the empty passenger seat beside me. I envision you in place of the plastic bag. My heart flutters at the thought. My mind wanders—your smell, your smile, your laugh, the warmth that radiates from your presence alone engulfs me. Excitement fills me at the thought of your face when you receive my small sample of affection, in hopes it will keep my appetite satiated from the need to please you.   
I'm pulled away from my thoughts and back to my surroundings as the traffic light turns green. My neck cranes to the side. A twinge of pain runs through my heart when you aren't in my passenger seat, keeping me company, as I was so vividly seeing in my mind. Bright street lights zoom past the dark, tinted windows as I speed my way back home. 
A huff escapes my lips as I sit in my brown leather office chair. I cross my arms as I stare out at the empty desks, my gaze landing on one. The measly gifts I bought last night rest on the small wooden table. A pit in my stomach begins to form as the sound of the ticking clock fills my quiet classroom.
I rub my sweaty palms on my pant legs and stand up from my chair. I pace back and forth at the front of the classroom as I recite what I'm going to say when you walk in. “I was thinking of you at the store and thought I’d get you something.” too forward, I scolded myself. “Yeah, I just had these things lying around.” who just has a bouquet lying around? I let out a frustrated grunt at my thinly veiled excuses. My heart stops when I hear footsteps approaching my door. 
I rush to my seat and try to look as if  I’m busy when I see a figure entering the room. Our eyes met. You beam a smile toward me. “Good morning Mr. Roth.” Simply the way you annunciate the words makes me go feral. I could only dream that the first thing I hear in the morning and the last thing I hear at night is my name falling from your delicate lips. Your eyes lock on to your desk and confusion decorates your face. “Where'd this come from?” you say, gesturing to the Valentine's gift.  
My mouth hangs slightly agape as I try to remember the lines I previously practiced. However, the words get stuck in my throat. “I uh …uh, they were there when I… got here.” I stumble over my half-assed lie. You give me a weary look, but don't press any further. “Hmm. I wonder who put it here,” you say as you stare a hole through the flowers. “Must be a secret admirer I guess” My eye twitched as the words fell from my mouth. The thought of someone even thinking about you in that manner made my blood boil. 
I see you blush a little at this. I curse myself for not just telling you I did it. I bought the Valentine's gift and I need you to know how much I love you. Then maybe you would be blushing at the thought of me, and not some hypothetical admirer. 
You pick up the bundle of flowers and put them up to your nose, taking in their sweet scent. I watch and admire as you do, wishing that I could take a photo to capture the memory. More students begin to flood into the classroom.
A few of your friends come up to you, full of questions as to where the items came from. I observe the interactions and whisper softly to myself, “I hope you like it, sweetheart.”
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Haiii guys :3 I hope you enjoyed this, please feel free to give me any constructive criticism to improve my writing
Happy valentines day yall!! Im working on part 4 now so bare with me
I love every single one of you guys thank u for all the support <3
@darl1ngv1ca @rainnwolfenstein
@pneum4 @iwantsleepplz @bigstarshine @bl00dbag
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I noticed almost all of our feral! Readers are based on predator animals. Bats, cats, and bears (oh my), so why not a Reader who's a prey animal?
Like Goat! Reader.
They got those classic faun style bottom half with hooves, fur, and tail, rectangle pupils that are just a bit unnerving, and even little curling horns coming out of their head!
They eat like a goat, too. They got a preference for greens, grains, and goat milk based dairy, but they'll eat just about anything. This includes things that aren't food like cans, much to everyone's concern.
Their mutation is a good bit easier to hide than Kurt's without an image-inducer. Beanie for the horns, glasses, or contacts for the eyes, and big baggy pants for their legs and hooves. They went as Mr.Tummus one year for Halloween, and the English lit teacher gave them extra credit for their "exceptionally crafted literature inspired costume." (They just wore a red scarf.)
Reader ain't no slouch in the physical department just cause they are prey either. They run just as fast as the other ferals, and those horns aren't just for show! They got a headbutt that can break bones and a tackle that can knock Piotr off his feet. The school's football couch has been hounding them to join since they knocked Duncan on his back during PE back in freshman year.
Like all goats, their horns fall off in the winter and regrow in the spring. It's considered a right of passage in the mansion for someone new to freak out their first winter cause Reader came into the kitchen with blood trickling down their forehead and their horns gone. Don't worry, Hank bandages them up every year. Logan hangs up their old horns in a hallway like trophies. Visitors think he's into hunting or something, but no, he's just keeping track of his kid's growth.
Their tongue is extra long too! So sometimes they just let it flop out of the side of their mouth . The yans think this is adorable and take pictures whenever they can.
They can walk on any wall that isn't a perfect 90 degrees, which looks really weird from an outside perspective.
Their hooves and horns need a little extra care. Conditioning and polishing and cleaning. So the yans are sooo nice to help them with all that! Hope they aren't too much trouble, they would hate to be a bother.
On occasion, they bleat just like a goat. It happens mostly when they r asleep or if you startle them. Scaring them isn't recommended to hear it, however, cause their legs lock up afterwards and they fall over. Kurt has done this hundreds of times and feels awful each time.
They still got instincts like the other ferals. They'll huddle together for warmth, rub their scent in everything, and make a "nest" in their room. The more prey ones are a natural aversion to danger. If they aren't on a mission, they are running away from the scary stuff. They are on constant high alert, an ear always open for potential threats.
Obviously, their favorite game is Goat Simulator.
Haha! Goat mutant Reader would be one tough bby!
Their horns are curled and have weight to them, and they can ram someone down or stomp stomp with their hooves, they can even scale brick walls, rock walls, or any surface that isn't 90 degrees! They can eat almost anything (except Kitty's cooking, that didn't pass over well). They can charge and run fast, they can pull a lot of weight, and they're cute and awesome to boot!
They bleat in their sleep, when they're scared, and when they're happy! All of the yans want to hear it, and do everything they can to do so. If someone scares Reader at school or tries to bully them, the teens are all stepping in, especially Kurt, Scott, Todd, amd Evan, who don't like their friend being picked on for anything, and don't want them to get hurt. The teens and adults like helping Reader but their horns and polish them and keep them clean, they don't mind helping Reader with their hooves if a rock or nail gets in them, and Logan hangs their horns up and is very proud of how big they get each season.
Reader is friendly, laid-back, energetic when it comes to food and running around, and they like climbing everything. No one messes with the younger teens, or Reader runs them down. Duncan better step off, or Reader will headbutt him hard enough he sees stars! If the teens need help with cooking, Reader offers assistance. If anyone worries about their appearance, Reader will try to cheer them up.
And yes, Reader was rewarded for their Mr. Tumnus costume (which was just them in a red scarf and carrying a pan flute). No one can really top them when it comes to costumes. Except they always dress as a goat...
(They wear babbgy pants, boots, a beanie with pins or that are colorful, they like sweaters and sweatshirts, and they like wearing bracelets, especially cool or cute ones)
(Haha, @sugar-soda, I love them! They're so cute and kick*ss and awesome! If you want to come up with a predator feral Reader as well, I'm okay with that, too! But goat Reader is so awesome! Which mutation did you want to explore next? And yes, it's officially canon, thank you for suggesting this, that no matter what mutation Reader has in the au, there are several students who have crushes them, and none of the platonic yans like that at all, and neither does Reader)
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astyrial · 7 months
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the history teacher atsumu miya x fem!reader (fluff) synopsis: it's hard having the hot history teacher right next door word count: 1.1k warnings: atsumu is so flirtatious omg masterlist | requests are open
   a bell rings throughout the high school as students shuffle to get all of their items together. as your gaze finds the clock, you realize it's lunch time for most of the junior students. you take in a deep sigh and clasp your hands together in front of you, "don't forget, chapter five and six tonight, make sure to finish the questions. and there are some on the back!"
  you watch as all of your students file out of the room, one of them staying behind. mae, your brightest and most promising student, walks over to you, book in her hand. she always liked staying behind, talking about how you're her favorite teacher. she purses his lips and sighs before finally telling you what plagues her mind. 
  "i need some advice... about guys,” she brings her focus onto you, figuring that no one could overhear her.
  "mmh okay, well i am by far the best person in that department, but what's on your mind?" your eyebrows raise for a second, a calming smile on your lips. 
  mae takes in a deep breath, eyes flickering between you and the door, "someone has been leaving notes in my locker, anonymous ones. they feature poems but i don't know who it is. i just wish i did so i could talk to him."
  "i'm sorry mae, maybe you just have to give it a little more time. if he really likes you, he'll let you know it's him. either through little things that remind you of him or a written confession. i'm sure it'll be fine," you lean against your desk, your own gaze finding the door when you see the figure of your coworker.
  he leans up against the door, right eyebrow raised. his shoulders are wide, a polo shirt just slightly unbuttoned. you look back at your student, finger pointing towards the clock, "you should probably get to lunch, wouldn't want you missing out because of a secret admirer."
  mae nods, scratching the back of her neck before turning around to leave. with a couple of books in hand, it takes her a minute to look up and notice your coworker standing there, she looks back at you, a cheeky smile on her lips. you shrug your shoulders until she leaves, watching as she gives a short goodbye to the school's most interesting history teacher.
  he takes a few steps into the room, shirt ever so slightly small around his biceps. you look over at your computer, eyes trying to hide from his. however, there's something so intriguing about him that you can't help but meet his gaze. him, the history teacher, the one who is in a room next to yours, the one who always finds a way to see you. 
  "ms. l/n... i overheard you aren't a pro when it comes to romance. considering how beautiful you are, i'm very surprised," he reaches his hand out and taps one of the student's desks, gaze not breaking yours.
  you nod, shrugging your shoulders, truly watching him sway into your classroom nearly takes your breath away. the way he can just walk so effortlessly to you, "well mr. miya-"
  "you know you can call me atsumu, i've always told you that," a few pieces of rich brown hair falls down, one hand moving to push it back into place. 
  "i wouldn't think that to be very professional, especially if you call me ms. l/n all the time. besides, i think that miya is a great name," your hands becoming clammy as they push against your desk, heartbeat quickening as he takes a few more steps in your direction. 
  he lets out a hearty laugh but doesn't stop his runway walk towards you. the leather belt he's sporting keeps the shirt tight enough against his stomach that you can almost see his abs. despite you knowing that starting anything with a coworker is an awful idea, you can't help but wonder if anything could happen between the two of you. 
  "well, y/n... how does that sound? you call me atsumu and i call you y/n. and by the way, i love how your breath hitches whenever i say your name," atsumu finally makes it to your desk, resting a hand on your desk, body a mere foot away from you. 
  you bite your top lip while looking away from him, shaking your head slightly. of course your breath hitches as he comes ever so close to you. he's been this way ever since you met him and he's right. you do like him, especially as he tilts his head in such a cocky manner. "i don't know what you're talking about... atsumu."
  a smile stretches across his face at his name coming from your mouth. atsumu then leans a little closer to you, breath just barely brushing across your skin. "right... well, y/n, how would you feel about dinner, saturday? because i know an amazing chef," he brings his free hand to rest on his hip, most likely flexing his arm a little.
  "dinner? mmh you may have to let me think about it," you turn back to look at him, his face inches away from yours, his golden brown eyes flickering between yours. 
  "it seems that you may already have an answer," atsumu's ears perk up a little and his hand reaches for yours, "either that or i'm completely misinterpreting how you look at me. by the way, my eyes are up here, for future reference."
  heat rises to your cheeks as you bite the inside of your cheek, gaze turning to the floor. you sigh, feeling his hand running over yours. "i have no idea what you're talking about. however, i may have already thought it over and would love to join you for dinner," you finally look back up and can't help but take in a sharp breath. 
  atsumu smiles, leaning back again, nodding. he runs his thumb along the back of your hand before grabbing his phone from his pocket. he holds it out to you, not able to keep his eyes from you, "you want to add your number in here?"
  "alright, atsumu, if you insist."
  you begin to type your number into his phone, removing your hand from his. however, neither of you notice it when your student mae has returned to to grab one of her other books, that same knowing smile on her face. she may not be able to recognize the romance within her own life, but she can definitely see how you see the history teacher from next door.
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 years
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Chapter Two - Dream a Little Dream
Pairing: Bully!Dabi x Fem!Reader, (3rd Person)
Summary: If a boy is picking on you, it means he likes you. She could almost laugh. By that logic, Dabi must’ve been fucking in love with her. That thought was what finally made the tears start to spill. Not because of how ridiculous it was or how isolating it felt.
But because it was exactly what she wanted.
CW: Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Dubious Consent, Unhealthy Relationships, Bullying, Manipulation, Humiliation, Childhood Friends, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Power Play, Angst, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Drugs, Alcohol, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Attempted Sexual Assault. Future Tags: Rough Sex, Hate Sex, Smut, Porn With Plot, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst and Porn, Sadism
Read Full Chapter on AO3
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She skipped cleanup duty. The second the clock on the wall hit three, she was bolting out the classroom — not even waiting to hear if the bell had rung or for her homeroom teacher to ask her to hang back and talk about today’s “incident”. 
It was the sort of thing she never did at her old school, in her old life, but she had no choice.
Dabi hadn’t come back to class.
Of course, it’s not like that was uncommon. Dabi was a serial skipper even by this school’s standards. It was a strange day when he and his friends actually stayed in their seats for a whole day. She should’ve been used to it by now. And yet, every single time she couldn’t help but panic, couldn’t keep her mind from wandering. 
What if he wasn’t just skipping? What if he left the city? Ran away and changed his name a second time? Erased himself from her life for good? 
No, she couldn’t stand the idea of losing him like that. Not again. The thought was just too much for her to bear, especially on days like this, where he wasn’t just skipping gym or rolling into English late and high. Where he just took off for the rest of the day. It had her wondering lately if on days like this, she should just skip class too.
Panic filled her chest when he wasn’t in his go-to spot on the roof. It boiled higher and higher when the other spots — behind the P.E building, the defunct gardening club’s abandoned tool shed, the convenience store across the street — all turned up equally empty. 
That panic was threatening to spill out of her mouth by the time she’d finally found him and his friends holed up in an alley about halfway between school and the train station.
She nearly collapsed from relief when she saw them, grabbing her knees and doubling over so she could catch her breath, “Th-Thank God…”
The two blondes looked thrilled to see her — Jin with entertained glee, like his favorite trashy reality show just came on — and Keigo with an air of something else entirely, something she really couldn’t discern. But she knew she didn’t like it.
Dabi was the only one who didn’t look happy to see her. He didn’t look especially unhappy either. There was almost a sense of boredom in those heavy-hooded eyes.
He looked at her like she was nothing.
“See, aren't you glad we picked a new spot?” Keigo nudged Dabi and turned back with a grin, “Look how cute and worked up she is.”
Breathing steadied, albeit still a bit flushed, she rose back up to try and plead with Dabi not to scare her like that again, but the words caught in her throat when she saw the joint in his hand.
She looked back towards the traffic of students on the main road. Truth be told, they weren’t that deep into the alley, and there were still a lot of people out, including what looked like a teacher or two.
Just what were they thinking?
She jumped, attention back to Dabi. He motioned for her to come towards them. With one last nervous peek over her shoulder, she obeyed.
“You look nervous.”
“O-Oh really? I-I’m not, um, I mean—”
“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Dabi taunted before taking a long hit.
“Of course I am!” she cried, quickly catching herself when he scowled at the volume. She dropped her head submissively. “I… I just don’t think you should be doing… that . Especially out in the open like this—”
She held down a gag as he blew a long, steady stream of musty smoke directly into her face, trying to ignore the sting it brought to her eyes as his friends snickered.
But her resolve was rewarded, it seemed, when he reached forward and caught her chin between his long, sturdy fingers.
“Awww ,” he purred, “Is someone worried I’m gonna get caught?”
Her heart jumped straight to her throat as he tilted her up to look at him, completely gripped by the endless sea in his eyes just inches away from her. She’d dreamed for so long to be this close to them again. And yet now that she was here, she could barely handle it. There was an intensity to them that was almost too much to look at. 
She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded nervously.
“Well, in that case...”
Her eyes flew back open as she felt his thumb run slowly up her chin and bottom lip. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to see. The hopeless romantic in her had hoped it would be his own eyes closed as he leaned in to kiss her. The realist expected a painful flick on the nose to punish her for having such childish daydreams. But the actuality she was met with wasn’t either of those things.
It was the joint.
“...I guess you better smoke it for me.”
Continue on AO3
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spaceisout · 1 year
sweet + sour
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Pairing: Dabi x F!Reader
Words: 1.9k ish
A/n: I honestly do not know what the plot is I just decided to write it and finally finish it. I hope you like lol any feedback is appreciated! 🌷
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It was complicated to say the least.
You somehow ended up being friends with a villain that had attacked your friends not once but three times. Were you insane? Maybe, it all depends on how people actually take time to think things through.
Of course you don't condone what the villains have done to innocent people. And you also clearly aren't siding with them either. But knowing how you have such a soft heart, more or else you somehow understood why he was the way he was.
"Hey, (last name)!" Midoriya yelled as he caught up with you.
You stopped and looked over your shoulder. Softly smiling you said, "Hey, Midoriya. What's up?"
"The others and I were talking about going to a karaoke near the school." He explained, "Would you like to come along?"
He nodded. "It's when everyone is mostly free and since midterms are over we thought it'd be a nice way to unwind and relax."
"I actually have to do something first back at the dorms." You said, "Would you mind sending me the address so I can meet up with you guys later?"
"Sure." Midoriya took out his phone and quickly messaged you the name and address. "Do you want me to wait for you―?"
Shaking your head you checked your phone seeing the text had gone through.
"No worries, I won't be long." You assured him, "I should be there in about 10 minutes."
"Well, alright then. Let me know if you need anything."
You softly smiled, "I will!"
After parting ways with your friend you made your way towards the dorms alone. In all honesty it felt kinda nice, arriving back by yourself without any yelling for once. You did appreciate your friends a lot and were thankful, but sometimes with all the chaos around you it always felt nice to have some quiet time.
As you entered the building you saw someone standing there looking at the picture frames that were hung up on the huge green wall.
You immediately stopped moving as panic began to course through your veins.
"I didn't realize you were this close to them." They said, "I admit I'm kinda jealous that we don't have even one photo together."
Your head immediately turned in all directions, hoping there wasn't a single soul around. Especially not Mr. Aizawa who was known to appear and disappear in an instant.
"What are you doing here?" You whispered quickly walking over to him. "How did you even get in?!"
He turned around with one hand behind his head smiling at you.
"I was able to sneak in through your window. Also you really need a new door, it keeps creaking when you open it."
"Dabi…" You sighed, "I told you that you can't show up just like this… anyone could have walked in and see you."
"Don't worry, I overheard you and that Midoriya kid talking about everyone going to karaoke." He explained, "I doubt anyone else is left in the building."
"Well yeah― that doesn't mean that my teacher is gone though."
"Come on, (name) you're over worrying about nothing."
Dabi walked closer to you and opened his arms. "Is it a crime to want and see my favorite doll?"
You knew he meant well still the feeling of someone walking in and seeing you both together did not sit well.
But you couldn't resist, walking closer to him you wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. A smile rested on his face as he wrapped his arms around your figure, inhaling your scent.
"These class 1-A idiots are stealing you away from me." He said, "I haven't even been able to see you in almost a month because of them."
"That's not true," you muttered closing your eyes and enjoying his warmth. "You also have been busy and have been gone weeks on trips without talking to me either."
"Because I can't risk your safety." Dabi petted the top of your head. "You know they're already on to me thinking I have a girlfriend and all that crap."
Chuckling you looked up at him, "I mean it wouldn't surprise me if you do end up finding one later on."
"Why go looking when she might be standing in front of me?" He teased.
Blushing you looked away, "You're unbelievable."
"Hey, (last name)!"
Your body froze.
"Shit…" Dabi cursed under his breath as he realized you two have been caught.
"Deku keeps asking about you idiot! How much longer―" Bakugo's eyes glared at the mysterious figure. "What the― who the hell is this?"
Thankful that Dabi's back was facing him, you pulled away and stepped forward.
"He's just… an old friend who came by for a visit." You nervously spoke.
"Does Mr. Aizawa know?" He questioned not believing anything you were saying.
"O―Of course!" You quickly said. "My friend was actually about to leave, he was just passing by since he has stuff to do."
Bakugo's gaze focused on him, still feeling hesitant. "He can't talk or what?"
"Well… he tends to be a bit shy is all." You answered looking away, "But once he gets to know someone he doesn't stop talking at all!"
You saw the way he was looking at Dabi, his glare became intense.
"What did Midoriya want by the way?" you asked, shifting his focus back on to you.
"That bastard won't shut up about you." He rolled his eyes, "Can you fucking hurry up and go?! I don't want to keep hearing him complaining."
"I'll be right there―"
"Whatever." Bakugo grumbled and stomped out of the dorms already feeling too annoyed to even stay any longer.
Breathing a sigh of relief you said, "Why don't we meet up afterwards instead?" You suggested. "That way they won't keep wondering where I am―"
"Can't you just make up an excuse?"
Turning your head you looked at him, his eyes were casted down. A look of sadness formed in those bright blue orbs.
"Dabi… did you want to hangout today?"
He looked off to the side, feeling himself turning red for admitting that he did not want them stealing your attention.
"Why didn't you say anything? You know I like spending time with you too."
"It seems like you enjoy spending time with them more."
"Well they're my friends." You said getting closer to him hoping he'll look at you. "Of course I like hanging out with them and you. You're one of my best friends, Dabi."
"I'm your best friend?…"
You nodded, "Well yeah… I mean unless you don't see me like someone close―"
Dabi sighed tilting his head back to the ceiling, "You're an idiot." He mumbled.
Tilting your head to the side you asked him confused, "What?"
He turned to look at you, "I never said I didn't consider you someone close to me. If that was true I wouldn't insist on seeing you."
"True…" you muttered looking down at your feet in shame. "I―I shouldn't have… second guessed anything…"
"No you shouldn't have." Dabi took a step forward, surprising you as he held your cheeks with both of his hands. "I like being around you doll, as embarrassed as I am to say this but… I miss you when you're not next to me."
Slowly you looked up at him, "You― wait really?… I mean I'm not going to you know― doubt what you're saying… but you usually seem like you're comfortable being with Toga too."
"She's someone I have to work with, she's a colleague. Of course she is somewhat tolerable though." He explained, however the way he looked at you said something else. "Believe me if you were the one in her place instead I wouldn't hesitate to go to work everyday if it meant seeing you."
Your heart started to flutter, you felt it could fly away any second as you heard him speak. Never did you realize that maybe Dabi would feel that way about you. Of course your friendship started in such a random way, in your mind you thought it would disappear one day but you were taught wrong as the days passed by.
"You're making me feel like an idiot here… the least you can do is respond, you know?"
"R―Right, well I… I actually do not know what to say." You admitted looking away from him, "You are usually self reserved, hearing you talk like that… it's a surprise… but it feels comforting. It's nice to hear you say what you feel."
Dabi's face flushed a dark red, yet it made him feel happy that you were comfortable with him being more open.
"Why don't we go and hangout in your room?" He suggested moving his hand to hold the back of your neck gently as his thumb brushed across your cheek bone. "That way you won't feel as anxious in case someone comes in."
Y―Yeah." You stuttered, feeling nervous about being alone with him.
Before it was a normal occurrence, he used to always come see you at night. Whether it was during your studying time or when you were about to sleep, you never denied him to come inside.
But with all the things he said, it made it feel even more intimate. Dabi was someone you could always count on and trust, yet somehow your heart was beating rapidly than it normally would.
As quickly as you could you unlocked your dorm room and walked inside. You breathed a sigh of relief feeling safe knowing no one would see you two.
As he walked into your room he noticed a picture hanging above your desk. Squinting his eyes, he got closer and realized it was taken during your first time you hung out together.
You decided to change out of your uniform and into some more comfier clothes in the bathroom. When you walked out you saw him still standing in front of your desk.
"Hey, everything alright?" you asked walking over to him.
"I didn't know you had taken a photo that day." He spoke not moving from his spot.
"Oh," you blushed. "I―I was going to tell you but I did not want to make you feel weird since it was the first time we hung out when I was in Kyoto for the weekend."
"You should have told me," he said turning around to face you and took a step forward towards you. "Here I was acting jealous when I shouldn't of have to begin with."
You played with your fingers, "Dabi you shouldn't feel jealous… I treasure our friendship a lot. I do not wish… to think that one day it might end."
"Doll," he sat down at the edge of your bed. "My life expectancy is low you know that with the type of work I do."
"I know…" You mumbled, "But you always come back no matter what happens. I―I mean you said it and you have kept that promise since the beginning."
A faint smile rested on his lips, extending his hand out to you. You took the signal and walked over to him, holding his hand.
"I actually said it as a more of a comfort for me." He admitted as you sat down next to him. "I didn't use to care about staying alive but knowing that you're counting on me and I have someone like you… it has been the source that makes me come back."
"Dabi…" you softly said as you held his cheek carefully, being afraid of hurting him more than he already was. "If you need to have a reason then use me as it, I want you to keep living. No matter what happens I know that one day you will be able to live the life you want."
"How can you have such high hopes for me?"
Smiling small you leaned in and kissed his cheek, his eyes closed feeling your lips against his burned flesh. "Because you are still human and someone who has been through so much still deserves to have their good ending."
Dabi's heart began to pick up its rhythm. Having you this close to him was something he's wanted for a long time. He was hesitant to say anything to ruin the friendship he had built with you. You meant everything to him but it was difficult to stop himself from admitting his feelings to you.
"Do you have any work you need to get done?" He asked.
"I managed to finish everything, I only one thing to do but it's not urgent." You answered, "Do you want to watch a movie? I can order us some food."
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "That sounds nice actually. You don't mind if I stay late tonight?"
"Not at all." You smiled looking at him, "I was going to head home until tomorrow morning."
"Finally," he threw his head back looking up at the ceiling then back at you. "We can stay up late."
"Hey, I like getting my hours of sleep in."
"Still, there's nothing bad about staying up late once in awhile you know."
You rolled your eyes playfully, "Yeah yeah."
"Is the food almost here?" Dabi asked as he looked over your shoulder at your phone.
"It should be here…." you mumbled looking at the info shown on the screen. "In a minute, it's actually around the corner."
"Finally… I was starving." He whined, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Don't be impatient." You chuckled, "I'll go get it now."
"Don't leave me yet," Dabi muttered as he hugged you tighter around your waist.
You turned your head to look at him. "I won't be long," gently you ran your fingers through his hair. "I'll be quick."
"Mhmm." He closed his eyes enjoying the way your fingers easily glide through his black locks.
After a minute of peaceful silence and sound approvals from him he reluctantly let you go because he was hungry.
Quietly you walked out of your room and headed towards the entrance to the pick up the food from the delivery driver.
"Thank you." You said taking the bag of food and turning back to head inside.
"(name)!" Mina exclaimed.
"Crap…" you muttered to yourself and looked to your left to see everyone making their way towards the dorms.
"We missed you!" Hagakure said as she hugged you tightly.
"We were waiting on you but Bakugo said you had a friend over." Sero said.
"oh uh ha ha y―yeah." You chuckled awkwardly.
Mina furrowed her eyebrows looking at you intently.
Your averted her gaze knowing she was trying to read you.
"You have a boyfriend don't you?!" She accused.
"W―well… he is a boy and he is as friend―"
"You're telling me someone already got to you first before I had a chance?!" Kaminari yelled, "I'll kill him!"
"Who are you going to tell, Kaminari?" Sero questioned, crossing his arms in front of his chest, not believing what he was saying.. "You easily get scared when someone talks to you when you're not paying attention."
"T―that is not true!"
"Is it that idiot from earlier?" Bakugo spoke.
"You saw him?!" Mina yelled, shaking him back and forth by his collared shirt.
"Get the hell off of me you alien eyes!"
The bakusquad gathered around him, questioning him about everything and anything that had to do with your secret mysterious boyfriend.
Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu walked over to you not wanting to do anything with what was going on behind them.
"Do you really have… a boyfriend?" Midoriya asked.
You shook your head, "No no no, he isn't my boyfriend I swear!"
"We believe you, it's just…" Uraraka paused trying to think of a way to say what she wanted to without doubting you. "You look a bit flustered."
"I'm flustered b―because I'm embarrassed."
"Not to over ask but isn't that a big bag of food for two people?" Todoroki asked.
"She's probably under fed and needed some extra food." Iida answered for you, feeling relief he at least wasn't doubting what you were saying.
"R―Right of course!' Yaoyorozu agreed. "I have to do the same because of my quirk.
And to add more fuel to the fire your phone rang and the screen lit up with a single letter, D <;3.
It caught everyone's attention, including the bakusquad.
"Sorry guys…" you apologized and answered the phone. "Hey…"
"Hey, what's taking you so long?"
"Oh hey, no I'm just talking with some of my friends. And you?"
Dabi walked over to your window and slightly peeked from behind the curtains to see you surrounded by all of your classmates. An idea popped into his head.
"Do you need me to get you out of there?" Dabi couldn't help but smile at how nervous and cute you looked.
"No not at all, I'm fine… really." You assured him smiling as you looked at your friends.
"Put me on speaker, I'm sure they're dying to hear from me." He suggested, "I can help you get away."
"It's fine."
"Put him on speaker!" Mina exclaimed.
Dabi breathed out a laugh, amused by your friends persistence. "Come on doll."
"Okay." You moved your phone away from your ear and pressed on the button. "You're on speaker―"
"Are you really her boyfriend?!" Kaminari yelled out hiding slightly behind Kirishima.
"Hey, well to be honest I have made anything official yet."
Dabi had changed his voice, it didn't sound anything like him, it felt you were talking to someone different.
"No surprise there." Bakugo spoke.
"I will soon though I doubt you'll be able to beat me though."
"What the hell did you say?!" Bakugo got pulled back by Kirishima and Kaminari. "I'll beat your ass you―"
"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled, "Calm down."
"Are you serious about her or are you two just friends?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"We are friends, I have known her for a while but can't deny she makes my heart go crazy when I see her." Dabi answered.
The back of your eyes turned red, along with your cheeks.
"You shouldn't say those things…" You said.
"I'm not lying when I say that you are special, (name)."
"Okay that is kinda cute." Tsu said.
"Sounds to me like it won't be long before you make a move." Mina teased looking at you.
"Maybe." Dabi chuckled. "It was nice talking to you guys, but I have to go."
"Awe! so soon mysterious boyfriend?" Hagakure pouted.
"I'll make sure to let (name) pass the phone to speak to you guys again."
"You wish!" Bakugo exclaimed.
"For sure, maybe next time we can have a longer conversation." Kirishima spoke.
"Take care of her for me alright ladies?" Dabi asked, "I know the guys will do as well."
"We will make sure your little flower is taken care of." Mina smiled.
"Fore sure!" Uraraka chimed in, "We promise."
"Ribbit!" Tsu said.
"You guys make me feel reassured, I'll talk to you guys next time!"
Everyone bit him goodbye, you put him off speaker and walked inside with everyone following you.
Quickly you made your way towards your room hoping to avoid any questions your classmates might have.
"Did that help?" He walked away from the window and sat down on the bed.
"You made me turn red, Dabi." you whispered. "I almost did not recognize your voice."
"I had to change it given that they already know who I am."
"I know… I just did not expect it. I'm almost at my room, I'll see you in a sec."
Hanging up you opened your door and walked inside, Dabi took the bag from your hands and put it on your desk.
"Did you like my voice?"
You shook your head, "I… like your normal voice."
"Really?" he bit his bottom lip smiling.
"It suits you better."
He couldn't help but wrap his arms around your waist from behind, you could feel his breath tickling your neck. ''Being your boyfriend… would that suit me better too?"
Your face turned beet red, you covered your face with your hands feeling your heart beating out of your chest.
"You're cute when you blush."
"Y―you shouldn't say stuff like that…" you muttered.
"Why not?"
"B―because…" you stuttered getting out of his hold. "You only say those words when you mean them n―not just to joke around."
Dabi then moved to stand in front of you, blocking your way. You were too shy to look at him in the eyes. However he did not back own and took your hands.
"Who said I was joking around, doll?"
"You always say stuff like that…" you mumbled, "And laugh every time I get beet red by your comments."
"Have you noticed that you are the only constant female in my life?"
"Well yeah... doesn't mean you might fall for someone in the future―"
"If that had been the case I would be with them and not with you right now." He pointed out, "Look at me doll."
You felt hesitation, deep down you hoped your feelings would be reciprocated. Then again if he did and your relationship failed you would also lose a dear friend in the process, something you did not want to face.
With those simple letters you were always a sucker for him.
Giving in, you tilted your head to look at him in the eyes. His blue orbs shining brightly as he looked down into your beautiful (eye color) orbs.
"I really do, like you (name)."
Your eyes widened at his confession, you were too stunned to speak.
"I do not want you think that I'm joking around and only hope to get something from you because that isn't what I want." He sincerely spoke, bringing your face closer to yours. "I want to be with you― even if it means sneaking around and visiting you until midnight when everyone else is asleep."
"I―I like you too... I have for awhile now but I-I don't want our friendship to end if it doesn't turn out to be like how we hoped it would―"
"No relationship is going to be perfect, doll." His eyes scanned all your beautiful features from the way your dimples that rested on your cheeks when you smiled to the beauty mark you have on your (your face feature) that complimented your (color skin) skin. "I won't lie and say that I will be perfect for you because hell― I'm not! I think you deserve better than me but I don't want to keep pretending like I don't have feelings for you."
"Honestly..." a faint smile rested on your lips, "Even if others confess to me I would tell them no... because you are the only one I want to sneak around with in the middle of the night."
"Are we... giving this a chance then?..."
You nodded, "I want to."
You never thought that it would be possible to see Dabi smile so big. It wasn't the same smile he gave you whenever he saw you, it was different. This smile actually reached his eyes.
He demonstrated actual happiness.
With wide smiles you both leaned in, feeling your noses bump against each other before your lips finally connected as one.
Your eyes closed trying to remember this moment, your first time kissing one another with no intention of it going over board. It was a kiss between two people that cared deeply about each other.
Dabi could feel his heart racing rapidly, feeling it thump against his rib cage. It was scary to him, knowing he now had someone important in his life that he knew he needed to protect at all costs. Without a doubt it may bring chaos and put him in danger but that didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that he had you, you were finally his.
After a minute of slow kissing you both pulled away, resting against each other's forehead with heavy breathing.
He smiled widely and pecked your lips, "You're so damn beautiful."
A villain and a hero in training, who would have thought.
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crestfallercanyon · 7 months
Thank you lovely people for tagging me! @energievie and @jrooc <3
name: crest
where the heck are ya? on a US coastline
do you believe in love at first sight? Kind of. I think, if two people present themselves honestly, there can be kind of a soft landing of love at first sight. A lot more than we realize is processed by our minds at once, first impressions are very powerful. While I don't really believe one can get that kind of deep well of an everlasting sort of love right at sight, I think you can clock someone and be like "hey, you -- I know I'm going to like you, I want to get to know you," and that I think means something. Sometimes that impression leads somewhere and other times... well. That's life, eh?
do you believe in soulmates? Sort of? I feel like between this question and the last one I'm completely flipped compared to a lot of people lol -- but relationships take work, even someone who seems to understand you organically at every level, you can still let that link fade by neglect. Or even not neglect, you can experience and react to different stimuli and grow apart, especially if you go too long without kind of reconnecting. Like the last question, love at first sight will fizzle if you don't pursue it and try to make it work. Soulmates, to me, aren't written in the stars or whatever, they're not destiny -- they're made out of deciding that with this person, you're going to put in that work. And maybe someone will come around and say "well why do you pick that person? it's because it was fate," but I don't really believe that, because there's a lot of factors as to why, at least personally, I put in work with some people but not with others. There were opportunities to become close with very different people than who I am close with now, but I chose not to. I chose the people I did. It was my active choice. So, yeah, there's a very long winded answer on this little tag question game.
what’s a song you’ve been loving? Habits by Genevieve Stokes
how about a show you’ve been loving? You may have noticed the sudden constant reblogging of Dimension 20, but I've been really into Dropout's D&D campaigns I've watched thus far.
your ultimate OTP: That's a tricky question! I don't really -- I feel like this goes off my soulmate/lafs question but I think you can make anything pretty viable if you develop it right. Maybe Idgie and Ruth from Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)? And actually, probably Gallavich (Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich) from Shameless, because they always come back to each other, and there's something so lovely about that -- and I can't picture either of them truly with someone else.
your comfort book: Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. I haven't read it in a very long time, but I read it so many times when I was a kid that -- it was my teacher's copy -- she just let me have it before I went to the next levels of school.
a fan work you adore (fic, art, manip, etc — tag the creator!): I loved makes a cathedral, him pressing against me by misandrywitch (Shameless (US)) and I also love all I want of the world, coming down by gyzym (Inception (2010)). (I do not know their tumblrs so I can't link them, but I can link to the stories!)
a trope that captures your heart: not really a trope but fanfiction and tumblr have kind of made it into one: "It's rotten work." "not to me, not if it's you," dynamics.
favorite candy: pomegranate filled dark chocolate
dark chocolate or white chocolate? dark. 100%.
romance novels or thrillers? I read lots of things that are thrilling and have romance, but I actually don't really read either of these genres on their own. Probably lean more toward romance novels?
pink or red? I like both. I own more red clothes. I only have one pink shirt.
and finally, spread some love! share words of encouragement, a positive message, or say something kind to yourself — it’s up to you! Happy valentines! Um, it truly is never too late to try. Really. Try that hobby that, yeah, you're going to start off being absolute shit at, but it's still worth trying if it interests you. I'm going to a figure drawing class tonight, and I'm likely going to be absolute trash at it, but that's my valentine's treat to myself. Or, you can try to fix a tattered relationship, you can try to mend it if you want -- I can't guarantee trying will fix it, but you will have tried, and that matters. Even if it's just trying the smallest thing, or an internal thing. It takes a lot of work to try, and I'm rooting for you if the thing you're trying hardest on is just trying to feel better about yourself. And you're never alone if you're trying! Everyone has tried something. Everyone can rejoice in the successful results from a good ol' college try, or they can sympathize with the failure of a try that didn't lead to anything, everyone has been part of that experience, so hopefully that's encouraging if nothing else. <3
Tagging, um, I think most people have been tagged, but here are a couple: @callivich , @michellemisfit , @mmmichyyy, and anyone else who would like to join!
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greyminyoon1 · 7 months
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Warnings & Genre- slight angst, minor character death.
Authors note- hey, just something that was rotting in my notes. I am in no means a writer but constructive criticism are welcomed ☝🏼
Funeral homes are never anyone's favorite. definitely not when its one of your own people. a person you had once held so close to heart, maybe not during that moment but you did soon realize the impact of thier presence in your life.
Mr.Jeong was a constant in every students life in Hanseong high school. you would see him by the gate,the corridors, the ground ,the man was omnipresent. students never got how he did it. even with his tough exterior he was one of the most loved teachers. the lack of space in the funeral home would say otherwise.
heesung watch's the crowd die down slowly from the corner of the hall. his eyes shift from the portrait of Mr.Jeong displayed on the wall to the three boys sitting across him. niki doesn't seem to have taken the news too well, his head hanging low with equally exhausted boys on the either side of him. sunoo’s swollen eyes and now puffed face give away the tears hes been trying to hold. jungwon just looks deep in his thoughts but heesung knows thats far from it.
heesung doesn't really know how to deal with their pain, let alone his own. his gaze shifts back to the portrait in front but his attention is taken away from the three boys now sitting in front of it. sunghoon catches heesung staring, returning it with the same intense glare.
“jeong nim!”
the professor walks to the notorious dozen of students with a slight smile. it was always hard to bid farewell to the students every year especially the set of students who frequently visited detention or seen knee bent outside in the halls with their arms up bickering with one another. Though he thinks this batch would forever have a piece of him. While they bicker over who would be taking the picture first with their favorite teacher, few of them do not let the pooling eyes of their teacher go unnoticed.
“okay, lets stop and take a group picture now” , mr.jeong says blinking away his watery eyes. the eight kids scramble up smiling wide with the teacher in the middle of the frame.
‘seonsengnim i need a single one!’, niki shoves the others away whilst pulling his teacher to another background. “your not even graduating until the next two years, you punk!”
“jae-in ah!”, Mr jeong calls out motioning her to come take a picture with him with a stiff smile
her focus shifts from the subjects on her camera, peeking with a small ,“ aren't you getting too sentimental today seonsegnim?”, earning sinkers from the boys. she hands the camera over to sunghoon, making her way to Mr.Jeong.
“dont forget to send those to me.”
who knew jae-in had plans of getting away with those pictures.
Jungwon’s the one who breaks this unsaid game of pride and encourages the eldest to just be civil. thats how the seven boys find themselves in a table drowning themselves in soju. the rooms almost empty, except for the seven boys and few other relatives. the boys looked up at each other once a while but mostly found the soju glass interesting enough to pour their thoughts into. With the past preoccupied on their mind, it was sort of a bittersweet moment.
the sound of crashing waves with occasional yells from the boys and the sweet melody of guitar strings fill the space, jae-in sits between sunghoon and jay watching rest of the boys play in the sea. she likes the feel of sand slipping away from her fists, mindlessly repeating the act while watching the boys. Sunghoon sits on her left drawing shapes on the sand as jay plays his guitar on her right.
“dinner is on me.” jae-in says in a monotonous tone. “your part-time jobs must be treating you well finally”, Sunghoon snickers while dusting off his hands and stands up to stretch.”im gonna take a dip, you both should join”, he knows very well you wont while his other friend may eventually. The pair watch him jog his way to the boys.
“is something up?”, Jae-in doesn't show how much that question affects her, answering him back with a question again, “what would be?”.
Jay has stopped playing the guitar, his one arm thrown over the instruments body while his other still hold the chords. Jae-in thinks about how fitting he looks with this instrument, maybe them joking about him becoming someone famous or getting into a band dint seem too far off.
Jay’s mind is preoccupied with what he had witnessed last night, the goons you were pouring drinks for seemed to be too familiar with your name for his liking. He never doubted you on your self defense skills, just maybe sometimes you should know to lean on someone, mentally. But when he looks at you at this moment, chocolate hair flowing with the wind, an oversized jacket which most definitely is from one of the boys and your bored eyes looking at him, He stutters.
“ju-just because”. He doesn't have it in him to question you further.
He should have.
He should have asked when you offered to take a dip in the sea.
They should have asked when you started recording every moment of the day.
They should have asked when you raised a toast on the dinner table.
They should have asked when you smiled a bit too wide.
They should have asked before you left.
They would have. you were just too convincing.
They were all in a room, together yet so far apart on their train of thoughts.
The ticking of the clock passed by seconds to minutes to an hour or two, the empty room now consisting of only the boys. The tube lights flicker while the janitor mops the floors for the last time after a long day. It was a que for the boys to leave.
The clicking of boot soles grab the attention of the seven boys. Black sunglasses, black hanbok covers the new identity. Jae-in did not expect anyone to be here, let alone the seven boys she has never seen for the past few years. Or just maybe she was willing to try her luck.
Shes thanks the gods shes worn these ridiculously large glasses,though shes sure it wont take long for one of them to know.
Its almost plausible how the boys don’t recognize her immediately. to say the boys were shocked was an understatement. if the air was solemn and sad all this while, now the room felt as if it were was lacking of air circulation.
she acts plain, just another person to bid her goodbyes to. but Mr.Jeong wasnt just any person to her. Midst all the silent chaos in the room she makes her way towards her only family.
Mr.Jeong‘s portrait smiling at her doesnt help the guilt shes been bottling up. for all the things he had done for her in high school to even the last moments of his death. your uncle told you he would never resent you though you did not know if you had the ability not to resent yourself.
After what seems like an eternity of time and memories flashing back, Jae-in knows what she has to face as she turns towards the exit.
“i really dont know if we should be happy your alive or rip your hair off right now.”, niki’s coarse voice echo's off the hall.
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
ask game by @/maddgical-boy [link]. didn't answer some bc I either didn't feel like it or didn't have an answer.
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
Ever since I was a little kid. My teachers would always make a note along the lines of “good student, but daydreams way too much”. My memory is dogshit so I can only fathom what 6yo Luka was daydreaming about.
if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
Well. 2/3 of my main paracosms are technically fictparacosms, so I don’t have to imagine. But overall, a nightmare. I would probably get canceled for cursing out a fan lbr 💀
do you have any paracosms that aren't huge, but that you fall back on when The Time Is Right™️?
Yes! Crystalized Dragons & Life After Death are both paracosms that don’t have much, but I get fixated on them every so often and it’s a fun time. 
WOULD YOU RATHER: have your daydreams projected onto a screen attached to your head at all times OR be entirely unable to daydream ever again for the rest of your life?
😳 how big is this screen ... cuz unless it’s phone size/easily coverable, yeah no just erase the daydreams from my brain.
how did you come up with your paras' names? did they come to you randomly or did you spend hours researching name websites?
Some are random/based on vibes, but I like to give their names meaning depending on what happens to them. And there are others whose name is a pun, because they aren’t tormented enough 😂
do you do extensive worldbuilding for your paracosms? if you do, what are some of your favorite elements?
yes … that is. nearly all i do, like 90% of my daydreaming is just lore shit ngl. there’s a lot of things I like about worldbuilding, but I guess the magic systems are my favorite since I think about them the most. 
if your paras found out you were their creator, how would they react?
Not well, I’d imagine! I’ve put them through … a lot of shit. So. I think they’d take turns cursing me out and trying to kill me.
if you have a self insert/paraself, how similar are they to you?
Technically Calypso is a self insert, he was originally supposed to be one but then I thought he was better as an OC. I kind of still consider him one though, ngl. Anyway, he’s nothing like me at all! 
Vincent, on the other hand, is much more similar to me. I’m not gonna state how, because yknow. Personal shit. But they’re more in line with being a self insert/paraself. 
is there any time of the day where you can't/don't daydream?
… not really?? I guess during work, but unless it’s really busy (which it rarely is unless it’s the holidays) then yeah, I basically daydream all the time. Well, not like 24/7, I take breaks and get daydream blocks. And it’s not like I’m doing full daydreams either, most of it is just running on in the background, like a tv show. 
are your daydreams linear and structured, or do you jump all over the place?
A mix of both! There’s a set story, but I jump around in said story. 
what's a song you've been daydreaming to lately, and what's your favorite moment in said daydream?
My Alcoholic Friends by The Dresden Dolls. My favorite moment is during the lyrics “Should I choose a noble occupation? / If I did I'd only show up late and sick / And they would stare at me with hatred / Plus my only natural talent's wasted on my alcoholic friends” because the whole song reminds me of Salem but especially that part and by god are they a mess. That part in particular is them once again comparing themselves to Norman, wondering if she’d be better off getting a “normal job” like he has, but knowing that ultimately she’s not built for that life like Norman is. 
do your paras age with you, or are their ages static? does it feel weird to be older than a para you were previously the same age as?
I used to have them age with me, but it fucked with the paracosm timeline a little bit so now I think they’re more “static”, though they still age in-paracosm. bc of timeline shit.
if you had the opportunity to leave this world and live in your paracosm forever, would you? why or why not?
Yes. I mean, ideally I’d be one of my paras, but sure I guess if I’m just me that works too. Why? Have you seen the fucking world lately. Anyway like always I’d choose to live in Phantasmagoria, even though I’d get killed within the hour.
(if you have multiple) which paracosm of yours is most grounded in reality? which is most fantastical?
Most fantastical is probably just Eternal Labyrinth as a whole. I don’t really focus a whole lot on realism in my daydreams — fantasy bitch through & through — but I guess my current MaaC AU “This Life is Mine” can be considered the most “grounded”, even though it’s a superhero thing.
do you move a lot when daydreaming, and if so, in what ways?
I pace, run around a little bit. Go crazy go stupid etc. But I try to mostly stay still by sitting or laying down so I don’t seem Weird. 
have you ever wanted to make a piece of media of your paracosm (comic, animation, visual novel, novel, tv show, etc.)? what are elements that would be apart of it?
Oh absolutely! I truly believe a lot of my ‘cosms would work well as VNs, but I’ve also imagined some as animated shows. 
when you actively want to start daydreaming, what is your mind's process? do you tune back in like it's a tv show? flip through imaginary files? let it come naturally?
I kinda tune back in with a mini “previously on”, otherwise it just comes naturally since they’re usually in the background of my mind.
do you ever daydream about yourself (not a self insert, just you)?
No. I used to, but it just felt weird. 
what para would you absolutely hate in real life?
Oh…a LOT of them, probably. They are dumbasses, serial killers, and just terrible people after all.
when you experience a daydream block or crash, what are things you do to try and fix it? (or ways you cope. lmao i get it)
I try to consume new media to try and get some inspo or whatever. Most of the time I end up rewatching the same shit over and over again bc I got that flavor of brain that makes getting into new media hard for some reason. 
for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
Kind of. I don’t really engage with fandoms that much anymore, and yeah my fictparacosms tend to be why. They’re usually AUs so I already feel…insecure, I guess, sharing them. And I haven’t had good experiences with fandom in the past, either.
With the media it’s based off of, it’s typically something I got hyperfixated on, which means my daydreams are an outlet for that lol. Once the hyperxitation is over the paracosm tends to fade a little bit or disappear entirely (which is why I don’t typically talk about my fictparacosms — they’re so short lived). Still, when it’s active, there comes a point where I stop engaging with the media altogether in favor of the fictparacom. I might watch some clips here and there, but that’s about it I think.
if you ever write down things about your daydreams (truly anything at all — notes, dialogues, descriptions, etc), share a random snippet with no context.
I try to. I was a lot…better(?) at writing down my daydreams — and just writing in general, I guess — when I was younger. idk. I know I should document my daydreams more often, it’s just…hard.
if your paras had madd/daydreamed immersively, what would they daydream about?
Reverie does have MaDD! She daydreamed about having a daughter, though thinking of her daydreams is weird to me. I will say, Rev is the goddess of daydreams & imagination, and made her para daughter, Lucid/Lucinda real, making her the goddess of lucid dreams. idk thats kinda all I know.
I’m sure some of my paras would have MaDD, especially those in AM or have interacted with Arcaynis in some way. Oh, Jervis has MaDD! He has two paracosms: an aiw one, and one about magicians. I don’t really like putting my paras on the daydream spectrum, it feels weird to me lol like breaking the fourth wall in a way. Even if, realistically, a few would indeed be MaDDers/IDDers. 
if you have tried to make your paras in character makers (picrew, meiker, etc), what is an aspect of your para that these makers never/rarely have?
An option for both horns and wings! Usually it’s either or (if an option at all). And the option to make the eyes different colors, or change the whites of the eyes. 
are your daydreams clear in your mind's eye?
Depends on my energy level, but generally speaking, yes. 
if you have multiple paracosms, what would it be like if they had a crossover?
Chaos. Pure, unadulterated chaos. My most fleshed out crossover AU is actually an apocalypse au, if that tells you anything. Granted, none of my paras caused the apocalypse, but still. Why can y'all only interact in an apocalypse goddamn.
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pastafossa · 2 years
Hi Pasta!!
I have a random question that popped up in my head the other day
Does Jane do the thread work in every city she's lived in? Like, does she ever do random jobs for anonymity purposes, ones that aren't linked to her abilities? I imagine it's much easier to track down a psychic than it is to find someone who has been working as a preschool teacher or someone working the front desk at a dentist office.
Again, just a shower thought that came to me during a reread🤣
Oooooh now this is a good question and it's not one I think will ever come up in a meaningful way in the fic so I feel free to answer it, too!
So she doesn't do exactly what she's doing in every city, no, although she often finds ways to use her threads to her benefit - I've mentioned before when she first hit Los Angeles as a teen, she got roped into a new-agey sort of shop, doing tarot like a very poorly paid trick pony - she'd use her thread abilities to make accurate enough predictions that she was worth keeping around. She pulled similar tricks in other cities early on (she's quite good at reading tarot now for others, ironically), and then on and off in various cities after, because it's hard to walk away from all the money on the table. The psychic business category alone is, if I remember my research correctly, around 90k businesses in the US, and makes about 2 billion annually. It's likely even bigger of a business in the TRT universe since the existence of enhanced people might encourage more people to go looking for psychics to help with their problems. That means billions and billions of dollars changing hands.
And money, as we know with her, is a big lure. BUT, as you said, yeah, she quickly figured out hey, I can't do this every time because that forms a pattern (which is bad). Some of it also depends on where she is - there might be way more (real or not) psychics around for her to hide amongst like in NYC, or there may be fewer. The latter cities are where she's more likely to find a different job - and she's not above faking her qualifications to get in, as long as it's a job she can actually do. She knows how to manage a store, she knows how to draw blood and so has done a round or two as a phlebotomist. Hell, she did construction under the table for a bit in Pittsburgh.
But she keeps coming back to psychic.
She's got a method for those cities now - there's a reason she's working alongside Maya, and why Maya's name is the big name on the business and hers is advertised by reputation only (hiding herself beneath two extra layers of names, essentially). There's a reason she targets specific kinds of rich - she wants the rich who are either smart enough to follow contracts (Wesley), or wary enough that they're worried about others stealing away their favorite psychic and so keep their mouths shut (or decide to hire her on at a high enough rate that she can work solely for them). And above all, her rule is to run before she gets too big. Essentially playing psychic is a tradeoff - a larger payday in exchange for a shorter timeframe in the city, as opposed to the slow and steady trickling of another job where she can stay longer. She's followed that rule for years now - either quiet jobs to take the heat off, or short bursts of psychic activity that make her a ton of money before she fades out and vanishes in 6 months to a year, finding a new name, and a new city.
Until New York City...
And until Matt...
Click go the dominoes.
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edith-is-a-cat · 5 months
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
09: Do you bite your nails?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
26: What are you craving right now?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
32: What is your favourite color?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
51: Favourite food?
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
58: Favourite weather?
59: Do you like the snow?
62: What makes you happy?
69: Do you believe in soulmates? (/p and/or /r)
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
I enjoy answering questions online and not irl im so peculiar,,, but omg yipe
07: What did you last eat?
Juicy Peach Alani
Tumblr media
08: Played any sports?
I did volleyball, track, and cheer... I like the community of sport but its not really for me
besides track absolutely love running and would liek to get better at it!!
09: Do you bite your nails?
When they break I will bite it off and chew it a bit to even it out,, I probably would bea nail biter if I didn't hate the feeling of chewed on nails (I literally have to file them with what ever I can when one breaks)
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
I believe 1-2 times, usually for things im super excited for (I remember being up at 3 am already ready for a school event.. sadly i don't remember for what) I don't see myself doing that these days (okay I may do that for the Glass Animals concert coming up,,,)
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Iike a gross teenager
maybe a little hungry
my leg is hurting again BLEH STOP HURTING BODY
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Nope! but my sister was! I was sent in to deal with bugs in our bathroom
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yes, not to change anything unless I know the exact outcome of everything that i changed, but i would love to visit some things
24: What is/are/were your best subjects)?
Math was... im making 76,,,,
Everything else is an A excpet for web design its boring we aren't even being taught anything I DIDN'T EVEN WANT THAT CLASS >:T
Chemistry is currently my favorite class ever along with the tried and true art
26: What are you craving right now?
Pumpkin pie and chipolte
30: What's irritating you right now?
How noisy it is rn and that im hungry
32: What is your favourite color?
Pink, sage green, lavender, gold, and idia's hair
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I never really remember my dreams, i never really get people in my dreams either,,
I remember Ms. Auburn being in my dream, she was my teacher an i had to get papers copied for them!
51: Favourite food?
I've never really had a favorite food which sucks
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
sent xen this
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58: Favourite weather?
Foggy/cloudy/dim/not sunny
i like being able to open my eye fully and comfortably
59: Do you like the snow?
62: What makes you happy?
okay time to be really specific:
2012 internet
this GTLive video, i watched it durning school and it was so nice i was trying not to giggle (I was freaking out about my math teacher sending me to his room during study hall aka the only time i see my irl during school + he told me jack shit about it so woooo go distractions)
My favorites on tiktok they are usually funny vids to cheer me up
mutuals + my irl (HI SAM)
My old as teddy bear (ITS AS OLD AS ME)
sweet things :333333
69: Do you believe in soulmates? (/p and/or /r)
Yes and multiple humans are social creatures one is not enough
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
so many,, so mannyyyyyy, including you
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boowhumps · 6 months
Whumpril 2024
Day 8 - Bloodshot
- Swearing
- Mentions of Alcohol
- Mentions of Drug Use
"Come on Karyme, it'll be fun!" Sam whined. "A party at Jakson's house, unsupervised, with free drinks!"
Karyme rolls her eyes, twirling a strand of hair with her finger. "Not a chance, plus, I doubt they would invite a loser like me."
Sam frowns. "C'mon, I don't want to go by myself!"
"Ask Leony or Jayden to go with you then." Karyme replies. "Or get a date, I don't know.."
Sam sinks in his seat, arms crossed. "Leony is busy, and Jayden already has a date, I don't want to third wheel.."
Karyme sighs. "Then don't go."
Sam groans. "For the love of Selyna you are impossible sometimes.."
Karyme smirks. "It's a part of my charm."
Sam huffs as the room falls back into silence. Neither of them speak for a bit until Sam starts to whine again.
"Karymeeeee.." He whines. "Pleaseeeee-! I swear will never ask for anything from you ever againnnn-!"
Karyme holds her head in her hands, groaning. "Sam.."
Karyme snaps. "Oh for fucks sake, if I say I'll think about it will you cut it out?!"
Sam aimles, nodding in excitement.
Karyme shakes her head, pushing her earbuds back into her ears as she begins to tune Sam out.
There was no way in hell that she would even be allowed in that party. Jakson was her ex, for one, and also, Jakson's new girl, Nicki, had it out for her.
Those two would either humiliate her, or worse. Dear Selyna she didn't want to think about it..
But Sam was so damn persistent, and Karyme would be lying if she said she didn't want to take advantage of those free drinks..
Well.. what's the worst that could happen?
It's only a party after all.
Karyme walked the hallways of her school, her earbuds playing her favorite song softly. She was trying to get to class, but suddenly, an arm reached out and pulled her into a room.
Karyme yelped as she was pulled into the library. She turned in anger to face Jakson.
"Chill out Karyme, it's just me." He says nonchalantly.
Karyme narrows her eyes. "I can fucking see that."
He sighs. "Are you still upset over our breakup?"
Karyme crosses her arms. "Why would I be, it's a relief to be away from you."
Jakson huffs. "Whatever.." He looks back at Karyme. "I need to talk to you about something."
"And this couldn't wait until after class?" Karyme asks.
Jakson gives her a look. "Well, yes, but I need to know something, urgently."
Karyme sighs. "Then make it quick."
Jakson nods. "Right, well, I'm having a party this weekend, and I was wondering if-"
"What-? I didn't even finish-"
"The answer is no, Jakson." Karyme says. "Your girlfriend's an asshole, and frankly, being in the same area as you isn't how I want to spend my weekend."
Jakson frowns. "Do you have anything better to do?"
Karyme blinks. "Well, no, but-"
"Then it's settled!" Jakson claps. "I'll see you at my party, this Saturday, at 8."
Karyme opens her mouth to speak, but Jakson is already walking off.
"Oh, before I go, here." He says, tossing Karyme a piece of paper. "Give this to your teacher, that way you aren't marked tardy." He finishes, walking out of the library.
Karyme hear the door slam, and immediately groans in frustration.
Now she has to excuse not to go..
Oh Selyna, this party was going to be a nightmare..
"So that means you're going?" Sam asks.
Currently, Sam, Karyme, and Jayden were walking home.
"I don't really have a choice, now do I?" Karyme shrugs. "My plan is to chill there for a bit, and then ditch when no ones looking."
Jayden hums. "Sounds like Jakson really wants you there.."
Karyme sighs. "Yeah.. it's weird.."
Sam frowns. "Don't overthink it, he's probably just trying to make up for the shit he did." He rolls his eyes. "As if a party will make up for cheating on you."
Karyme looks at the ground. "Maybe he's genuinely changed.."
Jayden gives Karyme a look. "Girl, you better not go back to him."
Karyme perks up. "Oh Selyna no, I would never, I was just thinking.."
"Well stop that." Sam says. "Instead, when you get there, focus on the party." Karyme nods along to her friend's words of advice.
Maybe this would actually be fun, all she had to do was avoid Jakson and Nicki, easy..
Days went by fast, and soon it was Saturday. Karyme found herself in front of a mirror, looking at herself.
Her sister had helped style her hair, as well as apply makeup. The came Karyme's dress, a vintage Victorian-Style black lace dress, by far her favorite thing in her closet.
As she waiting for Jayden to pick her up, she ran through her main point.
"Ignore everyone, and just have fun."
Seemed simple enough, so Karyme felt like she could do it.
It didn't take long for Karyme to hear a honk outside her house. Karyme rushed down the stairs, only to be stopped by her parents.
"Karyme." Her mother says.
Karyme freezes, suddenly directing all her attention to her parents.
"Remember now, don't make a fool of yourself, or the Ceers won't accept us." She says coldly, her father nodding along.
Karyme nods slowly, before brushing past her parents and out the door.
Every step she took was careful, precise, perfect..
She couldn't- no, she wouldn't mess up.
She sighs as she takes a seat in Jayden's car. Jayden eyes her for a second.
"Look at you all dressed up." He smiles. "And for once, with your hair tied up."
Karyme rolls her eyes. "Just go, asshole."
It'll be fun, Sam said.
Just enjoy yourself, Sam said.
Well, this was the fucking opposite.
Karyme wasn't sure what to expect from her first party, but she didn't expect so many people, for one, and also, everyone was.. wasted.
Karyme drank too, but dear Selyna, everyone was out of it.. like zombies or something..
So there she was, standing in the corner, a red cup in her grasp, and surrounded by teenagers all in different stages of fucking.
Karyme took a small sip, feeling the familiar cheap liquor burn down her throat. She looked around anxiously, hoping to see Sam and Jayden somewhere when Jakson approached.
"What are you doing over here all alone, huh?" He asks, wrapping his arm around her.
Karyme shrugs him off. "None of your business."
Jakson laughs. "Ouch, okay, fair.." He stops suddenly, frowning. "How about.. we hang out a bit."
Karyme gives him a dirty look. "Why would I ever do that?"
"Because one, your friends ditched you, and two, you look fucking miserable over here." He says.
Karyme scoffs. "Yeah, no, I'm fine here."
Jakson hums. "You are hard to get.." He then smirks. "How about I get you a drink, maybe something.. stronger?"
Karyme looks at him, and sighs. "Fine."
He laughs. "Ah, so the way to your heart is through drinks, gotcha.." He turns around. "I'll be right back."
Karyme watches him leave, an uneasy feeling traveling through her body. However, she shakes it off and leans against the wall, waiting.
It doesn't take long for Jakson to return, two drinks in his hands. He hands one to Karyme, smiling. Karyme hesitantly takes it.
The first sip is strong, as Karyme expected, but it carries a salty aftertaste. She shrugs it off, assuming that it must be some different type that she isn't used to.
As she takes more drinks, tuning out whatever Jakson is saying, she starts to feel.. off.
It isn't obvious at first, but Karyme starts to feel drowsy, not a lot, but it was weird how suddenly she was tired.
She starts to sway a bit, somehow remaining conscious. She feels Jakson's arm wrap around her, guiding her away from the music.. the other people..
She hardly registers Jakson sitting her on his bed. She holds her head, feeling it pound.
She starts to mumble. "Jakson.."
He sighs. "Looks like you had too much to drink.."
Karyme shakes her head. "..no, can you call.. my friends.."
Jakson nods. "Sure I can, I need to do something first.."
Karyme closes her eyes, trying to rest, but she's shoved back onto the bed. Her eyes snap open, and she can't even scream when his lips press against her. She's pinned down, unable to move. His hands grab at her roughly, treating her more like a doll than a person.
She can't fight back.
She can't cry for help.
She can't do anything.
She's helpless.
It was silent.
She has stopped crying long ago, an unsettling numbness filling her instead.
She sat in the corner of the bed, against the wall, her arms wrapped around her knees.
It was cold, and the thin blanket wrapped around her did nothing to help.
Her bloodshot eyes were fixated straight ahead, looking at him as he changed back into his clothes. Her own were discarded somewhere in the room, out of sight.
"You know, you were great." He speaks.
Karyme blinks, not speaking a word.
"Just perfect, you know that, doll?" He says with a slight laugh.
Karyme's head drops down, hiding in her knees.
Jakson sighs. "You'll be fine, maybe by tomorrow you'll even realize you had a good time."
With that, he leaves the room silently.
Karyme can still hear the music outside, and the sound of people having a great time.
She thought she would be a part of that happiness.
But she was only used.
Then discarded.
And now, she was numb.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep44 (2/2): not that I like him but the antagonism towards su she seems a little classist
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why did wwx terrify children for fun lol. more importantly, why did wen ning go along with it? he seemed intentionally intimidating. I don't think he wants to be seen that way
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anyway wwx bemoaning the fact that he can't strike fear into children's hearts is so funny. like he doesn't want to be blamed for everything going wrong but he DOES want to be seen and respected and maybe even feared for his power. and actually I get that. he is super powerful and he's been disrespected by the kids for weeks
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oh yeah, again they have the same skin tone BUT lwj is shinier. must have something to do with the lighting or makeup
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omg my favorite minor character, Female Cultivator With Dirt on Her Face. you can tell she's an antagonist because of the. because of the dirt
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aww I forgot this. good old ozz, standing up for wwx. jgy's plan was quite bad honestly because if he starts shit and blames wwx then all wwx has to do is show up to prove his innocence by saving the kids. saving children is the number one way to rehabilitate your image. also sect leader ouyang's hanfu is tight as fuck
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who tf is this and why is he named. who cares. would be funnier if we wasn't named
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aw sweet we got a visual of lwj standing with wwx against the world. well, another one
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SWEET hanfu my leige
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wwx shouting and pointing at the jins: THERE CAN'T BE ANYONE ELSE!!! LOOK!!! THEY'RE THE BAD GUYS!!!
this section of the show always felt kind of awkward and pointless to me. just a lot of people yelling and wwx not liking it very much and also lwj is there
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uh oh. that wwx expression...oof. when you still really care about someone even though they've hurt you really badly and don't want anything to do with you and you feel guilty for what happened between you but you also can't stand how they treat you. and they're bleeding in front of you. anyway he jumps in to protect him
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lqr too! lwj jumps right in as defense. I don't think his relationship with lqr is actually too complex. lwj doesn't deal well in vagueness or uncertainty. he defied his uncle and will do so again, and certainly disagrees with him about things, but he still respects him and cares about him as an elder and as his uncle
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and look...a wen saving them. the irony
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locked in a room with no spiritual energy and the yiling laozu, who says this to you. everyone's worst nightmare
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nhs is bleeding?! I don't know if we've EVER seen that. he keeps out of danger pretty well
also, he's pushing the narrative into wwx's hands.
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THIS TO SU SHE 😭 he's so polite too with his 'allow me to ask a question' then so rude even if unintentionally lmao
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rly embodying the teacher role here.
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lwj's love language is acts of violence, as petty a misuse of power it may be. you know that quote from bottoms? it's so them
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lqr either likes ljy or hates ss because ljy did NOT quiet down about criticizing the su sect and he's right next to lqr and only lsz chastised him
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okay I do not like su she but the fact that people hate him for 'copying the lans' is so fucking stupid. if he wants to found his own sect, what else is he going to do? he has the skills the lans taught him, of course that's his basis. in criticizing him so harshly, the lans come off as petty and really insecure for a rich and established clan. and this in the screenshot...THEY started in on HIM. the man was just defending himself. as soon as he complains about the disrespect, suddenly they're all 'well we have to be civil!' I swear this series makes really good point about classism with wwx but then it turns around and uncritically reinforces gentry hatred of lower classes by making characters like su she jealous antagonists who just aren't good enough to respect
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anywayt. I always liked how wwx turns his back on everyone to ask lwj something. he gets all quiet and intimate
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ohhh neat idiom
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I love wwx verbally demolishing antagonists so much. he's that bitch
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this is smart tho. like this is what I'm saying. granted betraying the sect was bad but he was a teenager and like he's shat on and disrespected for his entire life for not being very talented or original I guess when I KNOW there's gotta be untalented cultivators in other wealthy sects that still have a place in the cultivation world. but like he's SMART he figured that this would work and it DID.
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here's nhs pushing the narrative for wwx again, helpfully verbalizing his thought process so everyone else gets it quicker.
personal highlights:
lwj's smiles in the very beginning of this episode were so nice
mm family <3
wwx's radiant gorgeous smile when looking at toys with lwj
wwx's moment remembering the wens, and his decision to let the past go with that beautiful scene of letting the dirt pour out
Lady with Dirt on Her Face my favorite minor antagonist
all the gathered cultivators' sick threads
wwx's 'why don't we have a chat' and his polite rudeness and his teaching voice
nhs nudging things along
everyone like 'noooo don't be divisive' once su she starts insulting the lans after first BEING insulted by them. come on guys
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petitelepus · 11 months
Big Blind Love, Part 11
Teacher!Gyomei Himejima X Fem!FormerStudent!Reader
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Summary: You and Gyomei go enjoy ice cream, followed by a crane game.
Warnings: None
A/N: Modern!AU, Kimetsu Academy, Female Reader, Former Student Reader, Gyomei Himejima, Teacher Gyomei Himejima
Time passed and Summer vacation started. You and Gyomei were both so excited about the upcoming festival. You had been saving money and working extra shifts so you could get the festival day off from work, while Gyomei was taking it a little easier and had taken a couple of weeks off from his job as a teacher. After his vacation, he would most likely go and teach in Summer School.
But now the two of you were enjoying each other's company as you walked down the road, heading towards the ice cream parlor to get some delicious frozen treats… But that was when you noticed that something was attracting people. Curious, you looked at Gyomei, "There is something happening there."
"What is it?" He asked and you hummed, "I don't know, but there are some people there. Would you like to go and check?"
"We are in no hurry so I don't mind." He replied and the two of you approached the mass of people to see what was so interesting.
"Oh, they are opening a new arcade here!" You said as you got a look at the commercials in the building.
"When do they open?" Gyomei asked and you hummed, "They open in ten minutes, but there are a lot of people here."
"Would you like to get ice cream and then come back here?" He asked and you looked at your partner lovingly, "Sounds like a great plan."
So the two of you left the arcade and went to the ice cream parlor and you ordered your favorite flavor and Gyomei did the same thing, choosing chocolate ice cream. The two of you enjoyed your ice creams in a small booth, talking about this and that, like how work was, and so on.
Finally, you wiped your face clean with a napkin and looked at your partner who had some chocolate in the corner of his mouth.
"Hold on, you got some chocolate there," You said as you picked a clean napkin and gently wiped Gyomei's mouth clean. The man smiled happily at your sweet gesture, "Thank you, my beloved."
"You're welcome, darling." You smiled and the two of you left the ice cream parlor and headed to the brand new arcade. Eating ice cream was a good decision since the crowd had already dispersed and people either went in to play or left the place.
"Shall we go?" You asked and Gyomei nodded, "Lead the way."
The two of you stepped into the arcade and you looked around all the games they had. Rhythm games, games where you could win candy, dance games, and then there were the crane games. You looked around excitedly, seeing cute plushies, figurines, and other things…
But then your eyes landed on something you hadn't seen in ages. A light brown and huge round cat plush called Nemuneko. It was maybe one of the cutest cat plushies you had ever seen and so big, it could easily be used as a pillow if someone wanted to!
Speaking of that someone, you glanced at Gyomei and you were filled with determination. You would win that cat to your darling!
"Darling, do you mind if I play a little?" You asked and your partner nodded, "I don't mind. What is it that you are trying to win?"
"It's a surprise!" You smiled as you dug out your purse and inserted some coins into the machine. The machine's claw sprung to life and you moved that claw over the Nemuneko before pressing a button that lowered the claw. The claw went down and closed around the plushie but just as it lifted it, the plushie slipped down.
"Ooh, so it's gonna be like this, huh?" You chuckled, "I'm not giving up just like that."
And you didn't give up, not even when you had to go and exchange some bills for coins. You really wanted to win that plushie to Gyomei!
"My beloved, are you sure you aren't using too much money?" Your partner asked and you pouted, "But I'm so close…! I just need one good lift!"
"Excuse me?"
You flinched and glanced over your shoulder and saw an arcade worker standing there and smiling, "Would you like some assistance with your game?"
You had heard that if you had trouble winning then arcade employees might come and help you. An offer that you happily accepted, "Ah, yes please!"
You stepped aside as the worker took out their keys and opened the game's glass window so they could make the game a little easier for you. You watched carefully how they positioned the Nemuneko until it was hanging halfway in the chute and then they closed the game.
"Here you go, I hope you get it," They smiled and you laughed a little, "Thank you, I'm honestly not that great with these sorts of things."
"No problem, please do find me if you need more help." The nice worker said before leaving to help someone else in need.
"My beloved, what is it that you so hard want to win?" Gyomei asked and you pouted, "I'll tell you if I don't win it now…!"
You put in one more coin and moved the claw just above the Nemuneko and let the claw go down- And it pushed the plushie in!
"Yes, I won! I won it, darling!" You jumped up and down cheerfully before you bent down and picked your prize. God, it was so big and soft and cute, Gyomei was going to love it!
"This is for you." You said as you offered the plushie to your partner, who blinked in confusion.
"For me?" He wondered as he accepted the huge toy and his milky eyes widened in shock.
"It's so big!" Gyomei gasped as he gently squeezed the brown plushie and you felt your chest fill with pride. "It's a light brown cat and has cute closed eyes."
"Are you sure you want to give this to me?" He asked, "You spent a lot of money to win it?"
"I'm 100 percent sure. It's for you and to you only." You said honestly and before you knew it, Gyomei was crying,
"T- thank you, my beloved…!" He sobbed, "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done to me…!"
You were about to object, but he quickly added, "Your sweets included."
"You barely saved your hide." You joked and the two of you left the arcade hand in hand.
"So…?" You started and Gyomei nodded, "Yes?"
"Tell me more about the Summer Festival that we are attending next week?" You asked and he smiled, "With pleasure."
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