#my fave part of this is where I say Imogen is young because I already see someone saying 28 is not young and I’m gonna have to
fear-ne · 3 months
personal bells hells character meta pt 1, imogen & laudna
what fascinates me personally abt laudna & imogens relationship is that truthfully, imogen’s story is way more about laudna than laudna’s is about imogen
now hear me out this is not to say in any way that laudna loves her less or that her love matters less or that imogen is less important to her than she is to imogen or anything like that
what I mean is that imogens story is about being left by her mother and being witness to her fathers abandonment. it’s about losing her faith in humanity via hearing everyone thoughts. it’s about following her mothers path but also rejecting it. and laudna is key to those things, because it is through laudna that she no longer heard the world as just noise, through laudna that she left the oppressive claustrophobia of her hometown, through laudna that she got the courage and support to untangle the mystery of her mothers disappearance and of her own powers. and then by falling in love with laudna, and watching laudna go through a similar struggle with a power that chips away at her, she is not just following in her mothers path but suddenly in a role that parallels her fathers so many years ago. so much of what pulls and tugs and creates conflict for imogen loops right back into her relationship with laudna (and her relationships with other people)
and it makes sense!! she is so young!!!
whereas sweet laudna has 30 years of traveling the world, of experiencing it, of dealing with the monster in her head. and while yes, through her relationship with imogen she is given something that is crucial to unpacking and addressing her years of trauma and isolation she never had the privilege of before (someone who loves her exactly as she is & a family to boot!!!)…so much of that struggle is innately personal. and just about laudna herself, by herself. marisha has touched on how the root of laudnas struggle is one of self worth, which is not a conflict that is solved externally or relationally with others. she will have to discover her self worth alone, intrinsically.
which is why it’s so juicy and hard to watch!! because they love each other, desperately, but being loved doesn’t make you love yourself. that’s a fight you fight almost entirely alone
vs a story that is somewhat about learning to love again and learning how to love and reconciling that and yourself with the world at large. which is much more about other people
idk not to boil this down to laudna man vs self and imogen man vs man/society/fate and other basic lit nonsense but it is just so fun to have so many fully fledged protagonists to rotate in your head both as individuals and as relationships between each other. orym next I think
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epivskey · 7 years
Just wondering about your next gen headcanons. Do you favor any characters (including OCs and ships)? Also, who plays what on the Quidditch team?
oh my dear this will be long. most of my headcanons can be found on /tagged/hp-next-gen-headcanons on my tumblr.  
I’m just going to do my faves because there are too many kids.
Teddy Lupin - I subscribe to the canon that he is the Head Boy Hufflepuff. I like thinking that while his teachers expected and received grades worthy of his father, that he would also have his mother’s energy and clumsiness. His hair reflects what he feels, and since blue is the colour of calm and happy, its the colour you would most likely see him in. He’s close with the Potters and the Shell Cottage Weasleys. He plays the resident big brother role pretty well, so well that even the adults don’t notice the hurt he feels. He’s jealous that these are full families, that his family ended before it could properly begin. He relates to Professor Longbottom in that way, since they both were raised by their grandmothers. He didn’t have the paparazzi as bad, since his parents were dead war heroes not alive ones. He never let on to the younger ‘uns that he was too busy with exams to help with their problems.
Victoire Weasley - I like to pin her as the perfect cousin, the one on such a high pedestal in terms of looks, grades, her Gryffindor status and general care toward paparazzi and followers. She’s kind to the paparazzi, never breaking their things or swearing or making rude gestures; her head is always kept low and often holds a soft smile. Because for all the attention she got from them as a child, and from being told that all the others should act and be like her, Victoire enjoys the attention. She enjoys the flashing lights, although she didn’t always. When she was young she despised the camera, knowing that it awaited her outside her home, but as she got older and accepted it as part of her life, she found that she actually enjoyed it. It helped her greatly when Dominique broke a camera from sheer rage, because she got to fake niceness to get on their good side; her sister’s anger and rage was her saving grace. She enjoys it when her face is plastered onto a magazine, looking as pretty in her flawless nature. Fights break out with Dominique over how paparazzi should be handled, but she ultimately doesn’t give a shit.
Molly Weasley - Ever since a young age her father pressured her to do her best in school. Percy was a prefect and got high grades, and he expected no less from his daughters. Molly did as she was told and studied hard, studying even before her enrollment in Hogwarts. It didn’t help that her mother was Korean, so the stigma of her being smart was only due to “natural” instances of her being Asian, not her hard work. Half the time she questioned why she hadn’t been sorted into Hufflepuff, but the answer was always the same: expectations. Of course she would do well at school, of course she strove to be number 1, of course she was a Gryffindor. She was called a “Mini Victoire” or a “Victorie 2.0” by tabloids. The weight of expectations and the constant exposure to paparazzi outside of school did not do good things to her mental state. At thirteen she fell into a pit of depression. Her sister Lucy and cousins, James and Fred, were the only ones that really knew. For once she was glad she was in Gryffindor, because she had James and Fred to keep her from falling- both figuratively and literally. She made a suicide attempt at age fifteen. Her self-esteem was hurt and self-confidence plummeted; an incident concerning her friends, Daniel Wood and one Rita Skeeter during a Hogsmeade day caused her to lose them all because of an article written. That was the pushing point that led her to try and jump off the Gryffindor tower. Luckily James caught her and brought her back to his and Fred’s dorm. She’s being using them as a crutch ever since.
Fred Weasley - Having your dead uncle who is also your dad’s twin brother as your namesake could not be easy, and for Fred it was hell. His entire family had a legacy from their involvement in the Second Wizarding War, and while only one Weasley died for the cause, he was named after said Weasley. From when he was about ten years old Fred realised that everything he did and said would be compared to his namesake. Every bad joke he tried to tell that received pitied laughs, all the times he did something naughty with James and got scolded by Grandmum Molly, when he got sorted into Gryffindor. It was like he lived in a shadow he could never escape, the sun never shone where he stood and it would never shine for as long as he would live. He once spoke his fears aloud with James and Molly and was surprised when they resonated with him. At twelve he made himself a promise for the future: he would never ever name his kids after anyone he knew. The responsibility of knowing a namesake was heavy enough when it was just his family, but the tabloids took it to new heights, blowing his position as a Keeper in Quidditch way out of proportion, “Fred Jr walking away from everything his family taught him! Read more about how this junior is diverting from his predestined path.” He’s the most vocal of all the cousins about how fucked up their lives are.
James Potter - James has five things he considered to be the worst in life, but their order always got shuffled around: being named after your grandfather and great godfather; being Harry Potter’s son; being Harry Potter’s first born; being Ginny Weasley’s son; and being sorted into Gryffindor. Sometimes being named after your grandfather and great godfather sucked ass because of their reputation as tricksters, and replicating that kind of expectation was hard- or at least harder than anyone would know. The two categories of being Harry Potter’s son and being Harry Potter’s first born were split, because the former added pressure onto James to do something equally as selfless and amazing. How do you trump the fact that your father basically saved the whole world? The latter because, according to all the movies James had watched, the first born was always “destined for greatness” and was always the mold from which the other siblings would follow from. But James considered himself to be a mess and got into trouble- but not the good kind. He caused scandal after scandal leaving behind strings of “broken hearts.”  He loved his mum dearly, but hated that she pursued professional Quidditch (and that his father was the youngest Quidditch player in a century) because that meant James had to pursue Quidditch. He loved watching the sport and the thrill of the games, but hated actually being on the pitch. But duty calls, and so he joined Quidditch and became Captain. This tied with him being a Gryffindor. He didn’t want his future to have been planned out for him already, often waking at night from nightmares.
Relationships I do ship are: Teddy & Victoire, Scorpius & Albus. Ships with the canon and my ocs: my oc Imogen Wong & James, my oc Dinah Wood & Teddy, my oc Frank II & Louis, and my oc Bella Hart (Pansy’s daughter) & Lucy.
As for OC’s I favour:Amelia Finnigan-Thomas - Adopted child of Dean and Seamus from Myanmar, Amelia was a darling to the public eye. It was a fairy tale, the tale of a poor unknown witch from a poor country being adopted by gay, loving war-hero parents. She had an older brother who was adopted from kenya with a similar story. She hated the paparazzi and still does, but she loves to make fun of them with her brother and friends. At fourteen she became the Quidditch Captain for Hufflepuff, managing to bring Hufflepuff to victory and get the House Cup! She spawned quite the attention when she did, doing everything she could to emphasize the fact that she did it, she brought her house victory. She’s at times cocky and unchecked, but if you ever say shit about her fathers or her brother, she would not hesitate to hex you.
Dinah Wood - First born child of Oliver Wood and Quidditch mastermind in her own right. She was captain of Gryffindor’s Quidditch team when James first entered Hogwarts, drawing knowledge from her father on tactics to use on the field. Many players from within her own house, and plenty from the others, complained that she had an unfair advantage. McGonogall brushed it all away, and Dinah felt connected to her head of house, grateful that her faith was placed in her. Her hype about Quidditch is considerably less crazed than her father. But her legacy as a Captain garnered her a position as a “popular” girl, alongside the fact that she was best friends with Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley. She’s very competitive, fighting for the title of prefect in Fifth Year, and Head Girl, but the title instead went to a Slytherin prefect.
The kids that played Quidditch in Hogwarts:James II - ChaserFred II- Beater, KeeperDominique - Chaser, BeaterLucy - ChaserScorpius - KeeperAlbus - SeekerDinah Wood- ChaserAmelia Finnigan-Thomas - Seeker, Chaser Louis - ChaserFrank Longbottom II - Beater
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