#my fav sewer cat
mywillbedone · 11 months
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a--ttano · 3 months
the question of why mr egg dragonage gets treated so much better than mr cat dragon age is largely a question of Power and Health.
Mr egg is an old god, a powerful elf. Fallen from his position of power, yes, but undeniably still a being Above any other. as the player, u watch him rise from unassuming origins to become a figure of legend. it's larger than life, greater than great and maybe, perhaps, u meant something to him.
Mr cat is... not. mr cat has been running from ppl chasing him and he's gotten tired of the endless, meaningless hunt. he's mentally ill and he's getting worse. as a player, u watch him scrape a place out for himself in the sewers and struggle and struggle and fail and fail. you watch him spiral downwards. there is no grace to mr cat's descent, it is all desperation and the last shreds of hope that a drowning man can cling to. it's ugly. it's everyday. it's trying your very best and still falling short.
i can understand why ppl want to be part of mr egg's story and not mr cat's
but at the end of the day, mr cat will always be my fav. who else has looked at all the problems in the d a setting and said to themself: what can i heal?
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monstrosibee · 6 months
One of my fav things at work is when we have a double petter appointment at work and the 2 animals come in and the parent is like oh they love each other so much and it's clear they do but one of the animals is the cutest thing you've ever seen and then the other is just THE most fucked up looking beast ever. Hair everywhere the most crooked jaw possible eyes that point opposite directions etc etc. This happens most often in dogs because we've made some fucked up looking dogs even just on accident but it can happen in any animal too (I find cats come a close second)
And of course the fucked up one is sweet too it's just so funny. I'll get it sometimes w people who have a pure bred dog from a breeder and then a rescue dog. Like hello this is Stacy wilmington the fourth she's from a 300 year old pure bred family of springer spaniels and came third in the world championship hunting dog contest. Also this is her sister trampoline she's some kind of chihuahua terrier carrier pigeon mix we found her in the sewer abd she keeps Stacy wilmington from going on a mass crime spree : ) sometimes we put hats on her to hide that she's missing an ear because it makes her self conscious
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thediktatortot · 1 year
Here’s a few Mungrove ideas!
Siren Billy, Captain/ sailor Eddie
Beauty & Beast
Yandere! Billy x Stalker! Eddie
Bunny/ wolf
Famous/royalty Eddie and Billy who lives under a rock
Bard Eddie who follows around the reckless warrior Billy 😭
Accidental Summoner Billy / Demon Eddie
Immortal/God (?) Billy whose enamoured with Sewer rat eddie
Cat!Billy / Dog!Eddie
That’s all i got for now uwu
>_> I'm deff saving these for later because I've been feeling very Mungrove recently and these are some good ideas. Thank you Anon!
I think out of all of these I think the Bard Eddie one is my fav xD
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airlockfailure · 3 years
STARVED FOR CLONE CONTENT SOLIDARITY!!! What are your top three fav clone OC’s and what’s one thing each of them does that is so abstract and unusual you make this face: ?-? and laugh to yourself a bit?
Oh gosh
No. 1
My top fav clone OC is likely ARC Commander Knockout. He's my most recent OC and technically appears once in canon (if you squint).
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He's from the 7th Sky Corps and answers to Obi-Wan and Cody. He's Force sensitive enough for Obi-Wan to have trained him sporadically in secret. He's my TBI, PTSD, disabled Jedi Clone OC who will absolutely kick ass and then bicker/banter with Howzer to cheer himself up.
I have in my notes for him that he's friends with Hardcase and Captain Gregor. So you can imaging the sort of shenanigans the three of them could get into.
I kind of want to explore his character in my Invictus AU where Order 66 doesn't happen. He probably would become a full time Jedi (sorry Howzer).
As for something about him that makes me go ?-? I gave Knockout a trait of preferring to be up high. Like sitting on the back of chairs instead of on the seat, or always taking the top bunk. Kind of like a cat, he can get himself up into high places where he probably shouldn't be, but he enjoys being up there. Not high up on buildings, no, just up high. Probably convinced his squad mates to duct tape him to the ceiling when he was a shiny.
No. 2
Commander Treeble. Oh boy. Treeble is one of Commander Fox's batchmates. He unfortunately ends up the commander of Pong Krell's clones during the first battle of Geonosis and things spiral out of control for him. Fox does everything he can to try and help Treeble, but Treeble is one of my few characters I don't give a happy ending (just yet, maybe the end of Eleutheria will be more hopeful, but that's a spoiler ha).
Treeble is aggressive and not in the way that's rewarded. So far in the fic he's attacked a Jedi, he's attacked Thorn, and it's entirely likely he will attack Fox at some point. He has zero healthy coping methods and is just spiraling out of control and none of the Coruscant Guard CCs or medics really know what to do because clones aren't supposed to fall apart the way Treeble is falling apart.
Treeble's life is just, well, it's just awful. He's been reconditioned and can't remember Fox is his best friend. Some brighter points include Fox ignoring regulations in order to protect Treeble from the High Command as long as possible, and Lieutenant Birva (another OC, who was a bit of a meh character in Invictus) eventually becoming someone Treeble trusts enough to fall apart around so he doesn't um... die.
There's a lot to Treeble and my hope is to turn his tragic end in Invictus into something less tragic and more hopeful because I can't stand the fact that I killed him off!
?-? Honestly, I don't know why I made such a depressing character, but I love him a lot regardless of how stressful he is to write. So this is not exactly a good kind of laughter, more like a "haha, what the fuck, Airlock?" kind of laughter.
No. 3
Okay, this one is probably going to be out of left field for anyone who has read Invictus or Eleutheria so far.
But I really, really adore Lieutenant Birva. He's got a beef with Commander Fox. He works the sewer systems under the Federal District. He and his men are constantly harassed by the Senate Commandos. And until one of them messes with a shiny, Birva remains professional about the situation. He's a rather stoic, reserved character, who keeps an emotional distance from pretty much everyone (haha, except Treeble, oops).
He's overprotective of his men, works himself too hard, and doesn't get a lot of sleep (hmm, wonder where he learned those bad behaviors from, Fox?). Fox calls him out on it and Birva learns a lot faster than Fox that he can rely on other people. (To be fair, in Invictus, Fox's problems are a lot bigger than Birva's.)
?-? Birva works the sewers, but Fox knows the tunnels better than him. It makes me chuckle because it really should be the other way around, except I headcanon Fox having a photographic memory.
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prosebushpatch · 3 years
@rebrandedbard tagged me! THANK YOU!!!!!
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors! 
I’m very nervous these are not going to be varied BUT HERE WE GO
1. One of the many paper triangles that were being vaulted across the table finally landed smack dab in the middle of the book he was reading. 2. She threw herself into the sea. 3. Luka Andersen held still in the frozen chamber. 4. Hat leaned back in her pillows, gazing up at the twinkling lights and tinsel Cooking Cat and Mu had strung weeks earlier. 5. The echoes of a whimper peal from beyond the sewer grates. 6. He… wasn’t sure what to do. 7. Lukas ran a hand through his reddish-brown curls, scratching absentmindedly at his scalp, as he tried to focus on the textbook in front of him. 8. Lukas stumbled towards the tree with unwieldy roots, exhausted after a particularly rough night and long morning of sequestering himself as deep into the woods as he dared. 9. “Okay,” MJ interrupted the movie right as a bear being brought in for evidence flashed across the screen. 10. Luka flexed his four fingers against his coiled torso, staring at the thick purple prongs with tempered despair. 11. His fingers grasped the clasp of his cloak, pulling the hood tighter around his chestnut curls as he tried to block out the breeze. 12. Hattie gripped the thermos in her hands as she slowly climbed the steps to the manor that were slick with ice. 13. Chains that had once been taut with his weight hung from the wall, shattered at the ends. 14. Warm arms. 15. Snatcher turned the storybook Hat Kid had left him over in his hand. 16. The key clicked inside the box and the lid popped open. 17. He hadn’t noticed it at first, the soft chimes of a music box he had made with the help of a man named Thor once upon a time, but after a moment of listening to the gentle measures, Snatcher froze. 18. Hattie pushed the stool up to the stove and swapped her top hat for the chef’s toque that Cooking Cat had given her. 19. The specter dropped to the ground as embers crackled and snapped around him. 20. An hourglass shattered by ice cut through scarlet veins.
Hmm... I begin with a lot of holding/hands imagery, it seems... 9 was probably the most fun to write and I still chuckle when I think about it, so 9 is my fav and then a more serious favorite is 5! I like how that one sounds :D I’m tagging @lemonadesoda @banyanas @the-trans-anon @doodleimprovement @toxic-lavender annnnnnd anyone else who’d like to give it a shot! :D Enjoy!
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intricatecakes · 6 years
ghost, black cat, bats, haunt, midnight and raven? please and thank uuuu
ghost: have you ever seen a psychic?I’ve seen their buildings and the people in them but no I’ve never gone to a psychic
black cat: favorite urban legend?i really like is sEWER ALLIGATORS tourists would buy them as pets down South back in like the 1920′s-30′s and when they got too big they’d toss them but then where did they go???thE SEWEEEERS so there’s an ongoing thing of there being alligators in the sewers, particularly in New YorkApparently there was one in France, too???
bats: are you superstitious? i go into more detail here but the short answer is hell yes
haunt: do you believe in haunted objects?yes and they scare methere’s a haunted doll that if u don’t respect him he’ll curse you and like your whole family and people have written thousands of letters to him as apologies there’s a haunted murder chair that’s displayed tacked way up on a wall with a warning not to sit in it bc the guy who owned it put a curse on it or something and people have apparently died after sitting thereand i’ve been in enough restored houses and seen items in secondhand shops that just scream haunted and i won’t touch them no sir i won’t risk that sort of nonsense taking a lift back into my home nope i’ve already got ghost cats i don’t need more haunted stuff no thanks
midnight: last horror move that you’ve watched?Tucker and Dale vs Evil and i’ve seen it like 8 times it’s got Tyler Labine and Alan Tudyk and it’s ridiculous how terrible at adulting all the characters are but the dog is cute and it’s fun and also one of like 2 horror movies i can actually watch bc i’m a weenieraven: favorite fairytale?ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuude this is the Worst question bc i love sO MANYYYYYYYOne of my favs is Oidheadh chloinne Lir(the Fate of the Children of Lir) even tho it’s super sad idk i just enjoy it a lot It also has an alternate ending that i can’t find a source for but in that one there’s swans singing and then they feck off to Tir na n’Ogand anyway i like that ending better
Send me spooky asks!
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