#my father unknowingly birthed utopia
atticofbogsandbugs · 1 year
Hats off to my dad for just creating his cursed brainchild, “the salmonellier,” an occupation in an alternate universe wherein foods such as Chicken McNuggets from the 1950s are valued more the older they get, just as with alcohols
“This 1953 Chicken Wing, going for 2,000, with Exquisite Fungus and a luxurious green hue”
This is what we talk about
This is why I am how I am
Blame him
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hereliesbitches--me · 3 years
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It is the dead of night in my parts. I cannot sleep, I have homework due, but there is nothing that motivates me more than avoiding hw >:)
Anyways, Pokemon Au info dump:
Toruga's drive in abusing the assets given to him is because during his experimentation in studying pokemon of the past and pokemon that exist in alternate planes through Ultraspace, he unknowingly allowed a malevolent demigod-like ghost pokemon into the world. A pokemon, because it is not able to exist in this world without a host, attached herself to the doctor. She calls herself Neikan, she presents herself as a blurry smoky figure in the shape of a voluptuous woman with piercing purple eyes and a vague shaped maw of what can be assumed is serrated teeth. Its only through her bond with Toruga that she is able to speak the language of humans, but by entering the world she has been released from her imprisonment and has plans.
Seducing toruga with sweet whispers of her confidence in his gift as a man of science, willing to throw away morality and conscience for the sake of his scientific success, she spurs him forward with the ideas of a new world. A new generation that leaves behind the weakness of human skin and combines the strength of human and pokemon alike. He tries from an adult, but they are unstable. They die from the treatment or their progress is only temporary until madness of raw energy consumes them. Energized attacks destroy the weak flesh of human bodies. Toruga had to start from fetuses and work up.
What Neikan wants is a vessel. A strong vessel with the capability of pokemon but the intelligent growing mind of man. If she could take a vessel, she could take the world by storm, corrupting and eating away until she designs a pocket utopia for herself. What good are gods that no one believes in anyhow? Humans are stepping stones, but Rosie is the only successful cross breed from birth.
Toruga is too blinded by his love for the manipulative pokemon to see how quickly she can kill him or throw him away once she gets what she wants. But he must make her proud. The world must know of his scientific accomplishments that no man or woman has ever achieved. He can create an army that will wipe out the old world and make it new. Better. Without the weakness of humanity, endorsing the next stage of evolution by combining two predominant forces. Anyone who follows in his shadow are simply here to tag along for the chaotic ride
Secondary plot point is he temporary puts a halt to his chasing of Rosie and her kitten to reach out to new criminal organizations with wealthy assets, now that aether paradise is a trash heap of worthless to him. He instead sends out John and Nathair(the father, without consent, to Thursday) to find them and keep him informed.
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