#my dolls: mass effect
struungout · 1 year
Kiran Shepard-Moreau
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Dollmore Narsha Zihu
Resin Color: Normal
Painted & Modified by Nocturne Doll Studio
Doll specific images are here. Character specific images are here.
Story Universe: Mass Effect
Kiran is the only daughter of Priita and Joker.
More info to come.
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
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pajamas!! And with some careful camera work, if she's sitting at her desk, nobody on a work-related video call will know she's not wearing real pants.
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bardspeak · 1 year
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Not pictured: Peebee about to throw a wrench at them.
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n7punk · 1 year
i hate scalpers so much fr
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menacingmetal · 1 year
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thank you sims 4 cc for letting me live out my oc x canon dreams 🥴😵‍💫
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rockatanskette · 1 year
My brother just said I was his best source for information on Superwholock and I don't know how to take that but it does NOT feel like a compliment.
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jazzajazzjazz · 5 months
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She’s here and will smear the walls with you if you stand in her way! Jack is one of my favourite Mass Effect characters and I’ve wanted to make a doll of her for ages. Hope you enjoy!
Everything made by me expect the following:
* Trousers - Kosucas on etsy, modified by me
* Boots - standard Monster High (not sure which doll), modified by me
* Stand - modified basic Monster High doll stand
Original doll is a second hand Cleo de Nile
If you’d like to support a struggling artist commissions are always open (unless otherwise stated) and a link to my Kofi is in my pinned post. ♥
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fantasy-relax · 6 months
If I write about Resident Evil Village assume that Mother Miranda is a good mother and the lords are found family. Because if I'm cooking I'm Gonna use any spice I want to.
Their morals are still messed up, they are messed up. But they are smarter. You need subjects with the will to live so you get more subjects to experiment, so manipulation of the masses, Blablaba.
Anyway. Little thing I thought:
Dimitrescu experiment only in women, Moreau in men. Donna in her dolls(inorganic material) mostly but sometimes in humans. Heisenberg in the dead. The ladies and lord give their dead subjects to Miranda or Heisenberg.
So Donna experiments involve the effect of certain plants in the body and in the cadou. And sometimes if she is bored or curious will include a lot of funny games (mental torture).
Donna using her dolls to carry a dead man.
With Heisenberg.
Karl: This fucker is a midget! Is useless for me!
Donna tilt her head.
Angie: Sorry for not feed your size kink you ungrateful shit.
Karl: I don't have a size kink!
Donna looking around to all the soldats that are beefy tall men. Then keep her veiled head directly in her little brother direction, her face is covered but is seem like she is saying "really?".
Karl blushing: let him and get the fuck out!
Donna just keep looking at him.
Karl crossing his arms: Danke Schwester. Now fuck off!
With Dimitrescu.
Daniela munching an arm: Auntie this delicious!
Bela drinking wine: although is a little spicy.
Cassandra dipping a eyeball in the blood from the open chest: I like it!
Alcina eating a finger: What did you use this time?
Angie: Fox glove, Aconite and Hemlock! It was fun!
Daniela: I can't feel my face
Donna:... Maybe too much Aconite.
With Miranda
Miranda: Donna...
Angie looking at the floor: Donna is not here.
Miranda in mother voice: Donna.
Donna appearing from the thin air with her head bowed and holding her hands on front of her skirt.
Miranda hiding her flinch, sighs: Donna I told you to make him more Tame not destroy his mind completely!
Angie signaling the catatonic man in the floor: He's tame!
Miranda with her arms in her hips.
Donna moves her head to the side.
Angie kicking the floor: I just wanted to play with him a little. I don't had any playmates this week!
Miranda sighing: I would send someone to you tomorrow.
Donna rise her head at Miranda direction.
Angie jumping excited: Yes!
Miranda pointing at the man: But you have to repair his mind
Donna put her hands at her side.
Angie stomping: But is boring!
Miranda crossing her arms and frowning.
Donna sighs audibly but nods, dolls come to pick up the man.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 7 months
What R# Means: The ABC's of Fear.
The grading system used by the OIAR is one of TMAGP's more central mysteries. The show is rife with administrative work that's obfuscated even to the employees that assign each case's rating.
I have my own theory about DPHW that I think is proving more and more likely each episode, but as of yet I don't think a comprehensive theory on CAT# or R# has been given. CAT# is still proving a hard to crack but I now think I can take a strong stab at the meaning behind R#.
Spoilers for TMAGP 1-7 below the cut.
For the people who aren't keeping close track of this I'll break down how those terms are used. Each incident the OIAR assesses is assigned a case number in the following format CAT#R#DPHW. CAT, short for Category, is assigned a value of 1, 2, 3, or any combination of those three digits (12, 13, etc.). R, short for Rank, are graded C, BC, B, AB, A, or S (potentially AS but it's not come up). For DPHW each letter is a category itself and replaced with a digit from 0-9 for its grading. So there are 6 separate statistics that the OIAR uses to assess each incident.
If I'm correct about DPHW it's a ranking based on the qualities the incident presents. That's obviously very valuable information. Because of how CAT# is formatted we know it's likely three non-mutually exclusive facets. I had some idea about what it could be but it's proving quite tricky to nail down.
However it's R# that is the topic of today's post and it's something I've had a few ideas on before. We know can assume from its formatting it's a linear scale. C is the "worst/weakest/etc." while S is the "best/strongest/etc.". Initially, I thought that R# was simply a straight forward ranking of potency or threat. Higher the rank, spookier the incident. Very early on that seemed like a strong idea. It was quickly disproven but I then had the idea that Rank was instead the scale of the effect. Higher the rank, wider the incident. Also quickly disproven.
Now I'm thinking it's graded on how hard it is to deny an incident's supernatural nature. Simply put, an outside observer can more readily find a believable rational explanation for an incident of lower rank than of higher rank. Either via their own conviction to believe the supernatural isn't real, or based on the story the OIAR cooks up to explain it.
For that to make sense it needs to tick two boxes. It needs to be able to be pre-assigned to an incident as all CAT#R#DPHW's seem to be, and it needs to be useful information to track. As they're operating under the assumption that CAT#R#DPHW's can be pre-assigned then they're operating under the assumption that each type of incident is relatively stable. Meaning that the likelihood that it can be rationally explained is also relatively stable. Tick 1. There is also a really strong reason for the OIAR to use this as a grade. They're the Office of Incident Assessment and Response, the Response Department might be dead but it was a part of the initial plan. Grading each incident on how likely they are to cause concern should the details go public is very useful for deciding how to approach any given case. Tick 2.
It being useful is all well and good but it does also need to have some evidence so let's look at our highest ranked incident to this point: CAT23RAB2155 - Transformation (Eye) -/- Trespass. A man grew eyes over his body. That's pretty tricky to explain away as a medical mystery. On the other end of the scale we've got CAT2RC1157 - Dolls (Watching), or CAT2RC3338 -Agglomeration (Miscellany) -/- Congregation†. Just a creepy doll and some crappy antiques. I think of all the incidents the one that's the least immediate fit is CAT3C7494 - Collection (Blood) -/- Musical. Most of that incident is very easy to slot in here. "It's just a violin that has sharp strings, so what?". But it's also a violin that made some people eat some other people. However, mass hysteria events do get reported every so often IRL and do have a very long history. So in the grand scheme of things I don't think the details of the event are necessarily all that outlandish. It's really in the realms of urban legend and witch hunts than it is definitive proof of the supernatural.
With all that out the way this is the broad strokes of how I could see this breaking down. C ranks are things you can entirely write off as urban legends, freak accidents, and stress. Potentially things that might not need any covering up at all. I think the majority of events people could entirely say didn't happen will end up in C. "Of course the doll wasn't watching you, dolls aren't alive". B ranks are things that are harder to entirely discount as things that happened but are themselves still relatively easy to excuse as mundane. "Sure, the circumstances of that blogger's disappearance are strange but people go missing all the time, doesn't mean a monster did it". We don't have any A ranks but given the AB rank we do have I'd say A's are things in which no rational explanation can account for it, and as such require more extensive covering up, if it indeed happened. "Okay, maybe the supernatural is real because people don't just grow eyes like that".
As I mentioned early, an S rank does exist. We've not seen this attributed to anything in the show yet and so it might prove to be a special case. However on Klaus' sheet‡ from the ARG it's attributed to an interesting incident. A CAT1RS[No DPHW] with the note Mr. B. And, well, if you know, you know.
From Klaus' sheet we also know that the higher ranked incidents happen less often than lower ones and that idea generally tracks with what we know of TMP and TMA. The supernatural tends to be something you can explain away. It often is explained away. Incredibly overt manifestations are a rarity.
This one will be a slow burn to see if it bears out. Much like with DPHW's it's only really interesting when things go against the theory. I'm not as certain on this one as I am the DPHW theory but I do think it's got legs with our current data.
† This did also feature people who seemed to erase their physical features from your memory after you interacted with them. This isn't something I mention in the theory because it's not taken into account by the header and case number. A major flaw in the OIAR's methodology here is that all incidents are only ever one thing. So the case number is based solely on the presence of lots of miscellaneous objects, rather than the mind-wiping people carrying them.
‡I have made an incident master doc here, containing all the current cases, their CAT#'s, R#'s, DPHW's, etc. It has about as much information on each as I think is reasonable, including who narrates it, a link to its episode, and any other relevant notes, as well as headers for incidents we didn't hear. Additionally it also contains the Klaus sheet (German and English) and links to it when an incident matches. It will be updated each episode after the episode is publicly available.
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powerpuffobsession · 5 months
I don't like Vaggie getting retconned into an angel
(This one is more of a personal opinion/complaint/vent. I'm just trying to analyze why exactly I dislike this plot change. Viewer discretion is adviced)
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When the leaks first said that would happen, I chose to believe it was fake until the very last second. I remember even denying it in my mind when I started watching season 1, hoping that they haven't implemented such a change....
Because the sinner Vaggie premise had so many interesting possibilities - of making her a person, someone interesting on her own, when separated from Charlie
Her sex worker past (meaning the incoming bonding with Angel Dust over shared trauma), her life in El Salvador, her death age that was supposed to be very young (early 20s dead in 2014) contrasting the other hotel residents exept for Niffty (who's from 50s), an interesting dynamic with Charlie where a human sinner gets together with an ancient demon princess - we were promised all of that.
The fandom built plenty of fancontent on the "sinner Vaggie" basis and got used to it. Not many expected an angel Vaggie, and I remember a lot of people saying that would be too obvious and boring and that that wouldn't happen
And in reality, it turned out to be even worse, in my opinion. Now Vaggie is literally one of the faceless Barbie dolls mass produced by Adam. She's so unimportant in-universe, she got broken and thrown away when she was no longer in use. Very symbolic, don't you think?
Her boss, Adam, is objectively more interesting than she is now! By becoming his inferior, Vaggie lost her miniscule interesting features in favour of being outshined by a male character! The one who mistreated her too. So typical... never change since the pilot era
To add salt to the injury, we learned that Vaggie IS in fact, short for Vagina, and that this "charming" name was given her by Adam, the sexist murderous pig! And she kept that name, as if actually liking it! Great!
(Vaggie being short for Vagatha was still unpleasant because Vivzie's dumb humour was obvious through and through, but a lot less offensive than what we actually got)
(And wow thanks a lot for that Vagatha joke with Sir Pentious. Way to mock the viewers by accentuating what was lost)
Also, Vaggie has basically no backstory now - "she was a murderer, then BAM she's not a murderer anymore, and out of nowhere she became a love interest for the main character". And her sparing a child was honestly such a cheap attempt at pulling at the viewer's heartstrings... why did she spend so many years murdering everyone in her way (making her the most effective exorcist, according to Adam himself!) but suddenly decided not to kill a child sinner? Were there no other child sinners before that one? Besides, it's hell, girl! That child could have drove his peer to suicide or killed animals for all we know!
And we are seriously supposed to care about a character who was a boring basic warrior intended for mass murdering just a while ago? Sure, that cliche can actually work with the right portrayal, but not like this! (Personally, I really felt my interest to Vaggie drop when the angel plot twist was revealed, it was like a cold shower)
That leaves Vaggie no choices of showing any personality whatsoever other than clinging to Charlie and having every moment of her life revolve around being with the princess, loving her and helping her. No thoughts, hobbies, world views and goals of her own. Come on, that's so bland!
Vaggie basically just changed one owner to another - from Adam to Charlie, to completely dissolve in their needs and wants instead of devoting some time to her own (which she can't have because she was born as a slave - that is if exorcists are created by Adam)
I feel like I shouldn't complain. I want to believe that if angel Vaggie was given time and space to develop, I'd like her, but really no... the very idea of making her part of Heaven was still-born to begin with, given the nature of hazbin hotel. This cartoon shot itself in the foot with an awful pacing. In the light of that, making Vaggie a significant part of a plotline that had no time to shine was a choice to avoid
And angel Vaggie should have stayed an urban legend in the fandom instead of making it into the show. I feel sad that for me Vaggie was ruined as Hazbin Hotel's aspect I could have enjoyed
I hope she at least gets more interesting interactions with Charlie and other characters in season 2. The ones in season 1 were not so bad, even if they're not the ones I wanted. And I'm still going to love Vaggie out of habit even if she's not the same anymore. Maybe I'll come around and start loving her as an angel eventually 🤞
P.S. why did they change the delicate white colour of her dress and the light pink colour of her bow to bright red shirt and bow? If she's a angel, wouldn't it have made more sense for her to be wearing pallette that has a bit of white in it to make her stand out? Even in that regard a questionable decision was made, dear god...
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struungout · 2 years
Story Universes
The first thing I’ll say about all this is that I do not have any of these stories actually written down and posted anywhere, so don’t ask me where you can read them. ;P They used to be all based in the roleplays I used to participate in with my former best friend, but since we’re not associating anymore and I have no drive to try opening myself to RPing with anyone else again, all this is just from my own personal daydreaming and whatnot.
While I’ve been tempted now and again to get some of these stories written out, I just don’t have the drive to deal with the writing process.
Anyway, this is a quick little list of the universes the characters most of my dolls represent exist in.
Ghosts & Things
It’s Yu Yu Hakusho meshed with Mob Psycho 100 primarily. Some references to characters from Bleach as well. Basically, if it’s an anime that deals in supernatural elements, it’s probably gonna be referenced in this universe…but it’s mostly YYH and MP100 because they’re the best ones.
Half the story revolves around my character Riyo as she exists in the YYH storyline, and then goes onward to hers and the boys’ lives as adults and parents into the MP100 storyline (which then centers more around Sachi; Riyo and Hiei’s daughter).
Bright Idea
This universe is basically a big amalgamation of a variety of series (primarily anime/manga) into one universe and the story is generally centered around my own characters (Naoko, Jin-ho, Nori, Amaya, etc). It’s generally pretty much a slice-of-life type of storyline with a lot of interpersonal relationship drama and whatnot. It primarily kicks off from when Naoko and Jin-ho are high schoolers and follows them through the creation of their band and on into their musical careers in their 20s and 30s.
Series involved in this universe include (but hardly limited to): Gravitation, NANA, My Hero Academia, Fruits Basket, BNA, DNAngel, Final Fantasy XV.
Tokyo Ghoul
I basically just follow along with the plot of the manga series, but with the addition of my own characters (Leyla, Capria, and Michelle) and the later part of the story changes up a bit with their presence.
Mass Effect
It’s just the original trilogy, but what if Shepard could smooch Joker. xD
Devil May Cry
Another “it’s just the games, but…”, and in this case it’s what if we knew who Nero’s mom was and it was my character Qianna?
(For future reference and in case I forget to update this later on, this description was written when we’d only gotten up to the 5th game out so we don’t officially know who Vergil fucked bahaha.)
Medicine Seller’s hijinks in the modern world, which includes running into my girl Amelia from time to time and seeing how their friendship progresses.
The Netflix series, but Amelia gets to smooch Silco and then later on Viktor and she would die for Jinx because she’s chosen family.
The Witcher
What if Jaskier and Geralt had to put up with a second higher vampire in their adventures?
Final Fantasy VII
There’s yet another chick that thirsts after Cloud, but she thicc.
Cyberpunk 2077
Set in the story of the video game featuring my V (Vesper Sosa). Sometimes it keeps to the canon, but sometimes my imaginings include keeping Jackie Welles around.
Set in either the manga version of the Trigun series, or the Trigun Stampede anime depending on my mood bahaha. Includes my CP2077 character Vesper (same design, but different character from CP2077) as a mercenary that ran with Knives until ideologies clashed and she crosses paths with Vash and crew now and again.
In this universe, Vesper is one of the first attempts at a plant-human hybrid (basically a prototype to Elendria), though in her case she wasn’t created and was human to begin with. In her case, she doesn’t have creation-esque abilities like Knives and Elendria, but her lifespan is much longer than the average human. Her reflexes and senses are also quicker/more powerful than they were originally (particularly her sight). She isn’t able to directly communicate with Plants, but she does have a sense for how they’re feeling in the moment. Her cybernetics are from back when she was still on Earth (needed her vocal chords rebuilt as well as her hands due to an accident).
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 years
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this meme by @voiddemon was too funny to pass up and I want to fill it out for more OCs, but Siwa gets the dubious honor of being up first! I wonder what the Mass Effect equivalent of Minecraft would be. Maybe it’s still just literally Minecraft.
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jslittlebirdie · 11 months
pairing: ledger!joker x GN!reader
summary: You and J spend Halloween together carving a pumpkin and playfully teasing each other.
word count: 679
warnings: slightly graphic language, a bit of innuendo at the end of the drabble
A/N: I haven't written and posted anything in forever. The burnout is hitting hard. So I'm not sure if this little thing turned out well or not. But I want to try to somehow get my creativity and inspiration back. Maybe someone will like it a little bit.
taglist: @alittlesmartcookie @ajokeformur-ray @these-written-reveries
Carving Time
A loud, wet squelching noise echoed through the room as he plunged the blade deeper and deeper into the soft flesh. A greenish strand of hair stuck to his forehead where the sticky, thick liquid had splashed into his face. He frowned in concentration, but his toothy grin gave away just how much he enjoyed it. You watched him with wide eyes, following every single one of his skillful movements. Anyone else would have been frightened by this sight, but not you. You were almost hypnotized, perhaps staring a bit too much at his hands.
A few more well-aimed knife stabs and the sinister deed was done. He smacked his lips in satisfaction and put the knife down. Almost immediately his attention was back on you, dark brown eyes piercing into your soul, causing you to look away, caught, and making him chuckle with amusement. Heat rose in your cheeks, but you tried to ignore it. It was silly and endearing that after all this time he still had the same effect on you. He would probably never say it out loud, but he loved it.
"Was that it, toots? Or is there more I have to take care of, hm? Just say the word and I'll make sure that nothing else will bother ya."
Something in his voice made you shudder, but you leaned in to give him a small peck on his cheek. If you listened carefully enough though, you could hear him softly grumbling under his breath. You would probably have to give him some proper kisses later to make up for it. Especially considering what you were planning to do. "No, no. Thank you, J. I can do the rest alone."
Thanks to his help, you could finally open the cavity. A sweetish foul scent flooded your sinuses and made you cough. But you shrugged it off. Maybe it was a little too unorthodox, but you preferred to use a big spoon to get rid of the guts. And when nothing helped, you stuck your hand in the opening to remove the last remnants. A sensory nightmare, the way the masses felt between your fingers. Slimey and gooey. You grimaced in disgust.
J cackled next to you when he noticed your reaction. You were just too adorable. "Seems like ya need some more training, doll."
You decided to just ignore him. You would get your sweet revenge soon enough. You paused to examine your work and when you thought it was good enough, you reached for the knife. But J was quick to grab your wrist and stop you. He tsk-ed at you and shook his head when he saw your questioning look.
"Not this one. Don't wantcha to get hurt." He rummaged in one of the countless pockets of his royal purple coat until he pulled out a small ordinary kitchen knife. "That's way better."
You huffed. But at the same time, it made your heart feel all warm and fluffy that he cared so much about you. For a brief moment, you questioned your idea. But it was just too good to stop now. Why should it always be him teasing you? Why not the other way around? You smiled innocently at him and then took the smaller knife from him. Luckily, this part of the work didn't take too long. Only a few more cuts were needed to get the desired result.
Finally, you turned around the fully carved pumpkin so that he could see it. You watched him closely, a mischievous grin tugging at your lips. And you got exactly the reaction you expected, it seemed like he liked your Batman pumpkin. His smile immediately dropped and his gaze snapped to you, dark eyes even darker than usual. Once again, anyone else would have been frightened by this sight. But you trusted him. You knew him good enough to see the playful and challenging glint in the darkness of his beautiful eyes. It made you giggle and squeal with anticipation.
"I'll give you a ten second head start. One, two..."
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telleroftime · 1 year
I want to hold tiny Bowser in my cupped hands. I want to boop his little snout. I want to give his face a big smooch. I was to scratch his head. I want to tickle him. I want to pet his tail. I want to call him adorable. I want him to learn to be content with someone doting on him.
At least until he finds a way to get the effects of the power up off.
The best thing about this is that Bowser is always the bigger one. Even in his normal form he's huge. He's used to picking people up whenever be pleases, he's used to looking down at everyone talking to him, he's used to being intimidating, he's used to being stronger.
But he can't do those things when he's small. Nope.
Is he scowling? Well that just looks adorable. You thought he's cute when he pouts normally but tiny Bowser with furrowed brows and crossed arms? That's an invitation to squish his cheeks if I've ever seen one.
Is he trying to breathe fire? It's smoke. Just smoke. A little cough of smoke, I refuse to headcanon it any other way. Or no fire at all, because where would be generate it from? He's too small to successfully grow it.
Is is trying to talk in a grumpy tone? Ha, that isn't gonna work. He's squeaking. High pitched Bowser. Better yet, High pitched, trying to be intimidating, tiny Bowser. He'd demand respect, but how can one keep a straight face when he sounds like he inhaled helium.
And just picture trying to take care of him, but less like trying to take care and more like going about your day and just tending to him whenever you get the chance. Imagine setting up a little desk and chair for him. Unless you make a custom one to fit his tiny size, he'd have to sit in those doll furniture toys. I'm pretty sure there's a barbie chair that exists somewhere.
Just - just imagine Bowser having to sit in a pink chair with a pink barbie table on a doll-sized pillow. Imagine if it's his kid's toys. Imagine his kids 'playing' with him. Tiny Bowser dress up? Does he even have the patience? I have no idea but it's the thought that counts.
And an additional though, I do imagine tiny Bowser would be a lot more squishy than his main form, and I can explain this -
Obviously when he's normal sized all his scales are normal sized too. His muscles have a defined mass to them. They're tough. Right. That mass shrinks when he's tiny. Whatever strength those muscles had, whatever resistance to pressure was present, throw that out the window because suddenly everyone else is stronger. So, no matter if he tenses his muscles, it'd be easy to just squish him. So yeah, squishy Bowser.
Oh and yeah, the second he gets back to his normal size he'd do the same thing to you because lets be honest, "two can play this game".
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aeroblossom · 2 months
midori occupies every crevice in my brain. so here is some aimless and scattered rambling. it is absolutely not organized, and this is a continuation of my last post. please don't come for me
when alice 'killed' him, he didn't bleed. later in the secret repair room, you find a repaired head that reported a broken left eye, which matches what happened to the midori that alice pushed into the fence. the original midori was gone before he even began to recruit the cast. the only surviving bit of his human body we know of were attached to mai, but even mai ends up drilled or otherwise dies after the last trial.
more than half of him is doll, and the only evidence of his humanity has been destroyed. midori creates and destroys dolls of himself and the others as easy as breathing, abuses and torments people and watches them contort mentally and physically with great interest. he despises his entertainment coming to an end. he's aloof most of the time, unless he's bullying the cast and enjoying himself, or angry, disturbed somehow.
i have half a guess that the midoris that recruited the cast are not the same, but rather several different dolls of himself. this way, not only would he have discarded his physical humanity, but also minimized any consequences of him dying. on the one hand, he has trivialized the life of others as well as others, boldly inviting everyone to try and kill him. on the other, he is human yet at heart, fearing death like any other. trivialized is the less than half of him that is still human, like a majority vote, as he is. the game is a great criticism of democracy - the majority decide for everyone. a collective mass with no space for anyone's individual choice, with the few protesting voices silenced. they are trivialized.
an empty human, soulless. a doll. an aloof, empty husk that finds enjoyment only in controlling and torturing. perhaps he feels alive. perhaps he feels the fear of death and remembers his vulnerability, but from a safe distance, able to detach himself from it.
him having multiple replacements for himself would also mean he is, in a way, immortal. i assume every midori has the same personality, at least. that would be shedding the final layer of being human: mortality.
but one thing remains - shin tsukimi, living with midori's real name and a living caricature of who sou hiyori was. midori is a bit obsessed with him and who he was before he stole midori's name and adopted his general demeanor - the ai shin is a timid, but kind and sweet presence, like shin before the game. midori remarks that he regrets not being able to be the one who kills him. as infatuated as he is with the kindly ai shin, his love of control is first, and when pushed far enough, he 'kills' the ai shin too.
but why this, seemingly, immense need to lose one's humanity? something to do with what he was as a normal human at the beginning of everything? does being human impede him somehow? though regardless of how much he runs from it, he ends up with the very human fear of death all the same, a lack of control over his destiny, a lack of control in general. he loses all composure once he's seen through. the dolls establish that they have a right to make their own choices, and thus that makes them human - breaking shackles, freeing themselves of their circumstances, of control. this was midori's trump card over them - the ultimate trap, death. he puppeteered them by abusing their human psyches and weaknesses and hanging it over their necks like a guillotine, until the same guillotine chopped off his own head in the end.
having seen kai's episode, i wonder what kind of effect his mother had on him. i'll call her mrs hiyori. in her first interaction with gashu, she seems the picture of a great mother, giving him the right advice for kai and sei. gashu takes it to heart, and the results are extremely positive as well. but once the objective is complete, her attitude flips on its head. she suffocates gashu with his circumstances. she forces him to choose one, not the other. she changes as she sees fit, displaying that same suave manipulation midori is famous for. i don't think i covered nearly everything i wanted to say, but this will do for now
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tacosaysroar · 4 months
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I feel like I post about my neighbor’s gardenias every year, so you’re probably tired of hearing about them, but my god are they in rare form right now. The smell would lift you off your feet and float you around the corner like Pepe Le Pew.
Ebunnyzer Scrooge is now officially living in the guest room. We still have toys (on the highest shelves) and boxes to move, but it’s safe for her and it’s given her a new space to explore. Plus, how cute is she in this old doll bed?
Slowly but surely, prednisone is making this poison ivy/oak/sumac or whatever it was go away. Fingers crossed on no unpleasant side effects before my 12 days are up.
Mass text from the trainer at 10:30 p.m. saying he no longer works for the gym. He says we’re free to reach out for details and he hopes to keep working with us. There’s popcorn-eating drama happening there. Like, jumbo sized. Deeply curious. But in the meantime, who’s covering my 6:00 workout tomorrow?
These Quest cheese crackers are my new snack obsession.
Adelaide got me a very pretty coleus in a cobalt blue pot for (belated) Mother’s Day, which is now outside in the (partial) sun.
A scant 4 days until my next NFA visit ❤️
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