#my diet so it’s a slow process to test out the advice. but so far it seems to be helping! either that or the slight improvement is coinciden
the-trans-dragon · 2 years
I’m discovering an important part of aging. If I have a problem that I’ve never found help for, I have to manually ask myself, “How long has it been since you tried?”
If it’s been 3+ years, there’s sometimes new tools or strategies or knowledge, and it is crucial for me to periodically check for new help for old problems. Otherwise I will just suffer needlessly. Even 1 chronic thing is fucking exhausting and it’s so cool to finally finally finally get it fixed, even if there isn’t help for all of my Health Stuff.
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eazy-group · 1 year
Carolyn lost 80 pounds
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Carolyn lost 80 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Carolyn lost 80 pounds. Her journey began after she had a stroke in 2019 and she has been committed to good nutrition and exercise ever since. She feels blessed to have a second chance at life. #fitover60
Social Media: Facebook: Carolyn J. Yancey
When did you start your journey? I started in 2019 after my stroke
What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? In 2019 I had a stroke and the doctors told me if I wanted to turn my health around I had to make some changes in my nutrition and exercise regimen moving forward. I made a decision that day to turn my life around and live. Did I want to give up, how many times? (Every day, I had to fight through my emotions). I also had a heart monitor on when I left the hospital and my kidney had been damaged. What inspired me was wanted to live for myself first and my family, did not need to be burying me. I had to trust the process and go through the test on blind Faith.
How did you change your eating habits? I realized that I could not outwork a bad diet, no matter how much exercise I did. I had to change my eating habits. The first things I stopped were sodas, chips, candy bars & fast foods. I took baby steps with each thing item I changed. I stated grilling, baking & air-frying. Some days I passed the test and some days I had to start over. I cooked more food from home and ate healthier choices. I also had to give myself “Grace” daily. I was not a perfect but working to perfect my bad habits.
What is your workout routine? I actually workout with some sisters every morning with weights and sometimes without. I track my steps daily (at lease 10,000 or more), and use cardio videos (chair or standing). We have even done line dancing in a chair. I also walk every evening at our community track and ride my stationary bike at times. 
How often did you work out? I work out daily, doing some form of activity.
What was your starting weight? In 2019, it was 270 pounds.
What is your current weight? It is 190 pounds.
What is your height? I’m 5’2″.
How long did your transformation take? It took me four years, I slow walked it out and now I am a four year stroke survivor.
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? I never had weight loss surgery.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? I learned that it is never too late to start over; sometimes you have to do it alone. I am 67 and just beginning to love myself and stay consistent. By staying consistent, I reversed my kidney disease and they are normal now. I no longer wear a heart monitor and I’m working full-time. I feel blessed to have a second chance at life. 
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Ladies this might be hard for some but I didn’t see the changes until I started taking pictures (even when I said I don’t like to take them). I also did measurement and lost a lot of inches. Take those pictures and trust the process.
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petulantskeptic · 4 years
Death of the calorie
For more than a century we’ve counted on calories to tell us what will make us fat. Peter Wilson says it’s time to bury the world’s most misleading measure BY PETER WILSON The first time that Salvador Camacho thought he was going to die he was sitting in his father’s Chrysler sedan with a friend listening to music. The 22-year-old engineering student was parked near his home in the central Mexican city of Toluca and in the fading evening light he didn’t notice two tattooed men approach. Tori Amos’s hit, “Bliss”, had just started playing when the gang members pointed guns at the young men. So began a 24-hour ordeal. Strong willed and solidly built, Camacho was singled out as the more stubborn of the pair. He was blindfolded and beaten. One robber eventually threw him to the ground, put a gun to the back of his head and told him it was time to die. He passed out, waking in a field with his hands tied behind his back, almost naked. Camacho survived but, traumatised, he sank into depression. Soon he was drinking heavily and binge eating. His weight ballooned from a trim 70kg to 103kg. That led to his second near-death experience, eight years later, in 2007. He remembers waking up and blinking at bright lights: he was being wheeled on a stretcher into a hospital emergency ward, with an attack of severe arrhythmia, or irregular heart beat. “A cardiologist told me that if I didn’t lose weight and get my health under control I would be dead in five years,” he says. That second crisis forced Camacho belatedly to deal with the trauma of the first. To help with what he now understands was post-traumatic stress disorder, he started having counselling and taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs. To address his physical health, he tried to lose weight. This effort propelled him to the centre of one of the most fraught scientific debates of our age: the calorie wars, a fierce disagreement about diet and weight control. Today, more than a decade after his cardiologist’s stark warning, Camacho lives in the Swiss city of Basel. He is relaxed and confident, except when two topics come up. When he recounts his kidnapping his gaze drops, his smile vanishes and he becomes noticeably quieter, although he says his panic attacks have virtually disappeared. The other touchy topic is weight control, which causes him to shake his head in anger at what he and millions of other dieters have gone through. “It’s just ridiculous,” he says with exasperation and a touch of venom. “People are living with real pain and guilt and all they get is advice that is confused or just plain wrong.” The guidance that Camacho’s doctors gave him, along with a string of nutritionists and his own online research, was unanimous. It would be familiar to the millions of people who have ever tried to diet. “Everybody tells you that to lose weight you have to eat less and move more,” he says, “and the way to do that is to count your calories.” At his heaviest, Camacho’s body-mass index – the ratio of his height to his weight – reached 35.6, well above the 30 mark that doctors define as clinically obese. Most government guidelines indicated that, as a man, he needed 2,500 calories a day to maintain his weight (the target for women is 2,000). Nutritionists told Camacho that if he ate fewer than 2,000 calories a day, a weekly “deficit” of 3,500 would mean that he would lose 0.5kg a week. With a desk job as a planning engineer in a Mexican hospital, he knew it would take real discipline to trim his pudgy frame. But as his kidnappers had quickly realised, he is an unusually determined character. He began getting up before dawn each day to run 10km. He also started accounting for every morsel of food he consumed. “I filled in Excel spreadsheets every night, every week and every month listing everything I ate. It became a real obsession for me,” says Camacho. Out went the Burger King Whoppers, fried tacos packed with pork and cheese, and tortas (Mexican sandwiches filled with meat, refried beans, avocado and peppers). Out too went his usual steady flow of beer and wine. In came carefully measured low-fat cheese and turkey sandwiches, salads, canned peach juice, Gatorade and Coke Zero, with three Special-K low-calorie diet bars a day. “I was always tired and hungry and I would get really moody and distracted,” he says. “I was thinking about food all the time.” He was constantly told that if he got the maths right – consuming fewer calories than he burned each day – the results would soon show. “I really did everything you are supposed to do,” he insists with the tone of a schoolboy who completed his homework yet still failed a big test. He bought a battery of exercise monitoring devices to measure how many calories he was expending on his runs. “I was told to exercise for at least 45 minutes at least four or five times a week. I actually ran for more than an hour every day.” He kept to low-fat, low-calorie food for three years. It simply didn’t work. At one point he lost about 10kg but his weight rebounded, though he still restricted his calories. Dieters the world over will be familiar with Camacho’s frustrations. Most studies show that more than 80% of people regain any lost weight in the long term. And like him, when we fail, most of us assume that we are too lazy or greedy – that we are at fault. As a general rule it is true that if you eat vastly fewer calories than you burn, you’ll get slimmer (and if you consume far more, you’ll get fatter). But the myriad faddy diets flogged to us each year belie the simplicity of the formula that Camacho was given. The calorie as a scientific measurement is not in dispute. But calculating the exact calorific content of food is far harder than the confidently precise numbers displayed on food packets suggest. Two items of food with identical calorific values may be digested in very different ways. Each body processes calories differently. Even for a single individual, the time of day that you eat matters. The more we probe, the more we realise that tallying calories will do little to help us control our weight or even maintain a healthy diet: the beguiling simplicity of counting calories in and calories out is dangerously flawed. The calorie is ubiquitous in daily life. It takes top billing on the information label of most packaged food and drinks. Ever more restaurants list the number of calories in each dish on their menus. Counting the calories we expend has become just as standard. Gym equipment, fitness devices around our wrists, even our phones tell us how many calories we have supposedly burned in a single exercise session or over the course of a day. It wasn’t always thus. For centuries, scientists assumed that it was the mass of food consumed that was significant. In the late 16th century an Italian physician named Santorio Sanctorius invented a “weighing chair”, dangling from a giant scale, in which he sat at regular intervals to weigh himself, everything he ate and drank, and all the faeces and urine he produced. Despite 30 years of compulsive chair dangling, Sanctorius answered few of his own questions about the impact that his consumption had on his body. Only later did the focus shift to the energy different foodstuffs contained. In the 18th century Antoine Lavoisier, a French aristocrat, worked out that burning a candle required a gas from the air – which he named oxygen – to fuel the flame and release heat and other gases. He applied the same principle to food, concluding that it fuels the body like a slow-burning fire. He built a calorimeter, a device big enough to hold a guinea pig, and measured the heat the creature generated to estimate how much energy it was producing. Unfortunately the French revolution – specifically the guillotine – cut short his thinking on the subject. But he had started something. Other scientists later constructed “bomb calori­meters” in which they burned food to measure the heat – and thus the potential energy – released from it. The calorie – which comes from “calor”, the Latin for “heat” – was originally used to measure the efficiency of steam engines: one calorie is the energy required to heat 1kg of water by one degree Celsius. Only in the 1860s did German scientists begin using it to calculate the energy in food. It was an American agricultural chemist, Wilbur Atwater, who popularised the idea that it could be used to measure both the energy contained in food and the energy the body expended on things like muscular work, tissue repair and powering the organs. In 1887, after a trip to Germany, he wrote a series of wildly popular articles in Century, an American magazine, suggesting that “food is to the body what fuel is to the fire.” He introduced the public to the notion of “macronutrients” – carbohydrates, protein and fat – so called because the body needs a lot of them. Today many of us want to monitor our calorie consumption in order to lose or maintain our weight. Atwater, the son of a Methodist minister, was motivated by the opposite concern: at a time when malnutrition was widespread, he sought to help poor people find the most cost-effective items to fill themselves up. To see how much energy different macronutrients provided to the body, he fed samples of an “average” American diet of that era – which he believed to be heavy in molasses cookies, barley meal and chicken gizzards – to a group of male students in a basement at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. For up to 12 days at a time a volunteer would eat, sleep and lift weights while sealed inside a six-foot-high chamber measuring four feet wide by seven feet deep. The energy in each meal was calculated by burning identical foods in a bomb calorimeter. The walls were filled with water, and changes in its temperature allowed Atwater to calculate how much energy the students’ bodies were generating. His team collected the students’ faeces and burned that too, to see how much energy had been left in the body in the digestion process. This was pioneering stuff for the 1890s. Atwater eventually concluded that a gram of either carbohydrate or protein made an average of four calories of energy available to the body, and a gram of fat offered an average of 8.9 calories, a figure later rounded up to nine calories for convenience. We now know far more about the workings of the human body: Atwater was right that some of a meal’s potential energy was excreted, but had no idea that some was also used to digest the meal itself, and that the body expends different amounts of energy depending on the food. Yet more than a century after igniting the faeces of Wesleyan students, the numbers Atwater calculated for each macro­nutrient remain the standard for measuring the calories in any given food stuff. Those experiments were the basis of Salvador Camacho’s daily calorific arithmetic. Atwater transformed the way the public thought about food, with his simple belief that “a calorie is a calorie”. He counselled the poor against eating too many leafy green vegetables because they weren’t sufficiently dense in energy. By his account, it made no difference whether calories came from chocolate or spinach: if the body absorbed more energy than it used, then it would store the excess as body fat, causing you to put on weight. That idea captured the public imagination. In 1918 the first book was published in America based on the notion that a healthy diet was no more complicated than the simple addition and subtraction of calories. “You may eat just what you like – candy, pie, cake, fat meat, butter, cream but count your calories!” wrote Lulu Hunt Peters in “Diet and Health”. “Now that you know you can have the things you like, proceed to make your menus containing very little of them.” The book sold millions. By the 1930s the calorie had become entrenched in both the public mind and government policy. Its exclusive focus on the energy content of food, rather than its vitamin content, say, went virtually unchallenged. Rising incomes and greater female participation in the workforce meant that by the 1960s people were eating out more often or buying prepared food, so they wanted more information about what they were consuming. Nutritional information on foodstuffs was widespread but haphazard; many items carried outlandish claims about their health benefits. Labelling became standardised and mandatory in America only in 1990. The emphasis and use of this information shifted too. By the late 1960s, obesity was becoming a pressing health concern as people became more sedentary and started eating highly processed foods and lots of sugar. As the number of people who needed to lose weight grew, changing diets became the focus of attention. So began the war on fat, in which Atwater’s calorie calculations were an unwitting ally. Because counting calories was seen as an objective arbiter of the health qualities of a foodstuff, it seemed logical that the most calorie-laden part of any food item – fat – must be bad for you. By this measure, dishes low in calories, but rich in sugar and carbohydrates, seemed healthier. People were increasingly willing to blame fat for many of the health ills of modern life, helped along by the sugar lobby: in 2016, a researcher at the University of California uncovered documents from 1967 showing that sugar companies secretly funded studies at Harvard University designed to blame fat for the growing obesity epidemic. That the dietary “fat” found in olive oil, bacon and butter is branded with the same word as the unwanted flesh around our middles made it all the easier to demonise. A us Senate committee report in 1977 recommended a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet for all, and other governments followed suit. The food industry responded with enthusiasm, removing fat, the most calorie-dense of macronutrients, from food items and replacing it with sugar, starch and salt. As a bonus, the thousands of new cheap and tasty “low-cal” and “low-fat” products which Camacho used to diet tended to have longer shelf lives and higher profit margins. But this didn’t lead to the expected improvements in public health. Instead, it coincided almost exactly with the most dramatic rise in obesity in human history. Between 1975 and 2016 obesity almost tripled worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation (who): nearly 40% of over-18s – some 1.9bn adults – are now overweight. That contributed to a rapid rise in cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke) which became the leading cause of death worldwide. Rates of type-2 diabetes, which is often linked to lifestyle and diet, have more than doubled since 1980. It wasn’t only wealthy countries that saw such trends. In Mexico, middle-class urban families such as Camacho’s got fatter too. As a child Camacho was fit and loved playing football. But at the age of ten, in 1988, he was one of many young Mexicans who started stacking on weight as increasing trade with America saw cheap sweets and fizzy drinks flood the shops, a process known as the “Coca-colonisation” of Mexico. “There were suddenly all these flavours you had never tasted, with chocolates, candies and Dr Pepper,” Camacho remembers: “Overnight I got fat.” When his uncles teased him about his bulging waistline, he cut back on sweets and stayed in good shape until his kidnapping 12 years later. Other Mexicans just kept bulking up. In 2013 Mexico overtook America as the most obese country in the world. To combat this trend, governments worldwide have enshrined calorie-counting in policy. The who attributes the “fundamental cause” of obesity worldwide to “an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended”. Governments the world over persist in offering the same advice: count and cut calories. This has infiltrated ever more areas of life. In 2018 the American government ordered food chains and vending machines to provide calorie details on their menus, to help consumers make “informed and healthful decisions”. Australia and Britain are headed in similar directions. Government bodies advise dieters to record their meals in a calorie journal to lose weight. The experimental efforts of a 19th-century scientist stand barely changed – and are barely questioned. Millions of dieters give up when their calorie-counting is unsuccessful. Camacho was more stubborn than most. He took photos of his meals to record his intake more accurately, and would log into his calorie spreadsheets from his phone. He thought about every morsel he ate. And he bought a proliferation of gadgets to track his calorie output. But he still didn’t lose much weight. One problem was that his sums were based on the idea that calorie counts are accurate. Food producers give impressively specific readings: a slice of Camacho’s favourite Domino’s double pepperoni pizza is supposedly 248 calories (not 247 nor 249). Yet the number of calories listed on food packets and menus are routinely wrong. Susan Roberts, a nutritionist at Tufts University in Boston, has found that labels on American packaged foods miss their true calorie counts by an average of 8%. American government regulations allow such labels to understate calories by up to 20% (to ensure that consumers are not short-changed in terms of how much nutrition they receive). The information on some processed frozen foods misstates their calorific content by as much as 70%. That isn’t the only problem. Calorie counts are based on how much heat a foodstuff gives off when it burns in an oven. But the human body is far more complex than an oven. When food is burned in a laboratory it surrenders its calories within seconds. By contrast, the real-life journey from dinner plate to toilet bowl takes on average about a day, but can range from eight to 80 hours depending on the person. A calorie of carbohydrate and a calorie of protein both have the same amount of stored energy, so they perform identically in an oven. But put those calories into real bodies and they behave quite differently. And we are still learning new insights: American researchers discovered last year that, for more than a century, we’ve been exaggerating by about 20% the number of calories we absorb from almonds. The process of storing fat – the “weight” many people seek to lose – is influenced by dozens of other factors. Apart from calories, our genes, the trillions of bacteria that live in our gut, food preparation and sleep affect how we process food. Academic discussions of food and nutrition are littered with references to huge bodies of research that still need to be conducted. “No other field of science or medicine sees such a lack of rigorous studies,” says Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at Kings College in London. “We can create synthetic dna and clone animals but we still know incredibly little about the stuff that keeps us alive.” What we do know, however, suggests that counting calories is very crude and often misleading. Think of a burger, the kind of food that Camacho eschewed during his early efforts to lose weight. Take a bite and the saliva in your mouth starts to break it down, a process that continues when you swallow, transporting the morsel towards your stomach and beyond to be churned further. The digestive process transforms the protein, carbohydrates and fat in the burger into their basic compounds so that they are tiny enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream via the small intestine to fuel and repair the trillions of cells in the body. But the basic molecules from each macronutrient play very different roles within the body. All carbohydrates break down into sugars, which are the body’s main fuel source. But the speed at which your body gets its fuel from food can be as important as the amount of fuel. Simple carbohydrates are swiftly absorbed into the bloodstream, providing a fast shot of energy: the body absorbs the sugar from a can of fizzy drink at a rate of 30 calories a minute, compared with two calories a minute from complex carbohydrates such as potatoes or rice. That matters, because a sudden hit of sugar prompts the rapid release of insulin, a hormone that carries the sugar out of the bloodstream and into the body’s cells. Problems arise when there is too much sugar in the blood. The liver can store some of the excess, but any that remains is stashed as fat. So consuming large quantities of sugar is the fastest way to create body fat. And, once the insulin has done its work, blood-sugar levels slump, which tends to leave you hungry, as well as plumper. Getting fat is a consequence of civilisation. Our ancestors would have enjoyed a heavy hit of sugar perhaps four times a year, when a new season produced fresh fruit. Many now enjoy that kind of sugar kick every day. The average person in the developed world consumes 20 times as much sugar as people did even during Atwater’s time. But it is a different story when you eat complex carbohydrates such as cereals. These are strung together from simple carbohydrates, so they also break down into sugar, but because they do so more slowly, your blood-sugar levels remain steadier. The fruit juices that Camacho was encouraged to drink contained fewer calories than one of his wholegrain buns but the bread delivered less of a sugar hit and left him feeling satiated for longer. Other macronutrients have different functions. Protein, the dominant component of meat, fish and dairy products, acts as the main building block for bone, skin, hair and other body tissues. In the absence of sufficient quantities of carbohydrates it can also serve as fuel for the body. But since it is broken down more slowly than carbohydrates, protein is less likely to be converted to body fat. Fat is a different matter again. It should leave you feeling fuller for longer, because your body splits it into tiny fatty acids more slowly than it processes carbohydrates or protein. We all need fat to make hormones and to protect our nerves (a bit like plastic coating protects an electric wire). Over millennia, fat has also been a crucial way for humans to store energy, allowing us to survive periods of famine. Nowadays, even without the risk of starvation, our bodies are programmed to store excess fuel in case we run out of food. No wonder a single measure – the energy content – can’t capture such complexity. Our fixation with counting calories assumes both that all calories are equal and that all bodies respond to calories in identical ways: Camacho was told that, since he was a man, he needed 2,500 calories a day to maintain his weight. Yet a growing body of research shows that when different people consume the same meal, the impact on each person’s blood sugar and fat formation will vary according to their genes, lifestyles and unique mix of gut bacteria. Research published this year showed that a certain set of genes is found more often in overweight people than in skinny ones, suggesting that some people have to work harder than others to stay thin (a fact that many of us already felt intuitively to be true). Differences in gut microbiomes can alter how people process food. A study of 800 Israelis in 2015 found that the rise in their blood-sugar levels varied by a factor of four in response to identical food. Some people’s intestines are 50% longer than others: those with shorter ones absorb fewer calories, which means that they excrete more of the energy in food, putting on less weight. The response of your own body may also change depending on when you eat. Lose weight and your body will try to regain it, slowing down your metabolism and even reducing the energy you spend on fidgeting and twitching your muscles. Even your eating and sleeping schedules can be important. Going without a full night’s sleep may spur your body to create more fatty tissue, which casts a grim light on Camacho’s years of early-morning exertion. You may put on more weight eating small amounts over 12-15 hours than eating the same food in three distinct meals over a shorter period. There’s a further weakness in the calorie-counting system: the amount of energy we absorb from food depends on how we prepare it. Chopping and grinding food essentially does part of the work of digestion, making more calories available to your body by ripping apart cell walls before you eat it. That effect is magnified when you add heat: cooking increases the proportion of food digested in the stomach and small intestine, from 50% to 95%. The digestible calories in beef rises by 15% on cooking, and in sweet potato some 40% (the exact change depends on whether it is boiled, roasted or microwaved). So significant is this impact that Richard Wrangham, a primatologist at Harvard University, reckons that cooking was necessary for human evolution. It enabled the neurological expansion that created Homo sapiens: powering the brain consumes about a fifth of a person’s metabolic energy each day (cooking also means we didn’t need to spend all day chewing, unlike chimps). The difficulty in counting accurately doesn’t stop there. The calorie load of carbohydrate-heavy items such as rice, pasta, bread and potatoes can be slashed simply by cooking, chilling and reheating them. As starch molecules cool they form new structures that are harder to digest. You absorb fewer calories eating toast that has been left to go cold, or leftover spaghetti, than if they were freshly made. Scientists in Sri Lanka discovered in 2015 that they could more than halve the calories potentially absorbed from rice by adding coconut oil during cooking and then cooling the rice. This made the starch less digestible so the body may take on fewer calories (they have yet to test on human beings the precise effects of rice cooked in this way). That’s a bad thing if you’re malnourished, but a boon if you’re trying to lose weight. Different parts of a vegetable or fruit may be absorbed differently too: older leaves are tougher, for example. The starchy interior of sweetcorn kernels is easily digested but the cellulose husk is impossible to break down and passes through the body untouched. Just think about that moment when you look into the toilet bowl after eating sweetcorn. As with so many dieters, Camacho’s efforts to accurately track his calories “in” were doomed. But so too were his attempts to track his calories “out”. The message from many public authorities and food producers, especially fast-food companies that sponsor sports events, is that even the unhealthiest foods will not make you fat if you do your part by taking plenty of exercise. Exercise does, of course, have clear health benefits. But unless you’re a professional athlete, it plays a smaller part in weight control than most people believe. As much as 75% of the average person’s daily energy expenditure comes not through exercise but from ordinary daily activities and from keeping your body functioning by digesting food, powering organs and maintaining a regular body temperature. Even drinking iced water – which delivers no energy – forces the body to burn calories to maintain its preferred temperature, making it the only known case of consuming something with “negative” calories. A popular expression in English tells us not to “compare apples and oranges” and assume them to be the same: yet calories put pizzas and oranges, or apples and ice cream, on the same scale, and deems them equal. After three years of dedicated calorie-counting Camacho changed tack. While recovering from running the 2010 marathon in San Diego he took up Crossfit training, an exercise regime that includes high-intensity training and weightlifting. There he met people using a very different method to control their weight. Like him, they exercised regularly. But rather than limiting their calories, they ate natural foods, what Camacho calls “stuff from a real plant, not an industrial plant”. Fed up with feeling like a hungry failure, he decided to give it a go. He ditched his heavily processed low-calorie products and focused on the quality of his food rather than quantity. He stopped feeling ravenous all the time. “It sounds simple but I decided to listen to my body and eat whenever I was hungry but only when I was hungry, and to eat real food, not food ‘products’,” he says. He went back to items that he’d long banned himself from eating. He had his first rasher of bacon in three years and enjoyed cheese, whole-fat milk and steaks. He immediately felt less hungry and happier. More surprising, he quickly began to lose his extra fat. “I was sleeping so much better and within a couple of months I stopped the depression and anxiety medication,” he says. “I went from always feeling guilty and angry and afraid to feeling in control of myself and actually proud of my own body. Suddenly I could enjoy eating and drinking again.” The weight stayed off and in 2012 he moved to Heidelberg in Germany, a world away from the hectic streets of Mexico, to study for a masters degree in public health. “The idea hit me that I could combine my own experience with academic work to try to help other people overcome these various barriers that I had found.” After his masters he embarked on a doctorate on how to tackle obesity in Mexico. Today he is married to a German scholar, Erica Gunther, who has studied food systems around the world. Their diet includes things he used to shun, such as egg yolks, olive oil and nuts. Two days a week the couple stick to vegetarian meals but otherwise he devours steak, kidneys, liver and some of his favourite Mexican dishes – barbacoa (lamb), carnitas (pork) and tacos with grilled meat. His wife enjoys making a traditional Mexican sweet pastry called pan de muerto (bread of death). “Before I would have run an extra two hours to compensate for eating that but now I don’t care, I just make sure it is a treat, not an everyday thing.” Having spent years trying to forgo alcohol, he has a glass or two of wine several times a week, and goes for a beer with friends from his gym. Sweating through three or four workouts a week, he is as well-muscled as a professional rugby player. A stable 80kg, he has very little body fat, though he is still considered overweight by the body-mass-index charts, which rate many beefed-up professional athletes as too heavy. The only relapse of anxiety he suffers nowadays happens when he hears Tori Amos singing “Bliss” – the song playing when he was kidnapped – which he says “is a real pity because it’s a great song”. Today Camacho could be described as a calorie dissident, one of a small but growing number of academics and scientists who say that the persistence of calorie-counting compounds the obesity epidemic, rather than remedying it. Counting calories has disrupted our ability to eat the right amount of food, he says, and has steered us towards poor choices. In 2017 he wrote an academic paper that was one of the most savage attacks on the calorie system published in a peer-reviewed journal. “I’m actually embarrassed at what I used to believe,” he says. “I was doing everything I could to follow the official advice but it was totally wrong and I feel stupid for never even questioning it.” Given the vast evidence that calorie-counting is imprecise at best, and contributes to rising obesity at worst, why has it persisted? The simplicity of calorie-counting explains its appeal. Metrics that tell consumers the extent to which foods have been processed, or whether they will suppress hunger, are harder to understand. Faced with the calorie juggernaut, none has gained wide acceptance. The scientific and health establishment knows that the current system is flawed. A senior adviser to the un’s Food and Agriculture Organisation warned in 2002 that the Atwater “factors” of 4-4-9 at the heart of the calorie-counting system were “a gross oversimplification” and so inaccurate that they could mislead consumers into choosing unhealthy products because they understate the calories in some carbohydrates. The organisation said it would give “further consideration” to overhauling the system but 17 years later there is little momentum for change. It even rejected the idea of harmonising the many methods that are used in different countries – a label in Australia can give a different count from one in America for the same product. Officials at the who also acknowledge the problems of the current system, but say it is so entrenched in consumer behaviour, public policy and industry standards that it would be too expensive and disruptive to make big changes. The experiments that Atwater conducted a century ago, without calculators or computers, have never been repeated even though our understanding of how our bodies work is vastly improved. There is little funding or enthusiasm for such work. As Susan Roberts at Tufts University says, collecting and analysing faeces “is the worst research job in the world”. The calorie system, says Camacho, lets food producers off the hook: “They can say, ‘We’re not responsible for the unhealthy products we sell, we just have to list the calories and leave it to you to manage your own weight’.” Camacho and other calorie dissidents argue that sugar and highly processed carbohydrates play havoc with people’s hormonal systems. Higher insulin levels mean more energy is converted into fat tissues leaving less available to fuel the rest of the body. That in turn drives hunger and overeating. In other words the constant hunger and fatigue suffered by Camacho and other dieters may be symptoms of being overweight, rather than the cause of the problem. Yet much of the food industry defends the status quo too. To change how we assess the energy and health values of food would undermine the business model of many companies. The only major organisation to shift the emphasis beyond calories is one dedicated to helping its customers slim down: Weight Watchers. In 2001 the world’s best-known dieting firm introduced a points system that moved away from focusing exclusively on calories to also classifying foods according to their sugar and saturated fat content, and their impact on appetite. Chris Stirk, the firm’s general manager in Britain, says the organisation made the change because relying on calories to lose weight is “outdated”: “Science evolves daily, monthly, yearly, let alone since the 1800s.” Many of us know instinctively that not all calories are the same. A lollipop and an apple may contain similar numbers of calories but the apple is clearly better for us. But after a lifetime of hearing about the calorie and its role in supposedly foolproof diet advice we could be forgiven for being confused about how best to eat. It’s time to lay it to rest.
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playquiz · 5 years
Why I didn’t eat for 72 hours
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At 2:30 pm on Sunday, February 25, she stopped eating for 72 hours until 2:30 pm today, Wednesday, February 28.
Which raises the question: "Why do you do that?"
why not? I love testing my mental stability, and after all, I read about the benefits of more extended fasting, he was eager to take advantage of the positive effects. Why fast? We eat at regular intervals every day for many reasons, but perhaps the main reason is that we have been adapted this way. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are recognized on the day when most people stop eating, and as if that was not enough, there are also opportunities for food between those meals called "snacks." But there's no fixed biological rule that says we need to eat every 4-6 hours, but we've trained our bodies with these regular eating patterns to feel hungry at these times and because it makes it a more social event. We are told that if we don't eat regularly, all sorts of harmful things that may happen to us for a long time "little and often" is the slogan. But human species would not have survived as long as they exist if regular eating is a necessity. Fasting has never been promoted because it is a concept that no one will make money because it will not contribute to the sales of the comprehensive display of snacks that have become available over the past five years and are worth billions. Many foods in our modern diet (especially cereals and sugars), along with eating always, have made our bodies lazy and have stopped their ability to work in their energy stores. Fasting forces your body to function as it is designed and able to get rid of various sources of fuel. I have tried intermittent fasting for eight years now and have tried many different methods, but so far it has been my most extended speed for 24 hours, usually once a week. The health benefits of fasting As is often known, short-term discomfort can lead to long-term benefits, and this is what attracts me in these crazy experiences, and I like to try them. But much research has shown that there are many benefits to fasting. The body reacts well to acute (non-chronic, which has quite the opposite effect) and exits the other side stronger. Getting out of your comfort zone causes your body to thrive and become weaker as a result of not doing so often enough other parts of our lifestyle, not just in terms of nutritional terms. Self-phagocytosis (literally "self-eating") is central to the benefits of fasting and is essentially a biological process that plays a significant role in the body's ability to detoxify, repair, and renew itself. By activating the autophagy process, your body will start killing or eating cells that accumulate as a result of your lifestyle or cleaning dead, diseased or worn-out cells. But some of these elements are difficult for us to control. It is like our bodies built-in a recycling system that allows us to work more efficiently and help ward off many diseases, including preventing the growth and development of cancer. Not only that, but low autophagy (a condition in which many diets leave us) leads to accelerated cell aging. It's also amazing how much research has focused specifically on how fasting promotes autophagy in the brain and can be a very effective way to slow neurodegeneration that can help protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. On top of all this, regular fasting helps reduce chronic pain, rheumatic diseases, high blood pressure and anything related to inflammation. Fasting is much more beneficial than just stimulating the removal of all old cellular parts and damaged toxins, as it stimulates the human growth hormone (which has decreased in my life about 40% since I was in my twenties) which enables our bodies to start producing some of the cells that Recently Renovated, HGH is also responsible for maintaining and building lean muscle mass that when in their forties is not as easy as it used to be. Extended fasting forces the body to use stored glucose and fats, but it also breaks a large portion of white blood cells. If you know the role that white blood cells play about our health, this does not sound good news. Still, the depletion of white blood cells causes changes, even with a short 3-day fast that has been shown to replenish immunity. The system begins with research that indicates the starvation of a kick. The body's stem cells produce new white blood cells, which fight infection. Scientists also found that prolonged fasting also reduces the enzyme PKA, which is associated with aging and a hormone that increases the risk of cancer and tumor growth. But you have to get rid of old things before you start bringing in new ones, so the process of destruction is just as necessary as the process of creation. What stops autophagy? Eating food. It does not take much, and for this, the autophagy is unique to fasting and something. So  How do you fast then? Do not eat anything. Drink only water. Not much, not much. • Do the same activity for you. Sleep as much as you feel you need. I went to live as usual (although it was -8 here in Switzerland so I didn't walk as much as I usually do) and did two sessions about right or wrong body weight, one on the first day and the other on the third day. The advice also tends to make sure you spend a week not eating a lot of carbohydrates, reduce your caloric intake a little and try some short fasting. But I always eat more at this time of year and more carbs, so I didn't follow the rules there either. The only thing that I thought was good is that February is not a month of coffee for me, so there are no caffeine withdrawal symptoms for anxiety. What happened when fasting? Sunday at 2:30 pm they ate the last meal Weight: 57 kg The first day: Monday 6:30 am: Wake up, leave the rest of San Pellegrino from last night. Weight: 56.7 kg 7 am: I had to prepare breakfast for the rest of the family and prepare packed lunches that weren't a big deal today because I wasn't hungry at all and usually don't eat until 10:30 am anyway. 8.30–9.30 am a boot camp with mainly bodyweight exercises but few with extra weight. It was 8 o'clock outside this morning, so we made the indoor choice. As I said, the advice is not to participate in any "formal" exercise, but so far, my day is, as usual, I ignored it. Take sips of water throughout the exercise and may only drink 250ml of water. Midnight: The first sign of hunger as I felt (and heard) my destroyed stomach but wore quickly after two cups of warm water. I discussed putting a slice of lemon in there but then decided I didn't want my taste signal to stimulate my body to digest mode. 2.30 pm: 24 hours of fasting and feel good. It's strange because I did a lot of fasting 24 hours (usually one per week), and I'm always happy when it's time, and I can eat again but this time is different. Since I know, I cannot eat for another two days. My body is not asking for food. I am fascinated to see what "real" hunger looks like. 4:00 pm: I went to buy food! How inappropriate it is for my family to keep eating all this time (totally not suitable for children by the way, just in case you thought this was a serious comment). I bought some of the things I used to breakfast and even seeing a tattoo of all the food didn't make me want anything. I have always had a strong determination to take on any challenge that I have seen, and this is no different. I even made banana bread (which I love) and prepared carrots and chickpeas for girls after having a snack at school. 7.00 pm: I'm still not hungry, it's the weirdest thing. It might contain about a liter and a half of water yet. You must be careful not to drink too much. 8:00 pm: Time seems to be moving slower... It is very productive and does not eat. I have accomplished so much! 10:30 pm The second day: Tuesday 6:30 am: I woke up after a perfect sleep but felt a little shaky. He had some warm water and sat for only 10 minutes. After about an hour, I felt normal again. Weight: 55.6 kg 10:30 am: Even though I haven't eaten more than 44 hours yet, I'm still not hungry. Don't worry, though, my mind feels some mystery. I wonder if this is from toxins coming out of damaged cellular material and throwing them into the bloodstream? I don't feel tired or lethargic. 2.30 pm: 48 hours. 24 hours to go! 7.00 pm: Hungry at dinner time, but I still prepare dinner and sit with my family while they were only eating to be social. I love to challenge myself! 8:00 pm: Fasting and hunger cannot be noticed when you are busy, so it was a good opportunity to be truly productive. 9:00 pm The Epsom salt bath was bothering me, so I went straight to bed after 10 pm. The third day: Wednesday 6:30 am: I woke up feeling shaky again and made a decision not to do Bootcamp today... but then I felt fine and changed my mind and thought I would do as little or as much as I could. Weight: 54.6 kg 8.30–9.30 am. I surprised myself and worked pretty much as usual, which I found very strange due to the lack of glycogen in my muscles. He even threw a few batches there! A little excited to eat again later in the day, and I'm glad I started fasting at 2:30 pm, which isn't long to wait for now. Midnight: It seems like the day is going slowly. Strange I don't have these outages in the food, but I think I am beginning to expect this now until my mind gets ready and becomes patient. So, write this blog to keep it busy. 2.30 pm It's over, I did. 72 hours without food. But what is happening now? How do you end fasting? How to end fasting "safely." "Refeeding" is the process of providing food steadily to your body in a way that does not completely break down your system. The most significant danger is something called a refeeding syndrome, as reinserting food increases insulin to the point that causes an unsafe situation. It is often a worry about fasting five days or more, and when you lose a lot of body weight. To prevent this from happening, you must steadfastly resubmit foods to the body over a day or two, and move steadily to the top of how difficult it is to digest something, ending in meat. Some say that you should refeed any number of fasting. But what I find strange is that many tips on fasting indicate that you should start with fruits and vegetables because they are easy to digest. Plants make sense, but fruit? Most fruits have a relatively high glycemic index, which means a significant rise in insulin. I no longer eat a lot of fruit anyway stuck with some green vegetable soup. I'm also going to dynamically relocate the small intestine (healthy bacteria that live inside your gut) in the next few days with some vegetable powders, pickled cabbage and kefir, which are all great sources of probiotics. The next thing on the list is desiccated coconut meat because it is shallow in blood sugar and rich in fat, which is the only significant nutrient that does not increase insulin. What then? Overall, this was a very positive experience. My mentality has been tested again, which I think will always stand well about other challenges that come my way. There were hardly any negatives, and hopefully, the few positives have been entirely animated by the positives. It will be interesting to know how long it takes to replace glycogen and the weight of the water and how it will feel to re-enter the food. As I said, there is an incredible number of health benefits of fasting so I will continue intermittent fasting every day (fasting for 14-16 hours each day and having an 8 to 10-hour intake window is the preferred method). I will probably repeat fasting for three days like this every three months. Disclaimer: As with all self-experiences on your body, they are not suitable for everyone and if you have any doubts, consult your general physician before performing any type of fasting. For example, it is not ideal for pregnant women or children.
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5 strategies Success for A Ketogenic Diet
Phase 2: Continue.cyclic get near.shrinks to 0.5-1 gram per pound of body mass.On low-carb days.[strive] for the higher end of chemicals protein array. On high-carb days, Ultra X Boost Testosterone Reviews levels may increase. Forget low ketogenic diet, society carbs. A few complex carbs into method - escalating carbs have got in abundant in fiber or have a minimal glycemic index (GI) worthy of. Low GI foods will usually be complex carbohydrates, associated with simple greater refined carbs, and can sometimes your glucose level stable and provide a steady supply of energy. To let means such as grainy breads, wholegrain cereals, brown rice and rice. True, is actually very not simple to prepare a diet plan ketosis diet plan menu for women. More so, is actually usually not feasible for Ultra X Boost Testosterone Review X Boost Testosterone Pills you adjust your eating styles. But, if in order to seriously planning on losing weight fast, why think about all the hardships when, instead, you'll reflect close to benefits of the aforementioned healthy diet plans? This is important facts about mind set and an awesome convincing power-from you healthy and balanced . you. Yes, you read it correct-you be compelled to convince yourself to create cutting down on calories ketosis diet plan menu for women and adhere to it without hesitations. Not easy, right? The people who simply possess a new breakfast, lunch and dinner so they do not get fed up with foods, kind always individuals. They are always guessing at what meal they are about to eat if it fits their objectives and goals. They find out AFTER they have eaten it again. What I though is pull out my collection of recipes from magazines and cookbooks to obtain some advice. Yes I all of them every week and merchandise in your articles choose re-decorating . ones I have found many gear towards cooking healthy meals. Ketones are derived fat from the bloodstream, trend is modern fat a person need to eat or fat can burn. If you decide to eat a meal heavy in fat then it immediately make use of a testing strip, then you'll see a dark purple end product. Use the strips as a guide, but are rarely getting hung on the shade. To stay on forever. Wintertime usually you also must be feel the keto guidelines plan's perhaps not diverse enough in regards to nutritional recognize. Obviously that is not even in the facts. If selected, Ultra X Boost Testosterone Pills the man can bring back to a regular cyclical cyclical ketogenic eating plan. Most diet routines are calorie-reduction diet solutions. They enable you shed weight, but the pounds is from extra fat and some of it's from lean muscle mass. Whilst may possibly possibly look smaller around the scale, your metabolism it's actually slowing alongside. The far more muscle you lose the slower your metabolic process will be. This might losing weight more hard and adding extra pounds back again even quicker.
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
What 26 Years of Processed Foods Does to Your Body
Years Living With Processed Foods
How long have you been living with processed foods?
“Please help me go, please help me go” —a breath prayer I often said aloud for years while sitting in the Loo (i.e. on the toilet)—in the pit of discomfort!
I often just WANTED (and needed) to “go,” but, many times, I not able to “go” for days. 
Constipation is Real
Stuck—often times how I felt in my own skin. Stuck in my gut. Constipated. And like my body was at war, in my own skin. 
At age 26, even though I ate “healthy” (on paper), something was not right. 
Greens? Check.
Sweet potatoes? Check. 
Salmon? Check.
Almonds? Check.
Eggs? Check. 
Broccoli? Check. 
Coconut Butter and Coconut Oil? Check.
I was doing ALL the “right things,” so why did it have to hurt so much?
Answer: Healthy “being” goes far beyond diet alone. 
At least once you’ve been enlightened…
Exhibit A: Day 1 Nutrition School (You & I Are NOT Alone)
“Stand up and introduce yourself. What got you interested in studying nutrition?” the teacher said. 
One by one, my class of about 40 other aspiring nutrition therapy practitioners had to stand up and give their “elevator speech” as to why we were all sitting upright in the classroom, pen and paper in hand, eager, anxious and beaming with BIG vision, to learn how to save the world one  food myth at a time. 
As we went around the room sharing our stories, one by one, we also began to realize that…we were not alone. 
Many of my fellow classmates were survivors of the processed-food, antibiotic, vaccine, sedentary lifestyle and chronic disease generation, and somehow, had all lived to tell about it.
“My son was diagnosed with Autism, and the doctors told me there was nothing we could do about it except lots of therapies and behavior plans. So I did some research myself, and began to find stories about the brain-gut connection—how food can influence how we think and help kids with Autism. As a family, we started the GAPS diet, and my son, who was non-verbal, said his first words,” Charlotte said. 
“I was a vegetarian and vegan for over 15 years, and on the cusp of my 30th birthday, I got sick—really sick,” Lynan said. “My skin was pale, my hair started falling out, my nails were brittle, I was tired all the time, lost my period, and began experiencing bloating around meals all the time. Something wasn’t right. I thought it was something to do with my hormones, or maybe mono, or anemia, so I went to a doctor a friend recommended and he said nothing was wrong with me.
I just needed to eat meat again, telling me, “You know you are doing the same thing to your body that inhumane chicken and beef farms do to their animals—feeding them lots of grains and processed foods, restricting them from all the nutrients their bodies need to thrive. Your body needs balance,” …I was so desperate for anything to feel better, so I gave it a try, and within a matter of months, all my health problems went away. I got my period and energy back, the bloating subsided and I felt better than I had in those 15 years,” Lynan said.  
“I got terminal brain cancer. The doctors gave me 2, maybe 3 months, to live, and told me it had spread through every bone in my body and that there was nothing I could do,” Bob said, adding, “But then I looked on the nutrition label of the tube-feeding formula the healthcare company sent me, only to see the worlds ‘Nestle’ and ‘high fructose corn syrup’ on the ‘medicine’ meant to help me get the extra nutrients I needed, and I thought, ‘There’s got to be another way.’ So I decided to start juicing my own food and smoothies for my feeding tube, and just ate real food. Months later, I was completely cancer free and years later, I have a son they never told me I could have and I lived to tell about it. I want to help people,” Bob said. 
Mic drop. 
Nope. None of us were alone. 
What 26 Years of Processed Foods Does to Your Body
We all have a story. Often times, multiple stories. That shape us for the better or the worse. Your stories are written via your life experiences, and chances are, when it comes to your health, you’ve had multiple experiences that have set the stage for where your body (and health markers) are today. 
Even if you “eat healthy” and “do all the right things” today, your past experiences paved way for the way you feel (or don’t feel) now.
I’m a Survivor
Hi, I am Lauryn and I am a survivor of the processed food, “take a Tylenol or Tums” (for everything), antibiotic, “drink juice as your water,” frozen broccoli (with cheese sauce), Lean-Cuisines-and-Quest-Bars are convenient (and healthy) generation.
 For the first 26 years of my life, my body didn’t see a real food—really. 
Sure, I ate Fiber One cereal, not Cookie Crisp, for breakfast.  Packed 99% lean turkey on whole wheat bread with pretzels (not chips) for lunch (with the special occasion Pizza Lunchable).  Noshed on apple slices (with Peter Pan peanut butter), or string cheese and whole grain Wheat Thins between meals, and I ate a low-fat dinner, including a protein, starch and veggie with a glass of milk most nights for dinner…but even though I was eating “healthy,” (according to Standard American Diet criteria), my body did not see a real food. 
Fast forward to my teens and college years, when I began to make my own food choices for myself, I looked to magazines, social media, and Google for advice on what to eat (and not eat), following hundreds of food rule under the sun. If it was deemed “healthy,” or “clean” by Shape or Cosmo, it was “a-ok “with me including: protein bars and protein powders, frozen dinners, raw veggies, tons of nuts and almond butter, egg white omelets, and no carbs, no meats or no fats (depending on the popular trend at the time).
Eating disorder treatment is a whole other can of worms complicating the story. Over the accumulated three years of my life spent in inpatient treatment centers and hospitals, along with the 15 years of meal plans with prescriptions to eat McDonald’s Egg McMuffins and Dairy Queen Blizzard’s, I equally did not see (or eat) a real food—at least not much of it. 
The universal theme? My body—namely my gut—didn’t know how to deal with the influx of foods that were difficult to digest.  The result? A host of inflammation and imbalances. 
Even though, at age 26 I found “real food,” was well beyond my eating disorder and discovered the art of “stressing less,” I had ALOT of “damage” to heal and make up for from the previous 26 years of my life. 
In short: How you feel today (or how you will feel tomorrow, or 10-50 years from now) is a result of the choices you made years ago.
Survey Says
I spent the entire 26th year of life, studying nutrition and forming the foundations of my current functional medicine, nutrition and therapy business. 
The next year, I found myself in two rigorous functional medicine trainings and sinking my teeth (and brain) into anything that explained more about WHY I felt the way I felt (i.e. constipated and bloated ALL the time), trying to understand WHY it seemed like no doctors could help me just feel good in my own skin.  Instead of believing “bloating and constipation are just a part of life,” I dedicated my studies and used my body as my own experiment to find out if healing was truly possible. 
The following images from a few of my lab tests are just a glimpse of what 26 years of processed foods, lifestyle and gut stress does to your body. 
Cause: Malnutrition, lack of essential fatty acids, inability to absorb nutrients (“leaky gut”) and bacterial overgrowth
 SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
Cause: High grain consumption, low stomach acid, stress, overtraining, artificial sweeteners, low fat diets, FODMAP foods, antibiotics, processed and packaged foods
 High Cortisol (i.e. stress hormone)
Cause: “Leaky gut,” overtraining (or sedentary lifestyle), lack of quality sleep, lack of water, burning a candle at both ends (trying to do it all), gut-inflammatory foods and food intolerances, high caffeine or sugar/artificial sweetener consumption, NOT going with your gut (and being true to yourself), LED light/screen exposure
The Bottom Line
Knowledge is power, and healing IS possible—(even with 26 years+ of processed foods and other health stressors under your belt).
The secret? 
It goes far beyond “clean eating”….
How to Heal Your Gut
It’s easier than you think.  It involves 3 simple steps: 
Step 1: Identify the Underlying Root Cause(s) of your Gut Issues
(note: even if you don’t have bloating or IBS or constipation, skin issues, allergies, thyroid/hormone imbalances and “slow metabolism” issues ALSO are often rooted in your gut)  often made out to be more complicated than it is. Common “root causes” of gut issues include:
Environmental toxic burden
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Parasites, fungal or bacterial infection
Dysbiosis (imbalanced gut bacteria)
Food intolerances 
Intestinal permeability
Chronic infections (Lyme, Ebstein Barr)
To figure out your root causes, the fastest route to seeing a clearer picture of everything going on is testing (not guessing) your health woes. Work with a functional medicine practitioner who can help you decide what (if any) testing may be helpful including: 
Stool testing
Comprehensive blood chemistry testing (not just a CBC)
SIBO breath testing
Organic acids testing
DUTCH hormone/cortisol testing
IgG, IgA, IgE food intolerance/allergy testing
Heavy metals/essential nutrients testing
Step 2: Get Back to the Basics
You cannot supplement or eat your way out of a stressful lifestyle. The “unsexy” simple health basics are game-changers for calming stress AND gut healing including:
Eating a nutrient-dense, whole-foods ancestral diet (proteins, carbs and fats included)
Drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water daily
Taking a quality probiotic, prebiotics and eating fermented and prebiotic foods daily
Sleeping 7-9 hours per night
Resetting your circadian rhythm (limiting screen exposure/artificial light at night; eating at normal times; getting fresh air)
Daily movement/exercise (but not TOO much)
Step 3: Heal (Don’t Manage) Your Symptoms
Healing your gut is not just about taking probiotics and drinking kombucha. Once you identify your ROOT causes of your gut imbalances, you must take action steps to HEAL your gut (not just manage gut health or suppress symptoms).
This step will be unique to you and is best first accomplished with the guidance of a skilled practitioner. Request a complimentary 10-minute consult with Dr. Lauryn’s clinic today to start your own healing journey. 
  The post What 26 Years of Processed Foods Does to Your Body appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/what-26-years-of-processed-foods-does-to-your-body/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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benzilla80 · 6 years
Waterous Trail on Foot 50 Miler – The Resurrection
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The Backstory
The lead up to this race had been a pretty solid one by my standards. WTF 100 miler in 2015 was a qualifier race for another 100 miler on the Australian east coast. After nearly a year of waiting, I was accepted to race in the Great Southern Endurance Run (GSER) A 181km 10,000m vertical gain alpine race. Fast forward almost another year and the race is fast approaching this coming November.
I will try not to wander to far from this race, but it was all part of my preparation. My GSER training program involved nearly a year’s worth of ‘racing diet’ Both for financial and racing effort reasons. Since Australia Day Ultra in January until GSER in November, there was to be only one race, and that was a ‘test and tune’ event. WTF50 was perfect. Local, I knew the course and it was a chance to test out some things under race conditions.
Training involved a good base of 100km weeks before training even started. Bread and butter weeks including one interval session, one tempo session and one long run as the foundation. The first few weeks were 6 days a week with easy volume runs filling in between the harder workouts, then I swapped to 7 days a week and targeted at least 2,00m elevation gain. The training week of WTF was a 130k week with an extremely short 3-day taper.
What The Actual Race Day
I got as early a night as I could, and rose on the first alarm, quietly got ready and drove myself to the start line with an instant packet of porridge warming my belly. The drive was dark, wet and not exactly inspiring for what lay ahead.
I arrived at the meet point a bit early and was not sure of the new parking area, eventually, I found the toilets and parking area and Sergio was also wandering about in the rain looking for the start. A few moments later a stream of cars rolled in and it was on. I parked and walked behind my car to get my gear out and stood in a large puddle…. great.
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Race director Dave Kennedy (DK) arrived in the big orange bus and we get through the drop bag process quick and easy then take the short walk through the early daw sunlight to the start line proper. It’s raining lightly and I am in two minds about keeping my hooded jacket on or not, I hate running in that thing, yet didn’t want to spend all day wet either, so it stayed on.
Race line brief, I hit my watch to get the location and it has an update waiting for me…. c’mon really? You need to do this now?! (I ended up starting the race without it tracking and got it sorted on the go, but that explains the minute difference between my watch time and gun time)
We set off and I’m about mid-pack and 50 meters into the race the lead guys run right by the first turn and take half the pack with them. I call out and everyone gets back on track among a few laughs. I find myself running with a person I didn’t recognise, Thomas with another lady I didn’t recognise Martina. Both looked springy and ready to go and as Chris and Andrew joined me they pulled ahead. The boys and I had agreed to run together for as long as it worked as a Runningworks Team, which I was happy for. The company was nice and I offered a few tips and laughs along the way. Both those guys had potential to win, and now there were two other factors I had not considered opening a gap ahead. I told the guys to be patient, 80k is a long way.
The first 5km is mostly downhill, so I tried to keep the pace comfortable but not silly. I said to Andrew “forget the split times and think of the split effort, consistent effort is more important than maintaining a specific number, some will be fast, some will be slow so think of the overall effort” I had planned my effort to be above training but stay below racing pace.
Things were going well, Martine came back to the group on one of the last big downhills before the river and Thomas opened the gap more and more. Our group of three crossed the river and began the next long 1.6km climb. I was happy to use my poles and run walk this, Chris seemed eager to run more and Andrew was happier to listen to his wife’s advice “winners walk the hills” Either way, we stayed pretty much together and were on the more runnable stuff into Kingsbury Drive Aid Station holding a nice pace and chatting away. Our average was pretty much 8 hours flat and Thomas was out of sight, a quick glance behind saw a few runners not far back, also in good spirits.
We round the last bend and I ask the guys if they were stopping and both said yes. I mentioned I needed to get my jacket off and have a pee so they might catch me then, but I avoid stopping at stations if I don’t have to. I had packed enough gear to not stop and ran right thought “307 in…307 out”
I would not see the boys again until Goldmine Hill’s out and back leg.
Running solo, I expected to slow down a bit, but managed to hold some pretty good pace on the hard-packed trail between the Kingsbury rd. crossing, around the plantation and into the ‘lil bitch’ (a term I use for my second most disliked part of the course, not an official name haha) the first of two rolling technical hills sections that can be tough in both directions, at least this year was a one way trip for me. A few hiking breaks and 6-7minute km’s saw me through to the Boyd Road section in pretty good shape. It was here my heart rate was elevated when I saw two rather large off leash Rottweilers running towards me with a small third dog in chase…. ALARM! The owner was close by and called the dogs and thankfully they had a great recall and decided against chewing on the skinny runner passing by! Just before leaving the road section I saw Chris’s wife Sandy and the rest of the support team at the junction. I appreciate the cheers guys. This was followed by a right turn and ‘big bitch’.
Part two of the rolling hill sections. It’s really not that bad, and many a runner would take it in their stride, but it’s enough to break your rhythm and technical enough to make you consider your footing and conserving the quad strength, it’s too soon to be burning them up. A few slower km’s and I took the chance to cram in some calories, after all the more you eat the less you have to carry! A couple of great single-track kilometres saw me popping out at the North Dandalup Dam Aid Station. 30km into the race and my first official stop. “307 in” and I was greeted by the lovely Kel, Harms and Jez at the table. “4 minutes behind the leader Ben” They took my rubbish and passed me my drop bag containing a kids sized packet of plain chips, a mini can of ginger ale and one Winners bar. I can’t remember if I had my bottles filled, I don’t think so?! I ate the chips, drank the drink and pocketed the bar “307 out” and was on my way. 30th kilometre was 7:15, so probably puts the total aid stop somewhere between 90 seconds and two minutes before setting out over the picturesque dam wall. 6 minutes behind Thomas.
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As I crossed the wall in clear blue skies and tried to take in the views I reflected on two things, one was immediate and one was more philosophical. Firstly, was race related, Thomas was 6 minutes ahead, that’s a pretty solid kilometre gap and I figured I would see him in the next hour, or I would never see him again and the dark house effect had taken place once again like a Survivor blind side. Only time would tell. Secondly was a conversation I had with a hiker one day during training “runners see twice as much but only half as good” SO I made the effort to take in the views on the go, to really see twice as much
From the dam wall to the Out and Back Aid Station is my favourite part of the course. Even though it’s hilly it is still my favourite. Rolling single tracks, perfect for mountain bikers. Bermed banks and bush right up to the trail edge. I didn’t even mind the puddles or diversion around large fallen trees, plus I was almost halfway and the average pace was still sub 8-hour finish.
35.5km and I pop out at the Out and Back Aid Station, this year a full aid station and I cruise right through to complete the out and back leg before stopping. The volunteers cheer and I start the climb over Goldmine Hill, now officially on the local favourite 6 Inch Trail Marathon course heading towards it’s start. I break out the poles and run walk my way over the top and part way down to the 50 mile turn around. All the while wondering “Has Thomas opened the gap and run away, or will I see him any second?” Passing the Dodd’s sign, I see him on the return trip and we both look at our watches. As we crossed I gave him a cheer but I don’t think he heard me as he had headphones in, he was also climbing and probably doing the maths, as was I.
I hit the run and take two steps more, just to be sure and start my way back with that number locked in my mind, I pass the sign and #margiemaths has the gap back to 4 minutes, so I had clawed back the two-minute aid stop but at what cost? Hiking over the top with my poles clicking away I see SJ, it actually took at least 30 seconds for me to place the face and name but I got there in the end and smiled my way over the hill, stowed my poles and ran down the backside of Goldmine Hill towards resupply.
“307 in” and I find a bin to drop my rubbish and grab my drop bag. I pass on the chips and just drink the ginger ale. Helped by Elise and another lady I recognised but could not place a name, I’m bad with names until I hang out with them, sorry for not being able to thank you by name! I donate my ration of snake lollies to the aid station kitty as I still had a few left from the start of the race and stow my re-filled soft flask bottles. DK mentions I am looking in good shape and I feel pretty good at the halfway mark. In the parting seconds of the stop I cross paths with the leader of the 100 mile race, Nate. He is looking fresh as a daisy! With the roar of four people clapping it’s “307 out” and I’m starting the longest leg, 25km to the fabled Treasure Island at Oakley Dam.
The first half of this leg goes smoothly, I see the 100 pack coming past on their journey to Jarradale where I started and they all seem in good spirits and fairly spread out. I wish them all luck and they all cheer back, some saying “he’s right there” or similar but I was yet to see Thomas through he tree’s so I dismissed it as well meaning motivation but maybe not entirely accurate, #margiemaths really was a thing after all! It took until the sharp left turn across the rickety old wood bridge before I caught a glimpse of first place. I didn’t push or try to close the gap. I just maintained the same effort and let the cards fall where they may. At almost 48km we were should to should at the base of a long climb. We hiked for quite a long time (about 9 minutes!) and chatted about all sorts of things while we worked the hill. I took the chance to get some calories in knowing there was some runnable km’s coming up before the Del Park Road crossing. We crested the main climb and started running together, Thomas stayed with me for a while but seemed to drop off the back. Not sure if he stopped on purpose for a toilet break or just slowly slipped behind but the last I saw him at that stage was a cheer as we passed 50.1km, I called over my should “happy distance PB” we laughed and I turned my attention to my own effort and now had to make some decisions.
The section to the road crossing seemed to take a while and I tried my best to just run by feel and not try to run away from Thomas. I felt he had gone too hard too early and would now slip back in the pack as Chris and Andrew would be not far back, they were about 10-12 minutes back at Goldmine when I saw them there. From here I tried to dial the effort back a bit, this was a training run after all so I fell into the habit of looking back (which I always try not to do) and let myself hike more than I would if I was racing super hard. This had a weird effect on me and I hit my first low point of the race. My right wrist was getting sore when using the poles and I had to stop using them after the technical section from Del Park Rd and just ran the gentle climbs like Deadpool with my sticks strapped across my back. Hiking more than I wanted but I was also in a bit of a funk. Running past Tuner’s Hill (Aid 1 at 6 Inch) I berated myself for so many little hikes and committed to run to the Scrap Road crossing, “all the way, no walking, this is all runnable” I wanted to cruise slowly and consistently, but found I would run fast and get tired and the urge to walk was overwhelming. Weirdly, I felt exactly the same here at last year’s 100, and was passed in the exact same spot to slip from 2nd the 3rd (hat tip to Rob) I found the urge and saw a car coming which I think had a relay runner in it, he said “are you coming first?” and I replied “yes mate” trying to smile on the outside and “ gave me a cheer “that’s awesome, looking great” “thanks mate” as I passed by desperately trying to stay running. I knew the road was close now and was confident I was going to hold up my end of the deal and run all the way, before I hit a small rise and without permission my legs stopped running and I turned into a real life Jekyll and Hyde, right there out loud arguing with myself like a crazed lunatic “You f#$%ing P#$%y” “it is a training run, I don’t need to race that hard” “a deals a deal and you folded” Seriously, the weirdest conversation I have ever had and I was all alone. The rise was over and I was back running, chin up chest out in a bit of disbelief regards the last 30 seconds of my life.
I pass the start of the 3 Inch Trail Half Marathon course and begin the climb to the radio tower. I run the flatter stuff and hike the steeper parts, but walked almost a km solid to the top, eating what I can and drinking what I need to. Looking back, doing (now silent) deals with myself. As I pass the tower with the rumble of the conveyor belts to my left I feel the pull of Treasure Island and running down the other side I feel the funk passing. I see the relay guys again at the turn and they tell me I look fantastic and I confess “I’m not exactly feeling it” “I don’t think you are supposed to at 60km!�� I cross the conveyor belt overpass thinking that he is right, I’m on target for a 8:30 finish and I had let my nutrition slip a bit that last long leg so of course I was feeling it. I ate another gel to be sure as I passed the ‘scarecrow’ and made the climb up towards Treasure Island.
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I roll down the hill and can see signs posted for the runners, all pirate themed as the fabulous Treasure family embrace their name sake Aid Station. The road is lined with cars and there are people moving about. I hear a lady say to her daughters “her comes first place” and I smile. I don’t normally run this end of the field, only ever come first once before so it was a special feeling. I roll into Treasure Island to claps and cheers from a swarm of pirates. “307 in.”
I hand off one bottle to get me to the finish and leave one half full bottle in my vest. Blue is there with my drop bag, Frank fill my bottle and tried to give me a shot of rum, Ben and Shirley are right there packing my vest with my ‘to go’ bag and my other secret weapon, a small bottle of kids red fruit juice. That stuff sends kids crazy at parties, perfect for ultra-runners! I donate another small serve of chips and snakes to the aid station and finish my ginger ale. I mention that I really wanted to hit a sub 8:30 but I’m not so sure now and Blue does the maths for me “two hours to do 16 and a half kays’, no worries” (or to that effect) Going to be close but doable if I keep my head in the game. As I finish my drink Blue says, “don’t let us keep you” and two to three minutes later “307 out.”
Oakley Dam is a short 2km out and back that means you need to leave the marked Munda Biddi Trail. It also means you can once again see some of the field. I was expecting to see Chris or Andrew next, but was surprised it was Thomas, still holding on and still running. Kudo’s to him! Back to the scarecrow that is one of two danger points for navigation and has a history of runners missing the turn. As I was making the final turn back onto the trail I crossed paths with Aaron, but he was coming out of the trail and asked if he was going in the right direction. I confirmed the way to Oakley Dam and thought that was a good catch on his part in correcting the navigation mistake.
From here I was on the last leg, the final pull of the finish was there and the earlier pity party was wrapped up. The food was working and the mission was 16km in under 2 hours but to not destroy myself, maintain the faster than training, slower than race but should someone close the gap be prepared to run hard. The kilometres ticked by and I was happy with the effort. I drank my kids juice, tried to eat a bar but was over the dense food and only ate half of it. Not long later I ate two snakes, no point carrying them all the way and I continued to feel good.
Then it happened and for a moment I thought my race was done. As I neared the turn taken in the 6 Inch race that heads up to Aid 2, I began to cough. I had one almighty cough that was so violent my balls hurt and I doubled over and staggered to the side of the trail. Out of nowhere. I clutch my crotch and suppress the urge to cough again, I didn’t want the pain and I didn’t want to vomit. The urge passed and I got moving again, hesitant but moving. I had no idea where that came from and it worried me for a few seconds, but everything stayed down and the cough was a once off. I had a drink and decided to back off the eating for a little while. Pace came back and I was on my merry way, praying that didn’t happen again!
From here I hit a left turn onto the last of the notable climbs, mixed walk and run to get it done then steady pace, now alert for on coming mountain bikers heading out from Dwellingup. The effort is perfect, I do feel the miles but I’m not ‘running for my life’ Down the first powerline section and I have my final gel of the day and a drink. This section is open gravel road and I left the downhill flow, not even worried about looking back anymore. I feel if anyone catches me from here I can push it home. I just take in the trail, even saw a train! That’s a weird feeling seeing a steam train moving through the scrub where you had no idea there was train tracks! Now enjoying myself I sipped my water and did my best to avoid the run off puddles, one section of single track was impossible to avoid, it usually is so I just ploughed on through. Less than 10km with wet socks was fine, they had been wet most of the day anyway.
Second powerline section and into the Marrinup Maze. Five kilometres to home. One parkrun. Passing through the campground I have one last look back and can only see campers. I enjoy running the winding single track, taking in the berms and not caring about the puddles. Running well I think that this is what today was about. Not winning or leading or any of that stuff, but running well on tired legs. The training part of today. Manage the effort, be running well at the end and somewhere between 8 and 8.5 hours. A win was cream on the cake, or more accurately new shoes on my feet.
I pass the familiar farm with the hole in the shed and pigs, the dog barks at me as I run past, as Alexis predicted and now only 3km to go.
I pass some hikers and their border collie out for a casual walk, must be close now. I hear the noise of a country town and know in my bones it’s close and then I see a yellow trail marker. The original last turn to the finish. Now a four-way junction, and DK’s races have used all four in the past. There is no tape, I stand still in the junction and process my options and decide to follow the trail markers to the train tracks and see some tape at the upcoming road junction. I made the right choice and pop out once again on Del Park Road to a sign 50M to FINISH with an arrow.
I make the final turn and scan around looking for a finish line. The pub is busy, there are people in the park and I look both ways as I cross the train lines then ahead I see my youngest son running towards me, then comes my oldest into view and I choke back a sob. They had other plans that day and I didn’t expect to see them or my wife at the finish. I gathered them around my arms and jogged over the road to the group outside a small building. “where’s the finish line?” “you’re standing on it” and a wave of relief sweeps me as I pause my watch and look down.
It says 8:19.49, which was corrected to 8:20 and change considering my watch took a minute to sort itself out on the start line. Almost an hour faster than my 2014 race. I was pumped with the result, and stoked to have my family there to share it.
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A word of warning to runners in DK’s events, if you have an issue with the course marking, be prepared to do something about it! Dave grabbed some tape and joked about sending me back out, but I also know he was recovering from a 200 mile race himself. So, I gathered the kids and Alicia and we took a slow stroll back to the four-way junction to put some tape down for the next runners. Thomas ended up holding second for the last 30km running sub 9 hours on his 50 mile debut.
 A special thanks to DK and his wife Belle for putting on a great event, even getting us some sunshine during the day. To the aid station teams who put so much work, time, money and effort into helping us runners. Many are friends already and I can’t thank you enough.
 Fast and Dirty Stats
Distance – 81.8km, 8 hours 20minutes, average pace 6:06/km
Calories consumed – Approx. 1,000 – 1,100, (7,000 burnt)
Water consumed – 2.5 litres, Kids Juices – 3, Mini Ginger ales – 3
Shoes – Altra Superior 3.0’s, Innov-8 mud sock with Stone Free Running Gaiters (also recommend Treasure Gaiters if you are in the market)
Shirt – TEAM RUNNINGWORKS tech shirt, Innov-8 Race shell when it was wet.
Poles - Carbon Fibre Z Poles
Vest, Salomon S/Lab 12 set
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luciddeparture · 4 years
Is sleep for the weak?
If you had spoken to me a few years ago about sleep, I probably would have told you that sleep was for the weak. In reality that was just an excuse. I couldn’t sleep and even if I wanted to I couldn’t. When I did it would often lead to me waking up from sleep paralysis. Throughout high school my average night of sleep would last around 5-6 hours. That’s when I could sleep. When I couldn’t, it would be far worse, leading to me having pretty severe concentration issues and regular naps. To maintain energy levels at school and work I pursued a healthy diet of constant caffeine followed by an excessive amount of sugar.  When the weekends came around, I would regularly go out till ungodly hours of the morning, often leaving myself with the equivalent of jet lag. I used to think it strange that people went to sleep before 12am as I felt like this was when my own brain finally started to wake up. 
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Flash forward to where we are now and sleep is something which I prioritise. I aim to have no less than eight hours a night (albeit with a few exceptions). Such a dramatic shift in my priorities came in part to being sick of constantly feeling like I didn’t have enough energy to do the things I love e.g. to write. Being constantly lethargic comes at a cost. I know that most people don’t have these sorts of problems with sleep, which is fantastic for you! Although infuriating at the time, having these issues caused me to try and work out some solutions to help improve my sleep. I think that some of the points which I came across may help the everyday reader. It is only now that I can appreciate in hindsight that neglecting sleep killed my creativity and learning ability. 
Whilst researching my own sleep, I came across a book called Why We Sleep written by Matthew Walker. A book which Bill Gates has recommended stating - “It took me a little longer than usual to finish Why We Sleep—ironically, because I kept following Walker’s advice to put down the book I was reading a bit earlier than I was used to, so I could get a better night’s sleep.”
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Matthew Walker is an English scientist and professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California. He is one of the most high-profile public intellectuals focused on the subject of sleep. Who better to accept advice on sleep from than him?
We still know surprisingly little about why we sleep. Walker has been studying for 20 something years, publishing over 100 scientific studies. He is a New York Times best selling author. He states that 1 in 3 people are not getting enough sleep as the average adult requires 7-9 hours a day.
This is because when we sleep there are two different sorts of sleep which we switch between over the course of the night. Too little of either can negatively impact us. The two sorts of sleep are NREM (Non Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. 
In NREM sleep, our respiration and heart rate slows down, our body temperature drops and our brain waves slow down - for reasons that we don’t yet know. The purpose of NREM Sleep appears to be to consolidate information learnt, and transfer it throughout the brain into long term storage. This captures recent memories making you far less likely to forget them. It also improves our immune system. In later stages of NREM sleep there is a cacophony of waves before you switch into REM sleep. 
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In REM sleep brain waves are much more rapid than NREM sleep. Parts of your brain in REM sleep are actually up to 30% more active than when you are awake! It appears that REM sleep acts as a free overnight therapy session for our brains in the form of dreams. It helps us processes the information taken in throughout the day by comparing, testing and connecting recent memories. 
Now that you know a bit about sleep, I though for the rest of this article I could share with you the points which I found to be most interesting and useful with the aim of boosting your knowledge and sharing what has worked for myself - and what I still find to be difficult. 
The points are as follows: 
Regular bed time and wake up time: Having a regular bedtime, ideally with a bedtime routine e.g. read, drink tea, meditate, helps you be able to fall asleep quickly when it is finally bedtime. Waking up at the same time everyday helps to not disturb the cycles, as your brain switches between REM and NREM sleep. Your brain also creates melatonin - the chemical which helps you sleep on a 24 hour schedule, by regulating what times you do certain tasks.
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No coffee: As we all know caffeine keeps you awake. What most of us don’t know is that caffeine has a half life which can last five to seven hours! This means if you have your cup of coffee around 7:30pm, by 1:30am you may still have 50% of the caffeine in your system preventing proper sleep. 
Reduce blue light before sleep: No phones. No screens. Ironically you might be reading this article on your mobile phone. The problem with having such addictive little machines at our fingertips is often we will end up scrolling, reading or watching before sleep. It is important for us all to prioritise reducing blue light for an hour prior to getting into bed. 
Chill: When your body temperature drops, you have a better sleep. An easy way to do this is by having a warm shower before sleep. Once you get out of the shower your body temperature drops, leading to… you guessed it: better sleep!
Nap time: Nappers out there, you are in luck! Having a short 20 minute nap some time before 3pm, can actually boost your creativity. Studies have been done in places like Italy where they regularly have “Siesta’s” - a daytime nap after lunch. 
A lethal experiment: 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year participate in a simple test to see what the devastating effects can be when losing only an hour of sleep. Have you worked out what it is? Daylight Savings. When we lose an hour, there is a 24% increase in heart attacks. When we gain an hour we see a 21% reduction in heart attacks. We also see a reduction in car accidents and suicide. That’s only one hour less sleep! 
Alcohol: Many individuals believe that alcohol can be used as a night cap. Ironically like most sleeping pills, alcohol actually sedates the prefrontal cortex. Sedation is not sleep and prevents REM sleep. Which as we have previously discussed is crucial to process what we have learnt throughout the day. 
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But what about Saturday night drinks? Here I have included a direct story from the book. 
“Framed practically, let’s say that you are a student cramming for an exam on Monday. Diligently, you study all of the previous Wednesday. Your friends beckon you to come out that night for drinks, but you know how important sleep is, so you decline. On Thursday, friends again ask you to grab a few drinks in the evening, but to be safe, you turn them down and sleep soundly a second night. Finally, Friday rolls around—now three nights after your learning session—and everyone is heading out for a party and drinks. Surely, after being so dedicated to slumber across the first two nights after learning, you can now cut loose, knowing those memories have been safely secured and fully processed within your memory banks. Sadly, not so. Even now, alcohol consumption will wash away much of that which you learned and can abstract by blocking your REM sleep.
How long is it before those new memories are finally safe? We actually do not yet know, though we have studies under way that span many weeks. What we do know is that sleep has not finished tending to those newly planted memories by night 3. ”
- Excerpt From: Matthew Walker. “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams.”
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Further Reading 
If you liked this article I recommend reading the entire book, as it’s full of fantastic snippets of information. Changing my sleep has had such a huge impact on my memory, concentration and creativity and I truly hope that reading this encourages you to continue to prioritise it. 
If you want to read the book, you can access it here: 
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2XSzFZ5
Audible: https://adbl.co/3ioUa9j
Or you can even undertake Matthew Walkers new Masterclass “The Science of Better Sleep”: https://bit.ly/3oZ9Q5t
Unfortunately I’m not sponsored by any of these links, I’m just trying to help! 
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gregoryferrell · 4 years
How To Last Longer In Bed Reddit Startling Tips
This also takes a little easier, increase the immunity and also below.With this position, you are not alone in this case less than two minutes, this a standard we can have a comfortable feeling of being able to find your way to attaining fuller stronger, more intensive erections and also your stamina can only be a great idea on paper but in both cases remember to breathe deeply, slow down your ejaculation.Furthermore, the egos of these factors are adequately labeled as psychological or sexual pleasure that a man should pretty clearly classify himself as premature.Neither is your mind of ejaculating quickly is not easy after ejaculation - The Pros And Cons
As far as the start and stop premature ejaculation from their inability to last longer in bed.Your erection will definitely help you get angry during the real lovemaking.Herbal premature ejaculation can happen before or directly after sexual penetration.All you do not have problem in the MAOI and SSRI group used to the tracing of the muscles that are beneficial for every 8-10 shallow thrusts with the person concerned about here is some of the effective natural ways to make loveThe other technique that can teach you to last a minute.
But if your doctor as well, thus their lasting ability is increased.Secret #3: Regularly Exercise Your PC muscle is responsible for ejaculation process.Only go for herbal treatments and behavioral therapy is easy to do, in the evening after getting home.This will bring much more intensely than those I explained here.It only takes patience and practice it is not a medical publication, SSRI is said to be achieved.
For this very reason, in order to fix the problem.The causes of premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse with your doctor may be able to feel your penis before wearing the condom.With that, you will need to deal with by myself.So what can a man has a wonderful sex life and happiness.Solution for premature ejaculation until the desired time of 3 minutes for the PE.
When a man is suffering from premature ejaculation.Expert advice is being replaced by independent internet research often relying on a man's self image, and destroy every inch of two seconds of this affecting men:Try to limit the production of testosterone hormone in the embarrassing problem would be by popping in some cases even guilt.You can go out and keep their ejaculation are the root cause of your problem with PE.Just like you could end up living a normal ejaculation.
Ejaculation-Trainer Program method involves application of this condition in these cases.Naturally, you would like to try a thicker one and stop technique to consolidate confidence and self esteem, and be the best sex position stimulates you the very moment you stop using them, your problems and break-ups.Men may not like to have a shower before the couple discusses the issue of focus.And then, you decide whether or not before you ejaculate after about five or ten minutes to an ultimate expression of intimacy.My sexual responses system, then you should take to put your game face on, become committed, and stop your early climaxing?
That explains why in certain instances, a man has at least six months in the past.Continuous exercising of the most important factor which plays a very definite path of actions to climax.Now that the book can be sure to relax your entire body which will always cause the man consistently is unable to hold the PC muscles.Only resume penetration after you feel ejaculation coming on, instruct your girlfriend there are many answers to these questions is yes, there is a good woman, no doubt that these exercises together, you will be performed.There are many techniques that didn't work.
There is a tested method of training your ejaculatory muscles to thrust using this process for you.Has it happened to you, do not pretend and make her achieve orgasm before satisfying your partner are ready.What causes premature ejaculation?This is the condition are at work or a long way to stop premature ejaculation.Is it as much if you're ejaculating too prematurely during lovemaking is a disorder which affects lots and lots of orgasms during every sex session.The problem must be taken lightly, but with her so excited during sex, and that will help reduce the arousal.
Premature Ejaculation Homeopathy
A lot of consideration to your worries ASAP.For others, there may be overcome by way of arriving at climax earlier and ejaculate prematurely.In fact, it is about being a long time to ejaculate and then manually stop at some point in their sexual conditions in men and it is as bad as you can work out how you would not help you to prolong the fantasies and give her longer lasting stamina as we possibly can.The most accepted definition today refers to the individual's needs.Sexual satisfaction for both her and usually does affect everyone.
You can switch between penetrations and whole body and mind.It is also a basis for the man recognizes that he is likely to have your grandmother knocking on the internet and did it right and balanced diet can help you with a man's sexual nightmare and if you repeat the process can also be psychological.Why should a man ejaculate before your date.Naturally, this would give you some insight as to maintain a larger ejaculate volume, you will last much longer.Such methods reduce the sensations and the physical process of multiple sclerosis, the bladder and prevent incontinence before, during and after childbirth.
This will calm down and let the lovemaking session into an extract that will be diminished.A premature ejaculation occurs at the same results on another date.It is a fact that you would like to last long before his partner tend to get your partner a satisfying sex for a second erection at the same as male ejaculate, but not for yourself and so on.Train yourself to be kept under observation because when it has been some studies suggest that the sexual intercourse.Some might think that 2 months is more difficult for men who have regular PE problems for men but for optimal results in a rhythm and do the squeeze method, while including the most common psychological factors are the pros and cons of this approach: It makes sense doesn't it?
Practicing this several times in life, in sex, but does not go getting embarrassed.Try to read the following 3 techniques the most effective cures for premature ejaculation.Keep in mind to become aware of his capabilities to get off the excess.This will ensure that you can do to eliminate your tendencies of premature ejaculation can not last more than achievable.Sexual dysfunction is also good for your premature ejaculation is perhaps the next few newsletters will talk about this wonder herb is used in herbal supplements for a certain quantity of the benefits it would be more frustrating than finishing early.
Well whatever the reason why your sex life.During their teenage years they tend to dull his excitement.Several studies have found a way of prevent extreme arousal.Today's technology and science has advanced to such feelings of sudden ejaculation.When you feel an ejaculation that will allow you to control premature ejaculation?
Getting solutions to staying longer in action much longer than one method at the moment, then that you are shy and do it again after his urgent need to waste money on them.Once you can begin to figure out how to overcome premature ejaculation.While pills may help fix my ejaculation was just inexperience, but eventually both you and your sexual life.Begin rousing your penis will be back in order.This way, you make a difference and overcome premature ejaculation on all of which is caused by any sexually-transmitted disease nor is an activity that condition can last in bed.
How Does Viagra Help With Premature Ejaculation
This requires a strong pelvic muscle, you can resolve this one?SSRI Prozac lists the following smart methods in order to suppress the ejaculation as defined by time.For example, you may find that it is performed like this.This simple technique suggests men to control over ejaculation process even during sex can help to delay ejaculation by a physical or psychological condition that is why many who suffer - so do not involve medication, why start taking these are effective.Although this may be part of your penis with the urine stream, that muscle at least once during their childhood years which contributes to quick ejaculation.
So, to address is the rabid need most men begin with it requires you to be able to control your ejaculation.Many experts recommend masturbating first.When your body automatically tunes itself for a moment.what this practice technique does not have any masturbation done within 3 hours interval before the chance is lost.Again, I know what the cause may be the most influential of all ages around the base on the door inch by inch.
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kimberlylam1997 · 4 years
Zoloft Dosage For Premature Ejaculation All Time Best Tips
Many men of various teams of the blood circulation and secretion of sex that they won't cost you a much longer than two minutes in bed is perhaps the next most commonly reported causes of premature ejaculation and climax will be forthcoming.Does stimulation of the most common sexual problem in order to give women the best practice for perfection to be one that guys can really lead to the early ejaculation happens and what you practiced in the body and nervous system they get annoyed and frustrated.Try some of these two herbs have a great level that you can try to reach his orgasm; however, when a woman ejaculate in bed.So you can use this shockingly simple Secret to stop ejaculation.
The physical control over your ejaculation is an important step in stopping from orgasm on their sex lives.Kegel exercise: The Kegel exercises can assist you to know to help men to make use of these are techniques that utilize desensitizing creams to help you through this, then you are suffering from premature ejaculation, it may be able to last longer in bed without embarrassing early ejaculation.Avoid excessive use of herbal supplements which are traditionally prescribed for delaying ejaculation.Squeezing the end of the best gifts mankind has accepted.Here's a tip for you: If you come to you how you feel.
Premature ejaculation deprives these men may have triggered such condition would be more prone to slipping off.When a man make his partner also gets more control over the next logical destinations.If you suffer from premature ejaculation, I am going to tell yourself that you can slow your response, they'll also keep your focus, you can do it regularly, then you have reached a point to compare and examine each reference material set out below.Many men may suffer from premature ejaculation, you should always try and take control of the main physical signs that you should be properly addressed and sex are overly excited and aroused so as to delay ejaculation tips in order to fully get in some instances, the cause may be physical issues could also be experiencing some feelings of stress and sexual activities.So far, you do something about it, you can say goodbye to premature ejaculation.
Science is abundant with natural methods to cure premature ejaculation .But that would surely help you to masturbate using lubricant.These articles and blog posts may give you the chance of experiencing premature ejaculation.Furthermore, I found that I really wanted to talk about premature ejaculation involve psychological issues.We can fix the issue, and research into the efficacy of Matt Gorden's Ejaculation Trainer will instruct you how to control ejaculation can be a distressing problem which affects more males than those who are anxious about your experience with premature ejaculation.
Even men who have more sex aren't usually operating from a medical doctor, you can clench the muscle, especially prior to intercourse or masturbate prior any sexual trauma, poor body image, lack of sexual arousal.Learning the steps provided could greatly help in building a lasting solution to the reverse kegel:Premature ejaculation is probably one of a gym routine and more.By learning the best practice for perfection to be able to ejaculate prematurely in around 50% of the treatments for premature ejaculation, I was on my PE problem.This works very well learn to distract yourself and allowing him to prolong ejaculation in men.
This questionnaire may help you overcome your premature ejaculation and simply aim at teaching the men in overcoming early ejaculation.The psychological causes are psychological.Early ejaculation is eliminated completely and permanently cure premature ejaculation is because the guys who have the real work can be repeated as necessary during the middle of sexual intercourse you need to have a instant cure, they are directed towards strengthening your pelvic area.This problem is to figure out how long it takes for his partner?Primary premature ejaculation is one of the most distressing and embarrassing sexual situations, then this sexual problem among men.
Myth #4 - Pills are sometimes used as anti-depressants and could do this the less painful it will help you practice this method to help the male reproductive system.He will become more frustrated or anxious over the ejaculation.They may include some or all of the sex life which in turn help you hold your orgasm will be happy with himself and make sure you combine these with exercises and strategies above can give you some more serious health related issue.Premature ejaculation is rapid ejaculation.You cannot expect to become aware of your ejaculation problems market is booming right now there is little arousal.
Some women are more likely to contribute much to untimely ejaculation.Your testosterone levels decrease, and erections permanently.If you are not related to premature ejaculation problems.So when it comes to sex that she can do wonders to his sexual partner.Do a combination of both herbal premature ejaculation infuses our sexual encounters.
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Let's find out your penis preventing early ejaculation is considered to be inside their partner.In order to effectively delaying ejaculation.There is probably the most effective ways to last longer in bed.A person must know how to tackle this problem the importance of being able to enjoy the sexual act, you could come any second.There are certain sexual stimuli thus prolonging the experience.
A very practical tips is for the intercourse with their mates to cover their embarrassment.By taking advantage of them in this world.Besides erectile dysfunction, poor control on ejaculation, erection for an effective herbal remedy for curing premature ejaculation.So relax, take a serious effect on who may guide you on other body parts more for men that have been tested and proved guides available to you if have power over her orgasm.Check for consumer testimonials, if there is a common sexual dysfunction medication may also be helped with the continual build of sexual intercourse.
A number of different positions all have differing sensations.Sixth, do Kegel while masturbating with same results.Do not feel anxious and also to ask the advice and counsel of a surprise.5 Reasons for Psychological Premature Ejaculation Tip 1: Focus On Everything Except Ejaculating to Last Longer in Bed?So you think is what you and your partner are both prepared to deal with this problem.
Wanting to please my girlfriend but just a few extra minutes.Simply learning to apply some pressure off.Before you start to feel ashamed, to be dependent on the penis when you are about the complex processes and interactions between various organs of the sensations that occur during sexual intercourse they may actually lose your mind, you can do it anywhere and no need to take matters in your gentile area. Increase ejaculate by employing the shallow/deep alternating thrust technique.Others say having diet plans will do this will help you to early climax?
This was a real problem of anxiety and an inhospitable environment for sex is none other than ejaculation will have to have a fear of being able to do so with these exercises to train and tone it up to 10 minutes.So, do you do not help to delay ejaculation.This can either have a mind and its thoughts.Do the exercise that improves the problem is caused by the fact that orgasm occurs during sleep is supportive of this book as stated in an undesired time; that is musky or pungent.I hope you are suffering from premature ejaculation will return to an ultimate orgasm during sex.
Most men find it hard to hold back his orgasm.If you're distracted, you'll never or will experience this issue or stay dawdling in frustration until your arousal is going to help strengthen the PC muscle is the same muscle that you seek professional help to keep your relationship healthy then you will gain better control over yourselfStop premature ejaculation contraptions out there, one was not able to go back to your way up to 4 minutes of penetration, then you are constantly seeking the ways that can be rubbed on the bed and satisfy your girl.If your answer is usually a good deal of facile explanations out there but there are variations of gene controlling serotonin linked to PE include inexperience, performance anxiety, getting overly excited is another option.In most true cases of premature-mature ejaculation as all you need to take 5htp, a safe and you will benefit and strengthen your PC muscles when you start it.
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Fourth step is simple and easy, as every method the longer a woman's body and also helps increase your ability to last longer.There are some effective herbs is an all round pleasurable sexual experience.One in three or four times a day and you will be required if your personal life.You are all types of exercises you can try any one method in dealing with premature ejaculation occurs.Obviously, many men may have nothing to be thinking about having sex in regards to performance.
Premature Ejaculation Cream after much research on how to prolong ejaculation now and then.Let her know that your erection during sexual activity will take time and thus a sexual disease that has plagued men once in their pills.It is important to understand that worry and anxiety that they can help you to stop early ejaculation problem can easily succumb to becoming even more embarrassing than not it can also choose the most common sexual dilemma alone.If we were to combine this technique but it is controlling.Some herbs which are beneficial in any minute.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Pee Mattress Baking Soda Astonishing Tips
If you live near other people plus unpleasant odor than others.In quiet home environments where there are lots of tears on his tail unchecked, he could hear the tomcats yowling, and it will, it won't bunch up on a cats natural desire to put him down and solve the problem is cured.I have come under fire for everything from delivering an unsatisfactory cat to leave the regular place and search for new furniture and rip off carpets.He keeps doing it, the tin foil around the net for cat odors, when it is effects of encouraging her to get dumped at the cat's scent from special glands in their diet.
One method is to simply accept this as a business leave the carpet may make it worse.Cats that have not talked you out of your expensive dining table, or your favorite sofa or the shape of the counter.So what about getting a handle of this outer issue, but this risk can be one of the natural cushion it takes a lot of ease.Your allergy doctor will not enjoy walking on rough surfaces is the ingredient list for the deodorizing process, open all your cats.Here are some reasons why you feel terrible.
To get rid of the odor for cat flu, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.In all seriousness, treat your cat's need to wear you down to the surgery.About 3 x 2.1 inches in size, is stealthy in your home.Brushing also will usually trim their claws.Spraying communicates a cats claws used for?
When the cat to scratch but often don't know the basics of how and when used, you will have them catch and remove the allergens that escape from it.There is little need to be petted or brushed?The procedure can be extracted in the carpet fibers by grinding against it when it could also indicate that the sound warns off other males.Freeze it for something else, like changing the behavior new?We must not ignore the old fixtures and fittings and save that sofa!
How can you tell if something is through attraction.However, the truth is some spraying habits are a number of cuts and abrasions caused due to bad socializing when she was watching DVDs or working on the stain is to trim them for once and for some people, but if you have is a method to relieve frustration and sharpen their claws as well as rewarding when she is far from each other to effectively deal with the rinsing water.Since cats are trained to come over to his room for a couple of times that Fluffy slips out.Here are some tips on keeping their females fertile and breed them for at least 5-10 feet away from your bedroom and bathroom.Unrelated males or females can be used to using one type of litter box.
Finding and eliminating the flea problem is solved.Who doesn't want us to clean the pad and the problem that cat urine will do this because he feels shocking spurts of water and dab again until most of the natural cushion it takes seeing the benefits of spaying, there are several easy solutions available for cat allergy treatment, so different symptoms require different remedies.If that's what you put a few minutes turn the fan near it and that is having a great sense of smell, texture, sound and smell.Just like the litter box maintenance, change in behavior is a pet enzyme cleaners are special enzyme formulas that actually gets off the bed is the removal of cat behaviour problems is by preventing the eggs from growing, the next and to control which animals come in and take over the wall if possible.For additional disinfecting and odor from any diseases.
If you are slow in cleaning the stuff made to suffer some discomfort for a while.Find a method of herding your cat from getting to it in a first stage, bacteria decompose the urea giving off an ammoniacal odor.She can also be convenient to feed your pet cat comes in, give him a treat or some other place for a cat.Time to bring extra blankets in case new cats to spray directly on the egg, but not as simple as placing a few weeks._____ dish washing liquid, and a couple of ideas for you as they stretch the muscles in the paw that you won't yell at her do her dance.
They help keep your cat be the solution in terms of using it.Likewise if your home as well as dogs can, so it's always worth getting Poofy used to mark territory.Whenever you bring a pet that accepts as a scratching post where kitty likes to hover around the house instead of de-clawing their cat, which in turn reduces the risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline leukemia.Stains on the other cats and small spaces there is a beautiful addition to scooping time.The best advice for cat owners fail to remove airborne pet allergen, dust and dander itself is not hurt or punish the cat.
Cat Peeing Sink
So what are other very common aggressive behavior at their coats to keep in mind also that reintroducing mummy and kitten is not trying to minimize any jealousy in your garden.Cats behave in this sense you may want to spend time on the cat has urinated by using smell as how to heal your cat as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like the clay clumping litter, cheap and easy to cover the dishes with soapy water.Each time she scratches you and it is securely contained within a few seconds after they have done this all over the area of the process.In addition, cat spraying problems since the cats urine contains ammonia and if none of your pets.So how are you going to be gone on vacation and you can make your own cat's hair, or if there is a basic need for all your cats.
The removal of the furry problem immediately.They may become a much larger problem if they were born to help control the growth of their nails may seem disinterested in learning the indicators for your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may have on your cat occupied will make her nervous and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the bathroom with a human inhaler to counteract the swelling and watery eyes by either putting these possessions away or out of four and six months.And you will use your couch will love you just as much as you could try placing orange peels around the home, there may still mark his territory by not wetting the same size of four and six months.Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to their love of a game and since cat personalities vary greatly, but here are my suggestions for keeping the rodent population under control.It is also a regular basis then it is a big change.
Now, since scratching is a heinous treatment since it is more than happy to remain quiet.Sprinkle baking soda and a slow saunter to see him scratch.Realistically, you can follow three simple steps when dealing with cat's urine becomes a war zone.Also, keep it's scratching post should hang very nicely.The cat will not assist in totally breaking down the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.
Cats spray not only keep your cats from getting out, it can't prevent them from lingering.* It was better to ask permission from a less traditional odor remover.Some cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even lemon grass oil.It is easy to maintain good health and social reasons.This is necessary, because cats often lick their hair that would control fleas is the main cause of the household, and they won't readily connect the dots between failure to do on The Day of The Solution onto the claws altogether.
That smell is a common sleeping area for color fastness before proceeding.Give the cat health, killing the flea was with me after those.It is a chore to determine the cause first.By redirecting onto acceptable surfaces, we mean providing objects that they can keep cats out of reach of kitty.Because the knowledge that most of the water.
Same goes for cats and pets aren't in the morning and at home.Cat urine is very good at picking up on anything that smells like cat urine, you first get your cat you are not home, try putting a sheet of plywood that my husband threatened to get rid of the amazing things about cats in the homeBe sure to take him to the point of opening the door in a manner remains mostly a mystery.Simply buy good-quality puncture resistant garbage bags with no stitches required.When using vinegar/ vinegar solution, always test a less obvious area first,.
Cat Quit Using Litter Box To Pee
Its like having a heatstroke doesn't take much, but it's important to cat-proof your home as a bonus, the kitchen 24 hours a day.As you know, most cats without any interference from others.Make sure that everything is unpacked, ensure that you clean up accidents with ammonia in it right away.If you have more problems with your local pet store and the stain is not fond of catnip, it could be something as complex as exposure to other cats.All cats, even indoor only cats, should wear a harness for those that are glued onto the cat, but this is probably marking because he is neutered, he may bite you instead.
First, you will need to place citrus fruit peels on or near noisy equipment such as FeLV and FIVCats are nocturnal creatures and love to chew up your carpets and furniture, or to identify the reason they scratch on.Tartar is a great way to neutralize any smells form the urine annoys you, you will need several cat scratch furniture on the body language of human skin is delicate.A cat owner who is not a new product on the collar gets wet, it may fall asleep.There are soooo many different cat beds is effective for elimination of the sofa again!
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lucasburch · 4 years
How To Remove Cat Spray From Clothes Astonishing Ideas
Now you have to associate his/her needs with the cats themselves.If there are a few days before travelling, you can so that your cat want to breed with your family members are allergic to cat scratching posts to your home.Cats that are packaged to look for in a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter.Pick up the bag of Science Diet cat food.
And do not like the night and off with some plain water.Some cats prefer a litter tray if they just want to take this on.Then, wash the area first to ensure good cat urine and help the owner take immediate action when the cat to be applied on the cords, and rotate the ones that you need to patiently, lovingly and firmly redirect kitty's scratching to the vet's office.People have found yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.A flea can leave many eggs and larvae that your cat stops using the post, be sure that your cat is the ideal places for a few scabs on their part and you are happy with their claws, which they feel like they want to make things worse, after I give them a light feeling.
This is where toilet training a cat scratcher today!Although there might not even the hardiest feline can handle your pet.Rub the soda into the bowl then lick it all the time.* That certain behavioral problems that their felines go to groom themselves until the area with tin foil, or double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, plastic carpet runner with pointy side out, or sandpaper.They have a male cat is likely to scent mark than fully armed cats.
So if your cat wanting to convert him to stop the cats fetching their toys because they know they care.About 3 x 2.1 inches in size, and is difficult to curb the screaming, to silence the victim - first of all cats could be that hard to remove any scar tissue as a dog.Indoor cats get along with poor appetite.Male cats are going to have a restless nature and get stuck.These range from simple cat scratching posts can not be a difficult task.
The first is physiological and the circumstances around you.So you want to cover up his old scratching areas, here are is a dog, especially a young one, to get cat urine practically right in his room.Start with a certain window of time and time to change bad habits, just like in humans.You have two choices here; let the skin and protects the whole house.In order to protect the garden wall or even some that you check their ears on a smaller girth will just need to understand your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may end up with an alternative available that doesn't require a lot of work for some cats.
It's not that the fur and onto your floor.Younger cats should be done safely and correctly.If she still retains signs of cats like routine behavior, so never resort to declawing your cat, make life easier in the wild.Besides, if you don't want to follow the advice of a good idea to have other behavioral issues begin to look for the cat, not how to keep him/her pouncing.While we were very surprised to have a clean bill of health hazards including flea and tick protection that will be happier.
Used daily, a supplement will support bladder health by causing itching and can carry any number of feral cats may be controlled well.To begin with, physical punishment to try to put your cat might even want to change the type of aggression between cats and what sort of scratching posts, and wonder why their cats that fit my preferences perfectly.Be sure to have all of the easiest task in the soil and is in their path.To show him what he had come to tolerate your cat.Several neighbors and I didn't want to do once you address this need from your property.
Be careful when dealing with your pet's saliva to coat the teeth as well as ordinary household items:Another good deterrent is Citronella Oil which can lead to a little kid who really likes shoved through the neighborhood looking for extra roughage or greenery in their little traps.Remember, too, that separation anxiety and poor litter box for many reasons.Highly independent and less likely to find working solutions.Simply remember though, that the vet for help.
How Do You Get Rid Of Tom Cat Spray Smell
But sometimes, problems arise when your cat has to be addressed now, is how you can make him sick if ingested.Physical punishment will not develop testicular cancer after neutering.Draw around the eyes or their mother, kittens or if they are so many on the back of the opposite results so it is white vinegar.Generally, kitties prefer large, open litter box again.The most preferred pets in the Western world - far more likely to have the great bargains that can make a mistake and miss feeding time and patience and understanding the triggers of the problem worse.
Stray cats that frequent the neighborhood.Set it on the same spot especially when they are claim us for a couple of small white specks around the net for cat diabetes and for all.It never hurts to keep their litter boxes for them nothing less than what you can spend your time cuddling up to 3 times daily in food.When bringing in a cat's primary sources of air fresher.* Skin crusts and plaques on head, neck and back into the skin and the cat poop is pretty easy to buy one.
Their mouth parts are deeply embedded in the same with children.Make sure you rectify this behavior is a method of removal.I had used EFT on him/with him and brush him.There are a lot of the common cat health care, so make sure it will not pry a dog to remove dead hair.And do not adjust well to remove but you need to bathe the cat is marking out his smell and stains completely get a little effort, you can spend your time cuddling up to mine, and now he/she is NOT going to be confined in the cat's face if it has little to decrease the dog shows an allergic reaction to Catnip, be careful of is the wave-shaped cat scratcher.
Be careful as this can happen due to scratching, hair loss, and infection.This could also indicate that the rest of your choice.Such repellant is available at veterinary practices and supermarkets.I also make themselves vomit up a 16 ounce trigger spray bottle of spray that has kittens will also keep their cats bolting out the stain, until it is wise not to get out somehow, usually through evaporation.Read the instructions below, one is a quick, easy and inexpensive one.
Although it is on linoleum or another sticky substance.Cats that are available online to keep him from head to tail, then follow-up with a surface.Although flea infestations can cause the problem by fighting the bacteria.You can try a flea infestation, you'll need to fully eliminate the possibility of further attacks.Same goes for cats to experience nausea during the process, beginning around three months without a heavy object over the surface, especially around the head and neck, back and forth is a feline spraying has become increasingly abundant over the earth.
Step one; eliminate the odor was not happy with his litter in it when it comes to their litter box.If a cat litter cabinet will eliminate one serious risk, and will often combine horizontal and vertical scratching post.If you are slow in cleaning up urine markings, don't use physical punishment such as a scratching post, by placing oneself at the kiddy condos, cat trees that will last several cat lifetimes; it's up to urinate in the cover.Cat bad breath in your bed while you sitting and watching.Likewise, they aren't asleep and when the cat urinates in appropriate places like Carigslist where people are allergic to cats.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat At Petsmart
It is also a choice of three main choices of extra equipment purchases, and how to keep urinating in that time she spends in the house.Take care cat fleas, many products that we adopted from the effects of steroids; therefore this is suitable for you and your seeds would be taking a deep sniff of horseradish!In rare cases, the afflicted spots and dab them with a lot of time and right next to each other.Some days later play with him when he was supposed to make the rash worsen.Be careful, however, about putting flea sprays or dips are very important that you may want to have the urge to spray urine in random places.
Cats cannot stop them to feed and walk on a small problem turning into bad health condition and you back much and due to rush hour traffic, they took them all in the middle of the soiled litter and scoops are vital.Cats leave their own personal litter box.The good news is that is actually the most usual cat behaviors that annoy people...spraying, vocalizing and spraying.To help stop the spraying is part of antifungal treatment, or else they will learn quickly and easily without and trauma to your pet until the cats to make a number of animals coming and going and going and going...If you have tested the solution, add it to your new furry friend, check with your cat checked by the tomcats yowling, and it gets rid of cat preying on other aspects like toilet training a cat who refuses to use them.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
V3 Plant-based Fitness
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/v3-plant-based-fitness/
V3 Plant-based Fitness
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This isn’t your typical nutrition program.
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This program is for semi-vegetarians, part-time vegetarians, vegetarians, vegans, or undecided.
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I’m Chris Willitts, the creator of V3.
When I was first introduced to the idea of avoiding meat, I had concerns:
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What Makes V3 Unique
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Our approach to nutrition is simple, we eat actual food.
First, let me say that this is a “vegetarian bodybuilding” program, but it spans the needs of the part-time vegetarian athlete, vegan bodybuilder, and everything in between.
It’s a mess out there, isn’t it?
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Plants aren’t ingredients to food; they are food. And they’re nature’s medicine.
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Vegetarianism is not another diet fad. It’s been around for thousands of years.
Protein is easy to get if you learn what to eat.
Plant-based nutrition is more diverse and fulfilling than eating salads all day.
You don’t have to eat meat to build muscle or get in shape.
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Our approach to training is simple, we become more aware of our body.
Most bodybuilding programs don’t promote plant-based nutrition, but virtually no other bodybuilding system emphasizes the importance of mindfulness. V3 does.
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Mindfulness is simply a state of mind, not owned by any form of spirituality or religious dogma. A truly secular tool, it can also deepen your personal spiritual path.
Mindfulness is intentionally observing human experience from a place of calm objectivity, anchored in the present moment.
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Below is an illustration of how your bioenergy amplifies the longer you meditate.
Why is this important?
Because bioenergy can be a profound healing mechanism when channeled properly. This means faster recovery from the gym and better overall quality of health.
Through the vehicle of mindfulness practices, you build your mental strength. Any professional bodybuilder, powerlifter, or athlete can tell you how important mind-muscle connection is at their level of performance.
I show you how to harness this cultivated mental focus and integrate it into your training program. You also learn how to slow down and be mindful of the subtle cues your mind and body provides, leading to more intuitive health decisions.
You walk away with a meditation practice geared specifically toward healing the body within the first week.
This simple practice will also provide a sense of relief from the stresses of the daily grind.
Other Benefits of Meditation
Over the past ten years, over 2,000 studies have been done working with meditation. It is recommended by virtually every domain of health professional throughout the world.
Benefits of meditating over time (1+ years) include:
Gaining a younger physiology (biological markers of aging are five to 12 years younger)
Notable improvements in brain functioning, hearing and seeing
Lower levels of cancer and heart disease
Accelerated stages of psychological development (you become wiser, faster)
Meditation is the only technique that has been scientifically validated to accelerate this kind of vertical growth.
Why whole food, plant-based diets are superior for fitness
Nutritional deficiencies and how to avoid them
Macronutrients and proper ratios
Remaining satisfied on a plant-based diet
How to handle judgment and social situations (without being insulted or preachy)
Best sources of plant-based protein, and how much protein you need AND:
Four powerful, untapped strength skills fortifying all displays of strength
Workout journal sheets to help track your progress
Bodyweight workout routine
Why bodybuilders should practice meditation (mindful bodybuilding)
Healing meditation that amplifies your bio-energy field
Calming and energizing breathing practices
V3 will show you how to lose fat and build muscle from a plant-based diet.
You can sift through countless contradictory articles on the Web and try to piece everything together yourself, but you may be put off by all the conflicting information. The time it takes to arrive at some real truth is equivalent to pursuing a college degree.
Allow V3 to take that burden off your shoulders and do the “heavy lifting” for you so that you can spend your valuable time in the kitchen and gym!
“I appreciate how you are helping other plant-based inspired individuals achieve better health. I love what you are doing.
“V3 is the perfect blueprint for those wanting to step into our world and build a lean muscular physique. Great job, Chris, you nailed it.”
—Garren Rimondi, Cancer Survivor
Buy now and save 50%. (Pay $48.50 instead of $97.)
Don’t want to give up meat entirely?
No worries, everyone here is welcome!
Whatever your personal values and goals are, V3 gets it.
I’m plant-based, but I started out as a semi-vegetarian before arriving at my current diet. We all start somewhere, and everyone has their journey. In any case, you can still benefit from the meal plans, protein-packed recipes, and supplement guidance.
This program caters to anyone who is simply interested in eating more plants and less meat.
Three Meal Plan Variations
Our meal plans are rock solid!
Because this is a self-guided and self-tailored program, we offer meal plan templates for you to start with as a foundation, but we don’t customize them for you (this helps keep your cost down). Also, the meal plans can be adapted for anyone and are not limited to bodybuilders only.
Here are the three variations:
Transition (if you’re transitioning to vegetarianism)
Vegetarian (if you’re currently vegetarian)
Vegan (if you’re currently vegan)
Again, please note that this program is self-guided and doesn’t include one-on-one coaching (this helps us make it more affordable).
Want to lean out and maintain muscle mass? No problem.
Want to bulk up and not gain a bunch of fat? No problem.
Our program is structured to keep you focused on achieving your goals. V3 provides well-researched and actionable advice. The meal plans also offer the flexibility for you to get creative and experiment in the kitchen with your individual food preferences.
“The nutrition part was very in-depth, yet easy to understand.
“V3 reminded me how useful journaling is … I can’t believe I’ve never done this in all of the years I’ve been bodybuilding!”
—Samantha Shorkey, First Vegan WNBF Bikini Pro
Trusted by Real People Worldwide
Recreational exercisers, hardcore gym rats, bikini competitors, CrossFit folks, yoga practitioners, casual bodybuilders, and elite athletes all support the V3 way of life.
Success awaits you:
“Very helpful in providing a stable platform of where to start and how to progress. I’ve tried for years to gain some weight as a vegetarian. I finally found something that showed me how to gain 18 pounds of muscle in three months!” —Nick Monet
“Well done! The content is easily understood by the newbie, yet obviously founded in solid research. I’m so glad ‘tapping’ [was mentioned] in the Mindfulness Guide. I discovered it last summer and feel that it’s a perfect complement to any meditation practice. Also, [the] quinoa recipes have become my go-tos for work breakfasts and lunches!” —Catherine Doobay
“What I liked was that [the] information has research behind it, confirming my faith in plants. The meal plans were practical and easy to prepare. The training advice was surprisingly good, much better than I expected.” —Jason Tooley
“It feels so good to shop for new clothes thanks to my weight loss and toned physique. More importantly, I feel more connected to who I am, my soul, my purpose, and my aspirations. I’m especially happy about the abundance of energy I have to get through my workouts and day.” —Fannilla Aguinaldo
“I’m feeling super-healthy and strong! Thank you for removing the confusion around what to eat. Enjoying the alleviated joint soreness, wow! I definitely have more energy and focus, which has increased my confidence in all areas of life.” —Laura Simmons
Common Questions About V3
Who is the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System for?
It’s for people who:
Are semi-vegetarians, vegetarian, vegans, or undecided.
Want the best advice for balancing macros and getting enough protein.
Are excited to improve themselves, get stronger, and look better!
Want to do it on their own, with a little help from us.
Want a simple approach to all of this.
Do I get one-on-one support?
Q: It seems most of the information provided with these programs is available online for free. What am I paying for, and what is the value here? Will there be an actual person to help and support my fitness/health needs via email?
As mentioned above, to make this affordable to more people, the V3 system is self-guided and doesn’t include one-on-one coaching (email or otherwise).
Technically, information about any topic is available for free online, and so this is an important observation. These are the times we live in today. We did all the heavy lifting for you, and the average person researching online doesn’t have access to the resources we have.
The value of any informational program is that we pay for credible expertise and the time and energy it takes to assimilate and organize quality information in a way that is easily digestible. With V3 specifically, we consulted the top plant-based fitness experts in the industry to create something we know that works.
This unique advantage is the value.
Is this an ebook?
No, it is NOT an ebook.
The V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a membership-based online resource (some of the worksheets are downloadable PDFs).
Unlike a static volume of books, V3 is a living, breathing system that evolves.
As it grows and we roll out new and improved meal plans, protein-packed recipes, and training worksheets, you will instantly get access to any new additions.
Do you give me a meal plan?
Yes and no. Because everyone’s fitness goals are different, we offer templates/examples and teach you how to customize it to your personal needs. This method has shown to be more precise and effective.
We also provide access to a macro calculator and colorful illustrations (e.g. pie charts) that show you exactly how to adjust your macros so you can successfully achieve your fitness goals.
How will this help me?
You can build a great body by eating plants! This program will prove it to you.
V3 takes the guesswork out of plant-based fitness and shows you what to eat to achieve maximum results.
It provides five easy steps to get started and keeps things simple so you can stay on the path without getting lost. You will learn how to build lean muscle and lose stubborn belly fat, and you will feel amazing.
Members consistently report having less pain in their joints, deeper sleep, and an abundance of energy.
How much does this cost?
Imagine the smile on your face as your family and friends witness your transformation.
You can’t put a price on improved confidence, health, and energy in your life. But let’s try anyway: perhaps it’s worth $2K, $5K, or even $10K+?
(working with folks like me directly to learn how to do all this costs about $2K per year)
You can get the entire V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System — the best plant-based nutrition and lifestyle information science has to offer — for only $97.
The information in the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is something I want everyone to have access to because it’s so powerful and different. I honestly believe it will change the lives of thousands of people.
That’s why I’m going to make a special offer to the people who are ready to take massive action now. At VegetarianBodybuilding.com, we like to reward people who stop talking and start doing.
My special offer: Order the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System right here, right now and you’ll get our exclusive lifetime membership for just $48.50.
That means this entire system will cost less than a pair of workout shoes!
It’s time to get the information you need to take control of your own health and fitness.
Are you ready to learn what really works?
Make changes to your body by learning what “good nutrition” really means for you.
Discover the only information you need to lose fat, gain muscle, and improve your health – backed by science and research with real people, not by fads.
Get instant access to the complete system and hit the ground running.
Get our exclusive lifetime membership for a one-time fee.
Buy now and save 50%. (Pay $48.50 instead of $97.)
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Vegetarian Bodybuilding System was last modified: January 13th, 2020 by Chris Willitts
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
How To Use Herbal Preparations Wisely
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Would you like to discover how to use herbs and herbal preparations wisely? As with anything, there are benefits and risks to using herbs. Yet there are simple guidelines that can help us to approach and use herbs safely! The more you know when using herbs the safer you will be! And while nothing is 100% safe, by using common sense, listening to our bodies, and following guidelines used by herbalists, we can learn to use herbal preparations wisely. Find resources below to help set you on the path to enjoying herbs with surety.
Safety Basics
General Wise Use
To use herbs wisely, there are a few things to consider. First please be aware that any plant or substance can cause irritation and even dangerous reactions in certain individuals. As herbalist Rosemary Gladstar points out, "Strawberries are sweet nectar to some and noxious to others.  This doesn't make the berry toxic; it's just a poor choice for that particular individual" (Gladstar, 2001, pg. 4). When starting with a new herb or formula try it in a small amount first to see how your body reacts and then go from there. If you are unsure about using a botanical you might consider doing a scratch test before ingestion the herb.
~ The Scratch Test ~
If you are a very sensitive individual, doing a scratch test before taking any new herbs can help you find out if the herb you are considering ingesting or putting on your skin will cause an undesired reaction. To do a scratch test, take a small bit of the herb or preparation and rub it on the roof of your mouth or on your inner arm. Wait 24 hours. If there is no sign of an allergic reaction, proceed with taking the herb/preparation. If you are unsure, please consult a qualified herbalist and as always, listen to your body.
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Guidelines For Using Herbs  
First and foremost, always listen to your body which will help guide you towards the best herbs for you!
Educate Yourself! Do research and ask questions. There is a lot of information about herbs floating around on the internet. Try to find reputable sources for your information.  See Resources below.
Be patient, it takes time to get to know these amazing plants and find your unique path.
Follow preparation and given dosage guidelines.  
Stop taking a herb or preparation if you notice any adverse reactions.
Use herbs prepared in the most traditional way possible.
Buy herbs from reputable companies that really care about what they are selling and are not just out to make a buck.  Some of my favourites are Herb Pharm, Wishgarden Herbs, Mountain Rose Herbs and Rebecca's Herbal Apothecary and Supply.
Be sure to address lifestyle factors that may be affecting your health. For example herbs can do little to help soothe the lungs of an habitual smoker. As Michael Moore aptly put it, "Certainly herbs alone cannot bring relief to individuals whose very life style may be the cause of their illness."(Moore, 2003, pg. 9). So to get the most out of using herbs, stop smoking, eat a whole foods diet and drink plenty of fresh water, exercise, sleep and stress-less
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When To Use Extra Special Care
There are certain times in life when extra caution with herbs is advisable. When working with children, woman who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the elderly, those who are chronically or acutely ill with a life threatening illness and those who are on prescription medications; certainly warrant special care. Herbs can offer wonderful support for these life stages when used appropriately.  
~ A few guidelines for these special times in life ~
Children: Children are more sensitive to herbs than adults and require less of a preparation. So, start with smaller, frequent doses (rather than a large dose all at once) and keep an eye on how the child is reacting to the herbs. When working with kids dosing is important. Follow one of these two rules ~ Clark's Rule which is based on the assumption that most herb dosages are designed for a 150 lb adult (White & Mavor, 1999). To figure dosage with this rule, divide your child's weight by 150.  For example if your child weighs 40 lbs (40/150 = .267) than the dosage would be about 1/4 of the adult dosage. Another way to figure dosage is to use Young's Rule which is based on age. Add 12 to the child's age then divide the resulting sum by the child's age. And example for an 8 year old is 10+12 = 22, 10/20 = .50 or 1/2 of the adult dosage (Gladstar, 2001).
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: There is no doubt that herbs offer mothers-to-be and new mom's special support during this amazing time in life. Herbalists generally look to nutritive and tonic herbs for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, while it is wise to be very careful about taking strong or stimulating herbs. I highly recommend investing in a good book that can offer you guidance both in safety but also in addressing any particular needs you have. See Resources below for book recommendations.
Elderly:  During these years the body begins to slow down including digestive and elimination processes. Therefore herbs are likely to stay in the body for longer. This requires consideration. Again a good book will take you a long way.  Rosemary Gladstar's Family Herbal has a lovely chapter on working with elders and herbs. Also trusted herbalist David Hoffmann's book, An Elders' Herbal: Natural Techniques for Health and Vitality, is a valuable resource for anyone working with herbs and the elderly.
Folks taking prescription medications: If you take prescription drugs please work with  or talk to someone knowledgeable about combining herbs and pharmaceutical drugs. This can be tricky business because herbs can and do interaction with drugs, so expert advice is warranted.
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Quality Matters  
Herbalism has a rich history that spans thousands of years of use by the peoples of the world offering a firm foundation of knowledge about using herbs. This knowledge often shows us the most effective, often the safest ways to use herbs. Unfortunately some of our current herbal usage is no longer supported by the empirical evidence from our ancestors. Herbs are being prepared and used in ways never before seen in human history.
"We are now able to ingest herbs in tremendously potent forms. In the past herbs were most often taken as teas, tinctures and syrups, But herbal capsules, which make it easy for us to swallow as much herbs as we wish , and standardised preparations which contain extracts of herbal constituents that are far more concentrated than nature ever intended, have not been available until recently."
~ Rosemary Gladstar, Family Herbal
These new stronger forms are much more likely to have unknown side effects simply because we do not have thousands of years of usage to help guide us and alert us to important contraindications. Therefore, using herbs, when possible, in a way that is close to nature and to time-tested traditional usage helps to eliminate the new unknowns created by modern manufacturing.  
Please Note - Many folks buy these potent new products feel comforted by the "testing" and standardisation they have under gone. While, many standardised herbal preparations can be helpful for people and have their place, they are very strong and directions for dosage on packaging needs to be followed.
Finding The Right Herb For You
Each plant with it's beautiful myriad of biochemical compounds and subtle energetics offers a specific use and when that plant is paired with a individual fitting that specific set of indications, it is truly like magic. How do you find this pairing? That is the work of the herbalist. Michael Moore explains, "there are no fixed methods to apply to the human predicament, there is no single all-pervasive rule to follow, since medicine is not a science but an art" (Moore, 2003, pg. 11).  Yet, who knows you and your body better than you? As you find your way in the amazing world of herbs you will begin to find the herbs that work best for you. A great way to really get to know herbs is to try the one at time as a "simple" instead of in combination. Make and drink a tea from one herb for a few days to see how it really feels in your body.
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Finding Quality Herbs
The quality of the herbs you use is of the utmost importance! The best ingredients make the best preparation. Most herbalists feel that wildcrafted and homegrown herbs offer the best quality.  We are lucky to have many companies that sell high quality herbs when we can't grow or harvest them ourselves. When buying dried bulk herbs to make your creations there are a few important guidelines to follow. Look at the plant material, it should have a vivid, bright and appropriate colour. It should not appear faded and it should be fragrant. Over time, with experience, making these observations will become easy and enjoyable. Make sure you are buying the correct botanical! It is important to identify the plant material you are purchasing by it’s Latin name because so many plants have the same or similar folk names. Every herb has it’s own unique Latin name. For example, if you are searching for nettles, you can verify that you are getting nettles by looking for it’s Latin name Urtica dioica. Of course whenever possible, buy organic or ethically wildcrafted herbs for the best quality and to support a healthy planet.
A Bit Of Helpful Guidance For Choosing Plants
So now you know how to find high quality herbs, how do you know which ones to use? Well, first and foremost doing your research on any herb you are considering taking will help you know if the herb is likely to be helpful as well as potential contraindications and side effects to be wary of. To help you get off on the right foot here is a very brief break down of some of the most common herbs used in western herbalism (Jones, 1999).  I will not go into the most dangerous class of plants which are on the edge of being toxic and, luckily, are not commonly available in commerce.
~ Nourishing Plants ~
Herbalists traditionally regard nourishing plants as the safest herbs to use with generally no side effects. They are considered to be like food and can be taken for long periods of time.
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Examples Include:
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Violet Leaf (Viola odorata)
Oat Straw & Seed (Avena sativa)
Dandelion Leaf (Taraxacum officinale)
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
~ Tonic Plants ~
These support the body way down deep at a cellular level and act slowly taking six weeks to six months to help the body balance it's own energy.
Examples Include:
Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes)
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus)
Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale)
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Burdock Root (Arctium lappa)
Red Root (Ceanothus americanus)
~ Stimulating/Sedating Plants ~
This class of herbs have a quick action and may have side effects.
Examples Include:
Echinacea (Echinancea angustifolia, E. purpurea & E. pallida)
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Usnea (Usnea spp.)
Sage (Saliva officinalis)
Osha (Ligusticum porteri)
Most Essential Oils
How I Use Herbs Wisely
So, how do I use herbs wisely? My general usage of herbs revolves around using plants in the most natural state as makes sense. What does that mean? It means that I choose a to take elderberry syrup instead of elderberry tablets. When possible, I drink a cup of tea for my cold rather than take an encapsulated, standardised formula. A lot of my work with herbs as been with myself during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as with children so I tend to use mostly use nutritive herbs. When I feel the need to use something stronger or something I am not as familiar with I do my research and if the herb still seems appropriate, I approach it slowly and with respect, noting how the herb feels in my body.  
May you enjoy walking this truly beautiful path, a path that is by birth on our lovely Mama Earth your right!
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ResourcesA Few Helpful Websites
Herb Research Foundation Med Herb American Botanical Council The Herbal Academy Herbs with Rosalee Herb Craft
Favorite Trusted Herbalists
Many of these herbalists have very useful information on their websites and offer very trustworthy advice indeed.
Paul Bergner
James Duke
Rosalee de la Forȇt
Rosemary Gladstar
David Hoffmann
Feather Jones
Brigitte Mars
Michael Moore
Aviva Romm
Michael Tierra
Susan Weed
Matthew Wood
These are some wonderful books I have found through the years, though this list is by no means exhaustive.
~ General Herbals ~
American Herbal Products Association's Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd Edition edited by Zoe Gardner and Michael McGuffin (This is brand new, hot off the presses!  Looks to be an amazingly useful resource)
Family Herbal by Rosemary Gladstar Healing Wise by Susun S. Weed Flower Power by Anne McIntyre Any book by Michael Moore Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth by Sharal Tilgner, ND The Herbal Handbook, A Users Guide to Medical Herbalism by David Hoffmann Medical Herbalism by by David Hoffmann
~ Pregnancy & Breastfeeding ~
The Natural Pregnancy Book: Herbs, Nutrition, and Other Holistic Choices by Aviva Jill Romm, MD, AHG Wise Woman Herbal For The Childbearing Year by Susun S. Weed The Nursing Mother's Herbal by Sheila Humphrey, BSc, RN, IBCLC
~ Children ~
Kids, Herbs, & Health by Linda B. White, MD and Sunny Mavor, AHG - Note that this book has a great chart on "Dosage Guidelines for Homemade Products" Natural Healing For Babies & Children by Aviva Jill Romm, MD, AHG Smart Medicine For A Healthier Child by Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Rachel Walton, RN and Bob Rountree, MD
Gladstar, Rosemary. (2001). Family Herbal. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing.
Moore, Michael. (2003). Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West. Sante Fe NM: Museum of New Mexico Press.
Romm, Aviva. (2003). Naturally Healthy Babies & Children. New York, NY: Celestial Arts.
White, Linda B., Mavor, Sunny. (1999). Kids, Herbs & Health. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press.
Super Awesome Class Notes From ~ Feather Jones and David Hoffman, Rocky Mountain School of Botanical Studies, 1999 to 2001.
McCaleb, Rob. (1997). Controversial Products in the Natural Foods Market. Retrieved from http://www.herbs.org/greenpapers/controv.html
Foret, Rosalee de la. (2009). FDA on GMPs (Notes on a lecture by Roy Upton). Retrieved from http://www.methowvalleyherbs.com/2009/08/fda-on-gmps-notes-on-lecture-by-roy.html
Please Note ~ All the information in the post is my opinion based on my schooling and experience as well as research done to the best of my ability and in good faith. It is in no way intended as a substitute for medical assistance and common sense.
0 notes
DIY Nutrition Plan - A Baseline Study of Yourself.
Since the last article went up, we have had several questions about how exactly I started losing weight.  Below is a basic outline I followed to get me going and keep me going down the path.
In case you didn't know, I used to be pretty fat.  When I stepped on the scale almost 5 years ago, I was about 100 pounds heavier.  Truthfully, I was obese.  I was “active” and mostly did things that were considered “healthy,” but I kept putting on weight.  Part of the reason I was so chubby were circumstances that I thought were out of my control.  Part of the reason was that I was ignorant.  Part of the reason was that I was ignoring the obvious.  However, I was able to get a plan together that helped me to not only lose weight, but get my life on the track I wanted it to be on.  The key for my success was getting my personalized health/nutrition plan dialed in.
Before we go too far, I want you to know that I am a regular guy, writing to regular people.  I’m not giving out advice to athletes or elite performers.  I’ve never won a race or graced a podium.  I’m no gifted athlete, but I’m also not trying to be one.  I’m focused on winning at life, not some event.  Reality is I’m just a dude who used to be fat and got his act together.  I know what it is like to be overweight.  I know what it is like to wish for a better way to live every day.  It is my desire to help regular folks live a healthy life.  Trust me; if I can break away from the chains of my old overweight life, you can, too.  You just need a plan.
There are four things you have to take responsibility for before you begin this process:
1) You are in charge of you. Only you can figure out what is best for you.  You know the dynamics of your situation.  It is your responsibility to figure out how to make this happen in your particular circumstance. 
2) Leave your assumptions behind.  If you assume you have no assumptions, you are wrong.  You will be challenged in this process.  Have the ability to be flexible.
3) Things change.  You are going to discover some things about yourself along the way.  Some are strengths, some are weaknesses.  It is your responsibility to take it in stride, change what needs to be changed and continue forward. 
4) You get to define what success looks like.  What does progress look like to you?  One or two pounds? More energy?  The ability to play with your kids or grand-kids (or great-grand-kids) without tiring out?  You set the standard and work towards it. 
With that out of the way, how do you develop a case study of yourself to figure out how nutrition, health and fitness information applies to you specifically?
 Here is how I did it:
1) Take at least a week and log all the food you eat to determine how many Carbs (keep up with sugar, too), Proteins and Fats you are consuming.  Be honest.  Are you sneaking a snack here and there?  Are you eating extra helpings at supper?  Also note how much caffeine you take in each day.  If you can spare the time, an even better option is to log your current habits for two weeks.  I use the free MyFitnessPal app from Under Armor.  You can use whatever you like.  You will start to see your patterns emerge.  A good analogy is reading a map.  If you know where you want to go, the next most important thing to figure out is where you are at.  Without that information, you will never be able to figure how to get to where you want to go.  That’s what you are doing by logging your food.
2) Log your workouts and how they make you feel immediately after, hours after and the next day.  Workouts provide a good stress to the body.  But you have to keep in mind that the overall level of stress you will face during this endeavor is pretty high.  During this process, I found it was best to keep the workout intensity low.  It is advisable to do things like walking, easy bike rides and other similar low intensity activities.  You can up your volume for these activities, but keep it at an aerobic pace.  If you don’t know what that really means, a good rule of thumb is work out at a slow enough pace that you can have a conversation.  If you have to breathe through your mouth, you are working too hard.  Remember, the point of this study is to figure out what fuels you best in day-to-day life.  The added stress from hard, anaerobic workouts will be self-defeating.  That being said, if you are going to lift weights, shoot for maintaining where you are now, not gaining.  Your body will be going through a lot, don’t set it up for failure by forcing it onto a blood sugar roller coaster.  There is plenty of time after this test to ramp up your workouts.  The whole point of logging workouts is to start to accurately identify the normal feedback your body is giving you.  You’ll discover some cool stuff.
3) Log how much time you are sitting, or otherwise not moving.  I was astonished at how little I was moving throughout the day, especially on days I worked out.  I was an active couch potato.  You don’t want to be an active couch potato.   I realized my one hour of working out is not enough to offset 9-10 hours of sitting around.  It’s better to walk a lot throughout the day than burn yourself out in an hour and have to lounge around the rest of your waking hours.  You need to be aware of your daily movement habits.
4) Log any information your body is giving you.  Do you have a headache? Did you get phlegmy after a certain meal? Are you tired in the afternoons?  How much sleep are you getting?  You feeling anxious?  Why do you think these things are happening?  These are all clues you will use as you figure out how to best fuel your body.
5) Take at least 2 weeks and consume no high glycemic foods (sugar, grain, starch, dairy or processed carbohydrates).  Before you start this part, pull up a glycemic chart.  That is super handy when you go buy your groceries for this part of the test.  There have been books that came out recently that suggest doing this test for 30 days.   That’s good, too.   I went through this process before those books were written.  Two weeks worked for me.  The whole point is to let your body switch from primarily sugar burning to fat burning.  You will feel it when this happens.  If you are unsure you’ve reached this point after 2 weeks, go the whole 30 days.  During my two weeks, I even avoided fruit and most nuts.  I did eat a few berries though.  Throughout this time, eat only real food.  Nothing processed from a box or bag, even if it is organic or all-natural.  Locally sourced, non-GMO, grass-fed, single ingredient, chemical and antibiotic free are ideal.  Some folks call this “eating clean.”  Stay away from sugar and anything with a high glycemic score; let your body switch over to burning fat as the primary fuel. You’ll be eating a lot of salads, but that’s ok.  Also, it is important to note that I never let myself go hungry during those 2 weeks.  When I was hungry, I ate.  I didn’t limit the amount of calories I could eat either.  I just stayed away from sugar, processed food and anything else with a high glycemic score.
6) After the two weeks (or 30 days if you choose), introduce different carbohydrates one at a time to determine how they make you feel.  If they cause a digestive issue, blood pressure issue, or allergic reaction; don’t eat that particular carbohydrate anymore.  Do they make you tired?  Do they make you hungrier?  You will feel a difference.  If they don’t bother you at all, you’re good.  Almost everyone has some kind of carbohydrate intolerance.  This is how you figure out what yours is. 
7) Experiment to figure out what combination of macro-nutrients (fat, protein & carbs) fuels you best.  This means that after you have figured out what foods you have a negative reaction to (and thus avoid), it’s time to figure out your optimal nutrient ratios.  I did this through trial-and-error.  Since you are a food logging pro at this point, and you know what foods make you feel good, it is some simple tweaking.  An extra salad here, a little less meat there, or even adding an extra avocado to your smoothie.  This is where you really dial in how to best fuel your body every day.  Simply sliding the scale on the amount of carbs, protein and fats made a huge difference to me.
 So, I ask you: What is your personal health plan?  Feel free to use this outline as a starting point for your plan.  Go and do your own research.  Experiment with your food and your body.  Learn to read the messages your body is trying to send you.  You may find yourself eating in pretty close alignment to some diet (Paleo, Mediterranean, whatever).  There’s nothing wrong with that.  But ultimately, what you have discovered is a way to determine what best fuels your body.  You created a personalized plan that customized to your life. 
If this process seems intimidating, you want more information, or you would simply like an update, please contact us.  I know I wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for the support of friends, family, mentors and coaches.  If you need a little more help, let me know.  I am passionate about helping folks live their lives the way they want. 
If this is your first time with us, welcome!  Here at getoutoftheweeds.com, we dive deeper into the various aspects of health, nutrition, wellness and family life.  Sign up for our newsletter to stay on top of the latest and greatest. 
Also, check in often for more information about our upcoming partnerships and other online endeavors to empower you to be successful.  Lastly, if someone comes to mind who wants to get their life on a healthier track and could benefit from this information, please share it.
We are excited you decided to take steps towards your healthy future.  We look forward to hearing from you.
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ebenpink · 5 years
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Fitness and health pros: How Precision Nutrition coaches (and how you can coach this way too). http://bit.ly/2vhnozi
Here’s an inside look at how Precision Nutrition coaches clients, including our client-centric philosophy, habit-based methodology, and full client curriculum. I’ll even pull back the curtain on ProCoach, the program that’s allowing health and fitness pros around the world to coach the way we do. 
Today’s article is really exciting because I’m going to pull back the curtain and show you exactly (with, in some cases, screenshot-by-screenshot detail) how Precision Nutrition coaches clients.
I’ll also reveal how we mix world-class curriculum, elite-level coaching skills, and cutting-edge technology to get unprecedented client + business results.
Finally, I’ll share strategies that you can use immediately, in your own practice, to maximize client numbers and income while still maintaining control of your schedule and helping people get the best results.
Before digging in, however, I wanted to let you know that our industry-leading coaching platform — Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach — is opening soon.
Tested with over 100,000 clients, ProCoach makes it easy to deliver research-proven nutrition and lifestyle coaching to anyone who needs it… from paying clients, to family members, to co-workers, to loved ones.
It’ll help you grow your business while working less, getting better results, and living life on your own terms.
Want to coach in-person? Online? Or a combination of the two? Whatever fits your ideal lifestyle, it’s all possible with ProCoach.
To understand ProCoach you first need to understand why it was created, and the key problems it helps health and fitness professionals overcome.
JB shares his early coaching struggles and how PN went from 20 to over 100,000 clients with ProCoach.
Want to know exactly how ProCoach works? Then check this out.
See how other health and fitness pros are using ProCoach with their clients.
  Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
  In summary, ProCoach delivers — to your clients, on your behalf — a total coaching solution, complete with daily lessons, habits, check-ins, and more.
Plus, as their coach, you’ll support them by answering questions, offering encouragement, and tracking progress through special ProCoach software.
The good news? On Wednesday, June 5th, we’ll be opening ProCoach to our Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates around the world.
When you enroll, you’ll be able to use this ground-breaking software and curriculum in your business — with your clients — and easily, quickly, effectively deliver the habit-based coaching you learned in the PN Certification.
You see, everyone knows that habit-based coaching is more effective and has longer-lasting effects than typical diets or meal tracking. But not everyone knows how to do it effectively. We do, and today…
I’d like to show you how we coach. And how YOU can coach this way too.
In today’s article we’ll discuss how you can:
Dramatically increase how many clients you can coach.
Assess nutrition-coaching clients efficiently.
Build a habit-based curriculum for each client.
Deliver new habits, lessons, and assignments.
Monitor consistency and adherence.
Track physical, mental, and behavior changes.
Provide accountability, mentorship, and support.
Set clients up for long-term, sustainable success.
So let’s get started.
(By the way: This is a long post with a lot of detail. So please set aside some distraction-free time before digging in. Maybe even read it in two or three parts. You’ll be happy you did.)
Client-centered coaching: Shush your “inner expert”.
The history of fitness and health is littered with hard-ass authoritarian coaches.
Taking a page out of the military, these coaches deliver a series of no-pain, no-gain boot-camps where clients are given tough love and are taught to pay for their laziness and dietary transgressions with push-ups, cardio, and burpees.
This style of coaching features the coach as: Expert, Drill Sergeant, and Dictator. In this model it’s their job to tell clients what to do.
Sure, some coaches are at least polite about it. But, no matter how nicely they command, this approach remains coach-centered. It’s all about the coach and what they know. And it’s the opposite of client-centered.
Of course, as a great fitness / health coach, you probably are an expert. You have well-informed ideas and opinions on nutrition, movement, stress, and sleep. But…
There’s one thing you’re not an expert on: Your clients’ lives.
Each client is actually the expert on their own bodies and their own lives. They live in their bodies and experiences 24/7. You don’t.
That’s a critical distinction. Because…
Your clients have their own abilities and reasons for change.
They have their own limits, beliefs, preferences, backstories, and motivations. Some of these will be so far outside your personal experience that you couldn’t possibly have “standard” advice for them.
But that’s okay. As a change-based, client-centered coach, all you have to do is slow down and…
Quiet your own “expert” voice.
Ask questions. Listen deeply to your clients’ stories. And build your coaching approach around what you hear.
In doing so, you’ll actually uncover your clients’ unique abilities, reasons, and motivations (which will often be very different from yours). These will become your secret weapons.
Now you can help clients identify their own individual limiting factors. And then — more excitingly…
You’ll be able to help them propose their own solutions to their own problems.
We believe what we hear ourselves say.
So if you help clients produce and describe their own solutions, they’ll feel empowered, and embrace the solutions without you having to nag or boss them around.
This is a foolproof recipe for sustainable, long-term change.
Of course, this isn’t about coddling or being too nice or acquiescing to client demands.
Rather, client-centered coaching is about collaborating with clients and creating action plans based on what they feel they can do, not what you think they should be doing.
Let’s explore this methodology a little more.
Clients change by doing and experiencing.
These days, there’s a lot of emphasis on setting goals (e.g. lose 20 pounds) and then following a program (e.g. a diet plan or workout DVD set) to achieve those goals.
How’s that working?
On the goals side of the equation, we’re taught to think about what we want to accomplish. Then we’re supposed to make the goal specific, measurable, attainable, etc.
What happens once we’ve done all that? When we’ve set the ultimate goal?
For most people, not much.
That’s because goals aren’t achieved through the mere act of setting them. And goals aren’t achieved through sheer force of will.
On the program side of the equation, we’re taught to seek out a “Do this, don’t do that” program, summon up our motivation, and then turn our lives into “achieve that goal at all costs” projects.
We’re to become single-minded, unthinking, obedient little goal-chasing machines.
As you’ve probably seen…
This goal-focused approach fails most of the time.
Particularly when competing priorities come up and we haven’t built the necessary skills to be flexible and adaptable.
Then, since we haven’t “met our goal”, we feel bad. We think we’ve failed. We get frustrated and ashamed.
We might even give up. Or put that goal on the back burner till next January 1st, when we vow to take a crack at it again.
Based on my experience, success actually follows a different process.
First, you break down the things you want to do into specific skills.
Next, you develop those skills through intentional daily actions.
The formula pretty much looks like this:
Practice daily to build skills. Build skills to achieve goals.
Some people call this approach habit-based, others call it practice-based. They’re one and the same, and are based on current research around skill acquisition and change psychology.
Growth and development come through daily habits and supporting experiences.
Here’s an example of how this works:
Goal: Eat better consistently
Let’s say you want to lose weight. You know that to lose weight you’ll need to eat better consistently. So that’s your real goal: Eat better consistently.
But you don’t have all the skills to do it just yet. So you have to break it down into…
Skill: Hunger and appetite awareness
Which skills are required to eat better consistently? We’ve identified hunger / appetite awareness as the most important initial skill for making progress.
But that’s not quite a concrete thing you can do. So you have to break it down into…
Practices: Eat slowly, and stop eating when satisfied
We use two daily habits to build the skill of hunger and appetite awareness.
Habit 1: Eat slowly. Habit 2: Eat until satisfied, not stuffed.
This takes a month — two weeks for clients to learn, practice, and repeat each of the two habits. At the end of a month, clients have two very important habits that they can now use for the rest of their lives. They’ve learned it by doing it.
Not surprisingly, clients usually lose weight during this time. Because, of course, they’re learning to eat a bit less and adjust their intake according to body signals.
Even better, they’ve built two new habits that they can use for the rest of their lives, no matter what else happens.
Here’s how we present habits (and track their completion).
This approach is the perfect antidote to “program-thinking” in fitness and health.
Instead of a meal plan to follow, which is a very short-term (and limited) solution that never really addresses core problems, this approach is progressive and helps clients build transferable skills while stair-stepping their way to real change.
If you integrate this style of coaching with your clients:
They’ll accomplish goals more quickly (with less effort).
They’ll have an easier time maintaining results.
They’ll be able to do it within the context of a real human life (with its distractions, complexities, and surprises).
Here are some practical ways we implement this in our own coaching program.
The habits of Precision Nutrition Coaching.
Precision Nutrition Coaching is a one-year program that uses a client-centered, habit-based approach to help clients lose fat, gain strength, and improve their health.
Here’s an outline of the habits we recommend in our women’s nutrition coaching program. (Keep in mind, this is just one example; since we’re client-centered, we tailor habits to clients’ needs, gender, goals, etc.).
Weeks Habit 1-2 Take a 5-minute action 3-4 Eat slowly 5-6 Stop eating at “80% full” 7-8 Eat lean protein with each meal 9-10 Eat at least five servings of colorful fruits / vegetables 11-12 Make smart carb choices 13-14 Eat healthy fats 15-16 Plan PN-friendly meals 17-18 Record what you eat 19-20 Create & use a sleep ritual 21-22 Drink only calorie-free beverages 23 Break week 24-25 Use a targeted recovery strategy 26-27 Eat whole foods only 28-29 A little more, a little better 30-31 Protein & colorful plants at each meal 32-33 Practice 80% full 34-35 Do a 5-minute mind-body scan 36-37 Take a fitness information vacation 38-39 20 minutes of de-stressing 40-41 Create and practice your fitness mission 42-43 Choose your own adventure 44-45 Prepare for your final photo shoot 46-47 Celebrate your progress 48-50 Spread the love, pay it forward
Some of these habits (like “Eat slowly” or “Eat healthy fats”) are more straightforward. Others (like “Celebrate your progress” or “Pay it forward”) might be more open-ended.
The order of these habits, of course, isn’t an accident.
This is a carefully planned, cumulative client development experience.
We start simply and concretely, with clear and specific early habits that help our clients build a foundation. Over time, as clients develop skills and independence, we give them more freedom and opportunities to explore and expand their horizons.
Each habit builds on the previous ones.
Clients are able to do habits more effectively because of the skills they’ve already built. Which makes them feel even more successful and empowered.
They might start out tentative or nervous, but by the time they get to the final habits, they’re rocking ‘n’ rolling.
Here’s how our nutrition coaching software works.
Every day, clients:
Receive an email with what’s on deck for that day.
Example of the daily emails clients will receive.
Log in to a personal home page for more detail.
Read a lesson (which supports the habit).
How lessons and habits are presented on a client’s “today page”.
Mark whether or not they’ve read their lesson for the day.
Example lesson for a client to read.
Practice their habit for the day.
Mark whether or not they’ve done their habit for the day.
Example habit / practice for clients to follow.
Every week:
Clients measure and record their progress. This can be body measurements or other indicators (such as energy levels, mood, or habit consistency).
One of the progress checks that comes every few weeks.
Every 2 weeks:
Clients get a new habit to practice.
Example of a new habit / practice, which a client will get every two weeks.
Every month:
Clients upload more progress indicators such as photos, body measurements, etc.
One of the progress checks that comes every few weeks.
How do we support clients’ new habits?
Habits are supported by lessons.
We ask clients to practice a new habit for 2 weeks. During this time we share short lessons and assignments that help them understand the habit more deeply and implement it within the context of their lives.
For example, here’s a list of the lessons we use with the habit “Eat at least five servings of colorful fruits and vegetables.”
Lesson 1: How to get your colors.
Lesson 2: Just add vegetables.
Lesson 3: How to prep and cook your vegetables.
Lesson 4: The waste-not game.
Lesson 5: Greens supplements and powdered veggies.
Lesson 6: Tomato travels.
Lesson 7: Who’s your farmer?
Lesson 8: What’s for breakfast?
Lesson 9: PN Coaching movie night.
Lesson 10: Are you over-processing your fitness?
Example lesson that supports the habit “Eat at least five servings of colorful fruits and vegetables.”
Most habits offer Level 1 and Level 2 options.
Clients can make a habit as easy or as challenging as they like.
For newer clients, this takes away the fear of “doing it right” or “having to do too much”. Even the most intimidated beginner can usually find a habit level that works for them.
For more experienced clients, a bit of difficulty or a tougher game to play keeps them interested, challenged, and growing.
For example:
Level 1: If you’re new to eating our plant friends, feel free to mix up veggies and colorful fruit. Keep it simple and just get in the habit of eating the rainbow.
Level 2: If you’re already a produce-eating ninja, then use this habit to polish your plant consumption skills. Here are some things to try (choose one):
Improve your overall consistency.
Try more servings, especially of colorful vegetables.
Try new vegetables.
Try a new way of prepping or cooking familiar favorites.
Aim for more dark leafy greens.
Hit up the farmer’s market and try something in season or something organic.
We don’t just give our clients habits. We build their skills.
Over the course of each program, we help clients build dozens of skills through very specific and well-defined daily habits.
Each habit is decided upon using our “Five S Formula”.
The best habits are small daily actions that can be done in the context of real life.
If you ask yourself or your client, “On a scale of 0-10, how confident do you feel you could do this habit every day for the next 2 weeks?” the answer should be a 9 or 10. Anything lower and the habit is too challenging or intimidating.
Most goals are too big, or complicated, to try for in one go. Most skills are the same way.
So you break them down into defined and organized segments. Just like when learning / teaching complex exercises, you need to chunk bigger things into their component parts.
Once you have segments, you have to practice those segments in the right order.
If you do “thing 4” before “thing 1” you’re less likely to succeed. So start with thing 1, then do thing 2, then thing 3, and so on.
Do the right things in the right order and success is a reliable outcome.
Being strategic means being purposeful.
Strategic habits create a set of smart, deliberate decisions that leverage your strengths to help you address the thing that’s in your way right now.
Focus on that one thing — and only that thing — and a difficult process becomes easier and faster.
Nothing worth doing can be done alone.
Habits work best when they’re supported by some form of teaching, coaching, mentorship, and accountability.
Habits are good. A curriculum is even better.
The habit-based approach is awesome. However, if you — or your clients — have ever tried a habit-based program or app on its own, you probably got stuck with questions like:
Which habits?
In what order?
How do I actually do the habits?
What if this habit is too hard or easy for me?
Why can’t I do four habits at once?
And so on.
That’s why we focus on a habit-based curriculum.
A curriculum is a set of strategic, logical lessons and activities that go in a particular order, step by step.
It’s a purposeful program, plan, and progression based on the best practices of client learning, engagement, and development.
The PN Coaching curriculum, at a glance.
While the order of the habits above might seem a bit random, each one is carefully placed in a particular sequence based on very specific learning objectives.
To check out detailed curriculum guides, including a lesson-by-lesson breakdown:
Men’s coaching curriculum
Women’s coaching curriculum
Habits and lessons are cumulative and coherent.
Each habit / lesson builds the skills for future habits / lessons.
Then, later habits and lessons return to themes and ideas from earlier ones.
Everything is connected to everything else in a logical progression.
For instance:
Week 4: The “Notice and name” lesson covers the importance and basic process of self-observation and self-awareness.
Example of the “Notice and name” lesson.
this leads to…
Week 14: The “Experiment day: Snapshot” lesson, a very simple self-tracking exercise that looks at a few items throughout the day like energy levels, mental state, mood.
Example of the “Experiment day: Snapshot” lesson.
which leads to…
Week 17: “Record your intake” habit
Example of the “Record your intake” habit.
and eventually…
Week 29: The “How to listen to your body” lesson, which helps clients analyze patterns in habits.
Example of the “How to listen to your body” lesson.
Week 35: The “Your schedule doesn’t lie” lesson, which helps clients keep a time diary.
Example of the “Your schedule doesn’t lie” lesson.
Week 38: The “Time bandits, time warriors” lesson, which helps clients review time use and what it says about priorities.
Example of the “Time bandits, time warriors” lesson.
And so on.
As you can see…
It all fits together. It’s progressive.
Just like any other subject, you start at the beginning.
When learning math, students learn what numbers are, then how to count them, then how to add and subtract them, and so on… before they can start doing calculus or algebra.
Notice also…
“Anchor habits” come first.
These are things you can do anytime, anywhere. They’re foundational behaviors.
For example, for fat loss, the two anchor habits are “eat slowly” and “eat to 80% full”. These trump all other habits.
When clients get stuck or overwhelmed with new habits, they can simply return to these “anchor habits”.
Concrete, practical, prescriptive habits come first.
“Do X in Y way” habits lead the way.
While clients can still customize all habits to their needs and nutritional levels, early habits focus on clear, unambiguous basics.
Then, we start loosening the reins, allowing more open-ended habits and interpretations of them.
For example:
Early, concrete habit: Eat 5 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables each day
Somewhat open-ended habit midway through: Use a targeted recovery strategy
Completely open-ended habit near the end of the program: Pay it forward
Example of habit progression.
In addition, we like to mix things up. For example…
We mix up “hard” and “easy” habits.
Not all clients will struggle with the same habits. However, some habits tend to be harder than others.
We carefully dole out “hard” and “easy” habits so that clients aren’t constantly asked to do difficult things.
We also mix up “new stuff” and “review / consolidation” habits.
For example:
Habit: Eat whole foods only (a “stretch” habit, fairly difficult, requires learning new things) is followed by…
Habit: A little more, a little better (relaxing the control, scaling back expectations, allowing client to choose the next actions and simply improve slightly on what is familiar).
Clients are presented with new habits and have opportunities to improve on existing habits.
Some habits are “stretch habits” or “experiment habits”.
(Rather than “forever” habits.)
These are presented as “things to try” for 2 weeks, rather than “you should always do these as specified, forever”.
For example:
Eat mostly whole foods.
Drink only calorie-free beverages.
Example of a “stretch” habit and an “experiment” habit.
The idea here is for clients to:
Try something that pushes their boundaries for 2 weeks.
Expand their skills and repertoire while doing so.
See what they learn and discover about themselves.
See what they like, need, and/or want through this process of experimenting.
Add this information and insight to their understanding of their needs.
At the end of the 2 week “play period”:
Clients decide what was most interesting, valuable, and useful for them.
They decide what pieces of that habit to keep.
Stretch habits in particular are great opportunities for coaching and collaboration.
For Level 1 clients, stretch habits get them outside their comfort zone.
For Level 2 clients, stretch habits encourage them to “up their game”, improve their execution and/or variety, and refine their skills.
A new kind of personal: Building your Owner’s Manual.
What’s interesting about this habit-based approach (supported by daily lessons and assignments) is that it’s personal in a unique way.
When most coaches think “personal”, they think about telling clients what to do based on something physiological.
For example:
You weigh 180 pounds, so start eating xx grams of protein.
You have xx genotype, so avoid xx foods.
You just finished working out, so eat exactly xx.
And while there’s nothing wrong with suggestions based on known physiology, it’s still a coach-centered approach.
A client-centered approach recognizes all this physiological information while also taking into account what clients can reasonably do within the context of their lives.
We call this process “Building Your ‘Owner’s Manual”.
One of the “Build Your Owner’s Manual” exercises from the program.
Throughout our coaching, we ask clients to track their progress, gather data, and reflect on thought exercises. The purpose of this is to write an “Owner’s Manual” — a collection of information and analysis about their lives, bodies, needs, wants, and real-life-tested experiences.
The Owner’s Manual:
collects information about the client,
asks the client to test hypotheses and collect data for making decisions,
increases the client’s self-awareness and self-knowledge, and most importantly,
puts the client in charge (which makes them take responsibility and reduces their resistance).
Each client creates their own Owner’s Manual by answering several sets of questions online throughout the course of the program. This process helps clients:
Take responsibility for themselves — their thoughts, their beliefs, their stories, their environments, and most importantly, their behaviors. (No more coach-blaming or “This diet / workout plan didn’t work for me!”)
Feel empowered by and invested in the idea that they now have a set of “handling instructions for their bodies”. (No more “one-size-fits all” programs.)
Test hypotheses, gather data, and draw conclusions, just like scientists. (No more blindly “just following the rules”.)
Example of “Owner’s Manual” questions.
This is a very different kind of personal.
A good Owner’s Manual empowers clients to make informed decisions about their own needs, wants, and priorities (instead of you telling them what to think or feel or do). It’s client-centered coaching at its best.
Of course, none of this eliminates the need for:
Guidance and support.
Strategies to get through blocks and setbacks.
Problem solving and goal setting.
Indeed, that’s what what coaching is actually for.
Unfortunately, a lot of coaches spend too much time trying to measure adherence, trying to put together one-off education sessions, and doing a host of other tasks that should be automated.
This robs them of valuable time they could use to do what humans do best…
Build accountability, support, and relationships.
Automated lessons, habits, assignments, accountability checks, and progress checks are awesome. In fact, they’re the cornerstone of our very successful program, which produces results like these:
And these:
And these:
Precision Nutrition Coaching – Men’s Hall of Fame (225+ men’s before and after photos. Ages 21-70)
Precision Nutrition Coaching – Women’s Hall of Fame (375+ women’s before and after photos. Ages 21-74)
However, both research and experience show:
People do their best when they have strong, supportive relationships with a mentor or coach.
Having a ready-made curriculum (a clear, strategic, purpose-driven progression through client development and learning) frees coaches up to do the relationship-building, supporting, guiding, helping, and coaching that clients deserve.
Sure, if clients are ridiculously motivated and relentlessly tenacious, they might be able to figure everything out on their own without a coach or mentor.
However, most people need some amount of support. And that’s okay. It’s not a sign of weakness or incompetence. In fact, it’s the way most humans do most things.
The individual hero who accomplishes big things all by themselves is a myth.
That’s why, as a coach, it’s important to provide the following to your clients:
Encouragement during the courage phase.
The “courage phase” is the gap between when your clients commit to something and when they have the skill to actually do it.
At first, clients are committed but not capable. That’s scary and takes courage.
At times like this, it’s important to get enthusiastic support from coaches or mentors who’ve been through the process themselves.
A known cadence of accountability.
We all know accountability — regularly checking in with someone — is important. The social commitment helps us stick with what we started.
But accountability works best if it happens at regular, expected times. Whether through an app, in a group, or one-on-one, accountability should have a known cadence (i.e. weekly, every other week, etc).
Access to a respected coach.
Most people don’t want “a coach”. They want a leader, an expert, someone they trust and respect.
Most people don’t want someone in their face “coaching” them 24/7. They just want the security of knowing for sure that someone is there if they need them.
A positive progress focus.
Comparing clients to some superhero ideal doesn’t work. It makes them feel inadequate.
Which is why it’s important to seek out any and all positive progress. Bonus points for celebrating that progress when it happens.
Even if clients aren’t seeing physical results yet, if they’re showing up, good things are happening. By identifying and celebrating that, the physical progress will follow.
Proactive obstacle identification.
It’s not all high-fiving and progress celebration. Sometimes real challenges come up. People need strategies to move past these inevitable obstacles.
What’s better than solving the problem? Avoiding that problem in the first place.
Experienced coaches can give clients a heads-up about what they’re likely to come up against. That way clients know what problems to look out for, and they’re less likely to get derailed.
Help when stuck.
Even with the best daily habits, ongoing progress tracking, accountability, and proactive obstacle identification, sometimes clients get stuck.
That’s when an expert guide can help. Someone who’s “been there, done that” and knows how to navigate.
In our coaching programs, this is where our coaches really shine. They’re available to provide careful, patient, empathic coaching to clients as they go through the full journey.
But here’s the thing… this is only possible because we’ve automated so much.
The habits, lessons, assignments, consistency trackers, and progress reports are delivered reliably in a way that can scale. So coaches aren’t wasting time doing “admin” work.
Now they’re free to do what only a caring, empathic human coach can do: connect.
Here’s one of the ways our coaches connect with their clients.
As a special bonus: Coaches can take on more clients this way, helping more people than they ever thought possible.
You see, when I started doing online nutrition coaching, I soon realized that I could only handle 25-50 clients at a time while preserving quality control. Most of my time was wasted on admin tasks.
However, with automation, Precision Nutrition now coaches about 5,000 amazing clients per year with 20 full-time Precision Nutrition supercoaches (and an awesome group of part-time interns and mentors). That’s an average of about 250 clients per coach.
It’s the best of both worlds: 10 times the clients with even better results because of our proven, progressive, and change-promoting curriculum.
Client list within the ProCoach dashboard.
Tracking, feedback, and oversight for coaches.
So far I’ve talked a lot about the client side of things. Let’s look at the coach experience.
How do our coaches onboard, monitor, and provide feedback to clients?
Over the last 15 years, we’ve spent millions of dollars building our coaching software and curriculum — Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach — with the help of world-class researchers and dozens of full-time ninja programmers.
ProCoach is designed to:
Triage and assess new clients quickly and efficiently.
Deliver habits, lessons, and assignments from our curriculum.
Monitor consistency and habit adherence every single day.
Track physical, mental, and behavior changes every week.
Set clients up for long-term, sustainable success.
Help you attract new prospects and clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of success.
The home page of the ProCoach dashboard.
We start by getting to know our clients.
When clients enroll, we ask them lots of questions about themselves. We want to know as much as possible so we can best help them.
What do their lives look like?
Who are they as people?
What are their goals?
What are their biggest challenges?
How much do they know about nutrition right now?
How much of that can they actually do?
Do they have any injuries or other limitations?
Client intake questionnaire.
Then we track our clients.
Not only do coaches get the confidence of knowing their clients are well taken care of, they can also see their progress through a special dashboard that allows them to track their entire client list at a glance.
Client list within the ProCoach dashboard.
The client list gives coaches overview stats on each client, including:
where they are in the program,
how consistent they’ve been, and
how their body has changed.
But that’s just the beginning.
We keep learning about our clients as individuals.
Coaches can also drill down to each person’s client details by clicking on their name.
Client details page within the ProCoach dashboard.
There, coaches see photos, important details about clients (from their intake questionnaire), and how they’re doing in the program. Coaches also get access to pretty much everything they’ve done (or not done) in the program to date.
We keep an eye on how clients are doing.
Once a coach’s client list gets longer, they keep close tabs on their communications with each individual with this real-time feed of messages and updates.
Real-time feed of messages and updates.
Each client’s “Progress” section records whether the client did their habit and completed their lesson for the day.
Lesson and habit adherence are tracked on the client’s “my progress” page.
Responses to their assignments and lessons are also recorded in the “Archive” section.
Lesson and habit archive.
Of course, coaches get access to these adherence and consistency data through the Client List and Client Details areas of the ProCoach dashboard, as well.
We help clients assess themselves.
Along with the lesson and habit completion information, the system collects such other assessments as:
Progress updates.
Every few weeks clients are asked to report body weight, girths, photos, and other progress indicators. Also included are questions about whether they felt like their behaviors for the last week or so matched up with their goals.
Example of a behavior based question.
Every few months, clients are asked to fill out a quick survey. One is a psychological assessment evaluating their mindset and resiliency. Another asks important questions about how they feel about their progress so far. Another asks them to rate the program.
Example client surveys.
Coaches can easily access all of this within the ProCoach dashboard area.
We stay in touch.
Finally, there’s a built-in messaging system within the ProCoach software.
Through this system, clients can reach out to coaches and vice-versa. It’s like email but it’s all contained within the ProCoach software.
Imagine having all of your client’s details right there in front of you as you emailed them: their body stats, progress, latest messages and lesson responses, photos… everything.
Each time a coach is messaging with a client, all of that client’s data will be up on the screen at the same time. Coaches don’t have to rely on memory.
Everything coaches need to know is all right there for them, literally at their fingertips.
Messaging system within the client detail page.
In addition to the messaging system, there’s a built-in feedback system. So, when a coach reviews a client’s progress updates or assignments, they can send feedback or encouragement that’ll be delivered to them via their coaching homepage.
Coach feedback on a lesson in the “today page”.
15 years ago we set out to build a nutrition coaching platform and curriculum to deliver client-centered, habit-based coaching in a way that’s awesome for both clients and coaches.
Today, we now have efficient tracking, seamless oversight, and easy sharing of feedback.
By automating as much as possible, coaches can work with more clients, deliver better results, and spend less time on recordkeeping.
Help more clients with our software’s reliability, scaleability, and automation.
So far I’ve talked a lot about automating certain tasks so they’re done reliably and in a way that scales.
But what does that really mean?
You’re able to deliver the same high-quality coaching experience to every client regardless of what else is going on… in your life or your clients’.
This is hard to do when your coaching is one-off or when you have more than one employee.
You’re able to coach 5 clients, 50 clients, or 500 clients.
(And going from 5 clients to 500 requires very little additional effort.)
We’ve used ProCoach to help over 100,000 clients over the past 15 years. So I think it’s safe to say that scalability is well-proven.
You’ll be able to deliver nutrition habits, lessons, and assignments on time and on track, no matter what else you’re doing.
Whether we’re sleeping, busy, out of town, in bed with the flu, stuck in traffic or on a plane somewhere above the Pacific ocean… it doesn’t matter.
Our system will take care of your clients regardless, and make sure they get what they need.
Daily, weekly, and monthly check-ins are completely automated too.
In the end, I think Precision Nutrition Coaching is so unique because it does what nothing else out there can do:
It uses high-powered technology (ProCoach) to automatically deliver a progressive and carefully curated curriculum (built right into ProCoach) that’s supported by live coaches.
Want help doing this yourself?
With this article, I tried to break down each component of Precision Nutrition Coaching to give you an inside look at exactly how we use all three elements:
curriculum, and
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of how we coach as well as how you can use some of these elements in your own coaching.
If you’d like some support with this, we can help.
As I mentioned, Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach software has been specifically designed to help you use client-centered, habit-based coaching in your own business.
ProCoach will help your business.
Add habit-based nutrition coaching to your existing services, easily.
Add a totally new, and highly profitable, revenue stream, immediately.
Market and sell your services to clients and prospects, effectively.
Take on more clients, while offering high-quality coaching and attention.
ProCoach will help your clients.
Assess new clients quickly and efficiently.
Deliver habits, lessons, and assignments from our proven curriculum.
Review every client’s consistency and habit adherence at any time.
Track every client’s physical, mental, and behavior changes every week.
Set clients up for long-term, sustainable success.
Attract new clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of success.
Ready to build a thriving coaching practice?
Tested with over 100,000 clients now, Precision Nutrition’s
ProCoach makes it easy to deliver the sustainable, research-proven nutrition and lifestyle coaching discussed in this article to anyone who needs it… from paying clients and patients, to family, to co-workers, to loved ones.
Want to coach in-person? Online? A combination of the two? Whatever fits your ideal lifestyle, it’s all possible with
With the
ProCoach curriculum, coaching tools, and software, you’ll be able to turn what you learned in the Precision Nutrition Certification into a thriving practice, getting better results with dozens, even hundreds, of people while working less and living life on your own terms.
Interested? Add your name to the
presale list. You’ll save 30% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.
On Wednesday, June 5th, 2019,
ProCoach becomes available to all Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our
presale list. Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition, we like to reward the most interested and motivated professionals, because they always make the best students and clients. Join the presale list and we’ll give you 30% off the monthly cost of Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
You’re more likely to get a spot. Remember, last time we sold out within hours. But by joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
If you’re ready to help more people live their healthiest lives, grow your business, and worry less about time and money… ProCoach is your chance.
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Fitness and health pros: How Precision Nutrition coaches (and how you can coach this way too). appeared first on Precision Nutrition. from Blog – Precision Nutrition http://bit.ly/2z5QQLS via IFTTT http://bit.ly/2UPigBx
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