#my darling mad hatter
Sebastian Stan f/os
Part one of 3?
~ is familial or platonic
Justin Capshaw, law and order ~ He’s mine and Bucky’s son!
Aricka and Justin, my little star 💫
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Martin Waters, the architect
Aricka x Martin, finally facing my Waterloo
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Chase Collins, the covenant
Aricka x Chase, your love is magic
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Prince Jack Benjamin, Kings ~
Arickq and Jack, the Benjamin Twins
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Blaine, hot tub Time Machine
Aricka x Blaine, the good girl’s bad boy
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Carter Baizen; gossip girl
Aricka x Carter; he is the best thing that’s ever been mine 🏀
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Bucky Barnes; MCU
Aricka x Bucky Barnes, Aricka x Bucky, that timeless kind of love
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TJ Hammond; Political animals~
Aricka and TJ, the Hammond Twins, I’ve got you little brother
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Will Franklyn, Labyrinth
Aricka x Will; swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover 🩷
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Jefferson Hatter; OUAT
Aricka x Jefferson, true, mad, deep love, my darling mad hatter, we found wonderland
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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sketchcandraw · 1 year
Aaand we have another AU: Mad Hatter!Wally‼️‼️
Praying no one did this yet LMAO
Also have Both my AUs together in some doodles :3
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RARARAR pls do tho :)
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fraugwinska · 5 months
May I pretty please request Alastor’s wifey as like a Cheshire Cat?
Perhaps in her living life she led people to their deaths, as it’s sometimes interpreted as a guide. Then later on teamed up with Al and led victims to him?
I just like the idea of an unsettling smiley couple. That and Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez has been on loop in my brain LOL
Anonymous, you beautiful bastard. You waited so patiently, but I do think it's worth it... I couldn't stop writing this!!! I had so much fun, I cannot tell you. And I will revisit this pair soon, because I can't get over how AMAZING they are! <3 Edit 14-05-24: This will be a mini-series! :D Let's see how many parts we get out of this one!
TW: Graphic depitions of violence and murder, mention of war, gore Minors DNI - Mature content - Adults only!
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"Mon amour, can we go out tonight?"
You pulled the last strand of hair from the curling iron, scanning your work for any messy imperfection. Alastor, engrossed in a book, looked up at you, matching your sinister smile with his curious one.
"Oh? Bored already, darling? We went to Mimzy's only yesterday."
"Not that, silly." You walked over to him, setting the hot curling iron on a cool section of his dresser. You sat down, straddling him. Your hands folded behind his back, leaning in.
"I was just thinking that our last game has been a while, hasn't it?"
His eyes widened a bit, smile curling a bit higher. He set the book down on the side table and wrapped his arms around you, long, sharp fingers pressing into your waist with excited anticipation. You tilted your head, looking up at him.
"Well, we have been awfully busy lately with the hotel. I suppose it's high time we should find something to reward us for all our hard work, my darling!"
You nodded, giggling, and rubbed your nose against your husband's. The two of you always got excited when your interests lined up and plans of your games became more elaborate. It was how you met, after all.
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Not even two months after your fall, you were well established in the capitol of the pride ring. Quickly adapting to your feline form and with wit and a good heap of charisma you landed a job at the overlord Zestial's newspaper agency, working your way up quickly to editor. Hell wasn't a scary place for you, at all. The world you came from had been the real hell.
When the germans invaded France, you knew your little village in the Somme valley would be the first they would take, and then Paris would be next. Your brothers and father were already dead. You had heard of the horrors the german soldiers were bringing upon the women and children of the countries they captured, which made the will of protecting your sister and mother even stronger. But you had always been a fighter, and you possessed the most unusual but useful weapons a woman could possess: beauty, cleverness and ruthlessness.
They had been such easy victims - young soldiers, craving a good pussy after being away from home for so long - you seduced them with laughable ease and your signature smile and lured them into the woods, where you'd kill them, your smile never falling as your knife would hit the lifeless body again and again. Sometimes, you'd get so many killings in one night you had to burn the clothes you wore because the blood would've stained them through. They would all be thrown in the Somme, where they'd be swallowed by the waters, never to be seen again. You didn't even care what the punishment would be once the war was over. All you cared about was to avenge the lost and protect the remaining members of your family and if killing the enemy was the way, you'd do it gladly and with as much pleasure as you could. You had disposed of about 40 bodies in the river before they caught you, red handed, the knife still in your victims crotch. They had been too cowardly to shoot you then and there. Instead, they had dragged you back to the town, tied your hands behind your back and forced you to kneel in front of the town square, your mother and sister watching you along the horrified villagers, and you watched them, as they were made to witness them put a bullet straight through your heart.
"On se voit en enfer, putains de salauds."
And then, you woke up. In Hell, naked, confused, hungry, angry. But not scared. Never scared. You were still you. And your smile never faded.
A lot of people were too weirded out by the constant smile on your face, that's when you first heard of Alastor. The radio demon, rising star of hell's overlords. Everyone feared him, and his smile. You didn't, and that's what made him approach you when you saw him at a party you had been invited to by one of Zestial's acquaintances, Rosie.
He was drawn to your smile, just as much as you were drawn to his. When he spoke, your ears twitched in excitement, as if listening to the greatest song in the world. He was unbelievably interesting, charming up to a point where you couldn't help but feel drawn to him, and his voice - Oh, doux comme un ange et vif comme le diable. You didn't want to, didn't expect it at all, but your heart did a jump the moment his hand touched yours when he asked you to dance.
"Your smile never falters, darling. I can't help but wonder why?"
You giggled, a gloved hand covering your mouth as he turned you, crimson glowing eyes never leaving yours.
"I don't know, really. My papan used to tell me that it was the only thing I had going for me, and it's what made silly soliders so easy to kill."
You could feel the air around him tense and shift, his grin widening at your words as he turned you in again.
"Ah, a lady after my own heart. I can appreciate a woman who knows how to have fun."
You didn't say anything to his comment, just smiled, and he pulled you closer.
"Why don't we have a little fun of our own? I have the right mind for a little game, if you're up to it, darling?"
It took the both of you only a few more minutes to decide to leave the party. It was the night of your first game. Your first kill. And your first kiss. You loved to retell the story of how you two met to everyone who'd ask. You didn't mind, not even when they were uncomfortable. They weren't used to the idea of two people like you, the serial killers, finding love with each other that none of you sought out. It was a genuine love that was born in a way that could only happen in hell, and yet, you felt that it was the truest and best love you had ever felt. It was the first time in forever you could remember your cheeks actually hurt from smiling.
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Alastor stood up, lifting you from his lap with an ease that was effortless to him, and twirled you around.
"Well, then, why don't we go paint the town red?"
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lowered you, placing a kiss on your nose.
"Red looks beautiful on both of us."
Dressed in your favourite dress, you and Alastor made your way into the city. You always had to keep from giggling when you saw the face of the other residents as they realized you weren't going out for a casual stroll, but for a game night. Especially the pricesses girlfriend made you want to burst out in laughter, her face scrunched into a mask of disdain and disgust. The two of you were always a sight, though. Alastor, looking as handsome as ever, the red suit and black dress shirt underneath complimenting his dark complexion and making his red eyes glow even brighter. And yourself, always a sight for sore eyes, in a black lace dress that accentuated your figure perfectly. People always stared at you when the two of you were out, and that was only part of the fun.
Alastor's hand held yours, his long, sharp nails scratching your skin, the both of you excited for the prospects of the night.
"Why don't you set the challenge today, mon chou?", you asked, looking up at him with a curious gaze, "I'd love to see what you come up with."
Alastor chuckled, pulling you closer to his side.
"Mh... let me think."
His hand was placed on his chin, his eyes closing as he hummed a tune, deep in thought.
"How about this? I'll give you a five minute head-start. You win if you bring them to kill themselves, before I catch them. If I catch them before they're dead, it's my win. That sound fair?"
You grinned, the thought of the game already getting you excited. You weren't nearly as strong as Alastor was, but so much more agile than him and with a few tricks up your sleeve - you had a feeling that this would be your night.
"More than fair, amour. As for my reward: If you lose, I get to decide what music we are listening to until our next game."
"Well, well, greedy now, aren't we, my little minx?"
His grin widened as he chuckled, his arm tightening around your waist, pulling you closer, his lips brushing against yours.
"You know what my request is if you lose. It's a deal, then. And the stakes are high, I hope you know."
You smiled, your eyes closing as you brushed your lips against his, and purred.
"The higher the better."
Oh, how you loved the sound of panicked breathing. This cretin really had no stamina, only one minute in and he was panting, crawling in the alley you chased the scruffy doberman sinner after slashing his feet in the shattered glass and debris. You made yourself visible again in front of him, hidden in the shadows as just a grinning, magenta scheme.
"Aw, poor boy. What's the matter, baby?", you cooed, licking your claws as if nothing had happened. "You seem a little frightened. Don't you want to touch me anymore?"
The man didn't speak, just gasped, crawling backwards. You took a step forward, crouching down, your sharp, pearly teeth glistening in the neon light of the dim street lamp.
"No need to be scared, sweetheart, I'm a nice kitty. Come here, let me touch you."
You stretched out a claw, reaching for him as your limb elongated with bone-chilling cracks. He backed away, trying to get up. You giggled, the sound high pitched and eerie. You made yourself invisible again, shifting behind him and suppressing a giggle as he shuddered, looking frantically around him to search for your frame. Two minutes down.
"I thought you like pussy, baby?", you purred, making your voice come from his left ear. He screamed, and ran, his feet leaving blood stains on the concrete, limping, holding the wound on his leg. You laughed and let the lamps blow out one by one as he passed them, showering him with broken glass and hot metal wires. He didn't know it, but you were guiding him, right into a dead end. You heard the sounds of Alastor's microphone feedback somewhere further down the road, and grinned. You had three more minutes to play, and you knew you'd win.
You appeared before this pathetic excuse of a man, who had reached the dead end and was looking frantically around for a way out. Three minutes down, time to wrap it up.
"You're breaking my heart, sweetie. Don't you like to play with me anymore?"
"Fuck, I... p-please, don't... don't hurt m-me, I'm sorry... just let... let me go." The man was shaking, pressing his back against the wall. You licked your teeth, and took another step towards him, your hands on his shoulders, leaning in.
"Oh, I'm not gonna hurt you, baby. I'm just a drunken, helpless little kitty, remember?"
He whimpered, and you smiled, a sick, sinister smile that made him shiver even more. He slid down the wall that was blocking his way as you bent down, caressing his cheek. One minute to go.
"No, I'm not gonna kill you today. You'll do it yourself."
You reached inside your purse, taking out a small, golden pocket knife. His eyes widened as he watched you place the object next to his shaking form and you let yourself fade out of existence, except for your ever-lasting grin.
"See, if you're a good boy, you'll die fast and painless. If not..."
The man looked up at what remained of you, breathing heavily. His eyes were wide with fear, but his pupils dilated as he scanned the place, and a glimmer of hope rose inside him.
"Well, you'll find out what else in about fifteen seconds."
His trembling hand wrapped around the handle of the knife, his eyes still fixed on the spot where your figure had been. You leaned in again, whispering into his ear, the air of your breath hot on his skin.
“Tik, tok, little pup...”
With a desperate roar, the doberman whipped the knife forward, ready to stab where he supposed you were. And he would've been right. If not for...
"Too slow, darling."
The man's eyes widened, his breath stuck in his throat as his hand was stopped, the blade millimeters away from your flesh. The cold, bony grip of Alastor's claw around his wrist tightened, and the knife was slowly being pulled out of his shaking hand as you made yourself visible. He chuckled, the sound reverberating in his chest and the surrounding buildings, and stepped forward, looming over the trembling mess of a man.
"Well, well, well. Look at this sloppy attempt. What's the matter, boy? Cat got your tongue?"
Alastor's claw dug deeper into his flesh, a pool of blood forming under the hand Alastor still had in his iron grip. His other hand reached out, grabbing the man's throat and lifting him up the wall. You joined his side, watching the horrified expression on the sinners face with a tilted head as you nestled into him, a slight pout on your lips.
"Aww, you're no fun, amour. I was so close to winning, too. What a shame."
Alastor's arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer as he chuckled, squeezing the sinners neck a bit tighter. The man was gasping for air, his face turning red and his eyes starting to roll back into his skull. "Rules are rules, darling. I believe we said five minutes. That means the game is mine."
You sighed, your head leaning against Alastor's shoulder.
"C'est dommage, I was longing to listen to a little Presley again."
"Maybe next time, my love."
He leaned over to steal a kiss from your lips and you closed your eyes, not seeing but hearing the scream and the sound of ripping skin and muscles, the gurgling splatter of blood and the buzzing of your husbands static.
Oh, comme j'aime cet homme...
Alastor dropped the shredded remains of the sinner and it slumped into the pile of meat that used to be his head. He licked his lips, his eyes glowing in the darkness, a grin plastered on his face as he took off his stained jacket and put it over your shoulders.
"I believe I have a debt to collect, darling, and I'd rather do it in the privacy of our bedroom than here, don't you agree?"
He reached his hand out, and you smiled, taking it.
"Alors dépêche-toi et ne sois pas gentil, mon cerf"
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Translations: On se voit en enfer, putains de salauds - See you in hell, you fucking bastards Oh, doux comme un ange et vif comme le diable - Oh, sweet as an angel and quick as the devil Oh, comme j'aime cet homme - Oh, how I love this man Alors dépêche-toi et ne sois pas gentil, mon cerf - So hurry up and don't be gentle, my deer
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
Take a Break » Jefferson/Mad Hatter
Pairings: Husband!Jefferson x Wife/Teacher!Reader
Summary: Jefferson convinces his wife to take a break from grading papers.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, fingering, f receiving, unprotected sex, praise kink, aftercare, use of pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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“Sweetheart…” Jefferson’s voice softly echoed through yours and his home office, leaning against the doorframe.
“Now’s not a good time, Jefferson.” You say, not looking up from the stack of papers in front of you.
Jefferson sighed and pushed himself off the doorframe and walked in the office, closing and locking the door behind him before approaching the desk. He leaned down, kissing along your neck and shoulder, his teeth nipping on your skin hard enough to mark you up. You bit your bottom lip and tilted your head to the side to give him more access.
“Jefferson…” You breathed.
“You need to take a break, darling. You’ve been grading papers all evening.” He says in almost a whisper in your ear.
You opened your mouth to say something, but a gasp left your lips when you felt Jefferson’s hand disappear inside of your blouse and into your bra, gently squeezing one of your breasts. Your eyes fluttered shut and you melted into his touch. You felt your panties dampen.
“Jefferson, Grace is home.” You say.
“She’s spending the night at a friend’s house. We have the whole house to ourselves, honey.” He says.
He took his hand out of your blouse and began to unbutton it while his other hand disappeared underneath your skirt, rubbing your clit through your wet panties. You moved your hips against his hand, wanting more.
“You want more, sweetheart?” Jefferson asks huskily.
“Yes please!” You begged.
Jefferson pulled you up from the chair and pushed it aside. He turned you around and kissed you hungrily. He pushed your blouse off your shoulders, letting it fall it the floor. One of his hands expertly unclasped your bra. He pulled your skirt down your legs, letting it pool around your feet. You stepped out of it, kicking it to the side. His hand slid down your stomach and into your wet panties. His fingers rubbing from your clit to your tight entrance causing your pussy to clench around nothing.
“Jefferson, please…” You begged.
“Bend over the desk and spread your legs for me, darling.” He whispers in your ear.
You obeyed his orders, bending over the desk and spreading your legs and gave him a perfect view of your wet pussy, waiting for your husband to make the next move. He placed kisses along your spine before getting on his knees behind you. His hands grasped your thighs, placing kisses on them, making his way up to your pussy.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart that the only thing on your mind is me, your husband.” He says.
Your hands grasped onto the edge of the desk when his lips latched onto your clit, his tongue circling it. Your mouth fell open, moans of his name leaving your lips.
“Jefferson…” You gasped. “Oh yes!” You moaned.
His finger circled your entrance before sliding it inside of you causing your hands to grip the desk tighter.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned.
He move his finger at a decent pace while his tongue continued to flick your clit. His other hand snaked up your body, blindly finding it’s way to one of your breasts. His thumb and index finger pinched your nipple causing your cunt to clench around his finger at the sensation. Jefferson slid a second finger inside of you. Your jaw dropped, breathy moans leaving your lips. Your nails dug into the wood of the desk as his fingers and tongue fucked you.
“Yes! Oh fuck yes!” You moaned loudly when his fingers hit your sweet spot.
His tongue moved faster against your clit. His fingers moved faster, continuing to hit your sweet spot. He pinched your nipple again, this time a little hard which triggered your orgasm to start building up.
“Oh baby! I’m almost there!” You moaned.
“Give it to me, darling. Cum for me.” He says huskily.
His fingers pinched your nipple one more time before you came on his face and fingers. His fingers and tongue fucked you through your orgasm. Jefferson took his fingers out of your pussy and his lips off your clit. You leaned against the desk, catching your breath. Meanwhile, Jefferson was stripping himself out of his clothes. He hovered over you, turning your head to the side to kiss your lips.
“You’re being such a good girl for me.” Jefferson praises. “I think you deserve more. What you think, darling?” He asks softly.
“Mmm yes, I do.” You hummed in response.
Jefferson pumped his cock in his hand a couple times before lining it at your tight entrance, slowly sliding it inside of you, inch by inch. He turned your head again, kissing you once more when his cock was deep inside of you. His hands grasped your hips when he started thrusting. His thrusts were fast and loving.
“Always so fucking tight.” Jefferson moans, tilting his head back.
You felt every vein of his cock rubbing along your walls. Your hands gripped the edge of the desk tighter. His hands left your hips and slid up the front of your body, helping you stand up straight, your back against the front of his body. One of your hands continued to grip the edge of the desk while your other one found its way to his hair, your fingers tugging on it. His hands roamed your body, cupping your breasts and gave them a squeeze. A moan left your lips and your back arched off his body.
“Jefferson…” You moaned, your jaw dropping and your eyes fluttering shut.
Jefferson always takes your pleasure seriously, especially when you’ve been working hard and you deserve something for it.
“How are you feeling now, sweetheart?” Jefferson asks almost in a whisper.
“Amazing!” You gasped. “More!” You begged. “I want more!” You tell him.
“I’ll give you everything you want, my darling.” He says.
He didn’t just that. One of his hands snaked down the front of your body, stopping on your clit and began rubbing it in circles. A tingle went through your body when you felt the cool metal of his ring against your clit. One of your hands grasps Jefferson’s wrist to keep his hand in place. His fingers applied more pressure on your clit as he was rubbing it. A moan of his name left your lips. You arched your back in pleasure, pressing your breast more in his hand. Your head was against his shoulder. Your cunt clenched around his cock, feeling your orgasm building up.
“I know you’re close, sweetheart.” Jefferson says in your ear. “I know you’re on the edge. Cum for me.” He almost whispers, kissing your neck.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your jaw dropped, a moan of his name left your lips as you came. Jefferson fucked you through your orgasm, getting closer to his own orgasm. His thrusts got sloppy momentarily, but quickly regained it. A moan, followed by a curse word left his lips as he came inside of you, painting your walls. He laid his forehead against your shoulder as his thrusts came to a halt. You two stood there for a moment, catching your breath. Jefferson pulled out of you and turned you around, holding you in his arms so you didn’t fall due to how wobbly your legs are at the moment.
“Feel better, honey?” Jefferson asks, kissing your lips sweetly.
“Mmm, much better. Thank you, baby.” You say against his lips.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and to bed.” He says.
Let’s just say that grading papers was the last thing on your mind for the night.
-Bucky’s Doll
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literatureloverx · 1 month
I put this together pretty randomly, so the songs aren't in any particular order. You can imagine just the characters or them with their ideal type! darlings.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Neighbourhood - A little death
ABBA - Lay All Your Love On Me
Army of Lovers - Crucified
Lana Del Rey - Ultraviolence
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Lana Del Rey - Salvatore (orchestral version)
Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise
Theme from Schindler’s List
Theme from Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake Theme
Tchaikovsky - Sleeping Beauty Waltz
Rossini - The Barber of Seville
Art of Noise - Moments In Love
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Dazai Osamu
Taylor Swift - Enchanted
Alexander Rybak- Fairytale
The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues
Sade - Smooth Operator
David Kushner - Daylight
Raye - Escapism
Lady Gaga - Paparazzi
XOXO (Kisses Hugs) (feat. Pixel Hood)
Conan Gray - Family Line
Bad Omens - Like A Villain
Nbsplv - The Lost Soul Down
Labyrinth - All For Us
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Falling In Reverse - Popular Monster
Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse
The Living Tombstone - My Ordinary Life
MGMT - Little Dark Age
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Nakahara Chuuya
Sia - Elastic Heart
William Singe - Love You Like Me
Måneskin - Gossip
Skillet - Awake and Alive
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
Slipknot - Custer
Miley Cyrus - Angels Like You (Rock Version)
Pierce The Veil - A Match Into Water
Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
Chase Atlantic - Into It
Chase Atlantic - Drugs & Money
Chase Atlantic - Swim
Stefflon Don - 16 Shots
Zayn - Pillowtalk
Zayn - Tonight
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Nikolai Gogol
Insane Clown Posse - In My Room
Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy
Britney Spears - Circus
Britney Spears - Toxic
Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
Lady Gaga - Bloody Mary
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Lady Gaga - Love Game
Lady Gaga - Judas
Maroon 5 - Animals
SZA - Kill Bill
Bea Miller - Playground
Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter
Mother Mother - Hayloft II
(Nightcore) - Black Widow (Rock Version)
Autoheart - Stalker’s Tango
Bebe Rexha - I’m Gonna Show You Crazy
The Living Tombstone - My Ordinary Life
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athena-xox · 5 months
Changing the characters featured in each special without doing any research (it’s been like 2 weeks since I’ve proper watched eah).
True hearts day - chefs kiss it’s perfect
Thronecoming - I like the characters with their side plots but specifically for those going into the storybook of legends I would change blondie and cedar. Blondie would be at the game, it makes no sense why she was there (unless she followed them but she would have to be covering the game anyways so??) and cedar because I feel like they either should have focused more on her being able to lie or just cut her. I would replace them with 1 kitty because she could cover both the plot points that blondie n cedar bring (aka finding out where to go and how to get in) because I think definitely smth could be worked out with her going into the in between. And then I’m in between Ginger and Holly for the 8th girl. I feel like Ginger just because she’s important for spring unsprung so it would make sense to meet her earlier, but also then the focus would be less on raven + briars horrible destinies and on gingers. And I think that Hollys destiny makes a lot of sense for a quick little montage but then that brings the question on if it should be poppy instead or if the sbol they go into is a fake or not.
Spring unsprung - for the girls who get outfits from Lizzie I’m not going to switch them for Maddie and Kitty even tho it would make sense for Lizzie to make the outfits for them (but then again I’m pretty sure the og queen of hearts doesn’t even know who the Cheshire Cat + Mad Hatter r) so the only one I’ll switch is Holly. Just because I didn’t commit to her for the thronecoming arc and so I feel like she doesn’t really need to be there. I would switch her for Farrah (ik she didn’t exist yet but do I look like I give a fuck?) because in the diaries her cedar and Lizzie design together. And briar and cerise can stay because they’re featured and they are like main characters. The others in this special make sense tbh
Way Too Wonderland - ok yeah it makes sense for the 6 girls. The 3 wonderlandians who left pre curse that makes sense. Briar who is literally the catalyst for all these events. And the two main characters. If I could add someone I’d add cerise because her parents got married in wonderland, which could create an interesting plotline, and after spring unsprung her character was kinda discarded which is too bad. The others (the charmings + bunny and Alistair can stay too). Mm honestly I’d remove faybelle. It makes sense for her to be there just to establish her character before dragon games + epic winter but she wasn’t needed. Honestly could switch cerise with her.
Dragon Games - now here’s where I start to actually dislike the line up not just in a nitpicky way. Okay so off the top of my head the ones who compete in the dragons games are Melody, Lizzie, Poppy, Darling, Holly, Apple, Ashlynn, Maddie and Raven. I’m sorry what?! No briar?! Or cerise?! Immediately cutting Lizzie and Melody for those two. And I feel like Ashlynn could be replaced by Jillian, Cupid, Ramona or Nina. And then for those who go to the forest originally are Raven, Darling, Maddie, Ashlynn, Poppy, and Holly. Definitely adding Briar because that just makes this so much more interesting / briar’s rebel arc could have happened!! I’d either just add her to the existing group or if cut the O’Hair twins and also add cerise because cerise is close friends with raven and is seen with darling lots.
Epic Winter - so if you know me yk were cutting rosabella. I’m very tempted to just add Lizzie but we will resist the temptation. I’ll definitely be changing this one a lot. So the crew is Briar, Faybelle, Ashlynn, Blondie, Rosabella, Daring and Crystal. Cutting Blondie & Daring and adding Poppy and Duchess. Okay that might not look like a big change but im changing who gets which arc. Those with flowers are now Briar, Rosa, Poppy and Crystal. Ashlynn is just there because she’s friends with Crystal not because of the flower. Faybelle is there for the same reason. Rosabella is just there because of her flower, of course she becomes friends and stuff but the whole ‘I can fix him’ thing is gone. Instead this is poppy and duchess. Whether or not it’s seen as a ship or friendship Duchess is the one who needs redemption not Daring. Also I just found the blondie wanting a real story arc to be stupid
Forest Fest - I forgot this is considered a special? Is it considered a special? Anyways I think it’s fine I found it annoying how raven and dex had to be the ones to save the girls it could literally be anyone else. I found Poppy kinda a random choice for blondie to take, like just for the hair?? Maybe Ginger instead because she also has a show and they could be going together.
Tbh I want to make another post with in depth analysis
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skriblee-ksk · 2 months
“Why am I here? It’s to help you, the beloved Prefect! It’s not empty flattery, darling. I can enjoy the event and help my friend at the same time.”
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“I’m curious about how you’ll deal with any mishaps. I’ll assist if needed, but you’re quite capable, aren’t you?”
Set to Home Screen: Oh my, it’s time already?
Home Transition:
1: Once again at the Queendom of Roses… Hm? Oh, just… reminiscing of home.
2: I wonder if Trey and Riddle participated in this event before… If they did, we’d be somewhat ahead than other schools’ representatives. Then again, this contest is one of the most unpredictable ones.
3: Kalim has an eye for picking extravagant objects, albeit accidentally. Vice-Housewarden Rook… Um, I’ve seen his eye for beauty, so I don’t worry about him in that aspect.
4: Eight people to decorate the hat… Any other school, I would have been promoting teamwork. NRC students are far too stubborn for me to even want to try… Well, I’ll try anyway.
Home, after Login: The representatives seem confused by my presence. I’ve gotten ahead of my classes so there’s no worries about it, but is it really so strange to see me otherwise? We used to be… No, nevermind.
Tap Home:
1: I can’t say it’s my favorite event, but it’s one I spent time with regardless. And, the outfits quite flatter me, don’t you think?
2: I bought this hat and decorated it hastily before this trip started based on the requirements, but it ended up pretty good. What do you think? Wouldn’t I be of use in the contest?
3: Is it really okay having both Malleus and Leona here? They don’t have a good relationship, from what I remember. They were arguing a while ago, though it was more petty banter than actual threats.
4: I’ll warn you now, don’t let Jade put any mushrooms or mushroom related things on the hat. Why? Because it’s gross— I mean, it just doesn’t fit the theme! Wait, but since it’s based on the Mad Hatter, maybe the randomness… Well, but—
5. Ruggie went to the left? Perfect, I appreciate you telling me. This is the best chance I’ll have at forging a strong relationship with that th—opportunist.
Groovy Lines: Unlocked
Event hosted by @zetsubobu
Notes and more under cut!
Decided to go Kalmia instead of Kiyuu for this one!!! I actually made the lines before I had finished drawing Kalmia’s ref, so this is what motivated me to finish it LOLLL
Fun fact!! The prefect is one of the main people Kalmia acts more confident with. She tells more of what she really feels towards the Prefect and doesn’t care as much about being a person the Prefect can love (because she’s planning on replacing their role anyway and doesn’t want any extremely complicated feelings when that happens).
Tumblr freakin. Posted this for some reason??? I don't think I pressed post but maybe i did accidentally??? Anyways it killed me inside. But we ball now.
I really winged this outfit btw. searched up 1920s fashion catalogue on pintrest, chose one, and just. sketched it. It was pretty fun, but now I don’t have anything to give y’all.
I'll make the groovy soon!!! But I might post a small comic and substitute it as a groovy instead lol??? Either way, await!!!
Taglist (ask to be added!!): @kathxrat-01 @distant-velleity @scint1llat3 @elenauaurs @boopshoops
@lumdays @ven4t1c4l @jewelulu @thehollowwriter
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nerdraging4point0 · 6 months
Mad Hearts and Temptations // Chapter One //
Wonderland Romance AU. Mad Hatter Noah
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by @ladyveronikawrites
Tropes and Tags: Wonderland romance, instalove, too much sex, destiny, fated lovers.
Content warning: 18+ only minors DNI. dark themes, gore themes, gothic themes, PinV, PinA, oral (f!recieveing, m!recieving), voyeurism, exhibitionism, angst.
Taglist (click to be added):
@cookiesupplier @badomensls @concreteemo @mysticdoodlez @viofcrows @srorgana1 @in-another-life @broken0mens @itsafullmoon @ladyveronikawrites @somewhere-diamond @celestineveil @meliferafaerie @poisongirl616 @littlefoxkota @darling-millicent-aubrey @th0ughts-pr4yers @silentglassbreak @shilohrosechicken @hayleylatour @sundamariis @lma1986 @thatchickwiththecamera @lilhobgobbler @missduffsblog @asilentsiren @letmeadoreyoux @transparentwitchnightmare @latenightmusiclover
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The work below contains fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
My heart pounds as I sprint down the endless corridor, the dizzying checkered tiles seeming to swirl beneath my feet and tilt the walls at odd angles. Doors of all shapes and sizes line the hall - some tall as giants that I can't even reach the knobs of, others no bigger than mouseholes, just large enough to slide my hand through. I rush past them desperately, knowing exactly which one I seek. The same door I always seek, the one that will lead me out of this maddening maze. It's made of dark, worn wood, the brass of its hinges tarnished with age, its yawning keyhole gaping open like a mouth, just waiting to swallow the right key. As I race toward that familiar door, freedom seeming so close I can taste it, her voice echoes through the empty passageway, stopping me dead in my tracks. The voice I know so well, now twisted with bitterness as she calls out, "It was supposed to be you."
It’s been the same dream since I was a kid, ever since my cousin Alice came to stay with us that fateful summer. I never liked my cousin Alice. To be honest, I never really knew her, but after her brief visit with my family, I begged my mom to never invite her again. She was always greedy and whined incessantly about everything. She would snatch my toys without asking and hide them around the house, intentionally breaking things and then blaming me for the damage. I still vividly remember that evening after dinner when we were supposed to play hide and seek outside. 
Alice hid herself so well that night that I eventually gave up looking for her as the sun began to set and the sky faded to a pale blue. I was playing alone on the front lawn when Alice suddenly emerged from the shadows. Her Mary Jane shoes were scuffed and filthy, her dress was stained and disheveled, and her normally tidy blonde curls were matted and caked with some type of dark, viscous fluid. Her fingernails were also covered in what appeared to be red paint. She looked completely deranged and insane. Her eyes were bulging out of her skull as she stared directly at me and uttered in a haunting tone: "It was supposed to be you." Even now, years later, that bizarre encounter is seared into my memory, and Alice's crazed voice still appears in my nightmares.
My cousin had always been troubled, even when we were young. There was a darkness in her that I didn't understand, a swirling chaos behind her eyes that frightened me. As we grew older, her mental state deteriorated. She became unpredictable, prone to violent outbursts and deranged ranting. My family did their best to help her, but it was no use. The day she was finally taken away, restrained and sedated, came almost as a relief. I felt guilty for feeling that way, but I could not deny the lightness in my chest when I knew I wouldn't have to face her manic presence anymore.
That relief was short-lived. Though she was gone from my daily life, her memory continued to torment my dreams. I would find myself wandering endless hallways, hearing her sing-song voice taunting me from the shadows. Her eyes would appear around corners - wild, darting, devoid of reason. No matter how far I ran, she was always there. I would wake with a start, heart pounding, soaked in sweat. Sometimes I awoke screaming.
It's been years now since I left that house, since I got away from the ghost of my cousin. But still she haunts me. In the dead of night she comes creeping back, seeping into my subconscious to wreak havoc in my dreams. I wake gasping for breath, blinking into the darkness. I check the time on my phone - 4am again.
I don't bother with more sleep, tossing the blankets off my body as I stumble my way out of the bed to the bathroom. The light blinds me momentarily before my eyes adjust, taking in my sleepy form in the mirror. My amber locks are braided and resting over my shoulder, with some strands falling out of the tight coils I made the night before. The silver ring in my left nostril catches the light, as does my septum piercing and medusa lip ring, sparkling briefly as I groggily search the messy vanity for my toothpaste.
My fingers fumble over tubes and bottles, knocking a few things aside before finally grasping the minty toothpaste. I pop open the cap and squeeze some onto my toothbrush, the sharp mint helping to wake me up slightly as I begin scrubbing the night's sleep from my mouth. My eyes are still bleary, barely open as I brush and rinse.
As the fog of sleep lifts, I mentally revisit the bizarre dreamscape that moments ago had felt so real and tangible. The stark black and white checkerboard floor spins dizzily beneath me, its sharp diamond tiles swirling together into a dizzying optical illusion. All around me are doors - doors of every shape and size imaginable. Circular portals, square wooden doors, even sideways slanted doors that defy logic and gravity. Most peculiar of all is a breathing door that slowly inhales and exhales, its wooden surface magically undulating in and out of the wall itself. Of course, in the rational light of wakefulness, such an animate door seems patently absurd. But in the illogical realm of dreams, where the mind is unbounded by natural laws, anything is possible.
 I walk down the narrowing hallway, the walls seem to close in around me, making the space tighter and more claustrophobic with each step. Ahead is a door that has become very familiar to me, though I've never entered it. I can't help feeling a sense of belonging when I see the door, like it is a lost part of me I'm destined to reclaim. The door itself is quite elegant, despite the dilapidated state of the hallway around it. It has a shiny brass doorknob and ornate brass hinges that gleam like gold in the dim light. The dark wooden door contrasts with the cracked and weathered plaster walls, standing out like a jewel in a dusty setting.
When I reach my hand out to open it at last, I am filled with longing and excitement to see what awaits on the other side. But each time, just before I turn the knob, a chilling, disembodied voice whispers, "It was supposed to be you," and I am shocked awake from the recurring dream. 
I spit out the foamy residue, watching the minty bubbles swirl down the drain as I turn the faucet off with a squeak. My studio apartment descends into silence, the calm only broken by the ticking of the clock on the wall. While the confined space may seem claustrophobic to some, to me it's cozy - a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world. After growing up in a sprawling suburban home cluttered with dusty tchotchkes and my parents' eclectic art collection, I find comfort in the simplicity of my minimalist apartment. I don't need much - just a bed, a couch, and a small kitchen. The lack of clutter soothes my mind. I enjoy the openness, how there's no visual noise competing for my attention. The blank walls and empty surfaces allow me to think clearly and focus on what's important.
The stillness of the air is broken only by the faint murmur of my name emanating from an unseen presence. At first I strain to make out the hushed utterance, unsure if it's real or just my imagination playing tricks. But the more I focus, the clearer the gentle tenor becomes, beckoning me from the shadows. Though no physical form manifests, I feel the voice resonate within my core, igniting a warmth and calm I've never known. My pulse quickens at the thought of this disembodied visitor serenading my spirit, his cherubic tones blanketing me in an otherworldly embrace. I dare not move or speak for fear of severing this ethereal connection. I close my eyes, bathing in the velvety notes that seem to stroke my soul, stirring sensations and emotions I can't articulate.
I shake it off. 
Hearing voices was never a good sign. That’s how it all started with Alice, I was not Alice, I would never be like Alice. 
Alice had been sent away years ago, but just a few months back I’d gone home to visit my parents and saw Alice’s sister and father over for a visit. They said something about how Alice was released and after several months back home she told them she no longer felt like they were family and she was going somewhere she belonged. At first, I was confused, Alice had always been close with her family when we were younger. However, it seems that after being sent away, something had changed within her. Her father's eyes seemed dull and defeated while her sister looked on the verge of tears as they explained how Alice had rejected them and renounced their family ties.
After their visit, my mother confided that Alice had stopped taking her psychiatric medications and severed all ties to society, essentially vanishing completely off the grid by her own choice. When I returned home I double bolted my locks, an unsettling fear in my chest that Alice was one day going to come back for me. 
The dull repetition of my daily morning routine is painfully familiar. I mechanically go through the motions of getting ready - carefully applying just enough makeup to look presentable, loosely pulling my hair back into a ponytail, and throwing on whatever clean clothes I can find. I feel like I could get ready with my eyes closed at this point. Once dressed, I grab my oversized work bag and shuffle out the door of my tiny apartment building.
The refreshing spring air hits my face as I begin the brief five block walk to the coffee shop where I work. It's mid April, so the weather is finally warm enough that I don't need a heavy coat, but still cool enough that I'm not breaking a sweat on my short commute. The temperatures are perfect for walking. I breathe in the crisp morning air, taking in the sights and sounds of the city coming to life - birds chirping, early morning commuters hustling by.
The coffee shop is its typical whirlwind of activity in the middle of a hectic Wednesday workday, with customers streaming in and out grabbing their caffeine fix on the way to their next appointment. Behind the counter, I'm immersed in the controlled chaos - filling orders as fast as my hands can move, hearing the hypnotic hiss of steaming milk from the espresso machine competing with the insistent beeps of microwaves. Voices layered upon voices create a steady din that reaches all the way up to the exposed pipework ceilings. It's a symphony I know well after years in the food service industry. 
As I go about my normal routine, filling orders and handing out drinks to the steady stream of patrons, I've become adept at tuning out the more eccentric customers that pass through. But today, as I prepare a lavender tea and call out the order, I find myself momentarily transfixed by the young woman who steps up to claim it. Her long, straight platinum hair cascades down her back like corn silk, with a few strands elegantly pulled up into neat buns on either side of her delicate face. Dressed in white high-waisted skinny jeans and beige heels, she cuts a stylish figure. But it's the antique pocket watch attached to her belt loop that catches my attention. As I hand over her tea, she tilts her head quizzically while consulting the watch, as if carefully calculating the passage of time. After a pause, she looks up, fixing me with an intense gaze.
 "You're late," she says simply, causing me to stammer an apology before she turns abruptly, her long hair trailing behind her like a cape billowing in the wind.
I shuffle through the day, walking through the lobby to clean up the drinks people have rudely left on their tables. Wiping them down as I clean up. I pick up a paper cup about to throw away the half full liquid. But as I turn the paper cup in my hands, I see someone has written under the lid in sharpie the words, ‘Drink Me’. I bring the open mouthpiece to my nose taking a quick sniff. Lavender and Chamomile and something else-something spicy.
As I inhale the floral aroma rising from the mysterious concoction, I pause, transfixed by the cryptic message and alluring scent. Curiosity battles with apprehension as I contemplate the unknown contents. I toss the cup in the trash anyway, wiping down the last of the tables before heading behind the bar again. 
Typically, I thrive on the pace and the social interaction with customers and coworkers alike, but today the commotion is too much. The constant demands have drained my mental energy. I feel the weight of exhaustion seeping into my bones.
As soon as the clock hits the end of my shift, I make a beeline for the door into the blissful quiet of the outside world. Wolfing down a quick lunch, I start the familiar walk home, already dreaming of my cozy bed. By the time I've unlocked my apartment door and stepped inside, I can barely keep my eyes open. I don't even bother changing clothes before I collapse onto the mattress, surrendering instantly to a deep sleep.
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my-blind-album · 2 years
Lady Leonora Lesso x Female Reader- My Fiancé
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Reader; Uh- hello?
Clarissa; Yes, how can I help you?
Reader; I'm looking for my fiancé?
Clarissa; Uh okay- could you describe their appearance?
Reader; Uh yes of course- *thinking* their about yay high *makes height with hand*
Clarissa; Mhm....
Reader; Their hair looks like a demented clown
Clarissa; ....
Reader; Or that of the mad hatter and they have a resting bitch face 90% of the time, and have a walking stick which they change every 30-35 minutes
Clarissa; Uh okay- I'm sorry to inform you but I don't think there's anyone under going that description
Lesso walking into the room; Dovey why the hell did you- *notices Reader* Darling?
Reader; Leo!
Clarissa looking lost as fuck; Wait hold on demented clown?!
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frost-queen · 9 months
Headcanon | Mad as a hatter
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: Imagine being Alice's sister & following along her adventures. In the end you decide to stay in Wonderland with the one you love.
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Family relations
Alice was the first one to discover Underland or as she loved to call it Wonderland. As always she was the first to do so. After her first trip she excitedly told you about all the wonders it had to offer. How cake could make you grow and a drink make you smaller. At first it sounded a bit bonkers to you, but soon you found yourself going down the rabbit hole with your sister. Entering the glooming wonders of the underland. While Alice met the white rabbit first, your first encounter was with the March Hare. That goofy looking hare. It bounced around and spoke fast with gibberish. You found the March Hare extremely funny. He would be the one to invite you to your first tea party.
"Tea for two, two for tea. Sugarcubes and milk. Half a cup or a cup a half." - he would goof out sounding like a halfwit.
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Years later after you had forgotten about your childish adventures, you were back at it. Having followed your sister down when she ran away at the party. Before you knew it, you saw her fall down. It took you but a moment to head after her without thinking. She was your sister after all. The only one who didn't presumed you mad. Once down it occured to you just how much wonderland had lost it's wonder. The place dark and gloomy. The March hare a tat more bonkers than usual. He was mumbling to himself, correcting himself as if speaking to a second person. The door mouse was ready to poke your eye out if the Mad Hatter hadn't stopped her. He immediately recognized you making his bow flutter open like a butterfly.
"Y/n!" - he would say pleasantly. A warm smile on his lips. You were relieved that someone recognized you. From up till then you had been treated like a stranger. - "You've returned." - Mad Hatter would continue. He jumped up on the table with a funny chuckle. Making his way over, knocking over cups and teapots in the process. A bit of cake flew right over the doormouse's head making her glare grumpily at the Hatter. Hatter jumped down on the other end. Bowing and kissing your hand teasingly. Upon the arrival of the red queen you lost track of your sister. Scurried off in a haste. The March Hare leading you away in secret. The queen couldn't have both of you. The Chesire cat appearing out of nowhere to give out directions.
While Alice found her way at court with the Red queen were you forming an alliance in the background. Gathering all your friends to make them rebel against the red queen and end her reign of terror. Tweedle dee and Tweedle dom, Chesire cat, doormouse, March Hare, white rabbit, the Mad Hatter, Bruno, Caterpillar, .... All wanting to reclaim their home and set the right queen on the throne. During your time grew Hatter and you closer. Closer than ever.
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After Wonderland
You hated saying goodbye's, but goodbye's were in order. The Jabberwocky had been slayed and Alice was victorious. You were rather the victor in the background, allowing your sister to shine. Saying goodbye to the Hatter was the hardest you ever had to do. There were tears. Tights hugs and cherished moments. While you couldn't stop crying, the Hatter was wiping your cheeks saying comforting things to you.
"No matter where you are Y/n, you will always be my favorite person to style a hat for. The most perfect head you have." - he would say. - "Our adventures will forever be ours and I know in my heart you will find your way back soon. No matter how long it might take or how you find your way here, I just know you shall do so."
The following weeks at home was Alice the happiest. Having discovered a new part of her. While you remained inside crying your heart out to all that you missed. The world you were from no longer feeling like home. Home felt like wonderland, like your friends and the Hatter. Specially the Hatter. He felt like home and without him it felt like you were homeless. No matter how hard Alice tried to comfort you, she just couldn't. Wishing she could do something to ease your pain.
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Return to Wonderland
The news was like a shock. A shock knowing that the Hatter, your Hatter was fading away. Losing himself in the process. When you first saw him, pale as snow, you cried. What if you were the reason for his fading? What if the reason for you leaving him made him fade away? Guilt took place in you as you wanted to reverse time. Time... you never expected for Time not be a what but rather a who. Back in Wonderland your sister and you dabbled with Time in the hopes to make it all right. To stop Hatter from fading and returning to his old self. On your journey you learned a new side of Hatter when he was younger. Understood him more.
When your sister and you finally made things right it felt like another goodbye again. Yet this time you had other plans. Turning towards your sister Alice, you gave her a big hug. Alice returned your hug with a deep breath, knowing what it meant. Hatter was confused seeing you hug your sister. - "Why are you saying goodbye to each other? Are you seperating?" - he asked. Alice kissed your cheek, wishing you well as she would miss you dearly. You then turned to a confused Hatter. - "Yes silly, for I am staying here." - you told him.
"In underland? Here?" - the Hatter would exclaim.
"Yes silly, here, there, everywhere. Wherever it is you are." - you answered moving your arms around him. The Hatter grinned sheepishly. - "Does this mean I get to keep you?" - he questioned. You would nod with a smile. - "Yes, I believe I have gone mad for staying." - you laughed out. - "Completely bonkers." - Hatter would respond before sealing his words with a kiss.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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manyfandomocs · 9 months
Ever After High Fancast
(For my EAH fanfics, here is every named + seen student at Ever After High) if I’m missing anyone, idk, let me know but I already did way more than I probably needed to And anyone is free to use these they’re all a mixture of casts I’ve seen from lots of other platforms + my own thoughts
Apple White, daughter of Snow White - Kathryn Newton
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Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen - Jenna Ortega
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Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty - Alisha Boe
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Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter - Rhea Norwood
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Ashlyn Ella, daughter of Cinderella - Sadie Sink
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Kitty Cheshire, daughter of the Cheshire Cat - Savannah Lee May
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Daring Charming, son of Prince Charming - Ross Lynch
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Dexter Charming, son of Prince Charming - Jack Champion
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Darling Charming, daughter of Prince Charming - Natalie Alyn Lind
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Cedar Wood, daughter of Pinocchio - Whitney Peak
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Hunter Huntsman, son of the Huntsman - Booboo Stewart
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Lizzie Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts - Anya Taylor Joy
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Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood - Brittany O’Grady
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Ramona Badwolf, daughter of the Big Bad Wolf - Savannah Lee Smith
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Rosabella Beauty, daughter of Beauty (Beauty and the Beast) - Isabela Merced
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Blondie Lockes, daughter of Goldilocks - Meg Donnelly
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C.A. Cupid, daughter of Cupid - Hunter Schafer
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Melody Piper, daughter of the Pied Piper - Paris Berelc
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Sparrow Hood, son of Robin Hood - KJ Apa
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Faybelle Thron, daughter of the Dark Fairy - Ester Expósito
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Farrah Goodfairy, daughter of the Fairy Godmother - Brenna D’Amico
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Ginger Breadhouse, daughter of the Candy Witch - Halle Bailey
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Duchess Swan, daughter of the Swan Princess - Julia Rehwald
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Hopper Croakington II, son of the Frog Prince - Dylan O’Brien
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Courtly Jester, daughter of the Joker Card - Sophia Anne Caruso
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Chase Redford, son of the Red Queen - Sang Heon Lee
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Alistair Wonderland, son of Alice - Owen Patrick Joyner
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Bunny Blanc, daughter of the White Rabbit - Emma Myers
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Poppy O’Hair, daughter of Rapunzel - Sophia Lillis
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Holly O’Hair, daughter of Rapunzel - Abigail Cowen
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(more in the next post there's so many hold on)
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helpfandom · 8 months
May I request BTAS Riddler and Mad Hatter (separate) with a platonic darling who is curious? Like they aren’t scared like other people are and instead observe them from afar. They aren’t afraid to ask questions and sometimes accidentally intrude on personal space a little.
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Riddler: Although most people simply walk past his riddle boxes, he noticed that you actually went to it, poking it and then grabbing it, sitting on a bench with it perched on top of your lap. Attempting to try and pry it open before grabbing it, flipping it around and managing to fix the puzzle open.
How was that possible? After all, you're simply a random person, and most Gothamites don't even have the courage to pick it up or notice it, much less attempt and manage to solve it. Walking towards his base, which was nearby where he had spotted you, he noticed that there was a second pair of footsteps behind him. Turning around, he noticed that there you were, trailing behind him, but unlike the other Gothamites who had followed him and ran away upon being found out, you walked over to him and started asking questions!
It was quite interesting seeing as you were excited to talk to him. Although he had to leave due to the Dark Knight, he noticed that you seemed a bit, disappointed?
As he learns more and more about you because of you simply coming up and talking to him, he gets the urge to protect you.
You're just a little kid, so unafraid of the world. "Wouldn't you like to see where I make my riddles?"
Mad Hatter:
He was outside in a garden [in the daytime, otherwise Batman would have caught him] drinking tea and simply enjoying himself when he could feel your eyes upon him. Searching around, he found you, and simply waved you over. It's not often that someone watches him, or goes up to him after being found out.
Taking the seat that Alice would have sat in, he notices how you seem so full of life, and so welcoming. Asking him questions, he slowly slips back into his mindset, and falling into calling you Alice and Bunny without meaning to.
He was of course, interested in what could be so intriguing about him, then going out more often in his outfit to try and see you again, beginning to need that rush he craved from being needed.
"You're so nice, Alice. Thank you for meeting me at the tea party!" You were so welcoming, and nice.
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sketchcandraw · 1 year
Made more Mad Hatter!Wally art!!! Also a comic is in the make :3
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Isnt he just so silly and handsome? I love him
(Au by me!! @sketchcandraw )
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like-rain-or-confetti · 4 months
The smiles and happiness used to pour out of you every waking moment as you sought greatness with morals in tact. Such a far sight from now, make up smudged, hair disheveled, your complexion not as healthy. Gotham had done a number on you and now with your resolve gone, your moral high ground annihilated, fate decided you were to face the rogue once again.
Scarecrow: "Look how far you've fallen." Jonathan had a faint smirk upon his face as he inspected you. "The one filled to the brim with sunshine and rainbows...has slipped through the fingers of Gotham's finest." Jonathan's smirk widened. "Let's get a look at you." He slowly walked towards you. "A cold day in a poor excuse of a functional jacket. Make up smeared. Hair practically glued to your face. Doe eyes not so bright. Complexion, sickly. Smile, nonexistent." Jonathan smiled. "Fear...oh my darling, the worst has already happened hasn't it?" Jonathan enjoyed it. "I only wish I could have seen your downfall, (Y/N). Fret not. You were pretty before but now? Now you're nothing short of beautiful." Jonathan leaned in and whispered into your ear. "I can't wait to see what you're capable of."
Two-Face: He knew you'd likely want to be left alone and the last thing you'd want or need is a taunting or any kind of conversation. Although he wasnt inclined to give you the luxury of silence. "Get in line, babe." Harv's voice rasped. "It happens to the best of us. I would know." Harvey said, not acknowledging his alters words. "No one really tells you what you have to change to survive." That didn't sit right with you. Change didn't describe any of this. Change didnt explain the emptiness within your very being. The feeling of defeat. That theres no light at the end of the tunnel. Only twists and turns and obstacles along the way. You didnt bite your tongue as you usually had. You spoke up as no one deserved the kindness of retraint. "Change? No. What you have to lose."
The riddler: He twirled his cane once for dramatic effect before the tip of it clanked hard against the concrete. He tipped his hat up to get a look at you in a thoroughly dramatic fashion. Then again that was the Riddler. He always did have an adoration for dramatics when he believed himself to he right. "You don't belong here. I told you that before. I told you this city would eat you up and spit you out...and you didn't listen." The Riddler spoke as he slowly approached. "You're a fool, (Y/N). I'm the one in this city who will tell you the truth, and had you believed me the first time, you wouldn't have learned the hard way." He sighed. "Though I can hardly blame you. You're hardly intelligent enough for that." He sighed. "Gotham is the monster of mankind. Filled with the greedy, the cheats, the liars, the disingenuous, and this city feeds on that light and purity you oh so graciously poured out. Now I see the supply has gone dry and I think you'll find my dear, you're just another cog in Gothams machine." The statement it's self was sad but given the Riddlers smug malicious smirk, the statement had turned cold.
Black Mask: If anyone got a kick from a downfall- it's Roman Sionis. Even behind his mask that glinted under the moon, his smug delight couldn't go unnoticed. "Look how far you've come." He said with a sultry tone. "Did the landing hurt, darling?" He took slow steps towards you. He often made small jabs, implying you were an angel who had come to Gotham. Too good. Too happy. Too hopeful. Too spirited. Now, he was implying a fall from grace. The angels wings were clipped. Now you were rock bottom like the rest of Gotham. Well...most of them. Roman can't say he relates to rock bottom. He wouldn't know the feeling. "Oh buck up. Atleast you're still alive, eh? For now, anyway."
Mad Hatter: He had always smiled politely and even happily to see you. It wasn't a common occurrence for anyone but Jervis. Yet, that didn't mean it wasn't out of place as much of Jervis's reactions typically were. When his cheery greeting was met with a cold empty stare, he seemed to know. Like he had been acquainted with that before. Perhaps he knew it better than most would have believed. "Oh, I see..." He said softly like he was saddened. Then you noticed it wasn't like being sad that adorned his face. It was sadness. Pure unadulterated sadness. "You know..." He smiled though looked pained. "...I thought of you as constant. That nothing could break you." His eyes glistened under the moonlight but you refused to believe if it could have been tears that they'd be genuine. "I was wrong, wasn't I little rabit?"
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skrunklydoo · 4 months
i couldnt get enough of the ninjago monster high au i and @lonleyzodiac made so we made an ever after high au as well
the characters are all the sons and daughters of fairy tales with their elemental powers being tied moreso towards their heritages rather than anything else
the parents are more loosely based on the fairytale characters they stand in for tbh anyways characters under the cut
in no particular order, here’s some characters + their alignments (royal (will/wants to follow in the footsteps (destinies) of their parents) or rebel (will not follow their destinies), they’re all standins but not direct remakes of the EAH characters:
lloyd garmadon (rebel) - son of garmadon (or the evil king i guess)
nya hearts (rebel) - daughter of the knave and queen of hearts (intended to follow the destiny of the knave of hearts (being put on trial and punished for a crime she didn’t commit))
kai hearts (rebel (former royal)) - son of the knave and queen of hearts (intended to follow the destiny of the queen of hearts (becoming king of wonderland))
cole brookstone (rebel (former royal)) - son of the big bad wolf
jay hatter (rebel (former royal)) - son of the mad hatter
zane julien (rebel) - son of dr julien, or the snow king
geo hood (rebel) - son of robin hood (ran away to ever after high because of the stuff that went down)
pixal (rebel) - adopted daughter of eros
harumi cheshire (royal (but doesn’t like to admit it)) - daughter of the cheshire cat
sora white (royal) - daughter of snow white
arin kingsley (royal) - son of alice (he has no idea if his mum is still alive or still in wonderland or anything)
euphrasia charming (royal) - daughter of prince charming (standin for darling charming)
percival charming (royal) - son of prince charming (standin for daring charming, he constantly went after sora who was just not into him until he met arin)
echo julien (rebel) - a pinocchio-like character cursed to become a villain in his destiny (he’s cursed to become mr. e)
scott thorne (rebel (former royal)) - son of the dark fairy (clarification: in this au scott acts nothing like faybelle, he’s an absolute sweetheart in this don’t worry)
jordana jester (royal) - daughter of the joker card
vania beauty (rebel (former royal)) - daughter of sleeping beauty
akita blanc (royal) - daughter of the white rabbit
morro huntsman (rebel) - son of the huntsman (snow white)
wyldfyre (rebel) - daughter of beauty (beauty and the beast)
jacob piper (pevsner) (rebel) - son of the pied piper
nadakhan (royal) - son of captain hook
sky pirates (all royals) - children of captain hook’s crew
tox breadhouse (rebel) - daughter of the candy witch (hansel and gretel)
chamille swan (royal) - daughter of the swan queen
gale goldilocks (gossip) (royal) - daughter of goldilocks
cinder redford (rebel) - son of the red queen (not to be confused with the queen of hearts) (people think he’s the son of cinderella) (he’s not)
first headmaster (nickname for the first spinjitzu master) - just the first spinjitzu master, headmaster of ever after high
wu - FSM’s son, resident man-trapped-in-the-library-and-forced-to-speak-riddlish of the AU
garmadon - lloyd’s father, the evil king, wu’s brother and FSM’s son
the ships in this au (i always have to include ships i’m sorry /hj) are: technoshipping (jay x zane), lostshipping (cole x geo), citrus/deadbolt(?)shipping (echo x morro), royalshipping(?) (vania x harumi) and windtech/typewriter (sora x euphrasia) + not really a ship but percival having a massive one-sided crush on arin (who is completely oblivious to said obvious crushing)
most character last names are carried over from ever after high btw
characters crushing on other characters in EAH will be removed in this AU due to age differences unless stated otherwise
if you want to ask questions about any of my AUs, please do!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭.
another fancast! this one is largely inspired by @ginevrastilinski-ocs and @manyfandomocs and how they inspired me to make some ocs of my own for this, but again, this is a made up of a combination of my own personal ideas and ones i’ve seen others have. and everyone is free to use any and all of these for themselves if they want!
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natalie alyn lind — apple white, daughter of snow white.
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olivia rodrigo — raven queen, daughter of the evil queen.
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paulina singer — briar beauty, daughter of sleeping beauty.
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aimee lou wood — madeline “maddie” hatter, daughter of the mad hatter.
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abigail cowen — ashlynn ella, daughter of cinderella.
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booboo stewart — hunter huntsman, son of the huntsman.
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jedidiah goodacre — daring charming, son of prince charming.
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milo manheim — dexter charming, son of prince charming.
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dove cameron — darling charming, daughter of prince charming.
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chase sui wonders — cerise hood, daughter of red riding hood.
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whitney peak — cedar wood, daughter of pinocchio.
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sydney sweeney — blondie locks, daughter of goldilocks.
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chelsea clark — kitty cheshire, daughter of the cheshire cat.
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hunter schafer — c.a. cupid, daughter of eros.
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adeline rudolph — lizzie hearts, daughter of the queen of hearts.
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cameron monaghan — sparrow hood, son of robin hood.
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maude apatow — duchess swan, daughter of the swan princess.
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isabela merced — rosabella beauty, daughter of beauty and the beast.
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dylan o’brien — hopper croakington the second, son of the frog prince.
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amandla stenberg — ginger breadhouse, daughter of the gingerbread witch.
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zoey deutch — holly o’hair, daughter of rapunzel.
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haley lu richardson — poppy o’hair, daughter of rapunzel.
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ester expósito — faybelle thorn, daughter of the dark fairy.
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amanda arcuri — farrah goodfairy, daughter of the fairy godmother.
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lola tung — meeshell mermaid, daughter of the little mermaid.
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owen patrick joyner — alistair wonderland, son of alice.
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emma myers — bunny blanc, daughter of the white rabbit.
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sophia anne caruso — courtley jester, daughter of the joker card.
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also gonna tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs!!
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