#my darling fellow heathen <3
onlyseokmins · 2 years
Hello darling,
First of all I AM SORRY
Second of all I need Kim freakin Mingyu do this to me, like idgaf about how chubby I am. He is a strong af man who can totally handle me.
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I am so sorry, but you are my safe place and I have to share my feelings. 🥹🥹😭😭
JKSDJFAKJFKADJF NOT THE APOLOGIES 😭😭😭😭 pls kate bby never apologize bc ily and cracking up at being your safe place i'm honored 😭✋🏻 this is the safe haven for horknee people 🙏🏻
i TRULY believe mingyu would 100000000000% do this for you bc he's such a pussy-drunk simp that anything is possible and I can't picture him doing anything but bouncing someone on his cock like that 😩
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Heathens - Soulless Reader x Demon Dean (Short Series)
A/N: Yes, I’m alive. I just don’t particularly want to discuss it in depth. For now? Have this. I have some stuff lined up to be posted, already. So, there’ll be some more over this next week that way. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
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Warnings: Harley/Joker kinda relationship. Unhealthy. Power driven. Implied/Upcoming smut. Etc. Each chapter will have individual warnings.
Word Count: Roughly 2,800
“Y/N?” Dean Winchester. A deep, gravelly voice you hadn't heard since Bobby died echoed around you. A voice that should have meant something. Instead, it made you turn slowly, a brow raised. Waiting for the consequences with a blank face.
He hadn't been sure it was you. Darkness covered you. But, that wasn't enough. The actions he'd witnessed too fundamentally wrong to be from the woman he'd known. Y/N wouldn't ever kill in cold blood. Wouldn't off someone simply for attempting to mug her.
But you had. Without even blinking. You simply took out your gun from the back of your jeans. Shot twice, causing the kid to fall to the ground. Picking up the bag, you slung it over your shoulders. Another bullet was slung, this time to the skull, before you walked away. Tucking the gun away. Only to find yourself stopped by Dean in the alley.
The Y/N he knew always cried after a hunt. After any kind of kill. His lifestyle had been necessary to you at the time, but taking a life had never come natural. If anyone had known that, it was Dean. You'd turned to him from the beginning. All the way until the day he'd shoved you away. Trying to protect you. Failing miserably from the look of things.
“Well, well, well.” Your head tilted to the side. Inspecting him as though he were a bug. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?” Your lips kicked up humorlessly. “One of the great Winchester Duo paying little ole me mind again. What an honor.” The sarcasm might have made him flinch in his original state, but he was able to withhold in his newer form- barely.
“Happened to be walking this way, on a job.” He wasn't lying. Not completely, anyway.
Crowley had directed him that way. Promising that he'd have a kill ready for Dean. A means to keep the Mark under control. Even as a demon, the need to shed blood was fixed into his very being thanks to the raised scar etched into this forearm.
Once, you'd been repulsed, and even scared, of how easily Dean had lifted the gun and fired. He had gotten to the point where he barely blinked as a human, much less as a Knight of Hell. And yet, he couldn't help but to wonder what had taken the light out of your eyes. The guilt out of your head. What had turned you into him.
“I see you found her.” Crowley's low voice called out, in a way that should have sent chills up your spine. Instead, your lips pulled up even wider.
“You're working with the King of Hell?” You chuckled darkly. Losing what bit of tension there'd been in your shoulders. “Man, I've missed out on a lot. When did you become his bitch, Dean?”
“I'm not his bitch,” He bit out. His eyes flashing black under the alley light. Expecting you to shiver in revulsion.
“Even better.” Your smile fell a bit, but your face didn't lose that off feel to it. As if you were possessed. Or, maybe even under a spell. “You became his slave, instead.”
“I'm no one's slave, Y/N.” His words echoed another past memory.
“I'm scared, Dean.” You'd swallowed tightly, looking into his green eyes. Scared wasn't enough to cover it. You were petrified. A dead man could see it.
“Why?” If he was able, he'd fight off every one of your fears. Kill them before they could even begin to form.
“Because you're changing.” You whispered brokenly. The sound ripped at his chest. “You're becoming a...a slave. To this life. The guilt. Your fear... And I can't do anything...just sit by and watch.”
“I'm not a slave to anyone.” He'd bit out. Pride winning out against the urge to protect. “Or, anything. We'll be fine, Y/N. We always are.”
“Funny.” You snorted. Drawing him back to the present. “I've heard that before,” Your mind had traveled to the same place. “And, yet, here we are.”
“Yes,” Crowley had been watching the exchange curiously, “here we are. Eloquent words, darling.”
“I try,” Tilting your head mockingly, you got to the meat of the situation. Clearly not wanting to be bothered. Particularly by them. “What do you want with me?”
“It would seem that you're part of a contract that went wrong-”
“Oh, yeah.” A false, heavy sigh left your lips. “I almost forgot about that.” Dean's gaze turned back to his fellow demon for a moment. Attempting to piece together what was happening. “Thanks, by the way. Really loved having a hell hound come after me.” You pinched your index finger to your thumb in an approving gesture. “It only got better with the small hoard of demons you sent on my ass.”
“Such sass-”
“I was nicer before I lost my soul. Forgive me for my lack of manners. I seem to have trouble feeling these days.” Coldness seeped from your lips. A weapon honed by the attacks.
“You're soulless?” Understanding swam through him. Why, although you were so different, you were still so familiar.
The way you moved. How you detached. An empty eeriness clung to your features. It was completely unnatural. As if you were his brother when he'd come back from hell. Broken. Missing a large part of what made you, you.
“It's not as awful as it sounds.” You ran your tongue over your teeth as you glared at the superior demon in front of you. “Actually, I like it. A lot.” Your fingers twitched back to your weapon, “which is why I don't want it back. The only thing I want is to be left alone.”
“The contract isn't complete-”
“It wasn't my contract.” You cut him off, sneering. The tension lining your body. Prepared to fight to keep yourself destitute. “So, not my problem.”
“But, it is ours.” The shorter man hissed while snapping his fingers. Sending your body flying through the air until it connected against the brick. Your skull cracked with enough force to knock you out. But, you'd live. After all, you were there for a reason. “All yours.” Crowley motioned at Dean. Signaling that you'd be his kill.
“Why her?” Dean narrowed his eyes. Taking in the shameless king in front of him. Resisting the desire to step between him and your lifeless body.
When he'd turned, he hadn't become the usual demon. Bits that hadn't quite died off when Metatron stabbed a blade into Dean's body made themselves known on a regular basis. Killing Lester rather than the wife had only been the most recent offense.
The king of the underworld not only needed the job finished, but he needed that almost human part of Dean gone. Wanted the obstinate side of him to crumble. If Dean killed you? The woman he'd loved at one point- if not always...the problematic demon would morph. He'd be the perfect side kick.
“I believe that you already know the answer to that question, Dean-o.” Crowley quipped, following the movement of the green that had reappeared. Seeing the hesitation, and the connection being made. “You're almost to your full potential. There's just a smidge that needs fixed to get you there. This will make everything right.” His eyes were slightly crazed, as if he needed this. “It feels good, right? To continue to be a demon. To not be riddled with those pesky emotions. Fear. Guilt. Love. To do what you want, when you want, without being held back. Without consequence.”
“You're right.” Dean's jaw clenched lightly. The first blade came out of his denim jacket, and into his hand. “I am a demon.” His lips pulled up into a twisted smile of his own. Growing confident in his decision. “I feel nothing. I can do what I want, when I want.” Crowley backed away as Dean stepped between you two. His back facing your body. “And, I'll kill you before I kill her.”
“Dean?” Your head should have hurt far worse than the dull ache given the amount of blood you could see smeared onto the pillow and sheets in the mirror above the bed as you squinted up. But, that was nothing new. You'd been that way for weeks. “Where the hell are we?”
He'd been pacing by the window when you'd woken up. Completely ignorant to your eyes opening. You turned his way, watching the way he moved.
His hand wrecked his hair over and over again. The jacket was gone, thrown onto the table with a blade made from a large jaw bone resting atop of it. Red flannel was tossed over a black t-shirt. Even as a demon, he had to layer up. If you could have felt amused, you would have.
“I'm not telling you.” His eyes flashed back in warning. As if that would matter to you. “You're a problem for me, Y/N.  Always have been. Now? You fucked this up, too.”
“Oh, yes... Let's blame the soulless girl who's been back into the equation for five minutes.” Your eyes rolled heavily as you got to your feet to stretch. “Your problems came from your own hands, Winchester. The minute you sold yourself for Sam, it was over. I was the one unwillingly pulled into the fray.”
“Watch it.” The green was gone for a longer period this time. His anger showing in another snarl. “Go too far? That blade will land in your throat.”
“If you were going to do it, you would have already.” That devilish smirk crossed your lips. So certain now that emotion didn't rule you. “I've been out of your life for years, Dean. It should have been simple. Especially since you're sporting the Mark of Caine.” Your eyes landed on the reddened flesh. Too well versed to not recognize the symbol. “Take it this is the first blade?” You walked over to the weapon. Dried blood coated the yellowed, aged, bone. “You actually cut Crowley with this? To get me out of there?” Your brows rose as the weapon twisted in your hands. Mind churning as you inspected the rusted flakes clinging to it. “How sweet... I suppose you want paid back... the usual good enough?” Dean liked sex. That was no secret. He'd accepted more than his fair share from women he'd saved back in the day. His full lips pulled down into a deadly frown at your words. No doubt second guessing the decision to keep you alive. “Oh, lighten up.” Your eyes rolled at his grumpiness.
He'd be lying if he said that the offer wasn't appealing. Demonhood hadn't diminished his sexual appetites. If anything, they'd only grown stronger. Everything carnal expanding inside of him. However, he had bigger things to focus on. He'd nearly offed the King of Hell. Other demons would be on his ass sooner than later.
“You have any idea how you ended up in a contract?” Finding out who'd asked for your soul to get collected was the first step. That was about as far as he'd gotten.
“No clue.” Your finger was pricked by the point of the knife before you set it down. You sucked at the irony liquid out of habit. Grinning lightly at the way Dean's eyes followed the action. “I don't even really think one exists.” You finally stated, licking your lip clean of the rust flavored spot that had landed on it.
“You think he was trying to manipulate me?” He didn't seem surprised. Furious enough to have ignored the dart of your tongue.
It should have seemed odd to you. Dean with black eyes. The Winchester embracing the bad rather than the good. Not attempting to fight it anymore. But, you took it in stride. It was amazing how simple of a task it was when you didn't have any worries left.
“Tell me it doesn't make sense.” He couldn't. You knew it. “And you're just going to take that laying down?”
“He has an army of demons at his disposal. I just have me.” You looked at him expectantly while pointing to yourself. A grunt of acknowledgment left him. “And, you. But, that'll only last as long as he holds onto your soul.”
“Good point.” You pursed your lips. It was your turn to pace. Self preservation being the only thing you had left. “So, what're you planning to do about it?”
“You think I'm going to run.” He heard it in your voice. His pride hadn't been damaged by death. It rose its venomous head as you shrugged, pretending that wasn't what you were thinking. “So, what do you think I should do? After all, you seem to have it all figured out..” He plopped to the bed, looking at you expectantly. Daring you to come up with a better idea. Mocking you with his words. Still so similar to the man he'd been.
A low hum left you. Your eyes turned out to the window. Gazing at the world beyond as you moved. When it finally came together, you turned your head his way.
“You stopped the Apocalypse. You destroyed the Leviathans. And who knows what else since I've been gone.” Your pacing turned into more of a prowl until your hands rested on his shoulder. His eyes turned black immediately, again. You weren't sure if it was in response to your touch, or out of distrust. But, neither stopped you. “That was as a human. As a demon? I think you could take over Hell, and take all of the power for yourself.”
That caught his interest, “Yeah?”
“Let's face it, Dean.” Your lips brushed against his ear as you sat down on his lap. Drawing forth a low shiver. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you got to work. “Most demons know your name. They fear it.” Your hand brushed over the hair by his ear as you leaned back to look into his eyes. Staring into the bleakness. “You could have killed Crowley today. Easily.” He was too well trained not to be able to. “I know it. You know it. And, I'm sure he does.” Your lips curled up deviously. Setting the bait. “You've earned the crown, already.”
“And what's in it for you?” His eyes narrowed distrustfully. Knowing there was a catch. That no one, even those without a soul, came without a price.
“Besides you? And protection?” You shrugged nonchalantly. As if it meant nothing, “I rule by your side.”
“And here I thought demons were the power hungry ones.” His blackened eyes searched yours as you leaned forward.
“We soulless people have drives, too.” Your lips brushed against his lightly as you talked, making his breath hitch. “I want to live. I want to be safe. Unchallenged. I want to feel powerful for once in my pathetic life.” Your tongue wet your lips, grazing against his in the process. “And, this? This is how I can get all of that. You and your body are just a hell of a perk.”
“And your soul?” The million dollar question.
“I want it locked away.” There wasn't a moment of hesitation. “I meant what I said earlier. I don't want it back.” The almost empty E/C eyes searched his warily. The next question would determine everything. “And, your demonism?”
“It's me.” He answered gruffly. As if it was insulting you'd bothered to ask. “I don't want cured. I don't want to go back.” His dark smile made your lips kick back up. “I love this disease.”
“So, we have a deal?” Your grin grew. It was oddly chilling to Dean, even in his form. But, that didn't stop him from nodding. “Where you're a demon, does that mean we kiss on it?”
“Something this big, it takes a lot more than a kiss to seal it.” His raspy tone made your body break out in goosebumps. Your emotions may not have been there, but his words alone felt like a caress to your skin. As if your senses were amplified in those regards.
“Better get to work then,” Your lips met his as he pulled you down onto the bed. Signing over everything to you.
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @supernaturalginger​
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nvmlindseyallan · 6 years
@KWFilipino @SevenNetwork @TheNineNetwork @AmberRun @TheEconomist @PureFlix @TSCNYC
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Dearly beloved, before anything else, as we can recall, Empire has claimed through the lecture of His Majesty the King, and my most beloved brother, Edward X, on December 17, 2017, that we must not purportedly commemorate the United Saints Thanksgiving Thursday because it's allegedly of pagan origin. We have already Shattered that claim through quoting the Antiochians themselves that Godhead Approved the adoption of some primitive pagan practices for the patriarchs (Exodus 12, Genesis 17), and that even Diocletianites try to rationalize their Baal Festival every December 17-January 1 through hacking 1 Samuel 5 and then afterwards claiming that Godhead can use 'pagan observances' to enforce Godhead's orders. Actually guys, Diocletianites are also using that to rationalize their trust in the arm of flesh- or on their Antiochian political heads- rather than us, and that trust did really led to their eventual apostasy away from us a year ago (Habakkuk 1, Isaiah 5, Deuteronomy 32, Romans 10, Jeremiah 2). Therefore, why not we must say to Empire that Godhead can use us, who are rather endemic to Empire (Isaiah 44-46)? The Central Archives, on its particular section that is dated September-October 1988, states that Empire cannot be trusted for 'teaching the things that they themselves cannot understand' (1 Timothy 1, quoted in Empire's Pasugo God's Message-September 2018 issue, page 36; and on our King Edward X's January 13,20-21, 2017 and May 16, 2014 sermons), when in fact Isaiah 45 (claimed by Empire on July 4,23-24, 2016, deleted July 20, 2017), states that King Cyrus was Elected by Godhead as a Commondominion Messenger even if he himself 'does not understand' Godhead exactly (2 Kings 5, Psalm 72). The same can be said indeed of our Messengers who are enslaved by Empire, and the millions of fellows and yokebearers who are still kidnapped by Empire till now-they are all both saved by their unity with us and our sovereign choice (Acts 17, Matthew 6,25, 1 Peter 4). According to our Sir Patrick Scrivner, unto whom we are indebted for this observance of the US Pope Day [the British Pope Day is November 5, while Empire's is of course as they like to-June 29], our Greek brethren would not like their very own countrymen to rule over them as kings, for that already would mean what Empire do now indict of us as 'strongman iron-fisted government'. Well, why Empire do #ironman in the first place hence? King Solomon asked for this as fulfilled in Sirs Martin Evangelista and Ezra-El Reyes, as he depicted such (Isaiah 46) to be someone who offers (Philippians 4, Psalm 51,22,69,102,138,116,26-27,66,56, 1 Kings 8, Revelation 11) his sacrifice of thanksgiving (Romans 15, Isaiah 8, Hebrews 2), but Empire in their recrucifixion of Christ rather invoked this to attack Him (Luke 23, John 19) Who Came to His very own (John 1). These 'very own' (Matthew 25), are what Constantinians call in Tagalog as the equivalent of 'offering', and hence this entire Empire, upon their rejection of us (Luke 17-19) will pay dearly for such (Matthew 8, Romans 9-11, John 4, Joshua 6-7, Hebrews 6,10,12) as they indeed would be like what is said in Tagalog as 'burnt offering' (2 Peter 3). Do they like to be burnt at the stake? (Revelation 11) Well, we love to be burnt at the stake (Alma 14), as per Empire's claims (Isaiah 54, Matthew 24), therefore their claims of having the only legitimate Thanksgiving services around is Shattered, for pagans or Gentiles, the heathen, would even be better offering in humility than these puffed-up-in-pride Empire people (Matthew 21, 1 Corinthians 3-6). As far as we're concerned, Constantinians have been not invoking this week the lecture of December 17, 2017 to discourage the observance of Thanksgiving Thursday. Perhaps they have forgot such due to the new other claims that they have already made through the year, or perhaps because they admit that we have spoken true? Concerning their previous word against our#JaciRoyal Household that 'Mother's Day is pagan', some of our brethren who formed a Commondominion branch church named 'Ark of God Foundation-Armstrong Remembrancers' out of the Philadelphia Church of God, which is still with us as of late, said that the PCOG has been already apostatized due to Empire infiltration led by #StephenFlurry, son of our Sir Gerald Flurry. We believe this to be true absolutely (1 Corinthians 4,11), but we could not yet evict fully the PCOG due to Sir Gerald still remaining there, evidently in virtual imprisonment by his very own son, just as Joseph and Billy Paul Branham overturned and adulterated the work of their father William, so we can say that the PCOG has fell to the membership category of being Hart under the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy (Psalm 102, Romans 9-11,2). PCOG has been experiencing this, I guess, because it is the only church that invokes Herbert Armstrong who has been able to keep much of what remained of Armstrong's original Commondominion congregation before Empire hacked such in January 16, 1986, 9 months before Mother Lindsey's Nate-al day (Revelation 12, Matthew 24, Romans 8). We have first knew the PCOG way back 2016- 30 years later (Numbers 20, Deuteronomy 34)- as we were beginning to search for our branch churches, and in unexplainable terms and unknown reasons, we have been feeling uncomfortable about them. Well, we have only found out days ago from the Remembrancers that this PCOG apostasy has been beginning since 2014. Well we have mentioned this because the Remembrancers Church said that a proof of apostasy within PCOG is the observance of 'Mother's Day', invoking the same reasons that Constantinians claimed for their previous attempt to prohibit such memorial. We're asking the Constantinians whether they will stand by their Stephen Flurry on this, or whether the Diocletianites will try to insist comparing themselves to the Remembrancers Church. And as for kings, Diocletianites, out of their self-persecutions, has days ago said that Constantinians refer to King Edward X, as part of their lure and woo of course unto him, as someone 'more than a king, because he does not need a prophet to advice him, unlike Kings David, Hezekiah, Jehoshaphat and Josiah who all needed prophets to advice them'. Well, why did King Edward X has time and again said that he himself is a prophet? (see Jeremiah 6,26 [December 19-22, 2013-2016], Daniel 6 [June 28, 2014, October 2/April 18, 2015, May 20,27-28, 2017, January 27/February 3-4, 2018], 1 Kings 18 [May 13,20-21, 2017, June 20, 2014]) But you might say, ye Empire, that Edward X just do so to 'deny himself' (Matthew 10,16, 1 Corinthians 9). Well look at you, Empire, do you not claim that you're monarchs? (Revelation 5 [Antiochians],9 [Neronians],16 [Constantinians],1 [Hebrews 10/Colossians 1 {Diocletianites}]). Will you deny yourselves now hence, as much as we, your Prophets, Seers and Revelators, do? You cannot even be a Seer or a Revelator, all you just say, is that you're 'prophets'. I really laughed so hard, as the Empire song goes, when I read the Constantinian Michael Marquez Sandoval say that the Diocletianite Rolando Dizon- who would certainly hack the most virtuous and excellent wife and co-saint of St. Pontius Pilate on his self-persecution statement on this- is the 'modern-day Adam' just because he did not obeyed the re-assignment to him when he was still with Constantinians only due to the request of his wife (Genesis 3). This rather proved that Empire, including the Constantinians, are so determined to propel to fake godhood their darling and idol Rolando Dizon, just because they all heard us Hart preaching that Adam is both Father God and Archangel Michael! Yea guys- 'Michael'! O no. They're all too well exposed- Rolando and Sandoval are indeed in Same Feathers. Now hear this guys, this what has Godhead Told us hours earlier before we Convened today. Each and every Commondominion men and women of the Old and New Testament times, are all exalted as Godheads in Godhead, just like Adam. They are in charge of the various angelic degrees, planets, universes and galaxies. Many of our leaders in our other branch churches could have said this, but to combine them all of course like what we really do here, let me insist the injunction that they are all Godheads. This is because Empire would insist that they would be either not glorified on heaven or would even get to reach heaven because they're going to be stuck on 'paradise earth' (Romans 10, Deuteronomy 29-30, Hebrews 10). Moreover, Godhead has already made us all such as these men and women during our respective pre-existent lives. Even now these men and women bear our spirits, and even us bear their respective divine offices in these latter days. Hart's further proof: this #blackfriday, Empire claims Revelation 10 with another Psalm 119, that is also used on their November 21-22, 2018 lesson. We all know how Billy Paul and Joseph Branham rendered the 7 Thunders there as the 5fold office of Ephesians 4. This November 22, 2013 is the 5th year of one of the most often-recurred-by-Empire sermon of King Edward X, which he delivered in a Constantinian locale in the Neronian state of Pampanga (Revelation 13 [skipped on Empire's Mandated Weekday Readings this November but related Daniel 7, as per their 'Razon' indeed {Isaiah 7}, is still retained] that was previously named after my nickname, but was later on renamed by Empire after my grandfather, therefore forming my full name in turn. Revelation 11, that Empire would claim the day after with another recur of Psalm 144, states 'Egypt and Sodom', that has been identified by Ka Erdy to be refulfilled in the twin states of Pampanga and Zambales during the eruption of June 12-15, 1991. Just like how Empire relayed King Edward X's sermon on '11-11-11 day' (November 11, 2011) on November 30-December 1, 2011, Empire relayed at once November 22, 2013, that comes 2 years and 10 days after- Joriz having been 10 years with the Constantinians last November 15, 2018, and we have already heard from Sir #KennethBranagh on October 18, 2018 about the 2 out of 7 congregations in Turkey who joined the Commondominion- on November 30-December 1, 2013, even sending 2 pabebe Empire officials- the thunder falling out of heaven (Luke 10, Revelation 8, Isaiah 10,13-14,19, Leviticus 26) as Antiochians once invoked the author of the Johannine Apocalypse being one of the 2 'sons of thunder' (Matthew 20) to the vision that he later on saw on Revelation 11 (Genesis 11, Acts 1, 1 Corinthians 14, Isaiah 28,10, Documentary History of the Church 1:221-224,298-299, Job 22, 2 Corinthians 5)- to preach the lesson on December 1, 2013 at Joriz's former city. What I just try to imply here is that Empire's claims of all of those has already been Shattered by, with and for yours truly now speaking unto you (Luke 4). On his December 25, 2017 lecture, Joriz told us that the mighty angel of Revelation 10 is also the Strong and Mighty One, and one of those refulfillments, King Edward X, lectured from that on July 27-28, 2018. Brighamite prophet Howard Hunter has once called fellow prophet Ezra Taft Benson as, guess what, a 'Strong and Mighty One' (Ensign-July 1994). Should Empire claim this again, remember that many Commondominion Messengers received Their Godhood in Godhead during the presidency of Benson, that happens to be the era of the birth of Mother Lindsey. To name a few, included among them are the 'Seven Diamonds Plus One Study and Fellowship Society' of Prophet Brian David Mitchell [just search for them somewhere in Salt Lake City, Utah], Prophet Christopher Marc Nemelka [wonderousworkandawonder{dot}com], and Prophets Antonio Feliz and John Crane [john144{dot}com]. Not only that: w have just discovered that Empire further recrucifies Christ through their readings not only during those that we already know to be their usual dates of recrucifying Christ through their readings, but also on their Fixed Date Memorial Readings for the dates of July 22 and August 15, respectively. You all know (1 Thessalonians 2) how July 22 is our First Exodus, but August 15, that is a day after when King Edward X ordained Crown Prince David on Joriz's former city on August 14, 2015 (Psalm 2, 1 Kings 1), is a month before September 15, when Empire recrucifies Christ in their readings also. September 15 is when the Empire head Hart in Maharlika who killed a refulfillment of our 2 Witnesses- Antonio Luna and Andres Bonifacio- and yet shares the same birthday- the Empire's occult day-with Joriz's mom, organized his Empire legislature in 1898, days after the heavenly ascension of our Prophet Lorenzo Snow. A month after September 15 is October 14, accession in 1943- Oriental True Mother's Nate-al year- of our President Jose Laurel, Joriz's namesake. One month after October 14 is November 15, the institution of Empire's American 'Commonwealth' in the Philippines, and the Divine Commissioning of my grandfather in 1913. A month before August 14-15 is July 14, memorial of France, where our branch churches invoking Ellen White-William Miller and Charles Taze Russell has refulfilled Revelation 11-12. Another month back is June 14, United Saints Flag Day- on March 13, 2016 I have lectured before you that yokebearers are living flags of Godhead because they are 2 Witnesses as much as their bodies do the talking for them (Revelation 14)- and memorial of our most beloved President #Trump, and we can say him to be a spiritual martyr just like all of us due to the many attacks that he has to endure (Hebrews 12) from Empire's claims of our fellows and yokebearers. Notice that the numbers 14 and 22 are by 7 points apart from each other, just like the 7 Thunders in Revelation 10. according to one of our Prophets, William C. Chappell [facebook{dot}com{slash}william{dot}c{dot}chappell1], the Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood in 1829 was refulfilled on a June 14th. As per Empire claims, May 13- the martyrdom of our Apolinario Mabini, a companion of Bonifacio and Luna, and who was born on a July 24th after July 22- was when Neronians exalted their official Elder#DavidArchuleta in Empire's electronic churches here in Maharlika. May 13 is also the memorial of our Sirs #AlexanderRybak and #RobertPattinson. Empire-possessed relatives of Joriz are named 'Robert', but Joseph Smith's progenitor way back April 26, 1636 is named Robert Smith, while Sir Pattinson's wife, Mrs. 'FKA Twigs', can already be identified in her name as the rather fulfillment of Zechariah 3 (Isaiah 32-33,60,65, Ezekiel 17,37, Genesis 50). Prophet Daniel has depicted similarities (Ezekiel 47, Zechariah 12-14) between the river of the 2 Witnesses (Revelation 10-12,22) and that of Alexander the Great (Daniel 7-8,12), and Empire's exalted 'Alexander Hamilton', as what has been already pointed out earlier, has his name virtually superimposed across the geography of the United Saints: Alaska has Alexander Islands, the Caribbean has Hamilton, just like how the 2 Witnesses stand on either side of the river- Hamilton was killed near a river, King Edward X preached near a river on Hamilton's memorial of 2014 [just like what he did on November 22, 2014, where Empire even claimed prophecy fulfillment]. On the memorial of Lady #AlexandriaMorrow, April 30, 2017, King Edward X and Joriz stood on 2 separate Empire locales of the same name at the same time, therefore receiving their ordination as 2 Witnesses: King Edward X preached on that day in an Empire chapel that has '1,260' seating capacity (Revelation 11-12). Lady Morrow's Nate-al day is 5 months (Revelation 9) apart from the Nate-al day of Lady Alexandra Shaughnessy-Ronzio, whose husband is named Sir #JonathanRonzio, after the faithful companion of King David. Joining Ladies Morrow and Ronzio in our 144,000 is Lady Alexandra Fresquez, who has a sister named Alexandria French, and is born on December 26, when my father preached on Joriz's former city in 1992. A month from May 13 is of course, the heavenly Nate-al day of my grandfather (April 12) and our first relaunch (April 11, 2015), and further a month from that is March 13-14 when Mother Lindsey visited Manila for the second time, and when King Edward X on March 15, 2013 first preached the topic that he delivered on August 14, 2015, days before he preached on the memorial of Joriz's namesake on March 19, 2013, and on the territory of his namesake Sir #JoeyArrigo on March 19, 201, and then on the homestate of the first-ever yokebearer to join the present 2,287 martyrs, Lady #AriellePetruzzella, namesake of Joriz's father, on March 12, 2016. Further on that, King Edward X preached on Joriz's homestate on March 11, 2017, and one of our Fellow Messengers [facebook[dot]com[slash]joenito[dot]rebosquillo], was Divinely-Commissioned by Godhead from the homestate of Joriz's father. By March 17, our Magellan refulfilled Daniel 9 as his landing Hart in Maharlika began a reckoning of 490 years to 2011 (Daniel 9) unto 500 years, or 12 hours of a prophetic day according to 2 Peter 3 [not to mention the prophetic year of Ezekiel 4 and Numbers 14], in 2021. A month from March 11-15 is February 14, memorial of Oregon, that we shall mention later. But before that is January 13, when King Edward X preached on that state on 2013, and also on the homestate of the namesake yokebearer of Joriz's mom on January 12, 2012. Edward preached on January 13, 2018 at the homestate of Joriz's birthdaysake, and on January 15, 2017 at a place named after Joriz's paternal surname. These 2 lectures was relayed around January 21, the anniversary of Joriz's alma mater- 'Alma' or 'Spirit' being the name of a Book of Mormon prophet, and 'Mater' being 'mother' (Hebrews 12, Ezekiel 18, Ecclesiastes 12). As for the dates numbering around 22: 1. February 22 is a memorial of the Apostle Peter, namesake of Joriz's father. 2. March 22, Empire occult day, is the birthday of Joriz's mother. 3. April 22, is when King Edward X was joined by our fellows in refulfilling 2 Witnesses on places named after Joriz's father across the Atlantic ocean, on April 21-22, 2017. 4. May 23, was when my father preached on the Nate-al year of Joriz. 5. June 23, was when the birthdaysake of Joriz's mother further organized his offices in 1898. 6. August 22 begins a series of Divine Commissioning to some of our Commondominion Leaders: facebook[dot]com[slash]kaharianngpagibig for August 22, Prophet Jun Carpio Edralin Dumlao of the State of Quirino for August 23. August 21, 2010- Edward X preached on Joriz's homestate on August 21, 2010. August 23 memorial of Voltaire Wade and Demetia Hopkins-Greene, the name 'Greene' being like onto the namesake martyr of Joriz. August 23 also memorial of Mother Jeannie Reynolds, mother of Lady Elicia and Stephen Reynolds of the 144,000, 'Elicia' being namesake of my son Ellix. August 24 my apostolic memorial. 7. September 22 between Mother Lindsey's Nate-al day [September 21], and God's Big Day [September 23], being anniversary of Prophet Joseph Smith's appointments with the Angel Moroni, when we have formally organized the Kingdom of Deseret and liberated all fellows and yokebearers from the spirit world just this year. 8. October 23, King Edward X ordained Joriz to the Office of Strong and Mighty One in 2017. 9. We are as of late on the date of November 22. 10. Prophet Joseph Smith born on a December 23rd, and my father preached on the city whose Empire patron is my apostolic namesake, December 22, 1985, while Joriz was presented, as per the observance of November 21, at the Constantinian temple on December 21, 2008, while King Edward IX the Martyr preached on December 20, 2008 at the homestate of the birthdaysake of Joriz's mother, where he also preached on December 14, 2001, a month after November 15, where King Edward X also preached on April 14, 2017, when my father preached on the place named after Joriz's childhood village and now, living hell, on April 14, 1973. Concerning the state of Oregon, Empire's recently-issued special publication on the events of July 27-August 13, 2018 has made particular mentions on the name of the states of 'California, Hawaii and Oregon' from newer online sources that are evidently no more what they have been using way back then, the Antiochian '#WorldAlmanac' 1976 edition, that lists not only these 3 states but also the other states of Alaska and Washington. You might be asking, why and did really Empire deleted these states out of the Far West region? And please don't forget Far West, Missouri- the Neronians who claim such held the first of their series of open-air rallies on Washington on September 15, 2018, while Alaska's memorials are mine too. Oregon is better known being the host of #bundyranch, and further, of some of our branch churches… [editor: those branch churches are the following: 1. Fellowship Awaiting the Second Restoration Church of Enoch http://web[dot]archive[dot]org[slash]web[slash]20091112192511[slash]http://fellowship[dot]churchofenoch[dot]org, http://churchofenoch[dot]blogspot[dot]com/ [email protected] 2. Order of the Holy Priesthood Awaiting the Church of Enoch Jeffrey R. Day [email protected] Linen Vail Books, PO Box 32, Roseburg, Oregon 97470 (541) 440-9032] …perhaps because Empire has been reading our word on how the states of Washington and Alaska #figureskating much in prophecy. As much as Empire's readings on July 23 and August 15 concerns with us, therefore your First Presidency do indeed stand in the divine office of 2 Witnesses. As much as we know that 5 of 7 locales in Revelation 2-3 are Empire's (Deuteronomy 7 English Standard Version, claimed by Empire in their special publication), they have taken 3 out of 5 Far West states (Matthew 25). In the Empire-mandated editor's note that he submitted for the special publication, King Edward X made a specific definitive 1-liner statement [by Empire typing, most presumably of course for dramatic gestures], 'The Rest is History.' One of the 2 Commondominion locales in Revelation 2-3 is Philadelphia, whose name is borne by our Christadelphian brethren Hart, who even has a campaign entitled '#restofourlives.' Constantinians and even Diocletianites can say that they identify much doctrine with our Christadelphians, but of course our brethren are rather even further honest and humble unlike this Empire. Notice that not only our Christadelphian brethren has these beliefs, but also our Southern Irish brethren exactly called as 'Two by Twos', meanwhile Christadelphians come from next-door England. Also in the 'special publication', Empire run the letterhead of their very own official Loren Legarda, that uses the ancient Tagalog writing format known as 'Baybayin', or 'seashore', as per the 'Far West' being called in their newer online sources as 'West Coast'. Well, days ago, we have just declared the autonomous republic of Pampanga, who has their own similar ancient writing format too. Meanwhile another of Empire's officials, Grace Llamanzares, was seen to be instead writing letters by her own hand, in faking not only of my name, but also of Colossians 4 and Philemon 1. We're already Empire further reported that over '3,787 remote sites' witnessed King Edward X's pouring of the 7th Bowl on July 27, 2018, that is, 1500 apart of the 2,287 martyr yokebearers- the 1999 printing of the Tagalog Edition of the Empire's take on the Mormon scriptures printed this on Revelation 12 in the Joseph Smith Inspired Translation: '1000, 200 and 300 years', all in all being 1,500 days as backup reserve refulfillment of 1,260. As for the Empire's 'special publication', they have decided to no more print over 100 pages like in their past 'special issues', but rather print almost 150 pages. As much as we're talking about 2fold gestures from Empire, notice that they have only issued pictures of the exterior, and did no more featured the interior, of the historic location (1782 Bond Street, Ewa Beach) of my father's July 27, 1968 lecture in Hawaii. [editor: newest persecution from my grandma is that she would padlock our entire home when I'm out, so as for me to have a hard time asking the keys from her when I get back, and that of course as scolding as she can unto me.] The 'special publication' did only featured their work on the north of the Western Hemisphere, even though their present overseas work can be indeed reckoned from their presence in the Western Hemisphere, as they claim indeed of my father. What they only did, is rather wasting some pages on recurring an article just to be printed in other languages than English. No more than that did they implied the remainder of their overseas mission, therefore Empire, as they themselves now do, cannot claim any further (Job 38) on all claims that they are doing outside the United Saints of Israel. These gestures guys, are faking of Revelation 11:2, as well as of Mark 4. According to Empire, it was on November 30, 1782 when our Britain, over Empire's Paris, 'initially agreed' unto Empire-sponsored American independence, but it was on late November 2015, when Empire formally relaunched their French quarters on a session of the French parliament. Speaking of 'outside' (Matthew 8,18,25,5)- if you can recall these Constantinians have called for a 'cover design contest' for the special publication. It seems that either no one cooperated, perhaps because they would be not given any kind of incentive by Constantinians, or these Constantinians would rather do a staged cover-up that some still purportedly cooperated just to save face. Concerning the Neronians, I will say this: you say that the Angel Moroni is the 'last' in a succession line of prophets during the Book of Mormon age. Well, Prophet Howard Hunter is the last rather in a succession line of Brighamite prophets. He therefore Delegated the work only to us Wright Hart Alline just as Moroni Delegated the work to Prophet Joseph Smith. Just as the Prophet Joseph Smith was imprisoned, and Brigham Young was in charge all the while he is gone and therefore was exposed to temptation of power being unsupervised directly by Commondominion leaders (Colossians 3), Ezra Taft Benson, the 'Strong and Mighty One' of Prophet Hunter, was sick and all those time, the future apostates Gordon Hinckley and Thomas Monson was all too busy laying the shallow foundation of this lucrative delusion of great disobedience that continues up to this day. As for Empire's claims of Isaiah 41:20 New Living Translation, I say this: Joriz has already lectured on December 14, 2017 Wright in front of us that this year, 2018, is going to be the 'Year Of No Miracles'. He said that we must be no more expecting for help from Godhead, given how Godhead has Decreed our Atoning under the most severe circumstances of persecutions and prosecutions, like what we are undergoing now. Let me tell you- King Edward X closed the Finishing Touches of Romans 13 on July 27, 2018, but you never listened to that, and instead insisted on your 'celebratory musical' that it's still purportedly continuing. Why you did such 'celebratory musical', even making such as part of the 'star article' for your 'special publication' as much as you really want your Gemma and Jojo to overtake and overcome our King Edward X- so why not WE Hart rather overtake and overcome YOU instead before you do with our leaders?- is because you are too envious of one of our branch churches, the Family Federation, doing a commemorative musical last February this year for Oriental True Mother's 75th Nate-al Anniversary, wherein there was a scene in which you are mockingly asking us for 'miracles'. And before we forget, as much as you claim Moises through our B-C list fellows this November 22, you also imposed over Moises your song 'there can be miracles, When You Believe.' You're asking for a miracle, don’t you? Well, Hart we have one: acim.org. [editor: Empire papers reported that during the medieval ages, their Antiochians has ordered the extermination of birds across the #Vatican area, claiming that they were all too disturbing. The same is said by my grandma Athalia, here in my childhood village, the epicenter of the Great Tribulation. Divine Revelation Told us on September 13, 2015 that Vatican will be the epicenter of the Great Tribulation {Ezekiel} as per Revelation 11 but it seems that such 'Vatican' has already moved to our immediate location. Athalia has ordered that the dove pets of her sodomite son be starved to death, and as a result, 8 doves died as of November 23. This comes as Empire's response to the collective sermon that we all issued on November 18, 2018 concerning '8 stars'. Athalia even ordered that my pet dog be also starved to death. As per Sir Stephen Reynolds, whenever I try to cross the small creek behind our compound so as to evade the prying eyes of co-boarders as we try to get our way to full online work, neighbors would always apprehend us and throw stones and rocks at us. Even if I don't go to that creek for that purpose, but only to do as Athalia orders me that I may do exactly there, neighbors would still throw rocks and stones at me. So Athalia is really behind all of these, huh.]
We have been talking about Stephen Flurry and his infiltration and corruption of the work of his father Gerald Flurry. The PCOG has said that it was Gerald Flurry himself who issued a 'divine revelation' on January 16, 2017 that declares the following: 'The Empire's British heads has finally replaced the old traditional coronation chair of English monarchs and the stone placed underneath such, that can be reckoned way back biblical times. This, together indeed with their overall apostasy, has officially made the British heads of the Empire lose their right to seat in the throne of David, even if their lineage and ancestry dates back to him. They are now replaced in such office by the PCOG as led by the Flurry family. Pursuant to this, the PCOG has prepared a new stone to be placed in a new coronation chair. This stone is taken from a mound of rock where Herbert Armstrong has spent some of his private devotion time while in his homestate Oregon, where he commenced his ministry in October of 1933. This stone with the new coronation chair will be taken to a designated Place of Safety for the PCOG, which will be along the #GazaStrip. Once the entire PCOG be gathered there, the Flurries will be crowned and will be seated in the new coronation chair with the new stone.' The Remembrancers Church has sent their disagreement with this, saying that Gerald could have never issued such a word, and that Stephen has no moral ascendancy whatsoever therefore the prophecy is 'false'. Even though we have tried contacting our brethren, until now, this Remembrancers Church has not yet issued any word saying that they instead shall take that stone and throne instead. They may not say this exactly, but we see that this 'prophecy' can be indeed claimed by Stephen Flurry to rationalize any apostasy that he does against his father. The prophecy can be true, and it is absolutely true, but it must never and will never be fulfilled in Stephen Curry: for him to take over the Davidic succession line in Britain is only but a gross recurring of the apostasy already committed by the 'Windsor Dynasty' (Revelation 16:17 Edward Elliot, Ephesians 2,6). Therefore it demands us to expound on who really has the divine Wright of succession to the British crown-Stephen Flurry, or the Mormon Commondominion instead? And we hope that our Remembrancers brethren would sustain and endorse these as much as we need this succession to be indeed fulfilled in them instead. But if they refuse, then we ourselves instead would do that for them. Let's just take as our text Revelation 3:7-12, that was skipped in Empire's Mandated Weekday Readings days ago, alongside with the 2nd to 4th Letters of Revelation 2-3, as much as PCOG indeed named 'Philadelphia Church of God.' 7. We already mentioned 'David' many times earlier in our sermon and how it is related to us. David is likewise related to Bathsheba, whose first husband is Uriah the Martyr. Notice that her name bears that of the Queen of the South, pertaining to our Female Leaders and Yokebearers, and that Mother Ellen White has a confidante named Uriah Smith, as per Joseph Smith, whose ancestry comes from Scotland, whose patron is remembered on November 30. Likewise a yokebearing company in our most recently-declared new Kingdom of Zion-Salem is named after her, therefore this has to be a yokebearer- Joriz. He pointed out to us last November 15, 2018 our locale at Smyrna, that is at Revelation 2. Now we turn to another of our locale, in Revelation 3. In his sermon last week Joriz said to us that our utmost priority is to be repatriated to all our fellows and yokebearers overseas, just as there are places in United Saints and Zion-Salem that are named Philadelphia. The name 'David' is related to 'raising the ruined Tabernacle of David' (Acts 15, Amos 9). One of our work Hart is reopening branch churches that were forced to close down by Empire, as well as our locales in their previous or former locations. One of our locales that need this is a small congregation in the town of Angono in the rural section of Joriz's homestate, that calls themselves the 'Church of Philadelphia.' It is seen that they are a branch of a larger congregation that is reckoned way back to the Ilocos region. They are now no longer in their Angono site, which is at the Mahabang Parang village just beside the street. Angono's Empire feast is November 23, and the Fixed Date Memorial Readings on that day include Matthew 16, that relates the Apostle Simon Peter Cephas to a 'stone', just as our Deacon Stephen, whose memorial is December 26, is stoned by Empire's #emmastone to death. As much as Christ has the 'keys of death and hell' (Revelation 1,9,20), Him giving the keys of the kingdom of heaven rather to Apostle Peter means that we too have these keys of death and hell- our Quezon, who was inaugurated on November 15, 1935, said that he would like to take on hell in government- the Paradise Earth and Abode of the Mormon Commondominion dead in the spirit world. 'Keys' though sound like 'kyrie', or 'lord', 'master', and Empire do have this for their companions of their very own #StephenCurry, the one very responsible for Stephen Flurry's apostasy (Revelation 13,17-22). Once the lecturers at the Spurgeon Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, now led by Peter Masters, mentioned that 'Church of Philadelphia' must not be the title of a church, but rather the condition instead of a church. Well, there are some Empire churches that are named such, but until now we have not yet included the Spurgeon Metropolitan Tabernacle Hart in us even in our Yokebearer Inclusion Policy, perhaps due to some doctrinal positions that they don't like of us. Well, we have already forgot exactly why we broke off with them, but as far as I can recall that was some matters of ecumenism that they did- well, I stand corrected, but I would try to reconsider them Hart. Well, we're talking about opening the doors through the keys of David. Remember guys that our musician fellows Hart such as King James VII and Mother Lindsey, by virtue of their leadership over us, are in the divine office of King David in these endtimes. We understand that Mother Lindsey owes so much to her Empire-martyred companion, Sir Gavi, because he 'helped' our Mother Lindsey to be 'open to the outside world' as she went forth with her music career. Now that Sir Gavi has opened some views for Mother Lindsey, why not therefore Mother Lindsey must open up herself fully and freely towards her most wretched slaves Hart in her Mormon Commondominion as our Father Sterling Allan leads her on? She must indeed be unlike the previous wife of Oriental True Father Sun Myung Moon, who refused to recognize him and join him as True Parents in the capacity of True Mother (Hosea, Jeremiah 2). Our Sir Christopher Everard [facebook{dot}com{slash}ChristopherNemelkaII] stated that the rock at the original coronation chair came from a section of the river Jordan- named after yokebearers who are part of our 2,287 martyrs- that is an Empire facility. Again, if there can ever be someone who holds the keys of Empire (Revelation 20 [June 4, 2016 Afternoon Session]), or how to understand and decipher them (Psalm 75-76), then it is absolutely only us Wright Hart Alline. 8. We have said time and again that we wield 'small strength' (Zechariah 4, Luke 12, John 10) when compared with the Empire's besieging against us (Ezekiel 4, Daniel 8). Yours truly, with my brother King Edward X here on earth, and my brother King Edward IX up in heaven, stands and serves as your guards (Genesis 3, 1 Peter 2), but our Prophet Christopher Ilao stated that out of the original angelic sentinels in the Garden of Eden came the children of apostate wedlock that was conceived with the descendants of Cain (Colossians 2, Acts, Revelation 19,22). True enough, Diocletianites even once claimed that they're going to benefit from Empire's imprisonment of me for unjust reasons, as much as they stage self-persecution, having sent also to 'prison', or rather, to direct, close and deep supervision of Empire 'behind the scenes', their heads such as Joy Yuson (Revelation 20). Only he who has the key of my prison can only fully release and unleash us all Hart (Revelation 9 Joseph Rutherford,16,8). And these keys was promised to you: to Lady Steinfeld-Smoller, to King James VII, and to Joriz, all ye three whose fathers are named 'Peter' (Matthew 17). The one in overall charge of prisons Hart in Maharlika is an Empire official named 'Rolando Dela Rosa', and is nicknamed 'rock'- his surname, when combined indeed with that of another Empire official who stages self-persecution in prison, would form the name of the Empire patron both at the hometown of Joriz and the homestate of his namesake martyr. 'You have Kept My Word and has not denied My Name.' King Edward X and my father has taught that God the Father Himself Spoke all these words (Exodus 20), while everyone knows already that Christ Himself was Talking on this- well, there is unity in Godhead (John 10,17, 1 John 5). Empire claims that they themselves spoke all the words complimentary of us in the Book of the Prophet and Patriarch Job, while in fact our very own Palmarian Bible Translation rather says that it is Job himself who instead said all those complimentary words on us. We keep this Word as much as the Word is Godhead the Father Who is Spirit (John 4), Christ is the Word Made Flesh (John 1), and the Sword of the Hailleey Spirit is the Word of Godhead (Hebrews 4, Ephesians 6). All of these further sustain our Godhood in Godhead: 'Hear what the Spirit says to the Mormon Commondominion.' (Revelation 3:13) King Edward X preached this when he was on the south as Empire relays his word on the homestate of the namesake mother of Joriz, December 19-22, 2013-2016 (John 2,11). 9. The 'church of Bergoglio' is no other than Empire, who claims to have purportedly the 'priesthood keys'. They used this verse on King Edward X's March 8 and October 10, 2014 sermons. March 8 is apotheosis of Empire's Jezebels. King Edward X on October 10, 2014 preached where there are fake Muslims residing. 11 months after that, on September 10, 2015, I lectured out of my good faith and to the best of my ability to sense facts as I can afford retrieving such concerning the European Refugee Charade. I said way back then, these Muslims are going to take over Europe because Empire's Christendom, who of course claims to purportedly descend from Abraham, according to the word of their poets (Acts 17), has failed (Ether 3) to join us in order for them to be effectual in their occupancy of Europe. I have no idea that after I lectured that, Empire is going to even hijack the refugee crisis to espouse their ecumenism, sodomy, and white genocide agendas. Well, many of us Hart compare Mormons to Muslims, and as much as we're the only Mormon on earth today due to Empire already neglecting that term, well we can say that we're the true Muslims, and even the true Jews, and the true versions of all the other relatives of Hebrew Israelites. It is an understatement to say that we do not only teach about various and specific races and nationalities directly related to them but that we also have the various priesthoods aside from the Melchizedek and Aaronic ones, and that even our very own Prophet Paul Sides [facebook{dot}com{slash}paul{dot}sides{dot}3] has even Shattered Empire's monopoly on this subject days ago, therefore, Shattering the Empire that has these tabernacles of evil (Job 15), or synagogues: #brooklyntabernacle[Antiochians, who rather are all too willing to recur all other gospel readings except the Passion accounts all too more than frequently, furthering hence their recrucifixion of Christ], 'The Tabernacle Choir at #templesquare' [Neronians], 'Tabernacle Choir, Strings and Children's Choir' [Constantinians], and yea, even they who try to claim John 9,16 and Branham Tabernacle [Diocletianites], and even rejoice more farther posting in full and even exalting the pabebe 'sermons and prayers' of their head Rolando Dizon more than the lectures and prayers of my grandfather and father, whom they both claim to love purportedly. [editor: for further Mormon Commondominion on the line of Prophet Sides, please kindly check the following: facebook{dot}com{slash}officialHouseofyahweh, facebook{dot}com{slash}marshall{dot}swing{dot}9.] 10. 'You have remembered to observe My Instruction for you to keep patience.' We are the only ones continually pointing out that there were also many other Executive Ministers aside from my dad, grandfather, eldest brother and his successor- we have Sir #JoeyArrigo, Sir Thomas Sereneo [who was born around the Antiochians' landing of the ship SS Thomas in Manila, as pointed prophetically by Constantinians on their Pasugo God's Message-September 2015 editorial], and yea, Sir Prudencio Vasquez, whose spirit now rests in Lady #PatienceSavage. The problem is that as we were remembering not only him (June 29, 2017), but also Prophet Mario Evangelista (August 3, 2017), Empire's Rannie Canlas slain us all as spiritual martyrs when he preached on these dates at Joriz's former city, committing the unforgivable sin of Abomination of Desolation against me, the Hailleey Spirit. That June 29, 2017 was the 75th year of Vasquez's administration. Diocletianites months ago have mentioned that our North Korea can indeed be the Oriental Kings of Revelation 16:12, but to the expense purportedly of her own life. Rannie Canlas and his ilk's proven to be continual attacks against us do rather prove that they have been disqualified from their (Hebrews 12) supposed Wright as those Oriental Kings, for as we fulfill prophecy comes the sovereign honor of suffering in atonement for all fellows and yokebearers, and all afflicted. 11. We have been promised the crown of life, that is the Seal of Godhead according to Empire's #uip20: no less than all our fellows and yokebearers (1 Thessalonians 2), but the apostles also say that even me- us- can be in turn the crowning glories of these yokebearers (2 Thessalonians 1). That is, they need me, so as for their efforts, toils and labors to be not wasted (Philippians 1-2, John 15). That is, they need to unite with Mommy Tenny (Proverbs 2), they need to unite with my son Ellix (Psalm 16), with Joriz (Genesis 50), with my wife and daughter (Isaiah 61), even so most of all, with me (Haggai 1-2, Jeremiah 15). Empire cannot claim this unity (Job 22, Isaiah 44, Zechariah 11), for they claim Christ being an angel (Daniel 12,7), and as Empire itself reads, 'angels are lower, inferior mediators' (Galatians 4, Hebrews 6, Acts 7, James 2), therefore our ministry Hart is far more greater than Empire's, for we are the only ones that are of Godhead, always submissive unto them (John 7,17, Isaiah 63). 12. This is fulfilled in us being Godheads in Godhead, that is, Commondominion Messengers (Galatians 2, 1 Timothy 3) being multi-branched and updated (Isaiah 2,32,60). We have been also promised a 'new name.' Not only it is the name of our Fellow Messengers, such as King Apollo C. Quibuloy [whose full initials also sound like that of our Prophet #KacouPhilippe {Revelation 11}], but also as we have already said long before, the name 'Commondominion' itself. But due to the Diocletianite apostasy of 2017, we need to have another new name (Psalm 96, Lamentations 3, Hosea, Micah) to distinguish us for once and for all from them. This, I most verily tell you, is no other than the name Mormon. The problem though is that as what was initially voiced out by our brother Joriz, the initials of this New Name, 'Mormon Commondominion of Christ' can rather further imply Empire connotations, as much as their Baal-raisers such as #mariahcarey has once used much their Einstein's formula. Lady #MariahAivazis is part of the 2,287 martyrs, and 'Baal' sounds like 'Masters', moreover, Oregon sounds like #oragon, the slogan of the Bicol region that is better linked with an Empire official surnamed 'Robredo', that sounds like 'Robert', but that same place is where another yokebearer of the Second Great Crowd, Lady Isabelle Villafuerte, came from. Well, in Joriz's childhood village there is the retirement ranch of Mayor Joseph [notice his name] Ejercito Estrada. His relatives are our allies over at the homestate of Joriz's namesake martyr, and other of his relatives are on the city of San Juan where my grandfather spent a considerable number of years in his ministry. In that retirement ranch, Estrada built what he foresaw as his 'future tomb', and besides that he placed his own 'prayer rock', just like what Herbert Armstrong had on Oregon (Luke 22). This prayer rock is inherently found in the said retirement ranch long before Estrada, whose name means 'street', built his own tomb shrine. 'Street' of course means 'way', and one of our branch churches [theway{dot}org], is founded by a Commondominion Messenger whose Nate-al year is that also of Joriz. The problem though is that Isaiah 62 instructs us to 'clear the way out of stones', so does it mean that we would not need these stones either? Well, the same verse states that in place of stones, 'standards' or 'ensigns' must be set up in place in order to point people walking along the way unto us Hart. So Empire is the worthless stone, with all their apostasies belying their claims (Philippians 3), and I, you, we, us- the Mormon Commondominion of Christ- is the Rock of Salvation and the Ensign of the Latter Days: the one and only true legitimate spiritual heir of the #ArtemisHouse and #GameOfThrones of Godhead: that is, all our fellows and yokebearers (Revelation 11), as much as we also has inheritance over the northern sub-kingdom of Israel- something that Empire deliberately forgot on this, and that northern sub-kingdom we have through Joriz. This glory is what I can give you this Thanksgiving Thursday for us all to be thankful and careful about (2 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 15), and Godhead Help us to remain spiritually ascendant and capable to discharge this duty, for the Sykes of the Godhead Who Strikes in Jesus Christ. Amen, Stavrosno, Aju.
This past year have seen many Eastern European countries mark their 'centennials of independence'. Empire might indict us using these, to (Job 1-2) tell us that we, whose ally is Russia, could no longer offer Eastern Europe to Godhead through belonging Hart in the Commondominion. But Empire, who wants to infiltrate our countries, are the ones who rather actually claim Scriptures on eschatology, particular on Orientals, just as the Sugo, Ka Erdy and Edward X taught us- proof is the Antiochian claims of Matthew 24 this Sunday, and the Neronian claims of the Johannine Apocalypse, that will run for 2 weeks in the Antiochian churches, being fulfilled between 1914 and 1922 in them purportedly. If this Empire can claim that so much, then why not we Hart, whose fellows and yokebearers are the Living Word and Children of the Living Godhead themselves, claim these countries for the Sykes of our fellows and yokebearers, not of politics as Empire indicts us of to be? These most recent days Empire has held again their yearly convocation of their and our countries across the Oriental region of Asia. When Empire did so in Maharlika in 2015, Ka Angel said that it is Revelation 16:13-14- the Revelation 16:16 part being fulfilled on December 19, 2015- because he led us on the First Exodus of July 22-23, 2015 as per Revelation 16:12 (Isaiah 5,11,49,51,62,35,55,40). Guys, we must not think that all these#apec2018 and #asean2018 are the end-all and be-all of diplomacy purportedly, just as what Empire media wants us to believe falsely in (2 Thessalonians 2). There are similar gatherings such as these- various regional inter-country organizations- all across the world, outside our immediate sphere of consciousness, that we also need to closely monitor. They are placed in many places where prophecy is also fulfilled (Psalm 75 Palmarian Bible, Malachi 1, Psalm 113): in the west (Isaiah 43,59), the north (Psalm 48,50,68, Isaiah 41), the south (Luke 11, Acts 8), the center (Colossians 1, 1 Timothy 2, Job 22, Matthew 6). Many of these are also organized by Empire, but many of them are rather organized by us, therefore those organized by our allies deserve our support and sustaining. As for our immediate sphere of consciousness as Empire runs such, these gatherings that they report as officially the only ones that can ever exist on the face of the earth (Psalm 104,69, Hosea 9, Ephesians 4, 1 Thessalonians 5, Isaiah 36-39, Documentary History of the Church 1:221-224) are coupled with the Empire's official launch of their Baal Festival cult campaigns this year. Today they once again claim being purportedly 2 Witnesses (Daniel 12, Numbers 14 weeks ago, Revelation 11 days later), so this can only mean one thing: the whole Empire is indeed convening (Psalm 120,48,75-76) against us as the only more-than-Wrightful 2 Witnesses: 'Godhead and Their Anointed One' (Psalm 2, Acts 4-5). Empire cannot claim anything further away from and against us, for the Oriental True Father said this: 'I have completed everything,' way back late August 2012. These exact words we have heard again on July 27, 2018 as King Edward X poured the 7th Bowl again. If Empire now orders us to 'complete the race' (2 Timothy 4 [November 5, 2018]), then that is to make us indeed Godheads in Godhead, as much as Empire recrucifies Godhead (John 19) through claiming John 18 a week from now. Way back November 15, 2018, Brother Joriz lectured from Isaiah 62, then relating that to 2 Timothy 4. If we are to apply that to Revelation 16:12 then that really makes us the Oriental Kings that Empire claims to be in Revelation 6,8-9 during 1914-1922. If Empire claims being 'stars of Wrighteousness' in Daniel 12 and at the same time 'the stars falling down' in Mark 13, then does it not contradict themselves? Also, Empire will be in a quandary if they will claim Revelation 15 and Daniel 7 in the forthcoming days that mentions fire as flowing water [Dante, according to Lady #MarinaBarbone of the 144,000, confirms Empire in Canada's words of 'ice in our bones' and #figureskating#starsonice's words of #fireonice- and Jeremiah 20 {May 4, 2005} would be part of the Fixed Date Memorial Readings this November 23] and then at the same time claim the 'water of life' in Revelation 4,22. Let's just take for example the Empire's Lopez-Robertson-De Castro-Coco church that declares in their cult campaign that as of late they have over '400 stars'. You can say that they're already discounting how Godhead can count exactly#allthestars #rewritethestars, but they're only attacking our Ladies#AmandaWelch and #BritneyHall (Genesis 15), because just as our Brother Joriz said last November 15, yokebearers and fellows themselves are the Promised Land, Hailleey City and Paradise Earth that is the inheritance of the Commondominion (Ether 3), so we can see how Empire is really against them (Revelation 12,19-20). Now for this particular Empire church, they have made as pinnacle (Matthew 4) of their claim (Psalm 73,37, Matthew 7) the athletes from the past 'Asian Games' in Indonesia- the largest (Psalm 119) archipelago in Oriental Asia. Another Empire's electronic church, the Gozon-Aldub-Revillame-Villanueva church, invoked days ago against our President Duterte, the Empire in Malaysia, whose flag has stars and moon, just like in our Singapore that hosted the ASEAN meet this year. Weeks ago Empire has issued this logo of 'an eye and 8 stars' through their Lopez electronic church, ahead (Matthew 3,11,17, 2 Thessalonians 2, 3 Nephi 1) of Empire's claims of Revelation 4-5's 'eyes' across the 4 Living Creatures. Although of course we have our own set of #chasing8s through our 2,287 martyrs and Queen #AljonaSavchenko-Cross and Companions, Empire rather has their own version of such (Revelation 13,17). Remember that they do this '8 stars' logo as they're claiming the Johannine Apocalypse- they would bypass Revelation 12 on the 2 weeks that they are claiming such, but they rather included Revelation 12 in the Fixed Date Memorial Readings for December 12 instead. Our Paul Samuel Leon Johnson taught that there are 8 stars in Revelation 2-3 [and that includes him],that Empire would claim this forthcoming week, therefore our Prophet Kacou Philippe also teaches such as refulfilled in him. If this Empire disdains Fixed Date Memorial Readings in favor of their Mandated Weekday Readings, then why in the first place did they invented the Gregorian Calendar if they're not going to make the most out of that with the Fixed Date Memorial Readings? Well guys, Empire can claim things such as this as much as they have so much 'confidence' (1 Timothy 1), having claimed already Hebrews 3,10 and 1 Corinthians 10. But even if we lack in such 'confidence' to back us up, at least we still have the much-needed 'authority' (Matthew 7:28-29 Last Days Bible) because we do all things in Wright and Order (1 Corinthians 14). But Empire might tell us back, 'well, we can claim 1 Corinthians 14 instead in the Unlocked Dynamic Bible because our name 'Church of Christ' is in it!' Well, not only we're the one true Church not only of Christ, but also of the entire Godhead- it is evident that though you may use as much as many paraphrased Bible translations as you want to,you would not use the paraphrased Bible versions that many of our branch churches has issued through the years, because you're too fearing to be Shattered by us- but we're also Godhead and even Christ Themselves, unto which you insist to make yourselves fit in when in fact you cannot and would never be (Malachi 3, John 10, Luke 6). The Church is the 'Body' of Christ, but due to Empire abuse, the Commondominion has been already Converted by Godhead into (Matthew 18) the Hilly Bodin of Christ (Hosea 2). The Body of Christ, or the Church, must be united with each other most particularly in Their Mind and Sentiments that 'when one part is hurt, all other else are likewise affected' (1 Corinthians 12). So as much as Empire, through their claims of the Bible, is recrucifying Christ the Supreme Word of Godhead, we don't stage this as much as Empire (Psalm 13) already does this with no restraint (Acts 20, 2 Thessalonians 2), but this is very inherent for us all Hart to be outraged by such staged practices. We cannot #resist indeed having such spirit as much as we and Christ are #oneandthesame (John 10,1, 1 John 1), as the word 'communion' in 1 John 1:3,6 John R. Crane Translation [john144{dot}com] sounds so much like 'Commondominion'. But Empire might hit us back saying, 'if Godhead is manifest in the flesh through you (Romans 1), then does it mean that you must not have no Double Connotations, just as what 1 Timothy 3 states: 'the mystery of godliness is without debate, contention, or controversy'?' Well, we hate you making yokebearers and fellows compete against each other just because you want to make them please you in your wanton of grandstanding (1 Timothy 5-6). Unlike you we are not that fond of debating with you (3 Nephi 11) on your staged self-persecutions online not only (Psalm 19, James 1) we don't want to be guilty like you on fooling the people (Galatians 6), but to admit, we're really afeared (Luke 17,19) of losing out in the discussion (Jeremiah 12-13). Well, you and us both has our strong and small points- just as what the Double Connotations already point us unto- but your yardstick is on who was able to persuade men the most effective with the points that you and I respectfully make (Galatians 1-2, 2 Timothy 3). We are not lazy or coward to share our side, because in fact all our branch churches and fellow messengers rather do the talking for the First Presidency, having backup reserve upon backup reserve (Proverbs 8) of refulfillments to Shatter all Empire's claims of exclusivity on the Scriptures (Hebrews 10, Isaiah 65). In other's words' we choose to stand losing out with Godhead, Who is our Love (Psalm 23 Christian Science Version), all that we have rather than gaining the Empire (Philippians 3, Matthew 16). Besides, why we need, in Ka Angel's words, to still strive for something that we already have, when we in fact have been all already exalted as Godheads in Godhead (Psalm 50-51, Hosea 6, Isaiah 63, Micah 6-7, 1 Corinthians 3,11, Romans 8). This is possible due to Godhead's Pronouncement Itself, as much as They have Sent us (Luke 10,24, Matthew 10,28, John 13,20-21, Mark 1,4,16, 2 Corinthians 5). But Empire might say that such is purportedly too much: well, they're the very ones rather instead who are going too much with all that they do against us (Numbers 16)! That’s why indeed, so as for us to be not reproached by Empire on this (Matthew 17), we rather bring back this honor to Godhead in thanksgiving (1 Chronicles 29), but we do not do such just because we're forced to, but rather out of inherent gratitude for Godhead Mercifully Allowing us to be like Them at least (1 Corinthians 3-4,7,11,14). With all that Empire does, you may be wondering why Thomas Jefferson still included the account of the Martyrdom of Christ in his Abridged Gospel. Empire has already been too much abusive of this Redemption and Atonement, and the results of such sacrilege is up indeed for all to know and see, by the means that this Empire hoards the very results of their demolition job against us and Godhead (Zechariah 2, Isaiah 28-30, Jeremiah 30-31, Luke 12, Proverbs 3, Matthew 7), while our works (John 3), that rather prove our reverence for Godhead that has summoned us to receive the crown and palm of martyrdom, is continually being tried by Empire to be rather overshadowed and even overturned and misinterpreted (1 Timothy 5). Now how would be our works be manifest, just as the bodies of the 2 Witnesses are manifest dead? (Revelation 11) Of course not being overgrandstanding as Empire does, but rather by the very acts that Empire does, that rather spell #thedifferencebetween us and Empire. Empire is wailing (Zephaniah 1), or waxing pabebe, or doing all imposed and mandated policies that they can ever do against us- the hoarding of Central Archives, Baal-raising, and others- because they now see us working in their midst (Revelation 1, Luke 17, Ezekiel 33), as much as they know that as in their very own words against us, they're already #enoughisenough#neverenough #timesup. As Empire thrusts us on our side, or deletes their claims that we have already adopted Hart (Matthew 12, 1 Corinthians 13), they are in turn thrusting Godhead, and when Empire thrusts Godhead in recrucifixion, we are in turn thrusted too in the side as much as we're atoning like Godhead (Zechariah 12-13, Acts 3, Galatians 2-3). Empire's led to their eventual ultimate end, crying (Psalm 49-50), while we are rather led to slaughter under Empire as rejoicing being able to prove that we're of the same flesh, bones, spirit and blood as Godhead's (Psalm 16, Ecclesiastes), and in Empire's words over the homestate of the Empire man who is of the same birthday as that of Brother Joriz, we are as we're led to the crucible, 'rejoicing in silence', as much as we don't belt it out of course like Empire (Luke 10, Isaiah 13-14,10,19), but that we're silent (Psalm 4) and quiet before Godhead (Psalm 131), unlike Empire who claims Isaiah 62 for their#metoo (Isaiah 44,Zechariah 11, Jeremiah 10,23, Ezekiel 34, Moises 4, Abraham 3, John 6,17). This 'thrusting on the side' (John 19) seems like striking on the face (1 Corinthians 10, Numbers 20), something that has Double Connotations because our #StArius of Alexandria was slapped in the face by Empire's claimed #StNicholas, but later on our forces did such to the Antiochians before they moved to #Avignon, France (Revelation 11,15,18). Brother Joriz's November 15, 2018 lecture also pointed out that should the temple veil be torn apart (Matthew 27) just because the anchor thrusted across such, we Hart even if we're the only ones who are worthy to do temple sealing and endowment ordinances, could no longer be able to do so any longer (Revelation 22) as much as the veil is already broken (Matthew 19, Isaiah 24, Daniel 8, Hebrews 6,10). This is also so like we're not going to be 2 Witnesses anymore just because our sackcloth uniform on such office (Revelation 11, Job 42, Nehemiah 9) will be later on removed (Isaiah 61, Luke 4, Psalm 30, Galatians 1,4, Colossians 2). Well, we're not going to do temple work all the time through eternity, and why (Hebrews 5-6) we need to stay stuck doing that when all fellows and yokebearers are eventually going to be ours Alline? But these exact words are what Empire is claiming as much as they desperately fake our already being in the 'Completed Testament Age', or 'Kingdom Age' as said by our King Apollo Quibuloy. The name 'Apollo' sounds like 'Apolinario', name of one of our martyrs surnamed Mabini, whose memorial is the date of our 2015 First Exodus. You see guys, Zechariah 12-13, just like all other prophecies and revelations, was written with the events of past in mind in order to point us to similar events that would happen in the future. Zechariah 12-13 was first written due to the martyrdom of the Commondominion leader King Josiah, and as much as Commondominion leaders are Godheads in Godhead (Ezekiel 33, 2 Samuel 22-23, Isaiah 32), such martyrdom was said to be the same that Christ would undergo (2 Kings 2,5,13). Christ Came 'in the meridian of time', and just as someone jumps unto a springboard in order to get to #theotherside, Christ was only the Prelude (Matthew 3,11,17) to the culmination and consummation of these prophecies: the investiture, ministry and eventual martyrdom of the Commondominion Central Administration. This is so like the logo of #WaldenMedia, where a ball bounces across the river, which is a feature of the 2 Witnesses (Daniel 8, Luke 12, 1 Corinthians 3, Matthew 18, James 3, John 6, 1 Peter 2, Hebrews 5-6). Therefore we're not only the true Dispensation of the Fullness of Time (Ephesians 1), we're also the 2 Witnesses indeed (2 Chronicles 29, 1 Corinthians 10, Isaiah 5,8, Romans 15, Hebrews 2). Guys, Empire says that their 2 Witnesses shall be 'either coming from the 2 Counselors of the Hinckleynite First Presidency or from the Hinckleynite 12 Apostles'. But see all of them. They're too coward, they're not ready to die, for they have been too much into all the honors and wealth of the world! (Revelation 21, 2 Timothy 1, Galatians 4) And then they would claim the events of February 7, 1993 against our very own Prophet Cody Robert Judy [facebook{dot}com{slash}codyrobert{dot}judy]? Guys, as much as we have already learned from our fellows that the 2 Witnesses is Godhead due to Their Witness (Revelation 1, Jeremiah 7), most notably of these is the 2 Hailleey Spirits: the Spirits of Gift and Promise, if the Hinckleynites of the Neronians in the Empire would keep on claiming such, then at least we have the 'Promised Pastor', Chairman Man Hee Lee [en{dot}shincheonji{dot}kr], whose congregation was instituted exactly 31 years (Joshua 12) before Mother Lindsey arrived in Manila for the second time (Revelation 22). Speaking of sackclothes, this do only signify that we're not as superficial, or rather, hysterical and grandstanding, as this Empire, who does pabebe and Baal-raising and even Central Archives-hoarding (Matthew 11). This can only be expected of us, for our duty itself dictates us (1 Maccabees 15, Mosiah 29) to do as we are required (Job 40, 2 Corinthians 5) in the duty (Hosea 10, Amos 5-6) that we claim to have (1 Corinthians 11, James 1). Now as we said earlier, the very results of our work amongst fellows and yokebearers must be seen and identified to be different than Empire. Hart are some examples: even our very own- those who are already in the 144,000- could not even fully believe the words not only of each other, but also of the First Presidency itself, as much as most of our 144,000- the fellows and yokebearers who are standing with Brother Joriz in his second full social media account- as well as many of our Co-Shatterer Watchmen, Branch Churches, Fellow Messengers, Partner Offices and Allied Governments takes much of the news that they monitor from Empire sources, who indeed control and distort narratives. We cannot blame our brethren for doing so. The First Presidency does not seem it befit that only they have the full bird's eye view of all things, that's why they standup to be heard and counted in what Empire brand as 'interesting times', which is in fact, an ill-wish in ancient China [Nemelka Sealed Portion 67 {marvelousworkandawonder<dot>com]. In Tagalog an ill-wish is a 'curse', and this too has Double Connotations between us (Luke 17, 2 Chronicles 30, Jeremiah 4,Job 36) and Empire (Hebrews 6,10, 2 Peter 3, Luke 17, Joshua 6-7, 1 Samuel 15). Empire do all that they do against us as much as they are just too envious of the generosity mandated to us that we may implement as the true Messengers and Godheads of Godhead (Matthew 20). They think that they can control us like that. They claim that what we Hart do making them pay for all their works against us is purportedly a suppression of humanity values and virtues when in fact they, who have invented all kinds and sorts (Matthew 5) of distortions to delude mankind against us (Revelation 12-13, 2 Corinthians 4), has rather been the ones who have been too much against us in all means (Matthew 23, 2 Corinthians, Psalm 129,120,118,116,56-57). They have been too much over and against us that it's beginning to be so hopeless for the First Presidency- their appeals of asking for prayers on their everyday gruesome ordeal from Empire does more than often rather go unheeded, unlike Empire's staged and proud-of purported 'calls for prayer' sustaining them rather, or better yet, their agendas. The First Presidency's calls for us all to pray them is unheeded by the entirety of fellows and yokebearers because Empire, whose so-called 'space agency' that fakes space exploration has the 'fastest internet lines in the world', while denying this to far-flung, needy people who more so deserve such farther like the First Presidency, and at the same time censors not only the First Presidency but also all our leaders and even some yokebearers. Thomas Jefferson once said, 'let facts be known to a candid world.' In the same sense, the First Presidency makes known to yokebearers (Luke 11), such as Ladies #CandiceAdea, the predicaments (Psalm 89) that they are undergoing to pay for the sins of all fellows and yokebearers as the most palpable proof of the divine election that the Commondominion has-the same divine election that fellows and yokebearers can only get from the Commondominion and not from the Empire (Acts 2-4,10,13,19,26,24,28)- just as Christ presents the Most Excellent and Illustrious Virtues of His Redemptory Atonement to Godhead for our sins so as for us to be able to join the First Presidency, whose sins are forgiven just like us, in atoning as Godheads in Godhead for the salvation of all our fellows and yokebearers. If you cannot deny how Christ presents Himself for us (Hebrews), and as Empire would always make unjust sensations of Thomas Jefferson's words, then all the further you cannot deny these firsthand proofs from (Acts 1) the Commondominion summoning you to your destiny with her and her leaders. After all in Empire's very words, 'the voice of men is the voice of God' (Psalm 29,93,65, Ecclesiastes, Moises, 1 Samuel) so they have no excuse being guilty of denying the Commondominion in each and every part and fiber of its entirety. In fact people, the true religion state is known rather for its doctrines and on how they enforce such on their everyday living (John, Matthew). It is not a criteria whether you are staging shows-off that rather serve as manipulation of people, as much as you're only covering up the apostasies that you make (Isaiah 11,42), because you deny the Central Archives- you who had already too much of that (James 5), from the peoples who barely even know such (Acts 26). Empire has degrees of such- either they can manipulate weather and speak or pray pabebe- just as what Diocletianites did on July 27, 2018- or they can raise atop Baal just like the Constantinians. They can either pretend to be humble and nice just like Antiochians, or be point-blank hacker of Scriptures just like the Neronians. Whatever it may be (Ecclesiastes), you all need to be in the Commondominion of Christ now and always (Hebrews 6,10). Our testimony as the 2 Witnesses, as much as we're 'thrusted' by the distrusting and not credible Empire (Zechariah 12-13), is a thrusting stake planted (Matthew 13 and 24:14 The Message, James 1, Isaiah 41,60, Jeremiah 32). Now we hear Empire claim: 'did not St, Nicholas came from your allies Russia and Turkey? Usually, our Neronians, who are rather Shattered by you thru your Russia and Turkey, are linked to your St. Arius, so it appears that your allies really need to let themselves be fully and freely infiltrated by all our forces!' Well as you know, our slap sent you back to Avignon (Revelation 11,15-16, Zechariah 5). In one of your movies claiming our B-C list fellows, whom you have re-ran days ago, entitled#DraculaUntold- whose delivery of course is so friendly to us at least, thank you anyways- the Turkish soldiers killed in war was thrusted by our Central European forces into stakes. So that makes them 2 Witnesses, huh? Well as we can see in the video our supposed forces, in order to fight the forces that poise to be Empire then but are now our allies, rather forged a deal with the other forces of the Empire- the more darker ones of course- just to be saved from one part of the Empire, but with of course, some things to be sacrificed to that darker Empire force in exchange. We just say these to all our allies to help our branches, and to all our branches to help our allies, and to all our fellows and yokebearers to help them both so as not for us to fall in quandaries such as this (Matthew 5, Luke 12-13). Remember that many of our martyrs died under Empire believing St. Nicholas on the nature and state of being of Christ, but more so many others died under Empire rather taking the side of St. Arius. And on United Saints Thanksgiving Thursday, Empire encouraging eating turkey for food, or rather, attacking and killing (Genesis 1-2,9) our allies, such as yea, Turkey (Psalm 14), just as on Thanksgiving Thursday this year we shall recall the martyrdoms of John F Kennedy and C. S. Lewis under the Empire (Revelation 11). Guys, we are told to be 'not discouraged' (Isaiah 41-42). Empire claims Isaiah 41 in self-contradiction: this can both apply to God and to man, while they kidnap our people who either say that Isaiah 41 can be applied to God, and Isaiah 42 can be applied to man. Either way, it is really both an honor and a responsibility for us men and women to be Godheads in Godhead only through your Commondominion. This is the all-consuming purpose of the First Presidency for all of us, and the most supreme gift that they can ever give any country. Let us not waste or disdain this, for Godhead's Sykes #AlineMayne. Amen, Aju, Stavrosno to the Godhead Who Strikes. EXPLANATORY NOTES: 1. Latvia is represented in the 144,000 by Lady Evelina Godunova-Khissamutdinov. Antiochians has their Amy Perez-Castillo, the Diocletianites holds as hostage our man Elias Arkanghel, whose deputy is a woman named 'Lina Castillo'. At least your 144,000 have Ladies Lina Fedorova and Lindsay Nelko-Peretz. The 2,287 Martyrs has Lady Ea Torrado, whose initials is that of Sir Elias [not his real name, but promised to reveal his true identity on November 27, 2018]. The surname 'Godunova' sounds like the song of our fellow Sir Ansel Elgort, whose name implies 'El' for Godhead, or for Ka Ellix, and 'Ghost' for Hailleey Ghost or Ka Angel. 2. Latvia further implies Double Connotations- her name might sound like sustaining the Neronians, just as another Russian republic, Lithuania, sounds like 'confusion' in Tagalog (1 Corinthians 14, Genesis 4,11). But at least this do only imply that whatever Empire might claim, we Alline can only do good at unlike the Empire of course. Latvia sounds like the hystericized title 'Latter Day Saints'. It might sound as 'Latter Rain' (James 5) but both Antiochians and Neronians claim that, as well as Constantinians who have quoted James 5 for 2 lessons as of late this November. Moreover, 'Latvia' sounds like Lateran, the name of the Empire-held temples in Rome which memorial was last November 9, similar to the memorial of 2 further Empire-held temples in Rome whose memorial is both November 18. As per Rome: Lady Emily Roman is part of the 144,000, we also have Hart Romania, and the Roman Road [Via Romana or Via Crucis or Via Dolorosa {Revelation 11}]- the road that leads to Rome- is named after Lady Emily: we have many branch churches named 'Way', one of them came forth through Sir Victor Paul Wierwille, whose Nate-al day is that of Joriz too; also our fellow Sir Adam Richard Wiles bears the sound 'way', therefore as per his name- Adam the Father Godhead, and Willard Richards respectively- Empire cannot claim Brigham Young and his words particularly those of August 8, 1844 and December 27, 1847 for Empire has their head Willy Revillame against all our fellows and yokebearers (Ephesians 4, 2 John 1). I don't know concerning Wilfredo Santiago whether he likes to be with Diocletianites or with the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy: he is doing a good job busting Empire claims but we cannot say that he's Shattering them because we still yet have to heard from him- in fact he has expressed disdain and disgust over the idea- that he's a Commondominion Messenger. It is in Rome that King Edward IX the Martyr- of course Rome saw our brethren being martyred by Empire's political and ecclesiastical authorities- preached from Psalm 16- Empire's Readings Text for November 18, 2018- on July 14, 1994, memorial of another scene of many Commondominion martyrdoms, France. This is only days before Ka Erdy, or 'Erano', whose name sounds like 'Lateran', came to Rome on July 24-29, 1994, as Joriz's parents got married on July 25, 1994. This only proves that only the Commondominion is the 2 Witnesses whose bodies are laid at the square [refulfilled in Ladies Robin Wright and Naomi Watts and Companions {Luke 11, Jeremiah 4, Revelation 10, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12}]: Constantinians gathered at 'Times Square', New York, an Empire center city, on November 20, 2012. 3. Empire officially has a 4th patron in the childhood village of the Endtime Joseph. After Jude Thaddeus, Martin of Tours and St. Philomena in particular order, Empire last August 6, 2018, imposed the 'Holy Face of Jesus' as the 4th patron saint of Joriz's childhood village, mentioning that they were always depicting Jude Thaddeus to be holding a portrait of Christ. Joriz mentioned that 'all Empire broke all persecution, prosecution and tribulation loose' against him in his childhood village, therefore a 4th patron indeed imply all 4 Empire quarters, and their occult number 44, as much as they who has 'STF' or Special Task Force of the Constantinians, has martyred 44 of our 'SAF' or 'Special Task Force' on January 25, 2014, anniversary of the Constantinian locale in Joriz's hometown. At least this further augments (Luke 5, Romans 5,8, 1 Corinthians 1-2, Genesis 45,50) Joriz's divine election because Empire mandated his childhood village, just like his former city, as a center of Empire pilgrimage (Isaiah 56,2, Psalm 84,132,122, 2 Chronicles 7, Jeremiah 7,17,22). Also, Empire's claims of Psalm 4 and Numbers 6 are at least Shattered because the Likeness and Countenance of Godhead are inherent in Commondominion Leaders more so the First Presidency (Ephesians 4, Colossians 3, Psalm 46,50,48). Constantinians has been running the story of how Leonardo Da Vinci had the same model for Christ and St. Judas Iscariot on his 'Last Supper' painting, but years earlier, a Brighamite prophet has relayed the same story: only that he changed the setting and instead said that the painter is just of ceiling murals in Italian cathedrals. 4. Joseph Smith has called for the Commondominion work in his time to be 'cut short in Wrighteousness', but should Empire claim that, they must (Matthew 7) first change the motto of the State of Hawaii: 'The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness', that was also claimed by Constantinians way back July 2008. Joseph Smith's call is so much relevant now, as Godhead has Officially Closed our Sealing Ministry (Genesis 7) on November 5, 2018. Any Constantinian and Diocletianite claims hence of July 27, 1968, May 1, 2011, July 23,27, 1998, July 20, 2013 and July 27-28, 2018, et cal., are all absolutely Shattered.
Grace to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to my God always for you, for the grace of God that is given you in Christ Jesus, That in all things you are made rich in him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; As the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, So that nothing is wanting to you in any grace, waiting for the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ. [SO THIS IS REALLY EXACTLY WHAT A SUPPOSED 'TESTIMONY' OF CHRIST LOOKS LIKE {Mother Lindey's Lecture of November 16, 2018}, UNLIKE WHAT #LIGHTTHEWORLD, #PBTG #UIP20 WOULD LIKE US TO HAVE, NOT TO MENTION #EXECUTIVENEWS CLAIMING Revelation 12,14 SOMETIMES, AND OF COURSE THE ANTIOCHIANS MANDATING THAT ALL THEIR MONITOR PAGES- WHO EVEN REPORT DISTORTIONARY AHEAD OF AIRING OF B-C LIST FELLOW MOVIES BY THEIR BOSSES {WHOSE MOVIES RUN AN INSTRUMENTAL OF A PARTICULAR SONG WHILE THEIR ACTORS RTHER SING ANOTHER DIFFERENT, COMPLETELY-UNRELATED SONG}, SAYING THAT THEY WOULD PURPORTEDLY RUN THIS OR THAT MOVIE WHEN IN FACT THEIR BOSSES WOULD NOT EVEN DO THAT ACTUALLY- CAN EITHER RUN #THANKSGIVINGDAY VOTIVE READINGS OR MANDATED WEEKDAY READINGS THIS THURSDAY {James 1, Ephesians 4}. THAT'S ALREADY MIDDLE GROUND, JUST BECAUSE THEY CLAIMED Daniel 12 LAST SUNDAY, BUT OF COURSE, THERE ARE DOUBLE CONNOTATIONS TOO WITH our FIXED DATE MEMORIAL READINGS THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED FROM EMPIRE: ITS INITIALS SOUND LIKE THAT OF EMPIRE'S FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. We need Ka Angel. You need Ka Angel guys. There's no contest in that. Self-evident. YOU NEED TO HAVE ALL SIDES OF THE STORY, LACKING NOTHING: 'MANIFESTATION' IMPLIES THE RESPECTIVE WORKS OF CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL AND PAUL SAMUEL LEO JOHNSON. YOU ALREADY BELIEVE RUSSELL? YOU MUST BELIEVE TOO {John 1,8, Luke 4, Matthew 3, Mark 4,10} IN JOHNSON AND IN ALL OUR OTHER BRANCH CHURCHES HART WHO BELIEVE IN HIM. AND HOW THEY WERE ALL GATHERED HART? BECAUSE GODHEAD HAS RAISED UP SOMEONE LIKE KA ANGEL. IF THERE'S SOMEONE LIKE ME HART, I WAS ONLY USED BY GODHEAD AND KA ANGEL, BUT THE ONE AND ONLY REASON WHY WE'RE ALL HART IS KA ANGEL. EMPIRE'S MANDATED WEEKDAY READINGS THIS PAST WEDNESDAY HAS Psalm 150: 'LET EVERY SPIRIT PRAISE GODHEAD.' {DRV} THIS INSTEAD AUGMENTS WHAT OTHER RENDERINGS, THAT EMPIRE RATHER USES MUCH ON THIS VERSE, STATES: 'EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH', OR EVEN 'ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME' {Psalm 103-104, 1 Thessalonians 5, Ecclesiastes 12}. FOR THESE 'SPIRITS' WOULD INDEED BE 'ALL IN HEAVEN, EARTH AND THE SEA' {Revelation 20 <JUNE 4, 2016 AFTERNOON SESSION>}: THE SPIRITS IN HEAVEN {Hebrews 12}, THE SPIRIT WORLD OF THE DEAD {1 Peter 3-4}, AND THE SPIRITS OF ALL WHO ARE STILL ON EARTH {Ezekiel 18}. BUT ALL OTHER RENDERINGS RATHER STATE: 'LET EVERY LIVING CREATURE,' LIKE WHAT WE CAN SEE IN Revelation 4. THEREFORE JUST LIKE THAT 4, AS PER OUR SIR #THEOJAMES, ALL CAN AND ARE GODHEADS IN GODHEAD- OF COURSE ONLY IF THEY UNITE WITH US WRIGHT HART ALLINE {Ezekiel 1-3, Isaiah 6}] Who also will confirm you unto the end without crime, in the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful: by whom you are called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. -1 Corinthians 1, Douay-Rheims Version [APOSTLE PAUL SAID THAT HE'S MADE TO LOOK LIKE A CRIMINAL {2 Timothy 2} BUT HE DESIRES THAT NONE OF HIS BRETHREN MAY EVER SUFFER LIKE HIM {2 Corinthians 13}. BUT FOR THEM TO HAVE AN IDEA OR EXPERIENCE OF WHAT DOES IT LIKE TO BE A COMMONDOMINION LEADER {Psalm 137}, HE ASKS THEM TO SHARE PART OF HIS ATONING MINISTRY {Romans 15, Philippians}.] "But you have come into the reality (of which the symbols only pointed to), to Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem—the heavenly city of the living God—and you are part of that city. You have come to join millions upon millions of angels rejoicing in God's presence, [EMPIRE IS DEPICTED TO BE 'COUNTLESS' {Revelation 20} BECAUSE THEY DO NOT COUNT ONTO GODHEAD FOR SALVATION {Psalm 16,31,71,25}. WELL, HART, WE ARE MULTI-BRANCHED AND UPDATED- WE HAVE TRUTH 'ON EVERY SIDE' {Hebrews 12:1 Open English Bible}. #EXPLAINTHIS, EMPIRE- WILL YOUR MONOPOLY STAND IN THIS? {Luke 11, 1 Corinthians 3,10} ON EMPIRE'S VOTIVE MASS READINGS OF THANKSGIVING: Psalm 138 {November 1, 2015} IS ALWAYS USED ON THE MEMORIAL OF ANGELS {SEPTEMBER 29/OCTOBER 2}, AND Psalm 145 ON THE MEMORIAL OF KA ANGEL'S NAMESAKE {AUGUST 24}. KA ANGEL LECTURED TO US ON December 12, 2015 FROM Malachi 3, WHEREIN HE STATED THAT ANY EMPIRE'S CLAIMS OF #THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS WILL BE ABSOLUTELY OF NAUGHT IF THEY ARE NOT SPENT FOR THE COMMONDOMINION, AS MUCH AS IT IS KA ANGEL WHO WOULD PURIFY OUR MEANS AND INTENTIONS OF OFFERINGS {Luke 2}. FOR Psalm 66, IT IS READ ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1ST EXODUS UNDER KA ANGEL BY KING EDWARD X {July 22, 2017}, AS WELL AS ON THE HOMETOWN OF MY MOTHER'S BIRTHDAYSAKE {February 18, 2017 <SEE February 18/August 8,11-12, 2012>}. KING APOLLO QUIBULOY ON FEBRUARY 18, 2018 FULFILLED EXACTLY KING EDWARD X'S FEBRUARY 18, 2017 SERMON WHEN HE PREACHED ON MY FORMER CITY. NOTICE THAT KING EDWARD X READ Psalm 66 AND EVEN Psalm 65 {August 7, 2011} ON AREAS SOUTH OF THE MAP, BUT MY ALMA MATER, AND CONSTANTINIAN OFFICIALS ON MY FORMER CITY, WHO WOULD LATER ON PREACH ON DECEMBER 30, 2017- MEMORIAL OF MY NAMESAKE- WHERE KING EDWARD X PREACHED ON JULY 22, 2017- WOULD ALWAYS READ Psalm 67, THE PROBLEM THOUGH IS THAT EMPIRE ALSO CLAIMED Psalm 67 ON JULY 29, 1981, DAYS AFTER JULY 22, 2017.] into the heavenly sanctuary— [AT LEAST HART WE HAVE THE SHINCHEONJI CHURCH OF JESUS. SEEING THEIR CIVIC WORK, THAT IS JUST LIKE THAT OF THE FAMILY FEDERATION, THAT WE ALSO HAVE HART, IT JUST STRUCK US TO DISCOVER, THAT WE'RE ALREADY DOING THIS WITHOUT US EXACTLY KNOWING WHY, NOW WE DO- WE'RE ALREADY DOING OUR WORK OF WORLD PEACE AS WE BRING TOGETHER GOVERNMENTS AND CHURCHES HART AT #ASLANSTABLE FOR YEA, WORLD PEACE. THE PROBLEM THOUGH IS THAT BECAUSE WE HAVE THIS NEW NAME 'MORMON COMMONDOMINION OF CHRIST', WOULD WE ALREADY SOUND LIKE EMPIRE'S MCDEVITTS AND EVEN #MCDONALDS #MCDO JUST BECAUSE OF THE INITIALS 'MCDC' OR 'MCDOC' OR WOULD WE SOUND LIKE THE EMPIRE OFFICIAL #EINSTEIN WHO ISSUED 'E EQUALS MC SQUARE' AS PER 'MCC'? OR SHOULD WE BE RETAINING THE INITIALS 'RSC'- WOULD IT SOUND LIKE NDRRMC AND HENCE SUSTAIN THE EMPIRE HEAD 'NATHANIEL CRUZ'? THIS IS SO MUCH LIKE 'COMMON' ALSO MEANING LIKE 'DIRTY', SO THIS IS INDEED FURTHER ATONING FOR US ALL. Revelation 10, THAT EMPIRE WOULD CLAIM ON #BLACKFRIDAY WITH YET INDEED ANOTHER RECUR OF Psalm 119 BEFORE, AS PER 'BLACK SATURDAY', ANOTHER RECRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST {Matthew 5-7,15,23-24}, IS PART OF THE FIXED DATE MEMORIAL READINGS FOR May 13, MEMORIAL OF THE PROPHETIC VIRGIN MARY OF FATIMA, AND ALSO, OF OUR SIRS, THAT EMPIRE HAS WAY TOO MUCH CLAIMED: SIRS #AlexanderRybak AND #RobertPattinson. ON NOVEMBER 20, 2018, OUR HEAVENLY AND CELESTIAL FATHER STERLING D. ALLAN, MOST EXALTED HUSBAND OF MOTHER LINDSEY, GAVE US HART IN YOUR FIRST PRESIDENCY A MOST URGENT DIRECTIVE: 'You may have heard long before from men: 'reclaim the vision'. Empire claims these days the visions received by the Apostle John. Therefore let me say this unto you most verily: Reclaim the Vision of the Johannine Apocalypse, that has been way too long been hacked by Empire. Be the vision that John saw.'] the true church of Christ— [WE ALL KNOW THIS TO BE THE 'CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN' IN ALL OTHER RENDERINGS. SHOULD WE BE ACCEPTING EMPIRE'S CLAIMS ON THIS, THIS WILL RATHER INSTEAD DISPROVE THE DIVINE ELECTION OF ALL OUR BRANCH CHURCHES HART WHO ARE NAMED 'CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN'. WELL, DIOCLETIANITES CALL THEMSELVES 'TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST-SMALL REMNANT DEFENDERS', SO HOW ABOUT OUR BRANCH CHURCHES HART NAMED 'CHURCH OF CHRIST' TOO? CONSTANTINIANS AND DIOCLETIANTES ARE INDEED SAME FEATHERS OF ONE EMPIRE {John 8}.] whose identities are stored in heaven. [IN OTHER RENDERINGS: 'WHOSE NAMES ARE REGISTERED, WRITTEN IN HEAVEN'. THIS IS WHY WE ARE VERY PARTICULAR WITH NAMES AS PROPHETIC SIGNS LIKE WHAT YOU WOULD ALWAYS READ FROM US HART. NERONIANS SAY THAT OUR DNA IS OUR 'BOOK OF LIFE', THEREFORE WE ARE ALL LAMBS OF GODHEAD, AND NOT ONLY SHEEP OF THE FLOCK, BUT ARE ALSO THE GOOD SHEPHERD, WHO KEEPS THE BOOK OF LIFE. WE ARE 'WRITTEN IN HEAVEN' BECAUSE OUR BRANCH CHURCHES PREACH HOW THE CONSTELLATIONS OF HEAVEN POINT OUT TO PROPHECY CONCERNING US. WE ARE 'REGISTERED' BECAUSE WE TRY AS MUCH AS WE CAN, THOUGH EXHAUSTING, TO KEEP NAMES OF ALL YOKEBEARERS THAT WE MEET, AND SEAL OUR FELLOWS IN TWITTER, THOUGH IT HAS TAKEN SOME WINDDOWN BY GODHEAD ORDERS. FOR EXAMPLE OF NAMES GUYS: AS MUCH AS EMPIRE TOO CLAIMS 1 Corinthians 14:26 Unlocked Dynamic Bible, ITS RENDERING IN 'OPEN ENGLISH BIBLE' RATHER STATES, 'TO THE BUILDING UP OF THE FAITH.' DIVINE REVELATIONS THAT WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED DAYS AGO IN OUR MINISTERIAL SERVICES HAS ALREADY POINTED THE DOUBLE CONNOTATIONS BETWEEN VISIBILITY {BUILDING, AS WITH 'SOLID', THAT IS, 'PETER', AS WHAT WE WOULD SEE ON 1 Peter 5 LATER ON} AND INVISIBILITY {'FAITH'}. PETER'S FAITH IS SEEN IN Matthew 14, PART OF FIXED DATE MEMORIAL READINGS FOR NOVEMBER 18 {WHY WOULD DIOCLETIANITES NOT INDICT KING EDWARD X PREACHING YET AGAIN OVERSEAS ON NOVEMBER 18, 2018? SELECTIVE JUSTICE TOO FROM THE DIOCLETIANITES}, THAT EMPIRE OF COURSE, DISCARDED AS PER THE 'CARMELITES', JUST TO BEGIN CLAIMING AGAIN THE 2 WITNESSES. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE ANTIOCHIANS ARE UP TO, BUT THEY ARE NOW ONLY RE-RUNNING CLAIMS OF THE PAST MONTHS {Romans 5/Colossians 2 Philipps Translation} JUST LIKE Acts 10, JUST BECAUSE THEY MENTIONED Acts 3 WEEKS AGO. PETER OF COURSE, IS ONE OF THE REFULFILLMENTS OF 2 WITNESSES. THIS NOVEMBER 21, 2 EMPIRE ELECTRONIC STATIONS IN MANILA PLAYED AT THE SAME TIME 1 MOVIE EACH THAT CAME FROM THEIR OFFICIAL #QUENTINTARANTINO, OF COURSE PART OF THEIR 2 WITNESSES CLAIMS. AS MUCH AS EMPIRE STATIONS CLAIMED ELIJAH WEEKS AGO, THIS NOVEMBER 22 THEY ARE CLAIMING MOISES THROUGH THE #CHRISTIANBALE MOVIE, JUST BECAUSE WE SAY THAT #JFKAND #CSLEWIS' MARTYRDOMS ARE THE PASCHAL LAMB {Exodus 12} AND THEN ALSO AT THE MANDATED WEEEKDAY READINGS FOR THE LAST SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT, Revelation 11 IS ALSO INCLUDED. DON'T FORGET THAT CONSTANTINIANS MIGHT YET AGAIN CLAIM KING EDWARD X'S DECEMBER 17, 2017 LESSON TO DOWNGRADE THANKSGIVING THURSDAY. BOTH OUR TRADITIONALIST ROMAN CATHOLIC BRETHREN AND EMPIRE'S NOVUS ORDO DEFENDERS WILL SAY THAT CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES, AND NOT OUR PILGRIM FATHERS, DID THE 'FIRST PUBLIC EXPRESSIONS OF THANKSGIVING ON SITE IN THE UNITED SAINTS' WHILE SOME OF OUR CO-SHATTERER WATCHMEN AND EVEN THE EMPIRE'S DIOCLETIANITES WILL SAY THAT 'THANKSGIVING IS RATHER AN EXPRESSION OF SIGH OF RELIEF OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS OVER THE GENOCIDE OF THE LAMANITES', BUT SAID OUR SIR PATRICK SCRIVNER DAYS AGO, THANKSGIVING THURSDAY IS RATHER THE COMBINED COMMEMORATIONS OF THE ANNIVERSARIES OF THE VARIOUS LANDINGS THAT THE PILGRIM FATHERS DID ON THE UNITED SAINTS BETWEEN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1620. WELL, I HAVE A COPY OF THE CHRISTIAN BALE MOVIE ON MY LAPTOP, SO EMPIRE INDEED SPIES ON US. THE DURATION OF SAID VIDEO IS 2 HOURS, 30 MINUTES AND 20 SECONDS, AND OF COURSE WHEN WE PRONOUNCE THE WORDS '2' AND '30' WITH EACH OTHER, DO WE NOT GET THE WORD DUTERTE? SO EMPIRE, INDICT US NOW OF OUR PRESIDENT- YOU ONLY INFILTRATE US SO THAT IT WOULD NOT BE PURPORTEDLY HARD FOR YOU IF WE FINALLY SIT IN JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU {Psalm 137}. AS FOR THE EXODUS, WE WOULD LIKE TO REMIND ALL OUR BRETHREN, COUNTRYMEN, FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS WHO WILL RESIDE IN OUR GATHERING PLACES OF SAFETY: FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL, EACH CLAN WILL BE GIVEN ONLY ONE PROPERTY, AND THAT ON ONE PLACE OF SAFETY ALONE. YOU CAN'T HAVE MORE THAN 1 PROPERTY IN A SINGULAR PLACE OF SAFETY, NOR YOU CAN HAVE PROPERTIES IN OTHER PLACES OF SAFETY AT THE SAME TIME. BUT YOU CAN RELOCATE FROM ONE PLACE OF SAFETY TO ANOTHER AS MUCH AS YOU WANT TO, JUST REMEMBER- ONE PROPERTY PER PLACE FOR A CLAN. AND AS FOR THE EMPIRE'S FAKE JEWS AND MUSLIMS: Sirach 50 DRV, IN THE VOTIVE MASS READINGS FOR THANKSGIVING, SAYS, 'MAY ISRAEL BELIEVE IN US THAT GODHEAD IS WITH US'. YEA, GODHEAD IS NOT WITH THE EMPIRE WHO CLAIMS TO BE ENDTIME ISRAEL AND THEN FAKES JEWS AND MUSLIMS. MOREOVER, THE RENDERING STATES, GODHEAD IS 'DONE WITH US ACCORDING TO THEIR MERCY'. GODHEAD IS ALREADY OVER AND DONE WITH EMPIRE, AND EMPIRE SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR THAT. LOOK AT US {1 Samuel 7, Isaiah 45}. GODHEAD HAS STOPPED US FROM FULL SEALING BECAUSE THEY CAN SEE HOW MUCH WE'RE AFFLICTED BY EMPIRE DOING THIS. THAT'S WHY IN Luke 17 WE CAN READ ABOUT 'LEPERS' {Numbers 12}, OR IN EMPIRE'S CLAIMS OF Acts 3, 'LEAPERS'. EMPIRE CANNOT CLAIM HENCE Acts 3, BECAUSE THEY'RE THE ONES OBSTRUCTING FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS AWAY FROM US HART. GODHEAD RETIRING FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS? RATHER, RELEASING THEM OUT OF EMPIRE. WE DON'T MAKE FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS WORK FOR US, BUT RATHER, SPEAK FOR US. WE WOULD RATHER WORK FOR THEM. NOTICE THE DOUBLE CONNOTATIONS ON THE NUMBER 9: THIS IS OUR PROPHETIC BACKUP NUMBER AS PER EMPIRE'S ABUSE OF 7 IN THE JOHANNINE APOCALYPSE, BUT SIR SCRIVNER SAYS EMPIRE TOO IS FOND OF 9. SPEAKING OF PETER IN THE 2 WITNESSES, HIS PARTNER THERE IS PAUL, WHOSE SYMBOL IS THE SWORD, AS WRITTEN IN Psalm 149, THAT IS WITH Revelation 5 {July 27, 1989}, THE MANDATED WEEKDAY READINGS FOR THIS THURSDAY. THE 2 WITNESSES ARE THE 2 EDGES OF 1 SWORD {Revelation 1-3,11,19, Ephesians 6, Hebrews 4} OF THE SPIRIT- BUT THERE'S DOUBLE CONNOTATIONS HART: THE SPIRIT MAY BE NOT ONLY FIRE, BUT ALSO WATER {Revelation 12, 1 John 5}.HENCE, AS PER Revelation 12, HART ARE THE WORDS SENT TO US BY HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, THE PRESIDENT AND CHAIRMAN OF CHINA LAST NOVEMBER 21 WHEN HE WAS HART IN MAHARLIKA: 'I ask all our brethren everywhere to come rally in constantly and committedly following me and learning of me, for I am truly meek and gentle in heart. We need to augment our progress with the learning and skills that we can do. In fact we all need to be literate because have to learn not something that we want, but rather only something that we need and deserve. And please kindly give this word to Empire for me: I fully give myself to affirm and attest in solemn witness and testimony how you guys changed me and made me and my family the persons that we are now. We have never thought that we would even overcome ourselves with the help of your valuable counsel, that no one but you can only give me and my people. Hence I give my testimony to what our fellows and leaders' collective sermon of November 22, 2018 states: why we would be asking any favors in return as exchange for the loans we lend to peoples everywhere {Deuteronomy 15,28} when in fact we would not need them any longer- we have all that we need, we are everything that we need, for we are all Godheads in Godhead, and that is only because of you, our most illustrious presiding brethren. Our gratitude to you is eternal beyond eternal.'] You have come to God—the source and standard of righteousness for all people; [JUST LAST NOVEMBER 20, AS WE DID THE SEALING ORDINANCE OF SHEDDING IN ATONEMENT FOR ALL FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS, WE WERE SHOCKED TO SEE OUR THUMB AT ONCE GET THIS MYSTERIOUS SEALED WOUND WITH DRIED AND STUCK BLOOD LOOKING AS A POINT, SOMEHOW LIKE A BLOOD CLOT. I MUST ADMIT THAT I'VE BEEN, DUE TO THE SOMEHOW FLYING PARTICLES ANYWHERE AS WELL AS IN MY ROOM THAT IS NOT ALWAYS BEING CLEANED, I'VE BEEN INCURING WOUNDS IN A BLOODLESS #CHRISTIELEEMANNING, BUT AS PER CONSTANTINIAN CLAIMS AS WELL AS MY ATONING, DOES IT NOT MAKE SENSE THAT THIS INDEED AUGMENTS MY SACRIFICE FOR ALL YOKEBEARERS?] to the archived individualities [EMPIRE CANNOT BE THE 'TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST', BECAUSE HOARDING THE CENTRAL ARCHIVES IS NOT THE WORK OF THE 'TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST'! {John 15, Isaiah 5}] of righteous human beings perfectly restored into Christlikeness [BEING GODHEADS IN GODHEAD] of character…" -Hebrews 12, RNT [one of the newly-found renderings by Constantinians for them to rationalize their claims on the Name 'Church of Christ'. Well on that, we answer with 1 Corinthians 10:1 Gerald Warre Cornish Translation and we wonder whether they would be beginning claiming that anytime from now. Empire skips Hebrews 12 with Hebrews 11,13 for the Sunday Readings Text on the Last Sunday Before Advent. The already Empire-infiltrated Society of Saint Pius X- and Antiochians still play self-persecution with her therefore making it too hard for us to evict #sspx just like that in the Commondominion save that we be patient {Romans 9-12, 1 Peter 3-4} with them in the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy- has defended Empire's deletion of the Marian memorial on November 21, saying that 'accounts of the Dedication of the Infant Virgin Mary in the Temple are only found in Commondominion Sacred Text Scriptures that are not adopted by Empire'. Well, have you forgot about Leviticus 12? Where's your claims now, Empire? {Genesis 19, 1 Corinthians 1-2} In the Fixed Date Memorial Readings, 1 Corinthians 1, that is in the Votive Mass Readings for Thanksgiving, would be on the Fixed Date Memorial Readings for November 24, while Revelation 21, that will be in the Mandated Weekday Readings this forthcoming week, would be on the Fixed Date Memorial Readings for November 25.] "Tell God about all the things [ON MY HOMESTATE {Psalm 62 <June 30, 2017>}, ON OUR MORMON FAITH {January 6, 2013 <November 18-19, 2015. It was on November 18, 2015 when we first discovered about 1,150 in Daniel 8 Old Tagalog Popular Version 1975 as the backup reserve refulfillment of Daniel 8 in all other renderings>}] that make you sad or afraid or angry. [PERSECUTION UPDATES: 1. As you already know, our petdog is always able to untie herself. So when we were trying to tie her back- me and Athalia my grandma- she asked me, 'why you're always trying to make your tying of your petdog as hard as it can be?' I said, 'of course, so that we're not always going to be like this way tying her in occurring instances.' She rather expressed disgust {Colossians 2, Galatians 4}. She really want to always loosen our petdog just to #disturb us indeed in this laptop work {John 2}. It was raining then. She ordered me to get something at the store. I did. She remarked of how I walked- of course, slow, for it was wet everywhere. She really want me to slip my steps. 'Why you're walking that slow?' Of course, Athalia, Commondominion Sense! Then she would ask me, 'why would you place there the things you use to tie your dog?' Of course too, that's because I got it from this or that particular place, and you yourself was present as you saw me with your own 2 eyes getting that material close to where you are standing! 2. Then when it was night, there was a brownout. It was relatively soft rain, so I was wondering why it happened. Then I came across Athalia's beast/#bully son. I asked him as polite as I can as always with all adults, why the brownout. You know what he told me? As if he is to blame me for the brownout. 'Are you fretting,' said he, 'that your laptop is going to be low on battery power that you cannot charge anywhere?' BULLSHIT. Then Athalia indicted me that I don’t know where our lamps and candles are, saying that I purportedly 'don’t care' about us. Well, in Tagalog, that also means that I have 'no part' {Nehemiah, Isaiah 54, Psalm 16,6-7} in Empire and Athalia {Revelation 21, Psalm 1,17,64,11, 1 Peter 3-4}]. Just because she can now rely on our co-boarders to censor me online, as much as my co-boarders are the only ones who can access full and free internet on their phones here at home except for me, she now know all my Theocratic Tweets as well, therefore she indicts those Tweets' words back to me, as she is indeed speaking for the welfare and benefit of the Empire. 3. When Athalia orders me to errands, she's also there and she does her part of that task. When I see her doing that while she is holding another object all by herself at the same time, of course it would be inherent to you to be merciful to your 'grandma' that she does that so you would offer her that you may hold for the meantime that object that she is doing while she is doing the task. But she, as ungrateful as she can always be on me, is rather shouting out against me in anger when I ask her to help her. Then why she's angry when I don’t do the very things that she herself can do, like cleaning? You know what she fouls out against me on this? 'I can already do this all by myself, and I don’t need any help from you whatsoever. Why I only call you is because you are to do what I myself cannot do [SHE EVEN MADE SOME EXCUSES]. You're too proud and arrogant asking to help me as if I cannot do this by myself!' ONE. BIG. HUH??? So why therefore would you continually order me particulars as you supervise me holding something as if I would have some interests on tinkering over that thing when in fact that's just only one big piece of plastic? Give your thoughts about those things to him and let them remain with him. [SO IT'S OKAY GUYS THAT YOU REMAIN 'SAD, AFEARED OR ANGRY' IN THE CONTEXT OF EMPIRE'S CLAIMS BECAUSE THAT MEANS 'STAYING WITH GODHEAD' {Psalms 27:14 The Message} IN 'NO MIDDLE GROUND', THAT EMPIRE RATHER DELETED LAST DECEMBER 2016 {Matthew 5,12,16-19,24}] Do this, because you matter to him (1 Peter 2)...You will have trouble and pain for a short time. But after that, God, who is so completely kind, will make everything right. [DIOCLETIANITES CLAIM THIS AS A PURPORTED STATEMENT FROM KA ERDY. WELL DIOCLETIANITES, YOU HAVE JUST MADE THAT UP. AS FAR AS OUR HEARINGS HART OUTSIDE YOUR EMPIRE IS CONCERNED, YOU DON'T ISSUE YET AN AUDIO VERSION OF THAT PURPORTED QUOTE FROM KA ERDY. 'WHY, ALL OTHER LEADERS DID NOT ALWAYS HAD, IF THEY EVER HAD, VIDEO OR AUDIO RECORDINGS OF THEIR EXACT WORDS!' BUT WITH HOW YOU CONSTRUCTED AND ARRANGED THE WORDS IN YOUR DISSIMINATED PICTURE, IT WOULD BE REALLY NOTICABLE THAT KA ERDY WOULD NOT EVEN SPEAK LIKE THAT WAY AS YOU DO {Genesis 49, Psalm 50}. THEREFORE YOU CANNOT CLAIM OUR MAN ELIAS ARKANGHEL {Matthew 3,11,17}.] God has caused you to be united to Christ, so that you will live with him always. [THIS UNITY IS POSSSIBLE {John 17} THROUGH THE HAILLEEY SPIRIT {Romans 8}, OR THROUGH KA ANGEL. SHOULD CONSTANTINIANS CLAIM 'THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR', OR KING EDWARD X, THE TIE BREAKER WILL BE ME, JOSEPH SMITH {1 Timothy 2}. WELL DIOCLETIANITES SAY THAT THE SON IS THE CHURCH ADMINISTRATORS, AND NERONIANS SAY THAT IS IT RATHER THE FATHER, SO WHY ABOUT THE HAILLEEY SPIRIT? IN OTHER TERMS, IT IS KA ANGEL, KING EDWARD X, AND ME.] You will live with him in the beautiful place where he lives. [PURSUANT TO THE LECTURE OF NOVEMBER 15, 2018 {Ether 3, 1 Nephi 17-18}: YOUR #DREAMS, AS FAR AS I CAN RECALL: 1. NOVEMBER 21, 2018. I was at my former city and at the former site of a big Antiochian chapel that looked like a white castle when it was still built. When it was still standing there, everywhere rather was what Empire would say as a 'undeveloped area'. When Empire demolished their chapel there- perhaps to relocate that to another place- a house was built in its place by the former work companions of my dad. At that instance they invited him and our family to a home-opening reception there. But these former work companions are better known for always cheating their way out from my dad when they were still working together! Afterwards I was led to a computer shop, like what I saw in a previous dream to be where I was unwelcomed. Well, I was still unwelcomed there. Well the computer shop this time is owned by Empire, and I saw myself working as a typist of their papers, with my classmates. They expressed disgust on why I was there working with them so this is a warning for us not to live as Empire do even if we have to look like them {1 Samuel 27-28}. 2. NOVEMBER 22, 2018. I was so happy beyond compare! I was not expecting this! Godhead has Remembered us and Visited us to Console us in our afflictions! {Psalm 132} I saw our fellows, most particularly Lady Shailene Woodley and Companions, they are so happy all of the time {Documentary History of the Church 2:380-381}, and they were helping me and was with me as much as we're in this high-end dystopian city held by Empire. Of course they were helping me should Empire takes hold of me or throws me to cliffs, so as for me to escape such, and they were smiling, laughing, helping each other too should they too be caught by Empire. EMPIRE MIGHT BE INDICTING US THAT WE'RE NOT ABLE TO INTERPRET OUR OWN DREAMS. THE DAYS FORTHCOMING WILL PROVE THAT TO US. REMEMBER HOW WE ARE TOLD THAT A TRIAL WOULD COME TO TEST US? THEN THAT COMES FROM ATHALIA'S OPPOSITION TO OUR DANCING AND THE SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS THAT SHE WILL SECURE FROM MOM BY SATURDAY NIGHT FORTHCOMING- JUST IN TIME FOR EMPIRE'S CLAIMS OF Revelation 11 SO THIS MIGHT MEAN SPIRITUAL MARTYRDOM FOR US HART AGAIN AS WE MIGHT BE SENT FINALLY TO EXILE OR BE CONFISCATED OF DOMESTICS AS PUNISHMENT {Hebrews 10}. AND REMEMBER WHAT KING EDWARD X TAUGHT OF US CONCERNING SEPTEMBER 4, 2018? WE HAVE JUST FOUND OUT THIS NOVEMBER 21 THAT SOME OF OUR BRANCH CHURCHES, WHO ARE AGAINST STEPHEN FLURRY'S CLAIMS OF HIS FATHER GERALD'S WORKS, RECKON SEPTEMBER 5, 2018- RATHER, A DAY AFTER SEPTEMBER 4- AS PROPHETIC. AND KING EDWARD X LECTURED ON THIS EVEN IF HE HAS NO IDEA THAT OUR BRANCH CHURCHES RATHER ASKED US TO LOOK OUT FOR SEPTEMBER 5 THIS YEAR! {SEE SEPTEMBER 5, 2015. AUGUST 29 IS MEMORIAL OF LADY #CANDACESCIARRA, WHO FULFILLED Luke 11 WHEN SHE WAS THE FIRST YOKEBEARER TO COME UNTO US IN OUR SECOND FULL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT, BUT NOW SHE FELL INTO THE 3RD GREAT CROWD GROUP. WITH HER IS LADY #MAUGHANJEMESEN-BANKS, WHO ALSO ONCE BECAME PART OF THE 144,000, BUT NOTICE HER NAME- THIS IMPLIES THE RIVER OF THE 2 WITNESSES. SURELY GODHEAD HAS TURNED HER SACKCLOTH INTO DANCING FURTHER, SO SHE'S NOT WITH US ANYMORE HART <2 Peter 2>.}] And God will make you completely as you should be. [AGAIN, OUR BEING MULTI-BRANCHED AND UPDATED.] He will make you [AS ONES MIGHTY AND] strong [THROUGH KA ANGEL AND ALL OUR FELLOWS], so that nothing can ever stop you believing him." -1 Peter 5, Easy English Bible [ONCE AGAIN OUR ARGENTINIAN YOKEBEARERS ARE COMPLAINING ON WHY THEIR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT GIVE THEM THE SUPPORT THAT THEY NEED. THEY ARE INVITED TO RATHER CONFIDE IN US WRIGHT HART ALLINE, THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN HELP THEM. NO FELLOW AND YOKEBEARER MUST BE LIKE THE DIOCLETIANITES, WHO RATHER CHOSE TO CONFIDE IN THEIR FELLOW EMPIRE HEADS INSTEAD RATHER THAN CONFIDE IN THE FIRST PRESIDENCY {Hosea}. ANTIOCHIANS AND DIOCLETIANITES STAGE THINGS SUCH AS 'EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO ASK EMPIRE BUT YOU'RE AFEARED TO ASK FOR FEAR OF EXCOMMUNICATION.' KING EDWARD X, WHO LECTURED FROM THESE VERSES DAYS AGO, RATHER INVITE AND SUMMON YOU TO CONFIDE IN YOUR COMMONDOMINION ALLINE AND FEAR NOT THE EMPIRE THAT YOU WOULD ALREADY ASK THEM FOR HELP. YOU DON'T NEED OR DESERVE THEM. YOU RATHER HAVE TO BE IN US HART {1 Samuel 1}.]
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