#my dad and mom are both here getting mani pedis as well it’s so funny
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micamicster · 2 years ago
It’s a race against the clock can i make it home from the nail salon before my friend arrives at the house expecting me to help him move in 😬
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jokers-of-the-impractical · 4 years ago
Brian Quinn Mini Series “One and Only” Part 2 of 3
(A/N: Hey guys! I hope you’re enjoying this series so far! This part is inspired by “One and Only” by Adele. Part 1 can be found here. Part 3 will be out hopefully soon!)
Word Count: 2200ish?
This past year and half with Brian had been a total romantic whirlwind. It seemed like a total dream, your relationship was truly amazing. You were so comfortable with each other right away, he knew all of your secrets, and you knew his. A month after the live show where he asked out on a date, you two were an official item. By that time the fans already knew who you were from a recording of that night going viral in the fandom. You and Brian were quite surprised by how quickly the fans took to you as well, but that was partially due to the other jokers and their girls always raving about you and the relationship. Plus Brian and the others would swoop in for protection when someone decided to be not so nice.
Speaking of the guys, your friendships with them were amazing too. Each bond with the guys was completely unique and special. Each one had its common interests, shared activities, and inside jokes too. Since that night in the diner the laughs, support, and fun with them had not stopped. At least once a month you and Brian were at one of their houses with the rest of the gang for dinner, you always counted down the hours of the work day when these were taking place. And Bessy and Melyssa were some of your closest friends now. All the time when the guys were off they were put on babysitting duty so you three could hang out and have some girl time. When you girls get together the possibilities are endless! Shopping, brunch, beach day, even a girl’s trip was currently in the works. Just the other day the guys had a last minute segment to film so the girls took the opportunity and decided to take you to go get mani-pedis together after work.
On a date at a trendy and snazzy new restaurant in the city where you two spent celebrating three months together you both said I love you for the first time. Both of you were so nervous, then when the moment was right, you jinxed each other by saying it at the same time. By six months of dating during a late night movie marathon at his place after asking for the last two weeks for you to bring your cat over for playdates all the time, he asked you to move in with him and presented you with a key. You squealed and hugged him so tightly you were sure he was going to snap in half. You were also so supportive of one another when it came to work. All the time you were promoting the show, his podcasts, and his beer brand. You had become a social media fanatic when it came to supporting him and his many ventures. Q had made it a habit of visiting your classroom, on a few occasions he brought the other jokers with him too. You had to admit that seeing your boyfriend surrounded by your students and playing with them made your heart melt. He had the perfect balance of toughness, funniness, and nurturing, when he interacted with them. He had even told you he had begun to love being around children more and more when he started being a frequent visitor in your classroom.
Not long after your one year anniversary, Brain took you to meet his family for the first time and you clicked with them instantly, just as much when Brian met your parents eight months into the relationship, but you knew that they’d love him long before they got to meet. One moment you were talking with his dad and brothers about sports, and the next you were exchanging baking ideas and recipes with his mom.  Now visiting his parents all the time was the norm. Two weekends ago you were over at their house for a big cookout when Carol brought you into the kitchen and you two shared a really emotional and meaningful heartfelt conversation. She hugged you extra tight and told how much she adored you and told that she thought you and Brian were perfect for each other. She said she saw you like a daughter and was so happy that you made her son feel love again. Then she pulled away and gently held your arms and began to tear up when she admitted to you that since you two had begun dating she was thrilled that things didn't work out between him and his ex fiancé, of course she hated the pain the situation put him through, no parent would wish anything like that on their child, but not that long ago he confessed to her on the phone and she couldn't agree more that he was willing to go through that amount of heartache a thousand times if it meant that he got to be with you, because you meant that much to him. Now it was your turn to have tears in your eyes and you hugged her tightly again. As your conversation was nearing its end Q came in to find you and heard the tail end of the conversation, when he came into view he was looking at you super nervously. You headed back outside and he stayed in for a moment to talk to his mom, all you heard before stepping outside was something about not yet and not to ruin it.
Since that weird encounter at the cookout, Bri has been acting all jittery. Any time there was time to relax just the two of you, he would always suggest you do something or go out. It was a little concerning, usually if you guys disagreed or upset the other you would talk it out and fix it as soon as possible. But today was a date you both had been planning for the past month so you figured you would time to talk to him about it sometime today. You got out of bed and left your cat and Brooklyn sleeping on the bed. You trudged downstairs to see Q already dressed and sitting on the couch with Benjamin and Chessie with a cup of tea. You wrapped your arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek, with sleepiness still in your voice.
“Mmm Good Morning Baby.” Q lifted up his arms to touch yours and leaned his head to plant a kiss on your cheek and then look at you.
“Morning my love. Do you want something to eat before we go? I already have coffee ready and waiting for you too.” He handed you your favorite mug from the coffee table filled with coffee just the way you liked it. You thought it over for a moment while you took a few sips of the coffee.
“Nah I’m good. I’ll just have this while I go and get ready.”
“Okay sounds good to me. I’m ready when you are, but don’t rush. Also, I picked out an outfit for you to wear today.” You smiled when he told you that, every so often he would do this for your dates and it would always make you smile. You headed back upstairs and sure enough your chiffon floral maxi dress and light denim jacket was waiting for you in the front of your closet. You love that the outfit he picked worked so well the manicure from the other day. You then decided to do a no-makeup makeup look topped off with your favorite pink lipstick, then while sipping your coffee, you pinned a bit of your hair back and left the rest down naturally. After your hair and makeup was done and slipped into your outfit, you saw your nude strappy sandals, diamond stud earrings, and off-white cross body bag waiting on the desk chair for you. You went to meet Bri downstairs when you were done getting ready to see him still being kinda weird, and you left for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Ever since you binge watched Gossip Girl you had become enamored with the MET, you used to go here all the time and Brian knew that. Sometimes you would even just sit on the steps and people watch on days you were in the city. You went in and Q paid for both of your tickets. You spent the whole day wandering around going from exhibit to exhibit and showing him all of your favorite pieces. After what seemed like hours and were getting ready to head out, you figured now would be the right time to finally talk to Brian about why he had been acting so odd lately. You took in a quick yet deep breath and decided to get it over with.
“Hey Bri?” You could hear the nervousness in your voice, and he must have heard it too by the way you noticed him tense up and slowly turn away from the painting he was looking at to be facing you. It almost seems like he’s shaking.
“Uh, yes Y/N?” You let out another breath as you were unsure of where this conversation might lead since you have never seen him act like this.
“Are you okay? Ever since the cookout you’ve been acting pretty weird.”
“I have?”
“Yeah you have, and I was thinking maybe it was because you heard what your mom said to me. But, I want you to know that I feel the same way, I would have dealt with Dean tons more if it meant I got to be with you, that’s honestly how much I love you.” As soon as you finished, he let out a deep sigh of relief and was now smiling.
  ��Y/N, I am fine I promise, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. But I’m glad you told me that, it means so much to me. How about we head home and order some takeout yeah?”  You smiled looking deep into his gorgeous dark eyes and nodded.
You walked your way back through the museum and once you both got outside you saw a section of the MET steps had been blocked off and was filled with red roses. You were in awe of this beautiful little scene that you didn’t realize Q was dragging you into this small area. Then all of the sudden there you were, holding hands with Brian facing you in the middle of all of these dozens of roses. Then Brian took a deep breath and began in the most gentle and sweet voice, almost like the night you met.
“Y/N, these past eighteen months have been pure heaven for me. From the moment I saw you I knew I was laying my eyes upon the most beautiful woman in the world, and then to know you admired me even a tenth of the way I already admired you when I read your letter made think I may actually have a shot with you, even though I was so unworthy of this angel before me.” You let out a giggle as he said that, and the gears in your head started turning, why is he being super romantic after being really weird and nervous? “Then I really got to know you and found out we had so much in common, and you helped become an even better version of myself, and I hope I do the same for you. The reason I’ve been so weird since the cookout, is because I didn’t want my mom to ruin this surprise. And I’ve been so nervous because… well...” What surprise? It was then it finally clicked as Brian let go of your hand and got down on knee, the manicure, the weirdness, the special date, the roses, everything! You felt your eyes well up with tears, and your hands flew to your mouth in shock, he was proposing! He pulled a small wooden box out of his pocket and opened it to show a gold ornate banded ring with an Emerald cut diamond in the middle with a small baguette diamond on each side as well. It was the most magnificent ring you had ever seen.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me, and do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Now the tears were starting to stream down your face and a smile permanently was plastered on your face. You heard cameras clicking and lights flashing around you as you took in this surreal moment with the love of your life.
“Yes Brian, of course I will marry you!” With that he put the ring on your finger and stood up to embrace you and placed a delicate kiss on your lips as cheers erupted from the small crowd that had gathered around you. You looked over to see photographers taking photos of the priceless moment, and your family that Brian must have flown in for the occasion were all thrilled with Bessy and Melyssa standing with them smiling as well. Then you both heard a loud and dramatic voice ring through a megaphone.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Make way for the happy couple who is now engaged!” You and Q looked over to see Joe holding a megaphone and Sal and Murr with him too. You and your now fiancé both giggled at the hilarious touch they added to this moment, realizing they must have been the ones to set it u while you both were inside. You looked back and Brian you knew that you were both excited to spend the rest of your life together, just you, and your one and only.
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puckngrind · 5 years ago
Skating Lessons part 8
Summary: Dinner with Josh’s parents
Warning: swearing and smut 
Word count: 2706
Series Masterlist
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Morning sex with Josh may in fact be your favorite.  It was sweet and sensual and while all of your senses might not have been awake the ones that were were overstimulated with passion.  You could get use to it that was for sure.  You made Josh coffee and handed him your teal monogrammed tumbler. You laughed as he spun it in his hand taking in the monogram.
“The rest of them say mom.  Do you really want those?”  He kisses you lightly and you turn to make your cup and he taps you on your ass.
“Maybe I’ll need to replace this one...”  You inhale sharply taking in what he was insinuating as his thumb traces your last name initial, “and do you really think the guys aren’t going to make fun of me for this too?”  Josh smirks as he walks to the door.  
“I mean you don’t have to take it...” You go to grab the coffee back but he pulls it into him.
“Hell no.  Your coffee is better than any of the shops on the way to the rink!  I’ll see you in a few hours. Okay?”  He takes a sip and leans down to kiss you before he heads out.
You had a rare Friday off from work and Mason didn’t have preschool.  You decided to take advantage of the nice morning and head to the park.  Mason played, you pushed him on the swing, took pictures of him hanging upside down to send your mom (she flips out every time) and Josh.  You soaked up the sunshine and chill of fall air when you feel your phone vibrating.   
Josh: Still at the park?
You: How do you know I’m at the park?
Josh: It’s gorgeous out and you aren’t home
You look at the time and realize Josh was done with morning skate already.
You: Just the one down the street
“I know.” You jump at Josh’s voice.  He wraps his arms around you and whispers in your ear, “so can I kiss you in front of Mason or no?”  His lips ghosted over neck.  You shivered at feeling of his breath on you.
“I mean yes but keep it simple Ander...”  Josh plants his lips on yours mid-word.  
“Like that?”  Josh smiles at you with one of those smiles that reaches his eyes.  You shake your head and eyes dart to Mason.  He’s spotted Josh and comes running.  You also notice that the other mom has spotted Josh too.  Josh scoops Mason up and you eye the other mom who now has her phone out. 
“Josh...” You whisper.  Josh’s eyes the mom while he places Mason down again.   “Yup, you okay?”  Josh’s hand swipes across your jaw as he surveys if he needs to say anything.  
“Um...sure...I think...I guess...” You spiral into trying to be confident like Amy suggested and freaking out at the same time.  You take a breath as Josh places his hand in yours.
“Yeah?” Josh squeezes your hand.  
“Yeah...I’m good.”  You look at Josh, “First one to Mace picks the movie toni...”  you take off running towards Mason and Josh comes running after you laughing.  Mason sees you running and goes running towards Josh.  “Hey!  That’s cheating!”  You laugh out.
“That’s my dude!” Josh scoops Mason up again giving him a high-five and laughing.  He takes your hand to walk back to your place.  “So Mace, what you would say about meeting my parents today?  They are super excited to meet you.”  Mason looks at you and back at Josh.
“Yes, but will...will..will I understand them?”  Mason asks and your eyebrows furrow because you never know what or why he says some things.  You go to interject but Josh beats you to it.
“Yes, why would you not...Mace, is it because they are Canadian?”  Josh chuckles a little and Mason shook his head yes and Josh about fell over laughing.  “Mace, I’m Canadian.  Do you understand me?”  You smile at Mason and Josh taking in this conversation and how cute it was.
“But sometimes you say funny things.  Like you call my hat a togue.”  Mason tugs at his Blue Jackets beanie on his head. “That’s weird.  I didn’t know if it was because you were from Canada.”  Mason says so seriously that you melt from his adorableness.   
“Well, you are right, I do say some things differently than you do and so do my parents but I think you will understand them just fine, eh?”  Josh adds to get a laugh out of Mason.  You reach your house and get ready for your dinner out.
Josh is scrolling through his phone as you come back into the family room and clear your throat to get his attention.  He looks up and his mouth drops open.
“Too much?  I wasn’t sure what to wear.”  You look down at your outfit and back at Josh who was getting up off the couch crowding into you.
“Oh no, you are just going to torture me all night with how gorgeous you are and how I cannot touch you because we are out with my parents.”  Josh leans down to kiss your forehead.  “But I cannot wait to take these off you tonight.” he whispers in your ear and runs his fingertip over your exposed collarbone.
“Mason, you ready bud?”  You raise your voice to distract yourself from how Josh is making you feel.  You hear Mason shuffling around in his room.  “So, anything good on there?”  You point to Josh’s phone.
“The mom did post the picture to her stories and tagged me but it’s actually really cute and Mason isn’t facing her.  She commented out how in love I look and that she was happy because it seems to make my game better.”  Josh looks at you placing his hand on your cheek.  “I mean she’s not wrong.  You should see the stats from before we started dating and now.  My game has improved.  You make me better in so many ways (y/n).”  You blush at the words and break away to go get Mason so you aren’t late to dinner.
The restaurant Josh’s parents picked was NOT kid friendly and didn’t even have a kid’s meal.  When Josh asked for a lid or straw for Mason’s water the waitress actually rolled her eyes at him.  You beat Josh’s parents to the restaurant and got to settle in before they arrived.  Josh mumbling under his breath that he never should have let his dad pick the place to eat.
“J, it’s fine.  Really.  Mason is big enough for a regular seat and he loves soup.”  You put your hand on Josh’s to calm him down.  Things you knew about Josh’s parents were that they owned a restaurant that they use to run, have four kids, and his dad likes fancy food which why we were here.  Josh looks at you and then up to the couple making their way to the table.  He mouthes thank you as he goes to stand up.
“Mom, Dad, this is (y/n) and Mason.”  He leans in to give his mom a hug as he introduces you.  You go to stand up and shake their hands and his mom brings you in for a hug.  You exchanged pleasantries and sit back down.  Michelle directed most of her questions to Mason as she grabbed a small paint with water activity book out of her purse for him.  His eyes grew wide as she showed him how the water changed the white pages into pictures.  You looked at Josh as he stared at his mom with the most adorable face.  Gary just studying the menu like there was a test after dinner.  
“So Josh tells us you met while Mason was skating at Ice Haus?  And Amy hasn’t stopped texting me since yesterday about how amazing you are.”  Michelle finally turns her attention to you.
“Oh, that’s embarrassing.”  You let slip out and everyone laughs.  You realize that the way Josh’s eyes get lost when he laughs is the perfect combination of his parents.  “Yes, Josh stalked us while Mason was skating during a public skate and used his open ice time to spend more time with us.”  You flash a smirk at Josh who is now nose deep in his menu.
“What? Huh?”  Josh looks up with his tongue slipped between his teeth.  He processed what you said and answers, “Oh yeah, she keeps me on my toes that’s for sure and I had to use every advantage I could to get to know her.”  Josh looks at Mason who is fully invested in the magic painting book that his parents got him.  “I mean the boy won’t even wear my jersey to a game.”  He chuckles and Mason looks up.
“I”ll wear it tomorrow.  You played really well Tuesday when I did.”  Mason states then returns his full attention to what he was doing.
“I think we are sitting behind you.  Right Joshua?”  Gary chimes in after placing his menu down finally.  
“And are we getting pedis on Sunday, (y/n)?  With Amy?”  Michelle adds.
“Yes to both, Mason and I are going to hang out with Seth.”  Josh beats you to answering.  “Dad, you are more than welcome to join but I bet you are going golfing.”
“If you want to golf with your dad, I can get my parents to...”  You start at Josh and he puts his hand on yours. 
“Nope, Mason and I have a dudes date with Seth.  Plus, I’m all golfed out from summer.” The way Josh looks at you makes you shift in your seat with the sensation that wasn’t appropriate for dinner with his parents and your son.  
Dinner went better than you expected.  You thanked the Anderson’s for dinner.  Josh grabbed Mason in his arms and you all walked to your cars.  Mason hugged Michelle before sliding into Josh’s car where Gary’s eye flashed to the car seat in the back and the sound of kids bop on the radio from the ride over.  You saw it but Josh did not.  Josh opened your car door and you slid in.  Mason’s head already bobbing as you buckled up.  Josh slid in and quickly drove off.
“So your mom is going to be a great grandma someday but I’m not sure your dad was ready for all this.”  You motion to the back of the car, yourself, and then the radio which was still kids bop but turned down so you could hardly here it.”
“I think she was made for grandma mode.  She asked me a million questions about Mason and you and if I was ready for all this.” Josh moved his hands in the directions you had then placed his hand in yours squeezing.  “Which I so am ready, incase I haven’t proven that yet, and why do you say that about my dad?  His running commentary of dinner is typical for new places.”  Josh looked over at you as he rolled to stop.
“I mean his eyes just bugged out of his head when he saw the carseat and heard the music.  I’m not sure what he was expecting but it wasn’t that.”  Josh slides his hand down your thigh and you squeeze his fingers between your legs.  
“Babe, he’s fine.  He’s just...my dad...” Josh slipped his hand further up your thigh and you squirmed again in your seat.  “I loved seeing you with them by the way.  I love seeing the people I love most at one table.  I cannot wait to take you to Toronto to show you where I grew up.”  His hand starts tracing shapes up and down your thigh.  The fact that Josh had a way of turning you on while talking about normal things was something you still weren’t use to.  Your breath hitched and Josh’s hand stopped.  “Should I stop?”  Josh’s eyes flash to the rearview mirror and then to you.  
“No, I just don’t know how you do it.  You are having the most normal conversation about your parents and yet I’m...”  You look at him then whisper. “wet.”  You look back at Mason who is snoring with his head buried in door.  Josh continues his absentminded finger tracing and chuckles a little.
“I kinda love that though.  You make all of this so easy.  We have this rhythm that I cannot explain to anyone.  I was talking to Fliggy and Dubi about it the other day and they just nodded their heads in agreement.  Each of them says that’s exactly how it is with their wives.  That until you have it with someone you don’t even know it’s a thing.”  Josh doesn’t even look over and just keeps his eyes on the road.  You easily fell into the silence of the rest drive home.  Josh carried Mason in and placed him in bed.  You put his bag in your room and flopped on the couch in between Josh’s legs as he flips through the selections of movies.  
“Um, how do I have these?”  You look at movie titles you knew were not yours.
“I logged into my account.”  Josh pulls you into his chest.  “Less Disney...”  he chuckles.
“Oh, and WHY do I have the NHL network?  When did you do that?”  You look up at Josh as he gave you a look.
“Um...I figured if I was hanging out here more that Mason and I needed the NHL network for bonding.”  You laugh but think it’s adorable.  Josh was making himself comfortable in your world and you loved it.
You didn’t get far into the movie before Josh’s hand creeped up to your collarbone and down to to your breasts.  His lips ghost your lips as he breathes you in.  “Wanna head to bed?”  He goes to stand up and pick you up.  
“Anderson, I have legs!”  You pound on his chest.   “Yeah, I just have longer ones...I’ll get there faster.”  Josh closes your door with his foot and tosses you onto the bed.  “You are so damn sexy.”  Josh’s lips are immediately on you and the weight of his body is pressed against you.  He moves down your neck and to your collarbones.  “Like so fucking sexy.”  Josh moves to remove your shirt and bra with ease.  You start to unbuttoning his shirt and Josh makes his way to your breasts bringing his hand down to your pants to remove them.  “I’m going to miss doing this next week.”  Josh continues further down your body taking time to praise you with each movement.  Your clothes thrown in the corner.  
“Josh...” You inhale as he makes his way to your core.  Moving a leg onto his shoulder.  Josh takes his time not giving you exactly what you wanted but getting super close.  You squirm again.  
“You’ve been squirming all night babe.”  Josh laughs while planting his lips on your folds.  
“You’ve been turning me on all night J.”  You reach down and run your hands through his hair as Josh jumps into action.  
He slowly curls his fingers into you and sucks at your clit.  “My girl is so ready for me.”  Josh lifts up to look at you while you moan out his name and pull at him.  “Where do you want me babe?”  Josh stops again to survey your needs and moves up to your lips.  Pressing into you and your let out a moan louder than you expected.  Josh stops and you realize he’s listening for Mason.  You pull him to you.  
“He’s not waking up hun.  I need you to in me please.”  With that Josh slides into you pulling your leg up to wrap around him.  You pull your feet into the small of his back to push Josh fully into you and he let’s out a slew of curse words laced with moans.  His rhythm speeds up and you feel your orgasm rising up in you.  “I love you so much.”  You whisper in his ear as he hits his high with you.  Riding you through he rolls over and pulls you into his chest.  
“You make me the happiest man alive, (y/n)” Josh kisses you sweetly as you tangle your bodies together.  
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Colour Me In (Part 8)
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Kevin was cracking up at the video Eliza was showing him. Calum and her step dad, Phillip, had decided to play a little one on one football in the backyard before they ate dinner. It was friendly but competitive. Keven watched as Calum kicked the ball around her step dad's ankles while Phillip tried to fake him out. Calum was smug until Phillip swooped back around stealing the ball and scoring with ease before he could react. Clapping Calum on the back Phillip laughed, “those cigarettes, my boy, they slow you down, I'm an old man, that's my excuse.”
“You're not old, and you're Brazilian. That's a natural advantage from birth,” Calum teased him.
Phillip had been much easier to win over. He was friendly and outgoing, making everyone here meet feel like an old friend. He and Calum had quickly started chatting about music and football. As a child, Phillip had played in his family's band, his dad having a decently popular career as a singer/variety show host on Spanish language television. After his father died, his mother had brought them to the U.S. opening her own restaurant with the kids as entertainment on the weekends. He had a lot in common with Calum and Eliza had been relieved.
“Even better,” she told Kevin, “between Pops and Alex monopolizing Calum, Mama had a hard time pinning him down. She did ask about the tattoos and life on the road, and she didn't look happy when he told her they had a tour coming up.”
“Ooooh you didn't tell me he was going on tour“ Kevin shot her a look.
“It's no one's business, besides you know how busy we've both been. Yeah he's gonna leave in two weeks and be gone for four months. I hate it, I hate it so much, but this is what he does. It's just part of being with him.” Eliza sighed, sad just thinking about it.
“You guys aren't breaking up are you?” Kevin looked devastated at the thought.
“What? No!!! Don't even think that asshole,” Eliza almost smacked him. “We're gonna text, and video chat, but I worry a little bit. I mean he'll be on the road with his friends, girls everywhere, and I know it's got to be killing him.” She blushed and looked away, embarrassed to talk about it even with Kevin. They'd been dating a little over two months now and still hadn't had sex, or really much past some steamy makeout sessions in the car or on Calum's couch. She knew it was out of character for him to go without for so long. He hadn't complained once, but Eliza worried he would get tired of waiting.
“Bitch will you stop worrying, Calum clearly adores you. He's hanging out with your family, teaching Alex guitar, learning how to deal with Maggie's hyper ass, and Mama even invited him back a third time. He's learning another language just to talk to you. You've got this boy whipped and it's obvious to everyone. The thots are still mad at you,” Kevin dissolved into laughter.
He was so glad Eliza had come up to Santa Barbara for a few days. His mother had suffered a series of strokes and his siblings, despite being in her life and in her pockets, had not been able to find the time to handle the crisis. Kevin, the youngest, the one she'd thrown out of her house at the age of fifteen, was left to set up her care and sign papers after being granted power of attorney. For almost two weeks he'd dealt with it alone before begging Eliza to come up and save his sanity. They'd spent an entire first day just shopping and gossiping. This morning they had hit up a fancy bistro for breakfast and then a spa mani/pedis. Currently they were sprawled out on the couch at Kevin's mother's house talking about boys, per usual, before Kevin had to meet his mom's lawyer at 2pm.
She felt guilty that she'd let her best friend go through so much by himself. Eliza felt she'd been neglecting their friendship for Calum, but Kevin insisted he understood.
“If I had a man like that in my life, you might only hear from me on Christmas and your mama's birthday,” Kevin cracked himself up. “Maybe Maggie,” he added “how is my little troublemaker anyways? Sad she's finally losing you to a man?”
Eliza snorted, “not hardly, she's thrilled she has someone new to pester. Not only that she and Calum really hit it off, and she's taken improving his sign language as a personal mission.”
Eliza's phone buzzed. “She must know we're talking about her,” she laughed checking her messages. Her face fell and Kevin knew it was bad news.
“Oh no” she mouthed staring at the screen as tears filled her eyes.
Kevin, impatient, snatched the phone from her hands. “Oh shit, oh my poor baby,” he put this hand up to his throat and looked at Eliza.
I just got the email and apparently all that work was for nothing. I didn't get the internship at the U.N., I'm not going to NYC. I actually tried really hard on this and I don't know why they didn't pick me.  So right now I feel like a complete failure, and I'm stuck here for the summer instead of having my own life across the country.
"Oh shit, we're going into Maggie meltdown mode," Kevin was alarmed, "she's never dealt well with disappointment."
"The danger of being a gifted child. Most things come easy for her. Anything that doesn't she just applies herself to with stellar results every single time. Usually the only time Maggie doesn't get what she wants is from Mama or me" Eliza knew how much her sister had been counting on this, and how devastated she must be.
"Mama has her hands full with that one, but she knows how to deal with Mags when she gets like this," Kevin reassured her, but Eliza shook her head.
"Nope, Pops took Mama and Alex up to SF for the weekend. Alex has that gaming convention and they're looking at a couple properties," Eliza didn't want Maggie to be stuck home alone with nothing but her anxiety and Oliver for company.
"It's ok if you gotta go back," Kevin signed, Eliza could tell he was disappointed but his concern for Maggie won out.
Kevin checked traffic and it wasn't hard to lip read "ooh you're FUCKED."
There was a fiery multi car fatality crash on the 101 that had traffic backed up for miles. It was going to turn a 2 hour drive into an epic quest. Eliza texted Maggie back as she tried to figure out what to do.
Maggie was curled up on the couch with Oliver having cried herself out. Her mind was racing and doubt was gnawing on her soul. What if she wasn't as smart as she liked to think she was. What if she was wasting her time trying to go for a career in diplomacy or government. What if her father was right about going into the corporate world where her knowing five languages would put her in high demand. Why didn't they pick her? Did she do something wrong? Was she just not good enough?
She knew she was making herself crazy, she knew it was unhealthy to do so, but she couldn't stop her brain from spinning. Her eyes were stinging, her throat was sore and she could feel a headache coming on. Oliver gave wonderful snuggles, and when she sat up he climbed right back in her lap. Maggie loved the little guy, but right now she really wanted someone there with her. Eliza would have headed straight back from Kevin's mother's house, but the best they could hope for her return was late that night with traffic as backed up as it was. With any luck Kevin might come with her, her sister was her support but Kev was always good for a laugh.
There was a knock at the door. Oliver began barking and Maggie was confused because no one should be at her door. The knocking continued, getting louder, and now she was getting a little scared. Sure it was early afternoon and they lived in a decent neighborhood, but she was home alone with a stranger at her door and nothing to protect her besides a four legged floof.
She peeked through the blinds and gasped when she saw the car. She ran to the door, with Oliver in hot pursuit, flinging it open to find a very familiar face.
“Calum? What the hell are you doing here?” Maggie was baffled, but genuinely curious. Calum had to know Eliza was with Kevin, and even if she'd told him she was coming back early that wasn't even two hours ago.
Calum grinned at her, “Eliza was upset about you being home alone right now. With her stuck in Santa Barbara I thought I'd come check on you and see if you wanted to grab lunch. I even brought Duke along if you needed extra convincing,” opening his leather jacket and handing her his dog. Maggie squealed as she got kisses from Duke before she gave it to Oliver's begging and put him down so they could say hello.
“My sister sent you to check on me,” Maggie raised an eyebrow but she was smiling again.
“Not exactly,” he admitted. “She texted me because she was upset about traffic and not being able to get back down here. She then had to explain why she was coming back. I have nothing to do today until later this evening with the guys. I was gonna get some food so I thought I'd scoop you up to go with me. It's better than sitting home alone isn't it?”
“Can you give me a bit to get ready?” Maggie asked and Calum nodded bending down to pick up the ball Oliver dropped at their feet.
If you see pics of me out on a date with your boyfriend just know I'm using him to get to Luke Hemmings
WTF Maggie??
Wait did Calum come over?
Yes we're going to lunch and taking the dogs. He didn't want you to worry about me being home alone.
Awwww that's sweet, but now I have to worry about what you two are gonna talk about
Eliza glanced up at Kevin who had been reading the conversation over her shoulder.
“As you should, but I think it's funny” Kevin signed and Eliza flipped him off.
I'll try not to say anything too embarrassing, but I'm not sure about him lol
Don't make me hurt you Mags
I'd like to see you try....TTYL
"The bread here is amazing," Maggie told him as they were seated on the patio. "I don't know if I want chicken or eggplant today, but both are really good."
Calum noticed Maggie wasn't as talkative and her smiles were still a bit forced.
"Order both if you like," Calum told her. "Let me guess you can probably order in fluent Italian?"
Maggie shook her head. "I only know bits and bobs of French and Italian. I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually."
"You know what… Four languages? Same as your sister"
"Five… English, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi and ASL. Eliza can read all but Spanish quite well, but it's not the same."
"How so?"
"She misses out on things, like when Mama is singing in Portuguese and her accent changes, or the rumble in my father's voice on certain words or phrases."
"Eliza doesn't talk much about your father," Calum raised his eyebrows, hoping she'd keep going. He didn't want to pry into something that always seemed like a touchy subject.
"They're not close really, they write letters back and forth, but there's an awkwardness between them. They split when I was five and Eliza was seven. Baba and Mama both blamed themselves for Eliza's illness and subsequent disability. She became overprotective and he became distant. We moved to the US in the middle of the separation/divorce while he stayed in the UK. He would call and I would usually be the one to answer the phone, and that's how we stayed in touch. As I got older he'd call when Mama wasn't home and we'd always speak in Farsi so that's my official third language. I've been signing since I can remember talking so those go hand in hand…. No pun intended." Maggie finally smiled a real smile as they brought the bread and dipping oils.
Calum nodded chuckling as he tried the basil and garlic infused olive oil. The bread was delicious and he told Maggie she should order for him.
"Can we get a mozzarella caprese instead of salad, I'll have chicken picatta and I think he'll like the spaghetti carbonara with pancetta,"  Maggie looked at Calum who shrugged and nodded.
"So tell me about Phillip and Alex," he picked the conversation back up.
"Mama met Pops when I was eight or nine, they both were in real estate and my understanding is that's how they met. He's got a wild family background to say the least. His mother was a former Miss World who had married a Mexican singer she'd met only two months prior at a charity event. They had four children in quick succession before gaining their own variety show in the early 80's. It all fell apart when his dad was murdered for supporting the wrong candidate, or at least that's what the family believes. Anyways they met, married and Alex came around about a year later," Maggie spoke in rapid fire bursts playing with her hands and drumming her fingers.
"Ok now I get to ask a question," Maggie turned those huge deep brown eyes directly on him. "Are you really the player Kevin says you are?"
Calum was a bit shocked but decided to roll with it. "Wow really going in hard right off the bat Maggie  Yeah,I was, I hate to admit it."
"If you were enjoying yourself then, why do you feel bad now? Were you just waiting for a good girl?" Maggie's tone was light almost teasing.
"You sound like the guys," he rolled his eyes at her, "I get teased endlessly about her you know? I wasn't waiting for anything or anyone. This all just happened. I'm just as surprised as anyone."
"So then why haven't you made a move on Eliza? What are you waiting for?" Maggie knew her sister would kill her for this, but she was so sick of listening to Eliza pout and worry about not being up to Calum's "standards."
"Seriously?" Calum was irritated. "Why would you ask me that?"
"Because she thinks she's doing something wrong…. She's afraid of what's going to happen when you go on this tour, that you might be tempted out of frustration."
Calum's face softened when he saw Maggie's worried and fearful expression. She continued, "listen I know I'm nosy and have no filter, but she really really likes you." Maggie grabbed his hand, "I know you really like her too, but you haven't tried to get with her or introduced your girlfriend to any of your friends."
"I thought you were sad… Where did this interrogation come from?" Calum needed to think about that. The guys were dying to meet Eliza but the idea scared him to death.
"Honestly, I'll have to think about that, it's not that I don't find her beautiful. Wanting her isn't the problem, but I don't want to scare her."
"I am sad, but you're providing a decent distraction. Besides how often am I going to get a chance to be nosy without my sister interrupting?" Maggie grinned at him and he smiled back.
"Why don't you come with me after lunch? We'll go pick up Luke and you can meet the guys. Maybe you'll see why I've waited."
"Finally" she exclaimed at the sight of the waiter with their pasta as well as the invitation. "I'm starving and I've been waiting this whole time just to meet Luke."
@kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @wildhearthood @cal-puddies @calumh-excess @biba3434 @babygirlcashton @angelbabylu @itstheholls @calteahood @5sos-ficssmut @cal-pal-cuddles @1dthewantedlove
any and all feedback is appreciated more than you could know
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