#my chem x reader fanfic
Away From Preying Eyes - Mikey Way x Reader
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: angst to fluff/hurt comfort Word Count: 2 851 Warnings: loooots of kissing; lack of communication, use of y/n Summary: The way Mikey keeps hiding your relationship causes doubts for his feelings to rise A/N: As per popular demand… I wrote this some two years ago I think. There are a few more stories, that I should proofread and publish… someday. Also i just realised i haven't published anything since the last chapter of Killjoys... oops. sorry.
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Mikey’s lips were soft on yours, kissing you sweetly. It had been literally weeks since he had last kissed you like this, all the times in between having been hurried, squeezing as much passion into a short kiss as possible.
But now you could tell he was taking his time, his hands on your waist as you were leaning against the side of the bus, his tongue swiping over your lips lazily. One of your hands was buried in his back pocket, and you almost smiled into the kiss as you remembered the look he had given you, when you had done so: surprised at your boldness, intrigued and definitely a little turned on.
It really was unfortunate that you had to sneak around like this, holding hands and sharing kisses and whispered compliments only when nobody was around who could have witnessed it. It had all started out at the beginning of tour, when after the set, which had been weirdly emotional for all of you, Mikey had pulled you aside, into the narrow space between two curtains, and kissed you for the first time. That’s how it had started, the sneaking around.
You had been more than thrilled at this development, after all you had liked Mikey for a long time, and it was exciting to have a secret the others didn’t know about. It felt like a game of hide and seek, and until about two weeks ago you had not minded the secrecy at all. But then Frank’s girlfriend Jamia had come to visit.
The two of them were definitely not the over the top, love-dovey couple, but you couldn’t help but notice the way Frank would kiss her hair absentmindedly while listening to someone else talk, or how she would hook her thumb in one of his trousers’ belt loops while they were walking or standing next to one another. It made you wonder what it would be like to have this with Mikey, and slowly doubts began raising, doubts you really didn’t want to have.
What was this to Mikey? Did he even see this as a relationship, or was it just a fun thing at the side?
Until then you had always assumed you were a couple, as valid as Frank and Jamia, even if nobody knew. But maybe that was the problem. Nobody knew. Even if Mikey wanted to be with you, properly, more than just a quick make-out session in the long, empty corridors of an arena, or deserted hotel hallways, why were you telling nobody? Was he… was he ashamed of you? You hated when these thoughts started pressing in, especially when it happened in moments like right now, when his kisses were so sweet and caring, that they left no doubt that this was so much more to him than just fun.
You tried shooing the thoughts away, but before you had truly succeeded, Mikey had pulled away.
“Is something wrong,” he asked, his eyes carefully scanning your face, searching for the smallest hint of discomfort.
“Nothing,” you smiled, hoping it was convincing enough. “Everything’s good.”
“Hey, something’s off, I can tell,” Mikey insisted, and gently nudged his nose against your cheek, an affectionate gesture you had quickly learnt to love. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”
You sighed. At the moment you really would have preferred continuing to kiss him than to talk about the stupid thoughts that had swarmed your mind. And they were stupid, you knew that. Every time Mikey touched you, or looked at you when you were alone, you knew that he cared deeply for you.
Maybe it was just the fear of giving your heart away and being left again. It had happened before.
Mikey cared for you, yes, but how could you know he cared for your as much as you cared for him? Well, you didn’t even expect him to love you the way you loved him. You just couldn’t help but wonder if this was something he wanted to pursue in the long run. And no matter how little you wanted to hear him tell you that it was just something that would last for the duration of this tour, he still deserved to hear your thought on the matter. So, you sighed again, and tilted your head, making space for Mikey as he trailed small kisses along your jaw towards your neck.
“It’s just- I can’t help but wonder-”
You were interrupted by the door to the bus jumping open, no six feet away from you.
Mikey’s reaction was immediate. Quicker than you were able to register, he had clamped one of his hands over your mouth, and – being taller than you – brought himself between the door and you, so you wouldn’t be spotted as easily. Even though the door blocked the view to whoever had opened it.
Those were the moments that really made you feel weird. The moments when Mikey was so quick to cover any and all interaction with you, never letting the others even get the faintest clue as to what was going on between the two of you. And for some reason, this time it stung more than before. If you only knew why he did that, why he was so keen on keeping your relationship, if it even was one to him, secret, then you absolutely wouldn’t have minded it but this way…
“(Y/N), Mikey!”
It was Frank, who had opened the door of the bus, but seemed to make no attempt at stepping outside. “(Y/N), Mikey! We’re gonna watch Dawn of the Dead!”
He waited a moment before he spoke something else, more muffled, and probably directed at the others inside the bus, before the door got pulled closed again.
“Let’s talk another time, alright,” Mikey suggested, still tense, but slightly more relaxed now, and you nodded. “You’ll go first?”
Again you nodded, quickly tucking at your shirt to make sure everything was in order, before you slipped past Mikey and headed towards the door of the bus. It had been stupid to think that Mikey and you might actually have a little time this once. You knew the others were waiting for you to come back from the drug store and for Mikey from saying hi to another band who had parked their bus not too far away on the festival grounds.
But maybe Frank had sort of saved you there. Otherwise, you would’ve had to tell Mikey how you felt about him, and especially after his reaction to almost having been found out just now, that felt even worse than confessing to your best friend.
With a last glance at Mikey, you pulled open the bus door, and climbed inside. Ray and Frank had already settled on the sofa, while Gerard was fumbling around with the TV.
“There you are,” Ray noticed and patted the empty seat next to him. “We already wondered what took you so long.”
“Couldn’t find the damn store,” you whined, dropping down next to Ray.
“Did you at least get what you were looking for,” Frank asked, before telling Gerard to try another button.
“Nope, they didn’t have my brand,” you lied. Of course the truth was that you had never looked for a drug store in the first place, and instead spent the past thirty minutes kissing Mikey. But now you could reuse the drug store excuse for the next time.
“Ugh, that sucks,” Frank rolled his eyes. “Oh, and have you seen Mikey? He’s been MIA since this morning.”
“No clue,” you shrugged, giving your best to sound indifferent. As if you didn’t know he was waiting outside just a little longer before coming in.
Indeed, just as Gerard had found the correct button on the old TV, Mikey opened the door, and with an apologizing hand gesture settled down between his brother and Frank.
While the others were focusing on the movie, you did your best not to look over at Mikey. You knew he had sensed something was up and would not stop asking about it before you told him the truth, and you were not sure you liked that prospect.
For two days you managed to escape Mikey. Two days in which you always managed to not get out of a situation with others, even though you knew he was waiting for you. You were evading him. Mikey knew that as well as you did. You knew eventually you’d have to talk to him, eventually you would have to ask him what this thing between you meant to him. Two days. And then your luck ran out in a dimly lit hotel corridor.
Mikey had waited in the open door to his room until you tried passing it on the way to yours, when he grabbed your wrist, and dragged you down the corridor and around the next corner. No rooms were here, only the small door to a broom closet. Nobody would look for you back here. And a huge potted plant gave you additional privacy.
You had let out a surprised squeal at him dragging you along all of a sudden, but you got quickly shut up by Mikey’s lips on yours. He was kissing you feverishly, as if it were the last time he ever would get to do it. You couldn’t blame him, after all, god knew what he had to think after you had evaded him for two days, not even allowing him his by now traditional post-show-kiss.
His hands were cradling your face, while he used the length of his body to keep you trapped against the wall, his lips desperately chasing yours. You kissed him back, suddenly not sure anymore how you had managed to deprive yourself of him for the past days.
Only when he was out of breath, did he pull away, leaning his forehead to yours with closed eyes.
“Talk to me,” he begged, his hands falling from your face to your waist, gently holding you there. Not forcefully, never forcefully. Rather the kind of touch that made it clear that he wanted to feel you, wanted you to stay, but would easily allow you to slip away, should you wish to do so. “What happened? What did I do?”
You swallowed thickly, opening your eyes to look at Mikey. His face was so close that you couldn’t focus on him properly, but you could make out his long dark lashes against his smooth skin, the slight stubble that grew on his cheeks. He looked troubled, even with eyes closed and as out of focus as he was right now, you could tell he looked troubled and worried.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, making him shake his head slightly.
“No, no. Don’t apologise,” Mikey disagreed. “You pulled away and there has to be a good reason for that. And I know it has to do with me, so don’t apologise, alright? I just- I want to fix it… if you’ll let me. I want to make things okay again. With us.”
“Is that really what you want,” you asked, finally pulling back a little.
Mikey’s eyes opened, and confused he looked at you.
“Do you really want us?”
You could see the fraction of an inch that his eyes widened, the shock, the panic setting in, and almost instantly you felt bad for it. But this exact question had been plaguing you for too long now, so you had to ask it eventually.
“Yes, yes of course,” Mikey bubbled out. “Of course I want us. What- why would you think I didn’t?”
Ashamed you looked away. How the hell should you put all those thoughts and feelings into words, this fear of rejection, of just being a side-gig, the fear that he might be ashamed for you. How could you possibly put it into words without making it sound like you thought he was the bad guy in all of this?
A warm hand came up to your chin, and Mikey tilted your head up to look at him again.
“Why would you think I don’t love you?”
His words were like a knife through the heart, and you could feel tears rising.
“I just- you were so insistent on keeping everything a secret, it felt like-”
The moment the words had left your lips, realization hit Mikey and he groaned, and squeezed his eyes together, before he dropped his head backwards into his neck.
“Shit,” he swore quietly, “I knew I should’ve talked to you about it.” He took a deep breath and looked back at you; his brown eyes full of sorrow as they took you in. “It has absolutely nothing to do with you, it’s just- For as long as I can remember I was always Gerard’s little brother. Or My Chem’s bassist. Or Pete’s friend. And I love being these things. I love my brother, and I love the band and I love Pete, even though all three can really get on my nerves sometimes.
“But to other people I’m never more. I’m never Mikey. I’ve had girls want to date me just because then they’d get closer to my brother. As if he’d ever even think about doing something with a girl I was interested in at some point. Or interviewers ask me about everyone in the band but me. And whenever someone shows interest in me, it’s either because of Gee or because of the band.
“But with you I can just be myself, you know? I can just be Mikey. And- fuck, at first, I wasn’t sure if maybe I’m wrong this time too, that you’re just letting me kiss you because we’re in the same band, and maybe this doesn’t actually mean anything to you. But then we were in that studio, and you kissed my hand and I just knew that it you were actually looking at me-”
You remembered that interaction. A radio station had invited the band to record a song with them, and while everyone else had been busy setting up, you had snuck over to Mikey. It had been quick, the way you had taken his hand and pressed your lips to his knuckles.
You had been scared he’d be mad at you, since anybody could have seen, but the urge to show him some sort of appreciation had been overwhelming, and instead of getting mad, his cheeks had been dusted over a slight pink, so that a minute later Ray had asked if Mikey was feeling alright, or if he might be getting a fever.
“I’ve always been looking at you,” you interrupted Mikey quickly, making him smile sadly.
“I knew that then. I knew that, and it was, is, the most precious thing in my life. And I didn’t want to share it. We, the band, we spend so much time on such narrow space. We know literally everything about each other. But this – that you were looking at me for me – this was my secret, and I wanted to protect it so badly from preying eyes… And I completely forgot that to you it had to seem like I didn’t care enough or-”
Mikey broke off, unable to phrase the words both of you were thinking.
“It’s okay-”
“No, it’s not. Because I made you feel like you weren’t desired, and trust me, that’s as far away from the truth as it gets.”
“I made you feel awful too, not telling you what I was thinking and avoiding you for two days.”
“At least now I know why. So, if you want to tell the others, then I’m fine with that. I don’t feel quite ready for the rest of the world to know, but if that’s what you want, I’ll learn to-”
“It’s not,” you interrupted him. “It’s not what I want. We don’t even have to tell the others, not now at least. I wanted to know why we were keeping it a secret, and now I do. Hell, I can even understand how you feel, parts of it at least. And it’s okay for me to do it at your pace, as long as you promise it won’t last just for this tour.”
“I never meant for it to just last for this tour,” Mikey shook his head in disbelief. “Not with you. I love you too much for that.”
That was the second time now that he had said he loved you. Trying to keep your smile in check, you bit your lip before answering.
“I love you too, Mikey.”
He smiled then, brighter than you had ever seen him smile before, and leant in again, kissing you once more, slower, calmer this time, but with unguarded love, and still smiling, both of you finally certain that your feelings for one another were reciprocated.
A few meters away, Frank silently closed the door to his hotel room, giving a thumbs up to his band mates, letting them know Mikey and you had made up. They’d continue playing the oblivious fools for as long as Mikey and you needed them to.
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@alexstyx​​​ @jayloverthe3rd @robinruns @lookalivefrosty
@omgsuperstarg​​​ @fivelegance​​​ @deadlovers​​​ @casmustdiee
can't really tag you fore some reason, sorry if this didn't work: @butterflycore @cmtryghoul
you got tagged bc you made the mistake of interacting with the announcement:
@imkindofajacketslut @ittybittybassist @jacket-slut99
@theoreoenthusiast @victoriavic @stupendousthingsweets
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deadsetromance · 1 year
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(not my gif!)
gerard way x gn!reader
summary: he's your roommate...but maybe he's more than that.
warnings: unedited writing, fluff, no use of [y/n]
note: so sorry i haven't posted in forever! i have a few requests and a few more half-complete drafts, so hopefully those should be up soon <3
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you supposed there were worse roommates out there. actually, thinking about it, you realized how lucky you were.
you got along really well with your roommate, gerard. he’d been sharing an apartment for nearly two years now, and you were sure you knew him better than you knew yourself.
you know he forgets to take the coffee pods out of the keurig, and sometimes he leaves the heater running for too long.
you don’t think you’ve ever seen him sleep. sometimes you wonder if he’s a vampire or something, what with the scribbling coming from his room at all hours of the night.
to be fair… you’re hardly any better. you sleep little more than he does, when you do fall asleep it’s usually on the couch, and you leave the television on all the time.
you’re incredibly lucky, you realize. lucky that he’s as sweet as he is, bringing you coffee in the mornings, and stopping by your job on his commute. he’s even slipped a few drawings your way. some are drawings of you, others are silly little doodles he gives you when you’re having a bad day. sometimes, he’ll show you characters for the comics he’s working on, asking for your input.
you realize that you’re lucky that he’s so helpful, that he’s not a creep, that you both get along so well. you’re lucky that you’ve found a friend who will sit and watch television reruns with you when neither of you can fall asleep.
that’s why you slip a record under his door one night. you don’t know if he even likes sinatra, but you give it to him anyway. there’s no special occasion really, you just thought of him when you found in the wee small hours in the record store you visited. you don’t sign your name on the post it you stuck to it. all you write is “from one insomniac to another”. you feel embarrassed for some reason you can’t place, and something slithers in your stomach. maybe you shouldn’t have given it to him…maybe he doesn’t like sinatra. it’s too late now though, it’s already done.
☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎
it’s late one night…or early, depending on how you look at it. you’re tired, whatever movie you were watching forgotten and on mute. you can hear gerard milling around in the kitchen, you can smell the coffee he’s brewing. you’re tired, but you can’t fall asleep.
“thanks for the record” gerard called from the kitchen. “i really liked it”
you smile, one of those hazy tired smiles, the kind you do when you’re between being awake and asleep. “i didn’t know if you liked sinatra, i hope it’s ok”
you miss the way he grins at you, too busy yawning.
“it’s great i actually…” he walked off in the middle of his sentence, a habit you’d noticed he had, only to come back with the disk in his hands. “do you mind?”
it didn’t matter if you said no, he already turned to put it on, smiling back at you as he dropped the needle to the record.
“what are we watching?” he asked, sitting next to you on the couch. close enough to be touching you, but still far enough to give you space. it’s like a paradox, you think, but then you tell yourself to shut up. you’re too tired to know what you’re talking about.
“i dunno, i stopped paying attention.” your eyes flit to the movie playing on the television, watching the car chase for a moment before turning your attention back to him. “you’re going to keep yourself up all night drinking coffee this late.” you might have frowned at him if you weren’t too busy beaming.
he knew you were teasing, you could tell by the glint in his eye. “i just need a few finishing touches on my project and then i’m done.”
you didn’t say anything more for a while, taking a moment to take everything in. the record playing softly in the background as you curled closer to gerard. his head resting on yours as you listened to his breathing, memorizing the pace of his heart.
it’s quiet…intimate, and you’re tired. tired and happy.
“you tired?” he questions softly.
“a little,” you don’t know why you’re whispering.
“do you work tomorrow?”
“yeah, i open,” you groan, rubbing your eyes. you think you feel him press a kiss to the top of your head, but you don’t want to get your hopes up.
it’s quiet again, though this time it’s too quiet. you’re left with thoughts of gerard running through your head, and you wish that one of you would say something. you should be ashamed, you scold yourself, thinking of him the way you do when he’s sitting right next to you.
“what are you thinking about?” he prods gently. he’s soft with you, the way he always is, careful not to overstep with his questions.
“nothing really,” you lie, because you’d rather not risk what comfort you have now. “what are you thinking about?”
it seems like he didn’t expect the question to be turned back on him. he hesitates, and the silence is thick…too thick. his face is illuminated by the light from the tv, and he looks nervous. you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look quite as terrified as he does now. the lighting shifts, and he’s blanketed in darkness again, but you notice something change in his eyes.
“i think i love you” he whispers against your ear.
you feel like you can’t breathe. you think you heard him wrong. you’re worried this is all a dream, a good dream, the kind that would leave you reeling when you wake up.
you want to hear him say it again.
you lean your head back against his shoulder, and he breathes out with a shudder. you watch the explosions on tv as your hand finds his. “i love you too.”
that’s it then, everything is out in the open. maybe you’re tired, but you sigh gently as he cups your face in his hands. thinking back, you can’t exactly pinpoint when your feelings for him changed, but you suppose it doesn’t matter now. he loves you and you love him. it’s surprisingly simple.
“can i…?” he doesn’t need to finish his question as you lean in closer to him. his breath is warm, and he smells like coffee and sleepless nights, and you’re waiting for him. your eyes are closed as you breathe him in, and they stay that way as he kisses you softly.
he’s…soft, softer than you imagine, and you can’t help but smile.
in the wee small hours of the morning, he is yours, and you are his.
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Vampire!Cis Male Reader x Vampire Obsessed!Gerard Way and can he like be all pathetically horny and just super down bad for the reader. Maybe some humping + reader biting and feeding from Gerard? thanks.
p.s. this part's totally optional but can u do like dick size difference as well? like Reader cuz he's a vampire has a huge dick but Gerard has a bit of a smaller 1 and maybe do some degrading based off that if u do it?
@pinkfor3stt merry Christmas. You didn't get everything you wanted but yk I do your dishes so I think you're fine
Bound to Happen Eventually (Gerard Way x Male Vampire Reader smut)
The TV is bright in the dark living room, flickering colors across the two of you on the couch. Gerard whines, starting up his fit again. “C'monn.” He's practically wrapped around you. He has your leg between his thighs, hugging you from the side so tight your ribs might crack. You pry his head away from you.
“No, I'm not letting you do that. Weirdo.” Gerard has been begging you to, please, just once, feed off of him. It's dangerous. It's weird. He's your boyfriend, he's a partner, he is not food. You will not put him down to that level. That's terrible, that's disrespectful. It's—
“It's hot,” Gerard grabs your shirt, looking up at you with wide, pleading eyes. God, he's like a toddler. Similarly, he does not give up when he wants something. Gerard has been bothering you about this for the entirety of the movie the two of you have been watching. Really though, you’ve been trying to watch the film and Gerard has been trying to get in your pants. Your ‘vamp-pants’ as he has begun to call them.
Finally, the credits roll on the screen and you are unsatisfied. “C’mon dude, I have zero clue what happened that whole movie because of your… shenanigans.” You huff, rolling your eyes and turning off the TV, encapsulating the area in darkness, before moving to turn on the lamp next to the couch. The bulb is delayed turning on, but eventually, after a few off and ons, illuminates. When the room is lit again, Gerard lets go of you and shifts up on the couch. Sitting up properly, he puts his arm over your shoulder.
“You’re beautiful y’know, looking extra… gray today.” Gerard bats his eyelashes, supposedly to seduce you, but it just makes him look like someone unexpectedly maced him. “Have you eaten recently?” Gerard says with a sly smile—he thinks that was the smoothest thing anyone has ever said. It was, instead, mildly insulting. Before you can do anything more than scoff and roll your eyes, the lightbulb in the lamp flickers for the last time before dying, blacking out the living room.
“God dammit,” you mutter. That was the last lightbulb, and the one in the ceiling light has been out for weeks. You knew you shouldn’t have put off buying another pack until they were on sale. Gerard slides his arm off of your shoulder and onto your thigh, you feel him leaning closer to you, laying his head on your shoulder. You sigh, going limp against the couch. Realistically, the lack of light does not affect you, but you are no less defeated.
Gerard rubs your thigh, turning towards you and grabbing your face with his other hand. He gently rubs your cheek with his thumb, leaning in for a kiss to which you happily oblige. As the kiss ends, Gerard is the first to pull away. He swings his legs up onto the couch, folding them to the side. The hand he has on your face falls to your shoulder. “Y’know, if there’s nothing else to do—” You interrupt Gerard, taking his hand from your shoulder with yours.
“We can always, y’know, go to bed.” You bring his hand, palm up, to your lips, kissing right on the pulse of his wrist. He smells like raw meat and old, sticky soda. Gerard snickers, he might as well be kicking his legs and twirling his hair.
“I was gonna say we could fool around a bit, since it’s only, what, nine?”
“Babe it’s two A.M.,” you quirk a confused eyebrow—not that it matters—even with the curtains drawn, there's barely enough light in the room to make out the outline of the couch. You, though, can see the whole of Gerard's flushed and impatient expression. You let the hand holding his fall to your lap.
“Well, I’m not tired. And I know you aren’t.” You push a scruffy chunk of hair behind his ear, pitying his desparateness. Gerard shifts, swinging his legs over your lap and falling back onto the couch all in one swift movement. He throws a hand against his forehead and sighs dramatically. You laugh, and while you aren’t particularly enjoying his performance, you can’t say you aren’t at least a little amused. He dramatically sighs again as you lift his legs off of yours, but your attempt to stand is interrupted by Gerard whining.
 “Where are you going?” He sits up, leaning against the arm of the couch and tucking his knees to his chest.
“To get a drink, which I assume I’m allowed to do as someone with free will?” You stand, taking a second to stretch after sitting for two hours.
“Why would you need to get up to do that?” Gerard asks, his wide eyes are a bright contrast to the dark of the living room around the two of you. You roll your eyes, a painfully obvious setup, but you let it happen nonetheless. “I mean, I’m right here.” Gerard gestures to himself like he’s some fancy display car, and as bad as his pickup line was you can’t help but laugh.
“Oh my, I think you’re correct, your pure, virgin blood has to be better than even the finest of tap water we have here, right?” Still laughing, you play into the bit more by pouncing on him, grabbing a sturdy mouthful of t-shirt near his shoulder. Gerard laughs, rolling the two of you onto the floor with a thud. Gerard is on top of you, straddling your hips for just a second before you push the both of you back over. You’re on top of him, shaking your head back and forth like a dog playing tug-a-war. Gerard’s laugh fizzles out into heavy breathing—right as you look up to check in with him, he shoves his thumbs into the corners of your mouth, using it as leverage to pry your mouth open. The two of you are so close that even in the dark he can make out most of the details of what he’s seeing, and he just stares.
“Woah..” You wonder what he could find so fascinating about your mouth, but then you feel it. Running your tongue over your teeth, you learn that your fangs must’ve popped during your play fight. You don’t think Gerard has ever seen you like that. Not with your knowledge, anyway. At the beginning of your relationship, he was trying especially hard to watch you drink things. Gerard slowly takes his hands out of your mouth, moving to push himself, and due to your position, you, up. Gerard sits on his knees, and you’re cross-legged not a foot away from him. You can’t close your mouth properly with your fangs out, and you aren’t the best at making them revert. In turn, you're left staring at Gerard with your mouth open awkwardly, forced into bearing your teeth like a middle schooler with headgear.
While you aren’t in your comfort zone, Gerard seems to be thriving. He has his hand on both sides of your head, looking at you up close. He shifts the angle of your head a few times to see if there's any way to catch the light on your teeth better. If he could put you under a microscope, he would. Being this close to you in this state is utterly exhilarating for him. This alone, he thinks, is better than sex.
Wait. You’re his boyfriend. For a second he had forgotten that, along with being a vampire, being in front of him, and having your tubular teeth out, you are his boyfriend. It’s that realization that prompts him to pull your face down to his and kiss you rather aggressively. He takes it upon himself to shove his tongue into your mouth, and you can’t do much more than let him. Most of your attention is going into making sure Gerard doesn’t end up cutting himself on any of your teeth. But even a perfectly paved road can still lead to hell. However, this road wasn’t exactly perfectly paved. This was bound to happen. Gerard, being seemingly deliberate, slices his tongue open on one of your elongated canines. Gerard abruptly pulls away, putting his hand to his mouth to inspect the damage like he didn’t think cutting himself would hurt. For you though, the switch has already flipped like throwing a brick on a hair trigger. 
Twilight may have been wrong about the disco ball skin and the porcelain-sounding kisses, but they were right about self-control being learned. You just hadn’t exactly been in many situations where restraint on this level was necessary, and Gerard has sufficiently gained a huge strobing target. Whatever morals you had about not ‘bringing him down to that level’ were most certainly gone the second you tasted his blood. When you look up at Gerard, he’s wide-eyed with a mouth full of blood. You move faster than you knew your body was able to, grabbing him by both of his cheeks and crashing your mouth into his, not stopping to process anything past the extended taste of blood, his blood, in your mouth.
Gerard was right, you were hungry. You were starved. And now you were the one with your tongue down his throat, grabbing at his hair and squeezing his hips. It's exhilarating, to now be able to say that you've had every part of him, the essence of his being. Your mouth is full—full of teeth, full of his blood, but it's not enough. You need more of him. You need to be able to have every tangible piece of him. The only thing that pulls you out of your trance-like state is Gerard pulling his new patented move; slotting his thumbs into the sides of your mouth like a horse bit and pushing you away. He’s huffing, his blood smeared all over his face. He moves to hold your head in place like a normal person. Gerard leans up and kisses you, brushing a stray hair out of your face as he pulls away. He’s gorgeous—ethereal, even. There’s so much soul behind his eyes, and you’re glad you can experience being with him. He lets go of your face, lowering his hands to help you out of your pants. 
Gerard is in love with you, wholly and completely. You’re gorgeous to him, the most handsome man he’s ever seen. Being undressed by your hands is a privilege he’s honored to be graced with. He's never loved you more, even with shaky hands and dark eyes. Vulnerability is beautiful on you, and he’s glad he’s the one who gets to see it.
With Gerard naked beneath you, you realize that maybe the blood thing should be more regular. Gerard is clearly enjoying himself, his cock is hard and throbbing, dripping precum. From a less heartfelt perspective, he was right, this is hot as hell. You’re sure his tongue is still bleeding, too, since there’s a steady stream of blood dripping down his chin and tailing down his neck. It's making his hair sticky. Both of you will need a shower after this.
You grab the base of Gerard’s dick, languidly dragging your hand up his shaft as you give him another drool-soaked kiss. He’s panting into your mouth already—the little stimulation you’re providing him being amplified by the lengthy delay of the gratification. Gerard snakes his hand into your hair, grabbing a handful at the back of your head. He jerks his hips up, fucking himself further into your hand. You pull away from the kiss to scold him, but before you open your mouth to talk Gerard shoves your face into his neck. Your interrupted complaint turns into a muffled groan. His scent is so heavy, so strong it’s borderline intoxicating.
You lick a wet line up from Gerard’s collarbone to the base of his jaw and after a few gentle kisses, he tugs your hair roughly. “God, was dry-humping me not foreplay enough? Just fuck me already!” Gerard tightens his grip on your hair, throwing his other arm around your waist. It’d be criminal to refuse such a kind request. You smile against his neck, lining yourself up. There’s enough accumulated bodily fluids to make your entrance easy enough, but Gerard still squeals as you bottom out. He’s drooling before you even set the pace. You try to start slow and ease Gerard into it, but when he yanks your head back and starts bossing you around, you can tell that’s not what he wants. You lift him a few inches off the floor, holding him flush against you with your arms against his waist.
Having Gerard pressed up to you gives you the leverage to really fuck into him. He’s gone braindead now, his eyes rolling back into his head and bloody spit dripping down his cheek. If you could think straight you’d be worried for your neighbors—Gerard is almost screaming. His moans are high-pitched and girlish, his body is so warm. Gerard is the most fragrant thing in the room—waiting for him is like waiting for food at a restaurant right next to the kitchen—every second that passes your hunger becomes more insatiable. His hard-on is rubbing against your stomach, making him writhe in pleasure. You’d notice if you could focus on anything but the fresh smell of iron. You’re getting lost in him. You know you have to hold out but you don’t know if you can. You shouldn’t be this worried about cumming too quickly, Gerard barely makes it past five minutes most days, but you’re just so overwhelmed you can't help it. You’ve been gradually getting more intense, speeding up, practically fucking on autopilot.
You have your face buried in the crook of Gerard’s neck, you’re huffing him like an addict. Time is a lost idea to you. You have no idea how long you’ve been inside of him, let alone what time it is. You tune back into reality because of Gerard hitting your back. You’re sticky with cum, a lot of it. You slow to a stop, setting Gerard down on the floor with care. He’s crying and his legs are shaking, for a second you’re worried you hurt him. Gerard is panting, verging on hyperventilating. He reaches a hand up to wipe his face, smearing his blood over more of his flushed skin.
“Jesus Christ babe,” Gerard huffs, sprawling his arms out across the floor. He turns his head to look at you, half-naked in a shirt soaked in his cum. In retrospect, you definitely should’ve taken your shirt off, but he’s not going to mention it. He thinks you look rather nice covered in his mess. Gerard takes his time gathering his composure on the floor. After a few moments, his breathing goes back to normal. He feels great like he just finished a workout, even though he did almost nothing aside from sitting there and looking pretty while you fucked him senseless. He bled, too. That took a lot of work on his part.
After a few more minutes of Gerard lying on the floor and you sitting cross-legged next to him, he sits up. He moves closer to you, making it so your thighs touch as he gingerly pulls your face down to his, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. Gerard reaches a hand up to play with your hair. He sighs happily, leaning against you. “You were on a roll, weren’t you? I didn’t mean to cut you off.” His voice is light and tremulous. Gerard drops his hand from your hair down to your back, rubbing lightly between your shoulder blades. “Maybe as an apology, I can suck you after you’re done sucking me.” When you look at him he’s smiling, acting like the cat that caught the canary. You can’t help but laugh.
“That one was bad, Gerard. Shamefully so.” Gerard just kisses you, putting a hand on your thigh for leverage to push himself up. The blood around his mouth has mostly dried, and his tongue has mostly stopped bleeding. As he separates from the kiss the hand on your thigh slips, landing an ‘accidental’ hand around your still semi-hard cock. 
“Maybe,” Gerard says, idly jerking you off with his head lying on your shoulder. “But you know what’s worse? The fact you aren’t drinking my pure, virgin blood right now.” You breathe in sharply. He’s not teasing you per se, but whatever Gerard is doing is making you playfully vengeful. You hum, grabbing his wrist and gently pulling his hand away from your crotch. Swiftly, you pull Gerard into your lap, one arm under his knees and the other supporting his back. He giggles, throwing his head. He throws a dramatic hand against his forehead and puts on his best damsel in distress voice. “Oh, no! Please don’t hurt me!” Gerard faux begs, and you think he’s adorable. You lean into him, messily kissing up and down his neck. You playfully bite right over where his pulse is strongest, earning yourself a gasp, and upon the realization, you didn’t go all the way, a dirty look.
“I’m not sure if you know how much this kind of thing really hurts my love,” you say, snickering at Gerard's glare.
“Babe, I want this. I know it’ll hurt, and if anyone was going to hurt me like this I want it to be you, okay?” Gerard would let you rip open his throat with his teeth if you wanted to. He’s thought about it a few times, even. In an alternate universe where that wouldn’t kill him, he’d like to try it out, but that’s a thought tangent for another day. Right now he has to focus on persuading you with his big ol’ doe eyes. You respond to his puppy-like begging by kissing in the center of his collarbones. You cradle Gerard’s head in your hand before moving your mouth to the side of his neck. His skin is so warm and he’s so small beneath you, it’s like holding a lamb in your arms. So fragile and full of possibility. And like the lamb, willingly drawn to the altar for slaughter, you draw your teeth back and pierce them into his soft pale flesh.
Gerard makes the sound commonly associated with vampire bites; a sharp cry followed by a strangled moan. He claws his nails into your back and grabs a fist full of your hair with the other hand. He handles it well, though. His initial scream is short-lived, reduced to audible heaving after a few seconds. The feeling of your teeth in his neck is incomparable to anything he’s ever felt before—a sharp fiery pain in his neck that’s so foreign to him, so dirty and abstract, it almost feels good. He feels so close to you. He feels like he’s completely and entirely yours. 
Right now you feel like you finally understand the homoeroticism of drinking another man’s blood. It’s messier than a kiss, more intimate than sex, more romantic than a hickey. It’s the epitome of intimacy, and you’re doing it with him. You are drinking Gerard Way’s blood. Gerard's blood feels boiling in your mouth, thick, and smooth. It’s a dark metallic syrup dripping down your throat and pinking your monochrome skin.
Gerard’s neck goes slack and his eyes roll back, and as you separate from his neck, licking up the final few beads of blood that bubble out of the two red punctures standing out against his grayed white skin, you see that Gerard must’ve found equivalence to you sucking his blood to you sucking something else. Now with the mess of several orgasms on the two of you, Gerard lies partially limp in your arms. His chest rises and falls rhythmically at a slow and predictable pace. His eyes are closed and his lips are parted so perfectly, and god must’ve read your mind because the clouds part, letting moonlight shine through the window and highlight his features perfectly. He’s like a doll in your arms, perfect and untouched by the world around you. There’s nothing beyond this moment, and if you could, you’d bottle it and hold it forever.
You stand up, heaving Gerard up, pressing his side flush to your chest. He smiles softly, leaning his head into your upper arm. As you carry him to the bedroom, carefully maneuvering the dark hallway and pushing the door open with your shoulder. Kicking aside stray clothes on the floor, making yourself a path to the bed, you lay Gerard down on the mattress. He’s quick to stretch out and make himself comfortable. You take your already gross shirt off, throwing it to Gerard to wipe himself off with. You walk around to your side of the bed, rolling in under the blankets. You scoot up next to Gerard right as he makes an unimpressive shot for the hamper near the door. Your shirt hits the wall about a foot away, falling to the floor unceremoniously. You let out a kind sigh, shaking your head as you wrap your arms around Gerard’s waist and pull him against you. 
“So are you going to make do with your promise?” You say with a smirk audible in your voice. You rest your chin on top of Gerard’s head, and peaking through the sheer curtains in the bedroom you see the orange sliver of a sunrise.
“Tomorrow babe,” Gerard whispers, already half asleep.
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i-heart-emos · 4 months
R𝑖ght p𝑙ace R𝑖ght t𝑖me/ Gerard way
Pairing: Gerard way x fem!reader
Warnings: little cussing, nothing really where this is a safe haven today
Summary: while working at Barnes and noble Gerard runs into what he calls “the girl of his dreams”
A/N” I know shit about comics so I’m just gonna to books I’ve read and think Gerard would like please don’t come for me
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You briskly walk through the busy city watching all the street lamps start to turn on.
“Crap” you mutter under your breath. You can tell if it just getting darker earlier cause its winter up north or if it’s just late. You really wanna make it in time before Barnes and noble closes.
To say this weak has been shit is an understatement. First your stupid car broke down so you’ve basically been walking everywhere,Then your dog ran away,and you just started your period. So your only solution books.
You round the corner greeted by the bright lights of the dark brown building. Barnes and noble you read smiling brightly. You run to the door to check the sign
“Open yes” you exclaim hearing the chime of the door as it opens up
“Hello welcome” you hear a monotone voice say
You look up to be greeted by a brunette with bangs and glasses nose in a book not paying much attention. You do wanna ask about a book but don’t want to interrupt so you look for another employee.
As you walk the store you see another man he seems a little older than the other boy maybe 3-4 and he has longer black hair. You see he’s not preoccupied so you feel fine going up to him
You walk up slightly tapping on his shoulder.
“Hi don’t mean to be a bother but can you help me find a book” I say smiling brightly
He turns to a small smile adorning his face “oh yes totally what are you looking for” he asks
“The secret history by Donna tart” you ask
“Oh that one’s great right over here” he says guiding you
“Right it is I heard you guys have a new cover in stock so I thought I might as well come see” you smile “maybe it’ll make my week better” I mutter the last part to myself not think he heard
“Sorry you had a bad week” he says sympathetically
“Oh no it’s really fine life’s life” I say laughing slightly
“Yea I get well here’s the book and” he looks at like he wants to say something but the words are stuck
“And” I say smiling expectantly
“Wanna get coffee when I get off in like 20 mins” he says smiling
“Yes sure I’d love too” I say
“Good cause there’s like a Starbucks connected I mean you probably noticed your not blind but we can go there or anywhere else if you don’t like them” he says rambling in you giggle finding it quite cute
“Yes Starbucks sounds great thanks” I respond “is it alright if I just hand with you till you close then since it’s only 20 mins we can talk more about the book” you say holding up your copy
“Yes totally” he say smiling widely
“Alright im gonna go pay for this and ill be right back” I say smiling walking over to the checkout
“Wait what’s your name” he hollers grabbing the attention of some of the customers
You laugh a little “Y/N how about you”
“Gerard” he yells at the same level making you smile widely
Gerard quickly runs to Mikey smiling brightly
“What got you smiling like that you but another actions figure” Mikey say continuing to swipe threw his pages
“No I just met the love of my life” Gerard sighs like a teenage girl
“Wow a female is interested in you” Mikey says suprised
“Fuck you” Gerard laughs knocking Mikey’s book over
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A/N: sorry if this is shit I just really wanted to get it out hope you enjoyed and please request for mcr fics I love writing them
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moonxmagix · 1 year
Daddy's Girl NSFW
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Fem Reader
CW: Age gap, teacher frank, student reader, light smut, daddy issues, soft frank, underage drinking, mentions of the word daddy, def sexual tension
Summary: Frank is your teacher and you two hit it off. Y/N has heavy daddy issues and Frank takes you in. He treats you like what your childhood self deserved, safety and love.
A/N: This is VERY long. I wrote 11 pages on Google Docs so I'm very sorry LMAO. It might be a bit wordy and not super smutty if thats okay. I wanted to write something softer in nature. Also apologize if there are any grammar mistakes. :)
Reblogs appreciated!
As I sat there in an uncomfortable school chair, surrounded by the ghosts of my past, I stared out the window that was covered in rain. The day was gloomy, constant thundering and on and off downpour. I tapped my foot up and down while playing with my bunny keychain as my anxiety washes over me. School always made me anxious and hate myself, constantly feeling at battle with myself and others. 
It was my senior year and I just turned 18, so all I had to do was wait to get out of here. Kinda like prison if you think about it. Our school had uniforms and if anything that was the best  part about this place, not to mention it looked like some old money school for rich kids. Which was funny because a lot of the kids here come from nothing, like me. 
My drug addicted mother raised me semi alone, meaning that she constantly had men in and out of her life. My real father left when I was only a few months old so I never had that strong, protective father figure in my life. I craved someone to love me, hold me tight, whatever fathers do with their daughters. My moms boyfriends that were long term, aka 6 months, would try their best to be there for me but as soon as I got comfortable with them they were gone. 
I tried to stay out of relationships out of fear that the same cycle would happen to me. 
“Y/N? Are you listening?” Mr. Iero said, pulling me out of my daze. My head quickly turned to him, almost embarrassed, “Yes sir, sorry.” He turned back to board, continuing the lesson. Mr. Iero was my english/music teacher, he taught both. The first day I walked into his class I had a massive crush on, like journaling and daydreaming about him crush. I never made advances to him because what would he think?
I can’t get him in trouble and I can’t jeopardize my education for some man. I once again zoned out heavily, staring out the window. I watched as a father checked out his daughter early for school it seems, hugging each other under the umbrella as they smiled together. I sighed, rolling my eyes at the sight. Almost disgusting to me but that's just the jealousy getting to me.
“Y/N? Please pay attention, we have an important test coming up and you can’t miss this,” he sighed, putting a hand on his hip. Everyone turned to stare at me as I got smaller in my seat. When I looked back at everyone else to me they had dark eyes, something evil brewing but also something dead. I know realistically that a lot of the people here never paid attention but were much better at hiding it I think. 
“Please see me at the end of school,” he said and a few people let “Ooo” escape their mouths. Thanks Mr. Iero for embarrassing me. I wanted to hate him for that but another part of my brain desired to have that alone time with him. Even a hug from him would suffice my animalistic hunger for him. Just, “I’m proud of you,” would motivate me for the rest of the year. 
Class was dismissed and I quickly got out of there but he caught my wrist before I could, “Promise me you’ll be here after school. You can’t ditch like the last time.” I nodded and promised him that I would be back. The last time that happened I left out of pure anxiety, I threw up in the hallway on my way to his class. But safe to say this time I could get myself through it. 
I went to my locker to change out books and my best friend Livvy came up to me, “Wanna hang out after school? I wanna get coffee,” she said excitedly. “Maybe, Mr. Iero wants to see me after my last class,” I said, I didn’t want to disappoint her. “Omg again? Did you space out again (nickname)?” she said, lightly punching my arm. 
“Yeah, I just hope it’s quick. If so, I’ll make sure to call you when I’m done,”  I said with a smile. We said our goodbyes as I went to all of my other classes. I watched the clock as it quickly rang, I took a few deep breaths as I prepared myself to see Mr. Iero. I know it couldn’t be that bad but my anxiety tried to convince me otherwise. 
I looked through the glass of the door and saw no one inside so I thought maybe this could be my excuse as to why I didn’t show. “Right on time!” a voice behind me said. It startled me so I turned to see that it was Mr. Iero. I softly smiled as he unlocked the door to let us in. I didn’t see it but I heard him lock the door behind me. 
I stood in front of his desk leaning against a student's desk. He stood in front of me also leaning against his desk. I kept my eyes to the ground for the most part, “Are you okay? You’ve been very quiet and dazed in almost every class,” he said in a soft voice. My tense shoulders relaxed, still not sure how to respond, “You can tell me, Y/N.” He took a couple steps closer. 
“Look at me,” he said in a more demanding tone. I looked at him and he smirked, I wanted to fall to my knees right then and there. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal his tattoos, “I..I’ve just been going through a lot at home,” I said to put it simply. “Sit, let’s talk about it,” he said sitting in the students chair next to me. I sat down hesitantly, I don’t know if he actually cared about me or what. I guess we’ll find out. 
I told him about my mom and everything that I’ve been struggling with. I didn’t outright tell him about my struggles with men and not having a father figure of sorts. But he’s smart, so he could probably piece things together based on  how I answered some of his questions. At the end of my story I let a few tears escape from my eyes, he reached his hand up and gently wiped them. 
He placed his other hand on my knee, rubbing his thumb on it. “You have nothing to worry about with me hun,” he said sweetly, maintaining tense eye contact. He was such a good listener and never interrupted me. “Your secrets are safe with me, I’m so glad you’re finally opening up to me. Since the beginning of the year I’ve had my eye on you, there’s something special about you, Y/N,”  he said, whispering the last sentence. 
He grabbed my hand and held it tightly in his. I felt my face heat up like a thousand suns and my heart rate picked up. I couldn’t help but let a smile form on my face, “That’s my girl. No need to be sad when you’re around me. Hey, I’ll even move your desk closer up to mine, yeah?” I nodded, feeling like such a typical schoolgirl. 
He looked at the clock, “I should probably let you go now. Here,’ he said, handing me a little piece of paper. I pocketed it in my bag and before I left he gave me a big, warm hug. The smell of cigarettes and cologne hit my nostrils, it was a smell so intoxicating that it would stay with me throughout the rest of the day. I left and ran out of there to my house, it downpoured on me though. It made me feel like I was in a movie of sorts, I let the rain fall and drench my uniform and hair.
I ran inside and went straight to my room to text Livvy, it was Friday so I told her to come spend the night with me. I really didn’t want to tell anyone about what happened but she was the only person I could trust with this information, she understood. She literally has a sugar daddy, she has no room to judge me! 
Livvy came over and got settled right in with snacks and cute pajamas. “Tell me everything!” she said excitedly. I giggled, “He asked me if anything was wrong, I avoided but he pried so I spilled everything. And now he’s moving my desk up to his, he touched my leg and hugged me!” We were both laughing and blushing over this. 
“Oh! I think he gave me his number,” I told her, remembering the paper he gave me that I still haven’t opened yet. “Bitch show me!” she said excitedly. I got the paper from my bag and counted down from 3, I opened it and it had his number inside. “Text him now!” she said getting my phone from my nightstand. 
I input his number into my phone, “What do I say though?” I bit my nails. “Something flirty for sure,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. I started to type: hii its Y/N, miss our time together already xo 
“Bitch that's good!! He’s bound to fall in love with you now,” she joked. 
Hours went by without checking my phone and it was around 8pm. I checked my phone during our movie and he asked to call me, I sat up straight with my eyes wide. “He wants to call,” I said suddenly. “Oh shit! I’ll turn the tv down and I’ll stay quiet,” she shushed herself. 
I gave the phone a ring and he picked it up almost instantly, I put it on speaker phone. 
Frank: Doing okay? 
Me: yeah, thanks for letting me vent. Made me feel a lot better 
Frank: I’m glad, honey. 
Livvy looked at me with shock, “Honey?!” she mouthed covering it with her hand. 
Frank: Um, I wanted to ask if you wanna hang out tomorrow? You don't have-
Me: Yes. I’d love to! 
Frank: What time are you free then?
Me: Umm maybe around 12?
Frank: Sounds like a date then
We both hung up and we’re screaming with joy, I never thought this day would come. Hanging out with a teacher outside of school? Is that legal? I couldn’t back out now, my fate was decided. “What am I gonna wear?” I said, asking Livvy for help. She’s always been the cooler one in terms of fashion, so I can trust her to dress me. 
It was 10 am and I had just the right amount of time to get ready. I checked my phone and he said he’d be picking me up at my place. Livvy left already and I sat down in front of my floor length mirror and put on light makeup. I got dressed in a black skirt, sheer black leggings, doc martens, and a white and black striped sweater. 
The clock finally turned 12 and I looked out my window to not see a car yet. I sighed with relief because in reality I definitely didn't feel ready. I checked my phone and Mr. Iero said he would be there in 5. I went ahead and stood out front to wait for him. 
His car pulled up and he got out to greet me, “Wow, you look great!” he said with a smile. He had on sunglasses and chewed his gum kinda obnoxiously but hot. He gave me a big hug and opened the door for me, his car was super clean surprisingly. “Where are we going?” I ask timidly. 
“Downtown, get some coffee and donuts,” he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh. “How’d you know where my house was?” I asked. “Teachers have access to those kinds of things,” I just nodded in response staring out the window. It was pretty cloudy and I was kinda hoping it’d rain. 
We got to the coffee  place downtown, “This is my special spot, for a special girl,” he smirked. I felt my stomach overfill with butterflies and a sparked joy I didn’t know I could feel around  somebody. He got out the umbrella and interlocked arms with me, I looked at him with such content but confusion. I felt like I didn’t deserve any of this, none of the kindness, none of the listening, nothing. 
He told me to sit down at a booth while he ordered us stuff. I texted Livvy while sitting there: 
Me: Liv i think im in love no joke 
Liv: i would be too 
Me: were getting coffee rn ill update soon 
He came back and sat a delicious smelling coffee in front of me, “Thank you Mr. Iero,” I said. “Call me Frank, no need for that outside of school,” he said, he grabbed my hand that was on top of the table. I looked at him, blushing hard, what if someone saw us? 
We talked about the things we both liked and hated, we actually had a lot in common. “You like Elvis?!” he said, shocked. “Yeah and?! It’s a comfort thing,” I defended. “Explain,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Sometimes when my mom was out I’d spend the night with my grandfather and in the morning while cooking breakfast he’d play Elvis,”  I said, reminiscing when I actually had a somewhat stable relationship with a man. 
I think Frank noticed my mood diminish into something solemn. “Let's grab those donuts, I have somewhere else I wanna show you,” he said, grabbing my hand. He showed me off proudly, it felt like he was telling everyone around him to look at me but not in the way I’m used to. He put his mouth close to my ear, “We’ll have to share a donut, they’re almost out of everything,” he said, placing a kiss on my cheek. 
We walked under the umbrella together as we started to share the donut, “Don’t lift a finger princess,” he said while holding the donut up to my mouth. He basically gave me the whole thing while he only had a couple bites. “Why do you treat me like this?” I asked him, curious as to why he is so fond of treating me like…a girlfriend? 
“I think you deserve it, Y/N. I’ll explain more later,” he said with such sincerity, gripping my hand tighter. Was this going to be a whole day affair? My mom hasn’t been home for a few days so I didn’t feel the need to tell her where I was, it wasn’t like she was answering my messages anyway!
“What’s wrong hun?” he said, taking down the umbrella as the rain had stopped and the sun came out. “My mom hasn't answered my messages, it's been days,” I said, a little disappointed. “I’ll look after you, don't worry about it,” he said as we showed up to a record store. I gasped as I could never afford to buy my own records, it felt like a dream. 
We went inside and looked around, I looked around for a ‘The Cure’ album. As I kept looking I felt a body press up behind me and place their arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. He placed soft kisses on my neck causing me to giggle, I felt him do the same in my neck. “Find what you need?” he asked. “Yeah, did you?” his hands were empty. “Yeah,” he smiled playfully like he was up to something but not sure what. 
“Bullshit. You need to get something or else I’ll feel bad that you spent all your money on me,” I said feeling slight guilt about him buying things for me. “I have you, that’s all I need,” he said, pulling me to the register and pulls out his card faster than I can reach for my purse zipper. 
He handed me the bag of my records and we left. We didn’t do anything much except go thrifting and it was already 7 PM. “I have one place left to go,” he smiled, pulling out of the spot. “I feel like we’ve been everywhere already,” I said, whining. “Be a good girl and don’t whine for me, okay?” that immediately put me in my place and I complied. I could see a smirk on his face, he knew what he did to me. 
I heard a song on the radio that I liked and immediately turned it up, it was You Get Me So High by The Neighbourhood. “You like them?” he asked. “Love them! I’ve seen them in concert  twice already,” I said proudly. Livvy knew I couldn’t afford it but she ever so kindly  bought them for me. 
After a short drive we made it to our destination, a bar. It was quite crowded, I wasn't even old enough to drink yet. I looked at him worried, “I’m not 21..” I said. “I can get you in darling, don’t worry,” he said reassuringly. I trusted him but I tightened my lips anxiously. He was able to get me in because he was close friends with the guy at the front. 
We got in and the music was at a comfortably loud volume. He dragged me to the bar and ordered me a drink but I couldn’t tell you what it was. Tasted great though! 
I downed a couple drinks and I basically became a melting mess in Frank's hands. I held onto  him for dear life like someone was trying to pull me away from him. I dragged him outside for a cigarette break, I pulled them out of bag and I forgot my lighter, “I forgot my fuckin lighter.” He laughed at my tone and lit my cigarette for me. 
We stood inches apart, he held my waist with his tattooed hand. I took a huff of my cig and blew it in his face, “Naughty girl,” he chuckled. He pulled me in to kiss him and our lips collided. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol mixed perfectly with each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to release. 
I shared my cigarette with him and he whispered in my ear, “How about you come over to my place for the night?” My heart was beating out of its chest, “Are you sure that's okay? I would need to get my stuff at home,” I said. “We can stop by your place first baby, I do have a few room-mates if that’s okay,” he said looking away embarrassed. “More the merrier!” I joked. 
We drove back to my place and I led him up to my room, he sat on my bed and I packed up a couple things. I turned around putting my hands on my hips, “All packed,” I smiled. He patted his hand insinuating for me to sit on his lap, so I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck, “My pretty girl,” he whispered while pushing my hair out of my face. 
“I really don’t understand why you like me, Frank,” I said, that feeling of undeservingness washing over me. “Look at you Y/N!. What is there not to like about you? We have so much in common and I can’t get over how beautiful you are,” I need all the reassurance I can get. What if he leaves me? Would another man treat me like Frank does? 
“Do you promise not to leave?” I asked tearfully. “What? Of course I do, Y/N. How could I do that to you sweetheart?” he said, hugging me tightly. “We should get going,” he said softly. I nodded and he grabbed my bags for me as we walked back to the car. 
We got to Frank's place and it was dimly lit, it smelled of cigarettes and expensive musky candles. I saw band equipment set up, “What’s all this?” I asked. “Oh, me and my friends do gigs on the side,” he chuckled as we walked to the kitchen. A timid man turned around to greet us, he gave Frank a hug and gave me a handshake. Firmly. 
“Nice to meet you,” I said shyly. “Franks said a lot about you, nice to meet you,” he smiled kindly and I furrowed my brows a little confused. He talks about me? What did he say? More  questions to be answered. 
Frank hurried me to his room, it was spacious and had a few of his guitars displayed on the walls. He disappeared for a second and brought back a shirt and pajama pants of his, “Put these on,” I took them. I went into the bathroom bringing my toiletries along with me. I changed into his oversized clothes and  washed my face. 
I brought out my phone and snapped a pic of me in the mirror sending it to Livvy. She replied almost instantly: not you going home with him !! be safe !! she replied.
I went back out and put my other clothes back in my bag, “You have such a nice room,” I complimented. “Biggest one in the house,” he brags. I hadn’t noticed before but he turned the radio on and it was on a classic rock station. The room was filled with cigarette smoke and incense. Lamps created the perfect sensual ambience. 
I laid my head on his soft pillows and Frank hovered over me, caressing my face with his hand. Something came over me, my eyes filled with tears and escaped the corner of my eyes. “What’s wrong princess?” he said, worried. I shook my head, sobbing. Never was I good enough to ever receive a love like this before. Here I had it. 
“Tell daddy what’s wrong princess,” that broke me. I couldn’t tell if I was imagining all of this or if it was some sick joke. I straddled his lap, crying into his shoulder. His hand rubbed up and down my back sensually. “I’ve never felt such an overwhelming amount of love and adoration from a man before,” I stated plainly. 
He asked me to talk about it so I did. I told him about the men this time, while I did we drank. It got to the point where I only started seeing flashes of my surroundings. One minute I was taking off my clothes, then I was sitting on top of Frank, then throwing my head back and moaning. 
I remember seeing Frank go down on me and him forcing my legs open as I was ready to release on his face. Flashes of Frank saying things like, “You're daddy’s good girl…I’ll never hurt you…you’re safe with me…shh you’re okay sweetheart.” His voice vibrated through my skin. 
Soon enough I passed out, naked and covered up by the warm sheets. I woke up groggy and still a little drunk around 3 am and had my clothes put back on. I groaned and didn’t see Frank in bed with me but playing guitar across the room. “Frank?” I said, rubbing my eyes. He immediately rushed to my side to comfort me, “Are you okay princess?” he said. 
I nodded, “Could you get me some water?” I asked because my voice was hoarse. He brought back water to me and I downed it as fast as I could. He got into bed with me and I cuddled up at his side, holding on for life. 
I grabbed Frank's face pressing our lips together, I longed for his kiss and his desire. He pulled away and cupped my face, “If you were my little girl, I’d do whatever I could do for you,” he said softly. “I am,” I stated so desperately wanting him to take me in, live with him, devote my life to him. “I’d even run away and hide with you if I could. You’re daddy’s girl,” he said pulling me into his chest. 
To be safe and sound in his heart forever. 
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chemical-killjoy · 1 year
Can you do Roommates AU with Gerard and Female!Reader?
OK so this is suuuuuper fluffy and kind of got away from me... anyway, let me know if you want a more *intimate* and fluffy part 2
Pancake Prince
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“Uuuuuugh,” you grumbled, leaving the safety of your bedroom and flopping face down on the lounge in the living room to your apartment. It was a hot night, and you were in your favourite pyjama shorts and singlet, but that was the great thing about sharing an apartment with your bestie: you could do what you want, wear what you want... Even if it was pyjamas at 4 in the afternoon.
Gerard laughed, pausing the TV.
“What's up, sugar? Rough night?” Gerard asked with a smirk.
“Nugh-uh,” you agreed into the fabric of the seat. You sat up.
“I remember it all,” you said, in a dramatic voice, sweeping your arms out wide. “Actually, come to think of it, I can't remember past Daisy dropping me off outside our building.”
Gerard laughed. “Yeah, figures. Care for a refresher?”
“Do I really wanna know?”
“Good question,” Gerard said with a devilish smirk. “Let's see. You called me, forgot we were on the phone, complained about not being able to find a way inside our own fuckin' house, and then I had to hauled you inside after you passed out.” Gerard left off the part about helping you change into your pyjamas, tucking you in, and making sure you were OK until he fell asleep himself. He didn't want to creep you out or anything.
“Of course I did.” You said, face-palming. “Well, thank you, my hero.”
“Prince.” Gerard replied seriously, without missing a beat.
“I prefer prince, actually.”
“Wha- Why? What are you the prince of Gee?” You indulged him, cackling at the unexpected joke.
“Pancakes,” He replied, face and tone serious, humour displayed only in his eyes.
“And why is that?”
“Step into my office!” Gerard declared, dramatically strutting to the kitchen.
You hummed as you smelt the pancakes and freshly cut fruit the second you walked into the kitchen.
“Damn, you're not the prince, you're the king!” You said, squeezing Gerard in a quick hug and grabbing a plate.
“Yeah but Pancake King doesn't have the same ring, does it?” Gerard asked.
“True, true. So what's the occasion?” You asked.
“Well, I thought you might need a pick-me-up after yesterday,” Gerard spoke gently, rubbing the back of his neck.
And then you remembered why you went out drinking last night.
“Aah, fuck me!” You whined, and flopped to the kitchen floor. Yesterday was a spectacular level of shit, in which you lost both your job and found out the guy you'd been hoping to ask out (finally gaining the courage after a few months) was, in fact, taken.
“Well, at least let me take you to dinner first!” Gerard said, joining you on the floor.
“I mean, at this point, I'd be happy to just slut it out. Like, show interest in me and fine. I'm just sick of this shit. Maybe I'm just unlovable? I'm like...” you looked around. “I'm like that tissue over there. Beside the bin. I couldn't even make it to the bin.”
Gerard knew you too well to let you succumb to your own stupid, dramatic sad spiral.
“Baby, please, you're more than the tissue. You're the whole bin!” You gasped and slapped his arm, both of you laughing. You couldn't help but blush a little at the nickname.
“C'mon, you know you're too good for him anyway. And who needs a guy when you have me? And pancakes?” Gerard pointed up at the pancakes. “And jobs are just conforming to the man. We don't endorse that.”
You smirked at your best friend. “I mean you're right. I may be desperate for touch and affection but who needs a boyfriend when I have you? A boyfriend without the perks?”
“I am the perks, I made pancakes!” Gerard gasped, hand on chest in fake shock.
“Yeah, you're pretty perky.”
“Fuck you, you know I'm prickly, you're the one who's perky.” Gerard's eyes went to your chest and back up, teasing in more ways than one.
“Don't bring your prick or my tits into this, Pancake Prince.”
“That's King Pancake to you.”
“What does that make me?”
Gerard snorted before he could get his own joke out.
“What?!” you demanded, all smiles as you playfully slapped his arm again.
“Hungry!” Gerard declared, falling over laughing. You continued your gentle assault on his arm as he playfully fought back, until the two of you were side by side on the floor, stomachs sore with laughter. When you caught your breath, you looked over at your friend and smiled.
“I am pretty hungry, actually.” you said, with a soft smile.
“Mmm?” Gerard asked. “Hungry, or thirsty?” he said with a wink.
“Little of both,” you said with a shrug, leaning into Gerard... Then putting your hand on his chest and pushing yourself to your feet. You offered Gerard your hand to help him up, but once you were both up, he didn't let go of your hand.
“What?” you asked, head tilted to the side.
“You really don't remember any of last night, huh?” Gerard said, softly, the playful glint in his eyes turning a little... anxious?
You furrowed your brows. “No, why? Did I do something? I'm really sorry if I did.”
When Gerard didn't say anything, you spoke again.
“Gee, what happened?”
“Look, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable with this, but you kind of said something that maybe made it sound a little bit like you possibly-”
“Fuck, just tell me!” You interrupted.
But Gerard continued as though you hadn't, “-love me. As more than a friend.”
You stared at him blankly. He stared at you, hand still in yours.
“I didn't want to freak you out so I was gonna tell you over pancakes, cause I know my best friend's favourite breakfast. I dunno, I'm sorry, maybe I heard wrong or you were just drunk or something, but I thought lately about how we've both been super flirty and I kinda thought that maybe...” Gerard trailed off, looking at you.
“I wasn't just drunk.” You said, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I, um. I realised I've been pushing aside my feelings for you, I guess I must've just babbled it out.”
“You did seem pretty adamant for a girl who was struggling to take your shoes off.”
You snorted at that and a thought crossed your head. “Did you dress me in my jammies?”
“That's what's most important to you right now?”
“I don't know, I just think it was just super sweet of you. We both know I would've destroyed that dress if I tried to sleep in it.” You thought of the skin tight faux-leather and how it'd tear, or strangle you in your sleep... not fun.
“You know I feel the same, right?” Gerard said, pulling you a little closer and disrupting your thoughts. “I don't make just anyone pancakes, y'know.”
You scrunched up your nose. “We're those idiots, aren't we?”
You and Gerard would spend many nights, coming home from work half-dead, and become immovable couch potatoes, eating Chinese take-away and watching cheesy movies. And of those movies, half were horror (Gerard's pick) and half were rom-coms (your pick). You were always screaming at the TV about how the characters should just know they're in love with each other and talk it out. Gerard always agreed with you but was too busy watching you get invested to really see what was happening in the movie.
Gerard just nodded.
“Oh, fuck that,” you said, pulling Gerard toward you and kissing him. Gerard pulled you closer then rested his forehead against yours.
“Y/N... I have something to tell you...” Gerard looked deeply into your eyes. “If we're gonna do this...,” he turned his head, and you felt anxiety grow in your stomach. “You're gonna need to brush your teeth.”
“Get fucked!” You screeched as Gerard laughed. “Fine, fine! But you have to decorate some pancakes for me while I do, OK, King Pancake?”
Gerard bowed deeply, waving a hand. “As you wish, my queen.” Then he kissed you on the forehead and pushed you towards the bathroom. You smiled as you brushed your teeth, excited for this new beginning.
Taglist: @fandomfoodiedancer @niche-bitch @fedorable-killjoys @smiling-girl
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
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every day this month I'm going to recommend a different spooky ghost fic! today's rec is:
Cirice - @ghostchems - E, 3.5k
you are searching for inspiration at the site of a local urban legend but something beckons to you
“Perhaps, I will show you some mercy, then.” His breath is hot on your ear before his mouth moves lower to your neck. You brace yourself against the wall as your heart starts to thud in your chest. Conflicting feelings run through your mind, fear and attraction mixing in a way you have never experienced before.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, leave kudos and/or comments!
(browse the other rectober posts here.)
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misfits-in-motion · 2 months
hyello !!! tis tooth again !!!! i wanted to share some guidelines abt writing/fanfics etc !!!
☞ requests are: open!! ☜
who i will write for:
- mcr
- fall out boy
- more tba
what i will write:
- fluff
- angst
- smut/nsfw
- most of anything tbh
- hcs/blurbs/shorts mostly
what i would like upon request:
- any deets you can give me !!
- masc, fem, nb/what pronouns
- scenario, obv
- im open to polyam requests too !!! basically anything !!!
- i do not have a set writing schedule
- i do this for fun, and may want to stop
- my skills are debatable !!
- HOWEVER i am willing to work with peeps !! i just like to be silly !!!
perhaps more tba, but im feeling creative and shiz so yeah !!!
- tooth out
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strawbszz · 2 years
Kinda odd and specific request?? But can you do one where tattoo artist bf frank is with fem!reader who's a kindergarten teacher and everyone just questions their relationship because they're complete total opposites, just pure chaotic fluff honestly.
Frank iero x fem!reader
Requested: anon
Genre: fluff
Word count: 492
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You are a kindergarten teacher called Mrs. Iero and it was a little stressful at sometimes.
Frank is a tattoo artist. He loved getting and doing tattoos. It was a pretty cool talent he had, and interest that you thought was pretty cool.
When days would get stressful Frank would cuddle you and make you feel good and all that stuff.
I was a Friday and you just got back from work. You had to pick up Frank from work since you guys only had one car and his work is on your way to the school.
You had your iPod plugged into your car and you were listening to some deftones. I was one of your favorite bands.
You pull into the parking spot of the tattoo shop.
You get out of your car and open the door.
Frank is doing some guy’s tattoo and glanced up at you. His face had a huge smile when he saw you. “Hey baby!” Frank says “I’m about to be done with this guy’s tattoo! I’ll be dome in like 10 mins!”
You smile. “Ok.”
“So how was your day, babe?” Frank asked.
“Hectic. It was the children’s Christmas party today so I had to help plan out everything, help decorate, all that stuff.” You say in a firm voice.
“Calm down babe.” Frank finishes up with the tattoo. “There you go my guy.” Frank whispers to him.
Frank takes off his gloves and walks over to you.
“Come here I miss you.” Frank says softly.
Frank hugs you tightly and you hug him back.
“I missed you too, Frankie..” you whisper.
“I’m clocking out guys! Bye!” Frank waves at his co-workers.
Frank grabs your hand and you both walk to the car.
You two stop holding hands and get in the car.
And you guys drive off.
You guys get home and the second the door is closed you two both start making out.
Frank rubs your sides.
“Can we just… c-cuddle on th- the… the couch…” you say though kisses.
Frank pulls off of you. “Of course. You know how much I missed your cuddles all day. Been craving them.” Frank giggles.
You blush and playfully hit Frank. “you’re silly..” you say.
“Let’s go lay down in bed instead. I know your back is killing.” Frank says rubbing your back.
“Mmm.. yeah..” you say in a sleepy tone.
Frank Leads you upstairs to your guys’ room.
You get up there and Frank grabs you at the top of the stairs. “Hey!! Put me down! I can get to bed by myself!” You laugh.
“Shh.. Princess..” Frank mumbles.
He plops you on the bed and pulls the covers over you. He gets In bed and snuggles up to you.
You scratch Frank’s scalp with you’re nails.
“Mmm..” Frank gets more cuddly from that.
“I love you, Frankie.” You say softly.
“Love you too, (Y/N)..” Frank falls asleep.
You fall asleep too.
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hesitant-angel · 9 months
hesitant-angel is typing...
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| my masterlist !! general info
- period comfort headcannons - gerard x reader (fluff?)
- being highschool sweethearts - mikey x reader (headcannons)
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
★ everything is sorted by who is in the fic! — ex: title - ship x ship ( type )
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remingtonisleithal · 1 year
Hang 'Em High
Pairing: vampire!Gerard x reader
Summary: part two of Cemetery Drive, Gerard fears for Y/N and they pair plot their escape
Warnings: the worst writing you may read. It's so full of quotes idek if it's original. Oh there's also mentions of bloody, vampires, bodies, stuff like that. TW: mentions of abuse and allusions to self harm
Word count: 1k
Author's Note: ... I know I said I'd write a part two... i did, but it's shit. Sorry. It's also a complete mix of songs and vibes with an underlying idea for a proper series I'll write later (let me know if you're interested)
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It was 3 in the morning when Y/N heard the creaking of her bedroom window. A normal person would be scared. But Y/N enjoyed the shiver that went down her spine when she saw the shadow stretch across the floor as someone climbed through her window.
“I miss you, you know.” Gerard's voice was quiet.
“More than I miss you? Impossible.” Y/N responded. She climbed out of the covers and snuggled into Gerard's chest. It still felt wrong, how cold he was, that she could no longer hear his soothing heart beat.
But he was here. That was enough.
Gerard pulled out some slightly injured flowers from the inside of his jacket pocket. The flowers were dry and dead, but Y/N didn't mind. Decay was her favourite type of bouquet.
“How'd you manage these? Your new “friends”?” Y/N asked.
“Stole 'em from the cemetery. Don't worry, I guess technically they were mine anyway.” Gerard said with a wink.
Y/N blushed. He knew her so well.
“Anything to show you just how much you mean to me.” His voice was a hushed whisper. “This is kinda weird , but, no one has... threatened you or hurt you or anything recently, right?”
Y/N looked around suspiciously.
“No. ...Was someone supposed to? Is this about your new... I don't even know what to call them.”
“Pack. Some of us call each other family, as we're all we have, but I can't do it. They might look 16 but they're not teenagers, they're monsters. Murderers. Some of them don't do it to stay sane, it's become a game for them, hunting. I see them for the animals they are. We're a pack. No more, no less.”
Gerard released Y/N from their embrace and started to pace around the room.
“What's going on?” Y/N's tone was harsh, icy with fear.
“Well... there's been a problem. They're starting to get suspicious of me, where am I going and spending so many night, while still not bringing back any corpses.”
Fear made it's way through Y/N's veins as she tried to comprehend all her lover had seen since he died. All the things he'd done, lives he had to end. An image of a thousand bodies piled up made her shudder.
“They know I'm with a human. I come back smelling of blood sometimes,” Y/N started to shift around uncomfortably in her clothes as Gerard spoke. “No no, it's not your fault, honey, OK?”
Gerard sighed.
“It's just... the head of the group—call her Black Mariah—she's getting concerned, I've heard her whispering with others about me being a liability. They're thinking of doing something, I'm just not sure what. I promised you I'd never let them hurt you, it's just getting harder to keep that promise, without—”
“No. I know what you're going to say Gee, I would rather risk my life to see you every other night than be safe and never see you again.”
“You don't understand, that girl's not right in the brain!”
“And I am?” Y/N said. Gerard let out an exasperated sigh. “Wait. Did you say Mariah?”
“Yes, why, have you met her?” Gerard panicked.
All the colour drained from Y/N's face. “I think she's my new lab partner.”
“Fuck. Holy shit, goddammit!” Gerard cried, punching the air, ripping his suit jacket off and throwing it at the floor. “She knows, she FUCKING KNOWS.”
Y/N took a step back, frightened of her boyfriend for the first time. Gerard picked up on this.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just....” Gerard breathed hard, pacing around, before looking back at his girl with wild eyes. “What if we run? We could take to the highway. Just leave.”
“Gerard, I can't. I have to-”
“You have to what? Stay with your abusive family? Finish school to become a good little capitalist? You've been dreaming of running forever.”
Y/N looked around, unsure.
“Y/N/N, if you don't want to, we don't have to. It's entirely up to you. I just....” Gerard trailed off, looking out the his girlfriend's window to the pale moonlight. “I may not care if I live or die, but I can't handle the thought of you getting hurt.”
Y/N looked around her bedroom. The wallpaper falling from the wall. Her battle jacket in the corner. The leaking roof over her make-shift desk. The whole in the wall from when her father got mad.
She looked up at Gerard, a new fire in her eyes.
“What's your plan?”
“Run until it fades to black, run into the sunset.”
“Bullshit. It's not like you to just run. What else?”
Gerard looks around. “Do you trust me?”
“With my life.”
Gerard placed something cold, metallic and heavy in Y/N's hands.
“Tomorrow. Dusk. When the sun is gone, grab your gun and meet me by the door.”
Y/N had followed Gerard's instructions to a T. When the sun had dipped below the horizon, Y/N was outside, bag packed, gun in hand, wearing the dress her ex hates, the perfect gothic date outfit. She needed to look the part, when they arrive.
The car ride was long and silent until Gerard deemed their surroundings empty enough. He pulled over and turned to Y/N.
“Tonight... Tonight isn't gonna be pretty. I just need you to know, I love you. If it goes bad, well... Don't stop, if I fall, and don't look back.”
“Gerard, don't. I can't- I can't lose you. Not again.”
“Y/N/N, please. Don't stop, bury me. Permanently.”
Y/N looked away, and swallowed the growing lump in her throat.
“Alright. Alright. But you need to promise me this. If they get me... can you stake my heart?”
“Please. This is what needs to happen. If you die, I will run. If I die, you need to run. If they turn me... Don't let me have to live like that. I've seen the pain it's put you through. Please.”
Gerard merely brought Y/N into his arms, pulling her close, and whispered, “I'll never let them hurt you. Not tonight.”
Neither knew who he was trying to convince.
He placed a soft kiss on her, and with that, Y/N stepped in the coffin.
Taglist: @fandomfoodiedancer @smiling-girl @sab-falco @charlie-rulerofhell @positive-pessimistic-emo I really hope this isn't too disappointing lol
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Kiss - Gerard Way x Reader
Prompt: K: Kiss (How do they react to a kiss? Flustered? Happy? Surprised?) (from this list) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Warnings: alcohol mention, food consumption (sweets) Word count: 1 369 A/N: Let’s ignore the energy bill and climate change for the sake of fiction.
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The ice underneath the blades of your skates was slippery but you were glad you held a good balance. Even with the hand that was tightly clasped around your gloved fingers. You chuckled as Gerard tightened his grip on you, swaying slightly on his skates while you were gliding along in the thinning out crowd, late at night at your city’s ice rink, right in the middle of the Christmas market.
The surrounding buildings were already decorated with Christmas lights, the stalls that were built up on one side of the ice rink still selling their goods, ranging from tiny window decorations and figures, over soaps, baking equipment, sweets, mulled wine and savoury snacks. And right beside the rink stood the tallest Christmas tree you had ever seen. It was decorated in reds and golds, thousands of tiny lights illuminating the dark around you beautifully.
Before getting your ticket to the ice rink, Gerard and you had wandered over the market, hand in hand, looking at all the stalls. He had treated you to caramelised almonds, taking way too much delight in feeding you with them. You had felt a little childish, doing something so terribly cheesy so publicly, but nobody around you had minded, and while the glimmer in Gerard’s eyes had made the burn on your cheeks all the worse, the sight was definitely worth the slight embarrassment. What made it even stranger was that while yes, you were on a date together, and not the first one either, you were not really dating yet. At least you didn’t think you were.
Gerard had always been rather held back, and when he had not kissed you after a handful of dates, had barely managed to ask to take your hand, you had not been sure if he was even as interested in you as you were in him. But he had kept asking you out, always making sure to arrange the next meeting before the end of the current one, as if to leave no doubt that he wanted to keep seeing you.
A few dates ago you had carefully tried to ask him about it, when he had drawn back as you had slightly leant in, hoping he would let you kiss him. He had been a blushing stuttering mess, but the message had come across: he was shy and wanted to take things slowly. Which you were more than okay with. Only that you were not sure how slow “slowly” was. By now he had no problem holding your hand or feeding you sweets, but sometimes, whenever his eyes flickered to your lips, his cheeks would turn an adorable pink and he would avert his eyes.
Now his fingers clutched around yours once more as he struggled to keep his balance on the ice.
“This was a really bad idea,” he stated, a mixture of a chuckle and a whine, as he held out his free arm, trying to stabilise himself.
“Don’t worry, you’re doing just fine,” you assured him with a grin, squeezing his hand shorty. “Besides, it wasn’t me who suggested it.”
“I thought it would be romantic, but this is just embarrassing,” Gerard whined, almost punching an elderly lady, who skated by, as he flared around his arm, before breaking into a string of excuses to the lady who had not even noticed.
For a moment you blinked in surprise at his words. He had wanted this to be romantic. Yes, of course this was a date, but you had not even considered that he was making an active effort to make this romantic. For you.
“Okay, okay, stop. Calm down,” you snapped back into the moment, realising how hard Gerard was fighting to stay upright. Quickly you skated in front of him, turning so you were skating backwards, and taking hold of both his hands. “Try bending your knees, and don’t lean forwards so far,” you recommended.
Gerard followed your advice surprisingly well, which quickly stopped his swaying.
“See? You’re doing amazing!”
“How can you say that? I’m making a complete fool of myself,” he rolled his eyes. You could see how hard he was concentrating on keeping his balance, while following your instructions, and it almost made you laugh. Which would have been unfair, since you had started out way worse than him the first time you had ice skated.
“You’re not, trust me, Gee,” you smiled, squeezing his hands reassuringly. “Do you want to take a break?”
At his relieved nod, you looked over your shoulder and stirred him over to the barrier, intending for him grab onto the reel besides you, but he seemed to have gotten enough skill with which way he wanted to go, because instead of bumping against the barrier at your side, he caught you trapped between it and himself, holding onto the edge with hands at both of your sides. Surprised you looked at him, finding he was looking at you already, his eyes shimmering with an intensity you had not yet seen with him.
“Can I kiss you?”
His question took you aback, but the jump your heart made at his question was undeniable. The lights of the Christmas tree behind your back reflected in Gerard’s eyes, which were, for the first time, unashamedly fixed on your lips.
Quickly you nodded, uncertain whether you could phrase any words right now. But your nod seemed to be good enough for Gerard and secretly you were glad he did not tease you for your lack of words.
Instead his lips met yours, cold from the freezing winter air, but with his warmth quickly melting through. His kiss was soft, but full of emotion as his chapped lips moved carefully against yours. You felt him shiver when you placed a hand at his waist while he held onto the barrier behind you with both hands, just pulling himself a little closer so his body was flush against yours. Through the thick jackets you could even feel his chest expanding with each shaky breath he took and then released to fan warmly over your cheeks.
“Thank you for being so patient with me,” he whispered after he had pulled away from the kiss, barely far enough to properly see his face.
Blinking up at him, you smiled softly. “There’s nothing to thank me for,” you whispered, brushing a strand of hair out of his forehead that poked out from underneath his beanie.
“But it’s-“
“Nothing, you hear me?” Quickly you pressed another kiss to his lips, this time to the corner of his mouth, making him smile and look up at you from underneath his lashes. It made you want to kiss him all over again, all over his face, peppering every inch you could reach, but you resisted the urge, and just smiled back as he took a shaky breath.
“Okay,” he decided. “I think I’m ready to try again.”
Carefully he let go of the reeling.
“We don’t have to, you know,” you reminded him. “If you’d rather get off the ice we can do that too.”
“No,” Gerard shook his head. “I want to learn. And I get a good excuse to hold your hand.”
Following his words, he took your right hand into his left.
“You don’t need an excuse to do that,” you giggled, but closed your fingers around his.
“I know. But still. Besides, I was kind of hoping-“
He stopped himself, before he had finished the sentence, a new blush burning on his cheeks.
“What were you hoping for,” you asked curiously, studying his embarrassed face more closely as you pulled away from the reeling. How could anyone look so devastatingly pretty?
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, not daring to meet your amused eyes, as he carefully followed you back in line with the few people who were still doing rounds. “I mean… there is still the possibility of both of us falling and us accidentally kissing.”
His words were quiet, but stunned you for a third time that night. When you saw him glance at you, checking your reaction from the corner of his eyes, you shook your head with a chuckle.
“That can be arranged, you know?”
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@alexstyx @jayloverthe3rd @robinruns​ @lookalivefrosty​ @butterflycore​  @omgsuperstarg​ @fivelegance​ @deadlovers​ @casmustdiee​ @cmtryghoul​  
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deadsetromance · 5 months
any jet star or fun ghoul content 🙏 i adore your writing
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not my gif!
fun ghoul x gn!reader
summary: you didn’t know loving someone could hurt this much. but god, you love him so much, you’re dying
warnings: angst, hanahaki, body horror, illness, blood, gore, mentions and graphic depictions of death/dying, no use of y/n, not proofread
note: thank you so much anon ! that made my day <3 i combined two prompts here! i had sososo much fun figuring out a way to work hanahaki into the killjoy universe. hope you all enjoy :))
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there was no room for love in the cruel world you lived in. if your heart hadn’t been hardened by the drugs bli pumped into you, or the fear alone, the desert sun would wither it for you.
partnerships–if they were formed at all–were purely beneficial. you’d seen  it countless times. shell-shocked, desert hardened duos, with nothing left to cling onto but each other. 
you were part of the unlucky bunch. by some cruel joke the phoenix witch played, you found yourself tumbling head over heels for one of the fabulously famous killjoys. you’d met fun ghoul during a supply run which had gone costa rica. he’d saved your life, taken you under his wing, and somehow managed to run laps around your heart.
you weren’t entirely sure when you’d fallen in love with him. maybe it was when he patched you up after a run-in with a drac, scolding you for not being careful, his fingers leaving trails of goosebumps on your bare skin. it could have been one of the times you sat together on the roof of the diner, where you both mapped out made up constellations. if you had to guess, it would have been the time he’d shown you how to fix up a part of the trans am, his chest pressed up against your back as he whispered instructions to you. 
you would have been perfectly content running with your adopted crew of killjoys, denying the extent of your feelings for a certain black haired renegade. 
but fate was cruel, and reserved no mercy for you.  
☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎
you had heard of it in rumors, whispers floating around in the sand until the origin was as lost as you were. they called them desert roses, blooming after unrequited love. no one knew where it came from. some suspected it was the work of bli. others pointed to otherworldly forces, or even some twisted form of survival of the fittest. there was only one thing about it that was certain. it was fatal. 
no one really talks about how painful it is. 
it starts with shortness of breath, deathly rattling coming from deep inside your chest as roses sprout in your lungs. it’s supposed to progress rapidly. one day you start coughing up rose petals, and within a week your throat is torn to shreds. when you die, roses sprout from your throat. whether you suffocate before or after is unknown.
 after all, no one has lived to tell.
☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎
you hadn’t thought much of it at first. shortness of breath and rattling wheezes go hand in hand with the coarse sand of the desert. everyone gets static-throat at least once, but it goes away after a few days. 
after the third day you began to worry. the pain working its way up your chest paired with an unfamiliar tightness was concerning. and then came the coughing. it sounded like death, shaking you violently, to the point where fun ghoul would shoot you worried looks. 
“hey, you alright?” he’d asked you after one particularly bad coughing fit, arm draped around your shoulders. 
“‘m fine.” the hacking noise you made said otherwise. you coughed into your palm, surprised when you felt something wet. blood. 
it trickled down your arm, but what scared you most was the blood spattered rose petal lying in your palm. 
“what’s that?” you were quick to hide your hand, assuring him that it was nothing. “honey…you’re coughin’ blood.” 
you couldn’t say anything more after that, the sound of the pet name leaving his lips made your chest constrict so tight you could hardly breathe. 
☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎
you’d never told anyone before, but you’d seen a body once. it was in one of the villages in the outskirts of zone four. it was just…lying there, the roses spouting from the poor soul’s mouth beginning to wilt under the scorching desert sun. someone was digging a grave.
that was you, in your nightmare. your decaying body replaced the one you had seen, bloody roses sprouting from your mouth. someone…fun ghoul, was digging your grave. he turned, locking eyes with you and…
you woke up screaming. your stomach flipped, and you ran out into the sand, spitting up a mix of stems and thorns. fun had followed you out, waking at the sound of your screams. you kicked sand over the blood before he could see anything. 
“sweetheart…” at the sound of his voice you turned around again, watching in horror as rosebuds fell from your mouth. “hey. hey you’re not okay.” he was worried. you could hear it in his voice, but you couldn’t look at him. 
“i told you, i’m fine.” wiping the blood from your chin, you turned to face him. “i promise. ’s just sand in my throat…promise.” you could feel the stems creeping up your throat.
☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎
you were dying. you knew you were. you couldn’t eat or drink because of the roses in your throat. you were withering away, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it from everyone, they still noticed. 
fun ghoul was ever so worried about you. by the time you realized his connection to the roses growing in your chest, you feared it would be too late. 
the sound of someone saying your name woke you up. “hi.”
“hi,” you whispered back. you couldn’t do much more than whisper at this point, your throat slowly being shredded by the thorns you would spit up. 
“i’m worried about you.” he pet your forehead, wiping away the sweat from your face.
“fun…” you could feel the tightness of your chest grow. you held in your cough. he couldn’t know. if he knew…
“you haven’t eaten, or drank, or…” his voice was shaking. or maybe you were just hallucinating. “you’re running a fever, and i know you’ve been coughin’ blood…just….talk to me. let me help you…please.”
he was pleading now, and it made you feel sick. you loved him, god you loved him so much, and he didn’t love you back, and now you were dying. that was it then. you would die, and he would never know how you felt. at least, not until it was too late.
you coughed so hard you saw spots. fun ghoul must have left the room at some point, but you didn’t notice.
you knew you were going to die tonight.
you didn’t know dying hurt so bad. you would feel yourself slip closer to death with each rattling gasp you took. you were dizzy and you couldn’t breathe, stuck in some sick limbo between alive and dead.
they say the phoenix witch grants you peace with happy memories before you die. maybe they were right, because in your not quite dead state, you saw it all. the bad jokes, and the nor so subtle flirting, and hell even the longing glances shared between you and fun ghoul. you saw the time he saved you all those years ago, and the time you scared him while he was working on the trans am. you saw yourself sparring with him, and the other killjoys laughing in the sunlight. you saw the time the both of you had got caught in the garage during an acid storm, all the times he had kissed you forehead, and the way you slept wrapped up in his arms.
you were going to die, but he had to know how you felt. 
your legs felt like jelly and you almost didn’t make it to the door. the walls spun and your body slammed into the doorframe of fun’s room. the handle wouldn’t twist bo matter how hard you tried, you were going to die outside his room and he would never know. 
you couldn’t even call his name, your voice gurgling behind blood and roses. vision going dark, you heaved one last time, your chest caving alongside the door.
it was dark, but you could still see him sitting up. he looked so…comforting, and you all but collapsed into him gasping as he stroked your face.
“hey, what’s goin’ on? wh-“
“i love you.” you were choking on the words as the tumbled out of your mouth, flowers blooming in the back of your throat. you couldn’t breathe but you had to tell him. “i love you and i’m going to die”
he didn’t say anything and you gasped, fighting to stay alive for just a little longer.
“please. i just…the flowers….say something…” your words died in your throat as a rose bloomed in your mouth, silencing you. it was over.
his panicked face would be the last thing you would see, and it would all be over…..except….“you love me…?” his voice was warm, and sweet, and tired, and it sounded like heaven. you couldn’t do anything but nod, choking on your last breath. “you love me…”
the sun was always warm in the desert. but it felt different today, kissing your skin as you curled up against fun ghoul, who had been whispering love letters to you all night. he had told you he loved you with everything he had, he had held you close as you both thought that you were going to die. but death never came. 
he had been oblivious to the way you felt…just as oblivious as you had been to him. it all meant something, the touches, and the jokes…it was all there. it didn’t matter much, you had each other now…and while your throat still burned from the rose that had bloomed over the week, the way he kissed you made you forget about it all…
he took you out to the roof that night, careful and slow and you coughed, watching as a great red rose fell from your lips, before it shriveled and turned into star dust, joining the rest of the sand that you called home.
“i love you…” his voice was soft, his fingers trailing over your skin and you couldn’t help but smile. 
you were tired, worn to the bone but you were alive. alive and perfectly in love.
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Motel Sex (Gerard Way x Male reader SMUT)
Was supposed 2 post this erleir forgor about the passage of time please forgive me will work on requests tomorrow I haven't slept in 3 days
WARNINGS: nothing much really? Mild hair pulling?
AN: This has been sitting in my docs for a WHILE so I thought I'd finish it up and throw it here so there's atleast something while I work on the other requests
Gerard sighs at himself and looks around the empty motel room. The guys have left him the space to "Have some alone time with your ‘friend’. wink wink,” Frank said, emphasizing the wink out loud before leaving. Gerard glances at the time on the half-broken electric clock on the nightstand—only fifteen minutes until you planned to arrive. No big deal, right? He can wait.
Enough time has passed, and Gerard is watching one of the limited channels on the TV before he hears you knock on the door. Excited, he jumps up to answer.
“Hey, Gee!” you say as the door opens, revealing your boyfriend, a look of relief on his face as if he had been half expecting you to not show up. He greets you happily and hugs you tight before welcoming you in. “Where are the guys?” you ask, sitting down on one of the two queen-sized beds in the motel room.
“They went out for a while, givin’ us alone time. Should be leftovers, though,” he says, leaning in to kiss you as he finishes his sentence. “But I think I’ll be pretty full by the time I’m done with you.” Gerard leans further into you, pushing you fully onto the mattress. It’s very clear how amused by his own joke he is.
“What are you implying there, Mr. Way?” you say before giggling back into the next kiss.
“Oh, you know,” Gerard says, mischievously smiling before grabbing you around the waist and getting on top of you. He’s straddling your legs, keeping you in place against the bed. Gerard grins wide, kissing all over your face. He’s utterly thrilled to be with you, to have you in his arms, even if it’s in a dingy motel.
Gerard can’t keep himself contained, giggling like a madman as he moves down to gently kiss your neck. He’s so caring with his touch, or at least tries to be. He keeps his hands in yours for the most part, squeezing them lovingly. Eventually, though, his hands travel up to your neck, long fingers resting on your pulse as he gently nips at the base of your jaw.
As the moments pass, Gerard’s kisses get progressively more intimate and prolonged, and eventually, his fingers start to dig into the soft flesh of your neck. You can’t tell if he’s doing it on purpose, or if he’s just that into it. Either way, you don’t mind, and that’s evident by the soft whines each one of his kisses pull from your throat. Something about those sounds make Gerard snap, grinding his hips against yours as he lets out a long drawn-out whine of his one. He licks a long line from the base of your neck up to your mouth, turning it into a rough, sloppy kiss.
Gerard trails his hand down your torso, hooking his fingers in the waistband of both your pants and underwear, pulling them down just enough to reveal your half-erect cock. He wraps his hand around your cock gingerly, and, ignoring the action, just the way he handled it was gay. 
Your muscles tense as Gerard keeps his movements steady, slow high-pitched whimpers filling the motel as he slowly moves himself down, putting his face at crotch level. He rests his head on your upper thigh. He looks up at you, face just inches away from your cock as he smiles oh so sweetly. You look down at him, voice trembling; “Please.” Gerard needs no other encouragement. He runs his tongue up the length of your dick slowly before shoving as much of you in his mouth as he can, which is, admittedly, a lot.
He sucks you off so perfectly, you can’t fathom how one man could make you feel this good. He has you grabbing handfuls of the sheets, bucking your hips and in turn making the back of your cock hit his throat. You arch your back and grab a handful of Gerard's hair, the other hand hitting the mattress. You’re practically screaming—you wouldn’t be surprised if the guys got a noise complaint because of you.
You only last a few more minutes before your moans begin to catch in your throat, and Gerard notices. He digs his nails into your thighs as he takes your whole length in his mouth, throat contracting around your cock as he does so, ripping a loud, broken scream from your throat. You use the handful of his hair you have as leverage, shoving him all the way down as your dick twitches—one final warning before you cum down his throat. 
Gerard stays in place until you’re done, swallowing around your cock before bringing himself up. He has drool and cum dripping down his chin, and his hair is a mess, and he’s smiling so wide you’d think he just got a million-dollar check and a puppy. He crawls back up to kiss you gently before laying his head on your chest and sighing. He stays silent for a moment, before clearing his throat and whispering. 
“I love you.” You can feel him smiling against you still.
“I love you too,” you say, sighing and closing your eyes.
“Y’know, we should probably get your pants on before the guys get back.”
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i-heart-emos · 4 months
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moonxmagix · 1 year
My School Bully
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Pairing: Revenge Frank Iero x Fem Reader
CW: bullying, enemies to lovers, fucking
Summary: After months of anguish and bullying from Frank Iero, your bully, you’ve decided you’ve had enough. One run in with him and your whole world changes, for better or worse?
A/N: Wrote 8 pages on google docs lol.
I started at a new school in New Jersey, previously being from the south, I was nervous. I did have a more alternative style but had that country twang. I was hoping my style would make up for the voice but I don’t think it’ll work. I can’t stay silent for long. 
I timidly walked through the halls of my new school as people were friendly with one another. Seemed like everyone was already familiar with each other, which means it’s gonna be harder for me to make friends. Thankfully we had uniforms so if someone wanted to bully me they couldn’t bully me for how “emo” I dressed. 
I got to my locker and as I opened it a random boy popped out of it, I screamed. This guy had blonde and black hair, a nose piercing, a baggy uniform, and was rather short. He looked at me right in the eye with a smirk on his mischievous face. “Who’s this creature?” he said while his friends laughed, flicking his finger on my forehead. 
I let out an “Ow” and rubbed my head. I tried to ignore him but they persisted in bothering me, “Did you even wash your hair? Could fry a fucking egg with that shit,” they laughed. I hid my face from them with my locker door, but all he did was slam the door shut hitting me in the head. “Can you just stop?” I asked softly. 
“What was that little mouse?” he said, leaning down, cupping his ear to pretend he didn’t hear me. “Nothing..” I said quietly. After that he and his little posse walked away. I peered at them before I went to class and caught the strange boy staring at me. 
As soon as I got home I went online to see if I could find out who that guy was. I went to the school's Instagram page and scrolled through their followers list to see if I could find his name first. No luck, so I clicked on a random person's account and looked through their following and followers list, AHA! Found it. I clicked on his profile and scrolled through it, lots of music related stuff, skating, smoking, drinking, typical edgy teen kid stuff. I clicked on a photo to examine it more but accidentally double tapped on it. I panicked and immediately un-liked it, I just messed up big time and I knew I was going to pay for it. 
I threw my phone across the room and screamed into my pillow annoyed with myself. I’ll just go to bed and pray I don’t run into him tomorrow. 
The morning came quickly and I got myself ready, dreading the day ahead. I said bye to my dog before leaving and waited at the bus stop. There was only me standing there, using my hand to block the sun. Out of the corner of my eye I see a group of loud boys approaching. My eyes widened as I realized who they were, I put my hand to the other side of my face to hopefully shield their eyes from recognizing me. 
It worked and I was able to eavesdrop on their not very quiet conversations. 
“Someone has a crush!” one teased. 
“It’s not a crush! I just think she’s pretty. I can be mean to her and also think she’s pretty,” the one who sounded like Frank said. 
“You’ve done this before Frank, you’re mean to them and then you fuck em’,” they laughed. 
I got on the bus in a flash and found an empty seat next to a window. I stared out the window, shrinking myself down so I wouldn’t be seen. But, at the same time it felt like a giant arrow was pointing at me saying, “LOOK AT ME! I’M RIGHT HERE!” 
They all got onto the bus and walked past me, I sighed realizing I was safe. The bus ride went completely fine until I got off, I pushed past everyone so I could get away from them. Before I reached the entrance the back of my collar was being grabbed, I squealed. “Piggy got something to say?” Frank said in my ear. I shook my head no repeatedly. 
“Are you sure? Liking my instagram photos last night says otherwise, you stalker,” he said, throwing me to the ground. His friends walked past laughing at me as I tried to get myself off the ground. I went to my locker but made sure he wasn’t there and put my stuff away. I stood there for a moment and let a few tears fall from my eyes. I sniffled trying to pull myself together shortly before walking to my class. As I walked down the halls I saw Frank pass me and turn back to look at me. 
I made eye contact for a few seconds but felt more like minutes. He had a random girl wrapped around his arm who looked like she had been around. For a moment, for a hopeful moment it looked like he had an ounce of remorse on his face. I doubt it though. 
I was able to go through the day without any more problems. 
Today the weather was nice and wasn’t terribly hot so I decided to walk to school. I saw no sign of  Frank and his posse. I made it to school in a great mood and headed to my locker, then again no sign of them. I thought it was strange and just thought that they skipped school or maybe he’s sick. 
It was weird that I was just expecting to get bullied and ready for it. I’m just glad they have not terribly hurt me, at least yet. Gym class arrived rather quickly and before it started the gym doors slammed open, here they fucking are. I  groaned and rolled my eyes as the teacher told us to gather around on the floor. 
All he told us to go get changed and what we’d be doing today. I hurried to the bathroom and got changed in a stall and not around everyone else because it was just…uncomfortable. At this school even though we had uniforms we were still able to wear “normal clothes” as  gym attire. 
I had a The Cure shirt and some black jean shorts, definitely not in dress code but the teacher is a creep so he lets it slide. I threw my hair up in a ponytail but quickly took it down realizing it could get pulled. Class officially started and we were playing dodgeball, great. The team leader was a popular girl named Emmy and…Frank. 
One by one they picked people and I was the last to be picked. The popular girl said my name hesitantly but I’m surprised she even knew it. We got started and Frank had his eyes on me the entire time, instantly he threw balls at me. And he threw them hard. I threw the balls right back at him not taking my eyes off him, the teacher caught on and said, “Hey you two lovebirds! Stop targeting each other, that’s not how you play.” 
I started targeting other people, getting them out easily. Frank on the other hand had no plans on trying to target others. For a second I saw him gather the others and whisper something to them. In a matter of seconds I was being attacked with balls. I fell to the floor guarding my face with my hands. 
Lunch thankfully was right after gym and I was starving. I got in line and as I had my headphones in I felt my skirt lift. I swung my body around and saw Frank’s friend towering over me. He had black hair that was a lot longer than Franks. “The fuck do you want?” I said in my lil country accent. He laughed and smirked, “I’m just admiring you, that's all sugar,” I scoffed in disgust. 
“Come on, don’t ignore me like that,” he said, wrapping his arm around my waist. I tried removing his arm but he had a strong grip. “I don’t even know your name. Not to mention you and your little friends decided to team up against me during gym,” I said matter of factly. He dug his head in my neck, “It’s Gerard. And it’s nothing personal baby, don’t be such a prude,” he whined. I rolled my eyes, “Whatever,” I said, getting away soon as possible. 
I found a spot outside where I knew I wouldn’t be bothered. I let out a few tears but was rudely interrupted by THE ones. I was stiff and didn’t want to move like a possum playing dead in the road. If I didn’t move they didn’t see me, “We have to find her. I need to be around her,” Frank said. Was he talking about that one girl I saw? Did he have a girlfriend? Does his girlfriend not like me? I don’t even know this girl!
I heard my surroundings get quiet as I had my head on the table, my eyes on the ground below me. I saw feet sit at the table and my eyes widened, really? Fucking really? I thought to myself. “What’s wrong baby?” Gerard said to me pitifully, but he didn’t care. I know. 
He rubbed his hand on my back, I pushed his hand off me and lifted my head avoiding eye contact. “What the fuck do you want?” I said annoyed. “I just wanted to ask you something, that's all,” Gerard said. “Well?” I said with an attitude. 
“Do you wanna maybe go out with me? Y’know, be exclusive with the one and only,” he smirked. God he was a douche. I didn’t even respond and just looked at him with disgust, “I’m just kidding jeez! I don’t know a single person who would want to touch you with a 10ft pole.” His friends laughed in unison. 
“You just fucking did but you don’t wanna tell them that do you?” I said scoffing. “You gonna tell them?” I said, while his friends asked him what he did. He didn’t want to respond so I left. 
It was the beginning of December now and the bullying never stopped. I was shoved in lockers, held against the wall, food and drinks thrown on me, pushed to the ground, bullying in the gym, them stalking my social media, etc. 
One day as I walked home I noticed Frank walking in front of me, I gasped and covered my mouth immediately taking a different turn. When I looked up from the ground Frank stood in front of me, “What the fuck do you want?” I said to him inches from his face. 
Frank smirked, “Wanted to see to my favorite punching bag.” My blood boiled and I saw red. I’m tired of being this “punching bag”. 
“Y’know what, Frank? I’m SICK of this,” I yelled. “The FIRST day at this pretentious shit school you tormented me. What did I ever do to you? Of course you just have to pick on the new girl,” I splurt out in a fit of rage. He stepped back and softened his gaze, he looked back at me with guilt and regret. “I don’t fucking know,” he said shaking his head. “I guess I just…I don’t know. I like you and thought you were pretty, I didn’t understand how to convey my emotions to you. You just seemed…different from everyone else,” he said tearfully. 
He got down on his knees in the snow, holding my hands. “I’m sorry Y/N. Please let me make it up to you,” he said begging. I sighed, biting my lip unsure what to do or say. “I need a little bit to think about this, I really do. I’m sorry I can’t give you an answer now,” I proclaimed, getting away as soon as possible. 
Weeks went by as Christmas break was approaching. I still hadn’t said anything to Frank but anytime we had interacted he was beyond friendly. I saw him and the guys sitting at a table in the far corner, so I decided to go up to him. “Hey Frank,” I smiled nervously. 
“Hey,” he said, tone cautious. “I just wanted to thank you for apologizing to me. I appreciate it,” I said. He shrugged, “It’s nothing, I was such a jerk.” 
I stood there for a moment hesitant to talk, “I really admire your ability to change and admit you were wrong. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m here.” I smiled, giving him a hug. Before he could say anything I left, my cheeks were bright red and hot. 
Later that day I texted Frank on Instagram:
Me: hey sorry for leaving so abruptly earlier 
He replied within minutes. 
Frank: it’s no worries, i’m sorry for not saying much
Me: Do you wanna hang out this weekend? Just us? 
Frank: Can I come over now? I’m already on my way
Me: what? I mean go ahead but my room is a lil messy
Before I knew it Frank was knocking at my door, I shoved the stuff that was on my floor into my closet and vigorously brushed my hair out. I ran to the door as fast as I could and opened it smiling, he embraced me in a tight hug. 
I led him up to my room, “Sooo, this is my room,” I showed him around. I stood in front of my bed and Frank pushed me onto the bed, hovering over me. “Wha-” I began to speak but was cut off by Frank pressing his lips to mine. It took me a couple seconds to adjust under his kiss but I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“I’ve waited so long to do this, Y/N,” he said, lifting my shirt up. “Just shut up and fuck me,” I said to him which made him blush and push his hips into me harder. I could feel his hard cock through his jeans. 
Our clothes came off in a matter of seconds and Frank was shoving his fingers inside of me. The way he worked his fingers in and out of me made my hips buck and head go back. I moaned his name and just prayed hoping no one was home. “God you’re so hot Y/N,” he said, shoving his mouth into my soaking wet cunt. 
“Frank, fuck me, please,” I begged. “You dirty girl,” he said with a chuckle. He grabbed me forcing me into a doggy position, he grabbed my hair pulling hard. He slammed himself into me making me scream in pleasure, it was like all the anger he had was being taken out on my pussy. He flipped me over into missionary and slowly shoved his entire cock inside me, going slow. 
He stopped and started fucking me rougher, “Frank you feel so fucking good,” I moaned. “Is that right baby? Does daddy feel good?” he groaned in my ear. He stared at me right in the eyes, am I kinda glad he bullied me? I mean, if he didn’t I wouldn’t be getting the best dick around. 
I came several times on his cock and he finally came all over my boobs. We both got cleaned up and I got curled up in bed. “Are you staying the night?” I asked, hoping he’d say yes. “Of course I am, how could I leave you after that?” he smiled. He turned the lights off and got in bed with me. I was the little spoon and he was the big spoon. 
He nuzzled his neck right into my neck leaving small kisses, “Can I ask you something?” he said. “Always,” I replied, turning to him. He stroked my face with his thumb, “Will you be my girlfriend?” My eyes lit up and a wide smile grew on my face, “I’d love to.”
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