#my chaotic cat son šŸˆā€ā¬›
glitterpensupremacy Ā· 4 months
Alright, you all voted (in spite of my prediction) and so I am more than happy to deliver!
Adrien MTS
His character notes are organized into four categories:
1. General info
2. Personality
3. Key relationships
4. Planned character growth
(This post may be a bit long, so the rest is under the cut)
1. General Info
Iā€˜ll start with the biggest overall changes:
Adrien now has an equal importance to the story as Marinette (they are both the main protags of the show). This is because MTS has certain relevant plot lines that wouldnā€™t work with Marinette as the POV character. For example, the Agreste family backstory heavily impacts him and his life, so making Marinette the focus doesnā€™t work. This change was also made because duality and balance are major thematic motifs in the show, and having two MCs was one of the best ways we could implement this idea. (Also heā€™s just a fun character to write plots around!) On average he and Marinette would get equal screen time, but it fluctuates depending on the particular story (ex: he has a slightly smaller role in season 2 since he has less of a connection to Lila, a major antagonist in that season).
We are also not using the SentiAdrien plotline. This is due to it not being confirmed as canon at the time we began conceptualizing MTS, so we didnā€™t include it. And now the story doesnā€™t have room for it and all all the other aspects of the series that are more integral.
2. Personality
Adrien, while still trying to be nice to most of the people he meets, is a lot less mild mannered than his OG counterpart. A bit like the OG showā€™s S1 Adrien, only slightly more chaotic. Heā€™s generally cheerful, enjoys making jokes (mainly as CN) and trying new things, and affectionate with his loved ones. Freedom is very important to Adrien, and heā€™ll often go to great lengths to try to hold on to it. Sometimes Chat Noir tries to put on a bit of a ā€œtough guy personaā€, but often melts at the first compliment or gesture from his partner.
Adrien does have the tendency to be very assertive and a tad brash (especially in the first season) because he worries that any sign of weakness will cause others to want to make decisions for him to ā€œprotect himā€. Similarly, he hates being put on a pedestal, especially when it causes others to dismiss any part of him that doesnā€™t fit the image they have in their head (basically him being a famous model has greatly impacted how he wants to be perceived with others). He also canā€™t stand it when people close to him (mainly his father and initially his brother) hide things from him and try to control his actions and behavior.
3. Key Relationships
This is actually only a couple of his relevant relationships, seeing as there are a lot of them in MTS. If you want to know about a specific relationship I didnā€™t mention (or want more detail on a one I did mention, feel free to send me an ask!)
Marinette: The two start off with a casual friendship, as Marinette doesnā€™t really care that heā€™s a model. This actually makes Adrien more interested in hanging out with her, as sheā€™s someone who sees Adrien as a person rather than a celebrity. He doesnā€™t really see her in a romantic light (or at least realize he does) until toward the end of the show, but still values her a lot. He also wonā€™t be as oblivious as the OG Adrien about Mariā€™s feelings, and even though he doesnā€™t reciprocate them (consciously anyway), he appreciates that she actually likes him for who he is.
Ladybug: These two sort of get off on the wrong foot. Partially because of their Kwamiā€™s influence (we may have given them some issues for the plot) and partially because Chat initially thinks Ladybug is a lot like his brother, the two donā€™t really work together, and often quarrel. He gets very paranoid about her wanting him to go along with her plans (due to his fear of being controlled) and thinks sheā€™s bossy. After the midpoint of the S1 though, they get to know each other better. He learns that she is very different from who he thought she was. Realizing that sheā€™s actually a vulnerable girl trying her best to be a hero and do right by others, causes him to become more concerned about her wellbeing. The two will also start to confide in each other about their insecurities, and near the end of S1, he finally falls in love with her. (Heā€™ll be a lot less outspoken about it than the OG though, due to an incident that happened prior to this.) He wants to be the hero partner she deserves first and foremost.
Felix: The twins were very close growing up, especially the death of their mother and their father becoming more distant, but over the years, Felix began to change. He started to treat Adrien more like their father does, which caused Adrien to feel betrayed by his brother. Initially their relationship is cordial, with a bit of resentment on Adrienā€™s side, which grows until it reaches a breaking point. The two end up getting into a (somewhat one-sided) fight, that Adrien comes to regret. Fortunately the two end up getting a bit closer after this, before finally resolving their issues in the season finale (Felix learns Chat Noirā€™s identity, which changes how he perceives his brother, and Adrien realized that thereā€™s been more going on with Felix than he thought after he gets akumatized into Calamity). From there the two regain their lost relationship, and do anything for each other.
Gabriel: Adrienā€™s feelings about his father areā€¦ complicated. On the one hand, he understands how hard things have been for his dad after losing the love of his life. In the other hand, Adrien canā€™t stand the way heā€™s acted for the past several years: isolating himself from everyone else, constantly trying to keep Adrien locked away and micromanaged, never just being there for his son, which is all Adrien really wants. On the other other hand, Adrien has a much harder time speaking up to him than he did with Felix (because well, itā€™s much easier to rebel against your twin sibling than your controlling father), and still wants to see the best in his dad (both because he cares about him and because Felix showed Adrien that change is possible). Throughout the third season, Adrien is able to learn a bit more about Gabriel and even confront him for how heā€™s treated Adrien (and Felix, but thatā€™s another post). His father even seems like heā€™s starting to change after this, butā€¦ letā€™s just say something goes wrong.
Nino: Adrien is instantly charmed by his new ā€œbest broā€, who tries to teach him a bit more about normal kids work. Adrien tries to inspire Nino to apply himself a little more, at least when it comes to things that are clearly important to him. The fact that Nino likes his jokes definitely boosts his spirits. Adrien does start to worry about Nino after the Bubbler, as Ninoā€™s extreme reaction (seeing as people usually canā€™t be akumatized unless it relates to a core issue thatā€™s been festering for years) suggests that there may be more to his ā€œcool dudeā€ best friend than he thought.
Other notable Adrien/Chat Noir dynamics (for better or worse) include Plagg, Alya, Kagami, Luka, Chloe, Mylene (itā€™s a long story), Emilie, and Hawk Moth (he is their nemesis after all).
4. Character Growth
Ah yes, the bread and butter of storytelling. Adrien receives two major character arcs in the series. One principally taking place during season one, while the other is much longer. (He also gets minor, non-arc related growth, but Iā€™m highlighting the most important details)
Arc #1: Adrien undergoes some pretty major changes in the first season. He starts off as the usual sweet, sophisticated, ā€œperfectā€ Adrien who tries to smile through the loneliness and suffocating rules. When he meets Plagg, he gets a change to show how capable he can truly be, while getting the power to free himself from these confines. He especially loves using his Prime Ability, Wildcat (his equivalent to the Miraculous Ladybugs) to do so. It essentially turns him into an unbeatable fighting machine! Unfortunately, this power is more than a mortal being can handle, and slowly chips away at his sanity, amplifying his feelings of anger and determination to be free. Plagg also eggs him on, warning him that giving up on using Wildcats will make him ā€œweak againā€, which will cause him to go back to being helpless and submissive (MTS Plagg and Tikki are kinda jerks at first). He realizes that itā€™s too much for him to handle in the first midseason finale, and renounces the power. This causes his body to fall into a state of withdrawal and fatigue that takes multiple episodes to recover from. During this time, he learns the value of stability, responsibility, and that he can be empathetic while also not letting others control him. His arc culminates at the end of season 1, where he unlocks the power to purify akuma, understanding that destruction can be used for good when maintaining an inner balance.
Arc 2: The seeds of this arc are planted from the beginning, as using Wildcat caused him to unintentionally become destructive and dangerous, but the episode Copycat is what launches the arc. Facing someone who looks exactly like you, has all of your powers, who you (unintentionally) lead to get akumatized does a lot to a personā€™s self esteem. Even though he hasnā€™t fallen in love with Ladybug yet, he cares about their friendship, so fighting an imposter who completely obsessed with her causes him to fear becoming the same way. Naturally this causes him to panic when he does fall in love with her, making him take longer to even admit how he feels about her. (He also struggles after she rejects him, but is more worried about her potentially being afraid of him than the rejection itself.) The New York Special also deals with his insecurities, as he almost quits being a hero due to not wanting to hurt anyone else. Fortunately Felix (who he tried to give the ring to instead) talks him out of it. Finally he manages to overcome his fears in the final season, after he faces his nightmare in Sandboy (that being a Ladybug who believes heā€™s a monster), and acknowledges that heā€™ll never be that kind of person.
Alright, that finishes a (general) overview of Adrienā€™s character in Miraculous: The Series. To anyone who actually had the patience to read all of this, thank you for listening to my ramble (believe it or not but thereā€™s even more details I could have mentioned!)
Marinette is gonna be the next character I talk about (idk when Iā€™ll actually write her notes out, but she is next) as a planned post. After thatā€¦ Iā€™ll probably either discuss the MTS love square, Tikki and Plaggā€™s changes, or one of the fabled Season One trio characters (Alya, Chloe, or Felix). As for nowā€¦ stay miraculous!
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