#my capoeira leader guy was warning us the other day that
cerealmonster15 · 2 months
truly genuinely why do some people just not lock their car doors... thats absolutely unheard of to me yet every so often someone casually will mention it and im like ?????? you just leave it open???? for anyone to have easy access????????
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Future Plot: Project Titanomachy - Chapter 10
(( Camille and the Wonder Inkling idea belong to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula (mentioned) belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Emerald and Sapphire belong to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Telemachus, Chaodis, and greek mythology depictions belong to me ))
Hephaestus's Forge, Mount Olympus, Greece - 3:50 PM
Camille approaches Hephaestus in his main forge where several Cyclopes were organizing metals. She placed Athena's spear on the anvil in front of him.
"I want to know about the War that happened in Troy," Camille added.
Hephaestus sounded surprised to hear her say that, but quite scared to answer.
When I asked that, he refused to answer. I kept pushing him a bit until he gave a vague answer: "You'll never understand what Zeus has done to our family." I knew it wasn't enough, but I didn't have time to talk further.
Chaodis convinced me to bring Telemachus along and leave Nebula in Mount Olympus. The reason for it was because she needed time to herself for a moment. When I made the final choices, I brought with me Telemachus, Emerald, and Chaodis to Mount Othrys. We took a few taxis and buses to get to the place.
Mount Othrys, Greece - 8:11 PM
The mountain they arrived wasn't as tall as Mount Olympus, but it did look like a natural hill with vegetation and hiking routes. Hephaestus has been told stories by his mother of how she and her brothers and sisters laid waste to the place. Telemachus can speculate that there was something built on the mountain by the Titans and got demolished by the Olympians.
There was a mini drone floating in mid-air, waiting for Camille. It was there to drop off the Wonder Inkling Nemo outfit and the .96 Gal and .96 Gal Deco which were kept in a secondary Mermaid's Purse. Camille retrieve the package and kept it safe in her inventory.
All Camille and her rescue party could do is follow the hiking trails and reach the top. On the way to the top, they had no encounters with any hostile creatures, not even a titan. Their destination was a recently built ritual grounds with a sigil in the shape of a triangle carrying 12 stars and the symbol of Saturn. Ouroboros circled the sigil. It seems a cult has formed recently here as there's a marble baptismal font, a few lit candles, clumps of pyrite ore, and traces of cattle blood. And, ominously, there are black sea slugs and hagfish crawling about in puddles of murky water.
Emerald picked up one of the clumps of pyrite ore and examined it; It was chiseled into the symbol of Saturn.
"Saturn is associated with the King of the Titans, Cronus, since it's the planet he reigns on," Telemachus explained, "I blame the Romans for this complicated connection."
"Then I guess this cult is serving the Titans," Emerald guessed.
"But what are they doing, worshipping the Titans?" Chaodis asked.
"...I think we're about to find out." Camille pointed to a band of unknown hooded beings. "We need to hide."
As we hid in the bushes, we watched these cult members perform some rituals. They brought in two cattle and stone carved into a certain pattern.
These humanoids were dressed in silver, adorned in lead, and represented with two white feathers. Silk curtains covered all their faces.
Among them wore a headdress with horns and two feathers; this was possibly the cult leader. And as she spoke in an unknown language, four hagfishes appear out of her sleeves to execute the cattle with nothing but the carved stone.
"What are they saying?" Emerald asked.
"How should I know?" Camille replied.
Somehow, Chaodis knew the words.
Chaodis looks at Camille and Emerald and whispered the translation of the cult leader's words:
"To the mighty that have overthrown the skies, to the mighty that have been overthrown by the children of Cronus, and to the mighty that are now bound to the Ophion's Incarnate." Chaodis smiled at Camille.
"I wonder what that means." Emerald looked to Telemachus for an explanation
"Don't look at me, I don't know how Ophion is connected with all this," Telemachus responded.
"Typhon...," Camille assumed.
Nebula screaming that name still rung in Camille's head.
Chaodis continues translating: "From the depth of Tartarus, we sacrifice life for life, and from the darkness, Enceladus rise."
The cult steps back, and a gigantic being made of cracked clay and magma. From the crack, hagfishes enter inside and a dark purple ink oozes out. The awakened giant roars and takes out a rusty iron spear and round shield.
Chaodis translates the last words from the cult leader: "We shall serve the Titans well, freeing every being from Tartarus. We'll bind them to Typhon and reign under the Creators and Eurynome one more. A gift to the Titans."
The Cult leader and the other members began chanting and clouds gather only to part to reveal a violet star. The star flickered red and red lighting comes down to strike the giant Enceladus. This could be a possible chance for Camille and her rescue team to track down Rhea and Sapphire.
"Telemachus, put on Hades's Helmet." Camille change from Agent into Olympian. "We're going to get struck by that lightning."
"I can guess why." Telemachus changes into his Olympian form.
Telemachus offers to pick up Emerald while Camille picks up Chaodis. They start flying towards the ritual's center where the giant Enceladus we going to be struck by lightning.
"Hey, Princess, after this would you like a date?" Chaodis asked.
"Is now a good time to be asking that!?" Camille sounded annoyed.
The cult was alarmed as the four inklings approached Enceladus. The giant recognized Camille being a champion of Athena and Zeus and it prepared to fight. When Camille and her team were close enough, the lightning strikes the giant and then Camille.
"Guys, hold onto me!' Camille ordered.
Emerald and Chaodis grabbed onto her legs while Telemachus grabbed her arm.
Afterward, everyone went white, fading to reveal a land of night and temples. The skies were different, the sun didn't bring day, and the earth was like their home planet.
((Insert battle against Gigantomachy Veteran- Enceladus:  https://soundcloud.com/squid_fish/meta-knights-revenge-super-smash-bros-brawl ))
They were in a marble pier with the giant, Enceladus, and he delivered a thrust of his spear at Camille. With her Capoeira moves, she moves out of the way. She then pulled out her shield and spear.
"Champion of Athena," Enceladus began, "I shall redeem my defeat against the Wise Goddess!"
"We'll see about that, Clayface!" Camille points Athena's spear at him.
Her team got ready, changing their ink colors to green.
Telemachus took out the Key to the Underworld and stood by Camille's side. Emerald got into her Olympian form and prepared Apollo's bow. Chaodis didn't have an Olympian form and just took out his Mini Splatling.
Enceladus waves one arm around and scattered drops of dark purple ink for the squids to dodge.
Emerald kept her distance and fires glass arrows at the giant, blinding him with flashes. Telemachus raises an army of skeletal figures made of ink and sends them attacking the legs. Chaodis kept his eyes on Camille, making sure the giant doesn't outsmart her.
Camille flies around the Titan, swoop towards him to deliver a deep stab. There were no clouds for her to strike thunder.
Enceladus stomps the ground to crush Telemachus's undead minions and stagger him, Emerald and Chaodis. The hagfish from the cracks from his clay arm extended and took advantage of it by grabbing Camille.
In response, Camille used the Medusa head on her shield to petrify the extended hagfish and she make them crumble with a few choreographic kicks.
Emerald saw this and decided to draw the parasitic extension away from Camille by firing at the hagfishes. However, one huge hagfish replaces the clay arm and roars at the Olympians. Emerald continue firing at that arm, but the arrows did nothing but blind Enceladus.
Enceladus, blinded by more of the light from the arrows, was swinging his magma arm now, scattering molten ink. Telemachus was dodging them. The hagfish took a mind of its own and targeted Camille; when it was about to strike, Chaodis fire a few shots and warned Camille.
"Camille! The arm!" Chaodis alerted.
Camille flew towards the stunned hagfish arm and electrifies Athena's spear. She then threw it at the arm and it bursts into green ink. She then swoops down to catch her spear.
Enceladus roars in pain and tries to burn the wound, but Emerald relentlessly fire 3 glass arrows at a time. This made the flashes so bright that Camille, Telemachus, and Chaodis had to cover their eyes. These relentless flash attacks make the giant back up only to end up falling off the pier and into the water where the water cools off the magma part of his body.
The lifeless body soon sinks.
Emerald watched one of the Titan's cousins sink. "And stay dead!"
((End of battle music))
Emerald was pretty mad that Sapphire's kidnapped, but I thought to myself that she will be saved. We just need to search the Titan's home.... and it was a massive castle.
The Titan's Castle - Unknown Planet - Time Unknown
Camille changes to the Wonder Inkling Nemo outfit instead of the Agent outfit. After all, they were on another planet. Telemachus, Chaodis, and Emerald were back in their Agent attires.
"It suits you, Camille," Chaodis complimented.
"Hmph, I prefer the agent suit more," Telemachus commented.
Emerald waiting for them. "Come on! No time for costume changing."
Once Camille had the .96 Gal Deco out, they continue their search for Sapphire. But through the maze of halls, dungeons, and rooms, giants, harpies, hellhounds, minotaurs, and nagas patrolled. Telemachus had to lead the rescue team to assure that stealth was on their side.
However, Telemachus decided to try out Hades's helmet and put on a disguise of a Minotaur. Once in the guise, he has Camille, Chaodis and Emerald wait. He approaches a patrol of minotaurs and asked them. He also made sure his Multi-Personality Disorder doesn't blow the cover.
"Cronus has sent me to check on the Olympian," Telemachus began, "As a new recruit, I need directions."
One of the minotaurs pointed to a hallway. "Just take the hallway and go right. The cells should be there with the Champion of Artemis."
"Thank you." Telemachus then pretends to escort Camille, Emerald, and Chaodis over there as prisoners. "I am also informed to take these trespassers there as well."
The minotaur patrol didn't question the order and they leave Telemachus be.
"Real clever, Telemachus," Emerald thanked.
Telemachus remained in the minotaur disguise.
"Let's make it quick, alright?" Telemachus replied.
This rescue mission went smoothly, but that was until we reach Sapphire's cell. Thanks to Telemachus, we found her cell..... but it was empty.
"Empty!?!' Emerald enraged.
"I could've sworn..." Telemachus drops the disguise and puts Hades's helmet away.
"Where could she be now?" Camille asked.
"....Guys..." Chaodis was looking behind and noticed a titan.
It was Rhea again.
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