#my calves/feet get so tight from working that if i dont attend 2 them like 2/week i can feel the tension lattice into my hips
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we know how 2 do stretches that help w the shorted pained breathing, i have 2 find some combo 2 help with lower back pain. like it sucks waking up achey and being able 2 rehab urself is gr8. pushing for anatomy study after this lunar cycle. lets work towards the prospect of analog articul8n recalibr8n
#my calves/feet get so tight from working that if i dont attend 2 them like 2/week i can feel the tension lattice into my hips#biomechanics
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The Italian Bartender Ch.2
Chapter 1
Themes: Swearing, Violence, Sadness(?), SMUT
Pairing: Tig X OC, Chibs X OC-Eventual
Juice was a huge help in the coming weeks; he helped me get over Tig and we became very close friends. I continued to bar-tend at the parties as well as bar-tend at the club in Stockton and whenever I had to go to classes, Jax made sure a Son came with me so Tig couldn't bother me while I studied. Opie and Chibs also became super close with me, seeing as they were the ones to often accompany me at the bar or to school. I figured that Tig wouldn't mess with those two as much as he would with the prospects or older members so that is why they were often with me. I didn't see Tig much; most likely because of a warning he was given or because he didn't want to see me at all. However, I was soon told differently from Juice who claims the man is a wreck and he missed me greatly.
“His loss.” I sighed with a small smile, high-fiving Juice even though my heart broke a little for my old love.
Tig and I soon became inseparable; he always made some sort of appearance whenever I bar-tended at the club and always stayed close to me when I bar-tended at the clubhouse for the MC parties. He sent a prospect with me whenever I went to college and made sure I got all of my work done on time and he even made sure I had enough time to do it.
“You spoil me, you know.” I told him one evening as he rubbed my feet and calves while I worked on a paper for a few hours before we called it a night. We were both sitting on the couch, my legs were in his lap and he was watching a common car repair show. He looked and me and smiled fondly, replying with, “It’s not so much spoiling as it is treating my girl right.”
“Is that so?” a light blush tinted my cheeks pink and I smiled back.
“Yes, doll.” He winked at me before turning his attention back to the television.
I smiled happily and saved my work before setting my laptop off to the side and climbing up onto Tig’s lap. He looked at me a bit surprised but didn't complain, instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and made sure I wouldn't fall off his lap.
“Well hi there.” He grinned up at me and I grinned back.
“Hi.” I replied before leaning down to press a fond kiss to his lips, my hair falling to offer a sort of shield as we made out like teenagers.
Two months had passed since I left Tig and life was starting to look up again. Chibs tagged along a lot more than Juice did now but I didn’t mind. The Scotsman was fun to be around and he gave off a sort of calming effect that kept my hectic mind at bay. He let me ride around on his bike with him but he wouldn't let me pay for gas. Instead, he said he would take proper, home-cooked food as payment and he had a special fondness for my Tortilla Espanolas, unlike Juice who couldn’t appreciate good food when he got it. He accompanied me when I went to change my hair style and color and was even teaching me some Gaelic as long as I taught him some Italian and Spanish in return, which I couldn’t turn down for the life of me.
“You are a god-send.” I told him one afternoon as we sat at the bar in the clubhouse.
The boys had just gotten out of church and I was serving some light beers for them and the hang-arounds alike. Tig stayed on the other side of the room but I could feel his eyes on me constantly.
“Na, darlin’. I’m jus’ trea’in’ a lady righ’.” He told me honestly and I grinned at him, leaning over the bar to press a soft kiss to his scarred cheek.
“Thank you, Filip.” I shot him a wink and he tipped his beer bottle towards me in acknowledgement before taking a long swig.
“Who else needs a refill?” I announced and the guys who did held up their bottles as a reply for a new one.
At our six-month anniversary, Tig came to my apartment with a bouquet of flowers and a gold key attached to the stems.
“What’s this?” I asked in shock as I took the flowers from him and let him inside, taking them to the kitchen to pour water into a vase before setting them in and then on the dinner table.
“A key to our apartment, should you want to move in with me.” He replied and this was the first time I had ever seen him nervous around me. He wasn't nervous when we slept together or when he kissed me or whenever we went on dates. So this was definitely a shock in itself.
“Don't think it’s too soon?” I asked him as I stood up and faced him, twirling the string around my finger on its string as I walked up so there was only about four inches between our bodies.
“Do you?” he countered and I shook my head.
“I think you’ll get tired of me.” I replied honestly, sliding my arms around his shoulders and moving in close.
“Never.” he grinned back, wrapping his arms around my hips and resting his hands on my dress-covered bottom.
“Then yes, I would love to live with you.” His eyes widened and a gigantic smile lit up his face before he picked up and spun me around.
“This weekend. You’re moving in this weekend. I don’t want to wait any longer.” he told me once he set me back down on my feet.
“I suppose it’s settled then.” he plopped a big kiss onto my mouth before pulling me towards the door.
“Charlie, darlin’, I need to speak with you for a minute.” Jax said from the other end of the bar once I had gotten all the refills.
“Whatcha need, president?” I asked curiously as I made my way towards him, pouring us both a shot of tequila as an opener. He smirked at me and we clinked glasses before downing the shots and getting to business.
“You speak Italian, right?” he replied, eyes locked on mine.
“Yes, sir, I do. Why?” my head tilted to the side as I waited patiently for him to explain.
“The club is need of your services for a deal we’re trying to lock down. You’ll be safe, but seeing as none of us speak the language, we are kinda in a bind.” he was going to continue babbling on but I held up a hand to stop him.
“Where do I sign?” his signature smirk lit up his face and his hands cupped my face.
“Thank you, darlin’. I appreciate this.” I smiled back and patted his hand before heading back over to Chibs who was watching the exchange intently.
“It looks like I’ll be tagging along on a meet, Filip. But only if I get to ride with you.” a smile lit up his face too and he nodded.
“Wouldna let you ri’e wit’ anyone else.” he told me truthfully.
I moved in with Tig that weekend just like he had promised and it was an experience for sure. The other guys helped with the move and would only take pizza and beer as payment, which I was happy to oblige. It was about midnight when everyone left and it was just Tig and I. We proceeded to christen every room in the apartment- a couple times- before finally collapsing in bed for a weekend of sleep. We didn’t leave the apartment at all until Monday, content to relax and enjoy the quiet that Jax had agreed to without much of a fight on our part. Tig had earned a weekend off and club life was quiet so everyone got to experience life at home for once.
“This is nice, Tiggy.” I whispered one evening as we relaxed on the couch, sleepy from vigorous sex that morning. We both just fell onto the cushions and he pulled a blanket over us so our naked skin wouldn't get cold as we dozed.
“I agree.” Tig yawned, his fingers lazily trailing along my spine.
“I love you.” I moved my head up so he could see me smile.
“I love you too, baby girl. So much.” he smiled back and pressed a kiss to my nose before laying his head back into the pillow and closing his eyes for a nap.
We set out about nine the next morning from the clubhouse, after they attended church. The first one I got to attend too, which surprised me quite a bit.
“It’s not like I could let you go into this meeting without some idea as to what is going on. Although, you know everything spoken at this table remains confidential, right?” Jax spoke from the head of the table, gavel twirling around his fingers.
“I’m a lot of things, Jackson, but a rat isn’t one of them.” This caused everyone to laugh but Tig, though that was not surprising in the slightest.
“That’s what I like to hear. Now, about this meet with the Italians…”
The next six months coasted by in a comfortable yet happy bliss: I continued with my schooling and bar-tending and Tig and I were going great. He was more focused while he worked in Teller-Morrow and the boys were telling me that he was more lax and controlled while they went on jobs and did meets and they couldn't thank me enough for that aspect. I got along well with the other women in the life and had even made some friends in the local crows and even Lyla, who let me help out at the studio on my free days. She enjoyed my ideas on projects she couldn't seem to get off the planning phases and the boys liked watching what we would come up with. Life was good.
We set out at nine, just like what was planned, and I rode on the back of Chib’s motorcycle, much to the amusement of everyone else. I could hear Tig huff angrily as I climbed up behind the Scot and clung to him tightly. He was laughing quietly as everyone began to kick their stands up and he patted my hand fondly before rolling out behind Jax.
“I dont think he likes this arrangement.” I said to him as we pulled out of the lot and onto the main road, the breeze whipping through my hair and creating a comfortable chill in my bones.
“I donna’ care.” Chibs replied with a big grin before speeding up, causing me to laugh and cling to him tighter.
We got interesting looks from Bobby and Piney as we all made our way to the meeting site; it made sense seeing as my face was resting against Chib’s back and I had a tight grip on his waist so I wouldn't fall as he navigated us smoothly along the pavement. My eyes had fallen closed as the ride continued on- a paternal fault of becoming sleepy on car rides, no matter the length.
“Wake up, love.” Chibs said softly, his lips pressing a soft kiss to my cheek as everyone slowed to a stop and rolled their bikes back into a neat row across from the restaurant we were meeting the Italians at.
“Sorry, Chibs.” I smiled sheepishly at him as I sat up and took his offered hand to help me off the bike before he slid his hands under my chin and undid the buckle for me.
“Is alright.” He lifted the helmet off my head and set it on the seat before offering me his arm which I took without thought.
“Alright, Charlie, here’s the deal. You’re with Chibby here, you’ve been together for awhile now and you’re here to help us with the gun distributing business. Chibs can't speak Italian, obviously, and you were our first option.” I nodded and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Tig did not like the situation but he knew he couldn't speak up since he had to right to me anymore.
“Sounds good, lead the way.” I smiled up at Jax from behind my sunglasses and he smiled back, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“Aye, Jackie-boy, thas ma woman.” Chibs joked and my heart fluttered in my chest at the comment, but I wasn't sure why.
“Alright, alright.” Jax grinned and shot me a wink before we all headed up to the front door of the restaurant. Chibs held the door open for me and let me walk in first with all of the guys following in behind. The prospects were posted by the door to keep watch and the rest of us went deep into the building to the meet. I was greeted by rich Italian food-dishes and soft music playing somewhere in the background.
“Buongiorno gentiluomini e signora!(Good afternoon gentlemen and lady)” A more robust gentleman yelled out with a gigantic grin, greeting us halfway and holding his hand out for me in particular. I obliged and let him take it, smiling politely as he pressed a kiss to my knuckles.
“buon pomeriggio signore, il mio nome è Charlie(good afternoon sir, my name is Charlie),” I replied back easily, my smile genuine as I saw his face light up at the aspect that I could chat with him in his native language.
“Mi chiamo mario lupio, mio zio si scusa per non essere in grado di partecipare a se stesso. questi ragazzi non parlano italiano(My name is mario lupio, my uncle apologizes for not being able to attend himself. do these boys not speak italian)?” he asked me as he ushered all of us to a large, round table and motioned for all of us to take a seat. Chibs sat next to me with Jax on the other side and everyone else took their respective places.
“è giusto, capiamo. no, ma questo fa parlare gaelico(it’s alright, we understand. no, but this one does speak Gaelic).” I replied, patting Chibs’s hand as he gave me a confused yet pleased smile in return.
“sì, un uomo scozzese. Ho sempre fatto la scozia(yes, a Scottish man. I always did like scotland).” the man replied before making a hand motion and suddenly there were drinks being poured and appetizers being served all around us.
“Can we start on the real reason we are here?” Jax asked somewhat irritated, not used to his meets being so carefree and informal. Especially when it was in a language he couldn't understand.
“scusandolo, non ha avuto molto sonno. Vuole discutere la ragione della riunione(excuse him, he didn't get much sleep. He wants to discuss the reason of the meet.)” The man nodded in understanding and suddenly everything took on a serious tone.
“sì, le armi. mio zio sa delle offerte che la SOA fa e vuole. È disposto a pagare 300 mila in anticipo per una spedizione e poi continuare i dividendi se tutto va bene(yes, the guns. my uncle knows of the deals the SOA make and he wants in. He's willing to pay 300 thousand upfront for a shipment and then continuing dividends if everything goes well).” I relayed this information back to Jackson and the table and he looked to Chibs for his input.
“We can do 350 thousand upfront for the first shipment and then 325 thousand for every continuing shipment thereafter.” The guys came up with a common census and I told the gentleman what they had counter-offered.
“sono disposti a fare 350 mila in anticipo e poi 325 mila per ogni ulteriore spedizioni(they are willing to do 350 thousand upfront and then 325 thousand for any further shipments).” He thought it over for a moment before nodding with a smile back on his face.
“Accetta questa offerta e attende una telefonata con informazioni per la prima riunione(He accepts that offer and is looking forward to a phone call with information for the first meet).” I smiled back and we clinked our glasses in a toast before I told Jax what he had said.
“Expect a call within the next two days with a date and time. We look forward to working with you guys for a long while.” Jax wanted me to relay that back to him as he stood, causing everyone else to stand as well.
“Aspetta una chiamata entro i prossimi due giorni con una data e l'ora. Non vediamo l'ora di lavorare con te ragazzi per un lungo periodo(Expect a call within the next two days with a date and time. We look forward to working with you guys for a long while).” They shook hands and he showed us to the door politely, pulling me off to the side for a brief comment which had Chibs stopping too, even if he couldn't understand what the man told me.
“Mio zio è disposto a farlo anche se sei lì. Per ogni incontro(My uncle is only willing to do this if you are there as well. For every meet).” I nodded in understanding and told him that I would be and that is when he let all of us back outside to head to the bikes.
“What did he tell you, Charlie?” Jax asked me as we all climbed onto the motorcycles.
“I have to be present at every meet or else his uncle was out of the deal. Me being there was the only way that he would meet with you at all.” everyone halted in their actions and I heard Tig and Piney curse under their breath.
“I don’t like it.” Jax finally said, a cigarette between his lips as he thought it over.
“I’m the only one who can understand anything they say, Jackson. It’s a smart move for me to be there, for both you and his uncle.” I replied, settling back in my seat and braiding my hair before tucking it under my helmet.
“We’ll discuss it further tonight at Church.” I nodded and slid my sunglasses on, glad that didn't spiral out as easy as it could have.
*Yes, I used google translate, but that is because I am in the process of slowly learning Italian. By any means, this is still a rough draft and I would greatly appreciate any input as the language and comments about the work in general! :) Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list; this will be updated as I get a few chapter written each time.
#SOA chibs#soa juice#soa tig#soa jax#soa#soa happy#sons of anarchy#SAMCRO#samcro fic#og character#SOA Blog#soa bobby#tig trager#tig#chibs telford#chibs fluff#chibs#Jax Teller#gemma teller#Gemma Morrow#Clay Morrow#bartend#filip telford
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