#my brothers got the newest and best systems though because my parents felt guilty after the divorce lol
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blame-my-muses · 1 month ago
Technically I'm Early Millennial, but realistically we were poor and got everything secondhand years after it came out, so while I did use the Early Millennial gaming systems, I was using them while everyone else had moved on to the Core Millennial systems, with a few exceptions and caveats. I was, for example, on the internet before I was in double digits (though with a lot of supervision ofc) because we had AOL on our Win5? Win7? computer, but we didn't have a gaming system until our babysitters upgraded their Nintendo for a 64, and gave us the old one, and we got a PS1 when my uncle upgraded to a PS2. It's all a bit wibbly wobbly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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chiliiscereal · 4 years ago
maybe dad daryl where oc is really young and when they are on the road gets sick or maybe the prison sickness and is really clingy to daryl?? idk i’m trying to think of more ideas of the dad daryl trope for you to get inspiration from!🥰
This is my first official request so here we go!!
Thanks so much for requesting! I’ll be sure to do my best!
A broken world is no place for a ten year old. Especially when the people of that world are more dangerous than the monsters that roam the forests.
One might say it was a miracle you were found by the group you had now. Daryl had snatched you from the road before your freshly turned parents could bite you. You thought they were just sick, but then the car they’d been driving crashed when your mother sunk her teeth into your fathers arm. She had only been taking a nap to recover from her fever and then she woke up.
“Dad, please!” You backed away backwards from the wreckage on your hands and knees.
Your father continued crawling toward you with outstretched hands and gnashing teeth. Both of you were covered in gashes and blood.
You tried batting him away but he wouldn’t listen to you. What was wrong with him?
“Hey, girl!” A voice shouted from behind you. Arms grabbed you around your middle and pulled you away.
“Let me go” you screamed. “My dad needs my help!” You looked up at the man holding you with tears in your eyes, trying to get him to release you.
“Ya can’t help yer dad. He’s dead.” The man stated.
“But he’s moving!” You pointed around your fathers body, still crawling for the the two of you.
The man pulled out his crossbow and held you close with one arm, shooting your dad through the forehead. “He’s dead.” He informed you.
You couldn’t speak.
Couldn’t talk.
Couldn’t breathe.
“C’mon.” He grabbed your arm and guided you to his truck. “Got a group. It’s safe an’ there’s other kids.”
You say in his truck, still shaking. “Promise?”
He climbed into the drivers seat and turned it on. “Yeah, whatever, I promise.”
You held out your pinkie. “Pinkie promise?”
He narrowed his eyes, eventually rolling them. “Sure, fine, i pinkie promise.” He got it over with quickly. He almost felt childish doing it.
But it was just what you needed to convince yourself it was safe.
It took a while to get used to your new people. They were friendly... for the most part. The man who scooped you up from the road wasn’t the nicest but he was better than his brother. Neither one of them seemed to keen on getting to know you better. The youngest one had simply placed you in his truck and shoved you off to the rest of the adults.
You didn’t mind though. There were other kids, there was food, and there was safety. That was enough for you. You settled into a tent with Lori and her son after a while. You were there when Carl found his dad again, and you were there when Daryl found he no longer had his brother.
Despite all the loss everyone still found a way to have some form of normality.
But then the Atlanta Camp was over run.
That day you thought would be your last. A walker had managed to trip you up and you landed in the forest floor, backing away. It’s pale bony fingers were on your ankles when an arrow had pierced its forehead before it could bite you.
That was the day you decided you could trust Daryl. No one else understood it, but they didn’t need to.
He’d saved your life twice. He had kept you close that night, downing any walker that came your way.
He tried giving you back to Lori but you didn’t trust Lori to keep you safe. Shane has tried to convince you to leave Daryl’s side but you refused.
So everyone rolled with it. It wasn’t harming anybody after all. You were safe and that’s all that mattered.
“I ain’t gonna keep ya safe.” He rolled his eyes as he drove his truck for the CDC. He gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye. “Sure ya don’t wanna sit in the car with Lori or somethin’?”
You shook your head, kicking your legs happily. “I’m fine right here.” You watched the trees pass by with content.
Daryl gripped the steering wheel a bit harder. “I ain’t gonna entertain ya or some shit. I ain’t a babysitter and ya aren’t my responsibility.”
“I know.” You nodded. “It’s fine though. You’re still trustworthy to me.”
The hunter just grunted in response, to not exactly agreeing but not disagreeing either.
Daryl was dead set on proving that he wasn’t trustworthy at all. He tried ignoring you, he tried walking away while you talked to him at the farm, and he tried telling you to leave him alone.
But you followed him around anyway. You could be pretty fast when you wanted to be. You just walked after him and continued telling him about what you did that day.
Daryl finally had enough when you tried to hold his hand while walking after him.
You placed your hand in his casually. You hadn’t thought much of it because you did it often with your dad. Your dad protected you like Daryl did. He treated you like Daryl did. He made sure you were fed like Daryl did. Why would it be a bad thing?
Daryl tensed and shoved your hand away immediately. “Don’t do that shit.” He ordered.
“Why not?” You questioned as you took his hand again.
“I ain’t yer dad, alright?!” He snapped, ripping his hand away. “Damn it, just stop followin’ me!” He stormed off before you could even react.
You hadn’t meant to crowd him. You just wanted him to know you appreciated him. So you respected his rather loud opinion and stayed away.
Even when the farm fell, you were away from him.
You made your way to the highway by yourself. You’d walked all night and managed to catch them before they left.
Daryl felt guilty but his pride was too strong for him to do anything about it. Dixon’s don’t apologize and they sure as hell don’t have to feel bad for anything they do.
Your group had wandered for what felt like eons.
Daryl, as some form of apology, took to teaching you how to survive. You went along with it but you’d lost some form of... excitement.
You weren’t allowed to need Daryl. You had to be able to survive without needing anyone. So you learned as much as you could. But there was no more bubbly chatter. No more trying to hold his hand for comfort.
The man didn’t know why but he missed it.
The days grew colder and with most cold weather, comes sickness. Of course it chose the smallest and weakest person in the group:
You’d never really had a good immune system. If there was some cold going around then you were sure to catch it.
And catch it you did.
It started off small: a little cough here, a sneeze there...
Then it started to build up.
Soon your legs were aching.
Your lungs felt like they were trying to breathe in heavy smoke.
All you wanted to sleep but sleep was impossible! You kept rolling over and you absolutely could NOT get comfortable.
A headache wormed its way into your skull as well.
Your first thought was to tell Daryl. But you couldn’t. He’d tell you that you were slowing everyone down. That they couldn’t waste supplies on you. That you were too much responsibility.
This time you just had to get over this sickness on your own. Nobody ever needed to know.
You nearly caved when blood began to come out with the coughing. Seeing that crimson liquid stain the small cloth you’d been using nearly drove you to your knees.
“You alright, kid?” Daryl asked as the group trudged forward through snow.
“Fine.” You muttered and stuffed the cloth in your pocket before he could see anything. “I’m just fine.”
You acted like you couldn’t see him narrowing his eyes at you. He must have seen by now how much slower you’d gotten. He must have seen that you no longer had an appetite. Right? He was choosing not to say anything so you’d get over it alone. He had to be.
“Ya look like shit kid.” He tried again.
You edged away from him a bit, wrapping your arms around yourself to preserve any heat. “Wow thanks.”
“Ya know that’s not what I meant.” He touched your small shoulder gently only for you to jerk away.
“Why the hell won’t you just leave me alone.” You growled and walked to catch up with the rest of your group.
You managed to keep up your charade for another week before someone seemed to catch on.
Glenn had noticed your excessive coughing and brought it up to everyone while they’d eaten in the newest house.
“Are you feeling alright?” Glenn asked softly. “You’ve been coughing an awful lot.”
“I’m fine.” You told him.
“Sure you’re not getting sick?”
“I’m sure I’m not.”
You’d dismissed him quickly and moved on.
You thought you’d managed to keep it secret for another day. But your coughing became too much.
Everyone was walking outside the next day and you were trailing behind. Your throat was burning and you couldn’t stop yourself from coughing into the rag again. You thought you’d straighten up and keep walking.
But you didn’t.
The coughing didn’t stop.
You doubled over and blood kept coming.
“Hey, kid!” Daryl shouted, dropping his stuff and running over to you.
“I’m fine.” You tried to say. “I’m... im okay...”
You were on the ground, feeling like you were going to catch on fire.
“Let me see that rag.”
You tried to hid it again but you couldn’t stop Daryl from taking it.
“Damn it!”
You couldn’t even stand up. Black dots were taking over your vision.
The last thing you remembered was Daryl’s arms scooping you up.
“Why the hell didn’t she tell anyone!”
“Must not have felt comfortable.”
“But she needed help!”
“Well you did snap at her and tell her to leave you alone...”
“Shit, I know! I gotta go. Ya said we need medicine for fever and coughing?”
“Yes, and blankets if you find any.”
You blacked out again, only to wake up to a different voice.
“C’mon, ya gotta wake up.” A scratchy voice ordered softly as a hand shook you.
“Please no.” You begged and rolled over. Shivers over took your body. “I’ll be fine. I just need to sleep.”
You didn’t still didn’t want to bother him.
“Ya gotta eat, kid.” He asked, placing his hands in your back so you’d sit up. “Damn, yer cold as ice.”
You peeled open an eye and watched him reach behind him to grab a blanket, layering it over you.
“I don’t need it.” You protested. “I can get over this.”
“I ain’t gonna listen to that shit, got it?” He barked. “I know I shouldn’t ‘a pushed ya like that. I shouldn’t ‘a told ya ta leave me alone. But ya gotta keep yerself alive alright?”
Tears spilled down your face as you pulled the blanket closer. “I’m sorry! I didn’t... I didn’t want this to happen!” You broke into a coughing fit and covered your mouth with the rag. “I didn’t mean to slow us down or,” another cough, “or waste supplies!” You leaned into the man tiredly.
“It ain’t yer fault.” He hesitated in wrapping his arms around you. “M’sorry I let it go this far.” He rubbed your back comfortingly in circles. “Lets get ya warmed up, alright?”
You nodded, still feeling extremely weak. “Can I just sit here?” You asked guiltily. “I don’t want to move.”
“Fine. Just for a little bit.”
You wrapped your arms around him and curled up by his side, soaking in all the warmth.
“I gotta go find some medicine.” He told you as he got ready to leave the house everyone was camped out at. “Can’t ya handle bein’ here without me fer a little while?”
You sniffed and pulled the blanket closer. “Okay. I can do that.”
“Be back soon, alright?” He patted your shoulder and went out the door.
You slept as much as you could, waiting for him to return. Glenn has forced you to eat but everything felt like it burned your throat.
Everything hurt.
All you wanted was comfort.
For everything to feel better.
You waited for hours for Daryl to come back.
You just wanted the closest thing to a dad you had.
“She’s getting worse.” Lori commented softly. “We need that medicine or else I don’t know how much longer she’s gonna hang on.”
“She might not make it if Daryl doesn’t get back before nightfall.” Hershel said regretfully.
“He should have been back an hour ago! We’ll be lucky if he gets here before she passes out again.”
“No, we’re lucky no one else has caught this. We need this thing stamped out soon or it’s the end for all of us.”
You curled against Glenn’s side, shuddering slightly. “Is he back yet?”
He patted your back softly. “Sorry, kiddo, he’s not.”
You nodded to yourself, and waited a little bit. “If he back yet?”
“You asked that already. Sorry but he isn’t here.”
“We have to think about what’s best for her.” Rick told everyone in the other room. “If he ain’t back soon, we’ll have to prepare for the worst. Maybe let ‘er enjoy one last meal. Spend time with her.”
“He’s gotta be back soon.” Carol whispered. “He has to be.”
“It’s harder to find medicine now a days.” Hershel told her. “I’m sorry, but the chances of finding medicine is very unlikely.”
You could hear them discussing everything from the other room. You weren’t supposed to but you could.
“Let’s wait.” Lori begged. “Just for a little bit longer.”
“I don’t think-.”
The door opened. “I got the medicine. Where’s the kid?”
You pulled yourself up from the floor and walked into the room. “Daryl?” You called.
“Shit kid.” He dropped his crossbow and ran over. “Why the hell are ya up?”
You glanced tiredly at all the people in the group. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Damn it i thought I told you to stay put.” He began chewing you out but stopped when you sleepily wrapped your arms around him. “Fine. Whatever. Just... come on. Ya gotta take this medicine an’ get better.”
It took you almost a full week to recover but you did.
Whatever it was, it must have done something to your lungs. You couldn’t run without feeling winded.
But you had Daryl at your side the whole time.
He made sure you were always one of the first ones ready to leave when a house was no longer safe.
Never again did he snap at you or leave you unattended.
You may have lost your father when the walkers took the earth, but you somehow managed to gain one anyway.
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