#my brother ask me whether i want to change the yellow & purple thing on twitter
tsukikoayanosuke · 4 months
(posted this on Twitter, so let's do this here in Tumblr as well)
Okay, for funsies.
For now, I only have enough braincells for one but I might touch the other as well.
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thedramaclubs · 4 years
Changing lives (reprise)
Summery: Roman and Remus get the rest of the reviews and it was horrible that it closed their show. They soon meet one of their old friends and Remus’s husband meets them and soon they find something on Twitter to change their lives
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When their singing
“The rest of the reviews are in! New York post, associated press, New York times” exclaimed Joan with ther phone in the air everyone started to get excited and looked on their phones as Roman and Remus are about to listen to how great their musical is........or so they thought.
Everyone’s faces changed to a sad and disappointed look and started leaving
“What? What’s happening?” said Roman as he watch everyone look at him and his brother in sadness.
“This is not a review anyone wants when you have shitty advance sales. This is gonna close us” said Joan
Roman gasp and Remus was shocked “What didn’t they like was it the hip hop?”
“Yeah but not that”
“For gods sake sakes Joan read it.” The twins sat down as Joan read the horrible reviews.
“Ok here’s the highlights, “Remus Allen’s FDR might just be the most insulting misguided, offensive, and laughable performance that this reviewer has ever had the squirming misfortune to endure. Emphasis on the insulting because he try to make him self look like that he was trying to give me intrusive thoughts about FDR.”
“That’s how I normally look what the hell?!?!”
“I mean it’s not so bad” said Roman as he played with his dress
“DO HIM ALREADY!!” “What I’m just saying.”
“Watching Romans Eleanor Roosevelt, corking out a heavy-handed message of activism, is like paying an aging drag queen to shove a syurp-soaked American flag down my throat. And also Eleanor should have been played by a women”
Roman was on the verge of tears “Thats not criticism that’s a personal attack.” His voice cracked and Remus hugged him as he shed a tear
“If your considering buying a ticket to the show do yourself a favor. By a few feet of good heavy rope instead and then go hang yourself”
“Holy fuck, oh god, poopy. Was the show that bad?”
“It’s not the show it’s you two. Your just not likeable.”
“What?” They said simultaneously
“Nobody likes a narcissist.” They sat in silence over what they just heard. “Leave it to me I’ll go and try to change the narrative once again” Joan then left the twins alone in the bullding
“I hate this world” “this just hurts my heart, Where did everybody go?”
They talked over each other as the walk to the bar to find a man in a pink suit. “What can I get ya?” said the man “Yola mezcal blackberry smash” said the twins at the same time. “My condolences Roman. But remember you do have friends” said the man making their drinks.”
“Thank you. Who are you?”
“Thomas Sanders.......we’ve done five shows together.”
“Ugh Thomas went to Juilliard and won’t shut up about.” Whispered Remus as he told Roman “Oh right Thomas. Thomas haha....... why are you dressed like waiter?” I’m in between gigs at the moment. Honestly Roman I feel adrift as i did in my days before Juilliard” Remus proceed to chug a drink that was on the table as Thomas continued to talk about Juilliard and the two were just over it.
“Still I have played hamlet and I’m still known as that guy from the beloved early aughts sitcom “Talk to the hand” I question everything about my existence” As he continues to rant about the past what they didn’t notice as a man in a golden sequiny dress with a black hat and a yellow ribbon tied on it with long golden brown hair walking their way
“Hey guys!”
Roman and Remus turned around to see Janus Allen, Remus’s husband
“Jannie!!!” Remus picked up Janus and spun him around and soon dipped him into a kiss which turn into a make out session. “Ahem I know you two lovebirds haven’t seen each other all day but can it wait we’re still here ya know.” They both looked at Roman and giggle a little from embarrassment “Sorry your show closed on opening night again. Welcome to the world of the unemployed,hit me up next.”
“I thought you were in Chicago?” asked Remus “I totally didn’t quit just now 20 years in the chorus and still wouldn’t let me play Roxie Hart and now their letting Tina Louise play her” “That bitch is still alive” said Remus as he chugs another drink
“We’re wasting our lives.” Said Roman as they are all slightly drunk “Ok I refuse to give up we’re still celebrities we still have power.” “Yeah well The Times casted you out” said Thomas as he poured another drink “Yep they wrote you off as aging narcissist and I’m only allowed to call Remus that.” “I still don’t understand what’s wrong with that.” Said Roman as he drinks even more. “You know what we will become celebrity arsonist.” “Babe it’s call celebrity activist we are not burning down another building like last time.” “Ok everyone think of causes.”
“World hunger”
“Too big we need something we can handle”
“Let’s see whats trending” said Janus “Trump, trump, trump, ooo how about this boy he’s all over Twitter. His names Patton Heart. He’s from edgewater, Indiana. He’s gay. He wanted to take his boyfriend to the highschool prom and the pta went apeshit and canceled it.”
We are now in Edgewater, Indiana and Patton Heart is watching the head of the pta, Mrs Green being interviewed. “We have very strict rules for prom. Young ladies must wear non-revealing dresses. Young men must wear suits or tuxes. And if a student chooses to bring a date it must be of the opposite sex” “Can’t you just ban this student?” “Well we’ve been advised that there may be some legal repercussions if we prevent this boy from attending so although it breaks my heart we have no choice to cancel prom.” We move to Mr Virgil Hawkins the principal “The first thing I’m going to do is contact the state attourney this is not about school rules this is a civil right case.” “Wait seriously?” Said Patton. “Yes and if word gets out people will get mad and next thing you know some modern day Eleanor Roosevelt is gonna come and hell’s gonna break loose.”
We move back to New York “We got to go down their and raise holy hell” exclaimed Roman “We’ll be the biggest thing to happen to Indiana since........whatever’s happen in Indiana are you with me!?!” Said Remus as he and Roman start stand on top of a table they all cheered “We’ll get Joan to tag along to find us a venue” “I just book us a non-union tour of Godspell and I goes through Indiana we can ride on the bus.” Said Thomas “Can we do this guys” Said Janus “You bet your sweet MILF ass we can jannie”
🎶 We are gonna prove that in this day and age being gay isn’t a crime. This is out moment to change the world one homo 🎶
🎶Homo 🎶
🎶At a time🎶
🎶 we’re gonna help that little homo, whether he likes it or not, when your a legendary thespian 🎶
🎶First you help the distressed 🎶
🎶Then you help the distraught🎶
🎶We’re gonna go to where the necks are red and lack of dentistry thrives, Why sing and dance when you can take a stance🎶
🎶And know your truly changing lives. We’re gonna March until that town looks like the end of act one in les mis. You don’t gotta have a Ph.D in psych to know that people kowtow to the folks in the biz🎶
🎶We’re gonna teach’em to be more PC the minute or group arrives🎶
🎶That’s right🎶
🎶Those fist-pumping🎶
🎶Losers and their inbred wives. They’ll learn compassion🎶
🎶And better fashion🎶
🎶Once we at last start changing lives!!!!🎶
🎶Now let’s go help that dyke🎶
People to tag/ @artissijules
This took a long time to write
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moonlit-manifesto · 4 years
Heartbreak Red Takeover 2020
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“I’ll make your heart beat again - BA-DUMP!” - Heartbreak Red (Uduki Arata)
It’s April Fool’s Day once again, and Heartbreak Red has taken over the Tsukiuta twitter account (@tsukiuta1)! Only this time - he’s taken over some of the other Tsukino Production accounts as well! If the tweet comes from an account other than the Tsukiuta account, I’ll mark it.
Heartbreak Red responds to some fans’ tweets, and they’re mostly categorized in three ways: Advice, Request, and Other. There’s a lot of tweets, so I’ll only be translating the funny ones because some are just regular advice. There’s also some news announcements like previews of Six Gravity and Procellarum’s new unit songs and a Tsukiuta official instagram account, so check out the twitter account to see those! There’s also some audio recordings too!
Read below the cut for all the Heartbreak Red goodness!
[REQUEST] Since my school is temporarily closed, I want to be cheered up by the goddesses!!
Heartbreak Red: “Hey!! Thousand Sakura Red!! Kannaduki Otaku Red!!”
Sakura Red (Chisa from Fluna):  “Since your heart is beating again, do your best!!!”
Otaku Red (Reina from Seleas): “Do you have a favorite idol? Are you reading a fun manga!? Let’s give our hearts nourishment!!!”
[REQUEST] It’s cold and rainy today, so can I get Curry Rice Genau-san to warm up my heart with a one-liner or joke?
Heartbreak Red: “Curry Redddddd!!!”
Curry Red (You from Procella): “You can only call on me once a year! Go watch the reuploaded video from last year’s April Fool’s Day!!! 💢💢💢💢
Heartbreak Red: “That was his one-liner! Sparking Curry Red!!!”
[REQUEST] I want to ask if Hajime-san has been eating properly!
Heartbreak Red: “Even if you’re busy, make sure to eat enough, okay?”
Hajime: “All right. Thanks...”
Heartbreak Red: “Make sure to tell Heartbreak Purple [Hajime’s ‘Heartbreak’ alter ego] that too.”
Hajime: “...I’ll tell him. By the way, I’m not Heartbreak Purple.”
[REQUEST] Starting in April I’ll have a lot of difficult stuff going on in life, so can you and Shiki-kun cheer me on with all your strength?
Heartbreak Red: “I-It’s not Shiki-san, but...?”
Dignified Red (Shiki from SolidS): “Next year I’ll have gone around the Earth 30 times!!! And I’m still pushing on!!! I’m Dignified Red!!!!! Overcoming difficulties is a fact of life!!! Good luck!!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Good luck~”
[ADVICE] Until now, the only men I’ve dated have been good-for-nothing, and I’m afraid of falling in love again. Please tell me how to distinguish the good men from the bad men.
Heartbreak Red: “Looks like you had a thing for the hopeless ones. But you’re strong because you could tell they were hopeless! Do you have a friend you can trust? You can let them be the judge!”
[REQUEST] I want to ask what’s on Chef Yoru’s menu for tonight’s dinner?
Yoru: “Katsudon!”
Heartbreak Red: “Juicy~”
[REQUEST] Does Heartbreak Gold exist?? I want to meet the shining, sparkling Heartbreak Gold (>_<)
Heartbreak Red: “Kake...Gold!!!”
Heartbreak Gold (Kakeru from Gravi): “Gold is always getting his heart broken by lady luck (bright smile).”
Heartbreak Red: “This guy turned into a twinkling star...”
☆Sorry For the Intrusion☆ (@solids_info)
Heartbreak Red: “Wheeeee!!!! How are you, Blushing Red 2?”
Blushing Red 2 (Dai from SolidS): “You’re here?”
Heartbreak Red: “Now for the intro!! It doesn’t matter which Twitter account - Boundary-Free Hero Heartbreak Red presents: Account Attack!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Dai-chan-san, your line when I came in doesn’t fit with Blushing Red 2-san’s character, so instead we’ll replace it later and plan your entrance for then.”
Tsubasa: “Don’t try to protect your weird characters so stubbornly lol.”
Ichiru: “I [Love] Red Red will return, too... Issei will show up later.” [Ichiru doesn’t say the ‘love’ part cuz he’s embarassed lol]
Eichi: “You’re blushing (haha).”
Heartbreak Red: “Uhhh so, Happy April Fool’s Day!! Here’s some pork cutlets Yorurun fried. And Purple- I mean - Hajime-san told me to contact him immediately if I run into any trouble.”
Shu: “This feels like you’re on your first outside mission.”
Rikka: “Speaking of trouble, there’s a certain someone who ran out earlier...”
Shiki: “I wonder who that could be?” [it was him]
Dai: “Sorry for the wait.”
Issei: “Hello. Whoa, it’s Hearbreak Red-san!”
Heartbreak Red: “What’s up!”
Eichi: “This kind of sketch comedy act makes me nostalgic for those variety TV shows, haha.”
Shiki: “We’re all here now, so let’s start this thing with all of us.”
Rikka: “Yeah, let’s do it! I’ve actually been looking forward to this.”
Heartbreak Red: “Time for the SQ edition!”
[REQUEST - SQ] Humidity makes my hair messy... What should I do? I need Rikka-san’s advice!! Also, is Shiki-san’s hair still smooth as usual? Lol
Rikka: “When you wash your hair, make sure to properly dry it. You’ll notice a difference the next day. Don’t just leave it half-wet, okay? Using hair care products will yield greater results, too! And Shiki... His hair is so smooth today that I’m angry.”
Shiki: “What can I say, I’m Mr. Smooth Hair Cuticles #1.”
Heartbreak Red: “I’m #2.”
Rikka: “I’m jealous~ (haha).”
[ADVICE - SQ] There’s a 20cm height difference between me and the person I like! And I’m taller! I hate guys...  ( ;ᯅ; )
Shiki: “No need for that, I think that’s cool. Believe in yourself. The person you like will realize it’s cool, too.”
Heartbreak Red: “It’s a gift from the heavens. I hope the person you like will like you back!”
[OTHER - SQ] Ichiru-kun♥ I love you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Everyone: “Awwww!!!”
Ichiru: “Be quiet, all you adults!!!! But thank you for your message! I’m super happy! I’ll continue to do my best!”
[REQUEST - SQ] Heartbreak Red, what do you think of Dignified Red?
Shiki: “Yeah, let’s hear it! Not that I’m Dignified Red or anything!!”
Heartbreak Red: “He has an amazing force, I’m jealous. And to possess such a grand presence really is the meaning of dignified. Dignified Red’s calm aura is so cool.”
[REQUEST - SQ] Rikka-san!!! Rikka-saaaaaan!! What has made you smile recently?
Rikka: Yoru-kun’s delicious fried pork cutlet made me smile~ I now have a great, big smile on my face ♪”
Dai: “...Just hurry up and finish it.”
Heartbreak Red: “I like you ‘cause you eat until you’re full.”
[OTHER - SQ] Issei-kun, are you enjoying university life?? The juniors are growing up and your horizons are expanding.
Issei: “Thank you for your message! They haven’t decided whether or not to start a new semester [due to current events, aka the corona virus], but me being impatient won’t help anything. I’ll happily wait for a decision (haha).”
[REQUEST - SQ] I haven’t seen much interaction between Okui Tsubasa and Kagurazaka Soushi even though their image colors are both yellow. I’d like to hear a conversation between them. Please help with this, Heartbreak Red~ [originally requested on the Tsukiuta account, but he’s answering it on the SQ account]
Heartbreak Red: “I’m a man of my word, so I called Soushi over.”
Soushi: “Now that I’m here, let’s talk, Tsubasa-san.”
Tsubasa: “This somehow seems forced lolol, but sure let’s talk.”
Soushi: “Then let’s find something to do instead. Like a dance lesson or something.”
Tsubasa: “Oh, yeah. Did you know there’s a dance lesson day organized by the office? People who want to practice on their own, regardless of unit, can go.”
Soushi: “And you’re a kind senpai who treats people to things like ramen afterwards, right~?”
Tsubasa: “What an indirect way to ask for that lolol. Since you have such a big body, I’ll treat you.”
Soushi: “That’s a weird reason (lol). And I hear you always treat Dai-chan-san to things?”
Tsubasa: “That’s because Dai-chan is an eternal little brother!”
Dai: “This turned into such an embarrassing conversation...”
Rikka: “Your ears are red, Dai (haha).”
Heartbreak Red: “That’s all for the yellows’ talk!”
Heartbreak Red: “And so, time is up!!! I’ll be taking my leave now, SQ~!!
Shiki: “He really blew in and out just like the wind (ah, youth)...  What a ‘chill dude’ (ah, youth)...”
Tsubasa: “Shiki, don’t try to use young people slang... (but he sure is a chill dude)”
Shu: “What a crazy time this session was...”
Heartbreak Red: “Pool of Blood-kun is in his green forest. Blushing Red-kun has returned to the sky... Actually that sounds morbid, so let’s say he returned to the bottom part of the blue sky. To everyone here except Ryou-kun and Ren-kyun who are in the middle of changing clothes right now: Happy April Fool’s Day!!”
Koki: “Happy April Fool’s! I’ve been looking forward to this, haha.”
Sora: “We’ve been waiting-!”
[He’s now infiltrated the ALIVE twitter account (@aliveinfo1)]
Heartbreak Red: “Now that I’m here, you know what that means, right? Let’s get to it!”
Nozomu: “Yeah, let’s do it!!”
Kensuke: “Answering real questions and giving advice in a rapid-fire setting is a test of idol power. I’ll do my best!”
Morihito: “I wonder what kind of messages we’ll get.”
[OTHER - ALIVE] Kou-kun, how is your mother doing? (From: a fan of your mom)
Koki: “I didn’t even know my mom had fans (haha). Thank you on behalf of my family. She is doing just fine.”
Heartbreak Red: “This morning my mom left me this supportive message: ‘Red, do your best!’ If you could see it, it would be so embarrassing.”
Koki: “I’m sure (haha).”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] I love Pool of Blood Red-san so so much. From morning til night, I long to be a tomato crushed and eaten by him. Please, please, please let me be your tomato...!
Ryota: “I’m not Pool of Blood Red [yes he is], but I’ll tell him that for you... You want to be eaten?”
Heartbreak Red: “!!”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] When Heartbreak Red and Nozomu-kun are together, what are some common things you say? I’m curious about what happens when the two energies meet!
Heartbreak Red: “Wheeee~”
Nozomu: “Whee-whee~”
Heartbreak Red: “Weh?”
Nozomu: “Ooweh-ooweeeh~”
Heartbreak Read & Nozomu: “Wheeeeeeeee~ lololol”
[INQUIRY - ALIVE] What does everyone in ALIVE wear to sleep?!
Heartbreak Red: “I am a capable man, so I will gather this information!!”
☆Everyone’s Sleepwear☆
Those in sweats or activewear: Sora, Soushi, Nozomu, Kensuke, Mamoru
Those in Gelato Pique [brand name of luxury sleepwear]: Ryota
Those in pajamas: Morihito, Ren, Koki
[OTHER - ALIVE] Who is the strongest in ALIVE?
Heartbreak Red: “Time to answer with your physical skills! Let’s go!”
Everyone: “Roger!”
~ Please Hold ~
[sometime later]
Soushi: *victorious pose*
Kensuke: “Ryou’s inability to laugh makes him strong in a different sense, but this competition wasn’t about making people laugh.”
Ryota: *annoyed*
[REQUEST - ALIVE] Mamoru-san, tell us about something that happened recently!
Mamoru: “I was thirsty at night, so I had some half-finished water bottle by my bedside. When I woke up in the morning, my face was drenched...!!”
Heartbreak Red: “I’ve never woken up to having water splashed on me, but I feel your pain.”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] Sakuraba-san, please show us your ‘dere’ [lovey] side...!!
Ryota: “One can’t just be ‘told’ to be dere... Did you forget? (laughs)”
Heartbreak Red: “An extra-large serving of dere-------”
[OTHER - ALIVE] Sora-kun! Have you gotten any taller?!
Heartbreak Red: “Good question!!! As a matter of fact!!! They were going to make an announcement later, but!!! All of the official websites will be updating everyone’s height measurements to reflect this year!!!!
Sora: “The results will be online!!!!! (teary-eyed)”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] I want to be charismatic like Nozomu-kun! Please tell me three things I can do to be charismatic!
Nozomu: “#1: Believe in yourself! #2: Believe in those around you!! #3: Make an effort to have faith!! That’s all!”
Heartbreak Red: “Those are all good points!”
[REQUEST - ALIVE] What color is everyone’s lucky underwear?
Soushi: “Mine are black. But that’s because of the color of our stage outfits (SOARA’s costumes are white).”
Ren: “Uh... well...”
Heartbreak Red: “My lucky underwear is red of course! I’m sure all of these ‘sky’ and ‘forest’ people have cool colors, too. Well, if I’m the one saying it then it’s probably true (haha).”
Ren: *relieved he doesn’t have to answer*
Heartbreak Red: “That’s all the time I’ve got!! To all of you sky and forest dwellers - I’ll be taking my leave~!!
Kensuke: “Thank you, Heartbreak Red---!!!”
Sora: “Good luck out there---!!!”
Soushi: “Feel free to abduct me again.”
Morihito: “Soushi (haha). Thank you very much, Heartbreak Red.”
Mamoru: “I had fun!”
☆Red Went Back Home☆
Heartbreak Red: “Now that I’ve accomplished my missions, I’m back home. Happy April Fools Day, everyone! I want to end this at home. By the way, I think I’ll be able to do some ‘Account Attacks’ that I couldn’t do this time around sometime later in April. I hope you all look forward to it~
My last audio greeting is just my final thoughts, haha. Alrighty! Thanks for a wonderful April Fools!! Until next time!”
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Crunchyroll Staff Talk About Their Love For Pokémon
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  Today is February 27th, which means that it's been twenty-five years since the release of Red & Green, the set of games that marked the debut of Pocket Monsters. Since then, the franchise has grown to almost unimaginable proportions and honestly, I can't really imagine my life without it. I remember receiving a purple Game Boy Color and Red Version as a gift, and being so caught up in excitement that I literally lost control of some of my bodily functions. I'm serious. I named my Charmander "Fzzzz." I can't explain why. "Fzzzz" is just what my helpless thumbs typed onto the little screen and then, for hundreds of hours, Fzzzz, my growing team of monster pals and I explored everything that Kanto had to offer. It was a great journey. By the way, I miss ya, Fzzzz, where ever you are. Sorry about Rock Tunnel.
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    But anyway, to celebrate the occasion, I decided to ask some of the people that I work with about their first Pokémon memories:
  Justin Lasola - Social Media Manager, Games
  Pokémon’s been part of my life since 1998! Pokémon will always mean the world to me because it grew up with me be it learning how to read at 4 with Red, questioning all moral ambiguity at 16 with Black, or making the two hour commute to my first job bearable at 22 with GO. Here’s to someday making my future kids go to bed with Pokémon Sleep! (WHERE IS IT TPCI??)
    David-Christopher Harris - Sr. Manager, Editorial & News
  The MissingNo glitch in Pokémon Red placed in my 8-year-old hands a level of power no mortal should possess. A god unchecked, I carved my kingdom from a throne of unlimited rare candies, and with every irresponsible creation of yet another lv. 100 Dragonite I forged a piece of my soul. Thank you, Pokémon, for giving myself and every other child who grew up in extreme poverty a better world to evolve in.
  Cameron Trentalange - Manager, Social Video
  “Dad, what does this say?” a younger, more innocent version of me asked many generations ago every time I pulled up a menu in Pokémon Red. This game not only captured my imagination, but it made me determined to learn how to read so I could play on my own and fully experience this amazing world. As a result, I was amongst the students with the highest reading & writing comprehension in my grade and I credit that almost entirely to this franchise (that credibility may have faded as I am currently contemplating whether I should be using “among” or “amongst”.) From competing in Pokémon TCG tournaments as a kid with my mom, to syncing Pokéwalkers with classmates in high school, and sharing VGC strategies with my little brother every time I visit home, I cannot imagine my childhood, or adulthood, without Pokémon.
Joseph Luster - Editor, Crunchyroll News  
I have a distinct memory of visiting family in Utah shortly after the original games launched on Game Boy in the states. I was 17 (I know, I’m old) and my parents went out to eat with my aunt and uncle. I, however, being the brain genius that I am, convinced them to let me stay in that night and I pummelled my way through the Elite Four with ease. I was way overleveled. My game of choice was Pokémon Red. I had all the KFC beanie babies or whatever they were (still do!). I watched the cartoon every day. I cannot stress enough that I was about a year away from graduating high school at the time. I wouldn’t do so until I caught them all.  
Sergio Vaca - LATAM/Spain Editorial Lead
  When Pokémon arrived in Spain I swore to myself that I would not get carried away by that craze and I believed that I would not like it. And with Pokémon: Red Edition and Pokémon: Blue Edition I did it, I kept playing other things and I was able to stay out of it. But Pokémon was everywhere, and when Pokémon: Yellow Edition came around I couldn't resist, so I bought it and invested hundreds of hours in it (really, hundreds of hours). With Pokémon Gold and Silver, I consolidated my love for those games, which clearly connected with my existing fondness for RPGs. In 2021 I'm not the biggest Pokémon fan in the world, I don't play at a competitive level, but every new classic style game that is announced makes me excited. I won't become the best trainer, but I certainly learned to enjoy Pokémon over 20 years ago and still do.
  Mae Velasco - Associate Manager, Social Media
  Pokémon gave me the courage to believe in myself and my choices — and we all know choosing your first starter Pokémon is one of the biggest decisions we could ever make. (For me as a second-grader with a Game Boy Color Kiwi, it was Pokémon Red and my first loyal companion, Charmander.) The beautiful part is that with every choice, there was no wrong choice: We all were “masters” of our own destiny and each decision led to a wondrous adventure, and with lots of training, teamwork, and heart, we all could be the very best that no one ever was. (On the series, don’t even get me started on how the scene of Ash saving Pikachu from a flock of Spearow wrecked me, and taught me so much about loyal, sacrificial friendship — no matter the obstacle!)
  Jonathan Solis - Social Media Coordinator
  Pokemon Crystal. I remember it so fondly. My mom helped me put my name into the game because I was upset that there was a 7 character limit for names for that generation and “Jonathan” was just a tad bit long. But after that small upset, it was honestly the start of an amazing journey. Almost every new release ends up in my hands and I play it for hours on end. My favorite release was probably Heartgold and Soulsilver because of the Pokewalker. Running the mile in middle school with my Pokemon at my side? That was the future. More recently, I’ve gotten into playing the card game and even went to regionals with my friends (as a spectator but one day I’ll hit the tables as a competitor!) Pokemon has left such a huge impression in my life and I don’t expect that to change any time soon.
  Jacqui E. - Graphic Designer
  When the Pokemon anime first came out and got super popular with the US audience, like so many others, I felt like it was made for me. I loved watching Ash take care of his Pokemon like his own little family he got to travel and go on adventures with. I was SO excited when I found out that actually, it’s a video game, and you can play it and raise your own Pokemon and go on adventures with them too! I saved up my allowance to get myself a Gameboy Color and Pokemon Red and spent countless hours building my team and constantly feeling guilty that anyone had to be left in the computer box (Thank you to Sun/Moon for giving them their own island). One of the greatest things about Pokemon is that there’s no wrong way to be a trainer--there are so many different kinds. Some people like Pokemon Contests, some people like hanging out with their Pokemon in Pokemon Amie and similar modes, some people legitimately want to be the very best like no one ever was. There’s room for everybody, and all of those things are valid and important. Also, one time I paid for a Squirtle C-watch at my local Toys R Us almost entirely in pennies, and then I of course lost the watch.
  What is your first Pokémon memory? Let me know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Daniel Dockery
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