#my brain is so full right now DX send help.
vilonnie · 1 year
nooo you don’t get it it’s about the ren-ann makoto-akechi ann-akechi akechi-yusuke yusuke-ren ann-makoto ren-sumi sumi-akechi akechi-futaba makoto-futaba haru-yusuke makoto-ryuji ryuji-futaba sumi-makoto sae-ren ryuji-akechi yusuke-makoto parallelsssss… duh. obviouslyyy.
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saintsurvivors · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing!! For the Whump Drabbles, could you do #56?
No pressure, have a fabulous day!!
@whumpflumpthump​ I just realized when I sent that last ask, I didn't give you a character😅 Sorry about that, I would love it if you did Mac, thanks, and sorry again
No. 56 Begging
Ahhhh! no problem fam, honestly, thank you so much for sending this in and sorry for your wait!! <3
warnings: broken bones, shitty self esteem, referenced torture but non graphic, jack’s potty mouth and atrocious southern accent.
Mac’s broken bones before. He’s not exceedingly clumsy, but whilst cuts and bruises are a warriors lost, broken bones and concussions seem to be a spies lot, especially ones that deal with explosions and under the table incidents that DXS do. Never mind the fact that he’d broken several fingers and ribs whilst back downrange, had barely been able to stoop when things had gone wrong so spectacular and Al had been less ...well, had been less Al and more parts of Al.
But human minds aren’t designed to remember pain, not really, even ones that are eidectic memory. The neurons remember it, but you forget what caused it, what made your heart stammer, what made your lungs seize, what made you want to jackknife up from your bed in the middle of the night, face wet with tears and blood beneath your nails because you’ve scratched your throat raw. You only remember it when it’s happening again, when you’ve felt that loss, that break.
Mac’s good at compartmentalization. Too well, often times. Jack doesn’t quite understand, not really though he tries, just how afraid Mac is, how afraid he is that if he even begins to open those tiny little boxes, meticulously labelled and stored away in the shelf of his mind, that he might not ever get them back closed. Everything he doesn’t, can’t deal with, handle. Everything he wishes would be wiped clear like the last equation of the white board by the eraser. But it isn’t that easy.
Maybe that’s why he can’t help it, why he leans so easily upon Jack, despite Jack no doubt hurting just as much as he does. Broken bones and concussions are a spies lot, but Mac thinks that kidnappings and hurt are a MacGyver and Dalton special, and wishes that it wasn’t. Wonder sometimes, in the back of his mind just how much Jack regrets meeting him. Wonders if Jack wishes he’d walked away at the end of his original tour and had left a stubborn bomb nerd in the sand of Afghanistan. Wonders how long he’d have lived; it’s a question he likes to ask himself, especially now, after missions, or when he and Jack are traipsing back to exfil after things have gone to shit.
Thinks he knows the answers, but always swallows the question and the answer, swallows the pennies he can taste too, doesn’t want to turn around and accidentally spit it out on Jack. Jack, whose already bloodied, bruised and aching. He’s got probable fractured ribs, but he can’t rest because he has to help haul Mac’s stupid, incapable ass out of the fire. He can’t keep doing this, not to his partner, not to Jack.
His left leg buckles, fire lancing up his shin to his thigh, spreading through his hip. his ankle twists further, and he only just manages to avoid bringing Jack down with him by twisting and ducking, knows that Jack’s ribs can’t take the strain and Jack’s reflexes would have him letting go. The ground is hard and cold, he can already feel the bruises forming over bruises, wonders if he’ll have the entirety of their kidnapping marked out on his skin like the world’s most fucked up map. Wonders if he’ll be able to read all the pit stops and roads, he’s where they first captured us, here’s where they fractured Jack’s ribs up after a failed escape attempt, here’s where they almost waterboarded me, here’s where they shattered my shin with a hammer because I called someone an asshole and Jack punched their lights out-
A frantic hand tucks beneath his armpit, tries to get him up, clamps down on his instinctive cries, blinks reflexively in place of the full body flinch he wants to give.
“C’mon man, we gotta hustle, I think they’re right behind,” Jack crouches as best he can, tries to get his shoulder jammed underneath Mac’s, tries to haul him up through sheer force of strength. A wheezing grunt escapes, pained. God, Mac is so selfish. “Get up, hoss, don’t do this to me, now.”
“You gotta go, Jack,” He says, looks Jack in the face, sees the wide, pain lined eyes, the grit of his teeth. He’s in so much pain, Jack is, exhausted to his very bones, beaten and bloodied. He doesn’t deserve this. “You, you need to leave.”
Jack pauses for a single moment, his arm around Mac’s waist tightens, leaves Mac breathless, dizzy, with breathlessness and pain. Jack loosens immediately, but that rare look of anger doesn’t. Seems to only grow deeper.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Jack far enough growls it, anger and pain, his eyes flash, he looks furious. Furious enough to hurt, to break, to punch. He does neither, only look at Mac like Mac’s said something so stupid, so out of far left field that it doesn’t even compute, as if Jack hasn’t had the same thoughts.
“Just go, Jack!” Mac hisses, insists, tries to shove himself backwards out of Jack’s grip, manages to break it, only to immediately miss it. He’s so fucking selfish. “Look, I’m just weighin’ you down, at this point, baggage, dead fuckin’ weight, you know this, man! You gotta go!”
“Now, I know that’s them blows to the heads talkin’, because I’m pretty sure I didn’t just hear my partner say to leave him the fuck behind!” It’s angry, angry and harsh and pained. An edge to it that has Mac’s back straightening, a shiver roiling down his spine, something pooling in his gut that he hasn’t paid attention to for the longest of times, because like Al used to say, it isn’t the bomb that’s going to kill you, it’s the emotions.
“Jack, please,” He tries to plead, can hear the shouts getting closer, the bark of angry shouting, he can’t let Jack be taken, not again, not when it was Mac that got them into this. “Please, just, go, already! They won’t be able to keep up with you. I can distract them-”
“Boy, are you stupid?” Jack hisses, and that seems to be the last straw. He grits his teeth, face turning red, hand shaking from where he’s tucked it up around Mac’s waist, hauling him up. Mac barely gets his feet beneath him, before Jack is fairly enough marching him forward, eyebrows knitted together, eyes flashing.
“Jack.” Mac hisses, pleads, begs. He’s got no chance but to go forward, pain sunfire hot, chemistry fire burning. He’s sick to his stomach, swallows down the bile. Every foot forward is agony, gut punch deep.
“No, Mac.” Jack grits out. He’s sweating, red faced. His ribs seem to creak with every movement, but he’s got Mac locked too tightly against him for Mac to do anything. They step wrong and Mac lets out a thin yelp. Jack doesn’t even flinch, only grabs the arm he forced Mac to throw around his shoulder further over, presses the swell of his thumb harder over the wrist pulse point. “No, Mac, I ain’t leavin’ you. You know why? Because you’re a fuckin’ stubborn ass of a kid who I still want to punch sometimes and you’ve got the shittiest set of emotions I’ve ever seen and I mean that, I’ve dealt with Deacon and that guy is a hot mess, but fuckin’ Christ, Mac, telling me to leave you behind?”
Something seems to have rattled loose inside of him, something hurt and vicious. Mac falls silent, keeps his hurt noises locked behind his teeth.
“We’re both gettin’ outta here, hoss, I don’t care what that stupid brain a’ yours is saying, and I swear to High Heaven that if you ever ask me to leave you behind, I will knock you on your skinny ass and drag you there, do you get me?  ‘Baggage, dead weight’-” Jack scoffs, literally hauls Mac up over a mound of rocks; his anger seems to be the only thing keeping him going. “Biggest crock a’ shit I’ve ever heard, I’ll tell you what Mackie, if i ever meet that pops a’ yours I’m gonna be beltin’ him so hard I swear-”
“Jack,” Mac says, soft, gentle. Something swells up inside of him, warm, cosy, like he’s just slipped into a hot bath. Even the fiery hot pain of his broken leg seems to have been soothed. “Thank you.”
“Thank you, he says,” Jack’s words sound angry, but his tone is soft. His fingers tap something out in morse code against the shiver of Mac’s ribs. something that spells i love you. “Just never ask me to leave you behind kiddo, I can’t. You go kaboom, I go kaboom, got me?”
“You go kaboom, I go kaboom.” Mac echos softly, wondrously, hopefully.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
my guess is the whole cognition thing was meant to vary between individual targets since they see the world differently, thus allowing for different moments like one allowing the PT to change outfits (I haven't played PQ2 so I have no idea how cognition works in that game sry) prolly to make the writing process more flexible so things like that wouldn't be plot holes, buuuut I don't think it worked (or the frantic rewriting led to them just not caring like "eh it's a nitpick they won't care")
I’d agree, but considering this is such a key piece of lore, you’d think they’d mention it (again you’d think, but this is P5, no one needs to think, not even the writers 8U). Tho there is one thing that might play into what you are saying (spoiler for below: it’s the threat count). In all honesty I’m been wracking my brain around Shido’s Ship, MC’s initial summon, and PQ2′s lobby (esp since my last post, linked below when talking about Futaba).....and the only thing I can figure out a reason is probably this (under cut because I’ve lost control of my life, actually no I’ve always been long winded...aka....under the cut cause of the usual 8U):
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(also they have their shoes off here, and then shoes on after the cutscene, makes no sense, just a daily reminder of this 8U) The only time Mona is in his “outfit” and no one else is-is when: 
The person hasn’t obtained their Persona yet
After the MC obtained his Persona, his clothes reverted back (only to come back when he has to do another tutorial fight), it takes till the next day for him to constantly have his outfit on. (but it’s stated it’s because he doesn’t have full control over his power yet)
Shido’s ship when the girls changed into swimsuits 
PQ2′s lobby (everyone else’s outfit disappears).
Uhhhh when they first go to Mementos, before they descend (tho once they do their outfits change) (that being said they said it’s cause of “the Shadows knowing they are there”....wait)
Futaba’s dungeon at the beginning as seen above
Oh almost forgot Sae, before you go inside her Palace, at the entrance and before that you don’t change, but after you meet her the Shadow deems you as a threat then even at the entrance you a deemed a threat.....BUT after you are caught you aren’t deemed a threat (but even Goro isn’t deemed one but....sigh). And I guess the interrogation room your clothes don’t change.
#1′s easy and consistent so no need to look at that. Just seems to mean Mona is susceptible to all and any level of cognition/distortion. 
#2 is really interesting and wish we got more of it (or at least explained more cause....I have questions) esp since it seems to be explained by #6 (that being said, they said it’s cause he doesn’t have full control over his power so.....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ll try to fix it with later reasoning but hey it’s hard when the game has multiple answers for the same gd question lying to us trying to convince us it’s consistent when it’s not). In #2′s setting the MC isn’t considered a threat yet, at least his IRL identity isn’t. It’s only after he really talks to Kamo after escaping the dungeon, do we see a change the next time he goes in (aka Kamo saw him as a threat). Tho, here’s my question to that he also instantly sees Anne and Ryuji as a threat not long after they gain their Personas. Ryuji I get it, there’s always been animosity, but you’d think Anne wouldn’t be able to touch him IRL. so she’d be outfit-less outside of fights. It’d also make me question why, if they’ve never met a target IRL did they have their outfits equip? I mean iirc their outfits didn’t change for Okumura, and the reasoning is that he sees EVERYONE regardless of who they are, EVEN HIS OWN DAUGHTER as a threat! And tbh that makes sense for his dungeon. And you could retroactively apply this to previous dungeons (minus Kamo and Futaba) but......why wait till the 5TH GD DUNGEON FOR THIS KEY PIECE OF INFO??? *inhales* lfjksdafj;af
#3, watch me become an olympic pretzel trying to make this square peg fit into a round hole. By changing into swim suites the girls are not deemed as a threat, and will change into PT outfits if/when threatened like what happened for the MC on his first day. Except, PT outfits are kinda like Keyblades and are always with the characters, so.....even if they took them off they should just appear back on. Esp if Shido is like Okumura and deems everyone a threat, the PT don’t have control of their outfits to a big extent, the world overrides their wants the majority of the time (aka if they see you as a threat, you’re a threat no choice in the matter. BUT the one time the outfits overrule the world, is if the user is under a threat despite the world deeming them to not be one). 
#4 I don’t know. Maybe the PT aren’t deemed as a threat, or the shadows don’t know they are there (can’t be because they are n00bs tho)? From what I can find/remember it’s not explained. That being said, P3/4 guys should 100% have PT outfits in that game, no if ands or butts. The ONLY thing different between PQ2′s world and the Metaverse is that they can’t use guns (BUT they can have outfits). And the lack of outfits for the P3/4 cast is lore breaking in and of itself. No really, I explain it all here (most of it is showing how the lore was built up throughout the game so it backs up the conclusion, but the real smoking gun is Futaba, so just ctrl+F “Futaba” and it brings you to the conclusion). 
#5 *sigh* that stupid reasoning aside, I’m not against the idea (but it’s inconsistent, because wouldn’t Shadow!Kamo deem him a threat as well, and be forced to keep his outfit on? “Oh but he’s a n00b” no game, you have three explanations for one gd thing and they don’t mix well together pick one and stick with it...threat level via the host not Shadow makes a lot of sense just keep that one). Technically Mementos is its own palace, so not going inside it would mean you aren’t a threat to that Palace. Which I could work with. BUT since this is the public’s Palace, and they don’t know who the PT are....shouldn’t they not change yet? It’d be more impactful if over the course of the game, as they got popular they were finally deemed a threat to society and thus the gained an (consistently of course, with the outfit triggering for battle) outfit when they walked in. 
#6 Makes sense tbh, tho, while I’m on board with it, it does make me wonder how far the threat level reaches.......is it at the entrance? Is it the entire plane? What is it? Also it’s high key stupid that they were deemed a threat by Futaba’s Shadow, esp if her Shadow has her best interests in mind....this dungeons just a mess from start to finish it makes no sense. 
#7 Haha...really makes me wonder how far the threat level stretches. Because Mementos it’s not till you get inside the station that they deem you a threat, so there seems to be a distance thing (I mean so is pulling people in but we don’t need consistency :’D). Cause if they are far enough (which they are they freaking checked that their clothes don’t change), then there’s no need to worry about her “suspecting Goro” (cause his outfit would change otherwise, but since they are far enough they don’t have to worry)....BUT by her sending him and her to the Metaverse, that’d mean she DOES suspect him.....so wait what’s the point of her “not suspecting him”??????? It’d also be more interesting if Mako and Goro didn’t change outfits, because she doesn’t suspect them but kelsfjldkjfa
P5: We’re so smartMe: Why do you keep doing dumb shit then???? 
Anyway I’d agree with you that maybe they wanted to be flexible, but they don’t......provide the ground work for that. It def feels like they threw shit together and didn’t think we’d notice. I mean there are A LOT of writers in this game, that could explain the consistency issues. I mean it explains it not excuses it, they had years to fix it (unlike Ultimax it seems, that shit was ruuuuuuushed in such a short time). 
Anyway if they wanted to make it flexible, they’d make it consistently the IRL Palace host’s threat level/way of thinking (not the Shadow self, nothing else, just the host). Cause everything, even their shadows in P5, reflects their state of mind. It’d also make for great visual storytelling too, such as Kamo deeming all the guys threats after he realizes he can’t control them, and never viewing Anne as a threat (aka showcasing he can get away with it). It’d give Okumura’s “doesn’t even trust his own daughter” thing even more weight when we got to it. Or Futaba’s complete and utter desperation to be helped more impact as well (it’d at least be a step to fixing that horrible Palace, eff it’s lore and the sphinx it rode in on). It could showcase another Palace hosts’ growing anxiety, and how they trusted people but now trust no one since the start of the dungeon. It could showcase their preferences (aka Kamoshida views rebelling males vs subjecting males/any females), or maybe they don’t like cats so Mona’s appearance is veeeery wonky in one. It could be a great way to reveal different things about the Host in a short amount of time, but this is P5 and we don’t care~! :D DX
Then again this might butt heads with the Cognitive versions, but then there’s no reasoning behind MC’s inability to maintain his outfit the first day (or why no one else has this issue). No the n00b thing makes no sense (esp since it consistently shows up when there’s trouble and disappears when trouble is gone, so it seems less about control than it is only essential when there’s danger around), because we still have the Shadow explanation from Mementos to go by and Shadow Futaba’s threat level too. But I’d say it’s totally possible that they can both exist (if explained right), Cognitive selves show 100% what that person thinks of them, while if they deem them a threat or not only affects if their outfit appears (because that is tied to the cognitive world, not the real person). With the cognitive selves serving as insight and an explanation as to why the host doesn’t deem that specific person as a threat. 
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four-swords-dub · 6 years
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Next up we have our Green bean blooper machine! Riley!  (Karen: Riley couldn’t record his answers so I’ve included one of my fav lines of his) Name: rockriled Character(s) you voice: Green Link, Deku Scrub #2, Sound Director/Editor of the FS Dub Project Are you in any way like those characters? I think we’re similar in terms of wanting to help/protect the people we love.  As for Green’s personality…probably not? Green is confident, independent, and hardworking while I’m a bag of nerves and anxiety.  I could fit into the hardworking area, though. As for the Deku Scrub…we’re both short, squeaky, and flammable?  (I’m probably not gonna refer to the Deku Scrub for the rest of this since they only got…four lines, I think?)
Favourite/least favourite thing about voicing your character? My favorite thing about voicing Green is that I can just let loose.  I don’t talk much outside of the project due to shyness and how most of my friends live a long ways away, but when I play Green, I can feel powerful and confident even if it’s just for a few minutes.Least favorite thing about voicing Green is that depending on the chapter, he has the most lines.  I blame this on my lack of voice-acting experience, but both actor-me and sound-editor-me look through the script and think “dangit, Green, stop hogging the spotlight and let someone else speak!” Which characters did you audition for? I auditioned for Vio first, but I got nervous that auditioning for only one role was rude.  I figured I wasn’t cute enough for Red or tough enough for Blue, so I went with Green. How did you react when you got the part(s)? Hoo boy, um…settle in, this is a bit of a story.My self-esteem has always been in the pits—and combining that with my perfectionist needs didn’t help, either.  Whenever something cool came up, my brain would go “why bother, you’re gonna fail” and I’d do just that: give up without trying.So when posts about the Four Swords Dub Project started floating around, the same thing happened all over again.  Best way I can describe it… Brain: “Don’t even try it.  You know you’re not gonna get a part.” Me: “But it’s Four Swords, my favorite part of the Zelda manga series.” Brain: “And?  Your voice sucks.  Your acting sucks.  You won’t even get a minor role.  Do you really want to add another failure to your life?”   Me: “…look.  I’m really interested in this.  I don’t know if I’ll actually get a part, but I still want to send in an audition so I can say that I tried.” Brain: “…two main characters?  Really? Don’t get your hopes up.”(some time later) FS Dub Email: “Congratulations, you’re going to be our Green Link!” Me & Brain: “WAIT, WHAT?!” It was a total shock.  I was so convinced I wasn’t going to get in that it never occurred to me that I could get in.  Heck, it’s been a little over two years and I still can’t believe I got a leading role. As for the part of Sound Director/Editor…I can’t remember how, but I somehow got a hold of all the voice lines for all the characters in Chapter 1-1.  Even though I have zero experience in editing, I suddenly got curious and started mixing the files with background music and sound effects. I sent a copy of what I put together to Karen (our voice and project director) for fun. Next thing I knew, I was the BGM/SFX guy for the rest of the project! Long story short: this dub’s been full of surprises. ^_^ Who do you wish you could voice? Oof, that’s a tough one. @_@  It’s so hard to pick because everyone’s already perfect as their current roles...   Had you read the manga before taking part in the dub? Yep! :D It was around the time the internet became a big thing and when YouTube was first made.  Middle-school me spent HOURS scouring Google for Yu-Gi-Oh! content (fell in love with the show in sixth grade) when I stumbled across a website with Legend of Zelda comics  It had the manga versions of Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, the Oracle games, and—my top favorite—Four Swords.
FS holds a special place in my heart for not only giving the Links such diverse eyes/expressions, but destroying typical color-personality associations.  I’d seen fan-comics of Four Swords with Red as the angry one, Blue as the smart one, and Purple as the newbie or the…um…stereotypically-gay one.  Akira Himekawa’s version of the Links blew my freaking mind and I LOVED IT. <3     Any past voice acting experience? At best, the only voice-acting experience I had prior to the FS dub was watching tons of anime and re-enacting scenes via talking to myself.  I still do this with anime, TV shows, movies, books, and video games. @_@ I’m not sure if this counts, but I…kinda got voice training in other areas?  I yelled my lungs out in Tae Kwon Do for two years, sang alto in a chorus for three years, was moved to soprano for one year, yelled my lungs out again in Judo for one year, and learned classical/opera singing techniques for a few months (a friend’s friend was studying to be a music teacher and they needed a volunteer to practice their teaching skills).  They might not count for this question, though… Who is your favourite FS character (if any)? Oh boy...I know younger-me’s favorite was Vio (I blame the eyes and ability to side with both Shadow and the other Links), but these days?  It’s hard to pick, thanks to the dub. @_@ How do you warm up/get in character before recording? Big thing for me is how I’m feeling.  Currently, I work six days a week (it sucks but I need the money/insurance DX) and I use the commute from work to where I live to figure out my mood.  If I’m down in the dumps to the point that music can’t help, I won’t be able to deliver as Green.  If I have some energy or so much energy that I can belt/rap to my music, I’m all set.  It means I’m all loose and confident to record. As for days when I don’t have work like days-off or holidays, I try to relax and get myself in a Green-y mindset. 
Little something I picked up from YouTube is gargling a mouthful of water.  I’m not too sure how it works, but I do this right before a recording session and it helps a lot. Favourite chapter to voice so far? Favourite scene? Um…it’s kinda hard to pick a favorite chapter or scene I liked voicing since I had fun with all of them.  Can I make this into favorite scene/chapter to do sound stuff for instead?  And can I pick multiples instead? >_>;; Favorite Chapter for Sound Editing: Chapter 4.  I had to compile different sounds that reflected Green’s desert, Blue’s snowstorm, Red’s forest fire, and Vio’s night in the woods. It was both challenging and fun. :D  Favorite Scene for Sound Editing: Every comedic scene, scenes where the background music slowed to a halt, and scenes where I had to improvise sound effects.
The slowed-down songs are in the scenes where Blue and Green fight on the boat, and when Red admits he lost his weapons to Blue in the Ice Cave.  Those were tough to do in Audacity (had to slow down the music piece by piece), but it was SO worth it.
As for scenes where I had to use nearby stuff for sounds…there’s a bunch of ‘em.
The door slamming while Erune talks about the missing children = me slamming my bedroom door.
The Gerudo Masseuse’ movements and the Gerudo Elder’s staff = me shaking my wrist while wearing my old belly-dance bracelets.
Deku Scrubs popping out of the ground = me smacking my lips mixed with the deku sound effect from Ocarina of Time.
Green’s sword hitting the labyrinth wall = me hitting a pot lid with a wooden spoon.
Green falling and sliding down the labyrinth wall = me falling and sliding down a bedroom wall.
Eerie shadow raising their sword to attack Green as the moon rises = me sliding a knife sharpener over a kitchen knife.
Shadow walking on clouds = me blowing into the mic mixed with footstep sounds from Ocarina of Time.
Big Poe screaming at Red and Blue = me banging pots, pans, and piano keys mixed with chaotic sound effects I found online.
Big Poe taking Blue’s soul = me breathing into the mic along with heavy editing.
Red clapping at Big Poe = me clapping my hands.
The Four Swords pulsing = me playing a four-note harmony (one for each Link) on the piano mixed with heavy editing and a wind chime effect.
(Karen: This guy is a genius when it comes to sound effects and the dub wouldn’t be half as good without him!)
Lines you dread voicing the most (screaming, crying, etc): As much as I love battle cries, my microphone and its inconvenient ability to make stuff clip bothers me.
And even though the chapter’s long gone, the part where Green remembers when he playing with Zelda as a toddler.  I’M NEVER VOICING SMALL CHILDREN AGAIN. DX
What are your biggest worries when it comes to voicing your character? *pulls in with a giant dump truck* um…
#1 – Is my voice too high or too low? Green’s age would be around early teens or so, and with my weird vocal range, I can’t tell if I make him sound younger or older than he is. #2 – Am I getting the personality right? Because of my shy-as-hell nature, it’s hard for me to pick up if my confident-Green-persona sounds genuine or fake. #3 – Is it bad that I can only voice Green with my natural voice? Many voice actors have a HUGE variety of voices they can do (ex. Tara Strong).  It’s likely because I’m still new to this, but part of me gets nervous that me voicing Green with my normal speaking voice is a sign that I lack voice acting talent. #4 – (Personal worry but it still bothers me sometimes) How will I sound as Green in the future?  I’m a pre-HRT transmale who hates how high his voice is. This year, I’ll be moving out and if I play my cards right, I can start the process to either get testosterone, top surgery, or both.  I love this dub to death, but after voicing Green in my non-HRT voice for so long, I get nervous that I could accidentally lower the quality of the dub if my voice changes if/when I start HRT (assuming the editing process for videos will be the same as it’s been). (Karen: i figure I should add this since people might be wondering how we’re going to handle it. As Green is right now I feel his voice wouldn’t hurt if it went a little deeper. However, if Riley’s voice becomes too deep, I’m going to edit the pitch of his lines. Don’t worry Riley, you aren’t going anywhere!) #5 – Do I make too many bloopers?  During recording, I either screw up or my mind wanders a lot, and I save ‘em for the blooper reel.  When the reel comes out, however, I’ll sometimes see my segment is a little longer than everyone else’s and I get nervous.  ESPECIALLY if Green only had two lines and I had nearly an extra 30 seconds worth of bloopers. Would you date your character (if they were of age)?I’m gonna sound horrible, but…I don’t think Green’s personality would stand out enough to me as a possible date.  If anything, I think we’d just end up being a weird duo of friends: the strong, confident soldier and the socially-awkward weirdo. *laughs*
Do you have a favourite voice actor on the dub?I don’t have a favorite voice actor, but I do have favorite lines/sounds from some of the cast (this is likely to change as more chapters are released).  The way the VAs say these lines, I LOVE ‘EM.  For now, I’m only going to list a few of them so this Q&A doesn’t go too long.
Favorite Carrottheluvmachine/Red line: “Oh!  And it [footprint] looks like mine!” Favorite Ashe/Blue line: “so that’s how you want to do this, huh?!” Favorite Swiss/Vio line: “Losing confidence? …it’s because I’m you too, remember?” Favorite Kaenith/Shadow line: “Shadow saying “you’re a creature of darkness now, don’t forget that.”
Asked by Anon: Riley, how do you come up with so many awesome bloopers? Aww, thank you. ^///^ Most of them are accidental, like me not saying a word correctly. Others happen when I try and fail to memorize the script: if I’m struggling with a line, I’ll have a physical copy of the manga and match Green’s facial expression. This helps me get into the mindset, but it does draw my attention away from the script and I’ll end up flubbing a line because I tried to say it off the top of my head. 
The mistakes where I either notice something weird either pop up on the fly or something I noticed a while back, and then suddenly remember during recording.  The part where I noticed the Four Sword “thrumming” happened when I couldn’t get Green’s “the four sword is pulsing!” line right and I had to keep looking at the manga for the proper face.  It was at that point I noticed the weird sound effect drawn in.  Also, the blooper where I sang a song from The Heathers as Green flees the Eerie Shadow? That was in my head long before the script for Chapter 5 was out and when the time came to record, I remembered that bit. 
Asked by Anon What was the funniest/most humorous line you guys have had to say? Not sure if this counts, but Kaenith had a blooper where they screwed up as Shadow, saying “you’re pretty—UM PRETTY SMART!”  They shared it with the staff and it was so funny, Swiss made a joke response as Vio going “I prefer handsome.”  I was given the two lines to put together and as a joke, I added some audio of a guy screaming “MAKE OUT!” 
The staff liked it so much, they asked me to add Green shouting “NOW KISS!”  It took a while to get perfectly, but I had SO much fun with it. ^_^
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voltagefangirl19 · 8 years
MC as a hitwoman hired to kill the bidders (his POV)- Soryu Oh
I think this is one of the longest and hardest hc/fic (I don’t even know anymore Dx) that I’ve written, I don’t even know if its okay, but if even one of you enjoy it then it’s worth it :D part 1   part 2 Eisuke’s version  story: written, brain: dry, quality: low Im forcibly removed from the fandom
I was in my office, exchanging anxious glares between the document I had in front of me and the phone, like the past two, almost three weeks now, waiting for Samejima to tell me if ______ was alright. I knew from the second day of the month, that I was being targeted, although I didn't know by who, whoever was stalking me must have been stalking _______ as well, so I assigned her a pair of my subordinates as bodyguards. The first day that happened, both guys came up to me with an unbelievable story: supposedly, ________ was chasing me and protected me from a guy that was going to kill me before they could intervene, I didn't believe it at first and I wanted to ditch that thought, but it kept bothering me so I started my research, and I realize that there was a dark part of her that I didn't know...: she was a hitman, a hitwoman more accurately. 
I had to avoid her for an entire day for the information to sink in, after all, how could a girl so sweet and nice as her be a killer? How was it possible that the only woman who cared for and treasure me, my only sunshine, be a murderer?, I thought that it would take an eternity for me to accept that my beautiful and nice girlfriend wasn’t as innocent as I thought; but then I realized that I missed her, that I was now attached to her, it was a very odd feeling, a very needy one, so I made up an excuse for not contacting her. I was a little hurt that she didn't tell me anything, but as much as I love her, I would wait for her to tell me everything her heart desired. At least that was what I tried to do.
While I was at the office, I made my own little research about her company, a very famous one in the underground actually, and apparently, ________ was one of the top killers, honestly I didn’t know how to feel with that, in a way I was proud, but... ever since I knew her and knew that I was in love with her, I wanted her to be as far away as she could of the evil and darkness that was surrounding me, yet there was the probability that I was wrong, since I didn’t know since when she had joined that company, there was a high chance, no, it was almost certain that something happened in her life that made her took that path. 
In any way I was ready to support her and to tell her what I knew, so during the second week I went to visit her to her room in the Tres Spades’ staff dorms, I wouldn’t lie, I was pretty excited to see her, since seeing _______ somehow made my day worthy, yet when she opened the door, the bandage in her arm caused my heart to sink with concern, I didn’t know why but she was still trying to protect me; that only thought changed something in me.
“I know” was what I said that day after we drank the tea that she made for us
“I know about your secret life” I made a pause, I could see the panic in her eyes, how a person so easy to read as she could be a killer? “I know about your job as a hitwoman” I saw ______ literally freeze for a moment, so I knew that I had to keep going before any misunderstandigs could take place “I want you to know that that doesn’t change my feelings for you nor my intention to marry you in a near future” her expression relaxed but was still tense, my eyes went straight to her bandage, she followed my gaze “What happened? and please don’t lie now” she sighed in a defeated way
“This is a scratch, but it was made by a sharp USMC razor blade” she made a pause, probably trying to sense my response, it was an odd feeling to hear her talking about weapons, but as I kept my focus on the wound, I was more determined, so I decided that I had to get used to it “A month of fighting and to kill the former customer, the one who asked me to finish you, those were the requirements my boss gave me to resign” she said
“Do you need help with the last one?”- I asked by instinct, but at the same time, somewhere deep inside me, I already knew the answer
“That’s… already done” her apologetic look took me by surprise, more than the fact that the girl I believe was completely innocent had just admitted killing a man
“I see” that was the only thing I managed to say
“I… have one week left until I can send my resignation and to finally be free” she made a pause, then she took her purse and took out a locket with a symbol that I didn’t know, ____ gave it to me, it was cold but somehow I knew that it had sentimental value for her, she watched me observing it and then she kept talking “It’s a coat of arms…. The symbol, it belongs to my family, a family of killers” she looked at me with a bit of self-pity in her eyes “I was trained since birth to be a hitwoman, I don’t even know how to do anything else, still, I wanted to have a normal life, so I started off as a maid here in Tres spades, I… was able to live like this because I was the best, top of the class, one of the best assassins in the organization, etc. Let’s say that the freedom in which I have been living until now is the result of my hard work, I didn’t mind but then… someone asked me your head, refusing would’ve to mean putting all of you guys in danger, so after a long time of negotiation I got the best deal I could, sorry for not telling you anything earlier, but…” her voice cracked, and my hand got on top of hers instinctively
“It’s okay” I understood, even if it hurt a little to be lied, she was doing her best to protect us, the other bidders and myself “Anyway... do you need help, fighting those guys?” as usual, I wasn’t comfortable with the idea that the woman I love was in danger, yet she looked at me with a serious and confident expression
“I’m okay, after all, if I can’t do this kind of things, how could I ever be the wife of the boss of the ice dragons”
‘I really, really love this woman’ that was what I thought as I saw her cute face blushing as she just realized the things she said
The last day of the month clashed with an important business of mine, I was preparing the necessary ‘documents’ for the negotiation when a knock sounded on my door
“Come in” It was a surprise to see her there, especially with a concerned look on her face “What’s the matter? I don’t see you coming here often”
“I… suspect that there is going to be a second assassin today, I have done my research and I have evidence that supports that theory” she said and proceed to show me the multiple emails, contracts and bank accounts movements of the ones she thought were the hitmen responsible for today’s mission
“You know it's highly probable that this are fake right? With the intention of confuse you and make you think that you ahead of them” I analyze the information in front of me in full mobster mood
“That’s a possibility, but even so, the money movements of the organization as well as their GPS tracking and weapon logistics suggest that there’s going to be more than one assassins today”
“Well, you may be right about that...”
“Of course I am! Who you think you are talking to, Mr. Mob boss?” she asked with a smirk. I giggled at her sassy remark
“For a moment there I thought I was talking to Eisuke” I pat her head as she pouted
“Hey now, that’s not fair”
“No it isn’t” I smirked as well before pulling her for a kiss, when we part she was blushing ‘God how can she be so adorable?’ “So what’s the plan?” I asked as I assumed that she already had one, _______ just grinned as if she just had been waiting for that question.
According to _______’s plan, we changed the location from the other gang’s quarters to a neutral port downtown
“First let's change the meeting location, here is a good place, for the mob is a neutral zone, right? And I know the place since a few of my contracts happened there” she said “After that I’ll locate myself in this building nearby, for your safety put other two snipers here and here just in case”
“And for yours?” I asked in a concerned voice
“I’ll be fine don’t worry about it” 
‘Even if you say that…’ was what I thought
“Don’t worry boss I’ll protect you, even if it’s the last thing I do” Inui said with a dramatic voice, probably sensing my stress  
“I appreciate it Inui, but it’s not myself who I’m worried about”
“________ will be alright boss, her plan was very elaborate and almost flawless let everything in her hands” Samejima added, I simply nodded, as I saw that the other party was arriving at that same moment, we walked in their direction, there were the boss and other two subordinates, one of them carried a big stack of wooden boxes
“We brought the goods, did you bring the money?” the boss asked, Samejima opened the case he had and showed them the payment, the boss nodded in approval “Let’s exchange” Samejima walked towards them and give the man with the empty hands the case, while the man carrying the boxes gave them to Inui
“It's always a pleasure to make business with you Soryu, and the Ice Dragons of course” the mob boss said while he and his men turn around and walked towards their car, we did the same and that was when happened, three loud bangs echoed in the place as well as the scream of one of the men, we turned around at the same time that the others, we all dragged our guns “What’s the meaning of this Oh?!” the other boss demanded to know
“Why don’t you ask him?”- I rebutted while pointing the guy’s bloody GLOCK G40 on the ground, the pistol’s direction was aiming to us.
“Soryu?” I heard _______’s voice in the transmitter she gave me earlier “That man is not one of the top killers but he definitely works for the organization, I’m still looking out for any other threat that could be...”
“So here is where you were”- I heard a faint manly voice and then a series of shootings
“_________!!!!” I yelled, but the connection got cut “Dammit! Samejima, take care of the rest!” I order and ran towards the building where I knew ______ was.
My heart was beating painfully and my own breathing hurts as I went up the stairs, when I reached the last floor I started to hear them, I prepared myself to shoot 
“It was a nice work you did, but I’ll end you here and take your place as the best” the same voice that I heard before was talking now, I peek through the door and saw ________ fighting for her life against two boker combat blades, one in each guy’s hands pointing to her neck, her eyes focused on mine for a second, I didn’t even think about it and shot at the man’s back, after that she took one of the blades and stab the guy’s neck, I ran to her and hugged her, without caring about the blood in her sleeves
“Are you okay?”- I asked in a bit of panic
“I-I’m fine, thank you…although I was supposed to be the one to protect you” after everything that happened she pout just because I ended up helping her, I couldn’t restrain myself and laughed, I really loved her, she was so strong and adorable at the same time
“Let’s get out of here, finish the meeting and go home, because I really want to celebrate our victory here by having some private fun with you” I said with a teasing tone, she blushed as usual, I took her hand and lead her to the exit, as we were walking I could felt her tiny and warm hand entwine with mine and I realize that we could do anything together, I wanted to protect her so bad before, yet she saved me in more ways than one…
I could say in conclusion, that this woman was the most adorable and deadly I’ve ever known, and she was mine just as I was hers        
this was really hard to write guys, no kidding Dx so...  I’ll really appreciate any feedback you guys have for me, I hope the others are easier, it may take long but I’m still going to finish this series, thank you all for your support u,u  
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