#my boyfriends roomate wouldnt let me put the head in his car
ranciddelicate · 5 years
A love for all things rancid and delicate
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like 6 months after we moved into our apartment, half of our building caught fire (a small apartment fire had already happened not 2 weeks prior, same building side). Luckily, I was up at 1 am just messing around due to insomnia, and I hear people running upstairs and people shouting "FIRE, GET EVERYONE OUT" so I quickly hid all of our questionable shit just in time for a cop to knock on the door, I whipped that sucker open, freaked him out because it was like 2 seconds after he knocked that I opened the door. He was just like "Uh... well the buildings on fire how many people are in your apartment?" I said 3 people, 2 cats. "Get them all out as soon as you can."
I said okay, heart going mile a minute now, I run and shake my roommate awake and I'm like "We have to go, the building is on fire!" I start collecting some things(its January so it's FREEZING in Colorado). Walk past my roommates door, the bitch still sleeping! I wake her again, she's like "wait you're serious? i thought this was a prank!" (i'm a notorious prankster gfd, so she thought i was crying wolf lol) I'm like "NOT THIS TIME WE GOTTA GOOO"
She leaps out of bed, woken out of dead sleep and now in crunch time. I put my cat in his carrier, our other cat does not have a carrier as they usually go to the vet at different times so we're like "one should be enough." Dumb. She gets ready, my boyfriend is getting ready, I'm grabbing shit and stuffing it in my purse, i don't even have a bra on.
In 4 minutes everyone was ready to go but the question remained, "what do we do with the last cat?" I looked at my roommate, reached downed and picked up the cat, shoved her into her arms. Grabbed my keys, and we were out. We went to my car and put the babies in there. We didnt get to leave the parking lot until 6am, but the Firefighters did ask if we needed anything from the apartment, make it quick and make it easy they said. "There is a littler pan in my closet, its the room straight from the door, and my roommate's keys are right inside the door." no clothes, no hygiene products, no food, my roomate didn't even get to grab her glasses. They got those things for us and did a head count. We didn't get back into our apartment for a week.
We had no clothes, work uniforms, cat food, litter, food, soap or a n y t h i n g but our pjs and our cats. Luckily, I had lived with my uncle for a couple months and he LOVES cats so I called him up and asked if we could crash there since this happened, of course he obliged because he loves my cat man. The night of the actual fire at about 4am we called a friend and thank GOD he answered and gave us the okay to crash there for the night.
Our cats are so good, they ONLY used the litter box in the car, they didnt go to the bathroom on the seats or anywhere else. They cried at us until we got free of our parking lot and went to pick up cat food, its about 4am at this point. Put our food and water for em, they eat and drink, then lay down and sleep in the car. We got some food, shampoo, conditoner, the basics, and a caffeinated beverage. I drove to my uncles the next day (who lives 5 minutes away hell yeah) Cats settled in just fine, house is way better than car.
My roommate and I called our Managers (i have 2 jobs, one with the same manager as her, we'll call her Shannon), it was early so we both left messages at our workplaces. Shannon actually called my roommate in the morning to YELL AT HER FOR TRYING TO CALL HER SO EARLY IN THE MORNING LIKE WE DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH SHIT TO DEAL WITH and my roommates like sorry we were letting you know PLENTY in advance that we were unable to get to work since we had NOTHING? This bitch also asked for a SIGNED COPY FROM OUR LEASING OFFICE TO PROVE WE WEREN'T LYING since there had been a small apartment fire like 2 weeks earlier and they wouldnt let us in our apartment for the day. We were just like, "seriously? its on the news," she wasnt kidding. Our leasing office was even like, "really? that's a little extreme." Like no shit, you should meet Shannon, yikes. My roomate (after getting bullied by shannon at 8am) still had to attend work that morning; shannon upon her arrival said "sorry if i added any extra stress to your morning but seriously, no calls before 7am". I called my other job (i care for the elderly). They were all worried and offered if we needed a place to stay or shower that we could come to the office and they'd get some snacks (we have showers and beds to train caregivers on transfers and repositioning), the owner also offered his service and sent me a nice email. They also all saw it on the news and said "Well, we're going to put this in our list of valid excuses to call out of work!" THATS👏 HOW👏YOU👏MANAGE👏A👏POOR👏SITUATION👏 -_- Once Shannon saw it on the news, she was like "Lol, i didnt believe you! But now i do, that sucks." Thanks, SHANNON.
After 2 days our apartments gave us an emergency pack (still have it, GREAT idea to have) with some toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and other necessities. We had to buy a complete new set of outfits, the stress from the situation was enough to make both my roommate and i start our periods in the car that morning and at one point my boyfriend snuck past caution tape and guards to get everyones work uniforms, menstrual cups for his babes, and a few other necessities so that we could still make money to buy all of the extra expenses lol (my hero 🖤). Our coworker invited my roommate for a shower before work and had everything she needed including an extra uniform, had breakfast, lunch, and coffee ready for my roommate when she got to work, and went to the grocery store after she got off to get us some supplies, also our hero 🧡.
They told us they expected arson when it happened but they never got back to us, but the guy responsible woke up his immediate neighbors and they said it was probably his wood stove. Shit eventually ended up working out, it's now October and they're still not finished fixing the building. The 6 apartments dehoused were rehoused in different units or moved. We're back, the cats are back, I'm just like damn good job team.
Moral of the story: If you think you're prepared, you're not, buy 2 cat carriers if you have 2 cats, insomia wins this round, getchu a man who isnt afraid to break in and get you period stuff. Also, work is hard to deal with sometimes but take care of yourself first. And HAVE A GO BAG THATS SHITS A LIFESAVER.
Thank you for coming to my FIREtalk
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