#my blood sugar when my doc took blood last time was 85
tj-crochets · 8 months
Hey y'all! Two slightly weird questions for you: 1. If my blood sugar is fairly consistently in the "this is a good range for fasting blood sugar" when I am not fasting is that like...common, or is that a problem? 2. Can being anemic affect blood sugar? I don't have diabetes (the doctors keep checking) but I am having trouble finding any resources about this for people without diabetes
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cicinicole-14 · 7 years
tag game thing
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @only-freakin-sunflowers thx boo ily
i tag: @monicaaaaatje @criminal-anatomy @derpyprentiss @thewayshelooksatme
the last:
1. drink: Diet Coke  2. phone call: Robyn @unicornshepherdess on Monday because I didn't know what she wanted on our funnel cake... and don't judge me for not talking on the phone, I'm still in Canada and calling back home is v much monies.  3. text message: @only-freakin-sunflowers “yay” to her picking up her fixed laptop tomorrow  4. song you listened to: sugar by maroon 5. it was on in the car 5. time you cried: um I actually don't know?
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: ive never even dated someone once no (keeping @peaceandcows answer) 7. kissed someone and regretted it: haven’t been kissed once lol nah (again) 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: idk how to answer this…. (<< I mean depression is a feeling, in that sense I’d say yes, but I’m not diagnosed nor I do think I need to be so idk about the word choice there?) (same) 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: drunk yes, thrown up from it, no.
3 favorite colors:
12. pink  13. black 14. grey
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yes, and when I start school in the fall I hope to make more! 16. fallen out of love: no ive never fallen in love tbh (same @peaceandcows) 17. laughed until you cried: lol yeah so many times 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah :/ 19. met someone who changed you: not really in the past year, I mean I met someone and she changed me in the past year but i knew her for years before that. she changed me for the better and I am no longer friends w her.  20. found out who your friends are: yes I did! 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: uh no.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: literally all of them except like probably 2... 23. do you have any pets: Yes, a dog named Lucy, but we call her Goose.  24. do you want to change your name: eh, I kinda do kinda don't.  25. what did you do for your last birthday: um, I hung out with friends and it was shit so then I got super drunk 26. what time did you wake up: um this took me like two days to fill out because I forgot about this, but today I woke up at 9am.                                   27. what were you doing at midnight last night: um I was at a bar watching friends play pool because I really suck at pool                                                   28. name something you can’t wait for: Tomorrow I’m meeting @unicornshepherdess for the second time and we’re going to an amusement park!! (and my babes @peaceandcows and @thirtyseconddanceparty are coming too)
31. what are you listening to right now: nothing, we’re watching friends 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ya he was my computer lab teacher 33. something that is getting on your nerves: I like am really thirsty and can't seem to quench it? 34. most visited website: tumblr, google docs, and ao3 35. hair colour: like medium/light brown 36. long or short hair: long but like I really wanna cut like 6 inches off again.... 39. piercings: I have (used to) have 3 ear lobe piercings, but I haven't worn earrings in a while so tbh, idk if I have any, and a nose piercing :) 40. blood type: yep, I have no fucking idea 41. nicknames: oh goodness. cici is my nickname, and also coco and Cecil, and only my dad calls me punkins.  42. relationship status: single af 43. zodiac: Capricorn  44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: greys, criminal minds, super girl and wynonna Earp.  46. tattoos: none (yet), next Wednesday I'm getting my first. 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: um a lot actually but the most recent was last Summer I had knee surgery.  49. piercing: this is asked twice? same as 39... 50. sport: I used to swim 51. vacation: I'm living it right now. in Canada with the bestie @unicornshepherdess and got to meet the other bestie @only-freakin-sunflowers 52. pair of trainers: my camo convers
more general:
53. eating: nothing atm 54. drinking: water 55. i’m about to: land pics onto my laptop from my camera.  56. waiting for: tomorrow which I'm conflicted about because on one hand tomorrow I get to see my bff but also tomorrow I have to leave my other bff 57. want: nothing? 58. get married: one day not now (same belle) 59. career: neonatologist  
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: hugs omg. also @only-freakin-sunflowers gives great hugs bc were the same height and don't get boob hugs Yano? 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: I don’t think guys shorter than me actually exist (same belle) 63. older or younger: don’t care but like probs older? 64. nice arms or nice stomach: both but arms 65. hook up or relationship: both  66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: nah 68. drank hard liquor: yep 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: omg yes all the time 70. turned someone down: nope 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: no 73. had your heart broken: no time for that lol 74. been arrested: Lol no (not yet? jkjkjk) 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in:
77. yourself: eh? sometimes 78. miracles: idk? 79. love at first sight: no? yes? idk? 80. santa claus: totes mcgoats...  81. kiss on the first date: yes 82. angels: yes
83. current best friend’s name:i have 5 friends n they're the only ones I super care about belle, Robyn, autumn, Chelsey and Claudia.  84. eye colour: blueeeee 85. favourite movie: um so many I can't choose
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2011: The Diabetes Year in Review
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/2011-the-diabetes-year-in-review/
2011: The Diabetes Year in Review
The New Year is just around the corner, so as per tradition, we're reviewing all the things that have made 2011 a year to remember in the diabetes world and here at the 'Mine.
We've had some big moments in technology as the FDA finally approved some progressive stuff. There were some amazing times with our blogging compatriots IRL (that's Internet-speak for "in real life"). And there were some milestones of us both professionally and personally.
Here's a look at what we think stands out in 2011:
We rang in the New Year with some really big news from our side: DiabetesMine became part of the Alliance Health Networks family. I took on the new role of Vice President of Patient Advocacy as well as Editor-in-Chief of DiabetesMine. Allison officially joined the staff of the 'Mine as Assistant Editor.
Fresh from the adventure of a lifetime, Amazing Race winner Nat Strand chatted with us about what it takes to travel around the world with diabetes!
I also discussed the nitty-gritty of inhaled insulin with Dance Pharmaceuticals CEO, John Patton. He's a veteran of the failed Exubera team, and is on a mission to revive this product category.
We launched our series on diabetes complications with a look at diabetic retinopathy (no pun intended!). We've since followed up with 411's on heart disease, gum disease, neuropathy, gastroparesis, depression and even frozen shoulder. Not to bum you all out, but this stuff is important for us PWDs to know.
Allison covered the JDRF Research Summit in Washington, D.C., where updates on the artificial pancreas, the immune system, and prevention of diabetes were discussed. Allison also interviewed Dr. Ed Damiano about the Artificial Pancreas Project.
JDRF CEO Jeffrey Brewer publicly discussed the organization's new direction, setting off a firestorm of controversy. Some folks were very upset that JDRF is no longer focused solely on cure research, but we happen to applaud the work they're doing in developing technologies that can help patients live better now. Allison shared her personal feelings and struggles in hoping for a cure.
We were very excited to share an inspiring guest post from a U.S. Marine who refused to give up his dream of serving his country when he was diagnosed with diabetes.
Dr. Denise Faustman, one of the most controversial yet admired researchers, sat down for a video chat with us about the latest developments in her innovative research to cure diabetes. She also gave us a tour of her laboratory.
We kicked off the 2011 DiabetesMine Design Challenge, our annual online competition to encourage creative new tools for improving life with diabetes.
Speaking of innovation, Allison took us on a behind-the-scenes tour of an artificial pancreas clinical trial at Massachusetts General Hospital, led by co-investigator Dr. Ed Damiano.
Allison also traveled to Washington, D.C., with a delegation of bloggers for JDRF's Government Day to talk about social media with the JDRF grassroots advocacy leaders from around the country, meet with Members of Congress on the Hill, and have a briefing with Jeffrey Brewer. Very cool!
At the 'Mine, we launched our new Weekend Edition, now featuring a wonderful roster of cartoonists and a very quirky, useful and fun advice column from D-author and community educator, Wil Dubois. We love you, Wil!
Allison and I traveled to Los Angeles to take part in the first-ever Medtronic Diabetes Advocates Forum, where we discussed our thoughts on social media and patient community needs, and also learned about some new Medtronic offerings (like the MyMedtronic Connect iPhone app), and toured the facilities where they produce the Medtronic CGM sensors. That last bit was pretty eye-opening.
We also investigated some interesting rumors we'd heard in LA about progressive products currently only available in Europe: the Medtronic Enlite sensors and the Animas Vibe insulin pump.
In the midst of our Design Challenge, we took a look at one company burgeoning forward to bring innovation to the diabetes market: CellNovo. CEO Bill McKeon discussed their sleek new insulin pump inspired by the iPhone.
I flew to Las Vegas for a keynote speech to Sanofi Aventis' A1c Champions national meeting, where I was able to give these motivational speakers a pep talk about the Diabetes Online Community! What a great group of grassroots advocates the Champions are.
DiabetesSisters' semi-annual Weekend for Women conference took place in Raleigh, NC, and Allison had the opportunity to attend. She shared the stories of several "sisters" who found inspiration and hope just by spending some time with other women with diabetes.
We participated in Karen Graffeo's Diabetes Blog Week, where we shared what we admire about the DOC's diversity, a heartfelt letter to a former endocrinologist, and 10 things we hate about diabetes.
JDRF announced a partnership with Amylin to study the combination of insulin and symlin, something we're sure folks who dislike multiple daily injections (and who doesn't?) will appreciate if they can get the formulation to work!
JDRF's NYC Chapter hosted an evening with Dr. Sanjoy Dutta, the Director of Glucose Control Therapies at JDRF. He discussed JDRF's Insulin Initiative, a program to investigate how to make insulin work faster and better, which will help blood sugar control in the long run, of course.
D-Mom and super advocate Moira McCarthy Stanford wrote a touching guest post about dealing with her teen daughter's rebellion against diabetes and her advice on how other parents can avoid the same heartache. This post was quite controversial, with 59 comments to date.
We were thrilled to announce the winners of the 2011 DiabetesMine Design Challenge. What an honor to be able to share the amazing talent we found through the process!
Nevermind taking the summer off: June marked the beginning of our conference-circuit tour. We were excited to reunite with our friends for the third annual Roche Diabetes Social Media Summit.
That was followed immediately by the annual American Diabetes Association's Scientific Sessions. This HUGE annual conference was a little light on breakthrough products this year, mainly because so much was backed up awaiting FDA approval. Grrr... But there were still a few juicy announcements, including research showing increased life expectancy for PWDs, new advances in the Artificial Pancreas Project, and a CGM trial in kids and teens.
We were honored to feature the story of Bob Krause, the longest-living person with diabetes! Bob has had diabetes for 85 years and is doing great. We were also delighted to meet Bob in person in San Diego at a Joslin reception at the ADA Scientific Sessions:
Plus, we both stepped in front of a Flip camera to take part in Kim Vlasnik's You Can Do This! project. Allison and I each made our own homemade video contribution.
July was a big month for Allison... she got married!
And while she was on her honeymoon and I took my annual family trip to Germany, we had some absolutely amazing folks stop by to offer guest posts:
Diabetes attorney Kris Halpern shared what you need to know about discrimination in the workplace
Author Amy Stockwell Mercer gave us her insights in what it's like to be a smart woman with diabetes
Blogger Sysy Morales listed 10 things men need to know about women with diabetes
We also published three interviews with some key leaders in the diabetes community:
IDF execs Drs. Jean-Claude Mbanya and Martin Silink shared their thoughts on the international diabetes community and the Life for a Child program
Famous endo Dr. Lois Jovanovic gave women with diabetes some useful tips on how to stay healthy before, during, and after a pregnancy
We hit Las Vegas for the American Association of Diabetes Educator's Annual Conference, where David Edelman, Manny Hernandez, Hope Warshaw and I spoke to a packed room of diabetes educators about the power of the DOC! Talk about your advocacy opportunities — woohoo!
Later at the AADE conference, got the inside scoop on what educators are saying about their patients, and we got a closer look at the new Spring Universal infusion set.
Scandal rocked the DOC with the discovery the insulin pumps could be hacked! Not only that, but the man who discovered this is a pump-wearing PWD himself, who began some some tenuous back-and-forth between himself and the pump manufacturer, later revealed to be Medtronic Diabetes. Although Medtronic claims they are investigating the issue, the hacker wasn't convinced they took the issue seriously. Months later, articles on insulin pump hacking are still cropping up in the news...
We started September with the second annual Diabetes Art Day, the brainchild of art therapist and activist Lee Ann Thill, who helped us work out some of our diabetes frustrations in the form of creative expression.
September was a BIG month for us at the 'Mine, as we hosted our first-ever DiabetesMine Innovation Summit, bringing together in one room pharma product experts, entrepreneurs, designers, VCs, empowered patients and our contest winners. The resulting interactions were nothing short of revolutionary!
Then diabetes innovation came knocking on front door in the form of a test drive of the new iBGStar glucose meter, which plugs directly into an iPhone or iTouch.
But progress still floundered as the FDA continued to grapple with how to make the Medtronic VEO — a product already available in 40 other countries — available in the U.S. with its powerful low-glucose suspend feature. Geez, in the very short-term, too much insulin is far riskier than not enough!
The history-making UN Summit on Noncommunicable Diseases took place, along with a rally in Central Park. But not without quite a bit of headache before and not nearly enough commitment during and after, at least according to the folks who attended. Ann Keeling, CEO of the International Diabetes Federation, gave us her feedback on the outcomes of the Summit.
We also checked out MyGlu.org, from the Helmsley Charitable Trust, a new social network and counterpart to the new type 1 diabetes national registry they are building. Great, great things are in the works there.
In October, Allison traveled to Kansas City, MO, for one of the biggest (and possibly best?) diabetes meet-ups ever! Simon, a PWD from Australia, traveled half way across the world for a "North American tour" that covered Los Angeles, Kansas City, and New York City. In case you're bummed that you missed out, we hear he's coming back in 2012 for CWD's Friends for Life conference in July!
Brilliant minds in diabetes research convened in San Diego for TEDxDelMar, the first-ever satellite TED conference focusing on the search for a cure.
Mid-October brought us LADA Awareness Week, a campaign dedicated to raising awareness about a form of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in adults. Close to my heart, this is! The proper definition of LADA is a little difficult to pin down, so I queried some top experts to see what they think.
We took a look at some of the many new diabetes iPhone apps, including the new Glooko app, which allows you to upload your blood sugar readings to your phone using a simple USB cable for easy logging.
Getting a handle on blood sugars was a top priority for Allison, who shared her thoughts and concerns on pregnancy and diabetes (it's all about planning, right?).
November is a HUGE month for the diabetes community... but it still goes relatively unnoticed by most of the world. In hopes of changing that, we launched our own Unite Behind the Blue Circle Campaign. Our petition for ADA, JDRF, and AADE to more prominently use the Blue Circle to unite the diabetes community garnered over 3,000 signatures!
JDRF also rang in November with the launch of their T1 Day and a shocking newspaper ad in The New York Times and The Washington Post stating that 1 in 20 people with diabetes will die from a low blood sugar. They're not the only national advocacy org using stats to scare up support, and Jeffrey Brewer stands behind the move.
We also participated in the 7th annual DBlog Day, this year breaking out the glue and scissors to create a commemorative scrapbook page.
November 14 was the fifth annual UN-recognized World Diabetes Day and we celebrated here at the 'Mine by taking a look at the previous 5 years of World Diabetes Day. We've come a long way, Baby.
Allison was on hand in NYC with her video camera ready to welcome members of Team Type 1 after they ran across the country. Not kidding!
Big diabetes technology news broke when the FDA approved Tandem's new sleek t:slim insulin pump, with an iPhone-like design. Suddenly, the FDA seemed on a roll — as they also approved the iGlucose, a device that wireless transmits blood sugars to a management system, and Medtronic Minimed's iPro CGM, a new continuous monitor that doctors can lend out to patients.
Nevertheless, we still have issues with progress at the FDA, and I hoped to gain some insight at a JDRF breakfast on FDA reform held in Silicon Valley. Thumbs sideways.
We closed out the month with two exciting giveaways:
We interviewed PWD chef hottie Sam Talbot and gave away a copy of his new cookbook, The Sweet Life.
We honored all our vocal readers with our 20,000 Voices Giveaway, to mark our 20,000th comment here at the 'Mine and all the wonderful folks out there who make our work worthwhile!
The FDA came through in a big way with the approval of the iBGStar glucose meter, the first and only meter that directly plugs into an iPhone! This bodes well for integration of health / medical devices with consumer technology across the board.
The FDA also released its guidance on the Artificial Pancreas, and JDRF seemed pleased with what they saw initially; we're still waiting to see how it all plays out.
Lifescan also released their OneTouch Verio glucose meter (in Canada), the first-ever meter than can alert you to trends. We got some great user feedback.
I was very happy to be featured in the new anthology, My Sweet Life, a new book of essays from two dozen women living successfully with diabetes. Shout-out to author Dr. Bev!
Allison's husband chimed in with his thoughts on being the life partner of a PWD. He's a keeper, I tell you!
I chatted with Jenny Mackenzie, the successful filmmaker behind SUGAR BABIES, a new educational documentary about four families living with diabetes.
FOR 2012:
Well... we're crossing our fingers (and toes!) that the events in November and December bode well for more great new tools to pass through FDA in the new year. We also have more fun things up our sleeves here at the 'Mine, as we hope to make 2012 bigger and better than ever.
As always, your input is more than welcome.
Happy New Year, Folks!
Amy + Allison
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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18 Years with Diabetes: A Diaversary Post
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/18-years-with-diabetes-a-diaversary-post/
18 Years with Diabetes: A Diaversary Post
Today is my 18th diaversary. That's DOC slang for the anniversary of my diagnosis. I used to think 18 years with diabetes sounded like a looooong time. Growing up, most of the people I knew had diabetes for about as long as me, because most of my D-friends were the same age as me and were diagnosed around the same time as I was (at age 8). Now that I'm older and have had the privilege of meeting so many wonderful people with diabetes, 18 years no longer seems that impressive! I know people who have had diabetes for 30 years, 40 years, 50 years — and last summer I met a man who has had diabetes for 85 years!
Most people I know have a sharp picture in their minds of when they were diagnosed with diabetes. They almost always know the year, usually the month, and sometimes the day. I remember my diagnosis very clearly, even though I was only 8 years old. I remember waking up with an ear ache, complaining to my mother and begging to stay home from school. I remember her deciding to take me to the doctor to get checked out. I remember sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office. I remember listening to my mother tell my pediatrician that I was going to the bathroom a lot. I remember the low yellow light of the bathroom where the doctor told me to go so I could pee in a cup. I remember waiting at home for the results. I remember the phone call came at 4:00 in the afternoon and I remember my mother flipping through the yellow pages looking at hospitals to take me to. I remember my dad coming home, and I remember looking up at him while I laid on the sofa in our bonus room, and I vividly remember remember telling him, "I'm a diabetes girl now."
December 1993 - One month before my diagnosis
I remember starting to feel nauseated. I remember the drive to the hospital and how I couldn't eat or drink anything except water before being admitted, but we didn't have water in the car and I was very thirsty. I remember the Intensive Care Unit. I remember throwing up all over myself and the nurses. I remember my first endocrinologist standing at the foot of my bed, with my mom on my left and my dad on my right, explaining to us what the hell just happened.
The next day, I remember watching the clock from my bed, telling the nurses what my friends at school would being doing that day. Reading, Writing, Math, Recess. I'm sure that was really fun to listen to. I remember having to go to the bathroom in a little plastic bowl because they needed to measure it for... something. Ketones? That I don't remember. I just remember that I hated doing it! I remember my parents coming to visit, and I remember the workbook It's Time to Learn About Diabetes by Jean Betschart Roemer (whom I interviewed many years later!). I remember the nurses teaching me how to prick my finger and I was terrified. I think I made them do it at least two or three times each themselves before I had the guts to do it to myself. I remember injecting insulin into an orange. And I gotta tell you, I remember thinking that my skin and an orange were very, very different.
I remember being discharged from the ICU and staying in a regular hospital room. I remember the nurses waking me up every four hours to test my blood sugar, and I remember being very excited when it dropped from the 300s to the 200s! I remember the other girl who was in my room. She'd had several heart surgeries and she had to pee into a bag because she couldn't walk. I suppose being her roommate gave me a bit of perspective on my situation.
I remember being discharged and going home. I remember going to school on Monday, not to go to class but so that we could teach the secretaries about my diabetes. The principal was there, too. I had an awesome school staff and it is one of the many reasons I think I turned out as "normal and well-adjusted" as I did. I remember checking my blood sugar in front of everyone and I remember the secretary gasping, "It's dropping!" But in reality, she was just watching the meter countdown the 45 seconds it took to get a reading (those were the days!). I remember laughing and going, "No, no! It's just the timer!" I remember calling my best friend Jenny and telling her that I had been diagnosed with diabetes. Her mother immediately started buying Diet Coke to keep at their house, and Jenny still blames me for her Diet Coke addiction (I plead the Fifth).
Summer 1994 - six months after my diagnosis
I don't remember much after that, actually. The diagnosis is a very clear, distinct series of memories that occurred over a period of maybe five days.
Later memories all blend together: I remember phone calls to the doctor-on-call late at night. I remember my mother accidentally mixing up my morning and evening dose once. I remember my parents arguing about whether or not I needed a snack. I remember my first trip to camp, and I remember my first insulin injection in my stomach. I don't remember my first low blood sugar, and I don't remember even hating diabetes that much at the beginning. Although I remember a doozy of a temper tantrum that came when I was about 12 years old, and I do remember crying occasionally when an insulin injection stung just a little too much.
It might seem strange, but most of my memories of my childhood don't have much to do with diabetes. Well, maybe a little bit. When I think about school, I only have a few memories of diabetes. I remember telling my gym teacher I was low so that I could get out of playing tennis. I remember having an insulin pump site fail and shooting up to 500 mg/dl and thinking I was going to die or collapse or something. I remember my friend Julia bending over to check the time on my insulin pump. I remember my friend Josh asking if he could try one of my glucose tablets and he liked it. I also remember him asking me if you could put heroin in an insulin pump. To which I replied cautiously, "I suppose..."
Oddly, I don't remember diabetes on the day I got my driver's license. I don't remember diabetes at either of my school proms (although the guy who took me was a PWD whom I'd met at diabetes camp, so, you know, there's that). I remember that I had a two-piece prom dress, and the top part was a corset, so we clipped the pump to the back of the skirt and it just sat there. That's all I remember. I don't remember diabetes on my graduation day, although our Senior Night party involved a ridiculous amount of ice cream, candy, and snacks and I'm pretty sure I floated around 300 mg/dl the entire time. I don't remember diabetes on my first date (OK, again, technically a lie since my first date was the brother of a guy with diabetes, and his father was the former President of our local JDRF chapter, but, you know, minor details). And the only reason I remember diabetes on my wedding day is because I knew I'd have to blog about it.
The older I got, however, the more I remember my diabetes in my life. Diabetes became a "hobby" when I was about 16 years old. I started getting involved in diabetes advocacy stuff. I remember finding out I was selected to go to JDRF's Children's Congress. I remember meeting Mary Tyler Moore. I remember thinking about my own mortality more and more. I remember being frustrated with my diabetes in college, and I remember how much I didn't remember how to take care of myself. I remember how it introduced me to friends and how it got me my first job, and I remember how I slowly started appreciating the fact I had diabetes, because it actually brought some good into my life. I remember how my father told me that my diabetes gave me purpose. I remember thinking that was true.
I also remember most of my diaversaries. I don't think the date would have made an indelible mark on me if it weren't for the fact that the first was the day my mother finally said that I could get my ears pierced. Now listen, I had spent weeks working on my mother so that she would let me get my ears pierced. I can't remember what her rationale was for preventing me from doing it, but I remember her being very insistent that I should not get my ears pierced. I remember that night I was sitting in the car, listing out (again) all the reasons why she should let me get my ears pierced. I remember our car suddenly pulling up in front of the piercing salon and being so excited — and yes, I even remember how much it hurt.
And that's how the tradition of celebrating my diaversaries began. It didn't even occur to me, after several years of doing this, that other people might not want to celebrate their diaversaries. I remember on other diaversaries, my parents would include a card with a little gift, and inside it would say something sweet about how proud they were of my ability to take care of my diabetes every day for the past year. That's really the point of celebrating the day, you know. It's not to celebrate the fact that I have diabetes. Having diabetes blows. But living well with diabetes? Managing the everyday minutiae of testing blood sugar, counting carbs, and dosing insulin? Having an awesome life, never letting diabetes hold you back and accomplishing all your dreams?
That is totally worth celebrating!
January 2012 - 18 years after diagnosis
So, whether your diabetes diagnosis was January 27, like me, or whether it's another day of the year or even a day you don't remember, happy diaversary to you too! Here's to long life with many happy memories.
Thanks Allison - sending lots of DOC love your way!
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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