#my big lovely abandoned robot that will soon figure out his colleagues are dead and maybe have an ache in his metal heart
ballcrusher74 · 6 months
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deacon blast again
also yknow what. info dump about this guy cus he's coming to the cleanup crew very soon
D-17, aka Deacon, was a robot originally created for the Bioscience & Technology team for the Company. This team specialized in studying the biology of the entities, moon environments, and making technological advancements for both their scavengers and to assist their research. (Fun fact ! This team was also responsible for creating the revive technology, resulting in the cycle.) Deacon is a D type model, one of the tank robots, usually used as personal bodyguards for other team members when exploring moons, and hauling back deceased corpses of the moon's wildlife. He is very much programmed to be a work machine, speaks very formally, takes everything literally, and obeys given orders. He was a good mechanical co-worker. However, as the Company started to cut corners, this team was dissolved. God knows what happened with the human members of the team, but as for the robots, they were all stationed on various planets and left to rot. Some time goes by, 18 years roughly, and Deacon's still body stands upright, covered with small patches of foliage and insects crawling through his joints. Deacon is a very lucky case, compared to the others, having been safely stationed on 41-Experimentation inside of a storage room in the facility. The majority of the other robots have been likely ripped apart by the moon's wildlife, weather conditions wearing them down, and just breaking down into scrap pieces.
Soon, he will be found there and charged back up. However, he will not be aware of what happened to his team. He did his job to stand guard, and he did until his power ran dry, like a loyal dog to the company.
Soon, he'll figure it out. (also I think I've posted his ref here before?? I think. yea I did, but I might make him a more polished one. design ain't changed tho lol) (OH FUCK YEA UH. THAT IS CRICK IN THE SECOND IMAGE. THE NERD ASS SCAVENGER. belongs to my dear buddy @blegsbag)
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