#my bf knows its bad but I just don't want him to go on the whole 'quit move in with me and then we'll figure stuff out' wagon again
bitchfitch · 2 days
My mother's bf had a fairly major surgery (he's fine and recovering well DW) and he's going to be housebound for his birthday this year, so I've been enlisted to come up with a fancy birthday meal for the special birthday boy that's primarily fruit and veg, sweeter than savory, and is something he's never had before.
Bc I'm making watermelington. It's beef Wellington, but watermelon. bc my mom only found out recently you can use watermelon as a tuna substitute. And I know that you can substitute most higher quality beef cuts with tuna or salmon.... usually. Anyways the idea fascinates her so I'm hoping to use that for bonus points.
Now he's off his ass on pain killers so I can't like. Ask him if he's ever had something before. so to meet my brief I've decided to just. commit a novel hate crime against the British I guess.
Anyways. I'm writing this because I need to walk myself through this process and think it'll be surreal enough to be worth taking y'all along for.
So, Beef Wellington. In its most basic bitch arrangement is a beef tenderloin wrapped in prosciutto/really thin bacon, with a layer of mushroom and onion mush, that has been further wrapped in mustard slathered puff pastry.
We will be ship of Theseusing this. bc beef Wellington is like. the opposite of what he wants. Which is why it's funny.
Puff pastry-> it's still just puff pastry
this one doesn't have to change (aka I can't be fucked to do pastry prep and I'm just gonna use store bought it's Fine.)
the prosciutto is also just going to be prosciutto.
Thin meat
Beef tenderloin-> watermelon,
Tbh this is a pretty 1 to 1 substitution. I'll bake the slices at like. 250-300 for an hour or so ahead of the rest of prep to dry it out a bit. bc you can't like. Sear watermelon to seal in the water like you can beef. By definition it's a very wet fruit (like me when I fall into the lake). Ill Add salt and chili and lime juice while baking maybe. this is the easy part
The mushroom mush-> salsa done bad style
As the word mush implies, this is meant to be a very soft mix. It adds a lot of nuttiness to the wellington that rounds out all of the salt from the meats. I'm replacing it with white person salsa(the birthday boy can't handle spice). Tomato, lime juice, parsley, avocado, cucumber, feta, and maybe mango so I can have an excuse to have a lil mango treat. I said I wasn't making it spicy. I'm still putting a bit of chili in it. bc it'll be better like that. This is also a ridiculously wet bit of mush, Even the original mushrooms have too much water. I'll figure something out.
Mustard -> jelly
He lives in a big city. those preserve sections are massive. I'll find a weird one. maybe apricot.
We're in the mind palace kitchen, I have not attempted any of this. We're just thinking real hard about it and I'll edit as needed on the day and post results.
The watermelon
Preheat oven to eh. 300f? We want low and slow to dry things out without it taking a year. but idk what his oven is like. If it's gentle I'll bump it up another ten-twenty.
Slather some watermelon slices in salt chili powder and lime juice mixture.
bake for 30 min on a wire rack or directly on the oven racks (after cleaning thoroughly) if he doesn't have a wire rack. with a drip try underneath to catch the drippage. check frequently. Have one slice that's for being poked to see if it's approaching being meat. Bake longer if needed.
Salsa bad style
chop everything up and add it to a pan with some oil in it. Tbh I don't think the type of oil you use for cooking matters if you're not like, getting near any smoke points. Most people can't tell the difference unless you made your food bland as hell.
Anyways there's some wildly different moisture contents on the list so there has to be an Order to cook off as much water as possible without getting yucky.
Tomatoes and cucumbers go in together with some salt to get the cucs softening, then the mango chunks and lime juice. Once most of the water is gone the avocado feta and parsley can go in. There is a good amount of water in avocados but they're delicate and don't pan fry well, so we're just going to ignore their water crimes and hope for the best. They just need to be evenly mixed through the rest of the mush.
Putting it together
lay out the puff pastry, cut into sections to wrap each watermelon slice individually with.
Slather in jam
Take the prosciutto and lay it out on half of each section of the pastry,
spoon the salsa onto that
Another layer of salsa
another layer of thin meat
Fold the pastry over the top and pinch the edges bc watermelon slices are not a rollable shape and I don't want to carve a watermelon into a tube for this because that sounds irritating.
Brush with egg wash and more parsley
Cook in oven following the pastry's preferred temp and time. it's fucking watermelon, you're not getting ecoli from it.
watermelington :)
I'm serving it with baked sweet potatoes and spinach based salad with whatever toppings are left over from making the salsa.
anyways thank you for joing me on this thought experiment. I will post updates once the deed is done. I'm sorry to every British person ever.
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minhosimthings · 1 day
Bewitched ft LHS
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Two lovers and the adventure of dried lilac
Pairing: bf!heeseung × fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, mention of food and bacterial infection (don't question it), kinda cringy ig? hee being down BAD for reader
Song: Bewitched by Laufey
A/N: Hello everyone! This is my submission for @flwrstqr My World event. Congratulations to Danielle for 3k followers! Now sit back, relax, and read my cringey poetry.
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I didn't know that much at all 'bout love before
But now, I think I'm learning
"Are you absolutely sure this will work?" Heeseung eyed you nervously.
You were trying to figure out how to stab open the extremely restrictive packaging of the box of dried lilac flowers, so without even looking up at him, you scoffed, as if you were offended that he was trying to undermine your amazing box-opening skills. 
 "Of course it will." You stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Plus, I did a lot of research for this."
"By research you mean the first three search results you got?" Heeseung chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder. You shuddered at the cold touch of his skin on yours. 
"Be careful,Lee Heeseung, I have a weapon in my vicinity." You threatened him, waving around the dying scissors in your hands. The countertop was littered with scraps of cardboard and a crumpled up bill. The dried lilacs from Japan took three weeks to arrive and boy were you excited when it came. You almost hugged the poor delivery boy with how giddy you were. 
Your monthly tradition of doing something new with Heeseung was today and you were determined not to mess it up. Ever since the tradition started, something or the other has gone down the gutter. Like last August, when you had booked a seat for bungee jumping, which had to be cancelled due to heavy rains. Or the February of the year passed, when you wanted to make a bundt cake with him, which unfortunately never came out of the pan due to the absence of butter. 
But this time was different, you thought. This time, nothing could go wrong. After all, how can making lilac tea out of scratch ever go wrong in any possible way? There was no butter and no rain, except for the slight drizzle outside, which announced the end of the monsoon season and the start of September.
You bewitched me
From the first time that you kissed me
"Finally..." You muttered under your breath, as your hands reached for the flowers. They were tiny little buds packaged in an airtight ziplock packet. The colour was less lilac-y now, with hues of dark purple staring at you and Heeseung.
"Is it supposed to look rotten?" Heeseung asked, his eyes set on the packet that you were toying with possessively in your hands. You rolled your eyes at him playfully, and let out a dramatic sigh.
“How many times must I tell you-” You started dramatically, turning your body to face him, you could see the smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, “-that cooking is the art of turning a duck into a swan?”
“Calm down Shakespeare.” heeseung chuckled, his fingers teasing you by drawing shapes on your waist, “And ducks are really cute for your information!” He put his hand to his chest as if he were clutching his invisible string of pearls. A giggle erupted out of your mouth as you stood on your tiptoes to quickly leave a chaste kiss to the tip of his nose. Heeseung’s smile only widened as you did, a slight red mark lingering on the spot where your lips touched his skin. The calm scent of the evening, combined with the quiet of your kitchen sent a wave of absolute relaxation into Heeseung’s being.
“Hmm,” you hummed thoughtfully, your eyes rushing through the words on the lavender-hued instruction manual, “The recipe I saw on the internet said we can just boil them and the tea will just seep out.”
“But?” Heeseung’s chin returned to its rightful place on your shoulder. He was like an overactive cat, which would rub itself against its owner to show its affection.
“But-” you looked worried, much to Heeseung’s concern, “-this thing says we should wait for three goddamn months so there’s no-’ you cleared your throat and read from the manual, “‘threat of bacterial infection.’”
“Ominous.” Heeseung laughed, “I like it.” He smiled at the sight of a pout forming on your pretty lips, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I guess we have to wait then.” You sighed, a real one this time, “I mean, unless you want to get sick.” 
Great, you internally thought, another month gone wrong again. You wondered to yourself whether there will ever be a time when you actually get it right, when something that you and Heeseung do works out without any hiccups.
“Can I tell you something?” Heeseung smirked mischievously, garnering your attention. The pout on your lips melted his heart completely and his eyes visibly softened when he looked at you.
 “I actually like bacterial infection.”
 A moment of silence followed, before the both of you were convulsed with laughter. Your hands gripped the  edge of the counter to balance yourself, when Heeseung stuffed his nose into the nape of your neck, effectively putting half of his weight onto you.
“Hee, I’m gonna fall, get off me!” You laughed, but he only held you closer to him, as if you’d float away if he let go, “Ok, ok fine!” You giggled, raising your hands in mock defeat, “We can make the tea!”
“Yipee.” Heeseung cried in an adorably high pitched voice, that stretched your smile out even wider. If Heeseung were to die because of someone’s expression, then he knew it would be because of your smile. It was something that could make him forget all grief and suffering, no matter if he had the worst day ever, no matter if he had spilled hot coffee all over himself or accidentally snapped at someone, that smile of yours would be there to fix him.
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
The world froze around us, you kissed me good night
“Hee. Hee. Earth to Lee Heeseung.” Your words were half consumed by laughter, bringing him back to reality as he realised he had been staring at your face, “What are you looking at, idiot?”
Heeseung didn’t respond to your words, instead choosing to merely send you a lopsided smile. “Your idiot right?” he asked, to which you put your hands on top of his and squeezed it.
“My idiot.” You said, sacrificing your toes once more, to plant a kiss on his cheek, making Heeseung mentally kick his feet in the air for the fiftieth time that evening.
You set Heeseung about to do some kitchen duties, while you carefully extracted the dried flowers. Heeseung watched the surface of the water dance with the bubbles as it heated up. It reminded him of all the times you two had danced with each other. On particularly long nights, when the moon shone in all its majesty, bathing lovers all around the globe in her glamorous shine, both of you would find your hiding places in each other. Both of you would find your home, in each other, with arms wrapped not only around each other’s body, but around each other’s hearts.
“Is the water ready?” Heeseung heard you call out. He turned to see you, carefully sweeping the last of the petals into a bowl. 
“Yes, your highness.” He responded with a laugh. You tottled over to the pot of boiling water, slowly dropping your flowers in. You and Heeseung let out a collective gasp of wonder at the burst of colour that engulfed the colourless water. Hues of purple and lavender now coated each part of the pot, seeping out from the petals. 
“Woah…” You exhaled, not even knowing you had been keeping a breath in, “That’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” 
“It is.” Heeseung responded, to which you nodded, not taking your eyes away from the concoction. Unbeknownst to you, Heeseung was no longer even looking at the water. He was instead, gazing lovingly at you, with eyes so full of affection, you’d think he was looking at the last person on earth. In that moment of silence, he couldn’t help but trace his eyes over you, over every detail of yours that made you, you. The you that he loved so much. The you that he would go to the ends of the universe for, if you had asked him to.
Cursing at the moon and losing all control and crying
'Cause I think I'm falling
“This better be the most amazing thing that I’ve ever tasted or I’m never even touching a satchet of tea again.” You said, sinking down onto your sofa, with a mug of pinkish-tea in your hand. The sofa sank down further when Heeseung plopped down next to you, an identical mug in his hands.
“Shall we have a toast then?” Heeseung asked, raising his mug, “To hopefully not catching bacterial infection!” You chortled at his enthusiasm, before responding with a “Hear, hear!”
Clinking your mugs together in a ‘cheers’, you put your lips to the edge of the mug, wholly prepared to take a sip of your concoction and taste something that is equal to the nectar of the-
“We forgot the sugar, didn't we.”
You caught Heeseung’s eye and doubled over with laughter, almost spilling some of the tea onto your lap. In the midst of you admiring the pretty liquid, and Heeseung admiring the pretty you, you had forgotten the key ingredient which actually made the tea drinkable.
“Well, you kept distracting me with your beauty so much!” Heeseung defended himself, setting his mug down on the table, “How could I ever remember the sugar?”
“Do you really think flirting is gonna get you out of this?” You said, putting your mug down and glaring playfully at Heeseung.
“Depends.” He shrugged his shoulders, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, “Is it working?” He didn’t have time to say anything else, before he was practically tackled onto his back by you. Heeseung wrapped his arms around your waist and you lay down on him, using him as your mattress, though there was plenty of space for the both of you on the sofa. 
“Welp,” You said, pressing your ear to his chest to listen to his heartbeat, “At least we won’t be getting a bacterial infection anytime soon.”
Heeseung chuckled, bringing his lips down to your forehead to leave a kiss. In the sanctuary of his safe arms, you forgot all about the fact that tonight’s attempt had turned out to be an utter fail. But you realised that it didn’t matter to you anymore. For in the warm cocoon that Heeseung had spun around you, all that mattered was the unnoticeable seconds that had drifted away in failed attempts of lilac tea, and successful attempts of love. In the pale cast of the full moon’s light, you and Heeseung drifted off to sleep, as the world came to a silent halt, waiting patiently for another tomorrow. 
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
And bewitched me
You bewitched me
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Dividers by @strangergraphics
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mononijikayu · 3 hours
gum— ryomen sukuna.
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GENRE: alternate universe - modern au!
WARNING/S: nsfw, rated 18 and above, explicit content, smut, oral (female receiving) fingering, orgasm, humor, teasing, flirting, playfulness, possessiveness, characters speaking in sexual innuendo, depiction of sexual acts, mention of sexual euphemisms, depiction of explicit sexual content, bad boy bf! sukuna, goodie two shoes gf!;
WORD COUNT: 1.2k words.
NOTE: the song ggum by txt's yeonjun is stuck in my head and i just??? i can't stop listening to it right now. i want to stop, but like??? its really really good. anyway, i'm working on other things right now and most of them are going to be in the longer format. but i hope you enjoy them anyway. i'll be back with something new soon!!! i love you all <3
if you want to, tip! <3
IF THERE’S ANYTHING SUKUNA’S GOOD AT, IT'S CHEWING GUM AND WINNING YOU. And your boyfriend revels in it. Your breath comes in ragged gasps, your fingers tangling in the sheets beneath you as Ryomen Sukuna’s mouth works you over with expert precision.
It’s a sight you never thought you’d be part of—a "goodie two-shoes" girl, everyone’s picture-perfect student, tangled up with the campus bad boy. But here you are, completely undone. He’s the only one who can do this to you. And he knows it.
You could feel his rough hands grip your thighs firmly, keeping you pinned down while his tongue moves skillfully against your throbbing core. He grinned as though he was delighted. Because you know he was. You knew that he was happy, that none would see him the way he does. No one's allowed to see his goodie two shoes like this but him. And no one will.
You can't stop the loud echoing moans spilling from your lips, the intensity of his mouth sending sparks through your body. Your hips move on their own, grinding against his face as his tongue flicks and curls in a rhythm that drives you to the edge.
You glance down, and the sight of him between your legs only adds fuel to the fire. His bright scarlet eyes lock with yours, a wicked gleam in them as he gives you a grin, never slowing his pace. Your face twists in pleasure, a mix of gasps and whimpers falling from your lips. Your boyfriend’s the most wicked man in the world. And you’re excited about it. 
You feel like you’re going to lose it, your body trembling, legs shaking as he pulls you deeper into a euphoric haze. You haven’t come in a while, not even when you want to. You were too crazy about not failing your exams. And Sukuna respected that. But you know it too well that it got the best of him too, to wait. He likes pleasure as much as he loves you. And Sukuna adores having both. 
Even with his tongue buried deep between your thighs, Ryomen Sukuna’s bad-boy persona never falters. You catch the faintest scent of mint—he’s chewing gum, the same cocky grin stretching across his lips while he devours you like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
You don't know why he does it. But he does this sometimes. And he enjoys it. So you feel the sweetness of his mouth and the mint of his breath take you in as though there was nothing sweeter or delicious in the world than you.
The rhythm of his tongue never stops, even as he adjusts his jaw slightly, that damn piece of gum rolling from one side of his mouth to the other. It’s maddening, the way he’s so casual about it, like he isn’t unraveling you entirely, like he’s not completely in control.
Your body’s trembling, skin on fire as you push your hips harder against his mouth, chasing the wave of pleasure building with every stroke of his tongue. He hums against your soaked core, and the vibration sends a shudder up your spine. 
"Mm, tastes better than gum, doll." he murmurs, his voice muffled, laced with amusement. "You tastin' so good, even better than before."
He doesn't even stop to swallow his words, just dives back in, his grip on your thighs tightening, pulling you closer to his face. You bite your lip to stifle a scream, overwhelmed by the sensation. It was all too much. And yet you still craved for more.
Your legs begin to shake uncontrollably, and Sukuna seems to revel in it, his mouth never losing its cruel, delicious pace. You’re so close, teetering on the edge, and the sound of him lazily chewing that gum only heightens the absurdity, making your head spin.
You grind against his face, desperate for release, and with a low growl, Sukuna pushes you over the brink. The world around you shatters into blinding pleasure as your body shakes and trembles under his relentless mouth. His tongue doesn’t let up, riding you through the waves, leaving you breathless and spent, pinned under the weight of his wicked grin.
Your chest heaves as you struggle to catch your breath, still trembling from the intense orgasm Sukuna just pulled from you. Unshed tears pooling in your eyes, your head slanted to the side, as you take a breath. He made a mess out of you.
He pulls back slightly, lips glistening with evidence of his handiwork, and that damn piece of gum is still in his mouth, rolling lazily over his tongue. He wipes the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and then, with that smug grin of his, he looks up at you, eyes dark with mischief.
"Didn't expect the good girl to be such a mess, doll." he teases, his voice low and full of that rough-edged charm. His fingers trace lazy circles along your inner thigh, sending aftershocks through your overstimulated body. “You sure you're not addicted to this already?”
You try to glare at him, but your body betrays you, hips still twitching slightly, aching for more despite everything.
"S-Shut up!" you manage to gasp, but it’s weak, your voice shaky from how thoroughly he wrecked you. The smirk on his face grows wider as he leans forward, his breath hot against your thigh.
"You’re all shy and innocent in class, doll." he continues, his voice dripping with arrogance. "But when you're spread out for me, you can’t stop begging for it, huh?"
His words are teasing, cruel in a way that makes your pulse quicken, but there’s something magnetic in the way he says it. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and it’s infuriating. You try to sit up, but he pushes you back down gently, pressing a soft kiss to your inner thigh before trailing his mouth back up toward your sensitive core.
"What’s the rush, doll, hm?" he purrs, eyes locked on yours, completely unbothered. "I’m not done with you yet. I’m still…hungry."
You can feel him smirking against your skin as he slides a finger through your slickness, deliberately slow, watching your reaction. "Look at you, doll." he drawls, clearly enjoying every second of your helplessness. "Already soaked again. Guess I’m pretty good at this, huh?"
You grit your teeth, trying not to give him the satisfaction of another moan, but your body betrays you, heat pooling in your stomach again. His finger teases you mercilessly, sliding just barely inside before pulling away, leaving you aching for more.
"Come on, just admit it, doll." he coaxes, clearly reveling in your frustration. "You love it when I do this, don't you?" His finger circles your entrance again, maddeningly slow, as he leans in close, his lips brushing against your ear. "Tell me, doll. Tell me how much you love it."
You want to resist, but the words slip out in a breathless whisper before you can stop them. You mewl in pleasure. "I love it. I love it so much, baby!"
Sukuna chuckles darkly, satisfied. "That’s my bestest girl, hm?”
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My local ambulance trust has opened applications for EMTs and I'm applying
Nursing's been so bad lately
Not only with my colleagues being casually transphobic but also because we're so short-staffed that every shift I finished I just feel guilty because I couldn't give the care I want to my pts. The management says we're target-staffed and don't want to do anything, we have 8-10 new admissions every day on a unit with 40 beds and the NIC can barely keep up, the agency staff they bring in to fill up team vacancies while no one applies to permanent job posts (because our unit is heavy and high-dependency and no one wants to work there) is rude and mean at best, incompetent at worst. They don't do much aside from meds, obs and notes, and even that I can see is sometimes not done properly. When you try to help them, they ignore you or go off on you like you don't know what you're saying, when you don't, they either get angry or don't care for the pts properly.
I haven't had a day at work I didn't have to make a datix in months, and every time I feel like I'm snitching on someone even if I know bad and inadequate care needs to be reported for safety. We had a pt with a short-term catheter in for two months because I kept on saying to check the notes for the insertion date because it sounds fishy and no one did. Had a pt transported to respiratory CU because obs were ignored and not repeated, the doctor not notified. End of life pts lying without moving for hours because people keep saying I don't have time, they're going to die anyway. What the fuck?
Every time I go work outside my unit, I feel like I have a holiday, even if I book a shift in ICU or ED, and they're supposed to be the hellholes of our hospital. I wish I could switch to ED but they aren't hiring permanents atm and I need to work full-time.
We had some new junior doctors coming in who are brilliant which at least helped me not feel like the consultants are not listening to me (had so many errors from them lately, too, and it's hard to interact with them when they question everything you tell them like you don't know what you're talking about) but I know they're going to be temporary. My favorite band 6s are retiring. My anxiety tells me my band 7s don't like me (not true, probably, but lately I'm just tired and have a lot of conversations where I just feel like they think I'm just complaining/venting...). So many people are leaving the unit and many of them were basically the ones that held the place together with their positive attitudes.
The advice I got from my colleagues was to take holidays and relax and you know what? I took some and my grandma had a stroke so yeah, I was so relaxed. I'm running on fumes.
To add insult to injury, my local Tesco is offering more pay for night-shift workers than I get for day shifts atm.
If I work ambulance, at least I won't feel like I'm constantly disappointing my pts, like I could've done more. Just one pt at the time (mostly) and partners that are permanent team members or bank and no one from an agency that won't care ever again. Sure, my pay will go down for a little bit, but it's so worth not feeling guilty every day.
I love nursing but it's just mentally exhausting for someone who actually cares. I'm tired of hearing agency nurses say they just nursing so they could get an easy UK visa or nurses who say they got into nursing because they didn't get into medicine. I just want to work in an environment where I know people from my team have my back and work with the same mentality about our goals.
If I could've, I'd have switched to fire service but I'm still waiting for my eye surgery and can't apply for at least a year. I just need out of where I'm working atm fast or I'm going to go crazy.
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gibbearish · 9 months
Congrats on sending that application!
#it was to a dominos and my partner is a gm in training at a different branch and i have over a year delivery driving experience#already and know Exactly How Low Their Standards Are so im not worried about getting it‚ mostly just that my brain will still be too mushy#to handle a job again#but i mean since it is just dominos and im only aiming for part time it hopefully shouldn't be too bad#and i do not care if they don't like me bc my resumes already pretty good as is i don't need a glowing review from dominos#esp bc i could just put my bf down as a dominos reference and theyd probably just Assume i worked for him and call him#instead of the store i actually worked at KWNDLABFKSBFJD#which is v good bc having seen a lot of what goes on behind the scenes on the manager side via my bf. i already know i am#going to cause problems LMAO#i have the Transgender Working In Very Liberal Area Right Next To Very Conservative Area Protection Aura#wherein the bosses here are So Very Scared of getting in trouble for bigotry and want to look sososososo woke. that i can get away#with being way more blunt abt when shit sucks lol#bosses don't really know what to do when The One Openly Transgender One directly calls out unfair expectations to their face#and to be clear i do mean liberal as in Liberal we're still very much in the North Idaho Splash Zone so like#open bigotry doesnt happen and the public will be on your side if it does. but boy do they know actually nothing about it#you know the type i mean kwbfksbfkd#like the best example i can think of is a couple ppl at my last job still she/her'd me long after i started passing as male#and me Being A Transgender™ had made the news rounds#and my other coworkers wouldnt correct them and would just he/him and they/them me back#which im fine w bc thats how my pronouns work is just. idk whatever you think‚ if you wanna she me you can just look dumb LMAO#but crucially 99% of my coworkers Didnt know thats how that worked‚ they just knew im A Transgender and look like a man#and that everyone else didn't use she/her for me anymore‚ so like an actually left place would rightly assume#they were doing it deliberately to be shitty and correct them‚ whereas here theyre just like. ah im sure they just havent noticed#since you went by she/her when you started here#and its like no i dont think the beard i grew halfway through working there went unnoticed actually#given that Thats When The Universal He Himming Started#im rambling again sorry for this word avalanche irt a simple congrats i got distracted JEBFKABFKSBFKDBFMD#anyways. tyvm it was stressful and i still dont want to do it but its out of my hands now so i have to follow through and at least give it#a try and i appreciate the encouragement‚ it rlly did make me feel a lot better just seeing the ask#gibberasks
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star-sim · 9 months
"is your girlfriend single?" ☆ enha maknaes
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☆ youtuber! non-idol! bf! enhypen maknae line x fem! reader ☆ summary: when your youtuber boyfriend finally shows you for the first time to his audience. ☆ genre: fluff, very dumb, jelly boys ☆ warning(s)? no! ☆ ygs seemed to like the hyung version so here's the maknae version!! reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hyung ver.
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sunoo ☆
this one is gonna be a lil different
paranormal investigator sunoo
he's like buzzfeed unsolved
and for one of his seasons, he goes and investigates haunted places and reviews their histories yk?
for the season finale
sunoo visits the bellaire house, which is notorious for being super haunted and ghost-infested
i like to think that sunoo is honestly skeptical abt ghosts
like he definitely has tried to talk to them, but hasn't discovered anything conclusive to definitively prove the existence of ghosts
anyways because it's the season finale
sunoo has a special guest...
you! his gf!
i think he'd be low key about your relationship, but his viewers know who you are
the video starts off normal
sunoo gives a rundown of the history of the bellaire house, like when it was built, the people that lived in it, the strange occurences in there, etc
the bickering between you and sunoo as you go over the bellaire house is very cute and sweet
it definitely makes it into those "sunoo and [name] being a comedic duo" compilations aw
anyways now its time to investigate the bellaire house head on 😈
sunoo pulls out all his cool ghost-catching gadgets
he tries everything
like the thermal camera, EMF meter, even the goddamn magnetic field detector
sunoos getting annoyed bc why are none of the ghosts talking to him :(
on the other hand
you're clinging onto him, hiding behind ur bf scared shitless
i mean like.... why would you not the bellaire house is known for having DEMONS 😭😭
sunoo huffs and turns to the camera, "welp it looks like there's no ghosts here"
one of the people in his camera crew suggest having you ask instead of him
even though youre scared you do it for ur bf
you're like "hi ghosts..... if you're here with us... please flicker the lights"
so youre like "ghosts... whats your name"
so that's how you and sunoo meet robert the ghost
tbh you both look dumb as hell
sitting on the crusty bellaire house floor
hunched over a ouija board
sunoo is now asking questions
but the ouija board doesn't even move
but when you ask
"robert, how are you today? yes for good, and no for bad"
you and sunoo then introduce yourselves
again, when sunoo introduces himself nothing happens
but when you introduce yourself
the candle that's lit beside you goes out
someone in sunoo's camera crew jokes that they think that robert the ghost likes you
so sunoo jokingly asks "robert are you flirting with my girlfriend?"
and when you kiss sunoo the doors in the house start slamming and shit like SOMEONES MAD
sunoo is lowk offended
and then he starts to beef with robert the ghost
except robert the ghost never respond to anything that sunoo says
bro leaves sunoo on heard
later when ygs review the emf recorder it picks up robert the ghost whispering "i don't care 🙄"
sassy ass ghost
on the other hand
robert responds to EVERYTHING you say
atp you're not scared anymore
"hai robert i'm [name], knock over that doll over there if you want to be my friend"
and the doll knocks over 😭
"robert knock on the window if you think i'm cute :3"
the camera crew is just laughing their asses off
at some point
the ouija board starts moving on its own
sunoo is taking such dilligent notes
it starts with i, then s, then it spells out your name, and then s, i, n, g, l, e
" ' IS [NAME] SINGLE' ???"
is what the ouija board says
yes a goddamn ghost just asked that
while you and the camera crew are cracking up
sunoo starts telling off robert
"listen bro just because you died in the bellaire house doesn't mean that you can try to take my gf 😐"
robert the ghost is being sassy too
so sunoo literally just snaps the ouija board in half
"haha you can't talk anymore robert .😐."
yk how in buzzfeed unsolved they take turns staying in the haunted place alone with all the lights off
sunoo kicks everyone out so that he can have a "man to man" talk with robert
robert isn't a physical person but everyone swears they hear crying
.... and it sure isn't coming from sunoo 😇
i think this would go really viral
"[name] is so beautiful that even dead people want her"
"robert the ghost is so me"
"even ghosts aren't immune to beautiful women"
"robert saw a hot woman and took his chance"
this would become an inside joke within sunoo's fandom fs
sunoo isn't having it though
he definitely still tweets about it
"i remember when some loser ghost tried to take my girlfriend"
"robert fuck you i'm glad you died"
"see you hell robert"
i def think robert is scared of sunoo now
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jungwon ☆
jungwon is documentary youtuber
he likes to make short documentaries about topics that he likes
kinda like wendigoon or fern or real horror
i feel like he'd have a super high quality mic that's super crisp
i think he'd like to make iceberg videos, or videos about obscure missing people stories
jungwon has a whiteboard that he uses to explain things
esp like timelines
but in one of his videos he doesn't use the whiteboard so it's in the background
so you write a little message on it
its just a very simple
"[name] was here :3 !!"
i feel like only a few people notice it
but as more and more videos pass
and jungwon doesn't use the whiteboard
your little messages get bigger and bigger
until one day the entire board is filled up with just "[NAME] WAS HERE!!!"
sorry i think a lot of jungwon's viewerbase would be redditors, just given what his content is like
r/jungwon LMAAOAOAO
on there someone brings it up
theyre like "who is [name]"
some ppl suggest that it's probably a friend or his gf
it's pretty chill tbh, his viewerbase isn't really too concerned
until one day
jungwon does one of those investigating 411 missing persons cases
except ygs live near one of the places where someone went missing
so he's physically walking along the path where someone went missing as he tells the story
poor baby is lowk kinda scared tho so he takes you along with him
youre mostly behind the camera but you do talk
at the beginning of the video he's like
"hi guys i'm joined by my girlfriend today"
you pop into frame to say hi
anyways like i said you do talk during this video
like as jungwon tells the story you're reacting behind the camera
"it's crazy that a 4 year old traversed 30 miles up a mountain in a matter of 30 hours..."
and behind the camera you're like "omg no way that's wild 😱😱😱"
youre like genuinely invested
you're also cracking a lot of jokes w him too
its really sweet bc most of his videos jungwon is alone, but since youre in this w him, he's smiling so much ;(
and like everytime he makes a joke you can see him looking off-camera to look at your reaction
and when you laugh everyone can literally see how proud he is
this video so SUPER well received
his comment section is so sweet
"i've never seen jungwon smile so much, he's so in love with [name] :("
"the way you can tell jungwon is proud when [name] laughs at his jokes"
but i think the most common type of comment are those type stamp ones
"at 1:23 [name]'s laugh is so cute!"
"0:58 when the camera panned over to [name] my jaw dropped... she's gorgeous!"
"at 4:40 i love the way [name] completes jungwon's sentence, i've never seen two people that are just so perfect for each other"
yk how on youtube there's that feature where you can see the most replayed part?
when you pop into frame that's the most replayed part of his video 😭
his viewerbase on reddit probably posts you
like its a screenshot from the video and theyre like "it's [name]! the one on the whiteboard!"
i think his fanbase would be really nice on reddit too :(
"she's so pretty!"
"jungwon has immaculate taste"
indeed he does <3
he's so proud of you, like i think he definitely looks at the comments and screenshots them to keep reading them
jungwon makes those "going through my subreddit" videos
and he comes across a post hyping you up
at first hes liek "YES YES YES MY GF IS SO BEAUTIFUL"
but then the comments on the post are like
"she's so beautiful, do ygs think she's single?"
"hi [name] 😏 (i am the ceo of amazon and read feminist literature books btw)"
obv all jokes
and jungwon's face visibly drops
he gives the camera a MAD side eye
jungwons like "all right, who said that 🤨"
he makes posts on his subreddit like "all of u are going missing next time i see shit like this"
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riki ☆
sorry he's a shitposter
i think riki posts those genshin impact and fortnite playthroughs
but he also posts other gamer things
but he actually has a good fanbase
he's at like 900k subscribers even though he doesn't have a fixed upload schedule or specific genre of post
he's never showed his face like ever on his channel, but he definitely shows his personality through editing, video descriptions, and community posts
one day though
riki randomly posts a video titled "me and my girlfriend at the arcade"
and its a video of you and him on an arcade date :(
the majority of it is him behind the camera recording you as you play games
the way you can hear him chuckling behind the camera as you have cute reactions :((((
but there's also times where he's on camera
like when he's playing with the claw machine
and bc riki is a pro
he wins a you giant teddy bear!!
your cute lil cheers when he wins are like the most replayed part of the video
he takes such cute pictures of you hugging the bear aw
honestly his viewers are surprised when he posts the video
bc he used to be posting genshin impact videos why is there a vlog
but theyre not complaining
this video becomes one of his most viewed
since youre most of the video there's a lot of comments abt you
and i think his audience is close enough with riki to shit on him LMAAOAO
"[name] is so sweet i wanna hug her"
"i wish i was a teddy bear..."
"move aside riki"
"is [name] single by any chance"
"omg who is that weird random guy (riki) that keeps coming near you [name] is he bothering you queen"
"[name] who is this random guy are you cheating on me"
riki responds to these comments too
"you can't have her" "too bad she's lying in my arms right now" "she just kissed me" "do want want my girlfriend or a black eye"
he definitely starts fights
i think his video is so viral that he gets ppl outside his audience
and some ppl get mad when riki fights back 😭😭😭
“why is he fighting people they’re clearing joking” and riki responds like “yeah why is he fighting 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡”
and then riki gets petty
and makes a video called
"addressing everything."
its like a logan paul apology video
it's also like 30 seconds 😭
"hi all... i just wanted to come here and apologize... for having a HOT GIRLFRIEND" and then he flips off the camera and it cuts off with you saying "babe?--"
lowk goes viral for it LMAO
behold the keyboard warrior trilogy- heehoonki ☠️
in the future riki does post more of your cute vlogs
and in the descriptions he's just ranting abt how much he loves you
lowk all the vlogs are basically just him admiring you
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kooqitas · 3 months
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#pairing: bf!jeonghan x virgin!reader.
#genre: smut MINORS DNI | #w.c: ~2500
#synopsis: you decide to question why your boyfriend is avoiding kissing you, you just didn't expect the reason to be so… sexual
#warnings: vaginal sex, unprotected sex, pet names, loss of virginity, fingering, praise kink, eating cum, oral sex, the reader at one point asks him to stop out of embarrassment, use of lube.
#notes: not proofread, english isn’t my first language! angry and longing sex has its value.
★ m.list | inbox :D ;; taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
dating jeonghan sometimes felt like punishment from the universe. he was the most affectionate boyfriend in the world, he treated you so fucking well, he was affectionate in his touches and gestures, he understood you, he spent all the time he could with you, you felt so fucking loved, and of course, he was beautiful, damn, jeonghan was so beautiful that it was unfair, you even thought when they started flirting that he was lying to you, it was inhumane for someone to be pretty like that.
but then, what would be the punishment of the universe? he didn't feel sexual attraction towards you, seriously, it was the only possible explanation, jeonghan never touched you too much, he never insinuated naughty things to you, it seemed like he enjoyed your presence and that was it.
like now, he gave you a few cute kisses on the couch, but soon walked away, hugging you carefully again and paying attention to the movie. it frustrated you like hell, and not even you could explain what made you complain.
"do you want to break up?"
"excuse me?”
"break up, do you want to break up with me, jeonghan?" you asked again, visibly irritated.
"what? no? baby, are you okay?"
"damn, jeonghan, you don't kiss me properly, i’m tired of this! what's going on?"
jeonghan read you easily, so he soon understood what that subject was about, it turns out that the problem wasn't the lack of sexual attraction that your boyfriend had for you, quite the opposite, the problem was the excess of sexual attraction that he had .
“you’re virgin.”
“i don't kiss you properly because…” he took a breath deep. “being too close to you makes me feel things, and i’ll never pressure you into anything, so i think it's better to stay away.”
“wait. what?”
you gasped slightly at your boyfriend's confession, what do you mean kissing you made him feel things? i mean, of course you know exactly what those things were, but, does jeonghan really feel sexual attraction to you and that's why he avoids kissing you?
“i wanna fuck you, so bad. wow, i wanna fuck you like hell to be honest, but i know you've never had this experience so i don't wanna pressure you into anything.”
“fuck me?”
“so bad. that's why i keep moving away from your touches, you're driving me crazy, doll, i'm gonna go crazy because of you.”
you didn't answer your boyfriend, you just kissed him, knowing that he wanted you like that made you a little clouded with lust, you thought the situation was just the opposite.
"alright, alright, doll, calm down!" he laughed with your mouth still attached to his. “i'm really not kidding when i say you're driving me crazy."
"i need your kiss, hannie!"
your boyfriend mumbled before kissing you the way he did a few weeks ago, his big hands towards your waist, squeezing there tightly as if he intended to leave marks, as if he wanted you to remember that feeling for hours and hours.
jeonghan seemed a little bolder than other times, especially when he pulled you onto his lap, you went without even thinking, and didn't even notice when he started to awkwardly roll around there, you only noticed the atmosphere of things when he moaned against your mouth.
you were scared, not like you didn't know what that moan or that thing growing beneath you meant, on the contrary, you were scared because you knew exactly what it all was.
"it's okay, princess! I'll take care of myself later." jeonghan was gentle as he placed a strand of hair behind your ear and kissed you again boldly.
you had never been in that situation, it was very likely that in the future you would blame your fertile period, and of course, how handsome your boyfriend was and was a good kisser.
but, in a way, you never had any resistance to sex either, it was just a matter of never finding someone who made you 100% comfortable with the idea of ​​taking off your clothes.
well, at least until you met jeonghan.
from the way he kissed you, the way he touched you and moaned against your mouth, even the way he involuntarily lifted his hips against you, fuck, everything made you feel so desired.
you felt his big hands enter your shirt and slowly move up from your belly to your ribs, leaving a not-so-chaste affection there, all while he continued to kiss you. jeonghan needed those touches as much as you did.
“hanie~” you moaned. 
“what, doll?” he kissed your jaw, making you feverish as his thumbs came up to brush against your tits, you had never received that kind of touch, jeonghan smiled when he saw how sly you became with that simple act.
you didn’t say anything else, just relaxed when his thumb finally touched your nipple, moaning against his neck. jeonghan laughed, and fuck, you felt so turned on by his machiavellian laugh.
"is my doll sensitive? god, how will you react when i touch you more..."
jeonghan continued running his thumb there, and you wanted to scream when his index finger came together to pull your nipple, the pleasant sensation of pain with pleasure, it was very different to feel jeonghan do this than to do by your own.
noticing your nonverbal permission, jeonghan pulled your shirt up, and you didn't really notice until he started staring at your breasts, and when you noticed, you tried to cover them, embarrassed.
"no, kitten, don't do that! fuck, you're so beautiful, le’mme put them in my mouth, hm?" jeonghan said kissing your neck, making you forget anything about the damn shame you felt. and when jeonghan finally rolled his tongue around your right nipple you couldn't even think, fuck, that was too much.
your hand entered his hair, pulling hard while you moaned something that even you didn't understand, his tongue surrounding and sucking your nipple with devotion, making you rub yourself even more on his lap. and everything got worse, or better, when he gave a light bite there, eliciting a loud moan from you that made him smile.
"you liked it, didn't you?"
you wanted to tell him to fuck off, you had already talked about you being a virgin, so he knew very well that he was the first person to touch you like that, to be honest, he not only knew but he imagined, fuck, jeonghan lost count of how many times he cum in own hand just imagining how sensitive you would be to his touches.
and there you were, to his happiness, and yours too.
"do you wanna go to my room?"
you were hesitant at first, going to the bedroom would mean letting things get even more intense. of course you were horny, but it was still your first time, you were definitely worried.
"hey, it's okay! we've kissed there several times..." he tried to calm you down.
"not with me without a shirt.”
jeonghan laughed, taking off his shirt too, damn, your boyfriend was so fucking hot. it was the first time you saw your boyfriend without a shirt face to face, damn...
"this makes it worse, not help." you confessed, laughing.
"we're gonna do just what you want, doll."
and so you agreed, letting jeonghan carry you to his bed.
something happened on the way between the sofa and the bed, because jeonghan was much more daring, still careful but cheeky.
he continued sucking your tits, making you lift your hips off the bed in search of more contact while moaning slyly, and then he took two fingers to your mouth, without taking his own mouth off your nipple. you looked at him, not really understanding what he wanted with that, and the answer you got was your boyfriend's dark eyes.
you had never seen jeonghan like this, his look was brimming with lust, that's the truth, you could cum just seeing him like this.
jeonghan kissed you again, removing his fingers from your mouth and cleaning them on your thighs, pressing them there with some force, making you wish more and more that he was touching you somewhere else...
“hannie~” you moaned.
"please, you're gonna drive me crazy moaning like that, i’m trying to have self-control!"
your boyfriend continued to kiss you, his hand groping your body making you shiver and feel chills, you couldn't think of anything else, you didn't even know what you had agreed to when he asked you something that you didn't even understand, but the next minute, your shorts were running down your legs, and despite being shy, you were grateful.
"you're so wet, doll, is this all for me?" you felt your face burn at the question, closing your legs and trying to hide your face with your hand. "no, there's no need to be ashamed, damn it, knowing that you want it the way i want it..."
"what are you doi-" you couldn't finish questioning, jeonghan rubbed his nose against your wet panties before you finished the sentence, making you let out an extremely loud moan, which made him smile.
your moan was the key point for jeonghan to lose even more self control, in the next second he was pushing your panties to the side and running his tongue all over your pussy.
"did you get wet for me? do you want your man to make you cum?"
“hannie… god… hannie, don’t say it!”
"why not?" he said, running his finger over your completely wet cunt. "makes you more horny? that's good, doll, you have to be really relaxed, and open for when i put my cock inside you." jeonghan looked at you as if he knew all of his dirtiest sins. "can i do this, doll? can i prepare you for my cock?"
you didn't even know what you were asking for please, but it was divine when ejonghan's hot tongue came into contact with your cunt, you arched your hips, whimpering at the new sensation, feeling like you could melt on your boyfriend's tongue and then grabbing his sheet trying to discount what you was feeling.
jeonghan knew exactly what he was doing, every inch of your cunt felt his wet tongue, the new sensation making you whimper with pleasure while he just laughed, enjoying everything. jeonghan added one finger on you, and then two, and by the third you were seeing stars, even more so when he was telling you the whole time that he was just preparing you for his cock.
he spat on your pussy a few times, and the pornographic sound drove you insane, but worse than that was the sound of his tongue playing with you.
you tried to close your legs, your stomach was churning, but jeonghan stopped you, taking his fingers out of you only to lock your legs on the bed, making you moan even more.
"please please!" you tried to push jeonghan away from you, you tried to push his head away, you tried to close your legs. "hannie, please stop, i'll..."
"are you gonna cum for me?"
you knew you would, god it was so embarrassing. you nodded, whimpering in humiliation, trying one last time to get your boyfriend to let go of you, fuck, what if he didn't like the way you tasted?
"then i won't stop, doll! this is the best part... cum in my mouth, princess, your hannie wanna feel you!"
and you don't know if it was your boyfriend's words or how deep he put his tongue in you, but in the next second your legs were shaking around his head, as you came on the hot tongue that kept sucking you. jeonghan didn't stop, he seemed willing to take everything from you, every drop, every tremor, everything.
he laughed when after a few seconds he moved up his body to kiss you, his chin completely wet and you didn't know if it was saliva or his cum.
"you need to prove yourself, love, look how delicious you are!" and then jeonghan kissed you.
and there you were, feeling your boyfriend's saliva mixed with your recent orgasm, and damn, that was delicious.
your breathing was finished, but you wanted more, you continued rubbing yourself against your boyfriend without any shame, missing something of him filling you.
"hey, calm down! we need to breathe..." he joked. “or do you want more? Of course you want it, you want my cock opening your pussy, right?”
"i want more, hannie! please!" you said slyly, still rubbing against your boyfriend.
"god, you're insane, my dirty little girl! do you want more? do you want hannie to fill that pussy?"
"please" you were dizzy, the recent orgasm was still having its effects on your body, but you wanted more, you needed it so much.
and jeonghan would never deny your request.
you watched jeonghan take off his pants and underwear, and you couldn’t help but widen your eyes when you saw the size of his cock, damn, that was big.
it scared you a little, but you still wanted it. jeonghan laughed when he saw your shocked face, taking something from the desk next to the bed: it was a tube of lubricant.
"it will help us." he chuckled as he spread it across the entire length. "i’m gonna fill you up now, doll!"
jeonghan entered slowly, kissing your neck and playing with your nipples as he put every inch inside you, it was a little painful, but nothing unbearable, fingering you and using lube helped a lot.
when jeonghan was finally inside you completely, he withdrew, entering again, and you heard him let out a grotesque moan. damn, you've never felt so horny in your life.
jeonghan continued thrusting, his walls squeezing you as you felt him opening you up more and more.
"fucking hot, damn, i can't believe i’m fucking you.”
you moaned, gripping your boyfriend's shoulders as he bit your neck and went deeper and deeper.
"i’m gonna to fill you up, i'm gonna leave your pussy leaking my cum. my pussy. you're mine. your pussy is mine." jeonghan was still careful, but he wasn't thinking very well, especially given the way he seemed to want to devour you if he could.
the sensation was completely new to you, your fingers and not even jeonghan's would give you that sensation, you felt him inside you, you felt the desire, the heat of his body, fuck, it was too much. you just moaned, begging him not to stop. he laughed.
"let me cum in you? let me cum in that pussy, please."
you just nodded, clouded with pleasure. jeonghan brought his thumb to your clitoris, giving you a new sensation that made your body shiver, and it didn't last long, the next minute you came again, screaming your boyfriend's name for all the neighbors to hear.
with the pressure your pussy exerted, jeonghan came right away, letting you feel the hot liquid paint all your walls white, damn, that felt so fucking good.
you took a breath, and a few minutes later jeonghan went to the kitchen to get you a glass of water
"are you ok? did you like it?" he asked you
"fuck, yes"
"good, because i still wanna fuck you in doggy style, and make you suck my cock!"
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intromortal · 5 months
what about non idol! jungwon and shy! reader who have their first time together (as a couple) and she is too shy to look at him naked...
can i be 💌 anon?
ofc annonie!! its yours <3
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PAIRING: bf!jungwon x shy!reader
WARNINGS: mdni, masturbation, pet names, pillow humping, wonnie is a tease
a/n: okay but i feel like he would be such a tease but so sweet at the same time like he's so attentive and soft but playful guys i love him😵‍💫
jungwon was eyeing you like you were prey for him to sink his teeth into, eyes dark with lust. you were starting to feel flustered as he continued to unashamedly check you out, his lip between his teeth as he racked his eyes over your almost naked form, only your panties left on you.
he noticed you averting your gaze from his, cute pink dusting your cheeks.
"doll? don't be shy in front of me," he whispered gently as he took your cheeks in his soft palms, thumb brushing over your bottom lip and a sweet smile making its way on his face when you finally looked into his eyes. “there we go, keep your eyes on me pretty."
he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down before sitting on the couch in front of you, his legs spread open with his raging hard cock on display, covered only by his underwear. he took his shirt off too, the sight of his toned front almost making you drool.
“like what you see, mhh?” he said with a lopsided grin on his beautiful features, the softness of his face a stark contrast to the glint in his eyes. his head was leaning sideways from how amused he was at your cute reactions, and the embarrassed whine you accidentally let slip out at his question only prompted him to continue his teasing. he spread his legs further, starting to palm himself through the thin fabric of his briefs, a tiny wet spot showing where his precum leaked.
the air in the room was thick from the tension between you two as you looked the other way when he slid the fabric down, his cock slapping against his toned stomach.
“come sit down with me." he patted his naked thigh a few times. “i don’t bite."
he looked up at you, bangs slightly covering his eyes as you walked towards him, eyes looking everywhere but where he sat.
"yet, that is.”
he made it sound more like a promise than a threat and you couldn't help but squeeze your thighs together at the thought of what that might entail, eager to find out despite your shyness.
“let's get rid of these, yeah?” he grabbed your hip roughly and brought you closer to him. he slid your ruined panties off, soaked from anticipation, and threw them carelessly to his side.
“gorgeous” his breath itched in his throat at the sight of your cunt, folds puffy from neglect. you felt mortified at the way he spoke, but you could feel even more wetness seeping out of you, even though you don’t think you could ever admit that to him without dying of embarrassment.
two of his fingers immediately slid between your folds to collect some of your slick, eliciting a moan from you. he brought them to his mouth, humming at your taste as it coated his tongue.
“delicious too, such a perfect little pussy." he spit in his hand and grabbed the base of his cock, pumping it a few times, a sinful groan leaving his pink lips, plumped from all the biting they received earlier.
you didn't know what to do, too shy to look at him, too embarrassed to ask for his touch; but also way too needy to just ignore him, his soft sounds sending waves of heat straight to your lower abdomen.
“won,” you whine, tears brimming your eyes when laughed lovingly at you.
“is my baby too shy to look at me?” he asks, voice airy as he tried to get you to look at him. but you were keen on avoiding his figure as much as possible, almost entirely turned the other way.
“so my baby is shy, but wants to feel good too,” he pondered, prompting you to nod lightly.
“well that's too bad, i won’t give you anything until you look at me.”
he knew he was being a little mean and knew you were very shy, but he needed you to let loose completely so he could be sure you were having a good time later on. the last thing he would ever want was for you to be uncomfortable while he fucked you. he'd stop whenever you asked him, but he'd rather embarrass you a little now while you could easily stop without having taken such a big step in your relationship.
you took a few deep breaths before turning towards him, eyes immediately falling to his length, the sight making you press your thighs together harder.
when he was sure that he had your attention fully he made a scene of flexing his arm muscles even more, speeding up his actions as his hips shot up to meet his hand with short thrusts.
the wet squelches his movements caused had you instinctively grind down on the couch, bare cunt leaving marks of wetness on one of the pillows every time your slick touched the rough fabric.
“you're dripping doll,” he moaned, his actions never once faltering and his gaze moving from your pussy to your face, your lip between your teeth and eyebrows all scrunched up in concentration.
“‘s all for you wonnie."
his moans were whiny as he threw his head back, eyes closed and hand stilling at his base to stop himself from cumming—you just sounded so pretty for him, he couldn't wait to hear how you'd sound while being split open on his cock.
you gasped out loud when your clit accidentally caught on the rough fabric, and you tired to move your hips the exact same way again to recreate the feeling, but you couldn't find the right angle. you were starting to get frustrated, whines of complaining spilling from you.
jungwon sensed your desperation and finally stilled your hips with his hands and pushed you to lean back as he hovered over you. he grabbed a fistful of your hair and brought your face to his, smashing his lips over yours roughly.
his movements were rough and hungry, kiss messy and wet as he slid his tongue in your mouth. you kissed him back eagerly with all you had, any shyness and reservations gone, only desperation forcing you to move and get a hold of his member, the slight force you applied on your grip earning you a hiss from him. you position it over your wet cunt, sliding it between your folds a few times to get your slick to cover it entirely.
“please wonnie? want you inside me," you begged against his lips, pretty eyes opening as you rested your forehead on his.
he had to collect himself for a moment, his eyes still closed as he tried his best to not turn you around and fuck the daylights out of you. where did his shy baby go? when did she get replaced by the little minx in front of him?
but how could he ever say no when you were begging for him so sweetly? he opened his eyes to meet your gaze, yours looking at him wide and glossy, tiny tears brimming your lashes and full lips raw and pouty.
he grabbed his cock and slapped it a few times over your sensitive pussy, ignoring the mewls that left your lips. he positioned the tip to your entrance and nearly moaned out loud when you moved your hips on his tip as if trying to coax him to sheath himself into you faster.
"you're gonna be the end of me, pretty doll."
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https-milo · 18 days
I HEAR YOUUUUUUUUU!!! tysm for the request :DD
instagram posts w/ comments while dating Katsuki Bakugo!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
ooc bakugo (i choose joy and whimsy)
main m. list / instagram m. list
fairy.y/n · 15w ⭐ close friends
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21 likes Liked by dynamight, pinkie, uravity.ou, izudeku
fairy.y/n me balling my eyes out cause my boyfriend cheated on me again :( (he said he'd stop after the last time I caught him.)
pinkie alright! murder party at Y/n-chan's bfs!! fairy.y/n pinkie its okay :( no need to murder him
izudeku im so sorry, Y/n. i hope you're okay and please let me know if you need anything fairy.y/n izudeku thank you, izuku :)
dynamight yeah you aint gonna hold me back from beating his ass this time. fairy.y/n dynamight katsss no. its okay, seriously dynamight fairy.y/n no idiot its not okay cuz he's cheated on your stupid ass 4 fucking times and you keep going back to him. every time you tell me not to beat the shit outta him but that bitch deserves it. fairy.y/n dynamight I know, I know but its so hard to leave him :( I don't get why he doesn't love me dynamight fairy.y/n you're such a dumbass. you need so much better than that sorry excuse of a boy. fairy.y/n dynamight idk if there is anyone better :(
fairy.y/n · 13w ⭐ close friends
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19 likes Liked by dynamight, pinkie, uravity.ou, izudeku
fairy.y/n bf broke up with me, but luckily kats was able to distract me from feeling too bad <3 who needs cheaters anyways?!?!
dynamight making me look soft and for what... I'll kill you bastard fairy.y/n dynamight hmm somehow I doubt that. dynamight fairy.y/n lets go rn. fairy.y/n dynamight its past your bedtime :// fairy.y/n fairy.y/n WAIT IS THAT YOU STOMPING DOWN THE HALL????? fairy.y/n fairy.y/n KATS I WAS KIDDING. PLEASE!!!
pinkie bakugo having a heart was not on my bingo list urvaity.ou pinkie i think y/n-chan is an exception to his "GRRRR I HATE EVERYONE DIE BASTARDS!" you know? pinkie uravity.ou ugh ikkk you should see them in the gc 🤢🤢🤢 fairy.y/n pinkie we're literally normal in the gc :[ pinkie fairy.y/n hmmmmm I don't think so!! i sense a lot of flirting dynamight pinkie I'll fucking kill you fairy.y/n dynamight you're literally making me popcorn rn... you're not killing anyone dynamight fairy.y/n I hope you choke on a kernel.
dynamight · 12w
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1.6k likes Liked by fairy.y/n, redriot, pinkie, serophane, izudeku
dynamight dumbass made me post this or wtv.
Tagged: fairy.y/n
fairy.y/n guys i literally WIPED the floor with him! redriot fairy.y/n didn't he punch you through a wall... fairy.y/n redriot next question, please!! :DD dynamight redriot her quirk stopped her from going through it. redriot dynamight uh yeah but the wall still cracked fairy.y/n redriot NEXT. QUESTION.
pinkie "im going to murder you!!" x "nuh uh." fairy.y/n pinkie I think these are direct quotes, actually
yourexboyfriend bro why the hell are you hanging out with her 😭😭 did the little loser need a guard dog after I broke her heart? 🥺 dynamight yourexboyfriend meet me outside rn. you're abouta need a guard dog after running your mouth like that 🫵🤣 fairy.y/n dynamight kats srsly don't worry ab it. I don't want you getting in trouble defending me dynamight fairy.y/n I wanna tho. yourexboyfriend omw to your dorm building rn, don't bother running.
fairy.y/n · 12w ⭐ close friends
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20 likes Liked by dynamight, redriot, pinkie, denkami, jiroka
fairy.y/n his dumbass got bruised knuckles for beating up trash :(
pinkie whooo? 👀 uravity.ou pinkie i think you know...
dynamight the other guy looks way worse. fucking pos couldn't even land a hit on me. fairy.y/n dynamight well he's in the management course... I don't think they go over fighting tactics over there dynamight fairy.y/n whatever. it doesn't matter. either way, I wasn't gonna let him fw my girl like that. fairy.y/n dynamight YOUR GIRL??? pinkie dynamight YOUR GIRL????????? uravity.ou dynamight YOUR GIRL???? izudeku dynamight YOUR GIRL? jiroka dynamight YOUR GIRL??? dynamight OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU DAMN EXTRAS. I GET IT. STFU. fairy.y/n dynamight come to my dorm 😁😁 dynamight fairy.y/n ...omw.
redriot so manly...
dynamight · 10w
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1.9k likes Liked by fairy.y/n, pinkie, redriot, serophane, shotodo
dynamight took her dumbass out on a date and she repays me by kicking my back.
fairy.y/n I DO NOT WANNA HEAR ITTTTT!! YOU LITERALLY TURNED AROUND AND PUSHED ME AFTERWARD 🖕🖕🖕 dynamight y/n.fairy yapyapyap fairy.y/n dynamight YOU INITIATED A FIGHT WITH ME AND A PRO HAD TO SEPARATE US. dynamight fairy.y/n I wasn't gonna actually hurt you fairy.y/n dynamight I know baby!! your love language is play fighting >:D there's defo a difference when you "fight" me and when you fight someone else dynamight fairy.y/n stfu. come cook some food with me. fairy.y/n dynamight comingggg (*cough* quality time *cough*)
pinkie they match each other's violent freak <3 fairy.y/n pinkie sometimes I'm overcome with so much joy I cant help but to punch him =^-^= dynnamight pinkie fuck off raccoon eyes.
serophane ayyyyy gg bakugo denkami serophane bakugo with the angry rizz 🙏🙏 dynamight denkami ill kill you both.
uravity.ou you better treat the loml right 😤😤 fairy.y/n uravity.ou dw ocha no man shall ever walk over me again 😤😤 (but I'm not at all worried with Kats) uravity.ou fairy.y/n AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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ja3yun · 2 months
i am on a jay bender and have been obsessed more and more as the days go by. what do u think would he be like as a bf? 🥹
jay has been bias wrecking me like crazy and this will not be good for my health but lets go: again there is smut so mdni!!
jake vers. | sunghoon vers. | heeseung vers.
first and foremost, he is putting his soul effort into you from the moment of your first date. when he is looking for a girlfriend, its a long term deal, not a fling or a quick summer romance. jay dates to marry. it can come across a bit 'whoa' but listen, he wouldn't be overbearing about it! he just wants to know that when he finds a partner that the effort he puts in will be worth jt.
dates when you're in the talking stages/getting to know will be very thought out, each detail will be meticulously planned based on your interests. he would love taking you to museums, dinner, camping, i think any date in which he could sit down and speak to you would be ideal for him. jay values connection over everything else so getting to know you during these dates and momentsnare crucial.
once you are in a relationship he is all you could ever ask for!! he is supportive, loving, affectionate, headstrong, and everything in between. i can see him really working hard to maintain a positive and steady paced relationship. he won't rush into things, knowing that the relationship has infinite time to blossom and develop - it's like a good meal, you don't scoff it down but savour it.
although steady, he is affectionate and always with you any chance he gets. jay is sooo romantic, more romantic than any of the others. his heart is so big that he has infinite love to give you, he will work you around his schedule, no matter how tired, he will always make time out of his busy day to see you. if he is on tour or really can't see you for whatever reason, he is facetiming you or calling you.
more under cut
when he comes to visit you, this might be controversial bc a lot of people don't see him as a yapper but i think he tells you everything about his day, particularly how he felt about everything (tired, excited, whatever). i think he would feel so comfortable with you and trust you so much that he confides in you about everything. i do think he would hold some things back, just as a way not to worry you - like his knee, i think he would play it off as no big deal even if it hurt really bad that day; worrying you isn't on his list.
jay is so used to looking after others and independent that he is either going to go two ways: babying you or asking to be babied. if its the first one, i think it comes second nature to him, he would look after you and make a fuss, doing acts of service like tying your laces when they come undone, making sure you don't go overboard when drinking (i need him for that), and generally care about your well being. OR he is going to come to you to be looked after. he would want a partner sensitive to his feelings, someone who can have open conversations about them and validate him. something about him tells me that he likes to be pampered by his partner; sharing baths where you cuddle and wash him, massages, make him dinner when he has had a long schedule, i do think he would love a face mask night in w you. its all about give and take with him, but he definitely loves to give a lot more.
as i've mentioned, he is headstrong and has core values. if you don't allign, he will literally try and persuade you to see his side of things. he loves to argue and debate, not in a mean or offputting way but rather in a 'i have this opinion, tell me yours and we'll discuss it' kind of way. loves to learn and expand his mind regarding knowledge so if you are knowledgeable about the world or certain things, he would love to listen and learn, possibly going as far as researching the topic on his own time. again though, you aren't changing his mind on his values but he will understand your point if you share them in an articulate manner. if you respect his opinin, he will respect yours!
it is obvious but he is cooking for you!!! he will prepare your favourite meals and also let you venture something knew. he doesn't always like to do it on his own though and will set up fun little 'cooking classes' to teach you. he can be a bit bossy but it looks hot on him so you never mind it. you will buy him silly kitchen gags like 'kiss the chef' apron etc. which he hates but he wears because it makes you laugh.
will also play guitar on quiet nights in, just as backing music, not to impress you or gain attention. he would just strum the guitar while you read or whatever you like to do. it will be the backingtrack to your conversation and i think he would cherish the calm and easiness in the air.
you must get along with his family. no question about it, he is so close to them that if they didn't like you, it would really impact your relationship. i think he would try and persuade his parents and try his absolute hardest to help you all get along; he might plan meals or day trips with you all to bond you. same goes for your family, whatever parental/guardian/sibling you have, he wants to impress them and get along with them. he is a family man through and through.
speaking of which, would talk marriage and kids with you quite early on, just to establish if this is something you are wanting. i think for sure marriage has to be on the table but kids are a tricky one, i feel like he understands that it is you who would be carrying the child/or/adoption would always be a choice. it can't just be his decision, he loves you so much that he would settle for being an uncle rather than a dad if you truly didn't want children (please be real core <3)
kisses: i think he loves to kiss you but not randomly, like he won't grab your wrist and spin you around to lay a smooch, he is the type to nuzzle your nose and tell you how beautiful you look. his kisses are soft and gentle, his tongue tender against yours as he devours you completely. hands ALL OVER your body when he kisses, loves to feel you on his finger tips. secretly, along with quality time and gift giving, i think physical touch is a love language for him.
bowchikawowow: rough and sensual. jay is going to do everything you like because as your relationship grows, he is going to make sure that he knows every little pleasure point on your body. LOVES to hear you moan and encourages it. 'let me hear you, baby' and 'do you like that?' are constant sentences in the bedroom. doesn't do quickies, likes to go for as long as possible. he is terrible for edging you, pushing you to the edge of tears while he withdraws his touch, his smirk would be plastered on his face. he would tell you how good you are for him, 'just a little more, my baby can handle that, right?' and ofc you would say yes!! kisses all over your body, lips all over your chest and tummy, loves to just feel you (again, physical touch).
aftercare is so important to him but i think because he already likes to look after you, it would be so normal. makes you tea, kisses and cuddles, words of affection and admiration; whatever you need, he will do it!
again, these are my opinion and if you disagree you are more than welcome to let me know what you think!! i love hearing opinons 🙏🏻
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hwathinker · 8 months
"come on baby, show me what you got."
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pairings ; soft dom!bf!wooyoung x fem!reader warnings ; pussy licking (kitten licks oh my god.), squirting, woo is a tease lol, getting called baby by woo is just,, so hot, just.. short smut because he's been wrecking these days smh.. wn ; sorry i've been so inactive lately, i got caught up with work. making those $$$ yk to buy those sweet albums waiting for me ;p (requests are open but it'll take time T_T)
"wooyoungie.." whimpers. "stop.. need you inside me right now.." whimpers. again. wooyoung, who's head buried to your wet cunt constantly leaving small giggles and heavy breathings to your core which makes you even more wet. giving you head as much, denying your orgasms for like.. two times now, going to three. "oh, baby you taste so sweet." he said as he stuffs his fingers into your tight pussy, still sucking on your clit. "ah, youngie.. please..? i need to cum, please.." you bit your lip, wanting to come on his face since he didn't want to give his dick. oh, his dick? he's grinding so hard on the mattress, though he's leaking out of his sweats right now, he can't stop sucking on your sweet little cunt.
"baby, be patient alright..? i thought you were a good girl hm? why are you forcing me to fuck you while i'm not even done with my meal?" wooyoung slid his fingers in between your folds as he listens to your soft quiet moans. "mmh, i'd love to hear those more but louder." he said, pushing his fingers deep inside you, making you moan loudly. "music to my ears, baby." he quicken his pace, eyes watching your expressions and listening to your cute moans. "don't you want this so bad, hm? come on baby, show me what you got." the squelching sounds of his wet fingers and your cunt makes you go crazy. without his big cock, you would still manage to cum, even if it means by him eye-fucking you. "youngie.. ah, wanna cum.." your moans mixing with you heavy breathings, as you grips on his hair.
"i know baby. i wanna see your pretty little pussy wet so that i can taste it." his never ending praises just makes you so high. rolling your eyes back, you released on his slender fingers, along with your squirts going up his abs to his chin. he flinched, but gave you a teasing smile and licked it off as he's satisfied that he made you feel pleasured. he licked the remaining of your cum on his fingers clean, going back down to your heated wet cunt once again. "hold on tight doll." he said, gripping on your thighs to not let you squish his head while he suck off every cum you released. you whined at the contact between his tongue and your clit, being sensitive after.
after wooyoung was done, he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, eyes still glued to you. he saw that your eyes was glistening with tears. he went to wipe them, kissing your cheeks as he whispers, "baby, we're not done yet you know that right?" well, you guessed his dick really need to be pleasured too afterall.
the daddiest amongst all, jung wooyoung i need his cock so bad man wth </3 anyways um?!?!?!? i hope you did like this one since its............ the laziest out of all. but ok !! leave some wooyoung reqs cus i'm hungry for him fr
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emotionaldamages · 10 months
american girl & british boy - lando norris
summary- established relationship
pairings- lando norris x sargeant!reader
authors note- might be spelling errors, feel free to put in requests
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant,and 2,837,872
y/nsargeant I ♡ my bf
view all comments
landonorris my love
logansargeant disgusting
logansargeant i expected a better caption from you considering how much of a swiftie you are
username they’re so lover coded i fear
username couple goals
lilymhe you're cheating on me
y/nsargeant it's not what it looks like baby
alex_albon @ landonorris you seeing this???
landonorris I am??
alex_albon we'll get married lando
y/nsargeant oh fuck no back off lily and lando are mine alex
username don't you just love lover from other couples
username if they ever break up please know i’ll be dead
username that should be me holding your hand💔💔
username don’t let your boyfriend stop you from finding the love of your life
maxverstappen p said she wants you back asap
y/nsargeant tell her I'll be back soon😔🤞🏻
username i wish i was lando so i could just stare at her all day
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liked by y/nsargeant, carlossainz55, and 2,927,415
landonorris my travel buddy
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y/nsargeant I love you❤
username I love them so much together:(
username hes so inlove
username if my future bf doesnt love me this much i swear-
username tHaT sHoUlD bE mE
carlossainz55 I thought I was your travel buddy😔
y/nsargeant not anymore buddy
charles_leclerc your down bad my man
y/nsargeant so are you so stfu
username y/n arguing with the other drivers is everything
username I'm going on tinder
logansargeant gross. give me my sister back
landonorris no can do buddy
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 3,837,872
y/nsargeant yup yup going back to these mfs in a week
tagged landonorris, mercedesamgf1, pierre gasly, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, and logansargeant
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mercedesamgf1 delete that-toto
y/nsargeant no can do grandpa
mercedesamgf1 your not allowed in the garage
y/nsargeant I always find a way in😍 now go to sleep gramps
username LANDO
username y/n stays bullying toto
username lewis was kidnapped
oscarpiastri I slayed
username can we talk about how cute charles looks
y/nsargeant him dying is cute?
username PLS-
username y/n always getting flipped off
y/nsargeant I know right😔
pierregasly she gets on my nerves
logansargeant she deserves them
y/nsargeant I'm older dont try me
logansargeant BY 5 MINUTES
y/nsargeant best 5 minutes of my life and then your screeching came along
landonorris I'm pretty sure you were screeching as well baby
y/nsargeant dont defend him😒
username them arguing in the comments is the best
username carlando❤
username I'm obsessed with all of them
lewishamilton I was kidnapped for no reason
username summer is almost over
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liked by carlossainz55, y/nsargeant, and 3,827,182
landonorris my gf made me post this but late night shenanigans
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lilymhe y/n always has the best sleepovers
username I want this friend group
username y/n being on top of that thingy is terrifying especially with her thoughts
username I need friends
maxverstappen y/n decided to jump off that
carlossainz55 I got pushed off the couch by y/n
alex_albon y/n stole my gf
charles_leclerc she hit me with a wooden spoon
arthurleclerc she let me sleep
lewishamilton she yelled at me to bring roscoe
pierregasly she yelled at me to bring kika
logansargeant she slammed the door on my face
danielriccardo she threw cake at me
oscarpiastri she stole my phone
landonorris she made me sleep on the floor
username damn they really came for her throat
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen, and 3,152,837
y/nsargeant back to paddock-sitting no more vacation-sitting
tagged lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen, landonorris, lilymhe, alex_albon, pierregasly, sebastianvettel, danielriccardo, heidiberger_, alexandrasaintmleux
view all comments
landonorris we are so cute
alex_albon was a chef slay
pierregasly we are not that bad
lilymhe yall are horrible
y/nsargeant what she said
heidiberger_ what she said
francisca.cgomez what she said
username lando and y/n are the power couple
charles_leclerc stalker
username y/n stalking charles
maxverstappen you are a mean babysitter
y/nsargeant and you need to stop running away
username dont you just love love
username I want a lando and y/n relationship
username if they dont get married istg
danielriccardo lan looking a little funny in the first photo
sebastianvettel nice see you guys
username oh to be loved
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unique-high · 5 months
ATEEZ S/o Popular YouTube Live Streamer Reaction.
Requested: i would like to request how ateez members would react to their s/o being a popular YouTube streamer and them accidentally walking in on their s/o live stream in the chat would go crazy.
a/n: this is a birthday themed request. I enjoyed making this. It was funny to me. 🤣
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MINGI: "HAPPY BIRTDA-" He stops at the threshold of the door wearing a party hat and holding a cake. "Oh, are you live streaming?"
You turned in your gamer chair looking at your boyfriend. "Um, yeah."
"Oh, really?" He steps further into the room, looking at the computer screen.
The chat box started going crazy
Zen: Omg is that who I think it is?!?
Baby Tee: Is this your boyfriend y/n? Why does he low-key look like Mingi from Ateez?
Theodore: Oh my freaking nuts. MINGI? Is this a prank? Or is this some crazy video editing somehow?!?
Suan: their boyfriend can't b Mingi. Not THE Mingi. This has to be some kind of prank fr fr.
Psycho: It makes sense now why Y/n never showed us their bf. Its cause he is just as famous as they are!!
You pulled your boyfriend into the screen smiling. "Um, Everyone so yeah... Mingi from ateez is my boyfriend."
Mingi sat the cake down so he could wave. "Hi, Everyone, I am Y/n's boyfriend. Nice to meet you all." He smiles. "If you all don't mind, I'm going to steal y/n for a few hours."
YUNHO: He didn't know that you were in the middle of live streaming when he came dancing into the room singing Happy Birthday and popping confetti poppers.
"Yunho, I'm living streaming right now." You pointed at your computer.
"Oh, shit." he quickly bows. "I didn't mean to ruin your live."
The chat box started to go off.
Kill la Kill: Okay no, cause is dat YUNHO I see? lol.
Prince Charming: Is he ur boyfriend?
Rugrat: Y were u keepin him a secret from us?
Paul: Is this guy famous or sumthing?
Lizzy Bear: Don't tell me he's Y/n's bf like they're my WAIFU!!
NOT OKAY: I hope Y/n can fight. LMAO
"Would you like to join the live with me, Yunho?" You ask him.
"I don't want to steal the attention from you, but if you want to I will." He pushes you out of the way and smiles into the camera. "Yunho, taking over."
JONGHO: While you were in the middle of showing off your new headset, a fan gifted you. Jongho burst open the door blowing a party blower. "Let's get the party start-" he pauses. "Oh. Oh, are you streaming already?"
"Yeah." You said. "Want to say hi?"
Jongho wobbles over, waving. "Hi, I'm Jongho. Y/n's number 1 supporter."
The chat box starts flooding in with messages.
Jaya Jaya ya: He should be grateful to have bagged a baddie like Y/n.
sUpEr MaRio: I just started stanning ATEEZ and Jongho is my bias!!! i'mma go cry in a corner.
My lucky lady: New Ship?
BBQ Sauce on my tittes: Jst waiting for the crazy fans to enter the chat *sips tea*
SAY MY NAME: Does dis mean we getting couple stuff now? cuz I don't mind at all :)
Jongho laughs at the ship comment saying. "What can our ship name be?"
You rolled your eyes nudging him out of the way. "Jongho has boyfriend duties now. Say bye Jongho."
He pouts. "Bye Y/n's live stream fans."
SEONGHWA: He was rubbing his sleepy eyes in his other hand was a gift bag with your birthday gift, he sleepily walked into the middle of your live stream yawning, holding out your gift in front of you. "Y/n, happy birthday."
"Baby, say hi to my fans." You beamed.
You pulled him down to be in frame and pointed at your computer. "I'm live."
"What?!" Seonghwa nervously laughed, running his fingers through his messy bleached hair. "Um, Hi Y/n's fans I didn't mean to interrupt."
Fever Fever: Mother Seonghwa is that u?
Bad boi dwn: Oh, wonder how his company is going to cover this up?
Queen of tha South: Wasn't expecting to be blinded by a handsome man.
Lil Lotto: We need a story time cause like wtf?
U can call me monster: Y/n musta did something in a past life to be this lucky to get a K-POP man.
Crazy Form: whenever he eat the cookie he got good form?????
Alice In Wonderland: This man makes me forget I'm lesbian.
"Should we do a small q & a?" You ask your fans.
Seonghwa sits on your lap. "Yeah, should we?"
WOOYOUNG: He was wearing a pink lace apron and carrying a homemade cake when he walked into the middle of your live streaming while you were doing the dance to Bouncy.
"I baked you a cake for your birthday but I see you're busy. I'll come back later." Wooyoung said.
"I'm having a birthday live. You can join in. Everyone would love to see you."
Your fans started flooding the chat.
Pirate King: R my eyes deceiving me? Wooyoung is that you my boy?
Kitty Kat: Oh they really living the Y/n life.
White boy wasted: Haters gonna say this fake.
i stole ur bias: adding to the hit list.
Alpha Josh: So are we going to ignore the fact that this man is overly gorgeous?
Pizza HūrT: Life isn't fair because how can I live the Y/n dream? do I need to play “I'm not like other girls” card?
Dirty Sprite: K, that explains why she never shows us her phone screen saver.
Woo Woo: I can't right now. Because like Wooyoung and Y/n are together? Two of my favorite ppl n the world!
“Well, since I'm in the live stream, can you all help me wish, Y/n a very happy birthday.” Wooyoung gives you a kiss on the cheek.
YEOSANG: He didn't mean to barge in during your live stream. At first he doesn't notice because he puts his phone in your face. The rest of Ateez faces were shoved into the phone camera yelling happy birthday to you, it was so chaotic and loud. You smiled at Yeosang.
“Babe I'm in the middle of a live stream right now.”
“You are?”
“Yeah. See everyone is commenting.” You point at the chat box.
Yeosang reads the incoming messages.
Depresso Expresso: idk how to explain it but he's the product of his mother during all the work doing sex.
Dat girl Maya: yeah what they said ^^^
Get'em Gates: r u 2 dating?
Ur Faves Can't Rap: I'm suddenly gay.
M0lLy: Oh I know he's cracking her back like a glow stick every night.
I got that dog in meee: Funny of u to assume he does the cracking ^^^
Princess Tee: he's a work of ARRRT.
Megan Thee Goat: He's the definition of HOT BOY. If ykyk.
“Okay say bye to Yeosang everyone before he gets a big head.” You laughed, poking your boyfriend in the ribs.
HONGJOONG: “Okay make a wish!” Hongjoong burst into your room with a cupcake in his hand and a big smile on his face.
You spun in your gaming chair. “Where are your clothes?”
“I'm your birthday gift.” Hongjoong winks at you.
“Thats nice in and all. But there's like 100,000 people seeing your junk.”
“You're joking right?” He lets out a nervous laugh, using the cupcake to cover himself.
“Nope. Live stream.”
“Live stream?” he swallowed and waves at everyone watching. “Hi, I'm um Hongjoong Y/n's birthday gift.”
The chat box went crazy.
Vanilla baby: At least he came unwrapped. My God!!!
GUERRILLA: ooou he's a big boy indeed.
Choke me spank me: sssjjiokhdgfertgyjbfrfv.
San's left nut: I can die happily now.
Icky Vicky: He your man?!?
Touch sum grass: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!! But please get your naked man off the screen. My mom walked in and thought I was watching porn....
Jimin's baby momma: am I in a fanfic right now?
Peru Peru: He slanging.
Sativa: he really gifted us all.
Bill Nye: isn't this how most porns start?
3D: Can he make it bouncy?
Olivia: This man is sex on legs.
“Sorry, everyone. Hongjoong will go put on some clothes now.”
“But I like the attention.”
You ended the live playfully beating up Hongjoong.
SAN: He had the same idea as Hongjoong but instead of being naked he wore a silk black robe but still naked underneath. San walked into your room with a bottle of champagne and from somewhere in the house Birthday by Katy Perry played.
"Y/n, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" San drops his robe, bare ass to the camera. "This is all for you. but when isn't it?" he smirks.
You stared at your boyfriend. "Um babe, you're mooning my live stream."
"What the fuck?" He hurries to grab the robe from the floor to cover himself. "Why didn't you say anything sooner!”
You laughed. “I wasn't expecting you go all Chippendale's on me.”
The messages started to flood in.
Isamu: Um... Continue please?
Misty Blue: lol mooning yes. A FULL moon indeed.
Hawaii Five - O: Lol is it just me are does he look like San from ATEEZ?
Jazmine: Yea was watching with my dad...Thanks...
Lisa: CAUSE IT IS SAN FROM ATEEZ. *screaming and punching the air*
Da Kid: Boyfriend or Roommate?
Hailey: noooo y is my husband there with Y/n!!!! San you come home this minute!
Supernatural Fan: Didn't think I'd b seeing a guy's bare ass while enjoying my salad.
Beth: Thank you for the heart attack.
Charlie: I don't think roommates do this kind of thing @ Da Kid.
Kimmy: Are u getting dick downed by him every night?
iPad adult: Too much junk in the trunk lol.
“Now that everyone has seen my boyfriend's butt. I'm ending the stream.”
“Does that mean you're going to enjoy your birthday gift now?” San smiles at you.
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plmp0 · 5 months
The Sex Love House PT 3
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Summary: Welcome to the love house where a lot of stories will infold, 7 participants will have a chance to live together in the same house for a mounth while still doing their normal activities, will they find real love in this short period? Or at least this is what ur friend want u to believe. Part 1 Part 2
Warnings: a very manipulative!jay, manipulative!sunghoon, manipulative!heeseung, ex!bf!Jake, everyone is a perv in this house, reader is clueless, shameless reader, kinda stalker reader, Siyeon (from dreamcatcher) is also part of this, this is a pure filth, explicit content.
Smut warning: hand!job, oral (f), cum eating, desperate Jake, kind of subby!jake, p in v, unprotected sex (cause it's fiction), overstimulation, a lot of teasing, i think that's it
A/N: This part was supposed to go out a long time ago but i forgot to save it and i had to re-write it again so it's not as good cause i got annoyed sorry. Also this is not proof read so there might be some mistakes and typos so yeah
It's the week-end Jake woke up today going straight to ur room knocking on ur door before entering, u were still in ur shower robe hands blow drying ur hair as he looked at u through the mirror "oh hi i was going to talk to u after i finish, we didn't get a chance to yesterday" u said upon brushing ur hair.
He noded his head eyes scanning u, u got more beautiful since the last time he saw u, he's ngl he forgot about u at some point but he just woke up one day having u running through his head, what could u be doing now? Did u get taller? Did u let ur hair grow? How many relationships have u been through? He had these small thoughts about u, but everytime his heart tries to soften to u, the memory of ur ghosting and its side effects come back to him, it was like a trauma for him, getting in the way of every relationship he tried to be in, always having doubts about the other part, not able to trust her fully, he really has abandonement issues now.
"There is no need to bring back what happened in the past" u said getting him out of his thoughts, u turned off the blowdryer approaching him eyes softening now that he is close to u, ur guilt kicking in immediatly "m so sorry for what i did, i know nothing can excuse what i did but i wasn't mature enough" u said holding his hand in urs, he cleared his throat avoiding looking at u, pulling out his hand gentely and that was enough for u to know that he didn't forget u.
U sighed feeling bad but deciding to brush off the topic "so tell me, what r u doing now?" U asked hoping to get rid of the awkwardness noting how he didn't let a word out.
He smiled shrugging "i took over my dad's work"
U smiled back remembering how sweet his dad used to be and how good he treated u "i hope he is doing fine"
"He is" was all he replied with, taking a seat on ur bed "ahh right! Do u want something?" U asked after runing out of ideas to lighten the mood, he sighed hands massaging his forhead "i just wanted to ask if u have some pain relievers"
"Ohhh? Ur head hurts?" U asked hands busy searching in ur drawer for the said pills, taking it out and handing it to him "here" he took it from u thanking u and putting it in his pocket .
U sat on ur chair facing him now forgetting that u r still in ur robe that is about to open in any second now, ur hair isn't fully dry u look so... so tempting Jake's eyes can't help but stare at u head empty only u running through it.
"U don't want the guys to know that we were together?" U asked after talking for sometime now without getting a reply from him.
He cleared his throat again " ah idk i didn't know if u'd like them to find out so i chose to not say anything" he shrugged, u smiled at him he is still considerate as always "i don't really mind but since we didn't talk about it the first time let's just keep it between us"
He smiled back wanting to stay with u longer, seeing u now in front of him again brought back his old feelings towards u.
U heard ur phone ring on the table behind u "excuse me" u let out softly turning back and stretching to get it without standing from ur seat, exposing ur bare thighs and a faint sight of ur blue panties to Jake whose eyes were boring into u tongue darting on his lower lip , he gulped hands sweating and itching to feel ur soft skin, u smiled at ur succeed attempt to get ur phone seating properly now and answering ur call, Jake's eyes didn't leave u even for a second scanning the way u pout whenever something is not pleasing u, the way u roll the end of ur hair listening to what's been said on the other line, lips smiling from time to time flashing ur white teeth, everything about u was beautiful and he miss having u for himself.
U made eye contact with him in the middle of the call mouthing a sorry, Jake only smiling at u as he waited for ur call to end (but wishing it to take longer so he can drink in ur beautiful features more).
U ended the call that was from one of ur co-workers asking u about some file u wondering why tf they want that in the week end, u sighed looking at Jake noting the way he is looking at u.
"That took longer than i expected sorry"
He didn't budge even when u waved ur hand in front of him, only waking up when he heard ur soft voice calling his name and he almost let a sound out from that "are u okay? U r spacing out a lot" u asked concerned, eyes looking at the way his adam apple boped down before hearing him gulp loudly.
He shakes his head like he was in some sort of trance head dizzy as he inhaled u r fresh smell now that u approached him " m fine dw" u sat next to him, resting ur back on the wall and he followed ur movement head titling to face u " u r still as beautiful as u were" he let out making u blush a little bit as u give him a thank u chewing on ur lips fingers playing with the hem of ur robe.
He massaged his shoulders letting out a small groan and u turned to look at him he really look so tired "do u want me to give u a massage it's gonna help u relax a little bit" u said.
And he stayed still for a minute thinking about ur offer before noding in agreement, u stood up going to take an oil u use whenever u wanna relax "come on lay down" u rushed him and he did "i think it'd be better if u remove ur shirt" u said as he removed it and tossed it somewhere on the bed, u straddled his back he pressed his face on the matress upon feeling ur weight on top of him, his body shivering when the cold oil met his skin ur hands following after, massaging his nerves skilfully, he shut his eyes his body relaxing while releasing soft groans every now and then.
U were so good with ur hands he almost fell asleep if it wasn't for the unintentional scrach he felt on his back, u just continued working ur magic ignoring the way his body squirmed, u smirked a little bit knowing exactly how he liked that, u kept digging ur nails on his skin saying a sorry with a fake pout whenever u do so.
He could feel his muscles tensing up again, his forehead now resting on his hands teeth biting his lower lip not wanting to let a sound out, but it was impossible at this point especially when u brushed ur fingers faintly over his soft spot, u knew his body so well doing the most to get a reaction out of him, ur competitive side kicking out until a moan skipped his lips making u stop ur movements immediately "ohhh?" U said mockingly leaning forward until ur lips met his ears "u r still the same Jakey" he whimpered his hips humping the mattress shamelessly making u chuckle "what are u doing?" U asked faking a confused tone as u moved from his body standing in front of him. Jake titled his head looking at u confusion written all over his face, u cocked an eyebrow at him as he didn't stop his movements his eyes boring into ur body that was all exposed for him at this point, the robe not doing any job at hiding ur skin, the small curls at the end of ur hair still wet arms crossed waiting for him to speak but he didn't, u sighed clenching ur jaw slightly leaning forward lifting his chin with ur index finger "where r u looking? My face is here" u exclaimed wanting to get something out of him but his eyes are fixed on ur lips, u dart ur tongue on them watching how his own mouth is open almost drooling at the sight of you. Jake has always been like that, everything u did used to turn him on, and it looks like nothing changed.
U chuckled softely kneeling on the floor so u can face him blinking slowely as u caressed his cheeks titling ur head and getting closer to him until ur noses touched u were planing to tease him a little bit more but he rushed kissing u like he was starving for years, his lips moving so fast tongue rolling around urs u let go of his cheeks one hand now around his neck while the other one is searching for his hair tugging slightly as he moans in the kiss.
U left his mouth panting for some air, u looked his way and u can't help the heat that went to ur cheeks when u saw him, he looked so fucked out just from a kiss coming closer to kiss u again "so eager" u thought
U kissed him again his hands holding onto ur thighs, Jake now sitting properly without breaking the kiss making u also stand and straddle his lap, u started rolling ur hips slowly his hands following your pace, his thumbs tracing circles on ur inner thighs, ur hand going from his hair to his neck applying a small pressure and he groaned in the kiss.
"Shhh" u warned him and he whined in return making u smile in the kiss as ur hands traveled to his pants, unbuttoning them and sliding them down his knees along with his boxers, he let a deep breath out his body tensing up as he waited for u to touch him, the anticipation killing him.
"Please" he managed to mutter out his dick twitching in the cold air as his head tilted backwards and a sigh left his lips when u wrapped ur hand around his cock.
Ur thumb pressed on his slit collecting the precum that is oozing from it and spreading it along his length, his grip on ur thighs tighten as his body shakes under ur touch, he moaned in the kiss the need of breathing making him part his lips slightly, his moans were so loud despite him trying to stay silent his eyes were rolling to the back of his head.
His hips started moving up to meet ur strokes as his moans increased in volume, u felt him getting close, ur thumb now pressing on his slit again teasing him by stroking the base and going to the top before repeating the same process.
"Baby" he moaned against ur lips as his hips buckled upwards his stomach and chest rising, his hands are gripping ur thighs tightly, his nails digging in ur flesh, his toes curling as his mouth parted in a silent scream the only thing coming out of his mouth was a gasp as his eyes rolled back.
His dick twitched a few times his cum landing on ur robe and his chest, ur eyes were scanning the view, his head was still resting on the bed his eyes closed, his whole body shaking still feeling the waves of his orgasm, he was so sexy like this, and u can't deny that the thought of him getting off just from u stroking him made u so turned on, u were sure that your panties were soaked wet.
He was catching his breath when he felt u getting off his lap, he opened his eyes, his chest moving up and down, his dick still twitching as he saw the mess he made.
"Fuck y/n im sorry" he said trying to grab a tissue but his body was numb and his mind hazy.
U didn't pay him any attention going straight to ur closet pretending to get another robe and discarding the dirty one on the ground.
Jake was looking at u his dick already hardening again his eyes were roaming over ur body his gaze fixated on the curve of ur ass and the way the blue panties hugged ur thighs.
He wanted to eat u alive, he wanted to make u cry out his name, he wanted to fuck u, and u wanted the same, his dick was pulsating against his stomach, and all his senses were focused on u.
U felt his stare, turning back to face him a smirk forming on ur lips as u took a step forward and his hands were instantly on ur waist pulling u down on his lap, he attacked ur neck kissing, biting and sucking on it, he didn't want to leave a mark so he didn't suck for a long time, he went lower until his teeth bit ur collar bone his hands pulling down the new robe as his lips met the top of ur breast leaving kisses and licks.
"Oh" a sigh escaped ur mouth as u tilted ur head backwards, his right hand went down cupping ur clothed pussy while his left hand held onto ur waist for support.
He started moving his fingers, drawing circles on ur clothed clit, he didn't stop the movement of his mouth on ur breast as u started grinding against his hand. Jake was like a starving man, his touches so earger, his actions desperate.
U held onto his shoulders for support as he pushed u back laying on the matress, his body covering ur smaller frame as he started sucking on ur right breast his hand moving away the panties and entering two fingers inside ur pussy making you arch ur back as a gasp left ur lips.
His fingers were hitting the right spot and he went to kiss you again, his mouth making it hard to breathe, the pleasure was too much, ur eyes were watering, and his dick was rubbing against ur thigh, Jake broke the kiss panting like a dog delivering kisses on you stomach as his thumb was circling your clit, u were so sensitive his every move was sending shivers down ur spine, he was so focused on pleasing you, and it wasn't hard for him to get the job done, it's like he has been dreaming about this for a long time, he was now on a face level with your pussy he groaned biting his lips before replacing his thumb with his tongue, a scream slipped your lips and your back arched high in the air, his grip on ur waist was bruising, he didn't want to let go.
He hummed upon tasting you his eyes closed tongue going wild making it hard for you to contain ur moans and u were sure by now that if Heeseung was in his room he 100% have heard you, his room next to urs and that just added to ur heat making u go crazy, you were close by now already worked out just from earlier, Jake's finger went deeper making you let out a cry hands tugging at his hair and he moaned upon that "Cum for me" he mumbled against your pussy, the vibrations of his voice enough to make u reach your peak.
You cried out his name legs shaking uncontrollably, head dizzy, and chest heaving, and Jake didn't stop licking on ur clit not even giving u time to calm down and recover from ur first orgasm, "No-omg" your hands went to pull him away but instead you found them back on his hair pushing his face closer, his tongue was so skilled and u can feel yourself getting close again letting out small cries , the feeling of his tongue was so amazing and u can feel your whole body burning up, it didn't take long before u came again squirting on his face this time.
Jake pulled away his lips wet, face glistening with your juices, his eyes dark, "That's so fucking hot" he muttered licking his lips and wiping his face with his hands, he was looking at you hungrily, his cock red and dripping with precum, you wanted him inside you.
"C'mon here" u said pulling him closer for a sloppy kiss tasting yourself on his tongue as you started moving your hips, both of you were a moaning mess, the need to be close was so strong.
"Jake" u moaned against his lips and he hummed eyes still closed "fuck me" you said and his eyes shot open his mouth hanging open his breath got caught in his throat, and u smiled at him softly you were always a fan of his reactions always acting like he hasn't heard these words before as if it's his first time and you were sure that he was now going crazy, ur words made him feel like his heart is about to explode.
He didn't hesitate to get between your legs, his dick rubbing against ur wet folds as his mouth went to suck on your neck, your hands went to his back leaving red scratch marks as his tip was pressing on your hole, the need to enter was strong his eyes scanning your expressions as he entered you, a satisfied sigh escaped both of you lips, you were so warm and wet around him he didn't have any energy to start slow, his thrusts were hard and rough his hands holding onto the sheets as his hips met yours with a slap, the air was filled with your moans and the sound of skin slapping, the bed creaked underneath you and you could hear it hitting the wall, it's not a surprise if u end up with a hole in the wall, and he was going so fast he didn't give you a chance to adjust his cock hitting the right spots, "fuckk you feel so good Damn" he groaned his hips moving by themselves his head dropped enjoying the way you feel around him, your hands went to his back pulling him closer wanting to feel him deeper, his chest was now touching yours, his skin was so hot and he was sweating a lot, you can see his veins popping his mouth hanging open as his forehead was touching yours, his thrusts becoming more aggressive and it was hard to catch your breath, you can feel yourself getting close for the third time tonight your stomach twisting and your eyes rolling to the back of your head, Jake's hand moved away from the sheets gripping the headboard as he was slamming into you loving how you moan his name, he was close, so close, his dick twitched inside of you.
He was so lost in pleasure he had other plans for you but he forgot about everything focusing only on the delicious feeling of you he swear he hasn't felt this good since being with you, he doesn't know why but u just enjoys it more when it's you, his thrusts were now unrhythmic moaning as his hands went to the pillow and you let out a surprised yelp when his other hand grabbed a fistful of your hair pushing your head back loving how you look for this angle ,his cock was throbbing and pulsating inside you the knot in your stomach was so tight and you could feel yourself reaching your peak, Jake was grunting his eyes shut curses leaving his lips "fuckk fuck fuck" and you could feel the tears building up so sensitive from the previous releases and it was a matter of time before both of you came at the same time, he pulled out after spilling his seeds all over your stomach.
He let go of your hair and collapsed on the bed next to you, both of you were panting your minds were blank and the air was still thick, the room smelled of sex, Jake's hair was sticking to his forehead, his chest was moving up and down, the only sound in the room was the heavy breathing. You were laying there trying to come back from the high, you looked at Jake his eyes closed, his face still sweaty and red, your eyes moved lower, his chest and stomach are covered with his own cum and he didn't seem to mind.
You chuckled "what?" He asked eyes opening to look at you.
"Look at the mess" you said pointing at his stomach, he sat up a little bit checking it out wanting to say something but he stopped after seeing you crawling, ur hands dropping his body back as u leaned down collecting all the cum that was on his body licking it up making sure to leave no trace behind Jake had to slap himself to see if he was dreaming, his eyes were bulging and his mouth was dry 'fuck you are so sexy y/n" it was too much, too many feelings all at once, it was hard to control the heat pooling in his groin and he can feel himself getting hard again, he let a deep breath out when you stopped to show him the cum u collected before swallowing it.
"Fuck so dirty" he said pulling you for a heated kiss, your tongue battling his for dominance, he was already hard again his body was aching for u and u couldn't help but rub your pussy against his shaft.
"Please" he begged, and as much as u wanted him you were sure that your body can't take anymore, already sore from yesterday and the events that took place minutes ago.
"Next time Jakey" u said pecking his lips and he whined, his hands went down to rub your pussy and u let him, u were sure that you can't do it but a few moments later u were bouncing on his cock again.
You sighed after what happened Jake stayed with your for a bit helping you move to the shower wanting to help but u stopped him wanting to relax for few minutes and have an alone time and he nodded pecking ur forehead and leaving. You took longer than intended cleaning your body lazily, you went out expecting to find a mess in ur room, ur robe thrown on the ground along with ur panties and the sheets wrinkled but instead everything was neat your clothes on the basket another sheets on the bed and that alone made your day.
Jake was sweet and caring as always and ur heart ached with guilt, ur mind was still in shock from everything but you didn't have the energy to spend a long time thinking, you dressed up wearing a long blue dress with a small slit on your left leg, drying your hair only with a towel putting on some perfume and walking out. U heard some noises on the living room and u followed finding everyone except from Jake and Siyeon sitting on the table having breakfast
Jay's eyes followed your every move his jaw almost dropping, the sight of your thighs driving him insane and it was so unfair, "wow y/n u look so beautiful" Heeseung said devouring you with his eyes and Joy nodded her head while Sunghoon didn't say a thing his eyes scanning u head to toe while stuffing his mouth with food, Joy pulled the chair next to her patting it for you "come on". She is such a sweetheart and u can't help the smile forming on your lips, you took the seat sitting now between her and Sunghoon and across from Heeseung and Jay, a small groan slipping Jay's lips when he saw u sitting so close to Hoon, his eyes were dark remembering yesterday's night but he wanted to take care of you today not liking how he let u go without helping. He grabbed ur plate putting a big amount of various food and handing it to u making u chuckle "i don't think m gonna be able to finish this but thank u" u said softly making him smile as well "enjoy, u need to regain ur energy".
Joy and Heeseung were talking about something but u can't pay attention u didn't realize how much hungry u re until u had ur first bite of food. "I thought u were going out this morning" Heeseung asked eyes not leaving ur face wondering what kind of excuse u'll make after he woke up to ur moans and you could feel ur cheeks heating up remembering the events that took place just few hours ago, u cleared ur throat shaking ur head "i changed my mind" u replied trying to avoid eye contact and laughing awkwardly afterwards, Heeseung grinned nodding his head pretending to believe u "Ahhh i see" he said. Joy's eyes roamed on the table "Where is Siyeon?" she asked particularly no one and Jay answered "She still have things to do at her house but she'll be back this afternoon"
"Where is Jake?" Sunghoon asked after a while and Jay was the one to answer him again "He left few minutes they called him from work"
U nodded, it was obvious that he didn't want anyone to find out, "How did u sleep last night?" Heeseung asked u and Jay chocked on his drink while you almost spit your food, Sunghoon who was taking a sip of his tea was now coughing loudly, Joy turned to look at him her eyebrows raised "are u ok?" She asked and he gave her a thumbs up eyes watering, Heeseung was laughing at the reaction of everyone his eyes meeting with yours and you could feel the heat on ur cheeks. "Oh my god u look like a tomato" he commented still laughing and u kicked his leg with ur feet under the table so embarrassed wishing that a black hole could swallow u and take u away from this place.
Sunghoon was now smirking loving to see u in that state remembering meeting with you yesterday when u were about to head to ur room after getting out of Jay's room sweating, face flushed and lips swollen ur robe closed messily and ur hair was in a very terrible state, u stopped at ur steps upon noticing his shadow turning to see him in front of you and u really tried to act normal but there was no point of that at that rate, so u just decided to do what u do everytime = running to ur room and die from shame! u hated that it's Sunghoon who caught u all the time and u weren't sure that u'd be able to look at him the next day but u managed to do that somehow. The table went silent again until Heeseung spoke again "i was just asking cuz it was too cold yesterday and the heating system wasn't working for me so i went to ask u if it works for u but u wasn't in ur room"
"Ahh yes" u lied "i was probably in the kitchen i got so thirsty and i didn't bring water to my room before sleeping" u mumbled, ur words beating u making Sunghoon laugh again impressed by ur ability to lie that fast. Heeseung and Jay were grinning knowingly, Joy didn't seem to understand the whole situation but she shrugged continuing what she was doing on her phone. U finished eating not daring to lift ur head again rushing to clean the table and do the dishes and u almost tripped, ur legs still sore from earlier if it wasn't for Sunghoon who catched u his hands around your waist holding you close, he chuckled his lips next to your ear his hot breath tickling you "are u still thirsty?" he whispered making u push him away chewing on ur lips, he chuckled again "just kidding watch out ur steps" he said tickling ur chin and leaving, making u freeze on ur spot questioning wtf was that about before walking out to the kitchen.
Jay followed u the thought of u doing the dishes while obviously looking tired not clicking with him, he insisted to do them instead asking u to have a rest in ur room, u sighed defeated and went back to the living room not wanting to spend ur time alone knowing that u'll just gonna be having unnecessary thoughts so u hopped on the couch laying there next to Joy who was watching some random insta reels and she smiled creating more space for you "what are u watching?" u asked her softly, Joy positioned her phone to match it with ur sight "just some reels" and u nodded watching videos with her while talking about some random stuff, u sighed the mic on ur back making u uncomfortable, "u should sit in the middle" Joy suggested but u shook your head "it's fine" you replied and Joy frowned not satisfied but she didn't say anything.
After some minutes Sunghoon walked to the living room sitting accross from you, his eyes not leaving ur body and u tried not to meet his gaze, his stare was so intense and intimidating and u wished he ignored u like earlier, "y/n" he called your name and ur heart skipped a beat it was probably the first time u heard ur name skip his lips, Joy looked at him raising her eyebrow but watching ur interaction quietly "yes?" u answered voice almost unheard and Sunghoon smiled, he loves when ur all shy and awkward with him, he cleared his throat before speaking "u wanna go on a date with me?" he asked u making ur eyes widen u certainly was not expecting this from him especially and u were wondering for a second if u've heard him correctly "uh?" u managed to let out and Joy couldn't stop herself from giggling next to you, Sunghoon didn't lose his charming smile making ur insides melt not even bothering to repeat his question, u looked at Joy for help, this situation almost awkward, she was smiling at you encouraging you to give him an answer, "umm... sure" u said after some moments, Sunghoon was waiting patiently and he seemed happy with your reply and Joy clapped her hands excitedly "great then it's settled" she said and u could feel yourself drowning, not knowing what to do and what to expect ur face as red as Joy's phone case ur eyes still looking at Sunghoon who didn't drop his smile now smirking at u, his eyes so intense making u question ur respond "i hope i don't regret that" u mumbled only for u to hear.
This part has been sitting in my drafts for a long time sorry :( but yeah this was not how i wrote this part originally nd it really sucks that i didn't save it but yeah hope u enjoy ^^ the next part is gonna be super intense, spoiler: it'll be both Sunghoon and Heeseung focused and oh god this duo is a lot!
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bby-blu-swirll · 1 year
sit on my lap while you do my eyeliner - bakugo x reader
i can't find it now, (i will tho if it kills me) but this is inspired by this tumblr post i saw on my pinterest that was like " 'let me do your eyeliner' gf and 'okay sit on my lap while you do it' bf" lol
pls enjoy xx
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bakugo loves your makeup. (he loves your natural face just as much, but he also thinks you look drop dead gorgeous no matter what.)
his favorite days are when you pull out the eyeliner pen. when you look at him and your eyes are rimmed with black, bringing out the hue of your irises, he just folds honestly. subtly, because his pride is too strong to let anybody see him so weak for you, but you've definitely picked up on it.
he loves anything you do with it. a wing, big or small, a messy grungey outline, drawing hearts or stars, anything. he loves watching you do it with such attention to detail and even more loves seeing the finished product and how it might have changed the shape of your eyes. whether it's soft and cute and gives you little doe eyes, or sharp and cutting like a knife, pulling your eyes into dangerous (& admittedly sexy) slits, he adores it.
he doesn't show it much, though. he's not as bad as compliments as you thought he'd be, really, but this is just a bit different.
he can call you pretty, gorgeous, hot, whatever- all he wants. there was no problem there. especially, in front of other people. it was almost like bragging to him.
like once, in the middle of a conversation with the bakusquad, he caught your arm as you were walking by just to press a kiss to your cheek and tell you that you looked beautiful. of course he meant every word of it, but there was a silent emphasis on the fact that he was the one you got to tell you that, and that it was very true. it was like his way of being able to say, "suck it, extras, that beauty is my girlfriend," without sounding like the cocky douchebag he usually did. (bc he knows you don't like it when he's such a cocky douchebag <3)
but complimenting such a specific part of you was a bit more difficult, and he wasn't quite sure how to articulate it. he knew he liked it, but he wasn't sure why. he just thought you looked sexy and sweet like that.
like you did today.
it was one of those lazy saturdays for the both of you, where you slept in a little and kind of just floated through the day, maybe go out maybe not, maybe make out on your bed, who knows.
it was close to half past ten when you were finally up and at your vanity, doing your makeup for the day. your boyfriend was spread out and taking up most of your bed while he studied for the test you had on monday. you thought he was a bit of a nerd for spending one of his only mornings off on school, but you admired his dedication.
neither of you liked silence much, so soft music filled the quiet in your dorm, along with the occasional page turn from bakugo, usually followed by a sigh.
you capped your eyeliner pen with a huff. you had been looking at your face so long, it was hard to tell if it was even. "hey babe?" you turned your swivel chair to face him.
"yeah?" he didn't bother looking up from his book.
you pressed the closed pen to your cheek and blinked a few times. "does this look okay?"
he glanced up for a moment, doing a double take when he saw you. there was no concealer on your dark circles and your eyeliner was smudged underneath your eyes and your lips looked a bit cracked, and he could feel his stomach swell with butterflies the second he looked at you.
"yeah, its.. its perfect." he looked away and cleared his throat, hearing you chuckle slightly.
once you turned around in your chair, his eyes were glued to you. just watching you sort through your makeup tray, trying to find something. the way you knit your brows together, your bottom lip stuck out- his quickly averted his gaze back to his book when you turned to him. he could feel your eyes trained on him as he thumbed the corner the pages.
"hey katsuki?"
he hummed in response, still not looking at you.
you stood up and slowly sauntered towards him, smirking when his eyes flicked up to you every few seconds. you took his book and set it aside.
"the hell are you-" he clenched his jaw when you leaned close to him, still standing. he dropped his voice to a soft tone, just shy of a whisper. "what're you doing, huh?"
"can i do your eyeliner?"
he chuckled and smirked. "'course.."
you grinned and took a seat next to him, your face heating up as his hands found your waist. he lifted you up and set you on his lap, wrapping his arms around your torso and holding you close. his smirk grew as a blush crept up your cheeks.
"just as long as you sit... here." he pecked your lips, mindlessly stroking his thumb across the skin just above the waistband of your pants. "you can start whenever, babe, i'm not stopping you..."
you huffed and bit the inside of your cheek, internally rolling your eyes. his cocky smirk softened a little when your fingers delicately cradled his jaw, turning his head slightly.
"close your eyes..." you kept your voice low, watching his eyes flutter shut.
his skipped a beat when he felt your breath on his lips. he took deep breaths, just inhaling whatever lotion or perfume had you smelling so good.
you bit your lip and did your best to keep your hand steady. it was hard to keep the lines straight when he would squeeze your hips occasionally. but you prevailed nonetheless, keeping the ink close to the rim of his eyes. you were going for a sort of rodrick look.
"okay.." you clicked your tongue and capped your pen, setting it to the side. "you're done~"
he opened his eyes slowly, a playful look dancing across his features. "well? how do i look?"
your breath caught in your throat. his red eyes glowed, half lidded and staring right into you.
"hmmm..." you brought a hand to his chest, the other messing with the hair at the base of his neck. you traced small circles across his skin. "handsome."
"yeah?" he took your cheek in his hand, pulling you closer to him. "that all?"
you shrugged and chuckled a bit, watching his cocky grin return.
"hm, you think i'm hot. coulda just said so..." he pressed his lips against yours softly, which quickly changed to a rough, demanding kiss.
looks like you did end up making out on your bed,,
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totally meant to upload this over a week ago,,, my bad lol i've been very busy, sorry this is so crap lol i'll probably rewrite it in the future <33
love you sm !! stay safe & sleep well 💗💗
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letsmyy · 5 months
i have a request!!! you should write a daughter of apollo x leo valdez fic but based on espresso by sabrina carpenter (idk i feel like that song gives children of apollo vibes!) it'd be leo obsessed with the apollo girl (like him being absolutely obsessed with her, having the biggest crush on her possible, he constantly thinks about her, him being an absolute loser bf) and finally getting the courage to ask her out on a date or something like that.
“she’s like a shot of espresso…”
leo valdez x duaghter of apollo!reader
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warnings: use of yn! english isn’t my first language so it might be some errors!!
thank you so much for your request, it made me so happy!! idk if what i wrote it’s exactly what you want but i hope you like it 🤕 this is my first timing writing a real fic and I think it really shows lol, but i promise I’ll try to improve in the next one, I’m so sorry if it’s that bad, and this is really short too? omg im really bad at this lol, but anyways, ly anon tell me your opinions (honestly) abt this later, kisses to uuu!! 🫶💗 (btw anon, please request other things I feel like I didn’t did you justice with this one)
words: 850
“is it that sweet? I guess so…..”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ - ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Leo was sure he was going crazy.
He always had a pretty big amount of silly crushes on girls, but with you? It was getting way too serious. Of course, you're beautiful, incredibly kind, and too generous for your own good, and you treated him well, but that isn't enough reason to make him lose sleep; at least that's what he thought.
And he was extremely wrong. Being in your presence was the equivalent of being bathed in the sunlight, and gods, he felt like a prisoner who hadn't seen the sun in years.
He's completely obsessed with you; he just needs the courage to verbalize that, but being honest, Leo felt like a coward at the moment.
While being lost in his thoughts (the thoughts being the pretty daughter of Apollo that never leaves his mind), the boy finally falls asleep.
Leo doesn't mind waking up if that means spending the day with the people he loves, so after getting ready for the day, he searches for you.
And he found you, talking with a much younger camper, helping him. You're smiling like it's the best day of your life, and Leo could swear that you're almost glowing.
The boy makes its way to you the same moment you finish talking to the kid, now having your full attention on Hephaestus' son.
"Leo! Good morning!" Your voice to him had the same effect as listening to his favorite music, it made him happy in ways he couldn't explain, even if his life depended on it. 
"Yn! Good morning!" He mimics you, not in a bad way, just a teasing one. You roll your eyes in fake annoyance.
"Sooo, did you sleep well, Valdez?" You ask, seeming really interested in the answer, but he knows that you're like that for everything, being extremely kind.
"Not really, would be better if I dreamed about you," you laugh amusingly.
"You say that every day, y'know?"
"I know, I say because it's true. " You can't help but blush a little. You're used to Leo flirting with you, but it never gets past that, so you just learned to joke back.
"Hilarious, Valdez... fortunately, I slept very well today, and I'm more excited than normal! I think it's because it's so sunny today, that's awesome, was thinking about going to the lake later. I can't waste such a pretty day like this one painting inside my cabin..."
"Unfortunately, I'll be in the bunker today, I have lots of things to do."
"What? No! You're coming with me, you can't waste this wonderful day either!" You grab his hands, walking toward the lake.
Leo could swear he would pass out at that moment. He couldn't even think about denying your offer, he would prefer dying to doing that.
After a few seconds, you guys get to the lake.
"Look how pretty it is! You have to go swimming with me, it’s a need.”
"Look, sunshine, water and fire don't get along so well, so I might skip that one" he says, apologetic. You frown, thinking.
"We don't need to go swimming, we can just talk, i really don't care." You smile lovingly at him.
"I don't want to ruin your day! There are many people that can go with you, you'll find someone better to do that." He's so oblivious that it's getting concerning.
"I want to spend time with you, Valdez. I don't mind if it's swimming or just talking, I want to, you know..be with you."
"Oh." He's acting like a loser, he can't think straight anymore and is blushing like crazy, but who cares?
"Oh?" You tease him, smiling.
"Yeah, we can. Just talk, I'm happy with that. " His smile was so genuine that made your heart melt.
That's when you realize you're still holding his hand, and you don't want to change that. You can feel he notices too.
Something just snapped in his head, now it’s the time, now or never, right?
"Yn? Can I tell you something?" He says it in a quiet tone, and you just nod.
"When I'm around you, it's like constantly drinking a shot of espresso, it's like being bathed in sunlight, you're incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and i just can't get enough of you, you're my sunrise and daylight....all I'm saying is, gods, I very much love you more than just friends" You're surprised, really surprised, so surprised that you can't even speak for a moment, which just makes Leo even more nervous.
"Please say something...like, anything, a no it's better than silence because it’s less-“ Before he yaps again, you interrupt him:
"I like you too." The boy almost squeals of pure excitement.
"Seriously? Oh gods, oh gods. What?" He's so happy, it's so sincere, so soft, it's amazing, you can feel your heart beating so fast, and you don't even care; seeing him like this because of you is the best feeling you ever felt.
Then you see that one look, meant just for you, it's like time has frozen, and you're both thinking the same thing. Then, like all the stars aligned, you kissed him
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