#my beloved best friend hates this chapter because hakkaku is unintelligible. i hope the rest of you enjoy it though
asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 23: Best Shot
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Troupe member A: Misumi-kun, rehearsal’s running a little late, so we’re gonna start 20 minutes later than planned.
Misumi: Okaaay!
Troupe member B: Misumi-kun, you’re really good at acting, but how much experience do you have? Have you been acting since you were a kid?
Misumi: Nuh-uh, I started when I joined MANKAI Company.
Troupe member A: The new MANKAI Company was established only a few years ago. Oh-ho, we’ve got a natural amongst us.
Troupe member B: What made you want to act all of a sudden?
Misumi: They invited me when I sneaked into Grandpa’s theater company’s dorm~
Troupe member A: Your Grandpa’s company is…
Misumi: My Grandpa’s name is Hakkaku Ikaruga.
Troupe member B: You’re Hakkaku-san’s grandson!
Troupe member A: Ohhh, is that so? Now that you mention it, you do have the same last name.
Troupe member B: I can tell why Syu-san has his eye on you.
Troupe member A: Did ya know? Syu-san is a die-hard fan of Hakkaku-san. He’s still got a picture they took together on his mirror.
Misumi: A picture of Grandpa!?
Syu: What’re you tellin’ him.
Troupe member A: Uh-oh, and here I take my leave.
Troupe member B: Haha, he’s bound to find out anyway if he pays attention.
Misumi: I wanna see the picture of Grandpa!
Syu: … I got no choice. Here ya go.
Misumi: Grandpa…!
Syu: Hakkaku-san didn’t really like taking pictures. This one’s rare, ain’t it?
Misumi: Yup!
Syu: It’s from right around the time you were born…
[Flashback starts]
Hiro: Congratulations on your grandchild’s safe delivery, Hakkaku-san!
Syu: Congratulations.
Kasumi: Wahhh, the baby is so cute~
Zen: Is it a boy?
Yukio: He has your and Kusumi-kun’s eyes.
Syu: Have you decided on a name?
Hakkaku: No, I’ve got a few on my mind, but I haven’t picked yet.
Syu: Since he’s your grandson, he might have a bright future as a scriptwriter.
Hakkaku: Nah… I’d be more at ease if he were an actor. Well, the best thing would be to let him do what he wants to do.
Hakkaku: But if that does end up being his future, I’d really like to see him on top of the stage.
Hakkaku: Especially if it was here at MANKAI Theater. I’d have nothing to complain about then.
Yukio: Haha, we have to do our best to keep going then.
Hiro: You have to get him into acting while you still can.
Zen: If you force him into it, he’ll just avoid it.
Kasumi: You have to live a long life too, Hakkaku-san.
Hakkaku: You’re right. Who’d have thought I’d be making new dreams at my age?
Yukio: Oh, Hakkaku-san. We should take a picture with your grandchild.
Hakkaku: Whaddya mean, with my grandson? This is just a photograph of him.
Yukio: We’ll do it to commemorate! And I’ve just bought a new camera for our company.
Hakkaku: You just want to take a test shot, don’t you? Well, whatever.
[Flashback ends]
Syu: I’m sure Hakkaku-san would’ve also loved to see ya act.
Misumi: Grandpa…
Syu: Nice photo, ain’t it? Normally he’d have never agreed to such a thing, but he was in an unusually good mood that day.
Syu: I’ll give it to you. It’s only right to give it to the person it oughta belong to.
Misumi: Eh? Are you sure…?
Syu: Just as we were going to give the freshly printed photo to him, he told us he’d decided on a name for his grandson.
Syu: Look–
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