#my bbies liiiiive
Distractions: Chapter 6 of When Two Hearts Collide
Pairing: Copdoc
Rating: It has changed from T to M
Ao3 // FFN
Summary:  Lauren is adamant about helping Trick, but what she finds is all too weird. When she tries to share it with Tamsin, the latter is all about distracting her.
The folder Trick had given Lauren was tucked tight against her shirt as she walked along campus. She didn't know why she felt the urge to hide it, but after feeling the sun on her cheeks her hand darted underneath the brown leather jacket instantly. Her backpack secured the folder to her chest, its excessive weight effectively causing a constant pressure on her upper body to hold it in place, and she briefly thought of how Tamsin had seemed surprised by the weight when she picked it up to throw it a couple days prior. Surprisingly it didn't hurt Lauren or seem very hefty, and even with the small smile that appeared on her features from thinking of the taller blonde, something else was weighing her down.
Why would someone she had just met entrust anything with her? The freshman had encountered Trick yesterday, and only for a brief moment. Had Tamsin truly been talking her up to the man? Well, she countered as she usually did, he had said himself Tamsin did not speak much to him. If she did not speak then Lauren's name would not come up; if Lauren's name did not come up, then there was no way a trust could be built. If no trust could be built- oh, you get the idea, she thought, rolling her eyes at herself for her overthinking. It bugged Lauren all the way back to her dorm room, and she quickly shrugged off her backpack and grabbed the file before it could slide down her shirt to the floor.
Lauren's fingers brushed against the blue manila cover, her body rocking into the bed as her back pressed softly against the headboard. She didn't take off her shoes, choosing instead to lay them softly onto her side of the bed, before taking a deep breath and opening the folder slowly. Her brown orbs darted through the pages, flipping through the sheets fervently before starting all over again. At first she couldn't comprehend what she was reading, and by the third read through she could only slightly understand it. What the readings were showing, blood platelet levels, vital signs, even usual ranges like blood pressure were all over the place. She was reading it through and now taking notes on a small pad she had retrieved from her side table when Tamsin sauntered through the door.
A beat of silence passed before the mattress compressed beside Lauren and she felt a hot presence next to her. “Hello, doc,” Tamsin whispered into the freshman's ear.
Lauren flicked her head upward, running her eyes over the woman before nervously chuckling and leaning back. She stuttered out, “S-sorry, Tamsin. I was lost in the chart.” Her hand waved toward the blue folder before resting her cheek onto her palm. “How was your day?”
Tamsin scooted further into Lauren's space as she played with strands of the latter's hair. Her eyes flicked down for a moment before they found chocolate brown orbs. “It was fine. So what's this chart for?” Fingers began to rake through honey blonde waves, tangling themselves gently before skimming Lauren's shirt. It was a long, drawn out motion, one that Tamsin continued languidly.
“Trick gave it to me,” Lauren replied, clearing her throat and swallowing hard. She did not know if it was because of how she felt with Tamsin being so close to her, or if it was because she was willingly telling this woman the truth. At the furrowed brow that the taller woman sported, Lauren continued, “I was looking for a quiet place to read my.. Star Trek book.. and I remembered the Dal. Did you know he has this very creepy lair down the old stairs in the bar?” Lauren's face scrunched slightly before she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Waving her hand in front of her face she fervently said, “Anyways Trick asked me to help and take a peek at his friend's chart. He said she was extremely sick, and I did stumble in and just start reading this big book and-”
Tamsin's back straightened slightly, something that would have gone unnoticed if not for their close proximity, and she cut Lauren off, “A big book?”
“Yeah, he called it the Book of the Fae. Don't worry the first question I asked was if it was a cult.” Lauren smirked and let a small chuckle leave her throat. “Rest assured: it's not.”
“Good looking out,” Tamsin remarked, her eyes downcast and her hand moving even slower than it was before in Lauren's hair. “So I doubt doctor-patient confidentiality really applies here so tell me about the chart.”
Slight laughter filled the eerily quiet dorm room, and Lauren wondered if the sound proofing always made it sound like this. The sound she had emitted fell harsher than she remembered it doing when they had watched The Stuff or when she was generally laughing at Tamsin do something foolish for the sake of getting a reaction out of her. There was something wrong, something that wasn't being said, and she could literally feel it creeping up her spine. The tingling sensation did not stop when she slowly began, “Well for one I've never seen numbers like this in blood palettes before. I've read about some reaching into the millions but this is a bit extreme. How this patient is still alive and hasn't developed a blood clot at the base of the spine, or anywhere for that matter, is beyond me. A-and look at this,” a delicate finger pointed toward the numbers marking blood pressure, “it far exceeds anything I've ever seen before in a patient that was still alive. Even the previous charts indicate the numbers have rarely fluctuated!” Lauren ruffled through the pages, pulling out the first medical paperwork from three years prior. “Now Trick said this woman was extremely ill, but with these numbers she should already be dead. She must be a really heavy drinker,” she muttered.
“Out of everything you just said, why must she be a heavy drinker?”
Lauren hummed before pulling her gaze from the paperwork. There was a lilt in her voice when she said, “Oh I just meant with this acute hypertension it's usually caused by something. Drinking is a common factor in young and older adults, while the condition itself is more so found in older women. I bet she had a wild life. That or she's a vampire with the factor of healing she could accomplish with these levels of platelets.”
Tamsin didn't seem to care for Lauren's snicker or poor joke, and suddenly raised fully. She stopped playing in Lauren's hair and her hand shot out and closed the folder. With the freshman began to state her opposition to it, the taller woman instead changed her position and moved in front of her. She scooted the blue folder backward, using her body to shield the sight of it, as she slowly put her hands onto Lauren's folded legs. She balanced there for a moment, taking Lauren in, before she whispered, “Ah, but if only vampires were real. I have a feeling you'd be even more turned on right now.”
A crimson blush spread furiously over Lauren's features but she did not move away. The weight on her knees was not harsh, and instead she welcomed the physical attention. It had only been a day after their date at the clearing and it was like Tamsin was ready to take whatever this was to the next level. What was college if not sex filled parties with roommates! Okay there was much more to college than just that. There were pretty girls, and blondes, and really green eyes and- oh shut up, you're just describing her!
Lauren's hand caressed Tamsin's cheek before she pulled the woman in to her. The taller woman's lips were much softer than they looked as they brushed against Lauren's. Tamsin's scent was familiar yet different, striking her with citrus and honey, vanilla and lavender. It filled her up as her chest heaved, a soft moan escaping her lips before Tamsin deepened the kiss. A hand moved from Lauren's knee to her shoulder, pushing her back onto the bed, before a perfect body laid gently on top of her. Tamsin's once tight bun slowly unraveled, strands of hair raining down around Lauren as she played in the waves. Somewhere at the foot of the bed the blue folder could be heard hitting the floor, but it was barely noticed as a hand went to Lauren's throat and her breath hitched.
Tamsin disengaged from the kiss, a large smile on her features. “So that's your kink, huh?”
“What are you going to do about it,” Lauren breathed. She found it extremely difficult to suck in air being so close to the Icelandic blonde. It felt as if she weren't breathing at all, her chest falling and rising shallowly, but her heart throbbed almost painfully. Her word choice was obviously intentional, and she smirked up to the woman as if daring her to take the bait.
Lowly chuckling, Tamsin leaned in slowly while she kept her eyes on Lauren's. Her tongue flicked across Lauren's upper lip, never breaking eye contact as she simultaneously ground her body into her. The darker blonde moaned lightly, following the movement of their bodies, before grabbing the back of Tamsin's head and tangling her fingers into hair. She pressed their foreheads together as Tamsin continued to grind, breathing heavily in sync, before she aggressively sucked the woman's bottom lip. Teeth bit into flesh as Lauren bit down before sucking softly to alleviate any pain Tamsin would feel, moving into a passionate kiss.
Tamsin's hands gripped roughly underneath Lauren's thigh, her other still on the side of the woman's neck as she balanced on her knees. Her heart felt like it was going to explode, among other things, and she disengaged from the kiss suddenly. Green orbs peered into brown as Tamsin let go of the darker blonde's neck and placed her hand on the bed. She slowly let go of Lauren's thigh to instead caress her cheek, glancing at every detail on the woman's face, moving strands of disheveled hair. This woman was truly beautiful...
Lauren said her name softly, her own hand going up to brush a stray hair behind the taller woman's ear. It sounded so soft, so caring and loving, that it seemed to finally break Tamsin out of whatever she had been feeling in that moment. She smiled as she descended into a soft kiss, it becoming passionate and slow as their teeth nipped and their tongues tasted. This was different than either women had before, something new as they explored each other. They took their time, Tamsin beginning to grind softly into Lauren before the latter began to undress. With each article of clothing came kisses to flesh, soft biting as well which earned both women moans.
The last piece of clothing to go on Lauren was floral designed panties, Tamsin stopping as her fingers brushed lower stomach. Both hands were playing with the hem, Lauren now slightly off the bed and holding herself up as Tamsin's knees dug into either side of her. “Are you sure this is okay?” Tamsin breathed, trying to come up for air from their many kisses.
A chuckled escaped the darker blonde, her teeth catching before sucking Tamsin's bottom lip. “You sound so unsure, Miss. Badass.”
“Consent is important,” Tamsin replied before her hand went to Lauren's throat. She gently squeezed as she made the premed look at her. Her core throbbed when a languid moan hitched out of the woman she was about to fuck. Tamsin's other hand moved further down over the panties, pressing her fingers softly against the outline of Lauren's sex. It was time for her to grin and chuckle, pleased with the pleasured face the woman made, before she breathed, “You're dripping for me.” A pitiful whimper came from Lauren before Tamsin squeezed her throat tighter and continued, “I won't take that as an answer.”
A furious nod was not enough, and Lauren quickly half yelled, “Yes, I'm okay with it!”
“You're lucky these rooms are soundproofed,” Tamsin breathed, instantly and skillfully thrusting her fingers inside of the fabric before into Lauren.
The dark blonde's mouth opened as a wave of pleasure cascaded from her cunt throughout her entire body. She lay still for a moment as Tamsin breathed a curse before beginning to move inside of her. It was slow and deep, the woman's fingers curling in just the right spots and Lauren's back hit the bed and her legs wrapped around Tamsin's. The tall woman continued to squeeze her neck as she began to move faster, marveling at the sight in front of her. Lauren's bare breasts, her throat, her cunt: Tamsin almost lost it at the sight of such beauty. Women were gorgeous but Lauren? She was on a whole new level.
Lauren's short nails dug into the flesh of Tamsin's shoulder, her breath hitching and the pitch in her moans becoming higher. “T-Tamsin,” she stammered out before a stream of curses followed.
Tamsin could feel the darker blonde's walls tightening around her, and before she could reach climax the woman stopped moving, a smirk on her features. Before Lauren could voice her annoyance, Tamsin's body moved swiftly down and her hot mouth was around the woman's clit.
“Oh fuck,” Lauren breathed, one hand pushing Tamsin's mouth ever harder down, while the other balled into sheets.
Reverberation from Tamsin humming out her own satisfaction made Lauren almost come right there. It felt so fucking good, Tamsin's tongue felt so damn good! It flicked against her clit hard then languidly soft, her fingers moving at odds with whichever she would do. Soft and hard, or hard and slow. It was maddening. It was so fucking good!
It didn't take long for Lauren to come after that, her hips rolling into Tamsin's mouth as her body arched slightly. A long, loud, satisfied moan came from her lips as the spasms that wracked her body lessened. Tamsin smiled up at Lauren, kissing the woman's clit once more before trying to go in again. Lauren laughed, catching Tamsin quickly before her oversensitive sex could cause another bout, and she was happy to taste herself on the woman's lips. Her arms wrapped around Tamsin's torso, her fingers brushing against the woman's sports bra, as she giggled with ecstasy.
“I needed that,” Lauren whispered.
Tamsin chuckled, placing her fingers that had just been inside the other in her mouth. Her eyes never left Lauren's as she swirled her tongue around them, lapping off every drop of the woman, before licking her lips. “You taste so fucking good.” She chuckled as Lauren made a uncouth sound, kissing the woman again. She swirled her still wet digits around her nipples, pinching them between her index and middle fingers. “So,” she said, propping herself up with a hand, “what ridiculous horror movie do we get to watch tonight?”
“Who knew you were so domestic,” Lauren chortled.
Tamsin shrugged. “There's a lot you don't know about me, doc.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I secretly think you're really hot.”
An incredulous laugh filled the room before Lauren covered her mouth, still giggling. She let her hand rest on Tamsin's cheek, her thumb stroking softly. “Well you're sweet and salty enough to be classified as a sap, I think.”
Tamsin groaned, letting her head fall onto Lauren's chest before shaking her head. “Why are you such a dork.”
“That's why you love me,” Lauren burst out before chuckling. Realizing what she had just said she quickly followed up, “I mean... that's why I have to be silly and out of touch. Because you, um...”
“It's okay, doc. Don't give yourself an aneurysm. Sex can do all sorts of things to your head. I get it.”
Lauren nodded up at Tamsin. “Yeah, exactly.”
Tamsin smirked before giving Lauren a quick peck. “I'm going to freshen up. I'll be back.”
The tall woman shimmied off the bed, rifling by the side of the bed for her fallen top. Something else slid across the ground, but Lauren didn't pay much attention to it and instead was reliving the last few sentences. Her eyes were on the ceiling as she also replayed the extracurricular activities that had also just happened, and did not see Tamsin holding something close to her chest, just out of eyesight. Lauren could feel herself getting wet again as Tamsin left the room with a wink, her clothes draped over her arm but not fully laying down as if something was underneath them.
No, Lauren didn't see any of it as Tamsin left the room. She was just too happy.
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