#my bad; long post is long; got out of control; like a certain squid; can't figure out how to make more crisper
jeeaark · 2 months
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If you liked the song 'I want to live', wait until you hear their upcoming sequel 'Your friends want you to live too'
I was in denial the first time it happened. Almost had an entire session WITHOUT getting hungry. So friggin' close.
But nah. Game called me out. CALLED ME OUT ON THAT 'wat u do if nom nom vibes' QUESTION. Never gonna click that dialogue option again nope nope nope learned my lesson.
I suppose since the game is officially ending at that point, I wrap that harrowing incident up myself. Have the Companions remind Greygold of their favorite 'Always Another Way' Motto. You don't have to jump into the sun. You're not Icarus. SquiDingus.
Would any of these help prevent cranial cravings? Who knows, but what matters is that the team is trying to help and wants Greygold to be happy and safe too ಠ_ಠ
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