#my bad desicions have arrived
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dianagj-art · 2 years ago
me last week: huh, I should buy a new set of keyboard and mouse because mine are having a lot of troubles now *sees that the expenseive headphones I want have a discount* on the other hand I could make a bad decision
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gojoluvs · 9 months ago
i am actually SO TOUCHED when you writed you check your inbox to hear my thoughts like??? mwah 💋 and yes I would devour every chapter from ever series you post... rough sex is literally one of my guilt pleasures and i'll shamelessly admit it fr..
I honestly was surprised by the new chapter of j'adore.. Y/N FALLING IN LOVE WITH MY FAV IDIOT AND SATORU'S BESTFRIEND SUGURU?? im going to eat a meal from j'adore's next chapters.. and possibly cry..
but fr suguru's such a gentleman even though I stan mean gojo.. let Y/N give suguru a smooch 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I was lunatically upset by the discontinuing of forever yours.... (who doesn't) but it's always your choice ! I don't really have any experience as a writer (excluding my high school homework in the past or smth) but we all have our desicions and reasons amirite, there's no way you stop supporting your fav writer just because they archived a developing series.. 😓 always sending u love mimi
— 🥀
The queen has arrived 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😭😭 OMGGG i need to experience that.. my sex life has been pretty vanillaish so as someone whos never experienced rough im praying that it does justice in my series. Literally been reading books with rough sex for my series because let me tell you, Gojo is not soft at all in that series no that man is definitely something else. Got my toes curling just thinking about the scenes I have in mind..
When I was writing J’adore i was like, I NEED suguru in this fic. That man is such a gentleman and who wouldn’t run to him if your husband is treating you bad, not to mention having two sexy men fighting for you and them being besties, literally have my heart already.
Im so sad you got upset about my FY series! Hopefully i can make it up with my other series although FY held a special place in all of out hearts 😭💔 Sending love back!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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redrosewhiterose · 3 years ago
TW: csa mention. Also Becoming Elizabeth Episode 5 spoilers but everyone knows at this point
I didn't do a live commentary but I did saw BE's Cursed Episode aka Episode 5. Despite not having seen it myself yet, I shared everyone's shock and anger when it dropped three weeks ago. I didn't need to watch the scene to think that it was both unnecessary, and disrespectful to the real Elizabeth. Having seen the ep, my opinion stands: there was absolutely NO need for it to be shown on screen, period. Remove the entire scene from the episode and absolutely nothing changes. The episode works perfectly without it: Thomas Seymour asks Elizabeth to marry him, she agrees despite deep down feeling that this is wrong, he leaves to kidnap Edward, she awaits for him to comeback so they can marry but instead guards arrive to arrest her and Kat Ashley. Episodes 3 and 4 already almost explicitly stated that Seymour's abuse was sexual so what the actual fuck was the point of that scene??
While I don't think that Anya Reiss and co had bad intentions ultimately they failed (and very badly) at portraying what was a very delicate, very real thing that actually happened to someone. In their attempts to portray a very specific kind of abuse they erased the real story of Elizabeth, whom by the evidence we have, was afraid of Seymour, actively avoided him and asked him to not touch her.
Also while I do think that there was an attempt at showing a kind of abuse, I don't think they realized that they were portraying child abuse when making this storyline. Or worse, they didn't have the intention to do so. Alicia is a good actress and does her best to portray Elizabeth's youthfulness, but she is an adult and it shows. And the camera treats her as such. They would have never showed a scene like that, nor any of the super weird make out scenes from ep 2 and 3, had they casted Bella Ramsey as Elizabeth. The idea of scenes like that with her and Tom Cullen is extremely upsetting isn't? Well Bella is four years older than Elizabeth when Seymour groomed her. Elizabeth was a child. You would never show a child getting abused on screen. It doesn't matter the real actress' age, they should have treated the character like a 14 years old girl, SPECIALLY if the whole point of her plotline is that the older man in a position of power whom she has a crush on is sexually abusing her. Anya Reiss and the cast can release all the statements they want explaining what they were trying to do in the show, it won't change that I had to sit through gross scenes of Elizabeth and Seymour slowly kissing and touching while soft music played on the background.
Also as everyone else already pointed out this terrible desicion meant that now Elizabeth is going to lie in her interrogation (and everytime someone brings this up going forward) thanks I hate it here.
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ceradenja · 4 years ago
Magolor backstory
Heads up I'm very much pulling stuff out of my hat, it's just how I've filled the gaps and put the pieces together. Also contains Taranzolor a little at the end.
Halcandra starts off as a mostly volcanic area. The largest civilization are knowns as Halcandrans, a highly magical species. The biggest cities reside in Egg Engines, which isn't nearly as highly-mechanized as it is nowdays. A lot of the mechanics work off of Magic.
Magolor is born around 15 years before the events of RTDL. He's a feisty little kid, with a competitive attitude and a love for pranks. He's not a bad kid, though he is a bit of a compulsive liar in order to protect himself.
Some time after, Haltmann Works Company begin the Mechanizing Occupation Project. They work slow at first, due to the extreme heat of Halcandra, so they make false promises and keep on the good side of the Halcandrans. The project divides the people in two groups; those who welcome the mechanizing and those who do not. Magolor grows up to be very interested in science and mechanics, hence gaining knowledge of ancient mechanical artifacts and how to work them. One day he meets a traveler from afar. The jester introduces himself as Marx, and Magolor is very intriqued by his stories about Dreamland, and Kirby. He decides he wants to meet Kirby someday. Marx departs, hoping that they could meet again some day.
Eventually as HWC adapts their hardware to the climate, they ramp up the mechanization. Now threathening the dwindling amount of defiant Halcandrans to comply with their wishes or be mechanized themselves. Magolor, thrown into his studies learns to distrust the company and wants them to stop what they're doing to his planet. He is frustrated that their "so called Guardian" Landia isn't doing anything to stop the invaders, so he conjures up his own plan.
He steals the ancient warship Lor Starcutter he'd always admired, and readies it against Landia to obtain the Master Crown for himself. He hopes that with it's power, he can drive away HWC from his planet and return things to how they used to be. Things don't turn out how he'd like them to, and Landia swiftly shoots down the ship. Magolor makes his escape into Dreamland, and quickly spins Kirby a story about the "evil dragon". He had a plan to escape into Dreamland if things turned south, but hadn't prepared to recruit the help of Kirby and his friends. His words surprise even himself. He doesn't know it yet, but the Master Crown has imprinted it's call onto him. Driving him towards itself, and slowly corrupting his drive.
Meanwhile on Halcandra Landia, now awake and furious, drives not only the invading HWC from the planet but also the Halcandrans due to one of them daring to defy her authority. After her rampage, Halcandra is left in it's current state. Halfway between mechanized and natural and mostly deserted.
Once Magolor returns to Halcandra with Kirby and co. in tow, he is faced with a far more quiet planet than before. He stays back in in the Starcutter, not only for fear of Landia, but also to reflect. Coming so much closer to the Crown makes it wrap it's hold tighter onto him. He wants revenge. Landia has destroyed his home, and evicted his people. This wouldn't have happened if he had the Crown. He could have saved Halcandra. If he was in power nothing like this would have happened here. So he urges Kirby to continue on. Defeat Landia, get the Crown.
Landia is beat and Magolor obtains the crown, which further twists his intentions. Fueled by his loss of his people and his home, he claims ownership over everything. The Master Crown's explosive power transforms his body to resemble what an old, powerful and awakened Halcandran would look like.
After failing to take Kirby down with the Starcutter, he fights Kirby himself. After one final blow, he falls unconcious. The Master Crown finally takes full control. It digs it's claws further into his head and transforms him into it's own twisted image. Kirby fights once more, and the crown's power is neutralized, for now. Magolor is shifted back into his usual self, before the crown seemingly breaks.
He is teleported into the Lor Starcutter, who has taken control of herself, and is saved from the collapsing dimension. He remains unconsious for days, the Crown having drained all magic from his body. Once he wakes, he can do nothing more than speak. Even moving his hands uses magical energy, so he rests, shifting between unnerving sleep and wakefulness. Lor lectures him over his terrible desicions, but also offers sympathy. She knows about the Crown's terrible power and knows that while Magolor made the initial reach for it, allowing it to corrupt his mind, he was powerless to stop himself once the Crown's seed was implanted. Magolor realizes that it's his actions that drove his people off Halcandra, and expresses remorse. Lor explains that she's had sentience since the beginning, but hasn't spoken to him previously because she was watching his actions. She decided that while taking matters into his own hands was foolish and selfish, his original intentions were not evil. Thus, she decided to save him and see whether he'd learned his lesson.
Magolor took time to recover, both physically and mentally. He is left with distinct scars on his head from where the crown dug into him. He is also plagued by nightmares of the crown's vision of him and what he's caused. During this time, he also builds his bond with Lor Starcutter and gains her trust.
Once Lor Starcutter deems him ready, she pushes him to go and apologize to everyone his actions had affected. Starting with Landia herself. Magolor is anxious to do so, but Lor lets him know that Landia knows they're coming. Magolor makes it to her lair, and offers his apology. While she accepts it, she cannot yet forgive him and urges him to find a new place to call home. Magolor tells her this stopped being his home once he'd taken flight. He departs Halcandra, and makes his way to Dreamland.
Magolor feels too anxious to just walk up to Kirby and apologise, knowing his power, so he adapts a disguise and builds him a theme park. He hopes that this gift warms him up enough to accept his apology, or at least distract him enough for him to get his explanation in. Once construction is complete, he sends Kirby and his friends an invitation and waits. To his surprise, Kirby forgives him near instantly and is very happy about the park. The three other friends are more wary. They keep watch on the mage, and while he adapts a chipper attitude and plays a little dirty during races with Kirby he doesn't seem to cause real trouble. Eventually Bandee and King Dedede warm up to him too, and while Meta Knight seems to have put the events behind he still keeps a secret eye out on Magolor just to make sure he keeps in line.
Magolor adapts a semi-nomadic lifestyle for the following years. He travels dimensions to explore, see new things and hone his craft as he's decided building theme parks was quite fun actually. He returns to Dreamland pretty often though, since Kirby made him promise to come back and he cant help but to be drawn to the usually peaceful planet.
When Hyness and his priestesses arrive on Pop Star, he's once more called in by Kirby. Now given the title of Dream Friend, which is something he's extremely moved to recieve. He meets up with the rest of his "team", being Susie and Taranza. He is pretty shocked to find out Susie's connection with Haltmann, and though it first causes friction between them, they are able to work it out with some help from both Kirby and Taranza. Magolor learns truths about HWC, and how things went down when they invaded Dreamland. He wants to say they deserved it, but manages to keep his tongue to himself. He learns to appreciate Susie for what she is, and leave the past behind. While they aren't best friends, or good friends really, they can tolerate eachother.
After Void has been defeated, Magolor stays more and more in Dreamland. He still travels, but his travels grow shorter and more infrequent. In little time he stays back most of the time and learns to call Dreamland his new home.
Magolor and Taranza grow closer, as the peaceful years continue. They bond over the fact they don't feel welcome with their original home, and how they were both put in their place by Kirby. Eventually they both find themselves falling for one another. Taranza having finally gotten over the loss of Sectonia with the help of Kirby and his dream friends.
They end up dating, and as the years roll by go on to marry eachother and live happily. They adopt a stray Sphere Doomer at some point too.
And if you read this far I honestly applaud you. Thank you very much and I hope you didn't find it terrible!
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drariellevalentine · 4 years ago
This Is Me Trying- pt.2
Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a beautiful day! Sorry this took so long, I have exams going on currently. Here’s part 2 and here’s to hoping y’all won’t kill me for this.
If you haven’t read part 1, click here for the link!
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Characters:- Ethan Ramsey, Arielle Valentine, Harper Emery, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Naveen Banerji, Jackie Varma and Bryce Lahela
Warnings:- Angst, Swearing
Inspiration:- This Is Me Trying and the rest of the Folklore album by Taylor Swift
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Harper’s PoV:-
Thirty minutes later, you stand in Naveen’s office, his face completely torn and yours betraying the slightest of sadness.
“Naveen?” He turns to look at you. You shoot him a look.
“I thought they would be fine, and now look how it’s turned out. They both have been arguing every single time and now Arielle’s…”
“She hasn’t transferred her residency yet, at least officially. I’m sure Ethan would have talked her out of it.” Naveen looks at you.
“Nothing…” You raise an eyebrow. “Well, I mean you dated him…”, he trails off. You laugh.
“I wouldn’t call it dating, we would occasionally have dinner and sleep together, that’s it. Have you seen the way he looks at her?” You chuckle. “He’s like a completely different version of himself, a better version.”
Naveen smiles. “Well I’m happy to hear that, I was about to head out for a quick
coffee, join me?”
“Of course, I’d like to.” You both head out and have a coffee and a quick bite of pastry.
“That pastry was quite good.”
“You should try Dr. Trinh’s treats! Her and Sunshine stop by every now and then with a box of them, they’re quite delicious!”
“Oh, I’ve heard of them alright. Dr. Lahela raves about them during many surgeries.” Just then your pager beeps. “Speaking of surgeries…” You see it’s a page from Bryce. “Where are you?! You needed to be here five minutes ago!”
Naveen sees the page. “This sounds important, let’s go.” You nod and rush back to the hospital.
Bryce’s PoV:-
You’re just coming out from an OR when you spot him.
“Dr. Ramsey!” He looks around and winces as he spots you.
“Yes? Make it quick, I have urgent matters to attend to.”
“You mean Elle. She just sent me a text saying I’m transferring my residency back to New York. I was about to look for her but an emergency lobectomy came in and Dr. Emery was on break.”
“Well um yes, we sort of had a argument which got a bit out of hand.”
“ Go talk to her. Oh! And apologise! I’m sure everything’s alright, besides we all know she makes impulsive desicions sometimes.”, you say.
“...it wasn’t an impulsive desicion, Arielle’s signed all the damn paperwork.” Your eyes widen as you spot a head with the familiar balayage heading towards the atrium.
“There she is! Go, fast!” Ethan doesn’t give you a second glance as he runs after her. You shake your head with a slight smirk. “She’s got him wrapped around her finger.”
“Bryce! Did she tell you?!” You turn to see the whole gang in tow.
“By text. Turns out the old couple had an argument, the old man told me himself. He’s gone to make things right.”
“Oh he better apologise, he’s been treating her like some random person and if he doesn’t I will-“
“Woah, woah, woah. Cool your jets, Jackie.”
“I don’t know, Bryce. Jackie’s right. I’m worried that she’ll go back to New York, I saw her looking at the website a few days ago but I didn’t think it meant anything.”
“Did you see where they went?”, Elijah asks.
“Yeah, they were heading towards the atrium but”- Suddenly you hear a deafening crash sound.
“Oh my god, that sounded like”-
“It came from the atrium.”, Jackie finishes Sienna’s sentence. You all rush towards the atrium to find smoke pouring out of the central elevator, a huge crowd gathered by it.
You notice Raf and a few other paramedics assessing the damage and other staff ask questions. You quickly go and inquire Rafael about the situation.
“Dude, what happened?”
“Not sure, Bryce. It looks like a chain snapped, the elevator crashed down and a few nurses are saying that they saw Dr. Ramsey go inside but they’re not sure if he got off. They’re checking the security footage right now.”
Your eyes widen as you realise if Ethan was inside, then Arielle could be inside too. “What’s the matter?”
“If he was there, that means she was inside too! Oh god…”
“Bryce, calm down first. Who are you talking about?”
“...Arielle. They had a fight and he was going after her.”
“Oh my god! Guys, what do we do?”, you find Sienna and everyone else.
His eyes widen. “We’ll go check the security camera ourselves. Authorities are on their way already, it’s the only thing we can do.” You all rush to the security office.
Spotting Bobby combing though the footage, you head towards him.
“Bobby, any luck?”, Raf asks.
“Not yet, I’ve checked the footage but so far nothing.”
“Oh god, what if she was in there? You guys saw the elevator…”, Elijah rambles as
Sienna’s face pales.
“Guys, don’t panic. It won’t help us until we know what exactly happened.”, Jackie says but you can see the fear evident in her eyes.
A familiar face on the screen catches your eye. “Bobby stop! Scroll a bit back. There!” You point to Ethan’s face on the monitor entering the elevator, Elle’s half clearly visible.
“This was at 3:28. Check all the other elevator entrances around that time to see if they got out.”
“9th floor! She’s getting out!”, Sienna shrieks. But the relief doesn’t last long as she steps back inside.
“That was at 3:40. The time the elevator crashed.” Everyone is shocked, not knowing what to do as Bobby announces the victims on his walkie-talkie.
You pull out your pager and page Dr. Emery. You run your hand through your hair, trying and failing miserably to calm yourself.
Harper’s PoV:-
As you enter Edenbrook, you sense something is amiss. Naveen turns to look at you, understanding. You both enter to see a huge crowd gathered near the left side of the atrium, smoke billowing from the elevator. You spot Dr. Lahela amongst the crowd and call him. He and the other residents run towards you both.
“Thank god you guys are here!”
“Dr. Lahela, tell us exactly what happened.”, Naveen says.
“We’re not exactly sure ourselves, the authorities haven’t arrived yet. But the elevator crashed down from 9 floors above...and both Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Valentine were inside.”
“...they both were inside?”, Naveen asks as pain flits across his face. Bryce nods somberly.
“I have to go. Contacting the authorities is all we can do.” Naveen walks away sadly.
“Lahela, go with him.” Bryce nods and follows him.
“Dr. Emery, does Dr. Ramsey carry his phone with him? We could try calling them to see that they’re…”, Sienna stops not being able to finish the sentence. You nod and quickly pull out your phone. The ring continues as you place it on speaker, once...twice...thrice...you’re about to end the call when the familiar baritone tone greets you.
“Hello?” Relief washes over everyone’s features
“Oh thank god, Ethan! We were so worried. How many people are inside? Is anyone hurt?”, you ask.
“No, it’s just me and Ari-“ Suddenly, Ethan’s voice cuts off.
“Ethan? Ethan?! Ethan, can you hear me?!” You hear him shouting her name. Tears form in the corners of everyone’s eyes.
“Ethan, talk to me! What happened?”
Ethan’s PoV:-
You check Arielle’s pulse and other vitals. “Damnit!”
You hear Harper and the other residents shouting. “She’s unconscious. Her pulse is low, and she’s suffered major blood loss. Her injuries are...extensive. It’s impossible for me to determine how bad they are considering the conditions.”
“Naveen’s working on it. What about you? Are you alright?”
“I’m perfectly fine. Just work on getting us out of here, we need a CT and MRI and multiple drugs to stop further bleeding as soon as possible.”, you respond with the only thought on your mind being her, it always was and always will be.
“Got it. Does your phone have enough battery?” You check it and curse.
“Only around 20%.”
“Check if Arielle has her’s.” You carefully slide your hand into her back pocket, and pull out her phone covered in blood. “It has almost 90%.”
“Okay, I’ll call you when I have an update. Call me if anything happens.” Harper ends the call, leaving you alone.
You look at her as worry and fear takes over your mind.
“Hang on there, okay? You’re going to be just fine.”, you say, unsure if you’re promising her...or assuring yourself.
You spend the next 30 minutes checking her vitals again and again and try to assess her injuries to distract yourself, not wanting to think about what-if’s.
Harper’s PoV:-
“What the hell is going on here?! It’s been 30 minutes and there's still no action taken!”, you shout as you come back from Naveen’s office. You offered to take over as Chief, knowing that both of them mean a great deal.
“We’re trying, but the elevator is wedged sideways and stuck between the first and ground floor.” You sigh.
“Have you tried prying open the doors?”, you ask.
“That’s what we’re about to do. If this works, then get everything you need and assemble on the ground floor.” You nod.
“Dr. Emery! Any progress?” You turn to the young paramedic.
“Not yet, but we’re about to.” He nods. You quickly arrange for all specialists to be on stand-by and the other surgeons who can.
Naveen comes back from his office. You lead him to the site, filling him in.
“Everything’s prepped, Dr. Emery. Can we start?”
“I’ve got most doctors on stand-by and two ICU beds prepped. Let me call them first, it’ll be better with a communication source.” He nods.
Ethan’s PoV:-
A tune cuts through the eerie silence. You accept the call.
“Any progress, Harper?”
“It’s me, my boy.” Your eyes sweat as you hear your mentor’s cracking voice.
“Yes, don’t worry, we’ve almost gotten past the securit for the elevator. Now we’ll just need to pry open the doors. You both might be slightly jerked so be careful.”
“Alright. Do it fast. She’s going to need an oxygen mask any minute.” You hold Arielle’s body closer to yours as the elevator slightly jerks. The doors are finally starting to open, the heads of Naveen, Harper and Arielle’s friends clearly visible. They gasp as their eyes spot the blood.
“Thank god. Just a little bit more, we should be able to pull them out.” Just then, you feel a hand hit your chest. Your eyes widen as it dawns on you.
“She’s having a seizure… but why?...” You quickly check her for symptoms of an ruptured blood vessel, it matches.
“Damnit! She’s having a seizure! Get me an IV injection with Activase!” You pull her even closer, holding her body. A nurse climbs up on a ladder and hands you the syringe. You swiftly inject it into her arm, your own pulse finally normalises as her petite body stops jerking, The paramedics step up and help Arielle out of the lift. She’s placed on a bed, quickly wheeled away with Harper, Bryce and more specialists in tow. Rafael helps you slide out of the small space when you realise you’ve hurt your shoulder. He notices you wincing.
“Dr. Varma, do a full checkup on Dr. Ramsey.”
“I’m fine, which OR is Arielle in? I’m scrubbing in.”, you say not bothering to use her title. You quickly get up when Naveen stops you.
“That’s the last thing you’ll be doing. Dr. Varma and Dr. Trinh will be examining you, and then you will wait like everyone else.”
“Nothing.”, Naveen cuts you off as you wince once again. You slump in defeat as the two doctors wheel you away.
They help you sit up on an examination bed, and remove your bloodied shirt. You can see them wincing as they see the amount of blood stained. The pair doesn’t say anything as they quietly check your vitals, examine you and dress your shoulder.
“I’m assuming both of you are quite angry.”, you say not knowing what to do.
“Quite angry?! Let me tell you we’re fucking furious”-
“What?! Because of him, she almost died, Sienna! Died, do you hear me?!” You wince. “She almost died because of you! Don’t you understand?!”, she shouts jabbing a finger in your chest. “Because of your damn ethics and morals, she ALMOST DIED.” Tears glisten in her eyes.
“Do you even know how hard it was for her? Every. Single. Time when you pushed her away? Do you know how much she cried, sobbed when you ran away like a damn coward?! She was heart-broken, barely ate or slept peacefully and turned into someone else. We would all find her crying in supply closets, on-call rooms, you name it! God, she loved you so much and you, YOU”-
“Jackie, stop! That’s enough!”, the petite resident shouts, pain etched on her face.
“Do you even love her? Because she’s irrevocably in love with you and she says that you might too someday. If not, then she'll be an idiot. But do one thing, tell her fucking EXACTLY what you feel. Don’t say some half-assed sentences then go back to your stone cold self again. Tell her what she means to you, even if it was just a fucking casual hookup.”
“She was never-“
“Save it for her.” Jackie storms off.
You both stand there in silence, knowing that every word the fiery resident said was undeniably true.
“...I really fucked up, didn’t I?” The look on her face says it all. “Lord...I never meant for this to happen-“
“We all know you didn’t, Jackie’s mad, that’s all. But even if what she said was harsh, it’s true. You know how badly she’s been suffering, and I can’t watch anymore. You need to make a decision.” You watch the resident fight back a tidal wave of emotions as she replies coldly, completely unlike herself.
“I’ve dressed the wound, get someone to change it after a few hours and don’t do it yourself.” She turns around to leave, not able to look at you.
“Sienna.” Her breath hitches as she turns around. Her wall collapses, the wave of bottled-up emotions finally being freed.
“She- She almost d-died. It’s- not fair. She doesn’t deserve this, she doesn’t deserve any of this! It’s not fair, nothing’s fair! She can’t just come into our lives and just completely leave us like that! It’s not fair, it’s just not fair!”
You put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, knowing it’s the least you can do. But what you don’t expect is for her to throw her arms around you. You return the favor, both of you stay there in utter silence, not daring to speak.
Harper’s PoV:-
“Go take a break, Bryce. You’ve been on-call from last night.” You enter to see Bryce with one eye open, multiple textbooks propped up.
“I will, once I-“
“Once I nothing. You’re taking a break or else I’ll have you excluded from surgeries the whole week. We’ll update you if there’s any change in Arielle’s condition.”
He sighs, running a hand over his face. You can sense the worry.
“Bryce, Arielle went through brain surgery. You very well know all the possibilities that can take place. No matter what you do, nothing can change the outcome.”
He’s even more dejected now. “What do you think?”, he asks you. You look at him.
“I mean do you think she’ll be alright?”
“Well as a doctor, I already told you, not to mention you already know. As someone who knows her personally….I think she’s going to be alright. She’s a strong woman and she’ll pull through.”, you respond. He looks up meeting your eyes, his own eyes betraying the slightest amount of hope. He nods in an act of thanks before leaving the room. You follow him in pursuit to find Ethan. After inquiring about them to a few staff members, you find him and Dr. Trinh in the residents’ lounge.
“Ethan.” They whip around hearing your voice. Ethan opens his mouth to speak but he’s too slow.
“Dr. Emery! Is everything alright?! Did something happen? Why did she have a seizure?! Dr. Ramsey said that-“ The young resident rushes forward bombarding you with question after question.
“Sienna, calm down. Let her speak.” She finally notices she’s been rambling and smiles sheepishly.
“Oh, um... sorry Dr. Emery.”
“It’s alright. But to answer your questions, Arielle had a blood vessel rupture in her brain like Ethan said, which was most likely caused by hitting her head. That caused her brain to be deprived of blood, and the seizure. That caused an acute subdural hematoma. Luckily, the blood vessel only burst just before we got her into surgery so there wasn’t any permanent brain damage. The blood vessel was also repaired perfectly, courtesy of Dr. Lahela. The seizure was caused due to the pressure in her brain.” They nod solemnly.
“She was in a lot of pain, barely able to speak.”, Ethan responds, wincing as he relieves the memory.
“Her body was exhausted from the trauma, also most of her ribs are bruised. We did more scans to rule out other diagnoses, so far she’s clear.”
“Thank you, Harper.”
You nod. “Now both of you take some rest and meet me later. I have Dr. Varma and Dr. Greene strictly monitoring her, not to mention Naveen hovering over her.”
“I’ll just check on her and then I’ll go rest.” You sigh, knowing that you’ll lose this battle.
“Fine, Ethan. Only five minutes, then you’re going back to bed. Or else I’ll have you on bed rest for the whole week. Dr. Trinh, make sure he actually goes back to bed will you?” She smiles lightly, nodding.
Sienna’s PoV:
You stand at the entrance of Arielle’s room, as Ethan hesitates to go in. You lead him inside, both of you softly gasping at the sight. Multiple IV’s hooked up to her, her body wrapped in several casts, not to mention her head. Her usually glowing skin now lightly pale.
“Ethan!” Naveen spots him and wraps him in a tight hug, carefully of his shoulder. Jackie and Elijah are nowhere to be found.
“Ah, Dr. Trinh. How are you doing?” He unexpectedly wraps you up in one too. ”I’m...okay I guess.” He nods understandably.
“I sent Dr. Greene and Dr. Varma on a break. They looked tired and then they told me that they both were on the night shift.”
“I’ll catch up with them later. How’s she doing?” Naveen looks back, looking at her now completely unrecognisable body.
“Considering what she’s gone through, she’s doing alright. Only time will tell.” Ethan only stands there, still as a statue, staring at her. Naveen follows your gaze.
“Ethan, do you want some privacy?” He doesn’t look at him, only shakes his head.
“Alright then.”
“Dr. Ramsey, let’s go back. You need to rest.” You lead him back to his room, worries about both of them filling your mind to the brim.
Ethan’s PoV:-
Sometime later, you’re lying in bed unable to fall asleep. You decide to pay a visit to Arielle, and slowly walk to her room making sure no one sees you.
Entering her room, you see that the bed’s empty. Your mind races for an explanation when you spot her in the corner of the room. You rush over to her, pulling her in for a hug.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright…. Do you know how worried I was?” You pull back when you don’t hear a response. But you only see a sheepish smile on her face.
“Oh...well I didn’t know that doctors cared this much about the well-being of their patients. I must have gave you quite a scare if you’re this happy I’m okay”, she responds with a laugh.
“Don’t joke around, Arielle. You’re acting like you barely know me.”, you respond.
”Well that’s the case!”, she laughs. You look at her sternly.
“Oh, I’m extremely sorry but I really don’t remember meeting you. Was it at one of the medical conventions perhaps? My brain is foggy, and I don’t remember much of how I even got here.” Your eyes widen at her words.
“This can’t be true right? She’s obviously just deflecting about what happened before.”, your mind says. “Arielle, this isn’t the time to be joking around. Hours ago, you told me you love me and now you’re acting like you don’t know me.” With that she erupts into laughter.
“I’m sorry doctor, but I think you’ve hit your head. Besides, how can I even say that to someone I don’t even know.”, she says with a clueless smile.
“That can’t be true….this can’t be true. There’s no way...” But deep inside, you know that one of the factors is memory loss.
“No, no, no! Stop lying to me!”, you shout.
“Okay, now you’re freaking me out. Hello?! Is someone else here?”, she calls out.
“Arielle, stop. Don’t do this to me, I know I’ve hurt you innumerable times and I’m sorry but this isn’t fair.” She ignores you and keeps calling for someone else.
“Arielle, listen! You need to stop. Think! Try to remember!”, you shout.
“Let go of my hand! I’m sorry but I don’t know what to say. I’ve never met you in my entire life and you just can’t expect me to believe you!”, she shouts back. Her words are impossible to digest.
“What’s going on here?!”, Harper enters the room with a few more doctors in tow, shouting.
“Oh finally! This doctor here claims that he knows me when I haven’t even met him!” Her head whips around meeting your eyes.
“Ethan, we’ll talk later.” Just then, Arielle starts seizing again.
“Damnit! Nurse, administer another IV with tBa.”
The doctors crowd over her, attempting to stop her seizures as you stay there.
You stand there as your life crumbles before your eyes. The only person who’s out ever gave a damn about, the only person who truly understood you, got to know you, cared about you… now doesn’t even know your name.
And you know that it’s all your fault.
Author’s Note:- Okay, I know y’all are probably livid and extremely angry at me but I’m sorry?! Part 3 will be out sometime soon... Bye for now!
Ethan x MC taglist:- @tsrookie | @starrystarrytrouble | @mysticaurathings | @caseyvalentineramsey | @alina-yol-ramsey | @openheartthot | @gryffindordaughterofathena | @binny1985 | @jasminedayz
Permanent taglist:- @nikki-2406 | @iemcpbchoices | @sizzlingcashherohumanoid | @archveexz | @deepikakkannan | @nishas-paradise | @maurine07 | @archxxronrookie | @adrex04 | @everythingchoices | @rivenni | @annekebbphotography | @mrsethanfreakingramsey | @jamespotterthefirst | @natureblooms24 | @katkart122 | @udishaman | @hopelessromantics4life | @custaroonie | @mvalentine | @queencarb | @lisha1valecha | @ezekielbhandarivalleros | @ejrownsme | @miss-smrxtiee | @missmiimiie | @choicesfics | @romewritingshop | @taniasethi | @keithandlevi-ontheroof | @open-heart-ramseyyy | @crookedkittyperson | @sistatribe | @groovypalacehorselover | @akshara16 | @epiclazershark | @shanzay44
Ask box Taglist:- @aylaramseycarrera
@openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years ago
Jan 16th, Saturday 00:03
„Have you been crying?“
„What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in Canada?“
„Wouldn’t you like to know?“ Lies grinned, while she got rid of the big coat and boots she had worn. Her suitcase was neatly pushed aside to stand next to the stairs. His sister had frowned at him for a split second as she had stepped in, but quickly changed to look rather pleased with her surprise.
Jens was left speechless. This was completely unexpected. Perhaps he was dreaming, had falles asleep on the sofa without noticing, or worse he began to hallucinate. Had he finally lost it?
„I took a plane for 10 hours to see your ass and I don’t even get a hug?“
„My bad!“ Jens couldn’t help but smirk back at her as he closed the door he still hold onto. He was bigger than her, had grown quite a bit since she had left for Canada three years ago. Her head fitted almost under his chin as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.
„All good, but seriously, are you okay? You don’t look okay.“
If he had been asked on any other day, he would have laughed at the familar teasing tone. However today he felt drained and shook his head instead. He indulged in the warmth of his bigger sister. Grateful that she was here and that her arms were safely tugged around his middle. He didn’t wanted to let go. Jens only tightened his grip.
„Hey.“ Lies whispered troubled by the unusal behaviour of her little brother. They hadn’t seen each other in a while, yet it didn’T meant that they had turned into completely different people. 
Her hands rubbed up and down his back while she pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek. His shoulders trembled as the pressure fell awa. Jens felt his eyes burn and  sobbed quiet into the woolen blue sweater she wore.
They stood like this for a couple of minutes, before Jens felt that he ouldn move again. That he has strengths to take a step in his own.
„Let’s sit down? And then you can tell me what’s happening with you, maybe? I would like to think my sole arrival brought you to tears, but that isn’t the case, right?“
Lies smiled at Jens in her attempted encouragment to calm him down, while a sad sigh escaped her lips nonethelss. Jens suddenly felt like a child again. He hadn’t felt like this in months. If he was honest with himself, it was freeing to let the weight shatter on the floor to their feet.
They moved into the living room a little after. Jens went to grab them both a glass of water that Lies gladly accepted to drink half of it almost immediately, before they both sat down on the sofa that Jens had cried on for almost an hour after Lotte had fallen asleep. To text his mom hadn’t helped as much he had hoped.
„So I take it, that this is because of mom. Is it that bad?“
„Yes and no. It’s about mom, yes. And she isn’t doing too well, doesn’t eat a lot and is getting weak between every visit. She gets infusions instead since this week, but.“ Lies nodded while her hand reached over to take his, that he hold in his lap. „It doesn’t look good. I think it’s good that you made it here. You should see her before.“ Jens stoped himself to take a quivering breath. „Before she dies.“
„That was the idea. I didn’t wanted to tell you in case it wouldn’t work. But the company I’m working for needed someone to check up on the branch in brussels and with me being belgian it was an easy desicion. I had to quarantine for two weeks get a test done but then could come here, even get a few days early to visit you. But I have to be in Brussels on Monday morning. I’m sorry, I can’t stay longer.“
„It’s fine. I’m happy you are here.“
„Are you? You look like you’d rather change places with mom.“
Jens shrugged, unsure how to answer it. 
Silence fell between them for the brief moment that he pondered how to best bring up Lucas.
„I think my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday.“ 
He looked over to find his sister’s shocked face. Stunned, perhaps expecting him to start laughing. She wasn’t believing him. Right, he reminded himself, she didn’t know.
„Well, yes. I have or, I guess, I had a boyfriend. I’m bi.“
Lies blinked at him, contemplating his words.
„Oh, for real? Okay. That’s fine. Great, really, just a lot to process. I never had thought. She paused. You know. I mean, you are Jens, always chasing a girl or another.“
Jens snorted, his lips curled up. He supposed she was right. And maybe he should do that again. No heartbreak with a girl had hurt as much as this one with Lucas.
„So did she, sorry, he say that it’s over?“
„No, not yet.“
„How long were you together?“
„For two month“
„That isn’t very long yet. I thought you were talking about a year or something. But than I definitely would have expected you to tell me about him sooner.“ She teased, nudging him with her elbow as she tried to lighten the mood at least a little, from the self-pity that Jens was wallowing in.
Lies was right, as much as she was wrong. It had been only two month, but it had felt like they had lived a life together. How could it only have been two month? It didn’t made much sense.
It shouldn’t hurt as much, if they only barely knew each other. Odd how fast they had moved and how easy it had felt to accept it. They had run at lightning speed, then crashed and burned, when there had been nothing to ground them to the earth beneath their feet.
This had been their mistake. This was what they hadn’t thought of.
Though maybe Lucas had. And Jens just hadn’t listened. The fault was his in the end after all.
„You don’t understand. It felt like more.“
„More? You know each other longer?“
„No, but we were close. He was always around. I don’t know how to explain it.“
His gaze fell onto the book on the table and then darted over to the opened box of cookies on the kitchen counter.
„He is still everywhere here. There are a couple of shirts drying on the rack with mine and Lotte’s.“ Jens said. He felt his heavy heart pound against his ribs. It just couldn’t be over.
„Sounds very intense.“
Jens nodded once more. He agreed. Now that he thought about what Lucas had said, perhaps Jens had used him a little too much like a lifeline to stay afloat, when he should have started swimming at one point.
„It was, but then, it wasn’t at all. It was really, really nice whenever he was here. I miss him. And I miss you. And I miss mom so much.“
„I miss all of you as well. I wish I could pack you up and take you to Canada with me. Theo would love you.“
He hummed. The idea to just escape and leave it all behind sounded rather enticing. And he had enjoyed the week that her fiance had spend with them on the visit two years ago.
„So how about we have some tea and much needed sibling bonding time? And then you talk me through everything. I am sure that this boy isn’t just going to leave you, when you really were that close.“
„Lucas.“ Jens suddenly noticed. Lies and Jens had bern on a short call on Christmas, but he hadn’t told her about his relationship. He barely had come out to his friends at that point of time.
„Huh? What?“
„My boyfriend’s name. Lucas.“
Lies smiled. The five year difference apparent in her kind eyes. As if she would have the answers he seeked.
„Okay. First some tea and then Lucas, and you better have some pictures.“
Jens huffed a laugh as he watched the excitement in his sister’s face. She looked and sounded just like she always had. As if time hadn’t passed and the last two years were null.
It would hurt to let her go again on sunday. Jens had forgotten how close they used to be. How much she always had taken care of him. But right now, here in this moment, he felt himself caught in blissful content.
“Alright.“ Jens got up, followed by Lies as they headed to the kitchen. „ And yes I do have photos.”
“Perfect. I can’t believe I get to talk about boys with my baby brother.”
„Shut up.“
__ __ __ tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
I’m late and this is so bad..I’m sorry... I tried 
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kyiza · 5 years ago
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One of the Pridelands greatest Kings, Mohatu. He was considered to be the first of the “New Kings”. A new generation of kings who put a higher value on equality and peace. The Pridelands prospered under his rule and many consider him to be the greatest king that ever lived. He is Simba’s great-grandfather.
Mohatu was oldest son of King Ade and a lioness named Fayola. In those days, the king didn’t have a single queen, rather he would have access to all of the eligible lionesses and have cubs with them all. Ade had many cubs with many different lionesses, but Mohatu was the oldest and the strongest - not to mention one of only two males - and so he became his heir.
Ade wasn’t a bad father, per se, but he was never a very attentive one. Granted, Mohatu got much more attention from his father than any of his half-siblings, but even then Mohatu did not have a strong connection with his father. He was very close with his mother however, who was a wise lioness in her own right. Fayola was a very kind and patient mother, she took special care in teaching Mohatu values that she believed would be important for the future king to have. So in truth, Mohatu can attribute most of his wisdom to his mother.
Another important relationship Mohatu had was with his half-brother, Choyo. Choyo was Ade’s only other son, he got even less attention from his father than Mohatu did. The two brothers were not particularly close but they did tend to stick together as the only two boys among their many sisters. At first, Choyo was not bothered by the fact that he would not be king, in fact he saw the title as a lot of hard work that he was simply too lazy for. However, the older he got the more selfish and self-centered he became. He developed a bloated ego and soon he could only think of all the perks he would get from being king. One day when they were still young, Choyo challenged Mohatu for his right to the throne. Of course Mohatu defeated Choyo and as a result, Ade banished his son from the Pride. Although Choyo was no longer a member of his pride, Mohatu continued to have encounters with his younger brother throughout their lives.
Shorty after the banishment of Choyo, Ade fell ill. He was an older lion and simply wasn’t as strong as he used to be. After some deliberation, Ade decided to step down from the throne. Mahatu agreed with his ailing father, and shortly thereafter, he assumed the throne.
Mohatu was still rather young when he became king. He never received “royal lessons” from his father like we see Mufasa give Simba, and so he felt inadequate to rule. All he had was the teachings of his mother to help guide him in making desicions. Despite this, ruling the Pridelands seemingly came natural for Mohatu. Even in his youth he was a wise lion who made a conscious effort to be fair to all aminals, even the herbivores.
Sometime into his rule, Mohatu began to develop feelings for a lioness in his pride named Johari. Because the leader of the pride had cubs with many different lionesses, Mohatu was never betrothed to anyone; it was always expected that he would mate with many lionesses. However, Mohatu was so in love with Johari that he decided to do something that had never been done before, he married Johari. For the first time in the pride’s history, the king had a single queen.
After the marriage, the king and queen began trying for a cub, as Mohatu now needed an heir, however, they had a hard time conceiving. Some other members of the pride tried to convince the king to try having cubs with a different lioness, but Mohatu refused. Eventually, after years and years of trying, Johari finally became pregnant. Both the parents-to-be were very excited for the arrival of their cubs and they were eventually blessed with a beautiful daughter that they named Uru. Certain other members of the pride were shocked when Mohatu named Uru, a lioness, his heir. There hadn’t been a female leader since the daughter of king Kwanza, and even then most animals considered her mate to be the true ruler. Of course, Mohatu would be having none of this, as he knew from his own mother that a lioness would be just as capable to rule as a lion. In fact, Mohatu put a lot of hard work into raising Uru to be the best ruler she could possible be. He began to take her on walks through their kingdom, teaching her his wisdoms; a tradition that Uru would continue with her own son, and one that would last for generations to come.
Mohatu ruled for many years, in fact, he had the longest reign of any king the Pridelands has ever known. He was a wise and beloved king for many years, living long enough to see his daughter Uru find a love of her own. Mohatu somewhat took Ahadi under his wing and became a father figure towards the young lion. He even lived long enough to see the birth of his first grandcub, Mufasa. Shortly after Mufasa’s birth, the great king Mohatu passed away, knowing that his kingdom and more importantly his daughter were in safe hands. The entire kingdom, even including animals other than lions, wept for their fallen king. Uru of course was devestated, and so was Johari who would outlive her husband but only a couple years. However, the inhabitants of the Pridelands took some comfor in knowing that their king would be watching over them as the brightest star in the night sky.
Wow that was a lot of writing. I’m slowly staring to work on my tlk universe headcanons, so this is just a general summary of the life of Mohatu. Obviously a lot more happened during his reign but I didn’t want to write a freaking novel.
Mohatu (c) Disney
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roan-l · 6 years ago
I don't have a title but yeah
So this is my first fan fiction so I hope you guys like it. Inspired by a post by @supewhorecorp so go check it out.
Disclaimer I do not own any of these characters.
It had been two months. Two months since Lena stopped talking to her. Two months since Lena's assistant told her that Lena didn't want to be with kara anymore. Kara remembered that day, the day she went home crying not knowing what she did wrong. But no matter how much it hurt she loved Lena too much to force her to see Kara. No matter how much she wanted to she didn't show up at Lena's apartment or fly up to her balcony and confront her. Instead she buried herself into her work as Super girl. She was out patrolling when Alex and the DEO came over her comms telling her that Parasite had taken over a new host and had to be stopped. She had to forget her pain for a while and go stop Parasite. The plan was for Kara to go distract Parasite until Alex arrived with what they used to defeat him last time. Unfortunately this plan didn't last long before Kara accidentally touched him putting her off balance and giving him a chance to start to drain her.
She woke up under a yellow sun lamp feeling a hand grasping hers. Her thoughts jumped immediately to Alex so she just squeezed it to reassure her that she was alright, or as alright as she could be. But when she open her eyes she was met by piercing green ones filled with tears threatening to fall.
"You're still with me...us." Was all she said but that was all she needed to say because her face said what she couldn't.
"Yeah......I am." Kara said with tears in her eyes too. There was a pause, neither of them knew what to say. Lena was the one to break the silence.
"Kara........I was so worried.....I'm so sorry about what happened......I wish I had a logical explanation to why I did it but.....I don't.....it was a stressful day at work that day and I was drinking and I didn't want to see your reaction and so for the last two months I pretended I didn't care and locked myself in my office barely eating working to distract myself from the horrible desicion I made. I know it doesn't excuse anything and I fe----"
Kara cuts her off with a kiss. It starts as a peck to get her to shut up but grows passionate as Lena tilts her head to deepen it. They soon tear apart for air. Too soon for Lena's liking.
"There now that you have shut that incredibly cute mouth of yours listen I won't pretend that it didn't hurt when we broke up or that it still doesn't hurt but I need you to promise me that next time your stressed or hurt you will come to me because I love you Lena Luthor so much and I hope you feel the same." Kara says in one breath.
Lena kisses her again and simple breathes "I promise" as Kara begins to sit up deepening the kiss once more.
"Wannagotomyappartmentlena?" She wispers and simply gets a nod in response.
Sorry for the bad spelling but I hoped you liked it and thank you for inspiring me @supewhorecorp @legalizesupercorp and @avaswhore
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lapisreviewsstuff · 6 years ago
Quitting and returning | Ethan Ramsey x MC( Taylor Smith) chapter 1
Warning: drinking problems and bad writing( i know, I try my best), some made up lines with original ones.
Inspiration: Ava Max- sweet but psycho
Mr.Probz- waves (Robin Shultz remix)
Lana Del Rey- Summertime sadness
Author's note: hey all. So I've decided to write "slow, but sweet romance" series if you guys wanna be tagged, just PM me . After my 1st debut as a writer and getting positive reviews, I can't believe you guys, you all are amazing and I love all fanfic writers in this community. Thank you all again for giving me a chance to show my writer's side. So further ado, lets dive in into the series chapter 1
It has been 1 hell of the week for Taylor since Ethan Ramsey quitted the hospital.
I am done
I am not the doctor you thought I was. It's time we both accepted that
Those words... those painful words echoed in Taylor's head. When there are life threatening illnesses on daily basis and she have to diagnose them, she wanted to run to Ethan and ask for help or advise, but instead she ran to supply closet and cried. She missed him so much, she wanted to have him by her side when it comes to these situations. Every time passing his office door, she gets reminded of times with him. Remembering his kisses is what it gets Taylor keep going with this cursed competition, dealing with jealousy and lawsuit. She was heartbroken that he left her, it's like a light in her life is gone, part of her is gone. Bryce and Rafael try to cheer her up, but not enough. She was hopeless, but one moment and desicion made her full of hope again.
One night, she decided to check on him. She remembered that he gave her spare keys to his apartment when they were at Miami.
Rookie, I trust you with these keys. You've proved yourself as trustworthy with Naveen's secret case so I've decided to give those. Its token to our trust and bond we share and I am beginning to realise that some risks are worth a risk.
She smiled at those type of words and took the uber and went to her next destination- Ethan's apartment. Arriving to her destination, she paid the uber driver and went to his apartment. She tried to knock the door, but he didn't opened the door, so she fished his apartment keys from her pocket and opened the door.
" Sorry, Ethan that I opened the door, but..." she gasped at what she is seeing now. The sight of his living room was a chaotic one, on the sofa there were so much blankets on it, on the table- 2 empty bottles of whiskey. She was horrified of the sight of living room so she went to check the couch if Ethan was lying there but he didn't lied there so she went to check bedroom. The sight of bedroom was even more chaotic than living room, many bed sheets and on the nightstand- 1 bottle of scotch. Ethan was lying on the bed, sobbing. She came close to his bed and putted her hand on his hair and gently brushed his hair. Ethan felt that someone was brushing his hair and he lifted his head to see who was doing that. Apparently it was Taylor, his rookie.
" Rookie? what are you doing here?" curiosity in his voice.
" Ethan, I came to check on you if you are okay. You are my mentor and part of me after all." She smiled and Ethan ,hearing those words, blushed.
" Rookie... thank you for caring about me. Everyone I cared in this world left me... Dolores, Naveen and now you... I have failed you, Taylor." tears in his eyes formed again. Taylor brushed tears away gently.
" No, Ethan. You didn't failed me. It's not your fault that Naveen is dying. What we can only blame is illness, not ourselves. We do everything in our power to stop those illnesses. Please, stop shattering yourself, Ethan." Taylor pulled him close and kissed his lips tenderly. He kissed her back gently and later on- hard. Later he pulled away and looked in her eyes.
" I am sorry, rookie for leaving you in the hospital. Please, forgive me. You are only person alive I give a damn about in this world." His eyes were pleading for forgiveness. She pulled him for a kiss again.
"Hope this answers your question" Taylor smiled at him. Ethan is relieved that he is forgiven for his idiotic actions and leaving his love on the ice.
" So will you come back to Edenbrook, Ethan? Wish I could tell you what was happening at the hospital, but not now." She gave a curious look. Ethan looked at her for couple of moments. He was thinking about returning to the hospital to fix his mistake then said.
" I think so. I can't leave you alone there. " Taylor was statisfied with this answer. It felt like part of her was coming back and no more sadness or loneliness in the hospital. She had to go home so she dropped one last kiss and left his apartment.
Couple of days later, Ines called all interns around. Everyone was shocked at the person they were meeting in front of them.
" Hello, lovely interns. As you can see Ethan Ramsey came back to the hospital. Dr. Ramsey, please have a word with everyone." Ines gave a hearthwarming smile to interns and took a step back. Ethan took a step and gave serious look to everyone.
" Okay, let's get this hell over it." he sighed and continued " As you can see I came back here after a break." everyone gapped at him. Ethan glared at everyone " Silence, you noobs." Waves of interns went quiet. " Okay... I am back to monitor your process and there will be no passes with me. I will be checking those hell of the notes daily! do you all newbies understand?" crowd were dead silent " I said, do you understand me !?" Ethan glared at everyone and crowd nodded. " Good. If you want to challenge your rank, again come swing by my office and you will be kicked out of internship program." Ethan left and went to his office.
" Well, everything back to normal, fellas. Round 1 finished, now round 2. Be prepared, fellas." Jackie had a wide grin on her face and pointed daggers at Taylor " I am coming for you, Taylor". Taylor smiled at her and left crowd to do her daily rounds.
At the nurses station after some rounds
P.A system- paging Dr. Smith to Dr. Emery's office
Well... I feel like it ain't gonna end well Taylor went to Dr.Emery's office. Softly knocked the door and came in. Apparently Dr. Emery wasn't alone, there were quests together with Harper and Ethan.
" Take a seat, Dr. Smith" Harper fake smiled at young intern, but eyes glared at her.
" Yes... Dr. Emery" Taylor hestitantly took a step.
Who are they?
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curestardust · 6 years ago
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if you want: mediocre idol anime with a lot of missed potential
It had a promising start and a letdown of an execution.
The first episode is actually quite interesting. We’ve an idol group called “Ongaku Shoujo” aka Music Girls who’re quite unpopular. At one of their busking events in the airport, our main character Hanako runs into them. She is the daughter of two musicians who’re there for their Japan tour. After the girls do their performance they find out that Hanako has an extraordinary ability of learning dances just by seeing them once. However, when she gets on stage it turns out that she is absolutely shit at singing.
So you’re probably thinking: aaahhh, so she will join the group and work hard to improve her singing and then they get popular in the process? Well, no. Hanako is immediately shafted into a staff position and...that’s it. So what IS it about then? 
The group getting popular. Obsviously, this is an often used schtick in idol anime but the way they went about it was horrible, you know why? Cause WE DON’T SEE IT!
Ongaku Shoujo has 11 members and this anime has 12 episodes. Each episode advances the “plot” a tiny, tiny bit while it also puts one or two of the members in the spotlight. This formula is fine. I can at the very least list one personality trait of each girl even if I don’t remember their name. 
Back to the plot, we’re barely shown them getting popular. It’s obvious from the fact that they’re invited to shows ans given CF opportunities but besides a few moments it really doesn’t come off as them being a “popular”.
Even worse is the second main character of the anime, Ouri who is the leader and the center for the group. She has an incredibly annoying personality. Has a really short fuse, likes to shout at people and act on impulse and doesn’t discuss her problems with her members. 
Aaaand the finale episode. Without spoilers: the biggest bullshit of a deux ex machina I’ve ever seen.
Technical side isn’t even worth talking about. Average to laughable art and animation and mediocre music, of which there’s few anyway. 
So, yeah. The majority of the cast is kinda lovable but it’s really just. Lame. Not worth watching if you have any standards whatsoever. [4/10] (x)
BONUS: Ongaku Shoujo’s “origin” is worth a few words. A 25 minute long OVA by the same name aired at the Anime Mirai in 2015. And it’s pretty good! The animation is fluid and the artstyle is soft and nice to look at. They manage to fit all the highs and lows of the story, which IS a quite typical idol anime themed but it’s not too jarring. I honestly thought that the TV version was going to rework the story we saw here but unfortunately besides 2 of the characters resembling and having the same names as the 2 protagonists of the OVA, there is no further connection between the two. But if you want something short and sweet idol stuff, I’d recommend. [7/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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if you want: family movie / interesting take on the flow of time
Mirai no Mirai is a movie with an interesting basis. 
Our main characters are a family, the Ootas. At the start of the movie we find out that the mother has given birth to their second child, Mirai. We mostly follow around their first child, Kun.
The movie presents an idea: what if time was not linear but fluid where characters from other times could visit you and you could visit them? We’re shown this idea through Kun. He is goes through the many problems a boy his age would go through. Jealousy because of his new sister, the frustration of not being pampered 24/7, trying to learn new skills for the first time etc. Each time he dashes out into the yard out of impulse where the tree would light up and throw us into the fantasy side of the story. The first few times he meets the personified version of the family dog and her sister from the future but as the movie goes on these time jumps become more extreme. Kun meets multiple of his relatives in numerous points of their lives where he learns something related to the problems he is facing...or he is supposed to.
The idea of the movie is fascinating and was the reason I decided to watch it, but multiple problems plague Mirai no Mirai which can drastically take away from the enjoyment of the movie. 
The most drastic one is Kun’s personality. Making an impulsive, loud, rebellious and rude 5 year old boy the main character of the movie was a questionable desicion. However, this wouldn’t have been as annoying if he showed improvement. Each time he comes back from the other world the tree took him to, he seems like he learnt a lesson. But when we cut into the next scene that’s all gone and he is acting as annoying as ever. It doesn’t really show that his meetings with his other relatives left any long-lasting impression on him.
The others are more technical. Many of the voice actors are rookies and it shows, especially on Kun which is another questionable decision, considering that we have to listen to him throughout the whole movie. 
The animation and the art direction are both quite well done, with the background being expecially gorgeous. However, they used CGI with certain scenes and it’s quite obvious due to the different movements of those scenes. When used sparingly, they were fine, but there was a scene near the end with a HEAVY use of quite ugly CGI that didn’t really fit the tone or the look of the movie and it was...weird.
I’m pretty sure that I’m simply not the target demographic for this movie. People who could relate to the struggles of the parents trying to balance work and kids while also being able to find Kun and Mirai’s constant whining adoring would most likely enjoy this more. [6/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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if you want:an amazing magical girl anime / one (1) actual healthy romance / nice cast of main characters
Haying reached another milestone, I yet again decided to rewatch one of my childhood favourites and this time I settled on Tokyo Mew Mew.
TMM, Mew Mew Power in English and Vadmacska Kommandó (Wildcat Commando) as I personally knew it, still holds up surprisingly well.
Having aired in 2003, Tokyo Mew Mew sticks to the magical girl themes mostly present at the time which is the story putting just as much emphasis on the romance as the magical girl aspects. The latter of which uses formulas that are still in use today: monster-of-the-week, colour coded characters, the Big Bad etc.
While we have 5 Mew Mews in the team but Ichigo, our leader and pink magical girl, gets the most airtime our of all of them. The other girls get a few episodes mostly focused on them here and there but it’ll be kinda a letdown for those who’re HUGE fans of one of the other Mew Mews.
Which is why it’d be quite a big problem if Ichigo was insufferable but she isn’t! She does have the usual tropes: ditzy, noisy and all-over-the-place. However, she is also loyal, kind, hardworking and strong. 
Now I’d like to say a few things about the romance. It’s incredibly rare to get that right in magical girl anime. Almost every relationship I’ve seen was unhealthy or annoying. But not here, oh no! In the very first episode we find out that Ichigo has landed a date with the school’s most popular guy, Aoyama. This makes it so that we don’t have to suffer through the “will they, won’t they” and we arrive when their relationship begins to take root. They go through highs and lows but they support each other all the way and I just love them.
But as good as the Aoyama romance is, the others are....not so much. As usual the romances center around our main character, aka Ichigo. The 2 culprits are Ryou and Quiche. Ryou is the brain behind the Mew Mew Project so he’s sort of like Ichigo’s boss. He doesn’t outright pursue her nor seems too interested in her however he has a bad tendency of kissing Ichigo a few times and NO. I very much didn’t like that. However, while he kinda exists the picture toward the end we have the rapey romance aka Quiche. He is an alien aka the enemy. He become infatuated with Ichigo for seemingly no particular reason and is just generally uhhhh...rapey. Unfortunately, his character doesn’t really go through much of a development which is a shame.
Anyway, before I finish, let me bring up the transformations. U G H. Yes they are much more simple than the ones today but I’m still in love with them. My favourite was Minto’s. The fluidity of her movements, the angles used, the material of her clothes and the pure creativity....they’re just gorgeous.
So, my true score of this is a 9/10 but my nostalgia would kill me if I gave this anything other than a perfect score so there’s that, If you’re a magical girl fan, Tokyo Mew Mew is a MUST! [10/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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team-free-winchester · 6 years ago
Forbidden Chapter 1
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Summary: Y/n meets Jensen at a con where one thing leads to another. After sharing some news with her when they go out things happen. When he leaves they flirt and talk on the phone though Jensen keeps coming up with reasons for them to not officially be together. They meet up and spend the weekend together in her apartment where an interesting conversation takes place.
Pairing: Jensen x reader
AN: This is in no way hate towards Danneel Jensen or their family all it is pure fiction I absolutely love the two together and this is all for the sake of the story.
Waiting in the line for an autograph from you favorite actor was the once of the longest and most nerve racking things you've gone though. You stood behind two women who looked old enough to be your mom and listened to the discuss their opinions on the very actor you were waiting to see.
Rolling your eyes as most of their remarks were appearance based you shifted from foot to foot, ‘there was so much more to Jensen Ackles then his freakishly good appearance’ you thought to yourself. By the time you we at the point in line where you could see him you were more than ready to be far away from the woman in front of you wanting nothing more than the say something. Instead you bite your lip and move up in line, the number of people between you and him even less than before giving you a perfect view of the man who holds a spot in your heart -even if this is the first time you've met.
Another person leaves the line inching you closer when his beautiful green eyes meet yours, a ghost of a smile on his face as he turns to speak with the person in front of him though you don’t notice it. By the time you reach Jensen and slip him your little journal for him to sign your hands are shaking from nerves, you weren’t as prepared for this as you thought you would be. Jensen glances up at you smiling as he begins to write on the page you marked for him and he speaks, “Hey, how are you enjoying the convention so far?”
“It good, I really enjoyed the panels you guys were hilarious,” you say smiling even though he isn’t looking up. He hands you back the book after you finish speaking and says goodbye going onto the next person.  You wish that you had a little longer to talk to him but you don’t so instead you take you open your book to the page expecting to see just a basic signature instead it read, You took my breath away the moment I seen you in line you are absolutely beautiful.  You finish reading as a blush rises on your cheeks, beside his name was a phone number.
You put the book away as you finish the rest of the convention, the whole time you can’t stop thinking about the fact that you have Jensen’s freaking Ackles phone number sitting in your purse. A few minutes before it ends you take out the book and enter the number into your phone deciding to shoot him a text.
Hi jensen, it’s y/n from the autograph line.
After a few minutes your phone went off with a reply from the adonis himself shocking you, Hello beautiful, care to join me for a drink and some dinner?
It’d be my pleasure, you reply though a part of you knows that it isn’t the best desicion to go to dinner with a married man.
Great, meet me at my hotel i’m on the third floor room 342 in a half hour?
See you there, you staying at the hotel in downtown?
Yes beautiful, see you in 30 minutes ;)
You smile at his response ignoring the feeling in your stomach telling you this is a bad idea. Fixing your hair and your clothes as best as you could after spending all day at the convention you pop some gum in your mouth and start towards downtown. When you arrive at the hotel you have two minutes to spare, so you take your time in the elevator and as you make your way to his room trying to calm yourself with each step.
Stopping in front of a door with the bold numbers across it you take a long breath before knocking a few times. The door swings open and you are greeted by Jensen smiling down at you.
“Hey, please come in,” he says stepping aside so you can enter his hotel room before he speaks again, “So I figured we could order some room service and eat here-”
“What are your intentions with this Jensen? Last time I checked you were married,” you say cutting him off.
He sighs motioning for you to join him on the small couch that was in front of the Tv, “me and Danneel are in the process of getting a divorce actually, Which is why I asked you to join me for dinner.”
“If you are getting a divorce why is dinner in your room almost like you're hiding?” you ask skeptically.
“Because our divorce is a secret until it is final,” Jensen replies grasping my hand, “but at the same time I couldn’t pass up getting to know a beautiful girl like you waiting for the finalization. We both agreed from the beginning to see other people.”
After a few minutes to process the news you were given you look at Jensen and ask, “So what are we having for dinner?”
He looks at you with a smile as he grabs the phone to order us food after he passed you the remote to put in a movie or whatever you want. You pick a movie and settle into the couch when Jensen appears beside you with two glasses of amber liquid and passes you one. You except it with a thank you and settle in beside Jensen until the food comes. Once you both finished eating you had another drink before you decided to head home after assuring Jensen you’d text him, instead you woke up the next morning with a text from him
Hey beautiful, I can’t stop thinking about you.
I can’t stop thinking about you either, last night was nice
Indeed it was, maybe I could see you again sometime?
Maybe you could, you reply with a smile.
Within a month of knowing Jensen you both grew closer though you hadn’t been able to see eachother again yet. You both admitted to the other that you both enjoy talking to the the other, though it never escalated more past flirting. You were cleaning up a few stray things when he texted you, your phone going off with a ding.
What’s your adress beautiful lady?
192 Carson st. Why?
I have a surprise on it’s way for you
You read his message as there was a knock at the door, causing you to ignore your phone for the moment. Swinging the door open you’re met with a pair of striking green eyes you'd know anywhere. After it registers in your brain that he is standing on your doorstep you squeal slightly launching yourself into his arms. He stumbled slightly before strongly wrapping his arms around you holding you to his chest for a minute or so. When you finally pull away from each other you grab his hand and pull him into your apartment, “What are you doing here?” you questioned    
“I wanted to see your beautiful face,” he says kissing your forehead quickly causing a pink to wash over your face, “And I wanted to talk to you about something in person.”
“Okay, get comfortable and we can talk if you want to tonight or we can wait until tomorrow,” you say leading him to your room to put his stuff down, you don’t know how he feels about sharing a room with you or even if he wants to spend the weekend at your house or a hotel.
“How about I shower and we can talk?” he asks setting his bag beside the bed getting out some clothes.
“Yeah sounds good, I can make some dinner while I wait for you.”
Jensen nods in response wrapping you in another hug before you show him to the bathroom and then head to the kitchen. After ruffling through your cupboards you find the perfect dish to make and start cooking. While putting in the last few touches on the food you feel a pair of arms slip around your waist, Jensen’s head resting in the crook of your neck, “Something smells good,” he mumbles before adding, “the food does too.”
“Thank you, it’ll be done in a minute.” you say ushering Jensen to the living room while  you plate the food and follow him.
After eating and watching a movie Jensen presses mute on the Tv turning towards you, “So there was something I wanted to tell you and I’ve been thinking about this for a while now,” he says sheepishly as he scratches the back of his neck.
“So tell me then Jensen.”
He takes a deep breath before he begins to speak, “I realize that I'm going through a divorce and have to hide even the smallest public thing with you right now because of it, but I want to be with you. You make my days better every time I get a message or a phone call from you, when i'm with you y/n I feel like a teen again,” he doesn’t look at you when he’s dones talking instead his eye settle on his hands in his lap.
Reaching out you pull his face up to look into your eyes, “It doesn’t matter what we do together in public Jensen, nobody need to be involved in anything that goes on between us. You make me really happy Jen,” you confess linking your hands together as you both begin to smile before Jensen leans in and captures your lips in a kiss.
@ryansgirl5509 @angelessquirrel @krys198478 @starfirerules @paintballkid711 @supernatural-bellawinchester @hobby27 @juniorhuntersam @fandombitch03  @sarah--jonas @moonstonemystyk @racheladams77 @spnfan-96 @sonnierae26 @ivvitm1109 @nanie5 @elin-katarr
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dear--charlie · 6 years ago
Hi Charlie,
This is going to be quite long, im sorry.
I had a GF a fiance, she was the meaning of my life, im 25 she is 25 too, we had been together 6 years, i proposed at 4 years, we had a figths but everytime we showed how much we wanted each other, how much we loved, at least that was i think at that time, we already had plans for the rest of our lives, how we were going to call our childrens and everything, i believed this was so far special than anyone, we had a figth this april 17, we broke up, before i start i have to mention that a she tellme that she got a new coworker that studied at our same university, im not a jealous person so i was okay with she telling me stories, she once give him a ride and asked me if it was okay, im were like it was just a ride rigt? she say yes so no problemes there, after one friday (april 17/2018) i got a call from her sister, my gf get off of work at 6pm and at 8pm she wasnt arrived to her house (we didnt live together) so everyone were freaking out cuz were we live is not a peacefull city (tijuana/MX), i lost my mind she wasnt taking our calls or mssgs, i didnt know if she were in a car accident or something worst, i send a mssg to 3 of her coworkes to know if something happen there or if they got extra hours, they told me that she leave at her time 6pm, exactly at 8:59pm she attend my call and she was mad because i send a message to they coworkes i was like “rlly?” so i got mad too, i was so worried about her to just afford her to yell at me, we broke up, nex day she send me a message that we had to take a time, she told me that we had to solve our own problemes to be together and be the great couple we were, that she will never forget me and the next time we meet she will be best than before, a friend that is studybg his mastery in my university told me that her final ceremony (qualification) is going to be the april 27, i tougth that se were going to invite me i mean we work so hard together to get that archivement, inhelped her so hard along his career, i take a bad choice and go without her telling me and i see the guy that se talked me before, she invited him, i was mad and on a rage mode but injust calm down and just leave, we talk by whatss esporadically, then this may 12 a friend of me send a screenshot from fb, “She is ina relationship with his coworker” god sakes i lost my mind cry alone but i had to be strong rigth? i didnt tell her that i just know what shes doing, her birthday was this may 15 she send me a text to take a dinner this may 14 i tougth that she was going to tell me everything i was mentally prepared to hear it from her, but she told nothing but lies that she was working on her feelings and everythin in her mind to be better, she even make me promise that inwont be with another person, last minute before we leave on our own ways, she told me that if this was i wanted i was in my head like YOU KIDDING ME? you already got a boyfriend, i told her i was okay with that, i take the courage on myself and didnt tell her anything until this may 26 like hey wanna se somethin (we still talks at that time just esporadically) and send her the screenshot, she just say oh sorry, i had to go on after we broke up you know, it was hard form me too.
I didnt had the guts to rage on her, i just told her to take care of her, to be okay and be happy, that i had no bad feelings for her.
God, i know that im lost without her, she was the only one good thing in my life, she means everything, she was all i wanted in my entire life, got nothing more to keep living, i feel so bad, i lost almost all my friend because she didnt like them, i got no one to talk about, im alone and im sacred to make bad desicions, im not okay, i just want to and this hopeless life i have.
Thanks for the one who take his time to read this.
Sincerly, Ivan.
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glorioustidalwavedefendor · 6 years ago
No, what no one wants to see, is a charcater that doesen’t have a choice.
not even theoretical.
Because if everithing leads to naught anyway, then why bother?
You can snagg happines away, in makes for good storie telling
Red wedding anyone?
But it has to be the characters choises that led them there. That is vital.
Madoca Magica?
All the girls had to do is ask for the fine print.
(Speaking in storie terms, not in terms of realistic expectations of a god damn school gilr, Kjube is still an asshole)
But they had a choice.
It is more satisfying if the character had a choice how ever minuit it was.
Everyone on the Expedition had a choice.
They could have said no.
They didn’t.
They had good reasons and bad reasons and downright stupid reasons to be there. But they had a choice.
(Speking in terms of character not in terms of economic realities of the early victorian age)
except for the marins ...
We want characters with agancy, not impotent playthings of fate, that is too depressing.
Even if in the end all their agency leads to nothing.
Because good tragedy is the result of people making the right desicion, in the wrong genre.
Normal expectation for “the Terror” is, they arrive, they lose some red shirts, they save the indiginous people from a horrible monster, realize their hubris and return home. Wiser and better for it.
Poor boys endet up in the wrong genre.
And the result is a tragedy and the superiour story.
But that’s just my 5 cents :-)
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dramatic-sapphic · 7 years ago
My final opinion on ME:A
Okay, some of you already know that I finished Andromeda yesterday, and I wanted to write down what I thought about it. There will be some meta and critical content, but also positive stuff. This might get long so I’ll put it under a cut for those who don’t care/ don’t want spoilers
I’m just going to start with what I liked the most about the game.
The Protagonist: I played as a sarcastic but empathic scott ryder and fell in love with him after the first three dialouges. His voice actor is amazing, and I really enjoyed that you have a bit more control about who your character is than with Shepard (except for sheps past, but bioware didn’t really work with that). My ryder kind of reminded me of Hawke, another character I could deeply connect to. Plus, they dropped the renegade/paragon system, which I’m glad for.
No forced grey morality: After the disaster that was dragon age inquisition, I was afraid that they would try that shit again in mass effect. Thank god they didn’t. Just imagine if they went “hey, the angara did this one (1) bad thing, maybe they deserved to be oppressed??!!1?”. There were some choices, for example saving the krogan scouts or the salarian pathfinder, where you could easily justify both desicions, and I enjoyed that greatly. 
The whole kadara plot: Guys, I think even before I started to play andromeda I made it quite clear that reyes vidal would be my fave. And what can I say, I know myself pretty damn well apparently because I love him. So. Much. But that aside, kadara is probably my favourite planet in the whole game, and I found the story to be intruiguing (It was also a huge missed opportunity but more about that later)
The companions: Wow, where do I start. I love all of them. Even cora and drack, two characters I believed to be a bit bland at first, grew on me after their loyalty quest. Jaals storyline was mindblowing, and in my opinion, he’s one of the best characters bioware has ever created. Then there’s Peebee, another character I grew to love with all my heart. I just. I love them all a lot. If I were to compare me:a to the OT, me:a is a close second after me:1 in regards to companions.
Some small things: The beautiful scenery. Small cutscenes, even in side quests. Everything you do seems to somehow matter. That feeling when you hit 100% viability. The angara, their cutlure, the fact that ryder hugs jaals mother because the angara “like the hugging”. Very talkative companions. The humour. I could list more, but then this post would be endless.
Now, on to the thing I absolutely hated (I’m going to skip the face animations, because you get used to them pretty quickly)
The glyph puzzles and vaults: They were the bane of my existance. I hate puzzles. I hate puzzles so fucking much, you have no idea. The fact that there are barely any puzzles in the OT was so amazing to me, and then those fuckers decided to but them everywhere. And made them obligatory. No, I don’t want to solve a fucking sudoku puzzle in a shooter. I want to shoot (and occasionally stab) things. 
Not enough focus on the main story: There were a lot of sidequests in this game, no question. And they were enjoyable, kind of. But did they really need to be there? Wouldn’t you rather focus on making one, big main plot for each planet and just throw in a few sidequest for those who like to do them? This is what I mean when I said that kadara was a missed opportunity. There was so much potential! It was intruiguing, it had two characters I would have loved to hear more about, it even had a little bit of the grey morality bioware loves so much. But they rushed it, and I’ll be forever angry because of it.
The whole ending: Okay, listen. The Archon was nothing but an evil douchebag. The story was kind of interesting at first, because I thought “Wow, he must have some really strong motivations if he’s willing to cause so much pain”. But nah. See, I think that bioware forgot how to write compelling villains and endings sometime after they sold their soul to EA. The archdemon was evil, but still terrifying (at least for me). Saren was evil, but still terrifying. The endings were amazing because there was good buildup for the bossfights. You arrive at a place which was fine before and watch it being completely decimated: people are slaughtered, everything around you is destroyed, and you become terribly aware that if you fail, everyone will die. There’s nothing like that in me:a. You waltz in there, while you buddies take care of the other bad guys, one irrelevant side character dies, you feel a bit for your twin, but that’s it. It was rushed. It didn’t have any emotional impact. If your villain doesn’t have a reason for being evil, at least make them terrifying enough for me to fear them.
The horrible treatment of bi/gay characters: When I first heard about this, I thought that people were overreacting. Oh, how wrong I was. The whole Jil/Gil story was just disgusting. The relationship between Peebs and her ex was abusive. There were those two turians in a relationship, but as it turns out, one of them died. They didn’t put as much effort into same sex relationships as they did with the others. They didn’t even bother changing the kiss animation during the dance with reyes for a male ryder, so he ended up kissing reyes chin instead. I’m sure there were more things I just missed or forgot about. What the fuck bioware? 
My final thoughts are... I’m really not sure. I enjoyed the game. Hell, I loved it more than I did me:2 (but less than the other OT games). But bioware is slowly moving in a direction I’m not entirely comfortable with. I’ve played most of their rpgs, and I loved them. But when I look back at da:o, me:1, baldurs gate and neverwinter night, I’m starting to see less and less of what made them special in their newer games. Now, their pacing is all over the place, they can’t write bad guys, there are too many meaningless sidequests, and while the games are still fun, there just isn’t any emotional impact anymore (i’m mostly talking about me:a and da:i here). And now anthem is coming and I’m starting to loose any hope that they might learn from their mistakes.
Mass effect andromeda was a solid game, with amazing companions, but a lot of the critizism it got was deserved. I just wished that bioware would finally listen to it and go back to doing what they’re good at, instead of doing whatever is popular at the moment. But that’s not going to happen any time soon.
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seriestrash · 8 years ago
The Story of Us
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Prologue || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 
✮ Chapter Seven: The Sidekick ✮
Word Count: 6141
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
Monday morning approaches and Riley decides to skip the bus and walk to school, even though it would take her close to an hour. Once she arrives, Riley doesn’t find her friends immediately. It’s not until the morning assembly that she gets a chance to say hello. 
Everyone is gathering in the gym for a few announcements followed by the date bidding for the dance. An excitement buzzing through the bleachers as students pile in. Riley spots her three guy friends sulking by the stage and approaches them after Lucas waves her over.
“Do we have a last minute sign up?” Mrs. Dunn asks Riley as she approaches.
“No way!” Riley shakes her head. “I’m just saying hello.” 
“Alright, don’t be too long.” Abbey smiles. “We’ll be starting soon.” 
“Well, well, well, would you look who’s trying to fit in.” Tristan wears a smirk. 
Riley knits her brows in confusion and Tristan tugs at Riley’s yellow dress. “It’s nice to see you in something that doesn’t have holes in it.” 
“Hey!” Thomas whines as he runs his hand over his back tee which was covered in little rips. 
Riley chooses not to take offence and brushes it off. “My mom sent these, all my other clothes are in the wash.”
Lucas jumps to Riley’s rescue and casually changes the subject. “Mabel and I missed you on the bus this morning.”
“Yeah, I decided to walk.” Riley says with half a smile. 
“Got your eye on anyone special?” Thomas asks. 
“What?” Riley is confused again.
“To bid on as a date.” Thomas clarifies. 
“Oh, no.” Riley shakes her head. “I’m not bidding on anyone.” 
“You’re not?” Mabel asks as she approaches them all. “How come?”
“I wont be bidding because I’m not going to the dance.” Riley explains.
“Why not?” Lucas questions. 
“I was speaking to my parents yesterday about missing home and they said I could come for a weekend soon… I figured why not go this weekend since there’s a dance at my old school too, that way I could surprise Charlie.” 
“So you’d miss the rodeo on Saturday?” Lucas looks disappointed. 
Riley gives him a small nod. “I’d like to be there but maybe this weekend could prove something to my parents, maybe they’ll let me stay...” 
“So not only are you ditching us for the dance but you’re quite possibly not coming back at all?” Tristan frowns.
“I don’t know,” Riley sways anxiously on her feet. “I know what Mabel said the other day about a possible time frame my parents could have in mind makes sense but I thought that maybe spending a weekend at home might make them realise they miss me too, at least enough to let me stay…”
Riley didn’t mean to turn the mood upside down but it just happened. Her fight with Maya weighed heavily on her mind all weekend. Riley was so happy about the news of a weekend at home she couldn’t wait to tell Maya but then she remembered that they were fighting and got really down about it. The thought of things being different once she got home scared her. 
The mood was solemn for a minute, nobody said anything until Tristan lets out an exasperated sigh. “I already hate these stupid dances and now you won't even be there to suffer through it with me..” 
“Come on, dances can be fun.” Riley nudges his side with her arm. 
“Every time I end up with some girl trying to buy a gay best friend.” Tristan rolls his eyes. 
“Seriously?” Riley knits her brows. “So there’s no guys-” 
“Openly gay guys around my age in this tiny town,” Tristan pauses to scoff. “Well the list consists of two people including myself.” 
Riley gives him a semi sympathetic smile before being ushered into her seat.
“Lucas seemed disappointed when he realised you wouldn’t be here for the rodeo.” Mabel broaches the subject as they sit down.
“I don’t think he was disappointed.” Riley rejects the notion. 
“Are you kidding?” Mabel scoffs. “You’re the reason he’s doing the rodeo in the first place. You were all like ‘ride the sheep, Lukey’ and he was all like 'yeah, those big bad bulls are no match for me!’ ” Mabel’s imitations were down right hilarious and only slightly offensive.
“That’s what happened?” Riley coaxes her head, “Lukey?”
“Okay, so maybe it didn’t happen exactly like that…” Mabel laughs, “But Riley, the second you told Lucas to go for it, it was like there was no going back.”
“This was days ago so why the sudden interest?” Riley questions.
“It was an immediate interest!” Mabel stresses. “I was supposed to talk you in to talking Lucas out of it but then Thomas offered to walk me home and my brain fried.”
“I didn’t know he’d have to ride a bull.” Riley states. “But trust me Mabel, he’s not doing this for me.”
The principal calls the students into order and reads off a few announcements before Mrs. Dunn takes over. Abbey starts the bidding process and if Riley didn’t find it odd that people were buying dates she might have been excited with all the music and lights. Riley kept reminding herself that these people volunteer - with the exception of Lucas and the twins - to be bid on so it’s all in good fun.
Vanessa was first to be bid on. Riley’s jaw practically hit the floor when bidding jumped from five to forty dollars real quick. Eventually Vanessa was ‘sold’ I feel so icky saying that sorry fam to Miles for sixty-five dollars. 
“Sixty-five dollars?” Riley turns to Mabel with shock all over her face. “My first date with Charlie cost fourteen dollars and that was because he wanted the big bag of liquorice!” 
“These things are crazy.” Mabel whispers back so they don’t get in trouble. “Just wait until it’s Lucas’ turn.” 
Student after student take to the front of the stage. Each date averaged around forty dollars. Vanessa would be the forth most expensive date bid on that day. There were only three people left, Thomas, Tristan and Lucas. 
Thomas begrudgingly takes to the front of the stage with a disinterested look and arms crossed close to his chest. His mother starts the bidding and immediately the price jumps to sixty dollars and goes up from there.
“Are you going to bid?” Riley asks Mabel. 
“Even if I had more than twelve dollars, I wouldn’t,” Mabel shakes her head. “I don’t want to buy a first date with him... ” 
“I get it.” Riley nods in understanding. 
“Besides, dances aren’t really my thing and if you’re not going to be there then I definitely don’t want to go.” Mabel says. 
“You shouldn’t let that stop you.” Riley frowns. 
“I don’t know.” Mabel shrugs slightly and they turn their attention back to the bids. 
Thomas wears a look of horror as his bidding is closed on eighty-four dollars, his date would be Addison, one of the cheerleaders. 
Tristan steps up to the stage, he looks a little more sheepish than usual as he braces himself for what comes next. Tristan’s price rises a little more slowly than Thomas’, his gradually builds in five dollar intervals. With each new bid Tristan looked even more distressed. A split second desicion sees Riley digging for her wallet in her backpack. Quickly she checks the contents and jumps to her feet. 
“Seventy-six dollars and forty-three cents?” Riley calls out loudly but unsure. The brunette prays no one went any higher as that’s all she had. Shock waves over Tristan and Abbey begins to ask if there were any higher bids but her son quickly shoots a mean glare her way and she calls it without even saying ‘going once, twice...’ The moment Tristan hears her say ‘sold’ he lets out a breath of relief. 
Lucas was last to take the stage. He went for an astonishing ninety-eight dollars which had Riley completely blown away. 
Once the students are dismissed from the assembly, Mabel leaves for class and Riley hangs back to pay for her date. Tristan practically tackles Riley in search of answers. 
“Did you change your mind about staying for the dance?” Tristan asks quickly. 
“No, I’m still going back to New York.” Riley says quietly. 
“Then I don’t understand...” Tristan crinkles his brows. “Why did you bid on me?” 
“I just wanted to get your freedom back,” Riley shrugs one shoulder. “This way you can go by yourself or take Leon, or whatever boy that has got you acting so strange lately.” 
“I’m not acting strange!” Tristan says defensively. 
“What are we talking about?” Lucas asks as he approaches with a still sulky Thomas. 
Tristan jumped at the sound of his cousins voice and quickly throws an arm around Riley’s shoulder. “Just how you two are dead to me and Riley is my new best friend.” He chuckles nervously. 
“Not strange at all!” Riley whispers sarcastically. 
“So you’re coming to the dance now?” Lucas pricks up a brow. 
Riley shakes her head. “I was just throwing Tristan a lifeline.” 
“Thanks a lot for considering me!” Thomas whines. 
“I’m sorry,” Riley says defensively. “Tristan sent me broke. I’m going to have to eat half of Mabel’s sandwich at lunch or starve today!” 
“I’ll pay you back every cent!” Tristan says enthusiastically. 
“That defeats the whole purpose of a kind gesture,” Riley giggles. “It’s fine, honestly.” 
“I owe you big time.” Tristan stresses. “Seriously Riley, you name it.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Riley laughs. “We should probably get to class.” 
“So Mabel didn’t bid on anyone.” Thomas states as they walk. 
“Has she ever?” Riley questions. 
“Fair point.” Thomas scrunches up his face. 
✮ ✮ ✮
On Wednesday school was cancelled due to a burst pipe. Apparently that was enough to cancel the whole school day in this small town. Riley doesn’t fight it, instead she wakes up with a smile. Topanga called the previous night to let Riley know she booked her ticket home for Friday so she’d be back in just enough time to get ready for the dance. 
Riley bops downstairs, still in her mismatched pyjamas and finds Jed preparing to leave. The old man was struggling to do up the top button of his shirt. Without thinking twice about it, Riley wanders over and assists. Jed mutters something about his hands not working quite like they used too and Riley gives him a small smile. She wonders if this is why her grandfather doesn’t drive much. Which also makes her wonder if that has anything to do with why the house looks so rundown, maybe Jed physically couldn’t do the work.
“You going somewhere?” Riley questions.
“I have an appointment.” Jed sighs. “I won't be back until dinner.”
“Is that code for a hot date?” Riley chuckles. 
Jed chokes on his laughter and shakes his head. “I have not been on a ‘hot date’ for a long while.” 
“Has there been anyone special in your life since your divorce with gran- with Rhiannon?” Riley asks carefully but it still appeared to upset the man. 
“If I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late.” Jed brushes it off. Riley doesn’t argue, she just bids the man farewell. On Jed’s way out his hand cramped up around the doorknob and the tension is awkward during their departure. Riley sucks in a big breath and exhales loudly. If she was maybe leaving Jed for good in two days she wanted to do something nice for him, especially if he couldn’t do it for himself. 
The New Yorker pulls out her phone and dials a number. 
“Riley?” Tristan answers the phone with a hint of surprise in his voice, he was more of a texter rather than a call kind of guy.
Very faintly in the background Riley could hear Thomas and Lucas expressing their surprise as well with mumbled questions of why Riley was calling. Tristan’s shushes them loudly and asks Riley what’s up.
“Remember how on Monday you said you owe big time and would do anything for me?” Riley asks overly innocent.
"Yeah...” Tristan chuckles nervously.
“I would like to cash in on that please.” Riley now wears a devilish grin. “Perhaps you could sway Thomas and Lucas to come over as well?”
“Come over?” Tristan grows even more weary. 
“Jed’s place, ASAP.” Riley says firmly. “I might even make you lemonade.”
Tristan agrees quickly as he did feel grateful for what Riley did on Monday. Lucas didn’t need much convincing and Thomas, well, he had no one to hang out with if they left so he tags along too. 
When Riley hangs up the phone with Tristan she gives Mabel a call. Cheerily, Mabel answers the phone and asks her friend what’s up.
“Do you know how to make a lemonade by any chance?” Riley asks with a slight giggle.
“If kids on the side of the road can work it out I’m sure I could manage..” Mabel laughs too.
"Perfect.” Riley says. “Are you free to swing by Jed’s today?”
“Yeah, I can come over now, if that works for you?” Mabel asks. 
“Sounds great. I’ll see you soon.” Riley says before hanging up. 
Riley goes upstairs to change, soon after, Mabel arrives and Riley invites her in with a warm smile. The freckled girl waves two lemons around which makes Riley erupt with laughter. The New Yorker gives her friend a rundown of what she had in mind for the day and Riley pleasantly surprised to see Mabel quickly adopt her enthusiasm. If this were Maya she was relaying the plan too, Riley knew the blonde would talk her out of it in a matter of minutes and they would do something else. 
Since Mabel was wearing a pretty blouse her mother made, Riley offers her an old shirt to wear for the day. As Mabel is changing, Riley answers the door to the three boys. She swings open the creaky door and wears her devilish grin. “Hello.” 
“I don’t like the look of this, at all.” Thomas grimaces as he waves his finger around Riley’s smirk. 
Riley leads them inside as Mabel’s trotting down the stairs mumbling to herself. “The Beatles have some good music and all but this feels weird-” Mabel looks up from her shirt and realises they had company. 
“Whoa,” the twins say in unison. 
“Twilight Zone or what?” Tristan looks to his brother. 
“Totally freaky.” Thomas nods with a slight grimace. 
“I thought we were over the horror story.” Riley rolls her eyes. “It’s just a house.”
“It’s not that.” Thomas shakes his head. 
“It’s you in the overalls and Mabel in the band tee..” Tristan is still staring at them both. “I mean Friday at Chubbie’s was dramatic and you’ve been dressing different at school but to see both of you together like this, it’s..” 
“Totally freaky.” Thomas finishes his brothers sentence. 
Riley grows self conscious about her striped shirt and denim overalls. She wishes she could run upstairs and change without it making things weirder. Knowing she couldn’t, Riley just brushes it off. “These are just some old clothes I threw on to work in.” 
Again Lucas jumps to Riley’s rescue and changes the subject. “So, what is it we’re working on today?” 
“Everything.” Riley’s smirk returns and she fills the guys in on her master plan for the day. Thomas seemed the most reluctant but ultimately was okay with helping. He did spend the whole day complaining though. 
The idea was to go hard for a few hours and whip Jedediah’s house into shape whilst he was out. Riley assigned the boys to yard duty whilst Mabel and her zipped through the inside. They dust off and wipe down every surface, they fluff the sofa and all its cushions. 
Outside the boys were ‘working’ on the yard. Mostly they were messing around with each other, taking three times longer than needed. Jed didn’t have many tools but luckily the Friar’s had a fully stocked shed right next door.
Riley and Mabel attempt to serve up some lemonade after an hour but everyone spits their first mouthful back into their cup. 
“Did you put any sugar in this?” Thomas coughs as the lemon stung his throat. 
“I thought it was supposed to be bitter?” Riley gives them all apologetic looks. 
“The kids on the side of the street bested us.” Mabel sighs which earns laughter  amongst the group, even though Riley was the only one who really understood her joke. 
The late afternoon approaches and it had already been hours, the inside was smelling fresh as a daisy and the backyard was no longer a twirling hazard. The group all end up in the front yard to finish things off. 
The guys clean the front porch whilst Riley and Mabel sit on the path and fix Jed’s mailbox. The two girls are finished nailing it to the post when Lucas strolls over. 
“Hey Mabel, I think Thomas needs some help with the hose.” Lucas says. 
“He doesn’t know how to use it?” Mabel gives him a quizzical look. 
“Mabel.” Riley gives her a look and nudges her head towards the twins. 
“Oh!” Mabel says, “Oh...” she says more paniced. 
“You’ll be fine.” Riley whispers and Lucas stands off to the side, pretending like he can’t hear. “Besides, he’s the dummy that can’t work a hose.” 
Even Lucas laughs at Riley’s playful joke but quickly returns to pretending like he wasn’t listening. Mabel rises from her crouched position and wanders over to the twins.
“Now who’s meddling?” Riley is smug as she dips her brush into the paint tin beside her.
“I’m just a pawn in the universes plan for them.” Lucas says simply.
Riley shakes her head with a smile and begins to paint the mailbox white.
Lucas plonks himself down where Mabel sat and leans back, pushing the weight of his body off his hands that brushed against the freshly mown grass. His head tilted back and the sun beaming down on his face. Lucas silently soaks up the sun whilst Riley paints. A comfortable silence between then with the faint laughter of the three of the porch drifting over. 
After Riley paints the base of the mailbox white she switches brushes and dips it into a tin of purple, she then begins to paint the roof of the box. 
“You’re getting purple where it should be white,” Lucas points at Riley’s sloppy painting. 
“Art was never my strong suit.” Riley frowns as she realises she is botching the job. “It’s more Maya’s thing... Kinda.” Riley shakes her head. 
“Are you guys still fighting?” Lucas asks cautiously. 
“We’re more just upset at being apart.” Riley shrugs. “That will change this weekend.” 
Lucas picks up the brush used to paint the white and starts cleaning up the edges for Riley. 
“Jed doesn’t strike me as a purple kinda guy,” Lucas changes the subject after seeing that Maya was a touchy one. 
“He’s not.” Riley says simply. “But I want to leave a piece of me behind..” 
“So is this clean up part of your master plan to secure a one way ticket home on Friday?” Lucas asks, not believing it. 
“What do you think?” Riley answers with a question. 
“I think a lot of things.” Lucas smiles as he dips his brush back into the tin and flicks off the excess paint. A few specks accidentally hitting Riley. 
“Watch the denim!” Riley gasps as she tugs at the strap of her overalls. 
“I thought it was something you threw on for the purpose of getting dirty today,” Lucas wears his smug smirk. 
“And I thought smug was an unattractive look.” Riley sasses back. 
“Oh only on you,” Lucas laughs. “Everything looks good on me.” He jokes. 
“Hey can I borrow the white brush for a second? I missed a spot.” Riley asks.
Without thinking it over Lucas hands Riley his brush which was really just her plan to unarm him. The brunette uses her original brush to smear a purple line across Lucas’ face. The Texan spits purple paint as he was taken completely by surprise. 
“You’re right,” Riley fights her laughter, “Everything does look good on you.” 
Lucas reaches for Riley’s brushes and she dodges with a giggle. The New Yorker springs up from her kneeling position and backs away from Lucas. 
“It’s not a fair fight if you have all the weapons!” Lucas laughs as he chases her. 
Lucas reaches for the paint tin and gives Riley a look as he swings the tin menacingly. Riley throws both brushes into the street and holds her hands up defensively. At this point the three on the porch had started watching the battle unfold. 
“Truce!” Riley please. 
“Fine..” Lucas lowers the paint tin down again. “You better get those brushes so we can finish painting.” 
“Thank you,” Riley takes a deep breath and turns around to collect the thrown brushes. 
With her back turned Lucas reaches for the hose Thomas was holding. 
“Riley it’s a trap!” Mabel shouts. Confused, Riley turns around and is instantly hit with a hose to the face. Her whole self is drenched in an instant. 
“Lucas, be careful of her contact lenses!” Tristan shouts. 
“What?” Lucas switches the hose off. “I didn’t know you wore contacts?” 
“I don’t.” Riley smirks having caught on to what was happening. 
“Team Riley!” Tristan shouts as he yanks the hose and Lucas drops it. Riley runs to his side. 
“Me too!” Mabel shouts as she stands on Tristan’s other side. 
“Betrayed!” Lucas’ eyes grow wide as he stares his hose wielding cousin down and in a matter of seconds Lucas is now the one wriggling under the water pressure. 
“I got your back, Lukey,” Thomas shouts as he jumps on Tristan, wrestling his brother for the hose. The battle for control results in Mabel being added to the list of soaked and Thomas shouts apologies but he stands his ground for team Lucas. Lucas joins in the struggle for the hose which results in them all dropping it and falling to the ground together. The three boys forget about the hose and play westle in the grass together. At this point both Riley and Mabel were unsure as to who was on whose team anymore. 
Riley looks at the hose on the ground and gives Mabel an innocent shrug. The strawberry blonde girl gives Riley a nod of approval. The New Yorker picks up the hose and stands by the three boys entangled and chuckling in the grass. Riley clears her throat and hovers over them, all three stop and look at Riley with wide eyes. Just before Riley was about to pull the lever and soak them all further, a car horn honks three times. Riley looks up and sees a boy parked in front of Lucas’ home, his head hanging out the window. An instant recognition sparks disbelief in the girl. 
“Zay?” Riley asks. All three boys snap their heads around to find their old friend getting out of the car. 
“Riley?” Zay seems just as surprised. Riley drops the hose and runs over to him. The two meet halfway and smack together in a big embrace. Their dramatic reunion would suggest to onlookers that the two were quite close when in actuality they were hardly friends but there was something so exciting about the shock of seeing each other that sparked both their adrenalines. For Riley it was like having a piece of home brought to her. 
“You are incredibly damp,” Zay squeaks as he breaks their embrace. 
“What are you doing here?” Riley asks, ignoring the remark about her current state. 
“Here is home. What are you doing here?” Zay speaks quickly. “I heard you got suspended but then you didn’t come back. Someone said you got sent to Texas. I tried to ask Maya where exactly but she just Ha Hurred in my face.” 
“That sounds like, Maya,” Riley rolls her head forward with a laugh. “I knew you were from Texas but I didn’t even think about that when I got here.” 
After the other four teens - including Mabel - got over the initial shock of what was unfolding they too approached the bubbly reunion. The twins engulfing their friend in a group hug. 
“What is happening here?” Lucas asks still in shock. 
“Zay and I go to school together in New York!” Riley says still buzzing with excitement. “Guys, is this is your friend that moved away?”
“Yes!” Tristan joins in on the excitement. 
“I can’t believe none of us worked this out,” Riley shakes her head at how ridiculous it seemed. “I can’t believe I didn’t even ask for his name.” 
“I told you we should have asked Zay if he knew Riley when she first got here!” Tristan says smugly as he shoves his brothers arm. 
“Eight million people remember!” Thomas scoffs, “What are the odds of him knowing Riley?” 
“Pretty good apparently.” Mabel joins in. 
“Mabel?” Zay looks surprised all over again. He hadn’t noticed her standing off to the side. 
“Hey, Zay.” She gives him a small smile. 
“How’s V?” He asks softly. 
“She’s okay,” Mabel doesn’t know what else to say. Her friendship with Vanessa was on the outs when they finally started dating. 
“Zay, what are you doing here?” Lucas asks.
"I’m here because your crazy ass thinks it can ride Tombstone the bull this weekend!” Zay shakes his head. 
“I already told you on the phone last weekend that you can’t talk me out of it.” Lucas folds his arms. 
“I know, that’s why I came back for your funeral.” Zay laughs as he gently smacks Lucas in the chest. “Wait, wait,” realisation crosses Zay’s face. “Riley is the pretty brunette that talked you into this- How did I not work it out then...” 
“The pretty brunette?” Riley pricks up a brow. 
“It’s this codename thing we’ve done since-” Thomas is cut off by Lucas. 
“So are you guys like friends, friends in New York?” Lucas asks quickly. 
“Not really,” Zay admits. “Do you remember how I told you about the sidekick?” Zay’s excitement drops immediately once the words slip out. 
“Sidekick?” Riley asks quietly. “That’s what you think of me, Zay?” 
“It’s not like that, Riley,” Zay tries to explain quickly but Riley backs away, visibly upset. 
“It’s fine, whatever.” Riley makes a break for Jed’s before anyone could stop her. 
“I should, you know...” Mabel points a thumb over her shoulder. 
“I think maybe I should.” Lucas says. 
“You can hang with us,” Thomas says to Mabel with a small smile as things were awkward for all of them. “We’ll stay here at Lucas’ and he can come get you if he needs?” 
“Okay.” Mabel nods slightly. 
“Tell her I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean it offensively.” Zay says genuinely to Lucas. 
Lucas gives him a nod and turns to go. “Lucas, wait.” Zay calls after him. 
“Yeah?” Lucas pauses. 
“Jacob’s here too.” Zay says quietly. “I dropped him off at the sheriffs department on the way here.” 
“Great.” Lucas mutters but that is something he’d deal with later. Right now he needed to see Riley. 
Lucas finds Riley in her room. Her still damp back pressed against the glass of the balcony doors. Her knees pulled up close to her chest. 
“Pretend bay window?” Lucas asks as he sits himself across from her. He too is still damp so he tries not to lean against the bed or anything. 
“I abandoned Mabel, is she okay?” Riley wipes at her tear soaked cheeks trying to play it cool. 
“Yeah she’s fine, she’s with the guys next door.” Lucas says. “The real question is, are you okay?” 
“Totally fine,” Riley sniffles. 
“You’re not going to make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the actually bay window in the inn, just to get you to talk, are you?” Lucas half smiles. 
“What do you want to talk about Lucas?” Riley asks with a sad shrug.
“I don’t know, I want to give you an explanation I guess..” 
“Okay,” Riley steadies her emotions, “Explain to me why Zay called me a sidekick.” 
“My father, my uncle - The twins dad - and Zay’s father were all sheriffs deputies together,” Lucas begins. Riley’s not sure why this was relevant but she keeps quiet and lets him continue. “When we were growing up we all thought it was so cool that our dads were out there fighting crime, little did we know this is possibly the most boring town in existence crime wise-” Lucas shakes his head as he was getting further away from his point. “We used to pretend to be officers too and we’d hang around the park trying to solve crime. We had this red wagon that we’d wheel around our ‘evidence’ in. During that time we started to make codenames for each other and potential ‘suspects’ and eventually that game got old but the codename thing stuck around. Hence sidekick... and last weekend was the first time I’ve spoken to Zay in month so our lack of communication and usage of real names probably heavily contributed to us not working out we both knew you.”
“That’s a real cute origin story and everything,” Riley says with a hint of sarcasm. “But I want to know why he thinks I’m the sidekick. Maya’s sidekick right?”
“It was years ago,“ Lucas shakes his head trying to remember exactly. "He’d been at school for a couple days. There was a girl protesting about homework, he called her the rebel. Something about a fire alarm and you joined in.”
“Earning myself the nickname, sidekick.” This sparks Riley’s tears again remembering that moment very clearly. 
“Zay has a big mouth but he didn’t intend for it to sound so mean.” Lucas says genuinely. “It was just a dumb name he thought of in the moment. That doesn’t mean it’s his only opinion of you. Had it of been reversed and Maya stood up after you, she would have been the sidekick.” Lucas says. “It was just the situation-” 
“And that’s exactly why I’m so upset!” Riley’s voice cracks. “That was the exact moment I decided I didn’t want to be a sidekick anymore. That’s when I decided I wanted to be more like Maya and I tried so hard to change. You yourself called me a sheep. I’m just a follower.”
“You know that’s not what I meant when I said that.”
“What did you mean then, Lucas?” Riley asks. 
Lucas saw what Riley saw with Mabel. A shy kind of pretty. But not just the physical softness that was cloaked in her tough facade but the shyness of her soul, the soft nature that hid below the surface. Something that sounds so ridiculous that he wasn’t sure how he could possibly make sense of it aloud. 
“I didn’t know who you were before the moment you decided to change.” Lucas states. “I don’t even know who you were a week before you got here but I do know that two and a half weeks ago I spotted a stranger twirling in the grass. I knew nothing about her other than how happy she looked in the moment. I didn’t know it then but that was you, alone and away from judgement, that was you just being you. Even if you didn’t know it at the time.” 
“I’m just so confused all the time, I hated being boring so I changed but changing got me nowhere. My parents don’t like who I am, the world still clearly sees me as a sidekick or at the very least fake-” Riley stops abruptly in a huff.
“My grandma Mae always used to say this one thing to me before she died, I was too young to understand it then but I think I know what she means now.” Lucas smiles at the memory. “La perception d'une chose ne le rend pas tellement.” again google translate so sorrrrrrrry if incorrect
“And that means?” Riley asks. 
“Loosely translated it means, the perception of a thing doesn’t make it so.” Lucas explains. “If you let someone say who you are then you certainly won't end up being who you were meant to be. So even if I tell you that I believe you’re a good person, your own person, it doesn’t matter unless you think of yourself that way.” 
Riley had given similar advice to Mabel just that past weekend, “If you see yourself that way how is anyone else going to see you any different?” It’s funny how Riley preaches one thing but can’t live up to it herself. 
“I don’t know who to be.” Riley says weakly. 
“Be the girl who wears a yellow dress or denim overalls without an explanation. Be the girl who pushes her shy friend to open up. Be the girl who spends her last seventy-six dollars and forty-three cents on a date to a dance she’s not going to. Be the girl who has a ticket home but still does something nice for the grandfather she’s stayed with. Be trusting, find the beauty in the saddest of situations.” Lucas wears a warm smile as he holds Riley’s stare. “Twirl through life being unapologetically, Riley.” 
Riley’s eyes have filled with tears again, but tears of a different nature. “Remember when you asked me if you were a jerk?” 
“Yeah.” Lucas says quietly. 
“You’re so whatever the other option is.” Riley nods with a sad little chuckle. 
Lucas points a wide smile at his knees. “You want to get dry and see what the the losers- and Mabel- are doing next door?” 
“Yeah.” Riley says softly. 
Once at the Friar’s, Zay apologises again to Riley and she forgives him knowing that it upset her because she saw herself that way and things fall into a natural swing quite quickly. After spending the evening at Lucas’, Mabel is picked up first by her mom and then Riley parts after the four guys get a message from Cassidy asking them to meet at Pappy Joe’s for dinner. 
Riley makes her way back to Jedediah’s knowing he would be home by now. “I hope I’m not too late,” Riley calls out as she enters the door. “I got caught up next door.” 
“That’s alright, I just got in.” Jed sits two plates down at the table. “The house, the yard-” 
“Me and my friends were bored,” Riley shrugs. “No big deal.” 
“Very big deal.” Jed stresses. “Thank you.” 
“Is that Chinese food I smell?” Riley asks. 
“Yes, I picked some up on the way home.” Jed affirms. “Your mother said you like it.” 
“Love it.” Riley nods. “So you and mom, you’ve been talking a bit recently?” 
“Over the past few months, yes.” Jed nods. “Everyday since you’ve got here.” 
“I was beginning to think she was happy to be rid of me.” Riley jokes as she helps set the table. 
“Quite the opposite.” Jed pulls out Riley’s seat for her to sit in. 
“I’m sorry I brushed you off this morning.” Jed apologises as he sits across from her. 
“That’s alright.” Riley says genuinely. “Some truths are hard to face.” 
Jed nods slightly. “You can ask me whatever you want.”
“How do you know Pappy Joe?” Riley starts her quizzing immediately. 
“We met many years ago. We were practically still kids at the time. I was travelling through the states on a trip funded by odd jobs I picked up along the way. I’d hitchhike from town to town and one day I was walking along a dirt road when a stranger pulled over in a beat up truck and offered me a ride into town.”
“That was Joe?” Riley asks. 
Jed nods. “He took me to the inn he worked at and got me a job maintaining the grounds.” 
“I can’t believe you met all those years ago,” Riley says, “Why didn’t you tell me, or Lucas even when he was here?” 
“You didn’t ask.” Jed has a small smile. “And some pieces of the story come to light at a time you need them too.” 
Riley crinkles her brows. His statement seemed to whimsical yet she felt like she understood exactly what he meant. 
“Then you went back to Philly, moved to Pittsburgh and ended up back here again?” Riley tries to piece things together. 
“I retired early, after years of hating my work. Once I finally washed my hands of it all I wanted to come somewhere quiet. Somewhere that felt like home.” 
“And that’s here?” Riley raises a brow. 
Jed is quiet for a moment before lifting his gaze back up to Riley. “This is where I met your grandmother.” 
“Whoa.” Riley gasps. 
End Note: SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG AS USUAL. Im at work and REALLY have to get back to it. I’ll tag people later.... Next chapter is possibly my fave idk too early to say sjkgfhfdhg; - Dances? No dances? What hizhappenz >??ASD?FSDGK
BYE I HAVE 1% battery left on my comp dskgjhfdjhg
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araminakilla · 5 years ago
Alright *adjust glasses*, so... here's the thing about Supay. He was mischievous and generaly a bad omen in legends, but he is NOT the Catholic and Christian's devil. They did him dirty, just like Hades from the Greek Myths (you can thank the Disney's movie Hercules for that)
Here's more information about this god:
In the same way, the ancient legends told that Supay went beyond the evil that he evoked, since they described him as the protector of the path that will be traveled when one person dies, likewise, the Incas believed, as in many other cultures, that after dying, the soul takes second place. (Uku Pacha, the World of the dead) This second plane for them, meant a new beginning with the Inca gods.
Likewise, behind so much evil, Supay came to do good at the end of the days for those who awaited his death, which made the Incas believe from ancient times, that the god Supay was a being that bring the balance between good and evil, in addition to giving it a sense that there will always be evil, but not enough.
Some time later, when the conquistadors arrived in South America, and the Inca culture was lost, it resulted in the definition of Supay as the god of death being mixed with the Catholic beliefs that the conquerors brought with them, since the priests began to believe that in reality this god was simply the devil, as he is known in Catholicism, given his appearance made him believe that this assumption was correct, therefore Supay came to be called in different ways and many of these legends remain in history.
So for catholics: Deity + death + underworld + snakes= The devil.
But again, that's not the case. As for the whole "duality thing" (good and evil) it is known that Incas have a principle of duality that was their everyday life, practicaly part of their religion. Examples include: Moon and Sun, Inca and Auqui, Good and Evil, sometimes Man and Women (as far as I remembered reading, women who acted like men and were warriors were welcomed in Incan society, meanwhile men who acted like women were a BIG no no to the perception of the male Incans as they were perceived as weak and a in many cases as walking disgraces), Life and Death, etc.
As for the mummies of Paititi and the Mummy we follow, I can say that they built their own "Underworld" City, but it would be a replica of the Uku Pacha, because in that place everyone is dead dead, not "living dead" as they are. So technicaly, and that's my take of things, they are cheating death/Supay, but for a good reason (protecting their treasures from invaders).
What confused me at first was why the writers used Pachamama (Godness of fertility and life) instead of Supay for the golden idol, but now I can see some reasons of why he wasn't used.
1) It would be too many spoilers for people who know Inca mythology. Because idol from Supay and then mummies you could make the connection that obtaining the idol wasn't a good idea. As for Pachamama, it would be the right desicion to have her as one of the gods who brings "eternal life"
2) As for now Supay is very much the devil from the bible. He is draw with fangs, sharp horns, piercing eyes and snakes, very scary, almost demon-like. If they put him in the movie it could be considered satanic. It's hard to believe but I saw many posts on Twitter that call out the second movie because they have Baal in it, who was one of the false gods mentioned in the bible.
Even though I would love to see that movie Kingdom of the Sun, what we got isn't bad and here in Peru we have fondess for the movie and the series.
Soooo I found the original plot outline stuff for Kingdom of the Sun today! 
And straight up I have– opinions, regarding why I’m assuming it was thrown out, but also just here like. There is ONE glaring flaw in this plot, among the many other issues– Buuuut then I’m also here like, I would have loved to see the inaccuracies(and cultural insensitivities) just shredded. You know?!
And it’s also left me with questions to chase down the path of research just in the context of like– cultural figures used(and given the usual white people’s lens that ugh), and just like– in regards to another franchise that I’ve fallen into I now have… befuddlement. 
One of the figures mentioned in that outline was Supai/Supay(?), who’s the Inca god over the underworld. Death, demons, those who dig into the Earth.
Good stuff you know!
But– I’m actually here like, so wait– what does that mean for the interactions with our “lost” mummies residing in Paititi, and the one we follow considering on a technicality they’re dead? 
And then like, does that mean their Golden Idol is like a god group project?! I would love to hear more perspective on this.
Kingdom of the Sun: https://twitter.com/DequeRod/status/1285504284898009089 
Supai/Supay(and others): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supay, http://www.machupicchu-inca.com/inca-religion.html, https://symbolikon.com/downloads/supay-inca/
As an aside, just generally for Emperor’s New Groove/Kingdom of the Sun, just toss out the Llama transformation maybe?! And forced binary(good vs evil) views. Ugh.
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