#my au where the brainwashing didnt happen because thats so lame and Junko is better then that
While I totally understand why a lot of people hc Peko to fall into despair just because Fuyuhiko did, I feel like Junko wouldn't be satisfied with just that.
I think Junko's best strategy would have been separating the two, and conquering them as individuals to ensure neither of them pulled each other out of her clutches.
Natsumi's death would've been perfect for this. Junko could appeal to Peko at first, using any sign of weakness as an excuse. Junko could act "Oh so concerned that Peko isn't doing well with Natsumi's death" sewing the seeds of doubt it Peko's mind that her shield of stoicism is breaking. And from there, Junko can move on to more brutal tactics by making Peko feel like she's already failed at her purpose. She didn't save Natsumi. She didn't stop Fuyuhiko from killing Sato. She's already lost them both. She's useless and might as well stop trying because it's "obvious to Junko" that she's already past her breaking point.
Once Peko is weak enough, it'll start showing in her everyday interactions. And then Junko can get to work on Fuyuhiko.
"Have you noticed that poor Peko isn't doing so good? She confided in me that she's really upset over the murders."
Fuyuhiko would probably be surprised that Peko made a friend with someone he's never met out of nowhere. And Junko can play off of that "Oh Peko never mentioned me? Huh. She probably didn't think it was important." And this seed of doubt is planted. Fuyuhiko is conflicted over being happy Peko is getting out there but a little concerned that he's being left behind.
(This is more going off his Dr2 characterization then the anime btw, the two characters feel really different)
Junko amps up the manipulation by constantly making Fuyuhiko feel like the one friend he's always had, that's always been a step behind him is slipping away. And despite what Fuyuhiko wants to feel, the jealously and fear of losing Peko and the security she represents starts to take hold. After all, she's barely saying two words to him now but is all chatty with Junko?
Fuyuhiko falls into despair once and for all when Junko reveals she knows all about what happened to Sato. Praising him for being the big independent man he always wanted to be by doing something all on his own. And subtly implying that's what's pushing Peko and his classmates away from him. Fuyuhiko falls into despair because he can't trust everyone not to leave him, and he believes they will because of his own actions.
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