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by INemera, unknown year
A grieving Jadzia Dax is kidnapped by Worf from the mirror universe.
Words: 21000, Chapters: 5/5, Language: English
Rating: none listed
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Jadzia Dax, mirror!Worf (Regent), mirror!Leeta
Relationships: Jadzia Dax/mirror!Worf
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): mirror universe
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1 (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5)
#unknownyear#no rating#no known warnings#jdax#mworffic#Mleeta#jdaxmworf#jdaxmisc#mworfmisc#20kto40k#additional tags: mirror universe
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Character and ship tags:
V - Z
Character and ship tags navigation:
A - B
C - D (Ezri Dax)
D (Jadzia Dax) - D (Dukat)
E - K (Kahless)
K (Lenara Kahn) - L (Lauren)
L (Leeta) - O (Kirayoshi O'Brien)
O (Miles O'Brien) - Q (Q)
Q (Quark) - S (Benjamin Sisko)
S (Jake Sisko) - T
V - Z
Notes: For each character, we've listed a character tag as well as all ship tags that involve that character (sometimes none). Characters are alphabetized by surname, when known. Ships for a given character are alphabetized by the surnames of the other character(s) in the ship. A tag for the character's "miscellaneous" ships (that is, character/non-ds9 character ships, character/OC ships, and ships which only have one fic) is always given at the top of the list of ships for that character.
Vash | #vashfic
Ishka/Vash | #ishkavashfic
Lt. Watley | #watleyfic
Bashir/Watley | #bashirwatleyfic
Winn Adami | #kaiwinnfic
Winn/other | #winnmisc
Dukat/Winn | #dukatwinnfic
Kira/Winn | #kirawinnfic
Lwaxana Troi/Winn | #lwaxanawinnfic
Odo/Winn | #odowinnfic
Weyoun | #weyounfic
Weyoun/other | #weyounmisc
Bashir/Weyoun | #bashirweyoun
Weyoun/Damar | #weyoundamarfic
Dukat/Weyoun | #dukatweyoun
Dukat/Odo/Quark/Weyoun | #dukatodoquarkweyoun
Weyoun/Eris | #weyounerisfic
Female Founder/Weyoun | #ffounderweyoun
Weyoun/Keevan | #weyounkeevanfic
Kira/Weyoun | #kiraweyounfic
Kira(mirror)/Weyoun | #intendantweyounfic
Odo/Weyoun | #odoweyoun
Weyoun/Jake Sisko | #weyounjake
Weyoun (mirror) | #mweyounfic
Weyoun(mirror)/other | #mweyounmisc
Weyoun(mirror)/Eris(mirror) | #mweyounmeris
Worf | #worffic
Worf/other | #worfmisc
Bashir/Worf | #bashirworffic
Jadzia Dax/Bashir/Worf | #bashirjdaxworf
Ezri Dax/Worf | #edaxworf
Jadzia Dax/Worf | #jdaxworf
Jadzia Dax/Worf/Odo/Kira | #jdaxworfodokira
Jadzia Dax(mirror)/Worf | #mjdaxworf
Garak/Worf | #garakworffic
Garak/O’Brien/Worf | #garakobrienworffic
Worf/O’Brien | #worfobrienfic
Odo/Worf | #odoworffic
Q/Worf | #qworffic
Quark/Worf | #quarkworffic
Sisko/Worf | #siskoworffic
Worf/Lwaxana | #worflwaxana
Worf (mirror) | #mworffic
Worf(mirror)/other | #mworfmisc
Jadzia Dax/Worf(mirror) | #jdaxmworf
Garak(mirror)/Worf(mirror) | #mgarakmworf
Kasidy Yates | #kyates
Kasidy Yates/other | #kasidymisc
Kasidy Yates/Eddington | #kasidyeddingtonfic
Kira/Kasidy Yates | #kirakasidyfic
Kasidy Yates/Morn | #kasidymornfic
Quark/Kasidy Yates | #kasidyquarkfic
Sisko/Kasidy Yates | #siskokasidyfic
Kasidy Yates (mirror) | #mkyates
Yelgrun | #yelgrunfic
Yelgrun/other | #yelgrunmisc
Keevan/Yelgrun | #keevanyelgrunfic
Zek | #zekfic
Zek/other | #zekmisc
Ishka/Zek | #ishkazek
Tora Ziyal is filed under T on this page
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In The Mood
by kira-nerys, 1999
Worf is in the mood. Garak is the victim.
Garak stepped forward to the bench where the clothes lay. It consisted of a black dress and an extremely ridiculous apron with frills. Garak groaned aloud. This was - by far - the most outrageous costume he'd ever been forced to wear.
Words: 636, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: R
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Mirror Worf, Mirror Elim Garak
Relationships: Mirror Worf/Mirror Garak
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): mirror universe
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
trekiverse / squidge
archive.org - option 1 / option 2 / option 3
#mworffic#megarak#mworfmisc#no known warnings#authorkiranerys#2korless#mgarakmisc#year1999#mgarakmworf#additional tags: mirror universe#ratedrm
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