#mwah mwah to u jack ily ty for the ask
grasslandgirl · 2 years
hewwo, figbianadaine fake engagement au (d20, fh) 🥺?
ANYTHING for you jackrabbit <3
this au was actually conceived alongside jam @gilears and we've both started our own take on the original idea (and then i think we both got distracted by other aus/projects WHOOPS skfjvnskjfbn)
but the concept for my wip, at least, was that like. fabian and adaine start like. fake dating/ get fake engaged under peer pressure from fabian's elven family iirc?? and fig has Some Feelings about this news that two of her best friends are suddenly engaged out of nowhere and nO SHE'S NOT JEALOUS WHY WOULD YOU IMPLY THAT? skfjvnskfjbn <3 #normal
it's been a while since i messed around w this wip actually and i dont have a Ton written but what i do have is fun tbh skfjbnfsb
“They’re what?”  Kristen shrugged, picking at a split cuticle with her teeth. “‘Dunno,” she mumbled, hand still half in her mouth, “I didn’t even know they were together, you know? Like, I always got the vibe Fabian liked her, but.” She shrugged again. “Who knows, if they’re happy, I’m cool.” “Right! Right. Yeah, totally, absolutely.” Fig hesitated, then double checked: “Engaged, though?” “Aren’t elves like, weird about that stuff? High elves especially, like when ran into Fabian’s granddad in Fallinel sophomore year; maybe it’s like a family thing. And it’s not like we’re crazy young to be getting married, I mean, Tracker and I have talked about it.” “You have?” Fig felt like the world was melting down around her. “We’re twenty.” Kristen, infuriatingly, shrugged again. Fig usually really loved her kind of laissez-faire approach to life, it served as a good balance to her own punk rock sensibilities and Riz and Adaine’s tendencies towards panic and spiralling. "I don’t think we’re gonna do it, at least, not any time soon, neither of us are really in a place where we need that kind of public security in our relationship, you know? We’re good where we are. But maybe Adaine and Fabian are doing it for like, financial reasons? Adaine was looking at going to that magical academy in Fallinel for a semester, maybe they’ve got some archaic marriage rule, or it’s an Oracle thing.” “Yeah. Maybe.” Fig’s stomach was a knot- and not like one of those little bows she tied her boots with, one of the really complicated sailor’s knots she saw Fabian teaching Gorgug the last time they were in Leviathan. (Fabian’s strong hands, narrow fingers, deftly tying and untying the knots, tracing where the rope looped over itself to demonstrate how they came together- focus, Fig.)
:))))) FUN!!
also the kristen fig dynamic is just fun to me <3 i should write more of them!! but yeah. nothing says #savcore like a bizarre niche bad kids pairing no one wants to read about xoxo
send me the name of a wip off of this list and i'll reply with a snippet and/or my thoughts on it !!
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