fearlessenator · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   depa billaba.
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“i don’t think i can understate how glad i am to see you again, depa,” padmé expressed warmly, her hand resting on the jedi master’s arm for a brief moment to give it a fond squeeze. so many things felt as though they were falling apart all around her, but she could not pass up this moment of gratitude. “you have been sorely missed.”
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sacreficied · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   depa billaba.
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despite the fact that kanan had no sense of the attackers in the ballroom, that had not diminished his desire to help, to fight back, no matter how dangerous it might have been for him. there was still plenty he could feel: the panic of people around him, the pain and suffering from others, the drive of those who were better equipped to fight back. his master being one of them is no surprise. suddenly, there was a fresh searing of agony as a whip slashed across his upper back, cutting through clothes and slicing skin directly. 
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versios · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   adenn kryze.
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it was no surprise that when chaos broke out, the hapans settled for turning on the guests just as eagerly as the invaders. the armory was well guarded. but iden wasn’t someone who precisely needed a weapon. she was flat on her back, thighs locked around the neck of one of the guards who was scrambling in an attempt to control before he became unconscious. it would have been easier if there was less room to debate the morals of killing verse incapacitating. “i’m getting real sick of this shit.”
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l  closed starter  l  @mvchinery​
The library was more expansive than they’d imagined. Shelves towering high with data, information to borrow and return. Most things were stored electronically, but others were actual physical copies. There were whole sections devoted to the Clone Wars, the rise and fall of the Empire. Another just on the history of the Old Republic. It was a wonder to wander; a feat that almost rivaled the archives of Sundari on their home planet of Mandalore. So enthralled in the grand design of this house of knowledge was Sabine that they felt the collision before they saw it.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--” She scrambled to pick up any fallen materials before meeting the stranger’s gaze. Something in her demeanor caught their attention, but they couldn’t quite place what. It was just recognizable to prompt the question, but not enough to draw a name. “I’m sorry, but you look familiar. Do I know you?”
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cravked · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   meetra surik.
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despite their many vehement attempts to voice a particular dislike for children, what had once been their sanctuary away from the rest of the galaxy, and more importantly away from the jedi, empire, and republic... now had a dozen orphaned jedi running amuck. what somehow felt worse was that they all seemed to like her. it made it that much more difficult to put on the bitter facade. it did make her happy, to feel like she had a purpose, like she belonged. she just didn’t want to go around admitting it to anyone. cal had said that he trusted meetra, but... the other still made them uneasy.
but out of nowhere, their stomach dropped, suddenly sickened as a heaviness filled the air. hairs on the back of her neck stood up. something painful was happening, something horrific and tragic, something massive. trilla ground their molars together, gaze drifting to the younglings, seemingly unaware. happy. “something’s happened.”
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leaderen · 3 years
Closed Starter | @mvchinery​
Eyes drift closed. The first time he had met his mother, he was known as Ben Solo, Kylo was sleeping inside still and Ben was able to reconnect with them, but now? Now Kylo was in charge and Ben was panicking inside of him but that was the thing about the two of them, wasn't it? Even Kylo had his weakness and that was his mother. Leia was the one person that could have always made her way to his heart. Han was second, but Leia? She had the most sway over him. The most pull. He draws a breath, eyes opening and he presses the button, releasing the pressure from his helmet as he lifts it off of his head, gaze resting upon them just then. "Mother." He says, his voice clipping at the end of the word. He wants to choke on the air in his lungs. Who was he when he was weak? A shake to his head just then. "It's been a while, mother."
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swishycapes · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   seyn marana.
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“well, if it isn’t my favorite member of inferno squad –– well, second favorite, if shriv’s asking,” lando threw an arm around seyn’s shoulders, bringing them in for a little side hug. his grin at them was utterly beaming as he looked down upon them, his hand resting on their shoulder. “how are you doing? it’s been far too long for my liking.”
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spectreoflasan · 3 years
@mvchinery​  //  ADENN; continued from x
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she waits a moment for her breathing to properly even out --- she would almost swear that her hair is singed from how close the blaster bolts had almost come to hitting them. "we lived, didn't we ? "
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“Yeah. Guess so,”  Zeb mutters between heavy breaths. He shoots a glare over his shoulder, blocking the scrap they’d pulled together to repair the comms array.  “Kriffing vultures. Takes a real scumbag to try and make a buck off a galaxy-wide emergency. Makes me sick. Karabast!  There’s people who just want to hear their damn families are alive.”  Zeb flinches when they hear themself.  “I, uh. I’m sure your kid’s okay.”
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nightsfirst · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   leia organa.
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“general– senator,” practiced sheepishness punctuated the correction, fee’s gaze just a little wild as she looked the woman over, as though she was consumed with worry for her. it wouldn’t exactly have been inconvenient if organa had died here and now, but that was venturing into very dangerous, very messy territory. “oh, thank the goddess that you’re alive. are you hurt?”
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forgttencapt · 3 years
closed starter for : mara jade / @mvchinery​​ location : ringo vinda
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            it was an entirely new world from that of the one cassian remembered leaving during the battle on scarif: years had passed, new alliances formed, and a galaxy’s worth of intel just waiting to be dug through. he knew the answers he was looking for were there, all he had to do was sift through the noise to find what was useful.
            sure enough, as he sat in the u-wing reading through every meaningless communication he could possibly intercept undetected, indiscernible chatter of hacked comlinks in the background, one in particular piqued his interest.  ‘regarding the location of imperial fugitive mara jade’. it was heavily encrypted, clearly meant to be confidential, but as soon as K2′s processors were able to reveal the planet’s location, they were off, hoping to make it there first before whoever the message was intended for could.
            the moment they made contact with the surface of ringo vinda, cassian had his blaster at the ready, unsure of what this fugitive was capable of especially if she was being hunted by the remains of the empire. as carefully and inconspicuously as possible, he followed the given coordinates to what he assumed was her base of operations -- rounding a corner to come face to face with just the person he was looking for. his blaster aimed steadily toward her center of mass as to warn her against sudden movements. “mara jade, correct?” he asked, calmly, “I only want to ask you some questions. I’m not here to turn you in to anyone -- though I’m not against it if you try anything.”
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ruthlessren · 3 years
@mvchinery​ / mara said : ❛ don’t waste the time i don’t have . ❜
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“you don’t seem to be that busy right now.” he had always been guilty of playing with his food, but aiya wasn’t sure that was exactly the right term for the woman in front of them. “what’s so important that it’s got you in such a rush?”
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fearlessenator · 3 years
@mvchinery​ & @skywalkerxlegacy​   //   leia & luke.
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the supposed release of senator amidala had been meticulously planned. nothing to do with the new republic, nor with the jedi order, despite how the video had been presented in the news. a pair of coordinates had been sent to ben solo, after his agreement to return to the first order. at the location, there’d been no trace of padmé. instead, there had been a small holopad with nothing but another set of coordinates on it, another sector away. another day of travel. it was a careful design to ensure that by the time anyone was able to find her, she was completely alone without a trace of the soldiers who had been ordered to bring her there. it was an abandoned house, dark and quiet, still.
padme’s wrists were still bound behind her back, in a less than dignified slump against the wall. one of her eyes was badly swollen, shades of purple and yellow from bruises in various states of healing scattered across her cheekbones, under-eyes, and neck. she laid very quiet, and dangerously still.
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sacreficied · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   depa billaba.
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the wounds of order sixty-six had been detrimental, scarred in ways that had never entirely healed –– kanan had refound his purpose with hera, with training ezra, and all of ghost crew, but he’d always felt haunted by his past in a way that no one around him had ever been able to fully understand. he’d never forgotten the rawness in master billaba’s voice during her last words, the way that she had screamed. so brave, so determined, even in her final moments. even as caleb dume had been buried alongside her, he had tried to live by her teachings. he had always carried her with him, one way or another. it had taken him a long time with ezra, tested his patience in more ways than one, but he had eventually grown to believe that he had become a jedi that his master would have been proud of.
her presence was one that he could never, would never forget. feeling it again was exhilarating. kanan had tried to be cautiously optimistic, aware that it was a possibility but not wanting to cling to it so desperately that he would be devastated if it did not come to fruition. none of it prepared him for the pull at his heart strings, the sudden lump in his throat to swallow as he suddenly felt fourteen again. 
“master billaba...” he certainly didn’t sound like that kid: kanan was tall and grown, his voice significantly deepened. “you’re back too.”
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versios · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   seyn marana.
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despite the misjudgments that iden had made about seyn after the emperor’s rift, a strange mixture of grief and anger that she had been ill-equipped to deal with blinding her judgment, she thought that she knew them well. this wasn’t exactly their scene, a quick break between hunting thrawn to handle some security details surrounding it, something meant to be easy. but suspicion crawled up the length of her spine when her eyes laid on them, their features... a little too happy. “what’s wrong with you?”
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cravked · 4 years
@mvchinery​   //   meetra surik.
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she had stopped wearing the helmet. the empire was on its last legs, and there was no real watch over her and what she did –– the inquisitors were a dying brand, disappearing off it seemed. no sign of the grand inquisitor. third sister was present, but the other held no power, nothing over her. she stayed dressed and armed the same, could see the looks that passerbyers gave her with the assumed association, but she walked the streets of coruscant without any real purpose. whims were the only thing that she followed now.
and this... this thing was one of them.
it was a dead void, an utter absence of the force unlike anything that she had ever felt before. not squandered or crushed by the darkness like her own light had been, but just hindering, overwhelmingly empty. even with tightness in her throat, trilla approached the... human woman, apparently. utterly ordinary. “what happened to you?” she had never been known for being anything other than direct.
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swishycapes · 3 years
@mvchinery​   //   leia organa.
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for a man who had lived through some of the more wild encounters and trouble that lando had gotten himself into, he had never gone through terrible emotional turmoil on most of it. the empire and cloud city was an exception, but now it seemed like there was another. another one that directly tied into han. funny, how that worked. he can swallow it, bury it down, but he couldn’t quite muster up the same beaming facade that so many saw. “how’re they doing?” the question was grim, despite his attempt to make it not. “how are you doing?”
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