#musrio answers
ask-them-bois · 1 year
hey musrio, did you know that mushrooms are the genetalia of the fungus? - fun fact anon
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Yes? They reproduce by relexsing spores from the gills, tubes, needles or plexts under the cap. How else would they do that? Ribbit.
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naughty-bois · 3 years
Uhhhhh fuckin Musrio/Yersin horns
Musrio wasn't generally violent, but staring up at that impassive face as he was literally sucking his bulge made him want to bite. Yersin didn't emote a lot, he knew that, but for fucks sake. He could make some kind of face or a noise, after he'd grabbed Musrio's horns with his psionics and rammed his bulge down the necromancer's throat.
Speaking of, Yersin had placed his hands on his horns, and was using them to keep Musrio's head pressed between his legs, which were hooked around Musrio's shoulders.
When Musrio had reached up to grab him, Yersin had grabbed his wrists with the psionics, restraining them from going further, a mischievous and gleeful look in his eyes.
Musrio growled around the bulge in his throat, instinctively swallowing around it as it curled in his mouth. Yersin twitched, subtly, and it made Musrio snort. Giving in, he began sucking on the bulge, his tongue swirling along the underside as he continued to swallow around it.
His eyes slid shut as he felt his own bulge stir. It was either Yersin's hands or psionics that begin to rub along Musrio's horns, starting closest to his head and moving outwards before it started over. He huffed, his breathing going a little funny from the stimulation.
His eyes snapped open as he heard a whine. Looking up, he saw Yersin had his head tipped back, mouth parted and cheeks red. He let out another whimper, psionics suddenly pulling Musrio closer until his nose was pressed against Yersin's sheathe, bulge driving deeper into the necromancer's throat.
Musrio grumbled, but kept swallowing, hollowing out his cheeks. Yersin mewled, hips twitching upwards. That was his only warning before Yersin suddenly gasped and came down his throat, the grip on his horns tightening.
Musrio managed to jerk away, coughing and gagging as he swallowed what filled his mouth. "Asshole. Could of warned me. Ribbit." He muttered, wiping his mouth.
Yersin only grinned, jerking on his horn again.
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
I would play yersin and vulpin route so much
I answered for vulpie
but yersin is fun because he's actually a huge bleeding romantic and falls in love for red soooo easy. but it never works out for whatever reason. he doesnt really let you KNOW he's caught feelings. doesnt really say much at all. but you know how many times kinsra has heard about a new troll he's crushed on. the fact daisou actually likes him back is baffling and sends butterflies in his tummy, his very dead stomach.
for pitch its harder because he just, falls for red first. partially because he wants The Perfect Kismesis who could text for text match the relationship his ancestor had with his kismesis based on his journal. Musrio is close, but he still hates him anyway- and part of that hate is because he's not the perfect fit.
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
At The End of Everything, Final Part
<<<Prev. Beginning
Tw: child death (temporary)
TLDR: Musrio confronts Neviserrath, who gives him one last gift.
Give them back.
The unspoken words rang like whispered gunshots through the icy void. Once more, Musrio drifted through Grimruinox, the realm of Neviserrath Apocriyna, the last pocket of nothing energy from before the beginning of the universe itself. His body bled out on the floor of his respiteblock back on Alternia as he sought answers, leaving him a formless, voiceless, flickering consciousness.
We made a fucking deal. I gave you my body and soul in return for the power to bring them back. Ribbit. You can't just take them away.
The shadows breathed in the darkness, contorting and shifting like a thousand bodies at the bottom of the ocean. They suffocated, drowned, twisted and gasped around him.
A deal was struck, upon both souls. Musrio Almawt, our deal was fulfilled. As was ours with Drayco Afasia.
Their deal was to come back, too! Musrio's mind shouted over the fracturing sound of despair in his heart.
No. The nothing sighed, Drayco came to us, a spirit turned wretched by grief, and asked for the chance to make things right. Just as you pleaded, then. They asked for the chance to apologize, and to help you defeat the Blind Phoenix. This, we granted. This, we did, in return for their sacrifice.
That does not contradict our contract. All you sought from us was for the power to bring them back. This, we granted. In return, you became the second Harbinger. Body, soul, purpose, all devoted to the dying god of an ailing cosmos.
... You're dying?
We are always dying. We are always being reborn. Is that not the purpose of gods? We are what first to emerged, we are the first to begin to die. Our world grows ever smaller, closing in. Crushing us into a new form, just as beetles are turned to paint, our corpse shall be renewed.
So... You really don't have the power to bring them back, do you? If he could cry, he would have drowned.
No. They are mere stardust and smoke, a phantom in your memory. Your powers are our powers, Musrio Almawt. We are mere fragments, now. You, Oliver Maddel, Drayco Afasia, and others, have already torn us apart for your own mortal goals. All that remains of us will soon be at the mercy of her.
... You mean the chosen child?
I still don't understand what she's supposed to do. She's just a wriggler! Ribbit!
The void grew warm around Musrio's soul, what felt like hands grasping at his mind and clawing at his non-existent eyes.
Then, observe. See what Drayco has done to make things right.
If he had lungs, Musrio would have gasped as he was wrenched apart like a doll, sent spinning through ceaseless darkness, until he was thrown into a flash of colors and light.
He found himself in a room he recognized; it was a block at a medicalhive. Instead of a rehabilitation recupercoon, however, there was a restplank, upon which an alien laid. It was a human, Musrio recognized, surrounded by others of her kind.
Musrio turned, in time to see a boy rush right through where his formless body stood. It was Bane, he realized, recognizing the bright red hair and facial scar. The teenager ran to his mother's side, only to be pushed back by another human, one dressed in robes and a face mask. They spoke to Bane urgently, who began to cry as he was escorted from the room.
There was a lot of shouting and confusion, humans rushing back and forth, but Musrio understood the gist:
Someone was dying. The woman in the bed was babbling, sobbing, as several other humans- it wasn't a stretch for Musrio to realize they were doctors- rushed around.
A rush of magic made him turn his attention to a corner, where he spotted the doctors leaning over something. He mentally urged his vision closer, and was able to see what it was.
It was a human wriggler, who was not... wriggling. As he watched the doctors poke and prod with increasing urgency, a familiar voice caught Musrio's attention.
"I can save her."
Musrio whipped around, his heart soaring at the sight of Drayco. They were sat on the edge of the woman's bed, in their demon form. Drayco! He tried to shout, but he had no voice.
The sobbing woman looked up, startled out of her crying. "Wh- who are you?" She whispered.
"My name is Drayco. I can save your daughter."
"You... You can?" Her eyes widened.
"Yes. But in return, when she's older, I want her help."
"Her... help?"
"Yup. All she has to do is go when my partner calls for her, and she just has to help him."
"I don't... understand." The woman blinked furiously, "Are you a demon?"
"Sort of. I'm also a ghost, an illusion, and an alien." Drayco grinned, and the woman giggled.
"So I'm hallucinating?"
"Sure, we can call it that. Do we have a deal?"
She sniffled, a wobbly smile forming on her face. "Sure, Mr. Drayco."
Drayco's tail lashed as he held out his draconic, gnarled, black-clawed hand. "Then we'll shake on it. What's your name?"
"Scarlett. Scarlett Lovell."
"And what's your daughter's name?"
"Oria." Drayco echoed, looking towards the cluster of doctors, "That's a perfect name."
Scarlett sniffled again, before she grasped Drayco's hand. They shook, then Drayco vanished.
On the other side of the room, a baby began to wail, and cheers rang out. Musrio only had eyes for Scarlett, though, who looked down at her hand, at the jewelry now laid between her fingers.
It was Musrio's black pearl necklace.
"Mrs. Lovell? Do you want to hold her?" One of the doctors stepped forward with a very squirmy and very much alive baby in his arms.
Scarlett looked up sharply and nodded. "Yes, yes, of course!" She reached for her spawn, taking her into her arms and cradling Oria close. She said something to the infant that Musrio couldn't hear, but he watched her slip his necklace over Oria's head. As Scarlett tipped the baby upwards to kiss her head, he saw it.
As he watched, a brand like a birthmark formed on Oria's forehead; it was the same symbol Oliver wore on his uniform.
The mark of Neviserrath.
This is what Drayco has done for you, Musrio Almawt. The false child sought the true child, in all that time they were deceased. They gave her life, in exchange for the burden of continuing to carry their sickness, even as a demon. They left a replica of your necklace so that you might call her with your own.
Mere moments after this, you recalled Drayco to your own world. This is why they fervently begged your forgiveness, why they begged to help you. For you to succeed in calling Oria Lovell, you needed Drayco to complete their deal.
Neviserrath's words echoed through Musrio's head as the scene faded around them. He returned to the dark and cold of the void, his vision staring sightlessly ahead as his emotions, now as thick and muddled as soup, filled what could have been his heart.
Drayco... Had set everything up. They'd found Oria, they'd... Fucking hell, they'd saved Alternia, hadn't they? And Musrio had never even known. The first thing he'd done was scream hatred in Drayco's face after they'd come back. A silent sob echoed through the cosmos.
Then this wasn't worth it! Musrio cried, If it meant I had to lose Drayco all over again, it wasn't worth it! None of it was! Send Oria back to her own planet, and give Drayco back! Ribbit!
This, we cannot do.
Well then you're a pretty fucking useless god, aren't you?! Make another deal with me, if that's all you're good for, and give them back!
This, we cannot do. You have nothing more that we desire, for we desired nothing of you to begin with. Musrio Almawt, your first contract is not complete. You must see this to the end.
I can't! I won't! Not without Drayco! Ribbit!
Drayco cannot be returned.
... This, we grant.
Then, for fuck sake, at least let me say goodbye!
There was silence, more oppressive and heart breaking than the darkness. The dead void and cold leeched through Musrio's soul as he waited, almost able to feel anticipation as Neviserrath... actually considered his demand. Finally, like a thunderclap, the abyss whispered:
Magic tore through him, eviscerating and soothing at once. Stars burst before Musrio's eyes, thrumming with haunting songs as they swept him through realities and planes alike. He was contorted, twisted, and spun about, ripped to pieces and put back together below the eyes of black holes.
The bright blur in his eyes faded, and Musrio found himself, whole and physical, walking the space between the stars themselves. Before him, their breathing apparatus gone, looking as whole and happy as they had been mere hours ago, was Drayco.
They smiled at him, the starlight glinting off their five horns and in their grieving eyes. "Hey, Mush."
Grief and relief alike welled in the rustblood's scarred throat, burning in his eyes and within his chest. "Dr... Dray-"
His matesprit stepped forward, and merely opened their arms for him. And with a wreched sob, Musrio ran to them.
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
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Gyromitra californica, Gyromitra caroliniana, Gyromitra fastigiata, Gyromitra gigas, Verpa bohemica, Helvella sp.,Destroying Angel (Amanita ocreata), Fool's mushroom (Amanita verna) European Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa), Death Angel (Amanita bisporigera), Deadly Conocybe (Conocybe filaris), Deadly Parasol (Lepiota josserandii), Deadly Galerina (Galerina autumnalis), Flat-topped Agaricus (Agaricus praeclaresquamosus), Yellow Stainer (Agaricus xanthodermus), Mock Meadow Mushroom (Agaricus californicus), Felt-ringed Agaricus (Agaricus hondensis), Satan's Boletus (Boletus satanas), Red-pored boletus (Boletus pulcherrimus), Slender red-pored Boletus (Boletus erythropus), Green-spored Parasol (Chlorophyllum molybdites), Emetic russula (Russula emetic), Fragrant russula (Russula fragrantissima), False Chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca), Sulfur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare), Lurid Boletus (Boletus luridus), Jack O'Lantern Mushroom (Omphalotus olivascens), Sweat Mushroom (Clitocybe dealbata), Conic Fiberhead Mushroom (Inocybe fastigiata), Fluff fiberhead mushroom (Inocybe lanuginose), Inky Cap (Coprinus atramentarius), Coprinus variegates, Fly Amanita (Amanita muscaria), Panther Amanita (Amanita pantherina), Gemmed Amanita (Amanita gemmata), Potent Psilocybe, Wavy Cap (Psilocybe cyanescens), Magic Mushroom (Psilocybe cubensis), Azur Cap (Psilocybe azurescens), Liberty Cap (Psilocybe semilanceata), Panaeolus subbalteatus, Panaeolus cyanscens, Black Trumpet, Truffle, Button, Cauliflower mushroom, Turkeytail, Charcoal burner, Chicken of the Woods, Common Ink Cap....
[He just...]
[He just keeps going...]
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
hey musrio! whats the weirdest/funniest ghost you've ever seen?
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Probxbly the one Drxyco nxmed Cxsper. He hxunts our mexlblock xnd likes to knock stuff over xnd mxke x fuss when the mexlblock is dirty. He smxshed my fxvorite mug becxuse I left dishes in the sink for two nights. Ribbit.
He hxs no eyes, so I don't know how he knows when it's not clexn, but whxtever. Xt lexst it's x reminder to clexn when the chxirs stxrt levitxting. Ribbit.
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
Musrio dating sims
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Name: Musrio Almawt
Their Profession: Necromancer
Where They Can Be Found: The graveyard, the library, or a coffee shop!
Favorite Food Type: Pizza!
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Wine
Favorite Trait: Optimism
Where They Would Go On a Date: A museum
Ideal Gift: Coffee mugs, sweaters, bleeding heart flowers.
How Many Dates Before They Go To Bed: 5+
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
Frogs are just compact water lizards with less superiority and charm because they lose their tails at some point in life.
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Counter points: they're smxll, round, jump impressive distxnces, sing for you, xnd their toxin txstes xmxzing when licked strxight from the source. Ribbit.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
*Gives Musrio a very small ceramic frog, then dips*
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He cups the tiny frog very gently and puts it in a place of honor in his block. He seems happy.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
Sure man, how do you like your coffee???
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
🗣 Musrio
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.... I hxte Troll Xdxm Sxndler.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
conversation meme for musrio and oliver 😇
Musrio walks into a coffee shop, only to see Oliver. "No..." He turns around and walks back out.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
Hey Musrio what are you looking for when it comes to a moirail?
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I don't know. I've only ever hxd one before, xnd she... left.
I xm xwxre I'm not the exsiest troll to dexl with, so preferxbly someone who is pxtient. Opening up is not something I'm good xt, xnd it txkes x lot of trust in someone for me to do thxt. I'm xlso rxther busy most nights, so it cxn't be someone who requires constxnt xttention. Ribbit.
I'd of course keep up my side of the dixmond xnd mxke time for them, but some nights I cxn't even lexve my lxb unless it's xn emergency.
I don't rexlly cxre xbout their gender or blood color, though the higher they xre the longer it'll probxbly txke for me to trust them. Being the lowest on the spectrum, I kind of hxve to be cxutious. Ribbit.
Whxt else... I don't mind being x "'rxil with pxils," but xgxin, I'd need x minute before we got to thxt.
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ask-them-bois · 3 years
: Musrio are the robes you wear comfortable?
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They are, xctuxlly. They feel like pxjxmxs, honestly, xnd xll the lxyers keep me wxrm. Ribbit. But the lxyers xre thin enough thxt I don't overhext.
I don't like where they cxme from, or whxt they represent, but I don't mind the robes themselves. Ribbit.
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ask-them-bois · 4 years
Musrio is fine
"Musrio is fine" Musrio is an undead teenager who eats poison for fun.
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naughty-bois · 3 years
💞 musrio have you ever been caught masturbating?
No. I lock my door.
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