#musings of a mortal
humangods · 2 years
Plot bunnies because I always need more
Some are classics that have been written a hundred times that I’m just very late to the party with getting to myself. For any M/F pairing I prefer writing the guy. Unless otherwise stated, none have any set genre (could be supernatural, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, or good ol’ modern day with nothing added, etc.). Below the plots I wrote out are links to ones I’ve seen around that I also like. I’ll probably add onto this as I find more I want to do and remove ones I’ve started to do.
Message me or like the post and I’ll ask you what you were interested in. I’m also down to make up an original plot too!
If your blog isn’t able to be viewed and you have no posts or no indication of being into RP then I’ll probably ignore you unless you send me a message.
Cursed With Beauty (F/F); Muse A comes from an influential and wealthy family. Because of this Muse A’s family wants to ensure Muse A marries someone of equal or greater social standing and from such a union can benefit the family. Muse A has never been short of suitors thanks to their great and known beauty, leaving the family to choose whom they deem most fit at their leisure and with little resistance towards their choosiness. Thus, Muse A is thrust into a loveless marriage without a say in any of it. Muse B is no one of note. They don’t have any powerful connections, they’re not seeking any fame nor fortune -- they’re just trying to survive whether it means by legal means or not. Yet those that meet them immediately take notice of their quiet beauty and often seek to get closer to Muse B for their own selfish reasons. Both Muse A and B are miserable because of their beauty and meet by chance when Muse A attempts to flee from their marriage -- their life as they know it -- and the two form an unlikely bond.
I can swing for either muse, but if I play Muse A I’ll ask to use my character Soleil Chaiya (Davika Hoorne FC).
False King (F/F); Needing someone to inherit the throne, Muse A’s parents decide to raise them as a boy and present them to the rest of the world as such. No one suspected a thing as Muse A went from Prince to King, but they did begin to whisper when not only did Muse A not have any child to ascend the throne after their death, but every marriage ended in failure for one reason or another. But now Muse A needs to remarry and bear a child from the union or else the suspicion of there something fishy going on will rise. Enter Muse B, the royal of a smaller kingdom who could use the political support from Muse A’s kingdom and offer valuable resources in return. Muse B is not thrilled by the arranged marriage, but must go along with it. They become instantly skeptical of there being a hidden agenda when Muse A refuses to lie with them on the night of their wedding and every night after that. How were they supposed to produce an heir? Something was amiss and Muse B was determined to find out Muse A’s secret. But once they know the shift of power will fall into their favor greatly.
Preference for Muse B, who will plan on using the power shift to their advantage with the costs that which will at first seem inconsequential to the end result.
Life Without Persephone (F/F); The gods’ influence is coming to an end, Olympus has fallen, but the stories of their adventures and misdeeds persists. The gods themselves continue to live on, but they live among the mortals they’ve known only to toy with for their amusements. Muse A (Hades, and referred to as such henceforth) still rules over the dead in The Underworld, but also now lives on the surface world. The banishment to Earth is less of a curse to Hades as it is for the other gods with some adjusting to their new lives more easily than others. The biggest difference for Hades is Persephone is gone. Muse B has business with Hades and they will see it through. All they know of Hades is from the stories whispered by other gods, demigods, and mortals. Only some of them are true. But Muse B should take care not to forget: Hades is still a god, and gods are fickle and selfish. And, perhaps just as important, Muse B should bear in mind that the gods feared Hades and their realm of shadows and spirits. Dealing with a god never goes as planned.
Preference for Muse B, who will likely be another god with a bone to pick
Opposites Attract (F/F, M/F, M/M); Muse A comes from a small town where everyone knows everyone’s business, for better or for worse. There are sprawling ranches and farmland as far as the eye can see surrounding the town and not much else in the way of eye-catching views. Even the nearest rodeo is several cities over. but this is the life they know and they’re pretty comfortable with it right now. Muse B comes from the loud, bustling city where everyone keeps their head down and they’re always on the move from point a to point b. This is the life they know and love. One Muse meets the other (car breaks down and either Muse A or B are stuck in the opposite place from where they want to be, etc.) and they’re forced to temporarily live in the other Muse’s world with help from that Muse.
The Stars Aligned Badly (F/F, M/F, M/M); A pretty well known celebrity, Muse A, has gone through one publicist after another because of the constant chaos and trouble they cause. It doesn’t help matters any that Muse A also has a bad temper, so if it’s not the stress from doing constant damage control that pushed their publicists to quit then it’s Muse A’s arrogance and brashness. Half of Muse A’s fame come from them being difficult to work with, arguably more than half, while the rest is from their undeniable skill. Muse B is an up-and-coming publicist who has been having trouble finding work. Their portfolio of clientele has been mostly small-time individuals and start-up companies, no one and nothing major. But seeing Muse A needs a publicist (again) makes Muse B apply despite already knowing they’re going to be in for a tough time. If they can get through this job then they could get better clients and leave Muse A behind.
Theomachy (F/F, M/M); Everyone knows the gods are driven by their whims for never have they faced any true consequence. Everything they do is for their own selfish and greedy amusement and stories to tell while seated upon their golden thrones. Everything they do only leaves misery in their wake for the mortals they use as their playthings. Muse A is the unfavored and disgraced child of a god who came to understand that a divine parent is worse than a mortal one. Muse B is a mortal who followed the teachings to worship the gods, and loathe the monsters. Yet with each passing day it becomes harder for them to hang onto the respect they thought was deserved for the gods simply for being divine. Resentment takes hold in both Muse A and Muse B. It’s time for the age of gods to end and for people to be free to live and die as they choose, not because a god willed it so.
Muse B could also be disguised as a mortal, but in truth be a god that is either supportive of Muse A or plans to expose them to the other gods later down the road.
The Third Wheel (F/F); All Muse A remembers is the crash and everything going dark. They awaken in a hospital room with the news that their long-time partner that they’d been working with did not survive. Refusing to allow themselves to get closer to anyone else as they didn’t want to go through the pain of loss again, Muse A works alone for some years. During this time there’s a new agent whose been quickly rising in prominence. Muse A and B have crossed paths a few times, but never once did they get along. Any effort of a civil conversation was quickly snuffed out within the first ten seconds of speaking to one another. They couldn’t have had more opposing personalities. It comes to both their annoyance, especially Muse A’s who has been adamant and almost impressively with some excuse for why they can’t work with others, when the two are partnered together with no if’s, and’s, or but’s. Tensions are high as the two continuously butt heads, and it only gets worse when a person of interest they’re pursuing turns out to be Muse A’s old partner who was supposed to be deceased and is now working for the enemy.
Aphrodite’s Helen (F/F); Aphrodite (Muse A) chose Helen (Muse B) because if she couldn’t have the mortal, then she would ensure the world would suffer for it. But Helen, perhaps, suffers the most. She has no shortage of both seething hate and a burning love that only fuels her rage for the goddess. For better or worse, Aphrodite shares the same sentiments and feelings towards Helen.
Fake dating (F/F, M/F, M/M); They were fake-dating, but Muse A is annoying so now Muse B is publicly proposing just to spite them.
Just Chillin’ (F/F); A combination of this and this plot where Muse A (Dragon, and referred to as such henceforth) resettles somewhere new every few centuries or so and their latest spot is some distance away from a small, but rapidly growing town. Over the years there have been adventurers who have come and successfully traded with the Dragon one treasure for another. One day a group of people visit Dragon’s hoard and claim they need one of the treasures for an important mission of theirs, but all they can give in return is Muse B. Dragon ends up agreeing and plans to make the next person to visit them for an exchange of treasures also take Muse B. However, Dragon’s hopefulness begins to wane as many moons pass and no one has come to their den of treasures leaving Muse B with them all this time to look after or neglect.
Preference for Muse A (Dragon) who also, of course, has a human form. Will choose between my characters Aislyn (Kathryn Winnick FC) or Reizalyos (flexible FC; currently Olga Fonda) depending on the direction the plot and characters are developed.
Sometimes We’re the Villain (F/F, M/M); Muse A moonlights as a villain which is why they’re never available after work to go out with coworkers and they’re always busy in the evening on their weekends. They hate talking about their personal life too much and try to deflect whatever questions they can. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Muse B who thinks maybe they’re a superhero starts to try and do some digging on Muse A, much to Muse A’s annoyance. Because Muse B is getting in the way of their villainous activities.
Historical Mythology (F/F, M/F, M/M); Various ideas that can be built off or used as inspiration for others. This can be used for multiple plots.
I’m always wanting mythology-based plots so I’m open to just about anything. Fallen gods, gods who lose their immortality, people who don’t know they’re actually gods or are reincarnations of gods. They don’t have to be god/god pairings, they can also be god/human, god/demigod, etc.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 months
I love the idea that Cain is an angel raised on Earth, who has never set foot into heaven, and raised among humans because it's such a good parallel to Lane, who survived death and is now an outcast among humans. If anyone would understand how isolated Lane feels, it would be the angel who doesn't seem accepted by mortals or immortals alike
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mythic-rose · 3 months
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❝ — “And when one day people look back on me and what my life meant, I don’t want them to say, ‘Alec Lightwood fought in the Dark War’ or even ‘Alec Lightwood was Consul once.’ I want them to think, ‘Alec Lightwood loved one man so much he changed the world for him.”
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 28/100: Alec Lightwood
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nova--spark · 9 months
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And here we now have, the Mortal Machines designs of all the Autobots!
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ibrithir-was-here · 5 months
If Quincey let his facial hair grow more he'd resemble his two-months-long castle-bound dad after he lost his mirror :o
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Yeah :(
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red-dead-sakharine · 10 months
I'm dragging this out of the comments and into the light, because I really like this angle. @adarlingmess
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I love this idea. I don't think he'd even be making the decision to play it safe with Haarlep (well, "safe") consciously. So when he starts to feel something towards Tav, he's kinda caught off guard.
He does write about Tav in his diary, and dreams of them. Of course it's also related to the crown, but I do believe him when he says "I've grown quite fond of you, in my way".
And I always thought his "You." when he catches us in the HoH sounded particularly laden. With a combination of surprise, pain and anger (on god, Wincott did such a stellar job).
Totally agree with OP, that he's hurt we betrayed him, and lashes out. Because it's his only way of coping.
I wonder if his affection(?) for Hope turned into despising her over time, and he doesn't want to go through this again with Tav, so he just decided to kill us and be done with it. I mean, imagine the person you have some form of affection for, refuses you. So you chain them up and torture them, only for them to keep refusing you for tens, hundreds(?) of years. What must be going through his head during that time? "Why can't I break them?" "Am I so undesirable, that they refuse me this vehemently?"
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Ok, I think you catch my drift. I'll shut up now.
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kaitlinamberxo · 23 days
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“There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite female muses — 46/100: Isabelle Lightwood
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canisalbus · 1 year
I've always wanted to ask how you can draw an oc that you know has a bad end/dies in their story. You are stronger than me and I'd love to know what motivates you
I know I'm in a minority on this and most OC creators don't think about their characters' deaths, but it's never bothered me much honestly. The way I see it, if I know how their life starts and how it ends, it's much easier to figure out what happens in the middle.
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mournfulroses · 10 months
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May Sarton, from Gods & Mortals: Modern Poems on Classics; "The Muse as Medusa,"
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 months
hey did you see Purpled and Crumb were in the Tom Simons vlog??? Also fucking Sapnap and some people from Smosh and BBH and Squid Kid and Aphmau?!!!!? Literally the most wild collection of people ever
I SAW. crumb cuptoast continues to be the funniest person alive
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youhuis-ghost · 2 months
art practice, something, i dont know
muse for today : kenshi takahashi of the eff bee eye (its not funny anymore cage…)
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its p bad this is my first time drawing him lol…
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humangods · 2 years
I'm so tired of the onslaught of p*rn bots and all the blocking and reporting I have to do like it's the early 2010s again. When will this end?
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 5 days
sometimes i get sad when people don't like/hate on my faves but then i remember that i have the most correct opinions on the planet and that fixes me like "i see these characters with a range you never will, and tbh, i feel bad u will never experience that"
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mythic-rose · 3 months
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❝ — “I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't give up loving you. Not for anything. You know what Raphael told me? That I didn't know how to be a good vampire, that vampires accept that they're dead. But as long as I remember what it was like to love you, I'll always feel like I'm alive."
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 42/100: Simon Lewis
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mintspider · 11 months
I get the vibe that EVERYONE in the Black Dragon has had at least one unwelcome elicit sex thought/dream about Kano.
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kaitlinamberxo · 3 months
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“Valentine is a real threat. He can't be handled by three and a half Shadowhunters.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 38/100: Alec Lightwood
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