#musing;xiu chan
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cypher-of-the-night · 5 years
Biography: Naoki Enjo
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“Ah-re-re~? You're mistaken. Because.. You are my muse, right?”
Full name: Enjo, Naoki
Kanji: 円城, 直生
Meaning: Naoki - Honest Life; Enjo - Round Castle
Nao-chan (by Yui),
AOKI (as an Underground Rapper and Stage name),
Xiu-Lan Jiang (Real Name)
Age: 16
Birthday: December 20th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Japanese
Status: Alive
Race: Human?
Gender: Female
Height: 149 cm (4'11")
Weight: 49 kg (108 Ib)
Hair color: Black, with blue, pink, white streaks (Naturally black)
Eye color: Pink
Blood Type: O
Occupation: 1st Year High School Student
Relatives: Riki Enjo (adoptive father), Ying-Yue Jiang (ancestral foremother), Yuuichi Kuroi (distant relative)
Place: Sakamaki Household
Favorite Food: Anything.
Hobbies: Rapping.
Seiyuu: Asami Tano ( Saki Nikaido from Zombieland Saga ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Amber Lee Connors (Toy Chica from Five Night’s at Freddy’s) (Talking, 1/2)
Significant Other/Keeper: Subaru Sakamaki
Naoki is an energetic, eccentric, and bold girl, with her biggest strength being honesty and an extremely extrovert personality. While it is initially assumed that she has a highly poor academic record due to her disinterest in studying, Naoki is actually highly intelligent to a point it could even rival with Reiji’s, due to being strictly raised in a traditional, political household where she had high expectations to excel at everything. Upon feeling suffocated by formalities, traditions, and high expectations by her adoptive father, She has always desired freedom and to find a place where she is allowed to be who she is.
This desperate wish became the sole reason she recklessly accepted Karlheinz’s offer which exchanges the freedom she seeks, and this is why she willingly stays with the Sakamaki brothers and follows their rules instead of escaping or resisting. Even upon becoming a sacrificial bride and choosing Subaru, and when he attempt to fluster Naoki by commenting how she looked like she was trying to say that she wants to become his woman by wanting him to suck her blood, Naoki took this seriously as an offer from Subaru and happily agreed to become his woman, which made him flustered instead; This is because Naoki highly despised her arranged (and highly abusive) fiancé and is willing to be Subaru’s woman to keep herself away from her ex-fiancé. Even if Subaru himself becomes the one that hurts her instead.
Despite the abuse by the hand of her adoptive father and her fiancé, Naoki finds salvation upon discovering and falling in love with rap music, which helped her get by emotionally. Her source of strength comes from rap, as she aspires o become a rapper, and wishes to dominate the nation with her music as it is what kept her to stay strong and hopes it would impact other’s lives and help them stay strong.
Despite her lively personality, Naoki admits that she does not fear death. Because of her stressful childhood to be the “perfect daughter” with high expectations before discovering rap music, she had already come to terms to accepting death as there has been many times where what her father and her fiancé has put her through has made her want to succumb to death; It isn’t until by the Maniac arc of the HDB Saga where she begins to fear death because of Subaru.
She also loves food to a point where she won’t mind eating anything and when asked about her favorite food, she would reply with “All of the above”. Despite having always being top of her class, Naoki has Thalassophobia, an intense and persistent fear of the sea or of sea travel, due to traumatizing experiences that almost drowned her multiple times caused and exploited by her arranged fiancé when they were younger.
Strengths: Patience, endurance, devotion, fast-learner, observant, highly intelligent, wise, bright, athletic, extroverted, persepctive, hard-working, kind-hearted, protective, goal-oriented, empathetic, playful, a realist, optimistic, friendly, supportive, serious when needed, self-confident, fun-loving, open, and expressive.
Flaws: Stubborn, persistent, big eater, highly curious, strong-willed, passive, has Thalassophobia (an intense and persistent fear of the sea or of sea travel), outspoken, rebellious (to an extent), fearful of her father and ex-fiance, confused, mostly fearless (has no fear of dying), lazy when it comes to studies, hasty (whenever she does feels fear), skeptical when she can see through facades, exasperating at times, slightly naive when it comes to social affairs, tend to get panic and anxious whenever it comes to her past (including her ex-fiancé and her adoptive father), lonely, unwittingly yet emotionally dependent, and sometimes silly.
Skills: Rapping, writing music, dancing, baking, is able to speak Chinese, English, and Korean, her intelligence (has even gotten a higher score than Reiji's), has high patience, high stamina, a fast runner, enhanced sense of smell, slightly stronger than normal humans, good listening skills, reading people and their emotions, skilled at playing on the piano, singing (she doesn’t like to sing), has good flexibility, charisma, negotiation skills, has slow but steady healing, quick thinker, surprisingly observant, and is slowly getting good at housework.
For as long as she can remember, Enjo Naoki was raised in a strict household with a politician as a father by the name of “Enjo Riki”. Being the only daughter, she was always pressured to have the image of the perfect child that is expected to obey, to never talk back or complain, and to push past her own limits to meet the high expectations placed upon her. He even forces her to take a daily routine of classes every early morning, forces her on a diet, and places her in prestigious, all-girl schools where she is surrounded by snobbish, rich girls. While she wished to believe her father secretly did care for her, Riki disregards her as a tool and only uses her to gain more political power; His desire for power in the political world runs deep to a point he arranges an political marriage for Naoki to a business partner’s son, Mizushima Satoshi, who was Naoki’s tormentor ever since childhood and was even the person responsible for Naoki’s Thalassophobia by pushing and even throwing her off the boat into the ocean where there were cases where she almost drowns. Even when they both get older into teenagers, Satoshi torment her by touching her sexually; Which causes Naoki to develop genophobia (fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse). Naoki was never able to talk about it with her father, knowing he would not listen as it would risk losing power he needs to obtain from the marriage.
Due to the neglect and abuse, Naoki held no hope in life or miracles and even considered taking her own life as she saw no reason for her to continue living. Which explains why she does not fear death as she deemed the life she lived as a fate worse than hell. That was until she discovers rap music. At first, she was confused upon the beats of the music; But would come to find comfort in the lyrics to the song as it told life stories about hardship in life. Naoki would later to become more open-minded, which would even help expand her horizons once she encounters a promotion of an anime character with a punk rock style that she was starstrucked by. It was then Naoki began to find salvation to help her keep living, and when she started to get herself involve with rap.
For a while, Naoki would begin to act rebellious, claiming to go to the library to study when in actuality she would secretly go out to research rap music and would join a unit with other underground rappers. After performing a song she rapped in front of a group of people, Naoki received a self-made bracelet from a little girl, who became the petite girl’s first fan. From this experience, Naoki would start to feel like she has finally start to fit in after many years of feeling lost and outcasted, and start to find herself passionate about becoming a rapper herself, with the dream of saving people with her music the same way rap music saved her in her time of need.
However, due to anonymous tip, Riki finds out about Naoki’s activities, forbids her from continuing her activities, and decided to make arrangements to keep her home until she is to be moved to her fiancé’s mansion, even decided to throw out everything involving her activities which also included the bracelet; Finally snapping, Naoki defies her father for the first time and attempted to stand up for herself until her father slaps her before calling her a disappointment, that it was a mistake having a daughter, and leaves her.
Conflicted, Naoki is torn about what to do. Until she is told to run away by a voice. Once the voice told her to leave a few more times, Naoki’s resolution solidified and attempted to run away past midnight; However, she gets caught in the sights of guards hired by her father as he knew Naoki would attempt to run away. She continued to run until she gets trapped in an alley with a dead end with a twisted ankle and was even forced to hide in a dirty dumpster from the guards that arrived after hearing her voice from twisting her ankle. While hiding, Naoki prayed for them not to find her and was saved what she believed was a dog, which didn’t seem to be the case judging by the guards questioning what it was before they escaped once rain began to pour. After they left, Naoki realizes that she has nowhere else to go as the guards continued searching for her in the places she initially planned of going. Resorting to sleep out in the rain, She was encountered by another politician she knows of that she remembers as her father’s rival in the political world: Sakamaki Tougo.
At first, she was hesitant to trust him in fear he would contact her father; But after offering to keep her far from her father and promising her the freedom she yearned for in exchange for her cooperation to help him by living with his sons, Naoki accepted him upon one condition: to allow her to become the person she wants to be rather than someone she isn’t, to become the rapper she dreamed of becoming. Tougo accepted that condition and even spoiled her by giving her her dream appearance (punk-rock clothes, streaks in her hair, etc). Because of this, Naoki viewed Tougo as her savior, solidify her trust in him, and is heavily indebted to him which would later affect her life with the Sakamaki brothers; However, once she started to live with the Sakamaki’s, Naoki began to find out hidden truths about her life that would later come to surface.
The reason why Tougo, who was actually the Vampire King Karlheinz, decided to take her in was because he was actually using her as the other Eve, in case the resurrection of his first wife, Cordelia, in Komori Yui’s body succeed. And Naoki‘s heart was a male first-blood’s, by the name of Asher; Thus, Tougo’s promises to ensure her safety and to give her her freedom were all empty promises to gain her respect and loyalty for her cooperation into the plan, even taking advantage of her situation into his favor. Naoki was actually born to a Chinese clan of human vampire hunters with the first-blood blood in their veins, due to their foremother ancestor, Jiang Ying-Yue; Ying-Yue was the original host of the first-blood’s heart (whom was also her lover in her former life as a human), who went by the name of Asher, was a originally human before turning into a vampire after she gave birth to a human son that carried Asher’s blood. Due to herself staying hidden for many centuries to hide from Karlheinz under her first-blood lover’s instructions, Ying-Yue was given the nickname “Lilith”, who was known to be the first wife of Adam but leaves him after she refuses to become subservient to him (in a similar sense where Ying-Yue refuses to let herself become experimented as an Eve to Karlheinz’s plan); However, their secret was revealed when one of their clan’s members was kidnapped by a vampire who found out about the truth of their blood. In fear that the clan will be targeted, The ancestor initially thought about giving Asher’s heart to a male host; However, She decided to give the first-blood’s heart to an infant Naoki, who was born by the name of “Jiang Xiu-Lan” and had a weak heart similar to the condition Ying-Yue had when she was human, to save her and send her to Japan to keep her safe from the tragedy. After Naoki was taken to Japan to an orphanage, her clan was massacred by Japanese vampire hunters under orders by a former associate: Kuroi Tsurara. It was even revealed that Riki actually adopted her in secret due the truth being that he had infidelity problems, and only chose to adopt her due to her high intelligence surpassing those of the other children and looking similar like him, making her perfect to him to use.
It is revealed that Asher was the voice heard by Naoki in her time of need, as her guardian to keep her sanity in check. It is revealed that, throughout her entire life, Naoki has been unwittingly and emotionally dependent on the first-blood, especially whenever she felt like she was going to snap. This is why Naoki did not go crazy even after everything she has been through in her life, as the first-blood was the reason she remains grounded as her conscience. They have even met during Naoki’s childhood within her dreams, where Naoki calls him “Papa” as she was never allowed to call Riki; However, as she got older, Naoki began to forget the memories of those dreams, and by extension, Asher; Believing that Asher was an imaginary friend she made up due to her lonely childhood. But even after being put to sleep and chained until the day Naoki breaks her chains when the time came, Asher will remain a father-figure to her and be there in her time of need like he always has.
• Naoki knows how to repair and patch holes on walls; This is because, whenever she was alone, she would accidentally punch a wall out of frustration from her stressful life; Fearing of being punished, Naoki would hide the damage before fixing the wall herself before her father would come home to notice the damage. She has even punched a hole in walls at school in private before fleeing the scene to resume her day before she could get caught. She viewed this as a parallel of attempting to fix the broken pieces in her heart. She even admits that, had it also not been for rap music to calm her down, Naoki would began to resort to violence and destruction. This is one of the biggest reasons why Naoki empathized with Subaru and doesn’t stop him whenever he causes damages, even helps fix and patch the walls no matter how many times he breaks them. 
This is also how Naoki gets Reiji off her back about her choice of style as she is the only one (besides Yui) that even does anything to help clean up the messes made by his brother. Of course, when asked about it, Naoki refers to cleaning everything as part of her repayment to Tougo.
• Despite her disinterest in studying, Naoki still continues to try hard in order to graduate; Even willing to take notes on subjects she already knows to give to Subaru to help him improve. It is because of this that their teachers, that once given up on Subaru, relying on her to ensure his grades improves. While she does try to help him, the progress is slow and has only gotten him to just barely passing.
• While Naoki considers Subaru as her first love, Asher confesses that Naoki did love Karlheinz, as Togo Sakamaki, for saving her life, but hidden it as she considered it a childish crush; However, this could just be something Asher made up in order to provoke Cordelia once they meet in their respective hosts’ body.
• During the time between the Haunted Dark Bridal Saga and the More Blood Saga of their friendship, it has been decided by Naoki that she will pick out Subaru’s clothes for him; As they wear a very similar style.
• Naoki’s real name is Xiu-Lan Jiang (Jiang Xiu-Lan; 江 秀兰), which respectively mean “Beautiful Orchid” and “River”; Which is ironic considering her immense fear of the sea and her favorite color being lavender.
• Asher reveals a dangerous aspect of killing him from within Naoki’s body even if Naoki lives: If He dies, Naoki will experience imbalance from within psychologically, causing a severe loss of identity/an unstable sense of self. Due to Asher being the reason why Naoki has not gone mentally insane from depression, stress, compulsiveness, and anxiety caused by the abusive environment from her childhood, his existence within her is essential to keep her at bay as she has been unwittingly dependent of him emotionally. This becomes heavily apparent in Naoki’s brutal ending in the Haunted Dark Bridal Saga.
• By the Dark Fate saga, Naoki is revealed to be a human with slightly enhanced skills; This is due to Ying-Yue Jiang, her foremother and Asher’s lover, becoming the first carrier of the first-blood’s heart; Before she turned into a vampire, She had sexual intercourse with another human in an arranged marriage to produce an heir, which lead to conceiving a human child that would later start a new family line of human with first-blood ancestry from Ying-Yue carrying Asher’s heart before the child was conceived; Thus, Naoki is a human with first-blood ancestry. But due to never training like the past clan members, Naoki is considerably weak and is only strong when Asher lends her his strength.
Asher reveals that because the child was born from two humans, despite his blood running through its veins, they can not possess magic, transform, or summon familiars like a first-blood; Instead, because of his blood, The child was stronger, quicker, and healed faster than an average human, along with inheriting the ability to sense vampires and invisible familiars. This is why the clan turned into one with phenomenal vampire hunters as, while they can’t see them, they can sense their presence, using those abilities to their advantages. Which is something that she can do, but not as well at due to lack of training.
Asher also reveals that due to her being a descendant that was born with his blood, once she becomes a vampire, She can, not only use his strength, but also use Asher’s heart and his blood as his hostess to assist her into unlocking her own potential and can awaken all of the basic/passive abilities for a First Blood by a century at the latest; However, due to only being born as a human with first-blood ancestry, Asher himself admits while the process is not that imminent and might take more than a thousands of years, but it should not be impossible to do if she was a vampire, turned or not, and focused hard on training.
• Naoki reveals to wear a padded bra, which is why her flat-chest looks bigger in her clothes, despite the fact that she is perfectly comfortable with her flat chest.
* The reason for this is because her adoptive father ordered her to wear only padded bras so that she may be viewed as “presentable” in public, finding her to be flat-chested for her age as an embarrassment; Which is why Naoki is very proud of her flat-chest, even preferring being called a “Waffle” by Ayato.
• Naoki’s habit of saying “あれれ”/"Ah-re-re" comes from the Murder Mystery anime series, Detective Conan. Which is a cute, child-like way of saying "Huh?"
• In the Haunted Dark Bridal Saga, Naoki shown to have Genophobia (fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse), as she actually struggles and panic when Subaru started to touch her in a sexual manner in order to break her as a last resort to break her in the Manic arc. Naoki started to overcome that fear as she began to fall in love with Subaru.
• In the Haunted Dark Bridal Saga, Naoki’s greatest treasure is a bracelet gifted to her by her first fan which she often wears in her AOKI wardrobe; However, it was destroyed by Subaru. By the More Blood Saga, the bracelet is repaired, and by the end of the MB Saga, the bracelet is worn by Naoki for her AOKI activities, alongside another bracelet given to her by Subaru.
Height Chart:
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Credits: Sprites made by @crezzstar-commissions, Chibi made by Me, Character sheet image provided by Yuiannii on DeviantArt.
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elparaisodeminseok · 6 years
Thank you !!
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I tried to make a nice edit but I don’t have the patience to make it so here is a shitty edit | can you feel my appreciation?  
Jackie’s very first follower appreciation post it’s mainly as a thank you for following and letting me share my love for Minseok with you all. Even if you followed and have never even liked nor reblogged anything that I post.
Nor talked to me
12 months ago I had decided that I would create a blog solely for Minseok content for about 2 months I had zero (0) followers, today the follower count says 400+ I really didn’t think i’d even reach 100 followers in a year but it happened in 6 months, my multifandom is 2 yrs old and just now hit 100 followers.
Thanks for following me and Loving Minseok along with me and putting up with my not so soft tags.
To the followers who only like the post don’t worry i see you and I love you you keep my notes alive you know when tumblr decides it wants to work properly.
💖 = lovetuals
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Thank you all so much !! 💖💕💖💕
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