livelouder · 6 years
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The past two years have seen the rise of mass social struggle, and like me, I know a lot of you creative types have been asking, "What can I do?" In times like this, we all need to be educating ourselves, radicalizing, joining activist organizations, instigating discussions, and getting into the streets if we have the time and spoons for it. But art can be activism too. And I'm not just talking about bands with scathing political lyrics like Propagandhi or street artists like Banksy. You can be writing the most saccharine bubblegum pop, the most inane trance, or the happiest care-free bluegrass. What differentiates those who make fluffy entertainment and artists who are contributing to powerful, transformative cultural change is HOW YOU SHOW UP AS AN ARTIST. It's how you TALK about your art, your life, and your beliefs. It's where you present you art and to whom. It's accessibility. It's inclusion. It's cultural sensitivity. It's your INTENTION. How are you showing up for the world as an artist? How would you like to start showing up? What are some ways of showing up that ONLY YOU can do?
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cuzjones · 7 years
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Reposting @musicianspiration: When words fail, music speaks. Credit: @music #music #musicians #colourful
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livelouder · 6 years
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I HATE SPAMMY, ENTITLED BULLSHIT. No one likes to feel used. When I started inviting friends to like my Live Louder pages, at first I thought, "I'll just invite the people I know like me enough and know enough about this to not mind the cold invite without a personal note." As I scrolled down the list, by people I was to afraid to invite because I assumed I didn't have anything valuable to offer them or felt too afraid of losing their respect, I realized that if I'm not creating and sharing with the intention of being relevant to the people I look up to, the what the fuck am I doing?? So I invited people I hope will keep me in check! So that when I write about something weighing on my heart, something I think the world needs to hear, I'm keeping my bar HIGH and trying to be valuable to people I deeply respect. Because without you, this project is nothing. Without your input, I'll just continue taking up space at some tech startup, and I'm tired of that life - I'm ready to make real change. #
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