#music teacher in Crestwood
mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Read testimonials about McMusic Lessons & Performances. Hear from parents and students whom have experienced music lessons at home, in studio, or online with music teachers in Crestwood, Illinois and Lemont, Illinois.
Guitar lessons and piano lessons are provided for children and adults on a pay-as-you-go basis with options to prepay for discounted rates. Music lessons begin with a trial session before purchase. No payment information is required to schedule and there is no obligation to continue. Online music lessons include live video chat followed by custom video examples of songs and exercises. Click the video below to see excerpts from some of the custom videos we have provided for our students. The custom videos provide a more interactive practice for our students. They have shown to progress our students beyond your average music lesson. Schedule your trial lesson at https://mcmusiclessons.mymusicstaff.com/Register
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caitlin666 · 1 year
Part 1: The Awakening
Chapter 1: Echoes of Melancholy
In the small town of Crestwood, nestled amidst rolling hills and suburban houses, lived a girl named Lily. At seventeen years old, she was an enigmatic figure with pale skin, deep blue eyes, and midnight-black hair that fell over her face. Lily was an emo teen girl, a soul captivated by the melancholic melodies of her favorite bands.
It was the year 2008, a time when alternative music surged through the veins of disenchanted youth. Lily found solace in the emotive sounds of My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Paramore, among others. Their lyrics seemed to mirror her own inner turmoil, providing an escape from the mundanity of everyday life.
Lily's room was a shrine to her emo identity. The walls were plastered with band posters, lyrics scrawled in elegant, swooping handwriting. In the corner stood her prized possession—an old record player, worn and crackling with nostalgic charm. Vinyl records lined the shelves, filled with stories of heartache and resilience.
Chapter 2: The Colorless Routine
Crestwood High School was a stark contrast to Lily's vibrant world. The halls were filled with a sea of conformity, where the popular kids basked in their cliques and the rest blended into the background. Lily, however, refused to conform. She wore her emotions like armor, her black attire and smudged eyeliner drawing disapproving glances from her peers.
She drifted through the monotonous routine of classes, her mind often wandering to the lyrics that echoed in her head. The teachers saw her as a troubled girl, lost in her own world of despair and introspection. But Lily knew that her depth extended far beyond their limited understanding.
Chapter 3: The Unlikely Connection
One fateful day, Lily's world shifted. During English class, a new student named Max entered the room. His piercing green eyes and tousled hair immediately caught Lily's attention. He exuded an aura of mystery and rebellion, effortlessly embodying the spirit of the alternative subculture.
As the semester progressed, Lily and Max found themselves drawn to each other. Their conversations were filled with poetic musings, discussions of their favorite bands, and shared experiences of feeling like outsiders. Max understood Lily's struggles in a way no one else could, and she found solace in his company.
Part 2: The Journey
Chapter 4: Late Night Revelations
As Lily's friendship with Max deepened, so did her desire for self-discovery. Late at night, they would escape into the shadows, wandering through the deserted streets of Crestwood. They would discuss their dreams, fears, and aspirations, their voices carrying their shared pain into the night.
One evening, while sitting on a bench in the town park, Lily confessed her innermost desires. "I want to start a band," she whispered, her voice trembling with both excitement and vulnerability.
Max's eyes lit up. "I've been waiting for you to say that," he replied. "Let's make it happen."
Chapter 5: The Birth of Shadows of Solace
With a newfound sense of purpose, Lily and Max embarked on a quest to assemble a band. They scoured the hallways of Crestwood High, seeking out fellow musicians who shared their passion for alternative music. Soon, they found Amelia, a gifted guitarist with fiery red hair, and Ethan, a drummer whose steady beats echoed with the heartbeat of their rebellion.
Together, they formed Shadows of Solace—a band fueled by raw emotion and a burning desire to make their mark on the local music scene. Lily took on the role of lead vocalist, pouring her heart into every note,
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kentkennyradcliffe · 4 years
Chapter 2: Mrs. Burnes.
School was always awkward for me. I was known in the classroom and people seemed to like me, but I wasn’t anyone’s best friend. I never gave anyone the time to play with me. I remember during school I would stay to myself until someone came to me and wanted to talk or play.
No one picked on me or thought bad of me in elementary school. Everyone generally liked me. My social skills were odd, and I stood up for the kids who were made of, and I didn’t care about school because I made easy grades. The kids were the least of my interests during class. But once recess came I was out there playing with them. There was a huge colorful dome bar thingy that I would sit on top of. Other kids always wanted to play with me and I took advantage of that. I would get them to do what I wanted. I was bossy but not mean. We would play the color game, which was this: one kid would be on the ground, with their eyes closed and they would spin around then touch a bar. Whatever color the bar was, that was the color that the kids on top of the bar had to touch. If they weren’t touching it when the kid on ground taps them, then that kid lost.
Until 2nd grade I had Mrs. Burns, the robust, jolly woman with glasses. First time I saw her I thought she resembled an alien. And her classroom was very alien-like. She called it her pod. In my imaginative mind, this meant she was going to put us in pods and turn us into aliens. I was so convinced Mrs. Burns was an alien, that I made my own safety paper reflector to keep her human changing alien pods away. How silly of me.
2nd and 3rd grade were my big years. It was the years I started to notice things. I noticed my image in the mirror. I noticed other people. I noticed my class work. I noticed books like Julie b. Jones. I noticed Holidays and the fact that presents were given on the big ones like Christmas and Easter. I noticed time and clocks and when the sun went down (that was the most important thing for a child to know, the worst thing in the world would be to get stuck outside in the dark. That’s when the boogeyman comes out you know.)
I was in the cub scouts for a year. I enjoyed it. The meetings were fun and I liked the arts and crafts stuff. The boat contest and the car contest were fun. I won a trophy with the boat contest. We had to construct our own boats and make them float on the water. I don’t remember if I helped dad make the boat or not. But I do know I was very proud of myself when I learned I was winning. I had no pressure to win from my dad, which I didn’t realize until now. He wasn’t the type of dad who would go crazy at a little league baseball game (which I was a part of in kinder garden). I didn’t win 1st place, but I came in 2nd, which was fine with me because my trophy was bigger than 3rd.
The extra classes besides our homeroom class were my favorite. Gym, Music, and Art. Color and music became especially important for me in my 2nd and 3rd grade years. Gym was just annoying. Music and art were my favorite classes. I always looked forward to each class because I had the most fun in them. The music class really stands out in my mind as one of the best classes ever. We had a new teacher every year. The first one was old and skinny and mean and pulled out her hair when she got mad. I didn’t like her. Next we had Mrs. Sherman, the calm nature girl who didn’t like chairs so we all sat in a big circle on the floor like Indians. Then there was Mr. Thurman. He was the one who I liked because he let us use the instruments. He also had the coolest music classroom videos. I saw Here’s Dolly and The Music Man for the very first time in his class.
Gym was a joke. Mr. Walker, the big-boned basketball coach who believed way too much in tie-bow videos, dodge ball, and synchronized dance. He set up different sections of the gym for different activities. We had ropes in the back that he wanted us to swing on like monkeys from one end to other. There were only three ropes, but he spaced them out so far that it seemed like he should have had 6. Then the tie-bow section was at the furthest most wall with the big cougar mascot painted on the wall. I actually liked the guy on the video; he was African American and had a voice like an army sarge. I followed the movements very carefully. One day I got bored with it and instead of doing the high kicks, I just swung my arms and legs out and bobbed side to side on alternating feet, like a frog being stretched out on all fours like a rubber band.
Mr. Walker had a huge colorful ball that we had to keep in the air. That was one of our tests. The synchronized dancing was always fun. Cotton-eye Joe, hand-jive, the electric slide, the maharani… he had us even do ballroom dancing. I remember volleyball too. I never wanted to hit the ball. When it came to sports time in gym I always fell short to comply. I hated playing dodge ball and basketball and wiffleball. Tennis was fun though. But I only liked hitting the ball as hard as I could and not actually trying to keep it in the court. I never liked following the rules in the game. It was no fun with rules.
In art class, I had a teacher named Mrs. Thurman. If you’ve ever watched King of the Hill, she is Nancy Dribble. The big blonde hair, the Texan accent, it was all Mrs. Thurman. She let us be creative and free with our art, but she still gave us certain criteria.
Cougar den was introduced in 2nd grade. It was an after school daycare that Crestwood elementary housed. Mrs. Cindi was the leader. And all of her slaves were us kids. She was scary. But now that I think about it, she was very good at keeping all 200 something of us in line.
Mrs. Pat in cougar den was a big influence in my decision to color. I colored all the time in cougar den. The coloring books were practically mine. I would take one and sit down at a table and get all the crayons in the coloring box and if one was missing I would search for it until I found it. I did now like missing crayons. One time a boy stole my red crayon. It was so mean. I saw him take it, but he insisted that he didn’t. I was no fool. That mean dumb boy must have thought I was blind. How could he be so dumb to think that by taking a crayon out of my hand and running away with it and then stuffing it in his pocket and come back 5 minutes later,  would make me forget about my missing red crayon. Did he not know who he was dealing with? How dare that boy be so dumb? I wanted revenge. Then I saw dragon ball z come on the TV and I immediately forgot.
In 3rd grade TV was god. I noticed the TV and began watching channel 34. It had wonderful shows like Animaniacs, Historama, Batman beyond, and Pokémon. Pokémon exploded onto the world when I was in 3rd grade. The TV show was how I first discovered it. I loved team rocket and the fire Pokémon. I was enamored by the cartoon. Then I had my mom buy me my very first pack of Pokémon cards. I collected all the first 150 cards. I was so proud of my collection. I took them everywhere I went. Then for Easter my mom and dad got me the first Pokémon games, Red and Blue for game boy.  My life was complete. I never out that thing down! I wouldn’t let anyone else touch my game. I took it to school and played it during recess with the other kids who had the same game. Sometimes we would all sit around the TV for video games and just talk about the new Pokémon we caught. I never wanted to trade with the other kids. I felt like my Pokémon were caught by me, so why should I trade them with anyone?
Video games were another important aspect of my childhood. I got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas of my 3rd grade year. Super Mario 64, some old Japanese game that had a boy with black hair and he could transform into 4 other characters, and another game that I don’t even remember. I knew that cougar den had an N64 and I watched the older kids play Super Mario 64 on it so I could go home and do what they did. That’s how I beat the game. Then Banjo-Tooie came out. Rareware made their best games for Nintendo, why did they leave? Anyway, I bought that game with my own money that I earned for doing chores. Every day that I came home from elementary school, I would go into my room and play Banjo-Tooie. It took me a whole two years to beat the game. Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, Mario-kart and Mario Party 1, 2, and 3 were my other favorites. I played them with my cousins mostly because they were the only people who I liked spending the night.
I was lucky to have such close cousins. Nicky, Zack, Josh... One of them would spend the night every week. And Mario kart or Mario party were the games we played. Me and Nicky became really good at Mario kart, while I loved beating Zack and Josh at Mario party. I even would play that game by myself just to get more stars for the store. I think that was the only reason why I liked to play with Zack and Josh on Mario party. The game boards were so interesting to me. I loved the Mario Party 2 game the most. It had a board where it was a pirate game. Then the GameCube came out. I had a subscription to Game Informer for a year and I loved reading about the new games. Nintendo was my platform of choice. I noticed that when the GameCube came out, the play station and Xbox was taking over, so the coverage on the GameCube was minor. I bought The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, Mario Kart, Soul Calibur, and Super Smash Bros. I played those all time. Never any time for friends…
When I had my cousins over, I treated them bad. I never seemed to care about what they wanted to do. I only wanted to do what I wanted to do. I was bossy and kind of sarcastic. But they always loved me. We used to go down to the little creak that I called a river in the back of the trees that I called woods. We thought that all of these trees were a big wooded area that was free to explore by us. When all the time it was just people’s backyards and big open fields that would soon become places for houses.  Zack and Josh would bring a big bag so we could take the “fossils” we found back to my house and put them under the tree house.
My dad made a clubhouse for me when I was little. I guess I was around 7 or 8. It was a big gift for me, and I never really used it as much as dad wanted me to. I know he felt like I didn’t care, but I did. I loved it. I just didn’t have anyone to play in it with me. And it was so lonely being in there along. When Zack and Josh came over we would go in it and sit there forever and we created a little club that was for only us. We would hide treasure in it and write on the walls and the railing. I tried climbing it one time to show off how strong I was. But I couldn’t get up to the top. Then we just forgot about the whole thing. Well actually I forgot about it. It is still out there, now it is dad’s tool shed. I’m too old for it now anyway. But I never felt like dad knew how much I much appreciated him making it for me. It really took a lot of work.
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Electric guitar lessons in Crestwood, Illinois are available at home, in studio, and online. Receive custom video examples of songs and exercises after each lesson. Schedule a trial lesson before purchase with options to continue on a pay as you go basis or prepay for discounted rates. Begin learning how to play your favorite songs on the electric guitar, read music, and understand the theory behind it all with guitar teacher at McMusic Lessons & Performances.
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Take music lessons online with music teacher in Crestwood, Illinois. Music lessons at home are available with house calls provided to surrounding areas and video chat provided to any location. Online music lessons include live video chat followed by custom video examples of songs and exercises. Schedule a phone or video conference with a music teacher to discuss musical goals and availability before purchase. Pay as you go or prepay for discounted rates as low as $25 is a lesson. Click below to learn more.
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Music lessons on a pay-as-you-go basis with options to prepay for discounted rates are available at McMusic Lessons & Performances in Crestwood, Illinois and Lamont, Illinois. Take guitar lessons, piano lessons, and ukulele lessons for children and adults. Pay as you go or prepaid for discounted rates as low as $25 a lesson with qualifying enrollment. Take music lessons at home, in studio, or online. Video chat with a music teacher followed by custom video examples of songs and exercises. Trial online music lessons are in limited availability. Schedule a phone or video conference with a music teacher today. Discuss musical goals and availability before purchase.
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Music lessons for children and adults are available on a pay-as-you-go basis with options to prepay for discounted rates at www.mcmusiclessons.com. Music teachers in Crestwood, Illinois provide music lessons on the guitar, piano, ukulele, and voice available at home, in studio, or online. Online music lessons include customized video examples of songs and exercises and step-by-step practice outlines to ensure progress at home. Schedule for a phone consultation with the music instructors at https://mcmusiclessons.mymusicstaff.com/Register to discuss musical goals and availability before purchase. New time slots are available for a limited time.
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mcmusiclessons · 3 years
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Pay-as-you-go for music lessons at home or in studio at McMusic Lessons & Performances. Duet music teachers in Crestwood, IL provide music lessons for children and adults on a pay-as-you-go basis with options to prepay for discounted rates as low as $25 a lesson. Take guitar lessons, piano lessons, singing lessons, or ukulele lessons on your own schedule. Click to register for a phone consultation with the music instructors to discuss musical goals, availability, and enrollment options. Purchase single music lessons before committing to extended periods of enrollment for additional savings with music teachers in Crestwood, IL.
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mcmusiclessons · 3 years
Music teachers at McMusic Lessons & Performances perform theme and variations on Guns N Roses "November Rain" motif (Part 2) Learn more at www.mcmusiclessons.com Like, share, follow or subscribe at... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqHeX5Z6E7E9yiOFR_QGrSQ https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcmusiclessons https://twitter.com/mindsofmusic https://www.facebook.com/mcmusic.guitar.piano.lessons/ #music #teachers #instructor #musicians #musicteachers #Crestwood #Illinois #alsip #midlothian #palosheights #paloshills #palospark #chicgoridge #hickoryhills #worth #tinleypark #orlandpark #orlandhills #musiclessons #guitarlessons #pianolessons #musiclessonsforchildren #musiclessonsforadults #musiclessonsforkids #guitarlessonsforkids #pianolessonsforkids #guitarlessonsforchildren #guitarlessonsforadults #pianolessonsforchildren #pianolessonsforadults (at McMusic Lessons & Performances) https://www.instagram.com/p/COsWLcZhk1Y/?igshid=1uqvscoborh6e
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Summer Solstice Sale at McMusic Lessons - McMusic Lessons
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Guitar lessons, piano lessons, ukulele lessons, and voice lessons are available at McMusic Lessons & Performances, www.mcmusiclessons.com. Take music lessons from any location with remote learning. Pay-as-you-go with options to prepay for discounted rates as low as $25 a lesson. Register for a phone consultation with the music teachers in Crestwood, Illinois or schedule a Skype video conference. Discuss musical goals and availability before purchase. Limited time slots are available. Register at https://mcmusiclessons.mymusicstaff.com/Register today to claim one while availability last.
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mcmusiclessons · 3 years
Remote music lessons at McMusic Lessons & Performances are available for children and adults on a pay-as-you-go basis with options to prepay for discounted rates at www.mcmusiclessons.com. Take music lessons at home on the guitar, piano, ukulele, or voice with the convenience of Skype. Register for a phone consultation to discuss musical goals and availability with the music teachers in Crestwood, IL. In studio time slots are currently filled but are provided to online students requesting in-studio as it becomes available. Click https://mcmusiclessons.mymusicstaff.com/Register to learn more about McMusic Lessons & Performances in Crestwood, Illinois
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mcmusiclessons · 3 years
Take music lessons in studio or online with music teachers in Crestwood, IL at McMusic Lessons & Performances. Pay-as-you-go or prepay for discounted rates based on the amount of time purchased. Begin learning how to play your favorite songs by ear, read music, and understand the theory behind it all at any age. Music lessons for children and adults are available on the guitar, piano, ukulele, and voice. Register for a phone consultation with the music teachers at McMusic Lessons & Performances to discuss musical goals, availability, and options to purchase a single lesson to experience before committing to extended periods of enrollment for additional savings. Register now while availability last. Additional discounts on remote learning are available.
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mcmusiclessons · 3 years
Guitar lessons in Crestwood, IL are available in studio or online at McMusic Lessons & Performances, www.mcmusiclessons.com. Pay-as-you-go or prepay for discounted rates. register for a phone consultation to discuss musical goals, availability, and options to purchase single lessons before committing to extended periods of enrollment for additional savings.
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mcmusiclessons · 3 years
Piano teachers in Crestwood IL provide piano lessons for children and adults available to all surrounding locations. Pay as you go or prepay for discounted rates on piano lessons at McMusic Lessons & Performances or take piano lessons at home with remote learning. New time slots are available now. Click to register for a phone consultation with the music teachers at McMusic Lessons & Performances.
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