benzehime · 11 months
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druidshollow · 11 months
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blisteringspores · 2 years
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sports-shift · 1 year
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(via "Cute Smurf Cat" Magnet for Sale by SportsShift)
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eqt-95 · 10 months
a new kind of romance, pt 5
part 4 | frosting
🍄 | could we? wood we?
“Oh look, a mushr-ooph!”
And then what was a breathless morning became a breathless morning smeared in mud and leaf-tangled hair and a pout the size of Metropolis sitting on Kara’s lower lip.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the outdoorsy one?” Lena laughed, and sure, her rosy cheeks and amber scarf hung around her neck and loose curls tumbling over her shoulders helped temper Kara’s flare of frustration at another thing gone wrong. And sure, maybe Lena was extra glowy because of the warm fall colors and that fought Kara’s own annoyance of slipping and tripping and falling - again.
But only barely.
Because while Lena was being her perfect, soft, perfect, kind, perfect self, Kara was powerless and awkward and now inelegantly in those same fall colors and pouting.
It had been a great idea a week earlier; maybe even the best idea Kara Danvers had ever had: a Saturday-morning hike with her very best friend to an outlook of the city painted in an autumnal palette followed by a stop at an apple orchard for some cider and cinnamon sugar donuts with that same very best friend, all ending with a viewing party of David Attenbourough’s soothing narration back at Kara’s tucked in close to - you guessed it - Kara’s very - very - best friend. It was flawless. It was perfect. It was exactly how Kara wanted to spend every Saturday for the rest of her life. Heck, every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and… well, every day.
Except when she planned it a week ago, Kara hadn’t expected it to drizzle or that a National City crisis would burn out her powers.
So pout she did while Lena cautiously toed down the steep hill, dressed in warm flannels and a deep green jacket and gosh, she looked so pretty. How did she always look so pretty?
“Come on, there’s still a whole hill to climb,” a pair of pretty, unpainted lips said and Kara blinked out of her dazed stupor.
“Or maybe we can just call it quits and get cocoa and a couple sticky buns at noonans?” Kara asked hopefully, tucking her pout away.
“I can’t believe my ears,” Lena huffed, offering an outstretched hand. “Is Kara Zor El quitting on me?”
“No,” Kara huffed like a petulant child, climbing to her feet. The lower lip threatened to perch again. “It’d just be nice if, you know-oah!”
Words were ripped out from under Kara with the same slipperiness that sent her sprawling moments earlier. Only this time, she was met with a very different set of tangled limbs and breathless huffs because this time there was a flannel-clad Lena to negotiate.
And that negotiation might have felt exactly like the Princess Bride tumble if the Princess Bride tumble had been Buttercup (Lena) and Westley (Kara) tumbling together down a smaller hill covered in damp leaves with Buttercup (Lena) landing on top of Westley (Kara). 
Except there were some key differences. The biggest, Kara would argue, was that Lena was way prettier than Robin Wright. The next biggest was that their tumble was objectively far more romantic because Lena was laughing and tucking her face into the crook of Kara’s neck and holding tight at her waist even after they’d rolled to a stop and maybe Kara wanted to stay like this forever and ever, wet ground be damned.
Not that Kara romanticized things about her friend - her best friend. The word had never crossed her Pulitzer-prize-winning mind. This was simple platonic adoration. 
Because how could she not adore the dimples blossoming across Lena’s cheeks, or admire her laughter reverberating through their entwined form, or cherish the freckle peeking out from her disheveled scarf, or revere the way her lips looked so soft and pink, or delight in the lock of hair that her own hand reached up and tucked behind Lena’s ear.
And yea, maybe since her hand was already there, Kara let the pad of her thumb brush the smudge of dirt that sat along Lena’s creamy cheekbone because how could she not? And sure, maybe that gesture - that platonic gesture made time slow and Lena quiet with a sudden eye-locking focus before letting out a quiet, breathy sigh that made Kara feel things in ways that were certainly not platonic but definitely not not good feeling. 
And maybe it wasn’t fair that Kara was friends with the most perfect person in the whole world because maybe, just maybe, she wanted to romanticize the idea of tumbling down a hill together and landing tangled and breathless and watching with slow, agonizing curiosity as Lena’s lips drew closer (or was it Kara’s that leaned nearer?) because then if she did that - if she romanticized that, it might mean that maybe, just maybe they could, maybe they would-
“My hero,” Lena grinned, her cheeks rosy and breath warm against the chilly air.
And then there was the crinkle of leaves.
And then there was a ghost of Lena’s warmth.
And then there was a hand extended toward her.
“Come on Supergirl, we’ve still got a mountain to climb.”
And maybe Kara didn’t know how to say what she wanted, because of course it would be silly to ask Lena to stay and to sit in the damp leaves and to feel the cold creep up while the sun rose and climbed and set on them. 
So she didn’t say any of that. Instead she accepted Lena’s offered hand and swallowed hard against the uncertainty in her throat and carefully climbed the thirty-seven steps back to the safety of the trail.
Kara’s feet wavered once there, her whole self unmoving except for the way her eyes glanced between where they came from and where they were meant to go. And then she glanced back down the hill to where they’d unexpectedly tumbled and wondered why they couldn’t just keep down that path.
“You ok?” came Lena’s voice, having closed the distance with her brow furrowed in concern. “Did you hurt anything?”
Kara shook her head and pressed her mouth into a smile. “No, just thinking.”
Lena eyed her, a silent ‘about?’ lobbed, and if Kara looked hard enough she might have seen the cautious hope in the way Lena watched her. And if Kara had looked hard enough, she might have seen that cautious hope flicker and dim when Kara patted her own stomach.
“Do you think there are snacks at the top?”
And, already well-practiced, Lena broke into a smile, a small eye-roll of affection bringing a smirk to Kara’s own face.
“It’s amazing that even without powers you’re still this hungry,” Lena replied, taking the lead along the battered, well-worn path.
“It’s a gift?”
“Or curse,” Lena said with a quick backwards wink that made Kara want to tumble all over again. 
Instead she followed.
“We’re still stopping for donuts though, right?” Kara called, hurrying to catch up. Always trying to catch up.
- - - - - - - - - part 6 | cuddles
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I Watched a Beatles Tribute Band Live on a M*crodose
So I may or may not have taken a mushr**m m*crodose before a Beatles Tribute concert. And while it was only a t*nth of a gr*m I may or may not have consumed, it made it much easier during the show to convince myself that what I was seeing was real: the actual Beatles playing as opposed to impersonator musicians.
I know this is literally what impersonator musicians are meant to do, try to convince you for an hour or two that they're the real band, but I never imagined how accurate they were going to be with everything.
Their sound (instruments AND voices), their costumes, their playing, their hair, their faces/facial expressions, and right down to their mannerisms (Ringo's head movement, Paul's "y'know"s during dialogue) these guys didn't miss. With the first note that struck out through the venue, I just knew the next two hours were going to be the best experience of my life. And I was absolutely right about that.
My mother raised me with the Beatles playing every Sunday morning as we did family chores in the house, the 2006 album "LOVE" on constant repeat from the CD player in the background. It was my favourite day of the week for years. I don't remember when we fell out of that routine. I miss it.
But tonight, these four men gave me back a sense of happiness I haven't experienced since my childhood.
They made me completely fall in love with the Beatles all over again. Not only with their music, but I've come to gain a much deeper appreciation for each individual member of the band for the roles they played to make themselves the huge phenomena they were.
I'm still under the effects of the m*cro, and being on here and seeing photos of John, Paul, George, and Ringo together, and even on their own, after experiencing the show I just had, breaks my heart, yet it's being simultaneously mended back together with reminders of the love, and the dedication I saw in the performers' souls tonight.
They made it all feel so damn real, and I feel like the child within me, the little girl in the living room singing away to Eleanor Rigby with her mother, would have been elated to know that she was one day going to experience such a remarkable spectacle of art that fuelled her joy of music, then and many, many more years to come.
This band is so tremendously important to me, and I was reminded tonight in the most beautiful, transforming way possible.💙
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shychick-52 · 7 months
The main reason Cedric was always so deeply reluctant and resentful to help Sofia (and even the other kids, including her friends) in the first two seasons was really because of the Incident from his childhood. He'd developed a real "No good deed goes unpunished" mentality ever since then. He once tried helping his sister make her big entrance at her ball special, and look what happened. So, ever since then, he wanted nothing to do with helping others (unless it was on the king's orders, but that's different) or doing good deeds if asked (and certainly never voluntarily).
Even though he always knew the Incident from his childhood wasn't his fault, the pain of everyone in the kingdom- including his own friends and family, those he thought he could trust- immediately turning their backs on him and treating him with lifelong contempt/ridicule over what they perceived was a mistake (and refusing to even believe it wasn't his fault) never left him.
It was to protect himself, a defense measure, similar to why he also emotionally distanced himself from everyone. So, as part of how he masked his insecurities, he acted like it was a waste of his time or like it was a huge bother for him to help Sofia. But it was really his fear that if something went wrong, whether it was his fault or not, Sofia would immediately turn her back on him too. And she was the first one in so long to have such faith in him and his abilities, consider him a friend, and treat him with such kindness and support; it probably both terrified him and meant so, so much, and he knew it would make it all the more painful if one of these days she too changed her mind about him if something went wrong when helping her... especially the closer he found himself getting to her.
In fact, Cedric was probably shocked at first that Sofia constantly had so much trust in his abilities to keep relying on his help (when everyone else didn't think he was capable of anything and saw him as a clumsy bungler), because he was not used to that.
But gradually, the more he helped her, the more he realized he genuinely enjoyed it. He realized it felt great, like how it felt when he was so eager to help Cordelia all those years ago. He slowly realized he was good at doing good. Nothing bad happened. And Sofia and her friends, and even James and Amber, saw him as a good sorcerer (he began to realize he was earning others' respect and appreciation without seizing control of the kingdom). Best of all, he had a true friend in Sofia.
I think Cedric seemed especially reluctant in s3's 'Cedric Be Good' because even tho he'd already been gradually learning from Sofia about how rewarding it is to help others throughout the show, he'd never had to do so many nice things for others all in a row (of his own choosing to, no less, even tho it was technically for selfish reasons) like in that episode, and it intimidated him more than any time Sofia asked him to help.
And because he always struggled with his whole 'no good deed goes unpunished' trauma, that's why he told his mom in 'Cedric Be Good' he doesn't know the first thing about being good (despite all the good he already did during the series). He was still scared to wholly embrace it, because he was still scared something would eventually go wrong and it would be the Incident all over again.
And 'Cedric Be Good' very cleverly showed that he is far better at being good than evil. Every time he did something nice for others, people would be happy and he'd be granted a power from the amulet, but every time he did something bad he'd be cursed. I love the subtle symbolism! And by the end of that episode, he truly reached a milestone in his character development/arc (especially when he returned her amulet; he did it not only to rid himself of the last horrible curse inflicted on him, but also because he truly realized how much it would mean to her, so a big part of it was from his own heart).
@bettathanyou @fantadym @moonypears-blog @mushroomsie224 @majoresca @ushsblog @sweetmariihs2 @cedric-my-beloved
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silksongeveryday · 1 year
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 89
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requested by @/mushr—m !
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original below cut:
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hihi-heart · 4 months
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hihi-WAPEACH premieres on 5.31!! Click to get notified or check the premiere time!
My last Mario drawing was hihi-PEACH! Check it out!
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 3 months
Bunjamin go go hamster chef to the hamster chef: fuck you. I hate you forever. gimme carrot soup, dumb bitch
Hopper to hamster chef: you are my bestie I'd marry you. also my grandpa IS alive i swear. also where did you get these mushr
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ratcandy · 8 months
me 🤝 you
obsessing over a mushroom head guy
US WHEN THE mushr 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄
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yumeyleo · 6 months
my brain is too mushr rn to think too deeply about things im just thinking about homosexual
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wtfuckevenknows · 1 year
Hi B! 👋
For this nice ask day I would like to ask: do you have any new recipes you've tried that have been really good lately? I really enjoy the little cooking/baking posts you make 💜
It is honestly a tragedy but I haven't been trying a lot of new recipes lately because I've been too tired/lazy/burnt out for cooking and just opted for fast stuff BUT...
THIS SAUCE!!!!!!!! I use it for everything now 😂
This was also really delicious (I veganized it obv but it's really easy to do)!
This isn't a new recipe and I'm not that much a fan of the tofu (BUT IT'S BETTER IF YOU TOSS IT IN CORNSTARCH BEFORE YOU FRY IT) but I'd die for the red cabbage from this recipe! And assembled they're actually pretty good even with the tofu 😂
I made this a couple of days ago with the pumpkin puree I made, and while I love it I personally would double the spices in this recipe because I find it a bit bland otherwise.
AND I made these cupcakes from my fic "It's amazing what baking can do" yesterday and they're really really good!
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Who does this effing twerp think he is…
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vodka-glrl · 1 year
Sean's story voice-lines ᰔ
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So you're the oh-so mighty traveler everyone keeps talking about... No I'm not judging you or anything! Just thought you would look different... If you get what I mean. Anyways I'm Sean it's... Nice to meet you I guess.
Oh good morning. I wasn't expecting to see you up in the mountains so early in the morning...
Hey traveler! I'm going to Seirai Island to get some Naku Weed care to join me?
Oh, it's you again... No no! It's not that I don't want to see you specifically I just like being alone but that can't be helped I guess... Well since you came all the way here why not have dinner with me?
It's night already... You should leave before it gets even darker... It was fun spending time with you... I guess
When it rains:
Shit it's raining! Now I can't even use my vision. Huh, why? Because all it's going to do now is electrocute me...
When the sun is out:
Ahh that's much better. Come on let's get going before it starts to rain again!
About Sean (family):
"What happened to my family"? I lost my mom due to an illness and my dad... I'd rather not talk about it.
About Sean (Isolation):
I... Don't like people... I don't like crowds... I don't like socializing...
About us (Acquaintances):
Huh? You want to know how I view you?... You're a great friend I guess.
About us (Traveling partners):
*friendship level 6*
I see you as a great friend and a traveling partner no-nothing else! Don't get the wrong idea.
About Visions:
*friendship level 4*
My vision isn't something I'm proud of... But it's something I should hold close to myself.
About Raiden Shogun:
*friendship level 6*
Her ways of doing stuff is rather... Interesting. As someone who also wishes I could be with my loved ones for all eternity her excellency show her desire of eternity in a rather inhumane way so to say.
About Shumatsuban Sayu:
*friendship level 6*
She is an... interesting child. She claims she is a ninja but slacks off quite often. I once found her sleeping around the shrine, I tried to wake her up but she didn't even move an inch... Weird...
About Thoma
*friendship level 6*
Oh... The butler of the Kamisato estate? I don't really know much about him other than he is much more friendly than I like... It really bothers me how kind he is...
About Sangonomia Kokomi:
*friendship level 6*
I've known lady kokomi for a long time... We weren't acquainted or anything we just grew up in similar environments... Maybe if I didn't make some drastic choices I would have gotten to know her more.
About Yae Miko
*friendship level 6*
Ugh! Why bring her up all of a sudden? If I told you Thoma was bad she is ten times worse. She is such a nuance... Can we...not talk about her?
About Shikanoin Heizou
*friendship level 6*
That scoundrel of a detective is so persistent of me opening up to him... Ughh! As if me disappearing before his very eyes isn't a way of saying I'm not interested.
About Naganohara Yoimiya:
*friendship level 6*
Oh the firework girl right, I've seen her a few time... She is nice. She invites me to go watch the fireworks. She's always cheery and energetic... Cute...
About Arataki Itto:
*friendship level 6*
There are only two things that irratate me in life: one crowds, two Itto how could anyone be so stupid and loud a t the same time... Beats me...
About Derreth (@nogenderbee 's Oc):
*friendship level 6*
If I remember correctly she was Heizou's partner was she not? She isn't as annoying as him. Strange enough I can consider her a friend as well.
About Gorou:
*friendship level 6*
Gorou is like a younger brother to me... We obviously have our differences but we manage to put them all aside.
Favorite food:
I'll eat anything. I was never a picky eater, still am not I mean not like I have a choice not to eat what I can find up here In the mountains.
Least favorite food:
Remember what I said about not being a picky eater... Just throw that out the window when it comes to mushrooms. I would rather die than put a single bite of mushrooms in my mouth
Receiving gifts 1:
Oh my... This is better than anything I've ever tasted! You're a really great cook.
Receiving gifts 2:
It's okay... I guess
Receiving gifts 3:
Ughh, thanks I'm not hungry!
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magicicephoenix · 1 year
So you know how there’s the thing with phones (might just be apple i dunno) where they can scan pictures for words? and then you can copy-paste them?
I wrote a thing at like midnight in a notebook with the most horrendous handwriting, and this is what the scanner picked up on:
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