forthegrail · 5 years
bdvire replied to your post .5 is nothing at first glance!
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“Actually Bedivere according to the latest poll in under-performing male monthly it says here 78 percent of married men would hypothetically kill a family member of their family to grow atleast .5 of a inch. I’d rather not say what the single male percentage is...” 
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forthegrail · 5 years
Official Shirou!Percival FGO kit
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Name: Shirou Emiya Class: Saber
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful・ Good
Source: Fate/stay night
Region: Japan
Strength: C
Endurance: A+
Agility: A
Mana: B
Luck: D
NP: E~A - Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Humanoid, Male, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish
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Passive Skills:  Independent Action C- Increases own critical damage by 6%. Magic Resistance A-Increases own debuff resistance by 20% -  Advent of the Hero of justice Rank B  Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn). Increase own Arts Card effectiveness (1 turn). Level 1:30% --> Level 10:50% -  Endless Journey to Avalon A:  Apply guts for 3 turns.  Health recovered: 3000 lvl1–>5000 lvl10  Increase Np gain for 3 turns 30%lvl1–>50% Lvl10  - Tracing the memories of another Rank A Charges own NP gauge. Level 1:20%-->Level 10:50% Increase own Critical Strength (2 turns). Level 1:15%-->Level 10:40% -  Infinite Creation of Dreams Type:Arts Rank: E~A Classification: ???? Unlimited Dream Works. Hit count: 10 Deals damage that ignores defense buffs to all enemies. NP1-600%-->NP5-900% Increase party’s attack for 1 Turn. Charge:100%-->Charge 500% 15%--->30%
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forthegrail · 5 years
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Shirou!Percivals fighting style is a mix of both close and mid-range able match with most of the knights of the round in physical combat thanks to Percival’s defensive fighting style. For mid range combat Shirou is able to launch or throw his traced copies of Tanlladwyr. When in close range Shirou is able to fight with either his Kanshou & Bakuya or a traced Tanlladwyr while controlling the swords resting on his back held in place by the Alchemic wires attached to the back of the armor. Called the battle angel style Shirou is able to control about 5 swords freely allowing for multiple attacks one after the other in rapid succession to defeat the enemy, the number doubles when inside of his noble phantasm. Closest example to this fighting style would be to P****y Pol***** a  with less movement of the arms.Another Example would be 2b’s use of both heavy and short sword where she still uses a blade in one hand and swings the other from behind as it rests floating by her back just with multiple blades instead. 
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forthegrail · 5 years
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New Percival added Saber-Shirou!Percival: Info/Bonds below
Name: Shirou Emiya Class: Saber
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful・ Good
Source: Fate/stay night
Region: Japan
Strength: C
Endurance: A+
Agility: A
Mana: B
Luck: D
Bond 0 A unique pseudo servant created when Percival used his noble phantasm ‘Last of the Round’ on Shirou Emiya in order to combat the King of Heroes Gilgamesh. The original servant only lasted for three minutes before separation of servant and human leaving severe burns afterwards. This moment was isolated and recorded into the throne of heroes allowing for the manifestation of this Saber servant. Be sure and not to mention his weakness to red and gold Archers.  
Bond 1
Endless Journey to Avalon B: One of Percival’s original noble phantasms, this skill is a form of independent action this allows Shirou to be able to work away or even without a master for periods of time. This skill is supported by his Endurance rank which limits his bodies mana consumption allowing for longer combat. In F/GO this manifests as a guts skill.
Bond 2
Tracing the memories of another Rank A: A skill unique to this form of Shirou created thanks to the memories of Percival during the fourth Holy Grail war. Able to borrow the magic of a certain Homunculus Magus in order to fight by recreating the memory within his subconscious producing them as physical copies. Creating several alchemic wires when attached to his blades allow for easy multi manipulation of several swords at a time. The wires when produced are a very simplified version of the original magic but allow for easy control and mobility however if the wires themselves are cut the sword connected will decompose immediately.
Bond 3
Infinite Creation of Dreams
Rank: E~A
Type: ????
Unlimited Dream Works.
An alternate version of Unlimited Blade Works it manifests as a Reality Marble mirroring the endless fields of Camelot. The final resting place of many of the knights of the round, graves that have withered and given way to the passing of time.  This is the place that Percival wanted to show Shirou the most but was never able to, a world where the knights of the round may lend their arms in combat. Able to trace the memories from centuries ago Shirou is able to manifest swords belonging to knights of the round creating false replica with durability depending on the amount of time Percival spent with that person in life. To that extent swords such as Excalibur and Excalibur Gallatin have longer duration then others like Arondight or Gareth’s lance.
Bond 4
‘It feels strange...when I listen I can hear two heartbeats one is mine and the other is Percival. However, if you put your ear against my chest you’d probably mistake it as one. Two hearts perfectly beating together in time...it’s unnatural...but comforting to know i’m never really alone.”  
Bond 5
Advent of the Hero of justice Rank B:
A noble phantasm created specifically during the fusion of human and servant creating this version of Shirou. The final gift Percival could give, his memories and his faith in the dreams of the boy he’s declared to be his little brother. To become a true hero of justice and protect those he cares most about this skill is a reminder to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. To protect those who cannot raise a weapon in their own defense including himself. A burst of a mana automatically activated when near death to turn the tables in combat.
Hailing from a forgotten world lost to time created from the small insignificant chance that Percival would be summoned from the scabbard of Excalibur Avalon. Many lives were altered by the appearance of the Knight of Dawn leading to a unfamiliar timeline, one where every morning the sun would rise, and a new legend greets the day with a small smile able to still feel the warm embrace. Adventuring onward knowing that he has the strength to make dreams reality. 
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forthegrail · 5 years
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Starts making a fort out of swords, won’t invite me to your blanket fort I see how it is. 
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forthegrail · 5 years
Shirou!Percival Interlude
Lingering wills: The choice to become a Hero of Justice
Text Log.
Mashu: Mmmmm Master vc: Mash what’s wrong?
Mashu: I don’t know, but I’ve been having strange feelings all day, as if I feel like crying but don’t know why.  I’ve tried everything to make it go away, I thought it might’ve just been a chemical imbalance but it seems I was wrong.
Shirou: I’m afraid that’s because of me, hello Master. Mashu, I’m afraid I’ve come with a urgent matter that needs to be resolved. It seems my saint graph has been rejecting my existence. Percival has stopped sharing his existence with me. I can’t even hear his voice anymore.
Mashu: Rejecting your existence? I’ve never heard of such a phenomenon before, has something happened to Percival? This morning when he brought be breakfast in bed with fresh squeeze juice and the latest copy of Sh***** J*** he seemed his usual self to me.
Master: Percival brings you breakfast every morning?               Did we really need to censor Sh***** J***?
Shirou: I had the same thought but when I spoke to him he said that nothing was wrong, but he did give me some advice.
n  Flashback
Percival: You can’t feel the me that you fused with anymore….mmm today is nothing important so you haven’t forgotten a birthday, and you’ve been a good boy as far my stalking has showed me…
Shirou: Perci get serious! This is very important without the ability to trace my weapons I’m not going to be able to be of assistance to Master or Mashu!
Percival: I am serious, I know myself better than anyone and the only thing that would make him outright try and end your shared existence would be because he’s upset at you directly. Otherwise you’d just be upset and take your aggression out passive aggressively like me.
Shirou: So what should I do?
Percival: Confront him, I’m a reasonable guy…..Well when it comes to the people I care about most I’m reasonable and seeing as I lent you my body, my memories, and entrusted the hero of justice title and the sword Galahad gave me I can’t help but think he trusts you even more then he would me.
Shirou: But how?! He won’t speak to me, I can’t hear his voice or hear his heart beat with mine. It’s like he’s not even with me anymore!
Percival: Maybe he’s not, maybe he’s hiding in the one place where you two can speak to each other. A world where reality’s fabrications are designed for the specific needs of fulfilling dreams and miracles can take place. Whatever happens I know you can do it, Kiritsugu and I always had faith in you. Whatever happens remember that you saved both of us from the darkness in our hearts…my little brother.
Shirou: ….I see thank you Perci.
n  Flashback end
Master: So you’re gonna use your noble phantasm to confront Percival               What connection does this have to Mashu’s pains?  
Shirou: That’s the idea; my best guess is as for why Mashu is hurting so much must be because of the bond between most of our servants. Perci  loved Galahad that much is clear from the memories I’ve seen of them. So much so even this resonation is possible in a world of miracles.  
Mashu: Percival…It seems Galahad must be very upset if the pain is this severe.
Shirou: I’m sorry for dragging you into a family dispute like this, but will you come with me to confront this problem?
Master: Of course, I’m happy to help.               I can’t have my favorite Kohai hurting without doing anything to help.  
Mashu: F…favorite? There is no need to apologize in a way you’re family to us here too.
Shirou: Mashu, Master…Thank you for this! Alright Servant Percival deploying noble phantasm, I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unaware of Despair,
Nor aware of Loneliness.
Withstood sacrifice to create weapons, remembering the love of another.
I have no regrets. I am his legacy!
A hero is born, Unlimited Dream works!
-          In a instance Master, Mashu are enveloped in a soft light appearing in the endless fields of Camelot. A pleasant field with a castle off in the distance that can never be reached. Standing in the center of the grass is a familiar figure. Percival stood back straightened hands on his sword the exact same pose Both Chaldea Percival and Shirou made when summoned.
Master: ….              Percival?
Percival: Hello Master of Chaldea that is currently in contract with Shirou Emiya, Galahads vessel it’s also good to see you, I’d ask if you were happy to see me but I already overheard everything. You shouldn’t had brought them here Shirou. They have no business butting in our family affairs.
Shirou: Galahad is worried about you, Mashu is worried about you, I’M worried about you! Why have you severed our bond? I’m being the Hero of Justice you always wanted me to be so why are you trying to separate us!?
Mashu: Percival, you have to tell us what’s going on, why are you suddenly rebelling against senpai? Why are you suddenly against Shirou?
Percival: ….I really am a monster aren’t I?
Master: …..               What do you mean?
Percival: You were such a young boy, you had no one…and Kiritsugu and I took you in. We gave you a home, hope, family. But it costed you so much, we forced fed you hopes and dreams that you never wanted. I forced you into taking a title and name that were never meant for you, in my selfish act of extending your life you are now here chained down by a contract forced to fight for a world that isn’t ours. I forced my love on you and all these new memories and emotions confiding you into a nightmare that you can never escape. I love you too much to let this continue further, I’m going to kill you Shirou.
Shirou:!? Mashu!? Master: Kill Shirou?!               You can’t be serious!
Percival: I’m very serious, in this world of dreams any miracles can happen. That is the reality that we have created for ourselves. A beautiful dream that shall go on forever endlessly fighting as a Hero of Justice until our spirit breaks and you become something similar to the red archer, or even that alter that carries the same name in time. I refuse to throw this fate onto my little brother, so I’m going to do the one thing a big brother can when watching his little sibling suffer with no escape other than death. I’m going to save you. Then when this dream ends, and when I am alone again I will destroy this version of my saint graph to the very core burning it in flame so that this existence can ever be summoned again. Forgive me; hate me in your final moments. Master of Chaldea in this world my power is beyond then what you can imagine. This is my dream! This is the world where my nightmares manifest I do not wish to kill you, but I will not let you stop this. I’ll simply disarm you and beat you into submission so that you cannot interfere.
Mashu: Master Servant Percival’s power is steadily rising! Preparing to engage combat! Waiting for your orders.
Master:  There is no way we will let you hurt our friend!              Mashu, protect this beautiful dream!
Mashu: Understood Master!
-          Combat happens, Servant Percival is defeated-
Percival: Ugh…-heavy breathing-
Shirou& Mashu: AHHHH
Percival:….(Galahad…is stopping my ambition…that selfish fool…)
Mashu: Lord Camelot! Shirou: Trace On! Excalibur Gallatin!  
-Percival ‘s armor is cut through shattering as his body starts to give away becoming translucent-
Percival: Ahh…it seems you’ve regained your power completely Shirou, I’m glad. I knew I didn’t stand a chance once I saw that spark in your eyes. But still…
Shirou: Perc—Big brother Percival, what happens now? Are you going to permanently disappear?
Percival: Sadly I cannot, our souls are connect but the balance has shifted, your soul is dominating mine, all the power I had held back in order to summon myself has been drained from me. All that will happen is that I will return to simply being your guide. A soft voice that whispers reminders of how proud I am of you.
Mashu: Percival, I felt so upset fighting you. I didn’t want to hurt you and yet I was angry that you would step this far selfishly. Shirou is our friend, he has his own right to decide if he wanted to stay here with us or end his own life. He might be your little brother but that doesn’t mean you decide if he lives or dies. Everything has a right to live and to die.
Master: Everyone has the right to decide               If they want to live or to die.
Percival: ......Well spoken…from the heart. Maybe that’s why I was enjoying our fight so much, Mashu you really are Galahads legacy just as Shirou’s mine. You’ve taken his strength and ambitions and made them your own beautiful dream. I can’t wait to see the ending to your tale from within Shirou, I’ll be rooting for the both of you.
Shirou: Percival before you go there is something I’ve always wanted to tell you. I don’t blame you, I chose this path myself. You did guide me down this path but it was my choice to follow through. I wanted to become a Hero of Justice that would make you proud, I wanted the power to protect the people I care about most and it’s thanks to your love I can. I want you to rest knowing that Master and Mashu are safe, I promise!
Percival: Ahaha…I could never resist that adorable face of yours, even if now it looks similar to mine you’ve really become your own man. I’m sure whenever his spirit is Kiritsugu, Irisveil, Illya, are proud that you carry the Emiya name. Unfortunately I can’t hold this form any longer, take care and remember, being able to love you has been an experience that I'll always keep close to my heart. And that these are memories are the ones that when you feel alone I'll wrap you in when the world gets cold and you forget that there are people who are warm and loving always here by your side.
-Percival disappears-
Mashu: Confirmation of enemy saint graph has disappeared…I…
Master: Mashu…               You’re crying.
Mashu: Ye—yes it seems to be Galahad. He’s calmed down now, the pain is gone but I can’t help but feel a lingering sadness.
Shirou: Don’t feel sad Mashu, Percival isn’t gone. He’ still with us, living on inside me waiting to see how we’ll walk down this new path he’s guided towards. And now that I know he’s supporting me, My resolve is even stronger to protect the memories that we share. Even if our world is gone, and I’m forced to fight again and again, now I remember I’m never alone.  That is more than enough of a beautiful gift to keep me going. Let’s return, I’m sure Big brother Perci is probably pulling his hair out wondering if we’re okay.
Shirou: In monologue, “Big brother, thank you for everything. I promise by the hope that you gave me, I’ll always continue fighting for what’s right.  Because I’m not just a younger version of that red haired archer, or just another person that shares his face. Nor am I just Shirou Emiya or Percival knight of the round. I am the accumulation of the love and support of so many people that guided me to where I am.  I choose to be a hero of justice because, I have no regrets. I am his legacy! A hero is born, Unlimited Dream works!
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forthegrail · 5 years
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‘I feel something ominous in the air like big dumbass energy is radiating...’
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forthegrail · 5 years
gilgglemesh replied to your post: Tfw when you finally get to Chaldea and you see... Gilgamesh ghost wrote this
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No one ask you for your opinion go back to being one armed and having a arrow in your head. 
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forthegrail · 5 years
Shirou!Percival's  Personally is 
39 precent baby 9 percent bitch 92 percent horny 58 percent softie 94 percent chaotic 12 percent thot 150 percent cursed
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Sounds about right.
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forthegrail · 5 years
"Mister Knight! Mister Gilgamesh told me to hand these to all handsome men, so I got one for you, too!" She is holding up one of those Himbo-club badges. Congratulations!
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“Wow this is for me!? Thanks I hate love it! In fact i’m gonna go find Mister Giglamesh and thank him for this gift by giving him one of my own. I hope he enjoys endless Excalibur beams!” 
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forthegrail · 5 years
craein replied to your post: ✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cute for a clown wow i revoke everything i said now
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Sorry no take backs. No returns, I can offer you some store credit. 
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forthegrail · 5 years
✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cute for a clown
Send my Muse some stars!  ✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cutecraein asked: ✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cute for a clown
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‘I’d might say the same thing if you didn’t taste like Vegemite probably.’
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forthegrail · 5 years
‘dont fall for the clown boy uwu’-Luciel
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“Oh the Irony...”
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forthegrail · 5 years
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Pops head in  ‘Hey just making sure to remind you that I love you and I’m glad you’re here with me.’
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“Perci this is the fourth time today that you’ve said that to me i’m not going anywhere I promise...
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forthegrail · 5 years
@homeport​ Shirou Emiya and Shirou Emiya commit evil against Shirou Emiya
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It had started out as a normal day, get up morning stretches, two cups of coffee and breakfast in the cafeteria with Percival and some of the other night depending if they had already slept off their hangover from the previous night. and training. Teamed with the other Two Emiyas Archer and this new hybrid Shirou from Miyu’s world. After several battles and a fight with a chimera it was finally time for Shirou to take out the final Chimera. Readying himself for a final slash an arrow flew past striking the beast in the head. Looking back Shirou locked eyes with the Red Archer his smug smile as he muttered the words, ‘Maybe next time,’ before leaving the simulation room. Mirroring that time all those years ago in Fuyuki with the final battle with Gilgamesh, again he stole the final kill with some smug line just to grind the hero of justice gears. 
Entering Archers room Shirou made his way over to the small mini-fridge that was standard with every bedroom. Opening each bottle of water crushed laxative tablets sprinkled into every bottle servant strength fresh from Medea. Tightening each bottles they were places to the exact point where closed. Usually Shirou wouldn’t had done something so mischievous and passive aggressive but it must’ve been another of the servant master mind melding causing this personality quirk. Exiting the room Shirou watched his other self walk directly into his armor falling to the floor. Why was this guy here, he’d made sure this was Archers room. 
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forthegrail · 5 years
craein replied to your post: i'm going to murder you with Vegemite PERISH
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Bossfight music starts playing,”You first.”
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