#muse: lacey wolfe
unapxlogeticme · 4 months
muse: lacey wolfe (photographer/human feeder for vampires). open starter: m/f/nb/trans (m if romantic). supernatural mentions. your muse probably caught lacey after a feeding session. @indiestarter
“…. it’s not bad if you think about it,” he says, stepping away from the other; his arms crossed over his chest and head looking down. “everyone is getting something out of it. they’re getting fed and i’m getting off …” his shoulders shrug slightly, not understanding what the big deal is. “plus i get paid … it’s not like i do it all the time.”
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randomestroleplays · 2 years
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prompt request for @mr-walkingrainbow
(feat. protective little brother Wyatt💜)
word count: 1,591
a/n: I’m so sorry this took so long to finish, between classes and us gushing over our ocs I forgot to post this!! But I hope you like it!!
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Willa’s fear of thunder was crippling, but not nearly as crippling as the anxiety that she got from it. She didn’t have a fear of thunder until one night when she was out hunting with Wyatt and they got separated from each other, causing a fear and panic to rise within her. She’d searched frantically for her brother, who was also trying to find her anywhere he thought she could’ve been. Ever since that night, any time a storm came through, Willa got anxious about it.
The anxiety wasn’t just at home, it happened during class too. Whenever there would be a storm, even sitting at her desk with the comfort of having her brother beside her, she would still slightly jump at the sudden claps of thunder. She believed that it went unnoticed by everyone but her brother. But it didn’t go unnoticed by the Aceys, who were already forming a plan to expose Willa’s fear and embarrass her.
“What’s the matter? A little thunder got the big bad wolf scared?” Stacey teased as Willa jumped at her desk from the sudden, loud rumble of thunder that signaled a storm was coming.
“What? No.” Willa composed herself, “it’s just a storm. Nothing big or life-changing.” She rolled her eyes as she opened her notebook.
“Hm.” Lacey hummed, “sounds like someone has a fear.”
Willa shook it off, turning back to her brother, who offered a comforting hand to her.
It had stormed on and off for a few days, and the Aceys already had their plan in place. Since it was forecasted to storm that afternoon, Lacey would “invite Willa out for a small cheer practice in the courtyard during lunch”, leaving her separated from the pack and helpless.
Lacey approached the pack at their lunch table, smiling at Willa.
“Hey, Willa.” Lacey smiled, “the other Aceys and I wanted to invite you to watch a small cheer practice out in the courtyard and get your opinion on it because getting an alpha’s approval would SO help us out!” She pulled her blonde ponytail over her shoulder.
Willa was skeptical about it, but she knew she’d be fine. What could cheerleaders do to her? She was a werewolf. Wyatt, however, was far more untrusting of it.
“Alright.” Willa smirked, excusing herself from the pack. Despite her brother’s warnings, she went with them, insisting that she’d be okay.
The sky looked ominous, like it was threatening to storm. Willa shook it off, not wanting to give the Aceys more fuel for the fire.
“5, 6, 7, 8!” Lacey cheered, beginning the routine.
Willa watched, unamused by their routine. She didn’t care for cheer, and honestly could care less about the Aceys’ routine. She debated just telling them it was great and moving on with it. She turned back to the cafeteria doors, seeing Wyatt at the table with the pack. When she turned back, the Aceys were gone. How long had she been watching her pack?
Thunder rumbled, and lightning struck across the sky in deadly strikes. Willa felt the all too familiar pit of anxiety bubbling in her stomach. She quickly looked to the glass cafeteria doors in search of her brother, but she couldn’t see him.
The anxiety began to deepen, and soon she was practically paralyzed with fear. She didn’t like people knowing about her fear of thunder and storms. She felt as if she was bolted to the ground, like she couldn’t move or run even if it was for her life.
“Willa!” She heard Wyatt’s voice, then whipped around to see him running from the cafeteria doors and down the courtyard steps.
He may have been the younger of the two, but to Willa, he was the braver sibling. Eliza wasn’t far behind him, but she struggled to keep up with him. Willa felt a momentary ping of relief before the thunder rumbled again, lightning crackling across the sky in its wake.
She was startled by Wyatt’s hand pulling her arm, dragging her back inside. The Aceys were the first ones at the door, laughing at how embarrassed Willa was in front of everyone.
“Big bad wolf couldn’t handle a little storm?” Stacey prodded at Willa.
Wyatt growled at the Aceys, his eyes flashing a dangerous amber-gold hue. Eliza stayed behind them, but she escorted Willa to a table where they could sit alone.
“Hey, you’ll be fine, okay?” Eliza tried to comfort her, “the Aceys aren’t a threat to you. You’re a fierce, proud werewolf.” She smiled, earning a weak smile from Willa.
Eliza smiled, softly kissing Willa’s cheek, something she knew always calmed her down.
Wynter came back from her locker with a blanket for Willa and wrapped it around her body, sitting with her at the table until she calmed down while Wyatt handled the Aceys.
“You think it’s funny, huh?” Wyatt growled, his eyes still golden and fangs out, “you think exposing one of my sister’s biggest fears to the entire school is just a harmless game, don’t you?”
The Aceys huddled together, shaking their heads in perfect unison. Their fear was pretty clear, and it was an angry Wyatt.
Wyatt shook his head, shoving Jacey against the glass window before returning to his sister. He wasn’t a vengeful type, but he was already plotting revenge.
If they would’ve done something to him, Willa would’ve already planned their deaths.
After a couple days to get back to normalcy for Willa, Wyatt told her about his idea to get back at the Aceys since he’d figured out that one thing Lacey was afraid of was seeing him angry and ready to kill, and another was that she was most afraid of losing her spot in the Aceys group and on the cheer squad.
“Are you sure?” Willa looked at her brother, in amazement that he’d actually plotted revenge on someone for the first time in what seemed like forever.
“Yeah, I’m sure just...just trust me sis.” Wyatt smiled, trying to contain his laughter.
“Yes! Do it!” Eliza tried to egg him on, which earned her a look from Willa.
Wyatt had gone so far as to have Wynter write notes that read “how is an best B-grade cheerleader like you on an A-grade squad?” with the bubbly, girly handwriting that Lacey had and tape them to Stacey and Jacey’s lockers.
Bucky might have been a total jerk at times, but he didn’t tolerate his cheer team hating on each other, and this was sure to get his attention and get Lacey’s fear recognized.
“What?!?” Stacey screeched as she read the note taped to her locker.
The writing looked exactly like Lacey’s, but she didn’t know that it wasn’t Lacey who left it.
“I got the same note too!” Jacey exclaimed, showing the note to Stacey.
“Bucky!” The two Aceys squealed, causing Bucky to come over and see what all the fuss was about.
“What’s going on Aceys?” Bucky looked between them as they showed the notes to him. “
“Only one person has this bubbly handwriting...” Bucky mused, “Lacey!”
He turned on his heel, Lacey hurrying over from the other end of the hallway.
“Yes Bucky?” Lacey asked, her arms holding her pom poms behind her back as they usually were.
“What’s this?” Bucky asked, pointing to the notes.
Lacey’s eyes went wide, and she began to frantically shake her head.
The pack watched from the other end of the hallway as the Aceys seemed to disband and Bucky was in the middle of everything.
“No! No! Noooo!” Lacey squealed, “I didn’t write these, I swear!” She pleaded with Bucky, knowing that he wouldn’t hesitate to kick her off the team.
“Lacey, I’ve told you before that I do not tolerate haters on my cheer squad. We love each other on this team, we don’t spew hate.” Bucky scolded, his brow arched in his normal over exuberant way, not believing of Lacey.
“Bucky, I promise I did not write those notes! I would never say something like that to Stacey and Jacey!” Lacey began to cry, worried that her pleas weren’t working.
Bucky shook his head, pursing his lips.
“Lacey, I’m sorry but you know what happens when you insult your teammates-” Bucky was interrupted by Wyatt, Willa, Eliza, and Wynter finally walking over.
“Wait- what do you savages want?” Bucky looked at the group.
Willa wore a confident smirk while Wyatt and Wynter giggled like schoolgirls.
“Why are you laughing?” Stacey’s tone carried an attitude as she crossed her arms.
“Because-” Wynter kept laughing, trying to catch her breath, “because- I can’t, Wyatt, you tell ‘em!”
Wynter went into a laughing fit, leaning against Willa.
Wyatt stopped laughing, “remember how you thought it was funny to expose Willa’s fear?” He smirked, trying to hold back more laughter.
Lacey nodded. “Well, how does it feel to have your fear exposed?” Wyatt asked, raising his brow.
Lacey’s facial expression fell into a frown, and she understood the error of her ways.
“I’m sorry Willa,” Lacey apologized, “what I did was wrong and I shouldn’t have been so careless and rude to you about your fear...I hope you can accept my apology?” She looked up at Willa, her eyes pleading with her.
Willa sighed, then nodded. “Apology accepted, Lacey,” she gave the blonde a weak smile, “just remember that my pack is my pack, and I can always count on them to have my back.”
Willa smiled, throwing her arm over Wyatt and Eliza’s shoulders as Eliza did her little signature head wiggle.
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✩ ][They ain't even together yet but: Lace and Rhys][
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Rhys because Lace keeps a tight lid and would rather die than lose control of himself.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Rhys. As if you could detach this boy from a lover.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Lace would for Rhys's sake and isn't ever all that sorry really.
Who trashes the house?
Probably Rhys if he was having a breakdown but tbh? Lace as well. They're a ship who sits together tiredly afterwards in a wrecked house.
Do either of them get physical?
Never. The most would be one of them getting accidentally hurt.
How often do they argue/disagree?
There are smaller ones about Rhys insisting that Lace isn't monster and Lace heavily disagreeing as well as Lace's belief that Rhys can do no wrong, but I feel as if the bigger arguments are often held less often. Maybe every few months? They like to talk things through.
Who is the first to apologise?
They're definitely that couple that apologises at the same time but Lace always nyooms first to make it up to someone he loves.
Who is on top?
Lace is. He's...stiff as a bottom since he tends to work himself up about doing something wrong and the last thing he wants is for Rhys to have to comfort him over being ridiculous. Also would accidentally insult Rhys by calling him to small to top lmao.
Who is on the bottom?
Rhys is and it's a great life being on the end of a man with a big dick who also changes into a monster halfway because he got panicked at the idea that his dick was too small for Rhys.
Who has the strangest desires?
Definitely Rhys since he's more grabby when Lace sighs over the fact that a giant mouth has opened up on his stomach.
Any kinks?
Rhys has his thing of loving a power struggle and that goes rather well in tune with Lace's like of being called things like a slut? He'd probably have an easier time putting Rhys in his place if Rhys teased him and called him names.
Both have a thing for lingerie and its obvious when Rhys notices Lace staring at some and assumes that's where he picked his name from sksks
Who’s dominant in bed?
The first few times? Rhys if we're honest. But Lace gets more confident that Rhys ain't gonna shatter and gradually gets happier to snarl at his raccoon-esque man.
Is head ever in the equation?
When isn't it?? As if Rhys would give up giving monster man head and Lace surprisingly likes it.
If so, who is better at performing it?
Rhys is because his mouth has amazing skills that make Lace relax for once.
Ever had sex in public?
Not yet but who knows? Maybe Lace needs a bit of help when he forms a monster dick that he can't hide well??? Maybe Rhys gets brave and pulls him behind somewhere because he knows that Lace will turn into what he loves?? Who knows.
Who moans the most?
Rhys does.
Who leaves the most marks?
Lace does but also his marks never stay due to his healing factor.
Who screams the loudest?
Rhys does and it embarrasses Lace a little but he...likes how willing Rhys is to want to make his affections known.
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Rhys is. Lace has...not actually fucked anyone since he keeps messing it up in increasingly comical ways.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Lace fully expects some rough fucking but is NOT prepared for the fact that this man wants to make sweet love. It actually flsustrers him a little more really.
Rough or soft?
Fairly rough but Lace adores being able to go soft and deep with Rhys to really feel him and enjoy the experience.
How long do they usually last?
Rhys lasts a good while as we all know (u have to if u wanna be a skilled ho) but Lace lasts around twenty minutes. It feels longer if he has a cock that requires more attention or a knot ;).
Is protection used?
Yeah, Lace doesn't need it but he insists on keeping Rhys safe. Until Rhys finds out that he's the first man to stake a claim on Lacey's body and whoop Rhys you really didn't need to throw condoms out the window but ok.
Does it ever get boring?
One day he gets a wolf dick and the next he gets horse cock. Rhys will never be bored. Lace is too enhanced by this tiny bully to ever even consider being bored.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? 
Probably in the changing rooms of a shop? Lace needs clothes constantly and maybe Rhys wants to help out his sweet boy with how they fit! Nothing wrong there!
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
Lace REALLY doesn't want kids for the fact that he's worried they'll be like him. Rhys probably wouldn't mind kids later on in life. Rhys doesn't get it until Lace brings up the fact that he killed his grandma casually when discussing kids and doesn't seem to notice the double blink from Rhys.
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
Probably just one but for now Rhys is happy to be an uncle when he sees how doting Lace is on Logan.
Who is the favorite parent?
They both are because they're the fun uncles who had terrible childhoods and are therefore easy to have good things out of.
Who is the authoritative parent?
Neither of them and Lace's brother once said "its like speaking to two wolves who have been herded by a tiny lamb" and he wasn't wrong.
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
Lace tbh because sure, Rhys is soft and a great father but he strikes me as someone who would insist on getting a good education after he lost his and the years of feeling like he was dumb? He's a sweet father but he'll kill Logan and Lace if there isn't any schooling.
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
Rhys does because he's an awful brat with chocolate who let's Logan indulge because he's met a fellow brat and wants to be liked by smol child who can turn into a little horse help he's enamoured by uncly feelings.
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
Lace does and it's the one time he starts to embrace his powers. Rhys goes and silently screams when Lace literally howls in delight after Logan wins a race.
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
Well if they had their own kid I assume Rhys since he'd handle the stress physically better. Plus I think he would insist on convincing Lace to have their kid go to Xavier's institute.
Who changes the diapers?
Lace would.
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
Rhys will since Lace would either be at work or passed out due to his pills.
Who spends the most time with the children?
Rhys does since he's the stay at home dad but Lace definitely has spent more time with Logan.
Who packs their lunch boxes?
Lace does and he always leaves one for Rhys to see that he has heart shaped sandwiches and a juice box. Logan gags and tries to argue that stars are better than hearts.
Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
Most likely Lace since for his own kids he'd have a better idea of their biology than Rhys.
Who cleans up after the kids?
Rhys since he likes his space clean and easy to move about. His kid and Logan would always help.
Who worries the most?
Lace does. He worries about almost evey single thing really.
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Rhys but purely by accident and Lace can't stop laughing tbh.
Who likes to cuddle?
Tbh we all know Rhys's does and Lace does too but,,,he's an awkward fuck and I imagine it comes off as Lace not wanting to cuddle for a while when really he's just so nervous because Rhys is so small and cute and a filthy man who will grab his ass and maybe Lace needs to have an emergency workout to give himself a good ass to grab??? What does a good ass feel like??? He needs to find a way to grab Rhys's ass without the othe Roman figuring out why-
Who is the little spoon?
Rhys is mostly but on nights that Lace shifts into something else? He's happy to cuddle his giant spider man because ooh warm and big.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
The liabry is barely busy Lace, surely he can convince his working man to relax a few minutes, hm??? Time to grab because we both know you love it you nasty horse slut.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  
Rhys. Those hands??? Must grab immediately.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Rhys could hug until he's stone but Lace? Fidgets and Ferret Bueller demands playtime.
Who gives the most kisses?
Rhys for sure and Lace loves it.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Lace is a big nerd about prehistoric animals and Rhys? Also a big nerd. Time to have Rhys listen lovingly as Lace rambles about giant tunnels that prehistoric sloths once dug. Lace also likes listening to audio books with Rhys, though he likes reading them to Rhys more (helps the adhd focus).
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
On the couch or in bed. Where they can both stretch out and be happiest.
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? 
Rhys. Lace always sqwaks at it but Rhys knows he adores it. Adores the contact.
How often do they get time to themselves?
Quite often since Lace works late at night and there's not much they can do since Lace legally can't do much and Rhys wants nothing more than to hide his man away sksks.
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broomsandbrews · 6 years
Witchy Playlist and Inspiring Songs for Different Spells/Curses/Rituals (Masterpost)
Jill Andrews - No One 
Donovan - Season of the Witch 
Within Temptation - Neverending Story
Kelli Ali - Psychic Cat
Local Natives - Mt. Washington
Fleetwood Mac - Gold Dust Woman   
Cocorosie - Smokey Taboo 
Within Temptation - Mother Earth 
Libana The Circle is Cast - The Earth is our Mother 
Marilyn Manson - Salem
Halsey - Garden  
Eagles - Witchy Woman
Florence and the Machine - Cosmic Love 
Alina Baraz - Maybe 
Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour 
Son Lux ft. Faux Fix - No Fate Awaits Me 
Dolkins - Mountains 
Tove Lo - Out of Mind 
Culte de Ghoules - Children of the Moon
Gary Stadle - Fairy Nightsongs 
Amy Nuttall - Scarborough Fair 
Meg Myers - Numb 
Tori Amos - Lust 
Vienna Teng - Lullaby for a Stormy Night 
LEAVES' EYES - Hell To The Heavens 
Florence and the Machine - My Boy Builds Coffins
Within Temptation - Memories 
Myah - Circus Freak 
Trobar de Morte - Summoning The Gods 
Denean - Angels Calling Me 
Heather Dale - Mordred’s Lullaby
Evanescence - Whisper 
Birdy ft. Rhodes - Let it All Go 
Inkubus Sukkubus - Wytches
Secret Garden - Sleepsong
Wolf Gang - Lions in Cages 
AMBERIAN DAWN - Magic Forest
Apocalyptica ft. Lacey - Broken Pieces
Florence and the Machine - Never Let Me Go
Within Temptation - Our Farewell 
The Neighbourhood - A Little Death
Russel Brower & Derek Duke - Lament of the Highborne 
Evanescence - Lacrymosa 
Peter Gundry - White Witch 
Culte de Ghoules - Vintage Black Magic
The Bird and the Bee - Witch
Nicholas Hopper - In Noctem
The Brothers Bright - Blood on my Name
Ruelle - Monsters (Acoustic Version)
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Little May - Hide 
Within Temptation - The Truth Beneath The Rose
Emily Afton - Lost 
Sofia Karlberg - Crazy in Love 
Alanis Morissette - Uninvited 
Gothica - The Cliff of Suicide
Sparklehorse - Piano Fire
Within Temptation - See Who I Am
Lana Del Rey - Once Upon a Dream 
Lisa Thiel - Samhain
Indica - Children Of Frost
James S. Levine - La La La 
Wardruna - Fehu 
Meg Myers - Monster
Silversun Pickups - Future Foe Scenarios��
Joseph Van Wissem ft. SQURL - The Taste of Blood 
Raffertie -  Last Train Home
Halsey - Haunting 
Irfan - Invocatio 
The Civil Wars - Poison & Wine 
Olafur Arnalds - Raein
Florence and the Machine - Only If For a Night
Aurora - Under Stars
Warbringers - Jaina (Daughter of the Sea) 
Ross Copperman - Holding on and Letting Go 
Love Spit Love - How Soon is Now 
XANDRIA - Nightfall 
Angus & Julia Stone - The Hanging Tree
Loreena McKennitt - Incantation 
Marina & The Diamonds - The Outsider
Meadowlark - Fly (Acoustic) 
Omnia - Wytches Brew
Panic! At the Disco - LA Devotee
Culte de Ghoules - Storm Is Coming, Come the Blessed Madness
Deadmau5 ft. Colleen D’agostino - Seeya
Gandharvak - The Time Machine: Eloi 
Lana Del Rey - Born to Die 
Ella Vos - Down in Flames
Nouvelle Vague - The Killing Moon
Joji - Don’t Wanna Waste my Time 
Michael Holborn - Sunbird
Ed Sheeran - I See Fire 
The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a House 
Crystal Fighters - Follow
Phildel - The Wolf 
Skillet - Hero 
Evanescence - Hello 
Calla -  Custom Car Crash
Ordo Funebris - A Witches Song
Daughter - Improve 
Blue - Birdshake (Remix) 
Evanescence - Going Under
Within Temptation - Angels 
koethe ft. Riley Hawke - Taking You There 
Within Temptation - The Howling 
Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow 
Bjork - Frosti 
Within Temptation - Aquarius 
Loreena McKennitt - The Old Ways
Fleurie - Hurricane    
Corpo Mente - Scylla
Beth - Waves
Within Temptation - Stand my Ground 
Sofia Karlberg - Berlin 
Helios - A Rising Wind (Instrumental) 
Florence and the Machine - Blinding
Evanescence - Bring me to Life  
Elle Vee - Fly Low 
Koethe - Amber 
Verite - Echo
Within Temptation - Faster
Little Red Lung - 50 Fingers
Little May - Boardwalks
Stevie Nicks - Edge of Seventeen
Iko - Heart of Stone 
Beach House - Levitation 
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Ejkoszonto 
Suuns - Pie X
Austin Wintory - Bloodlines 
Loreena McKennitt - The Heart of the Witch
Lana Del Rey - Love 
Jose Gonzalez - Crosses
Peter Gundry - The Forest Queen 
Within Temptation - All I Need
Dead Can Dance - Yulunga (Spirit Dance)
Breaking Benjamin - Failure 
Lisa Gerrard - Swans
Glass Animals - Holiest
Ingrid Michaelson - Turn to Stone 
Bibio - Dye the Water Green 
S.J. Tucker - Witch’s Rune 
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Face to Face
Daughter - Dreams of William 
Bjork - Dark Matter
Within Temptation - Forsaken 
Widowspeak - Harsh Realm
Wolf Alice - Soapy Water
Erutan - Come Little Children 
Artie Shaw - Nightmare
Dead Can Dance - Summoning of the Muse (Remastered) 
Tove Lo - Habit 
Legs Occult - Breathe
Agnes Obel - Riverside
The Soft Moon - Want
Willy Moon - I Pull a Spell on You 
Fleetwood Mac - Sara
Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz
Bahari - Wild Ones
The Zombies - Time of the Season 
Evanescence - Haunted
Lia Marie Johnson - Relapse 
Ella Fitzgerald - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Evanescence - Tourniquet 
The Eastern Sea - The Snow
Gabriel Rios - Broad Daylight
Maty Noyes - Haunted
Kim Petras - Boo! Bitch
Lorde - Biting Down 
Florence and the Machine - Seven Devils 
Plumb - Cut
Rasputina - Transylvanian Concubine 
Olivia Foa’i - Tulou Tagaloa
Gorillaz - Sleeping Powder
Masha - Come As You Are
Agnes Obel - The Curse
Richard Armitage - Misty Mountains
Lera Lynn - Ring of Fire
An Danzza - Hekate
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek 
Evanescence - Lithium 
Gin Wigmore - Written in the Water
Russell Shaw - Temple of Light 
Loreena McKennitt - The Mystic’s Dream
Lana Del Rey - Black Beauty 
Marika Hackman - Deep Green
Faun - Walpurgisnacht
Agnes Obel - Stretch Your Eyes
CHVRCHES - Broken Bones
Decyfer Down - Fading 
The Weeknd - Earned It
The Changelings - Melusine
Sonic Youth - Halloween 
 Les Rita Mitsouko - La Sorciere et l’inquisiteur 
Chelsea Wolfe - Carrion Flowers
Florence and the Machine - Third Eye
In this moment - Witching Hour 
Portishead - Magic Doors
Myrkur - The Serpent
Arcade Fire - Abraham’s Daughter
James S. Levine - Violet Theme
Lauren O’Connell - House of the Rising Sun
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Spellbound 
Haroula Rose - Lavender Moon
The Chainsmokers - It Won’t Kill Ya
Hozier - Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene
Stranger Things - Theme Song
Eivor - Trollabundin
Carina Round - Do You 
Son Lux - Flickers
Fever Ray -  Keep the Streets Empty 
Ibeyi - River
Benjamin Wallfisch ft. DiSA - New World Coming
Emily Browning - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 
Igorrr - Probleme D’emotion
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley - Leather and Lace
Whilk and Misky - Love Lost 
Amorphis - Amongst Stars
Cocorosie - The Moon Asked the Crow 
Linkin Park - My December
Nightwish - Turn Loose the Mermaids 
Black Lullabies - Black Lullabies
Florence and the Machine - Which Witch 
Kehlani - Gangsta (Harley Quinn & Joker Flashback Version) 
Sara Bareilles - Winter Song
Exxus - Glass Animals
Najwa - That Cyclone
Pierce the Veil - Tangled in the Great Escape
Dotan - Let the River In
This Mortal Coil - Dreams Made Flesh P.S.: Keep in mind a lot of these songs might not be ‘‘witchy’‘ or have ‘‘witchy’‘ lyrics but some people suggested them to me because they help them with their craft, put them in a ‘’witchy’’ mood and inspire them with certain spells for certain situations like strained/toxic relationships, breakups and heartbreaks, not feeling accepted, family problems, mental illness (although if you are feeling like you want to end your life, please talk to a professional), etc. (or curses, though I’m pretty neutral about curses and hexes.) Use the ones you like, and ignore the ones you don’t or don’t do it for ya. Thank you!  
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fairestfall · 5 years
post   3  -  5   songs   that   remind   you   of   your   muse. rules:        repost,   don’t   reblog.
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       01 .       ESBEN AND THE WITCH ,   NO DOG .        because i am no man, but i am alive. i am no dog. i am a wolf. 
       02 .       HEILUNG ,   CARPATHIAN FOREST  .     carpathian forest, where the trees are endless.  forest titans fall to rest. a bed is made for the queen.  dereliction houses dark spirits. a comet falls into darkness. people dance under the moon, in circles.
       03 .       LACEY STURM ,   ROT .       mirror, mirror, on the wall, will there be glory if I fall? oh, my god, save my soul. i need a faith that’s solid as concrete, but the impact’s broken both my knees. oh, my god, save my soul. 
       04 .        JT MUSIC ,   HONOR .       she’s got her father’s toughness in her heart. i can see it in her eyes, she’ll accomplish all she wants. even in the face of chaos, she’ll fight harder than i fought. i guess the apple fell farther than i thought. 
       05 .       MEG MYERS ,   RUNNING UP THAT HILL .      and if i only could, i’d make a deal with god and get him to swap our places. be running up that road. be running up that hill. be running up that building. it’s you. it’s you and me. we won’t be unhappy. 
tagged : stolen from @vapraes tagging : @urskekyagvi, @vliya, @rotruled, @folkiisms, @stcryxteller, and @xxsacrificiumxx
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shookihyun · 6 years
muses that have their bios up and completed:
kevin woo - warden at asylum/idol/mother-father/husband
chae hyungwon - mental patient/husband/sometimes idol
lee wonho/hoseok - wonho is: idol/wannabe bad boy/wolf and hoseok is: wonho’s evil twin brother pretty much, hes a dick
lee kiseop - ex patient at asylum, psychopath, sex addict
lee minhyuk - idol, stripper/exotic dancer/camboy, you name it
muses that HAVE bios but they need to be written:
woo kyungjae & woo haneul (chunji fc/chungha fc - wonvin twins as adults)
woo seyong/samuel (kevin’s twin brother, hacker)
yoo jungkook (kihyun & lisa’s son as adult)
kim minjae (yoongi oc)
kim taehyung/jun (see dashdasxorphans jaeho- recovering addict and jaeho’s best friend/lover[?])
ahn hani (idol verse, mother)
lee jaeun (genderbent jooheon//aspiring dancer [seulgi fc])
lee sunmi (idol verse, wife)
jackson wang (hacker, psycho extraordinaire)
jennie kim (hacker, camgirl)
kim hyeran (rose, hani’s daughter as adult)
lisa (idol verse, mother, wife)
nyx (wife, mother)
lacey (wife, mother)
emily (hyungwon’s daughter)
jinae (wife of yunho & mother to kihyun)
jaejoong (model & photographer)
jaekwang (bbh fc, witchcraft/fairy)
salem & sabrina varro (wizard/witch brother & sister)
elizabeth & elijah kim (hard to explain? kinda like m&f mascots of me lmao)
muses that need bios altogether:
sinb (royalty AU of some kind)
jun (ukiss)
bang chan
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capeshifters · 7 years
all muses
All muses shortly
italics - pc   bold- canon   normal -oc
some muses might have verse specific ships or they are not shippable at all
Nedra Surana //  mage elf warden- hof | multiship | pansexual | FC: Lindsey Stirling
Narya Lavellan // dalish inquisitor |Single ship with @thebloodychampion​ in her main verse, other verse open  | heterosexual | FC: Emile De Ravin
Merlyn Lavellan // Narya’s cousin, archer and hunter | multiship- | homosexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne (inquisitor verse available)
Litriel Lavellan // mage, necromancer and dreamer, also Narya’s cousin and Merlyn’ sister | multiship | heterosexual| FC: Alina Kovelenko
Nova Lavellan //dalish Inquisitor, has a very bad eyesight, necromancer, dreamer and uses wisps to see. loves dragons |  multiship |heterosexual | FC: Lauren De Graaf
Lesi  Aras //the master of smith work. Has her won shop, very inspired by Dagna | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Isabela Moner
Rin Ril Seraya //born to be female, works as a body guard of an Orlesian Lord. Disguised |multiship |undecided | FC: Winona Ryder
Aila Synelis// young elf, has a two years old girl, waitress,sweet but too trusting |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Dasha Sidorchuck
Armando Fiorenci // ex first enchanter o the circle in Dairsmuid, Rivain. Escaped death. jolly and a good mage. mage rights supporter.| multiship | pansexual | FC: Sam Elliott
Francesca Fiorenci // Armando’s sister, made tranquil. Whereabouts unknown  | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Oona Chaplin
Kai Kresge // magekiller, from tevinter |multishp| pansexual | FC: Ian Bohen
Kaisa Kresge// Kai’s little sister, mage and healer and herbalist, blind.| multiship |heterosexual | FC: Elise Aarnik
Sherborne Guyader “Guy” // professor of history and arts at the university of Orlais. born in Antiva | multiship | bisexual fc: Eoin bailey
Anna Alerion // mage ,dalish, slave, servant. Now Marquis tool for his twisted desires. Secretly when able she plots to free elves.- | multiship |bisexual
Regina le Bail // ex slave, run away from tevinter, mage but uses spear to fight, companion with a wolf | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Maia Mitchell
Alan Bearhold //avvar warrior, hunter, tall man, grumpy , protects his little sister |multiship |pansexual | FC: Manu Bennett
Valerie Bearhold// mage, talks to spirits, healer, herbalist, skilled. - | multiship |heterosexual | FC: Rachel Weisz
Millicent Cadash // Inquisitor, badass rogue, thief, spy, dwarf and what else.| multiship |  heterosexual | FC: Amy Manson
Devon Trevelyan // mage. from Ostwick Circle, born as a bastard son to a servant of Trevelyan family. Skilled mage, flirty but good mannered. | multiship |pansexual | FC: Richard Madden
Bella Lupus // Dragon Age - Tevinter mage, black mage, small woman, good at magic- multiship-heterosexual
Marcus Lupus // Bella’s little brother, warrior, has prosthetic arm and leg | multiship | bisexual | FC: Matthew Daddario
Janus Lupus // Bella’s and Marcus father, magister, master and killed by his brother.|single ship with @thebloodychampion​ |homosexual | FC: Luke Evans
Alceon Lupus // middle brother , brother of Janus, evil and mean magister. |no ship | bisexual | FC: Ansom Mount
Adrian Lupus // youngest brother, magister at the seat, divorced, likes elves | multiship.| pansexual |FC: Tom Pricone
Luca Lupus//Adrian’s son, rogue, likes training and solitude | multiship |pansexual | Fc: Adian Gillen
Gigi Trevelyan (Auriel// mercenary and Inquisitor - burns scars on her hands and feet - assassin || multiship |heterosexual | FC: Sarah Bolger
Rufus Trevelyan //  ex- templar , Gigi’s uncle - mage friendly- never too old for fun | multishipo | pansexual | FC:Rufus Sewell
Adam Hawke // Hawke, shy dork, loves his dog more than people- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Garrett Hedlund
Anders//he feather mage merged with spirit, not so mage rights obessed- loves cats | single M!Hawke ship with   @thebloodychampion​ (other muses okay to ship) | pansexual | FC: David Garrett
Dorian // the sassy one From house of Pavus- the lost son- the failure | multiship | homosexual | FC: David Gandy
Hampus Luck // archer and companion , noble but hides it, a flirt | multiship |pansexual | FC: Jamie Dornan
Appius Trius  “The Architect”// High Priest of Urthemiel, a bit dork, but lovable, magister from the ancient times | single ship verse with @thebloodychampion​ other verse open |  pansexual | Fc: Hugh Dancy
Hay // slave from the ancient times - traveled through a rift |selective ship | heterosexual | FC: Hera Hilmar
Nellie Cousland // hero of ferelden, badass redhead |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Rose Leslie
Jacob Rivera//  pirate, thief, treasure hunter | multiship |bisexual | FC: Jarod Joseph
Albany Perdue // non binary, young magister , better than you- | multiship | undecided | FC: ErikaLinder
Lisetta Walgan // chasind scout/hunter - wild and untamed| multishp |pansexual | FC: Karen Gillan
Lilah Bearhold //  Lady of The Skies- goddess/avvaar/ - immortal | selective ship| bisexual | Fc: Julie Kennedy/Rachel Ward(old)
Mario Albergotti lamberto De Villacorta // rogue, noble, mercenary |bisexual |Pentaghast Blood |likes dragons | FC: Matthew Mcnulty
Vixten Adaar // Inquisitor - ex-mercenary | has a twin sister |mage |pansexual | kind giant | FC: Mahesh Jadu
Veran Adaar // Vixten’s twin sister | rogue |bisexual
Seranna Trevelyan - Inquisitor and templar | fears magic | bisexual | andrastian | FC: Michelle Alves
Quiet // Metal Gear Solid V // sniper and bad ass, does not talk- |multiship |bisexual | FC: Game face/Stefanie Joosten
Diana // Marvel DCEU // Wonder Woman, badass but sweet        | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Gal Gadot
Mei // Overwatch// climatologist, blogger, Overwatch agent | multiship | bisexual | FC: Game Face
Catwoman //Marvel // Selina Kyle, the catwoman  |multiship |heterosexual | FC:Camren Bicondova
Belle/Lacey //OUAT/Disney// Belle from both Ouat and Disney and Lacey from Ouat | multiship | heterosexual | Emilie de Ravin, Cartoon face, Emma Watson
Red//OUAT-// Red from the series Once Upon A time - werewolf | multiship | bisexual | FC: Meghan Ory
Nagini Nabila // Harry Potter // Voldemorts’ Snake with a canon divergent story, reborn |  multiship | pansexual | FC: Nathalie Emmanuel (young)/ Angela Bassett (old)
Augustus Rookwood//Harry Potter// Death Eater, Prisoner in Azkaban, a bit of coward |  multiship | bisexual | FC: Tom Payne
Neville Longbottom//Harry Potter// student, later professor, not married yet | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Matthew Lewis
Ailla Longstar // Star Wars // twilek, bad ass pilot, spy | multiship | pansexual | FC: Milla Jovovich
Zara Andromedra // Star Wars //  mandalorian warrior, arms for hire, skilled fighter , bounty hunter | multiship | bisexual | FC: Cladia Black
Lilo Young // works in the ministry of magic | FC:Nyakim Gatwech |  - Harry Potter
Lassie Young // ministry worker , lilos brother |homosexual| FC: Jordan Bolger |  - Harry Potter
Simon Wolfe // Deathh Eater | bi, homoromantic |FC: Alec Secreanu |  - Harry Potter
Salvia Pepper // werewolf | heterosexual | FC: Natalia Ramos - Harry Potter
Gilda Gloomsdale // vampire , not dragonborn but can be // FC: Aiyana Lewis - Skyrim
Nedra Shepard//Shepard , biotic, paragon, earthborn, war hero-| multiship | pansexual | FC: Emily Browning
Nigel Shepard// Nedra’s twin, more evil and drunkard and a gambler |multiship| bisexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne
Nolus and Tunar Abgius // smuggler brothers even if one is a turian and other a krogan | multiship.|  Nolus is bisexual | Tunar is homosexual | Nolus FC: Brandt Daugherty | Tunar Fc: Aleksander Skarsgard
Lisell Avequa// Asari assassin, Has a adopted son Han.|multiship- |heterosexual | FC: Tracy Ifeachor/Danai Gurira
Jirida Avequa//Lisell’s grandma, a bit crazy old asari |no ship- |bisexual | FC: Whoopi Goldberg
Nyx Avequa// an asari consort at Citadel-, not using biotics, kind |single ship |heterosexual | FC: Yaya De Costa
Han Xanis Vas Astra-//LIsell’s adopted son, quarian. Good in tech |- multiship |bisexual | FC: Logan Lerman
Vivia Bonisis // pink turian but good C-sec cyber crime detective - | single ship with @thebloodychampion | heterosexual | FC: Penelope Mitchell
Camilea -// pretty and deadly turian Blue Sun assassin |-multiship | pansexual | FC: Cara Delvigne
Salla Ryder //-  female Ryder , biotic | multiship. |bisexual | FC: Emma Watson
Garrus // the one we love. does a lot of calibrating |multiship| bisexual | FC: Andrew Garfield
Liara// the blue doctor and Shadowbroker | multiship |bisexual | FC: Yara Shadhidi
Drack // the old grumpy grandpa | multiship |heterosexual | Fc: Jeff Bridges
PeeBee // the joyful and happy asari explorer|multiship-|pansexual | FC:Senait Gidey
Avitus Rix// turian pathfinder, loves Mason  |single ship  with @thebloodychampion Mason | homosexual | FC: Charlie Hunnam
Tibesius Suldonis  // a hastatim unit leader, gay , married to a woman, manipulated by his friend and ex lover Cosna |  Single ship with @thebloodychampion | homosexual | FC: Nathan Fillion
Quitilia Suldonis // sweet, Serlio’s and Silia’s mother, dead  by Cosna | no ship | heterosexual | FC:Bridget Regan
Lucius Suldonis // the youngest sibling, model  turian, bit of playboy, skilled pilot | multiship | pansexual | FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Serlio Salvilus // Actually son of Cosna’s brother Caius . good in politics, future turian councilor  | multiship |  bisexual | FC: Josh Bowman
Silia Salvilus-//blind. Serlio’s little sister, had many hardships, works in Citadel , not daughter of Cosna, but born from a relationship her mother had with Haral Nyras. | multiship| heterosexual| FC: Lyndsy Fonseca
Cosna Salvilus // the evil mastermind, took his brother’s life and played him -|no ship-|bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Caius Salvilus // got in an accident and was in coma and memory loss for decades. Real father of Serlio | multiship | bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Tokol // pink, hanar and definitely not someone you should trust | no ship| asexual | Fc: game face
Anaya Kiuk // a young drell assassin, suffers from deadly illness , works for Tokol- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Naomi Scott
Sunip Molane // a salaria assassin, scientist , works for Tokol |multiship |demisexual | Fc: Allyson Hannigan
Bono Baffabar-//batarian mercenary and assassin, works for Tokol -| multiship | bisexual | FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Luc Laxius// turian business woman, mother of twins | no ship-heterosexual | FC: Meryl Streep
Maxius Kryik // son of Nihlus Kryik, C-sec officer  |multiship |pansexual | FC: Sebastian Stan
Titus Faion // thief and turian, disguises as a male | multishp- heterosexual | FC: Charlize Theron
Tasha Tissel // ex asari assassin, now a doctor  | single ship with @thebloodychampion  | heterosexual | Fc: Chrishell Stubbs
Magnar Shepard // the viking, tall and blond, gets the job done-  | multiship | pansexual | FC: Chris Hemsworth
Camephilia  Octatus// Camilea’s little sister, young, raised on Omega | no ship, single ship in the future times  with @thebloodychampion |  heterosexual | fc: Anna von Klinski
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unapxlogeticme · 3 months
closed starter for jace and lacey @lunarruled -
"spare some change, please?" lacey asks the person behind, feeling his desperation kick in. searching his pockets and wallet for fifty cents. he was in between his home and random photography gigs. lacey was on his way home, but got too tired from driving all night. he decided to stop at a run down hotel. feeling hungry and knowing he hadn't eaten since the morning, lacey headed to the local diner for a food. but now it came to having to pay and he didn't have enough money. he looks at the other with pleading eyes. "if we ever meet again, i'll pay you back."
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ismortal-blog · 8 years
the  rules  are  simple !!  post  TEN  CHARACTERS  you’d  like  to  roleplay  as,  have  roleplayed  as,  and  might  bring  back.  then  tag  ten  people  to  do  the  same  (  if  you  can’t  think  of  ten  characters,  just  write  down however  many  you  can  and  tag  the  same  amount  of  people.  ) repost,  don’t  reblog  !!
HARVEY KINKLE ( sabrina the teenage witch ), that’s literally it i haven’t roleplayed in so long
soo many uhh STEVE HARRINGTON ( stranger things ), ALLISON ARGENT ( teen wolf ), OLIVER WOOD ( harry potter ), FRED JONES ( scooby doo ), SCOTT SUMMERS ( x-men ), BILLY KAPLAN ( young avengers ), AUDREY JENSEN ( mtv scream ), SAM EVANS ( glee ), BODHI ROOK ( rogue one ), SEBASTIAN WILDER ( la la land ).
CHIP MARTIN ( looking for alaska ), LACEY PEMBERTON ( paper towns ), ANDIE WALSH ( pretty in pink ), MAYDAY PARKER ( spider-girl ), MARTIN JAMES WATSON ( spider-man, rule63maryjane based in that one time michael b jordan said he would play mj r emember when ), JAMIE WELLERSTEIN ( the last five years ), WEDNESDAY ADDAMS ( the addams family ), MICHAEL SCOTT ( the office ), SHAWN HUNTER ( boy meets world ), PADMA PATIL ( harry potter )
tbh i really wanna play CHIP, MJ, and PADMA again, because i feel like i had a lot of muse for them when i played them but who knows where it went tbh,,
TAGGED BY : literally no one asked for this TAGGING : anyone else who wants 2 do this instead of Replies
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roastsalivearchive · 8 years
RULES. Answer the questions in a new post & tag blogs you would like to get to know better (repost, don’t reblog!) TAGGED BY: @jugcrazy TAGGING: anyone who wants to, tbh !
NAME. ink STAR SIGN. aries  (  i  was  born  3  months  early  lmao  )  HEIGHT. 5′2″ CURRENT TIME. 15:43  (  3:43pm  ) FAV MUSIC ARTIST.  fall  out  boy  /  the  mumblers SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD. boys  of  summer  -  don  henley LAST MOVIE WATCHED. wolf  of  wall  street LAST SHOW WATCHED. it’s  always  sunny  in  philadelphia WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG. feb  4 WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST. sometimes  i  try  to  write,  but  other times  it’s  just  angsty  shit  tbh  &  pictures  of  boys  or  fire OTHER BLOGS.
christ,  here  we  go. @cheekyfitch  --  emily  fitch  from  e4′s  skins,  gen  2  ! @mercurialhero  --  luke  castellan  from  percy  jackson  &  the  olympians @evtykhia  --  bo  lacey. demigod  oc.  son  of  tyche.  river  phoenix  fc @inferorvmcanis  --  damian  hatcher.  hellhound  hellpup  oc.  persephone  stan.  shiloh  fernandez  fc @quietbrother  --  jonathan  byers  from  netflix’s  stranger  things @idlwilde  --  multi  muse  !! @cosmosmade  --  stella. stardust  inspired  fallen  star  oc.  great  aesthetic,  terrible  being.  rosamund  pike fc @pcmegranates  --  audrey  valentine.  reincarnation  of  aphrodite.  queen  bee.  holland  roden  fc.  (  made  in  2012  ;  currently  on  indefinite  hiatus  ) @residentleader  --  james  ‘st  jimmy’  christianson.  american  idiot  inspired  oc.  suffers  from  DID.  shiloh  fernandez  fc @lupinebitten  --  remus  lupin  from  harry  potter.  thinking  of  moving  to  my  multi. &  i  think  that’s  it  ???  some  of  those  blogs  i  haven’t  been  on  in  ages,  but  they’re  still  ‘active’  in  my  books.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL. he  threatens  to  roast  will  alive  . .  .
HOGWARTS HOUSE. gryffindor,  which  is  still  a  surprise  6  years  after  being  sorted POKEMON TEAM. instinct FAVORITE COLOR.  grey  !!!!! AVG HOURS SLEEP.  5 - 8 LUCKY NUMBER. 3 !!!! HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH? i  sleep  only  with  the  doona  unless it’s  fucking  cold  as  balls. DREAM JOB. writing  /  being  a  publisher  or  editor  ! FOLLOWING. 116 FOLLOWERS. 130+ ?  i  have  my  follower  count  hidden  bc  anxiety,  but  i’m  p  sure that’s  what  it  said  when  i  was  last  logged  in  on  mobile.
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dom-horatio-md · 8 years
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date?
No, because that would ruin the potential connection- ARE YOU KIDDING, YES. 
😊 Would my muse ever ask someone on a date?
I mean, if you count propositioning women, totally. An actual date, though? He did do that before with Carmen, and probably a few others, depending on how much he wanted to get into their pants.
👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking?
Surprisingly, Horatio has been propositioned a lot… for some reason. When he was at Bellona and Orenda, he got offers, which always shocked me. He loves it. There’s nothing better than having a hot girl come up to him. Plus, he loves dominating women. It’s just his thing. 
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
Horatio’s top fantasy would be to have a night with twins named Candy and Lacey, wind up utterly wasted with them, and let them have their way with him in the men’s bathroom. Classy.
💬 When did my muse go on their first date?
His first proper date would have to be with Carmen several years ago. His first interaction that could be loosely defined as a date might be when he was 17. He was in his druggie/dealer days and got high with a girl together.
👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like?
If Horatio had stayed at Orenda, there was a chance Maisy could have been that because I think they had the most interaction then. But Carmen was really the only serious relationship he’s ever had. They met at Bellona, and Horatio’s drug problems were spiking. Carmen had a brother that died of an overdose, so at the time she was helping Horatio just because of that. Overtime, though, they got to be close. If Carmen was alive, she would say that it wasn’t easy loving Horatio, but she did grow to feel that way for him. He was going to ask her to marry him at some point. Unfortunately, she kept her depression from him, and one day he walked in to find her unconscious on their couch. She had died at the hands of her own medication. In truth, he hasn’t gotten over it still.
💗 Has my muse ever been in love?
Definitely. He has this incredibly brash side, but underneath he has a soft heart. He’s been in love a couple of times. 
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
Huge wedding, but on a budget. Also, Horatio doesn’t know a lot of people he’s on good terms with, so that might hinder that possibility. 
🏩 What was my muse’s first time like?
It was hilarious and disastrous. You can hear from Horatio himself right -> here.
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
Horatio had a rough upbringing, so his state of mind has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer. So, when he got into the upper years of primary school, he had a huge crush on his teacher. She was sweet to him, and it got to him. One day, during recess, he came back in the classroom to bring her some weeds that he thought were flowers, and in usual Horatio fashion started to pull down his jeans just as the rest of the class was coming back in. Not only did the entire class make fun of him for ages, it got back to some parents who misinterpreted it as the teacher taking advantage of Horatio, which led to her dismissal. He was crushed and tried to get her back to the school by vandalizing the headmaster’s car. It didn’t go over well.
💋 How many people has my muse slept with?
That’s a question for the ages. I think at Orenda, he slept with… 4 girls alone? (Maisy, Tess, Zylan, and Anna) Which is pretty impressive since he was only there for a few months. Don’t even ask me about Bellona because there’s no way I can remember. Most notable was that he slept with Angela just for the points, which got her the nickname of pointed slag. The total number has to be at least 20 something.
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
I realized that Horatio doesn’t use words very much to express love (except with Shadow Wolfe because it’s Shadow Wolfe.) So, these are mostly non-verbal, but when Jaeger’s brother died, and Horatio had to break the news to him, it was the only time he used Jaeger’s name instead of “little shit.”
When Carmen died, he received her life insurance policy, which was really hefty because of her family. It was actually more money than he had ever had in his lifetime. He didn’t want any of it. He donated it to charity in her name.
He has also tried to take his mother away from the Coldstone manor, but her owner caught him and threatened to kill both of them if she ever left him. It takes all of his strength not to go back there until there’s a certainty that a different plan will work. 
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wvtsonmj · 7 years
🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily?
no, not at all. once someone has crossed katniss, it is very, very hard to come back. few have done it, an exception being haymitch abernathy.
not really. eve has very little time or patience with most people in her life, keeping to herself for the most part.
yes. ruby is fairly well-tempered for the most part and doesn’t get angry all too often. that said, she does have her limits, as she has quite a temper.
yes. brie inherently believes in the good in others and tends to forgive perhaps too easily.
yes and no. it takes dom a helluva lot to hold a grudge, but she can do it. it tends to be that people she loves, she forgives in a heartbeat. anything less, probably not.
not at all. lacey is a complete lone wolf and trusts almost no one except her closest family. she certainly doesn’t forgive most people easily at all.
no. it’s not necessarily that he holds onto anger, more that he dismisses anyone who crosses him easily and they become irrelevant to him from that point.
yes. despite this, though, she harbours a lot of very intense anger after losing her brother to the games.
absolutely. luci is a sweet, little thing. she has no real desire to hold onto anger, as she believes it to be poisonous.
yep. vick is mostly very soft, he likes to believe the best in people.
yep. hux rarely gets angry at all.
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megairishrose · 8 years
Never shop with Snow White chapter 1
Amelia Hunter found herself being half dragged down the streets of Storybrooke by Marian and Belle. Helen led the way to the bridal boutique. Marian had offered to make the bridesmaids dresses and the flower girl dress, however, as she said herself, a wedding gown from this realm was a bit out of her skill set. And now nothing could make her pass up the chance to see her oldest and dearest friend in a gorgeous gown.
It wasn't that Amelia wasn't looking forward to dress shopping, she loved shopping and clothes, but she had a sick feeling in her stomach. She had a bad feeling that it was going to be a long day.
It was just going to be her, Helen, Marian and Belle. Jordan was confined to bed rest, doctor's orders. Being seven months pregnant with twins was keeping Amelia's sister out of the shopping adventure. Emma was in Boston with Henry, they were beginning to scope out colleges. Henry could go anywhere he wanted, but he wanted to stay close to home, much to the relief of his mothers. Ruby was dealing with a peculiar difficult wolf time, not really sure why.
No matter, the small group was enough for Amelia. They were her family, stuck by her through thick and thin…
"So, I invited a few more people to the shopping trip…" Helen opened the door.
Amelia gulped. Who else was here? And her question was answered when she saw Mary Margaret and Ashley sitting in the middle of the shop waiting for her. They jumped up to hug her.
"We already picked out some dresses that we think you would look amazing in." Ashley told her. She rarely got out and was so looking forward to her daughter starting preschool soon.
"Regina said she would come here after she finished up a few things at the office." Mary Margaret added.
"Why are you picking dresses for me? Isn't this my wedding?" Amelia asked, not sure how she felt. Maybe this was why she felt sick this morning.
Mary Margaret didn't answer. She just pushed Amelia towards the fitting rooms.
So Amelia Hunter, the former bounty hunter, was wedding dress shopping with Snow White, Cinderella, Belle and Maid Marian with the Evil Queen popping in. What kind of personal hell would this be?
This is what she got for shopping with the pretty pretty princesses. Why were her cheerleaders not by her side?
Huge. Too tight. Wouldn't be caught dead in. Stupid. Ugly. Weighs a ton. Just no.
"Every girl wants to feel like a princess on her wedding day." Mary Margaret gently informed her as she adjusted Amelia's sleeve.
"But I'm not a princess! There's a difference between royalty and nobility. Why am I the only one who knows that?" Amelia attempted to keep the whine out of her voice. She had already tried on about three dozen dresses.
"Regina, what do you think?" Marian asked.
The mayor had finally made it to the shop. She bit back her comment. Her thoughts matched Amelia's: the dress was horrible. "It looks nice, but it's not the one." She said diplomatically.
"Thank you, at least someone agrees with me." Amelia was grateful.
"Regina, what did you wear when you married Mary Margaret's father?" Belle asked. Regina had been King Leopold's second wife many years ago in the Enchanted Forest.
"It was the most beautiful gown in all the realms, she looked like a vision…" Mary Margaret mused out loud.
Regina rolled her eyes but did wave her hand and instantly Amelia was wearing that exact dress.
The former bounty hunter had to force herself not to vomit. She couldn't breathe, her waist was tiny but the metal form under the dress wouldn't fit through a doorway, unless she went sideways. It weighed a ton; she struggled to keep her balance.
"It looks terrible…" Amelia growled.
"That's because it's on you, dear." Regina remarked.
Everyone in the group turned to looked at Regina, stunned. Where had that comment come from? Was she randomly turning back into the evil queen?
Regina quickly noticed the shocked faces. Her hand flew to her month. "I am so sorry! Roland has us watching Sleeping Beauty every day for three weeks…"
"Sleeping Beauty?" Marian inquired. She actually hadn't seen a movie since arriving in Storybrooke.
"We are going to have to host a movie night at the library soon." Belle said. The library had so many events planned; it was hard for them to keep up.
"Add it to the list. Regina, get this dress off of me, now." Amelia growled. She would have done it herself but it would be in shreds. At least Regina would be gentle.
Regina snapped her fingers. Amelia now wore the not so ugly dress. And back to the fitting room she went.
Amelia stared at herself in the mirror. Her group was crowded around her, studying her reaction.
"How do you feel about this one?" Belle asked. They had been in the shop for hours and Amelia had tried on five dozen dresses. She hadn't found the one yet.
But this one…
"I like it…" Amelia started to say.
"But you don't love it." Helen finished gently. She hated to admit it, but wedding dress shopping with Amelia was more of an adventure that she had originally thought. Everything had to be perfect and Amelia was picky.
Yes, the dress was beautiful. It was soft and simple, it actually reminded Helen of a Greek goddess.
"This isn't the one. What if I never find the right one?" Amelia tried to keep the fear out of her voice. Her wedding day was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Well, after True Love's Kiss, both of them.
Mary Margaret squeezed Amelia's hand. "You will find the right dress. As soon as you put it on, you will know. Don't lose hope."
Of course Snow White was going to bring hope into this.
Amelia gathered the skirts and headed back to the fitting room. She knew there was another dress waiting for her.
You will find the right dress, she said. As soon as put it on, you're know, she said.
Well, Snow White, this is not the one.
Amelia had to force herself not to gag. It was easily the most ridiculous dress she had ever seen. She flopped into a chair, the dress made a noise when she sat and it puffed up around her.
She leaned her head back against the wall, sighing heavy. How long since she walked into the shop? She looked at her phone. Are you serious? Six hours? I have been stuck shopping with the princesses for six hours? And there was no progress with picking a dress. Mostly because she didn't seem to have a say. Since when did she ever let someone have control over her?
Her phone buzzed, a text from Neal. At least there was someone who made her smile.
How's the dress shopping going?
She and Neal told each other everything so she answered back honestly. I would rather be in Neverland right now. Or facing the Horned King again.
Ouch. That bad?
Want me to come and cheer you up?
Yes, she would love that; it would put her in a much better mood. But he couldn't come. No, you aren't supposed to see the dress before the wedding. It's bad luck.
Seriously, I think we spent all our bad luck already.
Don't say that too loud, the universe might hear us. If I get out of this alive, I will see you at home.
Love you baby. Don't break anything.
Amelia stood up again and studied herself in the mirror again. The dress was huge; the whole skirt couldn't fit in her view. The sleeves were puffy watermelons on her shoulders and the neckline was a tad lower than she wanted. Amelia couldn't breathe correctly; the corset was tied too tight. And to top it off, it was lacey and sparkly and she was pretty sure there were feathers on it. It wasn't even tasteful princess. Then she turned around to see the back. Gods above, there was a huge bow back there. Her phone came out again and she quickly snapped a picture, sending it to Jordan.
A reply came five seconds later.
Yikes. If I could get over there, I would give the princesses a piece of my mind. I love them but I don't think they really know you. That dress is so not you.
Thanks. I have been here for six hours and I doubt I'm close to finding my dress.
You can get through. You have been through far worst and you came out the other side. Text me a picture when you find the dress.
At least Amelia felt slightly better now. Until her stomach growled, she remembered she hadn't eaten in hours. Stressed and hungry, not a good combination. So she texted for help.
Hey, are you busy?
I was just going to hang out with David and Robin. What do you need, lass?
Save me.
Save you? Never thought I would hear those words coming from your mouth. And I have heard a lot of interesting words from you.
Save it, I am not in the mood. I'm hiding in a fitting room at the wedding boutique. Just come here. Don't let the princesses see you. And bring food. Please.
I love hearing you beg.
Killian, I will ring your neck.
Sorry. Be there in fifteen minutes.
This wasn't weird, this was normal. Yes, Killian was her former lover, but they had each other's backs, like Neal had Emma's. He was one of her best friends. Gods above, they had come so far since their very first meeting. And also, such a long way as people. They were much better people now.
Ten minutes, that's how long it took him. She heard his voice down the hall. "Amelia?"
"Third room on the right. I can't really move." She had fallen back into the chair. The dress weighed too much, she was trapped.
Then there was a soft knock at the door.
"Come in." The door creaked open and Killian popped his head in. And his jaw dropped. "Quit staring and close the door." She told him harshly. He did close the door, but continued to stare.
"Lass, you look…" Funny how she could still make him speechless.
"Don't say it. I did not pick this dress. It is awful and I look horrible. Did you bring the food?"
He still couldn't form any more words, he just handed her the huge bag. She ripped it open to see three donuts, a turkey club with French fries, lasagna and a dozen cookies, all in nice take out containers. "Did you rob Granny's? You know what, don't answer that, I don't care." She dove in for the donuts and actually moaned. "One dirty comment from you and I swear…. This has to be the best donut I have ever had. I have been stuck in this store for the past six hours and no dress yet…." She suddenly felt overwhelmed. Killian grabbed another chair and sat down next to her. She shoved some French fries into to her mouth.
"Maybe bringing you all that food wasn't a good idea. You won't fit into your dress." Killian said, knowing she needed a joke.
"Please, I work out at the gym enough. I'll fit into any normal dress." She looked down at her dress, then placed the bag on the floor and stood up. Killian needed to see the whole horrible picture. "This is not normal. It's like a unicorn threw up on me! Throw a pair of wings on me, I'm a freaking fairy! I don't wear bows, I shoot them. This is not normal, at least not for me. I'm not a princess. I was a bounty hunter; I don't get nice things…"
"Correction, you were a bounty hunter, a long time ago. Now you are a librarian, a hero and you are going to be a beautiful bride." He sensed something else was going on with her. "What are you afraid of, lass?"
She sighed and sat back down next to him. "Nothing."
Killian rolled his eyes, that was a front out lie. He took out his flask. Her eyes widened at it, damn man knew how to bribe her. "I'm afraid this is all a dream, a really really good dream. And I am going to wake up in the Enchanted Forest alone." He nodded, it was a start. He handed her the flask and she took a long drink. Then Amelia continued her rant. "I have been trying to turn my life around since we all came to Storybrooke. I think I did a decent enough job, but I still don't feel like I deserve it. I have a good life now, an amazing life. I have Neal and my wonderful supportive family and friends but I keep glancing over my shoulder just to make sure I'm safe and everyone is safe." Amelia held up her palm, the horns were still there. "I'm afraid there is some way that my past will do something to ruin everything. Enough though I know it is now powerless…" She actually fought back tears. "How do you do it, Killian? We both started this journey as villains, how do you accept this life?"
"First off, you were never a villain, you just made poor choices but your heart was always in the right pace." He had to say that. "As for myself, I pinch myself every day. Never in a million years would I ever picture myself this happy. I have friends, people who have my back no matter what. I might be engaged to a bloody princess who is the most amazing woman I know… present company not included."
"Most amazing woman… Wait, engaged?" Amelia turned to him and threw an am over his shoulder, placing a kiss on the side of his head. "Killian, why didn't you tell me? When did you ask her?"
"I didn't ask yet." He seemed almost shy.
"Oh then forget I congratulated you. When are you planning on asking?"
"Not anytime soon, right now the focus is you and Neal. I don't want to steal the spotlight from you." They sat in silence for a few minutes; Amelia had to take in all of Killian's words.
She was worth it; she did deserve happiness. A smile crossed her face. "Thank you Killian."
"Any time, lass. Now, are you ready to finish this quest for the perfect wedding dress?"
"Yes, but on my terms…" She stood up.
"Of course…" He started to say.
"Help me get out of this dress." Amelia pointed to the back zipper. Killian stared, shocked and confused. "Don't give me that look, you know how to get a woman out of a dress." She glanced over her shoulder at him.
The zipper was pulled down and the dress fell. It sounded like it weighed a ton. Amelia grabbed the short robe that was over the chair and threw it on. She looked over at Killian, who had his eyes squeezed shut.
She had to bite back a laugh. "Really? There's nothing you haven't seen. I'm decent, you can open your eyes."
He did so and looked down at the dress. "I will never understand women's fashion. That looked uncomfortable."
"Tell me something I don't know. Okay, so the plan is: you go back to the main room and distract the pretty pretty princesses and I'm going to the back room. I am picking my own dress."
"Sounds good, lass."
They both exited the fitting room, Killian went to the right, Amelia went to the left. The storage room was down this hall. She shoved the door open and actually groaned. There were thousands of white bags, they all looked the same.
How on Earth was she going to find the perfect dress in this?
Maybe she could use magic? Just to point her in the right direction. She closed her eyes and snapped her fingers and was transported across the room. Her hand touched one bag. Was this the dress?
Amelia slowly unzipped the bag and gasped. She grabbed the bag and transported herself back to the fitting room; she was already in the dress.
Yes, this was the one. She knew because she had to bite back tears. It was beautiful and perfect.
The dress was strapless, fitted to about her knees. That's where it flowed out in soft gathers. She could breathe in it, which was the most important thing. But the thing that made the dress perfect for Amelia were the navy flowers.
She stayed in front of the mirror to just stare, to take in the moment. Then she walked out into the main room of the shop.
"Killian, seriously, get out! You're going to take information back to Neal!" Belle shouted and her shouting was rare.
"Why are you even here?" Regina asked. She couldn't imagine why the pirate captain was in the bridal shop.
Killian tried his best to stay calm. Amelia needed to get out here now, before he was killed, or worse.
Suddenly his prayers were answered. He heard some someone clearing their voice.
"I think I found it."
Everyone turned to see a beaming Amelia. She actually blushed under their speechless expressions and walked to the center of the room.
"Sweetheart, you look…" Helen almost couldn't form words.
"This is definitely the one." Mary Margaret said.
"I think you look like a vision." Marian added, taking in the whole picture.
Killian just nodded. Amelia looked happy and ready to take on the world. She mouthed 'thank you' to him before he disappeared from the shop. Now to keep Neal in the dark about how beautiful his bride was.
Who was he kidding? Neal already knew Amelia held the moon and stars.
Amelia's small group was gathered around her. She spun a few times. She liked the back was low enough to see her tattoo on her shoulder blade. That was not going to be covered up. The dress did make her feel like a royal princess, that wasn't really that much a stretch.
She only needed the shoes, and some sort of headpiece, she was forgoing the veil. The jewelry was picked out, the infinity necklace and her engagement ring.
Everything was coming together. Amelia would continue to count down the days.
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unapxlogeticme · 10 days
i just want lacey to find one thing to care about. maybe himself or maybe a cat/dog. but he needs to care about something that will divert his risk taking even if it ends up not lasting.
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unapxlogeticme · 18 days
closed starter for @9odsent; rex & lacey
“order for lacey at the bar!” the barista’s voice rings through the coffee shop. lacey’s eyes had been on his laptop while he was waiting for his coffee to be made. he doesn’t see anyone else in the coffee shop until he gets up to grab his drink. “thank you!” he tells the barista after grabbing his coffee. he heads back to his table, but stops immediately when his eyes fall onto a very familiar face.
“fuck …” he mumbles under his breath. he’s pretty sure his face is pale and flushed from seeing his old family friend. fuck. lacey was supposed to be dead. but here he was breathing and definitely alive. he quickly looks away from rex and moves back to his table. in a haste, he quickly grabs his belongings from the table. he gathers everything he could, but his cell phone betrays him and falls to the floor. “dammit …”
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