#muse: kiara redfort
cxnsiglixrx · 3 months
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Kiara Redfort made her way along the narrow halls of Maegor's Holdfast. It was early in the morning, the sunlight peaked through the rounded windows of the keep. In these trying times, even the simplest of pleasures made a person feel at ease. Quickly, the maiden made her way to the Queen's chamber with her breakfast. Kiara was a handmaiden to Queen Haelena Targaryen, a white haired beauty with amethyst eyes. Some may consider these thoughts inappropriate, but Kiara never expressed them aloud. She had been a servant to Haelena since they were children, and in that time they had grown quite close. Kiara dared to even consider her a friend.
Which is why her duty broke her heart. Her house declared for Rhaenyra when she was crowned by her father, the late king Viserys. But since then, the tide changed. The Hightower's inserted themselves in all aspects of the kingdom, and with that came tension with the true heir. One day, Kiara was unexpectedly summoned to Dragonstone. The Rouge prince and the Princess Rhaenyra awaited her, with a task. Spy on the Greens, report anything and everything to Dragonstone when in a safe place. Her cover would be to return to King's Landing, under the guise of a servant.
Kiara entered the room quietly, as to not disturb the still sleeping twins. "Good morrow, your grace." Kiara greeted the Queen, before placing the food on the table. "Would you like me to dress the children, your Grace?" // @sclitvde
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