#muse: jix
thenexusofsouls · 1 month
Jix! How are you? :) Here! *places a basket of berries beside him, alongside a tiny ladder for him to climb up the basket*
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"Wahhhhhhh! Tasty littles for Jix!" the tiny leafling exclaimed. "Ohh... have to climb. Okay... can do this. Not the bestest climber, but... not the worst either, I think. Jix will succeed, for the sake of tastiness!" he muttered as he carefully climbed the ladder up to the edge of the bowl. "Wahhh... So beautiful!" His little beady eyes opened wide. Gripping the side of the bowl with his roots, Jix grabbed a blueberry and took a big bite. "Mmmmmumumum..." he hummed as he chewed. "Soooo good. Thank-thank for caring about Jix!" He was quite happy, but utterly oblivious to the purple stained ring around his mouth from the blueberry juice.
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anchoragehq · 2 months
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our goal is to involve new people in the group as much as possible. there are many open & wanted spaces, especially for roles. at the moment, we are searching for :
MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE CARDINAL SERPENT & city council members as muses ( preferably older FCs for the latter )
for every new member that joins, you will have an opportunity to participate in the choice selection in this plot drop. this means every new member will have a role in the plot drop. alternatively, if you apply as a firefighter, you will be added for the special task.
generally, we have written the plot drop & its injuries / transpirations with what we’ve come to know about the muse(s) who were randomly selected in mind & their previous threads. however, if we ever dictate an action that you deem ill-fitting of your muse, you can ignore it entirely or ask for an amendment you deem most fitting. we want this to be fun & what we write is only meant to be the starting point.
our selection was entirely random for the jury, except for new members, who were automatically included. we always use a random team generator to determine who will receive injuries or starter lottery. we have over seventy muses & bars in place to keep some from being picked too many times consecutively. 
major injuries & death, if any, are hand-selected on the basis of the butterfly effect this time, per our notes about the plot progressions, individual & group-centric, of muses. we keep track of these as much as we can & take note of anything significant that could be utilized.
our major plot points this time were hand-selected based on prior plot progressions or discussions. writers selected as major plot points in part I & part II will sit out selection for any major plot points or injuries in the plot drop to come after july.
for fairness, any one muse who has been selected at random three times for a plot drop in a row will sit out the next random selection. there are no triple crown muses at this time.
the first open starter will be our icebreaker. after that, please abide the starter rule ! please only post open starters that pertain to the plot drop at this time & follow the in-game dates provided below !
you may still post exclusives outside of the realm of the plot drop and/or continue older threads.
we ask you refrain from controlling the NPCs themselves other than what is established. 
there’s many possibilities for starters, as those not grouped together or selected can be reacting to these events. if you need suggestions, feel free to DM us or ask.
OOC THIS EVENT WILL LAST : until august 8th. after this date, please refrain from more starters pertaining to the plot drop — but of course the plot drop itself will hold affect on all muses exploring the aftermath & moving forward.
a follow-up will be posted regarding all plot drop transpirations a few days after the plot drop ends.
THE IN-GAME DATE IS : july 12th through july 26th. court proceedings begin on july 15th with a verdict to be given on july 22nd once all have voted.
ADMIN NOTE : the coordinates used in this plot drop are fake & generated. they lead to an ocean in the middle of nowhere, in reality. please use your imagination.
THE COURTROOM IS ABUZZ WITH REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS EAGER TO SIT IN ON THE TRIAL — the jury has taken shape on july 15th as the three charged with criminal arson — ava adler, bronx dong-geun & mintra jix — are set to stand trial. it was determined earlier in july that the three could go free from the county jail until a verdict was reached, but they were assigned undercover detectives to follow their every move.
from the jury duty pool, the following have been selected to vote in the innocence or guilt of the trio : blue nataphon maes, bhaskar chanda, nikolai xiang, nari yeon, angelique jackson, bryn ravencroft, alice pallas ... & a stranger anchorage locals have never before seen sits with the seven. their striking silver hair & shrewd eyes stand out, but there is no time for chit-chat.
the trial begins with the prosecutor showing evidence : a bottle of alcohol, lighter fluid, & the contents of the purses confiscated from ava adler & mintra jix.
witnesses were asked to take the stand on july 17th & 18th & were asked to give their testimonies : the injured parties — addison graves-seong, andrea weber & chiara de luca — & responding firefighter(s) at the scene — naji harper. ( READ TO THE END FOR SPECIAL TASK INSTRUCTIONS ! )
in the midst of all that pandemonium ... you probably didn't realize someone else was meant to sit on the jury, too. zeliha turan was replaced by the reclusive stranger sitting in & no one on the midnight thrillers mystery busters gang has seen them since july 12th ... strange, indeed.
that same evening before the trial, the old rotary phone in the lighthouse rings while blue nataphon maes is checking on it. when they pick it up, it's their overseer who speaks :
' convince the others on the jury to put them away. we don't protect them anymore. you'll be paid handsomely for your time ... the problem got out of control, but it has been dealt with. '
maiden alley cinema & its subsequent apartment complex have opened their doors again. investigators never discovered the perpetrator who planted circus of the blood bride & the tape was DESTROYED by the crew's attempts to remove it. it was as if the perpetrator vanished into thin air.
in response to the incident, the landlord of the cinema & seal harbor apartments announced a brand-new surveillance system called CLAPPY would be installed to the premises. each resident would receive a welcome package & instructions on how to make their lights clap-operated. some are complaining the lights go out by themselves, but it works pretty well ...
a curious postcard was delivered to mio akimoto on july 26th at the dance hall. a generic tourist card for anchorage on the front, & a scribble of numbers on the back with a single sentence on the back :
' -48.770321387970° N   -179.999518249074° W
long time no see :) if you ever want to see your sister again, come find me ! '
stranger still ... on the evening of july 19th after the courthouse had taken recess for the weekend, a peculiar artifact showed up in the dropbox of the police station : a dirty cat mask with red rhinestones for eyes & a note that reads :
' don't ignore what's sitting right under your nose. '
if you were selected for the special task as specified below, please write a self-paragraph ( does not have to be long ! ) of your witness's testimony regarding the fire & whether they are testifying for or against the accused ( ava adler, bronx dong-geun & mintra jix ). your answers are meant to be contentious as the writer can decide for themselves what their muses think they saw. answer to the following questions in action & dialogue. when finished, please tag as #anchortask08 & post to the corresponding channel in our server. please finish these by tuesday, july 30th as there will be a mid-plot drop update on the verdict :
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lovinkiri · 9 months
Undercover Wild Cat, The Perfect Date
Description: Sasha and Eijirou go on their first date. There's a lot to anticipate, and plenty of cute moments between them, including their first kiss!
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
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Sasha was excited to start her day. Not only did she not have class, but today was a crucial milestone in her new, budding relationship with Eijirou. A day they would never forget, a truly special day.
It was their first date. Not only was it their first date together, but it was their first date in general. And Sasha was determined to complete another first today.
She and Eijirou had discussed their first kiss once before. It was awkward and a little embarrassing, but Sasha brought it up because it seemed like Eijirou did not intend to do it. Of course, she wasn’t trying to rush him. She just wanted to communicate and make sure there wasn’t a problem. 
Sasha could still remember the bashful smile on his face and the red hue on his cheeks, which eventually found the tips of his ears. He said that he’d wanted their first kiss to be truly special, and with everything their classmates had recently been through with the league, he told her that it wouldn’t be very manly to give her such an important memory during a time she’d want to forget eventually.
His words had melted her heart, and she quickly agreed with him. With that, she figured their first date would be the best day to have their first kiss. The two of them had already had a few close calls before quickly snapping out of it, remembering their agreement to wait. Now that wait could finally be over.
She finally settled on a sundress, the weather was perfect for it. Looking into her full-body mirror, she began to move her hips, grinning at how the skirt of the dress swished around her legs. It wasn’t often she wore a dress, but she loved it when she did. 
Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she went into the closet, pulling out a red and white checkered blanket. She and Eijirou had decided to have a picnic, she was in charge of grabbing the blanket while he grabbed the food they prepared together the night before. 
She couldn’t help but giggle as she remembered the small food fight they had. They were playfully going back and forth about something silly. Sasha was winning the argument, so Kirishima had lightly thrown a piece of cheese on her. He hadn’t expected it to connect, let alone stick to her cheek, but his laughter was heard throughout the dorm. At least until he had a slice of cheese chucked over his lips, then Sasha was the one laughing. This continued until Iida came down and scolded them for wasting food. 
“Maybe we should grab some cheese on our way back,” She mused aloud, hugging the blankets in her arms. It was soft against her skin, comfortable enough to sleep in. Maybe after the picnic, she could wash it. Then she and Eijirou could cuddle and watch a movie with it. 
Making her way downstairs, she immediately heard a loud gasp from Mina upon entering the common area. The pink-haired girl jumped up and ran towards her, taking in Sasha’s outfit. “Wow! Someone looks good!” She exclaimed with a grin.
Sasha laughed and smiled back, tilting her head. “What? Do I usually look bad?” She asked playfully, raising an eyebrow to emphasize her question. Of course, she knew that wasn’t what Mina meant, but it was fun teasing her classmates. 
Pouting, Mina hugged one of her arms, leaning against her shoulder. “You know exactly what I mean, Quinnie. You never wear dresses. The closest I’ve gotten to seeing you in a dress is our uniform skirt.” She grumbles, her cheek pressed against Sasha’s shoulder. 
With a smile, Sasha lifted a hand to pet Mina on the top of her head. “Maybe we could go dress shopping soon with the rest of the girls. A girls' day out sounds nice.” She said thoughtfully, looking at her. 
Mina’s head shot off of her shoulder and she looked at Sasha, holding out a pinkie. “You gotta promise, Quinnie.” She sang, grinning broadly when Sasha hooked their pinkies and agreed. They exchanged a few more words before Eijirou entered the common area, wearing a white button-up shirt and some black pants. He held a picnic basket in his hands.
When the two lovebirds saw each other, their eyes might as well have turned into hearts. It was nice to see they both had thought of dressing up for the other. Bakugou groaned from his place on the couch, rolling his eyes. “There they go.” He grunted, watching as they approached each other.
“Hey, Sash.”
“Hi, Eij.” 
Their exchange might have looked awkward on the outside, but the two simply couldn’t find the words. Even though they’d just seen each other, the time leading up to this felt like forever. They were excited, this was their first date after all. 
“You look beautiful,” Eijirou smiled, admiring how the dress looked on her. “I mean you always look beautiful, but you know.” He quickly added before she could tease him like she teased Mina. Though he wasn’t here when it happened to her, he knew Sasha well enough.
She laughed, knowing exactly why he felt the need to add that second part. “Thanks, Eiji. You look amazing.” She complimented, looking him up and down purposefully, watching him flush. She would always find a way to tease him. 
Reaching up, she gently pinched his cheek, careful not to hurt him with her claws. “You’re so cute when you blush.” She said, watching him pout the same way Mina had. Though she had to say, he was a lot cuter, though maybe she was biased.
“C’mon, Sash, let’s go.” He placed a hand on her back, gently leading her towards the front door. It seemed he wanted to run away, not wanting their classmates to see his face turn as red as his hair.
Mina tilted her head curiously. “Where are you guys off to dressed all nice?” She asked curiously, jumping over the couch and landing next to Bakugou, who looked up from his phone. 
“Yeah, hanging out without us?” Denki spoke up, coming out of the kitchen with a bowl in hand. He looked between Sasha and Eijirou, taking in their clothes before grinning in admiration.
Eijirou, already almost out of the door, looked back at them with Sasha still holding his cheek. “I’m taking my girlfriend on a date. And it wouldn’t be a date if you guys all came along, right?” He spoke as if it was obvious, and maybe it should’ve been. But the class had no idea they decided to make their relationship official.
Letting go of his cheek, she waved at her classmates as they walked out of the door. “Bye, guys! Sorry, Denks, Maybe next time!” She called out as she shut the door. As soon as it closed, she heard everyone in the room erupt into shock.
“Get back here, Idiots! When did we start keeping secrets, hah?!” That was undeniably Bakugou’s voice, the loudest as always. She hadn’t expected him to be so shocked, but hearing it was amusing.
Then there was a whistle. “Finally!” That was all Denki exclaimed, and Eijirou laughed at that. Out of everyone, Denki had supported them from the start. They couldn’t imagine how happy he must have been to hear they were finally an official couple. 
“What?! You owe me details, you two! Details!” Mina shouted after them. Sasha knew what that meant. After the day, she was going to have a girl talk in Mina’s room with the rest of the girls. Either before or after a talk with Bakugou and Denki.
Those three were the loudest, the rest of their classmates who were in the common area were surprised but not as surprised as the three. 
“I love our classmates.” She told Eijirou as made their way out of UA, looking up at him. “It’s never a dull day. I’d have thought the blanket and basket would have given us away.”
Eijirou looked back at her. “Yeah, but we always did romantic stuff, even when we weren’t officially together.” He pointed out to her, swinging the basket just a little, not enough to ruin the food. 
“Romantic stuff like what?” She asked though she knew exactly the kind of stuff he was talking about, he could see it in the way her eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief.
Deciding that it was his turn to tease, he took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers. He wished he could have taken a picture of Sasha’s face at that moment, how her ears perked up and her eyes widened, let alone the red hue on her cheek that only darkened as Eijirou smirked.
“Romantic stuff like this.” He leaned down, kissing her cheek. He smiled against her soft cheek, feeling how hot her face had gotten. “Now who’s the cute one?” He asked teasingly, pulling away with a wink.
“Okay, fine, you got me this time.” She huffed, her cheeks puffing as she looked ahead, too shy to make eye contact when she knew how flustered she probably looked. He only laughed and gently swung their hands, rather than the basket. Anyone who looked at the two as they walked by couldn’t help but smile. Young love in its finest form.
Eijirou and Sasha had decided to go to a very specific location for their picnic. It was a park, and the people who knew about it knew it for its beautiful flowers and scenery. It took quite a bit of research to find this park it wasn’t exactly well-known. It was in a small, suburban area a little ways out. A train ride and a small walk away.
When they reached the train, all of the seats were taken. Thankfully, not many people were standing. They managed to get inside right before the doors closed, laughing at how quickly they’d started to run just to make it.
The train began moving and Sasha reached up, her fingers just barely wrapping around the handle hanging from the bar above them. She looked up at Eijirou, grinning. “Nice job, Eiji.” She said proudly, as he’d been able to keep up with her speed. She hadn’t given it her all, but she was going fast. The plan was to hold the door for Eijirou.
He panted softly, holding onto the bar above him. Still, he smiled at her through his deep breaths. “Yeah? Getting used to your speed,” He let out an airy chuckle. He’d been right though, Eijirou was getting better at keeping up with her. 
“You didn’t have to run so fast, you know. I was going to hold the door open for you.” She told him, watching as he quickly regained his breath. 
He shook his head and glanced out the window as if trying to hide how his next words would fluster him. “I always want to run by your side, no matter what. I may not be as fast as a leopard, but I’ll settle for the closest I can get to it.” He said softly, giving a small shrug.
Sasha blushed at his sweet words, nudging him gently with her free hand. “You’re so manly, Ei.” That was all she needed to say to make him perk up. 
“He’s just too cute. Almost like a puppy..” She thought to herself, imagining him with soft, floppy puppy ears. She nearly cooed at the thought, watching him with an adoring gaze. Her stare caught his attention, his cheeks blooming with red. 
“W-What happened?” He asked, tilting his head and only making him look cuter to Sasha. She had no idea how he didn’t realize just how adorable he could be.
Reaching up, she gently pinched his cheek again, giving a teasingly smile. “Don’t make that face anymore. You’ll end up making my heart explode, okay?” She said cheekily. When she was an agent, she never imagined she’d be flirting with her boyfriend on a train, on her way to a picnic. But there they were.
Eijirou gave a flustered pout and pulled her hand from his cheek, holding it in his own. His thumb brushed against her knuckles gently. “You’re teasing again, Sash.” He huffed softly. When he noticed the mischievous sparkle in her eyes, he decided to retaliate, bringing his palm to her lips. He placed a loving kiss there, watching her go wide-eyed.
“You’re my favorite person, you know that? No one else gives me butterflies like this.” She told him, wanting him to know how special she was to him. He was the only person to ever make her feel this way. For a moment, she thought about a particularly annoying agent she used to work with, one who flirted with her constantly. ‘Hex’, that was what he was called. But she quickly dismissed the thought, not wanting her memory of him to ruin this date. Not like she’d have to see him again anyway.
He smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and delight. "Really? Just me?" It was obvious no one had said that about him before. 
She chuckled softly, her heart feeling lighter seeing how happy her words had made her. "Oh, yeah. It's the little things you do too, like the way you make ordinary moments extraordinary. No one else has this magical ability to turn the mundane into something extraordinary. No one but you, Ei.”
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her assertion. "Magical ability, huh? Little things? I don’t do much. Not as much as I wish I could. Because you’re special to me too, Sasha." He admitted bashfully. 
Her gaze softened as she began to recount moments that had left a lasting impression on her. "Like the time we went on that trip and ended up cuddling on the bus. Or when you surprised me with my favorite dessert last week just because, and your thoughtfulness made my day."
His expression softened, touched by her words. He hadn’t realized the significance of his actions. "Those were super small things though, Sash. Not nearly as much as you deserve. Especially for what you went through, you deserve it all.”
She shook her head, looking at him as if he hung the stars himself. "Super small to you, maybe, but they meant the world to me. It's not about grand gestures; it's about the sincerity and thoughtfulness behind them. You make me feel seen, appreciated, and loved in a way not many people do."
He reached for her hand, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they shared. "Well, like I said, you're my favorite person too. You bring so much joy and warmth into my life. I never knew someone could be so.. Manly?" He said it questioningly before shaking his head. “No, not just manly. I mean… You’re just.. Everything? Does that make sense?” He scratched the back of his head, wishing he was better with his words.
Little did he know, he couldn’t have said it better. Her heart went fluttering at his sweet sentiment. She nodded, noticing how his hand still held her, warm and secure. “It does. It makes perfect sense.” She assured him. 
The rhythmic hum of the train created a soothing backdrop as Sasha and Eijirou spoke, eventually able to sit down as an old couple stood. Eijirou let a small thought pass, that maybe he and Sasha would be together when they were that old. He figured he was probably getting ahead of himself, not knowing Sasha had the same thought.
When they do get off the train, they make their way to the park. It’s a short walk, and it feels even shorter to Sasha when she’s in such in company. The park, adorned with vibrant blossoms and tall, swaying trees, welcomed them with a gentle breeze that carried the sweet scent of flowers. Sasha couldn't help but admire the sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a pattern on the stone path under their feet. She held her arm out, watching the pattern reflect against her skin, over the cheetah print of her arm. Smiling, Eijirou held out his arm to do the same, their fingers brushing together.
As they approached a quiet enough spot beneath the shade of an old tree, Sasha couldn't help but appreciate the simple joy of sitting beside Eijirou against the soft blanket. “I was thinking we could use this to cuddle later. Feels soft against my skin.” She mentioned her thoughts from earlier, smoothing out the blanket as he opened the basket. 
Pulling out some sandwiches they poorly cut into different shapes, he smiled at the thought. “Sounds pretty good to me. The more time I get to spend with you, the better. Especially when all of the studying I’ve been doing with Bakugou. Wish he’d let you join.” He sighed, remembering how Bakugou had told Eijirou they had to study privately. Or at least, without Sasha. Otherwise, he’d stare at her the entire time. He knew that Bakugou was right, but he couldn’t help it. How could he not look at her? 
She laughed softly, pulling the plastic wrap from the plate of sandwiches while Eijirou pulled out a bottle of juice and two portable plastic cups. “You’ll have to stop staring at me then.”
“Easier said than done, babe.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the new nickname. He’d never called her that before. She didn’t hate it. It spread a warm feeling through her chest. Noticing the way she hesitated before speaking, he looked at her nervously.
“Was that okay?” He asked, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. He’d been wanting to call her that for a while, only now finding the courage to try. Eijirou wasn’t sure what reaction to expect, so he had to be sure she wasn't upset.
But she quickly shook her head. “More than okay, Eijirou,” Sasha reassured him, her eyes sparkling with a mix of surprise and affection. The nickname lingered in the air, a newfound fondness for the nickname. He grinned at her, glad that she liked it. 
As they continued unpacking the food, Sasha found herself replaying the moment in her mind. 'Babe'—it was such a simple word, yet its impact was amazing. It felt like a key unlocking a door to a new layer of intimacy between them. 
“Hey,” She spoke up, gaining his attention as he unpacked the last of it. “Does that mean I finally get to call you ‘Darling’?” She gave a playful grin, watching his face flash as he nearly dropped the brownies they asked Sato to make, which he happily did as he was craving brownies anyway.
He smiled, looking almost shy. He’d started it, but to hear her calling him ‘Darling’, he understood why she’d gotten quiet. The initial reaction had left him speechless too. He instead poured a cup of juice, downing it as Sasha waited expectantly for a response. 
He nodded, wiping his mouth quickly, hiding his cheeks behind his hand while he did. “Of course you can, babe. I’d like it if you did it more often, honestly.” He said softly, wanting to be honest about how much the name had affected him.
“Okay, Darling,” She purred affectionately, leaning her head against his shoulder. Eijirou wrapped an arm around her, laying his head against her. As far as picnic dates went, they were off to a great start.
Leaning into Eijirou's side, Sasha found comfort in the warmth of his presence. Her head nestled against his shoulder, creating intimacy within the bustling park. The gentle rustle of leaves and distant chatter was static in their ears, their focus on their private moment, one that seemed to suspend time like an enchantment of shared affection.
Lifting a brownie, Sasha offered to feed it to Eijirou, and he didn’t bite immediately, deciding to mess with her first this time. Instead, he gave her a confused look.
"Eat it, Eiji," she urged a lightness in her tone that echoed the carefree nature of their date. Eijirou's grin widened, and he leaned forward, playfully pretending to nibble at the air.
Finally, with a theatrical sigh, Sasha tried again, bringing the brownie closer to Eijirou's lips. He took a playful bite, and the rich, chocolatey goodness hit his tastebuds quickly. The taste was a burst of sweetness, Sato truly was a master in the kitchen.
As Eijirou savored the brownie, Sasha couldn't help but admire the way his eyes lit up with delight. The sight made her take a bite as well. It was a small, intimate exchange, yet it spoke volumes about the comfort and joy they found in each other's presence. The park seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a world where every shared bite became a celebration of their connection.
The couple continued to cuddle against the blanket, feeding each other. It was a sweet sight to anyone who passed by them. An older man gazed at them as if he were remembering something. They waved and he waved back with a smile before walking along. 
Sasha traced circles on Eijirou's hand, her voice melodic in his ear. "You know, these moments feel nice. After everything we went through, I think we really needed this, right?” She looked up at him.
Eijirou grinned, his eyes reflecting the affection he felt. "Yeah, it's like we've found our own little moment away from the world,” He furrowed his eyebrows at his own words. “Moment..?” He repeated, wondering if that was the best word.
She nodded, assuring him once more. “Our own little moment.” Sasha's fingers played with the edges of his white shirt as she continued, "I never imagined a simple picnic could turn into something so special though. Somehow, you make eating on a blanket the best experience ever.”
Eijirou chuckled, his gaze fixed on the stars. "Remember what you said earlier? Sometimes, it's the simplest things that mean the most." He pointed out her words from their earlier conversation and she nodded. 
Sasha continued to rest her head on Eijirou's shoulder, sighing contentedly. "I like what you said about this being our own little moment. I'm grateful for moments like these. It's like time stands still, and it's just us." She expanded on his statement and he nuzzled the top of her head.
Eijirou nodded, his fingers gently intertwining with hers. "It's the kind of peace that makes everything else fade away. Never liked that kind of peace before, but I like it now. Easier to focus on you.” He told her, watching her practically hide her face against his.
With a soft smile, Sasha gazed into Eijirou's eyes. "You make ordinary moments extraordinary, you know that?" She pointed out, wanting to voice these thoughts once more, wanting him to truly understand how his presence affected her life.
Eijirou blushed, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, it's easy when I'm with someone as extraordinary as you." He decided to flirt, watching her turn the same shade of red.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in warm hues of orange and pink, Sasha and Eijirou stayed on the picnic blanket. The soft glow of twilight swept over them. The distant chirping of crickets serenaded the couple, and the rustle of leaves in the gentle evening breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to their shared chatter.
As the last traces of daylight faded, they exchanged soft whispers, their words carrying the weight of shared dreams and untold promises. Promises of how they would always stay together, how they’d always protected each other. Eijirou began thinking about a promise ring. He knew it was a big commitment to him, and he definitely thought it was worth Sasha. With how sweet she was looking at him, he could have married her right then and there. 
With a final gaze at the fading sunlight, Sasha and Eijirou rose from the blanket, hand in hand. The park, now bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, made her eyes move across their scene happily. Even cleaning up their food was fun with Eijirou.
As they strolled away from the picnic spot, the evening whispered its blessings, carrying the echoes of shared laughter, stolen kisses, and the quiet joy of being intertwined in the tapestry of love. The picnic blanket, picked up from the dew-kissed grass, silently held the memories of a day well spent, promising a future adorned with countless more moments like these.
They stopped at the entrance of the park, looking out at it one more time, taking in the scenery. They hadn’t even paid much attention to it, even though that was the point of coming here. Instead, they lost themselves in each other. Still, it was a nice experience, a perfect date.
Almost perfect.
Sasha turned to Eijirou, her eyes reflecting her vulnerability. "This night feels... different, doesn't it?" She said, brushing her hair back with a smile.
Eijirou met her gaze, his heart beating against his chest. He what was coming. It was time. "It's like the universe is giving us a moment we've been waiting for." He returned her smile, nodding in agreement with her statement.
A soft breeze played with Sasha's hair as she leaned in, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. "Maybe it's time we stop waiting," she whispered, her voice delicate and sweet.
Eijirou's heart raced, mirroring the anticipation in the air. "Yeah, maybe it is." He murmured softly.
Their proximity intensified, and the magnetic pull between them was undeniable. Sasha's fingers traced a shy path up Eijirou's arm, and in that moment, time seemed to slow for the both of them.
Eijirou cupped Sasha's cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with a longing that spoke volumes. "Sasha..."
She met his gaze, and without uttering another word, the universe granted them permission, finally giving them their special moment. Their lips met in a tender dance, a culmination of unspoken emotions and the magic of the night.
Then everything else fell away as they lost themselves in the sweetness of their first kiss. Sasha's heart fluttered, and Eijirou felt an electric warmth coursing through his veins. The kiss was everything they hoped it would be and more. They weren’t sure what to expect, but any expectations they might have had wouldn’t compare.
They conveyed everything through a gentle, simple kiss. Eijirou could feel Sasha’s appreciation for how he always believed in her, and never let any doubts sway him away from her. And Sasha could feel his understanding for her, he wanted to make her happy after such a difficult life.
Breaking the kiss, Sasha looked into Eijirou's eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips. "That was... perfect." She spoke breathlessly, giggling nervously. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was any good at kissing.
Eijirou grinned, his eyes reflecting the newfound connection. "More than perfect." He said quietly, making her relax in response.
Hand in hand, they made their way back home. The train was emptier this time around, so they were able to grab seats as soon as they got on. They talked softly about how the date went, what they would tell their classmates when they got home, and were roped into conversations about today. 
On the way back, they made sure to pick up some cheese like Sasha had wanted. She hoped Iida wasn’t still upset about it. She doubted it, he could be very forgiving. Still, she thought it’d be best to replace wasted food in the dorm.
Just as they thought, they were immediately bombarded with questions. Looking at their friends, they gave them relaxed smiles.
“One second guys, at least let me walk my girl to her room,” Eijirou said, gently her hand in his. It felt good to say, calling Sasha his girl. As for Sasha, it felt good to hear. Everyone took a step back, letting the two walk to Sasha’s room. 
“Aren’t you manly? Walking your girl to her room,” Sasha giggled as they approached her door. Stopping outside her room, she looked up at him affectionately. “Guess that makes you my man, doesn’t it?”
Eijirou chuckled at Sasha's playful comment, a warm glow spreading across his face. "Well, I can't let my girl walk alone, can I?" he teased, a twinkle in his eyes.
As they stood by her door, a comfortable silence settled between them. Eijirou couldn't help but admire the way Sasha's eyes sparkled with a warmth that mirrored his own feelings.
She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. He returned the kiss, holding her cheek against his palm. A goodnight kiss was the perfect way to end this perfect day. It wasn’t until they heard a chorus of gasps that they pulled away. Looking behind them, they say their classmates duck behind a corner. They couldn’t help but share a laugh at their silliness.
“Looks like they’ve been waiting for us all day. Let’s get through these talks, yeah?” She said, rubbing her arm bashfully. Eijirou agreed with a few stutters, making Sasha grin at him.
“Right, yeah. Well… Goodnight, babe.” Eijirou said, hugging her close to him. It was as if he couldn’t get enough affection. 
Sasha hugged back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She didn’t mind, she felt the same way. Was this the honeymoon phase she heard people talking about? 
“Goodnight, Darling.” She spoke softly, and he nearly melted in her embrace. 
Then, like moments ago, they heard their classmates again. This time, they awed at the couple, finding their new nicknames adorable. The two pulled away and exchanged amused looks before Sasha made her way into her room. 
Not even five minutes later, someone was knocking rapidly at her door. She walked over and opened it, finding that it was Mina who knocked, unsurprisingly. The other girls were right behind her. 
“Girl, you dropped such a huge bomb on us earlier. We’ve got questions!” Hagakure spoke up first, jumping up in excitement, the others agreeing with her.
She grinned at them, grateful to have friends she could talk with like this after a date. She moved aside, giving them room to enter. “I've got a lot to share ladies.” 
Meanwhile, Eijirou wasn’t even able to answer most of the questions he was asked, stuck in a lovestruck daze. “She kissed me..” He trailed off.
Bakugou let out a frustrated groan. “Yeah, we saw. You gonna talk about your shitty date or not?” 
“Again..” Eijirou finished, smiling happily. “She kissed me again.”
Denki jumped up in shock, hand on Eijirou’s shoulders. “Again?! Man, we need all the details, all of them!” He insisted.
As Bakugou tried to argue that they didn’t need every detail, Eijirou looked out the window, talking under his breath as Sero tried to get him to spill this time. “My girl. Her man. Her Darling…” He blushed softly. 
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
Already answered here! ^_^
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
Wanda is really loud about mental health, especially women’s health. I’ll be watching a movie and a frightened woman will be called hysterical, or her fear/anger will be blamed on “that time of the month,” or a panicking woman will be told to “just calm down,” or in horror movies no one believes what someone says about ghosts and things and calls them crazy... and Wanda’s just like excuse yourself, no. Like... she weirdly pops into my head sometimes when I watch things like that and just gets defensive like no, this isn’t constructive, this isn’t healthy, and how dare you treat women this way. She understandably is very sensitive about women not being heard or getting help when they need it.
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
Honestly, hearing that Lizzie played Wanda and Paul played Vision. I was huge fans of theirs already and Wanda and Vision were almost the only characters I was interested in when I used to read the comics as a child, so when I found out two actors I really liked were played two characters I loved, I was like... *sigh* Okay, I guess I’ll give it a try. I don’t overly like action movies and superhero movies are really not my thing, so I had no desire to get involved in the MCU fandom, heh. But I watched to see Paul and Lizzie, jumped in the fandom in 2018, binged a bunch of movies, and now here I am, writing seven MCU muses. XD
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
I already answered this here, but besides what I said in that post, I think some of my sweetest rp experiences have been with Vision very soon after he’s “born.” Meeting kittens. Talking to plants as if they understand and can talk back. Learning to do various things. He’s just so innocent and cute in how he goes about things and at that age he’s wowed by everything. I need more “baby” Vis in my life heh, he’s so pure to write.
🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Already answered here, but I’d also like to go to Ireland. I’m a large part Irish, so I grew up with the stories, food, music, and decorations/sayings around the house. I’d love to visit there, see the countryside, see interesting landmarks, have a pint in a pub, learn a lot, do some shopping, etc. I’d be a shameless tourist, probably, but I’d enjoy it, haha.
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
Oh gosh, I have no idea. I’ve written some pretty strange threads, but nutty? I’m thinking funny/crazy in a goofy way? That kind of nutty? I don’t know, I don’t tend to write goofy threads, heh. Uhm... hmm. Well, some of the nuttiest setups for threads have been Luther in the middle ages, Jix in a zombie apocalypse, and Nemesis giddily freaking out because he found a bunch of chocolate chip cookies. I think those all count as pretty nutty.
I forget what happened to Luther in his thread, it was a long time ago, heh. I think he served a king as a soldier or something and the other muse was there as a servant or princess or something. I really forget, it’s been years. But it was so weird to take him from his canon modern setting and plop him into medieval times, haha.
Jix climbed into a vending machine to get a can of soda to bring back to the other muse in the thread, and he ran into a zombie along the way. The zombie didn’t recognize him as food, so Jix stood there trying to have a conversation with it for a while before he just took the soda and ran. The zombie didn’t talk and was like, you know, rotting, so Jix called him rude and stinky. XD The muse he was paired with in that thread was very stoic and grumpy, heh, so Jix was the polar opposite. Unfortunately I think the other mun got bored and dropped the thread, but it was a really fun and wacky thread, I thought.
And Nemmy... well he got super happy about the cookies and gave some to Alice, who asked him if he was, in fact, five years old due to his adorable and childlike behavior. Undaunted, Nemesis then devoured said cookies and an entire thread followed from there. So really only the start was nutty, but close enough, heh.
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notbigondoors · 5 years
Bold what best applies to your characters.
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[ COLORS ]  red. crimson. vermilion. tomato. burgundy. brown. tan. beige. ochre. sienna. orange. peach. tangerine. marigold. amber. yellow. citrine. mustard. butter. daffodil. green. lime. mint. emerald. olive. blue. royal blue. teal. navy. sky. purple. lilac. mauve. plum. amethyst. pink. coral. magenta. rose. blush. black. jet. ebony. licorice. bistre. white. ivory. snow. vanilla. champagne. grey. dove grey. charcoal grey. slate. ash. pastels. jewel tones.
[ ELEMENTS ]  fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. fog. wood.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. cheekbones. feline. pointed ears. chubby. curvy. short. tall. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak. struggling. athletic. lithe. curls.
[ WEAPONS ]   fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. words. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. pistols. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staff. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. peace. rifles. cannons. mind.
[ MATERIALS ]   gold. silver. platinum. copper. bronze. iron. rust. steel. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. quartz. metals. glass. shell. bone. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. ichor. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. vinyl. carbon nanotubes. circuits. vibranium. adamantium.
[ NATURE ]   grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. stream. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. woods. hills. highlands. islands.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions. tigers. wolves. panthers. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. vultures. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. songbirds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. deer. dogs. rabbits. mantises. crows. ravens. mice. jackals. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. foxes. phoenixes. peacocks. coyote. bears.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]   sugar. salt. candy. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. citrus. raspberry. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. gingerbread. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. stew. venison. rice. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ]   music. art. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. technology. swimming. theater. libraries. magazines. piano. violin. cello. guitar. lute. mandolin. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. eating. climbing. running. hiking. stargazing.
[ STYLE ]   lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. barefoot. heels. leggings. trousers. khakis. jeans. skirt. shorts. earrings. necklace. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. bracers. belt. layers. bandana. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. bracers. sweaters. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visors. eye contacts. makeup. implant. artificial parts. robes. t-shirts. henleys. athletic shirt. joggers. tennis shoes. cargo pants.
[ MISC ]   balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. fatigue. energetic. manipulation. faith. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. family. friends. chronic pain. assistants. somnambulism. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. devotion. smoking. drugs. drinking. kindness. love. hugs. time. questions.
Tagged by: @warwearysoldier​ Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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xleafyheartx · 3 years
Does Jix happen to have an AU where he is a therapist because omfg he calms my anxiety so much he's just so kind and pure
{out of leaves} Not specifically, no, but quite honestly, over the years people have written in with their problems and asked him advice. I do my best to answer in character, although I will say that I'm not a licensed therapist by any means, so I would just caution anybody who might want to write to Jix that this is meant to be fun and supportive and not taken as a doctor's or counselor's word. But yeah, anytime anyone needs positivity or cuteness or the advice of a tiny fictional leafling, feel free to send things in! =)
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fasterthanmydemons · 3 years
PSA - RP Schedule Revisions
{out of breath} Revised rp schedule is up! Basically I spaced out my most active blogs to give them more time and took blogs off the schedule that aren’t active. That doesn’t mean I can’t rp on other blogs, and if some of them do get threads I’ll add them back onto the schedule. I may add back my Resident Evil muses once I catch up on some games and shows, we’ll see. For now, this is the schedule!
Major changes include Wanda, Red Vision, and White Vision being written on Sun-Mon-Tues instead of Sat-Sun-Mon. This is because I’ve moved my multimuse blog from Thurs-Fri to Fri-Sat in order to give Pietro two full days by himself on Weds-Thurs, with the exception of Jix squeaking in for a bit on Thursday. Other less active blogs are peppered in, but those are the major changes.
Based upon my real life schedule and how much activity I have with certain blogs currently, I think this will work out a lot better. =)
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titanlights-moved · 3 years
muses to add: 
Kaz Brekker ; Grishaverse canon ; freddy carter fc
Dinah Ahearn ; Grishaverse OC ; Saoirse Ronan fc
Alice King ; Alice in Wonderland inspired OC ; Alfie Enoch fc
Ratree Jix ; Dreamcatcher discography inspired OC ; Nhung Hong fc
Johana Mora ; fandomless OC ; Yvette Monreal fc 
things to do:
make a carrd (someone please help me)
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freewillacquired · 7 years
👔 Which muse of one of your blogs is the most intelligent?
Hmm....... I guess it depends on how you define intelligence. I’ll just pick a few that I can think of, heh.
Based purely on IQ alone, I would say Channe ( @fxcelessqueen ) has the highest innate intelligence, but as a character somewhat reclusive personality, she lack personal experience in most situations. If you give her a test to take, she’d ace it, but put her into real life situations and she won’t know what to do half the time, heh.
Thinking about street smarts, that would have to be Luther ( @armed-and-alxne ). He worked for the Russian mafia since the age of twelve and for almost thirty years, so he’s the most capable of navigating dangerous and sensitive social and common sense situations.
As far as thinking fast on one’s feet and problem solving skills, I’d go with Carlos ( @youmissedone ). Becoming a militant in his youth, then a mercenary, continuing as a special ops soldier, and then navigating a zombie apocalypse, Carlos is the best of all my muses at handling tactics, formulating quick and efficient solutions to problems, and delegating responsibility to others based on skill.
And as far as exceptional intelligence outside of what would normally be expected, Jix ( @xleafyheartx ) is considerably more intelligent than the average leafling. All leaflings can talk, but few can learn multiple languages. Jix knows three. He can be taught how to read, whereas not all leaflings can grasp that skill, and he also has an exceptional memory for a tiny tree fae.
Yeah... so much for picking just one muse, heh. XD
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
*gives Jix a basket with an incredible strawberry pie, surrounded by numerous different types of ripe, edible berries* :)
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"Waaaahhhhhhh!" the little leafling exclaimed, his beady eyes going wide with wonder. "Look at the beautiful strawlittles pie someone left for Jix! Soooo many tasty littles... Ohh, Jix has died and is in leafling heaven. Must be." He bounced excitedly on his roots. "Will have to eat for days to finished it all. Is a lot of muchness for such a tiny leafling stomach. better get started." He reached into the pie with his tiny hand and drew out a piece of strawberry, cramming it all into his little mouth. "Mmmmumumum..." he happily hummed as he chewed.
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anchoragehq · 3 months
starters up to 3 weeks ago are included & specifically those with less than 3 replies from different muses.
mintra jix
mei ruan
marisol adler
mio akimoto
andrea weber
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Undercover Wild Cat, Chapter Four
Warning: Blood mention, Puke Mention, Etc.
Description: What was supposed to be a trip to the USJ turns into a full scale villain attack in an attempt to kill All Might. And sadly, it's because of Sasha. She may be the cause, but she'll do what she can to fight for her classmates.
Art Credit: @jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
<<< ♡ >>>
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Sasha sighed, leaning against a desk in an empty classroom. She couldn’t help but glare at the door leading to the hallway, where a commotion was taking place. Everyone was in a panic, fearing an intruder made their way into the school. She tried to find Eijirou in all of the mayhem, but she couldn’t find him. Eventually, it became too much; too many scents, too many voices shouting.
Of course, she wasn’t surprised by the intrusion. Shigaraki had told her the previous night about his plan to let in the press, presumably to send a message and set in panic. She couldn’t help but think something else was going on. Something he wasn’t telling her for whatever reason. But she was in no position to demand anything from Shigaraki, not at the moment at least. Still fairly new to the league, it’s not like he would tell her.
She perked up when she heard everyone quiet down and Iida explaining the situation. “At least one person bothered to look out the window. Wonder how he managed to get everyone’s attention though.” She mused to herself, jumping onto a desk. She decided to chill until the halls cleared a bit more. That’s when her phone rang.
Sasha owned two phones, her normal phone and her burner phone she replaced weekly. And considering that it was her normal phone ringing, it could only be three people. Hoping it was just Naomasa, she checked the caller ID before smiling and picking up.
“Hey, Uncle Nao!” She greeted, growing confused at the sigh of relief he let out.
“You sound chipper.” He said, glad to hear she was okay. The police department had been called to escort trespassers off of UA’s campus, and while he knew it was just press, he couldn’t be too sure. Especially when it came to Sasha.
“Yeah. I was worried they were calling me. Or him.” She looked at her claws, swinging her legs a bit. By they or him, she meant the commission or Hawks. Not that she didn’t get long with Hawks, they got along as well as they needed to. He and the commission just had a tendency to complicate things sometimes.
He chuckled to himself. “I’m just checking in. I know they’re just reporters, but I worry.”
She smiled softly. “Awe. No need to worry, everything is fine. You don’t have to come up here.”
The two exchanged a few more words before he hung up to allow her to go back to class. She walked out of the classroom into the mostly empty hallway and made her way back to class. When she entered, Eijirou jumped up.
“Sasha, you’re alive!” He grinned at her and she laughed at the exclamation.
“Yup! I had to split off for a little, it was all kinda much.” She shrugged sheepishly, taking her seat. “So what are we talking about?”
He leaned forward, pointing to Iida. “Our new class rep!”
Smiling, she looked at him. “Ah, congrats Iida! I wasn’t there, but I heard the way you took charge! I think you’re deserving of this role. Ah, no offense Izuku.”
Izuku waved her comment off, agreeing with her. Iida couldn’t help but smile proudly at the comment.
“Thank you, Quinn. Don’t worry, I won’t let any of you down!”
It didn’t take long after that for Aizawa to settle everyone back down, though it didn’t last long. He began to explain how today’s training would be rescue training and would include three instructors. This immediately excited the class.
Eijirou leaned in to speak to Sasha once more. “Real hero stuff! This is what separates the men from the boys. I’m shaking with excitement!” He said.
She nodded and sent him a teasing smile. “This is your chance to show me just how manly you are too.”
“Oh, you’re on Sasha!”
She laughed and checked her phone, having got a text. It was only then that she realized what phone had gone off.
“Ah, Mr. Aizawa! I have to use the restroom!”
Sasha smiled as she plopped down next to Eijirou on the bus. “Cool if I sit here?”
“Of course, like you gotta ask.” He scooched a bit to allow her more space. “You excited for today’s training?”
“Yeah! I wonder where we’ll be going though..” She nodded. Of course, she was well-versed in rescue training. Being a spy meant a rescue could be a bit more touchy than most. This is because spies dealt with more shady, dangerous people. Usually organizations. And against multiple people, a rescue was never easy.
But again, she was just as excited as the last class.
As they talked, he couldn’t help but notice her pausing to yawn every once in a while. He chuckled softly as she removed her hand from her mouth for the third time. “Are you okay, Sasha? You seem tired. Were you up training again?”
She nodded, recalling how it was actually the league who had her awake for a good portion of the night. “Yeah. Sleep is getting kinda hard to come by.” At least part of what she said was true. It was getting harder to sleep.
“Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He offered with a kind smile.
She thought about it before nodding. She figured getting some sleep would only do her good. At least she’d be a bit more well-rested for after-school training.
Leaning her head back against the window of the bus, she smiled softly at him. “Thanks, Eijirou.” With that, her eyes closed and it didn’t take long for sleep to catch up with her.
It was only then that Eijirou took the time to take in her details. Details beyond her spotted skin and her hero suit.
First, it was her ears that caught his attention. They were kinda fluffy, so much so that he had to resist the urge to touch them. He noticed them twitch once in a while when a classmate got loud. He hoped they wouldn’t wake her up considering how tired she was.
There there were her fingers. He had no clue why they had caught his eye, but he figured he just liked looking at them. They were slender, delicate. He remembered how she tapped her sharpened claws against her desk on her thigh when she was bored. How sheepishly she’d grin when Aizawa grew tired of the noise. The memory caused him to smile in endearment, holding back a chuckle.
That’s when he felt something tapping his knee. Looking down, he watched as her tail swished from her knee back to his. She wasn’t hurting anyone, so of course, he didn’t mind.
Watching her tail, he didn’t notice the slip of her head. So he was fairly surprised when her head found its way on his shoulder. He quickly looked back over, ensuring that she hadn’t woken up before sighing.
“You know, you’re pretty adorable Sasha..” He thought. He had no clue why that had crossed his mind but he didn’t let the thought embarrass him. Instead, he chose to relax. He liked feeling this close to her. He was comfortable.
So why not just enjoy it?
Sasha whined as Eijirou called her name. “Mm.. Tired..”
“I know, sorry Sasha. But if you don’t get up, Aizawa might come back here and-”
The thought of Aizawa having to walk to their seats in the bus just to wake her sent enough adrenaline through her to make her jump from her seat. ”Well, good thing I’m up and there’s no need for that!”
Eijirou laughed and stood up, pointing to the front of the bus. “Yeah? Let’s get goin’ then!”
The two exited the bus, earning a look from Aizawa who was unraveling his scarf. Sasha could only imagine what he was going to do with it if they hadn’t come out when they did.
The class was greeted by a pro hero Sasha recognized as Thirteen. She hadn’t met her before but she’d seen tons of her work before. She chuckled, watching Uraraka and Izuku get more excited than anyone else.
Thirteen beckoned everyone inside, introducing the impressive building to everyone. “I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it the USJ!”
“And you made this place for students? That’s amazing!” Sasha grinned, looking around at each disaster zone. The shipwreck had caught her eye in particular.
Smiling, the hero nodded at her. “Of course. Anything to help the up and coming heroes of tomorrow!” She said before turning to Aizawa who approached her.
Eijirou looked at her. “This is gonna be awesome!” He cheered, looking at her. Sasha quickly nodded in agreement.
“Yeah! And look at this place! I’ve never been trained for a landslide! Or a shipwreck!” Her tail began to switch wildly in excitement.
Laughing, Eijirou tilted his head. “And you’ve been trained for anything else?” He asked jokingly.
She opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself in her tracks. “Crap, got a little too excited..” She thought.
Lightly jabbing his side with her elbow, she rolled her eyes. “Oh, you know what I mean!” She played it off, noticing how his inquiry on her choice of words didn’t seem very serious.
He nodded and smirked. “Okay, okay, I know!”
Thirteen gathered everyone’s attention once more to explain how deadly a quirk can be, emphasizing how important it was to remain focused and be careful. She further ahead and said that was a reason as to why we were learning how to use our quirks to save lives today.
“Being a hero sure is different than working underground..” Sasha’s thoughts were cut off when Aizawa decided it was time to start. But they didn’t get to start training.
At first, the lights flickered. Then, the water from the fountain began to stutter. That’s when a portal formed and she immediately recognized it.
“The quirk of Shigaraki’s right hand.. That means-” Her eyes went wide. By now, it had caught everyone’s attention. Aizawa ordered everyone to stay together and for Thirteen to protect the students.
“I thought today’s lesson was on protection,” Eijirou said, moving to take a step forward. Sasha quickly grabbed his hand, watching Shigaraki.
She was pissed, not having been told of their plan to attack the USJ. “I get that they don’t fully trust me yet, but..”
“Stay back! Those are real villains!” Aizawa shouted, Everyone except Sasha felt fear creep into them almost immediately, Eijirou gripping onto her hand.
“According to the press, All Might should be here. But the only heroes here are Eraserhead and Thirteen.” Kurogiri stated.
Shigaraki sighed in disappointment. “And I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends. Maybe he’ll come out if we kill a couple of kids.”
Aizawa and Sasha had the same idea. “So you scumbags used the press as a diversion and snuck on campus?” He spat.
“Villains..” How could so many of them get into a UA facility this secure though..?” Eijirou didn’t take his eyes off the villains. Momo nodded, turning to Thirteen for answers. “Yeah.. Thirteen, why aren’t the alarms going off?”
“I have no clue..”
Sasha felt guilt eat at her. Earlier, before taking off, she’d gotten a text from Shiagraki to disable the security on certain areas of the campus. She had to run off to inform the commission, who quickly got on it.
She didn’t think the plan was a large-scale attack. She thought it was something like more press, another warning.
She should have known better. This was a group led by All For One, they weren’t ones to mess around.
Aizawa went down to fight off the villains, and he seemed to be doing well.
Eijirou pulled at Sasha’s hand and that’s when she noticed the group following Thirteen out. She hesitantly followed, making eye contact with Shigaraki and noticing Izuku lingering behind to watch Aizawa.
“Izuku! Let’s go!” She called. He quickly turned and quickly followed. Before they could reach the door, Kurogiri intercepted them.
“I had heard that All Might would be here, but it seems not. Such a shame. This seemed like the perfect place for his death, yes?” He spoke calmly, almost too calmly.
Eijirou quickly shook Sasha off, he and Bakugou rushing at Kurogiri, though she knew it would do nothing to him.
“Eijirou! Bakugou!” She shouted out.
They sent a devastating attack, but as the smoke cleared, Kurogiri stood there completely unphased. “You should be careful children. Someone could get hurt.”
Sasha noticed the tip of Thirteen’s glove opening. “You two, get out of the way!”
Almost immediately, almost all of the class was surrounded by Kurogiri’s shadows. Everyone began to panic, unsure of what was happening. Then they were teleported away.
Sasha quickly landed on her feet, Bakugou doing the same. Eijirou landed next to them, stumbling but just barely catching himself.
“What the hell was that?!” Eijirou shouted. Bakugou scoffed, opening his fists. “Teleportation quirk..”
Sasha looked around. They seemed to be in a broken-down building. “Huh.. We must be in the collapse zone..”
She heard an explosion and turned to see Bakugou had blasted someone through a wall, leaving the walls shaking a bit. And suddenly, more villains were advancing on then.
The three got in defense positions and Sasha couldn’t help but feel a flicker of excitement at the thought of being in a real fight. “And we aren’t alone.”
A woman lunged at her, but Sasha’s reflexes were far too quick. She dodged the woman’s fists, weaving under her arm and hitting her palm against the woman’s stomach as hard as she could. The woman stumbled back and fell on her knees, throwing up. She heard Eijirou and Bakugou fighting behind her.
The three turned their backs to each other. Sasha slashed at whoever she could, not hesitating to draw blood. An enemy was an enemy after all.
They were fighting for who knows how long, as the enemies kept on coming. Sasha finished off the last enemy, slicing across his face before roundhouse kicking his jaw. She could hear the crack of his jaw but paid no heed.
Eijirou’s eyes lingered before looked down and began speaking. “I think that’s all of them. We should try finding our classmates. If we’re still in the USJ, they should be too. And not all of them have the offensive skills we do.” His hand softened. “We gotta make sure they’re safe, especially since Bakugou and I screwed things up earlier.”
“That’s.. Really chivalrous, Eijirou.” Sasha said, surprised by his bravery. “But yeah, that was really impulsive, you two! I was worried!”
Eijirou nodded. “I’m sorry, I know.. If Thirteen could have sucked up that villain, then we never would have gotten separated like that. We have to make it up to the others!” He turned to Sasha and Bakugou.
Bakugou scoffed. “You wanna go searching for everyone, whatever, have fun. I’m gonna go destroy that warp-y bastard.”
“Huh? But our physical attacks didn’t work on that guy! Don’t be an idiot!”
“Shut up! I’m gonna take him out because he’s their way in and out!”
Sasha’s ear twitched and she turned. She couldn’t see the enemy, but she heard his footsteps advancing. “Bakugou!” She reacted quickly, kicking the enemy at him. Bakugou caught him by the head, setting off an explosion. The invisibility wore off to reveal a chameleon-like man.
“Anyway.. If all of the villains are all bark like these guys were, our classmates can handle them.” Bakugou dropped him.
Sasha looked at him. “Awe. That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard you say, Bakugou.”
Eijirou smiled. “And since when do you act all rational? Usually, you’re all like..” He trailed off.
“Die! Die! Die!” Sasha gruffly mocked, making Eijirou laugh.
“I’m always calm and rations, you losers!” Bakugou shouted angrily.
Eijirou pointed at him. “Yeah, like that!”
Sasha sighed. “Well.. I can’t let you go alone, Bakugou. You coming Eijirou?” She turned to the redhead, who excitedly agreed, She nodded and Bakugou scoffed.
This was only the beginning.
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc 🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far? Happy bday by the way! c:
{out of paprikash} Thank you so much! I had a very nice day, despite feeling super old, haha. XD
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
Angst. Definitely angst. I just can't get enough of it for some reason. Although I do like angst mixed with other things, like... one muse almost dies but then look they're having a cute hospital bedside moment. Or... one muse is badly injured but the other is taking care of them while they're laid up. Or... one muse breaks down and the other is ready with hugs, blankets, and tea. I like the angst but then I also like the healing and bonding that comes afterward too. If it's all angst all the time, that gets boring.
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
I can't remember specific scenarios or muses, but some of the sweetest experiences I've had have been writing Jix comforting other muses or giving them advice. He's just such a positive and pure little guy, and he's taken some very dark, depressed, and/or troubled muses and made them smile, made the feel better, or helped them with their problems. I remember those rps fondly as being really sweet feel-good threads.
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notbigondoors · 3 years
🍎 - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick?
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
🍎 - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick?
Oh gosh I don't even know! It's hard for me to imagine Vision as anyone other than Paul Bettany at this point. I'm not sure that any one else would have the same energy as him when performing. But I guess I should go just based on face. Argh... I really can't think of anybody, PB is too perfect for this role! XD
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
For Vision? Hmm... he once spent a good portion of a thread talking to an aloe plant a ship gave him as a gift as if it could actually understand him. He took watering it very seriously, and one day he accidentally broke off a leaf and immediately flew into sincere apologies as he asked his ship what medical treatment the plant would need in light of this unfortunate incident. She just chuckled and showed him how and why aloe plants were perfectly okay to take leaves off of... XD But he was so precious in that thread omg.
🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Japan, hands down. I studied the language for a number of years and am a huge fan of anime, manga, traditional dolls (specifically hina and ichimatsu are my favs), the food (sushi and sashimi omggg), all things tea (i love the tea, the cups, the artistry), etc. I would also love to see some of the forests and Shinto shrines in addition to the cities. I wouldn't even know where to begin, I would love to see it all, heh.
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
Hahaha, the nuttiest thread I've ever had is probably when I thrust poor OC Jix into the Resident Evil universe and paired him with Leon Kennedy. Anyone who knows Leon knows that he's a down-to-earth, no nonsense, get the job done, fairly negative and pessimistic person (with good reason, he's been through hell). Contrast that with Jix who is talkative, positive, nosy, and doesn't let people get away with their own bullshit. I remember it was like... Jix stowed away in his car and Leon didn't appreciate having a talkative tiny tree person around and was basically like look, stay out of my way... but Jix was determined to help. He just kept trying to make Leon more positive and it so wasn't working, heh. They stopped at some roadside convenience store in the middle of nowhere and Leon went in to search it for supplies, and Jix found a vending machine with sodas still in it... so he climbs into the machine (he's small enough to do that) and gets one can (that's all he could carry) and on his way back he runs into a zombie. Except the zombie doesn't recognize him as food, so Jix has this awkward conversation with a zombie that just kindof stands here listlessly because he drops the can and it rolls to the zombie's feet and he's just like um... so... can I have this... or...? And it was just... the stupidest thing ever and I had a blast. He got back to Leon and told him he had a nice conversation with a dead human and Leon just... o_O XD Unfortunately the thread didn't last long. I really have a hard time keeping threads with Jix. Most get dropped pretty fast. =( The story of the life of an OC rper, right?
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xleafyheartx · 6 years
RULES: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
MUSE: Jix (fandomless leafling/tree fae OC)
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? Jix is around one foot tall, which may shift to either 11 inches or 13 inches depending upon how his leaves grow and what season it is. In the spring and summer his leaves are fuller and he’s a bit taller, but he’s probably close to 11 inches when his leaves fall by winter. So from how he stands on his roots to the tops of his branches, he’s about a foot, but his roots actually have an inch or two more to their ends. he tends to bend them a little to make almost like little feet when he walks, so he doesn't get their full length added to his height.
▸ are they okay with their height? He is mostly, although he really enjoys being up high because it’s a new perspective on the world. Jix doesn’t really know anything other than being tiny, but if he makes a human friend and rides on their shoulder, he’s always amazed at how high up he is. Then again, Jix is amazed by everything. XD
▸ what’s their hair like? Jix doesn’t have hair, or fingernails, or toenails, or anything like that. As a leafling, he is part plant and part animal, a magical fae creature. His roots and branches are like plants, so he has little mini oak leaves all over his branches. Since Jix is an oaken variety of leafling, his leaves look like white oak leaves, bright green on the top and a very pale green, almost white color (hence the name) on their undersides. 
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? Yeah he does, in that he pay attention to the quality of his leaves and roots and is always on the lookout for symptoms of diseases like root rot and whatever. He gets sad if his leaves get ripped, and sometimes if he gets very upset or scared, sometimes a few will fall off from the stress, which upsets him very much. It doesn’t hurt him, it’s like clipping fingernails, but he loves his leaves and if they fall before they’re supposed to (during the Fall season), that makes him sad.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? He does. Appearance is important to Jix for two reasons: 1) he happens to like himself very much, so taking care of himself is important, and looking physically good he feels is a reflection of how well he takes care of himself, and 2) he is looking for a female to spend his life with, and he’s not sure when he might meet the one, haha, so he always wants to look his best.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? Kinda? I mean he does get a little sad if someone doesn’t like him. But he’s not constantly obsessed with worry about what others think.
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? You know... Jix can be equally happy in either, depending upon the situation. ▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine peaking through fluffy clouds ▸ forest or beach? Forest, I guess, but honestly... Jix has never seen a beach and I think he would be absolutely delighted by it if he ever did. ▸ precious metals or gems? Gems. ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers. ▸ personality or appearance? Personality. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Crowd. ▸ order or anarchy? Hmm... a little of both? He likes the randomness of nature, but he also likes thing to make sense around him, heh. ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truths. Jix doesn’t like to be lied to, even if the truth hurts. He’s an adult, he can handle it. XD ▸ science or magic? Both. He barely understand what either are, to be honest, but the more he learns about either, the more fascinated and excited he gets.  ▸ peace or conflict? Peace. Jix hates to see any strife or anyone fighting for any reason. ▸ night or day? Day. ▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn. ▸ warmth or cold? Warmth. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? As many friends as he can possibly make in his lifetime, haha. ▸ reading or playing a game? Games, just because Jix doesn’t know how to read, but if anyone ever took the time to teach him... they wouldn’t be able to keep him from reading every book in sight. XD
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Overeating, haha. Eating is one of Jix’s favorite things to do, and especially where berries (tasty littles) are concerned, he loves them so much that he tends to eat to the point of getting a tummy ache. He also tends to try to help and fix situations that might be beyond him or too dangerous. he often takes it upon himself to try to stop people who are fighting or to make friends with grouchy people and sometimes that gets him into trouble.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? He hasn’t lost anyone to death, but he did leave his large family when he came of age, and one of his sisters a year later, so he misses them very much. Sometimes he gets sad because he feels a little lonely, but he knows that this is just part of becoming his own leafling and making his own life for himself, so that keeps him going strong.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? His parents teaching him languages and skills when he was a wee sapling, singing songs and hiking with his sister, and he remembers the first times he tries certain types of fruits very fondly. 
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? Noooooo, not at all. Jix never wants to kill anything, but there are times when food is scarce and he has been forced to eat small insects. He feels very badly when he has to do this, and he apologizes to the insects - he calls them “small crawlies” - and thanks them for their sacrifice. He thinks it’s very important to do that every time he has to kill for food, because he doesn’t want any life, even a tiny one, to be lost in vain or without any respect.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Frowning, tears, whimpering, sniffling, and probably a lot of mumbling about whatever it is that’s bothering him.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes, Jix is very trusting. It doesn’t take much for him to call you a friend, and once he’s spent some time with you, he’ll trust you very much.
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? Oh my gosh, just... all smiles and shyness and affection. Jix is very doting and loving when he’s smitten with a female. He makes lots of gifts out of flowers and pretty stones and things like that, and he will want to spend lots of time with her, going on long walks and sharing all the tasty littles he finds with her. =)
TAGGED BY: Stole it from @piiercetheskies. =) TAGGING: @kettu-skinchanger, @of-witches-n-tricksters, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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fasterthanmydemons · 3 years
{out of breath} No pressure and not a guilt trip at all, just cleaning house here... is anyone interested in rping with any of the following muses at all? If not, I’m going to remove them from my rping schedule. If I want to write them I’ll just do so whenever I want off-schedule, as they have no activity right now anyway. I just need my main schedule to be only blogs that are actually active. It’s a bit depressing to have so many blogs listed that have zero activity. Again, not a guilt trip, I just want to gauge interest level in case anyone who hasn’t noticed these blogs finds they want to interact. They are all muses I would love to rp and have no problem keeping if I actually have threads (Luther and Ardeth only have one active thread each, but hey, that’s enough for me to keep them), but I’m over trying to hang onto dead blogs if no one is interested.
The reason I’m asking, aside from wanting to streamline my schedule, is because changes are coming. I’ve noticed that I keep adding days to work on blogs and not following the schedule, so I want to rearrange what blogs I write on which days to better fit my real life schedule and when I have time to write. This will help me stick to the schedule better. So I’m trying to figure out which blogs to keep. If it’s not listed below, assume I am keeping it on the schedule somewhere. The blogs in question are the following:
@therain-trxnsfxrmed (Raiden - Metal Gear Solid/Rising franchise) @mogwaicutiepie (Gizmo - Gremlins/2: The New Batch) @youmissedone (Carlos Oliveira - Resident Evil franchise) @freewillacquired (Matt Addison/Nemesis - Resident Evil franchise)
@xleafyheartx (Jix - leafling/tree fae OC) @strychthia (Strychthia - grassling/sky fae OC) @after-the-fxll (Aryx - archangel OC)
If anyone is interested in rping with any of these muses, please let me know as soon as you can so that I know to keep those blogs in my rotation, and please contact me about what you might like to do as far as threading. Otherwise I will be altering my schedule sometime today.
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