#muse: adara
spxcemuses · 6 months
@adara-of-the-flame asked: Ö
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[ a character I’d consider rping. ] | Always Accepting
(( apologies for not writing a drabble for a couple of these; I'm currently in a state of mind to not write much cause of school and such. anyway!
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a muse I'd love to RP (somehow) is Shan Yu from Mulan (the animated one, not the live-action remake (I don't think he's even in there; another character similar to him was in place)). Saw the movie the other day and it was really good! I really enjoy how he is an imposing presence among the people of China yet has little to no speaking lines. Also love the fact that he's intelligent and has immense strength, brains AND brawn! Not sure on how things would work given time periods and such, but I can figure it out. And I'd have to think if I actually WANT to write his character. will also write a drabble in the future if I feel up for it!
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since rereading nycv i cant help but wonder about the miracle trio’s (y/n, alex, carter) other adventures prior to the main story. like maybe their time in the knight academy something before they rise up to their current ranks or something more lighthearted and slice of life like a vacation trip. overall i really like their dynamics with each other along with eva and nixon! i just wish we can see more of it
Honestly I was considering writing in some of their backstory! OCs are a little risky considering I know y'all are here for the batfam but if enough of you are down I'm down to write more in! I'll leave a little snippet here from my random musings and a lil poll cuz why not!
"You didn't see me," your voice was stern while walking past Alex, disappearing into the Armory as quick as you had arrived. Alex could only shrug and swing the sword in his hands.
"Wright, have you seen Wayne?" The Commander's voice is stern and, at the corner of his eye, Alex sees the door to the armory shut.
"No, why?" He answers.
"She's skipping out on drills again," he grumbles. "I swear, she comes running down one day determined to be stronger and now I can't find the kid anywhere," he rubs the back of his head harshly. "Even Adara hasn't seen her. That's new, the three of you are usually attached at the hip," he shakes his head.
"Even I get tired of them," Alex chuckles. "I'll let her know you're looking for her if I run into her."
"Let her know I'm in the office," the Commander nods before leaving the training grounds. The armory door opens slightly and you walk out slowly.
"He's gone?"
"Yup. What's going on with you?"
"It's been nonstop dawn to dusk drills... I think my limbs are about to fall off again."
"Dear god, we can't have that."
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familyxxdutyxxhonor · 2 months
Disney OC Starter Call
Like for a starter from one (or more) of my following Disney OC's (verse and length may vary, reply to specify muse)
Sophie (BatB, older sister of Belle)
Henri (BatB, twin brother of Belle)
Declan (Cinderella, little brother of Ella)
Adara (Cinderella, older sister of Ella)
Katherine (Cinderella, sister of Kit)
Lord David Marois (Cinderella, royal advisor)
Fa Ping (Mulan, younger brother of Mulan)
Jane Swann (PotC, younger sister of Elizabeth)
Amelie de Chastin (Cinderella)
Lucas Ledoux (Cinderella)
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red-man-of-mustache · 3 months
The Ask Tumblr Ate(From Anonymous)
Of course I don't remember ALL the text, but it was a positivity meme for a certain someone
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Send me a URL and I’ll share some positivity about them (Still Accepting!)
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For: @adara-of-the-flame
It's been ages since I've had someone I can geek out with over Godzilla in it's entirety instead of "Oh the Showa era was peak, forget everything else" Or "Tristar is all I need" she knows a bit of everything and I definitely appreciate that! Ask her what her favorite monster is, you'll be surprised. Pretty deep cut too.
Role-play wise I love the labor she puts into word choice. Things don't often repeat too much nor does she ever use more than needed. The subtlety on display every time I get a reply from her is something I need to digest honestly. The images she projects are all-encompassing and I love seeing how she strings things together. It's inspiring, really.
Then there's the tags. Constant commentary on the thread and sometimes it's pretty funny. My personal favorite: when the Shadow Queen(a guest muse) was questioning Mario about his bulk you look at the tags and see "A question of inflatable humans"
She's capable of being serious and the humor she incorporates doesn't at all feel like a departure from her smooth style. I love it! Our discord rp's are a sight to see too but I'm not showing u.
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weltcnflucht · 5 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME: Isadora Ewyn Glyth ALIAS/NICKNAMES: Deathbringer, Isa, Dora TITLE(S): High Fae of Cloudtower/Queen of Cloudtower AGE: 25 SPECIES: high fae SEX: cis female FAMILY: Ismene (mother, deceased), Alastor (father, deceased), Odelia (sister, deceased), Aryan (brother, deceased), Kethan (twin brother, deceased), Adara (niece, deceased)
INTERESTS: books, weapons (daggers, swords, bow and arrow), history, magic PROFESSION: Assassin/Virago
BODY TYPE: athletic/willowy, petite, short torso, long legs EYES: like evergreens deep in the forest at night, gold flecked, big and expressive HAIR: waist-length ginger hair, thick and wavy to curly, braided most of the time SKIN: fair/ivory skin, cool toned with a rosy undertone, easily burned by the sun, blushes easily, freckles all over her body FACE: oval shaped, rosy cheeks, full lips and a slightly hooked nose, curved eyebrows, freckled, inhumanly beautiful (thanks to the fae genes) POSTURE: confident and upright, relaxed when she is by herself HEIGHT: 1,66m VOICE: clear, soft and smooth, raspy from time to time, sarcastic and/or bitter undertone SIGNATURE OUTFIT: tight-fitting leather clothing in pitch black, a belt to which she attaches some of her daggers, boots and a hooded cloak, hidden weapons all over the body / she used to enjoy wearing long dresses (in muted colors) and when there is an occasion she still likes to wear them
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: none COMPANIONS: none yet, but maybe soon? ANTAGONISTS: Blood Order
STRENGTHS: linguistics (hello fae genes again), honest, brave, confident, loyal, persisting, stamina WEAKNESSES: short patience, self-critical, overthinking, emotional, impulsive, vindictive COLORS: green (all the darker shades), blue and purple FRUITS: apples and strawberries DRINKS: water and tea ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: wine SMOKES: no DRUGS: no DRIVER'S LICENSE: no, since there are no cars in Isadora's world
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tagged by: @pharaorising tagging: @corentrix
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darkendkurai · 5 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
Oh my lord, it only took me a million years! Thank you so much 💓
Hello hello! So one of my favourite playlists (I have a good few) is my "Terminal Bad Luck" which is for my sweet man Vincent Gray.
Enjoy the list of these 5 songs that came up!!
Phantom Liberty - Dawid Podsiadło, P.T Adamczyk
Resistance - Muse
Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
Foundations feat. Adara - MitiS
Flu Game - Fall Out Boy
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animationasylum · 11 months
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Adara the Gorgon
Here's the second picture of my set of 13 monsters, this time focusing on a frightening, yet tragic gorgon... In the ancient days of Greece, Adara was once an actress beloved for her talent to assume any role that was provided. Beginning as merely a choir performer, she made offerings to Dionysus, and it wasn't long before the muses claimed her. Her ambition grew greater than ever before as she had agreed to perform a version of Perseus and Medusa. This version made to mock the gods as cruel and fickle, Perseus as an unthinking dog, and Medusa the tragic one spurned for nothing. In response to the great shame they experienced, the gods decided, at the climax of the play, to curse Adaria with the role she assumed permanently, a hideous gorgon whose gaze towards the audience transformed them l into stone. Their cheers silenced, Adaria reeled in horror and fled before soldiers could claim her life. Since that dark day, Adaria had been driven mad from her isolation and guilt, assuming her final, permanent role as the cold-hearted gorgon petrifying all unlucky to meet her path... 
Posted using PostyBirb
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itisweselton · 1 year
repost & tag away!
BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized is true/sometimes. striken out is a hidden truth.
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Muse: Duke Edgar of Weselton
eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
Hair: blonde | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels
romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | sapioromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | vampire | fae | demigod | primate
education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other | limited | still in school | the **** is school?
i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | redacted | brainwashed | shot | stabbed | poisoned
positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | estranged| Uncle
sibling(s): half-sister | half-brother | sister(s) | brother(s)| none | estranged
relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | unrequited
i have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | redacted
things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
//tagging: adara-of-the-flame, mushroommonarchypeach,  ask-kailey-feaoc, murukuruandfriends
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spxcemuses · 9 months
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Rate your muse's traits 0-10! Repost and rate your muse's traits, then tag your followers.
Compassion: 4/10 (Hal), 4/10 (Tighten)
Bitterness: 5/10 (as Hal), 8/10 (as Tighten)
Happiness: 6/10 (Hal), 4/10 (Tighten)
Politeness: 4/10 (Hal), 2/10 (Tighten)
Chivalry: 6/10 (Hal; mostly for his own benefit), 3/10 (Tighten)
Pride: 7/10 (Hal), 9/10 (Tighten)
Honesty: 6/10 (Hal), 6/10 (Tighten)
Bravery: 3/10 (Hal), 5/10 (Tighten)
Recklessness: 4/10 (Hal), 10/10 (Tighten)
Ambition: 5/10 (Hal), 9/10 (Tighten)
Loyalty: 3/10 (Hal), 3/10 (Tighten)
Love: 6/10 (Hal), 4/10 (Tighten)
Sense of family: 3/10 (Hal), 3/10 (Tighten)
Attractiveness: 6/10 (Hal), 8/10 (Tighten)
Agility: 4/10 (Hal), 9/10 (Tighten)
Sex drive: 7/10 (Hal), 6/10 (Tighten)
Tagged by: nobody, I stole it! Tagging: @hxzelwallflower, @timidblues, @bdkrp, @adara-of-the-flame (Luna), @rxdhairxdsirxns, @sins-of-the-sea, @codenamejudas, and whoever else wants to participate! ^^
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obscurebelief · 1 year
Sense and Other Specific Headcanons
What Does Your Muse Smell Like?
He smells usually like herbs, think sage, rosemary, and lavender. He works around herbs so he tends to smell more like the ones he works with.
What Do Your Muse’s Hands Feel Like?
A little rough in places thanks to old scars and hard work while at the Second Salem Church. They have since softened some after living with his father in Hogsmeade Village. But they still have some roughness that he doubts will go away.
What Does Your Muse Usually Eat In A Day?
Sometimes nothing, either forgetting to eat, or not feeling the urge to. Whenever he is in the mood to eat, he can eat almost anything. He prefers meat or fish, vegetables like corn, carrots, potatoes, etc, or fruits of any kind. And don’t get him started on sweets like candies and pastries, he’ll eat a whole box and want another.
Does Your Muse Have A Good Singing Voice?
He does, but he doesn’t sing in front of people. He sings alone, in the shower, or somewhere where he’s happy and no one is within hearing range.
Does Your Muse Have Any Bad Habits Or Nervous Ticks?
Nervous Ticks are from his PTSD. Sudden loud noises makes him jump, an angered voice makes him lower his head and body to appear small.
His bad habits are usually taking the blame even if it isn’t his fault, drinking a lot, not letting strangers in no matter how friendly.
What Does Your Muse Usually Look Like/Wear?
Long dark and silky hair that he rarely cuts, features that makes him look androgynous in appearance. He usually prefers to wear dark clothing, either casual or more business-like.
Is Your Muse Affectionate? How So?
He is very much, yes. But does not show it much due to worry of being thrown away. When he lets his walls down and trusts another does he show gentle touches and gentle words when receiving the same gentle treatment.
What Position Does Your Muse Sleep In?
Stomach or side. Usually feet facing the door if able. Wand usually within arms length in case someone attacks.
Could You Hear Your Muse In The Hallway From Another Room?
Depends if he is angry enough. Usually he never raises his voice. He is also quiet when walking so may be very sneaky.
Tagged by @puppetoffthehook
Tagging @tinypaintedthings @adara-of-the-flame @scarednotscary @creelsclocks and anyone else
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✧˖°. Muse Status: Open for interaction
✧˖°. Historical setting: 18th Century
✧˖°. Faceclaim: (in process)
✧˖°. AUs: (in process)
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒂
✧˖°. Name: William Dalton
✧˖°. Nicknames: Will, Dalton, Bill,
✧˖°. Birth: July 13th 1758
✧˖°. Gender: Male
✧˖°. Pronouns: he/him (usually)
✧˖°. Sexuality: Bisexual
✧˖°. Nationality: Irish-American
✧˖°. Mother Tongue: English & Irish
𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
✧˖°. Height: 5'11
✧˖°. Eye colour: Greyish blue
✧˖°. Hair: Curly Blonde
✧˖°. Ethnicity(?: Caucassian
✧˖°. Body type: Slim, slightly muscled.
𝑨𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
- Family:
Ryan Dalton (Father; 1730) & Adara Hayes (Mother; 1736)
Caroline Dalton (Sister; 1762 - 1768 in most AUs)
Extended Family
Cillian (Dalton) Smith (Cousin; 1752 - ?)
Cora Smith (Aunt; 1732 - 1758)
AmRev Verse
Lieutenant in the Continental 2nd Light Dragoons Regiment (1778-1781)
Graduated in Law from King's College
-About his life:
(To be edited)
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autumnscrocus · 2 years
Bingo with @LittleHopeSong.
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Dear, Bianca Shanika.
Hi kak Bianca, apa kabar? Semoga kamu selalu dalam keadaan sehat yaa. Aku mau bilang makasih buat kamu karna kamu udah jadi salah satu caretaker terbaik versi aku! ❤ kesan pertama aku ke kak Bia ngga salah. Kamu lucu bgt, gemesin aku kadang sampe ngga kuat liat kamu selucu itu > < Makasih udah sama-sama gedicht, main bareng, seru-seruan bareng, sedih tinggal seminggu lagi. Semoga kamu tetap menjadi orang baik yang aku kenal yaa! I love you, Bia. 🌷
Dear, Ardo Gamaliel.
Hallo kak Ardo, Dodo, Iel. Kabar kamu gimana? Semoga kabar baik selalu bersamamu yaa. First of all aku mau ngucapin makasih buat kamu yang udah relay relay mulu 😭 (becanda) Makasih atas kerja kerasnya di LHS selama sebulan lebih ini. Makasih buat event-event nyaa pokoknyaa semuanya deh, aku cuma mau bilang makasih karna Iel udah jadi caretaker yang keren! 💖
Dear, Fadlhan Kemal.
Haai Adan! Semoga kamu sehat selalu yaa. Ngga kerasa udah sebulan lebih bareng di LHS, makasih yaa, Dan buat sebulan ini. Makasih buat semua kerja keras kamu selama ini. Makasih juga kamu udah dengerin semua aspirasi aku, hehehe. Semangat terus yaa buat uri maknae (maknae ct) 😁 udah jadi caretaker yang baik walaupun masih kecil bgt seumuran kucing ku (becanda) Bahagia selalu yaa, Adan! ❤
Dear, Giulia Adara.
Buat diri ku sendiri, makasih yaa udah bertahan sampe sekarang. Jangan males-malesan upchar lagi, muse mu itu aktifis idol. AYO TUNJUKIN SEMANGAT KAMUUU. harus jaga kesehatan selalu, bahagia selalu. Pokoknya love you GIULLL 🧡🧡🧡
Rekomendasi Film/Drama yang harus ditonton.
Maaf bukan film/drama. Aku rekomendasiin anime romance healing nih guys, judulnya “The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague” Masih 6 episode karna masih on going. Ceritanya si cowok ini keturunan (kalo ngga salah) Yuki atau salju gitum setiap kali dia ngerasa terlalu senang atau terlalu berlarut sama pikirannya sendiri ntar bakal ada es atau salju yang keluar dari diri dia, lucu bgt. Recommended! Selamat menonton! 💙☃️
Kiss Marry Kill Gedicht.
Kiss: Jshan
Marry: Tnaoirei
Kill: Yenaa
Selfie Muse terbaik.
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Sebenernya banyak yang bagus dan lucu, tapi aku pilih ini karna moment nya aja lucu. Beliau mau haeling. Cantik banget, ini ceritanya lagi di taman terus cuacanya lagi bagus banget jadi hasil photo nya jadi bagus juga kann?? AAAA GEMES BGT POKOKNYA 😆‼️♥️
Moment di LHS yang gabisa dilupain.
Momen di LHS yang menurutku gabisa di lupain itu adalah event kemarin sih, soalnya agak panikan kemarin wkwk baru on langsung nerobos off convo dan itu panik bgt takut dimarahin 😭 ditambah di event kali itu akhirnya aku ngerasain jadi Member of The Week hehe dan kelompokku jadi kelompok terjamet wkwkwk lucu bgt. Ditambah lagi yang paling spesialnya itu adalah SEBULANAN BERSAMA LHS 🧡 GEDICHT.
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Your favorite event.
Event favorite ku selama di LHS jatuh kepadaaa.. YAP!! Last event kemarin. Karna eventnya seru kita re-debut dan aku liat temen-temen bikin konsepnya mantep-mantep. Keren bangeeet. 🥺👍🏼
Rekomendasi 5 lagu kesukaan kalian.
Moment muse kesukaan.
Momen gaeul ke sukaan ku itu waktu era After Like soalnya part dubeon sebeon nya itu nagih banget dan banyak juga idol lain yang ikut tren dubeon sebeon. Pokoknya itu lucu banget aku sukaaa. Sampe sekarang rasanya masih ter dubeon sebeon 😁♥️
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Pesan dan kesan untuk LHS.
Buat LittleHopeSong ku tersayang, semoga kedepannya (bahkan setelah cd) kita bakalan terus menjalin hubungan yaa akrab yaa. Selama di LHS i had a great time with you guys 🥺❤️ Makasih yaa untuk moment singkatnya, keseruan selama event bakal jadi kenangan yang indah.. 🦋🫧
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notdrifting · 14 days
september interaction wishlist
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here you will find the interactions i've been craving for september. as per usual, i am open to any sort of interactions but will give priority to these in case they happen. if you are interested in any of these or have interest into another one, feel free to hmu!!
My Muse | Mutual Muse | Whichever
Adara x Aemond or Adara x Aegon arranged marriage AU: she's got an ice dragon which would be useful during the dance, but the difference of customs might be interesting to explore.
CerseiTyrion interactions, maybe set post canon where they flee to Pentos? just want all the complicated dynamics between two people that hate each other but need each other to survive.
Tywin x Joanna pre-marriage, the courting
Jiraiya x Orochimaru set before Oro betrays the village
Zabuza found family threads pls pls
CaligulaDracula interactions!! Since Caligula is the first vampire, the one who created dracula, it may be fun to explore this dynamic. also works great with CaligulaCarmilla.
NedCersei stuff set in either an AU where Cat married Robert and Eddard married Cersei or an AU in book one as Eddard decides not to say anything. Just need an Ned Lives AU in kings landing.
AerynRhaenys wlw or AerynViserys shenanigans, Aeryn and her sons dynamics.
Reyna x Tyrion and/or Reyna x Cersei, her falling for the enemy and trying to hide her heritage while working for the lannisters
Tormund x Brienne arranged marriage AU where Tormund must take a wife to become a lord since the free folk will be staying within the realm borders.
MundaLyanna(Mormont) set as Munda tries to adapt to the kneeler's way.
GerionTyrion dynamics with gerion basically being a dad to tyrion since tywin is... well, he's tywin.
EllynTywin shenanigans
KojiJiraiya family AU, or an AU where koji goes back in time along with sasuke and boruto and meets jiraiya, since he wants to know more of him.
NejiHina training sessions pre timeskip
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aslov3rsgo · 2 years
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You asked for sexy pics, so here’s one of my muse adara 😁
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deriision · 4 years
anyways the easiest way to get on adara’s good side is being on good terms with aero
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tclesnmirrors · 4 years
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