#muse ;; leon farore
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"Yes Sora, I will be there soon. I'm sorry I can't help it."
Leon was on his way to start his shift at the game shop and he had left in time like he normally had but the appearance of the blue box in the small alley on his way that had no way of him getting past had him now on the phone to his friend on shift with him.
"Leon this isn't some kind of Sci-fi movie just probably an art thing, you'll have to go the other way, don't worry I'll cover for you."
Leon sighed and thanked Sora for that and that he would be as quick as he could. He was about to turn away when he thought he heard something from inside the box.
A pause as he pulled his beanie over his slightly pointed ears.
And then he would carefully approach and knock on the door. It couldn't hurt to see if anyone needed any help. Right?
{ you liked the call and got a leon! ; @sons-of-time }
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goldenthreadstories · 22 hours
@patetpluvia liked the starter call!
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"Rinku wait up!"
Here comes the blonde that fades to green haired exorcist running up after the white and red wolf that was running on ahead of him. He had the control most of the time and usually kept him or the bird Ravi he had on look out by him in case.
However something had caught Rinku's attention. A certain smell that the wolf has picked up on subtly on Leon's older brother. He was going to led Leon to it, however in Rinku's excitement - he's running right at the person.
In a tumble as Rinku actually stopped hearing Leon shout to stop and listened, that the male tripped over his own familiar and right into said person, landing them so he took the brunt of the ground, laying on his back now.
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"Ow...I'm so sorry...are you alright?"
Leon she's the smell from Torin!
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( Gotta pop out shopping, but after that I will be back to finish replies. 
However I have added the new muses so like/reply/reblog this for a starter from either;  Leon Farore, Kuval Nayru, Emery Din, Hades, Jack Frost or Hagi. Please specify or I will choose randomly to chuck one of them at you! )
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Verdite - Bros?
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( Well all three of them its the same, they are all Hylian and come from their respective goddesses a gift to the Hylian people. Leon is Courage and from Farore, Emery is Power and from Din and Kuval is Wisdom from Nayru. The three of them are the sons of the goddesses in many ways and make up the triforce, they are just the embodiment and souls of the pieces. ) 
△ verdite: my muse’s ethnicity/family history △
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{ I wanna do some more things with certain characters so this is a little starter call for them, please like or reply to this if you would like a starter from one of the following! You can message me a specific one otherwise i will chuck at random }
Sora Ryuu - Fandomless OC ; may chuck them as the new swapped roles verse but can be versatile into where they get put as i am always writing and thinking up new verses for them!
Leon Farore - Legend of Zelda OC
Torin Nayru - Legend of Zelda OC
Emery Din - Legend of Zelda OC
Percy Parker - Fandomless / Spiderman OC ; She's still being rewritten but I have some ideas to making her the 'Spider person' of my little world I am creating!
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Triforce brothers - blue exorcist notes
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I have yet to fully decide on weilders in this universe, maybe I might even have it that Zelda, Link and Ganon do have lives in this timeline but this is some specific notes for the boys! basics for them all is they all have physical forms in this one and all are at the academy or exorcists in some shape or form. - of course these may be added to and changed with time and developments!
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Let's start with Torin!
Torin is the head of the library at the true cross academy. He has always been fascinated with new knowledge and hoping that the information in this lifetime with the demons might hold some hope or help in regards to the Demon King.
Future references for things with @patetpluvia as we have discussed this heavily ooc on discord that Nix and Torin do have a romantic relationship. Crushing and all. But we may jump around their timeline for this as cute fluff things and it has been agreed upon and geeked over a lot already XD
Torin is protective and proud of his brothers that they can work together as exorcists. Though Torin himself is not much of a fighter, he can keep up in one if needed, however he supports his brothers and others by quick research and being able to give information he's read already back to people - this also means he is quite versatile in covering for teachers if needed; at least some of them.
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Next up is Leon!
Leon works with his older brother as an exorcist pair, something he is proud and happy about. He tends to play support to the powerhouse that is Emery. A mix of his air magik, medical & healing support as well as being able to summon the two demons - a familiar looking wolf and a bird like one; references to Wolf Link and Link's loftwing from his past.
He and Emery tend to take a certain Ex-Wire with them on missions - Edward Elric { from this blog }. This is because they at least remember being from Hyrule too so can sympathise. The other reasoning is also for Leon is curious of the other's skills but also that it does allow for Nix and Torin to have some time together as he also sympathises over Ed's protective nature of Nix as he feels over his older brothers too.
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Last and not least Emery!
Emery is more of knight but does dabble in the ways of the dragoon. He knows it to help him be a little more versatile and helpful. Of course he has his fire magik but he tends to try not to use it as sometimes it can get out of control just a little bit!
He is so happy he can fight alongside Leon for a change than against him and it is what he fights to protect. Both his brothers and this life that they can have together.
It was why he made sure to take Edward under his wing with Leon when they go on missions, he senses a fire in the young man and it's something he wishes to help him.
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@sons-of-time with a continuation!
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"Uh...yeah you kinda are in the way....? I mean I can go the other way if it's too much trouble..."
Leon is wondering how one guy could move such a big box out the way, when it's not a very big space either to get it moved. But he can't help the confused look on his face over what the other was saying.
"Well you are on Earth, it's October 2024 if that helps at all?"
Was this guy just crazy and wasting Leon's time in getting into the game shop to help Sora? Maybe he should just turn and go back the way he was going to go.
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{ starter call for leon farore }
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[Injury] for Leon
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[INJURY]: after having been badly wounded themselves, the sender tries to reassure the frantic receiver by cupping their face and comforting them.
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He's clutching at the side of his stomach now, fingers curling into his side as he could feel the warmth run from there now. He's breathing heavily and panicked.
It had happened so quickly that Leon's form had just moved and formed in front of Link. Link had a destiny and fate to complete, he knew that it was the Goddess' plan for her hero. But he couldn't see it end like this as he had so many times before.
And now here he was laying there, life essence draining from him. He was strangely, while his body was acting in panic, calm and relaxed about this whole thing. He might not be able to do this again for this Link but he knew that Fi was by his side at the least.
It was as his eyes began to flutter shut, he felt the soft warmth against his cheek, emerald hues looked up to see it was Link. Cupping his face and talking so softly that it would be okay.
".....Link, I'm sorry..."
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@fragmented-tales asked ;; The triforce siblings in a merfolk AU 👀
The guardians of the three springs, to most they are but a shadow under the waters of the spring, considered blessed to just see that glimpse of them. But to the select few they may show themselves in time of need or because of their connection with them.
Have been known to travel the waters of Hyrule, but the most common places to see them is the springs and other places of the worlds of Hyrule due to not just there more sea like natures but their draconic ones too. This does mean though incredible rare that more than one or all three can be in the same place at once.
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Though all of them as old as time and the goddesses, the oldest is the most powerful, Emery; the guardian of the Spring & Triforce of Power . Child to the Goddess Din. Commonly found within the spring but has been known to sometimes venture to the warm climates of the Goron's territory through the lavas there and sometimes even the sands of the desert. He is the least likely one to be seen however, more reclusive than his kin.
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The middle of the guardians is the also the wisest, Torin; the guardian of the Spring & Triforce of Wisdom. Child to the Goddess Nayru. Commonly found within the spring but has been known to venture in the snow of the surrounding area or keeping an eye in waters near a certain Princess of Hyrule. Is seen more often than the oldest, but is more commonly to be just glimpses, he knows it wise to not show himself too much.
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And finally the youngest but most courageous of the guardians. Leon; the guardian of the Spring & Triforce of Courage. Child to the Goddess Farore. Now he is most found in the spring but he has been known to travel to most places within Hyrule there is water, he has been known to been seen within Hateno village and that of the Zora. He is actually the most seen and the one most speak of when talking about the guardians, mostly by the children of their friend in the waters.
{ ngl i really want to make this a verse for them and I definately have ideas for some art! I mean ✨draconic ✨ merfolk is just so me and i need it now XD}
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Hi Hello Darling~! Sorry to Ask but can you make a list of muses? Mobile is a bee when it comes to blogs layout. So please, can you? ❤️
Yes i do need to set this up but i shall answer with a list here now for you dear anon friend!!
Sora oswald - fandomless oc
Beetlejuice - au and canon
Rias mizuhana - au borderlands [ genderbend of rhys strongfork ]
Doctor - oc doctor who
Charlie burke - fandomless oc
Emery din - oldest triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Torin nayru - middle triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Leon farore - youngest triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Hades - mix of sources / headcanon based
13th doctor - mixed of au and canon
Percy parker - spiderman oc
Connor - android - detriot become human
Roxas - kingdom hearts
Riku - kingdom hearts
Spyro the dragon
Judai yuki - yugioh gx
Revali - legend of zelda
Link - legend of zelda
Zelda - legend of zelda
Edward Elric - fullmetal alchemist
Dean Winchester - supernatural
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Leon was stacking the shelves, Sora had gone out for lunch, so he was the only one in the Game & Art shop they co-owned together. And yes he knew his partner in business and friend was a druid as much as they knew about where he was originally from. 
The shop was small, however the two did enough business to keep it open and it was nice for him to get out the house and from his brothers now and again, not that he didn’t like them, but he liked being able to do his own thing.
The bell above the door, shook him from his thoughts as he looked over to the person there and smiled widely. 
“Welcome to the Drudic Force Gaming & Arts shop, how can I help you?” 
muse roulette has spoken || you got leon farore! || @linkyofmuses​ 
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( So to update myself here, I will be adding these muses soon; 
Hagi - Blood+ 
Hades - AUish - Mix of Kid Icarus Canon & Greek Mythology for my own take of Hades.
Jack Frost - ROTG
Leon Farore, Emery Din & Kuval Nayru - 3 OC Brothers, personfications of Courage, Power & Wisdom or the Triforce pieces from LOZ. 
I will be adding these boys in time, in no particular order, but these are some muses I used to RP, so everyone on this list but Hagi, and want to start writing again. )
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belladona , pansy //for both Connor and 😳 my favorite triforce Leon Farore
belladonna :   how does your muse respond to silence ? do they take comfort in soundlessness ,   or seek to fill the void with noise ? & pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
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{ Okay first we shall start with Connor! For silence, he does not mind it and finds it useful when he is in silence to be able to think and work through data correctly and with the most efficiency. However he does sometimes find it unsure to be in too long when he isn't thinking or has a problem to be working on solving so has been known to play with a quarter doing coin tricks, something he also can and does do when he is thinking. As for Connor thinking on the past, he is forever going over the data, especially when things go wrong or he does make a choice that someone didn't react to the way he had predicted, so the thing with Daniel is something that tends to plague him at times and it isn't like when he fails he looks over just that one, no he tends to go over ALL his failures of the past. }
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{ And now my courage Dorito Leon! For Leon he hates the silence, he either uses headphones to listen to music or even nature sounds like he's used to going to sleep or listening to on adventures with Link back in Hyrule. If not he's making noise with talking a lot or drumming a surface nearby, he just doesn't like when it's silent, it puts him on edge.
Leon definitely overthinks on the past and choices made in the many different timelines he has lived through at the side of his wielder, while this is commonly Link there have been instances when that role of courageous hero has been fulfilled by someone else. Sometimes he wishes that things had gone differently, but he knows there isn't anything he can do now, he still kicks himself for it though now and again. }
[ @agrikinder ;; thank you for the ask!! <3 ]
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