#muscular iguanas
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arcthriftjockey · 21 days ago
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What More Isn't to ❤️ this Valentine's Day!
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furalicious2 · 3 months ago
Pretty little terror🦎🦎
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starryknight-dragonarts · 5 months ago
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I have been following along with Truegreen7's series on Youtube where he and 3 other Fakemon artists get together to design a new pokemon based on the same prompt. This Prompt was: Pretty, Protector, Protagonist
I started my prompt with the word "Protagonist", what animal and type would I want to see be a Protagonist? Well as evident by my love of Charizard and Salazzle I really like Hot Lizards so I would go for a Fire type Lizard! They are meant to be Feminine but I don't just want to copy Salazzle's look so I decided to go with a different body type to emphasize her strength, if Salazzle is a Glass Cannon of Special attack then this pokemon would be a Tank that can take a hit and give it back.
I decided to base mine off of the Marine Iguana, native to the Galapagos islands, they spend most of their time basking on hot rocky beaches to build up heat and energy to then go diving in the cold pacific ocean and graze on sea plants so Fire/Water type seemed perfect. They prefer being warm on land but they have adapted to a semi aquatic lifestyle. Another fun fact about Marine Iguanas that is relevant to this is that when they feed on sea plants they also end up swallowing some sea water and have to get rid of the salt somehow so they projectile sneeze the salt out their nose which is why their faces often look white and have salt crystals built up on their heads. I imagine this pokemon has a signature move where it fires hot salty steam out of it's big round snout that has a damage over time effect like Salt Cure.
Marine Iguanas are not what people often consider traditionally beautiful looking, Famous naturalist Charles Darwin called them: "Hideous looking creature, of a dirty black colour, stupid, and sluggish" and then spent time picking them up from the beach and throwing them in the ocean to watch them swim back…this obviously is now very illegal. Thank you for your contributions to Natural Science Darwin, you also married your first cousin!
Personally I think they are very cool looking like something reminiscent of prehistoric times, while usually a black volcanic color sometimes Marine Iguanas bear a mix of Red and Teal which looks majestic. I figured the pre-evolution should look small, cute, and like something you would want to protect but has the potential to be strong. Mariguna is a fun loving child who loves to play on the beach. When they go swimming they make a bubble jet from the heat vents on their hands and feet to propel them through the water. Mariguna sometimes get picked on by bigger pokemon so they stick around their much larger evolution for protection.
Then Mariguna becomes Ambroyroar, a Big Sunbaking Beach Babe with scales that make it look like she is wearing a Bikini, and has muscles like a powerlifter, not a traditional feminine aesthetic but very beautiful nonetheless. They spend most of their time laying on the beach and up on rocky cliffs by the sea basking in the sun and building up heat. If anybody messes with their Mariguna then they are ready to move and fight at any moment using the heat Vents on their hands and feet to inflict burns on enemies.
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bestanimal · 3 months ago
Round 2 - Chordata - Reptilia
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
Reptilia is a class of tetrapods that includes Rhynchocephalia (an order that dates back to the Middle Triassic, but is today only represented by one species: the Tuatara), Squamata (lizards and snakes), Testudines (turtles), and Archosauria (crocodilians and birds).
Reptiles have four limbs (two of which evolved into wings in birds and some of which were lost in snakes and some lizards). Most species lay eggs, though some squamates give live birth. Reptile eggs are surrounded by membranes for protection and transport, which adapt them to reproduction on dry land. Rhynchocephalians, squamates, and turtles have a three-chambered heart, while archosaurs have a four-chambered heart. Non-avian reptiles all exhibit some form of cold-bloodedness, and have limited physiological means of keeping a constant body temperature, often relying on external sources of heat. Many reptiles have lungs that are ventilated almost exclusively by the axial musculature: the same musculature that is used during locomotion. Because of this, most squamates are forced to hold their breath while running. Crocodilians, birds, monitor lizards, and iguanas have a muscular diaphragm that is analogous to the mammalian diaphragm, freeing space for the lungs to expand. How turtles and tortoises breathe has been the subject of much study, with varied results indicating they have found a variety of solutions to this problem. Reptilian skin is covered in a horny epidermis, making it watertight and enabling reptiles to live on dry land, in contrast to amphibians. This skin can be protected by scales, scutes, or feathers (which are modified scales). Reptiles shed their skin through a process called ecdysis which occurs continuously throughout their lifetime. Meanwhile birds moult their feathers, usually once or twice a year and not all at once. Reptiles usually have excellent vision, allowing them to detect shapes and motions at long distances. Birds, crocodiles and turtles have three types of photoreceptor, which give them sharp color vision and enables them to see ultraviolet light. Rhynchocephalians and many squamates also have a photosensory organ on the top of their heads called the parietal eye, which cannot form images, but is sensitive to changes in light and dark and can detect movement. Some snakes have extra sets of sensory organs in the form of heat-sensitive pits. Most reptiles possess a nictitating membrane, a translucent third eyelid which is drawn over the eye from the inner corner. In crocodilians, it protects the eyeball surface while allowing for vision underwater. However, many squamates lack eyelids, which are instead replaced by a transparent scale. This is called the brille, and it protects the eyes from dust and dirt. Living reptiles range in size from the Jaragua Dwarf Gecko (Sphaerodactylus ariasae) which can grow up to 17 mm (0.7 in) to the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) which can reach over 6 m (19.7 ft) in length and weigh over 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
The earliest known proto-reptiles originated from the Carboniferous period, with the earliest known eureptile ("true reptile") being Hylonomus from the Late Carboniferous. As stated above, Rhynchocephalians first appeared in the Middle Triassic. Megachirella, a stem-squamate, lived in the Middle Triassic as well, though more modern squamates, like Cryptovaranoides, are not seen until the Late Triassic. Turtles are not seen until the Late Jurassic, though stem-group turtles are found from the Middle Jurassic. Pseudosuchians date back to the Early Triassic and dinosaurs to the Late Triassic. However, crocodilians (the last remaining group of pseudosuchians) and birds (the last remaining group of dinosaurs) are both more recent, originating in the Cretaceous.
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Propaganda under the cut:
For centuries, reptiles and amphibians were treated as the same class of animals, with the words even used interchangeably. It wasn’t until the beginning of the 19th century that it was understood that reptiles and amphibians were very different groups of animal. However, reptiles and amphibians are still studied under the same branch: Herpetology.
Since herbivorous reptiles do not have chewing teeth like mammals, many species swallow rocks and pebbles (called gastroliths or “gizzard stones” in birds) to aid in digestion: The rocks are washed around in the stomach, helping to grind up plant matter. Saltwater Crocodiles also use gastroliths as ballast, stabilizing them in the water or helping them to dive.
Some reptiles are capable of reproducing via parthenogenesis, in which the embryo develops directly from an egg without need for fertilization. The New Mexico Whiptail (Aspidoscelis neomexicanus) is most famous for this, being an all-female species. Other all-female or almost all-female species include the Mourning Gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris), Indo-pacific Gecko (Hemidactylus garnotii), some other Whiptails (Cnemidophorus), Caucasian Rock Lizards (Darevskia), and the Brahminy Blindsnake (Indotyphlops braminus). While not the primary means of reproduction, parthenogenesis has also been observed occurring in Komodo Dragons (Varanus komodoensis), Argus Monitors (Varanus panoptes), boas, pythons, filesnakes, gartersnakes, pit vipers, Domestic Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo domesticus), Domestic Chickens (Gallus domesticus), Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica), a California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus), and one American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). This most often happens in human care when the reptile does not have access to a male, but it has been observed occurring in the wild as well.
While most birds are well-known for being caring parents, some non-avian reptiles also parent their young. Crocodilians make large nests for their eggs, guard the nests, and then carry the babies in their mouths to the water once they hatch. Male Gharials (Gavialis gangeticus) will guard the nests of communal hatching sites, even taking interest in the juveniles and carrying them around on their back. Pythons incubate their eggs by coiling around them, “shivering” to generate heat. Many rattlesnakes, which give live birth, will stay with their young until their first shed.
Meanwhile, Megapodes are a family of birds that build large mounds to incubate their eggs and then leave them, taking the sea turtle approach. Their chicks eventually dig themselves out of the mounds and are able to run, pursue prey and, in some species, fly on the day they hatch. The Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) is a megapode which buries its eggs in volcanic soil or sandy beaches, allowing the sun or geothermal energy to incubate its eggs.
Some birds, particularly corvids and parrots, are intelligent to the level of young humans, being able to use tools, solve puzzles, do math, plan for the future, and make decisions as a group.
There’s like a million other things I could say here, but I’d hopefully like to save some for if this class makes it to the next round!
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worthyprnce · 3 months ago
What type of pet would the Merlin characters have in a modern au?
OMG I LOVE THIS QUESTION 🤩 would you mind if I make this a long post with pictures and all?? I hope not because I will. let's go!!!
gwaine — i have this little headcanon of mine that modern gwaine spends a few years traveling around the world alone except for the company of a black cat he rescued in one of his early adventures. but in his childhood and teens I can definitely see him with a pet iguana.
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merlin — merlin would also have cats. a cute calico he rescued and soon realized she was pregnant, and so he also has one of her kittens, an orange one. when gwaine comes back with his own cat and starts living with merlin, the three of them get along very well and become an inseparable trio. but for some reason I can also picture merlin having an borzoi dog as well as the cats. I don't know how friendly they are with cats though, and I see him more as a cat person, but I added a picture of the dog as a reference anyway (she matches with his first kitten because I love when animals match, you'll see). but to me he probably has the cats only. moving on....
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gwen — gwen also has a cat. a pretty brown/white cat. however she also has a dalmatian. she got them both when they were very young, so the two of them are two beautiful ladies who get along with eachother perfectly. and the reason I gave her a dalmatian is simply because, and hear me out please: arwen 101 dalmatians au.
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arthur — arthur is 100% a dog person to me. and I looooooove this little 101 dalmatians arwen au I have in my mind. they met just like in the movie, they were both walking their dogs and the dogs had them wrapped around their leashes. later arthur found out gwen was his sister's best friend who she was talking about ever since she came back to camelot (morgana lived somewhere else for a while, uni reasons, and also let's pretend camelot is a modern place too because I'm too tired to think of some alternative and I don't want to say london because that's lazy and a ridiculous cliché. anyway). boom. love at first sight, met cute, soulmates finding eachother with a little help of their dogs.
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morgana — I'm not sure about her, actually. I have three options in my mind, so you can decide for yourself what you like best for her. I think she would have either two black sphinx cats, two black borzoi dogs or three black dobermans, cerberus kinda vibe. she's a baddie, her pets would be too
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percival — I love the trope big muscular guy with tiny cute kitten. that's percy to me. I'm not sure about how many cats he would have, I can see him with only up to three, but idk. maybe he helped to rescue three little kittens that were abandoned somewhere and he kept them all because he is a gentle giant <3
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lancelot — I can see him both as a dog and a cat person. maybe he has both cats and dogs, but idk.... I think he would have one or the other. however, if he had a dog it would be a brown labrador. idk why... I'm not 100% sure about him, but I think a labrador would fit him somehow.
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leon — I see him having very knightly dog breeds, if that makes sense. dogs that still give off the "my owner is a knight" vibe. like either a scottish deerhound, an irish wolfhound or a greyhound.
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elyan — a bernese!!! and a calico cat too, one of the kittens merlin's cat had :) elyan is that kind of person that is also traveling to many different places and he is very active even when he is at home. and to me, he fits a bernese perfectly. it's a cute dog, very very cute, but he is also big and active, he needs attention, space and a good routine, and elyan is a perfect owner for him imo. his cat loves to make company for him too, even if she is not as active as her little brother dog. she likes to walk around with him too.
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mordred — a pair of bunnies :) he got one when he was a child and got used to them, so he doesn't see himself owning a dog or a cat now.
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honeyedmiller · 7 months ago
wip wednesday
ty for the tags @evolnoomym @punkshort & @javierpena-inatacvest <3
“Will you please come with me? It’ll be fun!” Chelsea pleaded over the phone.
It didn’t take you much convincing to say yes, which is why you find yourself in a surprisingly full baking class on this rainy Saturday morning.
The class was full of women who’ve clearly been here before, whispering about the teacher amongst themselves. Maybe the teacher was really good
You gave Chelsea a look before the door opened, and your gaze snapped to the person who walked in—and oh. An unbelievably rugged and handsome man waltzed in, putting his stuff down before putting his apron on.
He was tall, muscular and thick with strong looking hands and a sweet glint in his brown eyes that made warmth flood your whole body. He had a head full of thick brown curls with grays strewn in here and there, and the mustache along with the stubble on his chin mirrored the streaks in his hair.
He instantly gave off a charming aura, and when he smiled and said good morning everyone in his Southern accent that dripped like thick, pure honey, you understood.
You understood why this class was full, why these women were whispering and fawning over him, and why Chelsea was nudging you gently in the ribs.
“He’s cute,” she wiggles her eyebrows at you as she whispers, and fuck, you couldn’t agree more. She was your prospective wing woman who’d always suggest men to you, and for the first time in years, you found yourself wanting somebody you didn’t even know.
this is for my au I was given to by shortie! can’t wait to post this baby soon <3
no pressure tags: @endlessthxxghts @tonysopranosrobe @ovaryacted @ozarkthedog @chaotic-iguana @joelsgreys
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demoderby2099 · 2 years ago
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Godzilla||Titanus: Gojira
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ᴅᴇꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ɢᴏᴊɪʀᴀ
Ruby||Titanus: Rubius Cthulhu
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This AU was inspired by @rubydoowhereru RGTK of Monsterverse Ruby Gillman. So, I decided to practise my writing with RGTK that will feature some conruby, Meraken, and just a few short stories.
I wrote a one-shot on how Ruby would appear in Godzilla 2014, which I sent to Rubydoo in the form of an ask.
Now, here's an interesting idea: "What if Ruby met Gojira instead of Grandmamah?"
Ruby should have listened to her Uncle's warning about the peculiar electric blue water current that he advised her to avoid during their journey to visit her grandmother. She had mistakenly assumed that it would propel her to her destination much faster, but that assumption proved false.
Now, Ruby found herself immersed in a pitch black void, barely able to make out the moonlight.
She felt as if she had entered the twilight zone.
Scanning her surroundings, she spotted an ancient temple in ruins. A few skeletal remains of monstrous creatures with sharp dorsal plates caught her attention.
Believing that this must be where her grandmother resided, Ruby swam towards the temple's entrance. Along the way, she caught glimpses of peculiar marine iguana-like sea monsters, standing around 6'5ft, with two large and pointed dorsal plates. Nervously, she waved at them, and in response, some of the creatures emitted a bright flash from their dorsal plates, as if greeting her.
Following a bright orange light, Ruby found herself inside a vast chamber filled with waterfalls and small pools of lava. A grand staircase led up to a large platform, but whatever lay on top remained hidden from view. The only visible aspect was the presence of jagged, sharp dorsal plates, reminiscent of trees or some other unknown entity.
Curiosity piqued, Ruby cautiously emerged from the water and ascended the staircase to gain a better perspective on the mysterious sight before her. However, to her confusion, she discovered that the platform was empty - nothing stood atop it.
"I knew that pulse belonged to you," a gruff voice declared, startling Ruby. She turned around, only to gasp in shock at the immense size of the person who had spoken.
His face possessed a square shape, while his neck appeared broad with gills adorning its sides. His eyes emitted a faint yellow glow, and his mouth housed a staggering total of 60 teeth, though they were not perfectly aligned. Separate nostrils adorned opposite sides of his snout.
His head and neck inclined slightly forward, and in proportion to his body, the head seemed relatively smaller. The creature bore dorsal fins that resembled the shape of maple leaves, albeit straighter and significantly sharper.
White-clawed fingers embellished his slim, muscular arms, while his feet resembled those of an elephant or sauropod, boasting larger curved claws with noticeable space between each toe. His crocodile-like skin was rough and tinged with a shade of blackish color. Although his body shared a slender resemblance to Ruby's giant Kraken frame, he appeared more robust, suggesting a build suitable for both speed and combat. His tail, resembling a baryonx's tail but with a tampered rounded tip.
Oh and cute little pointed ears!
Ruby instinctively raises her hands in fear as the imposing gaze of the larger monster meets her. However, to her surprise, he lets out a chuckle. "You look just like Agatha! Only purple instead of pink," the monster exclaims. Confused, Ruby gazes at him, prompting him to realize his nonsense and attempt to clarify.
Raising a closed, clawed hand and coughing into it, he introduces himself with a broad, toothy smile. "I am Gojira! King of Monsters, Warlord of Balance, Lord of the Sea, and so on! And, of course, you can call me your GRANDPOPPY!" As these words escape his lips, Ruby's eyes widen as everything clicks into place.
Instead of meeting her grandmother, she has encountered her grandfather.
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thotsforvillainrights · 2 years ago
~The LOV Masterlist~
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-”Enough” Kurogiri Smut Imagine
-”Reunited” AFO Smut Imagine
-Shigaraki & his S/O have a Lazy Day
-AFO’s Loving S/O
-”Trust Me” Shigaraki
-”I Trust You” AFO
-Beach Vacay ft. LOV
-S/O “Piercings” ft. Shigaraki & Twice
-LOV Men vs The Butt Pat
-S/O with Pixie Quirk ft. LOV
 -S/O likes to leave Kiss Marks ft. Spinner
-2023 Holiday Prompts Mustard x 18
-LOV New Year 2023 Kiss
-LOV run into S/O during a Crime Spree
-2023 Holiday Prompts Muscular x 14/10
-2023 Holiday Prompts Moonfish x 19
-Shigaraki as a Brother
-Moonfish & The Biting S/O
-2023 Holiday Prompts Shigaraki x 13
-2023 Holiday Prompts AFO x 1
-Compress Birthday Massage
-Dad!Jin & The Mini Makeover
-A Very League Halloween
-Shigaraki “Closer To You”
-Annoying AFO
-”A Surprise for the Magician” Compress Smut
-AFO “Treated Like Royalty”
-AFO’s reaction to the Melted Pin
-Shigaraki’s Upset Stomach
-Prank Wars with Compress
-Some Comforting Magne Content
-Trying to Hurt AFO’s S/O
-AFO Smut Headcanons
-”Do You Still Think I’m Attractive” Shigaraki Drabble
-”Bath” Tomura Shigaraki
-”Cake” Mr. Compress
-”Impatient” Kurogiri
-”My Heart My Soul” Bubaigawara
-”Just Like Daddy for Halloween” ft.Dabi
-Friends with Benefits ft.Spinner & Twice
-”Home Sweet Home” Spinner Smut
-Kink Headcanons ft. Spinner & Twice
-Sassy S/O ft.AFO & Shigaraki
-”I will Hate you, I will Love you” Bubaigawara
-Comforting an S/O ft.Twice
-”Autumn Night” Shigaraki
-Magne x Autistic Reader
-AFO finding someone who looks like Yoichi imagine
-”Old Man” ft.Compress
-”Relax” Shigaraki Smut
-Spinner’s S/O Defends Him
-Hurricane Season ft.AFO & Kurogiri
-Compress & The Hero
-Love on an Island ft.Twice
-”Exhilaration” Magne Smut
-S/O with a Mist Quirk ft.LOV
-Magne’s Secret Admirer
-Going to the Fair with the LOV
-Pegging ft.Shigaraki & Compress
-S/O with a High Sex Drive ft.Twice
-Magne Fluff
-Shigaraki’s S/O with Blood Manipulation
-Spinner “Birthday”
-”Winner Winner Chicken Dinner” Shigaraki
-AFO “Returning the Favor”
-”Oh He’s Baby” ft.AFO
-”Spoiled & Nasty” ft.Dabi
-Dabi “Nostalgia”
-Chibi Soulmate Shigaraki
-Shigaraki “Thicker Than Water”
-”I Miss Your Touch” ft.Shigaraki
-AFO Smut Headcanons
-Cockwarming ft.Dabi, & Compress
-Morning Fluff with LOV & AFO
-”Consciousness” Dabi Smut
-Spinner’s S/O & The Iguana
-”Light at the end of the Tunnel” AFO fluff
-”Everything is Not as it Seems” ft.Dabi
-Moonfish “Make it Back to You”
-Beach Day ft.Compress & Spinner
-Shigaraki’s S/O & The Quirk-Proof Gloves
-I Love You for the first Time ft.Spinner, Dabi, Shigaraki
-Shigaraki “Sorry”
-”The Next Level” Shigaraki
-S/O Wearing the Shirt ft.LOV
-”Poking the Bear” Dabi Smut
-Muscular accuses his S/O of cheating
-S/O Complimenting Muscles ft.Spinner
-Calling them Handsome During the Act ft.Muscular, Shigaraki
-”Plans to Leave” Dabi
-Muscular accuses his S/O of Cheating
-Complimenting their Muscle ft.Spinner
-Muscular’s S/O with the same quirk as him
-Muscular’s Tomboy S/O
-”Backseat Loving” Moonfish ft. Stain & Skeptic
-Poly* Muscular & Rappa
-Smut Headcanons Muscular ft. Kai & Hari
-”Serious” Spinner Smut
-The L.O.V. S/O with an Alastor-like Quirk
-Being Courted by Moonfish
-Tears During Cuddles for Tomura & Spinner ft. Setsuno
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ovaruling · 1 year ago
reptile sanctuary volunteering is going great. the guy is trusting my friend and i more to help him out, and we got to be way more useful this time and got every cage cleaned and everyone fed, and there were a couple of tube-feedings and manual feedings for some disabled or sick snakes and lizards. we’re learning a lot and are also trying to absorb as much clerical knowledge as possible too for when i finally start up my own farmed animal sanctuary in the next few years.
anyway i got a chance to photograph, handle, and hold a lot of them today!
this is Angel, the male rhinoceros iguana
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this is Zeus, the 500+ pound Aldabra tortoise, who has just eaten some very yummy hay and is enjoying some scritches
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this is Bosch, a bearded dragon who, as you can see, is disabled. she suffered tremendously bc her owner ignorantly fed her a worms-only carnivore diet with no fruits or vegetables. she developed a degenerative condition with neurological and skeletal issues and cannot eat on her own and has to have the food put into her mouth—sometimes she chokes, because she also can’t swallow most of the time. she had to be tube-fed an elemental diet today.
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this is Pumpkin, the corn snake, having his breakfast
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this is Diana, the black-throated monitor being held like a sweet baby bc she is !
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here’s George, the Sulcata tortoise who was hit by a car (it was a hit and run—people are incredibly cruel) and several veterinarians wanted to euthanize him rather than treat him. the owner of the sanctuary, a retired surgeon, decided to use his own skills to help George. a university then offered to make him a prosthetic shell (using 3D printing) to help protect his healing wounds. he’s got a mean dent in his shell but he’s healthy and active now and shares his meal with Sally the chicken, who always wants his grapes
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and here’s Ricin, a large monitor whose species name i cant remember, being absurdly cute
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this is Cher, a disabled sand boa who is not feeling well and got tube fed today
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and this is Matthew the adorable and super sweet Argentine black and white tegu who was brought to the sanctuary after someone discovered him (using a night vision camera) to be the long-sought-after thief of their chicken coop’s eggs. Matthew was as far as we know entirely feral but is a huge sweetie and loves rubdowns
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and here’s me holding Chris, a very disabled Savannah monitor who was a pet who was dumped into the wild (and was abused during her time as a pet, trapped in a cage where she evidently suffered lamp burns that had thickly scarred her back), was discovered in time before starving, and continues to be tube-fed due to neurological issues from parasites that went long untreated. she’s terribly sickly but she’s very bright and comfortable and sweet and loved
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and i have so many other pics but i hit the limit here. the one thing i didn’t get any pics of was that i also got to handle and carry a gorgeous boa constrictor named Niranda who was so muscular and so strong she made me feel puny dweeby shrimpy. she was and is the most girlboss woman i’ve ever met and she was a snake
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years ago
oops sorry bout that rats
*we pat the iguanas goodbye and head off to the lake. It's a beautiful day.*
Ah, I love this weather, don't you, Compass dear?
Compass peels off his shirt and summons his ecto to get some sun. He’s lean but not super muscular. Like a skinny guy who just started trying to get bigger. It’s cute
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eagle-claws · 11 months ago
What do you think the Karkians might look like?
I mean, which reptiles did MJ12 take for experiments?
They have short necks (although I think this is impossible, otherwise they would not be able to move their heads), large and muscular paws with sharp claws. Crocodile, Varanus, iguana?
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arcthriftjockey · 20 days ago
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Lizard meets Love Bird of His Dreams!
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furalicious2 · 2 years ago
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Trying to find my style!
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ask-the-achs · 2 years ago
🔑 Inkdrake
Report:No, he's not bendy. Stop it.
A very large dragon made of living ink that was made by a cruel, heartless artist in the early 1930s (no, not like Rubberhose). He is 70 feet long and 14 feet tall at the shoulder when standing on all four of his legs. He has a fairly long serpentine neck, a very long muscular body, four long arms, four long bat-like wings, four fairly long plantigrade legs, and a very long, flexible tail. His skin is mostly pitch black, but the skin on the underside of his neck, body, and tail is a light tan color. He has a row of long hinged spikes down the back of his neck and body and down the upper half of his tail. These spikes are at their shortest at the base of his neck and at the middle of his tail. His neck, torso, and tail are fairly thick, and his tail tapers to a very thin rounded tip. He has four toes on each foot and five fingers on each hand. His fingers are long and rather human-like, while his toes more closely resemble the toes of an iguana. His hands are also human-like, while his feet are lizard-like. His fingers and toes are all tipped with long, sharp claws. His head is similar to the head of an iguana, with rather human-like teeth and a long forked tongue. While his teeth are mostly human-like, his insicors and canines are enlarged and very sharp (takeing a closer look he has relatively good dental health his teeth thoughwork more like a human's despite his size). His tongue and the inside of his mouth are pitch black, and his teeth are pale grayish-white. He has four small pure yellow eyes that lack pupils. He has four fairly short spike-like horns on the back of his head that somewhat resemble goat horns. All of his wings are 45 feet long, and his wing membranes are all completely opaque. His wing fingers are all tipped with long, thin claws. His wing fingers and wing thumbs are all long and highly flexible. The inside of his throat glows bright yellow, and his eyes also glow bright yellow.
He has a human soul within him, and he suffers from severe PTSD due to the severe physical and psychological abuse he experienced both as a human and as an ink monster. He will become highly aggressive if he feels threatened, and he will attack if he is provoked(All I did was yell at a different hostile monster and he bit me! Thankfully, it was my fake leg, but still!-Basil). He can bite with enough force to snap bone(but not metal-Moontear), and he can also tear through flesh with his claws(and yet here i am alive and not dead after a swipe-Paradox) (YOU DONT COUNT! IVE SEEN YOU WALK THROUGH MAGMA!-Moontear). He is a fast runner and a fast flier, and he is very agile and flexible. He can easily climb on walls and ceilings, and he can leap great distances. Inkdrake can spray superheated yellow fire from his mouth, and he can also create ink portals to teleport long distances(I tired to follow him once!....I didn't work-Private) (You looked like Wily E Coyote-Paradox) (idiot-Basil.)
Threat level:HARMLESS, but is DANGER if triggered.
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boaccino · 2 years ago
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Some recent character art for an rp server I'm in, and a comm ^^
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glock-lobster · 6 years ago
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I believe I have done it again and made yet another dnd pc.
He’s a lizard folk muscle wizard named Turasjir (book) living in the jungle.
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