#muscolar women
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luca-ercolani · 4 months ago
Shanique Grant 💪💪💪
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(Via: @diecastkid2000 | Source)
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scienza-magia · 8 months ago
Interfaccia con il cervello la gamba bionica
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Funziona la prima gamba bionica comandata solo dal cervello. Provata su 7 pazienti amputati, movimenti più veloci e naturali. Tornare a muoversi con naturalezza per camminare, ma anche ballare e fare trekking, dopo l'amputazione di una gamba: ora diventa realtà grazie alla prima protesi comandata esclusivamente col pensiero, senza l'ausilio di sensori e controller robotici che muovano l'arto mediante algoritmi di andatura predefiniti.
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La prima gamba bionica comandata solo col pensiero. (fonte: MIT, per gentile concessione di Hugh Herr e Hyungeun Song) Questa nuova tecnologia, sperimentata negli Stati Uniti su sette persone amputate, permette di compiere movimenti più agili e rapidi mantenendone il pieno controllo nelle più svariate situazioni, come dimostra lo studio pubblicato sulla rivista Nature Medicine dai ricercatori del Massachusetts Institute of Technology in collaborazione con il Brigham and Women's Hospital. Finora "nessuno è stato in grado di mostrare questo livello di controllo cerebrale che produce un'andatura naturale, dove è il sistema nervoso umano a controllare il movimento, non un algoritmo di controllo robotico", afferma il coordinatore dello studio Hugh Herr, che più di 40 anni fa ha perso entrambe le gambe a causa di un grave congelamento durante un'arrampicata in montagna. La novità sviluppata dal suo team di ricerca consiste nell'impiego di un'interfaccia che collega la protesi col sistema nervoso dei pazienti sottoposti a un particolare intervento di amputazione che ripristina la comunicazione tra muscoli agonisti e antagonisti del moncone, permettendo di preservare la percezione della posizione dell'arto nello spazio. Finora nel mondo sono una sessantina le persone sottoposte a questo tipo di intervento, che può essere eseguito anche per l'amputazione del braccio. Grazie a questa tecnica i pazienti avvertono meno dolore e sviluppano una minore atrofia muscolare dopo l'amputazione. Combinata con l'impianto della nuova interfaccia neuroprotesica sviluppata al Mit, permette al paziente di vivere la protesi non più come un mero strumento da utilizzare, ma come una parte integrante del proprio corpo. I ricercatori lo hanno dimostrato testando la gamba bionica su sette pazienti operati con la nuova tecnica chirurgica, messi poi a confronto con sette pazienti che avevano invece subito una tradizionale amputazione sotto il ginocchio. I test prevedevano l'utilizzo della protesi per camminare in piano e su un pendio, per scendere una rampa, per salire e scendere le scale e per camminare su una superficie piana evitando gli ostacoli. In tutte queste situazioni, la nuova gamba bionica ha consentito di eseguire movimenti più veloci del 41% rispetto alle protesi tradizionali, camminando con una velocità paragonabile a quella delle persone senza amputazioni. Anche gli ostacoli lungo il percorso sono stati aggirati più facilmente. Tutti i movimenti sono risultati più naturali: i pazienti, per esempio, hanno puntato le dita dei piedi della protesi verso l'alto mentre salivano le scale o scavalcavano un ostacolo, e hanno coordinato meglio i movimenti dell'arto protesico con quelli dell'arto intatto. Sono stati anche in grado di alzarsi da terra con la stessa forza delle persone non amputate. "Questo lavoro rappresenta un ulteriore passo in avanti nel dimostrare ciò che è possibile fare per il ripristino della funzionalità nei pazienti che soffrono di gravi lesioni agli arti", commenta Matthew Carty, chirurgo del Brigham and Women's Hospital e professore associato alla Harvard Medical School. Gamba bionica comandata solo dal cervello https://scienzamagia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/gamba-bionica-comandata-dal-cervello.mp4 Read the full article
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oscureselve · 3 years ago
me @ every muscolar woman on tik-tok: maam im single im clean i got a golden ring
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theopinionoftheredheads · 5 years ago
Meh, it’s his fault people always speculate about a certain type. I’m surprised no one has brought it up. He’s the one who said he prefers brunettes and has been consistently seen with different variations of that type over the years. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t dated, isn’t attracted to, won’t or will never date different types of women. I think if he vibes well with someone it doesn’t matter. But the assumptions aren’t coming out of thin air.
Well, my type is tall, dark and muscolar... But my latest boyfriends were barely taller than me and with blue eyes. Even Chris said he likes brunette, but Jessica, one of his most serious relationship, is a green eyed, fair haired and skinned woman. So fandom should speculate about everybody then 🤷‍♀️ ( and it mostly does tbh 😂)
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For women the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time. -Isabel Allende There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible. -P. J. O’Rourke I wouldn’t recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they’ve always worked for me. -Hunter S. Thompson Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble. -John Barrymore Men reach their sexual peak at eighteen. Women reach theirs at thirty-five. Do you get the feeling that God is playing a practical joke? -Rita Rudner Instruction in sex is as important as instruction in food; yet not only are our adolescents not taught the physiology of sex, but never warned that the strongest sexual attraction may exist between persons so incompatible in tastes and capacities that they could not endure living together for a week much less a lifetime. -George Bernard Shaw Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go it’s pretty damn good. -Woody Allen Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature. -Marilyn Monroe There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don’t need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. -Audrey Hepburn I remember the first time I had sex – I kept the receipt. -Groucho Marx My reaction to porn films is as follows: After the first ten minutes, I want to go home and screw. After the first 20 minutes, I never want to screw again as long as I live. -Erica Jong When a man talks dirty to a woman, it’s sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it’s $3.95 a minute. -Author Unknown I haven’t trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I’ve never met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex. -Erma Bombeck Sex education may be a good idea in the schools, but I don’t believe the kids should be given homework. -Bill Cosby Conservatives say teaching sex education in the public schools will promote promiscuity. With our education system? If we promote promiscuity the same way we promote math or science, they’ve got nothing to worry about. -Beverly Mickins Why should we take advice on sex from the pope? If he knows anything about it, he shouldn’t! -George Bernard Shaw To hear many religious people talk, one would think God created the torso, head, legs and arms, but the devil slapped on the genitals. -Don Schrader Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. -Woody Allen A promiscuous person is a person who is getting more sex than you are. -Victor Lownes Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other. -Marquis de Sade A student undergoing a word-association test was asked why a snowstorm put him in mind of sex. He replied frankly: “because everything does.” -Honor Tracy An intellectual is a person who’s found one thing that’s more interesting than sex. -Aldous Huxley Anybody who believes that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach flunked geography. -Robert Byrne Sex is emotion in motion. -Mae West Some things are better than sex, and some are worse, but there’s nothing exactly like it. -W. C. Fields Literature – creative literature – unconcerned with sex, is inconceivable. -Gertrude Stein Life without sex might be safer but it would be unbearably dull. It is the sex instinct which makes women seem beautiful, which they are once in a blue moon, and men seem wise and brave, which they never are at all. Throttle it, denaturalize it, take it away, and human existence would be reduced to the prosaic, laborious, boresome, imbecile level of life in an anthill. -Henry Louis Mencken ALSO CHECK OUT: 30 Quotes on Spring 30 Humorous Quotes on Dieting 30 Quotes About Personal Fulfillment 30 Motivational Quotes from the Sports World 40 Best Quotes on Innovation 30 Best Quotes About Staying Well Physically and Spiritually 40 Best Quotes About Friends 30 Best Quotes About Food 50 Quotes About Meditation And Yoga 40 Quotes About Feminism 30 Best Quotes on Living Small 40 Inspirational Quotes on New Beginnings 30 Best Quotes About Travel 50 Best Quotes About Love 40 Best Quotes About Solitude 30 Best Quotes About Being Present 30 Best Quotes About Nature Classic Quotes from Hollywood’s Original Leading Ladies All Creatures Great and Small: 30 Best Quotes About Animals Images: Elena Lagaria, Stuart Conner, Valeria C Preisler 224 SHARES Share on Facebook  Tweet on Twitter    Salva TAGS: LISTS, QUOTES, SAYINGS, SEX, SEXUALITY Sponsored by Revcontent Prova nuovo metodo per dimagrire senza digiunare! -7kg/settimana! 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baitsabeeisreal · 8 years ago
Ok I just had an idea that could legitly be canon: Transgirl!Alice. Like, think about it. She's described as really muscolar, with the strenght and physical looks of a male (in Sky Key she beats Maccabee with her only brutal force and we know that Maccabee is pretty big and strong). Like, I'm not saying that ALL people with a woman's body are weaker than men and have really fragile and skinny bodies, but usually it's easier for people with a man's body to strenght-train and get muscolar, so it's weird for a female-bodied person to beat a male-bodied one who's around the same age and has basically the same grade of training. (I'm not saying that women are weaker or that this is always a thing, and i'm definitely not being sexist. I'm a feminist. I'm just saying that male and female-bodied individuals have different characteristics, even if they vary from individual to individual). And besides all the evidence supporting this I just love the idea of transgirl!Alice being very proud of being a girl, even without phisycal transition, even if she doesn't like so much thing that people commonly call "girly". Just Alice being my beautiful trans lesbian daughter.
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jenatyrone-blog · 5 years ago
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newsnigeria · 7 years ago
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/breaking-news/sensiotics-of-autism/
The sensiotics of autism were disclosed by Ifa through the sacred Odu Osa Oturupon. 
Osa Oturupon speaks about an emotional disease that manifests through different mechanisms. First of all there is a scattered kinestesis. Kinestesis is characterized by the divergence of many information that come out simultaneously and overload the emotional field. In other words the autistic person is overloaded by a sum of countless kinestesis information that focus the conscious attention of the subject. These information may collect into some form of visual synesthesia, in particular the proprioceptive afferences. Proprioceptor are kinestesic receptors that are located into the joints and muscles and are able to inform the cerebellum on the static and dynamic positions of the entire body or specific muscolar groups. The cerebellum has become increasingly implicated in higher cognitive processes and executive function such as those employed in theory of mind through these fronto-cerebellar circuits thus changes in cerebellar structure provide a potential anatomical basis for a range of cognitive deficits that are observed in autism. Continue reading after the page break The cerebellum is of particular importance for cognitive abilities required for speech and language including verbal fluency and word finding. As proprioceptors represent a specific form of sensory ability, the so called 6th sense, Ifa suggests in autism there is a compromise of kinestesis and 6th sense favouring the visual information. Recent NMR studies have confirmed in fact the hyper activation of cerebral visual cortex. In Human Brain Mapping on April 4, 2011, Fabienne Samson published a study that, aiming to understand why autistic individuals have strong abilities in terms of processing visual information, collected 15 years of data that covered the ways autistic brain works when interpreting faces, objects and written words. The data came from 26 independent brain imaging studies that looked at a total of 357 autistic and 370 non-autistic individuals.
The Author stated: “Through this meta-analysis, we were able to observe that autistics exhibit more activity in the temporal and occipital regions and less activity in frontal cortex than non-autistics. The identified temporal and occipital regions are typically involved in perceiving and recognizing patterns and objects. The reported frontal areas subserve higher cognitive functions such as decision making, cognitive control, planning and execution”. Going back to the initial phases of Divination, Ifa suggested the existence of occipital-cerebellar pathways that are anatomically confirmed. They explain how proprioceptors may evoke synesthesia collecting their information over the occipital visual cortex. Indirectly Ifa suggests an approach to communication that should come from the ability of the therapist to mimic the proprioceptive derangement of autism in order to mirror the external behavior and present visual hyperinformation in order to simulate a communicational synesthesia. Ifa says there is a disease in kinestesis. Ifa says this disease is a receptorial disease and involves cerebellum and occipital cortex. So, indirectly Ifa suggests autism is not a pure cognitive disorder but it is a disease of PERIPHERAL receptors activity that secondarily may bring to a cognitive disorder. The furhter implication is that if one is able to modify the peripheral sensory compromise one is also able to repair the possible cognitive involvement. Ifa suggests VISUAL approach may be useful in a retrograde fashion to stimulate appropriately the peripheral kinesthesis. So, Ifa advises the peripheral approach to stimulate vision may reflect on a positive feed back over the kinesthesis. Obviously sensiotics represent a further challenging phase where Ifa points out in order to esoterically understand something more about the origin of autism. At least from a neurologic point of view, as the spiritual initial phase has already been disclosed. But obviously the spiritual exigences always reflect on psychological and neurological (somatic) modification. So, discussing about sensiotics, Ifa confirms the responsibility of an “infection” or “infestation” on the origin of autism. There are many theories that call out the responsibility of infective factors in the origin of autism among which even some form of vaccination. Ifa confirms, at least in some case, the infective nature of the neurological derangement. As for infestation, Ifa indirectly calls for the comprehension of the spiritual derangement that manifests with psycho-somatic consequences in the skin and joint territory.
Osa Oturupon says: Osa Oturupon was divined for a stranger (reference to the spiritual feelings of this special abiku). He was told to make a sacrifice so that he would not lose all he had to others. He did not make the sacrifice when he got to the strange land (reference to the condition of obiku). He made some money and had some possession of his own. Osa Oturupon was divined for his skin (reference to kinestesis derangement). They said to be healthy and live longer he would have to sacrifice a pigeon, a sheep, kola nuts and forty two thousand cowries. He heard and not sacrificed (reference to the necessity to go back to Orun) He later started fighting over a piece of land with the indigenous people of the land. He was killed and the indigenous took over his possessions (metaphorically Ifa speaks about the impossibility of communication coming from the kinesthesis problems). Going ahead with Ifa advices about autism, the sacred Odu Ogbe Odi speaks about the initial phases of the condition, when the direction of birth is earth-oriented through the vigorous impulse of pregnancy. The open path to earth is closed by the feminine intervention. Ifa confirms that maternal mismanagement of pregnancy period is at the background for the origin of autism. The direction of birth however has per se something wrong from the initial phases of pregnancy, as the newborn seems directed on Earth without passing through the normal spiritual phases that pregnancy should imply. There is a situation where apparently the mother unconsciously refuses the long period of gestation. This unconscious wish is the ground where autism develops. It is not refusing pregnancy per se, the mother may refuse the long duration of pregnancy, for many different personal, family or work reasons. This unconscious attitude may be probably much more evident in our “modern” societies that pretend the whole involvement of every individual at work or inside the family. The esoteric layers of Ifa communication in this case show the inner hidden maternal wish to pass through the pregnancy very quickly. Probably the logic translation of those thoughts could be: “I would like to sleep all these months and awake only when my baby is born”. Analogically transmitted to the foetus, this message may translate in many hormonal and chemical modifications that influences the foetal spiritual and anatomic development. Ifa highlights that exists a fight between logic and analogical mind in these women, that apparently accept very well their pregnancy but unconsciously develop hidden refuse. This analogical gradient is what moves the pregnancy till the end. Prevailing the conscious needs, it will bring to psychosis (post partum depression) while the prevalence of unconscious “dream” could interfere with the objective duration of pregnancy (premature newborn) or to the literal interpretation of the symbolic word “sleep” (coming from the unconscious dream of sleeping for all the duration of pregnancy). So the whole unconscious foetus starts to conceive the necessity to sleep, that is to develop his nagual personality that will manifest at birth. So, Ifa speaking about “intoxication” does not refer only to chemicals or drugs but also to a psycho-spiritual issue starting from maternal unconscious and reflecting over the foetus.
In other more ritual words, the powerful initial unconscious gradient that comes from the hidden maternal wishes, drives the pregnancy directly to earth bypassing the spiritual development that should come from Orun. Or, in other words, the newborn has a dissociation between Ori and Iponri and will spend all his life in searching the way to reconnect to his spiritual counterpart. In this sense autism could be considered a particular form of abiku trend as the new individual wishes to reconnect to Orun in order to live the never lived prenatal phase in Orun. Or, in other words, womb is not the delivery channel, the passage from Orun to Aiye for these babies, it is only the maternal representation of earth. This relatively complex mechanism seems to be revealed by the following story of Ogbe Idi:
Ogbedikaka, Ogbedilele, a difa f’Esu nigbi oun f’ara sofa lowo Orunmila, Orisa-nla, Orisa Oko ati Ogun. Won niki Esu rubo: Eesan, eyele mesan ati egbaasan owo, kiase ewe Ifa fun un kiobaa le san’gbese. Esu ko rubo. Lakoko naa ise eja dide ni Esi nse, Nigbati oun ba nko eja ninu igere re, awon Irunmale won yen a maase ilara re won rope Esu koniipe kiotoo ri owo figba ara re nitorinaa won wa pimon lehin re pe awon o ran an ni’se li ona jijin li ojo kanna. Orunmila ran an ni Oke Bisi pe kiolomu apo ati ate wa fun oun. Bi Orunmila ti ran ise tire tan, O ronu pe o yeki oun difa oran naa wo. O pe babalawo, won difa, won ri OgbediKaka. A niki Orunmila ru: Ewu (okete) mefa, eyele mefa, ati egbaa mefa owo. O gbo o ru. Won se ewe Ifa fun un, nipa didi ewu mefa naa sinu apo fun un, won niki o mase jeki apo naa ya oun je. Orisa-nla niki Esu losi Iranje (orun) Kiolo gbe opa-osoro ati apo wa fun oun. Orisa Oko niki Esu lomu arere wa fun oun lati Ode-Irawo. Ogun niki o lomu gbamdari (ada-nla) wa fun oun lati Ode-Ire. Esu yara bosi oju-ona, O n’oga s’oko gbogbo inkan wonyen si too lowo ni warawara. Bi o kuku ti lo ni awon Irunmole wonyen ti lo ko Igere re ni odo. Bi o ti yi’rapada nbo ni ile, o ba won, won npin eje. Bi o ti yo si won fuu, Olukaluku nyara di tire s’apo. O ko ohungbogbo ti won ran an pe kiolo muwa fun won patapata, O beresii bi Olukaluku won leere pe: Nibo ni won ti ri eja ti won npin? Awon miran nbee awon miran ko tile soro, awon ti nbee ni awon fi owo awon ti o wa ni orun re jii. Kiosa majeki enikeni gbo pe awon jale. A ko sa gbodo gbo pe enikan jale ni otu’fe nigba naa.
Orunmila I oun ko ji eja Esu o. Esu ni Orunmila ji eja oun. O ni oun li o di sinu apo tiowa ni owo re yi O ni gangan imu re liowa l’ode yi. Won ko ejo naa lo si Otu fe lo ro. Won ro jo titi won fiso pe ki Orunmila da ohun tiowa ninu apo re sile. O daa sile, won ri ewu mefa ti oun di sibe. Won si beresii ba Esu wi. Esu wa pada nbe Orunmila pe ki o jowo fi ori ji oun. Orunmila ko fe. Awon out (Agba) Ife wa bi Esu leere pe: Ewo ni iwo yoo se wayi o? Esu ni oun yoo ba Orunmila losile ki oun maa lo sin in. Won fa Esu le Orunmila lowo. Bi awon mejeji ti nlo, won de oju’de Orunmila, Esu fe lati ba Orunmila wole. Orunmila ko, O niki Esu joko l’ode nibe O ni ohunkohun ti oun ba nje ninu ile, oun yoo maa mu tire wa fun un n’ita (l’ode).
Lati ojo naa ni Esu ti ngbe ita. Ogbedikaka, Ogbedilele cast Ifa for Esu when he was serving a term of slavery with Orunmila, Orisa-nla, orisa Oko and Ohun. (Here is a reference to the force of unconscious mind in relation to spiritual and psychological forces of Ori and Iponri. Unconscious is seen as slave). Esu was asked to offer a sacrifice (implication: unconscious mind may prevail if sacrifices): palm kernel shells, nine pigeons, and eighteen thousand cowries. Ifa medicine should be prepared to enable him to pay his debts (reference to a gradient of force between unconscious, conscious and super-conscious where unconscious has different “dreams”. This part refers to the “normal” organization of human Ori). Esu refused the sacrifice (here starts the reference to autism. Unconscious mind in autism prevails as autonomous entity following a specific “dream”).
Esu was a fisherman at that time (reference to the time of gestation and to the importance of unconscious influence over the global Ori organization). Whenever he caught a lot of fish in his trap, the Irunmale (four hundred deities) were envious of him. They thought that Esu would soon make enough money to bail himself out of his financial straits. For this reason, they decided to send him on errands to distant places on the same day (reference to the creative role of unconscious mind that may overcome any spiritual and psychological exigency of Ori). Orunmila sent Esu to Oke Bisi to bring his bag and tray (esoteric reference to the need of Iponri to control unconscious in order to activate a spiritual communication). After sending the message, orunmila thought of consulting the Ifa oracle on the matter. He called the Babalawos who divined Ifa and saw Ogbedikaka.
Orunmila was advised to sacrifice six rabbits, six pigeons, and twelve thousands cowries. He heard and performed the sacrifice. (The reference is to the arising issue of foetus escaping the spiritual influence of Iponri, however, Orunmila sacrifices so Iponri remains in control over the unconscious forces. This is the foetal organization in autism. Foetus passes through the experience of staying in contact with his spiritual counterpart, knowing the necessity to go back to Orun).
Ifa medicine was prepared for him by tying up the six rabbits in the bag (so it is the unconscious that furnishes the tools in order to stay in touch with Iponri). They warned him to always carry the bag with him. Orisa-nla asked Esu to go to Iranje and bring his staff (opa-osoro) and a bag. Orisa-oko sent Esu to Ode-Irawo, Ogun asked Esu to go to Ode-Ire and bring his gbamdari (a large cutlass). (These are the conscious forces that start to try to influence unconscious drive for their exigencies. They are all masculine deities, a reference to the complete maternal absence). Quickly Esu got up and went to a nearby bush, where he conjured and obtained all the things requested. Immediately after Esu had left, all the Irunmale went to collect the fish from his trap. (A reference to the attempt of logic needs to prevail over analogical needs). As he was returning home, he found them sharing his fish. When he appeared unexpectedly, everybody pocketed the fish. He delivered all the items that they had requested him to fetch. Esu then began to question everybody: “Where did you get the fish you were sharing?”. Some were apologizing; some did not know what to say. Those begging his pardon decided to give up their claims on the money he owed them. He should not let anyone hear that they had stolen. (A reference to the conscious feelings of fault of the mother). It was the custom in Ife at that time that nobody must steal. Orunmila said he did not steal Esu’s fish. Esu said Orunmila must have stolen the fish that were tied up in the bag he was holding. Esu thought fish noses were bulging out of the bag.
They took the matter to the court at Ife town. (a reference to the necessity of a new psycho-spiritual management of the newborn. The implication is that the unconscious drive is directed to Iku, as both Orisa and Orunmila are in fault). They argued. The court decided to ask Orunmila to unveil the contents of his bag. He loosened his bag and they saw the six rabbits he threw out. They started to blame Esu. Esu begged Orunmila for his pardon. Orunmila refused to accept his apology. Esu further pledged his house and other possession to Orunmila (the unconscious drive to go back to Orun).
Orunmila still refused to accept his plea (the abiku is coming to birth). The out Ife (elders of Ife) asked Esu what he intended to do. Esu responded that he would go home with Orunmila and continue to serve him forever (pathogenesis of autism and implication of impossibility to “heal”). They handed Esu over to Orunmila. When they arrived at Orunmila’s house, Esu wanted to enter with Orunmila. Orunmila refused and asked Esu to sit outside (the destiny of this special form of abiku is to never go really back to Orun but remain sitting on the Earth at the door of Orun, that his inside his nagual). Orunmila said what he ate inside the house he would share with Esu outside. Esu has been living outside ever since that day.
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okmugello · 8 years ago
Dopo la lunga pausa invernale le Amazzoni Rugby Mugello domenica 5 febbraio sono tornate in campo a Siena, dove la squadra locale, sicuramente tra le rivali più accreditate, ospita il primo concentramento del nuovo anno.
Il girone preliminare toccato in sorte è sicuramente di quelli impegnativi. Sul fangoso campo di Siena, provato dalle intense piogge dei giorni precedenti, le mugellane si confrontano subito con le padrone di casa che, forti di giocatrici con struttura fisica importante, mettono a dura prova la tenuta difensiva, costringendo le Amazzoni ad un primo tempo di sofferenza.
Nonostante la tenacia, una linea difensiva che prova a contenere le continue cariche delle ragazze senesi a suon di placcaggi e la volontà di prendere campo sui cambi di fronte, verso la fine del primo tempo le ragazze del Rugby Mugello subiscono la meta dell’arrembante Siena Rugby femminile.
La pausa permette di riprendere fiato, riordinare le idee e convincersi che soltanto mettendo in campo tutta l’aggressività necessaria per giocare il proprio rugby si può risalire la china.
Al ritorno in campo è tutta un’altra partita, le senesi subiscono per tutto il secondo tempo la pressione difensiva delle trasformate ragazze mugellane guidate da una superlativa Sara Boni che placca il possibile e l’impossibile.
La Molinelli suona la carica con la prima meta, seguita dalla Sargenti e, a tempo scaduto, ancora la Molinelli, sempre grazie all’enorme lavoro difensivo riesce a trovare la terza meta.
La partita si conclude con le esauste ragazze mugellane che riescono a spuntarla anche stavolta: 3 mete a 1 il risultato finale.
Nel secondo test della giornata le Amazzoni affrontano le Medicee Rugby Firenze. Sulle ali dell’entusiasmo e grazie anche alla freschezza delle nuove entrate la partita è immediatamente a senso unico.
A seguito di un gioco nuovamente brillante nonostante le condizioni atmosferiche le ragazze riescono finalmente a giocare in scioltezza alternando continuità diretta e capacità di spostare l’asse del gioco velocemente.
Sargenti 4 volte, ancora Molinelli e Pinzauti le marcatrici delle mete che mettono al sicuro la seconda vittoria di giornata: 6 mete a 2 il finale del match.
Il primo posto del girone permette di giocare la finale contro le ragazze del Gambassi Rugby.
Non c’è storia: nonostante l’infortunio muscolare occorso a capitan Barbugli all’inizio di partita, le mugellane, entrate pienamente nel ritmo gara, dimostrano la bontà di tutto ciò che si è lavorato dall’inizio di settembre.
Imponenti percussioni alternate a travolgenti cambi di fronte permettono di portare immediatamente il match dalla propria parte. Sargenti e Molinelli per 2 volte, Loli, Ciampalini e Franchini per una, trovano la soddisfazione della meta consentendo alle Amazzoni di vincere la finale con il perentorio punteggio di 7 mete a 0.
Primo posto a punteggio pieno in classifica generale, dove grazie alla vittoria di tappa le Amazzoni toccano quota 48 punti, seguite dal Siena Rugby femminile (36 punti) e Piombino (32 punti).
Se il concentramento di Siena doveva essere un test per verificare i progressi di quello che è un progetto di crescita costante del collettivo mugellano si può tranquillamente dire di averlo superato a pieni voti!
Certamente c’è ancora del lavoro da fare per migliorare le capacità tecniche individuali di ciascuna giocatrice e affinare i movimenti collettivi, e permettere così alle Amazzoni di arrivare a fine anno competitive, coscienti delle proprie capacità e in grado di impensierire le migliori realtà nazionali: la strada è però quella giusta!
Sempre importante il supporto ricevuto dal tecnico della seniores maschile Vannini, la preziosa collaborazione degli accompagnatori Mattera e Fabbri e il sostegno entusiasta di tutte le ragazze e i ragazzi al seguito della squadra.
Women of the match: Sara Boni colonna portante della mischia chiusa, baluardo insormontabile e guida della linea difensiva mugellana.
Prossimo concentramento di campionato a Lucca.
Le Amazzoni: Barbugli (cap), Bartolini, Boni, Cerbai, Ciampalini, Chelazzi, Franchini, Loli, Molinelli (v cap), Montani, Pinzauti, Rocchi (v cap), Sargenti. Forza Amazzoni!
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Rugby. Le Amazzoni del Mugello saldamente in testa in Coppa Italia Dopo la lunga pausa invernale le Amazzoni Rugby Mugello domenica 5 febbraio sono tornate in campo a Siena, dove la squadra locale, sicuramente tra le rivali più accreditate, ospita il primo concentramento del nuovo anno.
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