#muscle article writer health nutrition bulking aesthetics
peteazzi-blog · 7 years
Keep it simple, stupid!
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Firstly, before I get criticised I don’t have a perfect body-don’t claim to have one. But I’m passionate and currently getting qualified in health and fitness so here we go.
So let’s talk…bulk or shred? I want to bulk but I don’t want a belly…I want to shred but I want my ass to stay the same size. I want abs but I want my chest to be bigger! 12 week transformation…how do we do that? Have I transformed? Why can’t I do both? Sit in two chairs at once? I want to look like Joe Blow on Instagram...look at dat ass, those legs, that chest. I wanna be #FITFAM
Hold uppppp!!!!!!! Breathe…let’s keep it simple!  
First shock..you cannot bulk and shred at the same time.
Second shock....you will never look like Joe Blow damn Joe doesn’t even look like Joe.
Let’s get real.
So you want to gain muscle? The body is a very simple and smart machine you will gain muscle..it is by no means impossible but first you need to eat more!
You need to be in a calorie surplus.
What does this all mean- help! I’m confused!
Ok, so first thing is first.
Third shock is you will put on weight during this calorie surpluss some of this weight will be muscle and some of this weight will be fat unfortunately pure lean muscle tissue without adding body fat does not exist! (hence why most people bulk in winter...tighter jeans, and looser shirt season). This is a hard concept to wrap your head around!!! You are meaning to tell me I need to go Kirsty Alley circa 2009 to look somewhat like Joe Blow? Yeah to some degree you do. Mr. Blow himself eventually realized after much thought that in order to reach his goals, he to would have to see some fat belly gains to see booty/leg mass gains.
Ok, this kinda makes sense/sounds good but how do I do it? So do I need to eat more? Yes- thats a good start. Welcome to bulking season.
Eating more will in turn give you more energy, more energy will in turn allow you to train better, lift heavier, therefore getting stronger...BOOTY GAINS!!!  
So I need to eat more and train harder and I will see results? Yes most certainily.
Butt remember...you need to remain in a calorie surplus to gain mass. Watch that daily energy expenditure and how it can vary quite a bit depending on your activity. So if you just had a good sweaty session of sex (no matter what you are eating) that's an extra 200-300 kcals easily.  There goes your surplus.  There goes the gains you’re after!
So let’s eat!
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